When you understand this, what's coming will only make sense. [Businesses Come Together for Stop the Violence Rally, Selma Times Journal, March 23, 2016]
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What those white police officers dared prevent long ago from coming to fruition in Selma... |
Oh, Selma... to think how we have created a holy moment out of the crossing of the Edmund Pettus Bridge, where a yearly pilgrimage occurs so that America can marinate in white guilt for another 365 days.
And for what?
An 80 percent black city, a municipality acting as an incubator for every black stereotype you've ever known. [Selma pastors push for ceasefire in escalating gang warfare, WSFA.com, March 20, 2016]:
Selma pastors are taking action to combat gangs and stop bloodshed on the city’s streets.
Church leaders are reaching out to the families involved in the deadly string of crimes in a growing push to curb the violence.
They outlined their new initiative during a press conference at the corner of Broad Street and Voeglin Avenue on Friday afternoon in Selma.
Efforts to crackdown on gangs in Dallas County have been ongoing, but a recent string of violent crimes has church officials stepping in and seeking solutions for a safer community.
“If not us, then who? If not now, then when? We can't put it off any longer. We can't wait. It has to start with us, the body of Christ,” said Bishop Effell Williams, pastor of Tabernacle of Praise Church in Selma.
Pastors describe the crimes as “gang facilitated retaliatory serial murders and shootings where rival gang members and their families are targeted.”
“Selma is being plagued with constant, extreme violence,” said James Perkins, Jr., pastor of Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Selma. “The street violence is increasing. Law enforcement has limits that are beyond their control. Citizens are stunned.”
In less than a month in Selma, police say seven people were shot.
On February 14, 2016, there was a shooting at the Grown and Sexy nightclub. A man was shot in the side. Detectives with the Selma Police Department have identified the shooter as Ricky Suttles, 26. Suttles is considered armed and dangerous. He is suspected to still be in the Selma area.
Anyone with information to his whereabouts is encouraged to call Crime Stoppers at (334) 874-2588.
On March 1, 2016, a woman set her ex-boyfriend on fire in the 1800 block of L.L. Anderson Avenue. According to police, she dumped gasoline on the victim and struck a lighter near him. The victim is in a medically induced coma as he receives treatment at UAB’s burn center. The suspect was charged with domestic violence assault and arson. Selma PD spokesman Lt. Sam Miller says she also burned down several houses.
On March 5, 2016, Lt. Miller says a man shot himself in the foot at Cheer’s Package Store on Broad Street. It’s not clear if he was exchanging gunfire with someone else. The Selma Times Journal reports that the store clerk told police she heard five or six shots fired.
Also on March 5, 2016, a man who opened fire with a rifle in a Selma street, killing two people in the entertainment district.
Officers responded to the corner of Marie Foster Street and Selma Avenue in reference to multiple shooting victims.
“It was one individual who ran up to a car at the corner and using an assault-style rifle, he opened fire on the driver’s side of the vehicle as the driver was attempting to exit the vehicle. He then ran around the vehicle and shot the passenger as he was exiting the vehicle, killing the passenger,” Lt. Miller said.
The driver was rushed by ambulance to Baptist Medical Center South where he passed away from his injuries the next morning. Officials are exploring the possibility that the suspect set his sights on the wrong targets.
A person of interest in the case has been identified.
On March 6, 2016, Lt. Miller says a woman stabbed her boyfriend with a steak knife at a home on Alabama Avenue. She was arrested and charged with domestic violence assault. Her boyfriend is recovering.
On March 7, 2016, a man was shot in an attempted robbery. Lt. Miller says a masked man with a gun walked up to a woman at an ATM and demanded money. The woman’s grandson saw what was happening and pulled out a gun of his own. The two men exchanged gunfire and the suspect was shot and ran off.
On March 8, 2016, shots were fired into a home and a man was shot in the leg in the Woodrow East subdivision.
Also on March 8, 2016, a woman was shot when she stepped outside to smoke a cigarette in the 2200 block of Old Montgomery Highway. Lt. Miller says the bullet went through both of the victim’s knees. She was also struck in the left hand. She was treated and the shooting remains under investigation.
Lt. Miller urged the community to do the right thing and call Crime Stoppers if they have any information in the cases.
Church leaders say the violence is staggering and innocent people are getting caught up in it.
They believe the key connecting with impacted families.
“We are inviting parents, grandparents and guardians who have lost a child or children to a grave or to a prison cell, to meet with pastors to seek ways that may help facilitate a cease fire of this current outbreak of shootings and killings in Selma and Dallas County,” Perkins said.
Meeting with families is just the beginning of the long term plan they're building to combat the problem. They’re looking to get more pastors and community members involved.
“I'm convinced that we're not dealing with street fights over material things. This is not about drugs or a turf. It's not about the traditional things that gangs fight over. We are convinced that this current rash of violence is based simply on hate and revenge,” Perkins added. “We're looking towards the family and we're looking towards the church to move in a direction that will help those who are currently active in this gang warfare.”
Officials say they’re also not dealing with the typical gang structure. There are no kingpins and it's not a situation where they can meet with leaders from opposing sides.
Perkins says it's a different atmosphere and much more complex than that.
Kerry Horton, pastor of Little Rock Baptist Church in Selma, calls the situation a “generational crisis.”
“They're getting younger and younger. A lot of times, the younger generations just feel like they need a voice, they need to be heard. What we're saying is that we're ready to listen,” he said. “And we're ready to take action against what's going on. This is home for us. This is our city. And it's much easier for us to come together and to be on one accord in this effort. This is a process but this is the first step so it is very important that we take this critical first step.”
The meeting of target family members and pastors is set for this Monday, March 14, 2016 at 5 p.m. at Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Selma.
All pastors in the area are encouraged to take part in the meeting and community-wide effort.
“We have to start somewhere. We have to try,” Rev. Perkins said.Go ahead: head to 80 percent black Selma for the photo-op of crossing the bridge to some imaginary future where racial nirvana occurred, and everyone lived happily ever after.
In the real world, those white police who dared stand athwart history on the Edmund Pettus Bridge and try and beat back Martin Luther King and his freedom marchers are the true heroes: every moment after their stand provides proof that their defiance of modernity was justified.
"Stop the Violence" was the slogan in 2011; not because white police officers dared protect white taxpayers from the tyranny of equality, but because black people can't stop shooting/robbing/killing other black people in the dystopia that is modern Selma.
Oh, it's all a joke.
"Stop Da Bahlince" is just reverse psychology for blacks. Telling them to chill makes them chimp instead. "Stop da bahlince?? Who you talkin' to muthafucka?! Omma busta cap in you haid, nah!" The more "pleas for peace" are taken as invitations to engage in more tribal combat. It won't end because it cannot end; you can't turn off genetics.
Please send this piece to the big fat yt bashing POS Opressive Chickenfry (oprah) You remember her spittle to the BBC saying that all " old white people" must die cos they be marinated in racism ganst mys po ass kin!". Puh leez!
Black pastors against violence. Black city councils against violence. Black community organizers against violence. Black high school graduates in blazers against violence.
So how come there's all this violence?
Consider it is not just the gangbangers who are running amok. It's also the flashmobbers. And the Black Lives Matter insurrectionists. And the rappers rapping out how they want to kill a presidential candidate 'cause someone told them that he'd take away their mamma's food stamps.
Seems most of entire black demographic is all in favor of violence. So why then the surprise when violence actually occurs on a daily basis?
You'd think they'd see some connection between how blacks routinely act, and the inevitable outcomes thereof. But that would require things like high median IQ and future time orientation, something which seems to be in short supply in Selma and points beyond.
Something to think about in the coming chaos...
And let me guess, the event will be deemed a success because a lot of people showed up - for the free food. Well at least they know their audience and how to go about bribing them. Why do white pastors never have to go out of their way (and bribe people with food) to get local white people to stop shooting each other?
As a side note, found a good youtube channel called "White Downtown Police", a former cop tells it like it and includes a lot of personal stories. Worth the visit if you have the time.
The people have had enough! Time for a crackdown on Martin Luther King Boulevard and other evil sentient streets...
It's the same circus in every city, just different clowns. Whether it's Selma, Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, New Orleans, Memphis, etc., etc., etc., always the same show. It's boring and predictable. There is one thing that still, occasionally, tends to surprise me, I know it shouldn't, but it does. Their women are violent, narcissistic, pathological, stupid and always ridiculously under charged! We have a torching and a stabbing and no attempted murder charges. Why? Can anyone please explain this to me? It's perplexed me for years.
Any SJW caught singing the praises or diversity and blaming all of the black mans woes on racism should be forced to spend their summer doing community service in Selma. Picking up trash, mowing unkempt lawns and cleaning graffiti, all while the orcs sit on their fat asses and watch. And they should definitely have to work as a cashier at the local grocery when the EBT hits...
Stay alert, stay alive.
Meet with the families. .... and do what? Until the "Revrunds" come out and say "we will turn in every shooter, we will tell the police where you are, we will tell them if you have a gun, or are robbing, slinging, etc" then all this is is the witch doctor shaking his ju-ju stick at the sky and chanting. In the centuries since they have been brought out of Africa, all that has changed is the clothes.
While reading this, I did like how the reporter managed to work in domestic (not really, since they aren't domesticated) violence with shootings. While I'm sure it wasn't intended, all it does is underline NHI behavior, but in a way that can't be smacked down for being "racist".
A savage race everywhere in the world! Be it Johannesburg or Selma, negroes are all the same!!
Yep. It's all a joke. They're just like us. It's all a joke. Brown vs. Board of Education. They just needed equal education and they'd be just like us. What a joke. Affirmative Action Jobs, so they could be just like us. What a joke. Afreakans, what a joke!
OT: I just got back from a three day beach trip. Zero negroes were spotted, needless to say, a good time was had by all. Peace, tranquility, and civil behavior reigned supreme.
The skreets did not rise up wif duh bile-lens. No gunshots rang out. Oh yeah, driving back we stopped for gas and while in the restroom I heard someone shouting on dare sail foam. Yep, it was a n*gger. Welcome back to reality! They are a ruinous poison on society - always have been, always will be.
"Selma pastors are taking action to combat gangs and stop bloodshed on the city’s streets."
So they're drafting bills for tougher sentencing for criminals? Perhaps they're staked out in crime ridden areas taking pictures of crimes in progress and reporting to police? I haven't even read the rest of the story but I just KNOW the "action" will be some leisure activity like basketball, eating, talking with each other, or going for a walk. I shall continue reading and see.
"Bishop Effell Williams,"
Typical African big-man looks at muh. The jamoke appoints himself silly titles to feel important and try to be the big medicine man to his tribe. "Bishop" sort of works in a church large enough to support/need a lot of upper and middle management. For a one-of brick building in coon-town, it's just embarrassing. He may as well declare himself Cardinal, Pope, or Doctor. These cretins are so predictable.
“I'm convinced that we're not dealing with street fights over material things. This is not about drugs or a turf. It's not about the traditional things that gangs fight over. We are convinced that this current rash of violence is based simply on hate and revenge,"
Nope. It's based on genetics. If a woodchuck is digging in your yard, you don't try to figure out a motive, that's just its nature. Best to either shoot it, or if you're the more humane type, trap it live and release it into the wilderness.
"Perkins says it's a different atmosphere and much more complex than that."
Complex? Complex is the Roman Empire, complex is the white man bringing water to the desert, harnessing the power of the atom to run our factories, or putting into orbit satellites through which we can exchange information real-time throughout the world. What this 'pastor' describes isn't complex, but terribly primitive. It's the way hominids who never left Africa have formed societies since they dropped their tails and left the canopy of the trees. Small bands of hunter gatherer scavengers constantly at odds with neighboring tribes. Never capable of forming cooperative units of more than a couple dozen members for longer than the time it takes to engage in a gang rape or flash-mob. This is why they never advanced civilization beyond this small tribal barbarism. Their primitive nature does not equip them with the tools needed to form larger groups which cooperate for greater benefits.
" the younger generations just feel like they need a voice, they need to be heard. What we're saying is that we're ready to listen,”
Ah, so at last the punchline of the "action" that they plan that will finally fix genetic black dysfunction and savagery. I'm going to make a Vegas sized gamble here and say that not many Shitavii (plural of Shitavious?) will be running down to chat with these bishops and revrums about non violent options for conflict resolution. If they were rounded up and forced to do so, what would they even say? "Bix nood", "Muh dik", or "Gibs muh dat"? I think it's fair to guess that beyond this 'press conference' none of these clowns will put in any real work or effort whatsoever.
Since I'm in the mood for betting and can't justify a trip to the casino this summer, I'll take any wager from those who believe that any of this bullshit will curb the violent nature of blacks.
It's worse than a joke- it's a black comedy. Perhaps the most comical factor of all is the deluded expectation that blacks can live in a modern society and not turn the environment into a 3rd world African dystopia. Even worse is the fact that after decades of evidence that this will and does always happen, there are still deluded fools who "believe in da dream" and keep seeking "answers" to change what cannot be changed. They'd do better to spend their time trying to change vultures into vegetarians. The outcome would be failure of course but at least the idiots would be off in the wild somewhere and not be experimenting with and destroying human neighborhoods and entire cities with "diversity."
What the social justice warriors and other deluded fools fail to understand as per the negro is that you cannot change what eons of evolution has created. There are no programs, no rights, no special treatments that will alter the inevitable outcome of genetically predetermined conditions or factors affecting intelligence and behavior. Negroes are hardwired to think, act and behave in a certain way and it isn't going to be changed by any amount of pampering, excuse making or "inclusion" and exposure to more advanced races. Nature doesn't work that way. Selma and every other negro infested and dominated area is grim testimony to that fact.
Negroes can blame it all on external factors, offer endless excuses and reasons and blame everything under the sun except themselves and be supported in their nonsense by idiots but the facts remain: You can't fool Mother Nature and you can't change what eons of evolution has created. All the marches, rallies, meetings and all the whining, blaming and bleating about da violence is just pissing in the wind. Or like it would be if vultures could talk and we had to listen to them complaining about their bad breath from constantly eating rotting carrion- they're still going to do it no matter what just as the black community is always going to be a violent, ignorant, unintelligent and dysfunctional "community." Collective or colony would be a better word to describe their nesting areas but I use "community" only in the most sarcastic sense.
In any case, I tune out their endless and useless squawking about all of their dysfunctions. It's utterly pointless to listen to any of it.
On a whim, I looked at Selma real estate. Negroes did a mighty fine job of making affordable housing readily available.
Well, at least this group is presumably expanding the menu from the cake-only feed featured last week. Maybe that will make a difference. Could be diet is causing all the trouble.
But I smell another "we needs more..." pitch forthcoming. Maybe they should title this meet, "Ribs and Gibs."
This is just another fill in the blanks story, another get together that will address none of the real problems, because these folks want nothing to do with the truth.
I did have to laugh about the black who shot himself in the foot, and pictured him doing some kind of tribal dance. Hey, at least he hit something.
OT: If you haven't seen the video of Larry King's interview with Michael Savage earlier this week, take a look at it on you tube. King is so blatantly liberal, he should be ashamed. Naturally, he brings up slavery and other ancient history when Savage mentions how bad things are today. Sickening.
I work with many black people. None of them has ever spoke of ways to stop black on black violence. Their main concern is if the new white chick will fucks n*ggas and where to go for lunch(inevitably it's fried chicken and fries with hot sauce). None of them care unless it's a white person that's shot one of their brahs,and yet they expect US to care. Nope.
They need to add cake and conversation followed by a bike ride proceeded by a candle light vigil.
That will finally put an end to the street violence.
And let me guess, the event will be deemed a success because a lot of people showed up - for the free food. Well at least they know their audience and how to go about bribing them.
Black approach: Have a special day with free food and custom t-shirts.
DWL approach: Write intellectually dishonest articles and blog posts that blame guns, Whites, drug laws, and just about everything but the criminals.
There is only one strategy that will work is to lock them up for crimes like assault before they move onto murder. Of course this would fill the prisons with even more Blacks but that is the only way within our current society.
Bring back chain gangs and let them sleep outside. Once they get a taste of 12 hour hard labor they will find something else to do. The problem is that the courts in these areas pity them and don't want to send them away unless it is for something like murder. When they are sent away they get 3 meals a day and TV with the homies.
OT, Concert gone wrong in NYC, the comment section reads like the comment section on here.
People can get used to anything. If you live by an airport, you get used to the noise of jets passing over dozens of times a day. If you live near a hospitalbor fire station, you get used to sirens. Those things become part of the background noise.
People get used to other things in their environment as well. Miserable Midwest winterss or hot summers in Texas, violent tornadoes in Oklahoma . . . it goes with the territory. Normalcy bias is the term for it, and I think the constant coverage of the pathology is about trying to generate some normalcy bias. After all, if people start getting the idea that black dysfunction is like a force of nature, something that goes with the territory, then government can get away with not doing anything about it. They get to justify being reactive instead of proactive.
Here's the catch, though. Weather events can be anticipated and prepared for. The large scale dysfunction is also predictable. Not only does the government NOT issue watches or warnings for
TNB, but anybody who notices the pattern and tries to plan for it is labeled. They make speeches saying to be prepared for tornado or hurricane season and tell us to evacuate or take shelter. The TV weather people tell us to dress appropriately and plan our outdoor activities to counteract temperature extremes. But the TNB is supposed to accepted and endured without comment. Just part of the weather.
Tsk, tsk, tsk ... I see "the violence" is back at it again. The worst part is how racist this entity, "the violence," is ---- it seemingly only selects non-white communities to visit.
Well I have heard that some places have successfully thwarted "the violence" with marches, vigils, cake walks, midnight bassitbaw leagues, and grannies holding up signs. Maybe we should try that? It has a wonderful track record of success after all.
In all seriousness though - Perhaps Africans are naturally animistic? They seem to instinctively, wherever they are placed, assign human characteristics to mysterious forces with no need to delve any further into identifying and understanding cause and effect relationships.
Such highly visible stunts are not unlike a village gathering everyone to beat on pots and pans and create as much racket as is necessary to drive out devils and curses from their midst.
Interestingly enough, whenever these gatherings occur you will notice a remarkable dearth of those most likely to engage in violence - young black males. It is nothing but older folks, black church ladies, and the occasional DWL idiot that attends.
On another note here : Memorial Day weekend will start the latest ROOTS BS mini-series. Who can predict the violence that will ensue against unsuspecting whites minding their own business or converting more guilt ridden whites ??
Forgot to include this in my comments. There is a must read an article about the new ROOTS coming out this weekend. The article is by Jack Cashill, who writes for World Net Daily, the link is :http://www.wnd.com/2016/05/new-roots-old-lies/.Cashill describes the fraud and plagiarism that was behind Haley's so-called blockbuster novel.
what Selma needs is more Dumb Control laws
and "CrimeStoppers"? really? maybe "Hep de Poleece
Meanwhile in Indianapolis.....
Indytenpoint Retweeted
RevCharles Harrison @charlesharriso5 May 25 Indianapolis, IN
Congratulations Crown Hill from @Indytenpoint 4 going 200 days without a homicide. Trauma months r ahead of us now.
"Trauma months are ahead of us now" is ghetto extortion speak for "Needz mo moneez fo dem programz n sheeeeit."
Indianapolis: Here is a traitorous, race-cucked "White" man, (((Kory Coleman))) running races to end negro violence.
He just doesn't get it. Let's try to help him out. https://twitter.com/korman47 @korman47
He doesn't want to live AROUND them, but this Brownsburg, IN (99% White) man wants to raise $25K for the Indianapolis Ten Point black clown posse.
Let's help him out.
The ONLY thing they'll see is "Free food"!!!
Oh, and I think they misspelled their latest stick to beat YT with: "Roots". Shouldn't the first "o" be an "I"?
Be armed or be shorn.
"Seems most of entire black demographic is all in favor of violence. So why then the surprise when violence actually occurs on a daily basis? "
You are almost there. Black people LOVE violence and shitty ghettoes. This is a STRATEGY. Moslems do this too. The bad ones agitate, kill, jihad, rape and riot, so the entire RACE advances. Notice how everyone is talking about blacks right now? We certainly are.
This is the plan. The ghetto street nogs do the dirty work. The more educated blacks like the violence because it hardens White racial attitudes and JUSTIFIES a big government to control crime and White racism. This means more jobs for black affirmative action hires, more black cops, more black bailiffs, more black social workers, more black government programs like My Brothers Keeper and stimulus, more affordable housing, more zero interest black loans, more welfare, and more bitching about racism, civil rights, and muh legacy of slavery.
When a Moslem jihadi executes a terror event, all of the "good" Moslems can bitch about anti-Islam backlash. Then then entire group advances. Inch by inch.
And Whitey is stil scratching his head. LMAO.
Get it?
Blacks follow the same pattern as their liberal supporters; they are simply not as good at it.
First, a problem is identified, and it often involves conservative wrong-doing.
Pressure is then relentlessly applied to overcome whatever is perceived to be the cause. The reasons for the injustice - no matter how absurd - are repeated, sometimes over decades, until finally a resolution is reached, often because of gained support from the low information group.
It is unimportant that the problem be identified correctly, or, for that matter, that a problem actually exists at all. As a result, there is no effective resolution, and in many instances, the remedy only makes matters worse.
But here is the root of it all: They - the liberals - do not really care about problem resolution. Perception, not substance, is the goal. They've taken the stage. They've overcome "outrageous injustice." They have slain the blind conservative and righted the wrong.
And then the entire movement goes away like a concert on tour, moves on to the next "injustice," and - this is key - never looks back at the results of the previous cause.
South Africa was ground zero for years. 'We must overcome. The Krugerrand must be banned and other crippling sanctions put into place until whites surrender their evil racist regime.'
And since the surrender, how much has been heard about the present conditions of this once thriving country, now in ruin?
About as much as the present city now under discussion.
Repatriation is the only answer. Blacks are not fit nor capable nor deserving to live in any country that is not in Africa.
I will not toe what I consider to be the middle ground of allowing them to stay but removing entitlements and coming down hard on them for crimes.
The social experiment has failed, The integration, the equality myths, all disproven. They cause nothing but decay and blight. Crime and ruined Community.
Deport them all. Bar them from entry. Wall off their nations and forbade them from leaving.
Africans in Africa, where they belong. One does not go and get a sample of Ebola to bring home, Why would one bring home something destructive, detrimental, dangerous and impossible to rid of?
I was thinking, the difference between a race-realist and a DWL, is that the race-realist is, well.. a realist. The DWL (Jack Nicholson voice) CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!.. The DWL simply, or not-so-simply, doesn't have the heart to imagine a future where things don't end up working out ok for Mankind. I don't actually think that allot of them are bad people or anything really, they just don't have the courage necessary to face reality. So they endlessly whip out the straw-man fallacy "it's the streets, it's the guns, it's the bad schools, it's legacy of slavery, it's privilege, it's supremacy, it's racism, it's poverty".. and my personal annoying favorite: "it's CULTURE!".. As if people are some quirky byproduct of a mysterious "culture", which of course doesn't make any sense. Blaming the "culture" is an argument that just goes round and round in a circle, like this: Persons of a particular group, create a "culture", the "culture" mysteriously goes *bad*.. the *bad* culture is now deemed to be the "blame" for the maladapted behavior, of the persons who created the culture, that's to blame for the behavior of the persons who created the culture, that's to blame for the behavior of the persons who... and on and on and on.. The persons and their culture, are not chicken-and-egg. The persons came first! The DWL must create an external cause to place in between results of the thing itself, and the thing itself. It would be akin to me walking outside, picking up a rock, and throwing it threw the neighbor's window, and then the neighbor comes out and says, "Dude.. WTF?".. I say, "Hey it's not *me* that's too blame, but the act of the rock being thrown through the window, that's to blame for my throwing the rock through the window." "Culture" is just the actions of people, not some mysterious magical force that just, goes bad.. etc.. Peoples are what they are. When you leave groups of people to their own devices, they reveal themselves in time, to be just what they are. No more and no less. The realist understands this. The DWL can't handle this whatsoever. Things have to get allot worse unfortunately, before they can't be denied any longer..
"Lt. Miller urged the community to do the right thing and call Crime Stoppers if they have any information in the cases."
I'm sure they've been manning that phone 24/7/365 for years waiting patiently for that first call.
Positive results are always achieved when the local witch Dr. Rev. Bishop Abraham Jefferson Washington III (da thud) Esq. Ph.D. steps up to the plate to stops dat bilence. It's all for show and he'll probably git wid momma or sustah to conceive a replacement idiot. It be how dey roll, dawg.
The U.S. is third in murders throughout the world.But if you discount Chicago,
Detroit, Washington and New Orleans,the U.S. drops to fourth from the bottom on the
same list.-- Coincidentally, these four cities also have the toughest gun laws in
the U.S.
Off-topic, but interesting.
Was watching a CNN anchor hand-wringing about transgender bathroom laws, and the desperate need we have for them because of violence against these unfortunate crazies.
I looked up the WIKI article and they have a list of transgender murders by year. In 2016, 11 transgender people were murdered. Nine were IDed as black.
Even more interesting, many were hookers in high-risk life-styles or were killed in "domestic disputes".
We can extrapolate that their killers were negroes, because we're told that a high percentage of murders are intra-racial.
So. Like everything else, this "problem" is a black problem.
On March 5, 2016, Lt. Miller says a man shot himself in the foot at Cheer’s Package Store on Broad Street. It’s not clear if he was exchanging gunfire with someone else. The Selma Times Journal reports that the store clerk told police she heard five or six shots fired...
Toes gone wrong.
Waiting for the day that these pastors arm their flock with sledgehammers and pickaxes and do to the skreets what the skreets have been doing to innocent members of their communities. Once this juggernaut of righteousness gets going, I wouldn't want to be a skreet for all of the rice in China.
North of Detroit
Orcs kill. That's what they do. Why is anybody still surprised!?
They need their own country where they can live as they please with their own expectations of what "civilized" means. Why do we keep trying to force them to live up to White Man standards? It's just not fair to the Negroes. Let them have their own land...
"On March 5, 2016, Lt. Miller says a man shot himself in the foot at Cheer’s Package Store on Broad Street."
His foot was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'll bet he was standing in or near a violent skreet in a bad zip code near a bad school in a bad neighborhood. Negro DNA had nothing to do with it and YT will pay all medical bills. We need to get this poor, downtrodden negro back on his foot as soon as possible.
The DWL simply, or not-so-simply, doesn't have the heart to imagine a future where things don't end up working out ok for Mankind. I don't actually think that allot of them are bad people or anything really, they just don't have the courage necessary to face reality. So they endlessly whip out the straw-man fallacy "it's the streets, it's the guns, it's the bad schools, it's legacy of slavery, it's privilege, it's supremacy, it's racism, it's poverty".. and my personal annoying favorite: "it's CULTURE!".
They also are unable to imagine a future where racial realism exists without Nazis.
In their minds even investigating genetics is just another step closer to a 4th reich.
They have a hard time with nuanced thinking. It doesn't occur to them that race denial can actually hold back Blacks by setting unrealistic expectations for them which then leads to frustration and the inevitable backlash. I think a lot of the thug culture is really just a backlash. They start having problems keeping up at around 12 and the thug culture offers them a way out. It rejects everything in White society and especially school. That doesn't excuse the thug culture but I think the conflict is at a genetic level and "culture" is just a nasty byproduct of everyone trying to deny the conflict.
Both liberals and conservatives can't grasp how destructive their policies are if the intelligence curve exists. Both groups are telling Black kids to grow some genes. It's insane. I watched a documentary on how they were cutting recess, art and social studies from Black schools so they could focus on passing NCLB tests. They were locking these kids inside all day in an effort to make them White children. The sick thing is liberals would look at that situation and still blame Whites/lack of funds/etc.
Three year old Detroit girl shot to death over spilled koolaid. To Detroits head honchos, stories like this just might put a crimp in Detroits comeback. Just sayin.
Indianapolis: Here is a traitorous, race-cucked "White" man, (((Kory Coleman))) running races to end negro violence.
He just doesn't get it. Let's try to help him out. https://twitter.com/korman47 @korman47
A public school teacher that thinks he can fight nature.
Wow what a surprise.
What is with all these deluded teachers?
"Shitavii" That is comedy gold. Actually laughed out loud. Thank you for that.
-JSF- in Minneapolis
"The more educated blacks like the violence because it hardens White racial attitudes and JUSTIFIES a big government to control crime and White racism. "
It's a kabuki dance alright, but whites are a willing part of it. I wish white racism were actually increasing, but I don't see any evidence of it.
This is the plan. The ghetto street nogs do the dirty work. The more educated blacks like the violence because it hardens White racial attitudes and JUSTIFIES a big government to control crime and White racism.
This was a strategy back during the Civil Rites Revolution of the 1950s and 1960s: blacks had their militants, like Malcolm X and the Black Panthers, who made the "mainstream" part of the movement -- i.e., the MLK faction -- look moderate in comparison. King gets invited to the White House, glorified by the establishmenbt media, etc., etc. When the movement turned violent with the various Long Hot Summer Riots, DWLs gave blacks the war on poverty, AA, and etc. It's a one-two punch, a racket which continues unto this day.
Yes, black leaders will occasionally denounce violence. At least in public. But the same preachers who hand out press releases on streets-gone-wrong(tm) are not turning down the government check$ and media spotlights which come in during the aftermath of a driveby shooting or urban riot.
Complex? Complex is the Roman Empire, complex is the white man bringing water to the desert, harnessing the power of the atom to run our factories, or putting into orbit satellites through which we can exchange information real-time throughout the world. What this 'pastor' describes isn't complex, but terribly primitive. It's the way hominids who never left Africa have formed societies since they dropped their tails and left the canopy of the trees.
It's the reversion to the African mean, whether in Selma, Detroit, Haiti, or, well, Africa. Same pattern.
Please note that only in black dominated societies do "streets go wrong" and "shots ring out." Nobody else -- even in societies which do have a lot of violence -- blames violence on inanimate objects. This is an animistic thing. A black thing.
Blacks perforce have to believe that there is something "complex" about the causes of violence. Why? Because they can not understand that it is their own behaviors which cause it. There is no understanding of agency, of cause and effect.
Compare this with, say, Muslim societies. They may have a lot of violence, but they understand the cause is not some "complex" force but the perpetrators, and these are dealt with summarily. We might criticize Muslims for bringing Sharia Law to London or Paris, but they at least understand the importance of the culture in creating order. Blacks have yet to get even this far.
Be interesting to see what happens when black "immigrants" collide with Muslim "refugees" in the 'hoods of Selma or Detroit...
I have been systematically watching all of the Sapolsky lectures on YouTube. I recommend them to all readers of this blog. Sapolsky is a professor of neurobiology at Stanford. He looks like one of the "Duck Dynasty" cast members except he is shorter. He looks the way he does because like Robert Bakker the paleontologist he is a true field guy not a stay at home in the lab guy. Sapolsky goes to Africa every summer and lives among a troop of baboons. He looks like he just came in from the bush where he had been chased by a leopard. I've read one or two of his books, which I also recommend.
He is (I think) a liberal but he's still worth listening to. He mentioned something in Lecture 16 that caught my attention. He mentioned a new interpretation of the human brain in which the prefrontal cortex is now considered part of the limbic system. This is an interpretation of neuroanatomy that I had never heard before.
The significance for the readers of this blog is that Africans have a significantly smaller prefrontal cortex than whites or East Asians.
The limbic system is a collective term for the sub-cortical structures that mediate sex, aggression and threat recognition functions. The pre-frontal cortex is the most recently evolved brain structure. Only real humans who have emerged recently have this structure. Earlier hominids and hominoids lacked it.
Black people (Africans) have smaller prefrontal cortices which suggests that they are evolutionarily more primitive. It also, given Sapolsky's insight, suggests that blacks should act more impulsively because they lack that part of the human brain which moderates impulses. For example a black man who sees a black man and feels threatened processes almost the entire encounter in his amygdala whereas a white man also enlists his prefrontal cortex. Sapolsky explains how tis greater processing circuit leads to a more nuanced response.
Most readers of this blog will find these findings obvious - they have long observed black behavior and are familiar with its stereotypical characteristics. So it isn't too surprising. But I was gob-smacked. It all fitted. All the black stupidity as well as the lack of future orientation that Paul writes about very week is an obvious consequence the connection between the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system.
Those black ministers and their marching congregations are wasting their time. The black propensity for violence is not on the streets. It's in their heads.
" the younger generations just feel like they need a voice, they need to be heard. What we're saying is that we're ready to listen,”
Young blacks (teens?) need a voice? But they have plenty of voices. Drive down any street in America with your windows open and listen to the voice of "rap" music. Or tune in to World Star Hip Hop; plenty of teen voices there, showing us black America at its best. The universities--check out the latest bulletin from the Black "Studies" Department. The telescreen or movies? Nothing but black scientists, black suburban home owners, and wise black elders to dispense their wisdom to YT.
Well, perhaps the reverend can tell us what these teens have to say. The new and exciting things with which the world shall be enlightened, straight from the 'hood. Original solutions to the complex problems of modern living. Who knows, they might even be able to tell us how we can fix those streets which have mysteriously gone wrong since the Battle of the Edmund Pettus Bridge.
It's worse than a joke- it's a black comedy
History repeats itself first as tragedy, then as farce, and finally as Black Run America.
I meant lecture 18 not 16.
There are many relevant issues with neurotransmitters. I'll comment on those later.
Cultural appropriation. That is, black-eyed blacks and browns stealing the white-man's blue eyes because blue eyes are best.
Yeah, Kayne West looks better when he wears green contact lenses. But he is trying to hide God's warning for us to avoid the black-eyed.
There is a horrid actress, Jessica Alba, who put in blue-eye contacts for her close-ups in the old Fantastic 4 movie ?(please avoid on Netflix), but that is so embarrassing, and alien-looking, that they draw in fake hazel eyes for the movie poster. Her eyes are Mexican black.
We've lost control over this country. Rational American influence was lost during and after the civil war, it worsened again with Wilson, the federal reserve and WWI, worse yet during the great depression, FDR and the state control needed for WWII. Then LBJ, civil rights legislation and the immigration act in the early-mid-sixties. Along came Clinton, 9/11 and Bush, the DHS, the growth of nearly complete federal control. Then Obama and now the rise of the negroes and the illegals. It is truly a f**king mess.
After all, he's on his last leg . . .
hear hear
"Selma pastors are taking action to combat gangs and stop bloodshed on the city’s streets.
Church leaders are reaching out to the families involved in the deadly string of crimes in a growing push to curb the violence."
Damn these "Numskulls"! Now they want to get the curbs involved in all this bilance, as if the bilent streets weren't enough. I say leave the law abiding curbs alone and deal with the issue of the lawless streets!
'We've lost control over this country'.
. We are on the edge of anarchy. In EveryTown, America.
I don't pretend to have the solutions, but I can surely say what my eyes see and my ears hear.
I didn't have time to comment on yesterdays post- about the EBT card and the rapper threatening Trumps life- so I will today.
When my parents divorced, my father disappeared and only sent 1 child support check after that, for 3 children. My Mom had just had a major operation, so we were forced to go on benefits for a short while. My Mom got a job as soon as she was well, and we got out. For good. But I saw things I will never forget.
This was the late 60's. Back then, there was no EBT- you got something called "surplus" food, which consisted of a waxy block of cheese that would not melt even under a broiler, powdered eggs (disgusting), and peanut butter with a big oil slick on top you had to stir every time you used it. No sugar, only powdered skim milk, no sodas, no chips, etc. And yet you were glad to get it.
One black lady I knew had 3 kids- worked in a nail salon in downtown Atlanta, got welfare, drove a Cadillac, and had her 3 "baby daddies" give her cash money, and "stayed" with her sometimes, although that was against the rules. She had a rather nice life. We followed the rules and struggled mightily.
One of my family members has 2 kids, and 2 years ago he and his wife discussed the possibility of a 3rd child. They decided to do it, and now have an 8 month old.
Their expenses went up considerably. After the 6th month, his wife had to go back to work, and their extra expenses are- child care, buying extra food, diapers, more medicine, etc. A BIG increase. They both work hard all day long and keep their kids busy with sports, church, etc.
Contrast that with LaQuisha and La"Quanta. they each have 3 or 4 kids by different fathers. They, along with their children, are covered from head to toe with medical insurance provided by the taxpayer. They do not have to pay for child care, as the "gubmint" allows them to stay home all day with their offspring. Most of their housing, food, and utilities are paid for. Instead of an increase of their incoming bills, unlike the taxpayer, they get an increase in their incoming money. They have the luxury of time with their children, which most working taxpayers would give their eyeteeth for. They have all day to teach their children morals, values, help them with homework, etc. in order to raise outstanding children who contribute greatly to society. But most of them do not do that. They complain that since they are "single" parents that they do not have the money to do so, but somehow all their children wear expensive sneakers, when the money should have been spent on a tutor for homework. And the "baby daddies" ( I detest that term) are usually nearby and contributing cash money from any jobs, such as they are, that is NOT reported.
You almost cannot blame black women. They learned quickly that the "gubmint" is way more reliable than most black men- the gubmint checks keep on coming right on time every month, never late. But that is the ROOT of the problem with the black community today- an entire community that answers to no one, has no boss, is not productive, and has free time all day long to riot, drink, protest, take or sell drugs, etc. Do something about this problem and the rest might be doable.
Your thoughts??
L in Atl hell
"All the black stupidity as well as the lack of future orientation that Paul writes about very week is an obvious consequence the connection between the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system."
careful Pat, if this gets out via the wrong hands then they'll all be lining up for disability payments on top of everything else.
Pat Boyle--there was an Asian scientist who was researching Race and IQ [= behavior] and was silenced.
I forget his name and the details.
he was in Chicago.
also Pat B--- what about the BIG 3?
How do they fit in --in the male - female / black-white puzzle?
WE KNOW ABOUT 'T' [Testosterone].
Oh my stars! An anti-violence BARBECUE?!? Well, lets hope they dont run out of free chicken/ribs because SOMEONES going to have to take the last piece and then..... well, this "looks at muh" cookout will become even more pointless!
Dont forget, revrun, all that ebil bilence can literally ERUPT anywhere!!
(blame it on the white meat!)
Is it just me, or are the commenters in top form today? So many interesting offerings. Just reading this series alone would be jaw-dropping to a non-realist. A lot of food in the pantry today.
To Pat Boyle: Please keep posting your picture along with your comments. Every time I start reading your posts, the colors in the picture seem to move out of the corner of my eye. I'm forever trying to "catch them" at it. So either you've concocted some devilish illusion, or it's time to call my oculist. I'll catch 'em yet! :)
Hilarious that a place like Selma, Mecca for nogs and DWLs, is an African sh*thole!! So much win!!
PK, I got the story of the year for you here. Watch the video of the little White Human boy fighting back against two feral n(gger robbers!! Brought a tear to my eye. I think this kid should be sainted. Bring him on the talk shows and hear his story. Make this a worldwide sensation. Young White boy fights back against the black undertow. The adults cower.
A hero is born....
Having a blast trolling my lib friends on Facebook about Hillary and Bernie!! Join the fun. Point out how she will lose to Trump and they better nominate Bernie asap! Has them FREAKING!!
From above...
Black people (Africans) have smaller prefrontal cortices which suggests that they are evolutionarily more primitive. It also, given Sapolsky's insight, suggests that blacks should act more impulsively because they lack that part of the human brain which moderates impulses. For example a black man who sees a black man and feels threatened processes almost the entire encounter in his amygdala whereas a white man also enlists his prefrontal cortex. Sapolsky explains how tis greater processing circuit leads to a more nuanced response.
I think I am going to have that paragraph printed on thousands of business cards and leave them to be found as I go about my day. Wake a few folks up! Also an ink stamp for my paper currency and library books.
Clinton is out. Watch video below and see why she is unelectable. When you lose MSNBC it is over as a Democrat.
So, when Bernie is running, Trump just has to cut a few ads showing him being overwhelmed by the BLM sows at his speech and he will lose.
A fascinating fact about Race Realism is that it is actually GOOD for the Negores!! Why are they fighting it??
To know that their inability to keep up with Humans is not due to racism or lack of trying but due to genetics beyond their control should be liberating! Why fight the Truth?!
Like telling a Chihuahua pup it should be able to run as fast as the other dogs when the other pups are Greyhounds. Have separate schools for low IQ negroes. Segregation is the ONLY answer.
Cannot make a Zebra act like a domestic horse...
L in ATL:
That right there is our problem. Too many whites are caught up in playing by the rules. Being moral, being right.
You have to understand the realities here. Blacks are animals. Their handlers are educated animals. Animals do not like or play by any set of rules outside of their own.
Onkel Obama says bow, and the majority of whites bow. This is why we are going to be destroyed, as long as White Man continues to obey the laws and rules set by his oppressor, rather than fighting them with his brother.
We are not wanted here. We are not welcome here. We are valued only as tax mules for the state.
My neighbor is working two jobs to support himself and his household, his wife, two children. Their utility bills are through the roof, because the local utility company jacks up their rates to compensate for those who cannot pay their bill. The absolute lowest bill you will get here is around $400, With no AC/Heat running. They have applied for, and been rejected from Food Stamps, Customer Care *Lowered bills based on Income* and every other form of help.
Their black neighbors do not work, they sell drugs out in the open. They get meals donated to them and brought by elderly volunteers. They get food stamps, supplementary income, and certainly reduced if not FREE utilities.
The Whites are the unwanted people in America. Believe it; You are their enemy. The enemy of the state, and the enemy of his black horde warriors.
I was reading comments on a Facebook story and one guy was talking about racism being a problem at his high school. Turns out, his parents had moved him to an all white school district. Of course that was obvious because he said, "being exposed to other ethnic backgrounds enhances students' learning experiences". I feel for these kids, I really do. They have no concept about blacks except what they've seen portrayed on tv and the lies they've been spoon fed by liberal teachers who wouldn't teach at an inner city zoo if their lives depended on it. We are judging them by the content of their character, kids, it's just a convenience that they're color coded.
-Brazos Valley
Just like the fools who turned in their guns and signed a Pledge of non violence Yeah i can imagine some thug breaking into their home and the idiot liberal gets their brains beatin in for being stupid enough to think these thugs will meekly surrender to this disarming smile they will end with their teeth knocked down their throat
The thing that you have to understand is how nice everyone is here on Paul's site. Does he suppress the nasty remarks? Are there any nasty remarks?
I am subject to a flood of personal attacks elsewhere. If you aren't familiar with YouTube you'll find this incredible.
My terrible offense? I like Domingo more than Pavarotti. I admit to liking Mario Lanza. For these opinions I have been harassed and vilified.
There's a lot of hate out there but this site is an exception,
When I first saw this, I thought that this was just another example of Marxist Street theater. Now I realized that I have put the Chicken before the Egg. I believe this started out as negro Cargo Cult behavior trying to induce Good JuJu and the Marxists appropriated it, built on it, and now it is a fixture in every negro settlement. Because negros love a festival, a carnival, a block party and a Funeral. This is all that rolled into one on a regular school night!
The Preachers are saying things that sound right and profound, everyone is brightly dressed, the hearses are all polished and sheet and everyone is eating and drinking and holding signs and saying: "Dat's right!" in all the right places. And then they get to march, and talk about old Jamal and De'Ontey whose be daid and hows they were cut down in youth just as they was turning their lives around...
negros don't belong here, any more than New Guinea Headhunters would. They are lost. If they were not so evil and primitive and dangerous I would pity them. However, pity or not, they must be removed so that Whites can raise their children in safety.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
"We are judging them by the content of their character, kids, it's just a convenience that they're color coded."
-Brazos Valley
May 26, 2016 at 3:50 PM"
I am so stealing that Meme.
When will the few non violent blacks realize that they will never be in control of their own destiny? Even with Liberal dumping billions of everyone's money on the problem, it's keeps getting worse. At some point they will have to give up and let the only race that can save them from themselves send them back to where they belong.
kids at all white schools--hmmm.
I wonder how many negroes are in the Obamas 2 girls classes and school[s]?
hmm...if the 'dreamers are our greatest hope' [obama said this]
why not send the 2 to a 'bad' school in el paso?
My neighbor is working two jobs to support himself and his household, his wife, two children. Their utility bills are through the roof, because the local utility company jacks up their rates to compensate for those who cannot pay their bill.
The absolute lowest bill you will get here is around $400, With no AC/Heat running. They have applied for, and been rejected from Food Stamps, Customer Care *Lowered bills based on Income* and every other form of help.
---dont pay bill? have utilities turned off? get EBT? see a social worker or church elder? go online and look for help.
color us surprised---
Their black neighbors do not work, they sell drugs out in the open. They get meals donated to them and brought by elderly volunteers. They get food stamps, supplementary income, and certainly reduced if not FREE utilities.
The line about beating on pots and pans was brilliant. Their Stops the Violence! rallies are the modern equivalent of juju magic intended to drive out evil spirits, and just as rationally thought out and effective.
And their pastors are their new witch doctors, wearing suits instead of feathers and cheetah skins, and wielding a bible instead of an enchanted staff.
In Everytown Europe too. Wherever we may be, going about our usual business of building sustainable communities and nations and contributing to the higher development of the human race in general, they are there too, and they are at our throats.
Yes, that was an amazing post. Pat is a treasure and we're lucky to have him.
Black people (Africans) have smaller prefrontal cortices which suggests that they are evolutionarily more primitive. It also, given Sapolsky's insight, suggests that blacks should act more impulsively because they lack that part of the human brain which moderates impulses. For example a black man who sees a black man and feels threatened processes almost the entire encounter in his amygdala whereas a white man also enlists his prefrontal cortex. Sapolsky explains how tis greater processing circuit leads to a more nuanced response.
Phrenology was closer to the truth than modern liberal theory of all brains having the same abilities even if they differ in shape.
Early phrenologists were correct that criminals often had common brain traits.
Of course if liberals are correct then they should be able to prove all of this wrong with MRI studies.
All the tools are available liberals, what are you waiting for?
Be interesting to see what happens when black "immigrants" collide with Muslim "refugees" in the 'hoods of Selma or Detroit...
Same thing that happened with the Chaldeans.
1. Open businesses in the hood
2. Learn why White people left
3. Save up money and leave
L in Atl Hell:
One of my family members has 2 kids, and 2 years ago he and his wife discussed the possibility of a 3rd child. They decided to do it, and now have an 8 month old.
Their expenses went up considerably. After the 6th month, his wife had to go back to work, and their extra expenses are- child care, buying extra food, diapers, more medicine, etc. A BIG increase.
I'll probably get shouted down for this.
My daughter has six children. Since she was a baby, it's all she wanted to do. From her own experience, she tells me that the marginal costs - the extra cost per child - for children after the second are much less. Not just the expense, but the entire investment - time, effort, difficulty and money.
Kids are very adaptable. They don't need to have their own rooms. Hand-me-down clothes are perfectly acceptable. Same goes for equipment like prams, cribs, toys etc. I remember, when I was a little kid, our family of five lived for a time in a tent in the park. I don't remember feeling under-privileged, at the time or since; it was just the way things were. It never did me any harm. If you have five kids and they all share a bedroom, it will not kill them.
If you love your children, and you wish you had more, do it.
Oh, yes, and get a dog. Raising kids without a dog is child abuse, in my book.
I was reading comments on a Facebook story and one guy was talking about racism being a problem at his high school. Turns out, his parents had moved him to an all white school district.
Reason 237 for segregation: people get fed up with blacks chanting "racism" every time they are in a white environment.
Oh my stars! An anti-violence BARBECUE?!? Well, lets hope they dont run out of free chicken/ribs because SOMEONES going to have to take the last piece and then..... well, this "looks at muh" cookout will become even more pointless!
One wonders who will end up on the grill?!
Just when you think we can get no more humor out of BRA...
Mes2yeuxbleus said...
"Selma pastors are taking action to combat gangs and stop bloodshed on the city’s streets.
Church leaders are reaching out to the families involved in the deadly string of crimes in a growing push to curb the violence."
Damn these "Numskulls"! Now they want to get the curbs involved in all this bilance, as if the bilent streets weren't enough. I say leave the law abiding curbs alone and deal with the issue of the lawless streets!
Very good point...those curbs might give teens a "trip" to the morgue or prison!
All of you need to stop picking on Selma! You obviously resent the great strides that African Americans have made in this era of Civil Rights.
I was in Selma on a recent fact finding trip for my university. Myself and my comrades found a vibrant community with diverse approaches to overcoming the legacy of segregation. We even did a memorial march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge and the local African American citizenry were so kind as to show us what it was like to be the victims of George Wallace's cops.
As we waited our turns to be bandaged in the emergency room, I felt like I could truly stand in solidarity with Martin Luther King, jr. Funny thing is, my wallet seems to have gone missing. No doubt some KKK holdout lifted it while we were being transported in the ambulance.
Ivry Tower, BS, MFA
Critical Race And Progressive Studies
Let me encourage everybody to revisit the Detroit story from 3 days ago and read the comment by anon May 26, 2016 at 8:57 AM.
If you're reading this, please post this again and again. It certainly bears repeating and is the crux of why black Africans can never assimilate into civilization, and explains much of TNB.
A Feral Story with a happy ending in STL.
Blacks are incredibly cruel to each other. Bust a cap into yo ass like nuttin and pitch your sprog out of the car like garbage. Nomesayin?
Thanks for sharing. That made my day. I say we start a gofundme account to buy this kid all the games he wants.
Kids are very adaptable. They don't need to have their own rooms. Hand-me-down clothes are perfectly acceptable. Same goes for equipment like prams, cribs, toys etc. I remember, when I was a little kid, our family of five lived for a time in a tent in the park. I don't remember feeling under-privileged, at the time or since; it was just the way things were. It never did me any harm. If you have five kids and they all share a bedroom, it will not kill them.
Hi Analog Man,
I agree with you completely.
I've noticed a trend in the Philadelphia area that the Irish and Italian girls (all married) are having 3...4...and 5 children. When I first noticed this I was startled...but very pleased. Now, it has become a not so uncommon occurrence.
In some of my comments, I've mentioned that I have 3 boys. My wife and I have tossed around the idea of giving it a go for child number 4...if it happens I'll be sure to let everyone here know.
There was an Irish family in the suburbs that my mother knew growing up by going to an occasional church event in their parish. No kidding...there were 17 kids. I'm serious. 17. When my mother first told us about them I thought Mrs. Mc Elroy (not her real name) must have been crazy. According to my mother, they all turned out to be good people. I no longer see Mrs. M as crazy...maybe a little bit extreme, but not crazy. Instead, I wish that we had more White European women like Mrs. M. If she's still alive, Mrs. M would be in her 90's now. Wherever you are, Mrs. M, God bless you.
Philadelphia Mike
Anonymous Anonymous said...
And their pastors are their new witch doctors, wearing suits instead of feathers and cheetah skins, and wielding a bible instead of an enchanted staff.
Wow. Great insight.
Pat Boyle said: The thing that you have to understand is how nice everyone is here on Paul's site. Does he suppress the nasty remarks? Are there any nasty remarks?
Pat, I've wondered about the same thing.
Anonymous Eddie in St. Louis said...
May 27, 2016 at 3:42 AM
Good. The original crime was just a couple blocks away from where I work on the weekends, which explains all the sirens that time last weekend. (there are a lot of sirens, every weekend in that area for some reason).
The "Roots" miniseries isn't going to cause anything this weekend. Do you think the average black knows that this is airing this weekend? Do you think that they know what the A&E network is?
If there are any surges in TNB above the norm this weekend, chalk it up to the heat and larger gatherings of blacks at barbecues, not "Roots".
Pat, you listen to opera?! You exercise White privilege?!
<hits fainting couch>
From a rock, country and (non-bebop) jazz listener... whatever floats your boat.
The use of the term "crackdown" is a "micro-agression" and implies that use of crack and other illicit drugs are more prevalent in the black community.
Because of poverty, blacks are forced to live in "medication deserts" where they have to resort to home remedies sold in open-air markets on street corners.
In areas where CVS and other drug stores existed, mysterious fires were set, destroying the establishments and their ability to provide, inexpensive, safe medications to the most vulnerable populations.
According to The Southern Poverty Law Center, hate groups such as the Klansmen, Aryan Nation, and the Boy Scouts of America are suspected of 13 fire-bombings of inner-city drug stores.
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