It was earlier this month the white mayor of 60 percent black New Orleans called upon the fine (primarily white) taxpayers of Louisiana to pony up for more state troopers to patrol the streets of the Big Easy. [New Orleans mayor calls on state taxpayers to fix city’s violent crime, Louisiana Watchdog, 1-7-15]
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Irish cop (off-duty) visiting New Orleans shot by black male... why will no one speak of the no-go areas in America for whites, courtesy of the black population? |
You remember New Orleans, right? One of America's most violent cities, whose "elite" have dedicated tremendous time and resources into trying to convince the black population (solely responsible for the violence) to behave and stop committing so much violence.
This campaign has a name: The NOLA for Life Campaign, a comprehensive murder-reduction strategy geared completely at the black community.
Were it not for the overzealous nature of black individuals in the New Orleans community to collectively engage in activities ending in fatal or nonfatal shootings, New Orleans would not require the NOLA for Life campaign (for those wondering, 92 percent of the 150 New Orleans homicide victims in 2014 were black).
Hypothetically speaking, without black people, New Orleans would be just like Key West, Florida.
Oh, there might not be much jazz in Key West, but there's little crime and homicide taking place in the southernmost tip of the United States, while an overabundance of crime and homicide is taking place in New Orleans.
In Key West, a much more licentious atmosphere can be found (Duval Street is more fun than Bourbon Street), but the shooting and chaos is absent; because the black population is negligible.
But a surplus black population in New Orleans requires the potential diverting of Louisiana taxpayer funds to pay for more police to patrol the Big Easy... redistribution of (largely white taxpayer) wealth to try and police a black population incapable of following the law.
A black population who have created far more "no-go" areas for white people in New Orleans than Muslims have for Europeans throughout the Europe. France’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs even warned French tourists visiting New Orleans that most crimes “are located in clearly identifiable neighborhoods," meaning: areas overwhelmed with blight, boarded up houses and black people.
Much like the area an Irish cop visiting New Orleans was just robbed and shot in...[Irish police officer shot while vacationing in New Orleans, BBC reports, Fox8, 1-28-15]:
An Irish police officer was shot during an attempted robbery in New Orleans, according BBC News.
The incident was reported just after 5:30 a.m. Tuesday in the 2200 block of New Orleans Street. Officers arriving on the scene in the Seventh Ward found a man shot multiple times.
Brian Hanrahan, 32, has been identified as the victim in the shooting, according to BBC. Hanrahan is from Killenaule, a small town in Ireland. He was on vacation in New Orleans with his father when the incident occurred.
Hanrahan tells police that he met an unknown individual who brought him to the area, telling him that he knew of a place where the two could get a drink. The victim tells police that he went to a nearby ATM and withdrew $200.
When he reached the location on New Orleans Street, the victim tells police he was approached by another man who asked for money. When Hanrahan refused, the suspect allegedly shot his and took his money. He fled on foot.
The suspect has been described as a black male, approximately 40 years old, and wearing a gray shirt and dark-colored baseball cap. Detectives say they were unable to locate the victim's wallet."The suspect has been described as a black male..."
Easily the most commonly uttered phrase in a New Orleans cop vocabulary.
How much of New Orleans is a no-go area to white people? How much could these no-go areas, were they no longer burdened with the population making them no-go areas, provide in real estate where life could flourish again?
Real estate bringing families back to New Orleans, jobs (not connected with the NOLA for Life non-profit...), and businesses providing much needed tax revenue to improve the city's infrastructure... an infrastructure being neglected because of the necessary allocation of funds to pay for more police to patrol a black population incapable of assimilating to the norms established by white people.
The solution to the potential creation of no-go areas in America courtesy of Muslims is simple: don't allow Muslims to immigrate to America.
The solution to ending no-go areas for whites in America because of black crime and general black dysfunction is simple: talk about its origin.
Not white racism. Not white supremacy. Not white privilege.
Black people.
Black male? That description is racist from the white male privilege lexicon of capitalist pig oppression.
The poor downtrodden noble magic negro is the savior of the Kwanstain and will put us back on the moon and conquer the world...the teevee told me so.
Now we must stop the *evil* satanic Koch Brothers from pushing grammaw over a cliff after she can't pay for her heart medicine.
In the ghetto, a day without a murder is like a day without sunshine.
Poor Irish fool ... he didn't trust his instincts about negroes. Hell, he probably didn't have any in the first place; he probably thought blacks were just "people with brown skin".
Of course, Eire is importing Nigerians and Somalis as fast as it can now, so his countrymen will learn soon enough. And their children will hate them for what they've done.
How do you say, "He was a good boy, a star athlete and an aspiring rapper who was just starting to turn his life around" in Gaelic?
Yes the Irish must be very careful there. The negro is always looking for that pot-o-gold at the end of the rainbow. NC Realist
Why can't I find this on an american news site?
If black people could create and sustain a civilization they would have somewhere on Earth by now.
But hey, why don't we throw billions of dollars more on trying to civilize them.
Its working great so far and its only been hundreds of years. Take your time...
Anonymous said...
If black people could create and sustain a civilization they would have somewhere on Earth by now.
But hey, why don't we throw billions of dollars more on trying to civilize them.
Its working great so far and its only been hundreds of years. Take your time...
Truer words have never been spoken. Without Whites, Negro's cannot survive in a modern setting. Period.
Off topic but I just saw that the black CEO of McDonald's is being forced out and McD's stock jumped at the news. And he's being replaced by a very white guy. The funny thing is the comments on CNBC's website - it's as if everyone here went over there to comment. Even more surprising is that CNBC is leaving the comments for now.
Back to the topic. I wonder if the poor Irish cop only knew about blacks from The Cosby Show. I still can't believe that his cop-sense didn't alert him to the danger he was in. Maybe by 5:30 am he was too drunk to think - bet he won't repeat that mistake.
Ireland was not asked if they want displacement any more than we have been asked.
hell w Mc Donalds.
PK has written much about it.
it is a den of iniquity ebt.
The interview with the mulatto at the end was telling. He kept repeating, "This ain't New Orleans. This ain't who we are."
Well, it seems that yes, it is truly who you are. The worst part of it is, you cannot or will not admit it. The first step into a recovery is admitting you have a problem. You people have a very big problem. It's called maladaptation to modern society. It manifests itself in an inability to not only feed, clothe, and house your offspring, you cannot or will not take care of yourselves.
Negroes reading this, hear my plea. You cannot go on in life continuously denying that your race is injurious to all other races. Your feral nature and incoherence on matters of social cohesion are slim and mostly non-existent. You need to get a handle on this if you are ever to consider yourselves a truly free people. There won't be any second chance. No "do-overs".
Truly astonishing naïveté. He went to Da Hood at around 5 am with an unknown man to get a drink after withdrawing $200 from an ATM? A victim of multicultural "education?"
The Irish cop was a product of a society without black people, so he had no exposure or knowledge to know what he was dealing with.
"He went to Da Hood at around 5 am with an unknown man to get a drink after withdrawing $200 from an ATM?"
Hold it, hold it. What bars are still open at 5 in the morning? None. Unless it was jetlag, what was he doing awake at 5 in the morning looking to get a drink? He couldn't have waited til the afternoon?
Beyond naivete. And was the total stranger working with the perp who robbed and shot him a short time later?? In other words, this total stranger may have been in on the scam of robbing tourists in the first place.
Off topic but I'm sitting here watching American Pickers. The guys are out with a man named Gus, who has a collection of old cars. This White man has restored derelicts into amazing works of art, fabricating such car parts as a cooling fan for a 1926 Stutz, pistons, even his own screws. All on his own, with homemade tools and his brainpower. I used to think shows like this were mindless (and most often are) but as I watch, I listen to the people who have avidly and lovingly collected stuff over the years. All White, and somewhat eccentric, but these people create, devise, innovate and build things with their hands and God given brains. Just wanted to share that, now back to our regularly scheduled Negro awareness session!
Texas here:
Solid post.
"If black people could create and sustain a civilization they would have somewhere on Earth by now."
Brilliant! So simple, so true.
Why haven't they? PK will tell you!
SO grateful for this site.
Maybe I'm a bit more jaded than others here, but this sounds like a case of a homosexual being robbed and murdered after being lured to a bad area.
What man goes with some skank black at 0 dark thirty in a strange city ?
@ anon 7.33
Why wouldn't there be a bar open at 5 am? In most European contries it wouldn't be unusual. You're assuming a visiting tourist know the local bylaws and opening hours which is a stretch.
In many American cities, whether New York, Chicago or Las Vegas, the local bust stations/airports have a population shuck n' jivin' freelance tourist guide niggers.
They tend to go for Europeans, approach them and launch into a well rehearsed routine that consists of a few jokes, giving some advice about where to find X in Y, and sometimes helping with the suitcase forna block.
And then abruptly either launch a sob story about needing justa fyou dahlas for a ticket home, or straight out tell the jet lagged tourist to pay up for the few minutes of time that he spent "helping" you.
(By grabbing your suitcase and asking questions for you to answer).
Hostility is quickly ramped up, if the visitor pays him less than 5-10$, and since the tourist visitor is disoriented and fresh of the bus/plane most pay up.
I wouldn't be surprised if we're dealing with one of these types in this story, and in case you're wondering how come an Itish tourist found a local brotha to be enriched by, there's your explanation.
(These types often seem to belong to the closest thing there is to a black intelligentsia: The top ten percent of the hustlers, and can easily make 50$ - 100$ an hour, they often seem to be involved with luggage disappearing, muggings etc.)
A bunch of racist blarney I tell ye. Have ye never heard tell of the scourge of the black Irish? Aye, it follers us aroond and give no good. That fellow was not one of yer common negros, nay ee was a filthy Highlander and dead set on settling a score on the McLarney clan. Soon yer streets will be filled with rioting Moors. Might stock up on yer hagas.
This poor guy. He was told over and over again, throughout his life, that the negro is just a different paint job. He's black, you are white. It's just a different paint job, then bang, bang, bang and he's bleeding and wondering, gee what just happened here.
Keep away from negroes. Is this really so complicated?
They were trying to score blow.Seems obvious to me. But they went to an orc and it cost them their lives.
As to why he was drinking at 5am, did you miss the part about him being an irish cop? No mystery there. I am at a loss as to how be could be so easily duped.
Anon 7:33 PM,In NO there are lots of places to get a drink at ANY time of day or night.They may not be licensed bars but you can buy a drink.My friends and I used to go there when we were younger and we could drink without stopping til we passed out or puked or both.The folly of youth! It was grand.
Actually most of the above comments are partly wrong but, paradoxically, also partly correct.
At 32 this cop would have had plenty of experience with blacks in Ireland. I'm Irish myself and I know more than a few cops through a nephew who is in the force. Wihout exception they despise our african invaders.
And yet, this cop would never have known the reality of American blacks. The Cosby Show syndrome as one commentator put it.
By the way, we WERE asked or opinion on immigration. About 10 years ago. A referendum was held on citizenship. 74% (out of an 80% turn out) voted for severe restrictions. This was passed into law and promptly ignored by our worthless politicians while also being undermined by EU directives.
I'm waiting for the day when these blacks will do like their ISIS friends.(Fellow Terrorist's)And start putting their White Victims in front of a Ghetto backdrop. With an AK-47 or a knife and demand monies from the victims families.
Social Media Yo! We gonna get me some monies off the rich honky's. Cause remember too the common negro all Whites are rich!!!
anonymous asks "what bars are open at 5am?"
new orleans is 24/7 so basically all of them are open at 5am. this poor irishman just didnt have any negro-radar. back home he probably doesnt have to even deal with them.
I'm the above Irish commenter again.
By the way, it's snowing heavily here and this morning, as i walked down to the shop in the bracing weather, I saw three african females standing outside a doctors surgery, waiting for their completely free treatment. A fourth, heavily pregnant sow approached them and she slipped and fell in the snow. I walked on by.
OT: I had to go to a UK newspaper to find this GEM:
Sad story but not surprising. You gotta trust your instincts people. Profiling saves lives.
Too bad this Irishman wasn't there to save him.
Stereotypes exist for a reason: Irishman looking for a drink at 5am!? Negro stealing a White man's money?!
I'll bet a Japanese tourist was across the street taking pictures!
Was the orc after his lucky charms?
OT, check out the black billionaire behind so much of the BGI's influence. Research @uncleRUSH. Wild. This guy needs to be exposed and stopped.
Russell Simmons. Bad man. PK, check it out; might be worth training your spotlight on him. Big money; big influence. Needs to be exposed...
It's been proven to my satisfaction that politicians, msm and corporations have no hesitancy about boldly lying to the American people. They get right up in our face and lie. So you're left to your own devices, your own innate intelligence to put the truth together. And when you do find all people are not see diversity as weakness....and the truth sets you free.
Comments are down.
I dont bother with "news" sites that don't allow comments. I want a dialogue not to be lectured.
I think the cop was fibbing about the reason for meeting with the friendly stranger. He was looking for something illegal or immoral, and was set up and robbed.
Hell, even McDonalds is cutting ties with blacks firing their black CEO Don Thompson who was running their stock into the ground after flat and declining sales. Blacks are persona non grata wherever you go these days. Why? Their reputations precede them. I feel bad for this dumb Irish Mick but he should have known better. The booze got the better of him and clouded his judgement. I'll bet that boog was happy that he was able to get the dumb Mick's $200 AND was able to ventilate the guy with his handgun! This will only embolden the stupid savage the next time he's out trawling for his next mark.
Too bad the taxpayers have to dig deeper to shell out more of their hard earned money to arrest more of these black savages and then once their convicted, put them up in the state of Louisiana's finest bed and breakfast until they are released to offend again. This "Catch and Release" program is symbolic of what is going on nationwide with the black criminal class. And it is costing taxpayers a fortue! But what else can you do with these low IQ 67's who just don't get it. No amount of rehab or edumacation or counseling by some social worker, psychologist or probation officer is going to convert these savages and turn them into church going, job holding model citizens.
The best approach is a law and order approach and nip the problem of black criminality in the but before it spirals out of control.
Sidenote my friends. A nog died in a Boston fire.... i am not heartless--too bad. My point? The news guy pointed out the hydrants weren't clear as if someone is to blame...
My white neighbors shovel out hydrants without being asked or paid. A nog would never even consider it.
Segregation NOW. Realist in MA
Final i've seen a lot of Christian-bashing comments.... You are on this site, so you have opened your eyes a bit. Open them wider. This is OUR peoples' heritage, history, & faith. It has united our people and guided us. The MSM assault on it is much like the nog inflation. We needn't divide. Maybe you don't have kids.... I returned to my faith and dutifully take my kids. Mass & religous education is free of the nog.
Put your energy to our enemy, not your brother.
Realist in MA
"Off topic but I'm sitting here watching American Pickers. The guys are out with a man named Gus, who has a collection of old cars. This White man has restored derelicts into amazing works of art . . . ."
As long as I can remember I have worked on electrical/mechanical things of all sorts, they simply fascinated me and my (male) friends. When it came to cars/motorcycles/small engines we had to learn to fix/rebuild things because we had very little money for repairs and there was no way in hell daddy would buy us a car or pay to fix our junky cars. When living at home the rule was that all vehicles had to be legal at all times i.e. inspected, registered, insured etc.
As I went to work in professional offices and ran in to nogs at different levels I learned that mechanical/electrical things were a complete mystery to them, another manifestation of YT's privilege in knowing how cars worked and being able to fix them. Trying to explain how the alternator charged the battery and their problem was probably a loose belt was hopeless, their eyes glazed over and they couldn't follow me. They always bitched that mechanics were taking advantage of them, cars should just work forever without maintenance or repairs.
Those who "owned" homes were just as clueless with plumbing, electrical, carpentry etc. although that didn't prevent them from sometimes fucking with those things with disastrous consequences. After they "worked" on the furnace, AC, etc. they felt that YT should come in and fix their problems for free. I pitied the tradesmen who got a call and showed up at a nog's house, I doubt he got paid but he risked a lawsuit if he refused the job.
One of the nogs told me once that the problem was nobody showed them how to fix things. He was shocked when I told him that me and my friends had to figure it out on our own, from books, working in garages and seeking out advice. Clueless.
What are they going to do when the wheels come off of BRA and they are on their own ? Maybe Oprah will fix their cars. Fuck 'em.
non-DWL from NE.
Where this Irish guy came from there are no nogs and the only crimes are related to alcohol, violence is exceptionally rare. He probably doesn't regularly carry a gun, he doesn't need one and literally people don't lock their doors much. That's what happens when YTs live together without vibrant diversity. Lesson learned, the hard way.
non-DWL from NE.
PK said: "The solution to ending no-go areas for whites in America because of black crime and general black dysfunction is simple: talk about its origin."
Actually, the solution is to abolish the welfare state, and thereby greatly diminish our African population. We're told that this is politically impossible, but have no fear. The welfare state will eventually collapse of its own weight. Unfortunately, civilization (or what passes for it in this country) will collapse simultaneously.
I've been to Ireland several times. The cult of the magic negro is very strong there, at least among city dwellers. For some reason, they especially worship American blacks and think of American whites as uptight boors. I think it's because of the American movies that they see over there. This guy probably would have just shrugged off warnings about black neighborhoods in NOLA as typical white American racism from people who don't know how to have a good time.
I think the countries where these people come from to visit the US should be warned like the French but it needs to be more forceful. Maps should be provided and crime satistics included. If the off duty LEO had this information he might be alive today. I think many tourist don't understand the danger of the NAPA due to MSM brainwashing. I think their is an app called Scetch Factor that if promoted might help. I don't know much about even though I have it but since it was called racist it must be pretty effective.
People visiting these areas should be warned they are entering Liberia over the seas, enter with extreme caution or better yet not at all.
For the techies out there what's available online and app wise for avoiding the groid.
Nig Orleans is really Port Au Prince
SC Native.
Anon said :
"He went to Da Hood at around 5 am with an unknown man to get a drink after withdrawing $200 from an ATM?"
Hold it, hold it. What bars are still open at 5 in the morning? None. Unless it was jetlag, what was he doing awake at 5 in the morning looking to get a drink? He couldn't have waited til the afternoon?
Beyond naivete. And was the total stranger working with the perp who robbed and shot him a short time later?? In other words, this total stranger may have been in on the scam of robbing tourists in the first place.
January 28, 2015 at 7:33 PM
I am a New Orleanian, so I'll take this one. There are actually tons of bars open in New Orleans at 5 a.m. In fact there are many bars that don't even have doors!! because they are open 24 hours - Some even go so far as to remain open even during Hurricanes! It is just part of the indulgent culture here and dates back to its founding as a port city, river town, and pirate's lair.
As to the other point, the place where this occurred is a horrible, horrible part of town (of which there are many.) It is also a pretty decent jaunt distance wise from any tourist area and hotels, such as the French Quarter or CBD. The Seventh Ward is sandwiched between arguably the two worst neighborhoods (St Roch and Treme.) The only other neighborhoods possibly close to being as violent are Central City and the lower 9th ward, but all of them are sh*t. It is like arguing over which strain of hepatitis is the least bad to have.
Just to give you an idea, here are the crimes committed in the past 30 days within this neighborhood!
There was no reason for him to be there AT ALL, under any circumstances, much less at that time in the morning and after withdrawing large sums of cash right before hand. Even if he was unfamiliar with the specific lay of the land, as a police officer he could surely recognize the hallmarks of a drug infested rat den with burnt up collapsing shacks and blacks walking around like zombies in the wee hours of the morning.
That guy was there to get drugs or a hooker, in all likelihood a male one at that. You never want any tourist or anyone for that matter to be shot/hurt ---- but the only naivete being displayed is by anyone who actually believes he "went out for a drink" in the 7th.
This story might grab some headlines, but the city has a massive crime problem, victims from Ireland or not.
That site is updated daily and keeps running stats for the week. As of today there were 290 crimes in 6 days city wide. This is the closest one can get to Haiti without booking a direct flight to Port-au-Prince. The city does as much as they can to suppress this information, painting it as an "adult disneyland" where people can "laissez les bon temps rouler!" - but it is about 3/4 dangerous blight and mayhem.
It seem that this irishman knew that there are areas that were no-go. We tend to lose our fear of natural dangers when we drink to much.
This guy is lucky he is still sucking air. Many negroes will shoot to kill, just for the color of our skin.
Where as most whites look at the character of a person before skin color. Just the opposite from what news readers want us to believe...
Well, he's saying, "this ain't who we are", to keep the naive, propaganda fed YTs coming back...
Of course he was in on it. that's the oldest negro trick in the book. I remember being a young teenager in 1995 looking to get a bag of pot, having to go through blacks that we knew from the community center. Sure enough, the black would come running back to the car, screaming, "yo, dis nigga done robbed me! go round the block we gon find him!!" It was two incidents like this that made me see how they orchestrate the robberies.. luckily only about 30 bucks was lost.. a thirty dollar lesson in life.. If this Irish guy wouldve had those lessons as a teen, he would NEVER go ANYWHERE with a black he just met, no matter HOW NICE he came across.. You would think a cop would no better then to get suckered by an old jiggaboo trick.. AROUND BLACKS, NEVER RELAX.
Look at the super powers and industrial nations of the world - Japan, Germany, UK, America, Russia... Have blacks EVER created a nation that can rival them? NO. And when faced with this, blacks will inevitably bring up ANCIENT EGYPT, something from 1500 years ago that was as black as Algeria.
Hello Lost-in-Miami here,
Irish said, "A referendum was held on citizenship. 74% (out of an 80% turn out) voted for severe restrictions. This was passed into law and promptly ignored by our worthless politicians while also being undermined by EU directives."
It's always ALL ABOUT DEMOCRACY, until it doesn't go their Marxist way. Just like Gay-Marriage in this country. 14 states voted to ban it and 14 times the courts over turned the votes.
So now it is currently impossible for the State to grant special privileges to (or subsidize) couples capable of forming nuclear families and bearing children. The nuclear family being the primary mechanism by which White people thrive. Do White people want it? Well then, it's not Democracy!
OT I know but here is the AG nominee, a twofer (black and female) being questioned by Sen. Sessions (R. Ala.) about illegal aliens working while YT unemployment is high and illegals get SS and other benefits. As far as I know he is the only Republican who is speaking publicly about what calls the "National Question" i.e. whether the U.S. (and the West) will survive the onslaught of third worlders invading the country. Eric "my peeps" Holder and this negress are logically doing what they came to D.C. to do, destroy America/build BRA and they make no attempt to hide their agenda, why should they, they are winning ?
My problem is not with her, BHO or the other communists openly pushing their agenda, it's with the scumbag Republicans who enable these communists. The Republican Party has decisive control of the Senate and House. Are they going to vote against BHO's AG nominee who openly advocates for breaking immigration law ? This sow has the balls to testify under oath that she will not enforce immigration law and I believe there isn't an ounce of deceit in her when she says that, the Republicans know this too. If the Republicans weren't total scumbags beholden to the cheap labor lobby they would oppose her giving the reason that she has publicly stated, under oath, that she, the chief law enforcement officer of the U.S. will not enforce U.S. law.
No doubt she will be confirmed, swearing an oath on the Bible to faithfully execute the laws of the land. In Catholic moral teaching and I'm sure it's the same in sane Protestant denominations willfully swearing a false oath on the Bible is a mortal sin. Will all the "Reverends" condemn her for swearing a false oath on the Bible, a grave sin ? Ha ha ha, just kidding !
non-DWL from NE.
Oprah approved this message.
"Anonymous Anonymous said...
Look at the super powers and industrial nations of the world - Japan, Germany, UK, America, Russia... Have blacks EVER created a nation that can rival them? NO. And when faced with this, blacks will inevitably bring up ANCIENT EGYPT, something from 1500 years ago that was as black as Algeria.
January 29, 2015 at 7:04 AM"
Yes but don't forget the blacks not only built the pyramids, they also made them fly and built a radio transmitter to talk to the mutha ship thousands of miles up in space. I know this because "Rev." Farrakhan said so, he wouldn't lie.
Conservative Treehouse, has a report about a riot in Ferguson last night. The negroes want a civilian oversight of the cops. When some of the police objected the negroes started a riot.
This will never end.
I've got to agree with the other people who say he was only in that area at that time because he was there to either get high, get sex, or both. If that was what he was in New Orleans for he should have at least sought out white people to get it.
>>Metro said:
"I wouldn't be surprised if we're dealing with one of these types in this story, and in case you're wondering how come an Itish tourist found a local brotha to be enriched by, there's your explanation.
(These types often seem to belong to the closest thing there is to a black intelligentsia: The top ten percent of the hustlers, and can easily make 50$ - 100$ an hour, they often seem to be involved with luggage disappearing, muggings etc.)"
I understand that part, but the fact remains: No bars in US are open at 5 in the morning and that fact would've become very apparent to this Irish cop very quickly.
Most beat cops have an inner feeling, a "sixth sense" about when a situation is going bad. Granted, there may have been some jetlag. but if he couldn't tell that he was being hustled, then he's either incompetent or maybe was already a bit drunk to begin with.
Also, it still seems as if the one who hustled him was working in a group with the groid who shot him.
All in all, it doesn't add up. Perhaps more details will eventually come out to clear up the confusion.
But again: What was he doing looking for a drink at 5 in the morning? Nothing is open.
Was the hustling groid working with the groid who shot the cop? There's a very good chance that they both were working together to relieve him of his money.
@Gwoobus Harmon:
Thanks. That helps clear up my original question as to what he was doing there at 5 in the morning.
It certainly wasn't to get a drink. He could've done that in his hotel room, with the mini bar so it definitely had to be something else.
The more PK and others describe New Orleans, regardless of its interesting food, cuisine, culture, history, etc. it really doesn't sound very safe.
Sounds more and more like one big infested groid dump.
I'd like to try some cajun food, but not at the risk of getting shot.
@Gwoobus Harmon:
Another question: How come various Alisters like Brad Pitt/Jolie, and Sandra Bullock would move to New Orleans? What would they have to gain by living there if its such a hell hole?
Granted they probably live in the nicer areas, but still. Why would they want to live around all that crime?
I don't get it. New Orleans isn't on most national radars as in NY; DC; Chi; LA etc. Might as well go to Atlanta, Dallas, Houston. Sure, it gets headlines around Mardi Gras but most Americans don't really think about New Orleans as a great city per se.
Not seeing it. More I think on it youre right that the cop was looking for a little something else at 5 in the morning.
Anony said,"Japan, Germany, UK, America, Russia... Have blacks EVER created a nation that can rival them? NO. And when faced with this, blacks will inevitably bring up ANCIENT EGYPT, something from 1500 years ago that was as black as Algeria."
For the sake of this bastion of reality, SBPDL; no absolutely ZERO Spooks (Bantus/Congoids) lived in Ancient Egypt! The entire Mediterranean was a part of Greater Europe! King Tut was Irish or at least that's where you find the purest genes, R1b, of his type today. And the general populace (as they are today) were Caucasian Hamitics (don't believe google images hamitics were white). King Tut had pictures of Nogs on his sandals so he could walk on a one where ever he went. There are numerous murals depicting KT slaughtering Darkies by the bushel.
Nogs invaded and controlled Egypt for 100 years (of the 3000 year
Dynasty)a the end of the third (and last) dynasty. And there's evidence that race mixing preceded the fall of the civilization (imagine that!). Even the pylons of Nubia that the Jigs cite as evidence of their greatness were built by White Egyptians and bore inscriptions which warned the Spooks not to pass unless they had a specific trade mission. And it goes w/o saying that Hannibal was White!
I'm sorry to rant off topic like this but this is really important. It was buying into this Black Egypt fallacy that supported my (NEVER TO RETURN!) DWL belief that Jigs added value to the planet. The black Egypt theory is what underlays the notion that Whites were just holed up in the frozen North until the Renaissance when we swooped down and wrought our evil on the planet.
See the YouTube channel SuperEgypt it's chock full of all the info you'll need to do battle with the most ardent of African-Supremacists.
Thanks for letting me rant ya'll.
tragi comic,
Tourist: "Ex'cuse me der blackfella, can ye be helping a uptanding Irishman as to where I might find an open Pub at this awful hour in de morning?"
Negro: Says what?
Tourist: "A PUB! Where a gentleman might get a wee glass of the fine taste of ta' Home. Ho Wait! You are an American! I Want to go to a "BAR". B-A-R. A Drinking establishment. Whiskey.
Negro: Shiit, dude. All de bars be closed! But, I gots some of da good stuff me and my home boys ripped off of Ferguson last week. But it be $100 and I got to call my homie to bring da shit to us, nowhatimsaying?
Tourist: You have some of the fine Old Country, but your friend needs to bring it here. Am I gathering the essence of the subject? I will need to stop at an Automated Teller Machine and exchange pounds for dollars.
Negro: Say What? Yous be Whacked!
Tourist: I need to go to an ATM.
Negro: oh.
Anonymous said...
Stereotypes exist for a reason: Irishman looking for a drink at 5am!? Negro stealing a White man's money?!
I'll bet a Japanese tourist was across the street taking pictures!
I'm sure you think you are so funny. But you need to realize that stereotypes are the cause of this racism. It's these kinds of hurtful and hateful stereotypes that gave us the KKK and other hate groups. You could have just as easily said that an arab was across the street having sex with a goat. Or a Frenchmen was surrendering to a German, or an African-american was tap dancing across the street. It's all wrong and not funny at all because of the hate it creates.
I know who Simmons is.
When is Kersey going to do a story on the end of the McDonald's Affirmative Action experiment with the firing of the black CEO Donald Thompson? Superbowl Sunday is fast approaching, and SBPDL should be spiking the ball with this news.
delaware dude. slightly ot. yes we had anotherone popped tuesday. 11 w, 6 k. keep it going. back to the story. i worked with a fellow who went to nola for a visit with wife and another couple. out for a stroll looking for a restaurant. who stops? nopd. puts them in the patrol car and takes them back to the hotel with the warning of not to wander around. 1989. true story. keep the 30 feet and stay safe.
Say what you want but I say it's time to make it illegal for any blacks to own firearms or be in possession of a weapon in public.
OT - In other news, Seattle's Chief of Police apologizes to belligerent silverback for his inability to comply with a simple request from a police officer:
Anon said:
Another question: How come various Alisters like Brad Pitt/Jolie, and Sandra Bullock would move to New Orleans? What would they have to gain by living there if its such a hell hole?
Granted they probably live in the nicer areas, but still. Why would they want to live around all that crime?
There are a number of reasons I suppose. Number one, is the quality of the actual structures themselves. The craftsmanship from that era (when carpenters made their own screws, etc... there was no Lowe's to shop at) produced the most magnificent homes ever built on this continent. Virtually every home in the Garden District has a history behind it, with many of them erected in the pre-civil war antebellum era. There are beautiful examples of every kind of architecture. They really are magnificent for those who can afford them. There are tremendous preservation societies that keep the properties top notch, and they are basically armored fortresses and enclaves.
Considering many of these go into the 8,000 - 12,000 sq. ft. range - they are really property values compared to mansions built in other parts of the U.S.
Don't get me wrong, NOLA is an incredible place still, in many ways.
It has always had a seedy undertow, but it was largely kept in check by an aggressive police force. There was essentially an unspoken policy that the black neighborhoods were permitted to be as lawless as they wanted with minimal police presence, but the second they entered white areas or tourist areas - the police pounced without hesitation and pulled no punches. Blacks understood this and rarely tested the waters.
This kind of solution "worked" for basically the last century or so, but since Katrina there is a massive staffing problem for NOPD, and they literally surrendered massive areas of the city. The white tax base has abandoned much of Orleans parish over the past three decades and fled to neighboring Jefferson parish or the northshore, what remains is the stark example of black stewardship of a major metropolitan area ALA Detroit. We just got there first.
I still love the place, in spite of everything, and it is heartbreaking that this was literally the nicest city outside of Europe for most of the last millenium.
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rapidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end." -- Chet Beates
And when faced with this, blacks will inevitably bring up ANCIENT EGYPT, something from 1500 years ago that was as black as Algeria."
Most Algerians are not black. They may not be ethnically pure white, but they sure ain't black African.
The rest of Anon's rejoinder was spot on, though.
Pubs in the UK and Ireland close quite early actually. 11:30 pm Sun.-Thurs., 12:30 am Fri-Sat. I believe clubs can stay open later though. Either way, there's no good reason to be gallivanting around Nola at 5:00 am unless you're doing something you probably shouldn't be. This is literally a case of WRONG place at the WRONG time. Hopefully this experience smartened him up.
When will enough be ENOUGH!?!
Yo! Get your sail foam my nagra and you can talk to the preezy of the steezy:
Don't put ideas in these creatures heads! It's bad enough as it is!
I picked up a quad automatic belt fed bazooka at the gun show for fifty cents:
He is alive. He was only wounded, thats why he was able to describe his attacker as a black male.
"He is alive. He was only wounded, that's why he was able to describe his attacker as a black male.
This proves the guy is rayciss and sheet. The Irish guy should have described the nog as "A gentleman with a deep tan temporarily short of cash who only desired a few dollars to purchase nutritious food for himself and his fambly at Whole Foods. Being dark at 5:00 A.M. and exercising his 2nd ammendmeht rights he suddenly became frightened and accidentally discharged his legally registered firearm out of fear that some ebil YT might relieve him of his hard earned cash from his jobs as a brain surgeon and nuclear physicist. He deeply regrets the injuries but it's not his fault, it's the gun's fault ergo guns should be confiscated and turned over to the constabulary for our own good.
I went to Nig Orleans once. Wandered just a street or two away from the tourist area and I was in a dystopia; a parallel universe of stumbling black drunks, garbage, blight... just awful. Will never forget that.
@Gwoobus Harmon 10:24AM
Yes, yes, yes, and I can find stories about nearly ever single US major and minor city. It still does not explain by a long shot exactly WHY they would want to move there. In Bulock's case she actually adopted a groid who was born during Katrina. What the--?
If you want nice sq ft mansions you can find them just as easily in Malibu. As well as in Silicon Valley.
Nice things about Malibu and Silicon Valley area…very very few groids at all. Less than 1-2% in Malibu. Less than 5% in Sillicon Valley.
Its like saying why the top 1% would want to move to Davenport Iowa. It doesn't make much sense. They might as well stay in Manhattan, which for the most part, has a lower overall percentage of groids in many of the elite areas.
Doesn't add up, not making much sense.
Oh, you've got that scammy televangelist Jesse Duplantis who built himself a 35K sq ft mansion in Destrehan, I think its called or somewhere around New Orleans.
But Brad Pitt/Jolie? They're not from New Orleans. Makes no sense and doesn't add up.
I saw two jaw dropping, but fairly typical instances of black behavior coming home today. The first involved bumper to bumper traffic and an ambulance trying to get to a hospital emergency room entrance less than 100 feet away. Cars were pulling over as best they could to allow the ambulance to pass, but then one car refused to budge. It was being driven by a black woman with another large black woman in the passenger seat. The siren blared, the ambulance's horn honked, yet this woman would not budge. The ambulance driver screamed, and finally a state police officer walked over to the car, and I stopped to watch. The officer explained to the woman that she had to pull over, but she screamed back, "I ain't losing my spot in line!" The officer then explained that it was the law to allow the ambulance through and that he could arrest her if she didn't comply. Of course she responded, "You ain't arresting me. I didn't do nuffin wrong!", while her friend pulled out her camera and started filming. Finally cars in the oncoming traffic had pulled over enough to let the ambulance past without the black woman having to move, and the fireworks were averted.
Second story took place on the subway a few minutes later. A frail old white woman using a walker gets on the train and there are no seats available. She struggles to stand and keep her balance as the train pulls out. She is struggling to stand in the aisle in front of a couple of two seated fat black teenage girls, banging away on their sail foams, taking up three seats with their two ample asses. I was standing and couldn't help. Finally, a possibly more frail old white man gets out of his seat and gives it to the old white woman. He gave a glare without saying anything to the two black girls, who laughed in his face, murmured "look at this fool", and went on mashing away at their phones.
Negroes anonymous needed maybe?
Anonymous said...
Its like saying why the top 1% would want to move to Davenport Iowa. It doesn't make much sense. They might as well stay in Manhattan, which for the most part, has a lower overall percentage of groids in many of the elite areas.
Elite areas? The concrete jungle of NYC is INFESTED with savages! Every square inch! NO AREA is safe here in NYC!!!
Manhattan, New York
Population by Race:
White 45%
African American 27%
Native American 1%
Asian 10%
Hawaiian 0%
Other/Mixed 17%
Estimated population: 1,626,000 Manhattan land mass: 33.77 sq miles.
Davenport, Iowa
Population by Race:
White 84%
African American 9%
Native American 0%
Asian 2%
Hawaiian 0%
Other/Mixed 5%
Estimated population: 102,000
Land mass: 65.08 sq miles.
Look at it this way: 27% savages out of of 1.626 MILLION people in a 33.77 square mile area compared to 9% savages out of 102 thousand people in a 65.08 square mile area.
Davenport has almost double the land mass and Manhattan has almost 16 times the population...
Woodsy says: Do the math - and show your work.
Elite areas. This is a joke, right?
Don't get me twisted!!!
"Irish guy" here again.
That's one thing I should have mentioned. We are such a drunken and violent society that we have a deliberately unarmed Police Force. (We have just a unitary force in the South. In the North the Police are armed for obvious reasons).
This is so that every. permanently drunken citizen can have a pop at every cop without fear of getting shot, which, of course, is the entire population at any given time.
Can any of YOU even imagine a society where an unarmed Police Force is regarded as not only a natural, but looked on as normal?. No other all White European countries,in the past, came to this conclusion; all are armed. Britain and Ireland were the only exceptions.
"He [the Irish cop] is alive. He was only wounded, that's why he was able to describe his attacker as a black male.
A white cop is alive while Unarmed Michael Brown is dead! This shows how little black lives matter in America. This Irish police officer simply had to get off the airplane and he survived a shooting, while Unarmed Michael Brown who lived under the terrible legacy of four centuries of slavery, segregation and lynchings was killed in a shooting by a cop. Where is the justice in that?
This shows once again how the violence of America, like its poverty and poor schools, disparately impact beautiful black people. It makes me soooooo mad I have to excuse myself for a triple latte chai.
I. M. Klewless, MFA
Cultural Relativism And Peace Studies
I might have to call bullshit on this.
A cop, in his 30's, would have encountered blacks, criminals, drunks and lazy impulsive assholes in Ireland.
He found a black male, accompanied him to a bad neighborhood, withdrew cash from an ATM, all to get a drink?
Reality check...there is no easier place on earth to get a drink, at any hour, than New Orleans.
This guy got a pocketful of cash and wandered into darkie-town looking for drugs, and got his ass shot.
"Irish police officers shooting doesn't represent New Orleans"
Yea right, and all of the commenters at SBPDL are mud sharks!
Was referring to specific elite areas within the jungle known as NY. The upper east side, upper west side, etc are not 27% groid infested. If they were, the saturday tribe as well as various wealthy elites in business wouldn't stick around long there. Look at Brooklyn. Wonder why Spike Lee is soooo up in arms at the gentrification going on? Apparently some parts of Brooklyn are becoming groid free or at least lesser in numbers than in previous decades.
For the smart money, compared to New Orleans at 60 PERCENT groid, Davenport IA is a much safer bet.
I ALSO MENTIONED: Malibu, at about 1-2% total groid. (most brothas hate the beach and sheet) as well as various Silicon Valley areas which aren't known for being groid packed. Marc Zuckerberg isn't living in a groid filled 'hood, know what we be sayin?
But either way, Davenport, Malibu, elite parts of Brooklyn and Manhattan are relatively groid free compared to New Orleans at 60% groid, and that is a very very high number indeed.
@"Irish Guy" at 4:11PM
Na no, the French police are not armed either. If they had been, they could have prevented the whole magazine terrorist shooting. The world news informed us quite often that the French police weren't armed and so couldn't help out very much when the initial shooting at the magazine headquarters went down, which of course made for a fairly easy escape (at least initially for the shooters/terrorists).
Hey irish guy...I was kidding about drunken irish men. It's an old stereotype here in the states. I know it's not an accurate portrayal of the irish. I'm descendent of many irish folk.
Hey Irishman, I'm a former kiwi now residing in Oz[Aus] and the cops in N.Z don't carry, except on special occasions.
Like when the maoris were doing many armed robberies in the daytime downtown Rotorua, perhaps the biggest tourist town in the North Island (Queenstown would be the biggest in the South).
Advice for tourists: Go 4 or 5 Star holiday. Camping and caravans (trailer-home) aint safe from aspiring rappers
One of the few good lessons I learned from my misspent teens was that you never, ever, EVER buy drugs from blacks. Even if they don't rob you, the product will be bunk.
I can't believe how stupid this cop was. You ESPECIALLY do not hook up with unknown blacks and agree to meet them somewhere else of their choosing. Even if he wasn't familiar with blacks, his experiences as a police officer back home must have familiarized him with with the doings of native scumbags (some of whom are every bit as nasty and dangerous as any American ghetto Crip) enough to have given him instincts about the situation he was walking into. IDIOT!
Are you saying that Irish Irish cops are even dumber than American Irish cops?
A simpler way is for foreign tourists to look in city maps for anything named after MLK, and then make sure to stay several miles away from that area. The officer survived the attack, by the way.
Yep. Like the Federal judge who overruled the will of seven million Californians to keep illegals out of the public schools there a few years back. It doesn't matter what the people want. If they do get together to express their will in a politically incorrect manner, they'll just be overruled by a judiciary that is ideologically committed to the political fad d'jour and/or by powerful unelected bureaucrats who ignore and subvert the people's will.
We need to get it through our heads that normal white people have no real representation in this country. The Democrats are committed to turning us into a third-world multicultural socialist state. The Republicans only care about profits for their corporate cronies, who are addicted to cheap illegal / foreign labor. We're on our own. Our own country has declared social, cultural, and economic war on us.
You can get crawdads anywhere without running the negro gauntlet. I'd make my own gumbo out of a cookbook and teach myself to play jazz saxophone before I ever went to that groidal hellhole.
What you said agrees with every informed opinion about Ancient Egypt that I've heard.
There is still a thin if extensive layer of genetically white people among the upper crusts of the Arab countries. I had a college professor from Egypt who was a quite attractive blue-eyed blonde with pale skin. Assad of Syria has blue eyes and looks about as Arab as your average northern Italian. The Arabs claim that these genetics are a relic of the Crusades, but I bet they're a good deal more ancient than that.
That was brilliant, but I would like to point out that a Frenchman will surrender to anyone. It's what they do, just as blacks steal and rob.
The majority of blacks who are causing the problems are already ineligible to possess or handle firearms due to their multiple felony convictions. As you can see it has absolutely no effect on their behavior.
Pure blacks are despised in Algeria, as they are in the rest of the Maghreb and the Middle East.
I follow some sites related to crime in Iowa. Sadly, Davenport regularly produces horrific stories of black crime that are unknown in the northern part of the state. Waterloo, Fort Dodge, Cedar Rapids, and Des Moines also seem to have fallen to the Groid.
Iowa has received many black refugees from the destruction of the projects in Chicago, and is no longer the pastoral, Groid-free utopia it once was.
Norwegian police were always historically unarmed. Given the extremely low rates of violent crime in the past, this was a good policy for them. Unfortunately the increasing cultural enrichment there has forced Norwegian police to begin regularly bearing pistols for the first time in Norway's history as an independent nation.
I was born and live in England, fast becoming the dump for the world`s detritus, but, both my wife and I are of Irish descent, so we moved to Eire for some time. We lived in the middle of nowhwere in County Limerick. We were amazed at how the Irish seemed to have a real thing about loving the blacks, even though, at the time there were not many living there. It went from giving money "for the little black babies" to fundraising for some obscure village of savages that were too lazy to work. This Irish cop must be a product of this constant brainwashing. However, occasionally, we visited some relatives in Waterford. It seems that the realisation of what the black scourge can bring to a place was beginning to dawn on the people of Waterford. The streets were teeming with pregnant black sows, who, on dropping the niglet, could claim Irish citizenship. Along with these blacks came all their usual baggage. Like crime, violence and gibsmedat. The Irish are hopefully, in the light of the Dáil`s "enrichment" policy, waking up at last.
He probably watched The Commitments and thought... The blacks are just the Irish of North America
Spot on. The Irish like to pretend that Anglos treated the Irish as negroes. It's a good myth until the Irishman actually encounters a negro in the flesh.
This mirrors the experience of Iowans with blacks. They went from loving them when there were none around, to despising and fearing them in direct ratio with their increasing numbers.
That was brilliant, but I would like to point out that a Frenchman will surrender to anyone.
The French fought long and hard for White civilization in the first Indochina War, the Algerian counterinsurgency and at Suez in 1956. It was the liberal elites of the USA who undermined their efforts by taking the anti-colonial side. At Suez '56, the US president took the side of Moscow and Cairo against Paris and London.
Had the French kept Algeria and also trounced Nasser, it's doubtful we would be seeing the third world invasion of Europe in progress today.
Anonymous said...
Was referring to specific elite areas within the jungle known as NY.
Savages live on the Upper East and West Side of Manhattan. Plenty of Section 8 too.
East Side, West Side - all around the town. NYC is jungle habitat.
The only place where there are NO savages - Dyker Heights, Brooklyn:
Section 8? You must be smoking crack!
Spike Lee can ook and eek until he turns blue. They are simply not wanted here.
Look how nice!
You won't find any savages wandering around here!
(unless they want to sleep with the fishes, like Luca Brasi!)
Ya folla?
Nice things about Malibu and Silicon Valley area…very very few groids at all. Less than 1-2% in Malibu. Less than 5% in Sillicon Valley
Well I grew up in New Orleans of the 60's and 70's. We kept our coloreds in the 9th ward or the projects where they belonged. If they came into the Quarter to dance for pocket change they knew to behave themselves or NOPD would crack their skulls. It was a good plan and a vibrant city. What happened?
This is true, the more multiculturism they force on people the more aware they become of the elephant in the room. All non blacks on the planet knows the truth and pc can't change reality. Far better to admit the truth that blacks evolved to the African environment its their home and where nature intended them to be, and if we non black global citizens were truelly kind and compassionate we would make their situation a little better for them on their own continent so that all may thrive. But dwls ould rather make everybody suffer rather than admit the truth and deal with it.
What I can't figure out is, as a cop ,he didn't have the instincts necessary to be able to differentiate between a law abiding citizen and a criminal? And to make matters worse, he seems to have been unarmed. Law enforcement in the EUSSR, must be a really unique experience.
Assad is not an Arab. He is part of a Small ethnic group called the Alawites. The Arabs despise them and don't consider them to be " real Muslims" ( that's actually a plus in my book.)
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