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We could have been on Mars... |
Valerie Jarrett, senior adviser to President Obama, broke with protocol and delivered a campaign-style speech to the National Association of Black Journalists in New Orleans Saturday night as the association's annual awards banquet got underway.
Jarrett ticked off what she considered the Obama administration's accomplishments and said, "We need journalists who will make people think, who will connect the dots, look past the distractions."
At such occasions, speakers traditionally wish the organization well and speak to an issue of journalism. Veterans said they found the remarks inappropriate.
Some rolled their eyes. "Why not just send a [campaign] video?" one said. "That was out of line," said another afterward.
NABJ President Gregory H. Lee Jr. and Executive Director Maurice Foster each said they did not know what Jarrett was going to say.
However, Foster added that Jarrett "has been a good supporter of NABJ. . . . She's always lent herself to project the image of NABJ in a positive light and the good things that we do. Her connection with us and her family connection to the organization is something to be appreciated." Jarrett is the divorced daughter-in-law of the late Vernon Jarrett, a legendary Chicago journalist and an NABJ founder.
On Saturday afternoon, Jarrett spoke with members of the Trotter Group of African American columnists and with regional reporters, and again outlined what she considered the Obama administration's successes, among them funding for historically black colleges and universities; health care reform, which she said will disproportionately help African Americans; and reducing disparities between penalties for possession of crack and for powdered cocaine.
Jarrett acknowledged, however, that "the unemployment rate is far too high in the black community" and that it was "fair criticism" to say the administration had not done a good enough job of selling its health care plan.In a real country, universal healthcare wouldn't be up for debate. Nor would having a colony on Mars. In Black-Run America (BRA), funding HBCU's - take a look at the graduation rates of these "institutions" - and employing-unemployable-in-the-private-sector Black people via public/government jobs is a much greater mandate.
What was it Lawrence Auster wrote about what Blacks contribute to civilization?:
Did you know this? I didn’t. I just came upon it in Wikipedia’s article on Ralph Abernathy, Martin Luther King’s successor as the head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference:
"On the eve of the Apollo 11 launch, July 15, 1969, Abernathy arrived at Cape Canaveral with several hundred members of the poor people to protest spending of government space exploration, while many Americans remained poor. He was met by Thomas O. Paine, the Administrator of NASA, whom he told that in the face of such suffering, space flight represented an inhuman priority and funds should be spent instead to “feed the hungry, clothe the naked, tend the sick, and house the homeless.” Mr. Paine told Abernathy that the advances in space exploration were child’s play compared to the tremendously difficult human problems of society, and told him that “if we could solve the problems of poverty by not pushing the button to launch men to the moon tomorrow, then we would not push that button.” On the day of the launch, Dr. Abernathy led a small group of protesters to the restricted guest viewing area of the space center and chanted, “We are not astronauts, but we are people.”
So there you have it. One of the greatest achievements in history, the first manned flight to the moon, and the most prestigious black civil rights organization, the SCLC, wanted it not to take place, because they thought the money it cost could be better spent on transfer payments to blacks. And that is all that blacks as an organized community have to contribute to our civilization: endless complaints about white injustice to blacks, and endless demands for the wealth and goods that white people have produced, and that blacks are incapable of producing. Plus a third “contribution” not brought out in this incident: endless threats of violence and riots if the blacks don’t get their way.
The black blackmail and dragging down of white civilization will continue, until whites stand up, name it for what it is, and say, “No more.”
White America owes Black America nothing. Not even health care. Just look at how Black people have treated Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, a virtual free clinic for Black people provided by the white tax payers of Fulton County.
Grady is but a microcosm of the problem Obamacare will unleash on the nation.
And Valerie Jarrett brags about it to the NABJ.
And those members of the NABJ at Newsone.com then brag about Obamacare being upheld as Constitutional and what it means for Black people (What Obama’s Health Care Means For African Americans, Lynette Holloway, June 28, 2012):
Civil rights leaders and lawmakers on Thursday applauded the U.S. Supreme Court’s narrow decision to uphold President Barack Obama’s landmark health care law, which upheld the centerpiece of the measure that requires all people to have health insurance.Freedom failed. Never forget that.
“This is manna from heaven,” U.S. Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.) told NewsOne shortly after President Obama’s noontime news conference about the ruling. “I couldn’t be more delighted because this is going to make sure that 32-million people who did not have access to health insurance will now have it. While I’m in favor of a national health plan, this is a little short of that. It will go a long way toward improving the quality of life for million so of Americans. ”
“I’ve been working on health care reform since the 1970s and this is a hallmark piece of legislation for African Americans and all Americans,” Davis said. “The one thing that we may see a reduction for is in Medicaid. There’s just less money there than we had hoped for, but overall we are pleased with the ruling.”
In a prepared statement, NAACP Chairman Roslyn M. Brock called the ruling “crucial”:
The Supreme Court made a crucial decision today to uphold the core provisions of the Affordable Care Act,” Brock stated in the release. The NAACP has long supported the full and complete implementation of this law. Access to quality, affordable health care is a civil and human right that should not be reserved for the wealthy or the few. The 32-million American men, women, and children covered under this law can now breathe easier.”In a prepared statement, U.S. Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.) called the decision a victory for America:
When Congress passed the Affordable Care Act in 2010, Rangel said, we accomplished something that couldn’t be achieved since 1912. I will continue to work with my Democratic Colleagues to defend President Barack Obama’s landmark legislation and fight against Republican attempts to dismantle it. In the meantime, it’s time to focus on spurring economic growth and getting Americans back to work.
Our republic just died today. RIP USA.
This sentiment is perfectly captured in black artist Faith Ringgold's piece "Flag for the Moon: Die Nigger."
-Ulick Varange
On the eve of the Apollo 11 launch, July 15, 1969, Abernathy arrived at Cape Canaveral with several hundred members of the poor people to protest spending of government space exploration,
That part of your post reminding me of this:
Sadly, I have met many whites who hold the same attitude. When we stop reaching for the stars, humanity becomes just another animal. We reduce ourselves to simply existing; nothing more.
This is a nightmare. CNN briefly reported that the Mandate had been struck down, then a correction saying the entire law was upheld. I kept hitting refresh hoping for another update...
There is now nothing - absolutely nothing - that the federal government cannot do. And condidering the extent that Congress has surrendered its power, by passing broad, vague legislation allowing the Executive Branch to fill in the blanks through statutory laws (regulations and mandates), the White House essentially RULES rather than GOVERNS. Welcome to tyranny and dictatorship.
To solve the problem of homelessness, Congress can pass a law levying a "tax" for every homeowner that doesn't take in at least one homeless person.
To cover the costs associated with police, federal agents, and gunshot injuries, Congress can pass a law - or the IRS can simply mandate a tax - of several thousand a year to exercise your gun ownership rights, effectively killing the 2nd Amendment.
A tax if your next car isn't electric. A tax for going 10 years without buying a new home. A tax if you move to an area that isn't diverse enough, for not spending enough money with minority-owned businesses, for sending your kids to private school, for not sending your kids to diversity/white guilt/minority grievance training. A tax on any church that refused to perform gay weddings, or any religious organization that won't provide birth control. A tax if your employees aren't diverse enough, or your customers and clients; if you don't do enough outreach into violent black neighborhoods. A tax for not teaching kids about the Tuskegee Airmen who single handedly won WWII.
Every behavior, or failure to act, is now taxable. The President rules by fiat. Who would've thought it would come to this in the USA. Dictatorship.
A new low for PKSBPDL.
You claim that we owe black "people" nothing.
1. That's an insult to people.
2. We owe the blacks plenty- plenty of contempt, in abundance.
Van, the same thing happened with Fox News, first struck down then said upheld. I cant believe it. I also agree with your full comment.
"Van said...
This is a nightmare. CNN briefly reported that the Mandate had been struck down, then a correction saying the entire law was upheld"
From SBPDL: "One of the greatest achievements in history, the first manned flight to the moon, and the most prestigious black civil rights organization, the SCLC, wanted it not to take place, because they thought the money it cost could be better spent on transfer payments to blacks."
That says it all.
*Death OF A Nation-
In paraphrasing D. W. Griffith, I propose an internet campaign to hold a funeral this July 4th for the U.S. Constitution. I mean literally that we should all gather together in locally significant places, hold a funeral for the Constitution and literally bury it.
I hope you can see the wisdom of this form of protest and that VFR an start this campaign. I think it is necessary that we publicly acknowledge that our nation is dead.
Robert B.
* letter sent to Lawrence Auster this morning.
I hope you all will join with me in gathering your family and friends together to have your own funeral for our nation that once was.
Friend, it's not a dictatorship. No one can make you do anything you don't wish to do. If a law requires you to do something immoral, simply ignore the law. If a fine for ignoring the law is imposed on you, ignore the fine. When they come to arrest you for ignoring the fine, ignore the arrest warrant and make them drag you to prison. If they require you to work in prison, refuse and let them slam you in solitary.
Solitary. That's it. That's all they can do to you. I've been there. It's not so bad.
Of course, doing all this will destroy your life and the lives of your children, but better that than to comply with an immoral law.
If you are determined to avoid suffering in this life you are a slave of the Devil. God never said His people wouldn't suffer. He said "pick up your Cross and follow Me". If it falls to us to bear the cross, let us bear it in silent dignity and show them how a White, Christian man suffers.
Just what I was thinking this morning with the SC upholding 0bama care. This is a transfer of wealth from the white private productive sector to the blacks, the illegal immigrants, the poor non-white immigrants who are legal and who are flooding in the USA, to the poor Hispanics. White will be taxed more. Whites will become the slaves of the aforementioned groups. To whites you can add some hard working Asians in the private sector although they are the biggest tax evaders on earth when in cash businesses such as motels and restaurants etc
Male Hispanics are inclined to work their butts off even if their women suck off welfare. So the largest beneficiaries of 0-Care are sub-85 IQ blacks who incidentally will be staffing the f*****g Obama-Care Federal bureaucracy to administer this piece of crap. Private sector jobs in insurance companies will decrease (whites lose jobs) while blacks, gays, Hispanics and other minorities score the Federale jobs to administer 0-care. They will put their friends and relatives to the head of the line for fast health care with the better doctors. This will devolve into Robert Mugabe style health care
No not a dictatorship. More like the .gov as the Mafia: You pay protection money (tax) or else you feel their wrath. Tyranny as a mandate or a tax is still tyranny.
"To cover the costs associated with police, federal agents, and gunshot injuries, Congress can pass a law - or the IRS can simply mandate a tax - of several thousand a year to exercise your gun ownership rights, effectively killing the 2nd Amendment."
In fact, this has ALREADY been accomplished via the 1934 National Firearms Act that placed a $200 tax on so-called automatic weapons. How many people in 1934 could afford a $200 tax?; such is the non-stop treachery of our government in subverting the 2nd Amendment.
I am a socialist (surprise!) but knowing how benefits, meant to supplement or help poor people who have HONOR, MORALS, SHAME (think how wonderful socialism worked in Scnadinavia BEFORE the onslaught of somalis, congolese and arabs who started to be on the dole for generations and mass rapes).
In our modern world, socialism is NOT sustainable due to a gigantic class of parasites, most of whom are not White.
Why do Nike make air Jordans when black people starve?
Why do Apple make iPhones when black people starve?
Why are $5 000 rims made when black people starve?
why are gold grilled teef made when Obama's sons and daughters are starving?
Magic thinking is easy. You just switch off your brain and type.
"In a real country, universal healthcare wouldn't be up for debate. Nor would having a colony on Mars."
I see we agree.
But Europe is bankrupting itself with a parasitic, evil, non-integrating ENEMY population counting in the millions in its heart.
America - well, same thing, really...
In Chicago the 2nd installment of taxes will be due in record early time, because "de chillen!" are in schools, ready to eat "s'more", ready to "lern", ready to breed "s'more"...
You cannot imagine the advances that have come to us because of the space program. Things we so take for granted like computers, cell phones, MRI, CT scanners, and many other advances came from the space program. And thank God we have had them. Rev. Abernathy should, if he is still alive, be grateful for those advances for all of us.
Robert B - I don't know that I even have the heart for a public funeral. I certainly won't be "celebrating" the 4th this year. As a commenter at Auster's noted, there's nothing left of the originally-proposed, constitutional representational democracy worth celebrating. I'm sorry to be such a despair diva, but I truly do despair. My husband chided me the other night for being so relentlessly depressing about political and social developments. He noted that he needs some shreds of hope to keep working hard to keep our family financially afloat. I apologized very sincerely, and I understand where he's coming from, but I just can't paste on a happy face at America's death throes.
Instead of being put out of its misery by SCOTUS, this is now a live issue that will be battled over all the way into November. In some ways, it is the better outcome. Hopefully, enough people see (and vote) in November. Put the right people in office, and you don't have to look to the courts....
Magnifico said... Our republic just died today. RIP USA.
The supreme court decision is just another one the endless examples of the fact that the great core White population has about one generation - 25 year's - in which to make Constitutional changes in order to protect us from the black and Mexican population explosion.
Our White population has, by far, the greatest sense of proprietorship about America. A sense of we founded it, we built it, and we transformed it into greatest nation on Earth. Because of this, our politics is intensely patriotic and farsighted.
Blacks, most Hispanics, and left-wing whites have smash-and-grab approach to politics which shortsighted and ruinous to our future.
If we don't change the legal DNA of our country by constitutional amendments such as a Balanced Budget Amendment, the U.S.A. is doomed to become the u.s.s.a.
There's so much wrong with this ruling today but I'm not surprised. I told my husband last night that there was no way they were going to deny another REVENUE STREAM from white America to the takers of our society.
Federal welfare spending in fiscal year 2011 totaled $668 billion, spread out over 126 programs, while the poverty rate remains high at 15.1 percent, roughly where it was in 1965, when President Johnson declared a federal War on Poverty.
In 1966, the first year after Johnson declared war on poverty, the national poverty rate was 14.7 percent, according to Census Bureau figures.
The War on Poverty has been going on for 47 years and black people are kicking the taxpayers' butts.
BRA is out in full force today with their victory speeches. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Reacts to Supreme Court Decision: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKyBSV18c3o
I do not propose the funeral lightly. Funerals are a sober, sad occasion. This decision contains within it the seeds of our demise. We can now be forced to pay for anything the government deems worthy of giving to some other "disenfranchised" group. Business will leave, insurance companies, seeing the writing on the wall, will milk it for all it is worth and invest their monies abroad.
There is no way out of this--even if the Republicrats take over and repeal this law, the march "forward" will continue. We have only one choice now--
Nullification on a state by state basis and eventual secession. In order to do this, we must all consider consolidating our votes into "Red" states were we can have the most effect. We are not the only ones thinking about this-The Free State Project voted on a state some five years ago and have since moved over 20,000 legal age voters into that state--New Hampshire. Look it up and see for yourself. It can be done, but we all must have the fortitude to pack up and go--just like our ancestors did how ever many generations back. For mine, it was 1634, 1842 and 1870. If they could do it, crossing an ocean into a very uncertain place, living on the frontier and dealing with hostile Indians, I can do it too.
Why do Nike make air Jordans when black people starve?
Why do Apple make iPhones when black people starve?
Why are $5 000 rims made when black people starve?
why are gold grilled teef made when Obama's sons and daughters are starving?
They make these things because they know that black people will starve before going without them and silly, well-meaning white folks will come along and feed them with tax dollars.
Public assistance (other than unemployment and disability) should involve someone going to live in a dorm with nothing but the clothes on their backs. They will be fed a nutritious meal and trained in a skill by working for their meager existence. Once they've worked hard enough to earn placement in a real job and able to support themselves without the taxpayers' money, they can have things. If you've run your life so poorly that your only option is to beg for tax dollars to survive, it really should be your only option and you should get just that... survival.
Until we run public assistance in a way that restores the stigma and makes people feel like the failures that they are, we're never going to make any progress.
I'm sure there are good people out there who need assistance that fell on hard times through no fault of their own. That's what friends, family and churches are for. Asking strangers to foot the bill for your problems is shameful. If you don't have friends, family or a church to help you, it only reinforces the idea that your selfish way of life is not my problem, and that you should start living your life in a way that is not only sustainable, but that leads you toward other decent people who will be there for you when you need them and likewise. If you resist this basic idea of civilized behavior, there should be no place for you in our civilization.
Black people want to pretend that being black means something and that they have this sense of community and commonality. Where are the black people who should be taking care of their own? Why is it always the unappreciated, overextend white man running to save your dumb asses from yourselves? Pathetic. You shouldn't be killing others. You should be killing yourselves.
The War on Poverty has been going on for 47 years and black people are kicking the taxpayers' butts.
The war on poverty wasn't intended to be fought against "poverty". It's a war against the middle class intended to force us to meet the poor at the poverty line while we all buy arms from the rich who pretend to care about both of us.
It's just like every other war.
Jarrett ticked off what she considered the Obama administration's accomplishments and said, "We need journalists who will make people think, who will connect the dots, look past the distractions."
Has any other administration ever been so proficient at talking down to professionals? These @ssclowns really need to stick their "teachable moments" where the sun doesn't shine. Most gratifying of all is how Valerie Jarrett managed to antagonize a room full of prominent Black journalists. Diluting their support for Mein Obama's reelection campaign is virtually priceless.
"The War on Poverty has been going on for 47 years and black people are kicking the taxpayers' butts."
Fantastic line.
On the eve of the Apollo 11 launch, July 15, 1969, Abernathy arrived at Cape Canaveral with several hundred members of the poor people to protest spending of government space exploration, while many Americans remained poor.
This is such utter rubbish. Just like everybody else, America's Black poor have benefited immensely from the technical and medical advances that spun off of our space exploration.
To have spent that money on Black uplift would not just have been―as history has now shown us―a study in futility but something that could have changed the balance of world power in some very dangerous ways.
If JFK had any vision at all, it certainly can be summed up in America's space race. At that time, Communism was still spreading and had yet to be so thoroughly discredited as it is today.
It was essential for the USA to prove that free market Capitalism was a superior economic model. The USSR's propaganda machine was much more finely tuned than America's and had to be since that was all that Soviet Russia really had to offer. Overcoming the Communists' portrayal of Americans as a bunch of exploited wage slaves was a vital part of debunking the supposed allure of a centrally planned economy like that of Red China or the Soviet Union.
By doing so, it increased the likelihood that countries which were sitting on the fence about who to ally with could be persuaded into joining the American side. This was a crucial strategy in containing the spread of Communism.
Faced with the USSR's stunning successes in launching Sputnik and, eventually, Yuri Gagarin, into space well ahead of America's ability to do so, landing an astronaut on the moon and safely returning him home was an absolute top priority.
America's accomplishment of this goal was pivotal in convincing those fence-sitting countries that US manufactured goods and weapons would out-perform their Soviet equivalents. Capturing the lunar high ground went a long way towards sealing that argument.
Returning to Abernathy's Trojan horse of NASA budgets supposedly depriving America's poor; Blacks have long contended―falsely, I might add―that they suffer disproportionate casualties on the battlefield. By that logic, defeating Communism through aerospace superiority theoretically saved Black lives that would otherwise have been lost in the numerous other Vietnam-style conflicts required to militarily overcome it on the ground.
Of course, we all know that White soldiers are the ones who really take the hit on any battlefield and―in a fulfillment of America's technological prowess―they, more than just about anyone, benefited immensely from the improved armaments and telecommunications which were spawned by our exploration of space.
So, please, never tolerate anyone calling the space race a waste of money. It's what makes those who claim the moon landings were faked such egregious rectal cavities. In reality, we didn't even have the technological capability to fake in such detail at that time.
America's lunar landing was one of the most spectacularly profitable investments in our nation's history, if not that of the entire world. Had we continued our space exploration apace since the moon shot, it is almost impossible to over-exaggerate where we might be today.
The millstone of Blacks that hangs on America's collective neck not only threatens to drown our economy, it has also grounded our reach for the stars in a way that only such a primitive and unheroic bunch of savages possibly could. The damage done to our nation by not remaining fully committed to space exploration is a tragedy that rivals the burning of Alexandria's library.
Anon: The supreme court decision is just another one the endless examples of the fact that the great core White population has about one generation - 25 year's - in which to make Constitutional changes in order to protect us from the black and Mexican population explosion.
Our White population has, by far, the greatest sense of proprietorship about America. A sense of we founded it, we built it, and we transformed it into greatest nation on Earth. Because of this, our politics is intensely patriotic and farsighted.
Blacks, most Hispanics, and left-wing whites have smash-and-grab approach to politics which shortsighted and ruinous to our future.
If we don't change the legal DNA of our country by constitutional amendments such as a Balanced Budget Amendment, the U.S.A. is doomed to become the u.s.s.a.
Too late, Anon. The USSA is here. Now. It's a Banksta Banana Republick and has been so since at least 1913. Today is a perfect example of how the dialectic flim-flam works upon the idiocracy. In 2000, countless Americans who desired limited, constitutional government voted for Jorge W. Busheron, Amurika's first Mexican president. Many voted in the belief that the Repuke would appoint judges to the Supreme Court who would uphold the constitution. The Repuke base is like Charlie Brown, forever falling prey to Lucy's football scam.
Even though a couple of observers like the invaluable Larry Auster noted serious issues with El Decider's appointment of Roberts as Chief Ayatollah, Conservatism, Inc. - including its evangelical amen corner - cheered the appointment. While I would not doubt for a minute that folks such as Rich Lowry and Jonah Goldberg are actually jubilant about this latest travesty, the moronic legions who follow their lead will now be raped and pillaged by the regime even more than previously. I wonder how many will start to see through the flim-flam they've been believing in all these years?
Church of Jed: 2. We owe the blacks plenty- plenty of contempt, in abundance.
We owe Blacks much more than just derision or contempt. They deserve the back of our collective White hand.
And that's just for starters.
Short of wholesale genocide there is little that they do not richly deserve. Were Blacks to endure the same degree of predation that they impose upon Whites, their howls of indignation would be cut short by the gurgle of their lungs filling with blood.
I know this is a big deal, and the death of limited government and all that, but dang! Those HBCU graduation rates! My god!
AmericanGoy: (think how wonderful socialism worked in Scandinavia BEFORE the onslaught of somalis, congolese and arabs who started to be on the dole for generations and mass rapes).
The only reason why "socialism worked in Scandinavia"―or anywhere else in Europe for that matter―was because America spent untold trillions of dollars on defending the continent. Had the European Socialists been forced to build up their own military forces to the same functional degree, the gravy train of medical, educational and social benefits would never have been affordable.
Even after America bled itself white winning the Cold War, Europe still has the collective intelligence of a bag of hair by allowing themselves to become dependent on Russian natural gas. They have yet to learn their lesson. Perhaps the Muslims will teach it to them.
13 year old criminal gangbanger made good by police.
George Zimmerman Community Service Award in the works for public safety achievement.
When the Diversity starts going all afrovoodoo feral up en heeah at age 13, you know the future is hellish...
Ryzzia: You cannot imagine the advances that have come to us because of the space program. Things we so take for granted like computers, cell phones, MRI, CT scanners, and many other advances came from the space program. And thank God we have had them. Rev. Abernathy should, if he is still alive, be grateful for those advances for all of us.
It's nice to see someone else voice these sentiments.
@ssclowns like Abernathy are the very worst sort of ingrates. History has now shown us what a total waste of money it is to attempt Black uplift. Now, it's only a matter of opening peoples' eyes to this stark truth.
I do not have enough hats to take off―and I have a serious collection of hats―out of respect for Paul Kersey's Herculean efforts at waking up America to Race Realism.
Can't type what I want to say/do over this.
We are close gentlemen.
Prepare, Prepare, prepare
RobertB: Funerals are a sober, sad occasion.
Not if you're Irish.
Although, I do have to agree with Mr. Clean about this issue waking people up come November.
One small thought experiment:
If companies with 50 or more employees are forced to provide health care plans, what will companies with 60 workers do?
Mein Obama's plan will cause job destruction on an unimaginable scale.
Zenster said...
Has any other administration ever been so proficient at talking down to professionals? These @ssclowns really need to stick their "teachable moments" where the sun doesn't shine. Most gratifying of all is how Valerie Jarrett managed to antagonize a room full of prominent Black journalists. Diluting their support for Mein Obama's reelection campaign is virtually priceless.
Like this boot-licking, talking-point regurgitating, sycophantic army of useful idiots could look up from tonguing their BBQ and watermelon-flavored, anatomically-correct rubber replicas of Barack's asshole for five minutes to hear her speak down to them.
The rule of law is essentially dead. Consider:
The Supreme Court has ruled that Congress can use its taxing authority for any purpose. They can even pick a behavior and levy a tax on individuals who choose NOT to engage in said behavior. By this logic, they can certainly tax anything; any act or failure to act.
The Court also ruled that a state cannot enforce federal law, even if the state stature is identical to the federal stature; that somehow the state's efforts to enforce federal law actually undermine said federal law.
Meanwhile, because the Court did allow Arizona police to check on the immigration status of suspects, the President ruled that his administration would no longer assist Arizona with suspected illegal aliens. He has simply declined to enforce the law - his primary function as head of the Executive Branch. And, of course, the Court made it clear that if Arizona appears to be enforcing its law in a way that seems to involve racial profiling, further review will be needed. Since over 75% of illegals are from Central America, enforcement will of course have a disparate impact.
Obama declared that young illegal aliens would not be deported, something he has no authority to do, as Congress is tasked with setting these laws.
And let's not forget poor George Zimmerman. Attacked by a young thug, and forced to defend himself. The police are saying Zimmerman had the opportunity to "defuse" the situation, and this is why he is charged with murder. There is no Florida law that says this, but apparently we're making it up as we go along. Now, if a POS thug feels disrespected by you, its YOUR responsibility to "defuse" the situation. No matter that Martin left the scene only to double back and attack Zimmerman. Its Zimmerman's responsibility.
Welcome to fascism. We make the rules up as we go along; the central government knows best and is not held to any constraints whatsoever. At least Italian fascism was geared towards what was good for Italians, and German fascism towards what was good for Germans (however misguided both were). In the US, fascism is designed to subject the native population to serve others.
The Dallas NAACP wants to shut down the Texas Lottery because those po black fokes just can't control themselves, and they are thus FORCED to buy lottery tickets! Maybe they should agitate and activize to force all white Texans to buy at least 15 lottery tickets per week. We demand equity n'sheeit!
Dallas NAACP Wants Texas Lottery Shut Down
June 27, 2012 6:13 PM
DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) – The Dallas chapter of the NAACP wants to stop seeing low income Texans pumping money into the state lottery by putting it out of business.
In poorer communities, though, the lottery seems to offer the chance at a life otherwise out of reach.
A study paid for by the Texas Lottery Commission says the people most likely to play Pick 3 are those making $20,000 a year or less –– below the poverty line. And people who are unemployed are more likely to buy scratch-off tickets than those who have jobs or retirees, the study found.
David Anderson collects disability but still spends a few dollars a week testing his luck. “It’s up to me, spend this five dollars or should I go buy a loaf of bread and hamburger to feed the kids,’ he said.
But why stop something that’s raking in the money? So far in 2012 Texans have spent more than $3.3 billion in lottery tickets.
“They have this delusion that they’re going to win,” said chapter president Dr. Juanita Wallace. “I want them to shut it down,” she said. “Our people are spending their little money, their life savings away in hopes of winning.” The group voted recently to urge state officials to do away with the lottery.
Just compare the North Dallas Lottery District to the South Dallas Lottery District, where there are a greater percentage of minorities and low income homes.
Not only are people in south Dallas more likely to play the lottery, they spend almost three times as much when they do.
Occasional player, Paul Meupe, says he knows the odds are slim. “I bet if I buy a scratch off right now, I won’t win,” said Paul Meupe.
He was right; he didn’t.
Anderson, though, said it’s more than just a ticket people are buying, it’s hope.
“The hope that they’re gonna hit and have nothing else to worry about,” he said.
Van said...
Welcome to fascism... At least Italian fascism was geared towards what was good for Italians, and German fascism towards what was good for Germans (however misguided both were). In the US, fascism is designed to subject the native population to serve others.
Well stated. The federal deficit is a means to enslave future tax payers and the cost will never be borne by the 48% of the current citizens who pay no fed tax. Also excluded from the paying class are the current and future illegal aliens. The obamacare tax mandate will require the tax payers to buy medical care for the non-tax payers. The citizen tax payer is being forced, in the truest fascist sense, to support others. And finally, States can't defend their borders.
The communist/progressive/race lobbyists are good. Got to admit that.
If companies with 50 or more employees are forced to provide health care plans, what will companies with 60 workers do?
Split into 2 companies of 30 workers each. There's also a minimum size for compliance with EEOC mandates, which slips past another tentacle of BRA. Still, we need to revoke laws like the 1964 Civil Rights Act and nullify rulings like Griggs (and Plyer and Shelly vs. Kraemer) or nothing is safe.
HOORAY!!!! HOORAY!!!! Now that Ovomit Care has been upheld, I'll get to pay more taxes to support more parasites!! And additional government support of parasties means they'll procreate at even a faster rate!! HOORAY!! HOORAY!!!!
"Communism was still spreading and had yet to be so thoroughly discredited as it is today. "
It's alive here and doing quite well.
Business will do what I and many others did in the face of laws mandating employee hiring practices--not grow beyond the point where you must abide by them. Stay small and avoid the penalty and or potential lawsuits. With modern technology, you can do much with 14 employees, depending on what field you choose. A six man heavy equipment crew, for instance, can generate 2 to 3 million per year gross.
america ended today. The constitution is now officially the silly piece of paper the left kept telling us it always was. I am both outraged and depressed.
We elected a negro who hates both america and whites. Some of us knew this was coming. Some of us warned about this, and were called racists. The black panthers are openly calling for white genocide, and nothing. The AG and POTUS should both be in chains, but are laughing at the white fools who put them there. Even after all of this, those who can see are still called racists.
Meanwhile, I sit here and listen to the ridiculous Hugh Hewett beg for money for Romney. I want to laugh, but am filled with sadness for a nation of fools who watch Survivor, and have no idea what just happened.
-Sweep the leg-
Just posted the same thing over at Ace of Spades. Am being attacked.
Most people do not see the danger. The vast majority don't.
Just three years of a black running the show, and the constitution has been rendered null and void. And they STILL REFUSE to see.
-Sweep the leg-
Welcome to fascism. We make the rules up as we go along; the central government knows best and is not held to any constraints whatsoever. At least Italian fascism was geared towards what was good for Italians, and German fascism towards what was good for Germans (however misguided both were). In the US, fascism is designed to subject the native population to serve others.
This isn't fascism. This is communism. Big, big difference. Don't be fooled into thinking that communism requires the presence of economic socialism, although it often uses socialism to it's advantage. Just like fascism, and any other movement on the political spectrum, ALL politically significant change occurs in the social sphere. Hence, this country began it's first large move toward communism when it adopted "The National Myth" of being 'A Land of Diverse Immigrants'. The second large step, it could be argued, was the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and the third was the civil rights movement.
For fascism to be in place, a homogenous, conservative population must be present. Actually, fascism is the mechanism by which the government assures that society retains the conservative ideals potent enough to reject liberalism.
You HAVE to pick fascism(the politics of the group) or communism(the politics of the individual). Each is the others' most potent antidote and a society is left vulnerable to the strongest political force on the other end if it doesn't adopt the opposing system. In other words, we are going to arrive at one or the other. There is no third choice that can stop the fruition of the other two.
This is why our 'liberal democracy'(although an ineffective representative democracy) has been useless to stop our slide toward communism. Nay, it has been the system required to facilitate the slide. It celebrates the individual. It praises the political power myth of 'one man, one vote'. It dispossesses people of the correct notion that only groups, people working cooperatively, have power. 'Libertarianism' (the politic of the individual), just like any liberal philosophy, leads to the same thing. Liberalism and libertarianism are the politics of the uniqueness of the individual, and the rights of the individual over the rights of the majority. Hence, they lead to racial group destroying, conservative values destroying, and majority subjugating policy. 'Community' is the ideological enemy of liberals and libertarians, whether they are aware of this fact or not. If you are a libertarian, and aren't aware, then you haven't thought about your philosophy of you politics long and hard enough.
Communism is absolutely inevitable under liberal democracy. Why do you think that we spend so much, militarily, to assure the 'spread of democracy'? What do the people of the USA care if Cameroon isn't democratic? Instead, similar to the crusades, we wage constant war to assure that our FOOBAR system of government, that dispossesses the entire majority of any meaningful political power, is installed in every country on Earth. It's not my crusade, it's not my neighbor's crusade, and it's not your crusade. It's 'their' crusade, and it's being carried out for motivations that do not truly care whether or not some tribesman in Africa gets a 'vote', other than that 'democratic' system leads the doors wide open for foreign groups to come in and grapple the country out of the hands of the people, or of the monarch/fascist ruler that, while ruling under a strict system, is doing so to keep his country's politics sovereign and strong against outside influence.
The hard truth is that you have zero experience, nor the political perspective, to call fascism "misguided". You may just be be begging for fascism should the BRA rule for another 50 years. If you were smart, you would take that option now should it free you of another 50 year learning process under the BRA.
Wow, imagine that: a conservative government that truly has the best interests of the majority at heart. What a terrible, terrible thing. Just don't discount any option, and consider the fact that if the people who hate you the most are in power, then EVERYTHING that you have been taught may be wrong. Look to the things that you have been programmed to believe are the most "evil", as the ideologies that put the most strength in your hands to save yourself. Question everything, especially what you think that you know about politics, religion (didn't Jesus command you to love everyone?) and history.
Mr. Rational:
If companies with 50 or more employees are forced to provide health care plans, what will companies with 60 workers do?
Split into 2 companies of 30 workers each.
Get real. Most companies of 60 people could not possibly afford the extra management and paperwork overhead that comes with dividing into two separate commercial entities.
Easily 90% of the companies in question would simply lay off eleven people and have done with it.
And you damn well know it so stop with the idiotic nitpicking already!
if you stop and listen you can hear it! jefferson davis just said the stars and bars! battle hymn for the north west! it's time to take some pride back and start a new. our fore-fathers did it we can too! sure it will be hard. take what money you got in your 401k and move before you lose it anyway fellow whites. as sure as i'm still sane that ngr blowbama is comming for our guns then he'll go after your dough(401k) so i'm going to beat that bastard to the punch. yes i'm mad as hell and at the same fucking time i'm sad as hell also. so what are we gonna do fellow whites? seperation of white and colored before it's to late. then we can run a new america in the north west. hell it beats texas. cause that border is doomed! godspeed!!!
In my last post, I twice wrote "stature" when I meant "statute"
HA HA! the BLACK man win again. How it feel, white bitches????? You white devils need to get your checkbooks out and send us $$$$ because you owe us, WHITE BITCHES...go Brother Obama!!!!
"As president, Mitt will nominate judges in the mold of Chief Justice Roberts..."
Now will everyone pith in to elect Romney?
I'm going to put a fake headstone out on July 4th that reads: "America - Born 4 July 1776, Died 28 June 2012."
What a laff riot! A fundraiser for some Christian charity serving the homeless rings my doorbell.
After telling him I've put in my time as chef at the local family homeless shelter and am not going to donate, I then lead him through the hoops of how Egyptian Coptic Christians are undergoing genocide by Muslims, how Christians and Jews were safer in the Iraq of Saddam Husein than its current shari'a government and, finally, into how Universalist American Christian churches are swamping this country with illiterate, criminally inclined Somali Muslim goat herders that cause assault and rape statistics to skyrocket.
It's so much fun to watch when these people go all bug-eyed as they discover that "Everything You Know is Wrong!"
I hear KFC stock is going throught the roof! Them fat momma's pigging out on evrything they can get they hands on:"Wha not? If ah gess diabetes,da white man gon pay fo it!" The black male,as he loses his youf and leaves behing his thug life,his drugs and sex and beatings and kbnock-out games and wakes up one day with his kidneys failing & his dick no longer working (no mo "trains" for you!) gotta get to the doctor and spend the rest of his life living off...da white man.
Blacula: HA HA! the BLACK man win again. How it feel, white bitches????? You white devils need to get your checkbooks out and send us $$$$ because you owe us, WHITE BITCHES...go Brother Obama!!!!
Keep it up, asshole. Go ahead and drink all the blood you want, Chocula. What a great way to get AIDS, which you probably already have anyway.
Don't give it a second thought as you keep on wishing for a world without Whitey you retarded fuckwit. Just don't dare start pissing and moaning when you suddenly discover what things look like when the Chinese and Russians are your cruel masters. You stupid niqqers will look back upon Apartheid, colonialism and slavery with a tearful nostalgia usually reserved for reminiscing about your very first booty call.
It died April 1865.
Robert B has it correct. In this anti-white environment small is good diversify into small companies don't be greedy. Remember: Pigs get slaughtered.
Now that the penalty for violation of the individual mandate has been officially labeled by the SCOTUS as just what it is, and what BO repeatedly said it was not, a tax, many more eyes will be opened. No representatives nor senators will want to go on record, as this battle rages on, voting for what is, as now clearly stated, a tax hike. Their constituents will make their feelings on this matter quite clear and if keeping their position is something they value, they will be forced to do the right thing. Newsflash: " People don't like tax increases."
I recall reading that France has a lot of regulations that kick in at 50 employees, and therefore has a lot of companies with 49 employees. The laws may have changed since then, but the lesson hasn't.
This is the Dred Scott decision. Opening Bell to Civil War.
There is not enough money, even WITH explicit rationing to only Blacks, Hispanics, and elites, to cover ObamaCare. The act itself simply hollows out employment in the US, pushing nearly everything that can be overseas where there is no such health care cost per employee.
So the burden will fall extremely rapidly on the White middle class. Which WILL fight over money if nothing else. Hence, civil war.
5, 10, 15 or even 50 years from now ObamaCare won't have had ANY effect on American blacks. American blacks with motivation and self-discipline will advance out of poverty, but the vast majority of blacks who currently display zero self-discipline, no capacity for self-governance, no ethics, less behavior control, and little or no shame or honor....those blacks will be worse off than they are today. Query what their sorry-ass excuse will be then? The crackers didn't give me a car? Whitey didn't smile at me just so. Math is racist. Self-control is unfair because it requires self-denial and forward-oriented thinking that many blacks are unwilling to demonstrate?
IF you can't make a living for yourself in America, you're a fucking retard who doesn't deserve the freedom so many whites died to bequeath to you worthless negroes.
For the person calling themselves Blacula:
You are mighty flippant about these very serious matters, but I think today that the Supreme Court opened so many eyes with their decision and the fine working folks have had it.
In truth and fairness, you are owed only a one way, paid in full repatriation ride back to Africa. You are antiquated farm equipment at best. And you remember this: blacks need whites, whites don't need you.
"Like this boot-licking, talking-point regurgitating, sycophantic army of useful idiots could look up from tonguing their BBQ and watermelon-flavored, anatomically-correct rubber replicas of Barack's asshole for five minutes to hear her speak down to them."
June 28, 2012 2:08 PM
Like they have enough brains to know when they are being spoke down too.
Since this is now the law of the land, one should be thinking how one can take advantage of it. If you are good at IT, think about setting up small processing centers. A dozen people with PCs can do a lot of work--and you are under the radar.
Instead of working in an oppressive environment, see if there isn't a way to do contract work where you are outside the cubicle. You can tele-commute from any where and life in small town, Red State America is cheap--much cheaper than on the East Coast.
if you are under 35, move to North Dakota and get in on the cash cow. Income is rising there faster than any other place in the world. Oil is king and there is no state income tax. That alone will offset Obama care.
Try not to make so much money that they can force you to pay--barter instead. Become a person for whom the government must supply health care at it's cost.
By disengaging, you help put pressure on the system and help take it down.
I have new neighbors from Rochester, NY. They told me, after I laughingly called the neighborhood a "whitopia", that it just seems so "much more American" here than where they came from. That people are nicer and more honest. yeah, we only 3.5% blacks, 3% asians, etc. It's 85% white people, of course it feels more like America. And I want to move further West.
Get out while you can, move to a Red State and push for change there--those people do see the writing on the wall, you don't have as far to go.
The funny thing about black people is the way you're so proud to be a parasite. For decades, whites have been falling over themselves trying to find a way to raise you pathetic talking monkeys up from the shit existence you have everywhere on the planet. The little secret that they don't know, and that we do, is that eventually, you'll out-nigger yourselves and lose even their support. That's when you get to feel what real oppression is like. That's when you get to feel real racism. That's when you learn the lesson, and it'll be too late... for you. I'd bet money that you morons couldn't last two weeks in a war against white people, and that your "bros" will do half of our work for us.
But since you're here... Could you tell me one reason why black people are necessary to whites (or anyone else)? When you finally destroy the system, who's going to rebuild it? What is it that makes you think that once you've served your purpose as useful idiots to the Marxist revolutionaries that pull your strings they'll keep you alive? What sort of work do you suppose you'll be capable of doing as a slave after everything collapses? Have you ever heard a white person say "nothing in life is free"? Did you understand why they said that?
SERIOUSLY! did anyone expect a different outcome? I bought some of the newly available tracer 5.56 rounds, I actually expect now to find a use for them.
Zenster said: "Short of wholesale genocide there is little that they do not richly deserve"
And do you seriously think genocide is off the table? It certainly IS NOT off of my table nor is it off the blacks' table. Genocide will work, when Civil War II starts we can initiate it because we Whites can make and execute a plan whereas blacks, muslims or spanics cannot. Is SPANICS a new word I just invented?
What happened yesterday is further proof of PKs theory - America is now run for the benefit of those who contribute nothing to it. The provisions of this law all but guarantee we will end up with a single payer system. The penalty for not providing health insurance to an employee is much cheaper than the cost of insurance. Expect businesses with insurance to dump their plans. The refundable tax credit for purchasing insurance is the biggest tell that this is simply another massive wealth transfer scheme. Yesterday, I decided that since the people in this country want the government to wipe their ass, then I will no longer donate money or my time to charity. Why should I do anything more for the so called poor. At this point I feel more sorry for abused animals.
@ Earthman92 -
I suppose we could debate this. You say it died in 1865; I would say that that is when America was infected. America had some good days and bad days during its illness (we did go to the moon), but ultimately the patient succumbed yesterday.
You may be interested to know that the first black serial killers appeared in America shortly after the War Of Northern Aggression.
Blame Whitey for not doing enough to close the Achievement Gap.
If we had only done more to atone for the sins of segregation by holding ourselves accountable to the beloved community of color for our unearned White privilege, Isaiah wouldn't be in jail today:
Here is a cartoon that is on display at The Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia at Ferris State University in Michigan. If the director of that museum, who is Black, can show this to the public, then SBPDL should have the right to do the same.
This cartoon says it all: http://www.ferris.edu/jimcrow/...
"There is not enough money, even WITH explicit rationing to only Blacks, Hispanics, and elites, to cover ObamaCare. The act itself simply hollows out employment in the US, pushing nearly everything that can be overseas where there is no such health care cost per employee."
Whiskey nails it. It can't be paid for because we are already broke.
Negroids have no intention of paying into the system to keep it afloat and they will be the first ones to sue for any lack of perfection in the Health Care system. And these lawsuits are what we should fear the most. This is going to be the largest transfer of capital ever, short of a successful revolution. Read that last sentence again, because I'm serious.
Think of it as the new Ghetto Lottery(TM), Health Care Edition. The local CBS station had a perfect example of what to expect as they interviewed a Mammy and her now 25 year old sprog who is confined to a wheelchair (with ventilator) due to a "gang shooting". The negress went on and on about how, because of the ACA, now she could get someone else to care for her sprog as it was too difficult for her! Unspoken was the fact that Welfare already covered the costs for her sprog, but now she planned for a in home care-giver. Great, care like that costs close to a million a year and with modern medical, unless pneumonia takes it, the sprog could last 50 years or more. The day it dies, the mammy will sue full bore for medical malpractice. The suit will cover, 1) lack of education on how to care for her sprog, even if was provided, due to "racism". 2) Lack of the most advanced medical procedures (EVEN IF THEY WOULD NOT HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE) due to "racism" 3) Lack of the "racist" system to provide proper care fast enough/in enough quantities/with the correct oversight/etc. to prolong the sprog. All presented in highly technical language to an all black jury.
Negroids KNOW how to play the system and it will take only one victory to open the flood gates to billions in settlements. Imagine a million in damages to a million plaintiffs in Class Action Suit. It will be the Black Farmers all over again times a billion. Jesse J. called the ACA "Manna from Heaven", which it will be, because medicine is an art form and not a science and alternatives to one particular care scenario are completely expected and each is open to charges of "racism". Racism as a weapon, black juries, negroid wounded from their own internal conflicts, all will provide the tinder and the first Medical Malpractice win will provide the match. Just wait till there is a fat negress on the TV sitting in front of her million dollar house with pool, herself covered with bling, saying "well we won 20 million for D'Andre, cuse he done died due to da racist Doctors." The Welfare negresses will lunge for it, the Medical Mal lawyers will be straining at the leash, the ACA people will not care BECAUSE IT IS NOT THEIR MONEY and the black juries will break White Doctors left and right. Remember we are talking about a people who have to (or are at least shameless enough) to exploit their sprogs death to ask for burial donations. Any case that gets thrown out will be a subject to a March and a full DWL segment on the news channels and BET, Evidence be damned. Every doctor will given the full "Zimmerman" treatment as to background, associations, past papers, etc. Did the Doctor write a research paper on Human Racial differences? Wham! The Court Finds for the Plaintive. Did the Doctor once get a "B" instead of a "A", Wham! Did the Doctor once make a Joke about blacks late one night in the Emergency Room as an intern? Wham!
Just the out of Court settlements will be astonishing. Also Medical Malpractice cases are notoriously expensive, with the lawyers taking sometimes 50%. Everybody wins! Except the Taxpayer, which is why the system will crash. None of this will be discussed outside of the Race Realist blogs, it will simply be "Understood", but never discussed. Everyone involved will know how the game is played and seek compromise or capitulation. Doctors don't want Marches outside of their offices or Hospitals destroying their practices by calling them "racist". Hospital administrators don't want the publicity, and the ACA administrators simply want "fairness", which means paying something to the negroids. All the advantage is on the side of the agitators, none on the defendants. Just to repel an accusation will cost millions in lawyer fees, lost wages, damaged reputation, lost time, even physical and mental hardship on the part of the Doctor.
And so the System will crash.
American Advanced White Medicine. You can have Artificial hearts right out of Star Trek (http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2012-02/no-pulse-how-doctors-reinvented-human-heart?page=all ) or you can have the new negro Wealth transferring ACA, but you can't have both.
@ 10mm AUTO,
Brilliant analysis. You put into words my unformed suspicions--and far better than I ever could have. Thank you.
My friend, a woman in her mid-50s who's had breast cancer, voted for Obama because of the healthcare he promised. (She even believed the lie he told about his mother's expenses not being paid by her insurance company when she had cancer.) She's a very bright SWPL but as far as the real world goes, clueless. She honestly believes that Obamacare means she will have affordable medical care for the rest of her life. She's not looking for a free ride, just for good treatment priced so she can pay for it.
She doesn't get that Obamacare wasn't designed for her and people like her. It was designed to make sure that blacks, who take such poor care of both their health and finances, will get free or virtually free health care, courtesy of hard-working white taxpayers like her*.
I'm afraid she still has lots of company among white people.
*Not really OT, black singer, Lauryn Hill, just pled guilty to tax evasion. Blacks like her and Wesley Snipes aren't even willing to pitch in and pay the taxes that disproportionately benefit their people.
Anon at 2:25 AM: I don't think that you invented a new word. "Spanics" is just the long way to say "Spics".
"This is Manna from Heaven"
Yes, and apparently Whites have been denying Blacks their free 'Manna' for centuries. Where does it come from you ask? Not the taxpayer, but from Heaven.
What more does one need to know about Black Run America? It's all about "access" to them and for some strange reason they've not been able to access...NAY, they've been denied, their just portion of Heaven Manna.
I haven't been posting much the past month. I've been busy and in my spare time I haven't had the urge to dwell on the blight the negro has spread throughout our civilization. These days I just sit back and laugh at their antics (the zoo is all around me). What else can one do in the face of it all?
Until the spark ignites the powder keg there will be dark days ahead. Times will be tough after that, but we can rise again like the Phoenix from the ashes. It's coming guys, don't worry.
Yesterday I saw two fatties tooling along in their powered wheelchairs, getting sporty and having fun. Fat yes, but not 300 pounds. They looked completely capable of walking to the store and back. Those chairs cost us over $6000 apiece, so a couple lardbutts could play bumper tag.
10 mm AUTO: This is going to be the largest transfer of capital ever, short of a successful revolution. Read that last sentence again, because I'm serious.
Read it just one more time.
This will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. As 10 mm AUTO has already pointed out, Blacks are experts at gaming the system. The tireless work by DWLs to make accusations of "racism!" into a death knell for careers, elections and appointments has primed this entire legal mare's nest for gaming of the system by Blacks. And we all know how Blacks display a perverted genius for gaming just about any situation where something can be gotten for free.
As 10 mm AUTO also pointed out, medical malpractice suits rank as some of the most costly of all legal proceedings. This abuse of the system will not just siphon off massive amounts of wealth.
Believe it or not, this is also another arm of the Black intifada against Whites. Constant lawsuits and gigantic awards will slowly, if not quickly, drive out competent (read: White) doctors from all forms of group health care. Those middle class Whites who cannot afford private care (read: almost all of them), will be left in the hands of marginally skilled minority or foreign born doctors who cannot be trusted to exercise the sort of medical diligence required to render the finest in health care.
Be it due to employment cutbacks, as I noted earlier, poor medical treatment or reduced access to care as Blacks flood the medical system with their self-inflicted ailments and preexisting conditions, Whites will be the ones who suffer and die because of it.
0bamacare is the economic Fort Sumter of the 21st century.
Anonymous, your URL was truncated. Try again, using HTML:
<a href="URL_goes_here">Racist poster</a>
Note: the Preview button is your friend!
10mm AUTO, well-said.
According to the Assessor of Property for Davidson County TN, the anti-white propagandist agitator Tim Wise lives in a house worth $639,300.
The neighborhood he lives in, in Census Tract 134, is 97% white and ZERO PERCENT BLACK.
Tim Wise is a hypocrite.
Look him up for yourself:
Current Property Mailing Address
State TN
Address 4405 WESTLAWN DR
Zip 37209
You can find the racial makeup (97& white, zero percent black) of Tim Wise's neighborhood in Census Tract 134 by using the "Mapping America" webpage from the New York Times, just enter in his address that I have provided above:
Tim Wise is a hypocrite. He gets rich off of creating racial division and he doesn't practice what he preaches.
"Diversity for thee, but not for me" is Tim Wise's real motto.
@Anon June 29, 2012 7:12 AM:
Your URL got truncated, but there was enough to follow. There are several sub-categories of classic pics and some of the text is downright lulz-worthy. From the 'Brute' category:
''Tyson became the wealthiest and best known athlete on earth. In his mind, he was a twenty-first century gladiator; to the American public, he was simply a black brute.''
From Whackopedia #1:
''While on the American talk show The View in early May 2010, Tyson revealed that he is now forced to live paycheck to paycheck.[138] He went on to say: "I'm totally destitute and broke. But I have an awesome life, I have an awesome wife who cares about me. I'm totally broke. I had a lot of fun. It (losing his money) just happened.''
From Whackopedia #2:
''Soon to become one of the most controversial events in modern sports,[74] the fight was stopped at the end of the third round, with Tyson disqualified[75] for biting Holyfield on both ears.''
You be the judge...
YIH: "Soon to become one of the most controversial events in modern sports,[74] the fight was stopped at the end of the third round, with Tyson disqualified [75] for biting Holyfield on both ears."
Tyson's real troubles began when he attempted to write off expenses related to the 1997 Heavyweight Championship bout as a "Business Lunch".
From the Jim Crow Museum's web page:
Racism As Commodity
All of the objects in the Jim Crow Museum have market values. In 2011, there were more than 50,000 collectors of "Black Americana," a category that includes racist artifacts. Generally, the more racist an object is, the higher the price it commands. [emphasis added]
Which just goes to show that racism has always brought value to those who practice it.
Believe it or not, this is also another arm of the Black intifada against Whites. Constant lawsuits and gigantic awards will slowly, if not quickly, drive out competent (read: White) doctors from all forms of group health care.
This is happening right now in the Veteran's Administration. I know someone forced out because he was (a) competent, (b) hardworking, and (c) blew the whistle on melanin-enhanced employees who punched in daily and then walked out to work other jobs while collecting their government paychecks.
HA HA white devils (Zenster) mad because they got to pony up the CASH to the Black Man!!! Just shut up and give us your CASH MONEY $$$ white bitches!!!!!!
Whitey is now the Black Man's BITCH!! Keep sending me checks, white bitches HA HA HA HA
Compare and contrast these two very recent (yesterday and today) Seattle crime news articles with the actual police reports from the SPD!
Notice anything that the "reporters" left out of their articles? Some important detail?
It's funny how they basically copy the police reports verbatim except for that one little "niggling" detail!
I wish "journalists" could be sued for criminal negligence when they suppress the racial descriptions of at-large violent criminals.
Police: Teens maced, beat man with pool cues before stealing his car
Actual Police Report:
Man robbed, pistol-whipped after riding bus in the Central District
Actual Police Report:
It's official: Blacula is my new favorite troll.
Mickey Shea says:
June 29, 2012 at 9:40 am
Aren’t black folks lucky to have the NAACP to watch over them and their foolish ways?
Another gem for Zenster's meme collection.
So what happens when all of the ER doctors, physicians and their staff in the african/mexican inner city hospitals QUIT and REFUSE to work? What happens when these people just decide to relocate to a nice majority white area? The government cannot force a doctor to work in an african/mexican hell hole (at least not yet).
SwampThizzle: "It's official: Blacula is my new favorite troll."
The idiot doesn't realize the appropriateness of his name - a blood sucking parasite.
SoCal Snowman: "The government cannot force a doctor to work in an african/mexican hell hole (at least not yet)."
$2,000 annual tax if 35% of your patients aren't minority. Or they could do what they did to the banks - to take on new patients in "privileged" areas, you must open a practice in an "underserved" area.
75 IQ (being generous) Blacula (hey at least he KNOWS he's a blood sucking parasite!) said:
"HA HA white devils (Zenster) mad because they got to pony up the CASH to the Black Man!!"
So I guess Black women are exempt? Good to know, I guess Obama figured black men are so financially responsible and such good fathers there was no reason to include transfer payments to black women!
Anon (-Sweep the leg-) said:
Just posted the same thing over at Ace of Spades. Am being attacked.
Not suprising, Ace of Spades is hardcore neocon. Talk radio in blog form; ''Bush 43 was a genius!'', ''Iraq and Afghanistan are all 0bama's fault'', ''The 'arab spring' is wonderful!'', *vomit* ''islam is a religion of peace'', ect. ect.
Most people do not see the danger. The vast majority don't.
Just three years of a black running the show, and the constitution has been rendered null and void. And they STILL REFUSE to see.
-Sweep the leg-
A recent post by Auster got me to thinking:
''On September 14, 2005, I analyzed the John Roberts nomination fight in terms of one of VFR’s continuing themes of the Bush years: how the left, by attacking milquetoast “conservatives” as extreme right-wingers, convince the adrenaline-rich, brain-poor mainstream conservatives that the milquetoast types really are right wingers and thus worthy of their allegiance and support. ''.
Years ago I coined the term ''Junk food conservatives'' to describe those who 'make a show' of their opposition to the left.
Like 'junk food' it's a simulation of the real thing. We are about to see this again on (what used to be) ''Independence Day'' (now ''Death of America Day'').
On the 4th there will be a lot of bunting, costumed characters, parades, and finally fireworks that have as much meaning as SBPDL #100. Renaissance Fairs do to what life was actually like in 'merry olde England' about 700 years ago or a First Civil War battle re-enactment does to what the First Civil War actually was.
"The government cannot force a doctor to work in an african/mexican hell hole (at least not yet)."
Well, excuse me, but can't the US government currently DRAFT MDs if they want?
"On December 1, 1989, Congress ordered the Selective Service System to put in place a system capable of drafting "persons qualified for practice or employment in a health care and professional occupation", if such a special-skills draft should be ordered by Congress.[67] In response, Selective Service published plans for the "Health Care Personnel Delivery System " (HCPDS) in 1989 and has had them ready ever since. The concept underwent a preliminary field exercise in Fiscal Year 1998, followed by a more extensive nationwide readiness exercise in Fiscal Year 1999. The HCPDS plans include women and men ages 20–54 in 57 different job categories.[68] As of May 2003, the Defense Department has said the most likely form of draft is a special skills draft, probably of health care workers.[69]
This has been an undeclared war for sometime. As of now the war has been declared anyone White or otherwise(many doctors being asian) who does not understand this is doomed.
I predict there will be obvious and not so obvious attacks against the system. Just as blacks weasled their way into government jobs to only be utterly incompetent there by stresing the system wait until Whites make a deliberate attempt to stress and crash a system.
Make no mistake this is war. Underground movements will appear tough times are ahead. Joe MacCarthy was right Communists have infiltrated all levels of education and government. We need to resist.
This has been an undeclared war for sometime. As of now the war has been declared anyone White or otherwise(many doctors being asian) who does not understand this is doomed.
I predict there will be obvious and not so obvious attacks against the system. Just as blacks weasled their way into government jobs to only be utterly incompetent there by stresing the system wait until Whites make a deliberate attempt to stress and crash a system.
Make no mistake this is war. Underground movements will appear tough times are ahead. Joe MacCarthy was right Communists have infiltrated all levels of education and government. We need to resist.
Why not use the Cloward-Piven Strategy in reverse? The Cloward-Piven Strategy intended to overload the welfare system so that it would be replaced with a guaranteed annual income so that poverty would be ended.
What if productive Whites did this to overload Obama-RobertsCare? Don't pay the penalty or tax, get the subsidized care and blatantly abuse it seeking treatment for the slightest (or imaginary) sniffle. It would overload the system, deny the parasites the benefits they think they should get. Think of it as civil disobedience.
Anonymous So CAL Snowman said...
So what happens when all of the ER doctors, physicians and their staff in the african/mexican inner city hospitals QUIT and REFUSE to work? What happens when these people just decide to relocate to a nice majority white area? The government cannot force a doctor to work in an african/mexican hell hole (at least not yet).
June 29, 2012 4:04 PM"
Got your Student Loans paid up there White Doctor? You remember that it was all rolled into Obama's (Peace be upon him) Health Care law. Those monthly payments, well you don't want it to go into default, eh? Be good and don't be racist or we will pull your DEA license and you won't be able to write Prescriptions. Ruin you? Why no! We just want to "review" your status. Cooperate comrade, or you will only be able to practice with a 5 year stint in the Peace Corps. Next we will pull your Hospital privileges in our Government run Hospitals. Oh, by the way, I hear the IRS would like to do a 5 year audit of you and your family.
Oh you will cooperate! Great, just attend these sensitivity classes and if you pass, we will give you back your Medical License. Have a nice day, Whitey.
There's no way to have a colony on Mars. Humans can't survive a journey through the Van Allen radiation belt...
"The government cannot force a doctor to work in an african/mexican hell hole (at least not yet)."
"The United States must have an industrial and technological base capable of meeting national defense requirements and capable of contributing to the technological superiority of its national defense equipment in peacetime and in times of national emergency."
Just a rant:
This is what it felt like before and after SBPDL. Before was before immersion, after is obvious.
Watch the video, before immersion I bought into the WSJ bullshit. Then I saw what it meant to me.
''Paul Kersey'' do you think that the WSJ snobs give a shit about you?
I do. And I pray you stay safe.
But if necessary, flee CO.
There are those who can help, just ask.
I would PAY to see the Government "draft" doctors to go work in the inner city hell zones! Again they CANT FORCE THE DOCTORS TO WORK! If it came to the point where the government actually had to draft doctors to work with minorities, I think Affordable Health Care would be low on the list of worries.
Van said: "$2,000 annual tax if 35% of your patients aren't minority"
Could you please be more specific, that does not really tell me anything. Does that refer to private practice or Hospital care? Is it a tax on the hospital or the individual doctor?
“Larry Brinkin Week” in honor of his advocacy.
but I think since hes a major anti white figure....here goes
San Francisco Examiner :
Brinkin, who has a longtime partner and a teenage son, retired in 2010 after working for 22 years with the San Francisco Human Rights Commission
Brinkin retired from the Human Rights Commission in 2010, and has been a beloved member of the gay community, with the Board of Supervisors even declaring the first week of February as "Larry Brinkin Week." At the time of his retirement, he earned more than $135,000 yearly.
Upon his retirement, Dufty introduced a Board of Supervisors resolution declaring the first seven days of February 2010 “Larry Brinkin Week” in honor of his advocacy.
Carmen Chandler, the vice president of that all-volunteer board, called Brinkin a “consummate professional” and said she was stunned when she heard about the arrest.
We put in a call to Theresa Sparks, executive director of the Human Rights Commission, told us this allegation is "beyond hard to believe.""It's almost incredulous, there's no way I could believe such a thing," Sparks told us. "He's always been one of my heroes, and he's the epitome of human rights activist -- this is man who coined phrases we use in our daily language. I support Larry 100 percent, hopefully it will all come out in the investigation."
The warrant claims these e-mails contained images of children as young as perhaps a year old being sodomized by and performing oral sex on adult men. [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
Zack3737@aol.com -- whom the police allege is Brinkin -- provided graphic commentary on the photos of interracial adult-child sex. Comments included "I loved especially the ni--er 2 year old getting nailed.
Hope you'll continue so I can see what the little blond bitch is going to get. White Power! White Supremacy! White Dick Rules!"
Read more at the San Francisco Examiner: http://www.sfexaminer.com/local/crime/2012/06/child-porn-arrest-gay-rights-activist-stuns-san-francisco#ixzz1z7bPFoUE
Off topic (but not really): Bullied Bus Monitor's Revenge:
… the Greece Central School District announced four of the students involved will be suspended.
A statement from the district reads:
Following individual meetings this week with school and district administrators, each family waived their right to a hearing and agreed to one-year suspensions from school and regular bus transportation.
In addition, each of the four children will be required to complete 50 hours of community service with senior citizens and complete an anti-bullying program. The boys have also issued apologies to Klein.
The incident unleashed a flood of support for Klein, including an online campaign on Indiegogo.com where people can donate to send Klein on the "vacation of a lifetime." As of this writing, the campaign had raised a jaw-dropping $667,334.
Again, being shackled in a room stocked with baseball bats still seems like the better option. A few "bunts" would get the message across.
Humans can't survive a journey through the Van Allen radiation belt...
Apollo missions 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 all sent humans through the Van Allen belts. If you make the trip fast enough, you don't get enough radiation exposure to do harm.
This is probably the sort of "nitpicking" that drives Zenster nuts, but if the voices of reality fail to oppose nonsense wherever it appears and swat it down, you wind up with things as disconnected from reality as the "anti-racist" part of the modern Left.
Zenster said...
"...Which just goes to show that racism has always brought value to those who practice it..."
I'd like to practice racism by selling racism credits (you know, kind of like Al Gore and his goofy "carbon credits"). I think it would be a big hit with DWL's and SWPL whites.
It works like this: Say you're at work, and you tell a, er, "American of proud African heritage" joke. You boss hears you, calls you into his office, and is getting ready to fire you. You whip out your MassaCard™ ("It be ever'where you be, yo"), and he runs it through the card reader. He looks at you and says, "This thing only has three credits left on it. Either charge it back up or watch your mouth. Go back to work."
Anonymous said...
"Why not use the Cloward-Piven Strategy in reverse? The Cloward-Piven Strategy intended to overload the welfare system so that it would be replaced with a guaranteed annual income so that poverty would be ended.
What if productive Whites did this to overload Obama-RobertsCare? Don't pay the penalty or tax, get the subsidized care and blatantly abuse it seeking treatment for the slightest (or imaginary) sniffle. It would overload the system, deny the parasites the benefits they think they should get. Think of it as CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE (emphasis mine)."
June 29, 2012 6:11 PM
Actually, the power of this strategy is that it would be, ironically, an act of CIVIL OBEDIENCE! Submit and obey? OK, let us Whites submit and obey the hell outta the system. Play the system better than the blacks. Apply for every grant, assistance program, and federal gub'ment dollar you can. Revolution via the system's own rules. Whites can and will survive the fall of this evil empire. Blacks cannot and will not. It will be painful at first but in the long run it will prove to be an unavoidable cost.
Bobby my boy, that one of the most ridiculous ideas I ever read. Ok Bobby you first. Yeah I thought so all type , no balls.
Mr. Oculus has seen the light and followed the path that we all here on SBPDL should follow. His insight and actions speak true pride in self and our blog community. Take heed to his directional prodding and go down this glorious path layed out in grand splendor. Do not sit like a brown turd on the side of the road. Go forth in the "III"'s line of sight. Onward.
Yep. You are screwed.
Whiskey: This is the Dred Scott decision. Opening Bell to Civil War.
There is not enough money, even WITH explicit rationing to only Blacks, Hispanics, and elites, to cover ObamaCare. The act itself simply hollows out employment in the US, pushing nearly everything that can be overseas where there is no such health care cost per employee.
So the burden will fall extremely rapidly on the White middle class. Which WILL fight over money if nothing else. Hence, civil war.
Interesting point. I am doubtful, though. The white middle class has been looted steadily since 1965. They have no freedom of association at all. Their freedoms of speech and from unreasonable search and seizure are now vastly curtailed (and soon to disappear altogether) yet the best they could do was the laughable tea party - who managed to elect Republicans to congress who've essentially given D'Won Mocha Messiah everything he asks for and more. No spending cuts, Obamacare fully funded, no cutting of funds for Eric Holder's out-of-control DOJ. For maggot-encrusted icing on their fecal cake, they authorized the so-called "president" - a John Doe known as Barack Hussein Obama - to kill US citizens at his sole discretion anywhere on the planet (including within the USA) for any reason or no reason whatsoever. This is not even to mention the ramping up of the zebra intifada. How many whites have been slaughtered now as "justice for Trayvon"? 25? 30? 40?
The white middle class is largely oblivious to all of this. As long as the ESPN, reality-shows, drugs, booze, and loans from Bankstas to buy crap they don't need continue to flow unabated they simply cannot be bothered to face reality. As Auster (once again) points out: The Repukes and the legions of dumbass dystopians who follow them are in full-blown denial of reality. Even the more politically involved ones are either in total la-la land or they are actually wolves in sheep's clothing. I suppose of they actually had to face starvation a few of them might wake up, but most will gladly choose to follow the recommendation of smiling negro DHS officer with the MP-5 machine gun to take a ride to the nice FEMA facility down the road for a free hot meal and medical checkup, courtesy of Dear Leader Obama. After all, the smiling negro to very polite and probably even wears a nice neat suit, is well-groomed and faithfully attends religious services all the time - just like his brethren in San Francisco back in 1974. Arbeit macht frei.
Not celebrating The 4th. How disrespectful to our great country can you be. Shame on you Simon, excuse me, I mean Sheila. God Bless America, her allies and all of her citizens including you. You are so lucky to be American (if you really are and not a perpetrator), wake up to realization.
"SBPDL". Everyone blogging here seems extremely disgruntled. P.K. change the site name to something appropriate and reflective of your bloggers' sentiments. I honestly think your website's title is inaccurate.
I suspect that most physicians already know that Darks are hopeless. Force them to deal with the dregs, and they'll do only the necessary minimum. But they can do much worse for the DWLs. Doctors make life and death decisions. How would like for your doctor to secretly hate your guts? I know that if I were in a position to save an enemy's life, I'd take a nap.
To label the Negro race as worthless is to over value them. They drain the resources of every modern society unlucky enough to host them. They are less than worthless.
Blackula Once upon a time Egypt was a leading civilisation then they got themselves black rulers. Can you spell D-E-T-R-O-I-T?
SoCal Snowman: "Van said: "$2,000 annual tax if 35% of your patients aren't minority"
Could you please be more specific, that does not really tell me anything. Does that refer to private practice or Hospital care? Is it a tax on the hospital or the individual doctor?"
It was really more of a joke. But considering how they strong armed the banks into opening franchises in minority neighborhoods and giving loans to poor blacks/latinos with little probability of repaying, I don't think anything is off the table.
The link I posted later is to an executive order signed earlier this year authorizing the President to declare a national emergency and conscript workers to meet needs as the government deems necessary.
It doesn't seem beyond reason that the condition of blacks relative to whites could be deemed a "national emergency" requiring massive government action. Or, more specifically, the conditions in many inner cities could be declared a national emergency.
So what happens when all of the ER doctors, physicians and their staff in the african/mexican inner city hospitals QUIT and REFUSE to work?
@Cal Snowman:
It's already happening.
Unintelligibly accented, culturally naive, lesser prepared physician recruits from China, Africa, India, are being imported to fill the widening urban hospital staffing void.
Physicians' Assistants, Advanced Practice RNs, even EMTs may also act as primary clinicians in these ERs.
Post inital triage assessment, an ER pt's only caregiver might be one of the latter group, unless he/she presents with a severe head injury, gunshot wound, cardiac event, or equally emergent issue.
In Mexifornia, under-compensated urban ER Depts, Trauma Centers, and hospitals are closing, many of the remaining left open are Third World patient swamped, and regrettably, staffed with job hating, disaffected robotic physicians and nurses.
It is a crisis, and Obama Care will not staunch California's Medicaid, freebies care financial ex-sanguination and physician defection.
In uberlib Moonbeam Gov. Brown run Calif., already neck deep in illegal alien/legal immigrant indigents, trans-generational black gibmedat, welfare breeders, and those formerly working class unfortunates who have lost their jobs, the bleeding wound will deepen, mark my word.
As I type this during a pause in the action, I am hearing elder colleagues discuss early retirement, the younger docs consider resignation, hiring on in an exurban hospital that serves a civilized demographic; a zip code where they are not at risk for being assaulted by a patient, his/her family, or thug mugged as they walk to their cars after shift.
An ongoing source of dark humor here: DWL and MSM absurd belief in and journalistic insistance on the myth that blacks and 'spanic legals & illegals' are 'victims' of diminished access to health care. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I wish a gaggle of these delusional lib-bots would spend a month up close and personal, observing our burgeoning case load.
Each ER visit, we refer the uninsured and indigent to county clinics for follow-up care.
It's useless. Blacks will not keep a scheduled clinic appointment, preferring use of the ER as doctor's office. One black had the temerity to tell me primary doctors and appointments are 'white things."
Free clinic appt. no-shows are a waste of county time and money; there is no recovery of funds for "failed appointments." Everybody loses. Blacks don't care.
Chalk if up to more SBPDL: scheduled doctor's appointments.
FTR: 'Spanics are better at keeping appts.
Well, here in Colorado, there will be no 4th of July celebrations. Just as well, since I no longer attend large gatherings with my children. We watch the fireworks from a safe distance these days. Plus, nothing to celebrate as our true liberties have been long ago forsaken. Ah, but we still have the right to fuck whom we want, when we want and how we want - is this a great country or what?!
On a serious note: Part of preparation is keeping yourself healthy. Lose that extra weight. Stop smoking. No drugs. Stop abusing alcohol. If you are white, you must remain in the best health possible moving forward. Your government will not take care of you. No matter your age, get yourself in shape - start walking and cut down on those sweets and starches. We can no longer afford the luxury of bad health and poor conditioning. I'm not talking about working out at the gym - screw that. I'm talking about walking and eating right.
Give yourself 6 months to a year to get into decent shape, but do it. If you are a lard ass (as I was) lose that weight! I lost 80 pounds. Have never felt better. Just cut out the sweets and starches.
You owe it to yourself and your family. And you'll need to be in decent condition when the wheels come off.
I've disagreed with others here about the true extent of our problem, and haven't really agreed with the "hope for the crash" approach. I've held out hope that our civilization could be saved through the political process.
I debated 10mm regarding the best approach to protect oneself after a self-defense shooting. After Zimmerman was arrested, I had to concede that we were in far worse shape than I thought. His arrest simply did not result from an application of existing Florida law, but from the demands of an unruly mob, and a desire to follow what liberals believe is a higher moral good - the promotion of supposedly oppressed peoples over their oppressors.
I thought the Supreme Court would apply the Constitution to both the Arizona immigration and Obamacare cases. Any honest reading of the Constitution would lead one to see that the Court simply invented a rationale to rule as they did. The final nails were put in the coffin this week.
I was never a fan of W, but I thought his appointee justice (intentional little-j) Roberts would have ruled correctly. I'm no fan of the GOP, but thought there was enough true conservatism left that with a lot of work we could save the Republic. I disagreed with Bogolyubski (who has hurt my e-feelings by not responding) about this.
But the arrest of Zimmerman, supreme court (intentional, again) decisions, Obama's fiats on immigration (DREAM and giving AZ the finger), the AG halting S Carolina and Texas voter ID laws and telling Florida not to purge its voter rolls (temporarily allowed t proceed), have shown that we simply do not live under a government of laws.
Unfortunately, the collapse is unlikely to be so dramatic as to destroy the existence of government. There will be no Mad Max scenario. It will simply be a collapse of the economy, the destruction of the middle class, the need to institute martial law with the associated infraction of basic Constitutional rights like gun ownership.
The only hope is that black on white crime does in fact become apparent leading up to the election, Obama continues to make this a whites vs. everyone else issue, whites vote overwhelmingly for Romney, blacks and latinos riot, and we re-order our society in response.
An Obama re-election or a peaceful Romney win spells the end of freedom.
Yet another violent attack, this time on a white American in South Africa. Pretty amazing that the media actually reports the race and includes pictures this time. ;-)
Can we once and for all time, dispense with the belief (hope) that Republican appointees to the SCOTUS are a reason to vote Republican? I submit the following names:
Charles Evans Hughes,
Earl Warren,
David Souter and last but certainly not least,
John Roberts.
Mutant Swarm: You whip out your MassaCard™ ("It be ever'where you be, yo"), and he runs it through the card reader.
Pure comedy gold.
So, we could have been on Mars and we just barely made it to the moon.
Anonymous said...
"Bobby my boy, that one of the most ridiculous ideas I ever read. Ok Bobby you first. Yeah I thought so all type , no balls."
I assume you are talking to me. But I will also address the poster who called out Sheila.
In my opinion, the U.S. Constitution, and hence "America" was dealt a death blow in the 1930's when FDR threatened to pack the USSC for striking down almost all of his socialist programs. Not a one of them helped end "The Great Depression". Almost all economists agreed by the late 70's that they had served to prolong it. But, FDR, like Obama, got his way. The Court did an about face and started approving his programs. That lead to, eventually, the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 War On Poverty. Both of which, I might ad, JFK and his brother Bobby, were against.
Since 1965, we have pretended to live in "America". we have fought one unconstitutional war after another. Each and every day since then, at all levels of government, our rights and the restrictions on government's intrusion into our lives have slowly but surely been rescinded. We have been forced to subsidize the malevolent behavior of blacks. Forced to let them into or formerly white neighborhood schools. Forced to look the other way while those school girls were pimped by malevolent blacks. Forced to look the other way while white children were preyed upon by these same blacks in these same schools. Forced to look the other way when they began destroying our neighborhoods. We have been denied our natural and God Given Right to Freedom Of Association. I remember when the Irish in Boston tried to fight back (against what was declared unconstitutional in 2004) against "Busing" and the National Guard was ordered to beat them up and beat them back.
I remember much. I remember when we still had Freedom Of Speech and were still allowed to call a spade a spade without fear of losing one's job or being permanently ostracized and our children forced to suffer psychological torture because of those beliefs. I remember when a POS like Al Sharpton was publicly laughed at and ridiculed. I remember a time when forced indoctrination seminars were prohibited--such as "diversity training". When all Americans could see the evil in it and would have spoken out against it. I remember when illegal aliens were denied access to public welfare and were called, variously, "wetbacks"--for swimming the river to get here, "mules"--for packing illegal drugs across the border. I remember the public acknowledgment of their collective reprobate behavior and violent/criminal behavior. I remember the once fervent desire to see them arrested and removed because all knew that Mexico was a shit hole because Mexicans lived there.
I remember a time when the President was just a President, charged with enforcement of the Nation's laws. Now he has become a de facto dictator, making laws that will destroy the white people in this "nation".
I could go on forever, as the list really is endless, but I will sum with this. That I lastly remember we were once a Nation, a Nation that was 87% European, a Nation that was beautiful and wanted to retain its European face--it was enshrined in immigration law prior to the 1965 "Immigration Reform Act". We were proud of our Nation, we were proud to be Europeans and happy to keep it that way. Now, we are nothing. We are a tyranny that forces the culture and abhorrent behavior of "the other" down our European throats and forced our children to submit to human refuse and false history.
All that the SCOTUS did in the last two weeks was remind us that we have no Freedom Of Association, such that we cannot even decide who may or may not enter our nation and take from our children. They reminded us that we no longer live by rule of law and can be forced to pay for the "welfare" of those who do not belong here.
America, RIP. Born, July 4th, 1776, Died, July 4th, 2012.
For those who doubt I will dig a hole in a public park in full view of everyone there on the 4th of July (as I cannot interpret Anon's post as anything other than a challenge) I suggest you search Auster's site for "Robert B" Koran" and see my burning of the Koran after soaking it in bacon fat a few years back. Lawrence was brave enough to post it in totem.
How was that daring? All blogs record the ip of the poster. Lawrence uses his real name and his blog, due to "anti terrorism" laws can be invaded at anytime and the poster made known. This is especially true of email.
My last post on this thread.
Obamacare was not about blacks getting free medical care--they get it now under medicaid.
It was about forcing us to pay for the medical care of immigrants, both legal and illegal. This was done because, as was pointed out above, they are breaking the financial backs of every county in America where they live. Democrats began calling for reform, for this reason, 12 years ago. Were Americans allowed the truth concerning the vast monies involved in medical care for the ignorant third world masses, they would have fought back harder. But they were lied to in many ways, shapes and forms. Especially as to how those with insurance, or white, were being forced to subsidize the migrant health care through hospitals over billing them.
the reason why the law forces whites to subsidize the insurance companies is because the insurance companies were complicit in this over charging and threatened to expose to protect themselves. I know, my brother was involved in it 14 years ago on a municipal level as even municipal employees were being forced to subsidize it.
"Part of preparation is keeping yourself healthy. Lose that extra weight. Stop smoking. No drugs. Stop abusing alcohol. If you are white, you must remain in the best health possible moving forward."
Excellent advice, Ivan.
I would add:
-Get enough sleep
-If you're near-sighted, consider lasik surgery and keep a spare pair of glasses on hand.
-Take care of your teeth
-Take care of your feet
Both Kylie and Ivan Shatov - great minds, etc. I've been trying to get back into shape for months now. After seeing an endocrinologist and getting some enormous assistance, I finally feel I'm capable of losing the weight I've gained. I keep reminding myself I need to be physically strong, to be able to hike long distances if necessary, to be able to handle the chaos that's coming. Your point about lasik was also good (I don't need it but we recently took care of our older son's eyes). I don't know how people stock up on pharmaceuticals when their dosage is so controlled (and the cost so prohibitive), but I wonder how many will survive without the cocktail of pills they pop each day to maintain illusory "health." And making prescription glasses and pills is another one of the White man's "magics" that blacks will be unable to maintain.
nameispointless - spot on re doctors' future. I noted at Vox Popoli that it's going to be like England, at least to begin with. Obamacare will be staffed with a full complement of Filippina nurses, Nigerian doctors, and other assorted Pakistanis and Iranians. Those White doctors who choose to remain in business will go fully private, cash-only (a number have already done this). Once they refuse to grant medical licenses to those who don't participate in D'Won's plan, many of those White doctors will set up bases overseas. A commenter at Vox said he and his wife were looking into just that - there's already plenty of medical tourism, but with foreign doctors. This will mean that those Americans wanting quality, White, medical care will have to fly to Costa Rica or Belize and pay full cost for an American doctor. Those who can't afford it probably won't survive their first brush with serious disease or trauma.
"Resist we mutch!"
"It [Obamacare] was about forcing us to pay for the medical care of immigrants, both legal and illegal."
So now we MUST make them legal so they can pay their "fair share."
The US government [BRA] is a screw that goes in no matter which way it's turned.
Anon (7/1, 2012 7:19 AM): So now we MUST make them legal so they can pay their "fair share."
The fact that these "undocumented aliens" are here illegally automatically implies that they are willing to break the law. Presuming that by giving them documents they will magically become law-abiding citizens is foolish at best.
Most illegal immigrants come from far more corrupt cultures and import that corruption to America with them. They then proceed to work under the table, understate their income, abuse the welfare system and game every last imaginable angle there is to be played.
Thinking that these "illegals" will suddenly transform into productive, contributing citizens is the worst form of cultural relativism.
Anonymous said...
This sentiment is perfectly captured in black artist Faith Ringgold's piece "Flag for the Moon: Die Nigger
yes...another marxist college professor, being paid to f'up the usa.
we owe them nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Martial law can seriously drag down productivity but not in the way riots can. The USA is going to go through a long slow death scenario. Don't fall into the Phoenix myth; i.e., the idea that societies collapse and burn but rise again better than ever. Doesn't happen. Entropy will not be laughed at.
There will still be a lot of party time left but the party goers will all arrive in old creaking busses and rusted out taxis. In two or three generations it'll seem normal. Beatings at roadblocks and shakedowns by cops will be the stuff of everyday conversation.
Sorry to.go.off topic but President Obama is going to win a reelection.
"On the eve of the Apollo 11 launch, July 15, 1969, Abernathy arrived at Cape Canaveral with several hundred members of the poor people to protest spending of government space exploration, while many Americans remained poor.
This illustrates several things about Abernathy et alia:
* They assume that poverty will be ended by massive government spending.
* They do not see the answer in entrepreneurship or private enterprise on their own part.
* They (apparently) see no connection between their own behaviors (illegitimacy, violent crime, lack of culture of education) and the perpetuation of poverty.
* The behaviors cited above (illegitimacy, etc.) have all accelerated in the last 42 years.
* Meanwhile, the USA has pretty much dismantled its manned space program, and has spent incredible amounts of public moneys on the war on poverty--yet the country ends up with major cities being trashed, e.g., Detroit.
This 4th of July I will have my flag flying upside down in hopes of any neighbors stopping by to "correct" it. I will then explain why it's flying upside down.
Its funny, to tell you the truth no one I know like's black American's or white American's and i have traveled extensively. Just listen to you people. Absolutely disgusting. Everything has to be about race with you people. America is truly a hell hole that needs to fall. You are nothing but a set of divisive people.
The uptighty whities are too busy stuck in the matrix bickering about right-wing or left wing, liberal or democrat when at the end of the day both sides are run by the same people. Your builderburgs, your rothschilds, your rockerfeller's and etc.
The blackies are too busy gang banging in the streets to even pay attention to whats going on in the grand scheme of politrixs.
You Americans should really look to your neighbors in the north for inspiration. Canada: Good whites, blacks, asians, browns, Hispanics get along in peace it is truly a beautiful place.
Looks like the elite ruling class are doing a good job of alienating American whites, blacks, and Hispanics into thinking everyone is against them. Perfect for their impending race war. A bunch of useful idiots are we? sad.
So it's not a worldwide problem with race, it's just the U.S.
Heh. Maybe you need to read more Mark Steyn. Sorry, but the U.S., failing as it is under obeyme, does not need to look to Canada, which has problems of its own. One good thing abut them is that they (finally)seem to have a more conservative government than we do (without a treasonous foreigner at the head.) But if you really think all reaces get along and love each other in Canada....All I can say is, no, I'm not interested in that rainbow-colored unicorn you're trying to sell.
Oh, one more thing. Since you've done YOUR "gallup poll," and now want to inform us that "most of the world" doesn't like us, may I aslso recommend reading a little U.S. and world history along with that Mark Steyn assignment? Then come back and tell me why we should not be proud to be Americans, from the country that has done more for freedom than any other.
P.S. Most of us don't care for people who insult our country and brag about themselves and their "extensive" travel. Learn some freakiong manners.
Anon at 8:37 AM, July 9 says "Everything has to be about race with you people". No, silly, we come here to discus racial matters. We discus other things at other places. Do you think we do nothing with our lives but comment here? I'd hate to imagine how I'd keep my job and tend my garden if that were so.
If Canadians are so content to see their country overrun with non-Whites, why does the government persecute dissenters?
Of course, I don't believe for a minute that all these foreigners mix together nicely with Whites in Canada, any more than they do here. Just like here, they pull their crap and the regime calls it "diversity" and dares the White sheep to argue. Just watch, for example, the Chinese take over Vancouver, and see how welcome you are in that corner of your own country.
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