NOLA For Life.
Baltimore's Safe Streets (the motto: Stop Shooting. Start Living.)
Indianapolis' Your Life Matters Program.
Milwaukee's Homicide Review Commission.
President Obama's My Brother's Keeper Program.
Kansas City's No Violence Alliance.
What do all of these initiatives/programs have in common?
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St. Louis joins the ranks of cities in America with a program/initiative geared to addressing the collective failures of black individuals... |
All are necessary because the standards of civilization collectively established by individual white males are a standard deviation greater than what individual black males can collectively achieve.
All are programs or initiatives requiring funding (be it in grant, government funds, or non-profit donation form...) because of the failures of individual black people to refrain from criminality, making the cities listed above dangerous places for both families and businesses.
With Obama's My Brother's Keeper Program, the reality of the dysfunction inherent in the black community can no longer be contained to "urban" environments: wherever blacks are found in America, the reality of the standard deviation separating them from the standards whites have established is easily discernible in every statistic measuring misery...
But no program or initiative comes close to the desperation found in the name of St. Louis Save Our Sons. [Program means jobs for north St. Louis County men, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1-14-15]:
Take 500 young men, jobless or underemployed, from north St. Louis County. Give them a month's training in how to land a job, keep it and get promoted. Then give them a job at a local company.
That's the mission of “Save our Sons,” an Urban League program that's landed $1.2 million in donations from big-name St. Louis area companies in the wake of unrest in Ferguson.
Urban League officials came up with the idea after talking to young men on the streets.
“Young people said they weren't being listened to. All of them to a one said we need jobs,” said Urban League CEO Michael McMillan. Scholarships and job training were also on their list.
The jobs issue is critical. The unemployment rate for black men in St. Louis County has run at triple the rate for whites. From 2011 to 2013, black joblessness averaged 17 percent against 5.8 percent for whites, according to the Census Bureau.
Save Our Sons is running its first class of 20 young men, and more will be added over two years. Two St. Louis companies — who wish to remain anonymous — have promised to hire the first 40 graduates at jobs paying $10 per hour plus benefits, said Herta Shikapwashya, the Urban League vice president running the program.
The classes have four components: how to get a job, keep it, get promoted and stay marketable. It teaches interview skills, how to impress a boss with good work, and how to network to find the next job.
A good job is what Darryl George needs now. “I've been through a lot, and it's at the point where it's really changing my life,” said George, 33, of Jennings. He just lost a temporary job in a warehouse earning $8.25 an hour. That limits the child support he can pay for his two daughters, aged 13 and 11.
He hopes Save Our Sons, with its promise of training and a new job, will put him on a better track. “I want to make the community better,” he said. “I want to be one of the people who come back and speak to the class once I get a job.”
McMillan said the new program is limited to men because participants in other Urban League programs are 80 percent female. “Young men are not using the services,” he said.
He said the program is open to men with problems, including “work issues, child support issues, a felony conviction.”
Some of the biggest names in corporate St. Louis are chipping in the $1.2 million, including Wells Fargo Advisors, Monsanto, Emerson, Anheuser-Busch InBev, AT&T, Regions Bank and Reliance Bank. The NAACP is also contributing.
But no matter the money invested, no matter the number of programs or initiatives, and no matter the desperation of the names of these organizations (S.O.S in St. Louis), the standard deviation will remain.
RexHymens here:
"The classes have four components: how to get a job, keep it, get promoted and stay marketable. It teaches interview skills, how to impress a boss with good work"
Oooo! I know this!
1. Come to work ON TIME EVERY DAY. SOBER.
2. Dress like an adult, no saggy pants, no jeans, no sports clothing, real shoes NOT GYM SHOES. NO HATS NO JEWELRY.
3. Speak ENGLISH and PROFESSIONALLY, your Boss is Mr. Smith, not "dog" or "homie" and NO CUSSING.
4. When speaking with someone wait for them to FINISH speaking before you speak.
5. WORK at work, don't stand around talking jive, or talking about sports, or girls, or your gang. WORK.
6. Do NOT steal anything. That includes using company telephone or computer for personal reasons.
7. Shower EVERY morning and brush your teeth and wear deodorant EVERY MORNING before you come to work. RUBBING STINKY OIL OR CREAM ONTO YOUR STINKY SKIN DOES NOT COUNT! Use SOAP!
8. Do NOT commit or threaten to commit violence against anyone- EVEN IF they beez disrespekkin you an sheeit.
9. Wait until you get HOME after work to sleep. It is NOT permissible to sleep while at work. No matter how tired you get.
10. Wait until you get HOME after work to drink booze or do drugs. Booze and drugs at work is NOT permissible (unless you are a Congressman).
See negroes? It's that easy! You don't need any program or classes, just follow these tips!
You're welcome, Negroes!
Could PK or a knowledgeable commenter please explain what exactly standard deviation is, and how it applies to race relations? Not a troll post, just wondering the significance and stats terms are Greek to me.
"Then give them a job at a local company."
As if they automatically deserve the job, are qualified for it, or repsonsible enough to keep it. It is also highly unlikely these are "local companies" but more likely they are Globalist Corporations or non-profit outfits that make most their money from a crony relationship with Unlce Scam and BRA.
I'm quite sure there are many more YT men that need a program like this. I guess if you're a YT man, you're shit out of luck. Talk about expensive babysitting for a bunch of felons!
Eddie in St. Louis
Wells Fargo Advisors, Monsanto, Emerson, Anheuser-Busch InBev, AT&T, Regions Bank and Reliance Bank.
Wells Fargo is a bank, Monsanto is an Agricultural Genetic Technology company, Anheuser-Busch is a beer company, AT&T is an Advanced Telecommunications company and then more banks. What the hell do they want to take 500 felonious negros and try to force them out onto the workforce?
Banks and high tech, the last thing they need are violent, stealing negros in their company. So when Sharpton shows up, they cut a check to help "do Something" like a job fair and then wipe their brow because they didn't have to hire the monkey's.
If I remember some beer distributor caught a negro stealing and he went on to murder a whole bunch of employees. Oh Yea! ( )
Hire them felons!
Same Old Shit?
What do all of these initiatives/programs have in common?
The ones that are not news stories have a .gov at the end of the URL?
@ e in stl,
YT man figures something out on his own like in the previous post with the abandoned building the guano (shit) would be gathered up and sold as fertilizer to a farmer.
Also YT man would go through the place looking for all salvageable metal to take to the recyler.
Some YTs would rather starve to death in the woods than to accept anything from BRAGOV.
If i had the money to rent a billboard in that decrepid city i would advertise what SOS really means Same Ole Shit. Thats all it is.
Anon @ 4:16
The Standard Deviation is a measure of how spread out numbers are.
Its symbol is the Greek letter Sigma.
Deviation just means how far from the normal.
The formula is easy: it is the square root of the Variance. So now you ask, "What is the Variance?"
The Variance is defined as:
The average of the squared differences from the Mean.
To calculate the Variance:
Work out the Mean (the simple average of the numbers)
Then for each number: subtract the Mean and square the result (the squared difference).
Then work out the average of those squared differences.
Gee, if more people out there "who can't see" would know of these discriminatory practices they might actually get even more pissed off! As others have stated here @SBPDL how many federal/state programs do we have to hand this race? What about our poor disadvantaged White Children?
Guess we don't count on the rolls anymore. Only to pay the damned taxes that fund these useless programs. For that useless black race that just can't overcome. I though their theme song was "We shall overcome?" We are still waiting some 60/70 years later black people. What The Fuck!
Whitey playlist Hades freezing over hell conquering abyss avenging DOOM edition:
Conan-Blood Eagle
Forn-The Departure of Consciousness
Serpentine Path-Emanations
The Gates of Slumber-The Awakening
"Take 500 young men, jobless or underemployed, from North St. Louis County. GIVE them a months training in how to land a job, keep it and get promoted. Then GIVE them a job at a local company."
The first paragraph says it all. GIMME GIMME GIMME!!! These relics of the paleolithic era are utterly incompetent and have no place in modern society. Why do these "men" need so much help? Why do they need to be taught how to land a job? I got my first job at a catering company when I was 15. No instruction necessary. Why bother teaching them how to get a job if they're just gonna give him one anyways? It amazes me how they run all of these stories that irrefutably document the sheer incompetence inherent in the Negroid sub-species, then condemn anyone who dare notice these facts. This is especially enraging for me considering I graduated high school, have eight years of machine operating and setup experience, no criminal record, no child support, not a drug addict and I went from earning $19 an hour to being unemployed and can't find anything more than $10 an hour and they're GIVING these worthless ungreatful parasites jobs!?! This article nearly made blood shoot out of my eyes.
When will enough be ENOUGH!?!?!
I love how it's called, "Save Our Sons", as if they are under attack from an outside force. Imagine if the program was called, "Save our sons from their own IQs and our lack of parenting".
Negroes want things. They like any material items that demonstrate status in particular. They don't want an expensive table saw, a microscope or a tractor though. They want clothes, jewelry, basketball shoes. They like fancy vehicles and they like speakers. They enjoy shiny things, rims that spin. Hair weaves are highly desirable, as are iPhones. They'll kill for these things and do so on a very regular basis. There might be no population on earth that is as obsessed with these items as the American negro in particular.
They are not terribly interested in working. A few are fortunate enough to find "work" as professional ball players, "musicians" of a sort and TV news readers. In fact, I imagine a day in the future where every negro will be employed as a TV news person or as the star of a TV sitcom. I think that's where we are headed.
Sadly after 3 or 4 generations of attempted social engineering and it's subsequent removal of the traditional family unit ( wether intended or otherwise ) we as a nation have "bred" a race that bears almost no resemblance to their great grandparents. They are, on a whole, not universally almost unemployable. They gravitate towards government jobs where competition does not exist and unions protect substandard employees. The worst part is any resources focused on inner city, generationally impoverished "utes" is sent down a rathole. They are UNEMPLOYABLE ... Period. Street smarts and basivpc survival skills are not transferrale into the job place.
Youts who were turning their libes around were hired as loading dick workers, not union, surpervised by the union folks at McCormick place during the Housewares Show in Chicago. A "dey just need dem jobs" program.
Day 2 brought the youts starting a fight over restpechkt n sheeit and clobbering an exhibitor with a 2x4.
No conflict resolution skills, no respechkt for self and others, no common sense, no original thoughts. Killer zombies, every last one
At 33 years of age and working an $8.25 an hour job this groid hardly counts as a young man.
How about a program to give MORE guns to these feral beasts so they kill even more of one another at a faster rate ? I know, more Whites would be victims, too, but it is such a nice idea on the surface.
WTF ? How many MILLIONS or more are flushed down the sewer that is "Black violence" in vain ? And these same progressive assholes say this and then say "Blacks don't commit more crimes" or "...more violent crimes" in the next breath.
Texas here:
"Young people said they weren't being listened to. All of them to a one said we need jobs,” said Urban League CEO Michael McMillan. Scholarships and job training were also on their list."
Yes, I am sure that's what the Michael Browns all said.
"We certainly desire jobs, of course, and the training needed to do them well. Scholarships, as well, would help us achieve."
Good Lord. The lies.
Thank you for this website and my daily dose of sanity.
Many of you will remember division from school.
Do the math. We're heading for a negative remainder with BRA.
Then, my fine white friends is when the "fun" starts. It certainly WON'T be fun. That I can guarantee.
I vetted & added two more to our network last week. Prepare now. Our children are depending on us & don't even know it.
PK, if you don't mind my asking, would posting a poll of readers to determine those that still subscribe to cable/satellite be doable? I'd be interested to know. Thanks.
Looking forward to my books any day now.
How long are the africans going to work, at $10 an hour, when they figure out those shiny wheels cost $2,000, that iPhone cost $500, etcetera, etcetera. They put in 40 hours and expect $400 but, taxes and insurance, blah blah, blah. Faster just to rip off whitey!
Let me get this straight...
(A) "All of them to a one said we need jobs,” said Urban League CEO Michael McMillan. Scholarships and job training were also on their list.
(B) McMillan said the new program is limited to men because participants in other Urban League programs are 80 percent female. “Young men are not using the services,” he said.
Same old, same old. When the rubber meets the road...
- Man in Florida
Anonymous said...
"I've noticed that the White males murdered by Blacks tend to be handsome while the females tend to be blonde and pretty.
I don't think this is a coincidence. Their looks in these cases probably helped fuel an envious rage."
Philadelphia Mike, here.
I've been noticing the same trend. Their level of envy, jealousy and resentment drives the violent nature of the negro to even further depths of rage.
Their personalities are dangerously labile. If you are always on your guard, you will never be taken by surprise.
Forewarned is forearmed.
Philadelphia Mike
Why do the africans have to have a bunch of programs, everything from stop killing each other to how to work, when they're just like us?
Every one of these programs just goes to show how much they are not like us. Us being almost every other race on the face of this planet.
" but all of the good food and intellectual stimulation in the world will not overcome the evolutionary journey that left them so far behind"
To Playing Roots Backwards: Thanks for that winning line.
Philadelphia Mike
The difference in the recycling part is YT buys the place and then scraps the recyclables. The article mentioned the lack of wiring and plumbing. It shouldn't be assumed all of that rotted, dissolved, etc. The lowest common denominator stole all the copper and aluminum out of the building long ago to sell to the scrapyard.
Best Darwin Award I ever saw at work. Wife reports husband as being missing for an extended period of time. A week later a security guard, at a federal superfund toxic site, reports a burned body in one of the buildings. This lowest common denominator was stealing copper cable to strip and scrap. He saw a thick wire and took his bolt cutters to it. Main electrical line to the building. Split him open like a hotdog in the microwave.
Let's get this straight. The Africans want YT to "give" them food, housing, clothing, medical care, and a job. Sounds to me pretty much like what they had 300 years ago as slaves.
Anonymous Truth Corps said...
"Many of you will remember division from school.
Do the math. We're heading for a negative remainder with BRA.
Then, my fine white friends is when the "fun" starts. It certainly WON'T be fun. That I can guarantee."
Sorry, but I really don't understand your post. Maybe I'm just thicker than the rest. Could you please explain it more clearly for me?
"Save Our Sons" is actually "Whitey, Save Our Sons". In ebonics this program is called "Aybah Poda Hep".
White Privilege is code for Black Failure.
Das Teevee just showed some nogs that killed a 12 year old girl in New Jersey for her BMX bike after she chatted with them on fakebook to set a meeting up for some new bike parts.
She was discovered behind the house face down in a plastic trash bin.
They lived seven doors down from the little girl.
The juvenile nog got who hit her on the head and strangled her got 17 years in prison.
His older brother was charged with obstruction of justice for his part in the cover up and released after time served.
Just one nognest on your block is too much.
What won't happen is an after-action review. In other words, the media will not go back and review after these groids should have been on the job for, say, six months. Prediction: At the maximum, ten percent of these nignogs will continue to work and be semi-productive.
The negative remainder is a mathematical expression.
Five minus eight equals negative three.
If 8 blacks are receiving $1 in "entitlement" benefits while 4 whites and 1 black are contributing $1 each to the benefit fund you have a balance of negative three dollars
This is the current state of the former United States. Debt. Negative balance sheets. Doubling down on insanity, etc.
THIS is what is ultimately going to collapse the whole rotten mess & take BRA with it.
Hope that helped.
Well golly. If you don't want child support "issues" maybe you should 1: Use birth control, or barring that, 2: KEEP YOUR DICK IN YOUR PANTS!
That's why I don't have those issues. It's called "future time orientation."
I knew, even at sixteen years of age, that sex was a heavy issue that demanded responsible thinking. AKA: your few minutes of "pleasure" could result in an eighteen year responsibility in the form of a child. One that the taxpayers don't want to finance!
Instant gratification issues are one of the hallmarks of the negro.
TMH sez:
"They are not terribly interested in working. A few are fortunate enough to find "work" as professional ball players, "musicians" of a sort and TV news readers. In fact, I imagine a day in the future where every negro will be employed as a TV news person or as the star of a TV sitcom. I think that's where we are headed."
I was chatting with a very attractive, young negress college student this evening. She told me her major was in Communications. She said she struggled in math and had the option of taking the same math class at a nearby negro college rather than the mixed race university she is enrolled in. She took it at the negro university because she'd heard the classes were easier there. She said, "And it WAS!"
When asked about what she wanted to do with her degree, she said she wanted Pam Oliver's job. So I asked her if she knew a lot about football. She said that she didn't, but her plan was to learn just enough about it so she could get the job. I continued to listen intently to her "logic". She continued: "I see myself in television in some form or another after I graduate."
I had no comment at that point in the conversation, except that her plans seemed well thought out.
What exactly is " with problems, including “work issues“"? They dont show up to work? So we're basically giving people make-work jobs knowing that they wont even show up to do nothing.
Blacks in corporate America, my personal experiences:
"Da bitch in da prant room"
We had a late thirty-something high yeller working in the print/records room, I'll call her Dee. It's a dead-end position with zero upward mobility that can easily be done by any temp with a pulse. When I arrived in 2006, Dee had been in the job for eight years despite being offered free, certified CAD training that would allow her to improve herself professionally....she told them she didn't want to do that. A white person would have been fired but to my knowledge, she is still in the print room talking on the phone all day.
The rest of us were laid off when our engineering function was moved to another city in 2010, but because of FERC regs, the prints/records still have to be maintained here so there Miss Dee sits, no ambition, no skills, still getting a free ride with benefits.
Well, it can sure get boring sitting in the print room all day. Most every time I went in there she was either on the phone or, my favorite, hugged-up, kissy-faced with any one of the black males in the building. I wasn't going to let all that sexual harassment training go to waste, so I complained to my boss about their behavior but nothing was ever done. If I had known about the lay-offs I would have pursued it further. I asked my boss what would happen if I were huggin' and kissin' on a female at work......he just stared at me...silent....and never answered. That's when they like to change the subject.
For a long time, maybe 30 years, after hearing about the U.S. Supreme Court's Plessy vs Ferguson decision I thought that White folks really blew it.
The ruling set the precedent that separate facilities for Whites and Blacks were constitutional as long as they were equal. They weren't, and I was at least halfway convinced if they had been then maybe Brown vs The Board of Education ruling would never have happened.
I lifted the following paragraph from a reliable site. It explains the motivation for filing the central lawsuit of the Brown case.
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka is widely known as the Supreme Court decision that declared segregated schools to be "inherently unequal." The story behind the case, including that of the 1951 trial in a Kansas courtroom, is much less known. It begins sixty miles to the east of Topeka in the Kansas City suburb of Merriam, Kansas, where Esther Brown, a thirty-year-old white Jewish woman, became incensed at the local school board's reluctance to make modest repairs in a dilapidated school for area black students, even while it passed a bond issue to construct a spanking new school for whites. Eventually, Esther's empathy would cause her to push the state's NAACP chapter to launch a campaign to end segregation in Kansas schools--a campaign that would lead to victory on May 17, 1954 when a unanimous Supreme Court declared that the Topeka Board of Education's policy of segregation violated the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution.
I figured that if they had given the pickaninnies a school like the White kids had that do-gooder Esther would never have gotten her panties in a bunch and Separate But Equal would still be the law of the land.
Fat chance. I realized, just today, after reading this article that the IQ and performance gap of Blacks would have eventually killed the Plessy vs Ferguson decision anyway.
We could have given the Blacks identical schools, books and teachers and all but a very few of them would have still failed to make the grade. At that point someone would have screamed NOT FAIR and a ruling similar to the Brown vs The Board of Education would have shoved our dark little brothers down our throats.
By the way, Esther Brown was not the Brown in the landmark case. The Brown in the case was a Black welder who had a daughter in the school that Esther found lacking.
SC Native
All of these programs and wasted money will never work, only one program will:
Spay and Neuter
Blacks in corporate America, my personal experiences:
In 1981, I hired on as an entry-level drafter for a large utility. Back then there were no cubicles, just rows and rows of drafting tables that filled whole wings of buildings. There were no private conversations.
In the group I was in, a white guy named Jim sat next to me and a young, nerdy black guy I'll call Morris sat in front of him. Morris was the only black in the group of ten drafters, all in two rows of five workstations.
One day, Jim, myself and a couple of others were talking the upcoming lunar eclipse.
Morris turns around and asks: "What make it glow?"
Not understanding, Jim asks: "What makes what glow?"
Morris: "Da moon, do it be radioactive?"
Jim: "No, the sun makes it glow."
Morris: "AT NIGHT?!"
From that day forward he was known as Moonglow. I'm pretty sure our PE overheard this exchange because a couple of weeks later Moonglow was offered an "opportunity" at the plant site. We never saw or heard from Moonglow again. Ah, the good ole days.
Down here in Floriduh, a 14-year old 'youth' was just arrested for the fifteenth time. He was carrying a gun and several clips of extra ammo. The best part is, his mammy said the system failed him. The System! They're never responsible for ANYTHING they do!
Negroes make me so very, very tired. Are you tired too?
The post earlier in the week about the Selma movie theater, for whatever reason, made me think back to my childhood and the movie Gremlins.
I vaguely remembered there being a scene in it when the Gremlins trashed a cinema, but I've not seen it in 30 years, so I went and looked for it. .... And I found it.
Holy sh*t!!!
Were the people who made this movie race realists? And using the word "gremlins" instead of negroes?
Every scene with the gremlins causing mayhem, they are dressed just like and behaving identically to blacks!!!
The relevant section begins at 1:20 -----
And for the trifecta, I searched "Gremlins racist" - sure enough, page after page excoriating the film as stereotyping blacks. Go figure.
'Blacks want showy things'.
A black woman told me - lon ago- a black w a cadillac etc, 'thats called a hustle'.
'They don't want an expensive table saw, a microscope or a tractor though.'
sneakers, nikes, $500 sneakers, now thats a worthwhile item to boys in da hood.
He said the program is open to men with problems, including “work issues, child support issues, a felony conviction.”
Yes work issues. If you want them to work then they have an issue. Child support issues? Thats a two way street. And if support isnt taken out before they are paid, then it will never happen.
All these programs do have one thing in common. They have or will fail.
Anonymous Truth Corps said...
"Many of you will remember division from school.
Anonymous said...
Sorry, but I really don't understand your post. Maybe I'm just thicker than the rest. Could you please explain it more clearly for me?
Division is ...
... splitting into equal parts or groups.
You must be new on the payroll, troll!
It's been a while since I posted - new girlfriend, visiting my future 100% white town, networking and solidifying the rapport that I built with the local town folk - and enjoying life.
I never went to kindergarten or first grade. I was put directly into second grade in the middle of the semester. I should have been put into the THIRD grade but the principal told my parents that I was too short and it might cause problems.
In the first week of school, my teacher sent me home with a letter to my parents and told me to NOT open it. I gave it to my mom when I got home and the letter stated - YOUR SON IS AN AUTODIDACT. COME TO THE SCHOOL IN THE MORNING FOR A MEETING.
My mom screamed - WHAT DID YOU DO! I freaked out! I knew that SOMETHING was wrong - getting sent home with a letter - but this was actually good news! I RAN and got my dictionary then showed my mom the definition of the word. She gave me a smile and a big hug. I will never forget that day, showing her the dictionary and reading the definition:
Autodidact: a self taught person.
This was from years of reading, reading and reading - even before I was enrolled in school. The public library was right around the corner from my house and I would ask to be taken there every day for new books. I am also the youngest of eight children and always had access to my siblings' school books.
So, off to school the next day with my mom and into the meeting. As we're walking into the school, the kids in the schoolyard are chanting - yoooou're in troooouble! My mom pats me on the back and whispers - no you're not! I put on a smirk and walked calmly into the school. The chanting stopped and the kids watched in awe.
Into the meeting - the teacher and principal are sitting down and I see some of my books on the table that I couldn't find anywhere in my house - Golden Guide Botany, Golden Guide Zoology and Better Homes and Gardens Family Medical Guide. I am six years old.
Principal: Your son isn't following along in class.
Mom: Is he having a problem with the school work?
P: No. He's reading different books during class. (points to books) We found these in his desk.
M: (repeats herself) Is he having a problem with the school work?
(I am smiling now, trying to hold back from laughing. Mom is on my side.)
P: No. He just needs to pay attention to the teacher during class.
Mom turns to me and says - now, listen to me. If you want to read your books, you have to do it AFTER school, not during class while the teacher is teaching. Understand?
Yes mom. I understand.
Mom: Will that be all?
Teacher: Your son does not show his work in math. He just writes the answers and goes back to reading his books. (passes my mom a math test from the day before)
Mom turns to me and says - you got 100%! Very good! (I am beaming now.)
T: I thought that he was using a calculator but I watched him very closely during the test.
M: My son knows his multiplication tables by heart.
T: We are teaching addition and subtraction.
Mom turns to me again and says - I know that you can figure out these problems but you have to show your work. Add the numbers on the paper. Do you understand?
Yes mom. Can you bring my books home? I thought they were lost.
The principal and the teacher looked at each other, gave my mom the books and didn't say another word.
Moral of the story. READ.
If you have children, shower them with books. Help them learn to read before they are enrolled in school. Home school them. Teach them math. Proper parenting means everything.
If you don't have children, READ. Shut off the monkey box (TV). Get off Facebook. Learn from YouTube. Read, research and apply.
I went to high school for 3 days. They were teaching the same things that I learned in fifth grade. I couldn't sit still in the teenage day care center and had to get out. I told my parents and they knew that I had the ability to make it in the workplace. I had their blessing.
I told my friends in school that I was going to get a job in Manhattan and they laughed. I got a real job "on the books" at 14 years old and worked at the same company for exactly 20 years.
Learning how to use a typewriter when I was in grade school paid off. I used to watch my sister type 80-90 words per minute and was amazed. So I practiced. I eventually learned about computers (by reading) and everything clicked. Retired at 34 with full benefits and pension. That was in 2003. I started my own business repairing computers and phones (house calls) and pay ZERO taxes, no overhead, no rent, no bills - practically off the grid. All the money that I make goes directly into my pocket.
Moral of that story: Believe in yourself.
Read, research and apply.
If at first you don't succeed, grab your balls and try again. Never give up. If you don't have balls, grow a pair. The women in my future 100% white town have more balls than ANY fruitcake cocksmoker in NYC. No Macy's, Bloomingdales, Starbucks - all the things you really don't need. Smart as whips and good with guns. Some don't like guns and are into archery. Yoga is a dirty four letter word. These women are fit, attractive and STRONG, in body and mind.
Where is this place? In the middle of nowhere and far away from everything. You want cannolis? Learn to cook them from scratch. It's not rocket science. Don't have the ingredients at your supermarket? Order them online. I wanted to make tiramisu for my new future neighbors. I ordered the marscapone (an Italian cheese made from cream, coagulated by the addition of citric acid) on Amazon. Click, click - got it the next day. Use your powerful white brain.
I cannot stress this enough if you have children. Gradually, but firmly, establish an idea or attitude, especially a desirable one, in their young fragile eggshell mind. Do not let them become corrupt. Shield them from this disease riddled world. Educate them. Give them books.
SBPDL: Books. I should write one.
bernicegreenbaum said...
I was chatting with a very attractive, young negress
I'm trying to picture it, but I can't see it. "Attractive negress" is an oxymoron. Does not compute.
Just noticed we have SOS in Kansas City, too. They put the "mom" of a 7-month-old boy killed in a driveby shooting on TV to say that whoever killed her boy should man-up and turn themselves in. The news didn't mention that was the 3rd driveby shooting at her house in the past few months. And that 5 other kids were there too but she was the only one who grabbed her baby while standing up which I've recently learned is the wrong thing to do in a driveby. Ghetto wisdom says you hit the floor during a driveby - at least that's what I read in the newspaper. Can't imagine why she didn't practice the driveby drill.
"Take 500 young men, jobless or underemployed, from North St. Louis County. GIVE them a months training in how to land a job, keep it and get promoted. Then GIVE them a job at a local company."
The first paragraph says it all. GIMME GIMME GIMME!!! These relics of the paleolithic era are utterly incompetent and have no place in modern society. Why do these "men" need so much help? Why do they need to be taught how to land a job? I got my first job at a catering company when I was 15. No instruction necessary. Why bother teaching them how to get a job if they're just gonna give him one anyways? It amazes me how they run all of these stories that irrefutably document the sheer incompetence inherent in the Negroid sub-species, then condemn anyone who dare notice these facts. This is especially enraging for me considering I graduated high school, have eight years of machine operating and setup experience, no criminal record, no child support, not a drug addict and I went from earning $19 an hour to being unemployed and can't find anything more than $10 an hour and they're GIVING these worthless ungreatful parasites jobs!?! This article nearly made blood shoot out of my eyes.
When will enough be ENOUGH!?!?!
January 14, 2015 at 5:29 PM
anon. @ 5:29...Move. Move. Seriously, in N. Alabama there are many major employers paying good wages for machine operators. Yet they can't find enough workers. OM and CMC positions are always on job sites. Toyota, the new Remington plant that just moved here, and all the sub suppliers. Too many to mention.
And the negro continues its parasitic destruction of White Western Civilization. Sure, great, let's tax businesses and pay the orcs not to kill us, and each other.
They'd actually probably prefer some sort of Hunger Games scenario in which they're paid to murder each other on TV and be famous. Looks at me!!
" She said she struggled in math and had the option of taking the same math class at a nearby negro college rather than the mixed race university she is enrolled in. She took it at the negro university because she'd heard the classes were easier there. She said, "And it WAS!"
That's part of the reason why those black colleges are losing their accreditation in big numbers.
Of course the classes are easier at a negro school they would have to be or nobody would pass a class, much less earn a degree.
Besides, employers know damn well what a degree from Malcolm X university means, just another affirmative action handout. All those black degrees are good for is getting a government job.
I am always amused by the "college graduates" that apply to work at my company who are unable to write complete sentences, or a proper paragraph, or spell correctly. Part of the application for my company includes a simple (high school level) math test and a simple (high school level) essay. That along with a criminal background check and credit check has disqualified every black applicant. They have to complete the application in my office without using any technology. They are alone at a table with a camera pointed at them.
Many of them walk out of the testing, leaving the unfinished application on the table, once they reach the math section. Yet nearly all of them proudly walked in with their "college" degree.
One could throw all the money in the world at the negro problem and it will never fix a single thing. The negro was never meant to leave Africa. Evolution has skipped over the negro and it would take eons for the negro brain to attain and develop the proper neuron pathways to assimilate into a civilized culture. Even today the negroes can not even live harmoniously amongst themselves.
A standard deviation is 15 IQ points. Read the works of Arthur Jensen and Philippe Rushton and and you will understand why Blacks have so much difficulty in a complex society.
A listen to WVON in Chicago sadly shows how many programs and how much money is being spent on the low information crowd.
Every add is a gov subsidy. The add council, the citizens for a better tomorrow..,, the messages Re so simple:
Feed yoir children. Send them to school. Be a dad (my fav), with Tom Sellck's voice. Belt your kids in the car. Don't leave yout kids at home alone. Pay your light bill.
Simple things most others perform as a matter of course, daily, have to be expressed in an add campaign?
Absolutely spot on. Brevity, you have just proven, is the very soul of wit. Excellent point. As with "you can take the negro out of the hood...."So follows "You can take the chains off of the savage dependent...."
Hahahahahahahaha!!! Dumbass never thought there just might be an electrical current in that big assed wire! Didn't know "magic" would fry his ass! Hahahahahahahaha!
Except the part where she becomes a baby momma to 4 or 5 bucks, lives on welfare and pumps out future welfare momma's. Sounds like a plan!
Also not a good idea to come back when they are closes to break in and rob the place.
Mich Mike
This is nothing. Wait until the "free community college for all" giveaway is passed. Never mind that CC is practically free already for anyone with a spec of initiative. Because once the aspirants are enrolled they will of course need additional living funds so they can realize their dreams.
I am familiar with the names of all the companies putting up the million and a half dollars for this sure to fail negro program. Dividing the amount makes it smaller for each company, of course. I'm sure at least some, if not all, of these companies are investor owned. How do they explain this waste of money to the investors?
Surely someone at one of these companies done some research and realized what a waste it would be. Is this just the public part of an Al Sharpton shakedown? Wouldn't surprise me.
RexHymens said:
7. Shower EVERY morning and brush your teeth and wear deodorant EVERY MORNING before you come to work. RUBBING STINKY OIL OR CREAM ONTO YOUR STINKY SKIN DOES NOT COUNT! Use SOAP!
Speaking of showering everyday.
That's part of the reason why those black colleges are losing their accreditation in big numbers.
Funny you should mention that, anony! The self same negro college last year lost its nursing degree accreditation either last year or the year before. Now the negro nursing students from the negro university have to go to the mixed race university to take their classes. Of course the reasons behind this (black failure)is NEVER mentioned in our local news media. In fact, today's paper has a continued rant about how an auditorium at the mixed race university campus that was named after an esteemed white educator should be renamed because he was a white supremacist who believed in segregation. The fact that this large building with its noble architecture and dignified columns has stood since 1927 under his name seems unimportant to the nigs and libs who pretty much are determined to run this town into another Selma or Birmingham. Sometimes my brain hurts. Outside of this forum there is no one I can talk to rationally about how the nigs are slowly and systematically tearing down what remains of white achievement and civilization. So I get quite pissed off when some idiot comes on this site and rants about how Paul needs to shut us up when we mention the race of people who are largely behind the seeds of our destruction. Go figure!
grabbed her baby while standing up which I've recently learned is the wrong thing to do in a driveby. Ghetto wisdom says you hit the floor during a driveby - at least that's what I read in the newspaper. Can't imagine why she didn't practice the driveby drill.
January 15, 2015 at 12:59 AM""
Ghetto Body Armor
OT: Latest lib/negro lamentation: There are no nig male Oscar nominations this morning. Is it to early in the day to begin drinking?
I have basic health coverage through the local hospital. It is administered directly through the hospital and there are no gov strings attached.
Costs are reduced but it is certainly not free and it is best to bring money with you at the time of a hospital visit.
It is good for one year and you have to reapply each year after it expires.
The money to pay for it all was set up by two wealthy Jewish philanthropists as part of their last will and testament.
In order to qualify you must be a resident of Capital City, make under a certain amount, and have no other health coverage.
In order to apply you must bring in your birth certificate, printed summary of your work history from the last two years from the Department of Labor, your driver's license or other state issued ID with a photo and a piece of mail from the last 30 days with your name on it.
Note to the disruptor shill troll agitator-Why would I hate the people that saved me from a tax penalty and allowed me to be in compliance with the affordable care act regarding mandatory health coverage?
Are you the same troll that pulled the same stunt last year at Moonbattery?
Something tells me that you are. Well Slick that won't be happening here so you might want to crawl back to the fusion center collect your sheckels and give up on it.
Someone mentioned a poll in which we are to report whether we subscribe to cable. Recently I was asked by my spouse for a new, flat screen t.v. for Christmas. He knew that with every fiber of my being I oppose what passes for "entertainment" as well as "news" as it all reflects, among other things, the glorification and worship of the negro and all things lib. Long story short, I caved in and we have the t.v. and the prerequisite cable. My point being, we don't all live in a bubble and I can't very well divorce myself off from the rest of humanity simply because they don't share my political or philosophical beliefs. So please don't be so quick to label those of us who still fight the fight when we cave in on some things. Some of us are doing the best we can with what we have. Just tryin' to keep the peace. Gnome sane?
'Stop shooting, start living'.
Blacks may very well be an entirely different species. You don't need to constantly tell civilized people they don't need to shoot each other over iTelephones and bakkaball sneakers. Some civilized people even pursue shooting as a hobby and manage not to rack up a body count.
This here is solid gold!!!! Also this further explains the lack of or low number blacks in law enforcement positions in majority white areas.
Departments that have turned black were because entry exams and further testing were dumbed down enough to give them a chance. Then when it turns majority black the testing is easier.
I saw this happen in a metro area along with suburbs.
This is the answer why lack of Bruthas in places like Ferguson with the police department. Not hard for people with sense to know why, but it is "rayciss" to the blacks.
Funny on the opposite end of the spectrum is take one of the more edumacated blacks that attended one of these substandard black colleges and you see pompous attitudes that make you want to lose your lunch onto the floor. Sickening!!!
“Young people said they weren't being listened to. All of them to a one said we need jobs,” said Urban League CEO Michael McMillan. Scholarships and job training were also on their list.
Ooooooh! This is another example of the White Power Structure's institutional racism!
Jobs! Scholarships! Job Training! All white supremacist institutions! Let's not forget that plantation owners "trained" beautiful black slaves to pick cotton, and any blacks who refused to be trained were lynched or even thrown to the sharks which circled the waters of the Mississippi River.
And why should beautiful black people have to be "trained" to get a "job?!" This means they have to change simply to accommodate the White Power Structure. It's the White Power Structure which must change to accommodate beautiful black people!
Let's see a program where employers must pay beautiful black people to be themselves. St. Louis needs to get rid of corporate fronts and replace them with collectives which promote beautiful black history and creates beautiful African arts and crafts. Think of how beautiful black people will enrich the community when they are liberated from such institutional racist concepts as "jobs," just like they do on the beautiful continent of Africa.
Now excuse me, it is time for my morning latte at my campus fair trade organic coffee house.
I. M. Klewless, MFA
Cultural Relativism And Peace Studies
@ bernice
I have one neighbor and a brother who I can talk to about race realism.
Both fear venturing past the home page in their browser so I can only relay that there are places where racial reality is discussed.
The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it.
George Orwell
"Forewarned is forearmed.
Philadelphia Mike
Speaking of which. Do we all know/remember the arms company that refused to sell sniper weapons to the fuckin Paki muslims for fear the weapons would be used against our forces? I was there so I can appreciate their position. Desert Tech guns is the company and you should check out their products. I see a combination of their silencer and a .338 Lapua with CorBon .338 ammo rated at 5300fps! in my future and reasonably priced. NO! I don't own stock lol
Of course the reasons behind this (black failure)is NEVER mentioned in our local news media. In fact, today's paper has a continued rant about how an auditorium at the mixed race university campus that was named after an esteemed white educator should be renamed because he was a white supremacist who believed in segregation. The fact that this large building with its noble architecture and dignified columns has stood since 1927...
I have seen a serious argument made that the reason why blacks do poorly in higher education is that the architecture of YT's old colleges reminds them of slavery. Something to do with the construction of slave ships or plantations or whatever. As if your average black today has just been liberated from the chains. It's always 1865. Perhaps all these buildings should be torn down and replaced with architectural "marvels" out of Africa (i.e., constructed of mud and sticks). That would be something with which African-Americans would be more comfortable.
The point is, de-segregation was not just about ending legal discrimination against blacks. It was a social revolution in which YT's institutions were to be torn down and replaced with institutions favoring blacks. This is so, whether you are talking about renaming of a building, or the conversion of St. Louis from a civilized city to another warzone right out of sub-Saharan Africa.
There is a wider cultural struggle going on here. And the consequences are profound. Toss out white civilization and replace it with African civilization, and you get the usual pathologies, so well detailed on SBPDL: crime, infrastructure disintegration, gangbanging, and educational collapse. True in Africa. True in the Caribbean. True in St. Louis. And if I am wrong, can someone please show us where?
If YT does not have the will to stand in the schoolhouse door and defend the name of the building, then YT will not be able to resist the barbarians at the gates. And we have seen this farce play out over the last half century.
This sums up BRA nicely:
The first paragraph says it all. GIMME GIMME GIMME!!! These relics of the paleolithic era are utterly incompetent and have no place in modern society. Why do these "men" need so much help? Why do they need to be taught how to land a job? I got my first job at a catering company when I was 15. No instruction necessary. Why bother teaching them how to get a job if they're just gonna give him one anyways? It amazes me how they run all of these stories that irrefutably document the sheer incompetence inherent in the Negroid sub-species, then condemn anyone who dare notice these facts.
--The entitlement mentality.
--The refusal to consider genetic factors of collective black dysfunction.
--The "emperor has no clothes" mindset when it comes to the cause and effects of said black dysfunction.
--The endless "programs" to teach blacks the basic skills known by any white or Asian person.
Heck, your average Central American peasant knows enough how to infiltrate into the USA and get a menial job! So why do blacks need all this stuff just to punch a timeclock? Especially since 1865 there have been endless programs, studies, AA hires, income redistributions, lowered standards, missionary preachings and shakedown rackets all aimed at uplifting them?
White Seattle policeman suspended for calling black suspect "boy" during a foot chase:
(hat tip Das Weasel)
Seattle policewoman suspended for calling 40 yr old black domestic violence suspect "boy" during a foot chase:
(hat tip Das Weasel)
Bernice -
I'm in the same boat. I haven't watched tv on a regular basis for decades; I haven't even sat and watched the occasional show for a couple of years now. My husband, however, is another story. He shares my beliefs (mostly) and reads the same websites, but all weekend long the idiot box is on. He's either watching sports or the Hitler Channel or complaining about the way White men are depicted or channel surfing. He won't even mute the damned thing while he's doing so! DRIVES ME NUTS!
But he's a good man and husband and father and I love the guy, so I put up with it. Note I'm still constantly responding to his complaints about programming by reminding him it's all part of the narrative and I wish he wouldn't waste his time, etc. One of these days he'll finally agree and we can cut the cable.
There is a program here in New York City called the Harlem Children's Zone. It took a huge chunk of Harlem and turned it into one massive government program. They start before the baby comes out, teaching the mother things like don't drink when you're pregnant. They give parenting classes from age 0-3 which involves such basics as how to change diapers, what to feed them, not to hit them and scream at them all the time, and don't leave them alone with older men who will molest them. It continues with all day pre-k, and then after school programs from k-12, along with things like "violence prevention." It's actually somewhat successful.
But that's what they require. The government holding their hand and guiding them every step of the way in how to be a civilized human being.
I had plans to be a millionaire by 30, but I'm still waiting!
Of course, I went and got a JOB (DAT rayciss) in the meantime.
Six killed in a 13 hour span in St Louis.
Comments at link are priceless, and would not have seen the light of day just a few short years ago. Could 2015 be the year of "Peak Negro Fatigue"?
Woodsy in NY -
What a wonderful comment. While I did do the regular K-12 (although due to my Nov. birthday I started school before I was 5), I was constantly in trouble for spending the school day reading my books. Went to the library (too far to walk) each week and got a new stack which I read within 2-3 days.
My older son was much as you sound - skipped 2 grades in school and picked up everything incredibly quickly, but he lacked some quality which would have enabled him to put it all together. His early promise has dissipated . . . it's really hard for a parent to watch a child determined to fail in life and make poor choice after poor choice.
My younger one is nowhere near as bright as his brother (and he knows it) but has the sweetest nature of us all. We've been homeschooling but I'm more than ready to send him back out somewhere . . . if we could only afford to move out of our "desirable suburb" and into some small, White town. One of these days.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that's because you can ACCOMPLISH things with a table saw, microscope, or tractor.
Re: Math classes for negroes.
A friend of mine was teaching college level accounting classes which became infested with negro sows who were there on some government "hep da negro" program. The negroes constantly disrupted the class by "axin" stupid questions to the point where teaching the students who deserved to be there (and were paying their own way) was becoming an impossibility. My friend approached the administration and said the negroes needed to be in remedial classes as they weren't even capable of doing 9th grade level general math and was told there was no money for that. He was told to "grade on a curve" so the stupid negroes could pass. In essence, an F was to magically become a C. Of course,the unspoken reason was so the college wouldn't lose the government money they were receiving for the negroes. He said he couldn't do that and was told he'd do it or he would be fired.
The idea was so offensive to him, he quit on the spot. The bottom line was that he wasn't going to give passing grades to incompetent morons and he felt the deserving students were being cheated out of what they'd paid for.
No doubt he was replaced with a willing toad and the negroes "passed" with flying colors.
Sharmeeka done gots a degree and sheeit! She be all smart too!
As is, most people seem to know such degrees, diploma's or certificates are passed out to negroes like halloween candy and are meaningless. However, it allows Sharmeeka to scream discrimination when she's "qualified" for a job and doesn't get it or gets hired and then fired for gross incompetence.
It's the same as dumbing down the tests for negro firefighters and cops- the illusion that they're competent and capable and just like everybody else must be maintained at all costs. They have to be "represented" and included even if they are unworthy of it. Merit doesn't even enter into the equation.
Sickening, isn't it?
Big Al is a VIP in BRA:
"After we win this election, it's our turn.
Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don't forget.
The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve.
There is going to be hell to pay.
Congress won't be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go."
Valerie Jarrett, October 2012
Blacks may very well be an entirely different species. You don't need to constantly tell civilized people they don't need to shoot each other over iTelephones and bakkaball sneakers. Some civilized people even pursue shooting as a hobby and manage not to rack up a body count.
January 15, 2015 at 8:36 AM""
The End of "Race is a Social Construct"
Of course the jokes write themselves, but this is the death knell of "race is a social construct" meme. They are a different species.
(I could have guessed the nasal flares from the description alone. :8(
BTW, for the various trolls here who continually accuse some of us with open eyes of holding to "conspiracy theories" (a typical Marxist method of shutting down discussions, by the way) or attacking straw men about we "blame it all on the Jews", you might want to take a look at some of the latest squid activity, which while having a distinctly Semitic element, is not terribly Jewish either (though I've yet to see a single Jew complain, not even the Nobel-Prize winning sooper-dooper genius Paul Krugman - or any of the "opposition" party Repukes, who naturally made it all possible in a spirit of bi-partisanship with Housenigga Hussein). But to be fair, I've not seen any "Christians" complaining about it either - especially the kind who bring their favorite casino magnate Uncle Sheldon to tears (probably of laughter at their gullibility) - apart from Barnhardt. It's really too bad these bozos don't have a pope or an archbishop they could follow, for here's a perfect candidate for Poprah Charlie Hebdo I.
Get ready. The anti-extremism summit in February is going to bring a crackdown and the loss of more rights and liberties.
Extremism could mean anything. A tea party supporter is an extremist.
Anyone who disbelievs, disagrees or dissents with the kool-aid happytalk propaganda is an extremist.
A race realism believer is an extremist.
A person who visits SBPDL is an extremist.
After my first enlistment in the Army, I decided to use my GI Bill and go to college. I remembered a drill sergeant saying it was the biggest cash grab the government ever had. You get soldiers to pay into a fund that most never use, so net gain for Uncle Sam. That was off point.
I filled out my fafsa paperwork and it showed a gross income of $13,000 for my last year on active duty and I took that to the bursars office. They had a work-study kid do my interview. They asked if I had any kids, nope. They asked if I was married, nope; hence no kids. They said congratulations you are an independant student, meaning there was no family required contribution to my education. However; despite making $500 over the poverty line, a white male, no bastard children, and no young marriage I only qualified for my GI Bill and high interest loans for school.
Therein lies the kick in the ass for white kids and parents doing the right thing in life. Money gets thrown at those who screw up their lives and those following the rules to get ahead shoulder all of the burden.
Get arrested for thuggery, get a state paid degree in prison. Fuck off in school, drop out, get some baby mommas cause you won't pay for rubbers, I mean that cuts down on speakers and amplifiers right? Get funded trade school instruction. Cross the border, don't follow the rules, get amnesty, get TINs, claim the supposed 10 kids you have back in your third world country on your taxes and get a big check from the government, and did I mention amnesty? Oh yea I did, plus licenses (making illegals able to vote, nice move demos) without the "Alien" notation on them cause its "demeaning". Then you tell YT that because his people played by the rules, he gets a tax hike. Heaven forbid you have an advanced degree with a loan debt that takes 20yrs to payoff and make over the new tax limits. Someone has to find these money grabs to allow wealth distribution.
I see the news articles about the so called "living wage" ideas. The protestors outside fast food joints wanting $15 an hour to make my French fries and bigmac. These pols and bottom feeders think that a grown adult with a teenagers job need pay raises to survive, yet have no idea that a wage of $15 an hour means the #1 meal at McDs will cost $13 instead of $5.99. Dumbasses, I almost failed high school Econ, but I understand a basic business model. We're fucked, some ppl are taking the blinders off, but not fast enough.
If your dog bites you unprovoked you put it down. Enough said.
From the Washington Times:
George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil
I just got out of my active duty obligations this summer. My local college's financial aid department was as equally unhelpful so it's nice to see I'm not alone.
The case of Jessica Chambers (burned alive) in Mississippi has gone cold.
Conservative Treehouse stops analyzing and researching the Jessica Chambers murder.
As the BRA situation gets worse, expect to see more of this in the future. Not only will whites continue to be slaughtered wholesale by blacks, but more & more will continue to go unsolved.
"If 8 blacks are receiving $1 in "entitlement" benefits while 4 whites and 1 black are contributing $1 each to the benefit fund you have a balance of negative three dollars
This is the current state of the former United States. Debt. Negative balance sheets. Doubling down on insanity, etc.
THIS is what is ultimately going to collapse the whole rotten mess & take BRA with it.
Hope that helped."
It helped a lot. What threw me off was the preceding line about "many of you will remember division from school." I just couldn't remember a remainder concept that had to do with division.
AnalogMan said ”bernicegreenbaum said...
I was chatting with a very attractive, young negress
I'm trying to picture it, but I can't see it. "Attractive negress" is an oxymoron. Does not compute.”
We all know that there isn't such a thing. When I see a phrase such as “attractive negress” or “gifted black” used on SBPDL I assume that these descriptions are merely shorthand for “attractive for a negress” or “gifted for a black.”
"As is, most people seem to know such degrees, diploma's or certificates are passed out to negroes like halloween candy and are meaningless. However, it allows Sharmeeka to scream discrimination when she's "qualified" for a job and doesn't get it or gets hired and then fired for gross incompetence."
The picture you just painted is worth one thousand words.
Some of you guys have incredible literary talent.
Philadelphia Mike
Bogolyubski said...
BTW, for the various trolls here who continually accuse some of us with open eyes of holding to "conspiracy theories" (a typical Marxist method of shutting down discussions, by the way) or attacking straw men about we "blame it all on the Jews", you might want to take a look at some of the latest squid activity, which while having a distinctly Semitic element, is not terribly Jewish either (though I've yet to see a single Jew complain, not even the Nobel-Prize winning sooper-dooper genius Paul Krugman - or any of the "opposition" party Repukes, who naturally made it all possible in a spirit of bi-partisanship with Housenigga Hussein). But to be fair, I've not seen any "Christians" complaining about it either - especially the kind who bring their favorite casino magnate Uncle Sheldon to tears (probably of laughter at their gullibility) - apart from Barnhardt. It's really too bad these bozos don't have a pope or an archbishop they could follow, forhere's a perfect candidate for Poprah Charlie Hebdo I.
Bogo - You hit it out of the park. Don't let the ankle-biters get to you. TWMNBN always tries to silence those who know the truth. I am just one of about 9 of the long term patients here who follow your thoughts regularly. They keep coming around with pills for us to take and we just hide them under our tongues until the orderlies leave. They only let us use the computer on Thursdays. I'll write again next week.
Now there pissed because none of them were put up for Oscars.
Give me a break ! That's Rasiss
Reinhart said ”Bogo - You hit it out of the park. Don't let the ankle-biters get to you. TWMNBN always tries to silence those who know the truth. I am just one of about 9 of the long term patients here who follow your thoughts regularly. They keep coming around with pills for us to take and we just hide them under our tongues until the orderlies leave. They only let us use the computer on Thursdays. I'll write again next week.”
Reinhart, is that you in the east wing? Perhaps you, Bogo, and I could exchange theories telepathically.
In the post progressive dystopia nightmare that is BRA, the law of the land is gibsmedat. Praise and reward are supposed to be placed into out stretched paws and not earned via sacrifice, hard work, and ingenuity.
Whites not only compete against each other but everyone else for praise and reward.
Blacks just have to show up with a pulse.
Kinda on topic... talking about America's favorite sons and all...
Detroit carjacking. Guy puts a gun in a grandmother's face and says give me your money bitch. Steals car, gets his ass kicked a quarter mile down the road by the cops. Bystanders filmed it and are trying to make a new Michael Brown out of him.
Meanwhile, in SC:
A South Carolina man's brother died after police said he was forced to eat cocaine hidden in his brother's backside.
Both brothers were taken into custody on allegations they had drugs in their car.
But police told Charleston, S.C., TV station WCIV there were additional drugs hidden in 23-year-old Deangelo Mitchell's backside.
Officers said Deangelo Mitchell convinced his brother, 20-year-old Wayne Mitchell, to swallow the ounce of cocaine to hide the evidence. He died soon afterward.
Write your own punch line -
Hello Lost-in-Miami here,
Awesome Race Realism science from Playing Roots Backwards! I’m a big Rushton/Jenson fan. In the same vein, consider the following facts about Africans. Before any White or Arab colonization took place Africans never: composed a written language or any cannon of religious/philosophical thought, no system of measurement, made a tool that wouldn't be discarded after one use, built a building over one story (what buildings they built a beaver could rival), built a seaworthy vessel, reached any islands around Africa (Madagascar was populated by Indonesians and the Canary Islands are visible from the mainland), developed the wheel, devised a monetary system, domesticated and animal, domesticated a plant species, formulated a cuisine, smelted steel (some rudimentary iron work is evident, most likely introduced by foreigners), weaved cloth, created a musical instrument, created any lasting art/monument (forget about literature), etc., etc., etc. The question is do Bantu/Congoid Africans actually qualify as modern humans? This excellent question was posed by Richard Fuerle in his book ErectusWalks Amongst Us, The evolution of modern humans. This book is roundly poo poohed in the MSM and the Blogosphere but I found it fascinating. He goes on to assert that our Congoid friends are really Homo Erectus hold outs that have been infused with Homo Sapien blood by the migration into Africa from Asia and Europe/North Africa. As a theory it really seems to fit the existing evidence.
Reinhart said...
Bogolyubski said...
BTW, for the various trolls here …..
Bogo - You hit it out of the park. Don't let the ankle-biters get to you. TWMNBN always tries to silence those who know the truth. I am just one of about 9 of the long term patients here who follow your thoughts regularly. They keep coming around with pills for us to take and we just hide them under our tongues until the orderlies leave. They only let us use the computer on Thursdays. I'll write again next week.
Is this a joke? Are mental patients really rallying around Bogolyubski? I can't say I'm surprised by this though.
Lost in Miami said: "He goes on to assert that our Congoid friends are really Homo Erectus hold outs that have been infused with Homo Sapien blood by the migration into Africa from Asia and Europe/North Africa. As a theory it really seems to fit the existing evidence.
January 15, 2015 at 3:36 PM""
Lost in Miami CAN SEE.
Bogo - You hit it out of the park. Don't let the ankle-biters get to you. TWMNBN always tries to silence those who know the truth.
Bogo, here is confirmation to your dissertations. Soros (TWMNBN and Squid extraordinaire ) sits on his yacht in the Solomon Islands drinking 100 year old Scotch and his minions tear an American city apart. Look at the money transfers in this article, the special channels to funnel gibs for protesting, the media machine organization for drowning the media in their message. God help the next White who shoots an Orc in self defense.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
Anonymous said ”Reinhart said...
Bogolyubski said...
BTW, for the various trolls here …..
Bogo - You hit it out of the park. Don't let the ankle-biters get to you. TWMNBN always tries to silence those who know the truth. I am just one of about 9 of the long term patients . . . They only let us use the computer on Thursdays. I'll write again next week.
Is this a joke? Are mental patients really rallying around Bogolyubski? I can't say I'm surprised by this though.”
Hey, there is nothing wrong with mental patients. The food here is good, they change the sheets every week or so, and it is warm. I don't plan to ever leave. I owe Bogo a lot. Sometimes when it looks like they are going to kick me out I just recite a few of Bogo's paragraphs, and they sign me up for another six months.
"Soros (TWMNBN and Squid extraordinaire ) sits on his yacht in the Solomon Islands drinking 100 year old Scotch and his minions tear an American city apart. "
The organizations mentioned in the article are 501(c)3 non-profits, which means that Soros' donations are tax-deductible, which in effect means that they are supported indirectly (and perhaps directly too) by taxes. Ironic, no?
One could throw all the money in the world at the negro problem and it will never fix a single thing.
USA and other White lands have thrown [away] money fixing it.
its like feeding stray animals.
the more ya feed, the more they breed.
at least the ASPCA attempts to 'fix' the problem. [pun intended, they fix spay cats etc].
Chief Broom said...
Anonymous said ”Reinhart said...
Bogolyubski said...
BTW, for the various trolls here …..
Bogo - You hit it out of the park. Don't let the ankle-biters get to you. TWMNBN always tries to silence those who know the truth. I am just one of about 9 of the long term patients . . . They only let us use the computer on Thursdays. I'll write again next week.
Is this a joke? Are mental patients really rallying around Bogolyubski? I can't say I'm surprised by this though.”
Hey, there is nothing wrong with mental patients. The food here is good, they change the sheets every week or so, and it is warm. I don't plan to ever leave. I owe Bogo a lot. Sometimes when it looks like they are going to kick me out I just recite a few of Bogo's paragraphs, and they sign me up for another six months.
I will not participate in this juvenile criticism of Bogolyubski. He does good work. Every one of us is entitled to our own ideas and to create our own language. It may be Black Run America, but damn it, it's still America.
Ex_Copper said:
"I see the news articles about the so called "living wage" ideas. The protestors outside fast food joints wanting $15 an hour to make my French fries and bigmac. These pols and bottom feeders think that a grown adult with a teenagers job need pay raises to survive, yet have no idea that a wage of $15 an hour means the #1 meal at McDs will cost $13 instead of $5.99".
If low skill jobs start getting $15, a lot of workers will be competing for those jobs. The fat, lazy nogs are going to struggle to keep `em. Then the robots will take over. McDonald's doesn't need to pay some ignorant dolt $15 to take your order. You can enter it on your phone or even speak it into a computer. Most of the food prep could be automated as well. $15 makes it get automated much faster. These idiots need to be careful what they wish for.
Answer: Never and/or when all white people are dead.
The Groid has been accused of many things, but being a math whiz is not one of them.
I've heard of that case, and it was my understanding that the killer only got eight years. The victims' family was outraged. Hopefully, they generated enough heat to somehow get him resentenced. What they should have done, of course, is take him out behind the police station and put a high-caliber bullet through his supernaturally thick cranium immediately after arresting the little bastard.
They're only failures if you make the white, incorrect assumption that they're intended to produce a verifiable positive outcome of some kind that would someday presumably eliminate the need for such programs. Their true purpose is simply to siphon money from the white man and provide employment opportunities for those who administer the programs.
Not sure who you're referring to, but I personally have never been so presumptuous as to ask Paul to shut people up for any reason. I believe in free speech, even for silly people. It's just that I've always found the idea that the Jews are running a giant invisible conspiracy to secretely control the world for their own benefit to be right up there in loony-land with similar theories which allege that, for example, aliens are beaming secret microwave transmissions into our tooth fillings in order to turn us into pod people who will unquestionably do their bidding. I sometimes express here my disagreement or annoyance with these claims.
What happens is that their white colleagues end up doing their work for them because the employer is terrified of getting hit with a giant Cibbil Rights lawsuit.
S.O.S should really mean SHOOT ON SIGHT.
I fiind it highly amusing that the ankle-biters and fearless chargers of straw men seem to be upset over my mention of money-landering scheme involving the House of Saud, who (last I checked) were not members of the tribe which calls itself God's chosen people.
It's likewise hilarious to see the brainwashed products of Kwabananaland public-schul (or perhaps paid operatives of Soros, Zuckerberg and Uncle Sheldon) using the word "conspiracy" with zero comprehension of what the word actually means. What has been described by myself and others here does not fit the definition. As for actual conspiracies, history is filled with them. Those who deny their existence merely display their own historical illiteracy - hardly surprising given the state of programming in public-schuls, what calls itself "Christianity" and the media.
Kudos to 10 MM for the link. Imagine my shock and awe that the very same squid who was funding the rent-a-mobs in Kiev just a year ago has been funding their counterparts in Fergudishu. Funny also what happened to Glenn Beck (a bagel-boy ball-licker to the core) when he mentioned the origins of the Soros family fortune.
"It's just that I've always found the idea that the Jews are running a giant invisible conspiracy to secretely control the world for their own benefit to be right up there in loony-land with similar theories ..."
Racial warfare is a fact of life, as established by Darwin. Jews need no more conspire to be destructive than termites do. That said, a focus on Jewish racial enmity as being the sole cause of white problems, in addition to being wrong, is a useless distraction, especially since there's nothing that those who believe in it propose to do about it. It promotes passivity and resignation.
That being said, it's invaluable that someone here pointed out the detailed logistics of George Soros' influence on American and global politics, the extent and depth of which I was not previously aware. He is truly the most evil and most destructive man alive, even more so than the Kenyan usurper.
That was quite unethical of you to publish my hat-tip to the truth that George Soros is indeed an enormously dangerous octopus, while omitting my previous well-reasoned and well-written comments on the overall topic of Jewish conspiracy which had led into said hat-tip. You are practicing exactly the same kind of editorial censorship of inconvenient realities for which all of us here have long excoriated the MSM. You are being unfair and hypocritical, and I've lost a good deal of respect for you.
I understand your wish to protect Bogo, as he is a brilliant — if erratic — regular contributor. However, if you are truly dedicated to free speech and truth, you should offer others the opportunity to critique his theories in a responsible and reasoned manner. Otherwise, you are little better than the MSM in presenting only ideologically-biased views of suspect legitimacy (i.e. truthfulness) that pander to your friends. :-)
They always have some wordsy catch phrase plan, instigated by colored preachers and churches, used as a money grubbing plan. Money donated by cowardly White self haters, nignore them, they don't matter. They will starve put if you ignore and resist them.
First visit. What's "YT"?
I'm guessing based on the content of your posts, that your not black. Not even a high yellow one. Oh that's right. I forgot. They're all future Rhodes Scholars like Michael St.Swisher Brown.
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