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Don't wear your sunglasses at night in 90 percent black Detroit: you'll end up dead |
In 90 percent black Detroit, owning a pair of Cartier sunglasses - regardless of how they were procured - is of more value then a life [Man killed at Detroit gas station, reportedly robbed of designer glasses, Detroit News, 11-19-12]:
Police are investigating the death of a 24-year-old man who was shot to death at a gas station and reportedly robbed of his designer glasses on Detroit's northwest side Sunday.
According to police, the incident occurred at about 9:55 p.m. at the CITGO station in the 17500 block of Grand River Avenue near the Southfield Freeway. "On Nov. 18 the male victim (front seat passenger), exited the vehicle and went inside a local gas station," said Sgt. Eren Stephens.
"As he left the gas station and headed back to the vehicle, a car drove up and shots were fired. The victim was struck in the body and has died." According to the DPD the motive for the shooting remains unknown.
WDIV-TV reports said the victim was robbed of his Cartier glasses as well as about $150 in cash.According to the Cartier Web site, there exist 35 styles you can choose from, ranging in price from $560 - $1690 (plus tax) for a pair of Santos Dummont rimmed sunglasses.
Why in the world was this dude wearing a pair of sunglasses at 10 p.m. at night?
What are the odds the 24-year-old man shot to death was wearing "fake" Cartier sunglasses?
We are talking an eye accessory in 90 percent black Detroit, where these economic facts of life are merely a reflection of the Visible Black Hand of Economics and the type of economy black people can create:
- Median household income in the city dropped to $25,193 in 2011, according to the new figures.
- Perhaps most staggering is the percentage of Detroit families living in poverty. It's more than three times the national rate, at 35.5 percent, compared to 11.7 nationwide.
The unfortunate homicide in 90 percent black Detroit over a pair of sunglasses being worn at night was, obviously, not what Corey Hart was singing about.
- The percentage of children living in poverty is troubling nationwide, at 22.5 percent. But that number in Detroit -- 57.3 percent.
Not only should you not wear your sunglasses at night in Detroit, don't go anywhere near Detroit at any time under any circumstances!
Whites need to totally abandon these BRA war zones and viciously defend themselves from the migration of blacks to their cities. This is becoming harder and harder to do, but unless you want this disaster in your city, do everything in your power to keep yours and your neighbors property values up.
It's too bad for the minority of black families who who aren't a burden on society (about 3% judging by the election results) but the only defense whites have left is total segregation. Read Derbyshire's "The Talk-Non Black Edition" for sensible advice to keep yourself and your family safe.
It cannot be overstated enough: What do Detroit, Haiti, Zimbabwe, the Congo, and South Africa all have in common? What is their one common denominator, the one thing these geographically disparate places share? Certainly, it's not white racism: the whites were driven out of Haiti 200 years ago, leaving a perfect infrastructure and a tremendous amount of wealth. Those who remained had a vast amount of capital with which to build a superpower, if they had the intellect, maturity, and drive. But 200 years later, Haiti is an impoverished, dangerous shithole whose citizens must look to dirt cookies for sustenance.
Same with South Africa and Zimbabwe and the Congo and Detroit. The whites were driven out, leaving a perfect, rich infrastructure that those who remained could do wonders with, if they had the intellect, maturity, and drive. But they are all shitholes now, too. In other words, you can give blacks all the tools in the world to succeed, but they never will, because they don't have it within them to do so.
Given the irrationally hostile reaction Derbyshire received for his article, one of his talking points should have been;
Understand that the liberal definition of racism is anything that makes black or brown people feel uncomfortable about their race. It doesn't matter how truthful or constructive.
Blacks raping, robbing, assaulting, and murdering White people isn't racism.
Whites publishing crime statistics and being wary of blacks is racism.
Blacks doing everything possible to be parasitical on Whites isn't racism.
Whites resisting being economically bled by blacks is racism.
The madness goes on and on.
How long have we had a foreign power in charge of our cities? There is no law nor quality of life and we as Americans accept this? How can black be so forgiving of living in an enviroment so violent and dangerous?
If aliens were to land tomorrow and take stock what would they think? Would they think that we harbor violent pets? Would they think that these are breeding grounds for biological weapons?
I think the very last hypothesis would be these are poor down trodden people who could join modern society if only it were not for White racism.
Several years ago, I toured the magnificent ruins of Detroit. Of course, this was at 0700 on Sunday morning with my trusty little Sig 230 positioned carefully between the seats. (And yes 10mm Auto, I admit that is not nearly enough gun for your average NAPA!)
The ruin-porn books and youtube presentations don't do justice to the devastation I saw. It is unbelievably sad to see these formerly grand neighborhoods and factories and know that at one time, people like us, white people lived and worked here. These houses were their pride and joy and their children were happy and safe.
By 1100, the NAPAs were rising from their grape drank induced comas and it was time to beat a hasty retreat.
But, to see it first hand and know that Detroit, or Johannesburg, or Harare (nee Salisbury) are what the Elites have planned for us will definitely steel your heart and spine...
25k yearly income.
decent people can live, be happy, improve this society on that $..
but we get...@#$%^******
If aliens were to land tomorrow and take stock what would they think?
When this question was asked before it was answered that they are a different species from those that built the city.
"MuayTyson said...
How long have we had a foreign power in charge of our cities? There is no law nor quality of life and we as Americans accept this? How can black be so forgiving of living in an environment so violent and dangerous?"
This is the Ultimate Question!
Because violence and tribalism is the negros natural state. In any sane and responsible Advanced society, "No Go" areas for Whites would not be tolerated (Japan is like this; While the Yakuza operate in the shadows, they are far more like the Mafia than a loose association of street gangs. Murder and violence is usually confined to intergang war rather than the population at large.)
With negros, the way they act is exactly as if Whites were gazelle in Africa and when the negro gets hungry, it attacks. You are part of the landscape, a natural function of the environment to be consumed.
It wants your cell phone? It Attacks. It wants your Ipad? Attacks. It likes your car? It attacks. Look at the "wilding" attacks or the Urban attacks in the cities. Unlike bank-robberies of old, there is very little planning or forethought. Negro infestation of our cities is, in the very fullest sense of the word, Mayhem.
Paramilitary negro gangs dealing in banned substances, sectioning off sections of the city and attacking civilians should not be tolerated. I don't mean that more police should be sent in, police are only good for arresting the occasional citizen that has committed a crime. I mean that the National Guard under the orders of the Governor should be called in, Non-citizen Gang leaders deported to their native lands (as determined by DNA) and the homes of the members razed and the lower level citizen gang members send to the fields to pick tomatoes for 3 to 5 years. Any further proof of gang affiliation subject to immediate deportation with United States citizenship canceled.
We have let the problem get so big that no one believes that their is any answer and a weird sort of paralysis has settled over the White man. Police every year around budget time come up with a new "method" of "dealing with gangs" using more "community outreach" and methods that everyone knows will never work, have never worked and will never work. After 50 years of the gang violence/War on Drugs/Urban Renewal cycle, we now have over 500,000 gang members of various nationalities in the USA, not counting large terrorist organizations like Nation of Islam or La Raza. In other words we are losing and have been losing for a long time.
"Don M. said: Of course, this was at 0700 on Sunday morning with my trusty little Sig 230 positioned carefully between the seats. (And yes 10mm Auto, I admit that is not nearly enough gun for your average NAPA!)
Hi Don! Hey look, reliability is number one! Your ability to hit is number two and caliber is number three. A SigSauer is a fine weapon, reliable and accurate. Since you carry and sound trained, you got the first two covered. Caliber can come when you are ready, say a SigSauer in 357 Sig.
I mean that the National Guard under the orders of the Governor should be called in, Non-citizen Gang leaders deported to their native lands (as determined by DNA) and the homes of the members razed and the lower level citizen gang members send to the fields to pick tomatoes for 3 to 5 years. Any further proof of gang affiliation subject to immediate deportation with United States citizenship canceled.
This leaves the source of the problem intact; the breeding population would still exist and be able to go about its business unimpaired. To fix the problem you need to separate the educable and law-abiding from the rest, and make it so that only the former group reproduces.
If you could persuade 80% of the group that becomes unwed mothers to be sterilized before their first child, the Black birthrate would drop by more than half. Even better, the out-of-wedlock fraction would fall to about 1/3 of the total. You could probably select this group by finding those who are functionally illiterate and/or have started running up juvenile crimes before age 13. Pay them and their parents if they're fixed, and you start getting a payoff as soon as the first avoided birth.
Simple solution to the entire problem. Every gang banger and thug is categorized as a domestic terrorist under the Dept of Homeland Security. Round them all up and put them in internment camps, chip them and put them on the no fly list for life. Set an example for other people who want to be self-entitled nigger thugs that if they want to be like this they will be tagged and tracked for the rest of their lives and treated like criminals.
Set an example for other people who want to be self-entitled nigger thugs that if they want to be like this they will be tagged and tracked for the rest of their lives and treated like criminals.
People™ with a profound lack of future time orientation will not let this affect their actions. There are only two things that can stop the unwanted behaviors: direct prevention (lack of opportunity) and immediate, severe consequences.
personally i dont mind black on black violence. let em drag each other down. what i do mind is the innocent people be it bystanders, elderly, or even the decent blacks being drug down too. black people have the most potential and yet they fail to utilize what they have. they are genecticly gifted from the many years of the stongest bing bred to the strongest yet they only use there power to sling dope or commit crimes.BLACK PEOPLE!!! When are you gonna wake up out of your colt 45 and old english induced comas and realize your own potential. i really feel bad for the blacks that get labeled automatically because there are many that are fairly decent and civilized. And productive to the society!!! now thats what we need! not counter productivity!!! Instead of investing your money in shoes and other expensive fashions, invest in things that will get you out of a shithole house and provide food for your 13 children. Little lakweeta needs to eat! And little Shanaynay has too aswell. Are the 130 dollar pair of jordans going to feed Diqwando? Shucks... Rant is officially done........
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