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Someone, please release the 99 Red Balloons... |
She cut right to the heart of the matter of what keeps black people (incorrectly) up at night: the great fear of "po-po" killing their 'oh-so-innocent' black children. [WOW! GloZell Tells Obama She’s Worried “Po-Po” Is Going to Shoot Husband (Video), The Gateway Pundit, 1-23-15]:
Green-lipsticked GloZell interviewed Barack Obama on Thursday in the latest White House sideshow.
During the interview GloZell told Obama she’s worried about the “po-po” killing her husband and so she cut all the hoods off his hoodies.
Obama says, “I understand.”
GloZell: My husband is mad at me right now cuz I cut all the hoods off his hoodies.
Obama: Ha, ha, ha… I understand.
GloZell: I did that. I did that for real because I’m afraid when he goes outside that somebody might shoot and kill him. And it’s not like regular folks. It’s the po-po. I hope that this changes. How can we bridge the gap between black African-American males and white cop?
Obama: Well first of all, we always have to just remind ourselves that the overwhelming majority of police officers are doing a job well and are doing it professionally. What we also know is there are still biases in our society. And in split second situations where people have to make a quick decisions, studies have shown that African-American males are seen as more threatening which puts them in vulnerable situations.
It's quite easy to bridge the gap between black people and white cops, because no such "gap" exists. [The real racial bias: Cops more willing to shoot whites than blacks, research finds: ‘Counter-bias’ rooted in concerns over social and legal consequence, Washington Times, 1-5-15]
But it's even easier to realize no "gap" exists when police are no prepared to use a 'tactical retreat' as standard operating procedure when dealing with black people. [Ferguson aftermath causing police to consider retreat instead of force in certain situations, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1-24-15]:
Like many officers involved in deadly force encounters, Darren Wilson said his training took over when he shot Michael Brown in Ferguson.
But what if Wilson had been trained differently?
The national upheaval from Brown’s death, and some others since, has put enormous pressure on law enforcement to find ways to control people’s behavior while using less violence. One possibility — simple but repugnant to some officers — is to teach police to back away from certain difficult situations until help can arrive.
The concept is known as “tactical retreat” or sometimes “tactical withdrawal” or “tactical restraint.”
“We add the word, ‘tactical’ and not just ‘retreating’ or ‘giving up’ because that’s what makes it palatable for police officers,” explained Seth Stoughton, a criminal law professor at the University of South Carolina. The former Florida officer is a nationally prominent advocate for applying the softer approach.
“It’s basically the choice to work smarter rather than harder.”
Wilson has said he was in his police SUV on Aug. 9 when Brown, standing outside, struggled with him through the vehicle window and Wilson’s gun fired twice. Brown was struck at least once in the hand, and ran. Wilson gave chase, and Brown turned back. Wilson then shot him multiple times, explaining later that he feared for his life.
Had Wilson been coached in tactical retreat, Stoughton said, he instead might have stepped on the gas to drive away from the encounter, and kept Brown in sight while waiting for backup.
Wilson “could have been trained to do something different to allow him to apprehend Michael Brown without putting himself in a situation that made him feel deadly force was the only safe response,” Stoughton explained. “Train police officers to avoid putting themselves in danger, and you will see them use less force to get themselves out of danger.
“That’s good for everybody.”
Chiefs of the St. Louis and St. Louis County police have said in recent interviews they are reviewing training with the principles of tactical retreat in mind.
But it’s a delicate dance, warned Sam Dotson, the city chief.
“Society has to realize that we pay police officers to keep us safe. And if every criminal knows, ‘If I confront an officer, they will take four steps back, that’s my escape route,’ then that becomes the new norm.”
Tactical retreat can be a hard sell to police traditionally trained to subdue an adversary — and to keep pouring on force until that is accomplished. Most departments have policies that provide discipline for cowardice.
It's "shameful" to consider so few people dare look at the ruins of Camden, Cleveland, Detroit, Newark, North St. Louis, Birmingham, Memphis, Clayton County (Georgia), Gary (Indiana), Milwaukee, Baltimore, New Orleans,Wilmington (Delaware) and Rochester, noticing the exact same people are responsible for unleashing a destructive fury usually reserved for the nuclear missiles that flew because of 99 red balloons...Gabe Crocker, president of the St. Louis County Police Association, called the tactical retreat concept “cowardice retreat,” and complained that it is “shameful” to consider.
"... African-American males are seen as more threatening..."....Yep, it's just everyone's imagination. Stats, history and experience have nothing to do with our "perception" of the primitive savage. I wonder what DWL's hear when this asshole spouts this bullshit?
I live in St. Louis, the mayor and chief are DWL, they don't care about the city, just their pensions. GloZell could run for mayor here and probably win, it's that bad. I've posted anonymous on here before, but I am thankful for this site like Outlander, and thank you PK for giving us a great forum and stories.
Feds Up
Feds Up here,
I just watched 30 seconds of that green lip thing interviewing that guy that claims to be president, I never seen or heard of her before because I don't waste time watching TV too often, anyways, that is what's wrong with this country right there, the leader(I phrase that with tongue in cheek) of the free world actually listening to that mumble mouth and agreeing with her, .........were in a world of s***!!!!
"... African-American males are seen as more threatening..."
And wolves are seen as more threatening than dogs.
It's a no brainer.
Philadelphia Mike
The "president" is pandering to a thing that drinks its own bath water.
Don't worry everyone. The Washington Post has declared that racism is involved for depreciation of home values in black neighborhoods.
Now we can start to solve this issue since we correctly identified the problem!
When its parties gone wrong like in Nebraska:
, It is of no consequence to the overall equation and must be ignored and vehemently opposed with shouts of racism and character assassination when ever presented.
It's like dividing something by 1, the value doesn't change. So no need to even consider it.
Robert Boyle
A trash president elected (twice) by a trash people in a (now) trash country. I sure hope the 21st century is not an American century. The current American ideology (equalism, diversity, multiculturalism, anti-Western) should not be intended for export. (To paraphrase Daniel Boorstin)
Had Wilson been coached in tactical retreat, Stoughton said, he instead might have stepped on the gas to drive away from the encounter, and kept Brown in sight while waiting for backup.
Wilson “could have been trained to do something different to allow him to apprehend Michael Brown without putting himself in a situation that made him feel deadly force was the only safe response,” Stoughton explained. “Train police officers to avoid putting themselves in danger, and you will see them use less force to get themselves out of danger.
I'm trying to follow the logic of this new plan. So the officer retreats from a belligerent suspect to keep from putting himself or the suspect danger and then calls for multiple officers to help him. Of course, the calming effect of multiple responding officers will make things better just as it did in the Eric Gardner case.
I watched another demonstration of this well thought out technique in one of the videos of the Charlie Hebdo murders. France, being more sophisticated than the US, doesn't even arm most of its police which makes sense when step one of an encounter with criminals is to retreat. After the terrorists left the building and killed an officer on the street the remaining police can be seen in the video executing a tactical retreat by quickly backing away from the scene of the murders to safety about a block away. As expected, this maneuver kept the officers safe and allowed the terrorist murderers to escape without endangering them with lethal force while also allowing them to mingle with the population for a couple of days and take another hostage.
What could possibly go wrong with a policy requiring officers to retreat whenever a suspect says boo? An officer should not unnecessarily enter into a dangerous situation, but it is unrealistic to believe that a person can be a police officer without risk.
Po-po..? They're like F-ing ten year olds.
The President of The United States took time from doing the Nation's business to talk with that f-ing idiot.
And you're paying for them to breed
The problem with police officers stepping back and waiting for backup is that it will allow many more violent criminals to escape and continue to prey on people.
When blacks feel that they are above the law, you don't cater to that presumption, you hit them even harder until they start obeying the law again. Otherwise you might as well just stop having and enforcing laws altogether, and let the entire country go Katrina NOLA.
They can dress it up in academic theories all they want, but these trends are simply a systematic and comprehensive weakening of the rule of law in the attempt to disguise the politically incorrect fact that blacks are savages incapable of living in an advanced society. We will celebrate political correctness even as it kills us.
I've heard it said that "There's nothing new under the sun."
I thought so when I first got wind that the president of the United States was being interviewed by a green lipped negress.
And I asked myself "Has this ever happened before...anywhere...in history? Has a leader of any nation...any region...any community...EVER had a "cozy" conversation with a green lipped negress?"
After a diligent internet search I found tribes in Africa where the native women paint their lip plates green. And logical deduction tells me that it's more likely than not that tribal leaders have sat down with these indigenous beauties for a "chat" at some point during the past few thousand years.
Like their illustrious leader Malcolm X prophesied "The chickens will come home to roost."
Well, I guess there is nothing new under the sun, after all.
Another issue is that many calls already go unattended to because there aren't enough officers to respond as it is. If we now have to send out six or seven officers to spend 45 minutes counseling a crazy hobo with a knife at the park, I can absolutely guarantee you that many, many more people are going to end up victims to easily preventable crimes.
So true. Pure gold.
"Had Wilson been coached in tactical retreat, Stoughton said, he instead might have stepped on the gas to drive away from the encounter, and kept Brown in sight while waiting for backup."
In the famous scene in the 1971 film Dirty Harry, Harry was calmly eating lunch at a local diner. His gut told him that a "211" was in the making. He asked the cook to call the police (for backup) and he would simply wait at the diner an finish eating lunch.
Well…..things happen and that plan was tossed out the window.
As the bank robbery proceeded and got even more violent, Harry went out to do something. "HALT!" and flashing his badge at the perps didn't convince or deter them from continuing in their most evil ways. Instead they fired back at him, and that's when Dirty Harry went to work.
WHAT EXACTLY WOULD THIS IMBECILE HAVE SUGGESTED THAT COPS INVOLVED WITH PREVENTING CRIME DO? He had already called for backup, but backup takes time to get there. If he idly stood by and did nothing then the perps would've gotten away with crime.
Monday morning quarterbacking really isn't very cool. It is especially worse when it is done by groids, who barely can think and rationalize and speak in complete coherent sentences most of the time.
Basically they're saying "Just let the perps go scot free. If you have adequate backup, maybe you can then do something about it, but first you'll have to check back with us for our complete approval.
Faced with this kind of policing, there really is only one legitimate response to the likes of Stoughton:
White cops need to never, ever, ever enter a black area. STFO. As a matter of fact, *all* cops should STFO. And let the criminals know it.
Any white `tards left in these areas need to be removed from the gene pool along with their idiot offspring.
I'm so happy to see that you covered this bit of absurdity. This is after all, the President of the United States of America in this conversation. He may be a muslim, certainly a communist, but unmistakably he is a negro. So it would make sense that he would engage in this negro-babble.
I don't know GloZell. But ask yourself if Americans during the best of America's years would have paid attention to the GloZell? We are a weakened nation, sick really that a negro GloZell has any kind of voice. The nation is ripe for plucking. I'm sure global powers are not missing the picture.
No not another DWL at the University of South Carolina! Thomas Cooper is turning over in his grave. (Cooper was president of the then SC college and a friend of a Thomas Jefferson. Also known as the "school master of secession". When you look back at your schools history and see that it's turned into a diversity and tolerence temple it's just something else to add to the list of things that piss you off.
Since when is this thing considered a journalist? It kind of looks like Ru Paul and Dennis Rodman's love child. The fact that BO took time to ook and eek with it should suprise no one who can see. I'm suprised he didn't get around to it earlier.
If Bix Nood Americans are so concerned about dey lifs and sheet why not just stay at the nest and only come out for de gibs? No this is just part of the groundwork to disarm LE so the criminals can bring a little bit more of Africa to us.
Why retreat when you have a job to do just to save ammo? I don't see any other positive to this tactic than saving ammo that somone else will eventually have to use. The police aren't the problem, it's the criminals and race hustlers like Jesse Jackscoon amd Al Sharpspear that turn a positive thing for civilized society into a bongo party.
I hope somebody or a group that's been a victim of Jesse and Al give them a bit of their own medicine and sue them out of existence.
SC Native
O/T: Gettin' jiggy with a house partay in Omaha:
--NB with IPMS
So the hopeful "new trend" in policing is to retreat? I remember learning how to back pedal while drawing my weapon and firing, falling while drawing and firing, moving left and right and forward firing. I learned how to stun a person and either use that to follow up and drop them or make space so I can recover if needing to. Maybe radio for back up, protect myself if I'm facing multiple adversaries, get a better perspective of the situation and my surroundings etc. we were told we could disengage and were told at times it is a way to not have to resort to deadly force.
What the people supporting these "new tactics" forget is that cops train for the 1% of the population that is bold enough to bring a fight to an officer and have the intent to kill them because the cop is there to stop them from their agenda. Police work isn't always pretty. It can be downright disgusting in its application. It can leave physical and mental scars as well as death.
Departments that start using this "new tactic" will face the problems departments that quit pursuing vehicles that flee. Instead of running however; the criminals will attack. Any officer that used force will now be asked on the stand if he is familiar with this "new tactic" and if so was he trained in and why he didn't employ it in that given encounter. Citizens will be judged on the tactic as well.
This will be the further neutering of the police. Consent decrees by departments to the DOJ made Oakland, LA, Indianapolis, and other big cities quit taking proactive steps to police. They became in essence the fire department and responded to calls for help ONLY.
Shit like this makes me happy I got out of it all. Blood pressure is down, I don't yell as much, I don't take baggage home or have to be a slave to my phone and pager anymore.
Yahoo news site regarding Omaha Nebraska party of blacks resulting in three dead and 5 wounded from gunshots, had over 3,600 comments sounding a lot like the comments on this site. The thinking and attitudes on this site are becoming mainstream. I see a lot of terminology and ideas originated here being used on other sites. The US is waking up. This site is influential. Keep up the good work guys.
Philadelphia Mike, here.
A great (short) video to watch.
"Why I'm a White Nationalist (14 Reasons)"
I am not a self-hating White. I love my family...I love my friends...I love my people.
We are the Future.
Philadelphia Mike
Had Wilson been coached in tactical retreat, Stoughton said, he instead might have stepped on the gas to drive away from the encounter, and kept Brown in sight while waiting for backup.
The real agenda is to get the police to back down when faced with violent criminals. It's part of the move to psychologically disarm law enforcement when faced with the black undertow, thereby ceding blacks the tactical high ground. And not just the cops, but law abiding citizens who would otherwise use firearms to defend themselves.
Also, consider this: why on earth do these people make such a production out of saving the neck of the Michael Browns of the world? These are not innocent civilians who get gunned down in their homes by SWAT teams. Brown and his comrades are violent street criminals. Then again, that's the point: to open the way for violent thugs to act as the violent avante garde for the revolutionary cadres.
Well Mr. Rational/Analogman/etc. I am further evidence of your hypothesis. Grew up in a very liberal democratic household, lived in a wealthy sheltered suburb, and as a kid was excited to see black people in commercials. When I went to school I became even more liberal (much much more) and even got the pleasure of hanging out in social groups with my feminist girlfriend and learning to put up and shut up, and that I would forever be atoning for my sins of gender/racial background. Learned to despise dykes for the man-hating wedge that they are in liberal social groups. If you want to see anger but with passive aggressiveness instead of outright aggressiveness, substitute one of these shemales for any black. Funny thing is, while the radfemms throw themselves into a tizzy showing support and solidarity with black people, blacks despise them and black culture meshes with feminist culture and ideals about as well as Islam does.
Anyway, it was the Trayvon incident and the steady stream of bs that followed that turned me 180 degrees on the racial issue. I may disagree with many of you on most other issues (probably share some views as well) but liberals are dropping out of their BRA-induced comas by the day. And like you stated, it isn't slowy and deliberately constructed over time like the BRA narrative. It IS instantaneous. Suddenly the emperor has no clothes, and what has been seen CANNOT be unseen. And the more I look, the more the assumptions made by many on this site hold true. I found this site through Google searches similar to "why are blacks so annoying", usually along the lines of: "Why are blacks/black people so- violent/lacking in empathy/ready to blame others/etc. etc. Like many of you I became a lurker, probably much more of a devoted reader than many of the "conservatives" on here. This site has helped ease the cognitive dissonance that I face from living in a society that tries to push the brave, magical, and superior negro on its citizens while they see daily examples that suggest otherwise. Even without t.v. I still see the internet ads, the ads posted all over corporate property that suggest that having a safe-looking black person in their advertising covers all minorities. To the veteran/inner circle posters here: you are what make this blog so outstanding- PK and Co. cannot do it alone and you are waking people like me up daily. A lot of people you have been wasting time fighting against can be turned to your viewpoint (reality) in an instant. Please remember this.
Even for Obama, this a low point in his Presidential career, and that is saying a lot.
Hello Lost-in-Miami here,
“Wilson “could have been trained to do something different to allow him to apprehend Michael Brown without putting himself in a situation that made him feel deadly force was the only safe response.”
These F-ing Marxists use the same play book over and over. This is exactly what they said to teachers, “without putting himself in a situation” back when they stripped us of all power to control the Jungle-Bunnies in the classroom. We were told that we must have “high expectations” for the ghetto beasties or we were racist. Teachers confronted with cognitive dissonance, caused by the insane mantra of “high expectations”, would make the mistake of trying to insist that the little desk-monkeys act like White (or civilized) students. This would inevitably lead to a confrontation with the most belligerent of the Congoids. At which point the teacher would be hauled down to the Nig-ministration and be accused of, “putting yourself in the situation”.
You would be assailed by questions like, “What did you do to cause yourself to be attacked?”
“Other teachers aren’t getting attacked,” a filthy lie, but a rhetorically effective blame shifter.
“A good teacher will NEVER confront a student,” this is, of course, “tactical retreat”.
“You need classroom management training,” here is the suggestion to, work smarter rather than harder.
So here you have it! The same process that cause teachers to throw up their hands and just let the Nigglets run wild in the classroom is playing itself out in the ghetto. I feel for those officers, it’s a brutal process. Soon the cops will be so frustrated that it will make more sense to look the other way and let the murderous vermin become someone else’s problem.
They're not even trying anymore. They know they have us licked. Why even keep up appearances? Why even *pretend* 0 is a real politician?
In the future (some near, some far), 0bama will:
-come out of the closet
-make a sex tape
-write at least three more "auto"biographies
-do cameos in Seth Rogen-type movies
-check into rehab
-get his skin bleached
-get a divinity degree and become a "Reverend"
Why not? YOLO and shit.
Nothing surprises me anymore with these animals.
Sure - police should back away from any potentially violent Black.
Hmmmm - well that's ANY and ALL of them.
Just come out and say laws and rules no longer apply to Blacks. Just say it, you progressive, racist SOBs.
All the rules have to change because we are dealing with people that can't live with "normal" rules.
Always different rules.
Anonymous @ 7:33 PM is spot on.
MUST SEE & READ: OT, but relevant...
Black male attacks teacher in NJ after he confiscated his phone during class.
Comments prove America has negro fatigue. The most telling is from user Emil Maurice, who says it as well as anyone else could:
"We integrated you, we fought and died for your rights, we tore our nation apart while 620,000 Americans died for you because we wanted you free, & we've spent a half century trying to atone for things that our ancestors did... and what do you do?
You "culturally enrich" us with one sided poverty stats & prison populations, lower our nations school stats to the most laughable in the developed world. And worst of all, you show no appreciation for any of the things White Western Civilizations has done to benefit you.
620,000 FOR WHAT?! You monkeys are an absolute disgrace..."
If cops aren't going to do their job, why do we need them? Everyone start carrying guns in your car, keep them loaded and next to you at home, and be ready to kill the enemy to defend yourself and your family at all costs. People wake up, civil war is the only answer.
The entire black race/species needs a collective spanking. They have been very naughty as of late.
They threw "tactical" into the retreat terminology to de-pussify it a little. Ha...
"We are NOT backing off! This is a tactical maneuver. I'm coordinating it, by the way. I'm the TRC."
- Man in Florida
Black people's multiple choice test:
African-American men are seen as more threatening because:
a. Racism
- Man in Florida
Was watching the REALITY (as opposed to the msn "narrative") of black America today on "The First 48", a docudrama of REAL Homicide investigations. Two black kids 16 and 17 killed a 26 year old black female friend AND HER 10 YEAR OLD SON because she wouldn't lend them her car. 3 things were readily apparent.
1) The need for instant gratification.
2) Little to no impulse control.
3) Complete lack of empathy for their victims (they only become upset when they find out they're going to face serious time.)
If one values their life and the lives of their loved ones, they must avoid these creatures at all costs.
White cops shooting negroes, is a gig the negroe uses to continue to blame YT.
Take away the excuses read the stats, and the negroe fails again.
For 50 years schools, government, large corporations have fostered this evil idea...
I'm waiting for the day (hopefully soon) where Science will provide the electron scope images of the differences in our genomes that make Black African Americans the different creatures that they are. Rock-solid visual proof that their differing allele frequencies are a direct cause of their lower IQs, poor future time orientation, poor impulse control, lower threshold for violence, etc, etc.
Would love to watch the groid masses and the DWLs choke on that.
Honestly, if I were a political rival of the USA (hello China!) I'd fund that research myself and publicize it relentlessly knowing the discord it would sow in the heart of my rival's people, weakening it on the homefront.
Hey negroes, it's not racism, it's Statistical Analysis.
Humans are not reacting to your skin color, they're reacting (normally) to the collection of behaviors that people with your skin color (and genome) just happen to share. The violence, the dependence, the dysfunction, etc. And realize, when confronted with White people who behave like orcs, they are shunned too.
It's not a skin color thing, it's a behavior thing. We don't avoid wolves because of the color of their fur...
RexHymens here:
Wow, just WOW.
1. Why is the leader of the free world having a sitdown with an internet clown?
2. Why does a grown man even own "hoodies"?
3. Why is the president suggesting that police officers have a duty to surrender to criminals, or allow them to commit crimes because they are black?
4. Why can't this adult woman speak english?
5. Why are we allowing the narrative that white police are permitted to murder black men, when Michael Brown attacked an officer and tried to take his gun, and Eric Garner died because he was too morbidly obese to survive resisting a lawful arrest?
6. As the negro population grows, the instances of police shooting negroes will become more commonplace, because negroes commit vast amounts of crime, including carrying illegal firearms and assaulting police. The fact that they are wearing body cameras will prove the shootings are justified, but negroes will still bleat and whine about "racism".
7. This entire discussion of traing the police to back down from criminals needs to be squashed immediately or every city will quickly become a dystopian nightmare.
8. Every political leader has a responsibility to start spreading the message that when the police tell you that you are under arrest you HAVE to submit to the arrest.
9. Fuck you, obama.
Negroes in Africa using anti-malaria nets as fishing nets depleting fisheries. Another example of DWL dreams going down the crapper.
Yes. Don't confront a criminal thug since you might cause it to chimp out and become so aggressive you have to wound it or put it down permanently. The loss to the world would be oh so tragic.
I mean, one of them might have a bright future as an "afflete" or is an aspiring rapper! Such glorious potential must not be wasted! Therefore, withdraw until you can surround it with overwhelming numbers so it realizes that chimping out won't work. Pay no attention to the victims or the public at large- their importance pales into insignificance when compared to the glorious urban crimichimp with a bright and glorious future.
It must be protected from the consequences of its actions at all costs! Once surrounded by the cops, the cops can all rush in, give it a group hug and tell it how precious it is! Then, it can be talked to as it's taken to the paddy wagon which doubles as an ice cream parlor. The crimichimp can be served the flavor of its choice and select from a variety of candy sprinkles to go on top.
Of course the ice cream paddy wagon must also have a selection of new Air Jordans for the poor deprived soul to select from so its feelings can be further soothed.
See! Problem solved!
Delaware dude here. I have a serious question, one that has been nagging at this old brain for some time now. please bear with me on this as it is slightly OT. while perusing various sites, I came across an article that stated that only 16% of colored neighbors have an IQ of 100 or greater. since 100 is about the average for whites, and using the bell curve as a model, I'm wondering if any of the more calculus inclined individuals here can extrapolate, using the magic 16% as 100, what the "normal" average IQ for our dear ebt ensconced population would be. its not a hard problem just a tad outside of my expertise as a boilermaker/welder.
How about policing Black areas with 7 passenger SUV's with 5 Police Officers and a Camera Crew of 2? The racial make up of the Police would have to be Black, White, Latino, Asian and at least one female of any race. Would this approach satisfy the Black Community that they weren't being "picked on"? Doubt it.
Eddie in St. Louis
Police already have to go see a shrink before they become Officers. Why don't they just weed out those with any sense of helping their community or patriotic duty?
New pink uniforms can be issued to distinguish the "new" officers from the old ones that will shoot your felonious ass. Criminals will know if they should scare the cop off or surrender.
This "retraining " bullshit is just another cave in to the negro. Police Officers are supposed to maintain law and order, keep the peace and apprehend those that cannot or will not be civilized.
Because the african does not like American law and law enforcement, don't let them change it, they can leave. Go home to the motherland and live happily ever after. So will we.
This is simple police would'nt have to confront criminals in the streets so often if victims were encouraged to shoot criminals when they were committing their crimes. If brown stain had been shot during the robbery this would have been just another hoodlum shot while committing a crime and a small obituary on the third page, nothing more. The looters stayed away from the gun shop with armed shopkeepers because they knew if they were shot in the act there would be no question about the innocence of the shooters.
Who the hell is Glozell?
Here's the "First Black President" elected TWICE by a good majority of America and worshipped by the media and celebrities whining and complaining about how "racist" Americans are.
It's nauseating. Where is all this racism happening anyway? Where are negroes not allowed to go, or what are they prevented from doing?
Please tell me where Racist America is so I can move there.
Obama likes to be covertly nasty to people. It may well be that he is interviewing that inconsequential black women as a way of showing the Israeli politician Netanyahu that he will see most anybody other then him. Just rubbing it in covertly. That is Obama's style.
"RexHymens here:
Wow, just WOW.
1. Why is the leader of the free world having a sitdown with an internet clown?"
Rex, the entire comment was well thought and well written. Right on point.
We are the torch bearers of civilization.
Philadelphia Mike
From Judy Collins, "Send in the Clowns"
Don't you love farce?
My fault, I fear.
I thought that you'd want what I want...
Sorry, my dear!
And where are the clowns
Send in the clowns
Don't bother, they're here.
Philadelphia Mike
The evil po-po preying on po' Negroes again.
I'll ask my question again.
If black people don't want to be policed, why do we insist on policing them?
If the cultural norms and mores of black civilization say that assaulting store clerks, stealing cigars, walking down the middle of the street, selling untaxed cigarettes, drive by shootings and slangin' crack rock are acceptable, then that's okay by me.
Let blacks have their areas where they live, work and play, and leave them the hell alone.
Then police the hell out of nonblack areas.
This is Racey-Race'un sending out this next big hit . . . Number 14 with a bullet! . . . here on the top forty count down . . . All the kids are grooving it . . . NEGRO-FATIGUE !!! It's sweeping the Nation!!!
Daily Stormer had a story on this. I didn't read it because I thought it was a satyrical piece and the photo of "Glo Zell" with Obongo was a Photoshopped creation.
To paraphrase H.L Mencken, This country deserves what it's getting - good and hard.
The thinking and attitudes on this site are becoming mainstream. I see a lot of terminology and ideas originated here being used on other sites. The US is waking up. This site is influential. Keep up the good work guys.
SBPDL is a front for the Internet Insurgency against BRA.
You are misjudging this situation. This is a sign of desperation. The nig nogs are unhappy that santa negro didn't send them $777 Trillion bucks after the election. They were SO sure he was gonna do it this time because he can't run again.
The enemy doubles down when they lose. the stupider they get, the more desperate they are.
They will lose...
I agree 110%
I don't know GloZell. But ask yourself if Americans during the best of America's years would have paid attention to the GloZell?
It's like something out of the old "National Lampoon." Or Da Da-ism. The absurdist becomes the normal.
Perfect example of why the N word will never go away!!
Moocheles half sista,
Or it's Godzilla misspelled.
Eddie in St. Louis said...
How about policing Black areas with 7 passenger SUV's with 5 Police Officers and a Camera Crew of 2? The racial make up of the Police would have to be Black, White, Latino, Asian and at least one female of any race. Would this approach satisfy the Black Community that they weren't being "picked on"? Doubt it.
Eddie in St. Louis
WE HAVE ALREADY been doing this for years ,it's called COPS and THE FIRST 48,but we all know what happened when Memphis,as an example,of which I am sure other locales had the same complaints,said that these shows were showing just black perps all the time.LMFAO! Because they were the majority of the perps committing the crimes.This is called reality but Memphis said no more filming here LMFAO!
Anonymous said…
These trends are simply a systematic and comprehensive weakening of the rule of law in the attempt to disguise the politically incorrect fact that blacks are savages incapable of living in an advanced society.
I think Anon has the finest, short description of the phenomena around Martin, Brown etc etc. We should all copy it and add it to as many media comment sections on these stories as possible. It's a perfectly succinct statement of what's going on.
Here's a question:
If we Whites are so racist, how come it's primarily blacks we're whining about, and not, say, Orientals?
(Maybe it's because Orientals are less likely to be involved in drive-by shootings.)
Yo Anony,
I'm waiting for the day (hopefully soon) where Science will provide the electron scope images of the differences in our genomes that make Black African Americans the different creatures that they are.
DNA researchers are developing new techniques to decode fossilized DNA every day. Currently the oldest DNA to be decoded is from 400K years ago (kya). Soon, very soon scientists (AKA White men) will decode the DNA of the Homo Erectus the earliest widely successful pre-human. I predict that when they do it will become obvious that the Homo Africanus (i.e. the modern Spooks) will be shown to posess a large percentage of Homo Erectus DNA. I'm guessing 50% or better.
Take the L-i-M challenge: Go to google and search, Homo Erectus, click on images then in your mind add a splash of Homo Sapiens Sapiens DNA to the image and tell me if that is the face that served you your last burger and fries or processed your DMV transaction.
P.S. To the boilermaker/welder the average IQ of your American Shine is 85 but the real Skillets in Africa have an average 70 IQ. That means that half of the Bantu/Congoids Spear-chuckers are mentally retarded by Western standards.
Sure, the cities that smart White people built have all turned into Monrovia, but we've still got televised sports and lots of varieties of salty snacks and cheap beer, so everything is fine, my good proles. Everything is just fine.
Besides, you can't figure out how forced integration came about, so how can you hope to prevent its continuation.
Grab the remote and shove some generic Ruffles into your mouth before you make your head hurt again.
Green-lipsticked GloZell interviewed Barack Obama on Thursday in the latest White House sideshow.
During the interview GloZell told Obama she’s worried about the “po-po” killing her husband and so she cut all the hoods off his hoodies.
Obama says, “I understand.”
I've always been able to separate the office from the man in the office. When an incompetent is in office the ability to separate the two allows one to respect the office while dealing with the incompetency of the man in the office. Obama's incompetency has actually reached a level that has damaged the office itself.
Anonymous said...
Well Mr. Rational/Analogman/etc. I am further evidence of your hypothesis. Grew up in a very liberal democratic household,...
Anyway, it was the Trayvon incident and the steady stream of bs that followed that turned me 180 degrees on the racial issue. I may disagree with many of you on most other issues (probably share some views as well) but liberals are dropping out of their BRA-induced comas by the day. And like you stated, it isn't slowy and deliberately constructed over time like the BRA narrative. It IS instantaneous.
... This site has helped ease the cognitive dissonance that I face from living in a society that tries to push the brave, magical, and superior negro on its citizens ...
To the veteran/inner circle posters here: you are what make this blog so outstanding- PK and Co. cannot do it alone and you are waking people like me up daily. A lot of people you have been wasting time fighting against can be turned to your viewpoint (reality) in an instant. Please remember this. January 24, 2015 at 10:31 PM
Welcome back to your people, the civilization your ancestors built for you, and your heritage. Your essay and the one yesterday from Outlander are very powerful testimonies. Please continue. These was a debate here a few months ago about whether the DWLs could ever be cured of their deadly mental disorder. You are proof that it is curable.
Please tell us more, if you can face the pain, about how you used to feel about yourself and the members of your extended family (that's us White people, btw). Did you then ever contemplate exactly who it was that created all the high technology, art, etc. and gave it to the world? Did it occur to you then that at least 5 billion non-White people would not even exist today to hate on White people and wreck their countries if it were not for these gifts?
You and Outlander are a very important vanguard in this war for our survival.
The story told in "99 Red Balloons" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/99_Luftballons (which came out during the High Cold War years) is based on real events of the Cold War. One time a full moon, picked up on radar, almost caused a full-on nuclear alert, anther time it was a flock of geese. A fellow I knew worked the DEW line https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distant_Early_Warning_Line in the 1960's. The communication gear was in big boxes like file cabinets, filled with vacuum tubes and relays. He said that sometimes the box, or one of its drawers, would get bumped just so... and send out the doomsday day signal.
Today's Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs), every one a Captain Kirk, every one a superhero, are acting on false signals and bringing us all down with them.
-Beyond Hatred
Sure, the cities that smart White people built have all turned into Monrovia, but we've still got televised sports and lots of varieties of salty snacks and cheap beer, so everything is fine, my good proles. Everything is just fine.
Daily Stormer had a story on this. I didn't read it because I thought it was a satyrical piece and the photo of "Glo Zell" with Obongo was a Photoshopped creation.
That's the thing about BRA--the lines between reality, farce and tragedy have long since disintegrated.
This makes a very good point:
Please tell me where Racist America is so I can move there.
If there really was as much "racism" as is claimed, America would look like the world of the Jetsons. A "Racist America" would have low crime rates, top notch schools and economic advancement. Which means that millions of blacks would migrate into it--and then spread their dysfunctions.
Yo Anony,
"They can dress it up in academic theories all they want, but these trends are simply a systematic and comprehensive weakening of the rule of law in the attempt to disguise the politically incorrect fact that blacks are savages incapable of living in an advanced society. We will celebrate political correctness even as it kills us."
I want to print this on a Tee-Shirt . . . Dude please make up a name so I can follow you with a Ctr + F search.
Can't say enough about: PK, Philly Mike, Centurion, Bernicegreenbaum, Texas, Man in Florida, Playing Roots Backwards and DE-FENS. Thanks ya'll for broadening my racist mind and preserving my sanity. And making me LAMFO!
2. Why does a grown man even own "hoodies"?
Hey, I own a few myself. I'm wearing one now (fleece). I bought them because I go places that are COLD (and my basement is chilly in the winter) and I like to have something lighter than a full winter jacket that insulates my head.
Do I ever wear them around town? Hell, no.
I forgot the mention the great Californian . . . L-i-M
Johnny said, " It may well be that he is interviewing that inconsequential black women as a way of just rubbing it in covertly. That is Obama's style."
I'd say your spot on. Just another way to dis WT. What a way to show the majority, "this minority rules. get over it."
[Na Ga]
Anonymous @ 6:25 AM: Depending on the source, U.S. blacks are reported to have an average IQ of 85 to 87. The average IQ of blacks in Africa dips into the mid-60s. The average Haitian IQ is 67.
BTW, repeating the above facts is considered racist by DWLs.
Daily Stormer had a story on this. I didn't read it because I thought it was a satyrical piece and the photo of "Glo Zell" with Obongo was a Photoshopped creation.
That's the thing about BRA--the lines between reality, farce and tragedy have long since disintegrated.
January 25, 2015 at 11:37 AM""
Thread Winner!
Just a thought. 12.8% of 333,000,000 = 42,000,000.
47% of 42,000,000 = 19,700,000 . This is black male population. Half of those are over age 40. Leaving 9,600,000 . One third of those are under 12. Leaving 6.4 million . One third of those is in prison. Leaving roughly 4.15 million black males responsible for over 60% of violent crimes in our nation. Is it wrong to treat all of them as suspects? Maybe, but stupid not to.
It's sad, isn't it? WTF is wrong with these people? It's hard to take them serious when all they can speak is Ebonics.
They'll end up whining or suing the PD for not showing up. It's a lose/lose situation with these people. They're like a colic infant in an adult's body.
I don't think I have to submit to arrest, but I do have to pay the price of resisting and not whine like an effing pu$$y.
The police are a thin blue line.
They are also Obama's political enforcers.
Well said! You give these feral creatures an inch, they'll take Route 66. Once they smell apprehension(blood) they go in for the kill. You cannot reason or control these people with kids gloves. Jim Crow must be rolling in his grave!
Best post of the month! Could i borrow it to shut down a few Liberal fascists over at imdb? Lol!! Well down.
Everybody should watch that show once a week to get a true sense of the savagery and barbaric nature of these animals. What cracks me up is how tough they appear in groups, but once they're singled out, they start crying like a bunch of baby monkeys! They'll make a great bitch for one of their cousins in jail.
In order to be politically correct and culturally sensitive, we must maintain two separate standards: one for the negro and one for all others (sorry, Mexicans, your IQs are a wee bit too high to be included). When a negro commits a crime, the officer should first wait until the negro finishes doin his bidness. Second, the officer must approach the negro suspect with respect and caution, as in, "Pardon me, sir, but I don't suppose you'd be willing to give that old lady whose purse you just grabbed and smacked across the face with your pistol back, would you?"
If the negro says, "nos!" then the cop must say, "Well then, I'm afraid I'm going to have to issue you a ticket because taking things that don't belong to you is against the law. Please make every effort to appear in court. I'll try to secure an afternoon or early evening time so as not to interrupt your busy schedule."
By this time, the aggrieved negro, having not only had his cultural heritage not honored, but may have actually been "dissed" by the officer, should be given a 1-800 number for Al Sharpton Law Office so that he may sue the po po. Such is the reality of the state we find ourselves in America today.
"They can dress it up in academic theories all they want, but these trends are simply a systematic and comprehensive weakening of the rule of law in the attempt to disguise the politically incorrect fact that blacks are savages incapable of living in an advanced society. We will celebrate political correctness even as it kills us."
This is so.
The thing about black dominance of a polity is not simply the crime. It's the fact that these polities build little that advances humanity--whether in education, science, industry, the arts, or whatever. One might be willing to accept a higher degree of crime if in return one got something in return, like a more fuel efficient engine or the manned space program. But BRA can not even keep the streetlights on or water running in a major city. And we see how quickly black majority countries turn into failed states.
The last 60 years have been an experiment in trying to integrate blacks into white civilization: de-segregation, de-colonialization, mass third worlder migrations into first world countries. This has all failed, and failed big, to produce the desired result of integration. It's also one reason for the stridency of PC ideology. When faced with an unpleasant reality, the ideologues have to amp up the volume on the babble machines.
All the more reason that the race realist information op continues!
I have no idea how accurate this is, but I found it interesting.
Avg IQ scores for various countries
Anon at 12:35
A few months ago as I was picking apart an article that Tim Wise wrote to convince us Crackers that we have no reason to fear the Dark Horde. I researched one of his claims and was shocked to learn that the Negrophile had his facts straight. He said that according to DOJ stats, 7% of the Black violent criminals commit 70% of the violent crimes attributed to Blacks.
That's still a lot of troublesome monkeys, but it is a far more manageable herd than I thought we had to deal with.
Now I am wondering why those 7%-ers are allowed to roam free. You would think that if the DOJ can count the bastards, then they should be able to contain and control them.
Playing Roots Backward sez:
Now I am wondering why those 7%-ers are allowed to roam free. You would think that if the DOJ can count the bastards, then they should be able to contain and control them.
Yeah, you'd think, wouldn't cha? I mean, according to Snowden (whom I believe and completely respect btw), the NSA is so adroit they can listen to the sounds of your grandma's farts as she sleeps, so how hard can it be to corral a relatively small subset of obnoxious, violent, stupid negroes? The only plausible answer for me is that they simply don't wish to do so. Make no mistake, this is an all out war declared on all whites in the world, not just the U.S. Just because the war hasn't been officially declared by the one percent, with TWMNBN as their (usual) henchmen, don't think it's not all by design. Unleashing the violent, bipedal negro upon white society is a tactic designed to break YT down and eliminate the rational race. Once YT is taken down by the Affirmative Action/Welfare for Life Crew (a later day version of the mercenary army), the power elite will reintroduce slavery to the black "victors". See, it's really not so hard to figure out when you put your mind to it. Gnome sane?
Has this been discussed here yet?
Guy shot at a wedding in Oklahoma by a cop.
It first toured Facebook with the black bystander's video and the person filming bitching the usual dindu nuffins crap.
Lo and behold the nog, who ran, had a gun and apparently dropped it or something and got himself shot when it appeared he was going to aim at the cop.
The only shocking thing in this whole story is apparently a black man is actually marrying someone and not just knocking her up and moving on.
The perfect NBC/BLK Reporter for the idiot some call the President. And what a great job they both did right off the bat by injecting race and their distrust in the Police force. There has never been a president thumb his nose at the majority population and laugh. Knowing damn well nothing will be done about it
@ bernice 3:09
Excellent points (this thread is full of thoughtful comments) and to expand on what you said, what too often goes unaddressed is the current practice of soft judges handing out light sentences for repeat violent offenders. There is also the very serious problem of black jury nullification forcing prosecutors to offer a cushy plea deal just to get any conviction at all.
Correcting the injustice to society of failing to penalize crime in accordance with established guidelines would put a huge dent in violent crime rates. Building more prisons to eliminate early release due to overcrowding should become top priority. Expensive, yes, but nowhere near as costly as the road to economic collapse of communities deserted by whites because of high crime. The misery costs of violent crime are severe and incalculable.
This brings me to another "48 Hours" reference. In one show, a few days after a murder, cops identified a suspect. "The pattern is there," noted one of the detectives. "Long history of violent felonies. Just back in May he was convicted of another aggravated assault."
Do I have to add "Are you f+++ing kidding me?"
- Man in Florida
PS. Thanks for the compliment, L-I-M. There are many more deserving, but thanks much, all the same. Good to have you here adding thoughtful insight.
First off, let's all acknowledge that the questions this 300 pound sow asked were cleared with the higher ups before going public. that makes me all the more enraged. Imagine if they allowed a white interviewer to ask, "I'm worried, based on 360 black on white murders in 2014, and 28,000 black on white rapes in 2014, for mine and my husbands safety from black people. What can we do to keep safe from black behavior?" Just imagine the outrage... And the ironic thing is, that it's a legitimate concern, compared to this sow's fictional msm construed narrative..
I noticed that as well when I started looking at this site six months ago.. Now when I see anything in msm where there's TNB (a term I learned here), there's tons of comments exposing it.. I guarantee if you go on this sow's youtube, there will be tons of comments saying, "why didn't Obongo tell the sow that her husband statistically is 252 times more likely to be killed by another black male then a white cop..
people are waking up. I honestly suggest that white people learn spanish, because blacks are too lazy and selfish. If the latinos and whites can join forces, blacks are done.
And that's why just recently a 16 year old black "boy" body slammed his physics teacher because the teacher confiscated his sail foam... And the teacher didn't even try do defend himself... The teachers are NOT ALLOWED to defend themselves!!!
what will happen will result in a state similar to Israel, where the blacks have a separate land like the Palestinians... and a wall will have to be built to keep them out of the white territory. And they will complain and say they have bad land, etc... Blacks want the White Man's world, but they don't want the White Man in it. The only acceptable solution is to give them what they want constantly, like babies.
yea good question. Where's all the native, asian, middle eastern, Hispanic, white, and indian mike brown stories?? How come Indians and Asians don't have to cut the "hoods off their hoodies"? Indians, Asians, Whites all suffer from negro fatigue. In fact wasn't it an Indian who was robbed by brown in the video and then had his store burnt to the ground?
the fact that this clown said, "I understand" is where the lines in the sand is drawn. I think he's made it clear time and again what his idea of "truth" is.
"2. Why does a grown man even own "hoodies"?"
I have a few in the closest from my alma mater. That happens to be in a city that is 7000 ft above sea level and is less than 2% groid. I wear them hiking and doing yard work around the house. When it is time to go out in public I put them away and wear respectable clothes.
Ha-ha, "Po-Po." These proto-humans have the mentality of a (young) child but without the grace or innocence.
When a liberal--from the president on down--uses the phrase "studies have shown" you know that a whopper is on the way.
I tend to think that any white person insane enough to teach in a groidal school district deserves what he gets.
I've heard that beginning teachers are immediately sent to the worst black schools in the district. The workaround to that little trick is to not live in any area that has black schools.
I've heard of several cases where whites let down their guard around sketchy-looking blacks because they didn't want to seem racist, and you guessed it, WHAMMO!
I've been calling myself ghostwriter of late.. I appreciate the sentiments, thank you.
I saw tactical retreat in action viewing videos of the London race riots. Bobbies literally turning and running away fom surging mobs. I can understand the rationale of the critique of Darren Wilson but tactical retreat only works in a disarmed society it would seem.The gangs the American police are attempting to contain resemble guerillas rather than upset teens. I think the problems American law enforcement faces approach insolubility, and strengthen my belief that the USA will morph into a police state with no looking back. Parts of the USA will resemble Singapore, parts Soweto, but all will heavily policed.
"First off, let's all acknowledge that the questions this 300 pound sow asked were cleared with the higher ups"
1. Interesting that the POTUS is clearly NOT the Boss. I acknowledge that the point is valid. SOMEONE had to Approve these questions and it sure as hell was NOT the President.
2. The narrative that white cops are allowed to murder blacks is allowed as a casual assumption but IF you were to even try to use factual statistics about black on white crime those are Hate Facts and definitely NOT allowed to be discussed with the President or anyone else with a national audience.
Plus the leering sneering image they project, I just mirror it back, always ready for the battle.
So many armchair flatfoots, when one finds oneself in the midst of dozens of the chimping socially retarded, you do what you gotta do.
Time for the foxes to hit the chicken roost
In London some officers were warned that if they stood up to Obama's British sons they would be ones prosecuted in the areas of London that did not burn the officers were told to deal with the rioters as rioters.
They erase your whole or partial student loan debt for working in theses schools. Graduates who want to become teachers find that they can drastically remove our reduce their $60,000 school debt by working their. This system leaves them little choice as it take a great long time to pay off $60,000 on a teachers salary. So, given the choice of working a title 1 school for 4 years or being in debt for many more years than that, many choose title 1.
Jane in Detloit here,
I'm new to this site, just found it a few days ago.
Can someone please tell me what YT, BRA & DEL mean? Oh yeah, and OK?
Jane in Detoilet, there's a glossary of terms for most of those. I presume DEL was a typo (for DWL), and OK was a joke, right?
Welcome to the party.
Jane, I'd appreciate it if you or someone you know could get some current photos of the place where my mother grew up.
Seriously, we're beaten, robbed, raped, brutalized, & killed by black people (on a daily basis) throughout this nation. This is nothing new--it's been happening for years. Yet, our feeling threatened by blacks is regarded as some kind of 'racism'? THEY are the bigots and WE are called 'racists'. THEY brutalize & kill us, yet WE are accused of 'victimizing' them! OMG...I hate the total reversal of facts in all this! An absolute absence of reality is at play here.
This country needs an enema!
It wouldn't matter in the least bit to our red brethren. " anti racism" has now become there religion of choice. Just wait till they start their own inquisition and start to burn the heretics. ( I e. YT)
Exactly. Like the passive aggressive little bitch that he is .
Don't forget all the free porn you can handle! And you thought religion " is the opiate of the masses"
Your forgetting how usually ends. The groids will then proceed to turn on their handlers. They're not smart enough to act as viable pawns even. Your omnipotent tbws aren't as dominant as you think they are.
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