It was last year we learned the city of Indianapolis was dedicating vast monetary resources to trying to stop high rates of black violence. [Mayor Greg Ballard outlines initiative to curb black-on-black violence in Indianapolis, Indy Star, 3-13-14]
![]() |
An image from the MLK Lock-in held in Indianapolis in honor of Martin Luther King Day... an event designated as a place to keep black people from engaging in stereotypically black behavior (which damages private property and requires massive police intervention) |
It was in late 2014 the Your Life Matters: Report to the Mayor from the YLM Taskforce was released. The report would offer recommendations to stop black violence from happening, but it contained this incredible observation:
In 2013, the city of Indianapolis was confronted with an outbreak of murders. The surge in murders reached 125 – the largest number since 2006. Though Black males make up less than 2% of the population in Marion County, 66% of the victims and 64% of the murder suspects in Indianapolis were Black males.Two percent of Marion County's population account for (let me fix it for the Your Life Matters report) 64 percent of known murder suspects in Indianapolis.
This is the contribution of black people to life in Indianapolis.
Resident all-things-black columnist at the Indy Star, Erika Smith, wrote, Indy needs rescue mission for young black males, though it should have read: Indy needs rescue from young black males.
Because Indianapolis needs a reprieve from black violence, a hilarious homage to Martin Luther King went down this past weekend: an "Open Space, Safe Place" initiative... [MLK lock-in gives Indy teens a place to turn, WISH-TV, 1-15-15]:
This month a brawl involving more than 200 teenagers erupted at Castleton Square Mall. It’s just one result of teens not having enough places to go.
Light of the World Christian Church is trying to tackle this issue head-on. On Sunday, they’re hosting the MLK Holiday Lock-In, to give young people a safe place to go for the three-day weekend. They’ve been hosting lock-ins for years, but this one is different. For the first time, the Indiana Metropolitan Police Department and the Indiana Black Expo are joining the effort.
It’s taken months of preparation, and countless hours of planning.
“The space is so multi-faceted,” said Matt Steward, an IMPD officer. “We have the board games, we’ve got soccer going on, we have the dance floor, so there’s a little bit for everybody.”
“One of the main issues we know young people have expressed is there’s nothing for them to do,” says Jennifer Darby director of youth and family programs for the Indiana Black Expo.
For one night, hundreds of teens will be in one space, with one goal in mind. More than 200 volunteers and 23 police officers are making the evening a reality.
“The city of Indianapolis, along with the rest of the country, needs it.” said Anderson White, Youth Director of the church. “I feel that’s the least we can do for our community, to turn around and help those young people that were in the same boat as you. That you can say, ‘I was like you and I can help you.'”
“Young people have questions, issues. How do we interface with law enforcement?” said Steward. “We’re trying to avoid situations like what recently happened in Castleton, and has happened across the country. This is just our one response to try and make a difference in kids lives.”About 500 black kids took part in the MLK lock-in... with the name "MLK lock-in" perhaps the most appropriate title ever for keeping black kids from participating in the type of criminal activities possibly turning Castleton Mall into just another dead mall...
What better way to celebrate MLK Day then by locking black kids up to keep them from disrupting life for the white residents of Indianapolis?
13 WTHR Indianapolis
Let's face it. Blacks are plain evil! Why aren't we SEGREGATED AGAIN?
Things would be so much safer and easier for the rest of civil society.
What better way to celebrate MLK Day then by locking black kids up to keep them from disrupting life for the white residents of Indianapolis?
First time commenter....but that was funny.
Spoken word performance.
Shakespeare - performed by Uncle Ruckus?
Percentage wise, is this a precursor of what they may expect?
The simple reason America is on the decline: we can't solve our problems if we refuse to identify them. America has a problem with black criminality and violence. No media outlet will say it that plainly yet the word is out there and more and more people know and acknowledge that fact. If the best solution elected officials can come with is to sponsor the occasional event like this asinine one then how can any rational individual expect things to improve?
They also said there would be 20 cops there. All for 1500 kids who are there for 'fun'. What a racket. What a race.
I guess I'm getting old. If I wasn't playing sports I would read. I guess reading books is "white privilege".
Nice post again PK/SBPDL.
Scot Irish
RexHymens here:
Amazing how many people think the best idea for preventing blacks from committing crime is to throw them dance parties, or midnight basketball.
How about they stay home and study?
Why don't their dads spend the evenings teaching them how to paint, or draw, or play an instrument, or repair something, or learn a foreign language?
Oh that's right, because they're NOT "just like us".
At all.
They're dumb, undisciplined, disrespectful, violent, lazy, uneducated, selfish, self-absorbed, drug-addicted feral savages and a completely different species from us.
You would think they would be ashamed of the fact that they need 20 cops for 1500 black "kids" who are supposedly there to have fun, but no.
Hello Lost-in-Miami here,
Too bad they didn't have some place to lock up the Jigs in New Orleans, 5 people shot in NO MLK celebration.
Resources, resources, resources . . .
Once again Negros don't need resources they need evolution! We gave them 20% white blood and that helped a little bit. As is evidenced by the fact that when the American Jigs went back to Africa (Liberia) they promptly enslaved 10x their number and ruled over them until recently. Also the Americus Junglebunnicus has an average IQ of 85 while the Bantu/Congoids orcs of Mutha-Africa have an average IQ of 70. Left to their own devices it could take 100k years to evolve into a species compatible with the norms and mores of white society.
Of course a well designed eugenics program could significantly speed up the process of Congoid-modernization. When talking with my stalwart Liberal (Brahman Indian) friend (I've only recently stepped into the light), even he agreed that your average young Spooks of today are noticeably stupider than those of just 20 years ago. This is evidence that the current dysgenics program, designed by the architects of this Marxist/Civil Rights/Welfare era, is working. Intelligence being as much as 80% inheritable, imposing conditions by which only the smartest Shines can flourish we could have a widely employable species in a hundred years or so. Incidentally this is also a good idea for white people; we could raise our collective IQ 5 points in just a few decades. Eugenics is the foundation of the institution of heterosexual marriage, providing resources to couples capable of bearing children in family units. That's why the Bolshevik scum push for so vehemently for gay-marriage, polygamy, porno-culture or anything else that will break up the family unit (the cornerstone of western society). It can be done! We could breed our way to a society of reasonable, functional, Boogies.
I know what you’re thinking . . . Eugenics! . . . Run for your lives the Nazis are coming, the Nazis are coming! Relax, that’s just propaganda. Just look at all the smartest most successful groups in the world. They all practice widespread eugenics. Pick a group . . . say the Jews for instance, they practice eugenics and they are said to higher verbal IQ scores. While young She-Boons chase the bling, bling, rappers and sports stars, the Jewish chicks are cashing doctors, lawyers and rabbis. Over the years this practice has raised the collective Jewish IQ. So don’t listen to all the anti-eugenics propaganda out there. But, I wonder who would want to keep us white people eugenics free and stupid? Who would spread such anti-eugenic propaganda? I wonder . . .
Maybe the local county detention center or state prison could organize the afro-american version of " take your daughter to work " day?
I wonder how many more niglet bastards were conceived by other niglet bastards in that churches gym. The pictures reminded me of the pictures from the superdome post Katrina. How will they ever get the smell out of that gym?
200 people in a melee is not a fight, it is a riot.
And just think, all because they had "nowhere to go."
Just as simple as that !
This is ironic to me in the sense that when these black-justifiers use it, they are unknowingly admitting that you have to keep blacks separated at all times, otherwise they will try to kill each other.
-The Baron
I am happy to say that my grandchildren were out of school on this great holiday. We felt honored to wish a great man a happy birthday...
Happy birthday General Robert E. Lee. You will never be forgotten.
Oldranger68 and family
I may be mistaken, but I'm reasonably certain that a gigantic fight erupted at this very same event a few years ago when more negroes showed up than could be allowed inside. Or they arrived too late, or something. Either way, there was a church lock-in type event for blacks that turned into a violent poop-throwing circus outside in the parking lot when some of them didn't get their way. Maybe it wasn't in Indianapolis. I'll look it up, but I think this was it.
Too bad 13 year old black yute Ashton Harting and his brother Markus didn't attend this event instead of roaming the streets at 2 AM.
Po-po is now admitting it was a "gang-related" shootout that killed the 13 year old.
Of course his family just says he was "in the wrong place at the wrong time"
Wull...duh. 2AM is definitely the "wrong time for a teen to be wandering around 38th & Post in Indy, since there have already been a half dozen other shootings in that area so far this year
Wow. You have to get up pretty early in the morning to think up a comment that hasn't already been posted on this blog.
It actually happened just this past August. This same church had a black lock-in with the theme "No One Turned Away", and when they turned away some negroes because it got too full (they love them freebies), fights broke out in the parking lot and the cops had to be called. Of course, I'm sure this isn't the only place this wacky behavior has taken place. Those kooky blacks.
Step One of the Big Book of AA
“We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—
that our lives had become unmanageable.”
If you look at and deal with these people as you would do with addicts, it's surprising the progress that can be made
Here's the irony, we're paying for these shitheads to breed.
We're paying for this.
Who are the the dumb ones?
They should be so busy studying at that age that they wouldn't have time to be bored. But that be actin' white.
What a joke. Coddling never helped anyone. Funny to see the professional blacks who set up this show pretending to be civilized. There is nothing underpinning this charade.
White people built civilization on a moral code and a work ethic alien to blacks. Blacks can not maintain it. Unfortunately neither will we Whites be able to go forward by pretending inclusiveness equals success.
The world is a competitive place and we can't afford to promote the welfare of the least able, least qualified and most ungrateful. Which describes blacks to a- t.
How do we get out of this mess?
Appeasement doesn't work. We will need hard men of valor taking a hardline against the weakness and rot in our society. The Negro's buffoonery is but a symptom of our weakness.
It is always darkest before the dawn. Our circumstances will certainly worsen, but take heart for the blood of conquerers flows in your veins.
We must prevail; to perish is not an option. Think of all the struggle that went into surviving to get us this far. Our problems are surmountable and are nothing compared to what our ancestors endured. We will persevere. Find the faith to survive, it is within us.
Look at the amazing things Whites have done and are still doing. This time is but a hiccup. Our challenge is greater. Blacks are a small obstacle, they will not define us. Some of us will be dragged down, but the best among us will survive. Ever forward. Climb to still greater heights.
"“One of the main issues we know young people have expressed is there’s nothing for them to do,” says Jennifer Darby director of youth and family programs for the Indiana Black Expo."
The lazy shits. How about working? Or doing chores around the house? Or studying? Or working on hobbies?
No, only Whites, Asians, and Hispanics are capable of doing that.
What mindless useless creatures these black teens are.
I like the idea of Robert E. Lee Day. I'm going to substitute a good person every year for the different MLK dates. I also like the idea of locking in blacks on weekends, for their own safety, of course. Can you imagine weekend shopping in a nice white atmosphere again? And the cops can have the suspects all rounded up in one place and save so many miles of driving from murder to mayhem. Finally a good idea - bet they never do it again.
How about a father/daughter dance for the girls?
"Look at the amazing things Whites have done and are still doing. This time is but a hiccup. Our challenge is greater. Blacks are a small obstacle, they will not define us. Some of us will be dragged down, but the best among us will survive. Ever forward. Climb to still greater heights."
Holy Shit! Anony you are one inspirational M-F'er! Kai Murros look over your shoulder . . .
Happy Birthday, Paula Deen! Too bad you groveled when you should have held your head up high and said, "Well, let's just say I like calling a spade a spade."
What a spoiled rotten bunch of entitlement minded savages.
They are living off of the blood, sweat and tears of the working of the fruits of our labor.
Anonymous said...
I am happy to say that my grandchildren were out of school on this great holiday. We felt honored to wish a great man a happy birthday...
Happy birthday General Robert E. Lee. You will never be forgotten.
Oldranger68 and family
"Look at the amazing things Whites have done and are still doing. This time is but a hiccup. Our challenge is greater. Blacks are a small obstacle, they will not define us. Some of us will be dragged down, but the best among us will survive. Ever forward. Climb to still greater heights."
To anonymous:
Who are you? Give us a name...any name...and then use it again for your future posts.
You are absolutely awe inspiring. I'm hoping to see more of you here.
Where There's White, There's Hope.
Philadelphia Mike
There's another place where they keep while African animals locked in for safety.
It's called a zoo.
All over the news, they keep saying, "There is still much more work to be done!" How's this: time is up! You can "work" all you want, but count me out. If they haven't made it by now, with all kinds of handouts, freebies, affirmative action, Section 8-- you name it--they never will. They NEVER will...
Just figure how much further a city like Indianapolis or St. Louis or etc., would be if it did not have to waste so much money, resources and personnel in dealing with this kind of idiocy. And you add in all the crime and school trashings caused by the "teenagers." It's like America is an army with a never-ending insurgency in its rear echelon, making it impossible to advance on new frontiers of business and science and the arts. The sacrifice of the manned space program to BRA is but one symptom.
I remember as a child, out of school during the summer, my hrother and I telling mom "We're bored, there's nothing to do". Mom would run us out of the house and tell us go in the backyard and play.
We'd go dragging ourselves into the backyard and before too long, with friends from the neighborhood, we'd be playing so hard, we didn't want to come in for supper when it got dark.
What's amazing is that we didn't damage any property, vandalize anything, steal anything hurt, shoot or kill anyone.
This was the early '60's in Salt Lake City, Utah. Probably too mundane for "youths" nowadays.
Hahahahahahahaha!!! Good one.
"Look at the amazing things Whites have done and are still doing. This time is but a hiccup. Our challenge is greater. Blacks are a small obstacle, they will not define us. Some of us will be dragged down, but the best among us will survive. Ever forward. Climb to still greater heights."
To anonymous:
Who are you? Give us a name...any name..."
He sounds just like The Ultimate Warrior to me.
People mock this article. Well, okay, make fun all you want. Truth be told, these animals do best when in captivity. Constant surveillance, even at the tender teenage years, is absolutely necessary - for their safety as well as ours. Seriously, how many females in this group didn't get knocked up because they were under the watchful eye of the camera or "da law"? Of course, you'd have to subtract the number of bucks who managed to pop one off under the radar with the many willing she-boons available that night, but still, think of the temporary reprieve your wallet got by this minor reduction in access to the baby making machines.
On another note, I enjoyed the comment about Eugenics, and feel as though that sincerely needs to be addressed. But I'm sorry. None of us on this thread has the time to wait for eugenics. I care about the next white generations as much as the next person, but to be honest, I'm in this one for me. I don't see much changing until our money system, that is, our fiat dollar, goes away. And that, my friends, is going to bring a lot of pain to us all, especially the unprepared. And how do you prepare with so many unknowns? What I do know is that people with real skills, not make pretend ones, will be in big demand when TSHTF. "Marketing Designer for the Indo/African Lesbian Couple" will not be an acceptable skill. Nor will there be a very high demand for "Tupperware Color Coordinator for Male Junior Misses"
Try to be one of those people who know how to fix things, create things, bake, sew, engineer, etc. We need to get to a place where people actually accomplish and build things, and leave all this other b/s behind. Gnome sane?
My God. These people have no dignity.
Read the comments.
This article and the readers of are advocating stealing money from white children to give to non-white children. Oh and it's all the fault of Whitey why this must occur.
My father, these people are reprehensible
Californian sez:
"The sacrifice of the manned space program to BRA is but one symptom."
Riddle me this, Californian: Paul has written a book about it. "YT To The Moon", or some such. Anyway, what a disgrace it is, for you, for me, and for White person reading this right now (this means YOU), that in BRA, we have to hitch rides with the Russians for space travel!
And now that you've got your mind wrapped around that, get a picture in your mind of what your average Russian guy or gal looks like....go ahead, I'll give you a minute.............Now, in your mind, did a picture of L'Javyus, or LaQueefah pop into your mind? No? Now then tell me HOW the Russians could be so smart having been deprived of the glorious diversity brought forth by L'Javyus and LaQueefah?
Sumpin' jes ain't be adden up rye! Gnome sane?
SBPDL said...
“The space is so multi-faceted,” said Matt Steward, an IMPD officer. “We have the board games...
I sent them one of the board games.
There are no properties, railroads or utilities.
Every space you land on says:
The tokens include: a crack pipe, an EBT card, a pyramid, a garbage can, and a 40 oz. malt liquor bottle.
The money is counterfeit and the dice are loaded.
Just my way of giving the chilluns a positive, wholesome, real life experience.
Today, I was fixing 3 computers at once and the customer said, "I didn't know you were a lefty."
I said, "I am NOT a lefty. I SHOOT with my right hand."
Woodsy says: Got my hand in my pocket and my finger on the trigger! (I actually use proper finger placement and my hand never leaves my pocket - but my safety is always off, for MY safety!)
I carry about 15 grand worth of computers and product. Do you think ANYONE in NYC is going to HELP if someone TRIES to rob me? NO! I also wear a set of clear spycam glasses with audio recording. You can get them on Amazon for about $35-$40 which includes a micro SD card. They look just like regular glasses, are very easy to use and reliable - and nobody will know the difference. In this day and age, you NEED them. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6...
$100 headed your way tomorrow, PK!
"... It’s just one result of teens not having enough places to go."
The mall used to be one of those places for teens to go. White teens, of course.
We stopped going when the flamers took over the restrooms, I wasn't around for the nog invasion that finally killed it.
WoodyBBad here,
We still have Lee-Jackson (Robert E. and Stonewall)day in Virginia. It was the third Monday of January. Guess who came to dinner? We had Lee-Jackson-King day for a few years. Certain people didn't like that. Now we have Lee-Jackson on the preceding Friday, as a state holiday, and King on Monday. Only state gov't workers get both off.
I still wish I was judged on the content of my character, not the color of my skin. Some are more equal than others, nowadays.
O/T. Just incase you didn't hear about this
Google "Polk county crime spree"
We can begin to stop this tomorrow.
We just have to have the courage to stop paying for them to breed.
If you can't afford your chillin, you don't have them.
In the immortal words of Bullet-tooth Tony.
"Now Fuck off"
Jesus H. Christ said (love your name, btw!)
"Accountability Gone Awry"
Couldn't help but have a silent chuckle at that, what with all the "Robbery Gone Wrong", "Birthday Celebration Gone Wrong" comments on here.
Anyway, forgive me, I skimmed the article you posted and gleaned that, all things be (not) equal, Charter schools with mostly blacks/retard (redundant, I know)schools will be stealing state cash from the white (promising) Charter schools. Quite sad if correct.
p.s. If you have any intelligence about Soros now trying to kick start a race war, please do tell! I'm hearing rumors!
The suspects in Polk county:
Notice what is not mentioned in this story about how Donors help to bury these white women:
Woodsy InNYC owes me another keyboard, gosh dern it!
Well if the negro wasn't out in full force today....
City upon city report protests about the out of control negroes
we have in out country. Protesting on interstates stopping
traffic for hours during rush hour. In Miami, over 100 useless
thugs on dirt bikes and quads on the road, police told too
dangerous to pursuit (LMFAO) so their given a green light to
go out and acta' fool. MLK is like any other day in Ameerika,
I din du nuffins' day is more of an appropriate name for a
day like today.
Well I gotta hand it to MLK for one part of his ignorant
negro speech he gave whatever years ago it was....
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live
in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their
skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!"
Yeah MLK ? Well so do we, but our dream is just as much of a
dream as yours is. By you having a dream only results in YT
living a nightmare. Your dream is realized, and hence why
the negro can be judged by the color of it's skin. Nobody
in their right mind wants to be around the negro, not even
the ignorant negro himself.
Negros are just as much a threat to themselves as they are to us.
They value nothing, not even their own #blacklivesmatter bullsheeit.
That's the thing that they don't get. Too retarded I guess.
Your lives don't matter to nobody except the marxists that
have an investment in you. We don't. It's treason !!!
UGH.....well I took a good day off of work, away from the negro,
a time to spend away from the daily doldrums, otherwise known as
negro fatigue.
Truly speaking, if you spend too much time thinking about how
deep of sheeit this country is truly in, you'll go insane,
cause it is, in fact, complete dystopian insanity.
Today's MLK day just proved without a doubt why the negro will NEVER
be accepted by me as human or anything of the such. Not even an animal.
A devil. What they call us is what they truly are, devils..hypocrites,
grown toddlers that can't handle the truth. Not capable of comprehending.
They offer absolutely nothing positive to us. NOTHING !!
WOW, I have to take a couple steps back in life everyday, only to watch
the ignorant negro think they are taking two steps ahead..
Too much to fathom.... it's not that this country deserves to die,
it's already in the process.......50 years in the making, all in
thanks to the negro....
God bless all you negroes, as if he could only help you...I'll already be dead...
Inspiring White music.
The visuals are not so great...but the music is incredible.
Philadelphia Mike
Am I getting this right, they lock themselves up and play boardgames?
I can't imagine anybody not liking this idea a lot. Now, go one step further and segregate them by sex like in a real prison.
And keep them in this lock-up, sorry, lock-down, for a few decades.
If only we could have every single black teen do a lock-in for like 365 years.
Talk about living a dream come true.......
These negroes really know how to turn a holiday for their man into a nightmare.
Well I hope all you DWL's out there that stick up for these devils enjoyed
your time spent sitting in a traffic jam. Maybe it gave some of you stupid
sheeples' time to reflect on the reasons that you think the negro ISN'T a
threat to YT in Ameerika.
Ok, I can't even stand to talk about these parasites, much less try to
avoid them at all costs.
I simply cannot believe that we have such an evil force against us, but
it is, and it's real. No matter what these devils ever try to say, I will
always live my life understanding that they hate me and I hate them, even
more. Segregation needs to be full speed ahead. I'm sure that even out of
all the DWL's out there that we have our own share that would give just
about anything to be segregated from this deadly cancer.
LOL @ listening to biden speak.....duh dude, they all ARE suspooks !!!
Those of us actually trying to live our own lives do not have the time
to want to speak to them, find out about them, not alone accept them.
NEVER! I know of no IKAGO's !! NONE !! Never have, never will.
I don't want to meet not a damn one of them. I'd rather live in my
civilization, the one that is being taken from me every day by none
other than you know who. Truly white genocide at it's finest.....
Hope you all had a great Martin Looter Coon day !!
I did, far far away from the parasite that is eating Ameerika away....
They call this country the melting pot of it all. Yeah, I'm seeing how
they came up with that. Color of melting pot: Black. Color IN melting pot ?
Black. What happens when melting pot boils over ????
You have what you had on MLK day 2015....a bunch of ignorant retarded negroes
not afraid to show their true their flag, red:blood, black: murder,
green: freedom to do whatever they please in civilization where the law doesn't
apply to them.....and what do they call that ? EQUALITY !!!
This country is like one big barnum and bailey circus gone completely wrong.....
The animals are loose, the animals are loose !!!!!!
Yep, we're just as diseased as any other country the negro has consumed thus far....
Love the blog!
Comments are great!
PK hats off to you for the great articles.
Spending my MLK day night watching "First 48" and it is freaking amazing all black suspects. I guess it is to judge by the content of character...
I appreciate that you link sources throughout your articles, most of them are open for comments and I've been on rapid fire lately.
Love your blog, keep up the good work!
The Indiana Department of Corrections has been offering a lock-in for some time now. And not just on MLK day.
In prison, everyday is MLK day.
Best Comment Of The Day Award goes to: REX HYMAN:
"They're dumb, undisciplined, disrespectful, violent, lazy, uneducated, selfish,
self-absorbed, drug-addicted feral savages and a completely different species from us."
Anybody that doesn't know this is simply retarded, including them of course !!!
There are no words despicable enough to describe what took place across Ameerika
on MLK day 2015. Until this feral savage species is brought to it's own knees,
Ameerika as we once knew it to be, will never be returned to that state again.
We're going down.......which brings me to the next comment of the day:
American Citizen said...
"The simple reason America is on the decline: we can't solve our problems if we refuse to identify them. America has a problem with black criminality and violence. No media outlet will
say it that plainly yet the word is out there and more and more people know and acknowledge that
fact. If the best solution elected officials can come with is to sponsor the occasional event
like this asinine one then how can any rational individual expect things to improve?"
January 19, 2015 at 3:56 PM
Your intelligence on all of this is always right on point, not to mention my thoughts exactly
of the whole situation on hand. As I currently live in a city where I'm the YT that used to
be the majority, now turned minority, I see ALL of this train wreck first hand EVERYDAY I live.
Nobody in this world can brainwash me into thinking this species is equal to me, EVER !!!
They are not! NEVER have been, NEVER will be, no matter all the might in the world they
offer them for their upliftment into 1st world civilization. It's insane for anybody to
think this is possible, but there is a group that KNOWS they are not. It's the same group
responsible for all of this to begin with.
BOTTOM LINE TO ME: WHITEY GENOCIDE is EXACTLY what it is. Do we not witness this just about
each and every day that one or many of our own are murdered at the hands of a savage negro ?
This balloon dynasty is about to pop wide open !!
They can't hide the truth of it all any longer. The cat is out of the bag,
especially for those of us that have the misfortune of having to witness it
ourselves every freakin nightmarish day we live surrounded by this feral species.
I'd rather be surrounded by racoons !!
Well here in good ole' Cleveland on MLK day,
Sheboona steals Porche Cayenne n da hood at a corna sto when mama ran n da
sto 2 git sum blunts n chicken wangs. She left her 7 year old squid n da cahr
n sumone outside wuz sup'posed ta be watchin her cah as she ran into sto.
Even what is supposed to be a holiday for blaques finds a way to turn into a
full blown nightmare. None of us are safe from this feral species !!
Anybody wanna know wut it feels like to live in a real life taping of
Planet Of The Apes, just come to Ameerika for a 1st row seat cuz it don't
get any better than this...........cuz you know, as reality has it, it's
gonna get a lot worse before it ever has a chance at getting better.
I'll put my money where my mouth is, not like this monopoly money is gonna
be worth much down the road anyways. I'll just flip out my platinum EBT card!
Then I woke up and realized I'm white, I don't qualify for those types of
benefits, you know, the benefits created for the feral species only !
How can I feel like an American Citizen when I'm not treated like one ?
This shht is truly like living Ameerika's Nightmare, does it ever end ?
Don't answer that last question, I think I already have a good idea how....
This month a brawl involving more than 200 teenagers erupted at Castleton Square Mall. It’s just one result of teens not having enough places to go.
That is, of course, an outrageous lie. There really isn't much more to say on this topic. They are violent savages. You can try to create environments for them, at great expense, that might minimize the savagery. But in the end, they are savage killers.
If you are a non-negro who continues to ignore this and try to explain it away, you are a coward. Being a coward is pretty well the worst insult possible. It's even worse than being called a racist. Mkay?
Anonymous said...
January 19, 2015 at 6:13 PM
Nah, it's more less like:
The most despicable species I have ever had
the misfortune of having to be introduced to.
I hope all parties responsible for setting
this savage primal species loose for us to
have to suffer the pain of dealing with,
I surely hope YOU have to pay for your sins
you put upon us. May you pay a hefty price,
1000 times over the price YT is having to
pay right now dealing with this BS !!!
You people responsible for this attack
against YT deserve to rot in hell !!!
We are living in the age of white genocide
as we speak. We keep running. Whose going
to take charge and stand up for YT ?
Anybody ?
Or are we just going to freeze and roll over
like dead sheep ? Seems like that's what were
doing, and letting the administration get away
with it, hand over foot. We need to get our acts
together. #OurLivesMaterMost -- FK EM ALL !!!
I can only imagine the deafening volume of noise when the 'free food' was set out. Detroit Refugee
In honor of the day, I just read Martin Luther King's autobiography.
It was titled "Ghandi, an Autobiography".
I like the idea of Robert E. Lee Day. I'm going to substitute a good person every year for the different MLK dates
In college we would buy KFC to celebrate MLK day as our own little joke on the system. It was sleep in and eat fried chicken day.
You're right Rebel. Parents and mass transit dropped teens off and left. It got over capacity and the melee started.
Just a quick comment, at least on some TV you get a dose of racial reality. Judge Judy is usually good for that.
I happened to see a case last night where this sow chimped out and assaulted her old white hippie neighbor over using a public-use outside water faucet with a hose in their apartment complex; she fabricated a bunch of crap and tried to sue the guy over it, even though she was the one in the wrong.
Judy of course saw through it and threw it out, but in the process she makes this comment that she's going to put the sow's story together "like a Mr. Potato Head, with the right arms, the right legs, and so on" ...
Which was funny as hell because this bitch looked like a frigging potato. And funnier still because it went right over her head.
After the case, of course, the sow had the usual line about how the cops didn't help her much because she's "african-American" ...
Anyways, back to topic. Maybe they could insist everyone at one of these lockdowns takes a "vitamin pill" that's really a high dose estrogen supplement. See if that at least curbs the breeding for the night.
Field of Twerking would be good. Built it & they will come to enjoy the lavish desirability of typical 7 - 10 y/o sub saharan female
Dem baby daddy's had da'ancient spell of crazy lust put on their muh'D by curse of Twerk, so's them baby daddy's should be owing no child support or nothing cuz dey be vikkims of witch-crafts
So funny! A 'lock-in'? Don' they realize jail is known as 'lock up'?! This was basically a temporary jail to keep the napas alive and away from humans they may have murdered. What a world!
This was segregation, pure and simple. Temporary, but segregation nonetheless.
Can't we just make this permanent?
Serious question: when one mentions the book The Bell Curve in 'polite' society it is always poo-poo'ed and someone will say the statistics were found to be flawed.
I know that's not true, but if you play Devil's Advocate, what were the accusations that were true against it? Or is it considered unimpeachable?
You have a dream.
We have a nightmare.
Delaware dude. kill me ton is going strong. less than 3 weeks into the new year and 3 b-o-b killings. then some bozo a few miles away from the killing zones does a drive by on the veep residence. looks like a fine start for both the county seat and the state capital isn't far behind in violence. why even yesterday a few of the gibsmedat and now looksatme did a strong arm on a 7-11 and beat the clerk as he chased them. 14-15 yr. olds. yes, indeed, this is looking to be a banner year already. I may even have to increase the recommended radius of safety to 45 ft. for a greater response time since it now seems to be a pack mentality among the young guns. might need more range practice as well. Stay safe and keep the 30 ft. perimeter (for now) at all times.
Indy is disgusting anyway. It's only a matter of time before all the jiggaboos run off the tax base and the city ends up like Detroit
Amazing. They needed 23 police officers for this thing.
Indy has many spaces that would be ideal for a chain of "Twerking Centers" cutting a swathe across the old town.
Beautiful spaces are available at left of Pan-Am game venues. Indy went all out when the hosted the Pan-Am games & the facilities have always been a nice asset for both citzenry & amateur athletes alike.
The ice skating center inside the Circle Center Mall & restored train station is a wonderful venue. Amateur ice skating events are held there (or were) about every weekend. I used to go while my wife shopped at CC & if admission wasn't free it was like 2 bux (just enough to scare the heat-fevered Africans away) & every seat was a Good Seat too.
Now that'd make a great Twerking Center. Could save lots of money by not maintaining ice, just need a few leg lift rails & twerking Towers scattered around. This would be FREE to subsuhuman africa's as it's part of their Kulcher 'n all. It would also be real close to high end shopping for whenz they needed to take a break & do some work "shop-lifting". Lots of good restuarants within a block radius too so lots of places to pig out then run out on the bill along with good opportunities for smash'n'grab purse 'n sail foam stealing at restuarant tables while you be running out on the check.
Wiff all the crimes being inspired by subsahuman Twerkn kulchur some local RC priests could be recruited to turn Indy's new MLK Twerk Parques into "Sanctuary Safe Sites" where no law enforcement would be allowed to go in pursuit of victimizers.
/H hypie out H\
The Bell Curve . . . what were the accusations that were true against it? Or is it considered unimpeachable?
Dear Anony,
The book is not unimpeachable but like all IQ research it has stood the test of time. The Bolsheviks in academia try to shoot holes in it with crazy convoluted logic and stats. But I find that Occam's Razor, the simplest most comprehensible explanation is probably true, points unequivocally toward the reliability of IQ research. The bible of IQ science is the The G-Factor by A. Jensen. It's a densely written tome but worth the read. You can get it on pdf for free on the net.
Here's an awesome debate on IQ science, dysgenics and the Negro between William Shockely and (Sheboon racist bitch) Dr? Frances Welsing. Check it out on youtube:
SC Native
Well now that black Christmas is over what's the tally of bix nood behavior out there? How many riots, how many made good. Down here in SC I didn't hear of anything but yesterday is R E Lee's birthday to most of us anyway.
Some of you might find it interesting that when the NAPA's complained about black Christmas not being a "holiday" in SC it was ignored for a while. But then as the ooking and eeking got too loud they were allowed to have dey holiday. It was passed as a joint holiday to honor R E Lee, a real role model and (Michael) Martin Looter Coon, a typical negro role model to give them what they want and also slap them in the face. Added to the bill was language that made Confederate Memorial Day an observed holiday as well. I let my employees choose which one the want to celebrate so yesterday was just another day, pausing for reflection on the life and character of Lee who was a true gentlemen of the highest order, we will be closed on Confederate Memorial Day.
It seems to be if you let them bitch but then give them what they want with a slap in the face they don't ask for much. This is something to think about since NAPA's see it as a defeat even in victory. It worked with the Confederate Flag and Black Christmas. Perhaps this is a way other states should follow?
Board games? Was he trolling?
Give them their own board game store, inside of a mall,with a no work required million dollar salary ,unlimited women and food and no tension at all, and they'll find a way to destroy it,lose the money, kill each other, rape the women and burn down the mall within a month.
These animals are mentally and physically mature at 13 years old. They should be allowed to earn their own living at that time. Emphasis on 'earn' - no more handouts.
with regards to the warren, mi women attending the state of the union speech by the ever campaigning obama, Where is are the baby-daddy types in this picture? Looks like they contributed nothing. Why not spot light this?
I keep hearing about a white on white crime epidemic from all these hacks on the radio and in media. Where is it!?!?!?!? KURTIS KUBY keeps telling me blacks are harmless victims and WHITE PEOPLE cant stop offing each other.
Am I crazy or something! ?!?!
A good time was had by all at our 'James Earl Ray' celebration party.
Black Monopoly:
You start with each property full of houses and hotels, when a nog lands on a property, a house or hotel is taken off the board and destroyed. Whoever destroys the last house/hotel wins.
"Look at the amazing things Whites have done and are still doing. This time is but a hiccup. Our challenge is greater. Blacks are a small obstacle, they will not define us. Some of us will be dragged down, but the best among us will survive. Ever forward. Climb to still greater heights."
To anonymous:
Who are you? Give us a name...any name...and then use it again for your future posts.
You are absolutely awe inspiring. I'm hoping to see more of you here.
Where There's White, There's Hope.
Philadelphia Mike
Thank you brother. I've been inspired by your posts and read all the great posts from everyone. I'll go by North West Mike
Black Monopoly:
You start with each property full of houses and hotels, when a nog lands on a property, a house or hotel is taken off the board and destroyed. Whoever destroys the last house/hotel wins.
I'd like to expand your excellent idea.
Keep the players as normal but have an undertow factor where a property is randomly chosen at some point in the game which then becomes a slowly expanding black area. Property taxes are raised until it is destroyed and any visitors have to pull from a random interactions deck.
Don't forget Lee County, FL, it's being over ran by the feces species and illegals in North Ft Myers and Cape Coral, but the Courthouse chamber has a huge portrait of General Robert E. Lee holding a Bible. If you ever visit the beach in Ft. Myers Beach, it is nice, but be ready to encounter chimping ferals, druggie wigger types, and gunk holer bikers, if you can handle yourself or have a ccw you should have a great day at the beach.
Black Monopoly (cont'd):
The board layout is a little different;
There is no "Go to jail" cause dat be rayciss, it has been replaced with "Go to da sto'".
Railroads are replaced with bus lines.
"Community Chest" is a stack of EBT cards.
"Chance" includes things like:
"Gotsda new 30-inch rams - $3000"
"Gotsda hair an nails did - $200"
Ya know, priority stuff.
Each player starts with the average yearly welfare/benefits draw of $67,000. Whenever ANY player lands on a property, EACH player receives $20,000. The game comes with 50lbs. of money.
"Look at the amazing things Whites have done and are still doing. This time is but a hiccup. Our challenge is greater. Blacks are a small obstacle, they will not define us. Some of us will be dragged down, but the best among us will survive. Ever forward. Climb to still greater heights."
Nicely spoken.
Thanks for posting!
I prefer to think of January 19th as Robert E. Lee's birthday.
Inarguably one of the most honorable men America ever produced.
The board layout is a little different;
There is no "Go to jail" cause dat be rayciss, it has been replaced with "Go to da sto'".
Railroads are replaced with bus lines.
"Community Chest" is a stack of EBT cards.
"Chance" includes things like:
"Gotsda new 30-inch rams - $3000"
"Gotsda hair an nails did - $200"
Ya know, priority stuff.
Each player starts with the average yearly welfare/benefits draw of $67,000. Whenever ANY player lands on a property, EACH player receives $20,000. The game comes with 50lbs. of money.
Excellent ideas but I have a different take on Black Monopoly.
All white players start with property divided up amongst YT players by turns throwing dice. Next step as YT players go around the board they randomly get stuck with section 8 tenants, 40 YO grandmas who then bring their chilluns and cousins over costing the YT owner money in repairs, lawsuits etc. and driving out YT tenants/businesses causing the property to have negative value.
Every time YT has a Section 8 move in another get out of jail free card is added to the deck but only for Shitavious' use. As YT abandons property to diversity he gets concentrated into fewer squares on the board. Diversity types get to move tokens on the board when they take over YT's property. Their tokens are rims, blunts, 40 oz. bottles, sail foams etc. and some candles, multi-colored cars and Santa Muerte statues for the rest of the diversity.
The normal plastic houses are replaced by plastic slum houses like in Detroit as the infection spreads, all the slum houses have decals that say: "Courtesy of the U.S. government and its unmentioned owners". As the last of the YTs flee the New Africa flag goes up in victory for one round then it comes down as a certain foreign flag goes up in its place. Game over, you lose YT.
If I lost consciousness in a car wreck and woke up in the environment depicted in the picture, I would be convinced that hell exists and ask for a do-over.
"We must prevail; to perish is not an option. Think of all the struggle that went into surviving to get us this far. Our problems are surmountable and are nothing compared to what our ancestors endured. We will persevere. Find the faith to survive, it is within us."
Yea they did endure unimaginable hardships and obstacles. They weren't however suffering from the most deadly disease known to man. More deadly and crippling then the Bubonic plague. That malady is known as Political Correctness and unless we find a cure we are doomed.
Did anyone see the First 48 the evening of MLK day? One episode had an 18 yr old aspiring rapper found dead of a gunshot in the middle of a junkyard in Birmingham, AL one morning. Various interviews uncovered that this place of business had suffered through dozens of break-ins in an ongoing basis - but interestingly, cops had never been called. And one day, a thug is dead. Guess what? - the place of business was owned by YT. You could see the intense determination in the detectives' (both black) eyes to get this YT who dared to kill that boy. In the end, there was no resolution to this case. YT won for a change! And I'll bet the break-ins will now stop.
"Serious question: when one mentions the book The Bell Curve in 'polite' society it is always poo-poo'ed and someone will say the statistics were found to be flawed.
I know that's not true, but if you play Devil's Advocate, what were the accusations that were true against it? Or is it considered unimpeachable?"
The stats aren't flawed. There is broad agreement within academia that there is an IQ gap between black and white adults, and that it's of one standard deviation in size, 15 points. After more than a century of testing, there's still very little that contradicts this. Usually the politically correct will argue one of the following:
a) IQ is meaningless as intelligence can't be measured.
b) There are other kinds of intelligence than the kind measured by IQ tests.
c) IQ tests are culturally biased.
d) Early intervention can help permanently raise negro IQ.
None of these objections are valid, but refutation isn't necessarily easy. You need to have a detailed knowledge of the subject if you want to try it, and even then you will probably find the going tough. People who make the above objections tend to be emotionally invested in the equality myth. You may win the argument, but change your opponent's mind? That's usually much harder.
Does anybody know where one can watch episodes of "First 48" online?
I enjoyed how they considered what they were doing "going to work. They considered it work 'cause no people were around to get hurt." Are all blacks above age 10 aspiring rappers? I agree that you could tell those detectives were trying to pin it on YT, but YT was always 2 steps ahead.
Ask negroes this: What race has done MORE for blacks, than Whites?
Certainly not NAPAs themselves... hispanics? asians? australindians..? Nope, trillions of dollars in various attempts to raise them up to our level, lost White cities, lost White lives, etc etc,.... all courtesy of the White man.
So, negores,... STFU!
All white players start with property divided up amongst YT players by turns throwing dice. Next step as YT players go around the board they randomly get stuck with section 8 tenants, 40 YO grandmas who then bring their chilluns and cousins over costing the YT owner money in repairs, lawsuits etc. and driving out YT tenants/businesses causing the property to have negative value.
Maybe there are only a few ways to win like staying alive and at most retiring or getting an insurance settlement. In most games you should end up bankrupt or dead.
I like the idea of turning it into a survival game where you don't even think about getting rich from properties. You're hoping to escape with a livable income.
Amazing how many people think the best idea for preventing blacks from committing crime is to throw them dance parties, or midnight basketball.
How about they stay home and study?
Yea no kidding.
If I ever told my parents I was bored their response was: do chores or study. They'd never demand that it was the government's job to entertain me or keep me from shooting my peers.
I mentioned it here before but I had to call in a shooting from a midnight basketball program that ran in the summer. Our neighborhood was normally quiet until basketball season. Thank you YMCA for bringing in the diversity to keep them from ..... what was the plan again? The only upside was that I was surrounded by SWPL types with "celebrate diversity" bumper stickers so my suburban meddlers got to experience what true diversity means.
On Thanksgiving Day and Columbus Day (white holidays, really) do the cops have to lock-in white children to keep them from running amok? How about the Fourth of July? Any lock-down going on there? You can have white kids shooting off all sorts of fireworks, and aside from the occasional tree which might go up in glorious flame, no white flashmobs or driveby shootings.
Can you imagine if you had a black holiday in which blacks were entrusted with large amounts of pyrotechnics? Say, Nelson Mandela Day? Can you imagine the casualty list? Think I am kidding? MLK Day is supposed to celebrate someone who promoted non-violence and civil rights. Yet the cops have to put down the hammer to prevent Liberia style bloodshed.
Makes you realize how far the USA has "progressed" over the last 60 years...
"I like the idea of turning it into a survival game where you don't even think about getting rich from properties. You're hoping to escape with a livable income."
Then the game is called BRA. I doubt that Milton Bradley or Parker Brothers would touch it.
Good potential as an on-line game or an app.
There used to be a game company called Avalon Hill that specialized in historical military simulation board games. The rule books were often several pages and the games would take 3-5 hours. Definitely a White thing.
You gotta see this, it's classic
Protesters React To Negative Backlash Following I-93 Sit-In
"But mom, social awareness IS a job!"
This month a brawl involving more than 200 teenagers erupted at Castleton Square Mall. It’s just one result of teens not having enough places to go.
On what plane of existence does this statement make any goddamn sense whatsoever?
If blacks cannot behave themselves, which we have more than enough evidence to support that assertion, then no, I'd say they have far too many places to go.
Thing is, nobody wants them. Most businesses would crawl over broken glass to get young people to come to their establishments. Not blacks. Not only do they not have money to spend, they are dumb and violent. They make people that actually do have money stay home.
In summary. Go away blacks. Lock yourselves up forever. Escape to the muthaland to get your freedom and sheeyit. Whatever. Just go.
"We must prevail; to perish is not an option. Think of all the struggle that went into surviving to get us this far. Our problems are surmountable and are nothing compared to what our ancestors endured. We will persevere. Find the faith to survive, it is within us."
Yea they did endure unimaginable hardships and obstacles. They weren't however suffering from the most deadly disease known to man. More deadly and crippling then the Bubonic plague. That malady is known as Political Correctness and unless we find a cure we are doomed.
Good Point. Political Correctness has been a nasty gremlin. But everything passes. I feel it has peaked and will become less and less effective.
I'm expecting a moment somewhat like the "Have you no decency" comment, which was directed at Senator Macarthy during the red scare and communist which hunts. After that moment Macarthy lost all credibility.
I suspect that wet-pole-cat looking Al Sharptin's time is just about up, too. He will soon lose any shred of credibility he still has. His head is so swelled up it will soon burst.
Our enemies are WEAK! That's why they have to silence people with political correctness. Negros will shuck and jive no matter whose in charge. They are largely irrelevant. They are but a proxy to eat away at the remnants of the west.
The left has had tremendous success the last fifty years. Probably beyond their wildest dreams. But remember they are human and sooner or later a lucky streak runs out. They are emboldened but their hubris will like as not be their downfall. Sooner than later their loud shrill shrieking will awaken the people of the west and the winds of change will blow hard.
@ Anon 6:02pm...great post!
I read this a long time ago and would like to submit it; it's an excerpt from "The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane" by Robert E. Howard. He's better known for his "Conan the Barbarian" tales but I think his Solomon Kane character is one of the best in fiction...
"the ancient empires fall, the dark-skinned peoples fade and even the demons of antiquity gasp their last, but over all stands the Ar*an barbarian, white-skinned, cold-eyed, dominant, the supreme fighting man of the earth, whether he be clad in wolf hide and horned helmet, or boots and doublet-whether he bear in his hand battle-ax or rapier-whether he be called Dorian, Saxon, or Englishman...from "Wings in the Night" page 195
Long time lurker; thank you PK and commenters.
Please let me try to refute these points:
a) IQ is meaningless as intelligence can't be measured.
Positively ludicrous: The G-factor (or the measure the one source of variance common to performance on all cognitive tests) has positive correlations to just about everything people commonly recognize as intelligence.
b) There are other kinds of intelligence than the kind measured by IQ tests.
True enough but as a general principal people with a higher IQ score will do better at endeavors that require intelligence than people with low IQ scores. And the whole multiple intelligences thing has been widely debunked even by the Gardener the author of the nonsense.
c) IQ tests are culturally biased.
More nonsense: how do you explain the fact that Northeast Asians, (AKA Orientals or Celestials) do better than White people on IQ tests and they have a different culture. Also the challenge went out long ago to write a test on which Coons would do better than Whites. It can't be done.
d) Early intervention can help permanently raise negro IQ.
50+ years after Brown vs. the Board of Ed. a trillion dollars and the national attention of the Ed established focused like a laser beam on Jiglets for 5 decades and the lions share of all private foundation money and most of all the Federal grant money hasn't made a dent in the White/Spook test score gap. Head start has been shown to be a total failure, but who wants to be a party pooper. There has been some success in lowering the achievement and ambition of White kids.
The next time you hear some academic making it sound like IQ is some unsettled or unfounded science, he’s probably pretty smart. Because it takes someone really smart to believe something that stupid.
Ghandi was a fool who got lucky with a declining colonial power that decided to take the civilized way out.
In a conversation with Churchill during the Battle of Britain, he urged Churchill to adopt his own methods of non-violent passive resistance to the Nazi forces that were currently bombing British cities.
When Bangladesh seceded from Pakistan, it initially employed Ghandi's methods of peaceful resistance. In response, Pakistan promptly sent in thousands of Army troops who proceded to loot, burn, rape and slaughter their way through the passive population until the Bangladeshis smartened up and fought back viciously.
I can think of some great player tokens for Black Monopoly. A miniature Cutlass Supreme hoopty.. bottle of Night Train.. section 8 voucher.. a bakkyball.. crack pipe.. crack whore.. aborted black fetus in a toilet.. EBT card.. switchblade.. there really is no end to it.
In Black Monopoly, the dice are fastened to the board with tiny chains, to keep the players from stealing them.
*who's in charge
If you had any belief that a Black PhD had any actual scientific training or orientation as opposed to magical thinking and wish-fulfillment, watch and weep:
Here's my transcript:
Doctor Schockley, visual acuity is probably something that the system of White supremacy has not necessarily seen the need to affect the environment that Black people are in so that it will alter the fact that they have visual acuity that is superior to Whites. The fact of visual acuity is not attacked in the same way as educational opportunity and job performance is attacked. And I think that this is... (at which point Shockley takes back the stream)
Look at that. All the way back in 1974, a Black woman who received a PhD believed that "White supremacy" could degrade things as basic as Black visual acuity if it felt that they were threatening! Here, long before the heyday of claims that Africans flew around pyramids with the power of their minds before Whitey done stoled it, we see the roots of these paranoid delusions in someone who nonetheless got a doctorate. Where she received this doctorate, I do not know; the on-line records I can find mention where she interned (Cook County hospital, 1962-3 and elsewhere), but not where she was educated.
Do you think that her alma mater is embarrassed by the fact that it gave a doctorate in PSYCHOLOGY to such a nutcase?
What mindless useless creatures these black teens are.
Which explains both the name of the "Mindless Behavior" rap group, and the riot which followed their act as night follows day.
Lost-in-Miami: "Holy Shit! Anony you are one inspirational M-F'er! Kai Murros look over your shoulder . . ."
If you respect the author and his message, then why are you calling him a mother fucker? That's how niggers talk to each other. And to their mothers.
"b) There are other kinds of intelligence than the kind measured by IQ tests.
True enough but as a general principal people with a higher IQ score will do better at endeavors that require intelligence than people with low IQ scores. And the whole multiple intelligences thing has been widely debunked even by the Gardener the author of the nonsense"
So way way way way wait. Hold up a second.
Are you saying that if a groid has a high Sports IQ then that automatically means he also has a high IQ, period?
Cause I'd beg to differ. Just cause someone can shoot a ball into a hoop and dribble well doesn't mean he's an automatic reading/writing/spelling/math whiz.
Or, what are we missing?
What about all those NFLers who are great at what they do? According to the same malarkey regarding "sports" IQ, that would tend to mean that they have amazingly high IQs and can ace all academics.
And yet, many of these same NFLers tend to have less than stellar off the field lives.
So therein lies the rub.
Where would one classify sports? Is there really a direct correlation between IQ and playing sports? Can't some sports be deemed as lower IQ based? In other words a convicted rapist or murderer could excel at some of these sports but that doesn't necessarily mean that they should be considered bona fide geniuses in the classroom in STEM and other academic disciplines.
Where's Pat Boyle to weigh in when we need him to clear up this confusion?
Bottom line: where should sports be put in terms of IQ? As opposed to traditional academic fields?
I mean, NFL/NBAers are geniuses just cause they can play and excel at their particular sports?
S.O.S. = Same Ole' Suspooks !!!
Hey, what does NAACP stand for ?
Cause I ask'd summone at werk n dey tole' me
it's the Negro Association of Apes Called People.
I almost sheeit myself !!!!!!!!! Then held it it
in fear of smelling like them. Ugh, dey sum foul mutts I tell you !!!
50+ years after Brown vs. the Board of Ed. a trillion dollars and the national attention of the Ed established focused like a laser beam on Jiglets for 5 decades and the lions share of all private foundation money and most of all the Federal grant money hasn't made a dent in the White/Spook test score gap.
And the only way they get to be scientists is in movies and on TV.
b) There are other kinds of intelligence than the kind measured by IQ tests.
Even if this were the case, it still means very little. The kind of intelligence you need to build and maintain an advanced civilization is measured by IQ tests. Perhaps there is an intelligence involved in hunter-gatherer type activities if one wants to live at the level of the majority of sub-Saharan blacks. But to anyone who likes two story buildings, air conditioning, orchestral music, automobiles, street lights, running water and food on the shelf in a grocery store, then it's best to concentrate on YT's IQ tests to determine who is going to run your civilization.
"There are other kinds of intelligence than the kind measured by IQ tests."
Really? Like what? I would almost agree that ability to create works of art or music could be considered forms of "genius" but these too can be quantified. If this is inferring that the ability to run fast (fight or flight instinct) is intelligence, we can find this in reptiles.
I was out fishing this weekend and saw a bald eagle swoop down from 50+ feet in the air and pick up a fish. Quite the feat of athleticism (and a magnificent sight) but certainly not indicative of intelligence.
"I'm expecting a moment somewhat like the "Have you no decency" comment, which was directed at Senator Macarthy during the red scare and communist which hunts. After that moment Macarthy lost all credibility"
The irony is that McCarthy was a visionary and saw with clear eyes the communist infiltration of our government and society. Sadly he saw but did not recognize the players and the vehicles in which they drove their agenda. One cannot look at the last 50 years of "progress" and call him wrong in hindsight.
Ah, yes.... more cultural enrichment in America's Negro community.
De'Ontavious Jizziah Jones Whenever I see any group photo of blacks I always note what the alleged impoverished underprivileged disadvantaged are wearing. Do any look impoverished by their clothes? No they look in high black style other than intentional tears in jeans. The girl in center is wearing a North Face fleece jacket. I always pass by those despite how much I like them due to how expensive.
If I'm on that Jury you can be sure I won't be voting for anything less than full acquittal.
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