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Off with the shooter's heads!: Just isn't allowed in Black-Run America (BRA) |
Or, do you recall how a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) used images of white people - what they deemed "non-traditional threats" - as cardboard cut-outs for weapons training? [DHS Supplier Provides Shooting Targets of American Gun Owners:Company produces cardboard cut-outs of “non-traditional threats”: Pregnant women, elderly & children, Infowars.com, 2-19-13]
Always remember: Some Gun Targets are More Equal than Others [Family Outraged After North Miami Beach Police Use Mug Shots as Shooting Targets, NBC Miami, 1-17-15]:
A South Florida family is outraged at North Miami Beach Police after mug shots of African American men were used at a shooting range for police training.
It was an ordinary Saturday morning last month when Sgt. Valerie Deant arrived at the shooting range in Medley, or so she thought.Deant, who plays clarinet with the Florida Army National Guard’s 13th Army Band, and her fellow soldiers were at the shooting range for their annual weapons qualifications training.
What the soldiers discovered when they entered the range made them angry: mug shots of African American men apparently used as targets by North Miami Beach Police snipers, who had used the range before the guardsmen.Even more startling for Deant, one of the images was her brother. It was Woody Deant’s mug shot that taken 15 years ago, after he was arrested in connection to a drag race in 2000 that left two people dead. His mug shot was among the pictures of five minorities used as targets by North Miami Beach police, all of them riddled by bullets.
“I was like 'why is my brother being used for target practice?'" Deant asked.Deant’s fellow guardsmen were angry too, but they tried to console Deant, who was devastated.
“There were like gunshots there,” Deant said. “And I cried a couple of times.”She immediately called her brother, Woody Deant, who was 18 years old when the picture was taken.
Remember these 'non-traditional targets' some DHS supplier crafted?
“The picture actually has like bullet holes,” Woody Deant said. “One in my forehead and one in my eye. …I was speechless," he added.
The City of Medley owns the Medley Firearms Training Center and it leases the facilities to law enforcement agencies in the area. The shooting range staff doesn’t select the targets used by law enforcement and the military.
North Miami Beach Police Chief J. Scott Dennis admitted that his officers could have used better judgment, but denies any racial profiling.
He noted that the sniper team includes minority officers. Dennis defended the department’s use of actual photographs and says the technique is widely used and the pictures are vital for facial recognition drills. But the Deant family questions why officers were firing targets with images of real people, in this case African-Americans, especially at a time when relations between minority communities and law enforcement are so tense.
“Our policies were not violated,” Dennis said. “There is no discipline forthcoming from the individuals who were involved with this.”
It's sad the country Chris Kyle went to fight for overseas and defend doesn't really exist, except in the mind of those white Americans still believing it does.
There is something about seeing little white kids on targets that bothers me very much...
I'd say the reason the targets are black faces is the same reason airport fire departments practice on out of service aircraft shells that are then set on fire - it prepares them for a realistic approximation of what they are likely to encounter in the field.
RexHymens here:
I believe the proper response from the police would be
"we are unconcerned with offending anyone, we only care about training our officers, and our training practices are not going to change because anyone is offended. We will not be responding to further complaints."
Upon recognizing a close family member in an array of mugshots, a normal, decent person would be ashamed and become mortified at the possibility that his peers would discover his family's shame.
But, no. This ghetto sow, this highly decorated piccolo player in a marching band, makes a public display before all her comrades in uniform, that her brother is not only a convicted criminal, but a criminal who was involved in two peoples' deaths.
These 'people' have no shame, no honor.
One note about the targets: I discovered many years ago that I shot more accurately at targets with which I could make eye contact, than shooting at a simple black circle with an 'X' in the center.
Is there ANYTHING these spoiled, over-indulged, whiney useless POS won't complain about ?
The police are using the images that DATA and REALITY state, clearly and objectively, will likely be the threat they face in life or death situation.
Get over it, you f'ing bitch. You should be ashamed. But I overlook that Blacks and shame are incompatible - it's always about the "looks at me'z" moment.
For a race(blacky) that acts oh so tough all the damned time they sure do cry a lot!
Get over it black bitches.
What would your street cred think?
It's sad the country Chris Kyle went to fight for overseas and defend doesn't really exist, except in the mind of those white Americans still believing it does.
So true. Disney myths and fairytales.... Time to grow up YT. Reality awaits, and she's a sheboon waiting to pick your bones clean.
I'll bet you any odds that no police department is using my mugshot for target practice.... you know why? Because no police department owns my mugshot.
These primitives will never have the mental power to piece together cause and effect. Specifically, in this case, the negative consequences of their violent criminal behavior.
I'd also like to add the using targets of little white kids is really troubling, but I'm not "offended" or "in tears".
I feel so sorry for guys in the military.
It's one of the most PC parts of BRA. They're told that Washington and the founders were terrorists, the head of the Army valued diversity over the lives of his soldiers (Fort Hood), they fight and support Muslim maniacs at the same time (Afghanistan - Syria), they're hated and distrusted by the government, the Communists try at each election to avoid counting their votes, they suffered thousands of deaths and tens of thousands maimed trying to turn Iraq into Iowa and only succeeded in eliminating Iran's biggest enemy, were sent to Ebolaland, have been overused and abused and been forced by rules of engagement to risk higher casualties to avoid annoying muslims, and have been subjected to a racial and sexual spoils system replacing merit. What a disgrace.
It would be interesting to know if DHS actually purchased any of the three targets created by one of their suppliers. I cannot think of any justification or need for such targets. Is anyone here aware of many cases where a seriously pregnant white woman has engaged in a shootout with LE, or any case where a young white girl attacked LE with a firearm while she is holding her little sister's hand at the playground, or any case where small white boy attacked LE with a gun? If DHS actually purchased these targets, it would suggest that they are preparing to engage segments of the population that have never been a threat to national security.
I have long believed that BRA is more concerned about a white revolt than a black revolt. Blacks can do little more than create a mess in their own neighborhoods, whereas organized whites can create a lot of damage almost anywhere. An example of this fact is the recent event near Boston where “black lives matter” protesters celebrating MLK's birthday blocked a very large amount of traffic for a long period of time by chaining themselves to steel barrels full of concrete weighing 1200 pounds each in a manner that prevented them from being quickly unchained. I knew without further reading that the demonstrators were almost certainly white. Few blacks have the capacity to deliver protesters and 1200lb barrels to a protest site, fewer blacks have the ability to design and build tamper proof protest barrels, and even fewer blacks have the courage to chain themselves to barrels in the middle of a freeway. Furthermore, it appears that more people were arrested for this protest blocking traffic than were arrested for the looting and burning of Ferguson which is consistent with the policy of arresting whites only.
I suppose that it is conceivable that if we continue on our present course, a tipping point could be reached where segments of society that have not historically been a threat to national security could become very scary to BRA. Perhaps DHS is preparing for this contingency.
Her "outrage" most likely was enhanced to get out of qualifications. Range officers/instructors hate it when pogues try to qualify. The more they're removed from the combat arms roles, the longer it takes to get them through the process.
As for the DHS use of targets, that has more to do with not getting sued for stereotyping. If you train on all black targets and shoot a black person, the attorneys against you claim your training predisposed you to shooting blacks. Those targets also have "cut outs" allowing the changing of the items in the persons hands, thus changing the scenario in shoot no shoot exercises.
Snipers, especially police snipers, train for immediate incapacitation shots, so mug shots would be appropriate. Battlefield snipers train for mid to upper torso shots at distance so they can cause panic at long distances in their targets. The .338 Lapua and .50 Barret rounds will rip a person in half, even at a mile.
I forgot to add...
In the end, her story is much ado nothing. The Chief most likely went back to his team leader saying, "Hey dumbass, next time make sure you guys police call the range so I don't have to deal with these jack offs".
I have no problem with this. When I shoot at plain targets, I always comment that I want to hit the target "in the black".
Double entendre'
Blacks are always "outraged" F-ck them
Some members of the sniper team are black? So the target could have been shot by a black sniper? I thought it didn't matter if the perp and victim were both black?
"I have long believed that BRA is more concerned about a white revolt than a black revolt."
I agree. BRA is all about control of Whites. Physically (unleashed negro criminal behavior), "legally" (affirmative action etc.), and psychologically ( entertainment, sports, advertising).
I think they(Negros)want segregation as much as we do. They just want us to pay for it.
I would chuckled knowing my likeness was used as a target. The whiner race will never be capable of that.
like all of the comments about blacks having NO understanding of the concept of causes and effect. Let them continue to whine about everything under the sun, it only adds to the growing negro fatigue and disgust whites have concerning this failed race. I agree completely too with the commentator who said f--- 'em. I reached that point a long time ago. Now, if only there was a national organization for white interests.
And not a word was said about negroes shooting real people, not targets, everyday.
PK sais...
"It's sad the country Chris Kyle went to fight for overseas and defend doesn't really exist, except in the mind of those white Americans still believing it does."
Tragic in fact. White parents please discourage your children from joining the military.
Scot Irish
Not directly related, but apropos, just watched a 1970 Paul Newman movie on youtube called "WUSA". Holy shit! Amazing glimpse into the brainwashed minds of drug addled 60's libtards and their views on race.
Check it out and behold some serious orc-loving barely disguised as a feature film. Serious Whitey hating too. Newman supposedly said it was his best film. Surprised Oprah isn't remaking. Free on youtube.
In 2012 - 45% of US GDP was consumed by all levels of the state ( local, county, state, and federal )
In 1912 - 7%
In 1812 - 3%
In 1912, The US had public schools, police, electric & water & telephone utilities, big universities, skyscrapers, big cities, a integrated transportation system, mail delivered twice a day, a military, and all the attributes of modern society. Yet the state was tiny.
Incomes were rising at double digit rates. The middle class was rapidly expanding. The mood was upbeat and positive. Let us realize that the state can be 7% of GDP and our lives will be better for it
Very few question the merits of "war time" spending. In times of emergency, real or imagined, people are willing to make exceptions or "short term" sacrifices in order to solve problems. Woodrow Wilson amongst others figured this out 100 years ago. Hence, why leftists, worldwide, operate in a perpetual state of crisis. Now we declare a "war" on everything or we're "combating everything, "global warming", "racism" , "fanaticism"... You get the point. This nonsense only works on the stupid and the young. As, the rest of us have already witnessed 4 or 5 phony crisis by the time we're 35, we're a bit more difficult to convince. Unfortunately, there's no shortage of useful idiots, see the Ferguson protests and backlash.
WUSA is a 1970 American drama film, directed by Stuart Rosenberg. It was written by Robert Stone, based on his novel A Hall of Mirrors. The story involves a radio station in New Orleans with the eponymous call sign which is apparently involved in a right-wing conspiracy. It culminates with a riot and stampede at a patriotic pep-rally when an assassin on a catwalk opens fire.
The cast included Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward, Anthony Perkins, Laurence Harvey, Cloris Leachman and Wayne Rogers.
The media has been hyping a "Bonnie and Clyde" duo of white teenagers the last couple of days. Their crimes? A couple of stolen cars and some bad checks. Police found them today in Panama City, FL and took them in with no trouble.
The predictable negro whining started soon after. "Why didn't they smoke they ass like Mike Brown." "Them dangerous white thugs ain't get shot gnomesane" etc..
Negroes are just too stupid to exist. They are long overdue for the dustbin of history.
Hello Lost-in-Miami here,
We all know that it's impossible for a black person to be racist because of power relationships or some such nonsense. Well knowing what I know about the North Miami, I'm guessing the snipers are majority Hispanic. Are Hispanics capable being racist? Hispanics get AA after all, presumably because they're oppressed by YT. I guess we'll have to consult the modern day Mandarins of race relations AKA Bolshevik college professors. (Is Bolshevik college professor redundant?)
A MLK weekend tidbit for everyone.
Slavery ended in the majority of the United states by 1804. It was only 13 southern states that still enforced it.
Legacy of slavery? Really? Come on, now. Over 200 years have passed.
And...Irish slavery didn't end in North America until Britain decided to end slavery in 1839 and stopped. What about their legacy of slavery? Oh, I guess the Irish don't count.
Really, folks, check out these sites and send the links to your friends.
Be Bold. Be Vocal. Be Fearless.
Philadelphia Mike
"After all, left on their own for 60,000 years (after the small diaspora that led to populating the rest of the planet - with some exceptions unearthed by anthropologists - see the natgeo/DNA mapping project & research on ancient volcanoes)"
It sounds as though you're buying into the "Out of Africa" theory.
Please do some more internet searching. You will see that research (from Eastern Europe, Russia and China) is slowly emerging which refutes that theory.
The Negro DID not populate the planet. That is just a distortion of facts spoon fed to us. Homo Sapiens Sapiens Eurasian originate in the area where Europe and Asia meet.
We are the torch bearers of Civilization.
We are the torch bearers of Truth.
Philadelphia Mike
Deant, who plays clarinet with the Florida Army National Guard’s 13th Army Band, and her fellow soldiers were at the shooting range for their annual weapons qualifications training.
Oh that's funny! Why did the author of the article need to add this little tidbit of info for us to read? A joke?! What difference does it make if she plays clarinet, oboe, or bongo drums - journalism at its finest...again!
When I served, we qualified twice per year because "A Marine and his rifle are one of the deadliest weapons that Charlie will have to face" as per my drill instructor some 30 years ago...and since then I have learned that those skills stay with you for life. I hope I won't ever have to use them, since BRA would use this against me in their kangaroo courts should I defend myself against some future rocket scientist who is minutes away from turning his life around.
I am grateful of the training received, but no longer believe in good long-term intentions from our so-called CIC - it's going to get nasty in a few short years and I hope to be living in at least a 92% white state/county/city by that time...
Most of the time I have nothing to contribute to this blog since PK himself sees it like it is and the comments sum it up without any additional personal input needed IMHO. Keep the fires burning and more will see the path - hopefully before it's too late to act
So.... I was food shopping this evening at the local Shoprite. Same place I had the altercation with the sheboon in the parking lot I told you about awhile back. I figured as cold and sleeting as it was tonight, the nogs would be home, and I could shop in relative peace.
Well two minutes through the front doors, I see an adult male of the species, eating grapes right out of the bag still on the display case. Watching his filthy hands digging into the bag made me want to vomit. So I said to him, "Hey, you know other people shop here and are going to buy that bag of grapes you're half eating" He just gives me a blank look and moves along. Unbelievable I say shaking my head at him. No sooner do I go down the next isle, and sure enough a 250 lb sow is eating out of a bag of chips in the cart.
This is standard practice, that they eat while shopping, and put the empty bags on the shelf. I guess management allows this because who needs a chimpout over a bag of chips or a few grapes.
It's just quality of life crimes that these people consider acceptable behavior.
No shame, no filter, no common courtesy,...nothing......Just blank looks.
I swear They are all children in adult bodies.
Two different magazines, Country Living (99.99% white readership) and EBONY/Jet (99.99% black readership) did surveys on 'WHAT DO PEOPLE FEAR MOST'?
The results were interesting, to say the least...
Country Living magazine's top three answers were:
1. Nuclear war/terrorist attack in U.S.
2. Child/spouse dying/terminal illness.
3. Terminal illness/self.
EBONY/Jet magazine's top three answers were:
1. Ghosts.
2. Dogs.
3. Registered mail.
We have a grocery store near us that has plainclothes security do nothing but follow groids around the store. It got so out of hand that the local police had to open a substation there due to the amount of arrests these fine groids racked up.
Anonymous January 18, 2015 at 12:32 PM said...I have long believed that BRA is more concerned about a white revolt than a black revolt. Blacks can do little more than create a mess in their own neighborhoods, whereas organized whites can create a lot of damage almost anywhere.
Whites could cause much havoc if they simply disengaged (cease working, consuming, volunteering, paying taxes, donating, creating, etc.,.... you know, stuff white people do).
Off-topic... I did see the "American Sniper" movie, and they do cast a negro SEAL counterpart to the main character, AND a negro SEAL instructor. I could have done without these....
SC Native
Great one here PK, the hipocracy of BRA is beyond words.
In honor of the "great" King--
I care nothing about the "color of skin."
But I have seen the collective "content of your character," your "culture," your "achievements" and your behavior and I find them all sorely wanting.
General George Casey on NBC's "Meet the Press", November 2009:
“Our diversity, not only in our Army, but in our country, is a strength. And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse”
It's official: diversity is now more important than human life, including the lives of American soldiers killed in a terrorist attack.
We are doomed.
Being outraged is their money maker. It's what education, job skills, and work experience are to normal people.
I thought the same too. Just goes to show their feral mentality. Almost as shameful as those primates blaming Jessica Chambers folks for burning her alive. Disgusting race.
About one million white Europeans were taken and sold as slaves during the Middle Ages by muslim raiders who ravaged the coasts of Europe from the Mediterranean all the way up to Iceland. The problem was so severe that much of the coastland of Spain and France was left uninhabited for 20 miles inland. The Mediterranean itself was off-limits for European traders for hundreds of years, until Venice became strong enough to clear out the Muslims. Also, archeologists doing sedimentation layer studies around the Mediterranean and the Mideast are finding vast areas where virtually all human activity immediately ceased after the Muslim Arab incursions of the 7th and 8th centuries, and didn't recover for 200 years. Arab raiders in India colonized the land, slaughtering millions in the process. One Moghul leader of that era was said to become uneasy and depressed if the mound of Infidel heads he was presented with each morning wasn't big or fresh enough. And so forth.
Yet to this day, Muslims can do nothing but whine about the crusades — which only lasted 200 years, and were started because Muslims were murdering Christian pilgrims and destroying Christian holy sites — and the colonization of the Maghreb.
Hello Lost-in-Miami here,
Thanks PK for the new perspective you've given me. Maybe one day we'll celebrate Jim Crow day. Also on the auspicious day I'd like to thank 10 mm Auto, Californian, Philadelphia Mike, Bernicegreenbaum and Playing Roots Backwards for the keen insights.
My family and I are going to gather around the table and enjoy the original writings of Dr? MLK . . . . Oh wait! there are no original writings of MLK. Well maybe we can cop some free tickets to Selma. Can I buy popcorn on my EBT card?
Thanks again SBPDL's, (I for one love the name of this site.)
Anon notes:
About one million white Europeans were taken and sold as slaves during the Middle Ages by muslim raiders who ravaged the coasts of Europe from the Mediterranean all the way up to Iceland. The problem was so severe that much of the coastland of Spain and France was left uninhabited for 20 miles inland. The Mediterranean itself was off-limits for European traders for hundreds of years, until Venice became strong enough to clear out the Muslims. Also, archeologists doing sedimentation layer studies around the Mediterranean and the Mideast are finding vast areas where virtually all human activity immediately ceased after the Muslim Arab incursions of the 7th and 8th centuries, and didn't recover for 200 years. Arab raiders in India colonized the land, slaughtering millions in the process. One Moghul leader of that era was said to become uneasy and depressed if the mound of Infidel heads he was presented with each morning wasn't big or fresh enough. And so forth.
Yet to this day, Muslims can do nothing but whine about the crusades — which only lasted 200 years, and were started because Muslims were murdering Christian pilgrims and destroying Christian holy sites — and the colonization of the Maghreb.
All quite true. Not a historically inaccurate thing in your post. Don't fall for the con-game of the neo-con-men though. While they might even repeat some of this history in their own 'conservative' department of the Ministry of Truth, note a couple of important points:
1. The neo-con-men love to prattle on about the Musloids, whose general behavior hasn't changed in 1400 years, in order to urge the latest invasion of the Ummah to make it safe for feminism, sodomy and Lady Gaga (and enrich those who they serve). At the same time, it destroys the backbone of the whites who could serve as a true resistance to the genocidal criminal regime who presently rules over them.
2. Neo-con-men are quite silent (actually supportive) of the ongoing colonization of white countries by Musloids. No calls for any enforcement of immigration laws (except one certain country, who is allowed to enforce its very restrictive laws without comment) in any white country. Refugee resettlement of Somalians is never opposed by the neo-con-men or their Repuke step-n-ftchits. Neither is BRA. In fact, most neo-con-men are busy telling us that St. Martin Looter Keehng was a "true conservative". If that's true, Lenin was a "true conservative" as well.
3. To mention the neo-con-men's latest rallying cry: Je suis Charlie, Charlie Hebdo was not our friend or ally in any way. They were enemies who wanted us dead. If you want to see what Charlie Hebdo was really about, Those Who Can See has done an admirable job of putting them into a correct perspective. They were neither "champions of liberty" or "champions of free speech". They had zero problem with the totalitarian French puppet-regime's arrests, fines and jailing of those who criticized certain unmentionable and favored groups (TWMNBN, Negroes, Poofters, et al). We should not mourn them or the degenerate French badge-gang-bangers who died attempting to protect such worthless leftoid crap (guess the precious pensions didn't work out so well this time, did they). CH basically had it coming. We needn't mourn the death of enemies.
4. Musloids are very much like negroes. Boots on the ground who ultimately are there to exterminate YT. The fact that they turn on their leftoid enablers and slaughter them from time to time is merely a fortunate quirk. Negroes do this from time to time also. The $PLC asshat in Oakland who was killed by a couple of his gods is not anyone who should be on a memorial wall of whites killed by negroes. He was a traitor whose memory should be only one of infamy.
Don't believe muslim's ever accomplished much more than a vacation to northern France where they mugged someone. Perhaps they took towns in Spain for a bit...Maybe, just maybe with all the might of the East hurled at little Sicily, they had a little success
A turning point for me was in college listening to some mullato-drunken fool maswuerading as a professor....He was so 'proud' of Jeanne-French Spook in Haiti and (Africans) Muslims in Sicily...
I did two things that day. I first found out my Italian relatives were from Northern Italy--what a relief. I also researched Haiti... As far as I knew, North America consisted of USA, Canada, Mexico, & Cuba... Nope.. Haiti and Dominican Republic...Each exactly as shitty and worthless as their respective populations. Haiti threw out the whites and every farm and city failed... These facts are white hate at its best...
That professor always hung around the student bars, was always absent or late...man did his drunken eyes shine as he talked about Negro Uprisings...
As soon as the Europeans wanted Jerusalem, they went right in and took it. Make no bones about it.
"I did two things that day. I first found out my Italian relatives were from Northern Italy--what a relief"
To anonymous.
The Arab/Muslim conquest of Sicily was defeated by the invasions of the Normans. The Normans were descended from Viking conquerors of northern France and the native Merovingian culture formed from Germanic Franks and the Roman Gauls.
The Normans, as conquerors, settled into Sicily in large numbers (from 1030 A.D. to 1198 A.D.) and contributed largely to the present day gene pool of the Sicilians.
Eventually the crown of Sicily was passed on to the Hohenstaufen Dynasty, who were Germans. And so, many Germans settled into Sicily as well.
The modern day Sicilian is a genetic mosaic of Italian, Scandinavian, French, Welsh, Greek, Spanish, and Arabic. A significant segment of the Sicilian population has light hair, blue eyes, and very fair skin which scorches in the Sicilian sun. I can personally vouch for that.
I am 1/4 Sicilian and find the history of the island fascinating.
Philadelphia Mike
They are socially retarded
Uh, they all look the same to me.
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