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"We got your back" |
Using the (no homo) phrase, "We got your back," the new Obama campaign phrase would seamlessly integrate with McDonald's 365Black campaign or Coca-Cola's pitching of Sprite to Blacks. The Blaze dog whistles:
Imagine a Soul Train soundtrack combined with politics and you have the start of President Obama’s new ad targeting blacks.
The new spot, which is set to air nationally on Tuesday, is based on the phrase “We got your back.” The phrase is repeated several times throughout by a group of singers as quotes form the president and Barry White-like music play in the background."We got your back." Don't forget to say "No Homo."
Thegrio.com has some quotes from the ad:
“Four years ago we made history,” a male announcer says. “Now it’s time to move forward and finish what we started together. We have to show the President we have his back.” The spot is inter-cut with audio from President Obama’s speeches, touching on familiar political and campaign themes.“I refuse to pay for another millionaire’s tax cut by kicking children off of Head Start programs; asking students to pay more for college; or eliminating health insurance for millions of poor and elderly and disabled Americans on Medicaid,” the president can be heard saying in the ad.
All of this would be beyond parody if it hadn't already been parodied in Tom Wolfe's 1998 novel about The City too Busy to Hate, with A Man in Full
Adam Taxin, who is a writer in Philadelphia (a three-time Jeopardy! champion), pointed out in a YouTube video that "We got your back," is ripped from the pages of Wolfe's (incredibly honest) look at race relations in Atlanta.
To make the plot easy to digest, let's quote from Wendy Brandes of CNN.com review of the book:
Meanwhile, Fareek "the Cannon" Fanon, a black football star at Charlie's alma mater, faces accusations of date rape after an encounter with the gorgeous daughter of one of Charlie's [Croker, the protagonist of the story] rich white pals during the Spring Break madness known as Freaknic. One of his lawyers is Roger White II, who obsesses about being called "Roger Too White" during his college days at Morehouse. White is a corporate lawyer, called in because his old frat brother, Wes Jordan, is mayor of Atlanta. Jordan has his reasons for taking interest in the plight of an inner-city black athletic star; he's facing a re-election campaign against Andre Fleet, who is urging African Americans to vote for their "first black mayor" and against the "high yella" political establishment.
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African Americans for Barack Obama: Gotcha Back! |
Roger Too White expected to see Andre Fleet emerge from one of the two wings of the stage, as the choir and Isaac Blakely had. But Blakey gestured toward the very rear of the church, and everybody, including Roger Too White, turned about in his seat. There, in the aisle, level with the very last row of seats in the hall, was Andre “Blaq” Fleet. In the ranks of the National Basketball Association he had been anything but a tall man. He had played point guard for Philadelphia and the New York Knicks. He was known as a good playmaker and a good but not great outside shooter…. He was built in a V, from the extraordinary width of his shoulders down to his narrow waist. And he was dark. Oh yes; no question about it. He had the good looks of a Sidney Poitier, and his flawless teeth fairly gleamed against the deep chocolate of his skin. The man had good looks and then some.
No sooner had Roger twisted about to take a look than Sister Sally Blankenship had plunged her two amazing hands into the Curland, and the stirring Toreador Song from Bizet’s Carmen, that rousing refrain, was roaring forth, vibrating in every gizzard in the church and making Andre “Blaq” Fleet seem like even more of an invincible champion. He was working the crowd, reaching deep into each row, on both sides, to touch the hands that reached toward him. He wasn’t the sort of politician who materialized elevated about you onstage, having just departed some unseen VIP room. Oh no; he was here among you, starting with the very last row, yours to see up close, to touch and hear from. Blaq Fleet had something to say to everybody, although it was doubtful that anybody could hear a word of it. Quite in addition to the organ’s triumphal anthem, the cries had begun. At first: Andre!...Andre!... Fleet!... Blaq!... Blaq! Gotcha Back! Blaq!... Gotcha back!...Fleet!...Gotcha back!... Then cries from every quarter of the audience: Gotcha back!... Gotcha back!... Gotcha back!... from here, from there, from way over there and the other side: Gotcha back!... until it became a single, unified chant springing forth from hundreds of gullets: Gotcha back, gotcha back, gotcha back!
It took a few moments, but then it dawned on Roger that gotcha back – “got your back” – was an Atlanta street expression meaning “I’m behind you – I am your follower – and I’ll protect you against attacks from the rear.”
Roger wouldn’t have believed it possible, but the chant continued to swell in volume as Blaq Fleet made his way down the aisle: “Gotcha back! Gotcha back! Gotcha back! (p. 358)
Life is Black-Run America (BRA) is beyond parody. We just have one task before us: endure. This age will end.
This half cracker is beyond insane...can't wait for the defeat in November.
Heads up.
New FBI data shows Da ATL is the 8th most violent city in America.
What's next, the Turner Diaries? :)
"We got your back" Got to listen to it! Hilarious! What a cheesy piece of funk. Couldn't they get Shaft to make an appearance?
Who thought up and produced this one?? Actually it is effective enough in "the community" but would turn off lots of whites if they got to hear this pitch
“If living around the noble, dignified, vibrant, and enriching Diversity was really such a good thing, we wouldn’t be so miserable. The only benefit to the White community from its inability to escape the blacks is our deepening appreciation for the memory of Jim Crow segregation. Because of the blacks, we now know that our White privilege is targeted for elimination, and our Whiteness along with it. We are an endangered species. The murders of Channon Christian, Eve Carson, and Brittny Watts by the Diversity call us to a deeper understanding of the costs of racial genocide. We now embrace our White privilege as the one value that reflects who we are as a people, and we commit more will to its defense and perpetuation. Call us racists, we don't care. If racism is a weapon in favor of White survival, then racism should be defined as a holy inspiration written onto our hearts by the finger of God himself. Racism is a virtue in the moral excellences of Whiteness."
-Rev. Jed DeValleyism, “We're now understanding what Diversity really means," 2011
When the rubber meets the road, almost all blacks and browns, the good majority of Jews, and probably 30-35 percent of whites will vote for the Obamanator, no matter what. They can't help themselves.
The current media spin about liberals abandoning him is just that--spin.
It is as though StormFront created a commercial for Obama. What a dope.
A good book definitely worth reading at your local library.
"Actually it is effective enough in "the community" but would turn off lots of whites if they got to hear this pitch."
All the more reason to make it go viral. Spread it, brother!
Best Tom Wolfe book is Radical Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers! It deals directly with DWLs and how blacks use white guilt to seek their game...
Please read that book Paul and do a article on it....
Thanks for all your research and posts.
I think the real intention is (to the unfunky beat), "Let's stir the pot."
I can take this a step further. The beat and the vocals are eerily reminiscent of the pathetic 1985 video "Stop the Madness." Really. Just advance to 1:00 in the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5zJvX3pIY4
Nothing creative in this crowd. Nothing.
Thank goodness for Ovomit....he at least makes it possible for Jimmy Carter to look in the mirror and murmur "I wasn't the worst US president in modern history."
If only he would get voted out of office. Whites are in trouble in this country. How sad.
Not to count chickens before they hatch,... but if and when Obambi vacates the White House in November, I for one, will be glad to know that black America will no longer be able to whine about "racism" in the political process of this country.
The fact that the American presidency, the top law enforcer (the attorney general), and a multitude of other top level positions have now been held by blacks, and will accordingly negate all future cries of racism.
You know, it's nice to be continually reminded, by black people themselves, how very silly and ignorant they are. If this is the sort of thing that appeals to them, they really are a group of very stupid people.
So, Chef is doing voice-overs for Obama now. Will Cartman side with Romney?
Let's face it...blacks interpret threats to Obama's kingship as equivalent to asking a black to quiet down in a movie theater or something -- an existential threat deserving of violence. "He asked me what!!!! To keep my voice down???? He's doing what!!!! Voting for that white Mormon cracker????" Etc.
Wow. How badly is BO's campaign floundering if they feel that they need to make a commercial targeting blacks, who overwhelmingly voted for him (something like 92%) in '08?
The cries of RAAAAACISM would have deafened us if 90-something percent of white voters had voted for McCain.
Paul K: Using the (no homo) phrase, "We got your back," the new Obama campaign phrase would seamlessly integrate with McDonald's 365Black campaign or Coca-Cola's pitching of Sprite to Blacks
We so sure about the 'no-homo' there? After all the rumors and questions have swirled for years about the preferences of D'Won on d'downlow. He's got our backside alright. Problem is, the whole Repuke party is busy participating in the gang-rape.
Groids have been saying 'Got your back' forever.
"That Barry is one bad mothaaa..." --"Shut yo mouth!" -- "Just talkin' bout Obama. He's a complicated man, but no one understands him but his black brothas." "We got yo back."
i know they won't even consider it but the mitt campaign should put out a commercial saying something like this-- hey white america, it's your vote and you have to answer to no-one.or hey whites who's gonna watch your front.vote mitt! or this should burn them up @ media matters--hell, white america tell them you voted for obama, so the black panthers don't burn down your work-place. or my favorite-how come it took obummer four years to have your back. i'll have your back from day one! as long as you act like an american. i know that last one ain't never gonna happen. well one can hope, but that faded yrs ago.
Diversity contractors try to rip of Feds. But will Feds ignore, or will the Diversity tribe come together and celebrate the scam as "just an unfortunate bookkeeping error, but since it unburdened White taxpayers of some more of their White privilege through more national debt and future higher taxes, then we'll just let by gones be by gones as we move forward"?
“I refuse to pay for another millionaire’s tax cut by kicking children off of Head Start programs; asking students to pay more for college; or eliminating health insurance for millions of poor and elderly and disabled Americans on Medicaid,” the president can be heard saying in the ad.
Is there anything that liberals believe that isn't an inversion of reality?
This will only strengthen the "us against them" attitude so many blacks already have - an attack on TheWon is an attack on all blacks; and simply running against him is an attack.
Now we throw in Bill Clinton's comments that seem to undermine TheWon - among blacks this will interpreted to mean that even liberal Democrat whites can't accept a black President.
Could you imagine the outrage over a "Causcasians for Ron Paul" or "White Americans for Mitt Romney" campaign?
I only wish that there was a way that both Obama and Romney could lose. It's like deciding which eye to punch yourself in.
They have to. They live around other groids.
What are the chances of a white man being elected as president in black african countries, zero
Blacks are the real racists their voting habits prove it
Here is south africa the DA party has to become black for blacks to vote for them, and blacks do not tolerate, you either for them or against them, the blacks that do vote for the "white" DA party are virtually necklaced for betraying the black way of voting.
Africa is proof that blacks are still tribal, you can't get a white chief heading a black tribe.
When elections occur in africa it is a matter of life and death, they exterminate the opposition, something to keep in mind with possible advantages.
In the early 90's in south africa the IFP and the ANC slaughtered each other in a miniature prolonged rwandaesque cleansing cycle
Black people have such delusions of grandeur. Only a group of 75 IQ negroes could live in a neighborhood where their people can't even use a broom and be convinced by their militants that they built the entire country with their bare hands.
"how dare them white motherfuckers tell me shit?"
I'd like to propose an experiment (reality tv?) where we take a group of whites, a group of blacks, a group of Latinos and a group of Asians and put them on small, uninhabited islands with similar features/resources for a period of 6 months to see what happens. Average people. Maybe 10 men and 10 women of five different age groups. Give them an axe, ten shovels, ten hammers, ten saws, ten knives, a fire starter, fishing hooks and line, a bucket of nails, a big cooking pot and a first aid kit. Don't let any group know that they're in a competition or that there are even other groups at all.
With unbiased editing, I think i know exactly how it would go and so do you.
My slogan for D'Won's 're-erection' campaign:
Let's go full retard!
Diversity contractors try to rip of Feds.
Back in the 1980s it was common to see soldiers in the Army wearing the new camouflage uniforms which seemed to be a size or two short. The story was that the uniforms were manufactured by a minority contractor who cut corners when it came to the materials, resulting in uniforms which shrank after being laundered a few times.
Anyone have any information on this?
That Mein Obama has descended into using Black patois for his campaign slogan would be hilariously pathetic if it weren't so hypocritical. This chair-warming skidmark on America's underwear is rivaled only by Bush 2.0 for delivering middle class America into the hands of its enemies.
What's more, BHO's claims of bringing racial unity to America are a complete and total inversion of reality. He has set back constructive race relations several decades and, in doing so, seeded a level of viciousness and brutality which eclipses anything that Jim Crow ever produced in its darkest hours.
The most monstrous fraud of all is how this pretender has evoked the most racist of all doctrines in his appeals to Black America.
Here is an excerpt of what I wrote back in April of 2008:
One Drop of Liberal Blood
Let’s please have it understood that Barack Hussein Obama is not Black. He is, by proper definition, a mulatto, being descended from both black and white parents. Rest assured that Obama plays himself up as a Black Man but that in no way changes his actual genetic and ancestral heritage. What it does signify is that Barack Hussein Obama is more than willing to ignore racial realities within his own personal realm when they conflict with his overall political vision.
What this bodes in terms of how he will deal with racial issues upon becoming President is not at all heartening. Furthermore, it is a bellwether of even more disturbing possibilities with respect to how such a man might seek to run this world’s greatest superpower.
In an obscene reinvention of Jim Crow doctrine, the thoroughly reviled “One-Drop Rule” has found new life in American liberals and with Barack Hussein Obama in particular:
The one-drop rule is an historical colloquial term in the United States that holds that a person with any trace of sub-Saharan ancestry (however small or invisible) cannot be considered white and so unless the person has an alternative non-white ancestry that he or she can claim, such as Native American, Asian, Arab, Australian aboriginal, the person must be considered black.
By Obama’s own reasoning it would seem as though this long discredited and viciously racist notion — that even the slightest bit of Black ancestry makes a person entirely Black — suddenly has new validity and pertinence in our time. Perish the thought that — as Black Supreme Court jurist Thurgood Marshall insisted — “classifications and distinctions based upon race or color have no moral or legal validity in our society.” As Stephen Thernstrom’s article goes on to note:
“The [Census] Bureau will not tabulate data for every possible racial mix reported by respondents. But they are keeping track of a mind-boggling 63, so that we will have figures, for example, on the number of people who consider themselves part-white, part-black, and part-American Indian. But when the figures are to be used to determine whether civil rights laws have been violated, these distinctions will disappear. Citizens who say they are not only white but also a member of a “minority race” will be counted as belonging to the ‘minority race’ — period.
In other words, for these purposes, it is still the case that a white mother can have a black child but a black mother cannot have a white child.” [emphasis added]
In one of his very few valid observations, Karl Marx noted that:
History repeats itself, first as tragedy and then as farce.
Through exceptional hypocrisy and dissembling on a monumental scale, Mein Obama has first and foremost embodied farce. The tragedy for all Americans, Black and White alike, will be his reelection.
~AV~: Best Tom Wolfe book is Radical Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers! It deals directly with DWLs and how blacks use white guilt to seek their game...
As a fan of Wolfe's writing, I'll have to snag a copy of that. To date, my favorite work of his has always been "Bonfire of the Vanities" (of which "A Man in Full" is almost a carbon copy). Most amusing amongst the many keen observations he goes on to make in "Bonfire" is how any and all New York City police officers, be they Black, Jewish or whatever, eventually morph into the stereotypical Irish cop.
Anon (6/12 6:59 PM): Not to count chickens before they hatch,... but if and when Obambi vacates the White House in November, I for one, will be glad to know that black America will no longer be able to whine about "racism" in the political process of this country.
The fact that the American presidency, the top law enforcer (the attorney general), and a multitude of other top level positions have now been held by blacks, and will accordingly negate all future cries of racism.
If there is the tiniest soupçon of consolation to be had from this political combination of travesty and farce, that is it.
It is a deeply disturbing confirmation of everything which SBPDL regularly highlights that the first "colored" CEO of America has, for racists of all stripes, validated every worst stereotype of Blacks.
Lily White: How badly is BO's campaign floundering if they feel that they need to make a commercial targeting blacks, who overwhelmingly voted for him (something like 92%) in '08?
Nowhere near as badly if the truth came out regarding how Mein Obama has destroyed more Black wealth than any other politician in American history.
It defies all imagination that Liberals will not and cannot pierce the veil of their own sociopolitical naïveté in order to recognize this nakedly racist ploy for what it is. Instead, DWLs will most likely feel some squishy sort of solidarity with eternally downtrodden Blacks by heeding this blatantly racist political call to arms.
Ray Scissom: Could you imagine the outrage over a "Caucasians for Ron Paul" or "White Americans for Mitt Romney" campaign?
Or, for instance, a White Congressional Caucus?
I only wish that there was a way that both Obama and Romney could lose. It's like deciding which eye to punch yourself in.
America desperately needs a "none of the above" box to check on the presidential ballot. This would force back open the field of candidates to those who lost in the party primaries and allow Americans to bypass the partisan king-making machines.
the book Mau mauing the Flak Catchers is a true story...
one of the famous people atthe black panther party is/was
Barbra Waters...wait till you see the whole line up of the liberals that were there....
I'm eagerly awaiting what I've dubbed the "youtube candidate." I think, if things continue as they have, we'll see stirrings in 2016, with a full blown candidate in 2020. What I mean by this is someone with a groundswell of popular support coming from the internet. Someone like Paul, perhaps, a blogger with radical but undeniable ideas. The "party faithful" on both sides of the aisle is shrinking, and the presence of a true outsider to galvanize the dispossed netizens is coming.
Of course, that's assuming we make it that long as a nation.
"The cries of RAAAAACISM would have deafened us if 90-something percent of white voters had voted for McCain." - I was called racist for pointing that out on a news site.
I have right here a copy of "Radical Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers". The book is actually two long magazine articles, totalling 152 pages in paperback.
"Radical Chic" is about a fundraising party held for the Black Panthers at Leonard Bernstein's (conductor of the New York Philharmonic for many years) posh apartment.
"Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers" is about Black militants extorting goodies from poverty bureaucrats in San Francisco.
We need two candidates. We need the Ron Paul "field medic" who stops the bleeding but can't really do much more in the field, and the "trauma surgeon" coming behind him who takes the country apart and puts it back together properly with finesse.
"I'd like to propose an experiment where we take ... a group of blacks ... Give them an axe, ten shovels, ten hammers, ten saws, ten knives, a fire starter, fishing hooks and line, a bucket of nails, a big cooking pot ... "
You just know this is going to end badly, don't you?
There's something so redundant about "African-Americans for Obama." It's like "Italians for Frank Sinatra" or "Dogs for Fire Hydrants."
Obama could get on TV tomorrow and promise to reinstate Dredd Scott and still garner 90% of the black vote. Some people thought that his coming out in defense of gay marriage would alienate blacks because they are (supposedly) conservative, and Christian on top of that.
You forgot, suckers. Their religion is that they're black. Their political orientation is that they're black. Their sexual orientation is...well, they are, as Little Richard said, omni-sexual.
As for their nationality, they are not 'African-Americans,' as some people tiredly claim. They are just Africans, first, last, and forever.
Remember the CBS News piece on the Red Line attacks in Chicago? The 1000+ long comment thread was PURGED in the last few minutes.
And for that, I'd like to offer a haiku:
Once all kept down South
Obsolete farm equipment
Messes up Chi-town.
"Wow. How badly is BO's campaign floundering if they feel that they need to make a commercial targeting blacks, who overwhelmingly voted for him (something like 92%) in '08?"
You're thinking white.
It's not that Obama's black supporters have deserted him, it's that since they already voted for him once, they won't really see a need to vote for him a second time.
Remember, in all-black power structures, there is no rule of law or democratic process. Once a black person gets power, he keeps it till he loses it. I suspect on some level, blacks either think Obama is president (or king) for life or that he should be. Blacks might do a job once but they really have trouble understanding that some jobs have to be done over and over again (like voting, or parenting or working for a living).
So yes, the Obama campaign is quite right to think both that Obama has the overwhelming support of the black community AND that they need to galvanize blacks to get them to vote for him again.
Five most dangerous cities to live in:
See a trend?
Zenster said:
“He has set back constructive race relations several decades and, in doing so, seeded a level of viciousness and brutality which eclipses anything that Jim Crow ever produced in its darkest hours.”
‘In an obscene reinvention of Jim Crow doctrine, the thoroughly reviled “One-Drop Rule” has found new life in American liberals and with Barack Hussein Obama in particular:
The one-drop rule is an historical colloquial term in the United States that holds that a person with any trace of sub-Saharan ancestry (however small or invisible) cannot be considered white and so unless the person has an alternative non-white ancestry that he or she can claim, such as Native American, Asian, Arab, Australian aboriginal, the person must be considered black.
By Obama’s own reasoning it would seem as though this long discredited and viciously racist notion — that even the slightest bit of Black ancestry makes a person entirely Black — suddenly has new validity and pertinence in our time. Perish the thought that — as Black Supreme Court jurist Thurgood Marshall insisted — “classifications and distinctions based upon race or color have no moral or legal validity in our society.”’
I think I have seen comments like these from you before. You may not have meant them in the spirit in which they come across, or they may have been excerpts from someone else’s opinions. However, you need to be reminded of something your comments seem to indicate that you miss completely: There was absolutely NOTHING wrong with the Jim Crow Laws, and there was certainly nothing viscous or brutal about them. They were merely “Stand your ground” laws, as was the “one-drop rule”, and they showed unequivocally that blacks cannot produce, create, or maintain anything other than primitive, sustenance level tribal societies. . They were created by a wiser group of people that actually had experience with negroes. The Southern Whites were preventing blacks from doing the damage these creatures have done for the last 47 years. Perhaps you could explain what “constructive” race relations are? Anything, that is, that benefits Whites that blacks would ever agree to. If your comments are your opinion, you should not apologize to anyone for Jim Crow, Segregation, Apartheid, or anything that benefited Whites and kept negroes in their place. That place being their own separate communities. Apologizing to blacks or DWL’s merely emboldens them and does nothing for Whites. We should stop allowing our enemies to control the narrative. If they wish to pin a badge of racism on us, wear it proudly and deflect any attempt to shame us for KNOWING that the black race is useless and provides no positive traits or accomplishments to the rest of the world. Never has and never will.
Anon White Male: I took Zenster's words about "...an obscene re-invention of Jim Crow doctrine..." to be facious, no, fascious, no, fa-see-shush. I've always taken him to be an apartheid advocate.
Sorry, my spelling's off tonight.
I seem to recall Tom Wolfe saying something about how hard it is to write satire when the news becomes weirder than fiction.
Anonymous White Male: I think I have seen comments like these from you before. You may not have meant them in the spirit in which they come across, or they may have been excerpts from someone else’s opinions.
They are strictly my own observations and I have not seen anyone else equate the mulatto Mein Obama's capitalization upon being "Black" as a resurrection of the "One Drop" rule.
However, you need to be reminded of something your comments seem to indicate that you miss completely: There was absolutely NOTHING wrong with the Jim Crow Laws, and there was certainly nothing viscous or brutal about them.
There are arguable aspects to Jim Crow, such as unequal application of the law, which may violate the Constitution. That said, right or wrong Jim Crow was a logical response to TNB, something that no Black or DWL will ever admit.
They were merely “Stand your ground” laws, as was the “one-drop rule”, and they showed unequivocally that blacks cannot produce, create, or maintain anything other than primitive, sustenance level tribal societies.
While I think it is a bit of a stretch to equate stand your ground laws with the One Drop rule, you would be right in equating SYG with Jim Crow.
They were created by a wiser group of people that actually had experience with negroes. The Southern Whites were preventing blacks from doing the damage these creatures have done for the last 47 years.
History has certainly borne that out.
Perhaps you could explain what “constructive” race relations are?
Open and uninhibited discussion of Race Realism. Nothing would benefit Whites and Blacks alike more than cutting through the suffocating Political Correctness that has been used to camouflage this important issue.
Anything, that is, that benefits Whites that blacks would ever agree to.
Which, from the looks of it, is absolutely nothing.
If your comments are your opinion, you should not apologize to anyone for Jim Crow, Segregation, Apartheid, or anything that benefited Whites and kept negroes in their place.
I have never been an apologist for any of those things.
That place being their own separate communities. Apologizing to blacks or DWL’s merely emboldens them and does nothing for Whites. We should stop allowing our enemies to control the narrative.
You are absolutely right about the role of narrative, especially for irrational DWLs, with whom it eclipses all fact and even reality itself. Which is why I advocate constructive race relations. Were Blacks to be openly and legitimately confronted with their overwhelming inadequacy, there might be the slightest glimmer of hope that they could begin to change. Current conditions assure the exact opposite.
If they wish to pin a badge of racism on us, wear it proudly and deflect any attempt to shame us for KNOWING that the black race is useless and provides no positive traits or accomplishments to the rest of the world. Never has and never will.
That "badge of racism" will soon enough be turned into a medal of honor for Those Who Can See.
Discard: I took Zenster's words about "...an obscene re-invention of Jim Crow doctrine..." to be facious, no, fascious, no, fa-see-shush. I've always taken him to be an apartheid advocate.
Thank you, Discard. What was meant is; how obscene it is for someone like the chair-warming skidmark on America's underwear to simultaneouly condemn racism yet play the One Drop rule like a violin just so long as it renders a danceable tune for his anti-White narrative in this majority White nation. Imagine the obscenity of a Jim Crow policy that favored Blacks. That is what BHO and Eric "My People" Holder are attempting to do. It is hypocrisy on a monumental level. Not that such duplicity has ever posed any sort of difficulty for Mein Obama.
I seem to recall Tom Wolfe saying something about how hard it is to write satire when the news becomes weirder than fiction.
A strong indicator of this is the frequency with which YJCMTSU (You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up) appears a the sole content of a comment at any of a variety of blogs.
It is also an indication of just how disconnected from reality much of PCMC (Politically Correct Multi-Culturalism) truly is. The surreal aspect of this Politically Correct balderdash makes Salvador Dali look like Winslow Homer.
Well he Got the NiggaCratic vote, you know those Incorrigible, Intellectuality Reprobate, who are Economically Undesirable. At 14% unemployment these people think they know what is best for others. Ovomit has really deceived them but they like to be deceived. Those NiggaCrats are like a political whore who thinks her man loves her but as the average Gutter Negro in love with a man who don't love her, the world see's Black Americans as a very Politically Retarded Very Weak bunch, and Again they think they know everything let them tell it.
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