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The power of words to stir up Organized Blackness... |
A national scandal erupted over this harmless prank. A year later, a lawsuit was introduced in court over the emotional torture and psychological discomfort this action had upon black ears.
Now a new scandal is erupting in Houston that threatens to turn into yet another example of bigotry that won't die [Notice at apartment complex targets young blacks, Houston Chronicle, 11-20-12]:
A notice posted at a southwest Houston apartment complex warning residents to report black youths on the property has outraged some Houston community leaders.
The leasing employee at Rock Springs Apartments, 9000 Town Park, said she had no knowledge of the notice, which reads: "We ask you to please contact the office immediately every time you see teenagers or adolescents of African-American race or any other suspicious people in the property."
When she was shown a photograph of the notice, taken moments earlier from a bulletin board in a laundry room at the complex, the employee said that "someone must have put it there."
In an email sent late Tuesday, a person identified as the property manager of the apartments agreed.
"We are always careful what kind of notices we put out," the email sent by K.K. Singh states. "Our notices are always dated and signed. You should be assured that this notice was never posted by our office. It appears someone has successfully fabricated it and been able to attract the attention of the media and take away their precious time from other momentous issues."
Attempts to reach Singh were not successful.
Free Press Houston was the first to report on the warning. An employee reportedly told the website that managers published the notice, but would not say why.
In English and Spanish
DeLoyd Parker, of S.H.A.P.E. Community Center, said the notice did not surprise him.
"It's typical of racist views constantly perpetuated by people who just don't want people of color to be a part of their experience," Parker said.
He called on the city of Houston Housing Department and Department of Housing and Urban Development to investigate.
The notice was posted in English and Spanish. Many residents at the apartment complex are Hispanic.
The notice shows that racial profiling is alive and well in Houston, said community activist Deric C. Muhammad, of the Houston Ministry of Justice.The announcement at Wal-Mart for "All black people to leave the store" was only spoken in one language; good of the fine citizens of an almost entirely non-white apartment complex to post a message in both English and Spanish, a perfect example of furthering international relations when it comes to warning citizens of the problems black criminality poses to the health and vibrancy of a community.
Not to mention the ability to attract new renters...
Don't worry, Organized Blackness is on its way to the rescue of aggrieved black criminals everywhere [Green asks feds to look into letter warning of blacks, Houston Chronicle, 11-21-12]:
U.S. Rep. Al Green has asked federal officials to look into a notice that was posted at an apartment complex asking residents to report African-American youths or "suspicious persons."
The notice was posted at the Rock Springs Apartments, 9000 Town Park, in southwest Houston. Green, D-Houston, whose district includes the complex, wrote to the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Justice on Wednesday, requesting that the agencies "take appropriate action."
The property manager has denied the office posted the sign.
Property manager K.K. Singh said Wednesday that she believed a disgruntled resident, who was recently asked to leave the complex, had fabricated the notice.
"We asked her not to renew her lease because she caused so many problems for us," Singh said. "She did this fraud and everything."
Singh said the letter's format does not match official notices sent by the complex. The complex has hired a lawyer and reported the incident to police. Singh said she will show them text messages and video of the woman she believes is responsible for the notice.
The notice found posted in the complex's laundry room reads, "We ask you to please contact the office immediately every time you see teenagers or adolescents of Afro-American race or any other suspicious people in the property."
The notice outraged community leaders.
"Regardless as to whether this was a prank or serious effort to circumvent constitutional rights, it is something that should not go unnoticed," Green said in a statement. "Just as we took affirmative action against the hanging of nooses to intimidate, we must take affirmative action to prevent invidious stereotyping and/or odious profiling.It will never end. Much like that made-up noose in Jena, Louisiana, the past must always be brought up to put white people in their racist place. Though the Department of Justice reports violent crime against white people rose 17 percent in 2011, the narrative, the song must always remain the same; a never-ending loop of "white people are racist" being blasted in the heads of a population seemingly incapable of just pushing the power button.
An apartment complex that is little more than a barrio has now become the center of attention in the universe of Organized Blackness; and yet the truth of "warning" to residents of the dangers of "African American" are backed by empirical data and facts that must be suppressed with the righteous anger of a civil rights movement that won't stop until every city is turned into 2012 Detroit [Study: Houston leads large cities in killings by black youths, Houston Chronicle, 12-30-08]:
As violent crime nationally slows in growth or declines, the United States is facing a dramatic — but hardly noticed — increase in murders by and of young African-American men, a Northeastern University study released today reports.
Between 2002 and 2007, the number of black male juveniles murdered nationally increased by 31 percent and the number of black perpetrators by 43 percent. The increases were even greater, the report said, when guns were used as weapons.
Focusing on the period between 2000-01 and 2006-07, the study found Houston at the top of a list of 28 U.S. cities, with a 139 percent increase in the number of young African-Americans suspected in killings.
In 2006-07, 129 young black men were murdered in the city, up from 42 in 2000-01.
Those increases came as homicides by and of young white men slowed or declined. In Houston, the number of white offenders dropped by 10 percent. Nationally, FBI statistics showed murder decreased 1.3 percent in 2007 from the previous year.
"I don't want to suggest that this is an epidemic, a crisis situation," said study co-author James Fox, professor of criminal justice and law, policy and society at the university in Boston. "But it's absolutely a growing concern, not a one-year blip."
"Kids can't wait, and crime doesn't wait," Fox said. "There is a significant need here — a large group of kids with inadequate, inferior education and a ready access to guns. A teenager with a gun in his hand is a dangerous individual."
Houston community activist Quanell X called the study a "blanket indictment of the city and government officials in the city and a greater indictment of ministers and political leaders of the African-American community."
He called for a citywide black leadership summit to find ways to end the violence.Turn your head from the truth. Go ahead. Just look away.
"Until African-American leaders, both spiritual and political, male and female, can get into that room and check their egos at the door and say, 'To hell with party politics,' and walk out of that room with a plan all of us can have a part in," the killings will continue, he said.
"Urban" areas across this nation are dangerous for one reason -- black people. Property values across this nation fall and "blight" is created because of the contributions of one particular group -- black people. Once profitable business parks and malls shutter their doors for one reason -- black people. Suburbs exist for one reason -- so married couples can raise their young families in safe communities free of the problems that universally follow black people.
In one bilingual announcement at an apartment complex in Houston (where few white people, if any, reside), we see once again the fragility of Black-Run America (BRA).
A thin line exists between civilization and barbarism: we now know it's a color line, a demarcation that was eradicated in the 20th century, supposedly for the good of mankind.
Strangely, black people are now safer in majority white communities then they are in majority black communities, but this fact isn't up for debate. Only the looming specter of 'nooses', 'burning crosses', and people dressed in ghost paraphernalia can be brought up in a white person dare assert that the white community has interests.
Just like in the George Zimmerman/ Trayvon Martin story, we will soon read that those Latinos in this apartment complex were merely 'white Hispanics'...
Telling the truth... it's a revolutionary act, one that instantly causes Organized Blackness to go into spasms, knowing Disingenuous White Liberal (DWL) donations are close to being secured in the war on hate.
But in each moment... a few new people are introduced to the truth, the realization that this experiment in white people being color-blind and every other race on earth bathing in the illuminating light of their color is... a rigged game.
The whole matter has gotten so ridiculous and perverted.
I don't feel like commenting anymore. I'll stick to sabotaging BRA where and whenever I can.
May I suggest a simple solution, boycott.
When at the grocery store, boycott the black cashier and form a line behind the white cashier.
Buy your fast food at Chik-fil-A or s sandwich bar where the people are mostly white.
If it means you have to brown bag, then do so. Give no money willingly to a black person.
Do not use public transit. Do not worship pro-negro sports or even college and high school sports unless the team is all white. Do not listen to any station that plays negro un-music. Let the sponsors know.
Smile and be friendly to the black slackers in the office, but give them no help. Allow blacks to prove they can make it on their own, even in a white office.
Without continued patronage from whites, black would revert to their tribal behavior, milling about and socializing. Good! Take photos of blacks not working.
Without continued patronage from whites, blacks and businesses that employ blacks would have no money.
Blacks with no money commit crimes. Reinstate disenfranchisement laws. Blacks who commit crime lose the right to vote. How many felons voted for Oboma?
A black boycott crippled the Montomergy bus line. A white boycott would negate BRA.
We can do this!
"K.K. Singe."
LOL. One extra K, and the civil rights hustlers would be losing their crap. Singe suggests dot Indian.
"Between 2002 and 2007, the number of black male juveniles murdered nationally increased by 31 percent..."
I love how you're always looking on the bright side.
"There is a significant need here — a large group of kids with inadequate, inferior education and a ready access to guns. A teenager with a gun in his hand is a dangerous individual."
Dear dumb ass Americans,
For some 200 years, teenagers had access to and owned guns. Granted they were largely not negro teenagers. A review of that history will show that teenagers did not shoot other Americans or rob them with their gun. They shot at squirrels and tin cans.
All aspects of American society, including your liberties, are being reduced to what is seen as appropriate for the lowest common societal denominator, the negro. This is true in education, competition for employment and such blase freedoms as the freedom to loiter on the street.
As to "...inadequate, inferior education...", this is the core of the progressive aka DWL belief system. They are certain that enough education can turn any savage imbecile into some combination of Gandhi and Einstein. If you had 12 DWL's tutoring Trayvon Martin 14 hours a day, you would still have Trayvon Martin out robbing and killing during the remaining 10 hours.
Heard something funny. In the Navy, "Canadian" is code for Blacks. That way you can openly say to your buddy, "Effin Canadian screwed up again."
"K.K. Singe."
LOL. One extra K, and the civil rights hustlers would be losing their crap. Singe suggests dot Indian.
It was K.K. Singh, which indeed is dot Indian , specifically Sikh. I expect the dot Indians are actually aware of the behavior of Obama's sons, even if they vote 75% for the locust party. This might well be another hate-crime hoax, which are becoming increasingly common. It looks like they even got away with a recent one at University of Texas. So, once again, as many of us keep on saying over and over - note how there is no opposition. Roissy touched upon this fact recently in a post about how the enemy always gets to frame the conversation - and how "conservatives" always let them do so. If you accept their underlying premise, you've already conceded the argument to them - irrespective of how many facts you present or how logical your position is.
Anon 8:22 and Anon 8:30
Exactly ! BOYCOTT ! The one thing
BRA, Latino and muslim causes all
have in common is a dependency on WHITE MONEY. How and where we spend our money is crucial.
Another hoax, pure and simple.
I was watching my wife's jaw drop every time I commented on some point made in this story. I mentioned that the notice was probably placed by an evicted tenant, and sure enough - scroll down two lines and there it is.
"DeLoyd Parker, of S.H.A.P.E. Community Center, said the notice did not surprise him. "It's typical of racist views constantly perpetuated by people who just don't want people of color to be a part of their experience," Parker said."
Um, idiot...do you really think somebody named "K.K.Singh," and whose English sounds the way it was written in the article, is a White person?
"Free Press Houston (which looks like a typical SWPL/DWL site) was the first to report on the warning." Written by one Omar Afra. Surprised?
And of course, the appearance of good old Qaunell X (whose real name is Quanell Ralph Evans) just puts the final nail in the coffin lid of this "racism" claim.
And by the way...where's the weenie? The White guy who gets smacked around, robbed, and run out of town for horrible evil racism? All we have here is a story about an Indian, some blacks, and some Latinos.
An imaginary scene at the Free Press Houston office, based on Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket:
QUANELL X: OMAR... where's the weenie?
OMAR: Sir!
QUANELL X: The kill, OMAR. The kill. I mean, all that fussin’ about, the bruthas must've messed someone up.
OMAR: Didn't see 'em.
QUANELL X: OMAR, I've told you, we run two basic stories here. Affletes who give one tenth of a percent of their salaries to charity--Winning of Hearts and Minds--okay? And legal action that results in a white guy suffering--Winning the War. Now you must have seen white guys apologizing... city council members backpedalling?
OMAR: The University of Texas was playing Georgia Tech, sir. Didn’t see it.
QUANELL X: Well, that's why God passed the law of probability. Now rewrite it and give it a happy ending--say, uh, one kill. Make it a white tenant whose car got torched, or a police officer getting fired for saying it was a hoax. Which?
OMAR: Whichever you say.
QUANELL X: Bruthas like reading about fired police officers.
For some 200 years, teenagers had access to and owned guns. Granted they were largely not negro teenagers. A review of that history will show that teenagers did not shoot other Americans or rob them with their gun. They shot at squirrels and tin cans.
Also, those teenagers weren't necessarily highly educated either. So what is the difference between non-murdering, uneducated teenagers back then, and the murderistic "youfs" mentioned by that article? I think all of us here know the answer to that.
George Orwell said, "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary action."
It's nice to see Orwell's quote getting more traction. My anti-Islamist friend, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolffe, has used this in her email signature line for many years.
Or, as I fondly recall telling friends on New Year's Eve of 1984, "Orwell that ends well."
A notice posted at a southwest Houston apartment complex warning residents to report black youths on the property has outraged some Houston community leaders.
I'd be outraged, too. Those "black youths" are just part of the problem and it all begins with even one Black youth hanging out casing the place. Any pluralization just masks the issue.
"It's typical of racist views constantly perpetuated by people who just don't want people of color to be a part of their experience," Parker said.
Well, duh. What exactly was Parker's point if it wasn't just lobbing in the usual thoughtcrime grenade of "Waysissm!"? Law enforcement statistics consistently prove how minorities = increased crime. Period.
Singh said the letter's format does not match official notices sent by the complex. The complex has hired a lawyer and reported the incident to police. Singh said she will show them text messages and video of the woman she believes is responsible for the notice.
Anyone betting against the perp being Black?
"Regardless as to whether this was a prank or serious effort to circumvent constitutional rights, it is something that should not go unnoticed," Green said in a statement.
Notice how Green carefully omits the possibility that this was a false flag operation by a person of color? Tawana Brawley, Crystal Magnum and lots of other Blacks have ignited firestorms of indignation which, mysteriously, never came back to scorch those whose false accusations touched them off in the first place.
Just as important is to note how Green says that, "Regardless as to whether this was a prank…". In other words, even a "prank" is reason to man the barricades and unleash the hounds. Why, it's almost as if someone is making a living off of fanning the flames of Black Rage™.
[to be continued]
Why is it that such questionable circumstances are still just as able to spark the usual shitstorm of Black indignation? How is it that the Black community can get its panties into such a titanic wad and then express absolutely no scorn or censure when it turns out that one of their own members needlessly riled them up?
Maybe it's that Black folk like getting all riled up because of how it permits them to indulge in Black Rage™ with all the looting, and the rioting, and the raping, and the burning, and the "gibsmedat", and the hey, hey, hey … glaven.
[/Professor Frink]
"Until African-American leaders, both spiritual and political, male and female, can get into that room and check their egos at the door and say, 'To hell with party politics,' and walk out of that room with a plan all of us can have a part in," the killings will continue, he [Quanell X] said.
Let's run that statement through the Jive Interpreter:
"We must not let dis crisis go to waste! Everywun gots to drop der bidness as usual so dat weze can shake down Whitey to da max. Alla us gots to put tugedder a plan so weze kin 'walk out of that room with a way dat no wun misses out on da gravy train'!"
Strangely, black people are now safer in majority white communities then they are in majority black communities, but this fact isn't up for debate.
The only problem with that being the corollary aspect of how those communities of White people automatically become less safe once even a single Black fambly moves in. Of course, making any mention about that inconvenient little truth will touch off the usual shitstorm of endless wailing over "Waysissm!"
Telling the truth... it's a revolutionary act, one that instantly causes Organized Blackness to go into spasms, knowing Disingenuous White Liberal (DWL) donations are close to being secured in the war on hate.
And the DWLs cooperate fully by writhing in orgasms of moral superiority every time they are shaken down by yet another race baiting wannabe warlord poverty pimp.
xthred: "Between 2002 and 2007, the number of black male juveniles murdered nationally increased by 31 percent..."
I love how you're always looking on the bright side.
Bwhahahahahaha. Thank you, I needed a good larf!
Anonymous 8:22
"Do not use public transit."
This should be the exact opposite. White people have as much a right to use public transit as anyone, and should instead use it as much as possible to remind people of this fact.
You are correct, "Singh" is need a dot not feather and Sikh surname. It is also a correct presumption that most East Indians are indeed racist towards groids due to personal experiences both here as well as in Africa (brought over by the British during the colonial era since the natives were not capable of doing any actual work, surprising!) Unfortunately many of the more recent and low caste Indian immigrants due seem to vote for the Democratic party and remain incapable of assimilation. Long time East Indian Americans however due not necessarily fit that mold. My grandfather came to this country in 1962 and has always been a conservative who voted Republican as has my father.
Interestingly enough he first lived in Detroit until a ground molotoved his apartment in '67 during the insurrection, an eye opening first hand experience with the baboons that's for sure.
DeLoyd Parker, of S.H.A.P.E. Community Center, said the notice did not surprise him.
"It's typical of racist views constantly perpetuated by people who just don't want people of color to be a part of their experience," Parker said.
I think we know what the "experince" of having negroes around is.
A website states: Manager: Shashi Singh .... Hmmmm?
Check out the reviews:
also rented there and it was bad, I need to file a claim but I dont have the name of the owner or owners of the property. Please if someone have that info sended here I will be reading ...
12/31/2010 They are the worst apartments I have ever seen, owners and employees without any education, super coarse. The apartments are cheap and full of horrible critters that suck our blood, full of immigrants, and alcoholic drinking all over the place ... Full Review NO 1.0
04/19/2009 This apartment is very bad, i lived there for over a year, at first they are nice until the manager lizy stopped working there. the owner is rude and never care about the tenant. dirt every where, reall gatto. mice ...
06/04/2005 well you love the hood nuff said everything area complex people all ghetto go to the area and see for yourselves ...
04/29/2005 I lived here for 8 months. I had a hard time with my job...
05/14/2004 THIS PROPERTY IS DOWN RIGHT NASTY. Kids everywhere.... NO 1.0
10/02/2003 I will not be signing another lease and I only been here...
Read more: http://www.apartmentratings.com/rate/TX-Houston-Rock-Springs-Apartments.html#ixzz2CzYaoX8b
Doesn't seem like a place for white people at all ....
But at $420 a month for a 1BR it's cheap .... http://www.umovefree.com/Apartment/rock-springs-apartments-houston-tx/?utm_expid=3991457-18&utm_referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%3Fei%3DUTF-8%26fr%3Dcrmas%26p%3Drock%2Bsprings%2Bapartments%2Bhouson
In college I once had a temp job that involved going into businesses and persuading the owner/manager to let me put stickers in their window from American Express that said 'We accept American Express Travelers' Checks.' The territory assigned me was a not particularly good neigborhood in Berkeley, CA, heavily populated by members of a certain minority group. I walked into a little market run by two East Indian guys and had the following dialogue:
Me: "Hi, I'm [my name] with American Express, and blah, blah, blah allow me to place our decal in your window?"
East Indian guy: "Ok, [my name]. Let me ask you, do you know what kind of a neighborhood this is?"
Me: "Um, I believe so."
East Indian guy: "This is a niggerhood.
You're damn right I don't want my experience to include people of [a certain] color. What's wrong with that? It's a proven fact that the number one reliable predictor of crime rates in a given community is the percentage of blacks and latinos in that community.
They've been 'searching for solutions to crime in the black community' for decades, and they still haven't found one. It never seems to occur to blacks and DWLs that a good start would be for black people to stop committing crimes.
I like how Green and his ilk always trumpet 'constitutional rights' in support of their position, which includes making every effort they can to deprive whites of their constitutional rights to freedom of speech, freedom of association, and others. They're so out of touch with reality, and so accustomed to getting everything they want, that they don't even bother to listen to themselves anymore.
Anon at 2:13 PM: Almost makes me wish I weren't White. At least I'd have freedom of speech.
Now I'm curious: Exactly which constitutional rights are violated by warning your apartment manager about black thugs loitering around the complex? Like I said in my earlier comment, these clowns don't even listen to themselves anymore, to check if they're making any kind of sense. They don't have to. All they have to do is whip out the race card, and everyone immediately caves in to their demands out of terror at being perceived as a racist.
Ex New Yorker here....Houston is where they moved most of the savages after Katrina. I read stories about how the crime rate in Houston doubled within a month after their arrival. It was a kind of jungle tribal war between the Katrina Spear Chuckers and the Houston Spear Chuckers. As you all know, an urban teenager with a spear can be a real problem. That is why I strongly support SPEAR CONTROL.
Attention white people. Stop reacting to the word 'racist.' Do as blacks did with the word 'nigger.' Take it away and embrace it. When called a racist, reply with, "Yes, just as other races take pride in their heritage, I am proud of all the accomplishments of my ancestors and am not ashamed of this fact in the least." I have been reacting in this manner for some time now and have found that liberal idiots have not yet been instructed on how to counter this position, other than mulling about momentarily and repeating, "Well, you're a racist."
Really, just try it. It can be quite amusing. The confused look on their face appears as if, like a frozen computer, they need to be rebooted.
Seriously, we have to take this first step and stop being ashamed of something that is just not our fault. Being a race realist is just stating the obvious. When you have the truth on your side, you're already ahead, and deep down, where it counts, they know it. That's why they are so frustrated.
Another thought: From the wording of the sign, it doesn't seem that any blacks currently live in the complex. IOW, it wouldn't make any sense to ask tenants to randomly report sightings of other tenants. Additionally, lower-income latinos of the kind I suspect live in the complex don't often have black friends (in the lower income levels, all races tend to self-segregate dramatically). Therefore, if black teens are spotted in the complex, it's completely reasonable to assume that they they are outsiders trespassing on private property, and to at least make some effort to find out what they're up to. As far as I know, there's no 'constitutional right' to loiter on private property. If anything, with respect to property rights, the Constitution would seem to be on the side of the concerned building owner and tenants.
It's understandable that blacks would turn and twist reality and logic like this in their endless search for unearned and ever-increasing transfer payments and political clout. But I don't see what the DWLs get out of it. I'm sure the warm fuzzy glow of specious moral superiority must be worth something, but it has to be psychically and emotionally exhausting for anyone of normal intelligence to continually have to deform and reshape their perception of reality to bring it in line with the approved precepts of political correctness. That has just got to be an incredible strain. Even DWLs who have managed to train themselves mentally such that the on-going extreme distortions of reality required to make the real world seem to conform to their delusions (instead of shattering them as would be the case with a rational mind) must experience an awareness of their hypocrisy at some subconscious level. Over time, this kind of inner tension invariably causes enormous inner damage to a person.
(Oops! Me again, need to correct an omission.)
*Even DWLS who have managed to train themselves mentally such that the on-going extreme distortions of reality required to make the real world seem to conform to their delusions (instead of shattering them as would be the case with a rational mind) become automatic and reflexive must experience an awareness of their hypocrisy at some subconscious level. Over time, this kind of inner tension invariably causes enormous inner damage to a person.*g
Anon at 3:34 PM: The warm fuzzy glow of moral superiority is worth a great deal to Disingenuous White Liberals. Just as low class trash will fight for the latest sneakers, the DWL needs his status markers. What is he next to a skilled machinist or electrician, unless he can denigrate their value?
No healthy, educated man needs to sneer at honest, productive tradesmen. Only the degreed twerp who knows down deep inside that he's just a pimple on the world's ass, needs to abuse those who labor supports him.
Anon (11/22 3:30 PM): Attention white people. Stop reacting to the word 'racist.' Do as blacks did with the word 'nigger.' Take it away and embrace it.
This is the first and single-most important step towards trumping The Race Card™.
I also find it rather refreshing to use the term 'nigger' whenever there is little risk involved.
Anon (11/22 3:34 PM): But I don't see what the DWLs get out of it. I'm sure the warm fuzzy glow of specious moral superiority must be worth something, but it has to be psychically and emotionally exhausting for anyone of normal intelligence to continually have to deform and reshape their perception of reality to bring it in line with the approved precepts of political correctness.
Aside from a sense of moral superiority, there is also an ostensible validation of those "morals" no matter how contorted they may be. It is a pernicious and self-reinforcing type of scratch-itch cycle that only the soothing balm of Political Correctness can assuage.
Been there, done that. Our old favorite BlackDonalds has also been a target of this.
And of course they bent over.
BTW, the phone number on the notice was for...
"...people who just don't want people of color to be a part of their experience..."
Well, that's one way of putting it.
"...people who just don't want people of color to be a part of their experience..."
They say this as though we were just making some innocuous choice, like choosing vanilla over chocolate. Yeah sure, if chocolate were poisonous....
No healthy, educated man needs to sneer at honest, productive tradesmen.
Agreed, friend. Though I have college degrees, they are necessary for my line of work, and I think the idea that everybody needs to go to college is just plain silly. Especially since most trades are a lot more useful and valuable than, say, an English degree or a degree in "black studies." Without skilled tradesmen, our lives would grind to a complete halt, and anyone who doesn't understand this is a moron.
The essence of jujitsu is to turn your opponent's strengths and weaknesses against itself.
Blacks have become masters at this; they know that, unlike themselves, Whites want and can produce peace and prosperity (the building blocks of civilization). And they also know that many White individuals, above all else, do not want to be seen as morally against the conventional wisdom (CW ) - no matter how bizarre that CW may currently be defined.
This is how they have taken control of the situation. Blacks - and their DWL pets - have simply taken command of what constitutes the CW of human progress and turned it upside down.
We Whites must retake and remake the terms of what should be the CW.
The current CW holds that Whites are evil, always have been and always will be, while blacks have always been smarter and more humane and just and the world would be a Utopia if only blacks were given the chance to live up to their superior potential.
The question is how do we Whites make the CW change from outright lies and deceptions to the simple, observable truth.
As others have stated here, I think we should embrace the label racist - with mocking humor:
"Yeah, I said something politically incorrect - I guess that makes me a 'raaaaycist'. Oooh I am evil! Now that we have the ad hominem attacks out of the way, try to defeat my arguments with facts and logic..."
Also, always look blacks in the eye when mocking them. You will find they have almost zero experience dealing with a strong willed White person. Their confusion is hysterical! Yet you must not allow yourself to laugh or they will think you are just joking and therefore weak.
Same for DWLs. Actually, it is harder to flip a DWL's perspective than it is to flip a black's. Blacks know they are pulling a fraud. Dipwad DWLs actually believe the crap coming out of their mouths.
Again, the point I am trying to make is that we Whites must embrace the term "raaaaaycist" via mockery in order to change the terms of the debate.
How much you wanna bet a vibrant diversity is behind this.
Anonymous @8:22AM the local "classic rock" station played that 50cents energy drink commercial one night and I haven't listened since. I have been listening to that station since the 1980s. Not anymore.
Why is it that such questionable circumstances are still just as able to spark the usual shitstorm of Black indignation?
My initial explanation is that this is all political theater. Blacks throw a tantrum over some incident which appears to harken back to the days of segregation. The apartment flyer is not the real issue--the real issue is the ability of rabble rousers to mobilize large numbers of blacks (and guilt groveling DWLs) to make political demands. The incident merely serves as the agitprop d'jour.
Neat, plausible, and probably all wrong. Wrong because it implies a degree of rationality which does not exist in BRA.
Here's a darker thought...
Let's ask, why don't we see black leaders and organizations showing this same level of outrage over high rates of black violence? Or illegitimacy? Or school drop outs? Or STD epidemics? Or poverty? Or the wrecking of cities such as Detroit?
You'd think that the black community would be up in arms over these things. But nope. Blacks living in the rubble of a once mighty city like Detroit, now the Mogadishu of the West? No problem. Yet someone pulls a trivial prank and BRA gets all bent out of shape. Meantime, the drive-by killings continue apace.
There is something really wrong with their collective priorities.
And here's another dark thought...
Maybe they do not see violence, poverty, illegitimacy, etc., as abnormal conditions. Maybe it is a reversion to a mean. A city's civilization is a reflection of its citizens and all that sort of thing. If the best you can do is Detroit, maybe Detroit is your level of comfort.
But an insult to the collective ego, as in this incident, or Don Imus' evaluation of African-American hair styles, or a rope at Jena--these are all street level slights to collective status, "dissing" to use the argot.
To members of an underclass, trivial displays of status (brand name athletic shoes, say) take on a vastly inflated importance, an importance worth rioting over (as SBPDL has noted on many an occasion).
There just may be an issue here of how the outer world is perceived from inside the black point of view. And what appears to be distorted priorities may be just their normal view of the universe.
Now, it's true White people have had their concepts of honor, with pistols at dawn and all that sort of thing. But White honor was tied into things like building the greatest civilization in the history of the world. Not the worst.
OK, this is going off in odd directions.
LOL @some negro being indignant that white people wouldn't want "POC" being part of their experience. Got to give her credit on that one, I sure don't. If she had an iota of honesty, she'd perfectly understand why, but the negro ego can't deal with honesty. Heck, they don't even want to be around each other if they've got anything on the ball, and chase after whites in the "white flight dance". Unfortunately they don't care that all their dysfunctions come with them and ruin it for the rest of us, long as they "get theirs". The whites move again, leaving them in the nest they or their "homies" fouled, the "good"ones follow us, and here we go again.
Paul, as a white Atlanta resident I am clamoring for the new book so that I can understand the history of BRA here, why ATL isn't the ideal city I thought it would be, and how ATL is slowly heading down the path to Detroit. When will this masterpiece be available on Amazon? I will gladly pay $20 for it as a token of appreciation for all the free material you have already provided here on my favorite website, SBPDL
I agree. Boycott to the best of your ability.
"Let's ask, why don't we see black leaders and organizations showing this same level of outrage over high rates of black violence? Or illegitimacy? Or school drop outs? Or STD epidemics? Or poverty? Or the wrecking of cities such as Detroit?
You'd think that the black community would be up in arms over these things. But nope. Blacks living in the rubble of a once mighty city like Detroit, now the Mogadishu of the West? No problem. Yet someone pulls a trivial prank and BRA gets all bent out of shape. Meantime, the drive-by killings continue apace."
Californian, I had always presumed that the black community never wanted to address its (woefully obvious) problems because as long as EVERYTHING is YT's fault, then they don't have to do anything except sit back, make demands, and be victims. As soon as they recognize, say, their crime problem, then they have to deal with the fact that it's blacks who are committing the crime, and other blacks who allow it by their "I didn't see nuffin'" response when the police come around. Any time they take any responsibility for themselves, then it becomes THEIR responsibility, and shifts the guilt from the whites to the blacks. And God knows, we can't have that! Besides, it's much easier for them to point fingers and whine, "YT is keepin' me down," and demand never-ending goodies for redress for being "kept down" than to do something, anything, to fix what's wrong. And once something's fixed, that's one less thing to hold over White America's head. Just my take.
Today is 'Black Friday'. Drudge is filled with stories and videos of black teens fighting and robbing.
The media would have us believe that this is an unfortunate occurance that can be solved by black leaders meeting together and issuing proclamations.
Let me rather suggest that it is the beginning of the end. It is the death of the canary in the mine shaft - an early indicator.
Black male teenagers are today approaching lifelong unemployabity. Most are already unemeployed now. When they grow up, if they are out of prison, they will have a very hard time getting any kind of decent job. Who would dare have them around? This isn't an event. It's a trend. It's bad now and it will only get worse.
Why? Simple genetics. The black brain is about four or five cubic inches smaller. This didn't matter much when most jobs were agricultural. But mechanization of the fields drove blacks north in 'The Great Migration'. Then in the golden age for blacks they worked at low skill auto assembly type jobs for high wages. These jobs too have been mechanized out of existence. Robots now assemble our cars.
The only place where blacks have an advantage in the job market are in various government jobs. In the non-governmental job sector whites or Asians are always preferable.
Remember this recession is not across the board. Those with college degrees aren't having much of a recession. But among high school dropouts the recession is real and deep. That of course means that Obama deepened and continued a recession for his people - for blacks. That's a bit of an overstatement but it's basically true.
It is 2012. What will the job market look like in ten years? Will blacks go back to the fields? Will they once again assemble cars? Or will there be more jobs in the IT industries? Industries that seldom have openings for blacks?
The market forces that make half of all black teens unemployed are likely to intensify. Blacks having less brain power don't do well in school. That won't change. Government jobs programs are basically school programs. That means they don't do well with black participants. And every year that a black teen isn't employed in some kind of job that teaches him to show up on time and be polite, is a year further away from being saveable. In ten years the current black teens will be black young adults and no power on earth will be able to save them. They will have gone too long outside the socializing job market.
This hasn't happen before in human history. Never before has a whole generation of a population become obsolete.
I used to experiment on rats in college. Berkeley K rats used in experiments become like pets with enough handling. Sometimes these nice tame rats would get loose from their cages. After a a couple days they went feral. They became wild and vicious. They had to be destroyed. Black teens are turning feral.
My thoughts, Californian? Sometimes when I watch my dog go about her ways, I try to put myself in her place, and imagine what she is thinking. Can't do it. She's too different, her world is not mine. But I'll try to put myself in the Negro's place.
Dat muthafukka be pee'n on my fiah hydran' n shit.
OK, that's a stretch, but I think it's fair to say that the animal instincts are a little closer to the surface among Negroes. Watch two dogs, unknown to each other, bristle and snarl on sight. Then think of the hyper-vigilence of strutting Negroes. I, an adult White man, have no need to change my disposition on sight of another of my species other than a modest acknowledge of their presence, but my dog, or a Negro, does.
There are Negroes, generally with a fair amount of White ancestry, who are smarter than the run-of-the-mill. They have lived all their lives among people dumber than themselves, and have been manipulating their brethren all their lives. Such Negroes are commonly know as "leaders of the Black community", "community organizers", or "Reverend so and so". They are the ones who organize the political theater. Do you imagine that the average Negro's would bother to read the notice? Is the typical Negro's eye drawn to the printed word? No, it's the atypical, one-eyed man leading the blind mob that starts these tantrums. He knows that he can rely on his followers hair-trigger sensitivity to perceived threats to get them aroused.
This is why we see Negroes up in arms over trivial slights, and accepting of grave shortcomings. The crime and decay are merely the Black Behavioral Baseline, business as usual. We laugh at mammies saying of their no-good offspring "He was a good boy", but by their lights, he was. But when some POS "leader" tells them that a sign posted in an apartment building that they've never set foot in is a threat, they rise up against what they think is the White Man's evil juju.
Yes, that just came to me. They accept the natural world of stupidity and violence, but when their Big Man tells them that the White Man threatens them with his supernatural power, they get their dander up. And their witch doctors know this and use it. I've just solved the Riddle of the Negro!
Anon (11/22 8:11 PM): "...people who just don't want people of color to be a part of their experience..."
They say this as though we were just making some innocuous choice, like choosing vanilla over chocolate. Yeah sure, if chocolate were poisonous....
Thread winner!
All- having taught I can reiterate Albertosaurus' observations re: black teens and early twenty somethings. No skills, no manners, and no depth of character. Their lazy welfare state parents or sperm donors coupled with DWL enabling has cause this mess. When I was a 25 year old teacher, I would have seventh graders whose parents were almost the same age I was. The worst are the well educated groids who have gone through the libtard universities and have been spoon fed the bs that it is all whiteys fault. I am so tired of all if it. I am the one on this board who was advocated 'disengagement''. I don't patronize black businesses. I don't have cable TV. I don't watch any major news networks. I DO use the public library for the wifi much to the chagrin of the manager who once told me that the childrens area is 'for our children'. Eff him. I let my two white kids run ragged all over as my taxes have paid for his black ass. I use public transit. I use the public parks and I get as much freebies as possible as my parents taxes has paid for these groids' entitlement. Whites have to get entitled and stop playing the game. Crank out many kids. Hide your money. Get on WIC. Get on EBt. Get TANF. Do not feel ashamed as it is YOUR money. Stick it to them, but do so quietly.
By the way, anyone heard any news re: US becoming fossil fuel independent?
Also, what is Wyoming or the Dakotas like? Wanna make and take money here in the East and then scram
.45jack: And they also know that many White individuals, above all else, do not want to be seen as morally against the conventional wisdom (CW ) - no matter how bizarre that CW may currently be defined.
An easy measure of just how bad this is can be seen in the way that supposedly "common sense" has become so uncommon.
Derbyshire's "The Talk" for Whites was pure common sense. Yet, the Culturally Marxist arbiters of today's "Conventional Wisdom" (CW) were able to crucify him nonetheless.
We Whites must retake and remake the terms of what should be the CW.
This is step #1 and, as you go on to note, it involves trumping The Race Card™. Once that dogeared, tattered, piece of counterfeit trash has been removed from the deck, just watch how the hand plays out.
As others have stated here, I think we should embrace the label racist - with mocking humor:
"Yeah, I said something politically incorrect - I guess that makes me a 'raaaaycist'. Oooh I am evil! Now that we have the ad hominem attacks out of the way, try to defeat my arguments with facts and logic..."
Excellent tactic. Yank the name-calling rug out from beneath the bastards before they can even get in gear. Keeping a dispute within the bounds of facts and logic will immobilize much of what passes for DWL debating strategy.
Yet you must not allow yourself to laugh or they will think you are just joking and therefore weak.
Yep, save that for later while you're having a beer. Blacks must not be allowed to think you were just "funning" them.
Anon (11/22 9:33 PM): Anonymous @8:22AM the local "classic rock" station played that 50cents energy drink commercial one night and I haven't listened since. I have been listening to that station since the 1980s. Not anymore.
Make sure to send them an email or letter stating why. They need to know that nigger-loving is ruining their bottom line.
I find that wikipedia is an essential tool in escape planning as it instantly gives you a snapshot of the demographics of any city big or small, sometimes w/ additional trending information. As a member of the "privileged" race in my (major) city w/ 54% blacks, I am actively planning my escape to somewhere w/ more favorable demographics. I deserve better.
Californian: There just may be an issue here of how the outer world is perceived from inside the black point of view. And what appears to be distorted priorities may be just their normal view of the universe.
Sport, you knocked that one clean out of the park. What an outstanding overall analysis of Black dysfunction.
Quite clearly, Blacks love to sit in their urban diaper full of shit and endlessly squall about it while doing absolutely nothing to solve the problem. But dare and stir that shit up with something so trivial as a WalMart announcement or laundry room poster and watch the shit begin to fly.
As I've requested before, I'd really enjoy seeing you condense these various observations into an essay of some sort. I know that Paul would post it in a heartbeat.
Of late, your contributions have really set the standard here at SBPDL. The consistency with which you refute our various trolls and deluded DWLs is both admirable and refreshing. Although, I'll freely admit, it sometimes becomes a little agonizing to watch one individual do so much heavy lifting.
Lily White: And once something's fixed, that's one less thing to hold over White America's head.
Exactol! As you said, "And God knows, we can't have that!"
Black victimology is like a three legged stool; White Guilt, White Privilege and Institutionalized Racism are just about all that supports Black victimhood. Remove even a single one of those three legs and the whole meghilla comes crashing down in flames.
PS: Nice to see you back, Lily White!
My relative works for a major international shipping company.
They have recently dropped the employee requirement for a college degree in order to allow for more blacks to move into management positions. All they hire now are blacks, who are overrepresented by population.
Beware of this if you are the client of a major shipping company.
Their #1 goal is not effective customer service, competitive rates or timely shipping, but a commitment to racial "diversity", the hiring of blacks and females, the discrimination of white males, the promotion of homosexuals, and "tolerance and inclusion".
My relative now endures an incompetent nasty black female director of sales who is an empty suit dictator seeking sweet revenge, a lazy black male sales manager who collects six figures to drink on the job, work 3 hours per day, and delegate his entire job to others, and a new obese gay black female sales person, who hardly has a high school education. The whites cover for all of these boobs and do their work for them. They can not be fired, only shuffled around in the lemon dance.
I believe that we are about to hit an all time low in customer service across all industries. I never see a white cashier anywhere, even at my local organic health food store...I mostly shop online now.
Discard: This is why we see Negroes up in arms over trivial slights, and accepting of grave shortcomings. The crime and decay are merely the Black Behavioral Baseline, business as usual. We laugh at mammies saying of their no-good offspring "He was a good boy", but by their lights, he was. But when some POS "leader" tells them that a sign posted in an apartment building that they've never set foot in is a threat, they rise up against what they think is the White Man's evil juju.
Yes, that just came to me. They accept the natural world of stupidity and violence, but when their Big Man tells them that the White Man threatens them with his supernatural power, they get their dander up. And their witch doctors know this and use it. I've just solved the Riddle of the Negro!
Actually, you just may well have. What other ways are there to explain the degree of complacency that Blacks exhibit towards the most intensely degrading self-inflicted social conditions which they consistently perpetuate? Yet, somehow, they can be aroused to an incandescent rage over something that pales by comparison to their everyday depravity.
They are like infants with machine guns, killing anyone who does not bring them their bottle on time.
Anon (11/23 10:53 AM): I am the one on this board who was advocated "disengagement". I don't patronize black businesses. I don't have cable TV. I don't watch any major news networks. I DO use the public library for the wifi much to the chagrin of the manager who once told me that the childrens area is 'for our children'. Eff him. I let my two white kids run ragged all over as my taxes have paid for his black ass. I use public transit. I use the public parks and I get as much freebies as possible as my parents taxes has paid for these groids' entitlement. Whites have to get entitled and stop playing the game. Crank out many kids. Hide your money. Get on WIC. Get on EBt. Get TANF. Do not feel ashamed as it is YOUR money. Stick it to them, but do so quietly.
This is it, folks. If marking The Race Card™ is step #1 of the micro-scale intellectual battle, then the above strategy is step #1 of the macro-scale demographic battle.
Syphon out of the system every last cent of wealth you put into it while it still has any worth. Convert that wealth into portable assets, including children, then hie thee off to some blindingly White enclave and hunker down for the coming storm.
White Mick Vick- You are using a blunted tool for a job that requires a scalpel. You want to find a true Nigger Free-Zone™ don't use the "open" Wikipedia platform. Instead try www.city-data.com which will give you the straight dope.
Many have asked here, what now? We yack and whine on a forum that is made for that, this is not a forward staging area, and I do not wish for PK to turn it into such. This is an amazing blog for education. But many of us here, are ahead of the curve, myself included. Will I start a resistance in the belly of the beast in DC? Umm... hrmmm...yeah, no. That is for suicide bombers. I'm not that guy.
I have no children, I'm young enough, and I travel light. I also date foreigners -exclusively- for a few years now that know that niggers are a scourge and plague. Foreigners not from the West, who are from countries that have kept this bio-weapon out of their home states. This may interest SBPDL. Right now, I date "The enemy" if you beleive MSM. A persian girl (Iranian) with skin whiter than my own which is fairly pale. In Persian language there is no word for black person, they are simply called "Black Skins".
Before that two Eastern Europeans, blacks are basically just "not allowed" in countries east of Germany and if they are there, they respect their privelege for living in white european homelands.
I recently told this Persian stunner my REAL thoughts, something I could -never- do with my westernized feminized white women girlfriends who would be "horrified" by something that foreigners who haven't drunk kool-aid for 2 decades in school see with their very eyes. She sort of shrugged it off, as it is accepted in any country that has ever been touched by Arabs, even Persia. Arabs were exploiters of african slave labor far before the white man as a slaver was a twinkle in anyone's eye. Of course, "African Americans" (whatever that means) will never say this for their own dysfunction, or simply are too ignorant of history to understand it. But again, objective reality is a bitch.
Blacks don't mind living in squalor while murdering and raping each other because, unless they can find a way to blame it on YT, it serves no purpose to draw attention through 'civil disobedience' nor perpetuation by MSM.
The only way, other than this type website and word of mouth, I can see to encourage others that it's ok to embrace their 'whiteness' is by way of something in the way of, as previously mentioned on this site, a billboard campaign or flyers or some other real basic and grassroots type movement. I think more people would now be receptive than at any time in history. I hear many folks wishing for an outlet to be heard. They just don't want to be associated with any action in which they would be marginalized nor trivialized. It's up to us to create an environment in which we don't have to walk on egg shells every time the word 'race' is uttered.
Black male teenagers are today approaching lifelong unemployabity. Most are already unemeployed now. When they grow up, if they are out of prison, they will have a very hard time getting any kind of decent job. Who would dare have them around? This isn't an event. It's a trend. It's bad now and it will only get worse.
That would be true in a previous America but the those who call the shots are now mandating that businesses hire folks like these irrespective of criminal background. Failure to do so brings the full weight of the civil rights division, with unlimited tax dollars to litigate any business out of existence who resists. Yet again, where is there any opposition to this?
The market forces that make half of all black teens unemployed are likely to intensify. Blacks having less brain power don't do well in school. That won't change. Government jobs programs are basically school programs. That means they don't do well with black participants. And every year that a black teen isn't employed in some kind of job that teaches him to show up on time and be polite, is a year further away from being saveable. In ten years the current black teens will be black young adults and no power on earth will be able to save them. They will have gone too long outside the socializing job market.
You're making the classic error of conservatives in assuming that there is a "free market" which obeys the laws of economics or "market forces" as you call them. There is no free market. It is a myth - a hypothetical concept which exists only in academic textbooks. All markets are rigged to one extent or another, and the one here in the Banksta Banana Republick is almost totally rigged thanks to the license to counterfeit granted in 1913. In the ensuing century, the US dollar has lost 98 percent of its value. Read the post down the thread about the major shipping company. All major companies now have similar policies. The only thing that would bring actual "market forces" to bear would be a complete collapse of the rigged casino known as the "global economy".
Anonymous: anyone heard any news re: US becoming fossil fuel independent?
It's not going to happen without drastic cuts in per-capita consumption, population or both. The projections that the US becomes self-sufficient are (a) based on an unrealistic pace of drilling, (b) that the decline rate of wells runs far lower than what is actually achieved, and (c) would only last a few years even then. If you want to get rid of petroleum imports, buy a Chevy Volt or one of the Ford Energi models.
Deporting our 20-million-odd illegal aliens would make a significant dent, though. It would make an even bigger dent if we raised anchor on the anchor babies and sent all the stupid, criminal and non-English-speaking ones back with their parents... no matter how old.
'My initial explanation is that this is all political theater. Blacks throw a tantrum over some incident which appears to harken back to the days of segregation. The apartment flyer is not the real issue--the real issue is the ability of rabble rousers to mobilize large numbers of blacks (and guilt groveling DWLs) to make political demands. The incident merely serves as the agitprop d'jour.
Need we say 'Al not so Sharpton'?
But NY Times, ABC etc made him rich and famous.
I never gave much thought to having children until I stumbled upon this website. In fact, I figured there was a good chance I never would have kids, or at best adopt some poor Mexican niño or sponsor a starving child from Kosovo. But in light of this website, as someone in the rapidly shrinking white majority, I feel it is my civic duty to stave off the ebonic plague by procreating as much as humanly possible. Of course, first I'll have to budget for this since I'm not a gov't dependent parasite
It seems like it would've been a simple enough matter to properly investigate whether or not the sign was legit or not, which is of course why it completely eluded these black race-agitators and their DWL cohorts. To wit: Before initiating any public outcry about it, call the number on the sign to "report" a suspicious black person on the property and see what the response is, and if all you get is an answering machine then ask for a call back. That's about as basic as it gets. But what happens instead?... Well, we all know how the story goes -- again and again and again. Fumb as duck, these people are. I am surprised there weren't more obvious typos or ebonics on the sign though. They must've outsourced that one.
Someone mentioned shopping on the Internet. Good idea. I live in Dc where mostly black people work in customer service and it is freakin joke. They suck. Period. So whites need to start boycotting all major corporations ( ex McDonalds, fed ex, ). Get your kids out of public schools; homeschooling is becoming more and more accepted and there is online schooling as well. Use public libraries and public transit as much as possible. Start taking pics in your IPhone or record bad behaviors of groids and create a site "Blacks Behaving Badly". Put their stuff out there for all to see. As Ghandi said, be the change. You don't have to start a focus group of race realists, in DC it would never fly but you can lead by life example. Don't use the US Post Office. Do everything online. Take out the groid middleman in your life, and this is quite easy to do now.
To Jay- sorry you have had bad experiences with American white women. There are many of us who work and raise our kids and aren't do entitled. As I am GenX, I do notice GenY women tend to be entitled and lacking daily life skills, much like their teen groid counterparts. It is sad. Oh well.
Just like the painter of swastikas on the local synagogue is likely to be a member of that synagogue, I will bet that the person who posted the notice was a "person of color."
Eff globalization. It is doomed to fail anyhow. It is sinking. Let's hope it sinks. We can speed along the process by our mindful disengagement and our rebellion in everyday individual actions. Globalization is code for screw the white. Well screw the rest of the world because white people have to remember that our strength is our pioneering spirit, our ability to tolerate risk, and our gift to think outside of the box. Most other races have a pack mentality. Well they can have the pack.
"ebonic plague"
Gotta remember that one!
Brett- get crankin... Put an ad on Craig's list. Start donating sperm. Do what you gotta do.
See you are thinking of a budget. K good for you, BUT don't you see that is how the 'system' has gamed you, but all the other whites of childbearing years. Do you think Rosa, Shaniqua, or Juan Domingo made any "plans" . No way man, they just started the ole bump n grind so to speak. When the pill was created, many blacks were suspicious because they believed it was a conspiracy to quell the black population growth. Instead it has stunted whitey.
Look budget be damned. So you don't go on any vacations, so what? Who needs to see the rest of the world when they all hate whites. They don't need our money, our offspring need money.
So get banging,'it is your duty and you are being called. Too bad many gen y chicks are hearing the call, they'd rather get boned on blacks on blonde porn. Dumb biaches they are.
I honestly believe that you are being inspired and that is divine. Have no fear. Just do it. Dint listen to this PC society and it's bs.
A Federal investigation is totally inadequate to address this crime. At the very least, the UN must be notified. Blue helmet troops from the Congo should be brought in to commit, er, prevent more atrocities. NASA should use its facilities to broadcast a plea to any nearby extraterrestrials to come and eat, er, help us. This cannot be ignored. The Constitutional rights of a black person to loiter on another person's private property is at stake!
I just read Drudge on the Black Fri shopping assaults and mob violence/behavior. Yes Whites did behave badly but as per the course blacks were the overwhleming represented offenders. My hope did rise a bit as I read the comments section. Maybe in their own way Whites are starting to see more?
It's a process, the next four years of Obama may solidify White identity. I hope there is something of the US left.
To defend Jay in D.C to our women commenters. I am in the same boat my wife is Korean and although she is not as traditional as many Koreans she is more traditional than most Western women. There are great White Western women out there but for the guys there are not enough.It is a matter of numbers. I know a few Russian women and the difference is remarkable. You get a beautiful traditional woman who love being women, stay in shape,and hate the leftiest bullshit.
I appreciate the wonderful Western women that are truned on and have their eyes open but alas they are far and few between.
Californian said, "There just may be an issue here of how the outer world is perceived from inside the black point of view. And what appears to be distorted priorities may be just their normal view of the universe."
That is a problem. We really don't know (or do we?) if people like Sharpton and Jackson are just hustlers and liars, or whether they really believe the crap they say. If they really do believe it, then it is one more proof that blacks and white simply cannot live exist together in the same place. We view the world in incompatible ways.
Community activist DeLloyd Parker says there are "people who just don't want people of color to be a part of their experience". They're starting to get it and things are going to get very ugly when they realize more of us are waking up every day.
Muay Tyson on solidifying White identity: Oppression can do that. I've read that there were no "Palestinians" a century ago, just a variety of Arabic-speaking peoples living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. But living under Jewish rule or in refugee camps made their differences shrink in comparison to their difficulties. Ergo, a new people arose, with a new national consciousness. I hope that four more years of Obamination will suffice to get the White racial consciousness rolling.
Anonymous non-entitled White chick: Start taking pics in your IPhone or record bad behaviors of groids and create a site "Blacks Behaving Badly". Put their stuff out there for all to see.
You'll get some pretty serious competition from WorldStarHipHop; the perps document their own antics.
I live in a little whitebread town and I am seeing more and more groids. I saw a sheboon at the grocery store two days ago that looked like it came right out of Detroit. There are a bunch of groid and maybe half-groid kids in the schools, too.
I would bet a thousand bucks that 3/4 of them are here on Section 8 and EBT.
" We really don't know (or do we?) if people like Sharpton and Jackson are just hustlers and liars, or whether they really believe the crap they say."
Jackson once remarked that he was relieved that three men walking behind him on a night time street were White.
Conclusion: They are willfully perpetrating a scam for power and profit. It is no different from the hypocrisy of Al Gore, the open borders crowd, teachers union, the terror zealots and neocons. They do it because it gives them power, a sense of control and is also lucrative.
My wife is also Asian. Try finding an American White woman who is neither a liberal, a gold digger or a religious nut.
Discard: I've read that there were no "Palestinians" a century ago, just a variety of Arabic-speaking peoples living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. But living under Jewish rule or in refugee camps made their differences shrink in comparison to their difficulties. Ergo, a new people arose, with a new national consciousness.
In reality, the so-called "Palestinians" were fabricated out of whole cloth solely for the purposes of Yasser Arafat's endless genocide against Israel.
From "The communist roots of Palestinian terror" by David Meir-Levi: (Text shown in original format for clarity)
During the nineteen years from Israel’s victory in 1948 to Israel’s victory in the Six-Day war, all that remained of the territory initially set aside for the Arabs of British Mandatory Palestine under the conditions of the UN partition was the West Bank, under illegal Jordanian sovereignty, and the Gaza Strip, under illegal Egyptian rule.
Never during these nineteen years did any Arab leader anywhere in the world argue for the right of national self-determination for the Arabs of these territories.
Even Yassir Arafat, from his earliest terrorist days until 1967, used the term ‘Palestinians’ only to refer to the Arabs who lived under, or had fled from, Israeli sovereignty; and the term ‘Palestine’ only to refer to Israel in its pre-1967 borders.
[to be continued]
In the PLO’s original founding Charter (or Covenant), Article 24 states: “this Organization does not exercise any regional sovereignty over the west Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in the Gaza Strip or the Himmah area.”
For Arafat, ‘Palestine’ was not the west Bank or the Gaza Strip, which after 1948 belonged to other Arab states. The only ‘homeland’ for the PLO in 1964 was the State of Israel.
However, in response to the Six-Day war and Arafat’s mentoring by the Soviets and their allies, the PLO revised its Charter on July 17, 1968, to remove the language of Article 24, thereby newly asserting a ‘Palestinian’ claim of sovereignty to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
Part of the reframing of the conflict, along with adopting the identity of an ‘oppressed people’ and ‘victim of colonialism’, then, was the creation, ex nihilo, of ‘historic Palestine’ and the ancient ‘Palestinian people’ who had lived in their ‘homeland’ from ‘time immemorial’, who could trace their ‘heritage’ back to the Canaanites, who were forced from their homeland by the Zionists, and who had the inalienable right granted by international law and universal justice to use terror to reclaim their national identity and political self-determination.
That this was a political confection was, perhaps inadvertently, revealed to the West by Zahir Muhse’in, a member of the PLO Executive Committee, in a 1977 interview with the Amsterdam-based newspaper Trouw:
“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical
reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism.” [Emphasis in Original.]
Arafat himself asserted the same principle on many occasions. In his authorized biography he says, “The Palestinian people have no national identity. I, Yasir Arafat, man of destiny, will give them that identity through conflict with Israel.”
But even these admissions – that the concept of a ‘Palestinian people’ and a ‘Palestinian homeland’ were invented for political purposes to justify and legitimize terrorism and genocide – could not stem the enthusiasm of western leaders. Within the space of a few years, the Middle East conflict with Israel was radically reframed. No longer was little Israel the vulnerable David standing against the massive Goliath of the Arab world.
This is why any mention of the "Palestinians" merits using sneer quotes. The label is merely a way of collectively identifying a group of terrorists with dubious national origins for the sake of portraying them as downtrodden victims. Thus were Arafat's gangsters (per Vietnamese General Giap), suddenly and brilliantly recast as the underdog despite the PLO having backing and arms from several Arab nations and the Soviets alike. World leaders fell for Giap's ruse like a ton of bricks and idiotic international sympathy for these murderous, genocidal thugs is all that has prevented Israel from annihilating them.
Thank you, Zenster. I've been lurking, but not really weighing in lately. Glad to be rejoining the discussion.
@Anonymous 8:55 PM: "Try finding an American White woman who is neither a liberal, a gold digger or a religious nut."
hey so-called black leaders, the TRUTH hurts dosen't it?
"DeLoyd Parker, of S.H.A.P.E. Community Center, said the notice did not surprise him. "It's typical of racist views constantly perpetuated by people who just don't want people of color to be a part of their experience," Parker said."
Um, idiot...do you really think somebody named "K.K.Singh," and whose English sounds the way it was written in the article, is a White person?
Are you conflating "people who just don't want people of color to be part of their experience" with "white"?
I see it more as a case of "non-black", than "white". And, viewed from that angle, the good Mr Parker is correct. "People of color" means "negro". I doubt very many Asians or Indians (call center, not casino) who thought of themselves as "...of color".
Thanks for the narrative, Zenster, but it's irrelevant. Living in refugee camps or under military occupation, i.e., under oppression, has created a new people. Regardless of their actual history, those who have grown up believing themselves to be Palestinian, are Palestinian. That identity is as real as my American identity.
To return to the point, White Americans, under increasing BRA oppression, can also form a new identity. Or reform it, to be exact. We Who Can See can make it our task to nudge wondering people's thinking in the right direction.
Zenster - the problems of Israel are NOT OUR PROBLEMS.
We don't need the miseries of BRA confused with the problems of a nation that has a parasitic relationship with us and who share the spiritual beliefs of the most influential promoters of BRA.
This obsessive fixation on "the terrorists" plays right into the hands of our rulers who use it as a means to control US while not doing anything meaningful about "the terrorists."
Discard: Thanks for the narrative, Zenster, but it's irrelevant.
Not at all. It's vital to shine some disinfecting sunlight on such contrived rubbish as the "Palestinian" people or the "Aztlan" movement which are entirely motivated by non-historic agendas.
Living in refugee camps or under military occupation, i.e., under oppression, has created a new people.
While I understand your meaning, there are no "new" people involved. Arafat merely rebranded genocidal Muslim terrorism in order to sanitize it for consumption by the global community. None of the actors have changed, it's all just repackaging.
Regardless of their actual history, those who have grown up believing themselves to be Palestinian, are Palestinian. That identity is as real as my American identity.
Only in terms of how revisionist modern media define "identity". If you really want to buy into that, be my guest. I, for one, refuse to accept such twaddle and use sneer quotes to show it.
To return to the point, White Americans, under increasing BRA oppression, can also form a new identity. Or reform it, to be exact.
Here, I agree. We need to "reform" White identity more closely in parallel with the unalienable rights originally established in our Constitutional Republic as the Founding Fathers envisioned.
We have strayed so far from that goal via "interpreting" the Constitution. It's long past tea to take those "interpreters" out to sea and open the Kingston valves.
We Who Can See can make it our task to nudge wondering people's thinking in the right direction.
Again, agreed, and many thanks to Paul for providing such a unique forum.
Try finding an American White woman who is neither a liberal, a gold digger or a religious nut
Anonymous said...Zenster - the problems of Israel are NOT OUR PROBLEM
Israel is a HUGE problem..and we/USA has given Trillions?
[adjusted for inflation]
No Zenster, it's not at all vital to shine disinfecting sunlight on Moslems, as long as they stay in their own part of the world. There's no good reason for Whites to care about the social or political arrangements of the the Middle East, any more than we need concern ourselves with female genital mutilation in Africa. For our purposes, the Palestinians are a good example of an aroused nationalism, whatever any of us may think of them, their culture, Their history, or their leaders.
Try finding an American White woman who is neither a liberal, a gold digger or a religious nut
Present and accounted for.
A capable, professional woman, great cook and none of the above.
"Israel is a HUGE problem..and we/USA has given Trillions?
IDIOT! you clearly have Israel mixed up with American blacks.
Yes....blacks are dysfunctional and accept that dysfunction as ordinary and "normal" and get offended when someone rejects that dysfunction and doesn't want to be within a thousand miles of the shithole social environment it creates. They don't "unnerstan" why others reject all the endemic pathologies of the black community and refuse to tolerate and embrace "da black lifestyle, culture and experience."
They just don't "get it" and never will.
They're so used to swimming in their own cultural sewer that they can't comprehend how others view it or why it would be rejected. In their tiny little uncomprehending minds, it has to be racism.
Sorry, black bitches! But I'm not going to marinate myself in your sewer just so you feel good about yourself nor do I want or accept you bringing the sewer to my community.
Go "enrich" yourself!
Some recent comments:
Lily White said...
Californian, I had always presumed that the black community never wanted to address its (woefully obvious) problems ...
Pat said...
Why? Simple genetics. The black brain is about four or five cubic inches smaller.
Discard said...
This is why we see Negroes up in arms over trivial slights, and accepting of grave shortcomings. The crime and decay are merely the Black Behavioral Baseline, business as usual.
Race realists will frequently comment on the median black IQ being in the 80-ish range. The full impact of this is yet to be understood. It's not simply that the median black gets a lower SAT than the median white. The problem is that median blacks may not be able to function in a modern society. So they (or their leaders) blame white people, crying raaaaaacism.
Look at it this way: what if you had a city or company or school made up of white people whose median IQ was 85? How would it function? Toss in low impulse control, and etc. How would it function? It wouldn't!
Sounds radical, but look at America today. Or post-colonial Africa. Living in Detroit is the "new normal."
We laugh at mammies saying of their no-good offspring "He was a good boy", but by their lights, he was. But when some POS "leader" tells them that a sign posted in an apartment building that they've never set foot in is a threat, they rise up against what they think is the White Man's evil juju.
Something I have been told by South Africans is that black Africans see the wealth and industry produced by white people as a form of magic. They do not connect studying hard with graduation; rather, they see possession of a diploma as being the totem that grants one intelligence and a qualification for a high paying job.
This sounds absurdist, yet look at how the same mentality is all too common in America today. It's actually policy: social promotion, affirmative action, black studies programs, and the rest of the education cons. You hand someone a piece of paper and -- presto! -- they are now executive vice president in charge of "diversity" collecting six figures. Someone fails the police or firefighter exam? Hand them another piece of paper and --abracadabra -- they are now qualified to save people's lives!
It's magic, all right. People go to see magicians because they create an illusion in which audiences want to believe. And let's ignore the men behind the curtain pulling the strings.
Thing is, a lot of white people do not want to face up to the reality because it is a little too disturbing. It just may be that the future is going to be a heck of a lot worse than the past. DWL policies have had a marked dysgenic effect: encouraging the lowest rungs to reproduce unchecked, while penalizing higher echelon whites. (This is something which blacks might consider, though for the most part they will not: how after half a century of DWL social engineering they are worse off than ever.)
I also think this is why the DWL media has to present images of black engineers, black doctors, upstanding black politicians, and Holmes-level black detectives. It's why Nelson Mandela, a convicted marxist terrorist, is assuming near-divine status. It's been a well understood principle of agitprop that people will believe a pleasant lie rather than face an unpleasant truth. Same with advertising, PR -- and magic shows.
Discard: No Zenster, it's not at all vital to shine disinfecting sunlight on Moslems, as long as they stay in their own part of the world.
Yet, that is one of the most important points. Muslims will not "stay in their own part of the world." They never have and they never will. Just scroll down to the map of global conflict at my essay, "The Dark Side of Corruption".
Notice Islam's "bloody borders"? Islam will continue to assail every last outpost of Western civilization unless we pose an existential threat to it. Period.
There's no good reason for Whites to care about the social or political arrangements of the the Middle East, any more than we need concern ourselves with female genital mutilation in Africa.
Only unless there are nineteen Saudis who want to fly fully loaded passenger airliners into occupied skyscrapers. And you better believe that these same sorts are trying to figure out how do something like that all over again.
Does this mean we are supposed to be throwing away blood and treasure on abjectly futile nation-building exercises in the MME (Muslim Middle East)? HELL NO! Those sand niggers cannot and will not ever figure out how to make Democracy work, not so long as the Qur'an still exists.
For our purposes, the Palestinians are a good example of an aroused nationalism, whatever any of us may think of them, their culture, Their history, or their leaders.
The so-called "Palestinians" are a "good example" of some of this world's most hapless fuckwits and naught else. Any admiration for them or respect shown them is a greivous mistake. They deserve nothing but the back of this world's collective hand.
Did you actually read the article, "The Communist Roots of Palestinian Terror" by Meir-Levi? The "Palestinians" are a Communist confection bred up by the KGB, Ho Chi Mihn's top advisor, General Giap and a few other choice subversives; without whose careful guidance, Arafat would have been crushed by the IDF some forty years ago.
Anon said...
A Federal investigation is totally inadequate to address this crime. At the very least, the UN must be notified. Blue helmet troops from the Congo should be brought in to commit, er, prevent more atrocities. NASA should use its facilities to broadcast a plea to any nearby extraterrestrials to come and eat, er, help us. This cannot be ignored.
Funny thing is, there are people who would demand all of this.
And look at how Congo level atrocities committed in the USA go down the memory hole, while this incident is national headlines.
Life in BRA...
"Muslims will not stay in their own part of the world."
They are allowed here (often as refugees from our futile military adventures) and often SUBSIDIZED to come here. Yet all the anti-terror zealots say nothing. Instead they are busy giving the goevernment more tools to control us and justification for more wars abroad.
Invade the world, invite the world.
'Did you actually read the article, "The Communist Roots of Palestinian Terror" by Meir-Levi?"
Meir-Levy - what does that name have in common with the dominant group behind Marxism????
I would no sooner trust the word of an Israeli on anything related to the middle east than I would trust Jesse Jackson on clean politics.
You are so intent on showing that the "Palestinians" is a made up construct in order to oppose the "Jews" in Israel. Your indignation is half hearted at best. There are numerous encyclopedias, almanacs and authoritative books from Jewish sources that show that the term "Jew" is a made up construct as well in that todays "Jews" have little to no shared racial or generic heritagewith the Israelites of old, but rather by their own admission descend from Edomites, Canaanities, and Turkic Khazars making up 95% of Ashkenazi Jews. The remaining 5% being sephardic Jews who may have trace amounts of actual Hebrew blood. This means that the current "Israeli" state has no more claim to the land than the Arabs ( "Palestinians"). Both are using the same tactic for the same end of claiming land that doesn't truly belong to either.
So let's be honest on boths sides of that issue if you insist on bringing it up. What should be relevant is what Abraham Lincoln said to the black leaders when trying to pursuede the to leave this country and allow the US to fund their colonization elsewhere.... That two different peoples cannot exist together peaceably because each one naturally looks to the benefit of their own people who's interests are often at odds with the other people.
Is Zenster another sockpuppet of Whiskey or something?
You let zenster carry on about Israel and Palestinians, Please be faire and post my response.
Zenster: How Moslems run their societies is not our concern. The ONLY problem is not their crimes, their erratic flying skills, or the funny way their women dress, but inviting them into our country. They haven't the means to force their way in, our Rulers bring them in. Focus on that, not on their failings. You may as well criticize the behavior of the rats in your attic rather than getting them out.
Don't be such a bigot that you can't learn from people you don't like. Regardless of their origins or the vileness of their leaders, the Palestinians get a hearing in this world. That's a lot more than we get.
Palestinians do not deserve the back of our hand. They're just a bunch of foreigners on the other side of the world, and no kin to us. Leave them alone.
Discard: Palestinians do not deserve the back of our hand. They're just a bunch of foreigners on the other side of the world, and no kin to us. Leave them alone.
Maj. Nidal Hasan is a "Palestinian". He is not "a foreigner on the other side of the world", he is here. He and all those who identify with him have their victim narrative which justifies his terrorism AND his "escape" from the "oppression" in "Palestine". If we don't refute that narrative in toto, we have no argument for stopping and reversing the flow of "Palestinians" to the USA.
The situation of the "Palestinians" was created by other Arab nations (which bottled them up in "refugee" camps instead of re-settling them) and themselves. They must be viewed as undeserving regardless of where they are, but especially not deserving to come here under any circumstances.
They are called Canadians in the hospitality industry as well. Because they don't tip. But its not really fair to Canadians. If you don't call then niggers then call them Mondays. No one likes Mondays.
Mr Rational: We don't need to refute the Palestinian narrative, any more than we need refute the Laotian or Peruvian narrative. Must we refute every atrocity in the world, lest its victims gain automatic entry to the U.S., and an EBT card? Are we obligated to let in half of Tibet, just because they've got a decent sob story? No. OUR narrative is the only one that matters.
Add to this pattern the fact that we are importing (legally) around one million largely semiliterate and unskilled immigrants each year from third-world countries with badly-compromised traditions of innovation, democracy, and the rule of law, and the future begins to look very problematic indeed. You literally could not find a better way to destroy a first-world nation than the way we are proceeding now if you sat down and planned it all out.
Funny how the environmentalists never want to talk about the impact that immigration has on energy use, particularly the immigration of groups known to produce very large families.
Americans use, what, four or five times as much energy as third-worlders? So importing millions of people who then go on to using energy and other environmental resources at the rate that Americans do, and then four or five kids per family who will also consume resources like Americans, that doesn't represent a gigantic net gain in overall energy and resource consumption, even with the increasingly stringent attempts at conservation that are being imposed on us? Does it really help to force everyone to use fluorescent bulbs and low-water showerheads, if you're injecting more than a million new consumers of dwindling natural resources into the country each year, plus the families that these new consumers will create?
But of course, attempting to impose any logic on current immigration policies – even in the interests of achieving prized lefty policy goals in other areas – would be rayciss, and would also slow the influx of new Democrat voters that the lefties need to create their rapidly-approaching unbreakable majority. So it will never happen.
Even White guys in Europe are starting to marry Eastern European and Asian women, because so many of their women have become defeminized and aggressive just like ours from all the PC indoctrination. Let's face it, a man wants to be treated like a man, at least once in a while, instead of the caveman mortal enemy of all that is progressive and groovy and good in the entire universe.
True that. The Fakestinians have never been anything more than a political tool that the Arab world uses in its endless attempts to delegitimize and ultimately destroy Israel. Tiny as it is, Israel has always accepted Jews from all over the world, including the 600,000 Mizrachi Jews kicked out of the Arab countries they had lived in for thousands of years from 1948 onwards in retaliation for the creation of the new state of Israel. But the 58 Muslim countries refuse to take in their Palestinian "brothers" because they'd rather use them as political pawns against Israel.
Come to think of it, in their absolute intransigence, their total incomprehension of any concept of fairness or reciprocity, their need for dominance and supremacy at all times, their disdain for the rule of (human) law, their childish spasms of rage, and their universally corrupt, lying leaders, Muslims are a lot like Blacks. I can see why Obama likes them so much at feels so at home with them.
That was AWESOME, brilliant, and so absolutely true, every word of it. One of the best summaries I've ever seen.
If only Liberals had brains, or at some form of identifiable moral sense.
Thank you.
No, it's your comment that is irrelevant. You obviously have no interest in minor considerations such as truth, morality, reality, or international law.
Ah, I think this one is the Nazi Guy again. Incidentally, surrounding the word "terrorists" in quotation marks is not exactly a convincing argument for your cause.
You're completely out to lunch on the ancestral blood thing, Herr Kapitan. The majority of Israelis have local ancestry. More so than the Arabs in particular, who are invaders from the Arabian peninsula who entered the Holy Land as bedouins or with the 7th-century Islamic armies of conquest.
Additionally, DNA testing on Jews from all over the worldhas revealed ancestral ties going right back to the biblical prophets.
Please try to learn at least something about this topic before you proceed to try to lecture us about it. You should probably avoid Arab sources: few if any of them are reputable and factual, but are usually thinly-veiled and clumsily-argued partisan propaganda. I believe I see some of their rhetoric in your own analysis.
If they "don't have the means to force their way in", then why is the possibility of jihadis sneaking in over the Mexican border currently such a major concern of our security agencies? It is believed that some incursions of this kind have already taken place.
I don't think you actually have the slightest idea what you're talking about. You're just spouting off things that you believe to be true, or wish were true, without making any serious attempt to be accurate. This is not debate, it is babbling.
Present and accounted for.
A capable, professional woman, great cook and none of the above.
!!Do you like motorcycles? :)
Anon at 1:55 AM, Nov 27: No Palestinians, nor any other Third Worlders, have the means to force their way in. Seen any Arab tanks crashing through our borders lately? As you say, the concern is that they "sneak" in.
Of course, most of the Moslems in this country neither snuck in or forced their way, but were invited. And the only reason the sneakers can live among us is because they look like the invited ones.
There are several anonymous comments posted after 1:00 AM that appear to be yours, but without addressing them to anyone, they read like non-sequiteurs. If you wish to debate, call people out by name, so that we don't have to sort through your babble and try to infer your intent from a quote or an allusion. And give yourself a name, so that we don't have to guess who we're talking to.
NEPA, it's the last majority white metro area in the country above 500000. At least until we're overrun like Allentown and the Poconos
"There are several anonymous comments posted after 1:00 AM"
Taking a pro-Israel view and given the time of the posts are probably from outside CONUS.
There is no point in "debating" people whose arguments consist of self-contradicting fabrications and wilful distortions. You can't answer my refutations of your ignorant opinions, so you want to shift attention to the format of my comments or my lack of a fake name? Please.
Anonymous: There is no point in "debating" people whose arguments consist of self-contradicting fabrications and wilful distortions.
Which commenter or comment is this addressed to? Note that I hyperlinked your comment, everyone can see exactly what I'm replying to with a click. Not so what you wrote.
You can't answer my refutations of your ignorant opinions
Which specific refutations were those? There's no name or handle attached to them, so we have no good way of distinguishing yours from those of other commenters also using the label Anonymous.
so you want to shift attention to the format of my comments or my lack of a fake name? Please.
No, we want to know which comments make up the argument you're trying to present. Better formatting also aids the reader in understanding what you mean. If you can't see how this assists you, maybe your arguments aren't as concise and on-point as you believe they are either.
PK: Since you exercise approval over all comments, perhaps it's time to ban the use of "Anonymous". I believe you can edit your blog template to put notes into the comments page; adding text to the effect of “"Anonymous" posting got too confusing, so it is now banned; use "Name/URL" and pick a unique handle for yourself or your comment will NOT be published.”
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