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Batman would be a "racist" in our world... |
Why might that be? Because it's Black people who commit the bulk of the crime in New York City.
Here's Johnathan Capehart of the Washington Post on the color of crime in The Big Apple:
In short, 95.1 percent of all murder victims and 95.9 percent of all shooting victims in New York City are black or Hispanic. And 90.2 percent of those arrested for murder and 96.7 percent of those arrested for shooting someone are black and Hispanic. I don't even know where to begin to describe the horror I still feel looking at those numbers. But the word "hunted" comes to mind.Now do you begin to understand why the police employ such tactics? Even though New York City is now safer (which increases tourism revenue for the city), Black people still gathered to protest the "stop and frisk" tactics that have undoubtedly made the city safer for all people -- even law-abiding Black people.
What are the origins of the 'stop and frisk' campaign (well, besides high rates of Black crime)?:
The stop-and-frisk program dates to the 1990s, when the police department adopted a “zero tolerance” approach to policing and began bearing down on minor crime as a way of preventing more serious crimes. Despite the city’s claims, there is no proof that this approach, by itself, reduced crime in New York because crime has fallen in many cities that do not follow New York’s lead.
Over time, the program has grown to alarming proportions. There were fewer than 100,000 stops in 2002, but the police department carried out nearly 700,000 in 2011 and appears to be on track to exceed that number this year. About 85 percent of those stops involved blacks and Hispanics, who make up only about half the city’s population.
Judge Scheindlin said the evidence showed that the unlawful stops resulted from “the department’s policy of establishing performance standards and demanding increased levels of stops and frisks.”
"Stop and frisk" campaigns should be enacted in every city in America; if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't be opposed to being searched. Just imagine how quickly this would cut down the Black crime rate nationwide, if every would-be gang banger knew that the police could stop them at any moment.
Which brings us to the world of The Dark Knight Rises, the third and final film of Director Christopher Nolan's trilogy - and take - on the Batman mythos.
Set eight years after the events of The Dark Knight (where District Attorney Harvey Dent - played by Aaron Eckhart - was killed, but his legend as the "white knight" of Gotham remained pure), the film promises to once again show us the world of Gotham City through the eyes of Nolan.
Unlike most major American cities, where Black people engaged in a war of attrition to drive whites out and take political power (though, as Detroit, Memphis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Baltimore, and Philadelphia shows, this does not correlate to economic power), Nolan's Gotham City is one that appears to be 80 percent or more white.
It is for this reason that the recently leaked "Harvey Dent Act" (it will play an integral role in the film) would be instantly declared "racist" if implemented in our world. Realize that "stop and frisk" laws are designed to keep a city safe by granting extra-legal privileges to police; now imagine that the below law was enacted in a city like Chicago, where Black terrorists gang members are turning the streets of the Second City into a veritable war zone.
Batman-News.com reports the contents of the "Harvey Dent Act":
This morning, Mayor Anthony Garcia signed the Dent Act. The legislation, passed unanimously by the City Assembly, will bolster the city’s campaign against organized crime. One of the main features of the act is the creation of stricter penalties, including the denial of parole, for those who commit any crime deemed as a part or function of a larger criminal enterprise. This will close the loophole created in previous laws that hampered the city’s to stamp out organized crime.Alright: could you imagine the howls of protest from Organized Blackness if a city dared declare a holiday for a white man, let alone declare war on crime?
”Harvey Dent was a hero in the true sense of the word,” said the Mayor. “His courage in taking on the criminal empires that ruled the streets saved our city. It would be inappropriate for us to not honor his sacrifice.”
“Fifteen minute s ago, I signed a Bill, suitably named the Dent Act, that allows us to pick up where Harvey Dent left off. The legislation gives Police Commissioner Jim Gordon the tools needed to deal the final blow to the criminal and corrupt that remain active within our city”
”To those who claim this legislation creates a police state, my answer is very simple. Before the Dent Act, our city was so desperate we had to place our trust behind a masked vigilante who ultimately murdered the man who was truly Gotham’s shining hope. Luckily for us, the hope has endured. This bill is Harvey Dent’s legacy and I intend to protect it”.
At the Mayor’s request, the City Assembly will introduce another Bill making the date of Harvey Dent’s sacrifice an official city holiday, calling it Harvey Dent Day.
In the world of Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises, the villains are white men like mob boss leader Carmine Falcone, The Scarecrow, The Joker, The League of Shadow's leader Ra's Al Ghul, Harvey Dent/ Two-Face, and Bane; men of extraordinary intelligence, motivated by very different reasons to bring Gotham City to its knees.
In our nation, we are plagued by primarily low IQ Black (and Brown) criminals, who have extraordinary levels of testosterone coursing through their bodies, low impulse control, and an inability to understand the long-term consequences of the their actions.
In our nation, the purported greatest city is awash in one type of crime: minority crime. And yet, no one dares come up with ideas to confront it completely. Sure, "stop and frisk" has done a lot, but Organized Blackness has set its sights on ending this sane and practical procedure (that has proved effective).
Imagine a legislative branch passing something akin to the Harvey Dent Act in our world. Then the executive branch signing into law and ultimately, the judicial branch approving its validity. Were we to actually wage a war against Black terrorism in America (let's call crime what it is; a minority of Black people making a section of a city unsafe through higher crime are engaging in terrorism; a majority of Black people actively excusing away this behavior and "not snitching" means that Black people are working in collusion to protect and conceal these terrorists), it would take something similar to "The Harvey Dent Act."
The howls from Organized Blackness and perpetually aggrieved Civil Rights activists (and a legion of attorneys) would declare war immediately upon it.
Perhaps this realization shows why The League of Shadows are the true heroes of Nolan's Batman universe.
It is in Batman Begins that this powerful exchange of dialogue between Henri Ducard (Ra's Al Ghul) and Bruce Wayne helps illustrate why criminality (in any of its variant forms, committed by any individual) must be combated with extreme prejudice. Bruce Wayne is about to inducted into the League of Shadows, but before this action occurs, he must execute a murderer:
Ducard: But first, you must demonstrate your commitment to justice.
Wayne: No. I'm no executioner.
DUCARD: Your compassion is a weakness your enemies will not share.
Wayne: That's why it's so important. It separates us from them.
DUCARD:You want to fight criminals. This man is a murderer.
Wayne: This man should be tried.
DUCARD: By whom? Corrupt bureaucrats? Criminals mock society's laws. You know this better than most.
Civilization is dead in 90 percent Black Detroit; it is dying in 72 percent Black Birmingham; in the parts of Atlanta and Chicago that are more than 70 percent Black, it is bleeding out. In New York City, attempts to "stop and frisk" those who would do evil to others has temporarily revived the city's fortunes; but Organized Blackness will win in the end.
As long as Black-Run America (BRA) remains the guiding light behind every law, "stop and frisk" will go away. Now, something like the "Harvey Dent Act" in our world... that would be interesting.
Excellent Paul. I agree completely, but would add that there is a reason WHY Black people hate (or HATE HATE HATE) Stop and Frisk laws.
While they benefit from reduced crime, they after all are the most frequent victims of the young Black and mostly male thugs, they feel they "lose" the only thing that is important to them -- making White guys (and women) afraid.
That is the sole reason they want Stop and Frisk ended. So they can keep making White people afraid. Black people feel that making White people afraid is their only option.
Realistically, Black participation in a knowledge and high-end manufacturing like Germany will be minimal. Blacks will be present in Silicon Valley the way White guys are in the NBA: watching from the stands.
However, I would argue Wayne was right. The League of Shadows option is bankrupt, because it only destroys and causes centuries of misery, rather than reforming. And where would it end? An endless circle with only more ruthless punishments, death for spitting on the sidewalk. In Nolan's world Wayne/Batman at least accomplished something, in memory of his father. Ducard just wanted to kill people after killing his cheating wife. [An unfair and cavalier use of the original comic book character who was merely Wayne's mentor in Detection in the comic, not a villain.]
Black thugs and yes the Black community share the same impulse of the Nolan League of Shadows (the comic book Ra's Al Ghul wanted to kill civilization to stop Global Warming/Deforestation, etc.) Which is simply destruction. Or even, the Joker. [The Comic book Bane, dating only from the 1990's, was a Latin Crime lord from Central America on super-steroids, basically.]
But America can get better. Simply not accepting criminal behavior and the excuses by Blacks will do it. When Blacks protest, simply tell them to stop committing crimes in such large numbers. Of course that is very hard, like most "simple" things -- not the least of which is the whole Oprah-fied media complex built on "racism" and the noble good people who believe in the equivalent of an Earth Centric universe.
I used to be skeptical of the efficacity of "stop and frisk", but I have to admit that if it wasn't any good they wouldn't hate it like they do.
… Black people still gathered to protest the "stop and frisk" tactics that have undoubtedly made the city safer for all people -- even law-abiding Black people.
Put another way, "We would rather perish at the hands of our own predatory criminals than give another (more successful) sort of race any control over our collective destinies."
That qualifier "more successful" means everything. After all, it's not as if Blacks are being asked to accept legal management conducted by Neanderthals (as if they could even tell the difference). Still, even the most competent and just (i.e., White), crime fighting forces just aren't enough to satisfy them. Why is that?
What does that tell you? Perhaps the message is that competent crime fighting isn't a desirable outcome.
The tribal model of what passes for Black "civilization" doesn't want actual justice. The fact of the matter is that real justice is pure poison to traditional Black tribalism. Why else would Detroit's majority Black metropolitan government object so strenuously to any outside (i.e., White) oversight?
Unlike most major American cities, where Black people engaged in a war of attrition to drive whites out and take political power (though, as Detroit, Memphis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Baltimore, and Philadelphia shows, this does not correlate to economic power), Nolan's Gotham City is one that appears to be 80 percent or more white. [emphasis added]
It bears remembering that, to Blacks, wealth is not the principal issue. Otherwise, they would exhibit some degree of entrepreneurial expertise. Instead, the territorial imperative is all that matters. Much like the way that a dog becomes agitated if anyone else pisses on its turf. It could be in the middle of the fricking Gobi Desert but just one drop of alien piss will send them ballistic.
It is the "cock on the dung hill" mentality writ large. "It may be a pile of shit, but it's MY pile of shit!" See Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe should there be any doubt. And crow on the sh!t pile Blacks do, over every last dung heap, be it Detroit, Baltimore, Atlanta, Birmingham or Newark, they simply cannot resist the urge to boast about every last felony and how they rule the roost of every last pile of crap in town.
Everything is racist. Everything.
Let's just ignore them from now on. It's worth a try.
Put the ni66ers on 'Ignore'!
Another Batman article, Sweet! (I was a comic book nerd at one time). Yes "Gotham" city is supposed to be New York City, but the original writers of the Batman comics wanted everybody living in any big city in America to identify with it, hence the name change. Frank Miller refers to Gotham city as New York City "After Dark." New York has been known as "Gotham" for quite a long time actually, with the name originating from Gotham Nottinghamshire, England. In English folklore, Gotham was said to be inhabited by fools. Also, all of the "Gotham" city scenes from "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight" were filmed in Chicago.
Switching gears, we should not be surprised that blacks are up in arms over the "stop and frisk" campaign. As we have detailed here at this blog, a movement or social policy can be ANTI ANYTHING - Anti-crime, anti-teen pregnancy, Anti-drugs, hell even ANTI-WHITE - BUT NOT ANTI-BLACK. And make no mistake about it, these people see "stop and frisk" as being ANTI-BLACK even though numerous studies have shown that "stop and frisk" REDUCED VIOLENT CRIME. Not only did it reduce violent crime in the black community, but it also reduced violent crime overall. See I don't think (strike that) I KNOW blacks do not grasp the idea that their behavior affects EVERYTHING around them, not just other blacks. Blacks have no idea how their pathological behavior ruins society for everyone and that is why THEY are targeted. It's like they are constantly looking for some new grievance to fire them up and get more "Civil Rights" (you know because we are keeping the real good ones to ourselves). If you went around giving every black New Yorker two five dollar bills, they would complain that you didn't given them a 10!
Finally, as for the movies always portraying the super villains and multi-national terrorists (Die Hard series) as white guys, well of course they would be white! You have to be pretty damn smart to plan the capers that Joker and Harley Quinn pull. Likewise, you have to have a triple digit IQ to plant multiple High Explosive devices around New York city to distract the NYPD while you infiltrate the Federal Reserve Bank and steal $150 Million in gold bullion. I mean come on, I laughed my ass off while I was watching "Daredevil" and they made the Kingpin character BLACK (Michael Clarke Duncan). Right, like some 85 IQ average Groid is going to magically become the most feared and powerful Crime Lord in the Marvel Universe!
OT - Did anyone else laugh at the outcome of the Italy/England match today? If you didn't see it, the game was decided by penalty kicks. With England LEADING in the shootout, they decided to go for DIEversity and sent the two black Ashleys (Cole and Young) out for back to back attempts. BOTH failed to score and Italy won! Looks like England could use some of that White Privilege after all! I guarantee that the Brits noticed that their DIEversity failed them in the biggest game of the year!
They should take it a step further and have random road blocks with k9s and "weed" out the drugs and the guns
"Stop and frisk" campaigns should be enacted in every city in America; if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't be opposed to being searched. Just imagine how quickly this would cut down the Black crime rate nationwide, if every would-be gang banger knew that the police could stop them at any moment.
The thing is, if they employ this tactic they will undoubtedly start stopping and frisking a proportionate amount of white people as to not seem Ray-ciss! I'm not sure I'm ready to give up my right to privacy and be inconvenienced by random stop and frisks in the name of reducing the black crime rate. It isn't about hiding anything to me. I see where your going but there has to be a better solution.
OT - WOW just WOW!
Unplugged Metal Detector Triggers JFK Chaos
"The TSA’s bungling reached a new low yesterday when a JFK Airport terminal had to be evacuated and hundreds of passengers marched back through security screening all because one dimwitted agent failed to realize his metal detector had been unplugged, sources told The Post."
"The chaos at Terminal 7 was caused by screener ALIJA ABDUL MAJED, who had manned Lane No. 1 during the morning shift with no idea his metal detector had no juice, sources said."
So they have borderline retarded Muslim Immigrants working the security for TSA to prevent another 9/11! You can't make this stuff up folks. I mean I thought the USA was a joke, now I realize it's a full on three ring circus.
All due respect, and I say this as a loyal reader, long-time lurker, occasional commenter, and proud, white, American man:
"'Stop and frisk' campaigns should be enacted in every city in America; if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't be opposed to being searched."
Man, fuck that.
I oppose to being watched, recorded, observed, cataloged, traced, spied upon, molested, searched, patted down, irradiated, scanned, or otherwise not allowed to go on peacefully about my business as I see fit, so long as I do not violate the rights of any of my fellow citizens.
Once you open the door for government to harass one group of people, it is only a matter of time before all groups are equally harassed.
Just look at all the War On Terror spying. It was sold to us as being necessary to keep track of "Muslim sleeper cells" operating within our borders. A decade later, and it comes out that not only has the government been spying on us all, but that it will not only continue to spy on us all, but will continuously increase and refine their abilities to do so, at our expense.
White people need to reclaim the power of The Militia and form our own patrols and command centers. Not only to keep the degenerate dog races in line, but also the agents of The State.
not without a civil rights fight and some payouts for those who say they be raycisst profiled
Be sure and read the paranoid [they rich Jews jes be tryin to drive us law-abidin' welfare Black folk out and ruin these neighborhoods with whitey] comments in response to above article.
Gawd, can you think of anything worse for South Bronx than leveling the projects and building nice townhouses and condos for people who actually work and pay rent/mortgages? Quelle Horreur!
I fully expect the principle offenders, Black and Hispanic thugs, to rally about and support cease & desist the stop & frisk capabilities of Metro NYC LEO.
Infinitely sad: culturally suicidal NY DWLs in agreement that officers who risk their lives on NYC and borough mean streets stand down from a valid practice, one that has clearly been an effective crime deterrent in those infested jungles.
What are they thinking?
[quote]"Stop and frisk" campaigns should be enacted in every city in America; if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't be opposed to being searched.[/quote]
WOW Mr Kersey!!
(I type this with the assumption that you are an "anti-big government type)
Do you see how your drive to "Shake Down All Negroes to see what falls out of their pockets" - as you figure that most of them carry a switch blade, a crack rock, a stolen ring or an illegal fire arm.............compels you to support a type of aggressive government that you would not otherwise support per your larger tenants on liberty and justice?
Can a Negro really cause you to compromise yourself as such, sir?
"Stop And Frisk" grew from the minds of the 2nd Amendment Violating Leftists. The cities that vowed to clear the streets of handguns initiated this violation of the 4th Amendment in support of their violation of the 2nd.
(Not that your goal is to form a tentative alignment with Negros like me who can agree with many of your points tangentially but.......)
It stands to reason that the same people who are now complaining about "Stop And Frisk" can't bring themselves to see that THEY are the one's that opened the door on this massive government intrusion.
OF COURSE the real issue is that these same communities plagued by gun violence have abdicated their obligation to teach their young men about the value of life and a more non-violent means for channeling of conflict. If these constructs were implanted into the minds of the young people in question then the abundant presence of guns would be largely immaterial.
WHAT YOU ALL DON'T SEEM TO UNDERSTAND (about the "Negro" in his present prevailing consciousness in America) is that a steady stream of Progressive-Fundamentalist propaganda has conditioned him to outsource the responsibility for the proper governance of his community - OUTWARD - toward the government.
This allows those with the "Social Justice Protest Spirit" to PROTEST to have the guns removed from their community and then PROTEST when that same government blankets their community to remove the guns but they cast a drag net that is too wide.
@TECH9 - I am less concerned that you would rather not deal with any Negroes and that you would prefer that I not even post on this blog - than I am that the TREND IN AMERICA is for more people - including GOOD WHITE FOLKS LIKE YOU - to look toward their government for their basic subsistence.
If this trajectory continues - even the balance of kindly White folks will be "groveling toward the government just like the Ninjas do today". The only difference will be that they won't have that dark skin for you to index a set of character traits to. It will be more difficult for you to pick out those folks who possess "Ninja Thoughts But Have Pure White Skin".
The inverse of this picture:
On a lark I ordered "Batman: The Animated Series" from Netflix, and all I have to say is "wow." I had fond memories of it from childhood, but I thought that's all it was. I honestly think it's the best interpretation of Bob Cane's universe by the far. The art-deco animation, the Shirley Jones music. Mark Hamil is the best joker (in voice terms)and Adam West as the Grey Ghost was very poignant. "Mask of the Phantasm" was also damn good.
Lots of attention is focused on black crime. This is due to the ridiculously huge amount of it. However, to me it's a mistake to zero in on just one subject because the greater issue gets lost. That issue is the fact of black incompatibility with everyone else and with modern society. Even if their crime rate was below all others they would still be incompatible.
Walking through an underpass recently that had a group of average black youth also walking in it, the noise was deafening. Ditto for going to the movies or any public event, let alone sharing schools and workplaces with them. We are just not compatible and they do not have the capability to live in a western type society.
Government can work, when it works to actual benefit a people; an actual nation.
When a government (our government) becomes an employment agency for otherwise unemployable Black people, well, then it doesn't work.
Since roughly 1948, our government has been headed down a path toward eventual insolvency (the year the Supreme Court struck down Restrictive Covenants).
We just need a crisis of legitimacy... you'd think that the median net worth of Americans dropping 40 percent in three years would do it, but I guess it will take an 80 percent drop to arouse some sense of indignation from a people who are still doped up on the Opiate of America.
After all, summer two-a-days in preparation for football season is right around the corner.
I just wanted to say that I don't visit websites on which commercial advertisement videos automatically start simply upon entering the page. For instance, despite having been a longtime reader of Nicholas Stix, I no longer visit his website for this very reason.
I have probably averaged more than one visit per day here for a year or two, but if this continues, I am history. I know that ad money is very seductive and one visitor won't make much difference to the profits, but it is possible that others feel this way too. Don't be a sellout.
many blacks in nyc now leave their guns home.
and when they are faced with a situation that frustrates or angers them, they scamper home and come running back with their gun, shooting wildly.
Go here and study this website...
Then come back and share your knowledge. Yes, the negroes are the over-riding problem.
I just found the comments on the article to be spot on, and I was wondering if any of the regulars visit the Denver Post.
It's out of control tyranical government that has foisted BRA upon us. You want to give more powers to this police state? Maybe you'd like the TSA on every street corner?
No thanks.
here's something that just hit me like a black attack pack! you know how we always talk about black on black crime! well we shouldn't be that surprised cause even in those dark days of slavery they(blacks) were killing each other just like they do today. except this time the killing utensil is firearms. they(blacks) were killing each other with spears and rocks back in the day. there were no drug profits to be had say in the year 1500a.d. but they killed to rape their rivals women and take their goats or cows maybe even their land. now they kill just as they did at the drop of a south african dime. what i mean by pointing this out is the negro has always killed his own kind just to kill. the negro dosen't even respect his own kind so how in the hell do we expect these people to respect other races especially whites. they truly are a tribal people that i don't think can be civilized in a manner which other races would expect from them. even when they are taken care of by those other races so that they can become more civilized it seems that the black community can't or won't stop killing each other. so with this said i think it will be a long time till we see some other headlines with the words black on black crimes in the newspapers!
Scroll down the page a bit to see the DAILY count.
"Sunday, June 24, 2012
14 more workplace attacks,13 murdered"
The toll of White murder victims of negroes continues DAILY with no mention from the national media.
(N.GA.)--@ C.F. I sway more in the direction that you do not give any “Constructive Criticism” But rather you are a troll. Now, that is my opinion. Why am I not allowed to have one in the same manner as you? What makes my opinion so wrong that to express or to speak it, brings instant Constructive Criticism? Why am I not allowed to rant and rave with out repercussions? What makes my feelings so different than yours? Oh, that's right, the color of my skin! Who's responsible for the fact that I “Don't Understand The Negro”? Can't you just read, and then, go on? Can you just see, and then go on? I could go on for ever, but there is a fact I do understand about the negro. You'll be back. You'll put me on the spot, center me for shame. Then GET IT ALL YOUR WAY! Your way is loud, and obnoxious. Intimidating, and I don't care for it. Now again, that's my opinion. Lets see if you can control your self, and let me have the last word. Don't respond to my comment aimed directly at you. Bet ya can't sit back and allow a white man his opinion. Bet ya can't. Dare ya,....Double dare ya! By the way, I did not graduate high school. I just have an ol' G.E.D.
Yes european football and their anti racism campaigns
Italy is mostly italian players unlike france which is spot the french guy
Then the african countries have the audacity to say europe robs african talent from the african teams. If it wasn't for the europeans e'to and drogba would still be in africa doing what africans do best-nothing
Yes I firmly believe that stop and frisk should be illegal.
Let them kill each other its the african way, I live in south africa and see it everyday.
Jungle justice is the way to go, why protect them from their own people, they don't vale life so let them sought it out the african jungle tribal way.
On the news the other day, some young black thug was nearly necklaced because he stole 3 dollars to by weed.
His community beat him with a hammer and were about to torch his sorry ass, if not for the authorities
So yes stop the racist stop and frisk method, its much more entertaining when the jungle justice kicks in.
I'm not certain about this, Paul. I, too, used to think that if one had nothing to hide, one should not object to being stopped or questioned by the police. Now that we live in a de facto police state, however, I think giving the bullies with badges any more authority would be extremely dangerous. It's the same way the TSA was empowered (and removed my right to fly, since I refuse to subject myself to physical molestation by a black/muslim to board an airplane) as a result of muslim terrorism. White Americans have given up far too much freedom to black depredations: We cannot leave our doors unlocked, we cannot leave any items visible in our automobiles; we cannot utilize public spaces; we cannot enjoy a late dinner or stroll; we cannot enjoy a movie theater. The answer is not giving the police more power, it is removing blacks from White society. You, yourself, said we could have gone to Mars . . . instead we have black people. I'll take a pass on Mars if I can have a peaceful life on Earth. If the choice is between a multiracial police state or White society, I think we'd all prefer segregation.
Zenster - spot on re territorial imperative and blacks' choosing to be "king of the dung hill." Since all White creativity and engineering and innovation is magic to them, they don't truly value it - it comes from the gubmint's stash, just like their food and housing, so they give no thought to caring for or maintaining what they've been given. That's why they trash wherever they live (aside from their natural slovenliness); they feel there's always more where it came from. There's no concept of cost or labor involved. It's all about control, and why once they get control - of a school board, or city council - they essentially loot and pillage. It's winner-takes-all and the devil take the hindmost mentality with them.
Whiskey: Blacks will be present in Silicon Valley the way White guys are in the NBA: watching from the stands.
Every once in a while you knock one out of the park. This is one of those times.
Unless you protest, I'm adding this into my Catalog of Race Realism Memes.
Incredibly timely and important post; the analysis in the comments, as usual, astonishingly good, not really to be improved upon.
Anyone from NYC who remembers the hellhole of a state this city was in from the late '60's, through the entire '70's (essentially until the early '90's), knows that even in the 'best of times', the successful verneer that the producers gave this city was always thin and fragile. As has been very well pointed out above, there is NO neighborhood in NYC that has NOT been immeasureably improved by all metrics: housing values, safety, some in schools too. There were numerous 'no go' areas ~ 20 years ago in NYC. Very few, much reduced in size, today, all due to strong, analytically-based policing. Any gratitude on the part of People for the miracle that NYC has become? Not a damn word. Bloomberg, Ray Kelly & the n NYPD, are as mindlessly hated as ever.
I can't see any reason other than the 'king of the shitpile' theory offered above.
By far the worst example of this is the freak Charles Barron.
He can't appear anywhere, open his mouth at any time, without resorting to the racist shit that forms the Black Panther playbook (of which he was one).
There is a more than insignificant chance that someone like this can be elected to Congress.
If it can happen in NYC, it can happen pretty much anywhere in BRA.
Watch this election.
Crazy J: Man, fuck that.
I oppose to being watched, recorded, observed, cataloged, traced, spied upon, molested, searched, patted down, irradiated, scanned, or otherwise not allowed to go on peacefully about my business as I see fit, so long as I do not violate the rights of any of my fellow citizens.
Once you open the door for government to harass one group of people, it is only a matter of time before all groups are equally harassed.
Just look at all the War On Terror spying. It was sold to us as being necessary to keep track of "Muslim sleeper cells" operating within our borders. A decade later, and it comes out that not only has the government been spying on us all, but that it will not only continue to spy on us all, but will continuously increase and refine their abilities to do so, at our expense.
White people need to reclaim the power of The Militia and form our own patrols and command centers. Not only to keep the degenerate dog races in line, but also the agents of The State.
Crazy J is correct. Michael Bloomberg's nanny-state is actually a splendid example of the principle of anarcho-tyranny in action. In NYC, only elites like Pinch Sulzburger (owner of the NY Times) get carry permits for guns. The police there routinely arrest folks for violations of PC crimethink laws there along with stopping and frisking the vibrant yoots, honah stoodintz and future astronauts. The Detroit-like sectors of the city (in Bronx, Queens) aren't nearly as well-policed as Manhattan.
Manhattan island is also ground zero for great vampire-squid colony who fret about their personal safety when taking brief breaks from their ongoing looting operation. Dear-Leader Lloyd doesn't want to have to deal with some no-account gang-bangers whilst busy going about "doing God's work" after all. Mayah Bloombrain gets away with having his badge-gang stop and frisk the vibrancy because those who must not be named make exceptions to the rules imposed upon the cattle when it comes to their own personal safety. If the city government of a place like Portland decided to implement such a policy, the ACLU, ADL, SPLC and friends would shut it down in a New York minute. Knowing who keeps their well-endowed war-chests full of cash, these fearless guardians of civil liberties have given lip-service to opposing Bloomberg's policy, which is all they will ever do.
Sorry, PK, you are wrong. There is no stop and frisk wherre I live and no crime. Shariah rocks.
"Stop and frisk" campaigns should be enacted in every city in America; if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't be opposed to being searched."
Come on, let's just go our separate ways instead and let the White world cling to its quaint and ancient notions of Liberty, mmkay?
Is there any greater source of our destruction than Manhattan? Why should the Lords of the Universe get special protection when they work hard to deny it to the rest of us? At this point the worse the better, I think it would be a scream to see Manhattan Detroited. They deserve it, and we deserve to see it.
"Constructive Feedback", "Evergreen", "Hilarity Ensues" "Black Guy", "Nikcrit" is not a real authentic black.
I would bet that he/she does not know any authentic blacks. If he does, he is disgusted by them and feels incredible guilt for it. There is no racial in-between in the minds of blacks. You are black, or you are on your own.
If he has black skin, he is laughed at by the real blacks daily for talking smart and mimicking white behavior. He may have been beaten for it. He is surely an outcast.
He is a sellout in his own community. He wants white people to pay attention to him and answer his endless list of questions. He need validation from whites. He feels invisible and irrelevant. He is confused, but very curious about white people.
Angry that he is cursed by and trapped in his own skin.
Sheila, you speak for most of us here and you are brave. Like me, I know that your experience has led you to believe what you do, and the worst thing to a black is a white who has a strong moral character, has experienced black dysfunction personally, and stands up for his own people as a result. Keep fighting. Turn inward.
Racial hardening among whites signifies the end for blacks in The West, and they know it. We can all sense the desperation.
From Cambria Will Not Yield:
"We are in the midst of a Reign of Terror. The slightest opposition to black atrocities, by word or deed, will be severely punished by the liberal Jacobins. For the white man, all seems cheerless, dark, and deadly. Like the Ancient Mariner, he is alone on a wide, wide sea.
But he is only alone because he refuses to remember that he is the Christ-bearer. If he would remember, he would realize what it means to have a people and a God:
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. – Psalm 91:5-14
In the midst of the Reign of Terror, our people and our God are with us."
Biospectrum: The thing is, if they employ this tactic they will undoubtedly start stopping and frisking a proportionate amount of white people as to not seem Ray-ciss! I'm not sure I'm ready to give up my right to privacy and be inconvenienced by random stop and frisks in the name of reducing the black crime rate. It isn't about hiding anything to me. I see where your going but there has to be a better solution.
Thank you for making this important point. I was tempted to do so in my original comment.
This is the sort of "creep" in an erosion of our civil rights that the elite and BRA are using Black thugs to precipitate. It is crucial to direct such intrusive measures, like "Stop and Frisk" towards those who are most deserving. Is it [gasp!] "Profiling"? HELL YES and thank goodness that law enforcement knows how effective profiling is.
"That is the sole reason they want Stop and Frisk ended. So they can keep making White people afraid. Black people feel that making White people afraid is their only option."
This is the solid truth.
Blacks love to torment whites. They teach their children to do the same. When around whites, they curse more, talk louder, are disrespectful around women and children. They act out like small children because they have the intellect of small children. We have to remember this.
I knew a black man who was a partner at a law firm in my city. He said he loved to keep the white lawyers on edge. He loved to accuse them of racism, and to demand more privileges for the black employees at the firm. That is how he became a partner. Shakedown. He expends a great deal of energy doing this and it works.
Nice white folks are not used to black energy, and often do not know how to respond. If whites ignore blacks, they come on stronger like a child trying to get attention. If we engage them, they show rage, anger, and violence and we are lured in. They are emboldened with their first black president.
Separation from them is they key for us.
So CAL Snowman: "The chaos at Terminal 7 was caused by screener ALIJA ABDUL MAJED, who had manned Lane No. 1 during the morning shift with no idea his metal detector had no juice, sources said."
So they have borderline retarded Muslim Immigrants working the security for TSA to prevent another 9/11! You can't make this stuff up folks. I mean I thought the USA was a joke, now I realize it's a full on three ring circus.
As Will Rogers was fond of noting:
I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
Now, does anybody want to bet that this slip-up by ALIJA ABDUL MAJED wasn't a test-run security probe?
Remember the Flying Imams incident?
[more crickets]
Hell, who knows if weapons weren't already deposited in the secure area, for later use, by one of this traitor's (all Muslims are traitors by the very definition of their "faith"), co-conspirators. Does anyone honestly think that the authorities performed a full "sweep" of the area for cached weapons?
Yes, indeed. Our government is quite the "three ring circus" and as P.T. Barnum observed:
I oppose to being watched, recorded, observed, cataloged, traced, spied upon, molested, searched, patted down, irradiated, scanned, or otherwise not allowed to go on peacefully about my business as I see fit, so long as I do not violate the rights of any of my fellow citizens.
And here is the dilemma: the level of crime originating from the underclass is making police state measures something of a necessity (a necessity a lot of us would rather not see in place). I've commented before: America has had half a century of every DWL welfare state, education and civil rights policy rammed through. All this was supposed to eliminate the "socioeconomic conditions" which caused crime.
Yet during this same era, law enforcement has had to go paramilitary with SWAT teams, universal surveillance, and extra-constitutional means to keep the underclass beaten down. There are, what, two million people in jail, and 25% of black men under the supervision of the criminal justice system. And despite all the policing and imprisoning, violence from that sector is going into a surge with flash mobs and what appears to be a new wave of torture-killings. This, in turn, requires even more controls to main civil order.
Pat Buchanan has commented that most of the American violent crime rate is due to blacks; remove them from the equation, and white American crime rates are fairly low. Certainly the stats on NYC bear this out. We can also see how in post-white rule Rhodesia-South Africa, there is an explosion of black crime, verging on mass terrorism. And Britain has seen the pillaging of several of its cities a year ago from that same sector.
So here's the question: does the presence of a large black underclass force a society to roll back civil liberties in order to maintain law and order?
It seems that given the prevalence of violent crime from the underclass, Americans will accept a quasi-police state. Given the failure of DWL policies, it's the only way to keep the lid on. But at best this is going to be a non-stop running battle between civilization and chaos. There was a time when Americans might have envisioned a glittering future, a sort of Star Trek Academy world. Now we seem to be heading towards Mad Max or Blade Runner--with elite police units engaging uber-predators.
And one more question: Could it be that white South Africans were justified in implementing apartheid as a way to protect themselves and society in general from an explosion in crime? Does the presence of large numbers of blacks require draconian police measures?
These are the sorts of questions which will rarely be asked in polite company these decadent days. And then people ask why Americans are stocking up on ammo and MREs...
"Once you open the door for government to harass one group of people, it is only a matter of time before all groups are equally harassed." - Then our government should not have opened the door to harassing whites.
"The thing is, if they employ this tactic they will undoubtedly start stopping and frisking a proportionate amount of white people as to not seem Ray-ciss! I'm not sure I'm ready to give up my right to privacy and be inconvenienced by random stop and frisks in the name of reducing the black crime rate. It isn't about hiding anything to me. I see where your going but there has to be a better solution." - They already are, white account for ~3-5% of the crime, and 10% of the stops.
Paul, as you know I am a Fan, but Crazy J is right.
The problem is that we are all trying to describe a problem which is right in front of us, but is difficult to say. An open civil society with few laws and large Constitutional walls against abuse of personal freedoms cannot exist within a mixed racial group anymore than wolves can exist with sheep.
Negroids Hunt Us. They video the beatings and post them on public sites. If Whites did this we would call them mentally deranged. They are a separate primitivist culture that is incompatible with a Western advanced culture that attempts to maximize the rights of each individual and assumes that those individuals are moral, ethical persons. Even after 400 years of contact there is no assimilation, only tribal loyalties. English law works great on Europeans because those who came here shared a vision of being part of a more perfect Union of these ideas. The negroid shares none of this, but instead builds a violent, separate language for itself' a violent, separate music for itself; a violent, separate religion for itself; a violent, separate code of Ethics for itself; a violent, separate vision of the future of the Country negroids occupy. It only lends itself to harm the Advanced culture to have them here as we must modify our culture to accommodate their more vile one.
While I agree that the striking down of Restrictive Covenants was a wrong, it was another symptom of our culture bending to theirs. Unless they are returned to their homeland or their numbers reduced to the point of being a curiosity, the USA will never regain its greatness. Bringing back Restrictive Convents would merely divide the country into free White areas and "no go" negroid areas, with the negroid then using the "no go" areas as bases to launch raids into easy territory. The examples of Rhodesia and South Africa show that our culture can not resist the negroid joy of murder, destruction and mayhem. There is not enough money, courts or prisons to put all the negroids in jail, hence we have 25% of negroids here in the USA either have a felony bust on their records, are on parole or are pending trial. THIS WITH THE WORST OFFENDERS IN JAIL! Just as our juvenile justice system was once to help kids that made one mistake can no longer deal with 12 year old murders our culture can not deal with a large percentage of a chaotic murderous population and treat them all as Whites who have just strayed.
We are mice debating on how to bell the cat. Some want a blue bell, some want an electronic siren, some want to have a light and a bell, some want to lock the cat in the closet; but the problem remains and the problem of negroids remaining IS THE PROBLEM.
The problem is their presence. Every day that we don't face this begets another pile of beaten, murdered victims. The solution is not warning sirens or isolating the negroid so he lives in only one area and destroys less or destroying our freedoms so we can deal with the negroid criminality while lying to ourselves that we are trying to be equal to all. The solution is changing the situation so their presence in the USA is no longer.
Sheila: The answer is not giving the police more power, it is removing blacks from White society.
Unless you protest, I'm going to include this in my Catalog of Race Realism Memes.
Just like Muslims, Blacks are immiscible with Western civilization.
If the choice is between a multiracial police state or White society, I think we'd all prefer segregation.
Substitute "demand" for "prefer" and we are in total agreement.
Zenster - spot on re territorial imperative and blacks' choosing to be "king of the dung hill." Since all White creativity and engineering and innovation is magic to them, they don't truly value it - it comes from the gubmint's stash, just like their food and housing, so they give no thought to caring for or maintaining what they've been given. That's why they trash wherever they live (aside from their natural slovenliness); they feel there's always more where it came from. There's no concept of cost or labor involved. It's all about control, and why once they get control - of a school board, or city council - they essentially loot and pillage. It's winner-takes-all and the devil take the hindmost mentality with them.
This is a really important insight. As Arthur C. Clarke said:
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Ergo, to Blacks, all of modern civilization must, for them, be pure FM (F&%king Magic). Small wonder that White man's juju is so mysterious and all-oppressive to these semi-retards (apologies to all legitimately retarded people).
Also, this tribalism isn't just limited to Blacks. Hispanics import this same cultural corruption with respect to a "winner-takes-all and the devil take the hindmost mentality". More importantly, as you noted, since they have no part in constructing Western civilization, there is no sense of "ownership". Therefore, they have no qualms about deconstructing Western civilization because it is just so much "low-hanging-fruit" to them, instead of it representing an arduous process of taming the natural world and animal instincts (a totally foreign concept to most Blacks), in favor of building a cohesive culture.
As a White person, I agree that Blacks and Hispanics should be targeted for suspicion (and in a perfect world deportation), but random stop and frisk is just another way to destroy the U.S. by treating everyone as a lowest common denominator, which is exactly what racial/cultural Marxism attempts to do.
Random stop and frisk is in and of itself offensive and is too much power to give to the government. There are so many evil, ridiculous laws on the books that almost everyone has something to "hide." If we need to resort to random stop and frisk then we have already lost to Black-run America and become just another leftist tyranny.
Anon (6/25 10:58 AM): Racial hardening among whites signifies the end for blacks in The West, and they know it.
Wow. Just, WOW! This thread is a goldmine of Race Realism memes.
If no protest is lodged, the foregoing will be included in my Catalog of Race Realism Memes.
As an aside, I think Paul's misplaced support for universal "Stop and Frisk" has obliged people here at SBPDL to condense their opposition to the further encroachment upon our rights that Blacks (like Muslims) constantly drive.
Anon (6/25 11:11 AM): black energy
Now, there's a world class fricking oxymoron if ever I've heard one.
"Stop and frisk" campaigns should be enacted in every city in America; if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't be opposed to being searched. Just imagine how quickly this would cut down the Black crime rate nationwide, if every would-be gang banger knew that the police could stop them at any moment.
Can't agree with you here, Paul. This is a clear constitutional violation. If it weren't for sites like Charleston Thug Life showing how we rarely even prosecute the thugs that we catch, or for the fact that a simple drive through the hood by the police should give them enough probable cause to search and arrest most of the thugs on the street, I might agree. We're not even using the tools we have to combat black violence. We certainly don't need to create a new hassle for law abiding people if we're not even going to prosecute the criminals we've already caught.
Californian: So here's the question: does the presence of a large black underclass force a society to roll back civil liberties in order to maintain law and order?
Yes. A thousand times, YES!
And, remember, the transnational globalist elite wouldn't have it any other way.
Great comment as usual, Californian.
Californian observes: Yet during this same era, law enforcement has had to go paramilitary with SWAT teams, universal surveillance, and extra-constitutional means to keep the underclass beaten down. There are, what, two million people in jail, and 25% of black men under the supervision of the criminal justice system. And despite all the policing and imprisoning, violence from that sector is going into a surge with flash mobs and what appears to be a new wave of torture-killings. This, in turn, requires even more controls to main civil order.
Here's the thing. They really aren't beating down the underclass - they're only giving the appearance of doing so. Anyone hear what the Grand Council of Ayatollahs decided just today? Life in prison without parole is "cruel and unusual punishment" for "juveniles". This basically gives the groids carte-blanche to kill YT as long as they are below 18 and of sufficiently low IQ. John Lee Muhammed, the surviving beltway sniper, was just handed his get-out-of-jail-free card by Anthony Kennedy, a "conservative" blackrobe appointed by the arch-conservative of conservatives himself, Ronald Reagan. Any attempt by victims or potential victims to form vigilante groups for dispensing real justice (as opposed to BRA-DWL bogus justice) will of course be met with SWAT teams and uncontrolled badge-gang slaughter. The badge-gang, in case you've not been following things like the murder in Las Vegas of Erik Scott, has what amounts to an unlimited license to kill - as long as the target is YT.
Wow. There are always disagreements among the commenters here, but I don't thik I've seen the entire community disagree with Paul so thoroughly. There were the whiners about the sports posts, but this is different.
And yes, I had what seems to be the usual reaction to Paul's deployment of the 'what's the problem if you have nothing to hide?' Meme. It's a terrible idea, and ceding further control of our lives to the BRA government just makes it all the less palatable.
But I want to know what the alternative is, at the city/county level? Such entities lack the power to deport, and I suspect it will be at least a generation before any real revival of restrictive covenants or other segregationist measures will happen. An overwhelming police presence might keep the 'blacks behaving badly' down, but it also guts the concepts this nation is built on.
I hate people that are so afraid of crime that they will abolish or roll back some key civil rights in this country. One in particular is the right to be secure in your person/unconstitutional search and seizure.
If you think they won't eventually use this against whites too, then you're foolish. Look how they have used anti-terrorism tactics. And who have they used them against ultimately .within. this country? See many Middle Easterners being searched in airports?
People who believe in overreaching police powers are as bad and paranoid as the U.S. government using the TSA and other orgs. the way it has for the past few years.
Both sides of this argument are extremists. Everybody else is caught between the black lefty fascists and their white handlers, and the white fascist law and order fanatics.
Blacks would love to see whites having to live in an oppressive environment, like this would ultimately lead to. They already adore hate crimes laws, and this is just another aspect of that same thinking that is leading to a police state. No thank you.
The government is not. your. friend. The police are the enforcement arm of the government.....
Some of you I guess need to pull yourselves out of your
fantasy world.
{Anon. Outsider}
Anon (6/25 1:01 PM): As a White person, I agree that Blacks and Hispanics should be targeted for suspicion (and in a perfect world deportation), but random stop and frisk is just another way to destroy the U.S. by treating everyone as a lowest common denominator, which is exactly what racial/cultural Marxism attempts to do.
[golf clap]
They really aren't beating down the underclass - they're only giving the appearance of doing so.
This looks like it is the case. A lot of people feel secure because they see a SWAT team kick in a door on COPS, or get narcotized by CSI bringing in the bad guy via super sleuthing. Then one day they are hit with a flash mob or home invasion and it is all over.
One thing which is equalizing things is in the various right to carry laws at state-local level. Of course, we are seeing that under attack.
I can completely concede the points posters have made about protecting rights. Liberty is a word that can only exist in a mono-racial state. Consider that today, the SCOTUS struck down life-sentences for juveniles.
I did a quick search, and my assumption was right: Blacks are more likely to be juvenile offenders
60 percent of juveniles sentenced to life without parole are Black.
93.6% of those who lived in public housing (and are a juvenile in prison without a shot at parole) are Black.
10MM nailed it with his "Escalation" article from last week. As America becomes more non-white, we will adopt police state measures to survive.
Check out this article from The New York Times about Sandy Springs, one of the Atlanta white enclaves that successfully incorporated....
I've been trying to figure out why the DOJ and courts would allow a city to leave like this (when seceding is so obviously racial in motive-- to keep taxes dollars out of the hands of majority Black-run Fulton County) and just got it: it's a trial-run for other cities around the nation that are preparing for a future America resembles South Africa.
We'll see what happens, but I'm going to say something
BTW, I've had my share of horrible experiences with police. Believe me, you don't want to make a formal complaint done in the 'proper' way against the police. It WILL lead to low level harassment later.
Even though I'm white, have no record, and obviously have never been in prison. I was a target because I objected to the overbearing and arrogant attitude of one cop in particular because of one particular incident.
I'll never support the police until they change their 'culture'. They have a gang-like mentality as much as blacks do.
But, keep putting your faith and trust in the present system if you want. I don't want them to ever have that much power.
{Anon. Outsider}
We'll see what happens, but I'm going to say something now that needs to be said: The Elite Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) are using Atlanta - and Washington D.C. - as a test run.
Black-rule has proved to be an utterly failure for Atlanta and DC, and within five years both will be in the hands of whites, in a transition of power that has never, ever before been seen in America, i.e. whites ceded powerful peacefully to Blacks in both places (after riots and threats of boycotts by Blacks), but to democratically lose power to whites by demographics - a move by whites back to these cities after decades of white flight - well, this has never been seen before.
Many whites will instead decide to go the Sandy Springs method -- create mini-high securitized cities in the Sandy Springs method, privatizing everything and create a stable situation while chaos reigns all around them.
I'll explore this soon in a piece here, but Vdare should - hopefully - have an important article on PG County vs. DC up by me that will begin to elaborate upon a new theory of what is happening in America as we transition into a second rate power -- one filled with a brimming Black Underclass.
10mm AUTO said... Outstanding! Great and much appreciated, good show!
10mm AUTO said: Even after 400 years of contact there is no assimilation, only tribal loyalties.
Zenster quoted: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
A point I've seen made by South Africans is that many blacks in their part of the world can not make the connection between what white people do and the outcomes thereof. For example, a diploma requires years of hard study, not simply being handed a piece of paper; or owning a big house is the result of years of hard work, not simply being given something by the government. But to SA blacks, it's simply magic.
One thing that is interesting about post-apartheid SA is the reported acceptance of "muti" and other primitive practices. You'd think with several centuries worth of contact with Western and other civilizations, and with the availability of modern medicine, blacks in South Africa would get over that kind of thing.
Well, maybe this is a myopic vision of blacks. But consider this: the Japanese, within 50 years of contact with the Western world following Commodore Perry in the 1850s, were on their way to becoming a modern power with industrialization, national education and fairly good armed forces.
Compare that with black Africa over the last 50 years. Or even in the centuries prior to colonialism, where there was contact with Europeans and Muslims. Yet Africa never "developed," never seemed to learn advanced ways. And we can look at how formerly developed countries, such as Rhodesia, have disintegrated following the departure of whites from power. Similar points may be made about Haiti, Detroit, whatever. There's a general inability here on the part of blacks to maintain infrastructure--and if this is not a correct evaluation, perhaps someone can demonstrate exceptions.
I need to highlight just two, only two out of hundreds of examples of negro savagery over the past year only.
The rape and murder of Nancy Strait and the murder of delivery driver Zhen Bo Liu.
In the Strait murders, the negroes raped and killed an 85 year old woman and beat her 90 year old husband. The husband died weeks later.
With the Liu murder, a 15 year old negro, with his associates, shot a food delivery driver in the face. They then sat down and ate the Chinese food he had delivered.
I've lived quite a number of years now. And never in my life have I heard of such things outside of a full on war zone.
Paul - that's an excellent article that everyone should read - link to free, readable copy about Sandy Springs is here. Some of the money quotes:
“You could get into a ‘two Americas’ scenario here,” he says. “If we allow the more affluent to institutionally isolate themselves, then the poor are supposed to do — what? They’re supposed to have all the poverty and all the social problems and deal with them?”
"HOVERING around the debate about privatization is a basic question: What is local government for? For years, one answer, at least implicitly, was “to provide steady jobs with good wages.” (See "the black middle class.")
And the real point: "In a way, what Sandy Springs and other newly incorporated towns have done harks back to a 19th-century notion of taxation, which was much less about cross-subsidies and much more about fee for service." YES! YES! No Horace Mann-styled public schools; return to "Little House" version where parents who wanted to educate their children got together, built a school house, put up the funds, and hired a teacher. Pay as you go. No taxation needed.
And the clincher: “What you have is the northern section of the county,” he went on, “which is mostly white, seeking to leave the rest of Fulton County, and doing so with what I think are racially tinged arguments about the corruption and inefficiency of local government.”
We can have representative democracy and minimal government intrusion . . . or we can have BRA. You get the government you deserve - and too many Whites, out of fear, have chosen BRA. The ball is in our court.
"...if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't be opposed to being searched."
I may be terribly old-fashioned in my views, but this, in my ancient way of thinking, is not what America is about.
Affirmative action negro firefighter violently rapes and beats white woman leaving a downtown bar in Jacksonville.
Here's the police report.
OT - Apparently WE CAN FIGHT BACK! Who Knew?
The Netherlands to Abandon Multiculturalism
"The Dutch government says it will abandon the long-standing model of multiculturalism that has encouraged Muslim immigrants to create a parallel society within the Netherlands."
A new integration bill (covering letter and 15-page action plan), which Dutch Interior Minister Piet Hein Donner presented to parliament on June 16, reads: "The government shares the social dissatisfaction over the multicultural society model and plans to shift priority to the values of the Dutch people. In the new integration system, the values of the Dutch society play a central role. With this change, the government steps away from the model of a multicultural society."
More Good Times and Laughs from South Africa!
Whites must Give Up Wealth
Some article lowlights:
“We need to break the apartheid economy we received in 1994. White people are still living a Hollywood lifestyle.
‘‘The majority of black South Africans were relying on social grants. They needed to start playing a meaningful role in agriculture, mining and society,” Lamola said."
“We are not enjoying Christmas as black people in this country."
That last one KILLED me. Blacks are not enjoying Christmas in South Africa! You know that EVIL WHITE HOLIDAY!
"Compare that with black Africa over the last 50 years. Or even in the centuries prior to colonialism, where there was contact with Europeans and Muslims. Yet Africa never "developed," never seemed to learn advanced ways. And we can look at how formerly developed countries, such as Rhodesia, have disintegrated following the departure of whites from power. Similar points may be made about Haiti, Detroit, whatever. There's a general inability here on the part of blacks to maintain infrastructure--and if this is not a correct evaluation, perhaps someone can demonstrate exceptions."
To understand how truly fucked Africa is, you have to put all of the pieces together. First, the majority of Africans are borderline retarded, tribal, feral creatures. I'd venture a guess that 75-90% of the people there are thoroughly unable to be civilized to the standards of white/western society. Second, the "talented tenth" or more likely "talented two percent" can't wait to get out of there. They come to America and Europe and get an education and run as far away from their homeland as possible. Third, the remaining few with moderate intelligence find themselves in positions of power where they almost always rule by violence and corruption in order to raise their own standard of living and keep their families safe because violence and corruption are the only things black people (african or hyphenated) seem to excel at. Most importantly, these people have been taught their whole lives that they're poor because of evil whitey.
The funny thing about it all is that if we exterminated the entire continent, I can't think of a single negative impact it would have on our planet. It's not like the US and China wouldn't have the mines operational by first light. What is it that black people do anywhere in the world that is necessary, useful or adds any net benefit to humanity whatsoever? If we look away for even a minute, these morons have fucking Polio again. They're standing around on millions of acres of mineral-rich, arable land that could make them rich beyond their wildest dreams and create a surplus of food that they could export and we still need to give them grain? We need to round them up like cattle for vaccinations so that they don't spread disease to our countries?
There's little need to continue debating the fact that black people of any descent are utterly useless to us. They're loud, impulsive, irresponsible, violent, expensive and just plain irritating. We've tried building them schools and hospitals to educate and keep them well. We've built them homes and paid them to live in nice neighborhoods. We've given them their food, clothing, cell phones. We've tried paying them for doing nothing. They have shit on everything that we've given and regularly decide to burn it down as a demand for more. There is no more. What we need to figure out now is how the hell we get rid of them, and fast.
Can't we just borrow a bunch of funny money from the fed and pay them all to leave? Have they ruined our credit, too?
Has anyone seen this new Tyler Perry movie promo? Another special forces white dude has gone crazy and its up to the black man to get him. Special Forces = psychos in Hollywood or am I missing something.
As usual great comments. I too would not like a police state just to quell black pathology.
In fact it should be painfully obvious Whites would be harassed the most. Blacks and Hispanics have lobby groups that would scream racism so the police would only be able to target Whites.
In response to the poster about Japan. A more amazing success would be Singapore.
"Singapore became an independent republic on 9 August 1965.
Facing severe unemployment and a housing crisis, Singapore embarked on a modernisation programme that focused on establishing a manufacturing industry, developing large public housing estates and investing heavily on public education. Since independence, Singapore's economy has grown by an average of nine percent each year. By the 1990s, the country had become one of the world's most prosperous nations, with a highly developed free market economy, strong international trading links, and the highest per capita gross domestic product in Asia outside of Japan.[1]"
Imagine a country carved out of an inhospitable island that broke away from an Islamic state(Malaysia) to reach such success. Singapore didn't even have a nice enough island for tourism unlike the Bahamas and the Virgin islands.
@ Californian
I like your Japanese example, even with out whites appearing the Japanese had managed to create a rather sophisticated culture that had managed to escape the Feudalism that had plagued it for centuries and had evolved into a rather efficient society. One that was capable of taking advantage of the items whites brought to the table. Africa has had these innovations but cannot use them. Except of course to scam people over the internet, so I guess they can adapt in order to commit crimes.
Zenster, please feel free to incorporate that into whatever.
Paul -- I don't think Sandy Springs is a successful model. At best it promises Brazilian type dysfunction, and no real progress in much of anything but resource exporting via Foreign Direct Investment in mines, agriculture, the like. Unlike Brazil, America's racial underclass is not content to live in Favelas, but wants middle class housing and belongings that they see on TV.
Rather, I think we will see a short, sharp resource battle for the White Middle Class and their money. Ground Zero is in California.
Charlie Munger (Warren Buffett's business brain, the guy who did the work in finding undervalued companies that could grow and a billionaire in his own right) has a daughter. Rich, privileged, spoiled, a civil rights lawyer, blonder than blonde, like Meghan McCain only more aggressively stupidly entitled. She is sponsoring a ballot initiative to tax at an extra 6% or so all income above $7K. Brown has a ballot initiative to tax income over $200K. Both are likely to fail, and the current budget hole of $16 billion likely to balloon to $20 billion. Hence basically an overturning of Prop 13 by Obama-like means of simple direct executive fiat in contravention of law, to pay for the massive Latino underclass that literally cannot feed their kids, is in the works. Essentially taxing people out of their homes to pay for the Latino Mass Illegal Immigration.
That will be repeated in Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and many other places.
No Black and Hispanic group of people are willing to live like poor people in Brazil. So we have a direct fight over money well, directly.
For Paul, some information on an ancillary topic:
Someone that I know is currently attending a federally funded continuing education program for teachers. The workshop is entitled "Modern History Capstone" and it is funded through a "Teaching American History Grant" or TAH Grant. If you Google it, the grant program will come up on the U.S. Dept. of Education website.
The attendee was gushing to me about all of the extravagant food that they were served. Including breakfast, lunch, and even a 3 pm snack of Asian pot-stickers.
Now, what piqued my interest is when she told me that the ex-governor's wife, who is a US Court of Appeals Judge, and the ex-two-term governor, Ed Rendell (who was a political superstar and a former very popular two-term mayor) spoke at the workshop.
So, I then asked to see her syllabus.
Not only are these political luminaries speaking at the workshop, to be held over the course of five days, but so are 2 other judges; Lafayette College Professor Bruce Murphy, who is the Fred Morgan Chair of Civil Rights; the local Pr-Bono Coordinator attorney for the State Bar Association; A Political Science Professor at St. Joseph's University; Professor Anna Viden, PhD, of the Department of International Relations at the University of Pennsylvania; Chip Bok, Political Cartoonist; A Political Science Professor from Villanova University; A Political Science Professor from LaSalle University; A History Professor from Ursinus College; and a Political Science Professor from Rutgers University. All Professors are PhDs.
Now, that's a hell of a lot of speakers for a week long local teacher's continuing education workshop, and given the positions of the speakers, a hell of a lot of money. All of the teachers are being paid $600-$700 to attend the workshop.
Now, it get's interesting. Check out the syllabus. There are three main books in the syllabus:
Sugrue, Thomas. The Origin of the Urban Crisis: Race and Inequality in Post War Detroit. Princeton University Press, 2005.
Silverstein, Mark. Judicious Choices: The Politics of Supreme Court Nominations. Norton, 2007.
Wattenburg, Martin. The Decline of American Political Parties. Harvard University Press, 1998.
Obviously, the first book is most interesting to you and this forum. However, if you research the Silverstein book, there is a review on amazon that remarks as to it's hard left bias.
Also, there is ancillary reading that largely covers the War on Terror (7 selections), and foreign policy material including The Return of History and the End of Dreams by Robert Kagan of the Brookings Institution.
Also, one very interesting selection by communitarian movement leader Amitai Etzioni, entitled Should We Support Illiberal Religious Democracies?, The Political Quarterly, Vol. 82, No. 4, October-December 2011.
If anyone knows anything regarding the politics of communitarianism, this selection holds significance if only for it's inclusion in such a high profile teachers workshop.
Last, selections from Approaching Democracy, by Bruce Murphy and Larry Berman, to include the sections "Civil Rights" and "Civil Liberties".
This is an expensive, elaborate, federally (taxpayer) funded workshop designed to get teachers on-board with the politics of teh federal government. I suppose these things are to be expected, but I thought that the Sugrue book, as a central workshop text, would hold special interest for Paul and the readers here. I hope that this post wasn't too off topic for the tastes of SBPDL readers.
bubo said...
"Affirmative action negro firefighter violently rapes and beats white woman leaving a downtown bar in Jacksonville. "
I don't have a doubt in the world his union will defend him tooth and nail.
Hey Name is Pointless Why?
There are only 2 Comments on that article, both by some-one named JJ. He seems ot be pretty on target, with his comments. He advocate,s in his last post, inthe last sentence, to put the Anglo Saxon back in charge.
I can't find fault with one word of either post. Studying the real wolrd facts, behind his analysis, bears him out beautifully. What's YOUR problem with his posts, Namesky?
they dont have [they claim] the 22K
guess he didnt have burial / life insurance.
I love your ideas. You are energetic, and generally brilliant. That said - no one scores 100 all the time.
No more Po-lees State authority, please. There's far too much authority accorded to all kinds of Commies, morons, sociopaths, and wannabe tyrants already.
I heartily agree with the sentiments of fatugued. He/She argured that the best way to deal with Negroes is to allow them to administer their own form of correction, for bad behavior. Which boils down to one Negro stealing stuff from another Negro.
Remembrest thou the BRILLIANT, definitive Classic, of McDonald's Black 24/7 autuer 3 minute cinema, of 2011? The heroic Rayon McIntosh vs 2 Ghetto Dykes, in the Greenwich Village Mickey D's? My absolute favorite work of 2011! Stunning! Literally, and metaphorically.
Our Classic.....well not Western but Authentically African Hero Rayon, who had known suffering and tribulations, having been jailed for the murder of his best friend, in High School, was released unto Gotham, after he paid his debt to Da Mansky. Rayon was trying to re-establish his life in the non-criminal world, by working as a Counterman at MacDonald's 24/7 Negro. Nemesis was not yet ready to release Rayon from her merciless grip though, and had other ribulations in store for Our Hero, in the form of 2 singularly pugnacious, ethics free, ne-plus ultra gibsmedat Sapphic Hood Rats, who felt entitled to fob off counterfiet currency. When Our Hero objected to the scam, the smaller, and dykier Dark Lezzie leapt over the counter, and began beeyich slappin' poor Rayon. This was the clmax, and profound moral issue of the work; had Rayon been gsufficinetly been ground down to the point, by Da Man, and Fate, to accept such and indignity, as so many infinitely paler men have been, or has the Wild African Spirit survived the harsh and incomprehensible Laws of Da White Debbils, and paid dem bitches back with the force and justice an African King - they al are Kings and Queens, after all - would demand?
Africa won.
I was THRILLED when Rayong beat both of his tormenters down with a handy metal pipe. He kept beating until there were no more macaw like jungle screeching sounds. Simply blissful silence. And he didn't really injure either one of them....they suffered some broken bones - but that's NOTHING. My friends and I enjoyed this work for weeks, afterward. And I used this stunning little film as a Compleate Object Lesson - NEVER EVER EVER interfere, in African on African encounters. They know how to beast deal with each other. What we must do is avoid them entirely, concoct novel ways to keep them away from our physical and psychic spheres, stock up on popcorn, and enjoy the fun!
Remember - Negro Authorities get to wield the Frisk Power, too, in Diversiworld.
Paul Kersey,
If you have nothing to hide, why use a pseudonym?
Paul Kersey,
If you have nothing to hide, why use a pseudonym?
Who said Paul has nothing to hide? These are incredibly dangerous politics in today's America. People are routinely fired for free speech regarding race politics.
The more pertinent question for you, a person with obvious low IQ that would like to resort to threats instead of arguments, is why do you care what his name is?
The only reason that you would want to know his name is to conduct some type of attack that would affect his personal or work life. Instead, crank that lil' brain just as hard as you can and make some counterpoints if you disagree. Don't be sneaky. Don't be a pussy that avoids engaging on an intellectual level. Show us you have a brain. It's a shame for you that there isn't a single person here who isn't laughing out loud at your juvenile taunt.
10mm AUTO said...@June 25, 2012 11:58 AM
Absolutely one of the best posts ever. Needs to be given an award somehow.
I think we can all agree on this site that there is only one solution to the racial problem in amerika today: separation. There is nothing else.
The only question is how do we achieve it?
May I suggest that we use the carrot and the stick method. Simply put, we must offer what I call the Reparations and Separation solution.
The details can be debated but overall the idea is to offer the blacks a golden parachute payout for them to separate themselves from us. For this to be successful we must be willing to sacrifice for more than a one time payout.
We must offer them each a large some of money to move to a yet to be determined land in Africa. But we will have to also promise them financial aid for say 5 years so that they can establish and build up their own Black Nation.
We would train their best and brightest in the ways of civilization.
We would send every black inmate currently in our prisons to them. They can then decide for their selves if they want to further incarcerate said prisoner or release him/her/it into their own society.
In short, we would fully support and fund a black nation.
The benefit for us is we would also be supporting and funding a White Nation.
The DWLs would have to be dealt with but I am willing to bet many of them would quickly become part of the "White Underground" movement. And the ones who are true believers in "diversity" should be given their Nuremberg trials.
Reparations with Separation.
It'll never work, and calling it reparations assumes that we owe them something, which we don't.
I think we should just offer a one-time, tax-free incentive of $5,000 to anyone 18-50 who chooses to be irreversibly sterilized. They must also agree that they cannot adopt or produce a child through artificial insemination or otherwise. We don't need more people of any race, and our black bro's and ho's are genetically predisposed to impulsiveness so we'll meet our end goal anyway. With this policy in place, we'd be back on track in two generations. It would encourage exactly the sorts of people who shouldn't reproduce not to, and would save us a fortune long term. Then we just need to tighten up immigration (legal and illegal) and we're golden.
If we assume there's 36M black people in the US, at $5k each that's about $180B. We lose more than that in the national sofa every year. Even if we upped it to $25k, we're still shy of $1T. I bet that the UN and World Bank would help us raise the money.
@Anon says:
[quote]I would bet that he/she does not know any authentic blacks. If he does, he is disgusted by them and feels incredible guilt for it. There is no racial in-between in the minds of blacks. You are black, or you are on your own.
If he has black skin, he is laughed at by the real blacks daily for talking smart and mimicking white behavior. He may have been beaten for it. He is surely an outcast.[/quote]
I have a problem with BIGOTS, Anon.
You are indeed correct that BLACK BIGOTS who would rather not hear what I have to say attempt to "De-Blackify" me.
YOU ALL are the force that reigns most powerfully upon them and their conscious attention. (Hey Shelia - I need your help. It is "reigns" and not "rains" - right?)
The White Progressives that they have partnered with have convinced them that there is a greater likelihood that a RACIST WHITE CONSERVATIVE is going to break into their home and torch their house (like the Klan) than the threat that exists from "Street Pirates".
I DO NOT HIDE from the truthful accounts that some of you post about the problem with "Black On Black Violence". My problem is that many of you believe that it is genetic or endemic to "Blackness". You are pacified with this view while you can't bring yourselves to see the threat from the GREATER THIEVES in America than the NEGRO ever could imagine himself into becoming: The Banks & The Government & Some Corporations.
Thus my goal is NOT to convince any of you to adopt a more favorable character assessment of Black people. Instead I see that the primary need is to work WITHIN the Black Community.
My Job #1 is to TOSS THE WHITE PROGRESSIVE BIGOTS out from the "Black Community Consciousness" as it is true that the ONLY thing they want to do is to employ Blacks to FIGHT AGAINST YOU.
Next the Sold Out Negros that joined in with this illicit partnership which caused my people to lose decades of development within our ranks need to be removed from their ability to speak on behalf of Black people and direct my people to focus on YOU and the perceived threat that you are.
The truth about the matter is that THIS NEGRO reads the Financial Press and sees the tumultuous future that the world economy will present to us all over the next 30 years. Much of what we all have gotten used to as "the norm" is going to be taken away.
You are likely right that the resource (distribution) scarcity is likely going to lead to a hardening in race relations.
FROM MY PERSPECTIVE - I am less worried about Tech9 and his arsenal of bullets that have "Black people's names written on them" (Or is it 'ritten' Sheila?) than I am concerned that after all of these years of FREEDOM in America - Black People will not have built up the community institutions to survive the collapse.
Fear not though - the "Jersey Shore", "Justine Beiber", "Real Housewives Of Orange County" people are no more prepared than are "The Negroes".
"In short, we would fully support and fund a black nation.
The benefit for us is we would also be supporting and funding a White Nation."
Aren't we doing that now?
Here's a better idea: It is a well known fact that knowledge stolen from the black man, such as the ability to levitate huge rocks in order to build the Egyptian pyramids, is locked up in Area 51, waiting for the appropriate time for it to be "discovered" by whites. Let's just give it back to the black man. (Which black man is TBD.) Then they can return to Africa and build cities in the clouds like the ones they used to live in before colonialism took it all away from them. These free-floating cities wouldn't even cause territorial conflicts. The King of Upper Obamaland would just need to negotiate the occasional air rights with the countries below.
It's really a win/win situation. We rid ourselves of our white guilt and our black problem, while giving Rayon and Nylon a place to live happily ever after - until the inevitable fly-by shooting, that is.
CF - this will be my last time responding to any of your inane comments, but here it is.
I don't feed at the government trough, thank you very much. All of the money I have I EARNED.
You see middle-aged white folks like me don't qualify for food stamps, affirmative action, government housing or any of that nonsense. I went through college on an academic scholarship for my good grades and the rest of the slack was picked up by student loans that I paid off all by myself!
See, here's the deal. I actually worked for a living for many years. For over a decade I usually had at least 2 jobs, sometimes three. I clipped coupons, bought things on clearance and actually saved money.
Instead of going to clubs, buying high dollar coffee drinks or dining out at high end establishments, I was actually hitting the grindstone and saving my money.
So for now, I'm retired and I help poor white families with my OWN MONEY and MY OWN TIME who need it.
Paul - frisk people? Oh hell no. The only people who would be frisked is Grandma. No thank you.
This is why I've haven't flown in 5 years. Not doing it. I won't allow some TSA goon to touch me or my spouse. Nope, not happening.
Now if cops want to racially profile certain groups, fine. But leave me alone. For the most part, middle aged white folks are not wilding people in malls and whacking them over the head with a baseball bat.
Denise said...
I was THRILLED when Rayong beat both of his tormenters down with a handy metal pipe. He kept beating until there were no more macaw like jungle screeching sounds. Simply blissful silence.
That guy was also a bit of a hero to me.
Trying to think out of the box on this problem, why doesn't the nation go to Africa, choose the largest, most savage Africans and bring them back here. We could import and employ maybe 1 or 2 million of these individuals to control the domestic blacks. Ok, I'll concede there are certain dangers with this plan, but we've got to do something.
Ray Scissom said...
"It'll never work, and calling it reparations assumes that we owe them something, which we don't."
Don't get me wrong; I certainly do not think we owe them anything. Hell, we should be sending every one of them a bill for what they have cost us!
I appreciate your plan except that it does not separate them from us. I honestly do not think we can survive another two generations (40-50 yrs) with them, sterile or not.
Tech 9 - don't waste your time responding to CF or any other black poster attempting "dialogue" any more - just use Van's epic response to nikcrit in the previous thread (slightly condensed as follows:
"Eventually, there is no point having the same conversation over and over again - with the same person or with multiple people. There is nothing you can say that hasn't been covered repeatedly. When one side desperately needs the other, yet has nothing of value to offer, there is no negotiation. Any honest assessment of black-white relations should reach that conclusion . .. the debate is over."
"I don't waste time arguing with Flat Earthers, I don't waste time arguing with Racial Creationists, and I don't waste time debating blacks on racial topics. . . I'm no more interested in "give and take" the issue is settled; only the ideological loser wishes to continue the discussion."
Nobody has mentioned it that I noticed, but do we really want Dark cops to stop and frisk us? Concealed carry and Stand Your Ground laws are the best immediate solution to violent crime.
It is genetic, your tribal alliances are quiet visible from your posts.
In apartheid south africa, the white government clamped down on primitive tribal practices.
Believe it or not, 18yrs into mandelas blacktopia, people in top jobs, are voodoo hexing each other for promotions, they have degrees if not more than one, they are highly educated individuals, yet the tribal voodoo still trumps all the western civilised thinking and studies, that alone proves its genetic.
Yes hard times are comming, and that will only further raise the tribalism in black people, prepare for tribal warfare of black tribes one against the other
You cannot help it, white people like exclusivity not inclusivity, that's our genetic makeup.
We cannot fight against genetics, accept it.
Even oprah after all her billions, houses, private jets, having white people work for her, she still hasn't made peace.
I in south africa, have been denied jobs because I am white, black people drive beter cars than me, have better homes, I don't let it get to me, my self worth isn't determined by external factors, my parents came to south africa because of the dictators in europe, they didn't come here demanding a lavish house and mercedes and respectful job.
My parents left school when they were 12 or 14, seeing the local south africans that were born here and had a more priveledged upbringing, didn't fill them with hate.
They slowly worked and saved money they didn't throw tantrums about how denied they were because they were born under a dictatorial regime, life gave them lemons, and they made lemonade.
I'm afraid 150yrs from now blacks will still be where they are now, its something genetic that is keeping them where they are.
With all your studies, the tribal gene in you still makes you say, my people, tribes will forever remain tribes, that tribal gene has to go in order for black people to move into sophisticated civilisation building culture.
Re Ray Scissom
I predict within 50 years Africa will be thoroughly colonized by the Chinese. The arguments you mentioned about how the world needs African resources more than ever are very true. China, rather than us, will take over Africa because they need its minerals more than we do (they are a manufacturing powerhouse), they have a policy of seeking out "Lebensraum" as in the case of Tibet, they have an excess of young men who wouldn't balk at going there, and finally they need to project power in a convincing way to prove they are the major player in the 21st century.
Anonymous said...
Paul Kersey,
If you have nothing to hide, why use a pseudonym?
This was the clmax, and profound moral issue of the work; had Rayon been gsufficinetly been ground down to the point, by Da Man, and Fate, to accept such and indignity, as so many infinitely paler men have been, or has the Wild African Spirit survived the harsh and incomprehensible Laws of Da White Debbils, and paid dem bitches back with the force and justice an African King - they al are Kings and Queens, after all - would demand?
Denise being on gurneys in a New York Hospital did not stop our new overladies from continuing to fight each other. Truly a noble spirit embiggens the smallest lesbian.
So CAL Snowman: Blacks are not enjoying Christmas in South Africa! You know that EVIL WHITE HOLIDAY!
Just try to imagine how awfully riled up they get when der Bingle sings, "I'm dreaming of a WHITE Christmas."
"purported" greatest city; which city, pray tell would you count as more deserving of that title?
"Anonymous said...
This was the clmax, and profound moral issue of the work; had Rayon been gsufficinetly been ground down to the point, by Da Man, and Fate, to accept such and indignity, as so many infinitely paler men have been, or has the Wild African Spirit survived the harsh and incomprehensible Laws of Da White Debbils, and paid dem bitches back with the force and justice an African King - they al are Kings and Queens, after all - would demand?
Denise being on gurneys in a New York Hospital did not stop our new overladies from continuing to fight each other. Truly a noble spirit embiggens the smallest lesbian."
For real? HAHAHA!!!! No why didn't some-one tape that? As the sequel?
That was THE FUNNIEST comment I have ever read here. I never thought I would identify with a black criminal, but when they showed that video and tried to get people mad at HIM, the reaction went the other way. What he did was entirely justified.
Anon (6/26 12:42 PM): Truly a noble spirit embiggens the smallest lesbian.
A perfectly cromulent turn of words.
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