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Rules? What rules? How dare you try and keep me from celebrating my baby's accomplishment! |
Commencement: the end of one thing, the start of another. High school and college graduation ceremonies offer the graduate an opportunity to reflect upon the time, effort and sacrifices put into earning their degree. Surrounded by friends and family, faculty, pomp and circumstance and the tapestries of pageantry, the graduate now holds a degree that will help them pursue their dreams.
Conversely, it offers the family members and brood of the graduate an opportunity to revel in the pupil's accomplishments. Proud parents, grandparents, uncles/aunts, brothers and sisters, cousins and girlfriends/boyfriends sit in rapt attention to bask in the moment of the graduate, living vicariously through that person’s accomplishments.
At every graduation ceremony across the nation --whether high school, college, or post-graduate work-- a simple request is requested prior to the festivities commencing: please hold applause until all graduates have been announced.
Though the graduation ceremony is an opportunity to honor the individual, the event is largely a ritual connecting the new graduates to the alumni and instilling bonds to the traditions that are unique to that institution.
At every graduation ceremony across the nation that simple request for silence goes unacknowledged by one group of people, and this subversive response to the laws governing civility is never on greater display then during this sacred event.
Black people find the rigid formality on display at graduation ceremonies boorish and fascistic, an encumbrance on their natural predisposition to be loud and extroverted, and instead subscribe to the theory of vociferous and thunderous applause once the name of their son or daughter is called.
The auditorium, stadium or arena hosting the graduation ceremony will reverberate with the intense cacophony of “hoots” and “hollers” once the Black student strides across the stage to receive their diploma, basking in the sounds of adulation from family members while white people look on in a stoic sense of mock disbelief (snickering privately at the outlandish outbursts).
Tonya Brown of Carolina Live reports a story that confirms all that you already knew:
Shannon Cooper cheered as her daughter walked across the stage to get her diploma from South Florence High School Saturday night, but just minutes later, Shannon was handcuffed and arrested.
"Are ya'll serious? Are ya'll for real? I mean, that's what I'm thinking in my mind. I didn't say anything. I was just like OK, I can't fight the law. I can't argue with the police, but I'm like are you serious? I didn't do any more than the others did. Which I feel like no one should have went to jail," said Shannon.
Florence police charged Shannon with disorderly conduct.
She said officers walked her across the Florence Civic Center, where the graduation ceremony was being held, in full view of everyone, including her daughter, Iesha Cooper, 18.
"Humiliation. I don't even think humiliation could describe how I felt. You know, because I feel from just my feelings and then looking at my daughter how she felt, I could take you know you know if I did something ,but like I said, yes they said you'll be escorted out no problem. I'll be escorted out. I'll go nicely because I'm gonna cheer. It was hard work. I went through so much to get her to this point you know," explained Shannon.
Her daughter, Iesha, said she didn't really know what was going on until friends told her her mother was being arrested.
"They're locking your momma up for cheering - and I was like that isn't right because other people was cheering and they didn't lock them up," said Iesha.
Police said it was announced before the ceremony that anyone who cheered or screamed would be escorted out of the building.
Florence police wouldn't speak to us about individual cases, but said the people who got disorderly when they were escorted out of the civic center were arrested.
"Disorderly conduct? What's the disorderly conduct? How was I so disorderly you know any different from just a happy parent? I didn't resist arrest, nothing," Shannon responded.
She said she waited in a police van parked outside the civic center for about 45 minutes until officers took her to the Florence County Detention Center. She said her daughter came outside and just broke down crying after seeing her mother in a police van on her graduation day.
"I couldn't talk to her or nothing. Nothing at all. Just look from in the van in handcuffs for cheering," said Shannon.
"That's all I can picture, me crying, looking at the police van knowing my mother is in there," said Iesha.
Shannon was booked at the detention center and stayed there for several hours until posting a $225 bond.
She said her graduation plans for her daughter had to be postponed, and what should have been one of the happiest days in her life was one of the worst.
"Yesterday can't be replaced. I'm gonna remember. She gonna remember for the rest of her life. My mama went to jail on my graduation day," said Iesha.Iesha is right: Yesterday can't be replaced. Nor can the fact that, like her mother, she will now become a full-fledged drain on the tax-payers of South Carolina.
America needs an enema.
I am so very sick of the TNB day in and day out. A drain to not only their home state but this country. It's a shame what the good 'ol USA has become.
A fat, ignorant, welfare recipient, who no one in their right mind would have as a partner.
Blacks will never understand the word decorum.
So glad I don't live near any.
bad news, folks. I attended my son's law school graduation in Philadelphia three weeks ago. The grads were 99% White but the crowd was every bit as obnoxious as any black crowd I've heard.
Poor excuses for White people.
Annoyed In Illinois
Yet another black college graduate who can't think, read, or write, but by damn she's edumacated 'n stuff! Decorum? That be White people sheeit. Her momma be in the poleese van and she couldn't talk to her or nothing!
Notice the maternal negro's face @ about 44 seconds. The idea of public civility does not register with these people...at all. The concept befuddles them, and it's for a reason. We all know why.
And it's really a shame that things are to the point that cops have to warn and arrest people for things like this, when all they have to do is be quiet and respectful until all graduates get their degree.
In their culture, being loud and boisterous brings brief status.
The behavior essentially reflects the polar opposite of Anglo-saxon values, or even those of broader European culture.
At first glance, this article might seem as if it makes a small, almost irrelevant, point about blacks simply annoying whites. Heck, the behavior could even be disingenuously framed as being heroic against the 'old stale elite etiquette' of ceremony.
However, Paul and the readers here know that there is much more to this seemingly uncontrollable impulse to disrupt and draw attention.
It's almost a perfect microcosm of the central problem.
On average, as the group, Blacks cannot abide structure. In other words, the rules of conservative ethics and behavior.
Whether these are:
the rules of decorum and etiquette,
the rule of law,
the rules of safe sex,
the rules of responsible procreation,
the rules of responsible parenthood (don't have kids if you don't have the human nor financial capital to make them well adjusted and educated members of civil society),
the rules of conservative family values (at the very least, don't fuck or curse freely in front of your kids)
the rules of personal property,
the rules of civic responsibility,
the rules of English grammar,
the rules of meritocracy,
the rules of home and property maintenance (the yard of the only black people on my block smells like dog-shit two houses away),
the rules of the road,
the rule of not disturbing the peace,
or the rules of non-violence.
The fact that you can go to any graduation ceremony in the nation, where the audience is even comprised of a modicum of blacks and expect to consistently observe this behavior, even when it is expressly prohibited, is telling.
They don't all do it, but a predictable contingent of them will never, ever resist this deviant behavior. This deviancy occurs at a much greater frequency than does the much more rare deviant behavior of the white population.
Likewise, a much greater contingent of blacks will NEVER, EVER resist breaking the more imperative rules of conservative behavior and civility.
This is the central problem.
I saw the headline of this article at another site and even before I opened the article, I knew what the offending woman would look like.
...and more stereotypical things. The daughter is 18. Aren't you supposed to graduate from high school when you are 17? The daughter also has a different last name from the mother.
Well at least it is the last graduation she'll be arrested at,at least for this earnest scholar.
Hey, African Americans -
When you act like wild f*%#ing animals, don't be surprised when you wind up getting caged. Just a little friendly advice from an evil white racist.
In the previous thread an Anon posted this:
Kids can eat for free in Clarke County this summer
Most of the comments were 'those who can see' who were saying ''why are we feeding them free (for kids) or subsidized to $3 (adults) lunches when they can (and likely do) get 'food stamps'?''.
This is an example of the phony 'compassionate conservatism' from the Bush family (and you think Robamneny will be any different?)
What they wanted, they got, another layer of ''help'' on top of other layers of ''help''.
And the DWL's still whine ''but it's not enough!''.
It will 'crash and burn' there is no other way anymore.
Damn it. How did our network of racist operatives allow a negro to get a diploma? A negro WOMAN. Did you learn nothing at the winter retreat? It's not like you have anything else to do but prevent black people from finding success. What an outrage. When I get back from my Keeping Negroes From Picking Up Trash In Their Own Neighborhoods class, there's going to be hell to pay. If our police operative hadn't acted so swiftly, they might have enjoyed the moment.
Nothing much to say here, except to note how increasingly draconian police measures are needed to control behavior in America. Consider the law enforcement effort needed to maintain order at street festivals and the like.
Then you look at the bigger picture and see how much of American law enforcement is sliding into the paramilitary and total surveillance mode. Even serving a search warrant may now require a SWAT team. How much of this slide is being forced by the inability of traditional consensual means to maintain social order, such as respect for simple rules and a sense of decorum? And this after half a century of "progress" in civil rights. The future is looking increasingly dystopian.
Blacks simply believe that the rules do not apply to them. I'm happy to see that finally some scholl district got smart and decided to enforce their rules for a change.
One would hope that this woman would now have been given a wake-up call that rules are meant to be taken seriously and that laws are guidelines, not sugestions. Sadly, her "I didn't do nuffin wrong!" attitude shows us that this is not going to happen.
Mom and daughter both communicate at about the 7- or 8-year-old level. Why should anyone expect their behavior to be any different?
A proper way to celebrate is to head to the Red Lobster and eat some "skrimps" in my humble opinion.
Freedom and "blackness" are incompatible with each other- the Black Expo made the erection of an occupying army necessary to keep order if I remember correctly..
Glad to hear her daughter came out of high school with such a firm grasp of the English language.
Every year, at the Nobel awards ceremony in Physics and Medicine, the Negro recipients' families are so demonstrative. Very distracting.
Why do I foresee another winner in the ghetto lottery in the near future?
Actions and consequences are not connected in the minds of many Negroes. They remain unconnected even when told before hand that there will be consequences.
She didn't say it, but it was implied. "I didn't do anything wrong, it's all YTs fault." She did say "I'm gonna remember for the rest of my life", she'll remember, but the message she should've learned will never sink in.
"...an encumbrance on their natural predisposition to be loud and extroverted."
I think of that every time they drive by blasting music loud enough to 1. literally shake their car, 2. travel from the road to my apartment building, 3. go though the building (I'm on the back mind you) and 4. go through my walls/windows where upon 5. it actually hurts MY ears.
One has to wonder if part of the reason blacks are so loud (not that they aren't naturally) is because they're all half deaf from playing horrible music at 200+ decibels and shouting at each other even when in the same room.
"Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them."
Thomas Jefferson
Frustrating as this may be, this is just a small misstep on the road to academic glory for Ms. Iesha Cooper. Soon, every major beautician academy in north central South Carolina will be lining up for a chance to matriculate this talented and articulate scholar. Fear not Shannon, the halls of academe anxiously await your precious progeny.
Pretty typical for blacks in our society - single mother whose name is different from that of her child, she and her recently-graduated daughter can speak proper English, rules that others follow don't apply to her, it is not her fault that she was made to suffer on this momentous day.
When, oh when, will the white majority (and we still are in the majority, folks) in this county stop pandering to these idiots and find a final solution to the problem of blacks in America?
As an aside, what is it about BIRTHDAYS and Blacks? I've noticed that aside from Christmas, this seems to be the Blacks' biggest celebratory event, especially at work.
This is a total surprise to anyone who hasn't seen the way that primates behave and communicate at the zoo.
I guess even other blacks have had it with ghet-TOE behavior - the chief of police is a black guy.
No ghetto lottery this week. Oh well, guess I'll go to Piggly Wiggly and see what's on sale...
Birthdays are important. It marks the anniversary of the day nine months from the last time anyone saw their father. What better way to celebrate mediocrity than their own birthday?
Someone asked what could she have graduated in seeing as she did not speak English and my submission is not weighing 350lbs.
there was a content editing mistake in my above post.
should have read:
"Likewise, a much greater contingent of blacks will NEVER, EVER resist breaking the more imperative rules of conservative behavior and civility in broader society."
Damn it. How did our network of racist operatives allow a negro to get a diploma? A negro WOMAN.
This is a classic straw-man fallacious argument designed to set up a fall-man, in this case our supposed (and nonexistent) belief that blacks (and women) shouldn't be allowed education. gmafb.
It is designed to distract from the real issue of black inability to adhere, on higher average within their group, to the rules of behavior in most situations. This inability to follow the rules can then be extrapolated out and seamlessly identified to their other demonstrated behavior in broader society.
That's the point.
Your self-held notion that your straw-man is a good argument, when it is readily disprovable, either illuminates to your average-to-low IQ or your half-hearted attempt at being disingenuous (liberals can't even be bothered to stick up for the blacks in a meaningful and rhetorically sound manner). Both situations are very typical of the people who disagree with us here. Hence, our POV grows into the wider population, both via virtue of sound argument and the ever increasing direct negative experiences of formerly blind/brainwashed liberals with black behavior and black politics.
Anon @ June 5, 2012 8:35
No doubt you are black & no doubt you are full of shit. I dont believe a word you just said.
The difference between graduating from High School at 18 with affirmative action & every other crutch a black can carry is a tad different than a "White" graduating from Law school WITHOUT break after break like 99.9% of blacks would get.
That was the tell. If you are going to come here & piss on our leg, you had better piss a damn site higher than the top of my boot.
...start shinning boy!
So, Paul, where are the 4 articles published at?
Going that wacko over your kid simply getting a high school diploma? Both my daughters graduated Salutatorian in their respective high school classes, and our family merely applauded politely both times. Can you imagine if Iesha had graduated with honors? (Yeah, I know...) Mama would have been swinging from the rafters doing a Tarzan yell.
Har! @Ray Scissom: "When I get back from my Keeping Negroes From Picking Up Trash In Their Own Neighborhoods class..."
Blacks used to be forced to behave correctly in the pre-civil rights South particularly toward white people.
In the North too, I've heard.
"Yesterday can't be replaced. I'm gonna remember. She gonna remember for the rest of her life. My mama went to jail on my graduation day," said Iesha.
But you still had to f&%k it up for your daughter anyway; right Mrs. Cooper?
If you got your stupid, ooking and eeking @ss jacked up, it's because somewhere in the printed program or signage at the event it informed attendees ahead of time that any refusal to hold applause would be regarded as disruptive behavior.
Incapable of refraining from TNB, you managed to ruin everything for yourself and your daughter. All those years that you "went through so much to get her to this point" and yet you could not take away from those years the one fundamental lesson of mutual cooperation for the sake of everyone's benefit.
All because, as everybody knows, "Makin' me respec others be rayciss!"
Sometimes the fact that black people are so loud can be an advantage to the person who has to hear them. I was working out in the yard using a 21' aluminum ladder to access tree limbs that needed to be cut when (from over 400feet away) I hear this black hood rat standing on a neighbors' porch say, "Man! He leave dat out dere tonight in de yard, I'm gonna get me dat!"
lol~ I think sometimes they just don't realize what loud mouths they are. Nor do they understand being told to hold it down either.
Yeah~ other people in the neighborhood who live closer to "that house" often complain that they're so loud that it's like having them standing in their living room when they're out on their front porch having "conversations"....or should I say bellowing?
Anon (5/5 9:08 PM): In their culture, being loud and boisterous brings brief status.
The same goes for howler monkeys. Am I sensing a pattern here?
Likewise, a much greater contingent of blacks will NEVER, EVER resist breaking the more imperative rules of conservative behavior and civility.
They do it because they can. Once upon a time they didn't used to but, then again, once upon a time there was Jim Crow.
For the past several years, I have attended a sixth-grade graduation at a local elementary school where my volunteer organization lends a hand with literacy outreach efforts. I enjoy assisting the teachers who definitely have their hands full w/ the demographic diversity represented there and the kids are well-behaved and very appreciative of the time we spend w/ them.
Anyway, the graduation is a hoot, altho' disturbing in some ways. Large women wander in 15 minutes after the announced start of the event, holding giant helium-filled balloons decorated w/ mortarboards congratulating the "graduates"; others are checking their iPhones and there is a fair amount of talking, moving about. It's kind of interesting to see the men there; one wonders if they got out of the workhouse for the day. Last year the couple sitting next to me would NOT applaud unless the child being called forward was black. I turned my head and stared "meaningfully" at them as I realized what was going on, but they ignored me. No point in getting upset w/ these turds. This is probably the last graduation they will observe.
Maybe white/Asian families should let them cheer their accomplished progeny and then stand up and cheer long and loud for the winners of academic prizes no matter what "color" they are. That might show the crowd what is important about the event.
Personally, I think this mother needs to be encouraged and congratulated, because she is clearly stepping up on the evolutionary scale.
All that was necessary for the police to do was handcuff her and escort her out. No tazers, billy clubs or pepper spray was needed. No Rodney King approach. How embarrassing would THAT have been?
No, she actually seemed to understand that the jig was up (pardon the pun).
Heil Hizzle Mein Nizzle said...
A proper way to celebrate is to head to the Red Lobster and eat some "skrimps" in my humble opinion.
Used to be a Red Slobster server, gladly it didn't last long, I still have nightmares of the gibsme's.......
"gibs me some extra ranch, extra bread, somb ob dem cheesy biscuts"
Horrible fllashbacks, I need a drink now.
Someone mentioned the sound of the drive-by rap music. The low frequency pulsating and pounding. It warns you on their approach. Not unlike the bizarre sound emitted by the alien war machines in Speilberg's War of the Worlds movie.
I am encouraged by one thing though. Perhaps it represents one uptick on the evolutionary meter.
She submitted to handcuffs and was escorted out uneventfully. Lawdy Lawdy! No Rodney King approach was necessary.
The jig was up (no pun intended) and she spared all of us the dreadful scene of a large scale chair throwing Denny's-style brawl.
Like graduating HS is such an accomplishment? Hell, with social
promotion it's impossible to NOT
graduate !
"America needs an enema."
They are called African Americans but they are actually Africans in America. Blacks have never assimilated into American culture nor American society. Blacks have their own colleges and universities, many grammar and high schools are totally black. They have their own TV channels, magazines, music, pageants, organizations, black leaders, and special laws and federal taxes that go just for blacks.
When blacks take over a city they destroy parts of the city if not all of the city. They change names in the city they take over from the names of people who built the city, parks, and buildings to names of blacks, usually the first black to do something or the other no matter how many others have been doing that thing for hundreds of years if not thousands of years.
Blacks amass themselves into cities to take over and avail themselves of freebies such as welfare, free transportation, and other tax payer services.Cities are the culture center for Whites but for blacks it's easy access to places to rob, and for easy access to victims, and then to run and hide.
Blacks even have a black congress. It's called the Congressional Black Caucus. It is only interested in blacks as are all blacks. Blacks are only interested in things blacks want.
Blacks have been making a one sided war on Whites and White society for a hundred years or more. If the body count means anything then blacks have managed to murder far more Whites than the opposite.
Of course it is Black Run America. Blacks will never assimilate into America. They may rule but they won't assimilate.
I'm glad you addressed this issue of the repugnant way blacks behave at high school graduation ceremonies. Their yelling and loud whooping is obnoxious and revolting. But yelling and being loudly jolly is their cultural norm, no?
I recently attended a private high school's graduation ceremony,and what a difference! The entire ceremony was dignified and stately. (Yet more validation that my sacrifices to send my kids to private school are worth every penny.)
They should do this at movie theaters too
I'm familiar with blacks cheering wildly at graduations, but I'm sorry - nobody should be arrested for it. If rudeness were a crime, there'd be 60 million more criminals in this country. I think this site has jumped shark with this post.
Black women seem to enter,after a relatively brief time spent being wildly promiscuous,a permanent zone of sexlessness. This mom is a fat pig. Could even a blacketty-black get it up for her?? She is fixated on her "doda". Her days of sex are over,it would seem. Her "doda" is young and for a black girl,nice looking. Hard to believe they are motha and doda!! Is Iesha geting it on with a coterie of young bucks?Will she have her keeyuds and settle into the fried-chicken life of a ghetto mom,get all fat,sexless, and hideous looking,her garish tatoos--like mommazz-the only reminder( aside form her keeyud,of course),of her wild times having orgasm???
Hot button issue here. When I taught at a Catholic school, the graduation was held in a church. The students were mostly Mexican. Whenever some parent would whoop it up, we teachers would mumble to each other, No wonder Jorge is such a pain in the ass. Can't even shut up in church!
I always wished that the Principal would drop the diplomas of the barn animals on the floor, and let the little donkeys pick them up.
I think that these people feel that making lots of noise is a way to honor their kid, that the grad would feel unloved if nobody made a nuisance of themselves.
>>>In their culture, being loud and boisterous brings brief status.
That's so very true. They come from a sub-culture were no one pays any attention unless you are the loudest one int he room.
Unfortunately I have several black women as employees in office. of course they exhibit all the pathologies one would expect. The yojngest one in particular seems to have no volume control on her voice. Not a day goes by that I don't have to call her down at least two or three times by saying "Indoor voice, please!". She just can't seem to grasp that the office enviorment is not one were you should be yelling and screaming.
of course you can imagine the sort of "go to hell" looks and occasional sassy remarks I get for the awful crime of trying to keep the enviorment proffessional...
"Ima cheer."
RIP decorum 15,000 b.c.-2012 a.d.
Again, I ask... What net benefit do black people provide to our civilization? We have an entire aisle of poisons specifically designed to target and kill dozens of creatures that are arguably less destructive or dangerous than black people at every home improvement store. What makes it most insulting is that we're not forced to pay for ants and cockroaches to move into our neighborhoods.
One finals week in college, as I was studying for a statistics final, two black male students had the audacity to bring their laptop to a quite study zone in the library and listen to music for their exam in Music Appreciation. I gave them the benefit of a doubt (for some reason, I still can't stop doing that) but finally confronted them about how it was a quite zone in the library and that it was disturbing me, to which I received the reply "But, it's like classical music." I found that to be hilarious. I had to further convince them that I was about to call the authorities in order to get them to leave.
Additionally, at my extremely majority white university, every semester the black fraternities and sororities have some type of get-together on the main lawn which also happens to be the main thoroughfare through campus. Inevitably the music gets extremely loud and a jungle dance party ensues. This last semester such wonderful lyrics could be heard blasting through campus: "Cooking dope, on the boat, at the same damn time. F*cking two bad bitches at the same damn time." No amount of complaining has ever gotten this behavior to change. This is the Ghettofication of Higher Education and it is appalling. I cannot receive a decent education without being bothered by outrageous blacks.
The way i see it, you let every child's name be clearly heard as they walk across the stage. When all names have been heard and all have their diploma's in hand, THEN raise the roof with applause. Very simple rules. But some are to selfish and want to scream and ook and ekk while the next childs name is drowned out.When a simple rule as this cannot be followed, imagine what happens to laws.
The way i see it, you let every child's name be clearly heard as they walk across the stage. When all names have been heard and all have their diploma's in hand, THEN raise the roof with applause. Very simple rules. But some are to selfish and want to scream and ook and ekk while the next childs name is drowned out.When a simple rule as this cannot be followed, imagine what happens to laws.
The way i see it, you let every child's name be clearly heard as they walk across the stage. When all names have been heard and all have their diploma's in hand, THEN raise the roof with applause. Very simple rules. But some are to selfish and want to scream and ook and ekk while the next childs name is drowned out.When a simple rule as this cannot be followed, imagine what happens to laws.
Sorry, Anon 7:48 a.m., my three very White children graduated from an overwhelmingly White high school and junior High and the behavior of our fellow Caucasians was deplorable.
When the youngest and brightest of our brood one graduated from a hugely White university in Iowa and then the law school in Philadelphia, we saw ther same asinine from our fellow Whites.
I asked my White doctor about this topic and he said the same thing happens at med schools where the grads are almost totally White.
There ARE White people who are sh**heads. If you don't believe this, then you are one of them, too.
Annoyed In Illinois
"Damn it. How did our network of racist operatives allow a negro to get a diploma? A negro WOMAN."
Ray, you are a fucking tool.
Oh, and your name sucks too...
"I'm familiar with blacks cheering wildly at graduations, but I'm sorry - nobody should be arrested for it."
Rules without consequences are pointless.
"Zero Tolerance" is meaningless unless it is enforced.
I'm perfectly comfortable with the negress being arrested.
"I think this site has jumped shark with this post."
So leave.
Temporarily off topic - Today is the 68th anniversary of D-Day.
Back to topic:
I think handcuffing someone for hooting about some kid at a graduation is a little much. I'm not saying that bizarre black behavior should be ignored either.
The bigger picture is the growing police presence all around us. The TSA on the highway, drones owned by local PD's and the EPA, the growth of SWAT, cops at schools, ad infinitum.
It's all apparently necessary now. Negro crime and general behavior, open borders, gangs. And the Feds and local LEO's are more than happy to step up the spending and involvement in every aspect of society in an attempt to control the lowest common denominator.
In order to keep us living together in this country, we're going to further construct a police state. And the worst part of that is, it's not going to have any impact on the crime and nuisance factor.
It's a mess. I want to return to 1965.
All this talk about People™ and noise reminded me of the living nightmare that was the 2010 World Cup. Auster and several of his commenters were equally dismayed by it (between jokes about whether Sarah Palin had a boob job or not). The quote (from LA) that came to mind was this:
''The complete lack of modulation in the loud noise fits what Eugene Valberg said in his talk at the first American Renaissance conference about his experience in an African hospital. The television on his ward was extremely loud. When he asked that the volume be turned down, it would be turned all the way off, in response to which someone else would turn it back on to full blasting volume. He asked over and over for people to turn it down a little, rather than all the way off, so that it wouldn’t keep going back and forth between off and full volume, but it didn’t happen. His point was that Africans had no concept of gradation. . It was either on all the way or off all the way. ''
As W74 noted, I too have heard those (what I refer to as) ''boom cars'' because that's all you can hear, for quite the distance, and it's indeed wall-shaking.
Zenster, remember reading that passage where the guy was trying to write a Swahili to English dictionary and asked ''How do you describe a coconut halfway up a tree?'' the answer was the word for ''up'' and nothing else.
Like I said about ''processed cheese food™'', not the same and generally inferior.
Scott said...
They should do this at movie theaters too
Or an even better idea...
Sorry, Anon 7:48 a.m., my three very White children graduated from an overwhelmingly White high school and junior High and the behavior of our fellow Caucasians was deplorable.
I've always thought polite applause or even a cheer at a reasonable level is fine, if it fits the setting (say, graduation in an arena rather than a church). Instead, the absolute line between celebration and rudeness is the duration - you must be done and silent before the next name is called. Not when the next name is called, before. Cheer all you want, but get it out of your system in those three or four seconds.
Just more TNB...of no "impulse control"...
Blacks will never understand the word decorum.
June 5, 2012 8:03 PM---
Oh, they have a working understanding of it; they just don't care. When they're in force, even small majorities, like at a graduation ceremony, they think they have the upper hand and will do things 'they' way.
Thank blacks, in part, for making the police far more authoritarian in the U.S. Of course, the police love having that extra power too.
Has there been any information released regarding this woman's criminal history? I've got a strong hunch that this isn't the first time that Iesha has seen her mother in handcuffs.
When my child graduated from a parochial high school, it was made very clear that the graduation ceremony was also a worship service, and there would be no photography except for the professional photographers, etc. The ceremony was very dignified, with no inappropriate noise.
Yes. I am a tool. Tools are useful and help get work done, unlike black people.
"As W74 noted, I too have heard those (what I refer to as) ''boom cars'' because that's all you can hear, for quite the distance, and it's indeed wall-shaking."
There's a white equivalent: riders of a particular make of motorcycle that shall not be mentioned. Hint: it is assembled in a city made famous by Schlitz beer if you believe ad copy.
In my view, there is not a lot of difference between a boom car and the obnoxious blatting of a loud exhaust, needless throttle blipping, etc. I don't cut the biker any slack because he's white; he is yelling "look at me!" every bit as loud as some negro with a loud radio.
"What makes it most insulting is that we're not forced to pay for ants and cockroaches to move into our neighborhoods."
Yes you do--maybe not the ants, but the cockroaches--yes. At least where I live. There are no cockroaches here unless you have blacks and or Mexicans. And now, with the Somalis, you have bed bugs.
"Temporarily off topic - Today is the 68th anniversary of D-Day"
Off topic--
It would also be my mother's 85th birthday. She died, incredibly enough, on December 7th. For someone from the WWII generation, that was almost amazing. She always claimed that Pearl Harbor was a set up by FDR. 30 years after her death, former President Hoover's massive history was published where he made the case--proving her right. She never liked FDR--she always referred to him as a communist.
OT- Saw this in the LA Times yesterday and found it on the internet. Just another NAIL in the Coffin of "equality."
Obesity Study: Exercise Benefits Black Girls Less Than Whites
Or as I like to call it: Study Shows that Exercise be rayciss and shit.
Fascinating Baltimore murder fact - 92 murder victims this year so far, only one white male:
Four dead, six injured in spate of shootings
"Monday morning. in Northeast Baltimore, police said 55-year-old Michael J. Sullivan was fatally shot inside his shop, Sully’s Seafood & Subs, in the 5500 block of Belair Road, in the Waltherson and Frankford neighborhoods.
Police said they were investigating a possible motive of robbery, though a spokesman said that valuable items had been left behind. The victim was from Harford County. The sub shop also functioned as a check cashing business and had lottery terminals. A customer found Sullivan’s body."
From the twitter feed of Justin Fenton, the reporter for the Baltimore Sun who wrote the article linked above:
Justin Fenton @justin_fenton
"Because many are interesting in demographics of city crime, it should be noted that Sullivan, the 92nd murder victim,is the first white male"
Of course, I wasn't there, and don't know what really happened, but, I can easily imagine that what happened was NOT simply that this woman did her little cheer and the cops rushed up, slapped cuffs on her and said "alright, you saw the sign, let's go". My mind's eye pictures it this way: Little Iesha walks up to gets her diplomas and shit. The mother jumps up and starts screaming like, well, like a negro at a graduation, or a movie theater, or anywhere else, for that matter. Someone, perhaps an officer or security guard or just the person sitting uncomfortably next to her asks her to please be quiet. We know what comes next. Total Chimpout.
A person doesn't get arrested for simply cheering at a graduation, rules or no rules. A person gets asked (then ordered) to leave. When that person puts on that all-too-familiar negro attitude and refuses to simply comply, THAT's when you get arrested for disorderly conduct.
A couple people have commented on Whites' rude behavior at graduations. No doubt true, but recall that Whites also commit murder, just not nearly as frequently as Blacks. I would, by the way, be perfectly happy to see Whites whose families disrupt graduation denied their diplomas until they completed 600 hours of community service picking up trash.
The larger issue is that tolerance for Dark behavior allows Whites to degenerate. Blacks are above serious criticism in the official culture of this country. They behave like assholes and get away with it, and are even held up as models. Young Whites quite reasonably wonder why they ought be the only ones following the rules. Humans are born savages and must be taught to be civilized. In past times, a parent could simply say to a child, "Those are silly Negroes and our kind doesn't act like that". Tolerance has stripped away that line of defense, and we see the results all around us.
The hooting and hollering at graduation doesn't bother me as much as the way they drive on the roads of Georgia as though THERE ARE NO RULES! They will speed down the turn lane then try to merge their junk cars into the lane going straight with those of us who wait patiently and follow the rules. Also, at grocery stores, if a new checkout lane opens up they move faster than I ever see them move to get checked out before those who have waited much longer. They are LOUD everywhere--especially on their iphones. Don't get me started on the shenanigans they pull in school. They have been trained that the rules don't apply to them and they laugh at all the white fools who play by the rules, because it's like NORMAL!
Another thing beyond their comprehension: democracy.
Try and guess the race behind these tweets.
Oh Yeah, Somebody Gone Shoot Scott Walker White Ass.—
6|Fourtheen|12( : (@_SpikesxSpandex) June 06, 2012
I wanna kill scott walker so fucking baddd!!!!! & the racist dumb assholes that voted for him #nbs—
FatBitchess&GoodWeed (@DomoSoloDolo) June 06, 2012
This woman didn't do nuffins...at least three times in the past 2 years.
Booking Date:June 02, 2012 20:52
Release Date:June 02, 2012 21:56
Arresting Agency:Florence City Police Department
First Name:SHANNON
Last Name:COOPER
Race:BLACK (B)
Gender:FEMALE (F)
Address:715 JAVA ROAD
Florence, SC 295051
Booking #:2010-00009129
Booking Date:November 24, 2010 12:15
Release Date:November 24, 2010 12:25
Arresting Agency:Florence City Police Department
First Name:SHANNON
Last Name:COOPER
Race:BLACK (B)
Gender:FEMALE (F)
Address:715 JAVA ROAD
Florence, SC 295051
Booking #:2010-00001432
Booking Date:February 23, 2010 11:10
Release Date:February 23, 2010 16:02
Arresting Agency:Florence County Magistrate Office
First Name:SHANNON
Last Name:COOPER
Race:BLACK (B)Gender:FEMALE(F)
I have had 2 sons graduate from High School in the last 7 years. The school system was about 85% White with a 50-50 split of the other 15% between blacks and browns. At both graduations, the speakers would clearly say "Please HOLD your applause until all the graduates have received their degree". The first several White graduates would cross. No noise. Finally, Sheboonika crosses and here comes the eeeking and oooking. Eventually a Pedro would cross. Aztec war whoops. After this had gone on for awhile, eventually Johnny Ray Trailerpark crosses and, since the black and browns had already set the precedent, we get White trash behavior. By the end of the ceremonies, there was a competition to see who could out-obnoxious the other.
Reminds me of some of the wisdom of that book:
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of DARKNESS, but rather expose them
"Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits."
Iesha's momma isn't the only one who got in trouble... http://amren.com/news/2012/06/mt-healthy-schools-students-family-cheering-was-excessive/
And, I've gone back and read a LOT of the archives, here. A lot! But can't find "TNB" spelled out. Is it "typical negro behavior?" [Is that word, "negro," allowed here, PK?] I think there are a couple of others I've seen and I'm not sure of, either. I do know what BRA is...
I cannot bear what America has become for much longer.
I loathe the africans, the african enablers and the african worshipping most of all.
God help us.
"My mama went to jail on my graduation day"
Great idea for a blues tune. Or perhaps a Rapper tune.
I agree with the person that wrote, "Blacks will never understand the word decorum." Everybody knows you aren't supposed to yell or cheer at graduation ceremony until the hats are thrown. This is common knowledge among civilized families. And if they even tell you not to do it? That women deserved to be ridiculed.
Black people know decorum. That's when they get pulled over in a stolen vehicle and say "de cor um my cousin done lent it to me. Oh I don't be knowin his last name. He just go by Davontellius. I in do nuffins fo real nomsayin."
Ahh, Discard @ 4:48 PM, I completely agree with you. Poor whites, while always vulgar, used to be more polite and respectful of their betters and authority--on the whole. And I would also blame the permissiveness toward blacks as the reason for the change over time.
And it will get worse, not better. But that all goes along with the philosophy of "Relativism" and Marxian ennoblement of the lowest order of society. That is what we live with--everything is proletarian, nothing is of what was once High Culture.
Quite depressing.
Typical black person.
So unbelievably selfish, that she makes her daughter's graduation day take a back seat to her need to be noticed.
The woman clearly says she was told what would happen were she unable to control herself until the end of the festivities. Yet STILL feels that it's more important for her to do WHAT SHE WANTS TO DO than to put her daughter's big day first. So instead of a having a pleasant memory for herself and her daughter, it becomes a ridiculous story of getting arrested.
And neither momma or daughter understand the most important lesson from it all. Typical... of retarded persons or children.
Annoyed at 2:56 PM: Harley Davidsons come from the factory with a good, effective muffler. Those 50-year-old juveniles have paid a few hundred dollars at least in order to make more noise. Why don't they just put playing cards in their spokes if they want to sound like a badass?
My own motorcycle is ancient, and the standard mufflers are a good deal louder than any current stock bike, but as a White man, I have the courtesy to lay off the throttle on city streets. The worst noise offenders around here are a few Negroes riding bling-laden hogs. They're lousy riders too, abusive of their machines and ragged in their handling. Stupidity is a package deal.
Discard @ 4:48 "The larger issue is that tolerance for Dark behavior allows Whites to degenerate."
Excellent point. We have seen a catastrophic collapse of public morality is South Africa since the fall of civilization in 1994. When you're sitting in gridlocked traffic and some Babuntu in a kaffir-taxi drives past on the wrong side of the road, then makes a turn across traffic, and the cops ignore it, many people conclude that the rules of the game don't apply any more - it's not the same game any more. It's just one more reason why we can never live with them under conditions of equality. They drag everything, including us, down to their level.
Americathedead: thank you for that research into her record. Note that she's been 37 years old since at least February 2010. It truly is a zombie apocalypse.
"I cannot bear what America has become for much longer.
I loathe the africans, the african enablers and the african worshipping most of all.
God help us.
June 6, 2012 5:55 PM"
You're not the only one. Whites want to act like negroes, talk like negroes, dress like negroes, worship negro sports stars, listen to negro "music".... it infuriates me. And anything seen as being "White" is considered uncool, to say the least.
The Negrification of America is nearly complete.
"My mama went to jail on my graduation day"
Yt put her in jail because she had something to say
Just like they did with Dr MLK
Just like they did with Kuntay Kintay
Well I got me a dose of those Graduation Day blues
Howard Johnson wrote "You're not the only one. Whites want to act like negroes, talk like negroes, dress like negroes, worship negro sports stars, listen to negro "music".... it infuriates me. And anything seen as being "White" is considered uncool, to say the least."
Howard: You have no idea how happy I am to be un-cool. I am typing this at the same time I have Vaughn Monroe and Patrice Munsel's "With a Song in My Heart" playing on YouTube. The only "black" music in my house is that of Ella Fitzgerald, Billy Eckstine, Jimmie Lunceford, Sarah Vaughn, and other black musicians that did REAL music.
As i jokingly say in a profile I have up on another site: I am so square I drive, and like, an American car.
At Anon June 6 @ 7:48
Hate to tell you but 'Annoyed in Illinois' is not full of shit.
Last year when my oldest son graduated from Wa. St. U (Where the graduating class was 95% white/asian) the families were whooping and hollering just as loud, and just as annoying, as any graduation I've ever been to. Many with whistles and air horns.
So this is not just a black thing, and if you don't believe it, I'd be more than happy to send you a DVD of the graduation ceremonies to prove it.
Missed my son's name last night because of some troglodyte's hootin' and hollerin'. About 5% of the Whites did as well along with 90% of NAM's. Despite warnings, no one was removed and worse, not ONE word afterward. Not even a verbal public shaming was to be had. Cowards. I was fuming.
Anonymous said...
I cannot bear what America has become for much longer.
I loathe the africans, the african enablers and the african worshipping most of all.
God help us.
June 6, 2012 5:55 PM
I totally agree. When we began giving passes to blacks for their inability to conform to the standards of civilised society, that was the beginning of the end. The next layer was "celebrating" such feral and savage behavior, because to merely express tolerance for it implies that a white (civilised) norm is a better standard and one to which they evidentaly cannot aspire. Younger whites raised in the "everyone is a winner" milieu see this and conclude, quite reasonably, that that's not "fair" (being that they're usually too young to see it as a compliment to them that they are held to a higher standard). Well, whatever we else we are, in the land of EQUALITY of EVERYthing, we must be "fair", at all costs. It's not in the generality of blacks to be better than they are, so to enact this spurious "fairness", everyone must be less than they are, to do other wouldn't be "fair" to the black savages. This is neatly comprised in one phrase- the "dumbing-down" of America-not just academically, but in sports, morality, expectations, pushing the sciences and discovery, social mores and standards, beauty, and on and on. EVERYthing is at the lowest common denominator, and we can thank black "culture" and their political panderers from both sides and from almost every niche in society for it.
I was watching Good Morning America today and they had this story. George Staphanoplous and Robin Roberts said well, we'll cheer for her and started clapping and whooping it up. It was only because she was black and we all know it.
Anonymous said...
I cannot bear what America has become for much longer.
I loathe the africans, the african enablers and the african worshipping most of all.
I go online and see denzl washingtons got a new movie..
Me I take a dim view of Hollywood and blacks in films...
they get pushed on people so on TV etc.
Discard: The larger issue is that tolerance for Dark behavior allows Whites to degenerate.
I think that Paul Kersey has already made it pretty evident how this is just part and parcel of Black Undertow.
That said, this point is an important one to remember because of the tremendous implications which follow in its wake.
As an excerpt from "The Naked Communist", by Cleon Skousen, here are but five from a list of of forty-five Communist Goals:
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
As can be seen, Black Undertow promotes many, if not every single one, of these agenda items. And, as Bogolyubski is so fond of noting, Blacks "lack the power, wealth and intelligence to control and operate BRA. While enemies for sure, it must be remembered that they are the lesser enemy." [emphasis in the original]
Nothing epitomizes the primitive and degenerate nature of Black "culture" so much as (c)rap "music". Small wonder that its cacaphonous siren song lures so many unacculturated White youth to their doom. It is a lowest common denominator media vehicle whose retrograde influence cannot be underestimated. (C)rap "music", with its glorification of criminality, misogyny, violence and casual sex is the national anthem of BRA.
FNC reported on this a few times earlier this week. Predictably, they were wringing their hands over it. Is there any videoape of this on youtube or wshh?
We have seen a catastrophic collapse of public morality is South Africa since the fall of civilization in 1994.
This was something I saw when touring SA back when apartheid was still in force. There was a good sense of public order in the cities, and a feeling of security even when out in the countryside. I was once driving through a back road in SWA and was more concerned about the ruts in the dirt track than about being shot at by SWAPO.
Granted, things might have been different in the townships. But the thing about SA was that you had an expectation that everyone would act within certain rules of decorum, even if they hated each others' guts. The result was a reasonable amount of civility, which kept otherwise difficult situations from exploding into open violence.
A lot of it, I think, goes back to the example set by the elites in setting the tone; this keeps the lid on a lot of more extreme behaviors. It may sound trite, but once people realize they can disrupt a graduation ceremony they go on to vandalism, carjackings, murder and torture.
Californian: But the thing about SA was that you had an expectation that everyone would act within certain rules of decorum, even if they hated each others' guts. The result was a reasonable amount of civility, which kept otherwise difficult situations from exploding into open violence.
Sounds an awful lot like Jim Crow to me. Funny that.
It may sound trite, but once people realize they can disrupt a graduation ceremony they go on to vandalism, carjackings, murder and torture.
However, we can still extract a soupçon of consolation from the fact that some, but not nearly enough, of them also go on to become scrappers who yank out one too many of the upright steel girders in a building or manage to grab a live 220 VAC copper conductor.
"All this talk about People™ and noise reminded me of the living nightmare that was the 2010 World Cup."
Oh gawd, you have reminded me of that nightmare.
For those of you unfamiliar, research "vuvuzela".
Best if you get the full effect -
Now, imagine this going on for the full game and the break between the halves - 2 full hours.
Of course, the "party" usually begins before the game, so this fantastic vuvuzela sound blared continuously for 3 or more hours.
Now imagine that you are a naive toourist/soccer fan from, say, Holland, or Spain, or Germany, or America, and you bought your dream package travel deal with stadium tickets to the first ever African based World Cup!
That is beyond cruel to wish that one someone - the whole spectacle, the whole every 4 years extravaganza ruined... by Africans.
I was stoked for that world cup - until I saw the pre game commentary being drowned by the vuvuzelas, and then watched the game, with the sports commentators being drowned, despite being boosted, by this atrocity.
I will tape (yes, I am a luddite) over that atrocious world cup with the (beginning in a few hours) Euro Championships...
Lets just say this - I am a soccer fanatic, and World Cup is akin to the Superbowl and the 2nd coming combined to me, yet I could not watch the 2010 African cup...
You can bet that millions of Euros became "those who see" after watching the 2010 cup...
Geez Zenster, I thought I was the only one left in America with a copy of "The Naked Communist". Good reading, is it not? Especially in light of when it was written and what has come to pass.
das all I could picture, me crying. WTF with their thought process.
you forget that rules and laws only are for whites only. Blacks are not to be touched or laughed at, they have the golden card, the RACE CARD
Robert B. and Zenster: Those old anti-Reds are sure looking prescient these days. Max Rafferty, California Superintendent of Public Instruction, was laughed out of office, but he was dead right about the intentions of the Reds to indoctrinate school children.
RobertB: Geez Zenster, I thought I was the only one left in America with a copy of "The Naked Communist". Good reading, is it not?
Actually, I do not own a copy but am aware of it due to that list I linked to. I'll have to round one up for my library.
Although many White Americans have for years become convinced that the government of the USA is monolithically composed of white-hating Eric Holder types, that is not true. There are many reasons to think the level of comprehension of the AA menace is high. Although the Alex Jones-type conspiracy nuts would have you believe the "FEMA camps" are for white people who think wrong, they are not. Nor did the drugs currently being consumed in the ghettos get there by accident, nor did the abortion clinics' outreach programs. I am not trying to encourage complacency, far from it, but a bit of restraint is in order.
The federal government will probably not try to take any one's guns away.
For instance, if you've noticed, there was a great hue and cry when NASA got colorized and had its mission changed to one of consolation of the fumbling Muslim world. Lo and behold within a couple of years we are now hearing, and seeing, about the private enterprise space missions and Mars colonies to come.
It is true that the African genome is different from the European and that the crucial difference in IQ is not insignificant nor impermanent. These truths are beginning to filter down into the popular media by the indirect method, as in stories which highlight the "benefits genetic engineering can have for certain groups".
Even on public radio one can hear shows on the "new urban agriculture reclaiming land lost to blight". Of course the language is so thick with code words you can spread it on bread but the message is there.
Anon at 6:08 AM: I agree. The top of the power pyramid knows the score on race, as you don't get to the very top by ignoring facts. In the last few years, racial reality has been seeping downward to the merely wealthy and influential classes. Nicholas Wade of the New York Times, for example, has written openly on racial differences, and kept his job. But it does not suit the interests of the powerful that the common White be allowed to speak truthfully, lest we reject the authority of those who have so damaged the country.
Still, it may well be that the ruling elites want only to limit the damage rather than end or repair it. A society run by and for the top 20% has a lot to recommend it, if you're part of that top 20%.
It is telling that the "graduate", when interviewed, could not even speak proper English.
I suspect that given the country of origin makeup of my daughter's high school graduation, the limit of two guests per student - note they say guests not family due to that same recital makeup - is to engineer a reduction in this type of behavior. It's certainly not for crowd control as only 43% of her class is graduating.
Discard: But it does not suit the interests of the powerful that the common White be allowed to speak truthfully, lest we reject the authority of those who have so damaged the country.
Excellent point and a good reason not to put too much stock in how it is overlooked when one pundit or another is allowed to let slip an occasional racial fart at the media dinner table.
Ignorant is ignorant no matter what race. Bottom line here, the rules were to sit down, shut up until after everyone got their diplomas. It's just simple instruction that couldn't be followed. In this case it happened to be a "stereotypical"
African-American female. Everybody in society is guilty of something one way or another but don't blame an entire Ethnicity on other individuals misjudgments. That alone is no less ignorant than Ms. Cooper's actions.
Anon at 7:48 AM: It is not "ignorant" to recognize that different races have different patterns of behavior, any more than it is ignorant to notice that different kinds of birds have different nesting habits. Observing phenomena and connecting the dots is never ignorant.
For example, note how Blacks seem to excel in every sort of social pathology. Note how this excellence increases as slavery and Jim Crow recede further into the past. Does it not seem odd that some people ascribe Blacks' increasing excellence to something that has less and less influence? It's as if my chances of getting lung cancer increase with the number of years since my last cigarette.
Do you have any idea what the cause of this phenomenon might be?
Semi-related, two pieces which shed light on cognition. First:
Why Smart People Are Stupid. This illustrates how unconscious bias misleads people, and the smarter they are the more easily they are led astray (or rationalize) their biases. (This suggests that mere data won't change the tune of radical egalitarians, you have to re-arrange their biases first.)
Second, Why We Don’t Believe In Science. This shows that we have inherent biases, and we have to un-learn or at least learn to suppress biases before we can learn truths which contradict them.
I think the second one is GREAT news! First, we can probably find lower functionality in the anterior cingulate cortex of NAMs, showing WHY they are more often wrong and less easily corrected than Whites. Second, if we are all "inherently racist" due to these biases, it should be less difficult to get rid of our Politically Correct oppressors when the time comes.
Yes, I got the bat/ball problem correct before I finished reading the paragraph; if I've got biases in that area, I've long since learned to override them. Did you?
Mr Rational:Thanks for the two articles. I had hoped for something more than speculation on why the more intelligent are more biased, but perhaps those answers are awaiting the next grant from the the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
My speculation? Conceit, developed through a lifetime of being applauded for always having the socially correct answer.
I believe it was Michael Shermer who concluded that smart people are better at defending positions they arrived at through non-smart processes.
I recommend this page :
The Irish Slave Trade " The Forgotten White Slaves.
You can read it on : http://www.infowars.com/the-irish-slave-trade-the-forgotten-white-slaves/
Very Interesting...
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