Staten Island officials were becoming increasingly agitated about the lack of aid and supplies; they blasted the Red Cross for their absence. Staten Island Borough President Jim Molinaro was furious: "This is America, not a third world nation. We need food, we need clothing," he fumed.
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Hurricane Sandy Looter: Is a caption necessary? |
Our major cities? Were an advanced alien species to try and attack earth (think 1996's Independence Day) there would be no need to park city-wide spacecrafts with the military capacity to instantly wipe them out over major metropolitan areas in America; considering what black people have done to Detroit, Atlanta, Birmingham, Dallas, St. Louis, Memphis, parts of NYC, Chicago, Milwaukee, Richmond, Detroit, and Philadelphia, it would be of vital strategic importance to disable those low population density areas first.
They represent the only fight America has left; the major cities are already gone, courtesy of a much different weapon. Perhaps more potent and deadly then any other ever devised: equality. Weaponized equality.
But turn eyes away from the stories of looting and savagery; the racial fissure in America that Hurricane Sandy has once again exposed - that post-apocalyptic scenario - is nothing more than a a blinding gaze into the mirror, showing the heart and soul of what the USA is in 2012.
Drudge Report has posted a link to an NBC story out of Brooklyn of black people stating:
"People are defecating in my building, in the hallways." Another black woman then proceeds to demand that the mayor should have been there, because "we are a community just like everywhere else."
No, my dear, you are not a community. You are a reminder of what TANF/welfare, Section 8 Housing, and EBT/Food Stamps provide (though strangely, not a peep of societal breakdown is heard from the poverty-striken Appalachian Mountains, where massive amounts of snow fell across the region at the same time Hurricane Sandy hit NYC/New Jersey).
You are reminder of what is coming when "The EBT Card Runs Out"; a scenario that seems outlandish (considering deficit spending, a never-ending supply of money pumped by the Fed, etc.), but is a contingency that will eventually play out.
Peggy Joseph famously said (of Barack Obama's election), "It was the most memorable time of my life. It was a touching moment because I never thought this day would ever happen. I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage. You know, if I help him, he's gonna help me."
She wasn't far from the truth, was she? A prophetess indeed. That society will not last forever. This era - Black-Run America (BRA) - which has its origins in events that happened centuries ago, only coming to complete fruition in the 1960s, will end.
Daring to notice the truth that Hurricane Sandy (just like Hurricane Katrina) exposes makes you an enemy of this state.
The real state of America, the one the government work to protect, feed, ensure procreates and promote, is complaining about people defecating in the hallways of high-rise projects of Brooklyn.
Three days... it took three days.
Peggy Joseph famously said (of Barack Obama's election), "It was the most memorable time of my life. It was a touching moment because I never thought this day would ever happen. I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage. You know, if I help him, he's gonna help me."
She wasn't far from the truth, was she? A prophetess indeed. That society will not last forever. This era - Black-Run America (BRA) - which has its origins in events that happened centuries ago, only coming to complete fruition in the 1960s, will end.
Daring to notice the truth that Hurricane Sandy (just like Hurricane Katrina) exposes makes you an enemy of this state.
The real state of America, the one the government work to protect, feed, ensure procreates and promote, is complaining about people defecating in the hallways of high-rise projects of Brooklyn.
Three days... it took three days.
BRA Diversity ATL headlines will become everywhere headlines as Fedz push Diversity everywhere:
Housing still a crisis in southwest Atlanta
Residents hope for a rebound, but public and private efforts remain stymied.
Even Alex Jones made some backhanded comments about the EBT hordes today.
Remember, it's flash friday on the Tom Leykis show! "There's the door!"
You use the analogy of "Independence Day", but I much prefer "Aliens". You see in the movie the "Aliens" are a bioweapon, designed to be dropped over a population and start a second front. As the population battles the enemy in space, out of the night comes another horror.
Blacks (or Orcs if you prefer) are bioweapons. The case has been made and all the data confirm this. All the Government officials have seen the data of what happens to a society when you drop say 3000 Somalis into Wisconsin or open a town to Section 8 housing full of negros. They rape , steal, rob, murder and the entire community is converted into something else, something worse. Their niglets beat White kids because we are polite and helpful and in their minds, that makes Whites "soft". They subvert the culture, damage the confidence that binds Whites together. People who have never locked their doors in their lives start, fearing the night, sleeping with a pistol close. To even point it out is a Thought-crime, getting you vilified as "racist". This is used as an excuse for more "programs", more police, more Government and more Section 8.
No more independent White communities, no more Sunday morning church-bells, no more Halloween night walks, no more July 4th fireworks and children running with sparklers, safe in a community that protects them. What you get is beaten children at school and on the bus, daughters raped, candlelight vigils for the missing and the dead. And Marches, endless marches for more black "rights" and more black "justice" and "understanding", especially when the perp turns out to be Jamal or D'antwan.
It is never the perps family that moves out of town for shame, but Whites that leave trying to protect their remaining children and businesses, abandoning their homes and losing money on a quick sale to join the endless and directionless March of "White Flight"; to start again in another town, another place, another "try".
White Flight, What a strange expression. As though Whites were migratory birds instead of the conquerors of this land. Somewhere in America it is always Fall for the White man, time to leave the memories and happiness and friendships of the old town and with a chill wind at his back, go forth and start again. Start again because in the old town the trust has dried up, the night holds not the sound of children's laughter, but screams and sirens, the fireworks are not sparklers held in hands on holiday but muzzle flashes of the robbers gun, the doors are dead-bolted, the garages locked and green leaves of the Spring of Community have turned brown, brown like the faces of the enemy.
Nothing can be done with a population that can't understand the technology of a slop-jar. The authorities there could hand out 5 gallon buckets with a diagram on the lid showing it is for defecating into and they would still relieve themselves in the hall.
People who expect some central bureaucracy to come and save them are in for a rude shock. The radio reported that non-union work crews from other states were turned away in New Jersey for not being union affiliated. Nanny Doomberg intends to waste vital resources on some stupid marathon but no one will be able to get a 32oz. soda so Nanny Doomberg will have plenty of time to prattle on about global warming and endorsing Bwak Osama.
(North, Ga)--Artical in Yahoo news that caught my eye.....Title, {What Do I Tell My Black Child If Obama Loses?}
Then the first paragraph that gets my goat,
"What do I tell my black child if Barack Obama, America's first black president, loses his bid for re-election?" This is a question many parents are asking themselves — especially those who would blame the loss on racism."
Moolies shit wherever they please even under "standard" conditions. That's their normal.
Mooolie SOP also includes using toilets and tubs for BBQ's, shitting in one room, using stoves and burners for heat while leaving the windows open and other bullshit endemic to pretechnological cultures.
(North, Ga)-- Third to the last paragraph just kills me................
Not only does Obama benefit from a near-unanimous black vote, but also from the many whites who voted for Obama because of his race. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, explained in 2008: "This is (their) chance to demonstrate that we have been able to get this boogeyman called race behind us. And so they are going to vote for him, whether he has credentials or not, whether he has any experience."
You can pour water in the bowl of a crapper and it will flush itself, if the water is not running in the house take your bucket outside and dip it in a mud hole pool of water river etc carry it back in and pour it in,
It takes a pig 7 weeks to revert back to the wild, the negro not so long
You are a reminder of what TANF/welfare, Section 8 Housing, and EBT/Food Stamps provide (though strangely, not a peep of societal breakdown is heard from the poverty-striken Appalachian Mountains, where massive amounts of snow fell across the region at the same time Hurricane Sandy hit NYC/New Jersey).
People in cities might make fun of people from The Mountains, but:
More than likely they have multiple sources of heat, one being wood because it is free.
Electricity is nice but if you have a wood burning stove you can sit a pot on it to cook even if not designed for and cooking.
Snow/"the cold" is your refrigerator when you don't have negroes around to plunder your shit.
They go to the store when a storm is pending, if they need supplies for three, four days, they stock up. (Beer is usually a necessity … lol …. Your snowed in, what the fuck else is there to do.)
An elderly neighbor will call you because she knows your number and ask you to pick-up a shopping list of things for her at the store, which she will already have phoned in so that is ready, and she will arrange payment (it’s called a “tab” and given to trusted individuals).
The deer in the back yard can become dinner, the negro in your back alley can't (and you probably wouldn't want to eat the disease infested thing if it was legal).
You have a septic system, and either a well or a spring. If you have a spring you might never lose water, if you have a well, you will probably have a small generator. The toilet will always flush with a bucket if you have water. Snow is water, so is what you filled your bathtub with when you heard a major storm was on the way.
I grew up in the middle of nowhere, a little west of actual Appalachia in West Virginia. I miss it. I have actually considered purchasing the property back for “some day”. But I also currently subscribe to some newspapers from Wyoming and South Dakota … doing my research.
Ex New Yorker here....West Kansas is white. Also North Colorado is white. A few blacks in Fort Collins, but they are mostly football players. A couple years ago we spent 5 days there and I only counted 14 blacks.
A black guy does not need a hurricane as an excuse to shit and piss in the hallway of a building. On the Lower East Side in New York back in the 60's and 70's blacks and junkies would use hallways as a urinal. Usually at the end of the hallway under the stairs. The winos would just piss in the street.
Good post 10 mm.
I kind of feel that there is an issue of density. I don't know at what density that blacks turn completely feral but it does seem that they can be controled if diluted enough.
it does seem that they can be controled if diluted enough.
The historical method of controlling them used what is now commonly known as the LART (Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool, aka Cluebat), but that has been declared Rayciss™.
Couple things, first not to derail this spectacular thread and post, but a little "Autumn Pasquale" update. I really can't even look at her photos without just becoming filled with a rage that is dangerous not only to well, most of my neighbors, but myself as I would fast become "Zimmy 2.0"
It works like this... 'Oh mah babies dey caint do nuffin like diz! Ask dem neybas, dey have two sides! Thank Gods da media understand dem two sides, mebbe dey ain't do it!"
Yes, this is the world you live in now. Eat it up white boy, your fucking days are numbered...
Only in this bizarro world we live in, and it isn't coming by the way. It is here... now. Can we even publish an article as absurd as the one above. It does however, nicely couple with the top and front page of CNN for about 72 hours now.
Yes, you heard it right whitey you are like our old boys from the south blocking Reconstruction with your lack of Obama vote. This is a, I'm sorry fucking egregious appeal to white liberal guilt and hooooopefully just enough to swing some moderate whites because yeah, we whiteys routinely point guns to the head of 'groids these days, just look at the FBI's NCIC database for all the evidence you need of this.
10mm AUTO- You nailed it man. They are a biological weapon for certain. Strengthened biologically by us the The Engineers (watch Prometheus...) We bred them wholly to be large, muscled, dumb, and aggressive. These are highly desirable traits when trying to empty a field. Not so much when the experiment starts to multiply. Likewise, just as no Alien could ever hope to master your namesake, the 10mm Auto (Pulse Rifle) of the Colonial Marines or any other advanced weapon for that matter they make up for their insect life intellects with prolific reproduction at the cost of a "Host" being, thus able to easily overwhelm any forces of said host. Your analogy is spot on sir.
SBPDL said... not a peep of societal breakdown is heard from the poverty-striken Appalachian Mountains, where massive amounts of snow fell across the region at the same time Hurricane Sandy hit NYC/New Jersey).
Katrina all over again. White areas in LA, AL, MS and to a lesser extent FL were hard hit by Katrina, but it did not result in anywhere near the problems and chaos seen in New Orleans. Humans prepare, endure and then pitch in to do what needs to be done in the aftermath. The parasites wait for the govt. to do EVERYTHING for them, and when that predictably doesn't happen, they turn to all sorts of TNB.
Their African counterparts routinely shit in bags and fling it into the city streets. Not surprised them doing it in the halls of the building, in fact, its expected behavior.
HaroldC nailed it.
I grew up in NYC, now far far away. I heard some of the audio of NY'ers whining about this and that.
Honestly, fuck 'em. Fuck them and their groids and Bloomberg and their gay-media-intelligentsia. My childhood home has devolved into a multi-cult, federal government worshiping nanny-state. Sickens me.
Negroes are not superpowered predators as in the Alien films. They are in general quite limited both physically and mentally and are no competition for any healthy white man except in certain very limited areas (e.g., sprinting, malaria resistance), and in those only for a short time. Over the long haul, they lose any superior physical attributes quickly, and age much more poorly than do Caucasians or Mongoloids. Compare the typically robust health of a White or East Asian at age 45 to that of a typical black of the same age and the difference stands out clearly.
Negro life expectancy is also lower than that of whites or Asians. They are not built to last, as we rugged Ice People and tenacious Rice People are.
Intellectually and culturally, Negroes as a whole are not even in the same league as whites or Asians. Compare the advanced intellectual achievements of whites and Asians, and the advanced societies they construct, to those of any African population anywhere. The results speak for themselves.
Know this: the only reason Negroes in America seem to be superior to whites in any way is because they are backed by the superior power of the white, liberal establishment and the federal government that establishment controls. Take away the long arm of Uncle Sam and the natural social order will quickly assert itself: Negroes on the bottom, everybody else above them. The current artificial inversion of this order -- which we call BRA -- would evaporate like cotton gone with the wind should Washington's welfare money, civil rights apparatus, and ability to coerce the American people into "diversity" ever waver.
The Negro race is not our enemy. BRA is our enemy -- and BRA is lily-white. We should protect ourselves from the Negro underclass, of course, and defend ourselves from its predations -- but we should keep our eyes on the real enemy: the white liberal establishment that has controlled this country since 1964.
Imagine a world where we had a voluntary "black reparations" scheme set up. Black people could sign up for a one-time payment of a large sum of money. If they took it they would FOREVER be barred from affirmative action. They would have to agree to be treated like the rest of civilized white society. Same rules, bar none.
Now here's the revolutionary part: If you were not black, you could voluntarily pay a sum that would get you and your kids into a pool where there was no affirmative action. Where you could put restrictive covenants on your property. Where you didn't have to fund BRA schools, BRA governments. FOREVER.
I would pay that shit in a nanosecond. And then I'd move into a neighborhood that was restricted to people who had paid it and I'd plan my vacations around cities and states that had similar restrictions. Not restrictions based on race. Restrictions based on whether you wanted to live your life like a slave, or like a citizen of this great nation.
Likewise, just as no Alien could ever hope to master your namesake, the 10mm Auto (Pulse Rifle) of the Colonial Marines or any other advanced weapon for that matter they make up for their insect life intellects with prolific reproduction at the cost of a "Host" being, thus able to easily overwhelm any forces of said host. Your analogy is spot on sir.
You must be a Trekkie. The xenos don't necessarily reproduce to such an extent; sometimes two different strains of xenomorph will be "born" on the same planet, and a sort of civil war will start, with overall numbers being kept down. In this way, they are like blacks, who (we are told) hover somewhere around 15% of the population. They lack xenomorph discipline, though their hive mentality in reaction to outside pressure is impressive. And like xenos, it only takes one to ruin your day.
Of course, we all know what happens when a neighborhood approaches 20% black. A vast increase in Autumns, among other things. I tell every DWL woman I meet about WSHH.
A few threads ago Zenster stated how imperative it is to hold the collective nose and flush the toilet. Anyone else share this assessment? What's a best-case scenario if we see a Romney victory?
Ministry of Truth is in full-blown cover-up mode. Not a word from them about the widespread lootery. Great reference in the article to weaponized equality. That is exactly what it is. Any DWLs lurking out there reading this as a guilty excursion into reality territory need to start asking the following question: Who is pointing this weapon at whom?
"I don't know at what density that blacks turn completely feral but it does seem that they can be controled if diluted enough"
Possible! the problem is that the fed gubmint will not allow any sort of control of blacks, hence their totally uncontrolled parasitism and reproduction.
@Jay in DC:
Did you happen to notice that the two killers of Autumn Pasquale already have a private attorney in addition to a public defender? Wonder who's footing the bill for that? Not only that, but why are these two getting a public defender (paid out of tax dollars) when they already have a private attorney?
The Ministry of Truth propaganda puff piece on the "nice boys who went off the rails" likely represents a coordinated campaign emanating from the same deep pockets as those paying for lawyers for these two animals. There is a long and extensive article over at Stix's site about the network of foundations, lawyers, etc. (all the usual suspects, with the usual backgrounds) working to frame the whole 'Martyrdumb of the blessed St. Trayvon' story.
Just listening to the audio on YouTube. It took a whole string section and Jimmy Page himself (who did the soundtrack for 3 and 4 PK) to make this good.
That's why it's called (c)rap.
And yet a White man can play (as he has described it) ''an ol' tin whistle'' and be considered a Heavy Metal legend.
Zenster, my personal favorite is Aqualung, but not enough flute.
The FBI just released it's list of the 25 most dangerous cities in America.
You guessed it. ALL have a high percentage of blacks infesting them.
In the comments section, the vast majority of people recognize what the problem is (Blacks) and are fully awake to the issue. Only a few delusional people have tried to defend dem po' black angels and blame their criminality and self-created conditions on the world.
10mm Auto: Wow! Spot on! And reading your commentary gave me chills. Beautiful and poignant!
I house two houses, both in well off areas, where the Negro pop. is listed at 1%( never seen one though so it must be hired help living on the grounds)
The power was out for 2 days and there were no problems. Traffic lights off but yet no accidents.
And there would be no problems if people just kept some food stocks and other things for temporary emergencies something the dummies in the 'hood never do. They didn't even leave New Orleans after they were warned and caused a big problem.Few places had any water problems unless you're right on the ocean or river so it was really just the power and the cleaned out food stores and gas.
No one asked for any help here or was crying like helpless kids. We have a stupid people problem in some areas.And btw, it won't kill you if you don't eat for a day or two (actually do some good for these fatties)
Anon @2.52
Do you know why Bloomberg has to try this soda size nonsense and has to be so strict on guns?
It's because there's a demographic who are too dumb and have to be handled like children with no self control about what they eat and drink.
And could you imagine if there were gun stores where they could buy cheap guns? Sure there are guns but black market guns are more expensive.He has to play nanny due to certain people.
NYC is 35% white, although Manhattan is higher and growing.
When the city was like80-90% white you coulkd buy rifles at Macys (and a lot of other places)
You really don't need gun control with whites for the most part.
Bloomberg just knows what happens if they were freely available today in NYC so he's likely just being pragmatic and doesn't want to say what the real problem is when he talks about gun violence.A white killing someone is rare and it's not some random violence, it's always where some guy targeted someone he had a grudge against and he's always slightly crazy but doesn't hit any innocent people in some drive by.I think there were only 1-2 cases like this this year which is amazing in a large city.
I look at the defecating as producting ammunition to throw at the cops.
i live in a lower manhattan highrise where the water and electric was knocked out from monday night to friday evening.
there is a black apartment on the 14th floor.
there were puddles of urine in the 14th floor stairwell.
also -- there were a lot of volunteers going around with food and water for elderly people who can't go up and down 20 flights of darkened stairs with a bucket of water and a flashlight.
without exception, every volunteer i saw was white.
in fact, i have hardly ever seen a black volunteer to help out in any way.
even the charities that help africa and haiti seem to be staffed and funded entirely by whites.
i bet that if there was a charity such as the 'black benevolent society to take money from whites and give it to blacks,' it would still be staffed entirely by whites.
also -- there was not much crime and looting here, but a pack of five black teens were seen beating up an old chinese man, then taking his two jugs of water.
they fled in a van, meaning that they must have deliberately drove into the storm-wrecked area specifically to rob people who were already suffering.
(they left laughing, according to my neighbor who witnessed this attack).
I read an eyewitness account of lots of looting and other mayhem in Asbury Park (Jersey Shore) by the usual suspects.
The National Guard presence is minimal and they are apparently not using force. Blasting away a few Orcs in the process of restoring order is simply too much to ask. That is the only method that will work. Haley Barbour as Gov. of Mississippi had to issue a 'shoot to kill' order after Katrina.
So chaos reigns, while those trying to get buy have their gas siphoned off or their generators stolen.
News One story about the white on black murder problem. Let's get on there and post the truth.
From comment section: "I understand your sentiment but we always manage to blame ourselves for this system of destruction that we did not create. Until we learn how the system of White Supremacy/Racism operates, we will continue to have Black on Black and White on Non-White killings period. Those things that you mentioned are symptomatic expressions of this local,national, and global structure. We do not realize that these educational institutions play a significant part in the inferiorization of our children. Telling these kids to continue to partake in this school system is akin to telling your children to continue to patronize a restaurant that sells cyanide.We've been talking the same rhetoric for years about obtaining education,being more politically involved, and improving our communities but all of these solutions are irrelevant if we are not taking action to eradicate White Supremacy/Racism."
A new headline story on Yahoo's home page:
There will be no surprise here. Except no Chicago?!?!
The comments are great because there are a lot of open eyes, but the DWL's are out in force also.
"What's a best-case scenario if we see a Romney victory?"
BRA lasts a few MORE years than if Obongo wins. On the other hand, Romney could accelerate the arrival of post-BRA America if he lets Netanyahoo hold his coat while he drags us into a war with Iran.
Bottom line: If you're dead set on voting, why not cut out the middleman?
To: Anonymous said at 8:22 AM:
My response to the (old) Newsone story:
Are you stupid ni88ers high?
You need multiple (that means more than one) years to put together a list of seven murders.
It would one take less than one month's atrocities committed by blacks against whites to eclipse this joke of a news story into oblivion, if it would ever be written.
It's war people. 90% of blacks are useless farm animals that refuse to pull the plow. Know where they go?
I live in NYC and have been watching and listening to local news from the beginning. I have not seen ANY videoape of looting. Read about it here and at another site.
Excellent, excellent comment thread. While the blacks are obviously a constant when considering dysfunction and chaos, I find myself with minimal (if any) sympathy for the minority of White New York/New Jersey inhabitants as well. They knew well in advance that a storm was coming. They chose to take minimal (if any) precautions. All these people moaning about losing everything - they couldn't have packed up a few boxes of valuables and driven an hour or two inland? They couldn't have stocked up on some bottled water and nonperishable foods? I'm sick unto death of everyone crying on national television (which I "watch" (sound off) when I glance up from my workout at the gym) and this mania for emoting and a national group hug. Whatever happened to stoicism and self-reliance? They were American virtues of old and they, along with neighbor helping neighbor, were what enabled people to pick up the pieces and carry on after any sort of disaster, natural or otherwise. It's not just the blacks and all the polyglot immigrants of the cities who are helpless hordes. Increasing numbers of Whites, too, wait around for someone to "help" and complain about not getting their "share" of resources. To hell with all of them and their entitlement mentality. I wish quite a few million on the east coast had washed out to sea.
I am an officer in the FDNY, I have been at work since Sunday night before the storm and I can tell you you havent heard of half of the savage behavior that is being commited by the animals. Our society is gone at the hands of these animals, amazingly, the projects actually smelled alot better after the influx of the filthy east river. I heard of no looting and rioting in Japan after the tsunami and meltdown, hmmm, what dont they have there that we have here. I was fortunate enough to see both the best side and worst side of humanity in this storm, ill let you paint the colors.
Drudge Report has posted a link to an NBC story out of Brooklyn of black people stating:
"People are defecating in my building, in the hallways."
They would have crapped on the doorstep—something Blacks are unrivaled at—but the weather was too inhospitable. What's that old joke about "a warm place to sh!t"?
You know, if I help him [0bama], he's gonna help me.
And, true to Black form, 0bama has screwed over American Blacks in every way imaginable. Of course, they are too f&%king stupid to realize it but that just makes it all the more deliciously ironic.
Some might disagree and point to the way that Holder's DoJ has shown flagrant bias against prosecuting TNB. Now, try to imagine what a shock it will be to all those upstart porch monkeys when society finally drops the hammer on such easily spotted BS.
Three days... it took three days.
Few people care to think about, much less realize, the amount of havoc America's well-armed White population could wreak in just two days.
10mm AUTO: Their niglets beat White kids because we are polite and helpful and in their minds, that makes Whites "soft".
All the while, Blacks stupidly overlook the fact of how it is exactly that sort of courtesy which built White civilization. It also bears mentioning that, to this day, White civilization has zero competition when it comes to waging industrial scale mechanized warfare. Soon enough, Blacks will probably have to find this out the hard way, just like everything else they "discover".
White Flight, What a strange expression. As though Whites were migratory birds instead of the conquerors of this land. Somewhere in America it is always Fall for the White man, time to leave the memories and happiness and friendships of the old town and with a chill wind at his back, go forth and start again. Start again because in the old town the trust has dried up, the night holds not the sound of children's laughter, but screams and sirens, the fireworks are not sparklers held in hands on holiday but muzzle flashes of the robbers gun, the doors are dead-bolted, the garages locked and green leaves of the Spring of Community have turned brown, brown like the faces of the enemy.
Author! Author!
HaroldC: Nothing can be done with a population that can't understand the technology of a slop-jar. The authorities there could hand out 5 gallon buckets with a diagram on the lid showing it is for defecating into and they would still relieve themselves in the hall.
How true. What more can be said of a race that routinely mistakes the high technology of an elevator for a toilet stall?
Why is it white racism, we moved out of detroit, you have a whole city to yourselves, and look at the state is sinks into, so how, pray tell is that white supremacy/racism?
If blacks don't want me in detroit I won't go, and you don't hear whites complaining that they can't go to detroit, we avoid it, we give it a wide berth, we have given you it, take it.
And yet you follow us, why don't you declare detroit blacks only, it already is, whites want nothing to do with it.
How is that racism, cause we don't want to mix with violent and low standards, that we're not loud and raucous, and avoid ppl that are loud and raucous
Cause we don't want to live like savages, you call that racist, why is that?
You and every other black knows that you are dependent on whites, if you don't have whites to latch onto, you regress to the standards that are visible in detroit.
Please get this, a dog doesn't need fleas, its the fleas that need the dog. The fleas bring no benefit to the dog, it needs the dog for survival.
So why is the dog racist for not wanting fleas on its back?
If you find whites such racists, why do you want to be around us, we find blacks arrogant, loud, impulsive, we don't want to hang around you. You hate whites and yet for some pathological reason you cannot seperate yourselves from the whites.
You are the masters of your own fates, look at haitii, whites haven't been there since for ever, and yet you still barely above the stone age in that island, that's what happens when whites don't want to be around you.
You know it, the haitians know it, zimbabweans know it, detroiters know it.
You wanted to determine your own fates, we have given you your wishes.
Anon (11/2 2:52 PM): The radio reported that non-union work crews from other states were turned away in New Jersey for not being union affiliated.
Effing priceless! Is there any better proof that parasitic unions have totally outlived their usefulness?
10mm AUTO
Damn can you write well.
When are we WHITE MEN going to form an organization and FIGHT?
Anon (11/2, 2012 5:25 PM): It takes a pig 7 weeks to revert back to the wild, the negro not so long
That's because the pig has a more strongly ingrained sense of civility.
Over on Half Sigma there's a story about Glenda Moore, the Black woman whose two little boys were carried away by the storm. And who, supposedly, was refused refuge by a White man. She lived on high ground, safe from the high water. When the power went out, she got in her car and drove down into the flood. I find it easy to believe that she lost her boys through her own stupidity and has invented an evil White man to blame.
Of course, it's also possible that a White man might have figured that a pitiful Black woman at his door was simply a front for Black thugs waiting around the corner.
I second the high praise for 10mm AUTO's post above. It's a poignant description of what has happened. It also does not gloss over the fact that this is no accident of history, but part of a deliberate strategy. The only proper term to describe this strategic campaign - which started long before the 1960s, by the way - is genocide.
Robert S. Oculus III pretty much nails it as well:
The Negro race is not our enemy. BRA is our enemy -- and BRA is lily-white. We should protect ourselves from the Negro underclass, of course, and defend ourselves from its predations -- but we should keep our eyes on the real enemy: the white liberal establishment that has controlled this country since 1964.
It's a mistake to say the negro is not our enemy. They definitely are and this is borne out by their eager willingness indulge in case after case of unspeakable savagery against whites. George Soros isn't paying Blackwater goons to hold sprog hostages forcing groids to carry out their endless rapes and murders against their will. The salient point is that groids would not have anything resembling the destructive capability they presently enjoy were it not for the liberal establishment, which I think is more aptly described as a treasonous and genocidal oligarchy.
BRA was under construction long before 1964. That was merely the year it came into full fruition. Mittens will not alter it one bit. My hope is that Mittens wins and promptly does what his masters want - proceeding to launch a few more wars to make the Ummah safe for feminism and sodomy - two causes near and dear to his heart. This will result in going over the financial cliff even faster - which is the only thing which offers even a slight hope of causing the stupefied white populace to start waking up from their long binge of kool-aid drinking.
MuayTyson: I kind of feel that there is an issue of density.
You are absolutely right! The whole problem being that Blacks are as dense as marble.
I don't know at what density that blacks turn completely feral but it does seem that they can be controled if diluted enough.
Just use the Muslim Model™.
As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:
United States — Muslim 1.0%
Australia — Muslim 1.5%
Canada — Muslim 1.9%
China — Muslim 1%-2%
Italy — Muslim 1.5%
Norway — Muslim 1.8%
At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:
Denmark — Muslim 2%
Germany — Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom — Muslim 2.7%
Spain — Muslim 4%
Thailand — Muslim 4.6%
From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.
They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves — along with threats for failure to comply. (United States ).
France — Muslim 8%
Philippines — Muslim 5%
Sweden — Muslim 5%
Switzerland — Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands — Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad &Tobago — Muslim 5.8%
At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.
When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris –car-burnings) . Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (Amsterdam – Mohammed cartoons).
Guyana — Muslim 10%
India — Muslim 13.4%
Israel — Muslim 16%
Kenya — Muslim 10%
Russia — Muslim 10-15%
After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:
Ethiopia — Muslim 32.8%
At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:
Bosnia — Muslim 40%
Chad — Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon — Muslim 59.7%
From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:
Albania — Muslim 70%
Malaysia — Muslim 60.4%
Qatar — Muslim 77.5%
Sudan — Muslim 70%
After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide:
Bangladesh — Muslim 83%
Egypt — Muslim 90%
Gaza — Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia — Muslim 86.1%
Iran — Muslim 98%
Iraq — Muslim 97%
Jordan — Muslim 92%
Morocco — Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan — Muslim 97%
Palestine — Muslim 99%
Syria — Muslim 90%
Tajikistan — Muslim 90%
Turkey — Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates — Muslim 96%
100% will usher in the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ — the Islamic House of Peace — there’s supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim:
Afghanistan — Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia — Muslim 100%
Somalia — Muslim 100%
Yemen — Muslim 99.9%
Of course, that’s not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons.
In the UK or in the republic of Ireland the media is not reporting anything about food shortages or looting.
Silent Running: A few threads ago Zenster stated how imperative it is to hold the collective nose and flush the toilet. Anyone else share this assessment? What's a best-case scenario if we see a Romney victory?
Thank you, Silent Running, for once again posing this important question.
The best case is that, four years later, White America will find sufficient courage to flush the toilet again, despite any seeming joy in having a White president once more. It will be far too easy for American Whites to delude themselves that Romney has their best interests in mind instead of recognizing him for the silver spoon, culturally Marxist, PCMC (Politically Correct Multi-Culturalist), Ivy League product of the Eastern Liberal Educational Establishment that he really is.
America must learn to flush the toilet every four years until the GOP f&%king learns, once and for all, to respect the interests of its true voter base.
Bogolyubski: Great reference in the article to weaponized equality. That is exactly what it is. Any DWLs lurking out there reading this as a guilty excursion into reality territory need to start asking the following question: Who is pointing this weapon at whom?
[golf clap]
Regarding Negro density: In the service, I discovered that the civility of Blacks depended on their numbers. Ten percent meant a low level of racial stress, 20 percent meant you kept your guard up, 30 percent meant you were prepared to fight.
The sight of even one Negro in my neighborhood today sets off mental alarms.
I can understand and empathize worth your sentiments, however they're incorrect. In principle, I oppose unions as a manifestation of marxist, communistic philosophy. In practice however, I support it. I am a union member. Why the duplicity you may wonder? I am an electrician. In addition to college, I spent 5 years at a trade school to learn my craft. I live in so. Cal. Here, a median priced home is about $600,000. A gallon of gas is $4, last month it was $4.50. I am an electrician because of the pay I can make as an electrician. However, because of non union contractors lobbying government, they don't enforce immigration laws and seek amnesty for illegals. In combination with this and other efforts, non union electricians here make almost half of what I make. This isn't because we artificially inflate wages, it is because the non union side artificially depress wages. This is part of the reason why we are flooded with immigrants, it is to suppress wages. I hear the cry on the need that companies "NEED" cheap labor to compete. No, corporation "WANT" cheap labor to get rich of our sweat and to pay less than what is necessary of a level playing field. I would not be a union member if a counterbalance wasn't necessary.
Left Coast White Guy
Off topic,maybe,but I finally figured out the word that I've been wanting to use when discussing blacks.
The word is incomprehension. It's what we all observe every time we look at videos of blacks in the First World,and it's what we hear damn near every time we turn on a television and some black talking head is gibbering about the crisis du jour.
About 95% of blacks are plainly and simply incapable of comprehending civilization as we know it. 10 generations....given the rate at which blacks breed,make that 25 generations in North America hasn't done the trick,and if they haven't grokked it by now,they most likely never will grok it.
Just look at any image of any random black at any random event. ( political rallies,and the like are possibly the best illustration of this phenomenon )
What you'll see,if you look closely,is the deer-in-the-headlights expression that every one of us saw when the third grade teacher asked a question of a student who had been daydreaming away.
All of the things we've built-and I mean everything from the concrete walls in the basement to the cell tower on top of he highrise,and literally every thing in between is a thing that could not have been built by them. Mostly because they never would have thought of it in the first place,and had they thought of it,they would have killed each other off arguing about who got to be in charge long before the first shovel's worth of dirt got moved.
They can't dream it,they can't build it,they can't fix it if it breaks,and on some level,every single one of them knows it. They aren't supposed to be here,and on some level,every one of them knows that too.
Events like the havoc after Hurricane Katrina and those taking place now after Sandy are indicators of just how unsuited they are for their current environment.
Half Sigma there's a story about Glenda Moore..............
No one owed Glenda a thing!
Where were the childrens father?
By Elizabeth Harrington
( – The mayor of Somerville, Mass., has banned the use of the term “illegals” when referring to illegal aliens.
Mayor and Alderman Joe Curtatone announced the new policy at a local board meeting last week, according to the Somerville Journal.
The decision was made after a “team of youths” urged the city to stop using the “hurtful” term. “I hadn’t given it a thought until they brought to my attention how hurtful that term is,” Board President Tom Taylor said. “Some of their testimony is pretty heart wrenching.”
Read more:
No freedom of speech
Is a caption necessary? No, but here is one any way. "Out of all the looters you had to pick on a Black man". "Sorry sir, there were no white looters".
Anon at 12:26 PM: Glenda Moore's husband, a White guy, was at work. He's a garbageman, so he was actually doing something useful.
”I heard of no looting and rioting in Japan after the tsunami and meltdown, hmmm, what dont they have there that we have here.”
What they do have that America largely doesn't have is a government-controlled media that kept a tight lid on any stories that would affect the nation's squeaky-clean image.
I was in Japan last March 11 and in the months that followed, and there were incidents, mainly after the first two days after the disaster, as supplies started running out and supermarket shelves became empty. Two guys got into a knife fight over someone cutting in line at a gas station near my office; everybody was buzzing about it but it never made the papers and the local beat cops in their mini-station claimed to know nothing about it.
Nothing like what America is enduring, but it wasn't as orderly as the media would have you believe.
Those animals used to shit and piss in the hallways, staircases and elevators on a GOOD day.....savages will be savages.
Anonymous all the way back up there at 8:22am...
I went to the NewsOne story you linked and responded with a list of ten "Color Crimes" going in the opposite direction of their report, with links to the news stories of each murder. Followed this with the statement that for every one crime they brought up, I would give them five. As I continually check back for responses, I have come to find my comment has not been posted. Can ya' blame 'em?
how much looting
how much cover up
pretty sure most of the men on this site have high levels estrogen in their bodies. so much bitching about black people. sadly you will die and no one will remember you or this blog, because of course you're all to scared to publicly share your views to the world outside of the internet and thus your children will not know how desperate you are for attention, amongst people you will never meet in person. i hope you all teach your kids how to be racist and the "truth" about the blacks, so they will have a loving memory of you to share with their friends and coworkers. irony of it, is that all you will be parents of "white guilt" children because daddy was shit head racist. lol. you guys are really furthering the decline of the white race. have some pride! die with white honor! stop the hypocrisy!
so much bitching about black people.
You are right. There is no reason for anyone to bitch about black people. Not when blacks have the same low rates of violent crime that white people have. Not when blacks have the same high rates of graduation that white people have. Not when blacks have minimal levels of AIDS. Not when blacks have rejected welfare dependency and have the majority of their children in wedlock. Not when black run cities such as Detroit and Birmingham are marvels of urban progress. Not when black majority countries such as Haiti and Congo are such paradises that their peoples could never be convinced to leave them for a racist country such as the USA.
[/end irony]
Zenster said @ November 3, 2012 11:20 AM
"... until the GOP f&%king learns, once and for all, to respect the interests of its true voter base."
quando porci volare
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