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A Pulitzer Prize winning writer resorts to the "Birmingham 1963" defense |
Those words were penned nearly 50 years ago in the tumultuous year of 1963; the same year of the infamous church bombing in Birmingham that killed four black girls and emboldened an already carnivorous national press to launch a full-out assault on all things white and southern.
In many ways, the specter of 1963 Birmingham that still haunts the narrative of race relations in America; dominating the anti-white animus which is pervasive in every aspect of contemporary 21st century American life.
"If we go back to the old days, then it will be just like 1963 Birmingham all over again," is what Disingenuous White Liberals (DWL) whine and moan, knowing that time has completely forgotten the current status of Birmingham, Alabama
Birmingham to most people will always be stuck in a perpetual state of 1963, with a never-ending and revolving cast of white bigots ready to guilt any young white person who dares question even the slightest pretense of greatness, glory, and divinity of diversity or multiculturalism.
But Birmingham is the land that time forgot; or at least the current condition of majority-black (nearly 74 percent of the citizens of the Magic City are black) is forever to be the fault of... Birmingham in 1963. That year is inescapable when it comes to determining all that is wrong with the city; never, and I mean never, can the current dilapidated and apparent "bombed" out condition of many parts of the city be blamed on the current majority population occupying Birmingham.
Instead, read Christopher Paul Curtis' mass-market paperback fictional story 'The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963' - a story for children about a black family visiting Birmingham when their grandmother's church is blown up by evil white bigots - and be instantly transported to the nefarious events of... Birmingham 1963.
Never mind the ruin the 'Letter from a Birmingham Jail' helped to bring to, not just Birmingham, but the entire western world; that's beyond debate, for the mantra of Black-Run America (BRA) is simply "give me equality, or give me death."
And never mind the casualties in pursuit of equality -- even if they happen to be our major cities.
So what is life like in Birmingham in the waning months of 2012, just before we endure a year-long celebration of the 50th anniversary of Birmingham 1963? [Gunfire common in west Birmingham neighborhood where 1 killed, 1 injured in shooting, residents said,Birmingham News, 11-30-12]:
When Nellie Pledger moved into her house at the corner of 48th Street Ensley and Terrace Q in 1995, crime was rampant in the area, she said.
For a while it seemed things were getting better, but now gunfire rings out nightly sending Pledger dropping to the floor, fearing she might be an unintended victim. "Bullets don't have names," Pledger said.
Outside Pledger's home, decorated with Christmas lights and with her small dog, Midnight, yapping in the yard, Birmingham homicide detectives this evening worked to solve a shooting that left one person dead and another injured this afternoon. Ben Ward, a 23 year resident of the community, was feeding his dogs when he heard three shots at about 4 p.m.
"It's not as bad as it used to be, but it seems like it's getting worse," Ward said. A short distance from the crime scene, groups of teenagers laughed and tossed a football back and forth in Central Park less than two hours after the shooting. It wasn't clear how badly the surviving shooting victim was injured, said Birmingham Homicide Lt. Scott Praytor.
Detectives are interviewing witnesses at police headquarters and have not, as of this evening, spoken with the surviving victim, Praytor said. We're trying to get all the pieces so we can put them together," Praytor said.
A preliminary investigation indicated the surviving victim went to Terrace Q to score some drugs but was robbed at gunpoint. Pulling a gun of his own, the two shot each other and both were hit in the chest, said Detective Jonathon Ross.
The robber died at UAB Hospital. The surviving victim began driving up Third Avenue West, presumably trying to get to the hospital, Ross said. Birmingham police officers alerted to the shooting were waiting when the victim drove through the 15th Street West intersection, about two miles from the scene of the shooting, Ross said.The pathetic economy, climate and culture of Birmingham in 2012, almost entirely created by it's majority black population (where the almost entirely black city council just banned giving out business licenses to Title Loan and Payday Stores) ... is not for debate, because it's such an obvious improvement over Birmingham 1963.
What were those white bigots trying to stop anyway? Blacks from taking power and... oh. Creating the climate and culture found in Birmingham today.
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The entire western world is held captive in a prison of "white privilege" by the 'Letter from a Birmingham Jail' |
When prompted that Birmingham's current condition might be the fault - or inability - of its majority black population to maintain the infrastructure they inherited from the white people they drove to the suburbs, Mr. Kennedy responded as only one could in 140 characters or less -- @sbpdl Also, Birmingham was pretty ruined by racist white people bombing churches and attacking peaceful marchers in the streets.No one can dare counter the "Birmingham 1963" defense, with all debate on any subject instantly ending due to the moral superiority of those righteous black people who dared stand in defiance of law and order, which kept the thin line of civilization - the color line - intact.
But what happened to "the dream" of the same man who wrote 'Letter from a Birmingham Jail'? While we act that 1963 Birmingham still is the only frame of reference one can work with when talking about the city, black political control of Birmingham proved ruinous to any hope of a prosperous future. Where once white families with young children dreamed of a future like that in the cartoon The Jetsons, white flight quickly turned Birmingham's future into that of The Flinstones: instead of lovable Cro-Magnon individuals like Barney and Fred, you got a city that devolved into an orgy of black crime and depressed property values [CAN THESE NEIGHBORHOODS BE SAVED?, Birmingham News, 8-19-2007]:
The core of metro Birmingham suffers slow-motion destruction. When heavy industry faded, neighborhoods followed. Across the Jones valley, businesses boarded up, people moved to the suburbs, thousands of homes were left to decay. It leaves everyone with a complex problem: How can we fight urban blight?
The exodus created a broken real estate mar- ket in depressed neighborhoods where sellers outnumber buyers — and a city where thousands of houses and apartments were left to decay. What’s more, the Regional Planning Commis- sion of Greater Birmingham predicts urban blight will continue to swell.
The commission projects that by 2030 the number of households will de- crease by 17 percent in East Lake and Woodlawn, 22 percent in the neighborhoods around the air- port, 27 percent in North Birmingham, 13 percent in Pratt City and Ensley, and 17 percent in West End. Since 1990, the city of Birmingham has demol- ished 7,948 single-family houses. This year, the city plans to spend $750,000 tearing down 423 more. Even at that pace, a backlog of more than 200 homes will remain.
And the list keeps growing. Inspectors investigate 1,200 new complaints a year. The inspections initiate a protracted process that often ends with the property being boarded up, decaying to a point of danger and, eventually, getting demolished. Even when they’re gone, they’re a drain: The city spends $2 million a year cutting vacant lots. Meanwhile, decaying houses and overgrown lots cost residents who stay.
A study in Philadel- phia found that a single abandoned property bleeds $7,627 out of the value of neighboring homes. Josephine Hardie, 67, sees that in her three- bedroom, one-bath home on Tennessee Avenue. The retired Hayes High algebra teacher has lived there since she was 6, when her father, a cook on the Silver Comet passenger train, bought it. Years ago, she wanted to move to Roebuck, but stayed to care for her mother. Today, she doubts she could sell the home for its assessed value of $54,000. With the condition of her neighborhood, she said, “It’s not worth that.”
The vacancy chain
For Mark LaGory, a sociologist at the Univer- sity of Alabama at Birmingham, Woodlawn of- fers a case study in the deterioration of inner-city communities. People who’ve left Birmingham, LaGory said, often drive through their childhood neighborhoods and shake their heads.
“They say, ‘Isn’t it a shame what happened to the neighborhood?’” LaGory said. “Well, it is inevitable what happened to the neighborhood. That is the way our system works.” The government effectively subsidizes new home construction by giving federal backing to the mortgage industry and giving a tax deduc- tion for mortgage interest, he said.
That leads to new and better housing, but puts pressure on older, less valuable homes. “For every house built, another house below it tends to go vacant. That creates a vacancy chain.” Those who can’t afford to move, LaGory said, stay and watch the neighborhood depopulate. The downward spiral discourages people from maintaining their housing. “Particularly since most of them don’t have a lot, why would they invest in something they know doesn’t appreciate?” LaGory said.The Visible Black Hand of Economics in post-Birmingham 1963. But we can't talk about that, can we Mr. Kennedy?
Come to Detroit , you can buy a whole block for under a 100k and start your own society, of course you would have to razor wire yourself in first.
That was one hell of a bomb to wreck Birmingham for over 40 years and counting.
I was recently awarded a Pulitzer Prize for making brilliant comments.
It's really obnoxious that you would Twitter-harass a Pulitzer prized winning editorial writer. Hilariously obnoxious.
The Engineer
CHEWBACCA DEFENSE! Joey (what is he 12?) Kennedy is using the Chewbacca defense!
Chewbacca Defense
South Park Studios - Chewbacca Defense Clip
The Chewbacca Defense is a term for any legal strategy or propaganda strategy that seeks to overwhelm its audience with nonsensical arguments, as a way of confusing the audience and drowning out legitimate opposing arguments. It is thus a kind of logical fallacy: specifically, a red herring fallacy and non sequitur similar to argumentum ad nauseam.
In this case Paul Kersey lays down a solid argument, replete with facts, that blame the current conditions of Birmingham, Alabama on the demographic makeup of the population. Joey counters with the Straw man argument that "White racism" is to blame. He cites the 1963! church bombings which happened 49 years ago as the penultimate cause of Birmingham's destruction. This is so disingenuous as to be laughable. Nothing that happened in the interceding 49 years could have possibly had a greater effect on Birmingham than "White racism." By invoking the mythical beast of "White racism" Joey is hoping that you will cower in fear thus rendering you incapable of responding. Even though Joey didn't prove his point, as long as you fail to respond he feels that he has won the argument, no facts or truth required.
I think your approach is a lot more likely to succeed than one that emphasizes differences in average IQ levels. Stories are what people remember.
We should "bomb" him with history & facts. He'll drown under the deluge.
I'm quite sure he lives in the most diverse part of Birmingham.
Anyone else laugh when the anti-White dropped his mask and vented his hatred for Whites when he was caught off guard by Kersey not flinching at his screech of "RACIST!"?
Just being alive and white makes you racist today; simply being born white is enough.
I owned a property on the edge of North Philadelphia, Strawberry Mansion. I was an 'urban pioneer' . Got caught up in all the urban renewal hype of 2004. You should have heard all the flack that myself and white neighbors received from our black neighbors, the papers etc. The mere fact that we were white people moving into a hood a fixing up once dilapidated or abandoned properties made us racist. In our eyes, adding new buildings and/or renovating shells if buildings was positive. Some blacks in the hood embraced the change: property values went up, small businesses were opening, etc. Many in the hood resented us though. We were stealing 'their' land. We were interlopers, never mind that the neighborhood (Brewerytown) had once been all white.
Whites in the US are in a no win situation, middle class whites anyhow. You move away from the city, you racist. You stay, you are a gentrifying wanna be interloper who has no business in the city.
So where do we live? Where can we live? Where can I live with my family and not be harassed, hated, vilified simply because I don't want to step in a playground covered in pit bull poop and extensions pulled from Shitnetta's hair during a ghetto cat fight.
Secession is the only answer. Lincoln offered the blacks a state and they declined. Maybe we should just do a We The People Petition and ask for a couple of states? Or just state that we are taking them...is that not what Obumma and the Neoconmen are doing.., taking our life, liberty, and pursuit if happiness...taking our money and giving it to third world turds, beaners, and groids?
Albertosaurus mentioned just stating at school boards meetings that blacks have smaller brains therefore funding should be cut. The DWLs will just spin their smaller cerebellum whatever into a disability and the the groids and their turd offspring will just use this disability label ( ex disfigured cerebellum) to loot SSI.
Throw in the towel on Amurka, stop throwing pearls at swine.
Another masterpiece Paul. From time to time could you give us a list of the links to your outside articles? OT, four thugs on basketball scholarships at Hofstra University on Long Island, NY were arrested. They liked stealing computers, ipads, etc. from real students' rooms. A scholarship could be worth up to $200,000. Kentrell and Shaquille are two of the thieves. Shaqille lives in Harlem, NY.
" Anonymous said...
Come to Detroit , you can buy a whole block for under a 100k and start your own society, of course you would have to razor wire yourself in first.
After near ten (10) years here in Afghanistan and Iraq, I'm used to that, but blacks are more dangerous than I am accustomed to over here.
No blacks on the Jetsons or the Flintstones! WTF did they come from?
Spot on PK! Joey Kennedy is totally insufferable. The "new" BHM News, under new management controlled by the Alabama Media Group, has been in place for 2 months with reduced 7 day delivery to 3 day, all at the same price. It is a steaming leftist spew of left-wing propaganda and is devoid of fact-based reporting.
2013 will bring a year-long orgy of commemorations of the 50th anniversary of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing and subsequent civil rights demonstrations. It will be nearly intolerable.
The saddest thing to see around BHM is the gullibility of the young people under 50 years of age who have been corrupted by the public school teachers cramming PC/multi-culturalism/diversity/tolerance/inclusiveness. Then we have that nest of vipers down in Montgomery, the Southern Poverty Law Center.
They just can't let go. There are so many Whites who just cannot let go of the myth that 'racist' Whites are responsible for the dysfunction of Blacks. Or better 'institutional racism' (even in majority black cities?), which is a bit difficult to define, yet everyone knows what it means, and it's everywhere and at all times responsible for black dysfunction.
Reminds me of an email I sent to a reporter who'd written a story about yet another black on white 'knockout' attack in St Louis, with no mention whatsoever of race. I asked: How many such attacks would have to occur before he or his news outlet would notice the racial pattern and report on it? Could he put a number on that?
Similarly, here one could ask: How many majority black shitholes where no churches were bombed -- ever -- will have to exist before it will be acknowledged that Blacks alone are responsible for these shitholes? Can someone put a number on that?
of course you would have to razor wire yourself in first.
thats South Africa! From what I hear.
As I read these stories in complete amazement, as I do almost every night, I am constantly finding myself thinking about using game theory on these idiot liberals and flanking them to the left.
If I make the ridiculous argument that we need to raise everybody's taxes in order to pay for all of the injustice that is constantly plaguing the black community, the liberals actually take me seriously! We need to close down the evil white owned corporations and let the blacks run the schools. We need to raise minimum wage to 100$ an hour. Free food for everybody! Free cash for everybody!
And liberals think the only reason we don't do these things is because the rich white men who own all of the country, and run the government are just too stingy to share with them.
I used to have a theory that we need to have poor people because certain classes of people will not work unless they are forced to, and are not forced to unless they are hungry.
To illustrate: give every person in America a check for 5 million dollars tomorrow. Nothing can be bought because all of the employees of all the businesses quit their job and retired. They planned on going to the car dealer and buying a new sportscar with their new found weath, but to their amazement, and the other eighty five thousand people trying to buy a new porsche, that there is nobody to sell them the car.
We can't go by Walmart on the way home either- all of their employees quit. Ditto the gas station.
Now the farmer? He just puts the 5 mill in the bank and keeps on raising crops and livestock. He works because it is what a good person does.
How do you think the N words would react?
"I gotz me 5 millyun and I cantz bye shit. "
See the difference?
They send a message out to society, and the message is more honest than the n-word itself is capable of being.
That message?
"if you want me to produce as much as I consume, (I.e. pull my own weight) you must keep me in poverty"
" if you let me get out of poverty, I will bring shame to everything and everyone around me. I will act more irresponsible and destructive to myself and society as is possible. You will regret letting me have free speech".
Message received loud and clear
Don't do business with liberals
Don't hire liberals
Don't make friends with liberals
Dont believe that a liberal wants to help you, your family, or your country, unless you are a protected pet.
If you are white, war has been declared upon you.
How will you respond?
I finally got to see the 1915 I silent era movie classic, "Birth of a Nation" at the turn of the century. At the time I was still mildly intoxicated by the liberal illusion enriched ambience that all are forced to breathe deep and imbibe daily or risk the wrath of the gestapoed, liberal, bully and shun machine. I thought that the movie was biased against blacks, I no longer think that way
In fact, shortly thereafter, I was able to break totally, free and clean, from the chains and imprisonment of the liberal illusion and therefore was able to see the movie as representing the truth that only the southern white man could see. That truth being, that the white culture once bespeckled by free black people will be the white culture under assault, and in need of protection, from said, freed black people.
I fairly recently have come to understand that racism and racist are not negative traits or bad words. In fact I believe the word liberal is a negative trait and a bad word. Further, I think race, racism and racist are good words which happen to reflect the truth of reality. What those who bombed the church were doing was in fact trying to protect their culture, families and race from the assault being threatened upon them by the black race.
The current fuss and fanfare over secession is in part clearly about race and the freeing of the white man from the white man’s burden, blacks and other non-whites. Be the burden be financial or safety, be the burden be peace of mind or other, it is the burden secessionists wish to be liberated from. Most unfortunately, it is hoi polloi white liberals, those who fail to mature, and by the way, immaturity denies reality and substitutes a preferred illusion in said reality`s stead, and the God complexed, narcissistic liberal leaders, the progressives, progressing our shared culture up over the precipice and down into the abyss of socialism and it`s necessarily consequential, tyranny, poverty and misery.
I for one am so ready for a new, mutually exclusive nation, a free enterprise capitalists Republic of non-liberal whites only, that I might be freed from my share of the white man’s burden, and may instead, wallow in the safety and peace of mind that should be my unalienable right.
That the black gene pool evolved to produce a more animalistic, less human organism is not my fault and therefore I owe not one iota to those born of said black gene pool.
The, their, black gene pool, utilizes a progenesic, (shorter) neotenous process, which produces an organism that has run fast, jump high athleticism, a shorter maturation time and a more sexually reproducing orientated capacity. However, it does so at the expense of a longer neotenous maturation process and the consequential, physically larger, higher IQ cerebrum.
The, our, white gene pool, utilizes a hypermorphosic, (longer), neotenous process which produces an organism that is less atheletical, utilizes a longer maturation process and a less sexually reproducing orientated capacity. This however, produces a physically larger, higher IQ cerebrum, and one with the special and crucial intelligence for higher culture creating and higher culture maintenance ability.
Our two mutually exclusive gene pools are, and have been evolving towards, different orientations, with the black gene pool becoming more R selective and the white gene pool more K selective.
In my mind there can be no denying racism as the truth of reality. That therefore, to be a realist necessarily is to be a racist.
Having lived my first 34 years of life in the great socialist democracy of Massachusetts I gave the non-racist ideology, as with all other liberal ideologies, more than a fair chance. Always however, my eye saw one reality that was totally exclusive of liberal ideology and I was forced to abandon one or the other, I chose to abandon liberal ideology as I saw it to be simply an illusion.
Joey, care to comment on Eve Carson? Secession, you betcha! Thank you.
You are so right. It is a war. Scary that is has come to this so fast.
Living in WDC, a bastion of liberals, it amazes me how the DWL veneer of do- goodery has become so obviously thin to me. I still don't get them, but that's the glitch, most DWLs are sociopaths.
Sociopaths have no empathy or conscience. They are excellent mimics and they are good at blending in to the scenery. DWLs have blended in well as do gooders, but it is all a ruse. Albertosaurus and Santos mention that DWLs believe they are doing good, that is just part of the pathology and our society is pathological now. Once the sociopath has you, his or her instinct is to kill you, metaphorically via slander or physically.
The DWLs have been killing the white middle class softly for the past forty plus years. Now they have a stranglehold of everything ( church, schools, government, business) and they are in for the kill and The Great Obumma is their tool.
Someone posted before ' cut the head off the snake". That is what must be done. PK is doing a good job of that here as there is much power in the pen. We are all cutting the head off by participating each day. And that's how we will cut the head off of the sociopath snake DWLs- we keep talking, we keep networking, we keep enduring.
There is a technique that sociopaths use called gaslighting. It is an attempt to make their victims go crazy or feel crazy by manipulating the truth or by just sticking to a lie over and over again. Kennedy and DWLs like him have been 'gaslighting' the white middle class by the repetitive ' you are racist' theme. In psychology they also refer to this as 'crazymaking'. And that what these bastards are trying to do.
You can't change a sociopath's mind - parallel, dont waste time 'winning over DWLs'. We just leave via secession, which will lead to a civil war. I am convinced of it.
Anonymous said @ November 30, 2012 5:28 PM...
"Anyone else laugh when the anti-White dropped his mask and vented his hatred for Whites when he was caught off guard by Kersey not flinching at his screech of "RACIST!"?"
I saw it right away.
The screen cap appears to show Joey on-the-rag about a company in the firearms industry.
Using 'poetry'.
All the world can see for themselves that SBPDL handed Joey's @$$ back to him/her/it.
November 30, 2012 5:28 PM
As other comments have stated, we need a place of our own. A place where the principles articulated in our Constitution control our government. As to controlling the behavior of our fellow citizens, there would be no welfare, no wealth redistribution, of any type except for that volunteered by other citizens. Crimes against fellow citizens would be dealt with swiftly and harshly.
I wouldn't place a racial or ethnic restriction on citizenship. I would imagine a strict behavioral restriction on sticking around. The state would give you nothing and take almost nothing. A negro arrives in the new state and steals an apple, he's shot in the head. The same negro dies of starvation if he cannot perform productive work that can pay for his food.
This nation seems no longer salvageable. After 50 years of leftists working to undermine it, it's gone.
Anonymous said @ November 30, 2012 5:59 PM ...
"Spot on PK! Joey Kennedy is totally insufferable. The "new" BHM News, under new management controlled by the Alabama Media Group, has been in place for 2 months with reduced 7 day delivery to 3 day, all at the same price. It is a steaming leftist spew of left-wing propaganda and is devoid of fact-based reporting."
You've just described a failed product being offered @ higher prices.
Whoever Joey Kennedy, BHM News, and the Alabama Media Group are, they are operating like Government.
Demanding the same if not more money for a product or service that's less-than-worthless.
Tyrone shoelaces said @ November 30, 2012 7:11 PM ...
"As I read these stories in complete amazement, as I do almost every night, I am constantly finding myself thinking about using game theory on these idiot liberals and flanking them to the left.
If I make the ridiculous argument that we need to raise everybody's taxes in order to pay for all of the injustice that is constantly plaguing the black community, the liberals actually take me seriously! We need to close down the evil white owned corporations and let the blacks run the schools. We need to raise minimum wage to 100$ an hour. Free food for everybody! Free cash for everybody!
And liberals think the only reason we don't do these things is because the rich white men who own all of the country, and run the government are just too stingy to share with them."
Your post is a contemporary observation of Bastiat's observations and writings on economic/political theory from the mid-19th Century.
He observed well over a hundred years ago the Fatal Conceit of smug Government Do-Gooders who exist in every age.
The Do-Gooders seeking control of Government powers of coercion and taxation believe that free citizens can't/won't feed their own kids, educate them, build roads, etc. unless Government does it for them.
Bastiat rubbed the collectivists' greedy thieving noses in their own crap and laughed at their Obama scale failures long before any of us posting here were around.
Such stupidity can be clearly seen centuries ahead by learning about similar failures of centuries past.
I live in Birmingham. Over the last few weeks, this place has just become killing fields. It's like something just... gave somewhere.
A friend of mine said he was downtown a few days ago, and the area around the 16th street Baptist Church was a sea of flashing police blue lights. Nothing ever reported in the online "paper" of note. (I've given up commenting in said online news organization's forums; one is banned for citing high black crime rates. Oh well.)
Please follow the story of David DeRoncey - a good man shot and killed by what will likely turn out to be yet more Birmingham "zombies"... http://blog.al.com/spotnews/2012/11/birmingham_police_say_i-65_vic.html
Glad your blog is out there :)
Here's a few jokes that I believe can be attributed to Howard Stern.
Remember the blacks on the Jetsons?
There were no blacks on the Jetsons?
Doesn't the future look bright?
Remember the blacks in the Flintstones cartoons?
There were no blacks in the Flintstones.
Ah, the good old days.
You have to understand something here: Folks like Joey Kennedy are completely immune to all facts, truth and proof of fallacy. Their anti-racism (code word for anti-white) is a type of religion. Joey and his ilk are more fanatical in their devotion to their great Cathedral of lies than the wildest goat-humping jihadi who frolics in the strategic poppyfields of Pashtoonistan is to the teachings of the Pedophile Prophet.
I have serious doubts that folks like Joey Kennedy will be persuaded by anything - not even seeing their sons murdered, their wives and daughters gang-raped. Look at the parents of Amy Biehl. They set up a foundation in their daughter's name and are literally paying their daughter's murderers as staff members. The moralistic, self-righteous preening and posturing must give them something akin to a drug addict's high. No price is too high for the next fix.
Blacks do violent things to whites every day ... ignore, ignore, ignore.
Some white guy does one violent thing to blacks ... OMG WE MUST NEVER, EVER FORGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just as an aside, how on earth do we even know that the phrases allegedly scribbled by St. Martin the Adulterer while in a Birmingham jail are really even his own? Much of his other writing was plagiarized after all.
As for the church bombing of 1963, it would not surprise me at all if it was a false-flag operation of one of the branches of the regime under communist control. Folks forget that Joseph McCarthy, who actually significantly underestimated the extent of communist infiltration of the government, lost everything in his battle to expose and destroy them. In the years that followed McCarthy's untimely death, they took over even more sections and departments. By 1963, about the only large sections of the regime not under their control were the white house, the FBI and the military. The communists in the USA report more or less directly to the squids. The Russian commies actually set up a rival 'outfit' in the wake of World War II. That's how the gang of reds known as "neo-conservatives" came to take over Conservatism, Inc.
I have a few comments I would like to make.
#1. 1963 came and went. The people who firebombed the churches did so for a reason they fought intigration and they lost. The result is 2012 a majority of blacks and total disfunction.
#2. PDK you are wrong about one thing. If the only metric for athleticism is speed and explosive lower body power yes blacks are more athletic. If you look at the total aspect of athleticism such as eye hand coordination, strength endurance, total endurance, etc. Whites are at least equal if not better. Besides in many instances better brains make better athletes.
#3. Anon 7:58, most Liberals are not Sociopaths most Liberals are typical sheep and can be swayed which ever way the wind blows. Most people in the world are sheep there are a hell of a lot more followers than leaders in the world. The core Liberals are Sociopaths with an agenda. Find them eliminate them and the rest of society falls in line. Do you think people are any different today then they were in 1950's America? Nope just the Commies and the Left put into play a long term strategy to change the US and it worked. We need to change it back. If seccession were successful with in 10 years 90% of the left would be banging on the Conservates door ready and willing to change their ways.
I think your approach is a lot more likely to succeed than one that emphasizes differences in average IQ levels. Stories are what people remember.
A narrative can be easily countered with another narrative. With data you need to actually find opposing data.
Anyway. This blog gets on my nerves because it takes the cheap, easy, and ultimately more dangerous route of stoking white anger and resentment to counter some perceived black equivalent. While that may resonate with the lynch mob, it doesn't resonate with the elites who actually determine policy in this country. It doesn't resonate with the white majority who in aggregate are comfortable, prosperous, and in control of society's institutions (unlike these powerless caucasian slaves managing to post blog comments in between the brutal lashings of overseer whips!) America is not truly run by the black minority. It is almost completely beholden to white society, funding, and support. Support which probably peaked post-Obama's re-election, soon to be displaced by latino minority and asian elite interests. But let's not think about that too hard. Black President, blah, blah. Detroit, something, something. Blacks Are Ruining America.
And God forbid you are a black person who understands the heritability of IQ and understands statistics. Despite any common ground, hanging around permanently pissed-off whites would give just give said black heartburn at best, rope burn at worst. Whatever, I'm done. I'm sure you can put two and two together and dismiss me as another black troll who predictably doesn't like stuff that black people don't like.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
--Edmund Burke
Guess the Pulitzer Prize winner has never stopped to think that dropping an ATOMIC bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki did not result in the long term destruction much less death of those cities. They were soon rebuilt and even surpassed what they were before. But the bombing of a Negro church or two in Birmingham continues to have devastating effect nearly a half century later. You would hope a Pulitzer Prize winner would have some critical facilities but that would be a disqualification in BRA.
"Anyone else laugh when the anti-White dropped his mask and vented his hatred for Whites when he was caught off guard by Kersey not flinching at his screech of "RACIST!"?"
I've noticed the rage phenomenon myself. More than once.
You know what I think is happening? I think that when you see an outburst like that,what you're seeing is recognition-and intense dislike-of social programming.
A progressive is confronted with information that he or she knows is correct. And it's information that is so glaringly correct that no real refutation is possible. ( at any rate,no refutation that would pass a straight face test )
However,due to constant programming,administered from day one in kindergarten,and continuously reinforced through television,films,popular media,and just about any kind of professional interaction you care to name,wherein the subject of race can not and must not ever be discussed in terms that aren't politically correct-
-The outside layers of the psyche can't allow this information to be recognized as truth. On some level,you could say that it's a survival trait. Go along with the crowd,and say what everyone else is saying,or find yourself alone and at the mercy of a bunch of predators. By the time a 21st century American is 30,he or she has seen numerous examples of what happens to anyone that steps outside of the boundaries of acceptable public speech and acceptable public actions.
But I don't think this programming can ever penetrate to the core level of the brain. On some level,I believe that almost every one of these progressives know that they have been told lies all their lives. And a great many of these popular pundits know that they have not only been getting told lies-they're telling lies to others,and getting well paid for doing so.
Thus the outbursts of anger when shown the truth. They're mad at you for telling the truth,certainly. But that's just a small swig from the reservoir. Not in every case,to be sure-a lot of these commentators have as much conscience as a boa constrictor,and are doing what they do with full knowledge and forethought. But your average,rapidly vanishing,middle class American? No way.
So what happens when the gloves finally come off? When the EBT cards stop working for some reason,or when some other convergence of catastrophes finally forces everyone to face facts? When that happens,if it ever does,in what direction is that rage going to be directed?
The comment that some blacks felt that whites moving into the hood and gentrifying the area was "stealing our land" really made me laugh.
Whites move in and IMPROVE an area. Blacks move in and the area DETERIORATES. Yet blacks feel justified in being outraged at the presence of whites but we (on the other hand) are supposed to embrace the destructive black shits moving into our neighborhoods and ruining everything.
IF those same black shits wanted to move into a white subdivision and were met with resentment and resistance, they'd be the first to scream, "It be Raycism!!!"
Do you ever get the feeling that dealing with blacks is like gambling with someone who offers you a coin toss with the rules being "Heads I Win, Tails You Lose?"
The only way to win is NOT to play the game.
Whites need to disengage completely from blacks and have zero to do with them in any way. Otherwise, even though they become the majority population in a city and ruin it, it's still "be whitey's fault!"
Heads I Win, Tails You Lose.
Recognize their game, their con job, their bullcrap and just tell them to fuck off.
More fine 'student' athletes.
Off-Topic to article but very telling wen a government-hired attorney rigs the alarm bell on his (bosses)...
City Attorney Tells San Bernardino Residents To ‘Lock Their Doors,’ ‘Load Their Guns’ Because Of Police Downsizing
Check out this web site:
They seem to feel/believe/think that every time a black murders a white that that is due in part to divine retribution for unpaid reparations. They claim to not be supporting black on white violence or encouraging it, but when, after the fact they support it it just comes across as being a black version of the klan.
Birmingham is dead
killed in 1963
blacks and white traitors
Anonymous December 1, 2012 3:40 AM
You are nothing but a whiner. You're all upset about this guy's blog? Now go and wail about this:
Hahahaha, Joey thinks "Hoover Tactical Firearms" is seven syllables. Maybe in Alabama it is.
Is there a defacto ban on blonde male stars pairing up with blonde female stars in Hollywood movies? When was the last time you saw a blonde guy in a romance with a blonde woman in a movie?
Indeed, how many blonde male leads are there?
I call MLK the Brojan Horse.
And just look at this statue in DC.
He looks like the Bouncer of the Mall. He be da BOM.
Ironically, the black prison rate has skyrocketed since the MLK came on the stage. And Clinton the liberal locked up record numbers of blacks in the 90s to secure the white vote.
They say black males in prison live longer than those on the outside. MLK should have stayed there too. He would have lived longer.
Birmingham should be called Burningham.
Another example of Blacks Being Black™:
Two Indicted for Online Distribution of Puppy-Snuff Videos.
Humans don't do these sort of things but of course we're not talking about Humans here.
So Joey Kennedy is a "community engagement specialist"? WTF is that? Liberals have an amazing capacity to come up with the most bizarre gussied-up job titles for what amounts to basically nothing but flapping one's piehole.
After Barry Soetero was elected US Senator, Michelle was named "Vice President for Community Affairs" at the University of Chicago Hospital, for which she was paid an exorbitant $316,962 annual salary. Her job was so important that after she left, it was canceled.
Muay Tyson:
I must respectfully disagree with your assessment of my being wrong about white versus black athleticism.
As I mull over what my eye sees and what science has illuminated, I conclude and speculate, the black gene pool produces a brain where there is more cerebrum to neo-cortex interfacing, a necessity for athleticism, and less cerebrum to cerebrum interfacing. Further, I speculate and or sense the white gene pool produces more cerebrum to cerebrum interfacement and less cerebrum to neo-cortex interfacement.
The greater amount of run fast, jump high ability the black gene pool produces is undoubtedly attributed to a greater preponderance of fast flex muscle.
As I see it the black gene pool`s evolutionary harmony is more R-selective, a strategy where more are reproduced with less parental tutelage, and less neotenous when compared to the white gene pool which is more K-selective, a strategy where less are reproduced but are given more parental tutelage, and more neotenous when compared to the black gene pool. These gene pools in turn produce black organisms best suited for a more animalistic, physical life, or produces white organism best suited for more human, intelligent life. Though this difference is sufficiently small as to make reality difficult, if not impossible to see with the naked eye, science with its scrutiny can bear this out. In fact I would speculate that a black woman’s gestation period is, on average, a few days shorter than a white woman’s, though the naked eye has trouble seeing this.
Ultimately, this all adds up to one conclusion; our mutually exclusive gene pools have harmonized with different strategies for success in a competitive world by the individual organisms each gene pool produces.
Blacks have taken over basketball where a run fast, jump high athleticism and I speculate, a cerebrum to neo-cortex brain is necessary for superiority in the sport, but not so with baseball where that athleticism helps but is not demanded, or as important. I remember back in the day, the 70s and early 80s, when sports announcers and the color commentators would talk of a white athlete’s exceptional play as having been intelligent but also would refer to a black athlete’s exceptional play as having been attributed to his great athleticism, and they were spot on. It used anger the blacks and such highly accurate commenting was subsequently frowned upon by liberal ideology.
Liberal ideology is an illusion. In fact, liberals, among other realities, will cherry pick facts that logically and naturally deduce their targeted conclusion of illusion, which here states the only difference between whites and blacks is skin color. But my experiences, my eye and science all tell a different story. To exemplify, it distresses me to some extent to see some white women share our white gene pool genes with blacks. I wonder if they knew the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the whole truth, if they would still be willing to share our white genes with blacks. I would hope not, 40-50,000 or more years of superior white evolution could be wiped out, that would be a transgression of biblical proportions and God himself.
I believe I am correct in all of this sir. Thank you.
Please forgive me for being off topic, but I want to ask about the Tuskegee Airmen. Are you preparing a book or a series of articles on that topic?
When I first heard about them maybe ten or twenty years ago, I read some accounts which said that they were considered at the time to be lacking in discipline and ineffective as protectors of bombers.
Now all these years later I can no longer find these articles. Instead George Lucas and others have canonized this unit. All the Google references I now find only articles that blame the criticism on white racism. I actually don't object to the liberal mythologizing. But I would like to get both viewpoints. You know, fair and balanced.
As I remember the criticism of this all black unit was that they didn't stick with the bombers that they were charged to protect but flew off to attack the Nazi fighters one-on-one. This criticism was characterized by the press as reflexive racism. Or at least that's what I recall.
I don't know. I have no reason to believe that blacks should be worse than whites as pilots. It could be or it might not be. In any case I don't think the argument was about eyesight and reflexes - characteristics that seem to be roughly equal between the races. It was about impulse control - a characteristic for which blacks are not equal.
Any help with this topic from you or a reader would be appreciated.
A narrative can be easily countered with another narrative. With data you need to actually find opposing data.
For over 60 years the liberals/left have been ignoring the relevant data or lying about it. They have never found any opposing data.
Good ol' Friday night in the 'Ham...
Hizzoner the mayor gets entangled in a bizarre gunfight that somehow makes its way onto the interstate.
Ain't diversity grand?
Check out this web site:
I think National Black Foot Soldier site is actually supposed to be a parody. It takes the race hustling to the nth degree with the intent of showing the absurdism of BRA.
Good Job, love it bro! Joey stepped in it and got a little race realism on his shoes.
Black Anon: "...hanging around permanently pissed-off whites would give just give said black heartburn at best, rope burn at worst. "
Got a good laugh from this nonsense. Poor, poor you!
I don't see anything wrong with white rage. The more the better. You are used to the pussy-assed whites who do nothing but put up with black shenanigans all day. Soft DWLs who smile and nod at everything you say and do. Who roll out the red carpet for you to walk on. Whites change history when they get angry, don'tcha know.
Good luck finding a better place in the world to hang your hat, black Anon. Blacks are more free here than anywhere on the planet and you continue to bitch. Think air conditioning, paved roads, and flush toilets.
I hope that blacks would be repelled by our rage, and finally find it so distasteful that they stop following us wherever we go. Maybe bug off back to the Motherland.
It sounds like you may have just sounded off from this blog for good, I hope, but I suppose that would be wishful thinking on my part.
You blacks need us so desperately and never stay away from whites for long.
Bogo said:
"The moralistic, self-righteous preening and posturing must give them something akin to a drug addict's high. No price is too high for the next fix."
That's exactly what it is. PK has probably covered it, but the phenomenon is called "pathological altruism" and it's been killing us. In-group altruism is an evolutionary strategy for surviving harsh environments and the altruism is likely to be reciprocated, but out-group altruism is a recipe for displacement and suicide when the out-group figures you for a sucker for giving them the free sh*t.
Covered well at Amren.
Marshall Heights Community Development Organization (MHCDO)
Administrative expenses: 44.1%
Poverty has long been a problem in Washington, D.C., where the Marshall Heights Community Development Organization seeks to improve the lives of the Ward 7 area of the district. Focusing mainly on affordable housing and adult education and job placement services, the MHCDO manages a budget close to $4 million. While its president, Michael Watts, pulls in an annual salary of more than $137,000, the group’s development of housing facilities and office space contributes to its high overhead costs and consequently low rating for operational efficiency.
Marshall Heights Community Development Organization (MHCDO)
Administrative expenses: 44.1%
Poverty has long been a problem in Washington, D.C., where the Marshall Heights Community Development Organization seeks to improve the lives of the Ward 7 area of the district. Focusing mainly on affordable housing and adult education and job placement services, the MHCDO manages a budget close to $4 million. While its president, Michael Watts, pulls in an annual salary of more than $137,000, the group’s development of housing facilities and office space contributes to its high overhead costs and consequently low rating for operational efficiency.
More examples of cultural enrichment which isn't widely reported because of the race of the perpetrators:
Please forgive me for being off topic, but I want to ask about the Tuskegee Airmen. Are you preparing a book or a series of articles on that topic?
SBPDL did a series of articles on the Tuskegee Airmen when the movie came out. You probably can find them by going back in the archives.
And Clinton the liberal locked up record numbers of blacks in the 90s to secure the white vote.
Yes. And this also took sizable numbers of blacks off of the voting rolls. Clinton actually seems to have had the interests of the USA's historic majority in mind. He signed off on welfare reform, something which caused a sizable uproar on the left. And he managed to keep the US out of protracted wars of attrition which drain the treasury.
It's a disturbing thought, but Clinton was probably the most pro-white president the USA has had in decades.
I would not call it in-group Altruism. Since its explicitly out-group and the Nordics who in centuries past were not exactly known for being nice to other people are the hardest hit.
Rather, it is a post-Christian religion with the form but radically different substance of Christianity that permeated the West. In reaction to two centuries of massive and disruptive social change, driven by technology, and widespread status anxiety.
A guy like Kennedy IS the government, really. The "Church" part of it, don't think of him as anything but a priest. Because that's what he is.
What the priesthood, and the elite who managed to scale the heights in the last fifty years want, is for change to STOP. Just STOP. Keep everything the same.
And they HAVE. People still listen and reference Bob Dylan, the Stones, the Beatles, Springsteen, in a way that say, teenagers listening to Elvis would have derided about Sinatra, a mere ten years before hot-thing. It was if the people of 1955 were listening to the music of 1905, John Philip Sousa, and finding it the height of cool and edginess.
That's why its always 1963. Caught in the past. They don't WANT the future. Because it would change them out of a priesthood, and the elites out of being elite.
Just imagine if say, everyone could put solar panels on their roof and power not only their home but personal auto. Gone would power generation plants, TRANSMISSION LINES, a whole massive infrastructure. So naturally fetishizing non-White populations and proclaiming White MALE original sin (Kennedy is not bashing White Southern Women of today he dare not) is on the menu.
This is organic not a conspiracy. But nonetheless effective.
White guys bring change. ALWAYS. That's why they are hated. Period.
I won't read the story, it would stoke my hatred to the breaking point. But I pray to God in Heaven that these sub-human worthless wastes of oxygen get the maximum, even knowing that won't be much. I'm no PETA person by any means, but I consider dogs one of God's highest creations, right down to the mangiest mutt, and anyone who could torture such magnificent animals deserves to be hung, cut down while alive, drawn and quartered,and their heads stuck on pikes for all to see and learn. Freaking sick savage psychopathic scum.
If support for the Teaparty is any indicator - it's dropped from around 40% in 2010 to about 20% today - the people have gone back to sleep, or surrendered.
Teaparty groups have dissolved or gone inactive. They never were effective anyway. They surrounded the Capitol and demanded Obamacare not be passed - and they were contemptuously brushed aside. Petitions are meaningless. Letters, faxes and calls to congress are ignored. Protests are ignored. King George III was more sympathetic to the colonists than the US government is to its citizens. I don't see an exit.
Former football star gets 234 years!
Off topic but another example of a black football player screwing up or at least living up to his genetic potential for violence. This story includes sexual abuse, making a 61 year old man walk on his hands and knees while a gun is pointed at his head and locking two guys in the trunk of a car while ransacking their house. Somehow, I have a feeling that all his victims were white but I don't think that would ever be reported. During sentencing, the judge said he was coddled because of his athletic abilities and all his actions negative repercussions.
A comment linked to this article also mention some of Sacramento's other great criminal football alumnus:
Donte Stallworth-pleaded guilty to killing a man while driving under the influence. He got a 30 day sentence (released after 24 days).
Onterrio Smith-violated the teams drug use policy. He had a "Whizzinator", a fake penis used to provide a synthetic urine samples.
Eason Ramson-cocaine and incarceration.
and last but not least,
Rae Carruth-he was found guilty of conspiring to murder the woman who at the time was carrying his child.
Jersey Markenski here with my first ever post in reply to
@ Jay Santos,
Jay said- "I wouldn't place a racial or ethnic restriction on citizenship. I would imagine a strict behavioral restriction on sticking around. The state would give you nothing and take almost nothing."
This is something I have been telling my friends for years and I wish it were more obvious to those who are publicly advocating for racial separation, if for no other reason than to create a more palatable message for the white masses. There need not be any racial boundaries placed anywhere that has high standards of civility.If you treat individuals with an even hand the problems with certain groups will be dealt with naturally.
It would actually be good for blacks to live in a place that offered no sympathetic handouts and criminal allowances as it would reverse their dysgenic patterns and force them to evolve towards something useful or perish.
It would also help whites who have a sensitive conscience to know that blacks weren't being forced away strictly for because of their race.
The improvement in everyone's standard of living and feeling of safety in a fair society would convert even the staunchest of racial egalitarians.
So,even if we can't immediately gain a whiter society,we can at least go for a fairer society through something like a libertarian presidential candidate which will push most of the more violent and criminal elements away or into prison while offering little political fuel for the anti whites.
In respect to the thread and appologies to PK for high jacking the topic.
I will admit that my knowledge about the neurobiology is beyond my understanding. I will have to look into your postings about the brain.
PDK, I once believed as you did. Infact I have very good research that supports your position. Black infants are able to lift thier heads earlier than White or Asian infants. Black toddlers are also able to generate more force using thier legs on average more so than White or Asian toddlers. I do not disput these findings.
Blacks tend to dominate and competition that is highly dependant on short bursts of speed and lower body force productions(West African Genetics). East African genetics are particularly good at distance endurance but little else. Think of the professional Marathon runners.
Most African Americans are from West African origins meaning they are more likely to dominate speed and jumping events. This I concede.
OK, what is athletcism?
Definition of ATHLETE
: a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina
This is a pretty broad spectrum. I think you are using a narrow spectrum to define athletecism.
If you look at all the sports played around the world or sports that require a very broad range of skills blacks do not dominate.
My two examples are the Decathalon and the new sport of exercise known as Crossfit. These sports are dominated by White men.
The last Olympics saw the top three finishers as such: Gold, Eaton Mixed Race(I think?) Silver, Hardee White Bronze,Suarez Black. numbers 4-18 all White the next Black is number 19 from Brazil.
All CrossFit champions have been White.
It feels good to throw a bone to the Africans. Hey they are stupid so at least they musy be good athletes but the reality is mostly they can run fast and jump high. Great for escaping large predators good for sports but not the total package in my opinion.
Such potential wasted, at least you admit, that education hasn't managed to quest the feral african complex in you.
Now go and africanise classical music, astronomy or mathematics.
You could try and rewrite history, but its nice to see you leaving the africanization of the english language alone.
So sad, that with every thing you know, you pressume to be better that the racist whites as you call them on this blog, look in the mirror, you just as racist, and what's led you to be so erudite wasn't shaka zulu, but white ducation systems.
I long for the day I can meet an intelligent black person that sees the truth, with out having it flavoured by genetic blackisms.
Why would ppl like me want to be around a horrible feral, agressive person like you?, you still emotionally a slave, stuck in the white ppl don't like us maze, that you never seem to get out of.
Does your white neighbours, who are more than likely liberal, of the disengenious variety, know how much you like white ppl.
Put your money where you mouth is and go live in 90% black neighbourhood.
Sorry that europeans named the continent of africa, sorry the europeans brought your greatX8 grandmother here, I'm sure you would have preffered to be a HIV riddled but frollicking african in the shithole of lagos.
If whites are so distastefull, why live in white neighbourhood?, sounds like you can afford the airfare back to HIV riddled mother africa? No
Must hurt that when you appreciate beethoven's 9th, he was a white man.
Such wasted potential.
Except for the way he sold us out with NAFTA. Before we ran a trade surplus with Mexico: now it's a large deficit. And we have millions more illegals, driven here by the entirely predictable NAFTA-induced destruction of large swaths of the Mexican economy.
Black babies also walk a month earlier than White babies on average. At that age, that's a huge difference.
I agree, it would be good for blacks to rough it a little on their own. They did manage to survive here for 400-odd years, and not all of those years were spent as slaves or welfare recipients.
Not completely connected, but Malcolm X spoke of how Harlem had a thriving business community in the days before desegregation, with blacks owning and operating their own restaurants, grocery stores, hardware stores, and every other business necessary to a well-functioning economy (no Korean markets in the hood back then). After desegregation the ambitious middle-class blacks moved away, and the remaining community collapsed into welfare dependency and drug abuse.
I guess I'm trying to say that left to their own devices, and with only other blacks to rely on, most American blacks could probably more or less shuffle by in some semblance of survival. The resulting society would probably look a lot like Haiti, but they could pull it off if they really had to.
Whiskey- interesting take. I have a friend who I swear is still stuck in the whole Brown versus Board of Ed era. Unfortunately, most people are like this, that being 'stuck'. They can't change or change scares them because it means they will have to adapt, which can lead to powerless feelings as they will have to relinquish the old ways of doing things and learn new ways. The elite's bread and butter has been using the groids as their mignions and milking the white middle class via guilt.
A lesson to us here. We must change. It is scary. We will have to learn how defend ourselves and how to be ENTIRELY self- sufficient.
I am a mother to a white son. I must guard him yet let him learn to fend for himself, especially hard in a world that hates him.
Whites are dynamic and adaptable. We are able to leave and rebuild. Unlike many other white woman today, I so don't give a damn about mother Africa, minorities etc. We must guard our own
Anon @6:19PM: [Clinton] managed to keep the US out of protracted wars of attrition which drain the treasury.
It's a disturbing thought, but Clinton was probably the most pro-white president the USA has had in decades.
Clinton may not have had the longest-running wars, but when he did bomb, he bombed White people. In Serbia. Who had done nothing to America, posed no threat to America, and didn't even have any oil, or anything else that America wanted.
In case YOU have forgotten.
"WE WON".So in five years MORE
women of color in power, More
DOE money AND so on.
So no more tears.
"In case YOU have forgotten.
"WE WON".So in five years MORE
women of color in power, More
DOE money AND so on.
So no more tears. "
Haha! No - Obama won. You? You'll still be groveling in the same little shit hole you're in now... if not worse. I'd call you a useless idiot, but the whole meaning of that term would be entirely lost on you.
Enjoy your "victory".
Albertosaurus mentioned just stating at school boards meetings that blacks have smaller brains therefore funding should be cut. The DWLs will just spin their smaller cerebellum whatever into a disability and the the groids and their turd offspring will just use this disability label ( ex disfigured cerebellum) to loot SSI.
This illustrates what I have been talking about. This Anonymous has given up. He also doesn't know much about basic brain anatomy. And finally he has decided that rather than be effective he will just indulge himself with name calling.
What Whites are actually being blamed for is for being winners. Period.
Note that the social pathology known as liberalism, leftism, progressivism, etc. ALWAYS demonizes the winners and defines the losers, victims, whiners, criminals, the profoundly stupid and lively, vibrant, diverse savages as being morally superior heroes.
It's past time for Whites to ignore leftist slanders. Personally, I'm proud to be what the Left defines as a racist. They can call me racist all day, every day, and I'll simply thank them for it. It means I'm in touch with reality. It means I am not infested by the leftist pathology.
The evil whitey started Christmas in Europe. I don't hear anyone crying about how racist Christmas is.
Black babies also walk a month earlier than White babies on average. At that age, that's a huge difference
Yep, they're genetically predisposed to run from the cops as soon as possible
No Albertosaurus, I haven't given up. I am simply showing a possible outcome to your approach. Besides their smaller cerebellums, etc, I truly believe that the majority of blacks just have innate predisposition towards manipulating situations and people to line their pockets for free loot. It's much likehaving a personality disorder..,similar to the DwLs who are sociopathic, which is also called Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASD). ASD's have the diagnostic characteristic of being parasitic. Parasites and their nature are hard to change and in fact, will most likely not.
Call it what you want: a small cerebellum, ASD, whatever. We have tried to work with and work around this population and have not gotten results. DWLs in schools make money off of groid dysfunction. Having worked in schools, I can also tell you their are parents who purposely disable/enable their groidlets to get them labeled to collect SSI.
You can't get blood from a stone and a tturd painted gold is a turd painted gold.
It's not giving up, it's breaking through denial and accepting reality.
True. For Liberals, good is bad and bad is good. Ignore all the rhetoric: this is the essence of their position. They are deranged.
A few generations of postwar prosperity has convinced them that money grows on trees, and all they need to do is throw big handfuls of it at those who haven't earned it in order to create a perfect Utopia on earth.
Chrissmas be rayciss! Thass why we got Kwanzaa up inna house!
Given that Blacks are four times as likely as Whites to kill their own children, running in general is a very important ability for Black kids.
Ever notice how the comments seem to flow more freely when Zenster is absent?
Pat Albertosaurus, just a little bit regarding the Tuskegee Airmen: Initially, American escorts were expected to stay close to the bombers. The bomber crews could look up and see the fighters' contrails, and were happy about it. Later in the war, it was decided that close escort allowed the German fighters to choose when, where, and how to attack, and so American fighters were allowed to go hunting for them. I'd expect that the circumstances varied according to how many fighters were available, the target, the expected opposition, and the views of the generals. In any case, the bombers crews were not happy to fly without visible fighter cover and may have blamed the pilots.
I am certain that the Tuskegee pilots did as they were told, whether sticking close to the bombers or off chasing the Luftwaffe. They had all grown up in the 1930s, and had no illusions about the White Man's tolerance for unruly Coloreds.
As someone who lives near there, yes black people have ruined it. They are ruining my town as well.
I was raised here. When I moved up north the black people there were better than the whites in the area I was in. Now that i've came back here, i've lost all hope for that culture. Abusing welfare, spitting out so many children, ruining any type of playgrounds or good places for kids. Fuck them.
For all those people who tediously keep reminding us that blacks have smaller cerebellums:
When you use big words to show how smart you are, it's counter-productive to use them incorrectly. You could just say "brain", and you'd be more correct and look less silly. The part of the brain responsible for higher cognitive functions, that separates the men from the boys, as it were, is the prefrontal cortex, which is part of the cerebrum. But cerebellum is a bigger word, right?
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