Andrew Carleton, a professor of geography and a climatologist at Penn State University, warned of smaller, more concentrated zones of elevated temperatures called urban heat islands that contain threats all their own.
“[U]rban areas are becoming places where increasing numbers of people are moving to. The areas are getting bigger, creating an urban heat island effect,” he told CBS Houston. “The buildings and streets trap heat, which contributes to heat waves in urban areas. Mortality rates could particularly increase in [those] areas.”
![]() |
Let the bodies hit the floor... |
Wait, we're just talking about a metaphor, an urban area as an island. Since "urban" is synonymous with minority and Black in American lexicon, anytime meteorologists start predicting heat waves for cities with vibrant, diverse populations like New York City, Chicago, St. Louis, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Memphis, Milwaukee, or Philadelphia, the great fear is that the risk of a "crime wave" rises with each uptick in the Fahrenheit temperature.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reported on June 20 that the rise in temperature will be accompanied with an increase in crime:
The heat is back, and so are concerns about violent crime in the region's urban neighborhoods.Wait a second: weren't all those "urban riots" of the 1960s just Black people engaging in a low-level civil war, demanding that their list of grievances be met or else they'd burn cities like Detroit, Watts, Newark, Washington D.C., Cleveland, etc., to the ground?
From the minute it arrives officially at 7:09 p.m. Wednesday, summer will be cooking - flaring up with record-threatening heat the next few days, maybe making a run at 100 on Thursday.
Summer may be vacation time for most people, but for police in high-crime areas, it's the hot time.
Research in recent years has affirmed that the connection between heat and violent crime is more than lore. Even screening out other factors such as economic conditions, age, and education levels, heat, in itself, has been shown to be a significant contributor to explosive behavior.
In the tinderbox neighborhoods of Philadelphia, Camden, and Chester, where the summer sun soaks into the streets and sidewalks - and the human body - intense heat can be the match that lights the fuse.
At least one study warns that the trend toward hotter summers could brew trouble in the nation's urban areas.
"The discomfort caused by the heat is the best explanation for summer increases in violence," said Craig A. Anderson, psychologist at Iowa State University.
The correlation between increasing temperatures and crimes of aggression is remarkably clean, said Scott Sheridan, a Kent State University researcher who led a major study of crime in Cleveland. "You end up with an almost perfect line," he said.
Based on an Inquirer analysis of national FBI Uniform Crime Statistics, summer is the busiest season for violent crimes, with rates almost 20 percent higher than in winter.
All the urban rioting of the 1960s, including in Philadelphia, occurred in summer.
Wasn't Detroit, once turned over to Black people (and their viceroy of destruction, Coleman Young) in 1973, and basically set on "pre-heat" -- considering that 21,000 people have been murdered there since?
Is there a link between violent crime rising and temperature increases? Perhaps. But is there a study that looks at increases in only the Black crime rate and violent crime (once the heat gets turned up to "bake" in these Urban Heat Islands?), considering that in "urban" areas the violent crime tends to be primarily monopolized by Black people? Or, in the case of Chicago and New York City, Hispanics too.
All things in life are relative: what would happen if you switched the population of Portland (the only people committing crimes there tend to be the less than 10 percent of the city that checks "African America" on U.S. Census form) with Philadelphia's? Would the Philadelphia Inquirer be publishing stories warning about the fear of violent crime rising with the heat? Or would the paper lament that in this thought-experiment, Philadelphia was "in a changing, Philly remains overwhelmingly white."
Kinda like Austin, Minneapolis, Seattle, or Denver; all boasting populations that are less than 10 percent Black (though in the case of Minneapolis and Denver, those Black populations do their best to monopolize all the crime, cold or warm weather be damned).
Wired Magazine and The Atlantic have both published stories discussing the link between violent crime rates rising with rises in the temperature (perhaps this is the reason so many Disingenuous White Liberals fear Global Warming -- the reality of racial differences in impulse control will become to obvious and frequent to censor with the ice caps melting...), but the simple answer is this: it depends on what city and which population within that city you are talking about.
Violent crime committed by Black people in Philadelphia, Chicago, Newark, St. Louis, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Washington D.C., and Baltimore might increase, but it's already at astronomically high rates (compared to the white population) that it's hard to notice a difference.
But cities that are "overwhelmingly" white (does any newspaper ever say Detroit is "suffocatingly" Black... because they should) don't have the same problem with increases in temperature.
It's just an excuse to go outside, play some corn hole and dredge up the ol' Slip 'N" Slide or hit the pool and show off your latest jump from the diving board.
Urban Heat Islands are only a threat when the urban area is occupied by The Blacks, who help perpetuate the very stereotypes that keep white people from moving into the city and gentrifying it (thereby bringing back businesses, safe parks, and quality schools in the process).
If you're going to cite urban areas that have high crime rates, then you need to be accurate. D.C. crime rate has fallen significantly, at least in violent crimes, because it has turned a corner on it's black pop.
You can't reel off a list of cities mindlessly.
Probably reminds them of home. I wouldn't be surprised if they started trying to sell each other to visiting tourists in exchange for weed and 40s, and the funny thing is people call us delusional.
Black attracts solar heat
"Even screening out other factors such as economic conditions, age, and education levels, heat, in itself, has been shown to be a significant contributor to explosive behavior." - I read this and was reminded that black criminality and bad educational results are always blamed on them being poor. I then wondered how crime rates and educational results are amongst middle and upper class blacks. I found some stuff that suggests middle class blacks have higher crime rates and perform at lesser levels than whites in matters of academic achievement just like their poor cohorts.
I wonder if you could look into that here on this site. I consider you quite gifted at finding and compiling statistics (much much better than I am) and I think there would be some interesting findings on the matter that would contradict the notion that blacks behave badly because they are poor better than just about any other evidence.
Dude, Google Prince George's county Maryland ...
on another note, has anyone seen that video with the Bus Monitor?- never had one - Who wants to be that the children involved are DWL spawn? No respect for elders, or authority. Seems to be the MO for Libs and the behavior that is tolerated. More conclusions to be reached but I think some of the Intellects here can make the links between increasing child madness- I don't honestly know what to call it and the continuing tolerance for Black anarchy. Its time to break out the belts.
""The discomfort caused by the heat is the best explanation for summer increases in violence," said Craig A. Anderson, psychologist at Iowa State University."
Woo hoo hoo haa haa haaaaaaa!
This finally explains the incredible amount of murders happening in Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand...
The Ministry of Truth hacks just can't help themselves, can they? So now they're stating that groid criminality is not only the result of the legacy of slavery, oppression by YT, rayciss, the legacy of colonialism, poverty, lack of edjewmacation, etc. but also because of hot weather (itself no doubt brought about by 'climate change'). This reminds me of Auster's classic "Non-Islamic theories of Islamic extremism". The Ministry of Truth minions must sense that there has been a decline in belief among the proles and zeks whom they spew their newspeak at so they have to come up with a new and improved rationale to 'splain away TNB - hot weather.
All things in life are relative: what would happen if you switched the population of Portland (the only people committing crimes there tend to be the less than 10 percent of the city that checks "African America" on U.S. Census form) with Philadelphia's?
Speaking of Portland, Oregon, a suburb of this city to the east of there, Troutdale, recently had a rather bad "mahogany mob" crime incident at a local Albertsons grocery store. Much mercandise was stolen, much vandalism was done, and the four white store employees on duty at the time were terrorized to the point where at least one of the women was crying hysterically and left in fear by the juvenile jigsters.
Can any of that be blamed on the temperature readings for that day? Probably not - this TNB episode happened rather late on a Saturday night.
See the videos here:
Also, in the city of Portland itself, it seems that some of the "urban youfs" there ganged up into large groups and had themselves a "beat whitey" night at one of the city parks, which the Portland PD and the Portland DWL-media quickly dismissed as being just a series of "large fights" rather than the actual anti-white hate crimes which they truly were.
See the story here:
I googled Prince George's County, but all I could find was stories praising their declining crime rate. That doesn't help me. I know crime rates are declining nationwide. That's just a way to deflect people from noticing the disproportions of black criminality.
I can't find a good set of stats that shows criminality rates for middle class blacks. The best I could find was a story basically blaming any bad things in middle class black neighborhoods on their proximity to poor black neighborhoods.
I predict that they have a higher rate of criminality than middle class Americans in all other racial categories and lower educational results than whites, but I have been unable to find any stats that either support or contradict my hypothesis.
Isn't the black body the way it is because they are meant to live in hotter climates? So, basically they are saying when blacks live in conditions they are genetically built to live in they commit more crimes. Doesn't that reinforce the notion that they are naturally inclined to commit more crime?
To the comment above me:
I've had this discussion with many people whenever black and brown criminality is brought up and what causes it, and I believe it is somewhat correct, if not factual.
Talking to DWL about rising crime rates among blacks is always (in my experience) debated with the fact that their was European immigrant mafia crime during the Great Depression, which is true, and I would say that some of it could be attributed to the extreme amount of poverty at that time. The DWL will then say why isn't that any different than today, and I would say back then there wasn't welfare, EBT cards, SNAP, Section 8 etc. to try and help them out. We've had almost all of those social programs from more than 50 years, spent billions on them and crime is greater than ever. So no I would say being poor isn't the main reason crime happens, there not stealing bread.
In short: Great Depression, large amount of crime done European Americans. No social programs
Great Recession, large amount of black and brown crime. Billions spent on social programs, with no end in sight
It’s actually very simple. Cold weather will deter packs from “hanging out” anywhere other than indoors. It keeps the packs from walking for any significant length of time. They will gravitate more towards indoor activities which corrals them and doesn’t provide for the easy escape jumping someone outdoors does. The same cold weather that deters the packs from roaming also makes the victims they seek less accessible by keeping them indoors, too. Once the temps rise, it’s on. Out they come like roaches.
George Zimmerman could do the weather.
"The discomfort caused by the heat is the best explanation for summer increases in violence," said Craig A. Anderson, psychologist at Iowa State University."
Can you imagine the big bucks this guy is paid to say this sort of thing? Then you have to think how the system is so self-delusional that sooner or later its gotta come crashing down.
5678, I agree that poverty can lead to increased crime. I would assume that middle class black crime rates would be lower than poor black crime rates, but by how much? I just want to know if they are significantly higher than white rates at the same income level. I think maybe I should rephrase to poverty has less of an impact on black criminality than is often touted by mainstream folks, and that it is more a result of black's inherent criminality. If black crime rates remain higher than whites at all income levels, then, I think that would prove that the biggest factor in black criminality is blackness not poverty. But, I don't deny that poverty is a factor.
Crime is high in America because we are (despite our seeming desire to diminish this fact) still amongst the most free societies in the world. A huge downside of living in freedom is high crime. If you are free, and not constantly monitored, you are going to be more likely to commit crime. With more societal control (in all facets of life) crime will decrease. It becomes a matter of, "Are you willing to give up even more freedom to reduce crime?"
"on another note, has anyone seen that video with the Bus Monitor?-" - The apparent ringleader of that awful incident, the only child I noticed in the video, appeared to be nonwhite. He looked to be the spawn of folks from the Pakistan/India region of the world.
Talking to DWL about rising crime rates among blacks is always (in my experience) debated with the fact that their was European immigrant mafia crime during the Great Depression, which is true,...
You made some good points, and here is one more thing: there was a considerable amount of discrimination against European immigrants in the 19th and early 20th centuries. And some exclusion of Jews and even Catholics. Organized crime was sometimes a response from immigrants. But eventually these groups assimilated (without all the DWL social engineering we see today), which is one reason that organized crime from their end peaked out and declined.
We've had (as noted) 50 years of civil rights, anti-poverty, educational, multicultic, and etc., DWL kowtowing to blacks. Yet we are seeing a new wave of violent crime from the black underclass, one which seems to be getting increasingly vicious. And the various black-based urban gangs are expanding cross country. Sort of like the run-up to the Tet Offensive, perhaps?
We can also see how in South Africa, years after apartheid ended, black violence is getting increasingly vicious, often involving torture-murders which seem to be the forte of some criminals in the USA. Or in Britain, how black immigrants launched their own country-wide Tet last year, demolishing a number of city blocks.
You have to look at the political component. How much of this violence is a form of urban guerrilla warfare against the "other," in this case, white people? Nothing odd about that, the history of the world is one of tribal warfare, and of less civilized peoples encroaching on more civilized and sometimes bringing them down.
Certainly, the USA saw a centuries' long conflict between white settlers/pioneers and Indians. Much of this was in the form of raiding and the occasional massacre, very few big battles were fought between Jamestown and Wounded Knee. Yet the whites won out in the end.
No one says that just because we have entered the 21st century, the conflicts of peoples have to cease. You wonder, though, if DWLs ever get edgy about the fates of their grandchildren.
I am a native of Prince George's County, Maryland.
The murder rate in the county has exploded over the past 30 thanks to the black undertow.
Forty years ago we could leave our bicycles outside the house and unlocked! They would not be stolen. There was never any property crime much less violent crime in the very near lily white Prince George's County circa 1972.
Now bars and wrought iron doors festoon the outsides of houses in my old 'hood. And this is in a neighborhood where homes easily go for over $300,000.
dredge up the ol' Slip 'N" Slide or hit the pool and show off your latest jump from the diving board.
Swimming pools are racist! They kill Black people!
(The list of Rodney King jokes of the past few days has kept me in stitches, particularly what he was doing in his pool: the blackstroke.)
Just in time for the coming heat wave in the 'hood....
Video of multi-racial group of American children tormenting an older female bus monitor. the children were so proud of their cruelty that they posted it to Facebook.
Every summer all those white people in Phoenix are just a powder keg waiting to explode in violence.
By the way, Penn State is the home institution of Michael Mann of "hockey stick" global warming fame.
"Once the temps rise, it’s on. Out they come like roaches."
Like a cold blooded reptile, they become more active in the heat.
"The discomfort caused by the heat" would have been far worse in the 1940s and 1950s, when even the well-to-do did without air conditioning. Now, even the poorest people live in air conditioned houses and apartments, often with government subsidies for their electric bills.
sara is correct that there is more crime in the summer when more people are socializing outside, and less in the winter when the weather is too miserable to spend much time outdoors, but there has been a spectacular increase in torture and in gratuitous violence ("the Knockout Game") and weather has nothing to do with it.
5678 said...
billions? id say trillions!
and all the prison costs, as 'we'
dont lock up the 'career criminals.
give 'the bell curve' to friends.
What we need is another Ice Age.
does the heat also bring out zombie-like tenancies? There was another black zombie attack...
You don't need a weatherman to see which way the TNB blows ....
'Black attracts solar heat'
some people are too dumb to
'modify their environment'
Tokyo has more or less the same climate as Dallas, including hot, sticky, miserable summers. If this theory is correct, the summertime crime rate in Tokyo should be the same proportionally as Dallas' (metro Tokyo is about 5x as populous as the DFW metro area).
Obviously it isn't.
Can you imagine how bad it smells on the buses and subways with all of these sweaty, feral negroes?
I bet short-sleeve hoodies are flying off the shelves.
And yet so many black people tend to dress for winter around the year. In the SF Bay Area, which is currently having a pleasantly mild summer, I see many black people wearing down coats. It's not just to conceal guns. Even middle aged black women are wearing coats when white people are wearing t-shirts or light jackets, at most. It appears that black people feel colder than white people. So why would hot weather affect them more?
They didn't used to worry about what all the shiftless predatory blacks would get up to when it got warm out back when blacks enjoyed *full employment.*
Yowza! It be warrrrm!
Funny, I lived in Thailand for more than a few years and it can get awful hot and humid Thais are known to be very non-violent. In fact quite a few of the sunbelt people are known for their easy going ways.
How is it blacks are so disproportionately affected by heat, poverty, racism,etc.? Maybe the easiest answer is they are violent, stupid proto-humans?
Urban weather report:
"Well folks, its going to be a hot one today! 95 degrees with 90% humidity. There's a 70% chance of rolling chimpouts all across the city. Its also a code orange air quality day due to all the coconut scented hair product in the atmosphere. Residents are advised to drink plenty of fluids so have that ice cold grape Kool aid handy!"
Urban islands?
Sounds good to me! Let's lure them into these "islands" with the promise of unlimited 40's, free 'Purple Drank', weed, KFC, spinner wheels for the Caddies, white womenz....etc..
And THEN perform a naval blockade of unimaginable proportions, to assure that they can never terrorize other races and civilizations again.
Gosh! Can you imagine the cannabalism after about a week of no junk food? Perish the thought.
Do they ever stop trying to come up with excuses? Anything but blaming the people actually doing all this. So, when it's hot we should all stay home then.
Another black imposed curfew on whites.
when it gets above 105 or so they stay indoors - there's a range, maybe 80 to 100 for violence, but too hot & they don't come out (last summer when we had a lot of days with temps 100 to 112 - & when it was over 100 & still in the 90s in the evening, they didn't come out!) -- panjoomby
To Anon at 10:15 6/21, you are correct. People in NYC public housing get free electricity. They can run their air conditioners all day, all summer while the rest of us pay through the nose. Con Ed jacks up the rate in the summer it seems. I was watching John Stossel interview poor people. His (correct) belief is the our poor aren't doing so bad after all. But he asks this black man if he has air conditioning instead of asking him if he has to pay for electricity. Odds are he lives in public housing and doesn't pay.
Anonymous said...
"The discomfort caused by the heat" would have been far worse in the 1940s and 1950s, when even the well-to-do did without air conditioning. Now, even the poorest people live in air conditioned houses and apartments, often with government subsidies for their electric bills...
June 21, 2012 10:15 PM
There you have it! Chimpouts are caused by air conditioning!
And I didn't need a $1 million grant from the government to figure it out...but I'll take the money anyway.
And "Don M," your Urban Weather Report was hilarious!
I know crime rates are declining nationwide
I doubt it.
Hundreds of assault cases misreported by Milwaukee Police Department
City's violent crime rate lowered based on faulty data
MPD staff routinely changed crime codes
Thousands of more reports found "understated".
Flynn: Department misreported more than 5,300 violent assaults
Aide: Oakland 100 blocks statistic is inaccurate
The Sun "be raciss" for causing rising temperatures and subsequent rolling chimpouts in our nation's cities.
Blacks have a harder time cooling down than whites because they are afraid of getting their hair wet. There is a reason President Obama keeps his hair short now. His wife, like Al Sharpton, would create an oil slick the size of the Gulf spill if they were to take a dip and their hair would revert back to an afro.
Zebra spotting:Michael Schmidt says he has no idea why a man he passed while walking his dog Sunday night turned around and attacked him.
"He came up behind, put his left arm over my chest, took his right arm, and slashed my throat from left to right," Schmidt explained.
The attack happened at about 11 p.m. Sunday in the 1200 block of West Byron Street. As Schmidt gripped his throat, he said his attacker just stood there for several seconds, watching his victim bleed profusely.
"He just had this sneer on his face. I think he was amazed that I didn't drop to the ground," Schmidt said.
The man woke up:"The incident, Schmidt said, has strengthened his views in opposition of Illinois' concealed carry laws.
'And now it's justified for us to be carrying weapons,' Schmidt said. "If they are, so should we.'"
This idea isn't new--it's at least 30 years old. It's based upon real numbers in large cities. The higher the temperature, the more murders committed. The amount of white on white murder rises as well, but only slightly. Minorities in general are a whole n'other matter.
On the other hand, suicide rises significantly in "snow belt" cities in the Winter time. Sweden, for instance, used to have the highest rate of suicide in the industrialized world.
....ask your doctor about Segregation if you suffer from the symptoms of heat-related TNB. Side effects include: the ability to attend outdoor events, amusement parks, malls. Some patients have reported the ability to walk alone at night without fear, lower taxes and rising property values.
As Sara and others noted, while there is a correlation between rising temperatures and rising crime rates, that does not indication a causation. Blacks don't need a specific reason to act in a manner congruent with their nature: highly impulsive and generally violent. There are plenty of places in the world where high temperatures and low crime rates are found; as also already noted, these locales do not feature hordes of black people.
Conversely, look at areas that tend to have the coldest temperatures. All the Scandinavian countries had miniscule crime rates - until they brought in Africans and Arabs. Even there, however, these races' natural tendencies are mitigated by cold temperatures. You find very few blacks in Alaska - not merely because they don't like the cold, but because not planning ahead in such a climate can easily result in death. Blacks' present-time orientation and impulsiveness precludes such planning.
All the social scientists and typical prognosticators are looking at this backwards: it's not that warm weather causes crime, it's that colder weather generally limits blacks' public movement and thus hinders crime. They're far less likely to get on public transportation and then wander around a White, target-rich environment when it's 25 degrees Fahrenheit than when it's 90 degrees. How much crime occurs in wealthy ski resorts? How much crime during fall festivals in cooler states?
"Research in recent years has affirmed that the connection between heat and violent crime is more than lore. Even screening out other factors such as economic conditions, age, and education levels, heat, in itself, has been shown to be a significant contributor to explosive behavior."
So they screened for other factors...did they screen for race?
Of course not, because that would bring the face to face with the truth. Did they study small White cities nearby that hit the same temperature? (Based on this, location is irrelevant, only temperature!)
This is so obviously phoney that a 10 year old science student could pick the flaws out of it. That means that Maui should be a criminal hellhole nearly year around while Chicago should have 9 months of reduced crime. It means that the affliction of crime and the responsibility of the Orcs is excusable because of the Weather. It means that those who have adopted policies that increase crime such as importing Orcs from overseas, are absolved of responsibility because it is "the weather". It means...Oh I could go on for weeks. Judges, Welfare, recidivism, etc.
I would recommend that commenters go to the site and ask if the experimenters screened for race. Assuming the don't delete you comment for being non-Politically Correct".
Anon: I googled Prince George's County, but all I could find was stories praising their declining crime rate. That doesn't help me. I know crime rates are declining nationwide. That's just a way to deflect people from noticing the disproportions of black criminality.
Don't believe it. Go over and read Nicholas Stix's report of how BRA-controlled poh-leece depahtmentz arrange for ever-falling crime rates. This is actually a much more common racket than most folks realize. The present BRA poh-leece kommissar of Rahm's Chicagoland is constantly chirping about the falling crime rate there. If you read Second City Cop, you soon realize that's it is just more Soviet-style statistics - fathfully parroted by the Ministry of Truth.
This makes perfect sense. We already know that we can only stop negroes from committing violent crime and being a general drain on society by bringing them to room temperature or cooler.
njartist: In the comments for that article you linked is this doozy...
"Throwing 'black people' into gulags isn't a solution, it's a stupid joke. All kinds of people perpetrate evil, not just blacks. For every TuPac, there is a Clarence Thomas..."
Jesus. Are people really so delusional to think that for every thug negro there's a valuable member of society? If people can't see the "dark" after the last year, nothing short of being raped or beaten near death by a negro will help them.
In low income districts, a heat wave will oblige more people to leave windows open. This alone is an invitation to crimes of opportunity for Black predators. It is also well known that people tend to become more irritable during hotter weather. When this is taken with the typical hair-trigger temper that Blacks are famous for and combined with their notoriously poor impulse control, you basically have formed a sort of biological contact explosive.
Now, throw in a "chain reaction" effect of retaliation, retribution and general TNB that clusters around any elevation in their typical criminality and what arises is a synergy that guarantees more Black victims, dear or alive.
Wait a second: weren't all those "urban riots" of the 1960s just Black people engaging in a low-level civil war, demanding that their list of grievances be met or else they'd burn cities like Detroit, Watts, Newark, Washington D.C., Cleveland, etc., to the ground?
Think about it, how often do you see a group of predominantly White people burn, loot and riot? Rioting is an almost exclusively Black pastime which is really just opportunistically escalated TNB.
But is there a study that looks at increases in only the Black crime rate and violent crime (once the heat gets turned up to "bake" in these Urban Heat Islands?), considering that in "urban" areas the violent crime tends to be primarily monopolized by Black people?
Good luck with that. Modern statistical crime reporting and the MSM's (non)coverage of racially motivated Black crime assure that no such numbers will be gathered, much less published.
But cities that are "overwhelmingly" white (does any newspaper ever say Detroit is "suffocatingly" Black... because they should) don't have the same problem with increases in temperature.
That's because, especially in comparison to Blacks, Whites are capable of perfectibility. It is doubtful that Blacks will ever boost their collective IQ to a point where they will have a chance at it. Africa stands as glaring proof of this.
Anon (6/21 7:05 PM): Also, in the city of Portland itself, it seems that some of the "urban youfs" there ganged up into large groups and had themselves a "beat whitey" night at one of the city parks, which the Portland PD and the Portland DWL-media quickly dismissed as being just a series of "large fights" rather than the actual anti-white hate crimes which they truly were.
All of which predicts a deliciously ironic situation in which the abject denial of Portland DWLs will enable a death-spiral of TNB that goes unchecked until a Black-on-White attack of such viciousness and dimension literally forces Liberal Whites to open their eyes.
Much like their pet Black thugs, Portland's DWLs may well have found a way to chlorinate their own gene pool. Think of it as a kinetic form of birth control for Liberals.
Dissident: Can you imagine the cannabalism after about a week of no junk food?
Black-on-Black cannibalism is just more of the same "junk food" diet.
The following are fresh accounts of the negro war on people.
Three negroes rape 76 year old woman
Four negroes shoot food delivery man in face, then eat food he was delivering
Man walking dog, his throat is slashed by negro
Zenster: All of which predicts a deliciously ironic situation in which the abject denial of Portland DWLs will enable a death-spiral of TNB that goes unchecked until a Black-on-White attack of such viciousness and dimension literally forces Liberal Whites to open their eyes.
I'm afraid you seriously underestimate the religious fantaticism of DWLs and EMACs (who are just DWLs wearing Elephant masks). You're forgetting the corollary to Auster's first law: the worse the behavior of the precious other is, the more insistent and fanatical the behavior of its DWL enablers and facilitators to blame it on the "white racism". Now they've got a new wrinkle to add: The heat caused by man-made global warming, created by greedy white racists, is causing poor misunderestimated yoots and future astronauts to lose their minds and resort to violent thuggery - along with all of the institutional racism, legacy of slavery and the rest of the DWL litany.
I am not exaggerating when I say that DWLs are more fanatical about their pseudo-religion of anti-racism than the wildest bug-eyed goat-humpers of Pashtoonistan are about the doctrines of a 7th-century pedophile prophet.
My personal experience bears out the theory. I worked a few years as a landscaper in the SE. When I worked a full day in the July heat, my temperament could get fairly volatile during peak hours. Volatile for me, anyway.
But blacks lounging around the ghetto is hardly the same thing. I was working my ass off. Plus, blacks are supposed to be adapted to the heat. They don't burn, they sweat less, and they retain salt better.
On poverty and crime: there are more poor White people in America than poor blacks. But there are far more black violent criminals than White. Actually, "poverty causes black crime" is a great "in"; it means you get to zero in on rape statistics with laser-like focus. See, "poverty causes blacks to rape" doesn't sound convincing at all. And the black rape rate is like 6x the white rate (or it was last time I checked, which was years ago, but these things tend not to change much).
I know that you don't take too kindly to taking requests from Black people.
Could you be so kind to impart your view (via a blog post) on what the "White-Skinned Trust Fund Babies" at the University of Minnesota-Duluth "Un-Fair Campaign" are doing.
It seems that they feel guilty about "White Privilege" and has teamed with the NAACP, YMCA, League Of Women Voters and some other Progressive-Fundamentalists to call on people to be on the look out for "RACISM", stomping it out where ever they see it.
I merely want to index your views with the views of these other White folks who believe themselves to be "More Enlightened" - as they no doubt think that you are a racist.
As for my feelings about you - It doesn't matter what you think about Blacks. Indeed the balance of our issues are due to the lack of Internal Institutional Governance and Integrity Enforcement therein.
At the same time it seems that you are oblivious to the national storm clouds that are fomenting financially and the condition in Europe is only going to put even more pressure on the USA.
I give you credit for one thing though - you have the most comprehensive list of links to Black blogs than most others.
Constructive Feedback,
We MOST CERTAINLY ARE AWARE of the financial storm clouds that are "fomenting" (ROFL!)
We know full well what is in store should the EBT cards stop working.
As for "indexing" our views with those whites of the Unfair Campaign, I think I speak for all of us when I ask, "What the hell are you talking about?"
It should be obvious to you that their views are diametrically opposed to ours. Furthermore, being smug in their delusion of moral superiority to us "low brow racists" is merely a part of the DWL identity.
That is, of course, until such time as they meet up with a number of your brethren after dark...
"Throwing 'black people' into gulags isn't a solution, it's a stupid joke. All kinds of people perpetrate evil, not just blacks. For every TuPac, there is a Clarence Thomas..."
Make that for every ONE HUNDRED TuPac blacks, there is a Clarence Thomas black. Maybe then you will have some semblance of credibility with such a statement as that.
I am not exaggerating when I say that DWLs are more fanatical about their pseudo-religion of anti-racism than the wildest bug-eyed goat-humpers of Pashtoonistan are about the doctrines of a 7th-century pedophile prophet.
You're not exaggerating, you're just wrong. DWLs will go whichever way the wind blows. Support for the current racial regime is a mile wide, and an inch deep.
Don M (responding to "Constructive Criticism"):
It should be obvious to you that their views are diametrically opposed to ours. Furthermore, being smug in their delusion of moral superiority to us "low brow racists" is merely a part of the DWL identity.
That is, of course, until such time as they meet up with a number of your brethren after dark...
What you describe may be true in some cases - usually those who imbibe the anti-racist true religion as a means to climb the ladder to financial riches. You're forgetting about the true believers though. Take a look at the reaction of Amy Biehl's parents to the rape and murder of their daughter at the hands of some of CC's brethren: Set up a foundation to pay the killers. With the true-believer DWLs (who, as I have mentioned before, have bottomless pockets of counterfeit money) getting raped and killed by negroes is Liebestod - the very apotheosis of their religion. Islam (which I have no illusions about) is far less of a threat than that which motivates DWLs.
Throwing blacks into Gulags and making them work for their Welfare IS a solution, but I would prefer to allow Deportation/Sterilization as an alternative. On the other hand, if you insist, that is an alternative. In fact, it is a terrible one that Whites have loosed on their brethren in every socialist/Fascist dead end. That they would not use it on blacks is funny in the least. Blacks will end up in shackles again (electronic this time) being told to get "up in dah truck, boy."
Here we go........... AGAIN
Those that are challenging the declining crime rate need to remember that this country is still close to 70% white. If white crime rates decline overall crime rates will decline.
I would be interested to see black crime rate stats through the years of overall rate decline. I wouldn't be surprised to see black crime rates continuing to rise, or remaining about the same. Sure, crime rates in some areas can't be trusted, but I don't think there is enough fudging to show such a drastic overall decline.
Bogolyubski, thanks for the info. I feel more inclined to trust a local like you than the media, but sadly the media is about the only access I currently have to such information since I live in Michigan.
The whole "whites commit crimes too" argument is just a distraction. Has anyone ever disputed that? Every group of people is going to have a criminal element. The problem isn't that blacks commit crimes, it's that blacks commit crimes at such staggeringly disporportionate rates compared to other groups (including hispanics).
Birth control is key. Whether we're talking about birth control pills, condoms, sterilization or abortion, it's a good idea at any cost. Black Birth Control = White Death Control. We've already established that 3-5% of the population (black males 14-35) has a virtual monopoly on violent crime. Imagine if they double in numbers. We already have black people turning our cities into war zones that rival actual war zones. Less black people equals less crime and however we accomplish it is okay with me.
To the black guy posting big words... We recognize that the economy is tanking and that our greatest problem when that happens is black people. We also know that the same DWL morons who are responsible for this reprehensible white guilt operation and the joyful diversity programs that make this site necessary are also mostly responsible for the economy. We can only hope that when it does tank, black people choose to rob, murder and rape them first. Even if they knew you were coming to eat them, they'd never admit it or be racist by preparing, and they're usually not too hard to catch. I'd recommend a good dry rub to cover up the taste of Chai latte and Birkenstock funk. I'd pair them with cherry Kool Aid (double sugared, of course) and just the slightest hint of CF Tussin or whatever kind you come across while looting. Bon Appetit.
"Indeed the balance of our issues are due to the lack of Internal Institutional Governance and Integrity Enforcement therein."
Ok, then what do you propose we do about said "lack of internal institutional integretity enforcment" ?
Solutions? We're all waiting with baited breath here my melanin enriched freind.
I know what you're alluding to; however, until you more melanin enhanced types start cleaning up your own neighborhoods and "communities", then why would you expect anything different than the status quo.
You don't have to speak in comspiratorial undertones here, just come out and speak your mind. If you're honest and civil I'm sure that Paul will give you a platform, but quit casting weird aspersions and vague reference on the man (white people). It's old and worn out. There's plenty of black sell-outs that you could better spend your time crucifying I would imagine.
Anonymous at 4:57 PM, you are WRONG. This country is NOT "still 70% White." Check your sources. According to the powers that be, this country is 63.1 % non-hispanic White. First of all, I don't trust the powers that be. Secondly, I guarantee that some Iranians and Mexicans and Central Americans claimed to be non-hispanic White. Finally, at least 2% of those Whites are Jews. If you're lucky, about 58% of this country is composed of people of White, Christian, European heritage. IF you're lucky. We have perhaps ten years, at most, if immigration and miscegenation and minority reproduction continue apace, before Whites are down below 50%.
Keep that in mind before you comment - on anything.
Surely you are not so set on talking about us Colored Folks that you can't manage to spend one post talking about your Ideological divergent blood brothers?
There are plenty of places on the internet for those topics. There are few places for racial realists on the internet that address the very real criminality that is threatening not just White people, but anyone who happens to not be Black or look like it. I have control over my financial future and preparedness offers some measure of security from starvation for me and mine. I have no control over Black people. Black people have no control over themselves. The police have no control over them and there is a campaign of deliberate deceit about the rate of criminality manifested by Black people. So much so, that if it were not for my own experiences and those of many that I know, I would consider myself a “bad person” AKA as “racist” for acknowledging and acting on the knowledge of their crimes against EACH OTHER AND ANYONE WHO DOESN’T LOOK LIKE THEM. I am told I must not see what I damn well do see and many experience EVERY DAY.
There is a problem in your community that is spilling over and affecting other communities at disproportionate rates. Since you all never seem to want anyone to say shit to you about anything ever then shut the hell up and go handle that business which is yours so sites like this won’t be needed.
Just so you know, it’s not just White people who are aware and starting to speak out about the dangers posed b y Black people. So, if you’re going to point those that read and post here to look at “White Skinned trust fund babies” then you will have to list those you think commit “worse” crimes of every other race and ethnicity living in America today. ALL have been victims of Black violence at one point or another. ALL would rather never have to live anywhere near you, have their children go to school with you , work with you, or even eat or shop in the same establishments as you. Many did not have these issues with Black people until Black people taught them to.
Ray Scissom: Black Birth Control = White Death Control
Ray, that is a red hot addition to my Catalog of Race Realism Memes. Please give me the green light and it is so included.
'Based on an Inquirer analysis of national FBI Uniform Crime Statistics, summer is the busiest season for violent crimes, with rates almost 20 percent higher than in winter.'
Black Birth Control = White Death Control
There's a variant I've heard before: What do you call black females who have abortions? Crime stoppers!
The problem with islands is they have huge coastlines. Making them effective naval blockaders as much as blockaded. While the "World Island" (Eurasia) was able often for a long time to fight off blockades, piracy, invasion, historically England as soon as it developed naval power, was able to rule the oceans for a very long time. Japan's naval power was for about fifty years, very formidable.
And I think we are seeing a sort of pseudo Viking strategy. Just as unsustainable farming practices among the Vikings created the dynamics for fisherman to become raiders, rapid transit, in particular, allows raiding into nice areas. The same goes true for rural home invasions, cheap cars allow Ghetto thugs to travel to the boonies to inflict what they will on basically defenseless people.
This means, people will retreat from the sea, so to speak. Away from mass transit, paved roads, and towards semi-feudal "castle lords" offering protection. It happened before.
I lived thru this, it was the best formal education on this summer in Cambridge Maryland and H Rap Brown....1967
The same goes true for rural home invasions, cheap cars allow Ghetto thugs to travel to the boonies to inflict what they will on basically defenseless people.
They have to get in without raising suspicion, and they have to get out again. With cameras and recognition systems getting cheaper by the day, how long will that hold true? People could easily set up a camera along the road to read license plates and flag strange vehicles. Strange vehicles full of Black faces... off the main highway and not continuing to the next camera? Red alert.
It wouldn't take many responses by alerted targets to put such raids in the trashbin of tactics.
From the movie, Body Heat:
Oscar: We've got more of everything bad since the [heat] wave started. It's the crisis atmosphere. People dress
different, feel different, sweat
more. They wake up cranky and they
never recover. Look at Lowenstein.
(a flash of smile)
Things are just a little askew. Pretty soon people think the old rules aren't in effect. They start breaking them. Figure no one'll care, cause it's emergency time... time out.
I used to work for the State of Georgia, doing work which took me to every little county seat in that great state. In the evenings after a hot day, the black folks would come out, often dressed as if for a party, and promenade down the middle of the streets until after dark. It was something Ray Bradbury would have written about had he seen it.
Never forgot that radically improved (free for them) medical care has cut deeply into murder statistics.
Brute: Never forgot that radically improved (free for them) medical care has cut deeply into murder statistics.
It has also cut deeply into White America's pocketbook. Between multiple surgeries for gunshot wounds, arrests, prosecutions, convictions and subsequent incarcerations, just one single thug can bleed the system for almost a million dollars before he takes the dirt nap.
If you have multiple gang-related criminal convictions, your assets should be able to be seized to recompense any hospitalization due to thug-life festivities.
Approved. ;)
The hidden costs of diversity. It's pretty obvious that liberals don't understand economics. Everything they touch gets worse and costs more.
Zenster: If you have multiple gang-related criminal convictions, your assets should be able to be seized to recompense any hospitalization due to thug-life festivities.
Assets? A LINK card, a rotting mattress in a Section 8 hovel where they shit in the corner and some purple drink? I don't think that'll work.
Much better to go back to proper capitalism. No money, no service. Also, the ability for any private entity to deny service for any reason...or no reason at all.
Heat BS. It's the nonwhite races. Maybe because more of them are around when it's warmer outside.
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