There is only sin in Black-Run America (BRA).
Police departments across the collapsing, "hollowing out" landscapes of America primarily interact with black males, who commit the bulk of the crime in these nightmarish urban environments.
Never mind black-on-black crime/robbery/homicide, the real sin is white cops daring to hold black suspects accountable for their actions (even when the black community only bothers to care when a Vonderritt Myers or Michael Brown is gunned down by cop simply trying to make their community safer by stoping the criminal activity a Myers/Brown is engaging in). [VIGIL HONORS SLAIN, COMFORTS THOSE
WHO MOURN, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, January 1, 2002]:
The Rev. Earl Nance, president of the St. Louis Clergy Coalition, said blacks must take more responsibility to help police fight "black-on-black crime."
"I understand people who holler about the police," Nance said. "There are bad police officers, just like there are bad preachers and bad politicians. But I'd like to see more of these characters out there (protesting) on the streets when we kill each other."
..."Blacks must take more responsibility," is a phrase that falls on deaf ears to 60 percent of the black community, is greeted with uncontrollable laughter by 35 percent of the black community, and is a statement of accountability 5 percent of the black community is incapable of comprehending.
Protesting black-on-black violence is counterproductive; the frequency of black-on-black violence being publicized by a rally or march and broadcast on the local network affiliates only confirms why white people live in suburbs far, far away from blacks and send their kids to "good schools " (devoid of blacks).
Which brings us to the most farcical moment of the entire farce of Ferguson.[Clergy-led protest raises questions over nature of repentance, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 10-15-14]:
Again: we are quickly approaching the day when it will be against the law for a white police officer to arrest a black person they suspect as having committed a crime.
Eight members of "a secretive unit of the U.S. Department of Justice called the Community Relations Service" have been on the ground in metropolitan St. Louis since August 10, when Darren Wilson defended himself from Michael Brown's unwanted advances.
Eric "My People" Holder dispatched more than 40 FBI agents to canvass the neighborhood of Ferguson, where those unwanted advances by Michael Brown were permanently stopped; not to mention the legion of "prosecutors on the ground from the Civil Rights Division and U.S. Attorney’s Office" Holder had on the ground probing for radicalized policing.
They've found nothing to confirm that racialized policing is occurring in Ferguson or other communities in metropolitan St. Louis, outside of the frequent interaction the police have with black males when it comes to arresting suspects for violent crime, assaults, robbery, home invasions, homicide, rapes, and weapon offenses.
Repent or else...
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Good lord... |
Protesting black-on-black violence is counterproductive; the frequency of black-on-black violence being publicized by a rally or march and broadcast on the local network affiliates only confirms why white people live in suburbs far, far away from blacks and send their kids to "good schools " (devoid of blacks).
Which brings us to the most farcical moment of the entire farce of Ferguson.[Clergy-led protest raises questions over nature of repentance, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 10-15-14]:
The rain pounding the pavement made no difference to those urging repentance.
With or without umbrellas, a gang of clergy from various faith traditions marched to the Ferguson Police Department on “Moral Monday,” the last day in a weekend of protests dubbed FergusonOctober. Clergy advanced on South Florissant Road determined to force one question on a community of officers: Will you repent?
They gathered in the parking lot of the police station and created a memorial to Michael Brown, the unarmed teenager fatally shot by Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson on Aug. 9, by drawing a chalk outline of a body on the pavement. Candles were lit.
A line of police officers quickly formed a perimeter around a crowd of hundreds who had come in support of the clergy. Some guarded the police department’s side door. Officers soon changed into riot gear, equipping themselves with shields and batons.
Then, in the midst of the unrelenting rain, one protest leader cried that officers would be given the chance to confess their sins and repent. One by one, clergy approached the officers on guard, asking them to — for at least a moment — forget their duties and reflect instead on America’s system of racial injustice.
Others, however, said the protest reflected a more fire-and-brimstone kind of theology, with some in the crowd yelling “In Jesus’ name, repent!,” which sounded less like an invitation and more like a threat.
Sgt. Tim Harris of the Ferguson Police Department, who has been an officer for almost 30 years, was facing the front lines of the protest. Harris said that although he tried, he had a difficult time hearing some of the pastors who spoke to him because of all the shouting.
“You could tell some of them were trying to be sincere, but this isn’t the place,” Harris said. “They wanted to force this on us.
“If they respected us, they wouldn’t have come at us the way they did.”
David Greenhaw, president of Eden Theological Seminary, who participated in the protest, said he, too, could have done without that part of the demonstration.
It was “dramatic but unrealistic to think that a police officer would offer their confession,” Greenhaw said. “You know, I wasn’t crazy about that. I didn’t think that was the best element.”
Repentance, Greenhaw said, isn’t “coercive, I think it’s invited, and there was a coercive element.” Greenhaw said the protest reflected a doctrinal divide in the theology of repentance.
Others said the call to repentance wasn’t meant as a condemnation of any one individual but of American society as a whole. Before the march to the police station, clergy themselves were asked to repent for their complicity in a system of racial disparity that continues to hurt African-Americans.
Rabbi Susan Talve of Central Reform Congregation said the officers were “part of the system that use young black people as an ATM,” referring to the disproportionate number of traffic tickets and fines inflicted on African-Americans.
But Talve also admitted clergy had been part of that structure for too long. The protest, she said, was one step toward earning “the trust back of a generation that feels like we’ve neglected them, not heard them, and betrayed them.”
The Rev. Jim Wallis, founder of the Christian magazine Sojourners and a spiritual adviser to President Barack Obama, said that despite the noise, he managed an intimate conversation with a 36-year veteran of the police force — a fellow Christian — who described the last two months as the hardest of his life.
Wallis said that although he does not believe every officer is engaging in brutality, “You can’t say you’re not a racist if you accept and support systems that are.”“There’s no doubt that racialized policing is occurring.”If racialized policing were occurring, the Department of Justice would immediately have suspended any and every officer engaging in such activities immediately. The only crime these clergy demanded repenteance from white police officers for is that they were white at the time they arrested a black male.
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Don't make eye contact, or else you'll agitate the animals... |
Again: we are quickly approaching the day when it will be against the law for a white police officer to arrest a black person they suspect as having committed a crime.
Eight members of "a secretive unit of the U.S. Department of Justice called the Community Relations Service" have been on the ground in metropolitan St. Louis since August 10, when Darren Wilson defended himself from Michael Brown's unwanted advances.
Eric "My People" Holder dispatched more than 40 FBI agents to canvass the neighborhood of Ferguson, where those unwanted advances by Michael Brown were permanently stopped; not to mention the legion of "prosecutors on the ground from the Civil Rights Division and U.S. Attorney’s Office" Holder had on the ground probing for radicalized policing.
They've found nothing to confirm that racialized policing is occurring in Ferguson or other communities in metropolitan St. Louis, outside of the frequent interaction the police have with black males when it comes to arresting suspects for violent crime, assaults, robbery, home invasions, homicide, rapes, and weapon offenses.
There is only sin in Black-Run America (BRA).
The sin of racism by whites.
Repent or else...
Should not one of those candles be a BIG BLACK DILDO?
They are turning this ape into a friggin' black Jesus !!!!
I'm generally not in agreement about the prospect of the US actually falling apart at the seams during my lifetime, but when I see stuff like this happening in tandem with the whole ebola ball-dropping fiasco, it's almost impossible to see a good future.
I'd say that the main thing that is keeping me from a real disintegration prediction is the incompetency of our leaders and the overextended reach of their absurdly dishonest propaganda itself. Were they hiding it better I'd be more concerned that "Da Yunyun" would collapse due to the public's inability to act. Thanks to the internet, it's much harder to hide many of the utter failures of our government, and this gives other players leverage over time.
I mean, you can get a lot of stupid people to believe a lot of stuff for a long time, but considering that on the last SBPDL article someone posted a vid of a black kid rapping about raping and killing whites, and we have religious leaders asking police to repent and not negros, I don't see this as being able to last indefinitely. The blowback could be intense, and brutal and unexpected reforms could actually happen. Contrary to what some believe, I don't think that the unsustainability of BRA automatically leads to Balkanization.
Were I to take a guess, I'd say that we'll see the nullification of and/or cessation of enforcement of most equalitarian legislation, and a rise in state powers that look more like defacto autonomous zones, but still all under the banner of the USA.
The US economy is still huge and much of the world depends on it, and it won't just fall apart in a few decades. After a number of serious f*** ups and decades of declining wages, it wouldn't surprise me if the gov lost its handle on the population and simply had to allow us the freedoms we've sought. They can contain a few angry negros in cities, but a pan-national white insurgency arising at BRA's weakest moment won't be within their ability to stop. Appeasement will be necessary, and appeasement will help all sides financially which usually trumps most other concerns.
Isn't it about time the Chinese, Japanese or a coalition of the Chinese and Russians or some other group of creditors pulled the plug and foreclosed on this zoo and took charge and ran this place rationally and efficiently? Then, maybe in the future the occupation could end and we could go back to what we were.
As it is this country is too corrupt, too immoral, too dysfunctional, too nasty, too stupid and too ridiculous for words.
@ Centurion there is only one chocojesus, Kenya's greatest son, the one, the Messiah!
As soon as he is done parting the waters and feeding the 5000 loaves and fishes he will heal the poor downtrodden noble negro and strained race relations.
Right now he has loaned his divine right of kings scepter to an imbecile ideologue bureaucrat who couldn't give correct change at a turnpike tollbooth to smite the evil wayciss obloa virus.
Perfect illustration of why we left our church and have yet to find another. We don't want to hear about social justice. We don't want to be told it's our duty to go on mission trips to help brown people. We don't want hear how the presence of black worshipers enriches our church. We don't want to be told we need to repent of the sin of racism.
How about preaching the gospel? You know . . . go and sin no more? God's righteousness and not merely His "love" (which doesn't mean what most quoters think it means)? How about Paul's "those who don't work don't eat?" I could continue, but won't. Muscular Christianity was as far from today's churchianity as White intellect is from black.
I've promoted this before in other comments, but it's been a while, so please allow me to plug the website "" which demonstrates that traditional Christianity and race realism are completely compatible.
Just imagine some prognathous-jawed negress sticking her large lips inches from yours and demanding that you "repent" of your racism. Cognitive dissonance, anyone?
Speaking of big black dildos. I've been going to various YMCA's for almost thirty years and have seen numerous "down low" blacks and otherwise and have yet to have seen any "Big black wiener" that they seem to go on about so much.
Just another myth it seems.
The only "sin" in blacks eyes is that they are required to follow the law. Even though they are usually not held to it.
Like the ISIS fanatics, they make you convert then they behead you anyway!
SBPDL said:
There is only sin in Black-Run America (BRA).
The sin of racism by whites.
Repent or else..."
I disagree. The sin is Being White. All other priorities rescinded. Being White and holding power, in any form, is Evil. Living near blacks is "Grentrifaction" Working near blacks is Putting them down via Microaggressions like using English, Having money means you got it "on the blacks of the Blacks". Owning property is a sin because you got your loan from "White Privilege". Earned a Doctorate in STEM sciences or Medicine, you did it by "excluding" blacks from "Opportunities", like Medical School, even though those who got i had to take tests like the MCAT and get fantastic Grades.
The Sin is Being White. You can never come into a state of grace and they will never stop with their demands for Atonement. Soon your very body will be their way of extracting reparations. They are sick invaders. FIGHT!
White Homeland, Northwest Front!
The System has already collapsed. People think that the US FEDGOV is trying to bait a Race War to declare Martial Law. That would be hilarious. I wonder who they think is going to fight for them. As Napoleon said,"The morale is to the material as three to one." All these police and military units are tired and really get little or nothing from the FEDGOV. I doubt they would die to save a failed state, when they would benefit from its demise!
Well, its been past the two month and they're still managing a way to keep it going. First the T-Shirt.
Next of course, comes Halloween:
Around Halloween there will be concocted ""The Legend of Swisher Sweets", where from now til eternity the ghost of Sweets will continue to haunt, curse, and play "tricks" on the evil big bad and ugly racist Ferguson policemen, forcing their consciences to repent of all racism. Swish will continue to haunt the police dept until all racism, profiling, and haterade will be banished once and for all.
The good little brothers and sisters will of course receive the "treat" of free goodies from the local 711, QT, etc., with Swisher's ghost encouraging them to continue to "help themselves" to "free" goodies (e.g. Purpl' Drank, Skittles, candy corns, Hershey's and of course Swisher Sweets). After all, they have earned the "free" goodies as their treat.
Finally, the big marketing push for end of holidays to purchase, the videogame. "I AM SWISHER! YO!"
This will be bigger and better than grand theft auto, for it will be "kept real". A likeness of Michael Brown a la gentle giant will wander Ferguson looking for various convenience stores to visit. Each convenience store visited he must obtain various items to win points as well as various weapons to use in his fight to remain free.
Meanwhile his weapons will include the ability to pick up and throw people ten ft away. Another weapon is to speak in raps, akin to "Ya'll doan know me!; Thinkin' I'ma gonna take yo' shit n' dat? HA!; WORD! etc". At the advanced levels, Brown's own raps obtained from Cloud storage will be used in the video game as well. These magical rhymes will have the effect of stunning the evil white villains approaching him.
Meanwhile the cops will attempt to come after him. The difficulty level increases each time and so does the number of cops. At the more advanced levels, Michael Brown will also get to chose from certain weapons which include a glock, 9mm, etc. and can fire at all and any perceived threats.
This will truly make an awesome Kwanzaa stuffer for the little tykes.
And in Feb. '15: "You thought it was over, but he's back! Just in time for black history month---SWEETS! The film. Coming to a drive by, ER multiplex near you."
So there's a total of half a year since Aug 9 from the actual event that they can milk it.
seems like we're being told we need "to have more reverence for black people" - i hope our reaction to being told that is to rebel - to react in the opposite manner.
Repentance! Does the parent (because statistically only one parent is in the home) of Swisher 2 Sweet Mike or Saint Sandwich repent for not properly raising them?
Repent for not teaching them good morals and values to help prosper; not to just sustain and definitely deteriorate civilizations!
Repent for.. not allowing and ultimately destroying the values that are proven for a strong family unit. Not 6 or 7 children by 6 or 7 different men! Which makes those children 60% to 70% more likely to see their mother be a victim of domestic violence! Who's fault?
Repent for.. that their parents taught them nothing about positive work ethics! Instead they show their children how to take advantages of wasteful entitlement programs.
Repent.. for having their children labeled for with mostly behavioral disabilities for more entitlement funds. This single action of parenting destroys the psychological mindset and selfworth that has even become acceptable! Who's fault is this?
Why we're they allowed to protest on police property. Surely, impeding emergency response time. The police departments are usually responsible for issuing these types of permits. You certainly wouldn't able to run around in chaos to the point of officers rushing to place riot gear! This should have resulted in arrest and more fines that they can; just forget about it!
Repent for being hypocritical about cloaking yourself with religious morals and values and believing that confessions and redemption are to be to your race? The same morals and values that you raised that got shot for being a thug!
No thanks!
Blacks do need to take more of the responsibility. As a black person, I could no longer agree with the black community. They must do better but nah, they like handouts.
Anon @4:57 Best Kwanzaa present ever! Wher can I Pre order?
While the nation mourns the death of Michael Brown, may he shove St. Peter down and steal his cigars in Heaven, negro crime continues.
This week in Birmingham, a black "teen" robbed 4 students at the University of Alabama at Birmingham at gunpoint. All were then forced to strip naked, and the 2 female students were forced to perform oral sex on the 2 male students for the negro's enjoyment.
The low-life that did it is still roaming free, but rest assured, when caught, he will be proclaimed a "goot boy who fell in with the wrong crowd".
Maybe he can luck out and end up shot by the cops. That way, the Birmingham civil rights racket can get in on the action they did in Ferguson and St. Louis. He can be idolized, have shrines built in his honor.
His mammy and the local reverends can proclaim him "goot" and we can hear all about his many lofty aspirations.
St. Skittles, St. Swisher, St. Sandwich, will give way to St. Sexual Assault.
I'm so glad the shackles of segregation have been removed. The negro has really soared like an eagle since the 1960's.
Obviously the psychopathy runs a LOT deeper than even I would ever have imagined before all of this happened. And that's saying something.
But actually I should have taken a clue from the national Zimmerman/Martin lunacy. My bad.
The Negro Spring...
Platinum EBT Cardholder:
Institutionalized racism. Yes. Civilization requires civilized behavior. Requires it. I have stated many times before, but the answer to many of our problems is civilization enforcement by YT civilians.
Enforcement not from violence, but from non-violent resistance. Hold the muds accountable like we used to hold our own accountable. When they do something retarded in public, chastise them. When they do something retarded at work, use the rules, to the letter, to make sure they are given the opportunity to "learn" from their mistake.
When confronted, use civilized behavior as your shield. Do not "chimp out". Play the DWL bleeding heart that wants to help your fellow man excel and break the shackles of 4 million years ob da slabery. Smile. Repetition can only make the fact that muds are incompatible with civilization clearer to more and more people. Hope. Change. AFRICA FOR AFRICANS
"I'm so glad the shackles of segregation have been removed. The negro has really soared like an eagle since the 1960's."
Right, Southron. An absolute incredible waste of money spent on social programs which have resulted in a permanent underclass of blacks forever wanting more "gibs". More infuriating to me however is the stunning silence of the quite sizable black middle class (teachers, lawyers, judges, etc.) who let this gross misconduct continue. A few well chosen words from that group would go a heck of a lot further than anything YT could say, so this nonsense continues. As with so many other things in our world today, it's all part of the great skim. The name of the game now is to con as much money out of everyone for the maximum amount of time. The system is being bled dry on all accounts. There are only so many times you can go to the well before it's run dry. Alas, we shall soon see.
The Negro Spring...
Good one!
And like the Arab Springs, this "spring" is unleashing chaos across the land, to be exploited by hostile elites.
Ex New Yorker here.....Dom was a retired New York fireman that my wife and I were friends with in Florida. He worked for twenty years in Brooklyn and told us how the blacks would throw bottles and garbage at them when they were putting out fires. They would even throw garbage can lids. Before the fire trucks could go in the cops in patrol cars would have to secure the street. Blacks did this to firemen trying to put out fires in THEIR OWN NEIGHBORHOODS. This never happened in white parts of Brooklyn.
I am against white cops working in black neighborhoods. The less cops in the hood the better. That also goes for firemen. Who cares what hood rats do to each other. Give them free reign to do what they want.
The blacks lit Omaha on fire three times back in the 60's and 70's. A friend worked for two years as a fireman and told me the same stories. On the way to fires during one of the riots the trucks drove through gauntlets of blacks throwing bottles and rocks.
Nothing is more hilarious than a Zimbabwe West nation of nagra lovers "lead" by half breed Kenyan trojan horse calling itself exceptional, indispensable, God's gift, LMFAO!
Reminds me of the old joke about the mosquito with a hard on sailing on a woodpile yelling out to the drawbridge operator...raise the drawbridge I'm coming through.
The world will miss the comedy value of the Kwanstain after Russia and China turn it into a 3000 mile charcoal birdbath.
"the sin of racism by whites." AKA "the sin of noticing."
The ability to notice patterns is a component of intelligence. Another particularly racist thing that can't be tolerated. Intelligence, that is.
I simply just do not care if they kill one another off. There is nothing I can do to change Black on Black crime. And not a lot I can do about Black on White crime. But I have quite a few options when it comes to protecting my family and myself. And that's what I do. NEVER let anyone regardless of race tell you to let your guard down around Negros. It's not against the law to do so. At least not yet. You do not have to let them in your home. Avoid them in public. All you have to do is outlast them
This is why i have no use for organized religion anymore.
These churches take money from the government to sponsor and bring in foreign invaders in the name of humanitarianism. They can feel so sanctimonious and righteous, while raking in the cash.
In the meantime, they can conveniently ignore the horrendous effect that their little imports have on their neighbors, or blame white racism.
Rat bastards!
"Just imagine some prognathous-jawed negress sticking her large lips inches from yours and demanding that you "repent" of your racism. Cognitive dissonance, anyone?"
Exactly. The ideal retort would be for the white cop to then get up in her face and reply "And when are YOU going to forgive Officer Darren Wilson for his self-defense?"
So much for having charity and forgiveness.
As soon as the usual suspects were named; Socialists Cornell West and Jim Wallis then that's all you need to know.
Jim Wallis is no more a traditional Christian than was MLK and his organization exists to continually slut-shame whites into giving more concessions to groids and browbeat them from ever reclaiming their proud heritage and confidence in their achievements.
This is a good example of why Christianity is a millstone around the neck of the white race.
I swear, every successive picture you post from Ferguson is better than the last. This latest is another epic representation of the microcosm of America that is Ferguson. That cop on the left was in another picture you posted recently of people screaming at the cops. You can just tell what he's thinking: "Four more years and I retire. Just four more years..."
And on the other side is a group of people screaming for their own demise.
This Ferguson thing has obviously morphed into something much more than just another black male shot by the police. It's tough to watch, day in and day out, but I'm convinced that this is working to the advantage of us. There's no sincerity in what the protesters are doing. At the same time. SO many people, me included (thank's to this site), are waking up from watching this continue.
I dare say Ferguson was doomed before Mike Brown was shot, and all that is happening since is both bringing the time of atonement closer, and increasing the numbers of that atonement.
Rabbi Susan Talve of Central Reform Congregation said the officers were “part of the system that use young black people as an ATM,” referring to the disproportionate number of traffic tickets and fines inflicted on African-Americans.
A rabbi bringing up the issue of money is kind of ironic. I take issue with this because it's not really the jigs money, it's our money either stolen by gunpoint it taxes.
I have not thoroughly read all of the available articles related to this new atonement demand, but it isn't clear to me why officers were present. If it was just a group of preacher orcs placing candles on St. Swisher's chalk outline, the presence of law enforcement only served to fuel the display. I suppose that LE felt a need to maintain a presence to ward off another riot, but in this case it might have been better to wait until the orcs broke a law then move in and make arrests. I see no reason to stand nose to nose with the orcs while making faces at one another alnd listening to the orcs make demands. We really need to stop treating them as if they are something special.
With each passing day, their demands become more inappropriate...more ridiculous...more absurd.
Tighten your seatbelts, everyone. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
Philadelphia Mike
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Negro Spring...
No longer just applying to escaping from jail.
Why does that body imprint with a lit candle on it remind me of voodoo.
Voodoo....Is that where "Doodie Man" got his name from?
Ferguson has become the new Mecca. All will bow and prostrate in the direction of Ferguson for their prayers 5 times per day.
Spiritual advisor to Obama was there demanding White cops to repent. He should have been on his knees asking for forgiveness for perverting decency by encouraging a pervert, a liar, a murderer, a thief, a warmonger, a White hater, and a traitor to do it all better.
@ James M
Everyone gets ebola for Kwanzaa this year!
It is a human right and if you like your ebola you can keep your ebola.
What a golden contribution to the vibrant tapestry of diversity this virus is.
To each according to his needs, workers of the world unite! Forward.
"part of the system that use young black people as an ATM,”
That's akin to trying to get water from a well that's bone dry. Everyone knows negros have almost no net worth (financially speaking, of course, for if we counted welfare, criminal justice and societal costs, they would be in arrears).
Well, its been past the two month and they're still managing a way to keep it going. First the T-Shirt.
Next of course, comes Halloween:
Around Halloween there will be concocted ""The Legend of Swisher Sweets", where from now til eternity the ghost of Sweets will continue to haunt, curse, and play "tricks" on the evil big bad and ugly racist Ferguson policemen, forcing their consciences to repent of all racism. Swish will continue to haunt the police dept until all racism, profiling, and haterade will be banished once and for all.
The good little brothers and sisters will of course receive the "treat" of free goodies from the local 711, QT, etc., with Swisher's ghost encouraging them to continue to "help themselves" to "free" goodies (e.g. Purpl' Drank, Skittles, candy corns, Hershey's and of course Swisher Sweets). After all, they have earned the "free" goodies as their treat.
Finally, the big marketing push for end of holidays to purchase, the videogame. "I AM SWISHER! YO!"
This will be bigger and better than grand theft auto, for it will be "kept real". A likeness of Michael Brown a la gentle giant will wander Ferguson looking for various convenience stores to visit. Each convenience store visited he must obtain various items to win points as well as various weapons to use in his fight to remain free.
Meanwhile his weapons will include the ability to pick up and throw people ten ft away. Another weapon is to speak in raps, akin to "Ya'll doan know me!; Thinkin' I'ma gonna take yo' shit n' dat? HA!; WORD! etc". At the advanced levels, Brown's own raps obtained from Cloud storage will be used in the video game as well. These magical rhymes will have the effect of stunning the evil white villains approaching him.
Meanwhile the cops will attempt to come after him. The difficulty level increases each time and so does the number of cops. At the more advanced levels, Michael Brown will also get to chose from certain weapons which include a glock, 9mm, etc. and can fire at all and any perceived threats.
This will truly make an awesome Kwanzaa stuffer for the little tykes.
And in Feb. '15: "You thought it was over, but he's back! Just in time for black history month---SWEETS! The film. Coming to a drive by, ER multiplex near you."
So there's a total of half a year since Aug 9 from the actual event that they can milk it.
You can just taste it, no? Finger-lickin' good! One of us should set up a online shop to sell all this kind of sheeyit to DWLs and give the proceeds to PK and VDARE. Someone needs to set up a 'social justice' charity shell-organization just for the purpose of milking stupid-assed DWLs of their money - inasmuch as they seem to have an endless supply. The opportunities are quite numerous. There really is one born every minute, even if P.T. Barnum wan't the one who coined the phrase. Kwanzaa, Sts. Trayvon, Swisher, and Sammich. The Holy Trinity of shit-sandwiches.
rex freeway said...
I simply just do not care if they kill one another off. There is nothing I can do to change Black on Black crime. And not a lot I can do about Black on White crime. But I have quite a few options when it comes to protecting my family and myself. And that's what I do. NEVER let anyone regardless of race tell you to let your guard down around Negros. It's not against the law to do so. At least not yet. You do not have to let them in your home. Avoid them in public. All you have to do is outlast them.
Which will become more difficult as this Ebola event progresses. We already know TNB includes failure to accept consequences, minimal future time orientation, deep-seated hatred towards whites and a sense that whites must "pay" for something, poor impulse control, and an incredible ability to believe convenient myths.
All these characteristics are bad enough to bring this nation down, but now we have an evolving situation with a virus of enormous lethality.
Some questions that need to be answered:
Question: How many Ebola virus particles does it take to infect and kill a human?
Answer: One to ten.
Question: How long is the virus viable outside it's host?
Answer: Unknown. Persistence is usually guessed as "several hours" but if one particle can infect, it is possible that one viable strand can remain protected in the remnants of a blood cell for a much longer period of time.
Question: How is a host infected? Through contact with soft tissue such as the eyes or nose?
Answer: Yes, but the virus is small and the skin is porous. It may be possible for the virus to penetrate the skin of a host anywhere. One virus on the back of the neck equals one fatality.
Summary: This virus can spread easily. Potential carriers are people who do not and would not exercise caution.
Question: How can we identify these people?
Answer: These potential carriers can be identified by their behavior. Potential carriers are people who do not and would not exercise caution.
Blacks can and do learn to back off with whitey. I'm at a retail store customer service lounge getting the money back they overcharged me to begin with.
A young black woman is very close to me. Too close. I wondered what the hell she was doing. She was salivating over my Tory Burch wallet. A wallet I paid for and earned with MY money, thank you very much.
She did the umm humm thang. I gave her a DEATH GLARE. She walked away. They know what whites they can pull their nonsense with.
It gets more and more bizarre in BRA.
I guess the negroes are truly (a collective) God in this absurd land. We are already required to worship negroes and now we must confess our "sins" to them and ask (beg?) for forgiveness?
Oh, go to hell.
The problem in America can be found in the pics. These "faith" leaders look like aging hippies and homosexuals.
That will be the F-ing day I stand there and ask for forgiveness from anyone with a dollar store costume that pretends to be a black clergyman! Excellent example of that would be the notorious albert notsosharp-ton. That Honkey Hating cocaine selling non tax paying P.O.S. was ordained by his 17 yr old cousin when Honkey coke loving pig-pimp in a cheap suit was like 14yrs old or so. See what I mean about a dollar store costume?
We Whites owe that black race nothing!!! Hell they owe us in my opinion!!!
Darren Wilson gets heard.
This is part of the article which supplies facts. Maybe it can't be posted as it is, but it can be used as a detailed reference source.
Police Officer in Ferguson Is Said to Recount a Struggle
WASHINGTON — The police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., two months ago has told investigators that he was pinned in his vehicle and in fear for his life as he struggled over his gun with Mr. Brown, according to government officials briefed on the federal civil rights investigation into the matter.
The officer, Darren Wilson, has told the authorities that during the scuffle, Mr. Brown reached for the gun. It was fired twice in the car, according to forensics tests performed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The first bullet struck Mr. Brown in the arm; the second bullet missed.
The forensics tests showed Mr. Brown’s blood on the gun, as well as on the interior door panel and on Officer Wilson’s uniform. Officer Wilson told the authorities that Mr. Brown had punched and scratched him repeatedly, leaving swelling on his face and cuts on his neck.
Like every other "narrative" in America, the meme of "racism" has been turned upside down as well.
While whites may not like blacks....blacks hate whites with a passion. They always have. They always will. I look forward to the day when the mask comes off completely and they turn on their DWL apologists.
This is positive. This shows the people who are trying to integrate the groid into society that it can't be done. Not only can they not act civilized but they collectively defend the savages who can't live in society. This is why PK is right to say that the only sin is racism. They don't care about black on black crime. That's fine in their state of nature existence. But if you try to impose laws of civilization that is contrary to their culture and thus racist.
This is a teachable moment: white police should withdraw from minority communities. DWL who live in gated communities will sell you out to make themselves feel better about having no black neighbors and the government will charge you with civil rights violations. Continue in these communities at your own risk. You have seen it for yourself. If you defend your life against the groid there will be no protecting you from the DOJ ( living into its full Orwellian meaning).
Lord Chaos
My Sin is that I haven't abandoned Chicongo to move my family to the whitest rural small town the furthest distance from niggers that I can find.
I'm working on it though. I'm going to sell my house, and 3 rental properties and liquidate some investments to move far far away from every major city. Just farms and farm houses. Just trying to decide which Mayberry is best for us, then we- and our tax dollars- are leaving Chicongo and Crook County far behind us. Forever, the niggers can have it,
The black middle class? They can't say nothing, according to the black community we are nothing but slaves to whites of trying to do better.
Blacks hate it when they see another black person do better. When my parents got higher positions at their jobs, their friends talk so much crap about them.
So what can I do?
That's not Christianity.
That's the Wallis/UCC/Liberal Judaism alliance for Marxism.
7:26 Anon:
Obama is a White hating Muslim who is doing all he can to help his "community" of negroes.
Amazing to watch him in action. BUT, I realize he is only doing the work of the real rulers whom we may not discuss.
Sin? Repent? Eat shit and die DWL racetraitor rats and fifth column of nation destroying shitskins.
Judicial Watch has recently reported that the monkey-king overlord in DC has been working on a secret plan (with no approval from Congress) to flood the USA with foreign negroids from Africa that are infected with Ebola so that they can to get "treatment" at the expense of USA taxpayers.
Why should this come as a surprise? And why should Housenigga Hussein bother asking for congressional approval anymore since they can only rubber-stampt his various decrees and decisions anyway? No need to go through the motions any more. There might be some low-grade Kabuki Kung-Fu Fightin' and maybe Larry Klayman will raise some more cash to file motions which will all be overruled. Whatever happened to Sheriff Joe's "posse"?
Maybe Klayman and Arpaio are even sincere, but if so they live under the delusion that a rule of law exists in the Banana Empire. John Corzine is not subject to any laws, nor is Eric Holder, nor is the John Doe known as B. Hussein Obama, nor are any of the Wall Street looters, nor is the new Ebloa Czar (Solyndra looter - remember Solyndra?). Negroes in general are now demanding the same legal immunity, which is logical under negro logic as those who've made BRA a reality enjoy this status. This negro demand is actually TNB. The oligarchs and the nomenklatura are the ones who made all this possible for them but the negro, with its 75 IQ, actually believes it was negro brilliance and toughness which made it happen. As the late great Leona Helmsley remarked about taxes: Laws are only for little people. (That means you, YT).
A 63-year old African boarded a plane from Lagos (an Ebola-infected country) to JFK a couple of days and died in flight after repeated vomiting. The usual CDC bureaucrats held the plane for an hour after landing and have given the customary guvspeak "nothing so see here, move along YT". They're lying like hell of course, about everything. SOP, as with their Ministry of Truth. It's a classic Cloward-Piven tactic. Ebola is already here. There's already a network to transport Liberians and others from the Ebola infested areas going from Africa by ship to Central America and up across the southern border, with the apparent cooperation of the various regimes from Panama up through Mexico (owned by Carlos Slim). They're also flooding into Europe, with the full blessing of High-Fellatin' Franny, the Pontifex Maximus of Pooftery.
Reports are now surfacing from the Dallas hospital, which increasingly appears to be what one would imagine a hospital run by negroes and mexicans to be like in every respect. (massive corruption and mind-numbing incompetence). Welcome to the Banana Empire, komrades! Hope you enjoy your stay. Are more and more white zeks and proles starting to see this? Maybe. What can be done to toss sand in the gears of BRA? Five basic steps any YT can take have already been outlined. Some interesting ideas were offered by the Shyster a few weeks ago (certainly worth exploration) and there was an interesting post from an Anon who apparently works in a corporate office on how to hoist negroes upon their own petards. Jassi even mentioned a need to form our own infrastructure. That's actually a pretty far-reaching idea. At present, the alternative-right relies heavily upon enemy-controlled platforms like Google, Faceboook, etc. Take note that Snowden had to go to Russia to be out of reach of the Banana Empire's thugs and goons. What are the implications of this?
"Holder dispatched more than 40 FBI agents to canvass the neighborhood of Ferguson"
Yeah but you know plenty of those 40 FBI agents knew it was a BS assignment and know what the real problem is (the blacks) and as such it would be refreshing to know that if there was any damning evidence (there is none) it was likely overlooked.
We're not alone in this fight. We do have plenty of like minded individuals on the other side of the fence looking out for our interests as best they can. Nothing overt or they would be fired but little things here or there that put a big crimp in the BRA agenda.
Let the holy rollers do that dirty job ..protecting yourself is the right thing to do…..Police should all walk out ,,it is unforgivable that they don't
walk out you stupid cops before they kill you this is not your fight let blacks do their thing
Anonymous said...
This is why I have no use for organized religion anymore.
These churches take money from the government to sponsor and bring in foreign invaders in the name of humanitarianism. They can feel so sanctimonious and righteous, while raking in the cash.
In the meantime, they can conveniently ignore the horrendous effect that their little imports have on their neighbors, or blame white racism.
Rat bastards!
October 17, 2014 at 7:20 PM
I thought that the Catholics had their heads in the feeding trough more than any organized group, but I was wrong. It seems that the Baptist's have taken over 300 Million Dollars sponsoring the demise of our country. I stand with Ex-Detroiter on this one, I walked away years ago from organized religion realizing the SCAM that it is. You don't need any of these money grabbing pricks to worship God. They all should be taxed, especially that femme Joel Osteen.
Eddie in St. Louis
The shit will hit the fan these next 2 years..AGENDA 21/OPRERATION END GAME. Theres to much evidence out there for it to be bullshit..the recent events with ebola is just the dots connecting.
Wow, couldn't have said it better myself!
Amen Lisa.
Great decision. Im trying to get out of COMMIE state New York myself.
Thats called AGENDA 21. Connect the dots people! !!
All you can is what you are doing now Lisa. Be a good law abiding citizen and be a good example for other blacks. Call them out on their dysfunction or hatred. Blaze a path for others to follow...
Racism is never an issue until you throw a few negroes into the pot. They can be treated like anyone else but that's never good enough. They want more and want someone else to pay for it. Hey! Mr. Negro, F U.!
That would make sense, to white people. You got to remember this is the HNIC Obama's advisor. The Police have the lawful and moral high ground, this is just a negro attempt to wrestle away the high ground. Like they would know what to do with it if they won.
And who brought this deadly disease to this country? A freaking African. Wouldn't it be ironic if Africans were highly susceptible to Ebola and whites weren't?
Wouldn't it be ironic if it strikes the family of the HNIC? It's his fault its here.
When government passes laws making ordinary citizens criminals, its time for a new government. There is not one elected official in DC with the balls to start impeachment proceedings against Obama.
We've got Ebola here now. How many fuckups has this asshole got to pull before he is thrown out?
Sevenseas is absolutely right. Whites need to get out those city police forces. An internet search of homicides versus state executions shows that the only hope whites have to 'cull the herd' is to get out of their way!
These religious fakes' one purpose is to try to incite even just one negative response from a cop for a photo or video shot to claim racism and civil rights crime. Well, they didn't just happen to be there. They are Marxist, brain-washed dupes who really believe America needs to be changed into a Communist run hell hole with thugster Blacks in charge. Like in subverted S.Africa.
October 9, 2014
Communists Continue to Agitate on Ferguson
By Paul Kengor
"What’s wrong is to see communists once again cynically exploiting prayer. These folks have always despised religion. And yet, they’ve also always exploited the religious. Marxists who have long denounced religion as the opiate of the masses long co-opted and duped the religious when they can be tapped for communists’ purposes. Sadly, the Religious Left is always game for the exploitation. I’m often reminded of an assessment from the late Herb Romerstein, who, when I asked him if there was a single group duped by communists more frequently than any other, he unhesitatingly responded: “The Religious Left. They were the greatest suckers of them all.”
"The article lays out the agenda of the October 10-13 four-day weekend. It includes (not surprisingly) Sunday “church services.” The churches will again roll out the red carpet as the comrades momentarily get religion, before dutifully trashing it again.
“Everyone is needed!” the People’s World correspondent exhorts. “If you absolutely cannot come to Ferguson, there are other ways to help. First and foremost, help spread the word about what is going on! Post it on your social media."
Thats what I'm doing!! I'm off to college next year and going to show them it CAN be done.
These savages can NEVER build, only destroy. It is what they get off on. The so called "normal" blacks are NEVER protesting FOR the police, against black crime, against hate crimes against whites and of course voted for you know who twice with a smile. These so called multiple faiths are nothing but communist scum masquerading.
As I always say to people: I guess the police like Asians as much as whites or even more so since they have as low and lower crime rates than whites?
It is impossible for a country to survive with this kind of filth. Destroy another former white area and go to the next one with the help of leftist whites. Because without being a parasite off whitey, what could they do?
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