That's what you call an unbelievable opening weekend at the theaters.
The America of 2015 is undeserving of a man of the quality of Chris Kyle, but white Americans of 2015 desire a man like Chris Kyle.
![]() |
American Sniper... the type of Punisher movie white America wants to see |
American Sniper speaks to the them at an atavistic level, reminding them of the type of individual necessary to make life possible.
Selma, on the other hand, is the type of movie showcasing a movement making life impossible.
Across the country, black businessman (okay -- non-profits deriving large portions of their operating budget from federal grants or minority contracts) helped finance large scale showings of Selma for students to see the movie for free.... while real Americans stormed cinemas across the country to pay to see a movie depicting a white male engaging in heroic acts in defense of his country.
Primarily black K-12 public school students (across the country, amounting to 275,000 tickets) were able to see Selma for free this past weekend in:
- Montgomery. [Montgomery students to receive free admission to 'Selma' showings thanks to local business leaders,, 1-16-15]
- Memphis. [Mayor says students can see ‘Selma' free, Memphis Commercial Appeal, 1-16-15]
- Detroit. [Free 'Selma' tickets available for Detroit students, Detroit Free-Press, 1-16-15]
- New Orleans. [Tickets to the civil-rights drama 'Selma' being offered free to local students, New Orleans Times-Picayune, 1-16-15]
- Washington D.C. [Thousands of D.C. students can see ‘Selma’ free, Washington Post, 1-16-15]
- Atlanta. [Free 'Selma' tickets for Atlanta Public Schools students in high school, CBS Atlanta, 1-16-15]
- St. Louis. [STL among select cities offering 7-9 grade students free admission to ‘Selma’, St. Louis American, 1-16-15]
- Chicago, Dallas, New York and Oakland too! [Selma’ Free Screenings Expand to Chicago, Dallas, D.C. and Other Cities, Variety, 1-14-15]
- Indianapolis. [Several Indy Venues Offering Free Admission on MLK Day, Praise Indy, 1-15-15]
- Newark. [Free 'Selma' tickets for NJ students,, 1-14-15]
- Philadelphia. [10,000 Philly students can see “Selma” for free through Jan. 19, Philly Now, 1-13-15]
- Baltimore. [Free tickets for students to Selma, Baltimore City Schools]
American Sniper, a movie celebrating the heroics of a white man (a white man who every institution - television, Hollywood, academia, government, and commercials - in America works overtime to denigrate) has one of the most astounding opening weekends in the history of cinema.
No one cares, save Oprah Winfrey and her coalition of well-connected black businessman in major American cities whose entire fortune is dependent on government-mandated minority contracts...
The story of Chris Kyle in American Sniper?
One of the largest openings in movie history is a reminder white America yearns for something far greater than black people marching across a bridge...
Absolutely profound, P.K. Your brief, but pointed and extremely well-thought out piece here slams an exclamation point on nearly everything WRONG with America today. Even those who are blind to the root causes of our declining nation would be hard-pressed not to see a glimmer of the light of reality if presented with this story. Excellent job sir! As a Veteran myself, I will be smiling about this for a week.
The whole idea of "Selma" was horribly timed, from a business perspective. We've spent the entire summer watching Negro protest and violence. Who the hell is going to pay $15 to see more of it?
I wonder what percentage of Selma's official box-office "receipts" include the free handout viewings, which likely had to be paid for, somehow.
It is also laughable that it was so vitally impotent for black students to watch the movie. Are they incapable of learning about their own history, from reading a book? A book with pictures, even? I may have to rethink that old theory that they are "just like us", but with a darker suntan, curlier hair, and more pungent body odor.
I posted a one star review of SELMA on IMDB's website... it currently has a 7.7 rating out of 10.
I know, right?
"I went to see Selma for free due to American Sniper being sold out and that Selma was offering free tickets, (to push Oprah's Communist hero MLK Jr. who also plagiarized his Doctoral thesis)
So I sit down and realize that the theater is half empty even with the free ticket offer. The majority of the seats were occupied by young african american students from the local high school- I'm guessing a field trip. Fifteen minutes into the movie their teacher stood up to warn them for the third time to be quite, stop acting up & turn off their cell phones.
Ten agonizing minutes later it sounded like I was in the center of the chimpanzee exhibit at the Los Angeles Zoo. A fight broke out between four male african americans and everyone began screaming obscenities and throwing food & drinks at each other. The Management was forced to stop the film & the Theater security had to call the Police because they could not restore order. The Police arrived and were verbally assaulted by the crowd of now highly agitated african americans who were taunting them for attempting to restore order. One african american officer was even told, “you ain’t black- bitch” whatever that means.
Eventually order was restored by the Police escorting out about three quarters of the african americans who were chanting in unison, “M-L-K!... M-L-K”!
I then was able to watch the rest of the movie which was about an african american man who said I should not judge others by the color of their skin, but the content of their character.
I then went home, cashed out my 401K and bought a one way ticket to Sweden, where I will be buying a home & renouncing my American citizenship. I hear the content of character over there is pretty outstanding."
Keep up the great work PK, the book is outstanding. I loved the dedications in each.
Trial junkie here. I went to see "American Sniper" today. The theater was sold out, packed, for the 1:45 pm showing. When I left I saw the next showing also was sold out.
And you're right. A white man of Chris Kyle's type is HATED by every branch of the establishment.
The media slams us with negro propaganda with crushing regularity. Nearly every movie, every TV program revolves around negroes. It all glorifies negroes, it celebrates their eternal victimhood. It is all engineered to relentlessly wear you down
It is insane and it's designed to make you crazy.
At every opportunity you have, you must say fuck you to Hollywood and NYC and all the individual players associated with the industry. They are the enemies, with their crosshairs on your head.
Get rid of your TV. The media is your enemy. It's every bit as dangerous as the negro who will put a gun to your wife's head.
How long before the government tries to force us to watch this kind of negro-worshiping drivel? Even leftist creeps are taking issue with the (ahem) distortions and lies in "Selma" in their columns ("dangerous artful fabrications") and old-time liberals are complaining about the false portrayal of LBJ. The director defends herself by saying she doesn't want a "white savior." It's a black thing. Okay, let only negroes go to see it, many of them subsidized (free tickets) like with everything else. The total box office can reflect the economic power of negroes. Not much.
And yet they complain about no major Oscar nominations. They're entitled, you know. They're negroes in BRA.
Of course racism is the reason "Selma" bombed. Every single white person that didn't go see it be "rayciss" and be holdin' da black man down. Hollywood be "rayciss". Hell, the entire non-black universe be "rayciss".....They should follow the Lib naming convention and start calling it Afrophobia.
Blowing the heads off of innocent Muslim children is NOT "heroic". It is cowardly and despicable. Shame on racist lily white Hollywood. I wouldn't go see that sniper movie if you paid me.
Want to go see a real movie? Then see Selma. I dare you not to cry at the end. I dare you. David Oyewolo should be the new Superman. I got tingles just watching him.
-A Compassionate Oregonian
Movie ticket: $14.00
Nasty carbonated sugar water: $8.75
Tooth rotting candy: $8.50
Popcorn: $7.25
Savages jumping around like somebody left the monkey cage unlocked, ooking and eeking, talking on their sail foams, talking to the movie screen, fighting with each other, throwing things at the movie screen, not getting up to use the bathroom (I am not joking.)
Avoiding all of their indecorous behavior by staying at home and watching the DVD screeners on my 60" screen while eating healthy food and working out:
HEAVEN (priceless)
Who goes to the movies anymore? You can watch ANY movie on the same computer that you use to post messages on SBPDL. Even on your phone. I read a post that someone drove 270 miles to watch Selma and ate at Chuck E. Cheese. Are you kidding me? Hollywood doesn't get a DIME of my money. If I took my girlfriend to the movies, it would cost me over $70 and we would both need 2 Tylenol and a good dental cleaning afterwards - and if she has a headache...well, you know where that's going.
I am going to watch Selma for the fun of it. I will probably overdub the audio with my own dialogue as well. I am well versed in the language of the savages and could mimic many voices.
Four things you didn't know about Martin Luther King (or maybe you do...)
1. His name wasn't Martin Luther. It was Michael. It was decided Martin Luther had a more prominent ring to it, so he went by that. He never legally changed his name. To this day, he lived and died as Michael King. (fictitious name)
2. While working on his dissertation for his doctoral degree at Boston University, he heavily plagiarized from another author who had done research on a subject similar to King's. As academic committee later found that over half of King's work was plagiarized, yet would not revoke his doctrine. King was dead by this time, and the committee ruled that revoking the title would serve no purpose. It was also discovered that King's famous I HAVE A DREAM speech was also not his own. He stole it from a sermon by Archibald Carey, a popular black preacher in the 1950's. (thief)
3. King was under FBI surveillance for several years due to his ties with communist organizations throughout the country. King accepted money from the organizations to fund his movements. In return, King had to appoint communist leaders to run certain districts of his SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), who then could project their communist ideas to larger audiences. A federal judge in the 60's ruled that the FBI files on King links to communism to remain top-secret until 2027. Senator Jesse Helms appealed to the Supreme Court in 1983 to release the files, so the Martin Luther King Federal Holiday could be abolished. He was denied.
4. One of King's closest friends, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, wrote a book in 1989 in which he talked about King's obsession with white prostitutes. King would often use church donations to have drunken sex parties, where he would hire two to three white prostitutes, occasionally beating them brutally. This has also been reported by the FBI agents who monitored King. King was married with four children. (loves me sum o' dem hookaz! oh, the poor chillens!)
Martin Luther King Day. A day when this country will come to a screeching halt so we can have parades and memorials to honor a savage that most of the world views as a saint for his role in the civil rights movement. He was a phony, a cheater, a traitor, and a sexual degenerate alcoholic.
This movie is garbage. One of the first lines in the movie: "20 million negro men & women motivated by dignity." WHAT? Savages have NO honor, respect or sense of pride. Have another drink, Michael King. Steal some more work that somebody else wrote. Go patronize another prostitute. Today is just another WORKING day in my book - and none of it goes toward any of you SAVAGES. Cha-ching! Right into my pocket.
I have a dream too - take a WILD guess what it could be?
Woodsy says: START ROWING! (points to Africa)
I may or may not have had an epiphany tonight.
In regards to negroes, I believe we have made a wrong turn which led us to BRA.
If you make a wrong turn while driving it leads you in the wrong direction. You can do one of two things. Backtrack to the point where you got off track or look at a map to determine how to get to your destination. Additionally, a third & final (unacceptable) option is to stay put and accept that your current "lost" position is acceptable.
You and I know that dismal money number pisses that fat black imposter whale(harpo)racist off big-time. So big in fact that the imposter(I like Whites. As long as they put their money in my pockets.)is having a rally in Selma(windows automatically capitalizes the S for you. Funny isn't it?)today in that murder town. Those numbers are too low for Fatty's liking. So with any attention hogging negro we must bring the people to Selma so they can see for themselves how bad that shit-hole still is. All along hyping that movie so more DWL's go and see Tubby's flick.
Cause no nigga with any street cred will donate their EBT cash and take their "fambly" when they can rent that "she-it" for a dollar out of some red-box right next to the mixed parts chicken part of town.
I'd LOVE to see a mini-doc on what the blacks actually DID to Selma! What's going on there now that the ebonicans have been "freed"? They've had half a century to prove themselves. A negro Geneva? Must be a bustling hive of hard work and enterprise. Not.
I've heard it's pretty much a ghetto shithole.
Thanks negroes.
I think a clever way to fight BRA in a small way is to go see American Sniper ASAP. A way to vote White, against Selma's Black. Let the boxoffice scoreboard show the world which way Americans want our country headed.
"American Selmiper"
Chris Kyle stood for courage, love of his country and his family, and doing the right thing. Even if personal sacrifice were the only way. These are things that you will not see in Blacks. They are so preoccupied with themselves, beads & baubles, Shiny objects. The concept of being a family unit is non existent. Chris Kyle is everything a male Negro conspires against.
Truth Corps, you might want to check out the situation in Sweden before relocating there. Could be a case of jumping from the frying pan into the fire. The equivalent of BRA with double the taxation rate.
A search under the category Sweden on the following website could be educational:
Here is some background on WHY Sweden is a Nordic version of BRA on steroids:
What's most astounding about this record-breaking weekend is that an oscar screener of this film has been leaked on the internet for at least three weeks.
They're offering free showings of Selma to high school kids here in Omaha too
Omg. Even a black movie (Selma) has to be subsidized (as far as tickets go) in order for da pickaninnies to attend. Did those "Madea" movies have the same problem? How about other "black" movies?
One can't help but think the subsidizing of tickets for Selma was a desperate attempt to keep it from being an even more monstrous flop than it's already proven to be.
Okra Winfrey be pullin' out her hair and sheeit! Gnomesayin'?
I'm celebrating Robert E Lee's birthday today. I have to do the grocery shopping today, and will make it a point to wear my Robert E Lee tee shirt when I go. Today is his actual birthday, and it was his actual birthday for decades before a bunch of negroes and their DWL enablers decided to choose this day to "celebrate" the life of a thief, plagiarist, communist useful idiot, woman abuser, client of prostitutes. I have to wonder if they were aware of the fact of it being Lee's birthday when they chose this day. No matter, I will make sure to make a public statement by wearing the tee shirt. I'm not normally a tee shirt wearer, but today is good reason for an exception.
Anonymous said...
The whole idea of "Selma" was horribly timed, from a business perspective. We've spent the entire summer watching Negro protest and violence. Who the hell is going to pay $15 to see more of it?
When AREN'T they protesting/threatening or actually doing violence? I guess I must have missed something.
It all actually goes back to the negro idea: Get YT/U.S. gubmint to make "Selma" free. Try to force this latest Hollyweird POS into being a "success". Paint the turd gold, polish & burnish it, put it on a velvet pillow with silk fringe. Yeah. That'll make Selma a "success". Force YT to kneel down and kiss the "golden" turd. Note how absolutely nobody is asking the question(s) Paul asked: Why does Selma, Alabama, a once thriving metropolis over 50 years ago now resemble Beruit, Lebanon? Perhaps we should have a daily prayer vigil to praise Allah, MLK, Obama, Oprah, Michael Brown, Trayvon, and all the other pseudo negroid saints in order to wash away all that raycism an sheeit. Gnome sane?
I'm celebrating Robert E Lee's birthday today.
Wish there was some way I could "thumbs up" ya, Melanie!
I will be seeing American Sniper today, after I go to the range myself.
Compassionate Oregonian, you have a happy James Earl Ray Day now, y'hear?
Keepin' The Dream Alive
free free free. Yes are free at last. Unlike you...i'll continue to pay my own way.
I have to wonder if America's white population has started to reject as a foreign substance all the propaganda, shaming and make-believe about blacks. What will Others, like George Soros, who finance and direct this nonsense, do about it when this rejection reaches critical mass?
Thank God Almighty im free until next year of this totally worthless day.
That was AWESOME!!!
...and old-time liberals are complaining about the false portrayal of LBJ. The director defends herself by saying she doesn't want a "white savior."
If the makers of Selma do not want a "white savior" then:
* They should renounce Lincoln for the Emancipation Proclamation.
* They should renounce abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison, the Union Army which overthrew the Confederacy, and the various European powers for ending the enslavement of blacks in Africa.
* They should renounce President Truman's decision to desegregate the armed forces, and FDR's decision to de-segregate war industries.
* They should renounce Earl Warren's Supreme Court for ending segregation.
* They should renounce Eisenhower's sending troops to enforce de-segregation orders.
* They should renounce LBJ pushing through civil rights bills and his war on poverty.
* They should renounce Nixon for supporting affirmative action.
* They should renounce every white person who marched in the civil rights era, traipses off to Africa to feed black children, demonstrated over Trayvon and Brown, or makes a movie or TV show portraying blacks in a positive light.
Truth of the matter is that were it not for white people, blacks would still be living under segregation. If it were not for white people, blacks would still be living in stick age conditions in Africa. And this is what blacks can not stand. So they have to make up a new history in which they "liberated" themselves.
"Free at last?" Only from the truth.
" Why does Selma, Alabama, a once thriving metropolis over 50 years ago now resemble Beirut, Lebanon?"
It doesn't, Beirut has and has always had a very active and productive market area, selma does not and never will.
The municipal justice center in Malmö Sweden was damaged in major bomb attacks twice in 2014, committed by Muslims. Muslims have also bombed police stations in Malmö and other cities. Sweden has numerous no-go areas where fire and ambulance services must have police escorts or they will be attacked by immigrant youth armed with stones and iron bars. A Swedish paramedic's association has recently demanded the same kind of safety clothing that is worn by UN and Red Cross medical workers in war zones. 30 years of heavy Muslim immigration has given Sweden the second-highest per capita rape rate on earth, second only to Lesotho. Swedish women are dying their hair black to be less attractive to immigrant rapists. Suburbs heavily populated by African and Muslim immigrants occasionally experience violent riots where hundreds of cars are burned. Muslim drug gangs control large swaths of the major Swedish cities.
In response to all this, the Swedish government has decided to increase non-Western immigration to 200,000 per year, to extend for at least the next five years (not counting the huge number of illegal aliens). Resort hotels and palaces are being used to house refugees because the government has run out of places to put them in. Ethnic Swedes who have lived in public housing for years are being evicted from their apartments to make room for refugees.
The Sweden Democrats is the only political party in Sweden that opposes immigration. All other political parties have shunned them and refused to work with them for years. There was a ray of hope when the Sweden Democrats won 13% of the vote in the parliamentary elections last year. However, the other parties almost immediately got together to ram through unprecedented changes to budgetary procedures that will leave the Sweden Democrats impotent and marginal for the next four years. Dissidents are frequently prosecuted for unapproved speech or artwork.
Sweden is no longer a democracy: No secret ballot; no freedom of speech; and large-scale defacto political disenfranchisment of voters.
Definitely not a place any sane person would want to move to.
Hey, leave Beirut alone. They've been on the mend, and it now looks better than many black "communities."
He'll just switch sides and continue milking the rubes with his usual schemes, now slightly tweaked to appeal to his new flock of sheep. You didn't think he had "priciples" or "a soul", did you?
I can see that you're new at this. Don't worry, we were all young and naive once. You'll get over it.
Does anyone recall the race riots
in Jackson, Ms where blacks who
continued to sell to whites had
their homes burned and when taken
court regarding the homes burned
by blacks, the decision was made
it was considered free speech?
Read about this before but cannot
find reference to it anymore.
I used to work at a movie theater that showed mostly "independent" films. Mostly white movie goers who were mostly well-behaved. But only when we showed the Spike Lee movie "Bamboozled" did we find empty 40 oz. malt liquor bottles as we were cleaning the auditorium. True story.
I remember in grade school they made us watch Raisin in the Sun .
Very good fucking point !!
I think White audiences are growing weary of "Blacks suffer at hands of Whites" movies.
Most young people haven't figured it out yet, but if they have any contact with Blacks, they start figuring it out.
My children are off from school today because it is a built-in snow makeup day on their calendar. First one of the year. Mlk day was never a holiday at their school. When the .0001% minority pop complained, they created this snow day.
Meanwhile, in Indpls, there was a MLK lockin last night for the youth to keep them out of trouble and ALIVE. One 13 yr old who failed to attend, was hanging out in the street with his brother and friends, managed to get shot and killed at 2 am. 2 AM. When I was 13, my ass was inside by 9pm on the weekend, unless I was camping or doing something productive with my parents or friends parents, not out on the streets.
There is no mention of his color, but given the neighborhood where this occurred, black is a safe bet.
As long as OUR people continue to fail to stand up for OUR culture and values, hold those who do in amazement or contempt, and fail to demand these programs to "help" the poor black communities, the spigot of cash will fail to be closed. If your water bill is suddenly high, you check and fix your pipes. You don't let it continue to leak. Our hard earned money should be treated the same. Plug and fix the leaks.
They use the images of the kids to pull at heart strings. All of the programs are for the youth. All of their killed "adults" are teenagers or young men/women; as long as they're under 30. The photos of those killed by police and citizens fearing for their safety are always of the offender as a 12-13 y.o.
We have to teach our people to stop buying into the bullshit. To have a successful strategy, there has to be buyin by all of those you want involved, also known as "everybody plays". Without that, as long as we're divided, we'll fail because of the black/liberal spin machine.
Just a reminder fellow race realists, it was the paragon of "conservatism", St. Ronald Reagan who signed into law the bill making MLK day a Federal holiday. I forget, what was it St. Ronald Reagan and the filthy Republican hypocrites were conserving ? They can't tell anyone what they are conserving, maybe Wall Street's pet the "conservative" Mitt Romney will finally tell us what they are conserving, it certainly isn't the U.S., that's long gone.
non-DWL from NE.
demand these programs to "help" the poor black communities *end,
Thanks guys! Robert Lee's birthday--news to me. I love this site. Critical mass is coming. MLK day will be re-nigged soon enough.
We are sick of seeing white people degenerated and blacks elevated. No amount of cash or polish will keep the lie alive much longer... the real sympathizers, like Soros, are dissapearing. I really don't think Soros believes the lie anymore. He likely won't admit being wrong to save face.
Happy Lee day,
From MA
A Compassionate Oregonian said ”Want to go see a real movie? Then see Selma. I dare you not to cry at the end. I dare you. David Oyewolo should be the new Superman. I got tingles just watching him. “
Why spend the money? Merely thinking about having to watch Selma will make a human want to cry.
That's priceless, you've done your good deed for the day.
Truth Corps said ”. . . If you make a wrong turn while driving it leads you in the wrong direction. You can do one of two things. Backtrack to the point where you got off track or look at a map to determine how to get to your destination. Additionally, a third & final (unacceptable) option is to stay put and accept that your current "lost" position is acceptable.
We can never go back because the place we left is gone, so option one is out. Option three is equivalent to waiting to see if the rough road we are on leading the wrong direction into the desert as far as the eye can see might actually lead to our destination with the knowledge that our vehicle will break before we arrive – not a wise choice. This leaves option number two. We've got to plot a new course.
D-FENS said ”Truth Corps, you might want to check out the situation in Sweden before relocating there. Could be a case of jumping from the frying pan into the fire. The equivalent of BRA with double the taxation rate.”
D-FENS is giving good advice. If you are planning to take any female members of your family with you, it would be a good idea to check rape statistics which are unbelievable in Sweden. Apparently the out of control Musloids believe that Swedish women have been placed on Earth for them to rape. I have read that many blond women dye their hair brown in an effort to avoid rape.
For those that think I actually went to see Selma, the movie- my review for IMDB was satire. Hopefully it pissed off a few DWLs and negroes.
I also have no intention of seeing Selma or any other hollyweird produced propaganda nor am I moving to Sweden. I plan to live & die here, most likely in a pile of brass one day.
Ex New Yorker here....
For WOODSY IN NYC......Hello..I was the guy that left the comment about driving 270 miles to watch Selma and also have a nice tasty late night dinner at CHUCKY CHEESE.
YES. I was kidding.
I always look forward to your comments and missed you when you were gone for a few weeks. Glad to hear about your great escape from New York. Welcome to the FREE ZONE.
I have not been to a theater in three years (we used to rent a video now and then when my wife was still alive) and I have NEVER eaten in a Chucky Cheese or any other dump that sells SHIT BURGERS and FRIED GREASE called food.
Have You noticed, every 15-20 yrs or so, another wave of racial discontent hits us?
After seeing this happen many times since the 60's it dawned on me that, they need fresh meat for the cause. Young and dumb needs to be "cultured" while they are still inexperienced enough to know better. That's why Oprah wants us OLD White people dead. We've seen through the Black curtain and it scares them.
This time they Latched onto the anarchists, because they feel their traction slipping.
With the internet,and immediate access to news showcasing their feral traits, their facade is cracking like never before.
This is for our favorite Oregonian....You,whatever you are, must be one of the most abnormal human beings on planet. I am finally convinced after reading many of your posts that you are sincere in your stupid and outlandish commentary.
For the rest of us, We can safely say that no matter what we do or what we say, It will never approach the ridiculous posts by our beloved Oregonian. I thought I knew what crazy meant all these years. Hell, they need an entirely new classification for you. I hope someone has you under lock and key and not out in public. You are scary!
I plan to live & die here, most likely in a pile of brass one day.
Love it!
Went to see American Sniper yesterday.
Huge line.
I asked the young lady behind the counter if many people had come to see Selma.
She shrugged and said, ""
American Sniper is a truly great movie.
Please go see it. It's the real thing.
Selma's humiliation hasn't even started yet.
It won't make a freaking dime in overseas markets.
Why does everything with the black community have to be tied to a rally, a day of remembrance, a national holiday, month of celebration, minority acts, equal right fights, riots and religious contests? Why can't they just learn from the past and make the future a better place for themselves and others? The "white man" has given them every single chance available to succeed but still too few do anything with it. I guess it's easier to just blame the world, then sit back and let the world feel sorry for them. What they are learning now, is the rest of the world is fed up and tired of feeling sorry for them and the heat is on for them do something with their lives.
Wow I bet that movie theaters are going to be thrilled.
re They're offering free showings of Selma to high school kids here in Omaha too /
so who the f--- is paying?
no free lunch.
The Media Elites sure are unhappy that another enlisted white man from the South goes into conflict as a Navy SEAL and becomes a legend.
The Elite's idea of "brave hero " is a loud mouthed minority "Marchin' and Hollerin'" - demanding revenge or mo' free stuff or mo' entitlements or all 3 at once to address a dubious grievance.
We are sick of seeing white people degenerated and blacks elevated. No amount of cash or polish will keep the lie alive much longer... the real sympathizers, like Soros, are dissapearing.
I've noticed fewer liberal and conservative defenders in forums. The fallacious "dog breeds don't exist" argument isn't used nearly as often.
A movie like Selma would have done much better in 1999. Peak White guilt is at least over. It's still the norm but we are at least past the time when Whites would run to the latest Hollywood movie to get their dose of guilt and self-loathing. I also think the left has been losing naturally inquisitive Whites thanks to the internet. Once you learn about a big lie the media tells (like MLK's phony Doctorate or his prostitutes) it makes you skeptical of everything else about race you were told in schools or the media. The hard part will be reaching the Whites that don't self-educate and believe everything they are taught in schools and TV. The majority still believe paint job theory which is problem #1.
Hollywood is now complaining about "American Sniper." They question the morality of making a movie about a "killer."
It was completely normal, even applauded, when a movie was made about the homicidal marxist Che Guevara, who banned books, murdered homosexuals & blacks, and was responsible for the genocide of approximately 2 million people.
-The Baron
Anonymous said...
"This is for our favorite Oregonian....You,whatever you are, must be one of the most abnormal human beings on planet. I am finally convinced after reading many of your posts that you are sincere in your stupid and outlandish commentary."
You need the key for this site. "Compassionate Oregonian"
is satire.
Scot Irish
I used to work at a movie theater that showed mostly "independent" films. Mostly white movie goers who were mostly well-behaved. But only when we showed the Spike Lee movie "Bamboozled" did we find empty 40 oz. malt liquor bottles as we were cleaning the auditorium. True story.
I remember reading about a theater that wanted to stop showing Black movies because they required twice as much clean-up. Is that because of poverty? Or wouldn't a truly impoverished person not be able to afford a night at the movies?
Then there is the problem of Blacks yelping and talking to the characters in the movie. For you deluded liberals that think this complaint is just "ignorance" here is a Black person summing up the problem:
If these problems are "White racism" or "ignorance" then why don't we have them with Mexican immigrants? Aren't White people racist against them as well? Why does White racism only cause certain problems with Blacks?
"I really don't think Soros believes the lie anymore."
I doubt the truth or otherwise of such has ever concerned him.
"This is for our favorite Oregonian....You,whatever you are, must be one of the most abnormal human beings on planet. I am finally convinced after reading many of your posts that you are sincere in your stupid and outlandish commentary."
Landed another one.
OT but a very good link.
It's about the White slaves of the Crimean Khanate, a conservative estimate of 6 million, probably much more.
white slaves of the East
Oprah blew it.
--She should have enlisted Tyler Perry to help her with her Selma movie…
“Madea and Martin Goes to Jail”
I would have temporarily rescinded my black boycott for that one!
After seeing this happen many times since the 60's it dawned on me that, they need fresh meat for the cause. Young and dumb needs to be "cultured" while they are still inexperienced enough to know better. That's why Oprah wants us OLD White people dead.
Well she better find a way to kill the internet because it was not old white people that led to my de-indoctrination. I grew up around "polite company" types that didn't care that I was being fed lies and even encouraged it. But they couldn't control what I read on internet and once I learned that even liberals do not dispute brain weight differences the chains were off.
Have fun with the self hating Swedes and muslim sharia types chanting Mo-ham-med attacking you
Selma- The revision of history continues. Communist, Marxist, Negro-it's all the same. Give all or most of your $$$ to gubmint to redistribute to the reclining/declining/depraved class.
Selma has been showing all summer on the news every night. Black terrorism bolstered by packs of lies and hoaxes, "Hands up don't shoot" "I cain't breeves", and now the lies of Selma. Blacks murdered self hating Whites in the '60's, starting or inciting violence, lieas and hoaxes bolstered the violence of the '40's thru the '60's.
Snipers level the field, marvin lucifer king day is a hoax and a lie for the cursed.
A hating Detroiter
By watching the movie "free" does that mean the movie's producers and studio owners (a roster that would likely read like a Tel Aviv phone directory) are waiving the theaters charging the admission fee?
When the movie is required viewing for EVERY school curriculum at every grade level annually will the DVD's be given "free" by the studio?
When there's Africans and Free being discussed you can bet your arse that YT's paying the tab and YKW is getting his cut.
Happy Birthday Robert Edward Lee! The same goes for Thomas Jonathan Jackson! (January 21st).
Truly great Americans. We will never see the likes of them again.
We certainly need a "Stonewall" to advocate White interest and stand up to the bullshit.
"Then, Sir, we will give them the bayonet." - Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson
Scot Irish
I doubt the truth or otherwise of such has ever concerned him.
I always assumed that the worst (Gould, Soros, Diamond) aren't motivated by the truth except possibly to suppress it. It's the middle class Whites that eat up the lies. Interestingly it was middle class Whites that led abolition movements in the North. It's your local school teacher or newspaper writer that buys into paint job theory. The people at the top don't care about the truth and the White poor are less likely to pity blacks for any reason. What we have is a meddling class of suburban Whites that think they are not only telling the truth but are morally superior for doing so. It's emotionally traumatizing for them to even consider that race exists and is behind ongoing problems like the education gap.
Oprah blew it.
--She should have enlisted Tyler Perry to help her with her Selma movie…
“Madea and Martin Goes to Jail”
Funny but true. Self-loathing White liberals are more likely to watch Selma than actual Blacks.
A Tyler Perry movie about MLK would be far more popular with Blacks even if it was denigrating and tasteless.
In this you are wrong.
I see an Oscar for the over-acting Negro who portrays Al Sharpton in the upcoming movie about the execution-style murder of two New York policemen.
Because #blackfilmsmatter
Every MLK day I chuckle to think of what one of my friends said back when this stupid holiday was enacted: "Let's shoot 4 more and take the whole week off."
Happy R E Lee day, fellow race realists.
Best post you've written,and that's saying a lot!!!!
So Hollywood object to "American Sniper" because it glorifies killing? Did Hollywood realize that Chris Kyle was there to eliminate a threat to our best ally and the only democracy in the middle east? Even former Democratic Senator Fritz Hollings was able to give the real reason we were in Iraq. Of course he waited until he was not seeking re-election to safely say why.
-Fireforce- here,
>>>You need the key for this site. "Compassionate Oregonian"
is satire.
His post are a "parody troll", which is still a form of trolling.
He should be banned.
We had to read the play AND watch the movie. Even then I knew it was BS.
The first half of "Bamboozled" is absolutely hilarious, and oh-so-true. I still can't believe it got made. Check it out.
There will never be a play about how the neighborhood they moved into then became a crumbling ghetto of abandoned houses and crack gangs.
The above is true. I'm sure you were shooting for a pithy little ending to your review, but do you know anything about Sweden these days? Do some research. Junior France of the north.
Stay here and fight. We're going to have to fight White Marxists first. That should be gratifying.
I hear they are making a movie called " Michael" about a heroic black teen on his quest for free cigars while being wronged by Asian store owners and harassed by racist cops.
From what I can tell from the previews, "American Sniper" and "Selma" are part of the same pack of lies. Two sides of the narrative by which America is governed.
I won't go to see either.
From what I read today on a website Paul's seen fit not to share here, MLK was in fact shot at a hotel where he'd just had one of those sex parties with at least two prostitutes.
MLK was, unlike most people when blacks are involved, in the right place at the right time, to be used by the powers that be to push the race-mixing agenda on America. I guess you could say he was the Barack Obama of his day. A moderately bright nog that could be puppeted by those who needed a puppet.
Well, if one ever wondered if racism was alive and well in the US, all they have to do is come to this site. Enjoy the knuckledragging, you inbred hicks.
Re: "... Knuckledragging... inbred hicks"
I wish I could be smart, progressive and sophisticated enough to worship stupid, illiterate, violent, wild negroes, few of whom even know who their father is. And also, who their sex partners' fathers might be... One and the same?
Anonymous said...
Well, if one ever wondered if racism was alive and well in the US, all they have to do is come to this site. Enjoy the knuckledragging, you inbred hicks.
January 20, 2015 at 9:03 AM
Speaking of knuckle dragging, . . . if racism was alive(sic) . . . , since you are obviously more intelligent, sophisticated, cultured, etc. than PK and the commenters here use correct English you idiot. You should have written: ". . . if racism were alive . . .", the subjunctive case it's called.
Ask your negro Ebonics professors about it, I'm sure they're experts.
"One of the largest openings in movie history is a reminder white America yearns for something far greater than black people marching across a bridge..."
That right there sums up the history and contributions of black America.
Monday was listed as Robert E Lee/Mlk Jr BDay on the State of Alabama official state Holidays calendar. The day was observed as a holiday for Robert E Lee for many years before the King bday was added to it. Now in Alabama you can celebrate whichever one you choose.
The Forrest Gump reference in the title has me in tears!
Had to look up that clip immediately...great piece!
Forrest Gump - Black Panther party
I see the movie SNIPER is doing well in the box office while the movie SELMA has bombed kind of like with that Matt Damon flop PROMISSED LAND
I like that. " A black Geneva" Does that mean that they will now be receiving Obama timepieces in addition to Obama phones? ( That is if they can tell time)
Like when hollywood director Spike Lee whined becuae Mel Gibsons movie THE PATRIOT did'nt signs of slavery and coming from some nincompoop who joked about murdering CHARLETON HESTON and has glorifed the radical anti-white biggot MALCOME X
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