If you've ever flown into Atlanta, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago, Washington D.C., or Dallas, you might be under the impression the United States of America is a majority black nation.
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Next time you fly to Atlanta, NYC, DC or Chicago, notice how black the TSA workforce is and play this game: Count the white TSA employees |
There are virtually no white TSA agents (in Atlanta, the blackness of TSA is almost oppressive) at the airports in these cities, which makes the stories of huge waits/lines at the airports located here an obvious reminder of the declining positive experience one has when immersed in a world with a paucity of white employees.
But, hey, let's celebrate diversity (as opposed to a positive customer service or the value/quality of the product they produce, which is normally how one rates a company)! [TSA Recognized for Diversity, TSA.gov, February 3, 2011]:
Three national magazines recognized TSA for its diversity in hiring practices. Recent editions of the Hispanic Network Magazine, the Black EOE Journal, and the Professional Woman’s Magazine featured TSA among other government and law enforcement agencies.
The 2010 Best of the Best issue of the Hispanic Network Magazine listed TSA among more than 150 government, academic, private and law enforcement groups, and DHS components, selected by its readers. The magazine also ranked TSA in two other categories, including the Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics and Top 50 Government & Law Enforcement Agencies for Hispanics.
The 2010 Yearbook issue of the Black EOE Journal and the 2010 Best of the Best issue of the Professional Woman’s Magazine both ranked TSA among other DHS components in its Top 50 Government & Law Enforcement Agencies for African Americans and Top 50 Government & Law Enforcement Agencies for Women, respectively. The Professional Woman’s Magazine also featured TSA in its two other lists, Top Diversity Employers for Women and Reader’s Choice, among approximately 150 private and government employers.
“TSA prides itself on the diversity of its workforce and we appreciate being recognized among other private, government and law enforcement agencies from across the country,” said Special Counselor Kimberly Walton.
As of February 2011, the TSA workforce was 42 percent nonwhite. Odds the workforce is close to 50 percent nonwhite today (not to mention the TSA workforce in cities like Chicago, Atlanta, Washington D.C., New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Houston and Dallas being close to 90 percent nonwhite)?As of 2011, the TSA workforce is made up of approximately 21 percent African Americans; nearly 15 percent Hispanics and just over 6 percent of other ethnicities, including American Indian, Asian, Native Hawaiian and others.
Well, let's just say it is one of the safest bets you could make.
C'mon Drudge: report this fact.
As soon as i heard about how terrible the TSA was i turned to my wife and said "remember what we noticed about EVERY TSA employee at Chicago O'hare? This story will go away quickly"
And you wonder why the TSA doesn't work?
Aren't blacks roughly just 15% of the population with Hispanics even less ? I'm so very tired of both these cultures being shoved down my throat EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. We need to get rid of the major problem (which we who visit this site know) ,the white liberals and the liberal media(mostly white)who betray us on a daily basis. The blacks and Mexicans are just being black and mexican.
Not only are they mostly black, im wondering how many have police records. I have a relative who was a drug addict his whole adult life. Spent time in Rykers for drugs. He was hired by the T.S.A. More of Americas finest decisions.
Maybe the long lines are based on plantation time. Slow as molasses.
O/T, but right on cue as always:
Ahhh, ABC action news: Avon Park 'Stop the Violence' event ends in gunfire; child and woman injured. And yet once again the comments speak for themselves :)
Gotta love the way their PC journalists author their tripe:
"Groups of men from Avon Park and Sebring had gathered near the park, according to law enforcement, and shots were fired between them. Those gathered for the event ran in every direction to escape the gunshots."
Groups of men.... LMFAO.... eh, no need to say more if I'm posting it here, right?
Jaquarius Nagee Watson - yep, it's all in a name, but even that is spelled wrong. I believe the correct spelling of it's name should have been JaQUEERius Negro Watson!
Oh, on the other hand, my TeeVee broke about a bit over a month ago now.... ask me if I got it fixed yet? Hecky nawl! I didn't even have to kill it, it committed suicide! No resuscitation needed! I don't miss that POS not one bit !!! Ok, I lied, I miss it just a little bit, only when it comes to stories like this charmer here:
Trump’s ex-girlfriend disputes NYT article: ‘I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump’
And as far as the comments go, let's just say they made me chuckle as I smiled....nuff said!
But yes, the TeeVee is dead. Instead of fixing it, I think I'm going to give it a proper burial. I have local bridge where it's height is over 200 feet high from the ground. I'm thinking that it deserves a good farewell ride... down... in which I'll dutifully record and post to youtube... It's the least I can do towards it's final departure :)) (I still must contend with the lady being mad at me still) I'm like oh well, she'll get over it, as I already have, because I don't miss any of that garbage not one bit! #TURNEDANEWLEAF !!!
I have flown into all of these cities. You make a great point that needs to be brought up. I also have flown in and out of Boise. In Bosie everything was peaceful, run smoothly, the workers were polite, and there was nothing even close to a line. I was shocked. I shouldn't have been....
Let's ignore the fact that this is the same TSA who have had allegations of groping, smuggling of contraband, theft of personal property, and gestapo-like behavior leveled against it since its inception.
The Atlanta airport also contracts a private parking company with nary a white face. The gangsters employed by this company have over the years held drivers in garages until ransoms well over the normal parking fees were paid. It got so bad that the "employees" are now forbidden to handle the money and instead are paid to just sit inside the booths and watch all the fascinating transportation vehicles invented by whites.
Coming to a billboard in 2017:
Diversity is a codeword for SHIT.
I have been through Blacklanta many times and have never seen a White person in the ground personnel nor the fuelers. I think the baggage handlers are all Somalis.
I stopped flying not long after 9/11. It was pretty clear to me even after the few years following that horrid event that our government was not serious about fighting terrorism, given the TSA employees I came across, especially in Philadelphia, Washington, and New Orleans. They routinely laughed and carried on with each other as they inspected my bags. When I finally had enough of being groped and having my belongings gone through, I decided I would not patronize the airlines any longer. Being subjected to negroes who enjoy power trips was just another disquieting aspect of flying the once friendly skies.
I am reaching a point where I no longer feel like even trying to convince others about race realism. They simply choose to believe in the parable of ¨We are all the same.¨Lowering educational standards, centuries long rules of conduct, and general social norms has all the fingerprints of YKW, who has steadfastly aimed the American Negro straight at the heart of White America. hint....we look very little like we did in 1966, and nothing at all like we did in 1946. The last nail is being hammered into White America´s coffin, and most of our fellow whites are waving pom poms and shouting, ¨Yay, Negroes!¨
The press routinely calls Trump out for being a racist, yet he only seems to speak out against illegal immigrants. I mentioned this at work today with a woman in who is 72. She was bitching that Trump is in the news and how he mistreated a woman he dated twenty years ago. The woman has come out and categorically denied that Trump was anything but a gentleman. Yet the damage had already been done. People believe what they are told to believe. Real thoughts don´t happen in the brains of most white people out there.
So I have officially given up trying to awaken fellow whites. Most want to believe the fairy tale. Incidentally, I came across a delightful old book of fairy tales recently with illustrations by Royal Doulton. I mention this because we whites are constantly preached to celebrate black (negro) culture. Thanks, just the same, but I value and am entranced by my own European culture and its traditions.
Fellow Whites! Always take refuge in your high culture, which includes but is not limited to classical music, waltzes, fine art, great literature, theater, opera, - heck, even good ol´ country music and blue grass! It is all ours. Let them keep and worship the negro (c)rap culture.
I read these posts here all the time. But this time I am really angry. Why are you counting all the TSA employees by race? This is something the Nazis would do. So what if there are 90% of TSA employees are people of color. It just so happens that black folks are really good at security work. Also military jobs. African-americans are like 70% of the U.S. military, because there is so much systemic racism that they are forced to be soldiers. I think about 80% of Medal of Valor recipients are black soldiers, because of their courage and fighting skills.
My husband and I fly all the time and the most courteous TSA folk are often black. Friendliness is just a big part of their culture. We recently traveled through Atlanta and a wonderful African-american TSA female took my husband's bag for special screening. She did this very politely and it was for the safety of all the passengers. Somehow through a mix-up the bag was lost. But she and all the TSA folks were so nice about it. My husband may have lost his computer and expensive camera, but we made friends with several TSA agents.
This Blog is a great resource. But please stop blaming black people for everything that happens.
This isn't too surprising or out of line. According to the US Census, the US was only 62.1% white in 2014, down from 63.7% in 2010. As the saying goes, "You deserve what you permit." Many books could be written about why whites have permitted this fate of demographic eclipse to befall themselves. That there are few if any such books available is testimony to the complete failure of their intellectual leadership. In place of accurate diagnosis and prescriptions of what will be needed to reverse the situation, we get only ridiculous conspiracy theories, which are, in the final analysis, only excuses for inaction.
Goodbye, white race! You had a good run, but soon it will all be over.
Texas here:
Isn't our federal government basically an employment agency for blacks, women, and other minorities—with the added insult of set asides?
The black middle class: a government artifice.
Solid post.
Flying out of one of those cities is probably not one of the safest gambles you could make. Not sure I really trust them to keep weapons off planes.
This alone explains the dysfunction and slow times thru the line.
I fly out of Atlanta all most every week. You Can't imagine the experience of going through a gauntlet of mean and nasty Groids first think on a Monday morning. To avoid the diversity session I will now drive up to 7 hours.
TSA is part of the Federal "civilian Police" Obama was talking about. negros become the gatekeepers on who comes into and out of a city, while the Elite use private jets to bypass the rifraf.
Goverment jobs are just another form of welfare,but at least the human compost has to get out of bed and go do something they hate for their handouts.
Expecting Drudge to admit TSA is overwhelming black is like getting Jared Taylor to admit Diamond trade is overwhelming Jewish. It ain't going to happen.
Outside of airline employees, you hardly see a white employee at the airport in Atlanta.
They are also obese and have a big chip on their shoulder.
True story: many years ago, I was flying out of Westchester Co. Airport to Boston on business. Going through the bag X-Ray,the Negress agent jumped up and grabbed the bag of the woman in front of me. Inside the bag was a box cutter, the same kind that would be used by the hijackers on 9/11. The passenger said, "It's for opening boxes. I'm going to a trade show."
And the Negress threw it right back in to the bag. Not "Sorry, we need to confiscate this," or "Sorry, you can't bring it on board," or "Sorry, it needs to be checked."
I spent the rest of the flight thanking God she wasn't going to a gun show.
And THAT, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the REAL story of how 9/11 happened.
And ISIS plotters are smiling... Low IQ orcs are manning our defenses; get ready for 9/11 Part Deux.
But seriously, if the TSA ranks are almost uniformly Negroid, how can they be celebrated for Diversity?? Country is toast...
This TSA "crisis" is manufactured. What are they trying to get out of it?
And that, along with stupid, do nothing security procedures, is why I don't fly anymore. The main thing the TSA is being celebrated for is "diversity" . Not service, not catching bad guys, but diversity.
"Diversity" has become a code word for "No Whites Allowed"!
I have a friend who works for DHS at the Atlanta airport. Given the stories he tells me about the Africans at that airport, it's a wonder the place functions at all.
I worked briefly at Logan Airport around 2002-2003 so pretty much at the height of the security theater days. About the only group I saw then that was predominantly white/Americans was the pilots and flight attendants. At least they hadn't dropped standards for being a jumbo jet pilot to accommodate blackie yet.
Virtually every janitor was some sort of Spanish speaking mongrel as was much of the food service workers. I saw a lot of brown/black women working there wearing those silly robes and hoods (muzzie garb), and there were a fair few black Africans.
I used to have my smoke breaks and talk to a negro named Thomas from Liberia. He and his wife were both working as porters (the ones that hustle you at the curb to take your bag then stick their paw out for a "tip" after the fact). Mind you, if things are busy these guys can get you past lines FAST, but you've got to throw them 5-10$, and if you don't pay them you can be sure your baggage is in for a rough ride. Compared to American negroes, Thomas and his wife were decent sorts, they'd be there for work at 5am and work long days. They were sending money back home for their children/family to build them a house in which to retire once they'd saved up enough US dollars to go home. Goodspeed, Thomas, I do hope you're back in your native lands.
The Brazilians of white European descent were amazing workers, most worked two or three jobs trying to get ahead. At the time apparently in Brazil there were laws against working more than 30 hours a week because there simply wasn't enough jobs to go around. They seemed to understand the "American Dream" that our first generation white European ancestors came here chasing.
I also very much enjoyed talking to the Russians. Their women are exceptional beauties and there was an old timer that remembered the good old days before the wall came down and had some interesting stories. He was originally trained to be an engineer but apparently had enough party connections to get a job as the butcher. Apparently the butcher is one of the best jobs under communism since when rationing all the "meat" you can trade the better cuts to those who can offer you a little extra butter, some razors, or other rationed commodities. Those who are not in the favor of the butcher get bones and gristle for "meat" or are simply told that they ran out. The communism he described wasn't quite like the utopia promised us by our YKW media and academia.
The TSA themselves were largely non-white and generally comprised of those who couldn't hack the workload at a DMV or other government make-work job. Incompetence, sloth, rudeness, and apathy were the order of the day. Pretty much a nice way to give a welfare check to the unemployable while pretending that they're actually contributing to society.
We whiled away the hours just dreaming up ways you could get just about anything smaller than a large backpack through security and watching pilots get searched while guys with turbans walked through without so much as a by your leave.
I can assure you, the only reason our planes aren't being hijacked left and right is that nobody is trying to do so, because "security" at airports is such a joke. Just another handout for society's degenerates who couldn't hold a job which required any skills or accountability. Not like these people all quit their jobs to run out and join the TSA, and it's not like the FBI or NASA where people actually set out in life wanting that job and working towards that goal. The pay is shit, their co-workers are shit, and working at airports is complete shit, TSA is the last house on the block for make-believe employment for those who are underqualified to push a broom or ask you if you want fries with that.
I'd wager that in a true meritocracy no more than a few thousand negroes in the entire country would still be employed. Even the "good ones" I've seen who actually show up and work hard every day are still dullards and rife with TNB.
SBPDL.com said: "A Fact Matt Drudge Won't Touch"
Disagree. He certainly did "touch" it. He just didn't spell it out for you.
That explains the thefts, rudeness, and incompetence.
What has always bothered me is how blacks go on and on about oppression and unfair playing fields, yet they always make up the bulk of benefit and hour rich jobs that are secure and paid for by the government. And it's obvious that they aren't grateful for having the lion's share of these secure jobs either, as they are lazy, unfriendly, and unhelpful.
It is obvious they always do the bare minimum (or less if they can get away with it) but they don't have to fear for their jobs like a white person in the private sector would.
To top is all off, they're ungrateful for anything they're given and only demand more while giving less than NOTHING in return.
Just saw an article that made my blood boil. Basically, a black judge in Mississippi is forcing the few primarily white schools that are left in the region to merge with their black neighboring schools. The article goes on and on about how great this is, but the specifics on how this would be so great are left out.
More white girls for black students to prey on? More white kids to cheat off of and bully? More white money?
How does this benefit the white schools in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER?
Used to travel a lot for work. Sometimes through Chicago O'hare airport. Got a couple of blacks who were telling me to take everything out of my laptop bag. Asked them loudly "What is this? Screw with old white guys day?" They really didn't like hearing that.
So help me understand "Diversity" in YOUR world Obama?
If there are only 13% blacks in the American population, why have your people selected 100% as the diversity level?
Seems to me that if you let blacks run anything, they ruin it. Seems to have happened here at the TSA and everywhere they try to rule the roost.
That wouldn't have anything to do with your house niggha Jeh Johnson running the show would it?
Who is the racist now?
Theres some subjects the media just wont ever touch and one of them is the black on white crime record in fact the news pretty well encourages these violent behavior of the black goons
As soon as people start noticing that the 3 hour wait at the airport is becuase blacks are working there the outrage will vanish and the story will go away. Right now it's "BIG GOVERNMENT FAILS US" but even a casual investigation reveals the truth- it's only where the TSA is mostly black that this issue exists.
If not for Gov. jobs (most are nothing, made up, feel good 'jobs') and sports the black unemployment would probably at around 95%.
TSA? That's nothing. DC's Metro Transit, the subway/bus system in DC is over 90% Black. Murder takes place monthly inside or outside buses when they stop. Where it's felt the worst is in the maintenance departments, this is spite of numerous accidents, fires and foul weather SNAFUs involving trains and buses. Emergency sensors, wiring, brakes, fire suppression, simple failure-of-maintenance issues are causing crashes and failures of scheduled on-time departures and arrivals. The few whites that complain lose their jobs, any notion of stepping up the pace of work schedules to increase efficiency brings that old refrain of "Acting White" and racist remarks and insults directed at whites are routine.
Detroit, Atlanta, Newark, read the books on the ruined cities and the race that got them that way. America handed great civilizations over to a corrupt and unintelligent race, a lousy 10% of the population and the ruination goes on. And White lap up the insult and blame for all of it.
Drudge won't even note the large percentage of Muslims (especially hijab-wearing Muslim women) in the TSA. With the black TSA employees, you're forced to deal with incompetence and sloth. With the Muslim TSA employees, you also have to worry about them actively helping terrorists board flights.
From careful observation over the past several years, I would say the makeup of the TSA at the major airport where I live is one-third black, one-third Muslim, and one-third white/Hispanic (with some probable overlap in the black/Muslim categories).
PK, hang in there! I think any day now Drudge will see the value of your site and link to you. he's probably still a bit afraid right now. Will get you a massive surge in followers. Get ready!!!
Blacks destroy EVERYTHING!! Its in their DNA, so always expect failure. Always!± DWLs and talented tenthers will try and cover it up, but look for it and its always there.
A couple of months ago happened to see in JFK a TSA K-9 handler. Reminded the Will Smith movie "I am a legend", where a German shepherd had a 10 points advantage in IQ over the handler. You guess the rest
basically, the "YTz need not apply" sign has been hung out at all gov't hiring offices (fed, state, local). If you r yt u will not get any gov't job unless no sub-saharan can be found to fill it (ie - rocket scientist, medical scientist).
The USG's official policy is anti-white racism at every level in every area of their purview
/H hypie out H\
We need to get rid of the major problem (which we who visit this site know) ,the white liberals and the liberal media(mostly white)who betray us on a daily basis. The blacks and Mexicans are just being black and mexican.
This is why I can never get that mad at Black people.
Anyone without blinders can see that Africans take Africa with them in their DNA.
The idea that that Africans evolved dark skin and kinky hair but their brains came out 100% the same as Europeans is the biggest farce. It makes zero sense from an evolutionary view. Their population was under completely different pressure for the past few thousand years. How would their brains escape natural selection? And at what point were their brains exactly the same as Europeans? You can point this out to liberals and they will go berserk. They will get angry for daring to question their own deluded view of evolution. They will point out popular mulattoes as anecdotal proof even though their reliance on mixed race Blacks supports the opposite conclusion.
Not a single Black person has told me that we all have the same brains. It was my White authority figures that LIED to my face. It was White teachers and professors that filled my head with egalitarian fiction.
Africans are what they are. The problem is with Whites. Even a certain tribe can't be blamed here. I had plenty of Saxon/Celtic/Whatever Whites lie to me in school. Whites want to believe this fantasy. That is the problem. They want to shut down rational Whites that can see through the lies. Liberals do it in the schools and conservatives do it in the churches.
Anonymous said...
This TSA "crisis" is manufactured. What are they trying to get out of it?
May 17, 2016 at 4:34 AM
That is exactly what I was wondering about. Is TSA funding on the docket?
This smells like an intentional infliction of pain for the public. What is the reason?
I have a close friend who works for the TSA in a supervisory capacity in one of the busiest airports in the country. It is located in the Western US in a state with a very small black population.
About two years ago the TSA put in place an extremely aggressive affirmative action program focusing on hiring more blacks into Officer positions. The results have been predictable. The massive increases in wait times over the past two years is not coincidental.
Diversity does not represent White people, it celebrates their absence.
I've heard it's just as bad in Paris, France as per negroes working the airport there. A friend who was on his way to India (twice) had stop-over's/connecting flights in Paris and said when he got off the plane both times, he thought they'd accidentally landed in some African country. Same kind of report- extremely rude, obnoxious and inefficient negroes. Subsequently, on trips to India or points in Asia, he refused to take any airline that was going via the Paris route.
It kind of reminds me of an experience I had in Los Angeles at the DMV back in the mid 80's. The line I was in stretched all the way to the door. I was pretty much close to the front of my line but looked behind myself just to see how many people were waiting. The clerk (of course!) was a negro and she was sitting there with an arrogant look on her face as she fussed with her 5" long fingernails and made a great display of doing so. When she finally condescended to do her job and summoned the first peasant into her royal presence, it was with an attitude of contempt. Even then, she smugly moved as slow as molasses in winter to drive home the point of how she was so special and "large and in charge."
In the past, I had many such experiences with negroes in "positions." A large part of their inefficiency is not just sheer laziness and a lack of caring- it's an in your face act of passive aggressive behavior combined with egotism. It makes them feel special and powerful to inconvenience the hell out of everyone. Any complaints about such behavior is, of course, racism and will result in outraged shrieking about how you "gots an attitude!" Speaking up and objecting to the behavior just throws gas on the fire and they actually want that so they can act outraged, flip out, create a scene and play the victim. That too is oh so satisfying to them and meets their "emotional needs" and gives them the attention they so desperately crave.
Hire a negro, hire a problem. The TSA should have known better. Anyone with any experience or knowledge could have easily predicted the outcome.
ot. breaking news.
Savage nasty orc sow judge just ruled that Humans in n(gger free schools in Mississippi must now mix with groids!! Outrage! Snout of the beast here. PK, you will no doubt have something to say about this breaking story...
Hire a negro, hire a problem.
Yep, that´s it right there. It´s one of the many reasons why new business starts are floundering today. That and the government´s irrational mandates, paperwork, AA requirements have pretty much killed competition in this country. Such policy ensures the multi-national conglomerates will hold monopolies for many years to come.
If Trump can successfully apply his business acumen and be a true Republican in getting the federal government OUT of the way of business, we might be salvaged. The MSM is working day and night, hour by hour, minute by minute, to ensure that Trump is locked out. Watch carefully the good folks who scream, ¨I will not support Donald Trump.....EVER!¨ These are the traitors, ladies and gents. Mark their words and actions very carefully. They yearn for your death and dismemberment.
I´m not exactly a cheerleader for Trump, as I find him more than a bit boorish and over-the-top, ego wise, but he fascinates me in that the ruling party is terrified of him. He threatens the status quo. Naturally those in power sic their negro pets onto Trump and whisper in their ear, ¨He´s racist! He wants to take away all your gibs! You have got to stop him!¨
The mere thought of actually having to compete in the real world and work for his KFC keeps the negro awake for minutes on end, probably taking more than an hour from his daily nap time. Most white people don´t understand that when the African was taken out of the jungle where he had to fight off other tribe members from being that evening´s dinner and transported into a high tech society, his fondest dreams were answered. Slavery made sense before machinery took its place, but that did not make it morally right.
We could have and should have solved this problem with repatriation back to Africa, but as usual, YKW stepped in and squelched that idea. Pitting Southern whites against newly emancipated negroes for jobs made sense to those who operated the mills of the day. In my state there are many buildings and monuments erected and named for the YKW owners of the mills that paid the wages of the Southern whites and blacks. For a while, the scattering of crumbs to the working and peasant class seemed to work.
Of course, the sh*t really hit the fan when the ´60s came along, and it was decided that supplying welfare to negroes who could not or would not work was a dandy idea. I´m firmly convinced that the AA of that era was invented not only to obtain negro votes, but to get them the hell out of the factories where they would routinely f*ck everything around them up. Just some thoughts for ya´ll to ponder.
Ahhh, ABC action news: Avon Park 'Stop the Violence' event ends in gunfire; child and woman injured. And yet once again the comments speak for themselves :)
Perhaps the government can send the TSA to Stop the Violence events to check "teens" for firearms and other contraband. They might even set up their X-Ray scanners to prevent shots from ringing out and streets going wrong.
It is a symptom of the degree to which anarcho-tyranny has become a dominant political ideology in the Homeland that the government has more interest in putting the boot down on law abiding travelers at airports as opposed to the gangsters who dominate the streets of too many cities. But of course, the government's interest is in expanding its own power, which means treating the citizenry as the enemy while tolerating the criminal element (from 'bangers to BLM). It's the old squeeze play, hostile elites using the underclass as muscle against the middle.
Since we're not getting the full truth from alleged conservative outlets like Drudge and Rush, it's imperative that all awaken people spread word about this site. The stupor that a good portion of our people are in is unacceptable. Once all the facts are known, then maybe something can be done to change our position of being on the losing end. Speaking of the aforementioned Rush, did he ever bring up the harassment and bullying of white and Asian kids in so-called integrated schools? No.
Well put. I recently came to the conclusion that it is simply dumb whites that insist on the equality doctrine. They themselves are nearly equal to the lower races so they insist that the rest of us are too. Anyone who would disagree with them is "ignorant". The smart whites may not all be realists, but they mostly stay mum or try to be agreeable as it is the dumb ones who are ready to carry out an inquisition over the matter (mostly females, but I digress).
you know, it always kills me how a school or a workplace can be 63 percent white ( which is about our percentage of the population) and everybody screams " NOT diverse enough!!" but it can be 93-100% black or other minority ( around 13-30% of our population) and that is considered ok. can anyone say anti-white discrimination?
This White Man tech could spell the end for nog domination of our cities and towns! Just snap fotos of the random orcs you encounter each day, process with this app, and find if they have warrants etc. Then alert authorities as to their location.
I think you are exactly right! Before retiring, my wife and I often were traveling and fast food was often on the menu.
It was nearly always a dreadful experience when walking in a place and negroes were "working" there.
Many times negroes coming in after us were served before we were.
Walking out isn't an option when you've already paid, but walking out upon seeing negroes behind the counter happened when there was other options.
So much of the time they purposely act in a manner that just makes one want to strike out against them.
All about the Unions. The federal government politicians are falling all over themselves to give these loser TSA so called workers a raise.
The Unions blackmailed, the people lose.
The airlines need to fire TSA, who DOES NOT keep anyone safe, and privitize screening workers.
The commie racist Jeh Johnson blamed passengers.....of course. Communist tacticts to hide the truth, blame someone else. That is why Blacks and communism go so well together.
What I've been finding very amusing of late, is the whole "black power" salute (it's so precious isn't it?).. the big black hoisted FIST thing.. isn't that adorable?.. I keep thinking: black *power*..? I'd settle for infinitesimally less black dysfunction! black criminality.. black incompetence! Black "power"..? You're kidding right? What are you negro power rangers or something?.. Their collective make-believe fantasies of themselves.. etc.. it's utterly mind-boggling..
"The smart whites may not all be realists, but they mostly stay mum or try to be agreeable as it is the dumb ones who are ready to carry out an inquisition over the matter (mostly females, but I digress)."
You're not the first to notice this.
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy.
-George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, p. 5
The object of such an inquisition is, of course, to shame the target of it. Shame is a very big part of the social control to which whites willingly subject themselves; it's an integral part of Christian civilization, perhaps it's most important control mechanism. Where would white people be without self-censorship? Would they have a civilization at all, or would they be like blacks, who don't seem to have such a highly developed sense of shame? Of course, whites had a civilization before Christianity, but it would be considered technologically primitive by today's standards. We could generalize: The more technological a civilization becomes, the greater its requirement for control of every facet of society, particularly human conduct. Conformity, enforced by shame, is the ground in which technological civilization flourishes.
"you know, it always kills me how a school or a workplace can be 63 percent white ( which is about our percentage of the population) and everybody screams " NOT diverse enough!!" but it can be 93-100% black or other minority ( around 13-30% of our population) and that is considered ok. can anyone say anti-white discrimination?"
Diversity doesn't mean actual diversity, it means no Whites.
It's not just about anti-White discrimination, it's about White genocide. The banks and corporations that own the governments in historically White countries (and ONLY in White countries) are actively flooding tens of millions of blacks and browns into the population for the focused purpose of creating mass populations of non-Whites who are less intelligent, less capable, less independent and easier to control. A White population is a stubborn, difficult population to control. Too self-sufficient.
Just look at the demographics of areas where the only thing the people need government for is basic infrastructure (roads and highways, that kind of thing) and you'll find White communities with low crime rates, often they only have a handful of cops for the entire town). Then look at areas where the people are dependent on government for housing, food, health care, utilities, programs for everything from jobs to child care, cell phones, and much more. Those areas are nearly all non-White and dangerous cesspools of crime and violence, gangs, drugs, 3rd World conditions.
Even the poorest White neighborhoods (West Virginia for example) are safe places to be. Poor Whites might be drug addicts and drunks but you can walk through the poorest of trailer parks and no worry about being raped and dismembered.
So Whitey has to go. That's their long-term plan for total global control of every economy and power structure and a one World government where the global banks and corporations have ALL power and control and individuals have ZILTCH. EVERYONE will be very poor, dependent, and enslaved for their basic lives. Every city and town a giant ghetto.
White genocide. Genocide doesn't have to mean rounding up Whites and slaughtering them. The way it's being done is working just fine. They even have most of us convinced that it's EVIL for us to even notice our genocide, much less actually object to it or HEAVEN-FORBID...RESIST IT! We're expected to be HAPPY that our people will be gone soon. If we don't participate in our own genocide we're labled RACISTS- which they have convinced most of us is worse than being a child molester or serial killer. In 50 years their plan has soared with success. We might not make it another 100.
-Rex Hymens
By the way, Drudge is YKW.
Some sites put this chosen ethnic group in triple parens (((TWMNBN))).
Expecting Drudge to admit TSA is overwhelming black is like getting Jared Taylor to admit Diamond trade is overwhelming Jewish. It ain't going to happen.
And yet both Drudge and Taylor have massive followings.
Avoiding reality is profitable in our age of egalitarian fiction.
Guns, Germs and Gullible Whites is still a best seller. Haiti has had crops and domesticated animals since the time of Napoleon. Well gee whiz Taylor, how long is going to take for Haiti to modernize? Should be any day now right?
Well put. I recently came to the conclusion that it is simply dumb whites that insist on the equality doctrine. They themselves are nearly equal to the lower races so they insist that the rest of us are too. Anyone who would disagree with them is "ignorant". The smart whites may not all be realists, but they mostly stay mum or try to be agreeable as it is the dumb ones who are ready to carry out an inquisition over the matter (mostly females, but I digress).
Idiots are definitely a problem. But idiots mostly follow what they are told.
I think the main problem is with what has been called beta or pseudo intellectuals.
They are smart enough to take and pass a Sociology but not smart enough to see how much of it is egalitarian bullshit.
I actually saw this comment from someone in a forum:
If there was a link to race and behavior then Sociologists would have discovered it by now. It's just not supported by professional Sociologists so I don't see why anyone should think such a link exists.
This is the area of study that openly cites Karl Marx as a major influence. Amazingly Sociology takes the position that race doesn't exist and all inequality is environmental. Shocking I tell you.
At least Anthropology no longer pretends to be a science. It actually was before Marxists took it over and decided to suppress any meanie stuff about race like skull differences. Now they just give lectures on how Western society is evil.
Cleveland: Fed judge rules that schools must integrate. Black schools will be "consolidated" into White schools.
No Joke.
I found a a restaurant at the very end of Concourse A in the Atlanta airport that has a totally white staff and the service is outstanding. It is like an oasis in sea of Groids
The black middle class is almost entirely made up of government jobs.
We could have and should have solved this problem with repatriation back to Africa, but as usual, YKW stepped in and squelched that idea.
At that time abolitionists were more likely to be Quaker or Northern Baptist. YKWs were heavily involved in the 1960s but not the 1860s. I sometimes wonder if the North has too many Nords. It has been theorized elsewhere that Nords have egalitarian genes from extreme winters that work against them in modern society. It would explain why Seattle and Portland have so many liberal Whites. Southern Whites are mostly Celtic and German.
Anyways the real problem was that Northern Whites didn't want to face reality and that is true today.
Lincoln was a master manipulator and conned the North into sending their sons for his war. There has never been a national discussion on race since the civil war. It happened and various groups just avoid the reality of race in their own ways. There was never a resolution. There was never a vote for repatriation because the will didn't exist.
Formerly Miss Greenbaum said- Fellow Whites! Always take refuge in your high culture, which includes but is not limited to classical music, waltzes, fine art, great literature, theater, opera, - heck, even good ol´ country music and blue grass! It is all ours. Let them keep and worship the negro (c)rap culture. "
Great minds think alike, haha, as I was just getting ready to point that out. I watch Dancing with the Stars- and for all the bs about white men can't jump- or dance- there is only one black pro dancer on the show- a male- and all the rest are white. The black contestants on the show always start out strong- but as soon as the progression forces them to do the dances that require grace, elegance, and finesse- foxtrot, Viennese waltz, Argentine tango, etc., they never prevail. They are good at twerking and jerking, hopping and twitching, but nothing much else.
Last night, there were 5 contestants left- 3 white women, 2 black men- and a double elimination. BOTH black men were voted off. I am expecting a protest any minute, similar to the protests when a black person did not win American Idol one year. It is a popular vote, and NOT a politically correct vote, at least for the present.
I am tired of hearing white men maligned, when they are to thank for most of the inventions that I enjoy every day.
As far as black employees- when you go into a business and most employees are black, you just take a deep breath, because you know for sure that pleasantness, efficiency, and pride are out the window. This is brought home every time I leave the South Atlanta area and go to a mostly white area. There, the employees are pleasant, eager to serve, and efficient. Big difference.
What I resent more than anything that the black culture is taking away from America, is pleasantness, beauty, elegance, etc. I watched an old episode of Andy Williams show recently, with Judy Garland, then a Merv Griffin, with Peggy Lee, Tony Bennett, Rosemary Clooney, and Johnny Mercer. Yeah, I know some people think that kind of thing was corny, but the stars were all dressed in a sophisticated way, acted in a classy manner, and the music was beautiful. Even Pearl Bailey- a black female singer- was classy and blended in. Contrast that to today. Ugly lyrics, leaping around, cursing, etc., in music. Every time a white buys a Jay-Z or Weeknd tape- or attends a Beyoncé concert or watches Empire or other black shows- they are promoting this culture at the expense of a sophisticated and beautiful culture.
I agree with the comment and I do my best to support classical and country music, ballet, opera, fine art and books, etc. If I am accused of being a rayciss because of it, I just smile and say I am guilty of having great taste!!
Support beautiful culture!!
L in Atl hell
I can assure you, the only reason our planes aren't being hijacked left and right is that nobody is trying to do so, because "security" at airports is such a joke.
I took a small knife onto a plane by accident. Same thing happened to an in-law. Just left it in a carry bag and forgot about. I've read that the same thing happened to a guy with a concealed gun.
If followers of the peace religion hijack another plane it will be out of an affirmative destruction airport. They will pick a flight that will have a lot of Jews like Chicago/Palm Beach. They won't pick something like NY/Tel Aviv that would warrant attention.
Your homework. Watch movie "Goodbye Uncle Tom" on youtube. Try and find uncut version.
You're welcome!!
PK, you too!! ;)
Paul, I stopped flying after 9/11 - not because of "fear of terrorism," but because I refuse to be groped and hassled by the TSA. Let's place the blame here where it belongs: ON THE DAMNED FLYERS. On all those White Americans who MUST fly from x to y and can't be bothered to stop for a day or two to bring the airlines to their knees. That's all it would take - a day or two of people refusing to fly until these airports hired a competent security force. This is fully legal - each and every place has the right to use private security in lieu of the TSA - and they could hire all ex-military White guys.
Same with the brouhaha about trannies in school bathrooms. Simple solution, folks - pull your children out of the government indoctrination center. "But . . what about my wife's job? What about our saving for our big vacation? What about socialization?" By their fruits ye shall know them. By keeping White children in public schools, people are showing what they value most - and it isn't those White children.
Not only is America irredeemable; so is most of its population - including its White people. The hell with them all.
Texas at 10:49 pm. You are correct about blacks and federal jobs. Prince George county Maryland has the highest concentration of middle and upper middle class blacks. Right outside of Washington D.C. Lots of federal jobs in D.C.
Cook County in IL is the blackest county in the entire US. Chicago is always teetering on being a majority black city. Most civil service jobs at the county and city level are majority black - courthouses, jails, clerks offices, admins for all forms of government. Every museum has a majority illiterate and black population. Every attraction that is not a museum is teeming with vulgar young blacks screaming at the too of their lungs, cutting lines, pushing, blocking doorways, stealimg and irritateing people in general.
Stop being jealous you cracker bastard, you wish you could earn her money you filthy piece of honky trash shit, btw Pk is your child retarded like you?
"Recent editions of the Hispanic Network Magazine, the Black EOE Journal, and the Professional Woman’s Magazine featured TSA among other government and law enforcement agencies."
Not only do we have black and brown joining forces to attack white males, but many white females are in on this racket too. "You can be an oppressed, marginalized minority too, but you have to attack all the men of your own race."
White women who team up with diversity to attack white men (which include their fathers, brothers, and sons) make me want to vomit. Maybe they can learn the hard way that non-white men are a lot less tolerant and understanding of their "feminist" agendas, and white men won't be there to fight for/with you after you have thrown them all under the bus.
Sorry if already posted: Senator Mike Lee has proposed an amendment to defund AFFH.
Last two sentences of article: "Senators of all parties should take note. This vote is destined to be remembered." Yes, I would say so.
As they build their workforce numbers they seem hell bent to fall back on their primitive mean. Here’s an excerpt from an article about some 1998 NFL clown having a bad day.
According to court documents cited by the Republic, Thompson's episode began when he saw a shirt his 17-year-old daughter was wearing and said it had to do with the devil.
He burned the shirt in the smoker, then declared in front of his wife and four children he had to make a male sacrifice of either himself, his son or the dog. Thompson allegedly said he had a vision "the Lord" told him something bad was going to happen to the family unless he made the sacrifice.
Thompson said Bible readings told him it must be a male, chose the family poodle and broke its neck. His family begged him to stop and ran to call authorities. Police later found the poodle in the smoker.
It's time I acknowledge that always read 'Formerly Miss Greenbaum".
And they make great mail carriers too. Just make sure NEVER to refer to them as black, as that is apparently racist:
Tip for those traveling to Atlanta's Hartsfield International -- the comment mentioning white staffed restaurant is referring to TAP Gastro Pub by A3 (concourse). If I get stuck in Atlanta, I always have a cigar on hand and spend time there. VERY nice.
As an Atlantan, not only was it an affront that Maynard Jackson, corrupt hack, had his name added to Hartsfield. .....but also every time my flight lands and I walk off the plane I am assaulted with wall murals of blacks on every wall, and little glass-housed shrines to the famous coloreds from Georgia. You would think that you were in Zimbabwe, or that America was a grand, successful negro experience. I cringed coming back from the UK......watching the Brits look around wide eyed at the ridiculous scene around them. I was embarrassed that their introduction to my state was like someone put pants on the gorillas at the zoo, painted their pictures, and then credited them with the creation of civilization. Add to that the complete chimpfest that is the APD, shuckin' n jivin' all over the place while ignoring everything but pretty white girls and wowza! Welcome to 'Merica!
Last time i flew out of Minneapolis was just plain weird compared to where I'd left. Intelligent, intelligible, friendly PEOPLE! What a concept!
"The banks and corporations that own the governments in historically White countries (and ONLY in White countries) are actively flooding tens of millions of blacks and browns into the population for the focused purpose of creating mass populations of non-Whites who are less intelligent, less capable, less independent and easier to control. A White population is a stubborn, difficult population to control. Too self-sufficient."
Non-whites easy to control? If they're so easy to control, why can't they be convinced to get a job, or stay in school, or stop breaking the law?
Whites hard to control? Ridiculous. Whites are so easy to control they willingly cooperate with their own racial displacement.
The question is whether "civilization", such as it is, can be simplified enough, or perhaps, become totalitarian enough (or more likely, take on both qualities simultaneously), to avoid coming apart at the seams when whites descend even further as a percentage of the population.
For any fans of the Northwest novels, does the darkification of the TSA and how they act seem like a prelude to the FATPO? If you are unaware of what I've brought up, check it out. Readable race realist novels that help you understand where tinfoil may go. Also the Patriots series by Rawles, while not racial, show our people at best in jar times and definitely good for puerile who believe in preparing for the upcoming troubles.
"Non-whites easy to control? If they're so easy to control, why can't they be convinced to get a job, or stay in school, or stop breaking the law?"
no effort has been made to make them do these things.
In fact, it is FORBIDDEN to make them do them.
All part of the Plan.
dysfunctional negroes are essentially socially and culturally weaponized against Whites in america and europe.
I think you fell asleep and dreamed, or perhaps stepped into the Twilight Zone! ;)
Coddlers and enablers, worse than the lowlife negro.
Here you go, pk. Couldn't give you better source material.
Cuck white? Check.
Black "youth"? Check.
Aspiring rappers? Check.
Robbery? Check.
Homicide? Check.
White victim? Check.
Posting criminality to Facebook? Check.
It's literally all there. The only thing missing, as of now, is "dey we gud boys", gud revereneds talking about "systemic racism", and a march to end the violence, but considering the news just broke today, I'm sure that's coming.
Yes, and you can buy a decent looking home for 160k, but nobody wants to live there.
The solution isn't hiring white security, it's having a white population that doesn't bomb innocent people.
For the most part white people are too smart for those jobs. We have lofty goals that don't include checking IDs and searching luggage. That is the perfect job for low IQ people that need to follow simple instructions.
Anonymous said...
For any fans of the Northwest novels, does the darkification of the TSA and how they act seem like a prelude to the FATPO?
Like how they talk a big game, but are lazy, incompetent, corrupt and are only good at bullying innocent civilians, and would get splattered on the pavement in a real fight? Yeah, I noticed that too.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Non-whites easy to control?
If you believe this, you`ve never attended or taught school with negroes.
Stay alert, stay alive.
You haven't done enough study on the topic. Look deeper and you'll discover that you're incorrect in this. They were the impetus for the entire abolitionist movement using the Quakers and others as tools.
Julie,I can't decide if you are a great satirical writer or very ignorant of the world around you.
310 --important
This White Man tech could spell the end for nog domination of our cities and towns! Just snap fotos of the random orcs you encounter each day, process with this app, and find if they have warrants etc. Then alert authorities as to their location.
http://www.techspot.com/news/64857-nightmare-russian-facial-recognition-app-one-step-closer.html [end quote]
Google--and you should know who owns alphabet-google, is getting peoples license plate images as they 'street map' in order to --via GPS --know where people are.
watching you via satellite, cameras on street and having yr license # and name.
Take a look at some of Adam Kokesh's TSA videos on YouTube. They show black TSA agents as alternately power mad or sleeping on the job, but always dumb.
That should make everyone feel real safe knowing a bunch of 80 IQ and under yard apes are protecting us.
this is sick
NY Girl wrote:
True story: many years ago, I was flying out of Westchester Co. Airport to Boston on business. Going through the bag X-Ray,the Negress agent jumped up and grabbed the bag of the woman in front of me. Inside the bag was a box cutter, the same kind that would be used by the hijackers on 9/11. The passenger said, "It's for opening boxes. I'm going to a trade show."
And the Negress threw it right back in to the bag. Not "Sorry, we need to confiscate this," or "Sorry, you can't bring it on board," or "Sorry, it needs to be checked."
I spent the rest of the flight thanking God she wasn't going to a gun show.
And THAT, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the REAL story of how 9/11 happened.
No, that is not how 9/11 happened! In fact, the reason is quite the contrary. If a passenger or two had been going to a gun show with his weapon in the cabin (not allowed then and not allowed now), or more realistically, if there were at least one armed passenger on each of the flights travelling on whatever business or pleasure, we would not even be using the expression "9/11" here, or anywhere. F__king box-cutters, how pathetic a country we are, to where the whole place has been turned into a police state due to a few towelheads "armed" with boxcutters! It's shameful, egregious and "irredeemable" (TM).
Whatever very few amount of bad guys with IQ's > 90 that may actually want to try something will have some weapons of one form or another. It's very stupid to take the weapons from the good guys - this has been going on for almost 50 years, and can't be blamed on BRA.
I could have figured you were from NYC just from your comment - didn't need the handle. Get some facts about guns and self-defense, before you make this kind of silly comment (just the last part, not the entire point about the type of effort made by our diversified work-force).
What people need to realize about black people at the workplace also, is that they don't particularly make a lot of effort. This can be good and bad. If there is a discrepancy on the price of a piece of hardware at the Home Depot, the white lady might get all into it, call her supervisor over for a price check, etc. The black girl will just ring up something or other to get you out of the way, which is just fine by me (it's not the cost difference, it's just that they are not men and have no way to know that this is a 1/4" carriage bolt and that I just want to pay for it and get the hell out of the store to get some work done).
OTOH, if you are the boss, trying to keep price/inventory straight, good luck to ya!
was at the supermarket, -a young black woman cashier. I had 2 items that were advertised at 50% off but not priced. I asked what the prices were. She hit a key on the cash register that showed both as 50% off.I said, so... how much are they? She kept staring at me saying 50% off. with me asking , what is the price? Cashier could not be bothered to figure out what the cost was, or take out her phone that has a calculator and do the basic math. Finally a white manager ran down the aisles to find the items and the prices. What killed me was, why didn't the manager tell her to go get the prices and stop being so retarded? this is a cashier?, must be an AFFIRMATIVE ACTION cashier. I must have offended her black self so deeply that she couldn't do basic math. Precious might break her fake nails. Next time it's the white cashier or the self check out.
Or maybe Precious was listening to NPR today. I was reminded why I revile and despise NPR. Just the words Social Justice are enough to make me vomit these days. A young male savage on the radio talking about white privilege and whiteness conferences, running down whites again. Why don't White people have blackness conferences where we document Black Privilege ? Robert Downy, Jr could be asked to speak about his experiences in prison among the diverse. and Colin Flaherty could be brought in to remind us to Don't Make the Black Kids Angry.
BTW, you all crack me up and help me to realize that I am NOT CRAZY here in the Planet of the Apes.
It's a different world for blacks than it is for whites.
"no effort has been made to make them do these things."
Look at the money and societal resources wasted in trying to educate them, enforce the law amongst them, keep them in prisons, rehabilitate them, train them, acculturate them, give them jobs, etc. What do you call that if not effort? Besides, why should it require effort at all if they are so easy to control?
It seems the facts don't fit your conspiracy theory. Don't jettison facts because they don't fit the theory. Jettison the theory if it doesn't fit the facts.
Anonymous said...
Look at the money and societal resources wasted in trying to educate them, enforce the law amongst them, keep them in prisons, rehabilitate them, train them, acculturate them, give them jobs, etc. What do you call that if not effort?
That is exactly what you called it. Wasted effort. Believe me, if they were trying to control the negroes, they could. Whips and ropes. You just have to explain it to them in terms that they understand. Right now, that's not the objective.
My sister, white, presumably at least mostly as intelligent as I am, is a TSA agent.
She has a college degree in some equine field and worked for a few years as a live in horse caretaker. Then when the couple who had the place divorced, she came home, went to work at the grocery store, and went from that to the TSA. What that tells me is they'll pretty much hire anyone - she has a degree but utterly irrelevant to the job, she may as well have never done any of that.
The most amusing part to me is every time I'm around that she happens to come home from work to my parents' house (yeah) it's always been like watching Married with Children "A fat woman came into the shoe store today" except replace shoe store with where ever she happened to be working at the time.
It does give me some insight into what goes on there, though. Apparently turnover is fairly high among the least experienced workers. Once you're there a while, you literally get homework from the job, she's written reports and things so she can become a supervisor for this or that. But she's still more or less a grunt years into it, each part of the screening has different levels of worker and she's bumped up a couple spots there.
She's going to be the old lady with the cats, though. That's another story.
Your eloquent posts are spot on every time! I recently had a run-in with an older white woman, probably in her late 70's, about Trump. She bashed him in every possible way, but her beefs with him were purely from the narrative she's fed daily from the MSM.I had to walk away from her. On another note, how do people deal with blacks they can't avoid? Like living in an majority black city, airports, doctors, dentist, government, post offices, etc. I can't escape them, they're everywhere! The only way not to see them is to stay indoors.
Actuall, white people do those jobs better, as we tend to focus on doing them, (looking for guns, being able to rrecognize bomb components, etc) as opposed to looking for things to steal. We also tend not to accept things like an ID so chewed up/bent you can't see the picture, or a many times folded, worn traffic ticket as ID. (I have seen black coworkers accept those when I worked at a casino. The reason given for the acceptance was "well sometimes da po-lice takes your ID when you gets arrested"). The problems with having whites in those positions are 1-Lack of diversity which is racist and 2- higher standards, leading to actual control and compliance, things which go against causing a population to expect competence. IOW, if everyone was expected to behave and obey the law, black disfunction would be so evident to all that no ammount of paint job theory would hold with any but the most delusional SJWs.
'Stop being jealous you cracker bastard, you wish you could earn her money you filthy piece of honky trash shit, btw Pk is your child retarded like you?'
Rant all you want, no matter how much poo you fling you're still black.
"no effort has been made to make them do these things."
"Look at the money and societal resources wasted in trying to educate them, enforce the law amongst them, keep them in prisons, rehabilitate them, train them, acculturate them, give them jobs, etc. What do you call that if not effort? Besides, why should it require effort at all if they are so easy to control?"
That is not effort to make them conform, that is effort for US to ignore what they are and pretend they CAN be us.
Real effort to MAKE them achieve would include real repercussions for refusing to comply, and real consequences for their failure. We are GIVE GIVE GIVING them whatever tbey demand, at our own expense. NOT demanding that tbey either behave and perform as we do, or be removed from our society. They break our laws, lay in the safety net like a hammock, and at worst they get to lay around in a heated/air conditioned cell and watch tv and play cards and do drugs with their friends for a little while until they get out and do it all again.
White genocide is not a conspiracy theory, it's happening right in front of us, and we're told it's "progress" and "beautiful" and "natural"
Read The White Genocide Project for example or spend some time reading on it, it's no secret conspiracy, it's blatent and undeniable. Whites are dwindling fast as a global minority and in countries they have been majorities for centuries and it's NO accident. It's very deliberate.
And the way you control negroes is with strict rules and deadly consequences, they don't respect anything else. Trying to treat them like we treat each other is more to appease our White guilt than "effort" to control them. The real effort to control them was Jim Crow laws and Segregation- which were working just fine, until White guilt.
"Stop being jealous you cracker bastard, you wish you could earn her money you filthy piece of honky trash shit, btw Pk is your child retarded like you?"
So are you agreeing with or attempting to refute the facts presented in this story? I suppose this is what passes for a well reasoned point by point rebuttal for a white third grader or adult negro.
Do you hear that sound? Off in the distance? That is the sound of the jungle drums of your ancestral homeland beckoning you. There's no whitey to oppress you there, no rule of law to keep you down, and no discrimination to hold you back from reaching your true potential. Deep down you know that you just don't comprehend civilization nor do you belong in it. Liberia awaits, the Congo lies with outstretched arms waiting to embrace its native son, the Sudan as a spot at the table set for you (likely as the main course). Godspeed, Rastus, Africa is calling you home.
Julie,I can't decide if you are a great satirical writer or very ignorant of the world around you.
Julie is satire (read "her" history here), but isn't it a sad commentary on our society that it's nearly impossible to tell?
What do you call that if not effort? Besides, why should it require effort at all if they are so easy to control?
How hard was it to aim them at things to be destroyed?
This doesn't mean they won't have outlived their usefulness as soon as those bent on our destruction achieve their goal. Their replacements are neither as unthinkingly violent as Blacks, nor as independent as Whites.
If it mens anything, a woman I know tried for TSA, took test and failed. She's not a dummy.
My guess is she didn't get 25 extra point for being black, 30 for being a dyke, etc.
I've been through airports and these pompus baboons: give them a uniform and a title, and their head swells a ton.
This "diversity" only goes one way: hate YT.
Yesterday, was flipping around radio and I learned "soccer mom" is a code word for "white privilege." Never knew that!
Thanks to the inefficiency of the TSA, terrorists can harm more people crowded on the ground than they could by actually acting out on a plane.
"White genocide is not a conspiracy theory, it's happening right in front of us, and we're told it's "progress" and "beautiful" and "natural" "
You yourself, in your very next paragraph, claim that it's deliberate, i.e., the result of a plan; a conspiracy.
"Trying to treat them like we treat each other is more to appease our White guilt than "effort" to control them. The real effort to control them was Jim Crow laws and Segregation- which were working just fine, until White guilt. "
There's a nub of truth here, buried under a ton of conspiracy BS. The truth is, whites are prevented from solving this problem not by shadowy conspirators plotting against them, but by their own morality. Conspiracy theories are a way of evading this simple truth. Even worse, such theories are truth substitutes, place holders that prevent, and are designed to prevent, the truth from emerging. Being mired in conspiracy theories accounts for the racial right's long history of failure. The white decline isn't something being done to whites by others, it's something they're doing to themselves.
Mr. Rational said...
Julie is satire (read "her" history here), but isn't it a sad commentary on our society that it's nearly impossible to tell?
Indeed, Mr. Rational, that is the entire point. The culture is so debased, so twisted and dumb, that it is becoming impossible to parody it. No matter what the parody, there are plenty of people who genuinely hold these views written as mockery.
Diversity: The Marxist government process of turning a first world country into a shit hole.
Diversity: The process of a Marxist government to turn a first world country into a shit hole.
Lol, gotta use that
"That is exactly what you called it. Wasted effort. "
Wasted effort is still effort. It's just inaccurate to say no effort has been made.
"Believe me, if they were trying to control the negroes, they could. Whips and ropes."
Effective methods of control always involve both carrots and sticks. This was as true during slave times as it is today. Whether the methods favor more carrot or more stick depends on the system of moral values held to by society. Who's responsible for white morality? White people, that's who.
Anonymous- The only way not to see them is to stay indoors.
May 18, 2016 at 1:29 AM
Yes- unless you turn on your tv- where MOST of the new shows are about black characters, most commercials feature blacks in the smart role, and white in the dumb role, and most have mixed race couples. I saw a commercial the other day with 3 white women holding white children- and took me a minute to figure out why it was odd. Because you NEVER see it anymore!! And some say to turn off the tv, but how else are you supposed to see for yourself what is being shoved down our throats?? Last night, on the late national news, the story about airport security lines being out of control was featured- no reason was identified, when we all know what it is, and the usual cries of- Hire more people!! Pay them more!!- trotted out. Of course, throw money at the problem.
Bill in St. Louis said-
IOW, if everyone was expected to behave and obey the law, black disfunction would be so evident to all that no ammount of paint job theory would hold with any but the most delusional SJWs.
Exactly- you hit the nail on the head for sure- but the media is working overtime to push the agenda of black people being held down and held back- I sure hope that if Trump is elected, he enforces the laws already on the books and to heck with the double standards, rhetoric, and excuses. The law applies to all, or to none.
If any reasonable person looks at most of the problems of society today, and asks the question, "Who CREATED this problem?", the answer is crystal clear.
L in Atl hell
I am visiting Hotlanta right this minute, from my home in Whitopia. I live in the geographic center of the three whitest states in America, in a 99.8% white town.
You're right about getting off the plane. JNB (now known as Oliver Tambo International) isn't this bad.
Overall, I'd say YT's days in Hotlanta are numbered. Move to Maine.
here is a visible division where Atlanta blackens. Cross too far over that line and a white person will find themselves among the most feral orcs imaginable. The living conditions are appalling, the worst I've seen outside New Orleans.
I suppose most people don't pay attention to the differences that spell out the completely alien character of these urban orcs. It must be just a lack of exposure. I moved here as a die-hard social liberal. Then I began to pay attention.
I carry when traveling through downtown now. When the EBT's run dry, I expect we will have between four and ten days before the Camp of the Saints begins to play out here. I sense that people here will be ready. I won't be running off - where would we go?
I believe that is great satire...
I live in a poor white neighborhood. Most people here are under the poverty level but the landlord doesn't accept section 8 and runs a thorough background check to ensure no child molesters or anyone with violent pasts moves in. Here's the difference between this neighborhood and a "ghetto" 99.9999% of us are white. Our yards are mowed, there's no loud radios, block parties with dindus drinking 40s of malt liquor and there's no obvious drug dealing (I'm not saying it doesn't happen but if it is i can't tell) we pick trash up out of our yards and work together to keep the neighborhood clean, we plant flowers and when I go to bed at night, I'm not worried about my kids bike being gone when i wake up in the morning. I used to live in a middle class black neighborhood and couldn't say those thing about that neighborhood. It just goes to show, no matter what you give white people, even poor white people, we try to take care of it and make it better. And I'm disabled, i worked full time for 15 years until i got sick and had to apply for things like food stamps to be able to feed my children. I am a single woman but I left my girls father because he was abusive and I grew up with that, I wasn't going to force my girls to! I home school my kids so they won't have the "white guilt" propaganda shoved down their throats and because my 12 year old was literally molested at school by a dindu & they wanted to suspend HER because her first response when he tried to stick his finger into her crutch thru her shorts was to turn around and punch him. Thankfully I'm raising my kids to be 'aware' & to keep their eyes open to their surroundings. They're also both trained in the proper use of a firearm. My oldest is like Annie Oakley with a bow lol
Is it the two story bar?
1. You completely missed my point.
2. I am NOT from NYC.
3. You can't fire a gun in a flying plane without effecting the air pressure.
4. I legally own a firearm, so I don't need you to lecture me.
5. You are a massively ignorant dipshit.
I recall that the way Bill Clinton moved people "from welfare to work" was to give them government jobs! And a lot of those jobs were with TSA.
It was speculated that this was to give the lower classes, the Dem voters, some sort of power or revenge against the upper-middle and upper classes that dominate air travel. Bill Clinton was beloved by the blacks; he was "America's first black president". Someone moving from welfare to a job with power over air travellers might have said hallelujah!
You are probably correct about black population being about 15% across the board. However, here in Texas the Latino percentage has to be pushing 50%. The entire Southwest portion of the state is like traveling in Mexico. This includes the city of San Antonio and of course El Paso. Houston is still majority white but slipping quickly. The east side of Houston by the ship channel looks like Guatamala-even the signs are all in Spanish. Mexico is reclaiming the Southwestern United States easily.
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