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Seattle: No matter the percentage of Blacks in a city, they tend to monopolize criminality |
In October of 2010, two Supreme Court justices in Washington dared break the rules governing Black-Run America (BRA) -- with Oregon Live reporting -- 2010 Washington Supreme Court justices stun with comments on racial bias:
Two Washington Supreme Court justices stunned some participants at recent meeting when they made comments suggesting that racial bias plays no significant role in the criminal justice system, The Seattle Times reported today.Flash forward to today: a wave of violence has overtaken Seattle that the Seattle Times reported was entirely due to "guns" and not the people pulling the trigger (Guns more than gangs are fueling violence in Seattle, police say, May 29, 2012):
Justices James Johnson and Richard Sanders both said during the Oct. 7 meeting in Olympia that the reason blacks are over-represented in the prison population is because they commit more crimes.
Johnson also reportedly used the term "poverty pimp." Though it wasn't clear what he meant by the remark, the term typically refers to workers who supposedly provide legal services to the poor for their own gain, The Times reported.
The comments came during a meeting with staff from the Administrative Office of the Courts, a Kitsap County District Court judge and a social-justice advocate from the Seattle University School of Law. They were presenting a report on improving the effectiveness of boards and commissions set up by the Supreme Court to ensure fair treatment for minorities.
Sanders, who is in a re-election fight this fall, told The Times he stands by his remarks. He said certain minority groups are "disproportionally represented in prison because they have a crime problem."
Sanders also noted that he has a reputation for siding with defendants whose cases come to the high court. His concern is for individuals, he said, and if someone is in prison for any reason other than committing the crime, "I want to hear about it."
Seattle police officials Tuesday said the outbreak of violence through Memorial Day weekend and since the beginning of the year has more to do with guns than with gangs.Guns don't kill people, dangerous minorities do. Just ask Justices James Johnson and Richard Sanders; they understand the dynamics of crime. Especially in Seattle, a city not blessed with the kind of diversity that sees 53 of its residents shot in one weekend (like Chicago over Memorial Day 2012, where Black and Hispanics went to war with their own people).
Deputy Police Chief Nick Metz and Assistant Chief for Operations Paul McDonagh said that, while gang activity has played a role in the jump in homicides this year — 15 to date compared with 21 in all of 2011 — the common denominator is the use of firearms.
"A person who has a gun is more likely to use a gun," Metz said after the weekly council briefing.
The pair addressed the City Council on Tuesday to talk about the recent spate of shootings and the Police Department's stepped-up response.
Police are trying to pinpoint a reason or reasons for the recent violence and are combing through cases as far back as October, when they noticed an uptick in seemingly random incidents.
"We don't know" what has prompted the violence, said Jim Pugel, assistant police chief of investigations. "If we knew, we'd be able to put a stop to it, and that's the frustrating part."
Metz and McDonagh outlined to the council plans to curb violence that dealt with people — not firearms.
Those include putting more officers on the street in areas with high crime and a high number of violent incidents. They also called on community members with information about crime to contact police, even anonymously.
Community-outreach officers also are planning a meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Garfield Community Center with the East Precinct Advisory Council. The meeting is in response to the shooting of Justin Ferrari, a Madrona father who was killed Thursday afternoon at a busy Central Area intersection while running errands with his children and parents.
Police said the shooter was aiming at someone else across the street.
That crime in particular, Metz told the City Council, has created a great deal of concern because of "its randomness and the fact that it could have been just about anybody."
Hey Paul,
Chicago or The Congo?
Seriously, 10 people dead and over 50 shot during a weekend.
ChiCongo is truly culturally enriched!
Newsvideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuTEE4wMLGM
Inanimate objects kill people all the time such as cars, trains, buildings(people fall off them), water, and lightning just to name a few.
Are you to suggest that minorities would actually point a gun at someone and fire with malice?
Why next you will suggest it is the Pedophiles and not their cameras who are to blame for child porn! Blasphemy!
Do you really think it's just a coincidence that the word "trigger" just happens to rhyme with the word .....
Around blacks, never relax!
"A person who has a gun is more likely to use a gun," Metz said after the weekly council briefing.
There are millions of guns in the hands of millions of people in amerika today (as there should be). So if Metz is right there should be millions of murders and shootings everyday. And yet there are not, ergo Metz is a buffoon!
"Gun violence" is a euphemism for minorities (mostly black) shooting someone just as "yoofs" is a euphemism for black criminals.
As others have said here before, if you want to stop this violence then disarm blacks and Hispanics. But what BRA is trying to do is disarm Whites. I think though that that will be the final wake up call for many Whites who have yet to see.
Actually, I think many Whites do see already. They just do not yet feel safe in stating the obvious. Thanks to SBPDL and other sites our voices are starting to rise.
"A person who has a gun is more likely to use a gun."
There are two ways to look at this statement. One is that it is simply a moronic tautology parroted by someone who doesn't want to lose his job by stating the truth.
The other way, the truthful way, is to state that "a black person" as opposed to a white with a gun will more likely use it to commit a felony in the routine course of their day to day business, whatever that business is.
I am happy to walk all day among white concealed carry holders. I'd not walk one second in the negro ghetto.
"Police said the shooter was aiming at someone else across the street."
Okay, the smaller brains explain the poor impulse control and bad decision making, but why is it blacks can't aim for shit?
you'd think all that time chucking spears it'd be the one thing they're good at.
This isn't really the right site for this, or maybe it is, but if you could sign this that would be great. I signed it 3 days ago and since then no one else has signed it. The whites are dying in South Africa because of the blacks.
Wow, when a Deputy Police Chief says that it's the guns that a are the problem and not the criminals we have a problem. It seems even the police in Seattle are warped by liberal thinking and only arrest black criminals (already disproportionately high) when they absolutely have to.
Smart police chiefs and sheriffs around the country are encouraging their citizens to arm up.
My condolences also go out to Mr. Ferrari and his wife and kids and parents. It must've been horrible finding your father's or your child's body or seeing it happen.
Drive-bys are a typical black style of attack and they don't care who gets hurt because they're more likely to hit someone other than their intended target. Didn't a 9 year old girl get killed in Chicago last year playing on her porch this way? Black criminality is why White people do not live around blacks and do not wish to. Who wants to live in a neighborhood full of potential targets, but end up getting hit by a stray? I don't care if guilty people, drug dealers, gang members etc. get killed doing what they do, but it infuriates me when innocents who're completely uninvolved get killed.
Be wary whenever you hear buzzwords like "random". That means it's a black thing. Anything they do is just "random", unlike anyone else. Perhaps those trying to minimize and gloss over their behavior are unknowingly putting them down by making them seem like just so many hamsters: guns just magically go off in their presence, heat makes them act out, crime is just something that falls from the sky, and everything that happens is just "random".
Sort of the same as saying someone was in a "car accident" or "boating mishap." The drivers of those vehicles were at fault, not the machinery involved.
How about it, AmericanGoy? Care to give us all the DailyKOS perspective?
Come on, tell us how you've always been kind to negroes, and think they're just peachy.
Remember, we on this site can see through your lies, so at least try to come up with some new ones.
In the meantime, everyone here get a good start to your Monday with an oldie but a goodie - Epic Beard Man.
Went to a Tea Party rally a few weekends ago downtown in my Midwest city. It was at the Veteran's Memorial park where the black bums hang out all day sleeping on benches, wandering around, etc.
One dumb Tea Party white woman gave a black bum a small stack of american flags to pass around to the crowd, after he harassed her for a while. While she was not looking, he reached around her and grabbed the entire box out from under her table and headed for the crowd. I knew what was coming next, so I followed him.
I watched him do the soft shoe for several nice Christian white people, and watched them get out their wallets and hand money over to him. Upon which he handed them a flag. He was selling them to the crowd and pocketing the money. I am sure he said "God Bless You", or "Praise Jesus" as the nice white people handed over their money for the free flag.
This is typical of the black male entrepreneur, I knew, because I have experience with blacks. But these white people, bless their generous hearts, were doing more harm to the cause than they knew.
The smelly, toothless black bum circulated through the crowd, scored a few cigarettes from the white veterans, and tried to hustle flags to the same people over and over again until they told him to leave them alone. I watched a few white men shield their wives from the black bum, becoming more serious each time the bum approached them.
No one from the Tea Party would stop him, that would be racist, and the #1 job of the Tea Party is to promote diversity and not look racist. I watched the bum as he performed the negro-step-and-fetch-it dance for the white folks.
The Tea Party is pandering to blacks, so this worked out well for them. All of the audience was white, and mostly older, but most of the speakers at the event were black - 3 out of 6. And then, of course, the homeless black bums selling free flags.
"A person who has a gun is more likely to use a gun,"
Similarly, a person with a pencil is more likely to use a pencil.
A person with a toothbrush is more likely to use a toothbrush.
A black person with a condom is highly unlikely to use it.
"Be wary whenever you hear buzzwords like "random". That means it's a black thing."
According to the media, all black-on-white violence is "random".
Johnson also reportedly used the term "poverty pimp." Though it wasn't clear what he meant by the remark, the term typically refers to workers who supposedly provide legal services to the poor for their own gain, The Times reported.
Any reporter who isn't more than a little familiar with how Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have trademarked the poverty pimp label doesn't deserve to see his words get a drop of ink.
Flash forward to today: a wave of violence has overtaken Seattle that the Seattle Times reported was entirely due to "guns" and not the people pulling the trigger (Guns more than gangs are fueling violence in Seattle, police say, May 29, 2012):
A gun is like a wrench. It is entirely amoral. You can hunt food with a gun or use a wrench to fix your car. Either one can also be used to kill someone. It is the actor and not the tool that must be of concern. Outlawing guns, or wrenches for that matter, will have no impact on crime save to encourage it.
"A person who has a gun is more likely to use a gun," Metz said after the weekly council briefing.
Why, yes. How nice of you to notice. Too bad Treeboon Martin didn't reach that same conclusion.
Police are trying to pinpoint a reason or reasons for the recent violence and are combing through cases as far back as October, when they noticed an uptick in seemingly random incidents.
It's hard to see (Black) racism when you're a neutered PCMC (Politically Correct Multi-Culturalist) cop.
That crime in particular, Metz told the City Council, has created a great deal of concern because of "its randomness and the fact that it could have been just about anybody."
It's not the victim, stupid―although my heart goes out to all of them (Whites at least)―it's the shooter, the vast majority of whom are Black.
This sort of willful blindness needs to have serious consequences.
W74 Some child (noir naturellement was jumping up on down on her mother's bed and IT wound up being shot because babymomma's new boyfriend had "a piece" there to protect himself from Babydaddy.
"Okay, the smaller brains explain the poor impulse control and bad decision making, but why is it blacks can't aim for shit?"
No, your brain handles visuospatial processing as well.
Off topic but extremely useful:
How Moslems and blacks use “rage” to manipulate white guilt
The effing "Un-Fair Campaign" is back spreading anti-white hatred again. It blows me away that these DWLs are too stupid or naive (or actually disingenuous) to realize that they are encouraging violence against whites:
Published June 02, 2012, 12:00 AM
Duluth's Un-Fair Campaign plans workshop to explain white privilege
As the Un-Fair Campaign readies for new billboards and TV and radio spots this month in Duluth, its quieter work continues.
By: Jana Hollingsworth, Duluth News Tribune
As the Un-Fair Campaign readies for new billboards and TV and radio spots this month, its quieter work continues.
A workshop scheduled for Monday at Lake Superior College aims to help people understand white privilege, “so we can move beyond some of the reactions that we’ve seen early in the campaign … that the fact white privilege exists, it suggests white people are bad,” said Kevin Skwira-Brown, who is co-presenting the workshop with Nam Provost.
The campaign, which kicked off in January with billboards and posters stating: “It’s hard to see racism when you’re white,” became hugely controversial and resulted in backlash.
Since then, more community partners have joined the campaign, to total 21. Work continues within each of those partners’ organizations with training and finding ways to change institutionalized racism, said Ellen O’Neill, executive director of the Duluth YWCA, which is one of the partners. [BOYCOTT THE YWCA AND ALL OTHER "PARTNERS"]
“Things have quieted down, but we certainly have not gone away,” she said, noting several recent presentations and plans for new billboards to be erected June 11.
Backlash from the original billboards has died down, O’Neill said.
“The billboards were a huge flashpoint because they were so visible,” she said, “and because the message on them was misinterpreted. For a lot of people, that was the only thing they saw. … A lot of people thought that’s what the campaign was.”
Skwira-Brown, who teaches in the social work and communication departments at the College of St. Scholastica and other local universities, said it’s difficult for white people to recognize white privilege because “we’re socialized to see the privilege as not being out of the ordinary. … Our lens isn’t broad enough.”
He used the example of a white person entering a classroom and feeling welcome. That’s not always the case for non-white people, he said.
Skwira-Brown hopes those who attend the workshop will leave with a deeper understanding of white privilege, which he said “is the system by which people who are perceived as white or have white skin are treated better than and differently from people who are perceived as people of color.”
He said sexism is a similar system, and racism is the experience of people of color within the white privilege system. For those who already have an understanding of white privilege, Skwira-Brown said, the workshop will give them more tools to talk about it.
When he quit I said ''Herman Cain either going to get a Faux News show and/or replace Neil Boortz''
Well I nailed the radio part: It's official, in January he takes over for Boortz completely.
The Faux News show is still pending.
Some person with Iced Tea and Skittles is more likely to drink the Iced Tea and eat the Skittles whereas obsolete farm machinery is likely to buy cough medicine drop it in the Iced Tea with the Skittles to make purple drank.
Welcome to Dana Air flight 419. For refreshments we will be serving ice-T and skittles and for dinner, feesh.
We hope you have a ''good'' flight!
"A person who has a gun is more likely to use a gun," Metz said after the weekly council briefing--
Talk about a generic statement. People with cars more likely to drive too! Asshole.
Well, I only hope that they arrested those guns. Gotta keep those guns off the street.
Those guns are so racist, HATE CRIME
"Johnson also reportedly used the term "poverty pimp." Though it wasn't clear what he meant by the remark, the term typically refers to workers who supposedly provide legal services to the poor for their own gain, The Times reported.
?Any reporter who isn't more than a little familiar with how Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have trademarked the poverty pimp label doesn't deserve to see his words get a drop of ink."
That, or the reporter was forthright, and the copy desk toned it down and couched it in "polite" terms to keep the poverty pimps from screaming.
As it is, the "supposedly" in that sentence above? I am surprised to see it make it past the editor. It's not much, but it is more than used to be printed.
To Mutant Swarm: I am drifting from the topic here, but, I have a mental roster of people I call my "Pot of Coffee List". They are people, both living and dead, with whom I would love to just sit and share a pot or two of coffee, and talk with them.
Among the folks on that list are Thomas Jefferson, my maternal grandfather, Robert E. Lee, Jonas Salk, Louis Moreau Gottschalk, Nelson Riddle, Neville Shute Norway, and Albert Speer.
When I heard of, then saw, Epic Beard Man, he went onto that list. I really would like to meet that man and talk with him. It is not because he put a negro back in his place. It is because he personifies the direct, take no nonsense, can-do American attitude that is, today, sadly lacking.
This may be due to the feminization of society (Kim duToit has a less-polite term for it), or the proliferation of laws and regulations that makes us subject to arrest for what we are thinking, I do not know.
Outstanding comment, 10mm AUTO!
@ Celebrate Homogeneity:
Wow, a Gottschalk fan, eh? Man, I learned to play his stuff when I was a teenager. Him and Schumann and Freddie Mercury's piano work got me thru some tuff times.
Can I put you on my own Pot of Coffee list?
"The large man threatened to bang my head against the floor...He was uttering a lot of epithets about slavery, how they're gonna vote, and 'nobody can stop them'...."
Gosh, I just can't understand why white people get these "stereotypes" about black people.
He used the example of a white person entering a classroom and feeling welcome. That’s not always the case for non-white people, he said.
I've never read one of their "points" about so called white privilege that wasn't extremely specious and flimsy.
For instance, regarding the statement above, a white person could certainly walk into a classroom and feel unwelcome. What if the classroom was all black? You can be certain that white people walk into majority black classrooms today and can feel unwelcome.
Also, how does one address that if it is true? It is assumed that nothing has been done to make the black feel unwelcome, it's merely a 'feeling' that he or she has based on no verbal or physical action on the part of white people. And is this person assuming that all blacks feel uncomfortable? That is certainly false, and therefore is situation specific. This alone refutes the argument of white privilege.
I read an article on Tim Wise's site that made the claim that "I'm going to finally describe to all of you disbelievers what white privilege really is..." He then went on to make ten or so points about Sarah Palin, an elite politician with nothing in common with 99% of white people (and his points about her were, for the most part, exceedingly weak).
Seriously, does the insecurity of some black people require an awareness campaign? Do I get an awareness campaign because I can't go into 70% of my city without feeling uncomfortable or being looked at funny, and being made to feel unwelcome, and being at risk for physical harm, robbery, and even death?
The so called "white privilege" is simply due to the fact that our vastly increased cultural conservatism, even from the relative standpoint of white liberals, makes for better neighborhoods, less murder (causing whites to be suspicious of strange blacks), better mastery of the English language, better test scores, and more successful kids that comprise the majority of the classrooms that those blacks feel uncomfortable in for no specific reason other than they know that they belong to a race that whites know has dragged the country to it's knees.
Blacks belong to a race that they don't want to be lumped in with when it's inconvenient, as individuals, but which they are de-facto responsible for. They are responsible because they not only do nothing to help change their people and culture for the better, as anyone who wants a functional and successful community needs to do (yes, the hard work takes generations), but they most often embody the very values and behaviors that are cause for black failure and criminality as a group, even if they aren't criminals themselves. The sad fact is, they have no concept of how and why their values, impulses, and lack of community involvement create the core reason why they don't integrate successfully with whites and why they feel discriminated against. They simply don't understand, or more precisely won't admit, their self imposed limitations. Hence, they shift the blame from themselves and create a"white privilege" boogeyman to blame for their failure to thrive as a group.
We need people tearing down the white privilege arguments, with logic, wherever and whenever they rear their heads. It's certainly easy enough, from a rhetorical perspective.
One of the best comments I've seen on this site. It truly is amazing to put it all together - every level of government, the media, academia - conspiring against the people of the US.
Anon (6/5 5:51 PM): Seriously, does the insecurity of some black people require an awareness campaign?
Do I get an awareness campaign because I can't go into 70% of my city without feeling uncomfortable or being looked at funny, and being made to feel unwelcome, and being at risk for physical harm, robbery, and even death?
The so called "white privilege" is simply due to the fact that our vastly increased cultural conservatism, even from the relative standpoint of white liberals, makes for better neighborhoods, less murder (causing whites to be suspicious of strange blacks), better mastery of the English language, better test scores, and more successful kids that comprise the majority of the classrooms that those blacks feel uncomfortable in for no specific reason other than they know that they belong to a race that whites know has dragged the country to it's knees.
Blacks belong to a race that they don't want to be lumped in with when it's inconvenient, as individuals, but which they are de-facto responsible for.
They are responsible because they not only do nothing to help change their people and culture for the better, as anyone who wants a functional and successful community needs to do (yes, the hard work takes generations), but they most often embody the very values and behaviors that are cause for black failure and criminality as a group, even if they aren't criminals themselves. The sad fact is, they have no concept of how and why their values, impulses, and lack of community involvement create the core reason why they don't integrate successfully with whites and why they feel discriminated against. They simply don't understand, or more precisely won't admit, their self imposed limitations. Hence, they shift the blame from themselves and create a"white privilege" boogeyman to blame for their failure to thrive as a group.
Double plus yes.
We need people tearing down the white privilege arguments, with logic, wherever and whenever they rear their heads.
You just did (and masterfully so to boot).
"A person who has a gun is more likely to use a gun."
That must mean that cops are murderous thugs.
The big city cops are not your friends. Every single PD wants to disarm law abiding citizens, thinking they will be safer.
Every single PD wants to disarm law abiding citizens
You mean big-city majors and police chiefs, who are political creatures. The rank-and-file is often much more realistic about armed citizens.
Oscar the Grinch: I'd be honored to be on your Pot of Coffee list!
The big city cops are not your friends.
In my city, where there are 400 murders per year, 80% of which are committed by the 40% black population, and most of the rest by Hispanics; where street robbery and rape are commonplace; where Haitian refugees continue to pour in by the truckload; where criminal and deviant blacks won't stop following whites wherever they move: the cops are most definitely my friends.
I've seen cops use their power around here before, multiple times, in a physically unwarranted way. I used to care. Now, I don't, within reason, because I completely understand what they are up against. It's absolutely unreal.
If they want to take away guns in the city, it's 110% due to the violent minorities and not everyone else. They are trying to solve their personal safety problem in a way that, unfortunately, effects peaceful law abiding individuals. 8 or 9 cops have been murdered in this city in the past six years.
White cops in peaceful suburban areas, populated by families much like their own, tend to be quite pro-gun.
The irony is, as a black man living in Seattle...I see a lot of the things people here fear and are afraid of.
I understand their concern about the violence and the gangs; the minority based criminality.
Its almost an epidemic in some neighborhoods. Although it doesn't have to be, I think a lot of the minorities here choose to "play a role" because that's what people expect of them.
I'm not from here, I am from the South, and where I'm from we have a stronger cultural history to connect to. We have doctors, lawyers, professionals, engineers, and all sorts of "productive members of society" to look up to.
When I speak to black men around here, its always "rapper, promoter, producer, drug dealer, pimp, hustler." Why ? WA has lower crime rates than most major cities, lots of great opportunities for careers, and people who for the most part aren't aggressively racist. Which is what I grew up with; for me...true racism is when you fear your safety. So I understand why people here get angry at the blacks, and blame them...they don't understand why they do the things they do. I don't either most of the time, its like they've watched too many rap videos, and feel they have to prove something. Its sad and unfortunate...
But I will say this, a lot of "white people" feed the stereotypes. They always ask if you have weed, offer you malt liquor, ask you how many baby mamas you have, etc. They will tell you, you're not black enough because you don't talk a certain way. Tell you, you're a square or a sell out because you don't dress a certain way. So I imagine a lot of young black men coming up feel they have to prove something, or feel disrespected; it makes them angry. Its not a good reason , nor are the reasons given for most crimes today. My guess is stupidity, insecurity, and foolishness are the causes for most crimes by any nationality.
All I can say is, if you want to "change things" , give a minority the benefit of the doubt before you assume the worst. Don't turn an average individual into a stereotypical "angry black man" by being a bigot or saying racist things.
And I will continue to tell young black men that you can do whatever you want, you don't have to live down to other people's expectations.
Sincerely a 32 year old professional black man who doesn't do drugs, has no kids, and has never been arrested. And I am licensed to carry my firearm.
p.s. all the racist anonymous comments aren't helping the situation. So you can kiss my ass. lol
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