I found myself reading "Custer: A Soldier's Story"
by D.A. Kinsley on Thanksgiving, a riveting biography of General George
Armstrong Custer. By chance, I flipped to a page that contained this anecdote
about the Indians Wars, where General William Sherman told Custer this (from the chapter: Platte River: The Custer Expedition: p. 354-355):
Sherman railed into McPherson from Sedgwick, 125 miles due west, on the following day, "Indian promises aren't worth a damn," he growled to Custer. "The redman must be taught a last lesson. All who refuse to obey the whiteman's law must be killed." Observing Custer's frown, Sherman waxed philosophical: "It's an inevitable conflict of races, one that must occur when a stronger is gradually replacing a weaker."
Sherman's verbal orders to Custer peremptory: "I want you to clean out that Augean stable of hostilities along the Republican River. Capture or kill all you can. Written instructions will follow."
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Never mind what happens to the city: black political rule means neutering the police force because it targets black criminals for justice. |
Cleaning out the Augean stables...
It’s interesting when you think about it; we have the absolute
reverse of what Gen. Sherman spoke to when he addressed Custer. White people
have been replaced in most major American cities (largely because of the threat
to their safety – and their property value - posed by rising black populations),
and the police departments have had their teeth removed because of how they’ve
had to deal with black criminality.
We already know about S.T.R.E.S.S (Stop The Robberies; Enjoy
Safe Streets) in Detroit,
a police unit tasked with maintaining order in a city destined to be remade in the
image of its soon-to-be majority black population.
S.T.R.E.S.S was the first casualty of Mayor Coleman Young;
the first black mayor of Detroit ran on a
platform of ending S.T.R.E.S.S because of how this unit dealt with black people
(black people monopolized crime in Detroit
in 1973; today, all crime in Detroit
is black).
What about a city like Atlanta,
where almost all crime is committed by black people in 2012?
When Maynard Jackson was elected in 1973, Atlanta
had a well-deserved reputation as one of America’s most dangerous cities. As
the percentage of black residents grew (and white people fled the city), crime
rates soared. We learn in “Black Power in Dixie: A Political History of African
Americans in Atlanta”
by Alton Hornsby Jr., we learn:
In 1974, Atlanta experienced 5,768 serious crimes for each 100,000 residents, one of the highest rates in the nation. And an Atlanta Regional Commission report showed that nearly half of the city’s crime went unreported. In Atlanta’s more violent crimes, blacks were both perpetrators and victims.In all of the major categories of crime- murder, robbery, rape, aggravated assault, burglary – blacks were arrested two to three times more often than whites. (p. 153)
By the mid-1980s, Atlanta
was almost a 70 percent black city. Mayor Andrew Young needed to cut down on
growing black crime rates if continued white investments in the city
(generating much needed taxes to sustain the city) were to remain unimpeded:
Next to assuring the financial well-being of the city, Young’s most important responsibilities during his two terms in office were in the area of public safety. And in this area, by his own admission, his record was not enviable. Like most large major urban areas in the 1980s, Atlanta was plagued with serious problems of crime against person and property. But Atlanta managed to remain at or near the top of all major American cities, particularly in violent crime. Incidence of forcible rape in the city averaged 157 per 100,000 population per year, five times the national average. Aggravated assault averaged 1,573 per 100,000 population; robbery 1,099 per 100,000; and murder 8 per 100,000.Getting tough on crime had previously been an issue that divided man Atlantans along racial lines. Frequently whites, both residents and suburbanites, accused both black administrations, Young’s as well as Jackson’s, of being “soft on crime.” Their perception of unsafe streets in downtown Atlanta is what caused many of them not visit the area for shopping, dining, or recreation, they contended. But many blacks, including city officials, countered that the problem of violent crime in downtown Atlanta, except for occasional well-publicized occurrence, was, in fact, only a perception. The real crime problem in Atlanta, they said, was in the poorer neighborhoods of the city, particularly the public housing projects. But black attitudes on controlling this crime were often affected by the city’s long history of police abuse of black citizens. (p.186-187)
And who were those citizens of “public housing” in Atlanta? Save for .01
percent of them; all black people.
Tamar Jacoby’s “Someone Else’s House: America’s Unfinished
Struggle for Integration” goes one more step in describing how a recently minted
black administration will neuter a police department's ability to maintain law and order
in a city quickly going black:
The black population welled up over the majority mark at just about the same time in both places. By the early seventies in Atlanta, gangs were a much-discussed problem, and the neighborhoods tipping one after the other from white to black learned to brace themselves for the inevitable shoplifting and muggers. The continuing influx of out-of-town white professionals made it hard track the extent of middle-class white flight, but already by the start of the seventies, there was no mistaking the general population trend or its likely impact on the tax base. (p.366)
Of course, the tax base was being scared away by high rates
of black crime; however, black people now occupied positions of authority –
almost all of them – in the city government, meaning the criminals now had
allies in city hall:
One of the biggest fights was over police reform. Like Coleman Young in Detroit, Jackson was determined to overhaul what he saw as a racist force, no matter what the consequences for the city. He bgan by firing the existing chief, but the man resisted in court, and Jackson trumped him by creating a position above his – a job he filled with a black man with no police experience, who happened to be an old college roommate. The new police chief, Reginald Eaves, was then in and out of the news for several years in connection with on scandal or another… eventually Jackson was forced to get rid of Eaves, but not before the mayor had convinced the Peachtree crowd that he was more concerned with curbing the police than pursuing criminals. “No more ‘police brutality’ has come to mean no more pushing around of blacks,” said downtown developer and longtime liberal John Portman. “The word is out that Atlanta is soft on crime.”“You can call down to the police station and you can say two black fellows just robbed me, “another white merchant complained, “and it’ll be fifteen minutes before it gets on the radio – to give them time to get away.” Within a few years, the growing lawlessness forced Jackson to crack down, significantly increasing the size of the police department. But by then it was too late; as in Detroit, the crime rate in Atlanta was out of sight – by the end of decade, the worst in the country. (p. 368)
It isn’t just Atlanta; it isn’t
just Detroit
and the closing of the S.T.R.E.S.S police unit. Every city in America, every community in America that
goes from white rule to black rule immediately sees the overall effectiveness
of the police force racially restricted because it’s the black constituency that
is impacted by the administering of justice.
Since America’s
major cities burned in the 1960s during what amounted to a nationwide black insurrection, we have lived under the opposite of what Sherman told Custer.
A thin exists between civilization and barbarism; for those paying attention, it's merely a color-line separating the two.
No Snitchin'!
Most times, I don't like being a first post even though I know that PK releases many posts at once, hence, I will not "truly" be first. I have to say in spite of my aversion to 'Suicide by Cop, in DC' I have a unique perspective. I read, a lot, here, there, everywhere. I also walk around in odd places in DC where true niggers(represent ma'fuckas), soft fake niggas, DWLs, and clueless Whites, mix together. It is, seriously more than most readers could ever know, fucking fascinating, I'm not at all kidding you'd have to see it, to believe it, but it -is- real.
On topic-- Clint Eastwood, a bad ass if not Jurassic white boy, that at least TRIED to make a speech to other dinosaurs bound for extinction.
The GOP is as dead in the water as any former 3rd party, the Whigs, for instance. We have 2 choices prior to 2016. Read it again you fucking pussies. TWENTY SIXTEEN. Become radical or perish. It is, literally, as simple as that. I require blood, and I offer blood, in a nation that has forgotten that the blood of patriots is sometimes required.
I live in the most leftard liberal city on the map. Can any ONE of you claim the same? Of course not other than a few commenters that are in DC, and PK. You either step up to the plate or fuck off. Whining and faggotry angers me. I have converted ONE woman to produce as many children that are white as I require of her. She will move to Montana, or any Pacific NW state I say. This is my legacy. The founders of this nation were ready and willing to die for a cause. AGAIN, I do NOT require SBPDL to embrace this. But don't talk shit here unless you want to spill the blood of new patriots willing to throw off an oppressive government.
By the early seventies in Atlanta, gangs were a much-discussed problem, and the neighborhoods tipping one after the other from white to black learned to brace themselves for the inevitable shoplifting and muggers. [emphasis added]
Since these neighborhoods were going majority Black, why didn't they complain? Apparently, they knew full well that a crime wave was on its way and yet they remained silent.
Can you say, "no snitch"?
Atlanta Blacks deserve to suffer. Like their gangster counterparts, the so-called "Palestinians", Blacks are truly among some of the most hapless fuckwits ever to walk this earth. Both groups "never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity".
“No more ‘police brutality’ has come to mean no more pushing around of blacks,” said downtown developer and longtime liberal John Portman.
Once Blacks became a protected (from the police) species, the last disincentive to TNB was lost. Hell, with Eric "My People" Holder in orifice, the police effectively protect Blacks from any retaliation by their victims.
This is already happening in Britain where home owners who harm or injure violent intruders are jailed and charged with assault. Zimmerman was a close approximation of this otherwise almost exclusively European phenomenon.
As I have already predicted, all of this will result in citizens taking the law into their own hands. "Street justice" style vigilantism is a totally predictable outcome when the "thin blue line" gets stretched to the breaking point or is hobbled by Political Correctness. In this case, it is the worst possible outcome where both negative conditions apply.
State and local police have been significantly defanged in dealing with negro crime. They make an arrest now and again. Then the negro perp enters a justice system that is typically overwhelmed by their number and largely sympathetic to them. The magistrates conclude they were raised in impoverished households or their mental capacities are very low and the jails are full, so they’re released. Those negro criminals unfortunate enough to actually be incarcerated, have no particular fear of it.
Once in the prison system they are fed, provided dental and medical care, their clothes are washed for them, they’re heated in the winter and cooled in the summer. No meaningful labor is required of them. They watch TV and play bakkaball. DWL’s employed in the prison industry reinforce their belief in their victim hood and they’re largely protected from the random street killings they are accustomed to in their neighborhoods. Sex is the only thing they are officially denied, but the negro’s promiscuity makes homosexual acts quite acceptable.
I’m proposing an alternative to our current failed approach of managing negro criminality. I would create a vast enclosed compound, where society would provide basic housing and sanitation structures and where basic foodstuffs would be provided and replenished on a regular basis. I propose that the big island of Hawaii be used for this purpose. That island has got huge areas of razor sharp lava flows where the offenders would be kept barefoot. Within the compounds, incarcerated negroes themselves would be responsible for organizing their society. Neither guards, nor any representatives from normal society would be permitted to enter the compound for any reason. Once a negro is convicted of his first crime, he would be sent to this compound for the duration of his life. Certain creature comforts should be provided to these unfortunate inmates. I would suggest that bakkaball courts be built in the lava fields and that a variety of speakers and microphones be made available, allowing the population to continue their practice of “hip-hop”.
There are those with a kind of deep fetish for the US Constitution that would argue that this approach would constitute “cruel and unusual punishment”. I say to them, our Constitution must evolve with the times and should not stand in opposition to the peaceful evolution of our nation. It’s time that we take this step, not for retribution, not for revenge, but to preserve for those law abiding negroes a chance to thrive in our great nation.
Most people don't know about this stuff. Most people never will know about this stuff. Most people wouldn't even listen if you told them about this stuff.
That's the problem.
Whites must carry weapons in order to have any degree of safety around blacks.
Just the sight of a pistol in the hands of a white person sends the groids running and ooking.
Carry whether its "legal" or not in your area. Any law that disarms you for the purpose if putting you at the mercy of the apes is wholly illegitimate and a police force too incompetent to protect you is also likely too incompetent to catch you.
To hell with the gleeful armed enforcers of BRA
Tis true. In DC, when the black population started decreasing over the past decade, so did crime. The blacks here are pissed off because more whites and their children are deciding to remain in the city limit, hence changing the demographics of the schools. Most of the whites are DWLs who pretend to like blacks, but just use the poor ghetto turds as a wedge to keep more conservative whites out. Most conservative whites live in Northern VA. Black crime, mostly by feral young adults, is in the rise,... The papers here try to hide it, except for the Examiner.
At the end of the day, this country will divide into two groups, those who work and those who do not want to work. Those who have a work ethic and a sense of self reliance will gravitate to the Middle. Those people who don't want to be self reliant will live on the Left Coast ( Mexican locust and LA rich kids) or on the East coast (trust fund babies, Blue bloods, inner city welfare groids, puerto ricans and other varieties of beavers). DWLs will have their obligant serf class who will nod and kiss their arces, a class if numb and dumb people who will vote for entitlements. The Coasts will eventually fail as at some point, the dumb masses will revolt...
The legal system in this country is a joke. If you are a poor ghetto turd or Latino you can get legal aid and they system will pretty much leave you alone as these folks don't have any money to soak. The elites run the system, pay off judges, and make the laws to suit their needs. All of the members of congress have law degrees and are high functioning sociopaths; they are the ruling class. The legal system is set up to screw the middle class and people who gave earned professional degrees... These are people who are not politically connected yet have some money that the sociopaths in the legal system can soak.
The legal system and it's mignions, the low level sociopathic police force, is a sick system. It is an arm of the Feds to institute BRA so as to keep middle class whitey in check. Screw them.
One point to be made regarding Custer's misfortune and similar events is that Indians didn't have the capability to manufacture firearms. They got their rifles from white purveyors. This is a case of enabling those who later use their enhanced strength against the rest of us. Blacks and all these other groups have been enabled by a certain segment of the white population in gaining leverage over others and then launching attacks upon us. They have been propped up by whites. Everything they know they got from whites.
Blacks have been enabled by DWLs via gubbiement handouts, public sector gigs, et al. So the way to disempower the system is to pull your cash out of it. Cash will be king in the near future while the old malfunctioning structures fall. Those structures include schools, city governments, state governments, services such as police and fire etc. These entities need a tax base, so don't give em anything to tax. Pull your funds, do cash only work and if you do work, pop out more kids= more deductions! Don't own a home= don't pay property taxes. Disengage and let the turds and the elites go at it..., then enjoy the show.
anonymous said...
...create a vast enclosed compound, where society would provide basic housing and sanitation structures and where basic foodstuffs would be provided and replenished on a regular basis.
This is the kind of out of the box thinking we need. Let me suggest that the "foodstuffs" provided be restricted to peanut butter. Since we all know peanut butter is probably the most famous invention of black people, seems right that these prisoners would eat only peanut butter. And no water of any kind should be given.
Kersey, here is a red-blue-by-county map of the 2012 presidential election...
Any chance you can draw up a violent crime map, where blue represents high rates, and red represents low rates?
Might be interesting to contrast the two maps...
"put 'em in a compound & throw food & $ in" is a good idea - kinda what we did with the indians. sometimes we were late on the food/$ & that caused chimpouts. inner cities are already pretty much reservations for blacks! but we need higher walls/fences, etc.
Where is Gen Sherman now that Atlanta really needs him?
Nothing will improve until we White people re-empower ourselves to deal with the savages. When decent White people start 'correcting' problems as readily as blacks cause problems.
We do not have economic problems, we have biological problems. PK has done a very good job linking economic problems directly to the presence of blacks and other savages.
Freedom to blacks means freedom to loiter, harass, and commit crimes.
The meaning of freedom for us must become the freedom to 'correct' and neutralize any threat to our property, ourselves, our families, and community. White people must be free to to correct with whip, gun, and rope. It is not harsh or unjust, what is unjust is allowing blacks to hurt people and ruin the countries we have created.
If we want to rescue our civilization then the blax, mex, and their handlers must be stopped.
Huge numbers of negros are warehoused in EVERY country as the only answer short of outright disposal. It is like catching cockroaches and keeping them in a box. The answer is not to buy a bigger box or try to teach the cockroaches to be cleaner, the answer is to exterminate the cockroaches.
Reduction of the black from our lands should be the overriding primary goal, all other conditions secondary. As one person puts it, "I am against Abortion for Whites. I am Pro-Choice for everyone else."
I would be far more amenable to requiring working in the fields for welfare benefits (gets the blacks working and forces out the Mexicans, win/win!), requiring anyone on welfare to receive implant birth control and Repatriation of negros and Mexicans to their "homeland" as "reparations" upon criminal conviction. This sorts things out neatly. As a huge majority of negros are on welfare, the Welfare negros fecundity drops to zero. Criminal negros are whisked away, never to return with a USA passport. They are perfectly free to buy a ticket to return with a Liberian passport on a 90 visiting visa so that they can visit their mammy. However, they must wear a electronic bracelet and if they break ANY conditions of their parole, like coming within 500 yards of a person who testified against them, they are deported (at their cost), never to return.
Jay in DC: On topic-- Clint Eastwood, a bad ass if not Jurassic white boy, that at least TRIED to make a speech to other dinosaurs bound for extinction.
People here are going to have to trust me on this. I stake my professional reputation on it. Period.
I have seen direct evidence with my own eyes that Eastwood—like every other major "Conservative" celebrity that you can name (i.e., Beck, Trump, Hanity, Savage, etc), every last damned one of them—is all hat and no cattle. Clint and every other one you care to name are part of überworthless Conservatism Inc., take that to the bank.
Become radical or perish.
This is the bottom line. The GOP is hand in glove with Cultural Marxism. Romney's well-deserved defeat only assures that the Republican party will try to move even "more towards the center" (read: left of center), to lure in those nonexistent Black, minority and independent voters. White people who vote Republican can kiss their collective asses good-fucking-bye.
This is already happening in Britain where home owners who harm or injure violent intruders are jailed and charged with assault.
In the UK if there is a burglar in your house you are meant to retreat from them in case you scare the poor little angel.
Anonymous said...
Where is Gen Sherman now that Atlanta really needs him?
...and the thread winner is.... Anonymous!
"White people who vote Republican can kiss their collective asses good-fucking-bye."
So then, the key to "survival" is voting democrat...
Or third party...
Or just not voting at all.
Kradmelder said...
Nothing will improve until we White people re-empower ourselves to deal with the savages. When decent White people start 'correcting' problems as readily as blacks cause problems.
We do not have economic problems, we have biological problems. PK has done a very good job linking economic problems directly to the presence of blacks and other savages.
Freedom to blacks means freedom to loiter, harass, and commit crimes.
The meaning of freedom for us must become the freedom to 'correct' and neutralize any threat to our property, ourselves, our families, and community. White people must be free to to correct with whip, gun, and rope. It is not harsh or unjust, what is unjust is allowing blacks to hurt people and ruin the countries we have created.
If we want to rescue our civilization then the blax, mex, and their handlers must be stopped.
Until white people get themselves out from under the slavery they are in at present - economic, political and spiritual - this is not going to change in any significant way. I'll take this opportunity to reiterate what I've said many times before along with others here like Zenster, PK, etc.:
Blacks could never have brought about BRA themselves. The entire BRA system was designed, constructed, controlled, and operated by whites for the primary purpose of enslaving and destroying other whites. Blacks and Mexicans are their tools and proxies, doing the actual dirty-work (murder, rape and economic destruction) that the particular group of whites will not actually dirty their hands with directly (though such whites regularly engage in mass destruction in other areas - primarily economic).
The reality which few are able to perceive is that the infrastructure of agit-prop organizations, lawyers, judges, journalists, editors and police who are working to enable the perpetrators of crimes such as the Knoxville Atrocity are in many respects just as guilty of the atrocity as those who actually carried out the deed. The thing that seems most difficult to unravel is the continuing willingness of the intended victims of this program to believe the lies they are fed on a daily basis. Turn off the television. Get your kids out of the indoctrination center known as "public education", stop buying things from those who are known participants in BRA. That's just for starters.
White people who vote Republican can kiss their collective asses good-fucking-bye.
Just to underscore your fine point, note that the Republican elite is already talking up Jeb Bush for 2016. Whites interested in surviving need to get over the notion that they can somehow reform or work within the party. Ron Paul and his supporters tried very hard to do this earlier this year - even winning at least 4 state delegations. They were locked out of the convention by Mittens and John Boehner in a totalitarian maneuver reminiscent of something done in the Soviet politboro.
Let the blacks have the cities. They are concentrated geographically and dependent upon outside sources for food and water. Guess where all the "blue people" live? In the country. With land and resources. And weapons.
Anon (11/24 1:03 PM): So then, the key to "survival" is voting democrat...
Or third party...
Or just not voting at all.
Nice try, wiseass. Unless you are totally new here, then you know damn well how I advocated voting for Romney if only to Flush the Toilet™.
White America has barely four years to impose their will upon the GOP and let them know that they will be politically sidelined forever unless they start to represent the actual interests of Whites.
I would much rather see an independent third Constitutionalist format party evolve but America's "bipartisan" (as if!) political machinery is too far gone to hope that such an entity could prevail in just four short years from now.
I sure as hell would welcome Bogolyubski's rejoinder to your smug little nugget of abdicating bullshit.
Incidentally, what's your solution? I'd love to hear it. That is, if you actually even have one.
Nothing will change until whites stop going into the inner cities and move out to the country leaving blacks to fend for themselves. Give the inner city zero business, shop local or online. Let the savage apes fend for themselves and feed on themselves. Send these liberal shit stains a message that if you bring the savages into town, the savages will be the only ones left. If you have a legal means to arm yourself, DO IT. Adopt a zero tolerance policy, and when jerkoffs like Sharpton and Jackson come to protest people doing what's necessary to protect themselves, run them out of town on a rail.
"Whites interested in surviving need to get over the notion that they can somehow reform or work within the party."
Ok, we get it. Republicans suck.
Are you and Zenster going to continue to mindlessly whine this mantra for the next 1000 years, or are you going to sack up, and offer viable alternatives?
It is beyond obvious that we need a Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman resurrected in order to resolve this new civil war which, ironically, is a direct result of the abolition which came from the 1st civil war. Only this time, instead of a "March to the Sea", Gen. Sherman would now orchestrate a "March to the Hoods".
However, as others have pointed out, this military operation would only be viable when negro concentrations were maximized in the inner cities in which they have already taken over; i.e., it would require Detroit percentages in all the major black meccas.
Once initiated, this would be a conquest of epic proportions. However, Sherman didn't win the 1800s civil war singlehandedly. He could send the New Army of the Ohio midwest to take care of Cleveland, Detroit and Chicago and Gary. The New Army of the Tennessee could be dispatched to level Memphis, St. Louis, Birmingham and finish the job of Katrina in New Orleans. The New Army of the Cumberland would start in Baltimore and march on to Philly and Buffalo, while Sherman resurrected himself would start in Oakland, hit Stockton and arrive in Atlanta w/ his army in a convoy of camouflaged Greyhound buses to repeat history in glorious fashion. When all the smoke has cleared, the Union will be stronger than ever.
Anonymous @ 4:28 PM, Section 8 puts the groids anywhere and everywhere. I see the baboons even in my formerly lily-white town. Then there are the seasonal workers that some employers hire instead of locals; we're paying twice for those Jamaicans, once because of unemployment payments for our own and again when they take their wages out of the USA.
Someone suggested owning nothing that BRA can't tax. That means you have to live in rental housing, and rental housing means you need a job that pays wages. Rentals mean Section 8 can move in next door to you. It's no solution.
Do you know what King Samir Shabazz was talking about in his infamous rant? He can't think outside the limits of his own nature, so he wound up telling the world what YT needs to do to be free of HIM. Nobody accused groids of being smart.
The GOP is hand in glove with Cultural Marxism. Romney's well-deserved defeat only assures that the Republican party will try to move even "more towards the center" (read: left of center), to lure in those nonexistent Black, minority and independent voters.
Yet in spite of this, Auster has been excoriating everyone who declined to vote for Romney in order to send (R) a message. The logical flaw in his argument is that conservatives must always pull the lever for the GOP simply because the Democrats will always be worse, so the former will never have an incentive to change. There is no guarantee that Romney would have done anything about Obamacare, or that he would have done anything substantive, for that matter.
Auster is spot-on 70% of the time. Other times he goes off the rails.
Are you and Zenster going to continue to mindlessly whine this mantra for the next 1000 years, or are you going to sack up, and offer viable alternatives?
Zenster often provides viable alternatives and airs ideas. Many of us do. Unfortunately, there's a growing consensus that working within the system is no longer viable. As others have stated, the Republicans are already playing with the idea of pandering to shitskins, and the election isn't a month old yet.
I've never heard white people more outspoken or rageful than they are right now. More and more article comments and ConInc radio show callers are repeating some of the advice our commenters have been giving for years. If Romney had won, there would be no rage of any kind. Those same people who are angry now would be admonishing the likes of us to settle down and let the new administration work. It would have been a setback, not a victory.
this military operation would only be viable when negro concentrations were maximized in the inner cities in which they have already taken over; i.e., it would require Detroit percentages in all the major black meccas.
You are thinking with your muscles. Have you been paying attention to the news out of Indianapolis and Massachusetts lately? Imagine if those had been apartment buildings full of Section 8'ers. All you have to do is reproduce that phenomenon on command. Any survivors capable of moving under their own power would be so terrified they'd be no threat for hours at least. Mopping up would be fairly easy.
It's the ability to think like this which makes us unbeatable against groids, unless we are also fighting traitors of our own type.
"Zenster often provides viable alternatives and airs ideas. Many of us do."
Well, on election day, my viable options were limited to "Democrat" (Obama) or "Republican" (Romney).
(I exclude third party candidates because they are not viable, and for the record, I'm a registered independent.)
I opted for Romney.
It was a no-brainer.
My vote was 100% anti-Obama, it really had nothing to do with Romney. I'd have voted for Pee Wee Herman if he was Obama's opponent.
You guys can fantasize about "other options" as much as you like, but here in the real world, there were only two choices on that ballot.
Please stop with the Ron Paul and third party nonsense! None of that will work until we get a candidate that openly appeals to whites, points out the incompatability of blacks with.....well, ANYONE and also takes on the very serious muslim problem. Personally, I believe we have seen our last election and Obama will be the end of the line for presidents. Soon to be King Obamuslim DA DA president for life dictator and Crying John will be all up kissing his black ass.
Mr Rational: What's the news out of Massachusetts and Indianapolis?
The average American is really not paying attention. Any arguments on that point? They need to be made fully aware of and reminded constantly of two facts, both of which are purposefully ignored by the media:
1. The extraordinary scope and depravity of negro crime.
2. The danger that section 8 represents.
The first item is clear enough and there is a start with fine resources like http://blackracismandracehatred.blogspot.com/. We need more resources like it, but we also need something that explains section 8. Possibly a site that shows section 8 properties in the same way that sex offenders are shown on neighborhood maps and publishes the names of section 8 property owners.
Non-black Americans need to understand that the violence and depravity they read about, can, via section 8, move into the house or apartment next door. When people wake up to the fact that they cannot escape the terror, then we may begin to see change.
Just finished watching Death Wish in order to acclimate myself w/ the legend of Paul Kersey. Classic stuff...... and PK is a great role model for all non-blacks. However, I just don't think I have the stamina to sit through Death Wish II, Death Wish 3, Death Wish 4: The Crackdown, and Death Wish V: The Face of Death
Mr. Rational:
It's the ability to think like this which makes us unbeatable against groids, unless we are also fighting traitors of our own type.
And there at the end of your sentence is the big problem. There are literally millions of white traitors, including most "conservatives". We couldn't dispatch them all even if we wanted to. If you count the mindless ones who mindlessly gussle Jonestown Black-label grape drank from the Ministry of Truth and the Cathedral of Cthulhu as they inhale deeply of the Opiate of Amurika, they outnumber our side by a factor of ten or more. This, I expect is the real key - even more than the vampire-squids and the DWL nomenklatura who toadies up to them.
Mr. Kersey writes about how black people have rotted the center out of a whole series of American cities. Anyone can see the burnt out husk that is now Detroit. Mr. Kersey's scholarship reminds us that this process has been going on now for over a half century.
What would have happened if Romney had won? I think there would have been a good chance that the economy would have snapped back. Several Republican governors saved their states from accelerating economic decline without too much trouble. I take this as evidence that Romney could have done much the same at the national level. Romney could have restored the nation to its former path.
But that was the path that allowed Detroit and Chicago to crumble. Romney would in my judgement be content to have saved the American (and world?) economy. That would have assured that he had a place in the history books. He would have been unlikely to have tackled race issues.
But Romney didn't win and Obama stays in power and promotes policies that exacerbate the decline of our cities through black occupation. That means that things will get worse at an accelerating pace. This could be good news. This may encourage a true opposition.
The Republican Party was in power at least at the national level for much of this last half century when our cities have crumbled. Having their man in the Oval Office hasn't solved this long running problem. In fact George W. Bush seems to have made things worse.
Bush 'reached across the aisle' to work with Ted Kennedy on 'No Child Left Behind'. Like every other education reform before it - it failed. Bush did no favor to the country with this gesture. Surely indulging in fantasy education theories is one thing we must stop if we want things to get better.
Real progress on the race problems begins with the recognition that blacks don't take to education very well. You will know that we are turning around when a national politician states publicly that blacks are intellectually inferior to whites and Asians by virtue of their genetics. Bush didn't do this. He perpetuated the comforting illusion that black learning performance could be improved if we just cared more and gave more standardized tests.
For more than a decade the US has pursued NCLB nostrums. We have spent a lot of money and we have given a lot of tests and nothing important has changed. We had done much the same thing two generations earlier with Head Start - different theory but identical failing results.
I can not imagine Mitt Romney - who feels vulnerable on race matters because of his religion - ever making a speech in which he admits that all efforts to educate blacks into equality have failed. He would, had he been elected, have been under pressure to 'kick the can down the road'. He would have acquiesced to the continuation of our liberal race blindness.
So maybe it is good that Romney lost. Maybe Obama's second term will mark the time when we finally have candor about race.
"Zenster often provides viable alternatives and airs ideas. Many of us do."
Here's an idea. Benevolent Repatriation.
Establish model cities in Africa and provide long term financial support for volunteers who repatriate. Nation-build the new settlements into safe societies with full employment. Showcase the results to entice the rest to join them.
But alas, giving them the opportunity to cut the white umbilical and depart their slums would be asking too much, and few would take up the offer.
In other news :
They can't have nice, safe societies if they make up the populations. That just further drains our money on an empty cause. Nice try though.
Left Coast White Guy
When the Bolsheviks took power in Russia there was a pro-Czarist organization called (I think) the Monarchists Union. The Bolsheviks, instead of crushing this organization outright, would infiltrate it and guide it into futile actions. When enough troublemakers were accumulated, there would be a massive raid but the organization would remain. In fact, it had more credibility after the raids and would attract yet more suckers.
Today, the Republican party serves a similar function.
Update: also watched Death Wish II since it is free to stream on Amazon Prime Video. Definitely worth watching, if only to see Paul Kersey avenge the total loss of his family and take out the groids who raped and killed his beautiful daughter. PK is the Batman of "this is a black world".
How could Romney have saved the economy? From what I could read it was more tax cuts without spending cuts coupled with more military spending and globalization disguised as "free trade.". That's what we've had under Ds and Rs for decades.
The cure is not made from the "hair of the dog that bit you."
This is for Zenster:
Several days after the team announced a plan to give every fan entering Sunday's game versus the Pittsburgh Steelers a white flag with the Browns' name and logo on it, someone in the front office of the 2-8 team came to the realization that having over 70,000 frustrated people waving an international symbol of surrender might not exactly do wonders for the team's image.
This sounds like a great promotion for the soon-to-be LA Jaguars (1-9 at the time this was written).
Anon at 12:00 AM and Anon at 10:27 PM: You're both right that most Americans don't know about this stuff and that the average American isn't paying attention. Given the mainstream media's devotion to misinforming the nation and diverting its attention to less weighty matters, that is what we ought expect. When Treyvon Martin got shot by a Hispanic and the MSM gravely distorted the story, we racists were outraged but not surprised. Has anyone who comments here not noticed the national media's silence about the many unprovoked killings of Whites by Blacks, in contrast to the Treyvon stink? Keeping the White masses ignorant is the whole point of "news" reporting.
Which is where we come in. It may not catch the attention of everyone in the country when a helpless White woman is murdered by a Black in Mobile, Alabama, but the locals know about it. And some of them will wonder why the press is full of stories about a dead Black in Florida, but a murdered White in Alabama gets no more coverage than a fire in a downtown furniture store. And we know why, and we have a counter-narrative that better fits the observed facts that the media's narrative. None of us can overwhelm the MSM, but we can subvert it, one person at a time. Don't give people both barrels at once, they'll think you're a fanatic, just start by undermining their trust in the story line the press puts out. We're not recruiting revolutionaries, we're preparing people to understand what happened when their world finally does come apart. Only then will they become truly racially aware. We're here to salvage something from the wreckage.
Things are likely to get worse before they get better - if indeed they do get better.
The race problem is getting worse due to large inexorable market forces. It's not just Obama or a bunch of black mayors. It's history.
The race problem itself is pretty easy to diagnose. Black people have smaller brains. This results in several familiar characteristics of black people. People with smaller prefrontal lobes tend to be more violent. They also have lower IQs and do poorly in school.
Ultimately the race problem will persist as long as we have people with small brains in our society - and it's getting worse.
In an agricultural society the size of your brain isn't all that important. Peasants don't need to know algebra. Neither do janitors or laborers.
But the job market is changing. The current recession is hardest on the uneducated. Those with college degrees are not suffering much. Their unemployment rate is about 4%. This is nearly the default frictional unemployment rate. That means it is nearly full employment.
The situation is much different for high school drop outs. They have an unemployment rate three times higher. In the nineteenth century the educated classes were more likely to be unemployed and the less educated had the full employment.
This trend is likely to continue. Mechanization strikes first at the repetitive low skill jobs and these are the kind of jobs preferentially held by blacks.
Employers want graduates not drop outs. Blacks drop out of school earlier than other groups. I'm a drop out myself. When I saw that I would have to take two more accounting classes for my doctorate I decided to drop out. Black teens do much the same - only they do it earlier.
A black high school drop out is doomed. He will not get those first jobs that teach him punctuality and etiquette. Lacking that instruction he will become a thug. He will end up in prison.
That is his personal fate but he has an impact on those around him too. neighborhoods with too many black teen thugs are likewise doomed.
The government is helpless to counter this trend towards increasingly more unemployable black teens. The teens got in their predicament because they failed at school. Government job programs are almost all school programs. This just gives the teens a another chance to fail.
Whenever a politician speaks about race they say something about promoting 'quality schools'. But black students - with their smaller brains - will always lose out to the larger brained races in the classroom.
The Sid Caesar show used to do a sketch with Carl Reiner playing a man with a high school diploma. At one time that was rare. Today the average education required for most middle class jobs is about two years of college. In a decade or so that is likely to rise to a full four years. Fewer and fewer blacks will be able to keep up.
To date every education reform aimed at closing the white-black education gap has failed. Without some breakthrough in neurology that would yield bigger black brains, that record of failure must continue.
In the meantime the external job market will increasingly have no use for the small brained peoples. In terms of usefulness to society blacks are becoming obsolete.
Even in the absence of Section 8 availability, the black undertow is still a real threat. There is always the possibility of 2 or more groids w/ decent-paying jobs teaming up to rent out a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in a "luxury" community (such as how my own negro-infested community is billed). Now you get triple the blight for the same price! It's sad that the rent trap has also become the nigger trap, and the American Dream has been redefined as not only owning your own real estate, but also positioning it well outside the "black hole".
Silent Running: Zenster often provides viable alternatives and airs ideas. Many of us do. Unfortunately, there's a growing consensus that working within the system is no longer viable. As others have stated, the Republicans are already playing with the idea of pandering to shitskins, and the election isn't a month old yet.
Thank you, Silent Running. You make my point quite well.
I have now concluded that it is better to sit through several more Democratic Party administration than to pretend that Conservatism Inc., in the form of the GOP, is looking after White interests.
As I mentioned earlier, the GOP must be sent a message that it will be politically sidelined if it does not wake up to just who really is its actual voter base.
In those intervening years, a Constitutionalist Party needs to be built and it may also serve as the electorate that will go on to secede from the union.
As Silent Running noted, the GOP is already busying itself scrambling after minority votes which will drive its platform even further left of center. Face it, Republicans are no longer anywhere near "center", much less right of it.
So long as the GOP chases minority votes, it means that they fully embrace the deluge of illegal immigration and its eventual enfranchisement. This makes them the worst enemy of all in that they are marching under false colors. At least the Democratic Party is naked in its hatred of America and bigotry against Whites. Let White America get its snout rubbed in that for a decade or two and see just how many new Eyes are Opened.
Albertosaurus: Things are likely to get worse before they get better - if indeed they do get better.
As the old joke goes:
That about sums things up for White America.
Everyone, this just in from the streets of Atlanta. The following letter is an email I received from someone who used to participate regularly here. I encouraged him to post it himself but time and opportunity does not permit. Ergo, here goes.
----------------- BEGIN TEXT -----------------
I am in Atlanta on business. Last evening, my feet were killing me with pain due to the fast shift to low temperatures. I asked the folks at the hotel desk where I might find a drug or variety store; I wanted to buy Tylenol. They said about 7 or 8 blocks up Peach Tree Boulevard, or whatever the big street is in front of the CNN headquarters. "Too far to walk; you should drive or get a cab." Nonsense. It's a well-lit main drag and I am not that lazy.
Zen… what can I say? It was hot and cold running niggers. Lots of the "Hey, mister…?"; gathered in clusters laughing and "ooooooo!"-ing about who knows what; jive-talking while hanging around in front of the various businesses that were still open at that hour. I have to be fair here. I was wondering how much further I had to go when I saw a man with a CVS bagin new condition; he walked like a human being, not chicken-walking street-trash; and I just had a good vibe
despite the fact he was black. "How far to the CVS?" "Oh! Just keep goin' about three signals, then turn right!" I thanked him, and he went on his way. I waited, looking in his direction just to make sure… No problems.
I finally got to the CVS. I daresay I was one of maybe three whites in the store. The rest were black, and almost all niggers. Not aggressive, but talking like they MAY have a 75 IQ, and standing around. I got what I needed, and started to go in to a fast food joint. I INSTANTLY got a bad feeling, so I hoofed it back to the hotel.
Twice, I jay-walked because I felt I was being "paced" by someone. More "hey, mister..". More just plain BAD feelings, and seeing what I am sure were BAD people.
I am shucking off a lot of my previous beliefs. It is hard for me to say this, but we need sundown laws and returning freedom-of-contract rights. We need to rescind this nonsense that private businesses are "public accommodation. What makes it so hard for me: I have two black men working for me. I will explain why in a moment. i do not want them put into the same pigeonholes as the nigger street trash. They just plain don't deserve that.
[to be continued]
Now. Why did I hire two blacks? Darn few whites responded to the ads and the college placement centers my employer contacted. The few that did were looking for high-five-figures straight out of school. One was attitudinal to the point I told our personnel people to stop the process. I finally got one who interviewed well, had good education, and is proving to be a good hire. I do not expect him to remain, as his education and certs put him into a different realm of engineering. But, we hired him knowing that.
One of the black men joined me about 1 1/2 years ago. Within weeks I learned I had a true gem. His work is accurate; it is in on time; our production staff has given me feedback that his grammar and syntax are virtually perfect in his reports. He finds things to do; he does not have to be told. He has taken up enough knowledge that I think I could hand him the department within another year. My other one came in about two or so months ago. He is quiet, soft-spoken, and a true gentleman. His work so far has been good; I will know more as we do more field work together. His grammar and syntax are also very good. I don't think this man has ever said a vulgar word in his life. He is also highly intelligent. My two black men have conventional names, married parents, and siblings from the same mother and father. Both drive modest cars with no bling. Their attendance records? Perfect. These are the sort of people I do not want to see having to stay in a separate hotel, or not being able to dine with them and discuss our work when we travel
----------------- END TEXT -----------------
In a following comment I will provide some of my personal reply to him plus some other observations I made to him. I am hoping that others here will assist my pal who, clearly, has had his Eyes Opened by visiting SBPDL. Especially so with respect to the two Black men he has hired.
I will say that I noted them to be statistical outliers but more about that later.
Here is the bulk of my reply:
Dear Friend,
Trust me I, too, have had to shed, literally, my entire lifetime of Liberal indoctrination over just the past 12 years. It is rather traumatic at times but the liberating aspect can be just as breathtaking, if not more so.
I know this is difficult for you, but your professional background gives you the tools to understand this:
The two Black men who work for you are statistical outliers. They represent < 0.1% of the Black population.
They are like genuinely moderate Muslims. Their numbers are so small as to be statistically insignificant. You can see this from the fact that they come from nuclear families. I do not seek to hold that worthwhile fact against them, only that it lends proof to their outlier status.
Sadly, many of their cousins are probably total niggers. This is the biggest problem with well-adjusted Blacks. They still tend to provide a gateway for ghetto rats to enter into the nice communities where they reside.
Believe it or not, I actually approve of how you distinguish between decent Blacks and their feral nigger kin. I'm certain that this represents some sort of relief valve so that you do not arbitrarily shift over into "all Blacks are niggers" mode which, otherwise, might be so easy.
What would be really useful is if you might consider posting your email to me over at SBPDL. There is a good chance you would get some really useful feedback. Californian, is on a real tear with some exceptionally well-thought-out comments of late.
As to your final observation:
I do not want to see having to stay in a separate hotel, or not being able to dine with them and discuss our work when we travel.
In many ways, this is the crux of the matter. Many at SBPDL address this rather fairly with the concept of qualified enfranchisement. The universal enfranchisement that is the norm today clearly does not work.
I think that you might wish to add a sidebar in your comment (if you do, indeed, contribute one), about that notion of qualified enfranchisement, because it is one of the only ways whereby an unsegregated America can protect itself from multi-generation welfare addicts repeatedly voting in commie pinko bastards like 0bama.
Finally, I would like to ask fellow readers here at SBPDL to please provide their own take on what my friend has put forth.
Everyone here should take great pride in bringing this honest person forward through the MSM's morass of Magic Negroes™, Hollywood's eRace and all the other anti-White propaganda being spewed today.
Sadly, the two Black men he has hired are very much the exception and definitely not the rule. It is worth noting that even their outstanding performance has not blinded my friend to the need for a return to, "sundown laws and returning freedom-of-contract rights."
Your thoughts please.
PS: Paul, I thought you might enjoy some serious boots-on-the-ground reporting from one of your target cities, Atlanta.
"I have now concluded that it is better to sit through several more Democratic Party administration"
So then, you voted for Obama?
In Atlanta, you gotta walk the streets as if you are Paul Muthafuckin' Kersey-Bronson. Otherwise, you are nothing more than a disingenuous moving groid target.
I have had as many as three black men working for me, two of them exceptional. All married, with children, and HATING the lazy, do-nothing ghetto punks. I do not believe that was an act for me, because I could see how hard these men worked, and the quality of their work.
If there is to be a solution to the problem that does not involve violence, it must involve men like these speaking out and shaming ghetto culture. We also need to recognize that, even with an average IQ of 85, there will be thousands or millions of blacks with self-control and enough mental horsepower to be of use in the economy. We need those people to breed, and cut out the violent, ign'ant ones; sterilization for asking for any sort of welfare benefit would end it within a generation.
Finally, I would like to ask fellow readers here at SBPDL to please provide their own take on what my friend has put forth.
Some thoughts...
A friend who is what you might call an "Unreconstructed Southerner" once made an interesting point to me: that a Reverend Wright might just be "turned" if race realists took an intelligent agitprop line. For example, by getting him to realize that the system which keeps black people down is not "white privilege" but DWL social engineering. Half a century of DWL programs have wrecked the black family, incarcerated huge numbers of black men, and laid waste entire cities.
It's not a matter of winning over the majority of blacks. It's a matter of winning over their leaders. Not the Obamas who are in bed with the Establishment, but the local level people who are looking to displace the black over-class: the upstarts, the also-rans, the activists chafing under the DWL party line. And decent blacks, such as the ones your friend mentioned, are also on the agenda.
Look at it in Machiavellian terms: the strategy of divide and conquer. A Cosby, a Walter Williams, even a Mayor Nutter who denounces flash mobs, are useful in splitting the facade of BRA solidarity. Right now, race realists are not strong enough to take on the combined forces of BRA and DWLs. But a tactical alliance which subverts opposing unity may be in the cards.
How do radical feminists form coalitions alongside Islamic radicals? Simple: they understand the common enemy which they label racism-imperialism-patriarchism-zionism-etc-ism (aka the "white power structure"). The apparent contradiction between feminism and Islam's treatment of women is shelved in order to gain the tactical advantage of a united front. This is what makes political correctness work: the ability of divergent groups to unite in the fight against a common enemy.
If anti-DWL blacks are going to be brought into any front, they have to translate that into political action. Like no more kneejerk voting for leftwing/race-baiting black candidates.
There are many others who are fed up with the system: men's rights activists, anti-jihadists, paleo-conservatives, the patriot & militia movements, the Ron Paul partisans, even anti-globalists over on the left--and lots and lots more. The thing is to get them to shelve their differences and work together.
This requires an intelligent political line. And it offers a real possibility.
Well, on election day, my viable options were limited to "Democrat" (Obama) or "Republican" (Romney).
You're not listening. Electoral politics, except at the most local level, is over.
My vote was 100% anti-Obama, it really had nothing to do with Romney.
The GOP establishment views your vote against Obama as a vote for Romney and a mandate for his positions. Four years from now, if the Republican Party still exists, you'll hold your nose again and vote for a vile candidate, and the status quo will keep on truckin. R v D is a false dichotomy and we're probably seeing its logical conclusion. But you're correct about one thing: as it stands, third parties are not viable. The fact that they never really had a chance is a crime.
But the job market is changing. The current recession is hardest on the uneducated. Those with college degrees are not suffering much. Their unemployment rate is about 4%. This is nearly the default frictional unemployment rate. That means it is nearly full employment.
Maybe you missed this article. The value of a college degree is now almost wholly artificial, and Caucasians are expected to endure 4+ years of wild-eyed Marxist indoctrination along with $50k+ in student debt in order to obtain what amounts to a work permit. Not only is this not sustainable, it's hugely damaging to Caucasian family formation.
And so long as major corporations value Diversity as much as governments do, it won't matter what qualifications blacks have. They'll keep getting hired, and half-brainwashed, indebted whites will keep covering for them.
"So then, you voted for Obama?"
Please, don't get your panties in a wad over anybody here voting FOR Obama. Nobody did. However, many recognize that Romney was a stooge. As an example he pointed out the 47% that are parasites. When criticized, he backed away. Now, having lost the election, he is backtracking and blaming the 47%.
Clearly , Romney was not the answer. We are left with pursuing the "worse is better" strategy because that is all the system offers us.
In many ways, this is the crux of the matter. Many at SBPDL address this rather fairly with the concept of qualified enfranchisement. The universal enfranchisement that is the norm today clearly does not work.
I'll draw on my experience in apartheid South Africa: the logistics of maintaining racial segregation in a modern industrial society are sufficient to make the system sink of its own weight. I described in a past post what happened when the "blacks only" restroom in the Carlton was out of order. I could go on about every time you (as a white person) walked out onto the street, you had to maintain a "combat" mode in which you had to remember that you were on top of the pyramid and blacks were below. As Orwell points out in "Shooting an Elephant," being the imperial elite gets old really fast.
The dilemma is that when white people give up their ruling status, they end up as second class citizens at best (per SA), or ethnically cleansed (per Zimbabwe). And no sane white person should desire such a thing. I sure don't.
So what's the answer?
A white ethno-state sounds good, but the USA was a white ethno-state until the mid-20th century, yet it all unraveled in a few short years with Brown vs Board of Education.
The promise of the civil rights movement was that it would end the undeclared warfare between the races. All Americans could share the same bathroom! Well, we see how that turned out. When white people surrendered power, we ended up with BRA. Politics is not about equality, it's about power. If white people do not want it, other groups will fill the vacuum.
Universal enfranchisement does not work (this was understood by the Founding Fathers, of course, which is why they limited the vote). But you'll never sell a limited franchise to Americans today.
What is the solution? I'd say that it's in two parts:
1) White people must maintain sufficient numbers such that they are not dispossessed from their own lands, or lands to which they make claim. I'd recommend reading Arthur Kemp's analysis at:
2) There needs to be a ruling elite which promotes the interests of white people. Politicians, corporate CEOs, clergy, media satraps, university chieftains--must support their own people, not the abstract ideologies of the DWLs. The majority of white people would support a race realist policy if there were some serious leadership.
European countries were, until recently, white ethno-states. That has not prevented them from opening the gates to third world mass migration, with attendant dysfunctions. This is owing to the failure of reasons (1) and (2) above.
What can race realists do? European nationalist parties such as the BNP show one path. Another is to use the Internet to mobilize white people internationally. We are way beyond the point where we can talk about America versus Russia versus Germany versus Britain versus Boers versus Australia. That plays into the enemy's game of divide and conquer. It's how the multicult picked off South Africa. An international race realist front could be created. It could network with nationalist groups globally, say to provide support to besieged whites in Africa. Heck, race realists could bring in any group which wanted in on a united front to defeat the multicult tide. Think about Christian groups who want to fight against the persecution of the Church in Islamic countries. Or corporations which do not want to be sunk by third world corruption and incompetence. Or even the Chinese as allies, given their policies on Africa and Africans.
Call it The United Front for Civilization.
Anonymous/24Nov12@4:37 AM,
"Any law that disarms you for the purpose of putting you at the mercy of the apes is wholly illegitimate"
Thus why I've labeled such 'Aztec law/s' & their proponents/enactors as 'neo-Aztecs' since they demand that others be sacrificed on the altar of the proponent's/enactor's beliefs.
"and a police force too incompetent to protect you is also likely too incompetent to catch you."
Wrong on 2 counts, 1) Numerous state/Federal (including the Supreme Court) courts have ruled that LE has NO duty to protect the individual & CAN'T be held liable for not doing so, & 2) The recent massive uparming & rapid militarization of LE is quite unlikely to be intended for the control of the inner city 'minority' populations as numerous documents from govt sources make abundantly clear.
"Carry whether its "legal" or not in your area."
Depending on the jurisdiction, such an act of civil disobedience is likely to be adjudicated as a heavy criminal act & prosecuted to the max to discourage others from behaving 'uppity'. Don't forget that despite what they claim, most in LE from the street level to the upper echelons OPPOSE open carry & CCW reform, 'Castle Doctrine', & 'Stand Your Ground' legislation & so will at minimum take your weapon (& usually you w/ it) & at maximum shoot you dead then say you 'made a furtive/suspicious move', that they 'justifiably fired to protect themselves/others', followed by exoneration by the system/media.
That's why armed self-defense reform legislation & jury nullification education's SO important, they simultaneously gut the system's ability to sacrifice the 'little people' & expose the 'neo-Aztecs' in govt/LE/media/business/politics w/ ASD being the open 'threat' & JN being the 'subversive' one. Presented properly, JN's the most devastating to the system due to its 'bleed over effect' from criminal to civil law which is why the system's doing everything it can to fight it up to/including naked attempts to get the JN proponent to self-incriminate into a contempt charge, false imprisonment, open abuse of process, & outright threats of 'dire consequences'.
And the most delicious part about the one-two/ASD & JN combo's that it uses the same diversion strategy the system does.
Cassandra (of Troy)
"and its minions." Literacy would add weight to your arguments.
Zenster is wrong about those two black guys being statistical outliers. If the readers of this blog want to help they should learn some statistics. Everyone should know how to read a table of z-scores. The math for understanding IQs is not difficult but it can be surprising.
Many race realists struggle with understanding how blacks who have small brains and low IQs can produce someone like Thomas Sowell who is likely to be smarter than you are. There are also quite a few clearly smart black people on cable news shows. Indeed Barrack Obama is smart - not super smart the way they say - but smart enough. He's smarter than McCain for example.
Are we suppose to think that all these smart blacks are exceptions? Statistical outliers? No.
The statistical model of the Normal Distribution doesn't just mean that there can be smart black people. It requires that there are smart blacks. Many of the readers of this blog are plenty intelligent but the math requires that there will always be some black man somewhere who is smarter.
This truth is a product of the normal curve being asymptotic. The tails stretch to infinity in either direction. The Gaussian distribution (normal curve) is of course a model not a measurement. There will always be a specific individual with the highest and lowest scores. So there are no real people with an IQ of five thousand or some other huge score.
IQs stop about 180 in real populations. At these levels they don't mean much anyway. Error terms become to large.
Before I got so damn old I was pretty smart. I always scored in the 99th percentile on standardized tests. That means only one percent of the US population was as smart or smarter than I was. But America has 300,000,000 people. That means there were 3,000,000 others just as smart. That's hardly an exclusive club.
I'm white and my race has an average IQ of about 100 by the convention invented by Alfred Binet and the other inventors of IQ tests. Blacks have an average IQ of about 85 (70 for pure bred blacks in Africa). As it happens 15 is the size of the standard deviation of IQ scores. At the 99the percentile I would be about two standard deviations above the mean (actually 2.3). That's an IQ of about 135. So If the nation were all white there would be about three million people with an IQ of 135 or more.
But blacks are a full standard deviation below whites and East Asians. That means that there are many, many fewer blacks with an IQ of 135. There are about twenty times times fewer blacks at this IQ level. But even so that would mean 150,000 smart black people (if everyone in America were black). Since blacks are only a pert of the population the true figure is about twenty thousand. The similarly corrected figure for whites is about two and a third million.
Some people think that a society is built only by its smart people. An IQ of 135 is a score that some think is a threshold. This is about the IQ of inventors, CEOs and creators. So it matters to a society how many of these gifted people a society has. This is roughly the position of Griffe du Lion.
These numbers mean that at an IQ of 135 is important. I means that a white person is more than a hundred time more likely to reach this level. But if in America there are twenty thousand black people at this level, there will be plenty of blacks available to be political commentators on TV, or candidates for political office or economics professors. There is no need to invoke some special explanation to account for the smarts of some black individual. Smart black people are not exceptions but they are quite rare.
Cities, we now know, fail if they have populations with low IQs. That's what happened to Detroit. You need a lot of smart people to run a modern city. Detroit now doesn't have enough. That in no way is at odds with the observation that there are thousands of smart blacks in America. The problem is that we need millions not thousands.
BTW. My IQ was actually at the 99.9th percentile.
SMH. And nobody addresses why blacks in America are the way they are or the devilish ways of white people either. Question: What group of people came into a new country and was welcomed with open arms, then killed the natives with infected blankets. What same group then made these natives walk (a trail of tears) to some remote part of the country and has stuck them there the entire time? What same group of people then went to Africa and stole a race of people, brought them to the country in which the stole from some other people, and made them build it on their backs. What same group of people then raped the women of this stole race of people and treated the lighter skinned offspring just a little better. Then what group of people routinely killed any man or woman they saw fit by hanging them from trees, just because they could. Then what group of people went to war as to not free this group of people and lost. But then what group of people still killed and treated this group of people however they saw fit. It's a new day but it's a whole hell of a lot of history. If I was black, I'd be really pissed off, too, and might resort to violence. People have to realize what exactly has been done and swept under the rug in this country. I am not saying that any of the new violence or looting or whatever is warranted but you can't look at the problem without owning or taking responsibility with the people who actually created this problem!
Please, don't get your panties in a wad over anybody here voting FOR Obama. Nobody did. However, many recognize that Romney was a stooge. As an example he pointed out the 47% that are parasites. When criticized, he backed away. Now, having lost the election, he is backtracking and blaming the 47%.
Even Bogolyubski, likely the most virulent anti-Republican commenter on this site, would never actually vote for the John Doe known as Barack Hussein Obama.
Here were are three weeks out from an election which should have been an easy win for a Republican in which the reputed opposition party actually lost ground in the Senate and barely held their ground in the House, while losing the presidential race. At the end of the day, the only logical conclusion one can draw from this is that the Republicans had no intention of mounting a serious campaign to win the white house or the senate. The most telling thing of all was their selection of Romney itself - the one candidate the Democracts wanted to run against. Why would any party in genuine opposition take the advice of Democrats and their allies in the Ministry of Truth?
Republican elites picked a elitist liberal banksta from the most overtly leftist state in the union who refused to take off his white gloves and actually fight against a lazy Marxist 'community organizer', hired the architects of Juan McAmnesty's failure and the shellacking of the 2006 midterms, and flip-flopped on so many issues that only a person who closely followed his record could even hope to keep track. The response of the Rove-Bush gang to an entirely predictable defeat: Let's go full retard! Yet there is no move to throw these types out of the party, is there? The only ones being considered for excommunication are those who oppose open borders, BRA, etc.
It is entirely possible that the entire election process in the USA is completely rigged. Since 1982, the Republicans have abided by an outrageous court order which essentially gives Democracts and their constituents carte blanche to engage in massive, blatant election fraud with no challenge save a half-assed attempt in 2010 which resulted in the decree going before a groid judge appointed by Hussein (and rubber-stamped by the "opposition" party). Is this the behavior of a real opposition party? Just to state the obvious one more freaking time: Republicans are the enemy.
I see we have a superb example of publik edumacation at its finest on full display from a lying, sanctimonious, DWL. It's the old refrain, repeated over and over and over again by the Ministry of Truth and heard in daily recitation in the great Cathedral of Cthulhu: It's all whitey's fault! Poor negroes just can't help themselves. Murder and rape are natural responses to the millenia of repression from the evil white male patriarchy.
I'll say one thing for the Moose-limbs, they actually do know how to deal with bitches like this. They usally don't waste any time about it, either.
ERachelle: Your narrative of White history is less than juvenile. "...routinely killed any man or woman they saw fit by hanging them from trees, just because they could." I suppose that's a quote from your Masters' thesis? Whites have done no worse than any other people. The histories of Orientals, Hindus, Moslems, Amerindians, Africans, and Whites are all stories of struggles over resources, with lots of blood. If your professors have not taught you this, you ought get a refund on your tuition.
And by the way, all the people responsible for slavery in America are dead. Nobody here has ever owned a slave, so we are not at fault. Dipshit.
What distinguishes Blacks is their innate intellectual inferiority. Average I.Q. of 85. It's nobody's fault, it just is.
"You're not listening. Electoral politics, except at the most local level, is over."
You can repeat this til hell freezes over.
It doesn't change the fact that there were two choices on the ballot.
"The GOP establishment views your vote against Obama as a vote for Romney and a mandate for his positions."
How I'm perceived by the "GOP establishment" is of no concern to me.
"Please, don't get your panties in a wad over anybody here voting FOR Obama. Nobody did."
So then, like me (knowing that voting third-party or staying home is like a vote for Obama), they all voted for Romney.
Curious that no one seems to have the courage to admit it.
Then what group of people went to war as to not free this group of people and lost.
They cannot be that hard to defeat if nothing can defeat them!
Regime Boss of "Refugee" Racket files no reports for 3 years running!
Those stalwart Republicans, fiercely holding a corrupt administration's feet to the fire! Boy, I'll bet that Mittens would have made them come up with a destruction report. Keep in mind. The Bathhouse of "Representatives" could defund the program with a simple majority vote - if they actually wanted to.
Like Romney would ever stand up for decent hard-working normal Americans.
The Republicans did everything they could think of to lose this cycle to the Democrats, just assuming that Americans will vote HomoRepublicrat.
The color of skin is what matters.
It's official government policy.
Deal with it and move on with reality.
I've read that blacks in DC have actually started writing or spray painting "No Whites" on For Sale signs in front of homes there. The media seems to be ignoring it, as usual. Imagine if it were the other way around. It'd be national news.
Blacks aren't interested in equality. What they really want is supremacy, and "revenge."
I worked in a company that was taken over by a libtard who then actively began recruiting blacks as fast as she could. As soon as the percentage of blacks reached a certain level, it truly became a de facto race war initiated by the blacks. It was all about control, domination, "get whitey," and attempting to get rid of the remaining whites so they could be replaced with more blacks.
There were endless attacks upon the whites in the form of accusations of racism etc in an attempt to get them fired. Walking into work was entering hostile territory where the hatred was so thick the work atmosphere was poisoned. If you were white, you'd be met with hostile glares, ostracized, and treated with contempt as well as have your work interfered with as the blacks liked to engage in passive aggressive acts of sabotage and obstruction- as well as trying to force whites to do their work for them- or the whites were declared to be "hateful and got an attitude against black people and won't help nobody." The definition of "help" must have been, "I is gonna sit on my ass while you do my stuff fo' me, otherwise I is gonna have a tantrum when you refuses!" It was just another method of creating trouble and having something to file a complaint about.
When the libtard grew tired of dealing with the constant attacks and tried to calm things down, she was summarily attacked via threats by the blacks dat "we gonna contact da NAACP! Dis place be rayciss!!" Naturally, being the spineless self hating white that she was, she caved in immediately and things became even worse as the blacks then felt entitled and emboldened.
Even under the "best" circumstances, as soon as one white was targeted for false and slanderous accusations, the whole mob of blacks would join in on the attack like a pack of hyena's thirsting for blood. I only recall one black that refused to be a part of this mob mentality and he was immediately placed under intense pressure to conform and go along with "da brutha's and sista's."
Interestingly, when the number of blacks in the company was only about 10%, they behaved themselves.
In any case, this scenario is what plays out everywhere and in every situation where blacks achieve critical population mass whether we're talking about a company, a city or even an entire nation.
For the vast majority that I've met and had to deal with, the ideals of a civilized nation are incompatible with their tribal mentality and they only pay lip service to any high ideals when it serves their purpose to do so. Once they achieve a majority, such ideals are quickly flushed down the toilet and their true monstrous face is revealed.
Anonymous, you don't tell us if the libtard learned to See, or remained a libtard.
Pat Albertosaurus: Thanks for the statistics lesson. It's easy to let concepts slide around a bit when you don't refresh them, but when you're pushing heresy as we do, it's vital to have our facts straight.
Then what group of people routinely killed any man or woman they saw fit by hanging them from trees, just because they could.
Care to name the number of times this happened? During the eight or so decades of segregation, there were a total of something like 3500 blacks lynched in America. Compare that to the thousands of murders which blacks commit every year in this country. And let me note that many of the lynchees were guilty of serious crimes (not the proverbial "spitting on the sidewalk").
Far from being a reign of terror, the segregation era saw a high point of black responsibility when it came to family formation, education, and business achievement.
Then what group of people went to war as to not free this group of people and lost.
Care to put that statement into something that approaches English grammar and syntax?
If I was black...
So you're not black? What is your race?
I'd be really pissed off, too, and might resort to violence.
Yeah, I'd sure be pissed off about:
* Affirmative action
* Black studies programs
* Minority set aside contracts
* Blacks-only government & corporate grants
* MLK holidays
* Court decisions requiring cities to hire otherwise unqualified black applicants for emergency services
* Hatecrime laws targeting white people for the modern version of "spitting on the sidewalk"
* Bill Gates scholarships being denied to white applicants
* The educational system providing only the black side of the civil rights movement
* White church groups inviting in Somali immigrants
* "Beat Whitey Night" at the Wisconsin State Fair
* The mainstream media covering up black-on-white crime
* The fawning sycophantry of just about every disingenuous white liberal (DWL)
* The US support for the destruction of white rule in Rhodesia-South Africa
Must be so hellacious, you'd have to go out in the streets to riot and loot!
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