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Well... that's the goal! |
No matter. Nothing a little "target marketing" can't take care of [US Navy turns to iHigh Marketing for SEAL diversity, PR Week, 10-4-12]:
The US Naval Special Warfare Command has hired iHigh Marketing to increase ethnic diversity among the Navy SEALs.
The firm will conduct outreach activities in areas considered centers of diversity for black, Hispanic, Arab-American, and Asian and Pacific Islander consumers. These areas include California, Virginia, Maryland, Washington DC, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, and North Carolina.
The firm has a budget of nearly $1.3 million for its first year. It is eligible for a total award of more than $6.8 million if its contract is renewed for four option years, according to an award notice.
The campaigns will target consumers ages 16 to 24, as well as others in their lives such as athletic directors, religious clergy, and family members, according to the RFP documents.
Minorities represent fewer than 20% of the total number of enlisted SEALs, and black Americans represent fewer than 2% of SEAL officers. The Special Warfare Command has found that “traditional SEAL team demographics will not support some of the emerging mission elements that will be required," according to the RFP.
The incumbent on the account was Equals Three Communications. Losing the account has proved near fatal to the organization as it laid off numerous staffers and shuttered its doors recently. Equals Three now exists as a virtual organization.
The Navy viewed the two years that Equals Three worked on the account as a pilot phase, said Scott Williams, a marketing and communications officer at the Special Warfare Command. Equals Three's efforts only focused on the Washington DC and Baltimore metro areas.
“We wanted to expand our outreach,” Williams said.
While declining to say why the Navy let Equals Three go, he felt “we accomplished our goal of increasing awareness,” he said. “Whether that ultimately translates to more people coming in to the Navy Special Warfare Command remains to be seen. It's a long-term process.”
A representative from iHigh Marketing did not respond to a request for comment.Poor Equals Three Communications; they were unable to raise awareness in the non-white sector and increase diversity within the Navy SEALs, the ultimate objective in Black-Run America (BRA).
And what does "traditional SEAL team demographics will not support some of the emerging mission elements that will be required" mean?
It's stories like the awarding of $1.3 million to a marketing firm to increase ethnic diversity among the SEALs that helps me understand the ultimate goal in America, what I call the Lapchickization of all vocations (named in honor of Richard Lapchick, who once carved the word N-I-G-E-R into stomach, trying to claim evil bigots did it -- indeed one did: himself): reach a point when white males have virtually no representation in the workplace.
Back in the day, while in the middle of Jumpmaster training, a bunch of us were BS'ing, when someone mentioned he didnt see any of 'the bruthas'. We all looked around, and 'behold'...all were of the caucasian persuasion. In short, the only qualifiers to even enter the school (80% fail rate) were whites. Kid Clorox
Since Obama is supposedly the commander-in-chief then there is no reason for any white person to put their lives on the line on behalf of Hussein. Whites should just get into those parts of the military where they are the least exposed to danger, getting the benefits of being in the military without getting themselves killed or crippled. Too many whites are coming home disabled or dead. Let the SEALs be all non-white and gay, let them do the dying for their hero Hussein. There's nothing in any of this for a white person to die for.
With our economy going down the tubes, doesn't this government have better things to spend 1 million dollars on? This administration is just farcical
It's not that difficult to understand the DWL mindset which has permeated every aspect of our decaying society (BRA). All these Whites growing up are subjected to intense brainwashing. They all want to be shown as the beacon of tolerance and bring their programming to fruition which will score more social elitist points, Amy Biehl's parents currently the defending champions in this category. It drives the DWLs mad when an area is dominated by White males because they can't demonstrate how tolerant they are to anything unlike them. You know our nation has gone to hell when the most important virtue is tolerance.
We haven't fought a war that was essential or even incidental to the defense of this nation since WW2. So I have absolutely no problem with negroes, gays or liberal white women getting killed or injured for neocon wars.
Part of the SEAL graduation requirement is what amounts to a field IQ test, and under pressure. A deal breaker.
No one who is accepted into SEAL training (and few are) is encouraged to stay. They are in fact encouraging you to leave--and most do. This is not exactly the description of Affirmative Action.
I'll bet the white SEALS are just fucking thrilled to know that when they are In The Shit, an affirmative-action Negro will be there to watch their backs.
We will never see the standards that get lowered down to BRA Seal Team level for affirmative action admission.
White Seals know those standards, and they will watch them lowered, but will keep their mouths shut.
Even retired Seals won't say anything, for fear that insulting black privilege will cost them their pensions.
The firm will conduct outreach activities in areas considered centers of diversity for black, Hispanic, Arab-American, and Asian and Pacific Islander consumers. [emphasis added]
Oh, joy! Let's recruit from a culture which believes that "War is deceit." (Qur'an 4:142). Please see the superb table of inter-religious traits at link.
Let's teach some of America's most advanced war-fighting techniques and equipment handling methods to a bunch of justifiably suspect individuals who have already shown a propensity for gunning down our troops on their own bases while in uniform. What could possibly go wrong?
The Special Warfare Command has found that “traditional SEAL team demographics will not support some of the emerging mission elements that will be required," according to the RFP.
Perhaps this relates to a pronounced disinclination shown by current SEAL team members to kiss Muslim ass, unlike their ostensible Commander in Chief, who does so with such vigor that he must now blow his nose with toilet paper.
Or maybe there are "emerging mission elements" which require removing boots before entering specific buildings, operating without canine support units and generally worrying to death over the "sensitivities" of the most skinless people in this sandpaper world of ours.
“We wanted to expand our outreach,” Williams said.
Why not ask our fighting men and women at Fort Hood how that "vibrant" little bit of policy worked out. Emkay?
Needless to say (then why say it?), military Special Operations are at the spear's sharpest point. Blunting that lance in any way, shape or form is outright treason. I hope all involved will remember that with perfect clarity when the mob bearing pitchforks and torches shows up.
What a joke. It takes a rare, unique combination of intelligence, dedication and self determination to be a SEAL. Something not routinely taught in 'da hood. It's not enough to just be a good athlete and fake your way through like Tyrone can do at a University. Plus, most of the homeboys I've met were afraid of the water.
This is a perfect example of how BRA is more important than the country it's self or BRA is used specifically to destroy the country. The results are the same letting a chimp drive a bus and questioning why the bus went off the cliff is pretty insane.
I know too many good military personel leaving because of this shit.
Zenster, isn't "By way of deception, thou shall do war" the Mossad's creed?
Just what was essential or or even incidental to the defense of this nation about WWII?
i would hope this is just lip service & they will continue to keep only the most competent & courageous. god help us if they start reaching out to gays & metrosexuals & amish. altho, a SEAL team composed of metrosexual hipsters & gays could probably more easily infiltrate public places unnoticed then shock the hell out of folks with actual sudden violence! hmm, good idea:)
Combat units are overwhelmingly white and hispanic. Blacks just are not up to the task. This has been borne out on numerous occasions, the most notable of which was in Korea. Blacks are typically cowards unless the odds are heavily in their favor. Like the street, when they're dealing with unarmed civilians. And let's not even get started on their ability as swimmers. That cold water swim separates the wheat from the chaff.
Anonymous at 9:16 - the fact that current White, qualified Seals will not say a word in protest (to protect their pensions) is the biggest tragedy, as far as I'm concerned. Why, one wonders, did not one - NOT ONE - high-level military officer publicly resign when overt homosexualization of the military occurred? If a large percentage of senior officers had resigned, en masse (and/or had indicated to congress/the admin that they would do so) in protest, the scenario might have changed. I understand people wanting to protect their families and their livelihoods, but we are such a defeated, depleted people that we have almost no one who considers anything worth a sacrifice. These Seals will risk their lives for BRA and an administration that despises them and all they stand for, yet they will not risk their careers and pensions to face down the de facto destruction of that profession by affirmative action? Sorry, but this demeans them and their service and qualifications.
There are a lot of enlisted guys (White and/or Christian) who are leaving as soon as their terms of enlistment are complete. Check out who's re-upping - lots of black and hispanic support staff. Right now the combat arms are more than 75% White. Watch that drop dramatically over the next few years.
Just as people get the government and economy they deserve, so too do they get the military "protection" they deserve. Bring on the female/gay/black army. Let Obama deploy them to help quell Nigerian unrest or stabilize a budding Arab "democracy." The Japanese have been agitating to remove our troops for decades (there's no reason for them to be there anyhow, but the Japanese generally are tired of blacks raping Japanese girls); just sit back and enjoy as "American" troops become synonymous (in terms of racial composition and ability) with UN troops.
Not one more White should die in defense of Obama-run BRA.
This is an absolute horror show.You can't have unqualfied people in serious combat missions.I believe Black's could not meet any of the security requirements!They barely make in a support enviroment.A former 12 Bravo.
It's very simple. Most inner city blacks can't swim.
What will end up happening is that the white special ops guys will bide their time for a while then opt out to take a job at Blackwater (or whatever it's nom du jour is). Take a look at Iraq. While the military is largely gone from there, the paid mercenaries have been ramped up considerably.
In the future, the government special ops will be made into a multikulti Potemkin village for the Ministry of Truth and the Hollywood jujubox to trumpet the equality über alles message, while the real dirty will will be done off the books by mercenaries.
"These Seals will risk their lives for BRA and an administration that despises them and all they stand for, yet they will not risk their careers and pensions to face down the de facto destruction of that profession by affirmative action."
Once you decide you're going to die so that everyone can say or believe whatever they want (by fighting for The American Religion), you are morally compromised. Thereafter you're incapable of standing up for anything you might believe is correct because your foundational ethos is that what is correct is that nobody has the right to tell anyone else they are incorrect.
The American military is totally unhinged. Think about that.
Keeping the combat forces White is more important than the loss of White lives in little colonial wars. Which is the worse scenario, 500 or 1000 dead young White men per year in foreign shitholes, or Obama in control of a non-White military? True, such a force couldn't maintain its sophisticated equipment, but Obama would probably like to cut out all that high tech stuff and spend the money on his political allies. You don't need F-22s and drones to destroy White neighborhoods, and the little bitch would get a kick out of seeing the U.S. humbled by the Chinese Navy anyway. That's the ticket, a non-White infantry-heavy force good for domestic political repression.
Anon (11/18 7:20 PM): With our economy going down the tubes, doesn't this government have better things to spend 1 million dollars on?
How about that aerospace push where Obama Tells NASA to Improve Muslim Relations? You know something that vital had to have a seven figure budget.
Stephen: You know our nation has gone to hell when the most important virtue is tolerance.
Actually, it isn't "tolerance", it's being nice.
Anon (11/19 6:07 AM): Zenster, isn't "By way of deception, thou shall do war" the Mossad's creed?
So, what's your point? Mossad has been around for less than a century. Meanwhile, Islam's been at this same barbaric shit for the better part of 2,000 years. Last I checked, Mossad agents weren't gunning down soldiers on our military bases.
After all, how surprising is it that one of the world's most successful anti-terrorist agencies might have adopted a strategy similar to that of Islam? Israel is one of the few countries on earth which understands the deep-seated craving that Islam has for being paid in its own violent coin.
This is something the West hasn't even begun to remotely comprehend.
Finally, all parties involved are Arabs. Why are you acting so surprised?
Discard: Which is the worse scenario, 500 or 1000 dead young White men per year in foreign shitholes, or Obama in control of a non-White military?
[golf clap]
The question is WHY does excluding and throwing out White males from pretty much every aspect of society draw so much support?
I'd say a number of reasons are at stake.
1. White women see spoils opportunities, and are willing to join ad-hoc anti-White guy coalitions to get them. They may not get the most lucrative positions, but throw out White guys and they'll get at least some.
2. Low rates of marriage and the end of the nuclear family have most White women looking to non-White guy dominated Government for support, and viewing White guys as competitors.
3. White guys are low on the sexy, far too cooperative, nerdy, restrained, which creates wealth and stability but not much sexiness. Compare/contrast the appeal of say, Mark Zuckerberg vs. Charlie Sheen.
How long before people realize that Negro's are never going to reach the"level playing field"? 4 More years of Obamunism will do nothing but prove this fact.
It's clear that the reason you can't get a date is because you think Charlie Sheen is what women should want. But neither Sheen nor that awful creep Mark Zuckerberg are at all attractive to anyone with half a brain cell. Maybe more white men need to stop whining and instead start working on becoming the type of MAN that white women WANT to marry and have babies with. If all white women have to choose from is either Mark Zuckerberg or Charlie Sheen, well then no wonder they are preferring to fly solo nowadays.
Whiskey, have you ever considered that the lack of scientific aptitude displayed by most women might cause them to severely under-appreciate a vast majority of engineering achievements? Most of which were realized by White men.
Modern White women in particular have been allowed to take most of Western civilization's grandeur as a given instead of applying themselves in an effort to recognize the immense personal dedication or scientific integrity required to safely and reliably construct passenger jet airliners, skyscrapers or hydroelectric dams.
Ergo, most of that falls by the wayside in favor of adulating celebrities of the sort that a walk through the ocean of their souls would scarcely get your feet wet. The advanced technology of mass media is able to confer popular acclaim on types of individuals who, in times not too long past, would be dismissed as effete, narcissistic pantywaists and not much else.
The White women who traversed America's midwestern plains in Conestoga wagons would probably have given short shrift to the likes of Tom Hanks or Charlie Sheen. And they certainly wouldn't have stopped to give an obese Negress like Oprah the time of day, much less the back of their hand.
Whiskey, have you ever considered
Whiskey is a liar. You're asking a liar what he thinks.
If you're seriously asking this guy his advice on anything, you're screwed.
I say pack the military with blacks and browns. They can have cosmopolitan Levantine-Europid hybrids for officers.
Let them die in the ME. Let them die for Whiskey's homeland.
You know our nation has gone to hell when the most important virtue is tolerance.
If you think tolerance is at all important in America today, you aren't paying close enough attention. Like everything else, "tolerance" is subsumed into and destroyed by the only real value governing America today: tribalism (AKA "who-whom?"). And I'm not talking about our tribe, either.
I fail to see how any white man could serve in the U.S. armed forces. The services are a spectacular part of this nation's history. Service in the armed forces has been a source of pride for millions of Americans.
But for a white man to be willing to sacrifice his life for America today, I'm sorry, it's stupid. You would die for Obama? For Citibank? You would die to make your country free for 30 million illegal aliens? You would return to America crippled for the Black Congressional Caucus? For Costco or Walmart? You would face death to preserve trillions in welfare and food stamp payments to negroes?
God bless your intent, but those days are over. If you are white, the Federal government is dedicated to your destruction, at best only after they can't squeeze anymore taxes from you.
Doesn't this prove the point that affirmative action has always been about promoting lesser qualified people?
White guys are low on the sexy, far too cooperative, nerdy, restrained, which creates wealth and stability but not much sexiness
Which explains why Hope Solo married Jeremy Steavens!
Keeping the combat forces White is more important than the loss of White lives in little colonial wars. Which is the worse scenario, 500 or 1000 dead young White men per year in foreign shitholes, or Obama in control of a non-White military?
I'm not sure if this statement is more ludicrous or appalling. I feel like appalling might win by a nose.
Maintaining virtually all-white combat arms into the collapse isn't even all that desirable, much less practical. What do you think your white troops are going to do? Revolt en masse? Your argument depends on them doing just that, because if they don't, then we get an openly-traitorous military with enough whites to maintain some of those high-tech toys you mentioned. These toys will then be turned against us, and if you had to choose between going toe-to-toe with an A-10 or a battallion of black infantry, which would you choose? We'll be lucky to see more than 20% refuse orders. That will drastically inhibit the military's ability to fulfill its mission, but it won't be destroyed.
Both arguments have merits and drawbacks, but it's completely beyond the pale to ask for the sacrifice of 500-1000 white men per year in the hopes that white soldiers will do most of the post-collapse heavy lifting. That's 500-1000 white men every year who are not with us, not teaching kids how to shoot, networking, gathering intelligence, laying in stores. On the other hand, they'd ultimately be fighting on behalf of those who would see them dead in a foreign shithole for the sake of a half-thought out holding action. Not great for morale. Sheila has a son in the military; should he be sacrificed in a "little colonial war" so the enemy's military looks like you?
Anonymous said...
It's clear that the reason you can't get a date is because you think Charlie Sheen is what women should want. But neither Sheen nor that awful creep Mark Zuckerberg are at all attractive to anyone with half a brain cell. Maybe more white men need to stop whining and instead start working on becoming the type of MAN that white women WANT to marry and have babies with. (Emphasis added. )If all white women have to choose from is either Mark Zuckerberg or Charlie Sheen, well then no wonder they are preferring to fly solo nowadays.
November 19, 2012 12:13 PM
Guys, you need to know something. If you make it to age 50 in decent physical shape (you know, watch what you eat, work out, easy on the booze), you will have more women throwing themselves at you than you know what to do with.
By doing this, you will have established yourself as a viable man, able to survive what life throws at him. That will make women want to be around you. I'm 56, and I've noticed women from age 23 and up making it quite plain what they want me for. And I'm not particularly good looking or rich.
(Of course, what they don't know is that us older specimens are on to the games some of them play, like the "I'll let myself get pregnant to trap him" game.)
So bitch slap that skinny-jean wearing, guy-liner using man child out of the way. And if the woman gives you the slightest feminist attitude, tell her exactly once that you will not tolerate it. Move on if the lesson is not taken to heart.
Which explains why Hope Solo married Jeremy Steavens!
It's been a long time since anyone seriously accused athletes of being too smart.
You guys are seriously racist. You say let the non-whites and homosexuals fight the war? What are white people too d** good for that huh? They are dam americans. My husband wasn't to good to go fight five times overseas in the army and he's black. Three times in iraq and twice in Afgan. Is white the better than all other races and all other people? Listen to yourselves! You probably think you christians too huh? This is the very reason people all over the world of many races disslike you. Trust me I've traveled.Because you put yourselves above everyone else. If any race is superior its asians not you. Do you guys even know what your doing. You spreading this thought "white is the best race" they shouldn't have to do things others do be cause they are white. If they signed up they are going to do what they are told just because they did. White people aren't anymore special than black people. This is the exact reason black people are cautious of you and dislike you because they know you haven't changed from decades ago your still the same. They thought the same back then as you do today. Because I'm white I have privelege.
What if a couple that is trying to raise their child to love everyone no matter what color they are comes to this page and reads this. Then that white child will think the same as you. Oh I'm so special cause I'm white. Your spreading this s***. Stop grow up. Be men! You can't change the world but you can control your comments. That's what's wrong with this freaking world today. We are so explicit with our thoughts of hatred we don't care who it hurts or what kind heart we change as long as we do as we please.
I checked out a black site that talked about race and he never allowed posts like this. And none of those white followers wrote like this. He kept it professionall and never called people out of their names. Never even spoke about white people in a derogatory manner. They asked him questions about race and he answered them. Stop venting and go and ask a black person. This is really pissing me off the number of white racist websites I've found but I can't find any on blacks hating whites. And you say blacks hate whites? I can't tell. All you guys are doing is spreading more ignorant reasons to hate black people when will it stop?
Anonymous said...
You guys are seriously racist.
Why, thank you kindly. That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me in ages.
White SEALs fighting in DWLs' wars. Ironic.
Another idiot writes: What if a couple that is trying to raise their child to love everyone no matter what color they are comes to this page and reads this.
Let's hope they read this before their child is doused with gasoline and set on fire by racist Blacks indoctrinated to believe that YT is the cause of all their problems. Teaching their child to love those who would kill him is teaching their child suicide.
I checked out a black site that talked about race and he never allowed posts like this.
But the National Black Footsoldiers Network is all right with you, because it's okay to rob and kill "reparations offenders" (aka Whites).
You can't bullshit us. We're onto you.
"This is the very reason people all over the world of many races disslike you. Trust me I've traveled."
I'm sure the Japanese and Koreans that live near the US military bases where soldiers like your negro husband are deployed have a great deal of respect for negros. I am sure they particularly enjoy the cultural interaction provided by rapes.
White people aren't anymore special than black people
I'm sure you have evidence to support this claim. Why don't you make a list of "black accomplishments" and put it next to a list of "White accomplishments".
How dare you disrespect a black person that gave tweny plus years to this country? Its one this disrespecting welfare,thugs,killers,rapists that are black. My husband is a good man and never has done anything stated above. He faught for this country and that's the thanks he gets because he's black. If he were white though it would be different right? You are seriously ignorant. You are! Not saying whites but you. I'm done with this site. At first I wasn't offended because I really didn't fit into that box but you guys don't like any kind of black people. The evil ones or the good ones. Good thing the majority of whites don't believe the way you do. Good day.
Svigor: Whiskey is a liar. You're asking a liar what he thinks.
Calm down and count backwards from ten.
I didn't ask Whiskey what he thinks. I asked him to consider the gender IQ gap and its potential role in facilitating poor mate selection.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.
Anon (11/20 10:00 AM): Good thing the majority of whites don't believe the way you do.
And that is how a supremely empty suit like 0bama got (s)elected. He will now proceed to throw those exact same unbelieving Whites to their own pet wolves.
I'd say at least 80% of the Blacks who are in the military use it as a form of "glorified welfare". Very few serve in risky positions. The majority of Blacks serve in personnel/supply positions, far from any real danger. I served in an Infantry Battalion (85% white, 10% Hispanic and 5% Black) on a post that is overwhelmingly Black (in the South). You would see them everywhere on the base, but in the combat units they were few and far between. We had a support unit assigned to us, which was 90% Black. Anyways while downrange, the Black support unit always failed to bring our mail/supplies on time. When our officers complained, they were directed to an "Equal Opportunity" officer, who was also Black. You can see where I am going with this. Instead of doing their job, they spent most of their time in Iraq playing intramural sports like flag football and softball on the large FOBs (relatively safe bases). Their equipment was always in poor condition (due to lack of maintenance). They seemed to slave drive their white soldiers as well. When supplies were delivered it was almost always a white soldier doing the work. When you saw their unit in formation, it was almost all Black! I had many issues with them, especially in the Personnel office. My paperwork was never updated, and I had to go to their office often and motivate them to do it. The military needs to return to Segregation, let them deal with their own people and let us deal with ours. Integration is a failure. They behave like parasites, even in military. Their white soldiers did the bulk of the work, while their Black leadership got the credit! Total Bullshit!! This can't continue much longer!
Yes, tell us, "anonymous," how your black husband "faught" for this country. What's his MOS? What sort of black exemption did he receive to be able to enlist on his below 31% ASVAB? "The report by The Education Trust found that 23 percent of recent high school graduates don't get the minimum score needed on the enlistment test to join any branch of the military," mourns the Huffington Post (yes, a lib site for your black backside). What percentage of blacks graduates from high school, pray tell? What percentage of black yoots have a clean criminal record? What percentage of black yoots can pass a physical fitness test?
"Recruits must score at least a 31 out of 99 on the first stage of the three-hour test to get into the Army. The Marines, Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard recruits need higher scores.
Further tests determine what kind of job the recruit can do with questions on mechanical maintenance, accounting, word comprehension, mathematics and science.
The study shows wide disparities in scores among white and minority students, similar to racial gaps on other standardized tests. Nearly 40 percent of black students and 30 percent of Hispanics don't pass, compared with 16 percent of whites. The average score for blacks is 38 and for Hispanics is 44, compared to whites' average score of 55."
Service in the military does not equate to "fighting." And no, many of us don't consider ourselves "Americans" any longer. Your husband "served" BRA. He enlisted, as do most blacks, for the steady salary and the (purported) job training. He was one of the top 2/3 of blacks, if he passed without an AA exemption - and you still cannot write a standard English sentence. Same with the other blacks in the military: same % illiterate, same % illegitimacy, same % black entitlement.
This country is not ours any longer. It's run by others for their and your benefit. I reiterate, not one more White should die in the service of BRA. There are other means for Whites to receive arms training than subservience to Obama's army.
Was that idiotic rant about her husband in English?
ebonics..too many in-co-rect spellings and ebonikals to bother koracting
The nigger babble here has gone up a notch. That's how you know that you are right, and the realistic view is spreading.
Silent running: It may appall you, but it's not ludicrous to recognize that a steady stream of White deaths in colonial wars is preferable to having non-White combat forces. Better to pay a smaller price now than a much larger price later.
Over 30,000 people die in auto wrecks every year in this country, disproportionately young White risk takers, the sort of people who join the Marines. In war, human lives are a resource, just like ammo and fuel. They oughtn't be wasted, but should be well-spent. As much as it may trouble their families, a thousand dead per year is not too much for our race to pay for keeping the Dark fingers off the triggers.
I do not expect that this country can last for another 20 years. There's not the money to bribe the dregs into behaving forever. Were 1000 White fighting men to die in each of those years, that would be 20,000 dead. If we can't bear to lose that many, how would you expect to defeat the Brown invasion, or reclaim the cities for civilization?
We do not agree on the value of having White men controlling the guns. You seem to think that they will simply obey orders to kill people of their own race and class, while the Darks are running wild. I don't. It's really easy to not carry out orders you don't like without openly refusing to. On the other hand, a great many Darks would cheerfully shoot, burn, rape, and loot their way through White neighborhoods.
And lastly, cowardly administrators though many of them are, the generals know exactly who funds their forces, designs and builds their weapons, and does their fighting. Given the chance, they'd much rather fight BRA than us.
Good thing our enemies also practice vibrant diversity so the battlefield will be a level field. (sarc)
Yeah, so why the doesn't racial makeup of the SEALs mirror that of the postal service (sic)?
Recruiting Arabs for the SEALs?
Jill Kelley, arch enemy of Petraeus's paramour, is Lebanese, presumably Christian.
I have no problems with Christian Arabs in the military; it's Muslims I have a problem with.
Anon (11/21 6:29 AM): I have no problems with Christian Arabs in the military; it's Muslims I have a problem with.
Do you honestly think that this nigger-loving government is going to magically reverse its set-in-stone policy of the last four years and suddenly be concerned about including Christians—regardless of ethnicity or race—in anything?
The only recruiting of Christian Arabs will be for use as translators and espionage. You can bet the farm that not a peep about that will reach public ears. Glorifying Christians—especially in heroic roles—as intercept operators or foreign agents is the very last thing that 0bama would do, even at gunpoint.
Whatever "Arab-American" outreach that happens will be almost exclusively directed towards Muslims. Look for more Fort Hood massacres in the future. I also predict a similar rise in the hazing of Muslim recruits as soldiers begin to understand what an intolerable risk these Islamic moles represent.
The Navy Seals can recruit where they want. The result will be that an overwhelming majority will be whites.
It takes working together to be a Seal, and I don't witness that a lot from other cultures.
Never should have let women and blacks vote.
You guys are seriously racist
Just because they think you're stupid don't open your mouth and confirm it.
I rest my case!
You guys are seriously racist
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.
Finally, what one generation tolerates, the next will embrace.
I rest my case.
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