“Glorious Odysseus: don’t try to reconcile me to my dying. I’d rather serve as another man’s labourer, as a poor peasant without land, and be alive on Earth, than be lord of all the lifeless dead." -- The Odyssey
Years ago, I remember how much this scene in Homer's tale of Odysseus' trip home after the events of the Trojan War touched me. But I never knew quite why until today.
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A photo that haunts me every day: Davey, Weston, and Amanda Blackburn: Amanda, and the child she carried, were murdered by three black home invaders in late 2015 |
Greeting the spirit of Achilles in Hades, Odysseus learns a harsh, harsh truth about death and the glory of life. [Davey Blackburn remembers Amanda on her due date, Indy Star, May 19, 2016]:
Yesterday should have been a joyous day for the Blackburn family. Amanda was meant to give birth to their second child, Evie Grace. Instead, it was a day of mourning for a father and child left behind after a brutal murder.
Davey Blackburn took to Instagram to post a poignant note about the loss of his wife and unborn child.
"Today I would have been a dad of two," he wrote. "Today was Evie Grace's due date. Although I never met her I loved her more than I ever thought I could love a little one. I never could wrap my mind around how one could love 2 kids equally until the day Amanda told me she was pregnant again. In that moment my heart expanded to twice it's original capacity. I love you Evie Grace and I can't wait to see you and your beautiful mommy again one day. Happy Birthday, sweetie!"
Davey also reminisced about a letter Amanda wrote him before the birth of their first child. "I keep it beside my bed to pull out and read on those days I need inspiration to keep being a good dad."
Amanda was shot and killed on Nov. 10 during a home invasion. She was 12 weeks pregnant at the time. Three men have been charged in connection with her death, which is believed to be part of an 8-day crime spree. Larry Taylor, 18, Jalen Watson, 21 and Diano Gordon, 24, all face murder and burglary charges.
Amanda is survived by her husband Davey, a pastor, and a young son, Weston.
My faith died entirely with this story (I grew up Methodist).
Evie Grace and your beautiful wife were murdered by three black males (who also raped your wife, Amanda), Davie, and yet you babble about nonsense verified by… no one.
Absolutely, no one.
You'll never, ever see your wife or unborn child, but you can see your son everyday.
Davie, your wife and unborn child were murdered by three black males: no celestial reinforcements were sent from the heavens to save Amanda and Evie as the former was being sexually assaulted and ultimately murdered.
They are dead.
At least Amanda Blackburn dared fight back to defend the life of your unborn child, Davie. No angels appeared to protect her… [Amanda Blackburn Fought and Got Shot Three Times, Including Once in Back of Head, Christian Post, November 24, 2015]:
On the morning Amanda Blackburn, the pregnant wife of Resonate Church pastor, Davey Blackburn in Indiana, was killed, a neighbor said she heard two gunshots and what sounded like a woman scream.
A copy of the affidavit of probable cause against her suspected killer, Larry Jo Taylor Jr., 18, and his accomplice, Jalen Watson, 21, released Monday by the Marion County Prosecutor's Office, painted an agonizing picture of why that scream was most likely Amanda's.
The autopsy conducted on Amanda Blackburn on Nov. 12 revealed: "(She) sustained a gunshot wound to the back of her head. She also had a gunshot wound to the lower left arm which traveled up to her biceps. She also had a through and through gunshot wound which entered and exited her upper back."
She also had "scratches to her left cheek, a split lip and a lower tooth knocked out."
After a failed attempt, Watson was eventually able to withdraw money using one of the stolen cards. The informant said Watson and Gordon then wanted to leave Taylor with Amanda but he threatened to kill her if they did. When they eventually picked him up, he later confessed that he "killed the woman."
"Taylor stated that she charged at him and he shot her somewhere in the upper body so he would not be scratched. Taylor then told them that he leaned over her body and shot her in the back of the head. He leaned further, looked at her face, and watched her bleed," explained the informant.
There is more life in the story of how Amanda Blackburn and Evie Grace spent their final moments on earth then in the living, breathing body of Davey Blackburn today.
I never quite understood the power of the exchange between the living, breathing Odysseus and the dead Achilles until today, reading the post of Davey Blackburn "remembering" Amanda and Evie Grace.
Three black males murdered your wife and unborn child, and in the face of death she dared fight for life instead of resorting to prayer to prolong her (and Evie's) existence…
I never quite understood the power of the exchange between the living, breathing Odysseus and the dead Achilles until today, reading the post of Davey Blackburn "remembering" Amanda and Evie Grace.
Three black males murdered your wife and unborn child, and in the face of death she dared fight for life instead of resorting to prayer to prolong her (and Evie's) existence…
Sigh . . .
As horrifying as this murder was, to me, the greater outrage is how this guy is still craving the spotlight. Is he going to make a big show of celebrating what would have been Amanda's next birthday? Maybe he can get some help from Hollywood and the green-screen wizards to digitally document what might have been. Maybe Tony Stark will generate a holographic simulation of baby's first steps.
I can't say I expected him to turn into Ethan Edwards from The Searchers, but his constant virtue signaling is creeping me out. As bad as some of the dindus can be, the smug, self-righteous SJW assholes like Davey are far more damaging to society.
I think if more white people knew about this tragedy more eyes would be opened. Since the media won't report most stories like this one which incriminate young blacks alot of whites probably haven't even heard about it. Animals with rabies are put down and that's what needs to be done with these 3 cause that's all they are: animals.
Religion..........The opiate of the masses
look at what those low IQ braindead chimps did to that beautiful white woman and her baby girl, fucking animals, take those fucking chimps down to the American Legion memorial in downtown Indy, bring in some food and beer trucks, make it open to the public, throw a party, then find the tallest tree and sting all 3 of them up, I wanna watch their eyeballs pop out of their nappy heads as their sorry ass necks snap, fucking animals....
What's horrifying is how cucked out people can be. He doesn't deserve to be a father if he's going to be such wimp. Can't imagine how cucked out his remaining child will be. PK, stay on this loser.
Based on today's standards if Mrs. Blackburn had killed one or all of her attackers in self defense she would now be the one being persecuted. The media would be showing us photos of the dead perps at the age of twelve years old. She would be accused of killing innocent youths because they walked into her house by mistake.
America has turned into the land of the breathing dead. We are watching the country die.
White Americans just woke up to the news that the Cuck Republicans put a Faggot as head of the Army and banned the Confederate Battle Flag from all Federal Cemeteries.
Do vote for Trump vs the Hilterbeast...but realize that the Republican Cuckservatives HATE White Americans and are replacing us with every pervert DWL, YKW and blacks/muzzies (who are easily controled by YKW).
"House Speaker Paul Ryan tells his Republican party members they’d better get used to “taking tough votes,” such as one to ban the Confederate flag at historic cemeteries controlled by the federal government."
"Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.), who has been pushing for (Faggott) Fanning’s confirmation"
America----where a White President went from Putting a Man on the Moon to a Black President putting "Mannies" into the Woman's Restrooms.
This is where we are....imagine where we will be.
Oh and did I mention that Memorial Day is coming up--"The holiday, originally known as Decoration Day, started after the Civil War to honor the Union and Confederate dead."
So now that the Republican Cuckservatives are desecrating our history and fallen ancestors....let us visit the many, many fine sporting goods stores in the next weeks and stock up on fine quality firearms and ammunition that they have to offer on sale.
Sic semper tyrannis !
And Jesus said to them; if any of you lack a sword, sell your very coat and buy one. Tell me, when I sent you out, did you lack anything? They answered, "No Lord." But now I say unto you take your cloak and shoes and your purse and money with you for provision.
It's not that God doesn't exist, it is that as you say in your title, The mythological "godling" this Cuck follows doesn't.
Modern Cuckstianity is a horror and many times worse than even Islam. At least Islam doesn't demand that you prostate yourself before your enemies and Allah prescribes eternal hellfire for the murder of one of his faithful:
"And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment is Hell. He shall abide in in it and Allah will send his wrath on him and curse him and prepare for him a painful chastisement."
That is what a real man wishes on the murderer of his wife and unborn child and he does his best to personally deliver Quantravious to that "eternal reward".
Davey should be required to give his son to Amanda's side of the family and then be gelded so he can't ruin another woman's life with his "lets move to the hood and uplift Dindus!" faggotry.
Davey Blackburn is still managing to make this all about him. Gutless wonder.
It won't be long before we hear that he is re married. Most likely to one of his parishioners.
We have one job, White Men, and that is to protect our White females. You failed, "pastor", you failed....
Another emasculated, brainwashed, pitiful excuse for an American Man.
Let's end this sad sh*tshow. Let's stand up, admit Negroes do not belong amongst us, and do something to remedy the situation.
Remember, the only way we can completely pay for the original sin of negroid slavery in America, is to repatriate every single black (and mixed race orc) in our midst. They were taken from Africa, right, so the only full reversal is to put them back.
Start retro-fitting the idle oil tankers and let's roll...
Yet another powerful post PK.
Like you, I too have had a deep crises of faith. I come from a long line of German Catholics (Swabia & Rhineland). My mom, rest her soul, was the kindest most decent person I've ever known. To know her, one would come to the conclusion that God is love & she was here for the purpose of making people realize that?.
Is God love?.
This woman, who I adored, died in agony from cancer when she was 49, I was 28. She kept her faith til the end. That is when I lost mine.
Some would say that God graced man with free will?. Well what about the "will" of a 9 year old girl dying of leukemia?. Doesn't her will, her will to live account for anything?. Others would say, well that's "gods will"?. Really?. With a God like that, who the hell needs Satan?.
If people believe that prayer really helps or it makes them a better person, then knock your socks off. Does prayer help?. I imagine all those poor souls in the twin towers on 9/11 were praying intently for life & salvation, it never came.. This "God", is an absentee landlord.
Praying will not save us. Hoping will not save us. Wishing for some alien "gods" or heavenly intervention will not save us. In this cosmos of unrelenting struggle, the ONLY thing that has ever mattered is action, bold decisive action..
Adore your mother, honor your father. Love & cherish your wife. Raise strong, bold, moral sons & daughters & steel them for the coming storm. It's coming, & "God" will NOT save you.. That's YOUR job..
Know Blacks No Peace, No Blacks Know Peace.......
I don't get why your faith would die. you are the ultimate victim if you let these three demonic slugs rob you of that.
Those animals haven't been put down yet? Oh, excuse me, I was just thinking what a civilized human civilization would do.
Forgot we're living in BRA.
People who won't help themselves, who volunteer to be victims, are of no concern to me.
I would not intervene if I saw a gang of men dragging a woman into an alley. If she insists on living like the lying herd tells her, that's her problem. Darwin Awards are given to people who insist on ignoring the obvious (because it's fashionable.)
Its time to start punishing these punks that commit these crimes after all if he is old enough to be breaking into someones home at 18 then he is old enough the face the the death penalty No Parole,No Plea Bargins and No movie offers from Spike Lee
Texas here:
I know this isn't news to anyone here, but, goddam it, why do we all know the name Trayvon and not these victims? America is upside down.
Do y'all know about Sundown Towns? Man, I could stand to find one of them.
I live in the safest big city in America; Austin, Texas. Want to guess why it is so safe?
Come ride with me
Through the veins of history
I'll show you a god who
Falls asleep on the job
"Knights of Cydonia"
I have the perfect place to place monsters like these and from other prisons as well. Angola Prison in Louisiana. It is surrounded by water on 3 sides, is more than 18,000 acres, and they can be placed in tents as per Sheriff Joe. Put all the states gangers and problems there and watch the fight get worked out of them. here is a documentary of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFqVIlL0A2A&list=PLezpnxt98MTv8q5yzTmD-OsqZgiS7J4MW
Thank you PK for having this site.
Anonymous said...
And Jesus said to them; if any of you lack a sword, sell your very coat and buy one. Tell me, when I sent you out, did you lack anything? They answered, "No Lord." But now I say unto you take your cloak and shoes and your purse and money with you for provision.
It's not that God doesn't exist, it is that as you say in your title, The mythological "godling" this Cuck follows doesn't.
May 20, 2016 at 12:57 AM
For those new to the Bible, Mr Blackburn, that's Luke 22:36. I had to look it up. Very instructional. I'll have to study it further, of course, to put it into the proper context. But I think I have the gist of it.
Perhaps now Mr. Blackburn will really read the Bible, instead of swallowing some Vatican II style, inclusive theological equine scatology.
Target suing man who stopped homeless black felon from stabbing blond girl to death. If you thought their little girl bathrooms are dangerous see the attached video.
here is a realist account of the attack http://nicholasstixuncensored.blogspot.com/2013/03/pittsburgh-homeless-black-fugitive-leon.html
You're living in a warzone. A warzone with no allies but yourself and your silent sympathizers.
Nobody is on the side of the white race except themselves, and even then, the ranks are full of traitors.
Blacks want you dead, wiped from history, and their handlers are happy to help them achieve it. The Church, The Government, The ''boys in blue.''
You are being stamped out, ground down and blown away, white man.. what are you going to do about it?
Well, Maybe the asians are on our side.
Dave Blackburn creeps me out.
As more blood of our precious White people is spilled...as more atrocities occur to our loved ones...many of the sleeping Whites will be jolted out of their slumber.
Philadelphia Mike
Black people, the hopeium of the libs.
"For those new to the Bible, Mr Blackburn, that's Luke 22:36. I had to look it up. Very instructional. I'll have to study it further, of course, to put it into the proper context."
You really want the context? Then read the next verse.
It explains in part the surprising statement, for Jesus says: "It is necessary that the prophecy be fulfilled according to which I would be put in the ranks of criminals" (Luke 22:37). The idea of fighting with just two swords for eleven men is ridiculous. The swords are enough, however, to justify the accusation that Jesus is the head of a band of brigands. We have to note here that Jesus is consciously fulfilling prophecy. If he were not the saying would make no sense.
Also, keep in mind that just a few hours later when Peter draws one of the swords at Jesus' arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, slashing the ear of Malchus, one of the priests' servants, Jesus rebukes him saying: "Put up again thy sword into its place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword."(Matthew 26:52)
But something tells me that people who take the Bible out of context to justify violence aren't really interested in context. Pastor Blackburn is a true follower of Jesus. He knows Christianity is all about love, not violence. He knows the context.
With a God like that, who the hell needs Satan?.
I, too, have often wondered the same thing.
What is a negro population below 10%?
Correct, and you are in control of the board.
All right Alex, I'll go with police chiefs thrown under the bus for $600.
Aaaaaaannnnd we have a Daily Double! You currently are in the lead with $6800, how much would like to wager?
I'm feeling lucky, Alex. All of it.
Okay!This police chief of a large, festering cesspool of liberalism was asked to resign by the mayor:
Who is SFPD Chief Greg Suhr?
And you now have $13,600! We'll back after this, stay tuned.
Even though Amanda lived with the wretched leader Davey Dopehead and sat through endless indoctrination sessions she still had the will to charge a dindu with a gun.
That says a lot about her spirit.
Her husband however is a vain man-child who refuses to face reality. He was ready for his TEEVEE interview 48 hours after it happened.
Men have a responsibility to protect their families and there is nothing in the Bible about being guaranteed 24/7 divine security coverage.
Davey is just another moron of modern society. He has bought into what it is selling (TV fame, race denial, promises of an egalitarian utopia) and wraps that into his own Christianity. It's a toxic combination.
Modern Christianity is the worst of both worlds. It works on the assumption that secular egalitarians are correct and that Christianity needs to adapt and turn Whites into good little anti-raysiss, gay loving members of society so libtopia can flourish. You see libtopia would naturally exist if not for evil Whites.
But I don't think Christianity itself is the problem. The problem is mindless egalitarianism aka liberalism and it has corrupted both Christian and secular institutions. If Christianity didn't exist then there would probably be more liberals. We need to attack the core problem which is paint theory. The idea that everyone is the same and that White people don't exist.
I think atheist grandstanding is lame and the issues far more complex than as they are portrayed here.
I usually engage neckbeards in this drivel on Reddit or FB and come to SBPDL for ... well, the usual SBPDL stuff.
If you need some uncucked Christianity there is plenty and plenty of it.
And remember Calvin... We live in a Fallen World and man constantly forgets god and does evil.
These murderers will suffer, and the trials and tribulations of this life are for our edification and growth.
If you can't deal with death and criminality without losing faith... Well, IDK, you really didn't get a good theological footing or have no intestinal fortitude, imo
I would have to say that if this happened to me I wouldn't press charges and in fact I would "forgive" the murderers of my treasure(s). In fact, I would then scoop them up and show them what a thing pain is. Over, and over, and over. Yes it wouldn't bring my treasures back to me but it is a thing that must be done. And I would relish every second and every scream.
The really isn't whether or not God exists.
Right now we cannot answer that question.
But...we do know that religions are created by men.
So, the real issue is, will we let man made religions destroy our culture...our heritage...our genetic lineage?
Philadelphia Mike
I can't say I expected him to turn into Ethan Edwards from The Searchers, but his constant virtue signaling is creeping me out.
I have known people who have gone to Africa as missionaries. When members of their mission group are attacked and even killed by Africans-in-Africa, they still keep faith in their work. A lot of this appears to be (for a lack of a better term) an ego-trip. i.e., their self images are tied into their belief in themselves as bringers of the word. Of course, their work gives them a job in an exotic location and the admiration of the church groups back home.
If these people actually accomplished anything, there might be a point. But they do not. Every year, black Africa gets worse--more poverty, more disease, more hunger, more senseless killings, more monomaniacal despots. And now Africans-in-Africa are migrating en masse into Europa, bringing with them the usual pathologies.
One reason the Davey Blackburns of the world can get away with their ego trips is that there are other people who will bail them out. He could call the cops, there are church groups which will give him a platform for status signalling, no doubt he can find another woman to marry and reset his life. Even in Africa, if things get too thick for YT la Missionary, one can yell for a special forces rescue (see Kolwezi).
As the Rising Tide of Color envelops more of the world, these rescues will become more problematic (see Benghazi). What will Davey Blackburn do the next time when he calls 911 and there is no answer 'cause the cops have been ordered to stand down so the home invaders have "space to protest?" Or his church group becomes 90% black and they refuse to give him a platform for his "white privilege?"
Where will his ego be then?
Where will he be?
The dilemma facing the white race is that the "Daveys" can get away with their virtue signaling only insofar as whites are in a dominant position, meaning being in the majority and having the will to act. But when whites are not dominant, there will be no one to bail him out, and no one who will care about how morally superior he claims to be.
Something to think about in the coming insanity...
People, can you feel it? It's all around us... the end of PC and all the sh*t that came wth it. Trump has released an enormous energy. It's Ok to say what you think now. Say No to mentally ill freaky f*gs who want to dress up as women and pee next to your daughters in public; say No to filthy savage n*ggers destroying your people and your communities, say No to the commies and other parasites surrounding us.
We're out and won't be put back in the corner. The final battle has become; join the surge...
But something tells me that people who take the Bible out of context to justify violence aren't really interested in context. Pastor Blackburn is a true follower of Jesus. He knows Christianity is all about love, not violence. He knows the context.
Hmmmm. So did Joshua and his men did not actually have the backing of God when he went on his warpath?
This completely pacifist view of Christianity conveniently ignores a lot of the Bible.
Basically I don't see why God cares if Whites fight for their families and bloodline. He supported Joshua's mass killing for Israel so why should Whites roll over for their enemies?
The world is a system of struggle. It's not a garden of eden and Whites have an inborn nature that is both rational and aggressive. Why are they supposed to suppress it? Why did God give them that aggression and rationality in the first place? So God created these survival skills and now we are supposed to turn them off because of Jesus.
I look at the world as it is and I don't think God would care if Whites wanted to re-colonize Africa. Modern Christianity and liberalism claimed that we Whites just needed to withdraw and the place would flourish. That didn't happen and never made sense because Ethiopia was never colonized and still had all kinds of problems.
Psycometricians through numerous tests have concluded that Africa is basically a continent of 10-12 year olds. So why would God care if we went back and colonized them? Why did he not give them European brains in the first place? I look at the world and I don't see a God that wants us to obsess over African inequality. I'm just not seeing it and if anything God might want Whites to colonize the place. We have tried paint theory based solutions and they have failed miserably. Should Whites be in touch with nature or not? Did God create nature or not? There is just a disconnect here with what liberals and Modern Christians would like to exist and how nature actually is.
Can anyone provide an update on where these negro killers are now? Roaming the streets on bail? Set free due to blackness? Laying around in some prison sexing each other up and smoking blunts? Set free due to some vague mental problem like psychopathic black personality disorder?
"If you can't deal with death and criminality without losing faith... Well, IDK, you really didn't get a good theological footing or have no intestinal fortitude, imo"
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but no intestinal fortitude?
Well, it's not a lack of intestinal fortitude to not worship a false god?. I myself never had any true belief in that superstitious drivel called the bible. I went to mass on Sunday mornings because thats how I was raised, but I had countless questions that "god"could never answer. No amount of prayer would bring an epiphany. My "faith" in that "god" was only a surface veneer.. So, I began to realize that this "biblos"-book is nothing but a manade creation to control the masses & chain the mind..
In the same way that the abrahamic religions, Judaism-Christianity-Islam would believe the ancient gods of the Egyptians, Greeks or Romans are "false gods", many of us including myself believe that the "god" of the Hebrew bible is a false god.. Once one throws off the mind numbing shackles of those book(s), the TRUE nature of the cosmos. Of life. Of beauty.. Of what is truly meaningful, will come to realization..
Some of us just need(ed) a trigger event to come to the realization of their-that delusion?
You would say we are the ones that are deluded, maybe it is you wo is deluded?. Maybe it is you who lacks intestinal fortitude by abiding by a false-man made creed?.. You would say that the bible is "the word of god". We would say, "it is not". Who is right then?..
Some of us have a mind that we actually put to use. It it not "heresy" delusion, or a lack of intestinal fortitude to actually use that mind & question..
A little OT:In his third hour today,Jeff Kuhner called out the Staten Island Home Depot worker,practically telling her to go back to Africa.The hour will be up on You Tube in a few hours.
"If you can't deal with death and criminality without losing faith... Well, IDK, you really didn't get a good theological footing or have no intestinal fortitude, imo"
Now that's just silly and disrespectful. Mark Twain said faith is believing in something you KNOW just ain't so. #11 and #13 X-Acto blades are very good for inflicting some vengeful pain on POCs
To defend yourself from attack is a biological imperative. It trumps all religious and secular prohibitions. Were this not so, no one here would be reading this. Somewhere in the past, at least one of your ancestors had to fight for survival. Keep that in mind, be aware, and respectful of your descendants, as well as your ancestors. Avoid all race mixing with the negroid. Your ancestors would never accept offspring tainted with damaged genes. Neither should you. As they say, I'd rather be judged by 12, than carried by 6. I see a lot of regulars have not commented yet, it's clear why. This story is like a train wreck. A train wreck caused by blacks throwing rocks at the engineer.
As if the crappy lumber and shoe shufflin' sales help wasn't enough! BOYCOTT!!!
We'll call them "tar barges" instead of oil tankers!
"But I don't think Christianity itself is the problem."
There is no such thing as "Christianity itself", and never has been. There's only Christianity as it is practiced, and Pastor Blackburn is practicing the only kind of Christianity around. It's the same as it's always been for 2000 years, open to anyone of any race. Even the Westboro Baptist Church (they of the "God hates fags" picket signs fame) wasn't brave enough to be racist, and didn't pretend the Bible supports racism. In fact, the sect's founder, Fred Phelps, opposed racism and was a veteran of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s.
I care little for what this man says and his repeated attempts to stay in the limelight while thumping his bible while his wife and child lay in their graves.
As long as the courts don't share his cheery forgiveness, it's nothing but an annoying news story. I can see the confused looks on the murderer's faces... "Do dat mean we can go home?"
No, gentlemen you get to spent the rest of your life in some supermax somewhere. If there was something other than law, you'd be taken out and dealt with.
Justice is either at the scene or not at all. The rest is law.
I do not believe Davey is straight. His reaction to/behavior regarding his wife's brutal murder is absolutely not normal. He does not look like an actual male. I believe him to be a narcissistic asexual or gay male whose main goal has always been to start his own television bible-thumper ministry. His first and only love is himself. I am certain. His wife and children are/were image props. The wrong parent was killed. I wish Amanda's family could get that poor little boy away from him. Davey disgusts and enrages me. I'd like to kick him down a long flight of stairs. Now that's normal.
NJ Woman
P.S. The 3 negroes should get the same treatment they gave Amanda and her unborn child. Hell would freeze over before I forgave them
Every time this murder is referenced on this website, the author should post the 3 mugshots of the perpetrators. Hearing that they are all black is not enough; one needs to look into the eyes and see the faces of these monstrous sub-humans.
Note their prominent negroid features: Natural features such as the pre-homo sapiens brow on Larry Taylor (take notice that I do not refer to them as "Neanderthals," because Neanderthals were only found in Europe, and I would confidently guess that Neanderthals had more intelligence and compassion than their African counterparts); the over sized lips on Jalen Watson and Diano Gordon; the large, inhuman nose on Jalen Watson; and each one of the murders have eyes that are very close together which is suspected to be an indicator of a violent and/or antisocial personality. And then take notice of their unnatural negroid features: an unruly beard on Jalen Watson, indicating that he has no concern about how society views him. And everything about the head of Diano Gordon indicates he has absolutely no concern about how society views him - to the point of being laughable.
Ultimately, one must not only hear about these creatures but also view them. Are animals like that what disillusioned liberals want to prevent police from aggressively deterring and potentially (hopefully) eradicating? Creatures like that should be able to live side-by-side with more evolved non-blacks? Those aren't humans: they are, as I have been saying, sub-human creatures.
How do I know this? I live in Detroit, which if you are familiar with the statistics listed and many posts on this site related to my city, is full of negroids who continue to bring the city down. When I drive through the city and pass liquor stores, bus stops, and street corners, I can look out the window and see a handful of black men who look exactly like the creatures who killed Amanda Blackburn.
I am reminded of the sub-human features and behavior of blacks daily because of where I live. But for my non-negroid brethren who live in white communities (I envy you) and who are lucky not to have to see a negroid walk down their street, they need to visually see pictures of these animals so the inferior nature of the blacks really sets in.
A little off the current discussion and a little to the previous discussion. Never, and I mean Never , have I heard one person, black or white , stand up in public and say out loud that blacks ruined Detroit. Not the blacks that ruled over the city nor the blacks who lived in, and roamed the city. This is so difficult to watch. People can tout the wonders of the 5 miles between mid town and downtown, but Detroit is 144 square miles. It is a hell hole and now many of the surrounding areas are infested with this rot. Michigan is on the hook for Detroit and Flint. To all you former Michiganders who escaped to better pastures, nicely done!
How do I know this? I live in Detroit
Are you there for work? Just curious why a non-deluded White would live there.
Funny that Davey forgives these trashy heaps of scum. You can bet if they ever stand before God, He will tell them to go to hell. No forgiveness there!!
Hello my friends.
When dealing with negroes, it’s best if we understand that we are not dealing with people who think the same way as we do. Not only are we all outwardly different…but we are also hard wired differently in our ability to reason, in our ways of thinking, and in our approaches to life in general.
The negro mindset, as we all know, is not like ours…it’s as though it’s almost diametrically opposed to our own European mindset. Quick to anger and easily insulted, blinders quickly cloud any sense of logic, causing the negro to be irrational, vindictive, and often unapproachable.
And should a White person even dare to portray himself as a victim on par with the imaginary suffering of the negro, rage festers within in them until it becomes unleashed into a tirade of malevolence.
Tolerance…a word which has been drilled into our collective White minds…is in a foreign tongue for the negro. They can no more understand the meaning of tolerance than they can understand the meaning of accountability…or responsibility. Such concepts are not of part of their innate skill sets.
They are not particularly adept to games of intellect such as chess…but there are 2 games at which they far exceed our own innate European abilities…basketball and the blame game. And in the blame game, they are the world champions who exceed all other players…they are the Mount Kilimanjaro gold medalists.
But…as with everything else, there are exceptions that lie beyond the norm. So, of course you will encounter the occasional negro who is reliable, honest, hard working, pleasant, and a person of integrity. But they are but a small minority.
Although my heritage is at least one half southern European, my looks are surprisingly deceptive. I’m a light haired White European male with green eyes. And as a European male who lives within miles of a negro territory comparable to the Zulu nations, I can offer only one sound piece of advice: If you can, avoid them.
But if you can’t avoid them, then keep in mind that you’re dealing with a subset of humanity that is much different from the rest of the world. It’s not a cultural difference…it’s not a religious difference. It’s a genetic difference which in turn created a huge cultural divide.
With certainty, though, I feel that with time we…the sons and daughters of Europe…will once again prevail. But should I be wrong, our counterparts in far eastern Asia will carry the reigns. The negro is incapable of attaining and maintaining world control.
Keep mindful…keep watchful…and most of all keep the faith. And always remember, White Philadelphia is on our side.
Philadelphia Mike
I do not believe Davey is straight. His reaction to/behavior regarding his wife's brutal murder is absolutely not normal. He does not look like an actual male. I believe him to be a narcissistic asexual or gay male whose main goal has always been to start his own television bible-thumper ministry. His first and only love is himself. I am certain. His wife and children are/were image props. The wrong parent was killed. I wish Amanda's family could get that poor little boy away from him. Davey disgusts and enrages me. I'd like to kick him down a long flight of stairs. Now that's normal.
NJ Woman
I agree with you. There has always been something very unsettling about him. Aside from being almost repulsive to look at, there is a gut feeling that I get when I see him that sends out red flags.
He might be gay. He might be bisexual. I don't know. But there is something definitely wrong.
are the killers in jail?
"Fred Phelps, opposed racism and was a veteran of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s."
Freddie Phelps is an old-timey flim-flam man. Christinaity, whatever that ends up being, is just a basis for his operation. Nothing more. A bit of elementary dog-whistling with the God Hates Fags thing...easy enemy, and some antagonism of VETS for Lord-knows-why, but no substance or confronting of real issues. Its just "looks-at-muh" in White format. He and his kind (Hagee comes to mind) are another enemy within.
A sermon I once heard from a Baptist preacher when I was young . I don't remember it verbatim.. But here is the gist.....
All i know in my heart is God created myself , my wife , and my children. He told me to turn the other cheek. I have done so many times for posterity and prosperities sake.
My lord never asked me to sacrifice the lives of his children which he gave unto my charge on earth.
Woe unto him who harms my wife or child. God can have their soul when I am finished with their body.
Orcs shooting Humans is an epidemic. We must stop it.
Ideas? How about a death or life sentence for committing a crime with an unlicensed handgun? And enforce it with extreme prejudice in high crime areas. This would scoop up most nasty orc males. Good start.
Mr. Trump, get on it Sir!!
Other ideas we can suggest...?
I do not believe Davey is straight. His reaction to/behavior regarding his wife's brutal murder is absolutely not normal. He does not look like an actual male. I believe him to be a narcissistic asexual or gay male whose main goal has always been to start his own television bible-thumper ministry. His first and only love is himself. I am certain.
This is similar to what I thought when I saw his reaction. Definitely narcissistic and probably suppressed or hidden homosexual. Confused at best.
Liberals like to believe that gays are like a secret society that no one can identify. But you if have lived in a liberal city you learn to spot them, even if they try to pass themselves as straight. There are just certain tell-tale signs that are common among them and they will hit too many of those signs.
Davey hits many of the signs including
1. Properly fitting clothes and primped hair in every picture and for every occasion. Straight guys might dress up for work but they will not spend 60 minutes making sure they look pretty enough to have a drink at Applebee's.
2. Lack of pictures of them kissing or putting their arm around a woman, especially if they have a wife or girfriend.
3. Lack of pictures of them in common male interests (sports, fishing, hunting, cars, fixing things,etc).
4. Gym membership but not a muscle head
5. Drives a convertible
6. Odd reactions involving relationships with women, avoids them when possible
Not all whites have the means to get out, ya know.
"Also, keep in mind that just a few hours later when Peter draws one of the swords at Jesus' arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, slashing the ear of Malchus, one of the priests' servants, Jesus rebukes him saying: "Put up again thy sword into its place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword."(Matthew 26:52)"
Was this a commandment to YOU or instructions to his disciples at that moment? ..... context indeed.
Matthew 7:6 is rather revealing:
"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you."
This seems to be a direct admonition to those Daveys of the world (and indeed a constantly fulfilled prophecy as to their inevitable fate) who would continue to "convert" or "save" savage wild animals who do not wish salvation (and likely have no souls to save in the first place).
This is from the "Sermon on the mount" which IMO is the core of Christian philosophy, and in a homogeneous (all white) society it is a great set of principals with which to work.
I agree with you. There has always been something very unsettling about him. Aside from being almost repulsive to look at, there is a gut feeling that I get when I see him that sends out red flags.
That is why many people thought he did it. At WaPo all the liberals were betting that he'd be arrested. They were confident as always that their instincts were correct.
But I knew he didn't do it once I read about where and when it occurred. It was just too stupid and unplanned for a pastor.
A daylight home invasion in Indy on a small middle class home that had zero indication of having any valuables and leaves a pregnant White woman murdered. Yea must be the pastor. Do libs ever get tired of being wrong? Or do the delusion fuzzies just wipe that away?
Every time I see a young white male, strutting or driving around, with his baseball cap turned sideways, pants sagging, Drake playing on the radio, I want to walk over, straighten his cap, pull up his pants, and slap some sense into him. I could see trying to imitate a superior culture- but this?? What could they possibly be getting out of this?? Don't they know that their black homies would desert them at the first sign of trouble- that if the black homies had to make the choice between a hard working, responsible, tax paying, law abiding white person, or a black criminal, usually with a long rapsheet, dey be backin' dey black bruthas play every time?? They would stab white boy in the back in a hot second. WHY are white "men" doing this?? What is the payoff?? And yes, I know white women are dating black men because they think that it is "cool". What is "cool" about being left being a single parent, usually in pathetic circumstances?? What is the draw?? I just don't get it.
Back in the day, there was such a thing as community "shaming"- of criminals, unwed mothers, etc. These days that has been politically corrected out of existence. How DARE you make someone accountable for bad choices. Sometimes the shaming was overdone, but most of the time, it served a purpose- to put a spotlight on bad behavior and keep it to a minimum. It was a tool used to keep the "civilized" part of our civilization. Guess that is not a priority any longer.
L in Atl hell
Jonathan Swift, not Oliver. My bad.
May 20, 2016 at 5:41 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I don't get why your faith would die. you are the ultimate victim if you let these three demonic slugs rob you of that.
May 20, 2016 at 5:42 AM
P.S. - Great point above- why let them rob us of ANYTHING?? Sanity, peace of mind, lawful society, money, time.....
I don't know how you do it, PK. I think this story has given me PTSD....
Stay alert, stay alive.
I looked up where they lived vs. the Racial Dot map - http://demographics.coopercenter.org/DotMap/
Check out Indianapolis at the intersection of W. 38th St and Lafayette Rd. There's a tiny sliver if white surrounded by blacks (they lived at the edge of whiteness). WTF were they thinking living there? Why did they leave their doors unlocked? Hubris, naivete, politics...? Just so idiotic.
I am a "wealthy" man:
For all you Christians (or even Jews & Muslims)
I offer $10,000,000 dollars to ANYONE who can prove the existence of "GOD".
PK has my email.
The presence of evil in the world, no matter how terrible, can be destructive to faith. Or, on the other hand, such terrible evil can restore and refine faith. Faith is not necessarily the "do-good/feel-good" modernized faith of Liberal Protestantism. Faith is an active force that should confront and overcome evil. This faith is worth preserving. This faith is worth possessing.
Sorry in advance for the profanity but I don't know what else to say. Fuck this attention whore with a splintery shovel handle. He is to a high degree directly responsible for the death of his wife and child. He should be eternally guilty and inconsolable in his failure. Instead, he milks it for the last narcissistic drop. He is as much in line for a bullet as those who murdered a better woman than he deserved.
"Was this a commandment to YOU or instructions to his disciples at that moment? ..... context indeed."
Jesus never tells is disciples to kill or do violence to anyone. His consistent message is one of love. Also from the Sermon on the Mount, which you claim to have read and understood:
27 But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,
28 Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.
29 And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also.
30 Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again.
31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.
— Luke 6:27–31 KJV
I compiled the good peoples here information into
Here is the list I found- gee, what do they all have in common?
Hell, I can name you five without leaving my own state!
1. Newark
2. Passaic
3. Camden
4. Trenton
5. Atlantic City
Sadly, I must add the following to your NJ formerly lovely, but now negro-infested violent hellholes list
East Orange
New Brunswick
The Plainfields
I'll take your five and raise you five.
1. Detroit 2. Flint. 3. Saginaw 4. Pontiac. 5. Muskegon.
Jersey ain't got nothin on Michigan.
St. Louis
Kansas City [which one? or both?]
--- Hmmm, wonder why Portland and Seattle didn't make this list?
Off topic but a somewhat humorous news story. Negress busted for shop lifting, the funny part is her reason for doing so. Can't make this stuff up, oh and added bonus, note her name!!
"The ingrained mental pathology of this race and their community. They have a corrupted belief system unable to discern the facts in any situation. No matter what the facts of any case in which a black person is at fault or is to blame they play the victim card because they are unable to see themselves as the perpetrators. This is solely based on the color of their skin and the color of other people’s skin. They only see black in a black world and that color to them is always innocent no matter what the facts of the case say. Conversely, if you are white you are always guilty. Diseased and corrupt thinking. Utterly pathological. They excuse every wrong thing they do." Need I say more.
Hey there sports fans! Harry Caray here to do the Friday pre-game show for the weekend before Memorial Day. The skies are clear and the weather is expected to be quite mild, so grab yourself an ice-cold Bud and get the door, it's Dominoes! But first a recap of the Chicago season so far . . .
Year to Date
Shot & Killed: 215
Shot & Wounded: 1145
Total Shot: 1360
Total Homicides: 241
May to Date
Shot & Killed: 46
Shot & Wounded: 187
Total Shot: 233
Total Homicides: 49
Week in Progress (5/15 – 5/21)
Shot & Killed: 13
Shot & Wounded: 53
Total Shot: 66
Total Homicides: 14
And some special recognition is in order for the Chicago Police Department. Despite some turmoil amongst the management, during spring training, armed encounters with diversity resulted in a case of trigger mortis 4 out of 6 times, giving CPD an impressive .667 batting average. Marksmanship matters!
If it had been my wife and child, those three would have never lived to see the first day of their sentence, or, if denied the appropriate opportunity, they'd never see day two of freedom after having served their terms. That's what a man would do - to bad there aren't many of them left in America.
If a species of dog bit as many humans as blacks have bitten,there would be public outcry to elradicate the species.
Other than the animal right finalist not many would argue.
Well dcdunsets you comment seems rather cold. When I was young my grandfather who was a decorated WWI hero always told me that as a man it was my duty to protect women and children. In my life I have intervened several times on behalf of women and children it was clear to me that thy were in danger. A few times I put my own life at risk without a second thought. I never thought to ask any of them if they were running with a lying herd. Sometimes people find themselves in difficult situations through no fault of their own. Other times ( especially with the young) find themselves in desperate situations because they are naive and trusting. Whether it is indifference or cowardice the white cannot keep turning a blind eye to hate against our race.
Much Mike
Has anyone noticed that cars driven by black folks don't seem to have turn signals, especially in Metro Atlanta?
I think the husband has undergone a dissociative reaction. He undoubtedly has had such a profound shock his sense of reality has been reorganized. It is simple, really. Over the many years he will be alone he will spend many nights in deep self doubt, and may experience self hatred. He knows this intuitively. His " forgiveness " of the lunatics who killed his wife and child is self administered suicide prevention.
With his religious belief, I am sure somewhere inside his mind he is gloating at the prospect the murderers will burn in hell.
Shooting them in the head would be the easy part, but who would get to rape them?
Mich Mike
A former Arizona State feetsball player (negro) was arrested for sacrificing the family dog in a smoker to appease an angry god . While covering this story, a negro reporter was arrested for crapping on the lawn of a neighboring home. The tv station he works for has crapped, I mean clamped down on discussion about the matter.
You can't make this shit up. This story has all the elements of negro and media dysfunction.
All black people under the age of 60 get an automatic 10 years if they are caught with a gun, and any white killed by another race is an automatic hate crime.
I am an ordinary woman who just wants to know that I am safe because a man chooses to want to protect me if I am not strong enough to protect myself. This is a basic genetic fact in life. What the hell has happened?
I supported Don Trump mostly because I'm a Republican and I was going to support the Republican nominee whom ever he or she might be. But lately I've been feeling better about that. In my dreams I would like to imagine a President who would roll back school integration and abolish Affirmative Action. But while fully awake that doesn't seem likely.
Lately Trump has given me hope for better times. Yesterday a plane on its way to Egypt was lost. Trump went on the media and announced that it was probably a terrorist action. I did a chest bump and yelled "Yes!" For almost eight years we have endured the Obama administration interpreting everything in a manner that was so very fair to the Muslims. So in a period when we are at war with Islam it is exhilarating to simply assume that it is the action of our enemies rather than it is some bizarre mechanical problem.
I give Mr. Trump high marks. We need the Muslims to tremble when they contemplate what we might think of them. We need them to be eager to investigate such incidents lest we draw the wrong conclusion and blame them. Currently no one fears the bad opinion of the US. Time to turn that around.
I am not a Christian, bur have gone over a fair amount of the new testament. I am always surprised at when (and in face booking less and less) people post liberal weenie stuff re: Christianity. Lust is equated to actually cheating on your wife, anger is likened to murder... And the whole thing about homosexuality, drinking to excess and gambling are all things to keep one from heaven. What people (not me) need is OLD TIME RELIGION, the real kind. As long as they leave me alone, they should look at the basis of their faith, Judaism, which stoned adulterers, queers, witches and gave a lot of instructions from a loving God to its people who acted like jackasses through the centuries!
What to do about this summer's black riots? Maybe there won't be any black riots - but most commenters think there will be. Me too.
The groups than benefit from riots are still strong. The Black Lives Matter folks have recently suffered the revelation that one of its leaders is a pimp. Yet the Mainstream Media seems intent on hiding this fact.
If in August we have a Ferguson-like event there will be pressure on Donald Trump to comment. I imagine his advisors are stewing over that eventuality right now. Hillary who can only be elected if she wins a large plurality of blacks, will likely defend what ever the blacks do up to perhaps cannibalism.
I'm hoping that Trump mans up and denounces the rioters. Me - I'd order live ammo to be issued. But I'm a little more advanced in my thinking.
It should be an interesting summer.
I have always said Negros are a different species than homo sapiens. Scientists have always said that if animals can successfully breed with one another then they are of the same species. It was always contended that human evolution was like straight line with one species of human evolved to replace the one before. In the last decade or so it has come to light that there were at one time at least three and as many as six different species of humans on the earth at once. Three of them are homo sapiens, Neanderthal, and Homo florecis. We know that Neanderthals interbred with homo sapiens. Today the different species of humans are called races when in fact they are different species or at least different subspecies.
We know that wolves, dogs, and coyotes are all subspecies of canine, they can all interbreed. When a dog interbreeds with a wolf what you wind up with is more wolf than dog. They may lick your hand one day and bite it off the next. The same is true with whites interbreeding with blacks. By bringing the black man into the white mans civilization they have created a race of perpetually needy humans. Out of their natural environment they cannot survive without receiving handouts or resorting to pillaging. Without us the American negro would cease to exist. Wild animals belong in the wild. We don't want people to have lions, tigers, or wolves as pets not only because they're unpredictable, but also because of the difficulty of returning them to the wild once they have gotten used to handouts.
Mich Mike
There's hope yet!
Duh!! And the folks behind bars need to be the n*ggers!!
Trump VP material??
The blacks have become the privileged race. Everything is handed to them without question.
"Davey Blackburn took to Instagram to post a poignant note..."
Yes, and did you notice that within his single written paragraph, there were a total of 11 "I's" and "me's." Does that make a statement or not?
A lot of commenters are unloading on God as either being an uncaring creator or non-existent all together, and base their feelings on such monstrous acts as we are now discussing, or on the seemingly senseless suffering of loved ones from cancer and other diseases, or (and this one hits me the hardest) the death of children before they've ever had a chance in life.
Do I know the answers to all of the above?
No, not any more than anyone else who has not yet passed over.
I could tell you of a personal experience that has convinced me beyond doubt, that something awaits us after this life. And if that is true, then the concept of intelligent design is valid. But that's what I believe. Everyone has to try and make logic out of the seemingly illogical.
I will say this: in almost every story commented on on this site, there is typically a belief that genetics is the fundamental blueprint that determines much of our make-up. If genetics applies to blacks, it follows that it applies to everyone.
Hence, people disposed to cancer will die of cancer, those disposed to heart desease, as I am, will die of heart disease. Children born with serious genetic problems may die of them. We tend to put labels on death and disease as being something "bad" and there is no doubt that sometimes good people suffer terribly. But it is not a question of bad. Or good. It just is. It's in our genes and in our lifestyle.
No, I'm not much for religion, but I do believe there is something after this life. We are forms of energy and energy, I am told, cannot be destroyed, only altered.
Davey Blackburn puts closeted homosexuals in a very bad light. He makes his ilk look wimpy and submissive and weak.
What's the male equivalent for a mud shark? What would you call a white male who has sex with black males?
I have to ask a question of the neighbors who heard two gunshots and then a woman scream. Why didn't you call 911?. Maybe they didn't want offend anyone by making a snap judgement. Or is it indifference to others problems. Maybe they didn't here anything at all but couldn't resist putting their two cents in when the tv cameras showed up. Whatever it was it's yet another sign of how "irredeemable" society is.
Michigan Mike
Hi ya'll,
Down heah' in Louisiana, back when I grew up, never mind the State Penalty for Murder "Ol' Sparky," the penalty for "RAPE" was "DEATH" either by "Ol' Sparky" or the relatives of the person you RAPED!!!! If the "State" got ya' first, you were lucky......at least ya' got a last meal!! Those were the days!! 'Sure miss 'em!!
May God Bless Florida Parishes Justice!!,
(That part of Louisiana east of the Mississippi River and north of new Orleans)'
skybill- locked and loaded!!
Davey hits many of the signs including
1. Properly fitting clothes and primped hair in every picture and for every occasion. Straight guys might dress up for work but they will not spend 60 minutes making sure they look pretty enough to have a drink at Applebee's.
2. Lack of pictures of them kissing or putting their arm around a woman, especially if they have a wife or girfriend.
3. Lack of pictures of them in common male interests (sports, fishing, hunting, cars, fixing things,etc).
4. Gym membership blahblahblah................................
Oh for F**s sake. Telltale signs? Seriously?
Trump, please bring back the death penalty. Please. And no long waiting times; the nog gets a couple months max to prove he dindu nuffin. Then it's the firing squad.
ot: can we set up a pastry company that makes the best muffins and call it Dindu?
Dindu Muffins
A deluded contributor said: "I live in the safest big city in America; Austin, Texas. Want to guess why it is so safe?"
Sorry to burst your bubble, Tex. Austin is just another upstart shithole suffering from an overabundance of oh-so-trendy millennial libtards. As for violent crime, ...
"The crime data reveals that the overall Austin, TX crime rates are 33% higher than in comparison to the Texas mean and are 53% higher than the nation's mean. In regards to violent offenses, Austin, TX has a rate that is 2% lower than the Texas average; compared to the United States, it is 8% higher than. Looking at crimes involving property, Austin, TX is 37% higher than its state's mean, and 60% higher than the country's average."
There are many people who practice various forms of Christianity. They probably read a book called the "Bible" which was written a long time ago by various people. There are two parts to the bible. The old testament and the new testament. In the old testament God was the God of the Hebrew people. This was a tribal God and this God chose the Hebrew people as his people. This God looked out for and commanded His people above all others. This is the Old testament.
Then Jesus came along and decided that God's laws and words were no longer to be tribal (nationalist,racial) but instead were to be non-racial (international, all people included). This is the New testament.
So don't get confused between the two. Jesus came along to bring the word of God not only to the Hebrews but to all humankind. And that's where it gets confusing.
I look at the bible as a tribal social history book, nothing else nothing more.
A person can read anything they want into it. It all depends on what version of that religion one was born into.
BTW a good book on the beginnings of Christianity is Paul Johnson's "A History of Christianity". A good look as to who really was most responsible for itz start.
Just for kicks read the "Book of Mormon".
I taught my wife to shoot, got her to practice regularly, and a CCW permit. God help the dindu that messes with her. He (and his pals) will get two to the chest and one to the head. She can do a head shot, on demand, at 30 feet. Amazing woman. If you care about your family you will train them to use weapons properly and be merciless with their attackers.
Anonymous sez
"Davey hits many of the signs including
1. Properly fitting clothes and primped hair in every picture and for every occasion. Straight guys might dress up for work but they will not spend 60 minutes making sure they look pretty enough to have a drink at Applebee's.
2. Lack of pictures of them kissing or putting their arm around a woman, especially if they have a wife or girfriend.
3. Lack of pictures of them in common male interests (sports, fishing, hunting, cars, fixing things,etc).
4. Gym membership but not a muscle head
5. Drives a convertible
6. Odd reactions involving relationships with women, avoids them when possible"
You forgot
7. Owns guns
8. wears pants
9. wears shirt
10. drinks alcohol
PS; I'm joking
I a world where the perfect victim is removed, Davey Blackburn would be in the headlines and his Wife and two children would remain. As it is only the son has a chance to find a Utopia. His useless father can only help to drag society down.
This is such a tragic and horrible story.
Far more important than any Trayvon Martin et al.
My condolences.
I, having spent decades of my life studying "religion" since I was 16, will claim the BEST book on the origins of Christianity is:
THE SIGN: by Thomas de Wesselow
I believe the reason for that is it's an option.
Cheers! 🍻
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Has anyone noticed that cars driven by black folks don't seem to have turn signals, especially in Metro Atlanta?
May 20, 2016 at 6:23 PM
Oh, yes- and if you use your turn signal, black people will slow down on purpose to keep you from making progress. Yesterday, I was turning left at a 4 way, and a black man that was stopped at the same time flipped on his left turn blinker. Great - we are both turning left-right?? Except I live near the ghetto, and I knew that he had only turned on his blinker to try to hit the ghetto lottery. Sure enough, he did not turn and came straight across- if I had turned left, I would have t-boned him, and since he had 2 people in his car, and I was alone, I know he would have told the cops that it was my fault. BINGO ghetto lottery!! 2 black women tried this same tactic a few months ago- laughing hysterically as they came through the stop sign- without even stopping. If some 6th sense had not warned me, I would have turned right into them. This is in ADDITION to constantly having to get in the left lane to pass them walking in the middle of the road- EVEN when sidewalks are available to them, all the while praying that no one hits you from the back if you can't pass on the left and being forced to go 5 mph, or pray no car is coming the other way when you pass on the left. Most times, they look back and see you, and slow down, most of the times laughing. It is maddening. You have to drive VERY defensively in the ghetto- dey always be lookin' out for a lottery. At YOUR expense, of course, even if YOU are in the right.
L in Atl hell
"I'm not much for religion, but I do believe there is something after this life. We are forms of energy and energy, I am told, cannot be destroyed, only altered"
Excellent point, & I wholeheartedly agree..
The cosmos & existence is far, FAR grander, more magnificent & more compelling than anything ever thought up in some religious book. If people (white people) would just for a moment, realize the grandeur of that existence, that WE, above all peoples, have been granted the keys to the unlocking of that cosmic grandeur.. Of finding that "cosmic intelligence".. Just stand in an open field, on a dark moonless night, see that starry canvas. Maybe, we'll all start to put things into perspective?.
If we would just stand back & SEE. See that we are far more than what is encapsulated by the "words" of Yahweh. The petty, trite, jealous, genocidal, psychopathic, humanity hating "god" of the Hebrew bible..
Wake up white man. That "game" on Sunday is MEANINGLESS.. About time you realized that. And when you do?, you'll be amazed at the "doors" that open in your mind..
Mich Mike no one cares about your personal taxonomic definitions. Sorry.
If it's any consolation no one cares about what I say on taxonomy either. But I at least try to stick as close as I can with accepted terms - not my own theories.
Negroes are not a separate species. No taxonomist thinks so. By the rules such as they are negroes are a subspecies of man. There are about ten subspecies (races) of human. Chimps have four races and gorillas two. Bonobos used to be considered another chimp race but quite recently were promoted to a full separate species.
The line between a subspecies and a species can be fuzzy. Usually biologists count the ability to interbreed as critical but the only reason bonobos don't interbreed with chimps is because they can't swim. Chimps are north of the Congo River and Bonobos south. Or consider lions and tigers. They are different looking and different behaving but they are inter-fertile. They yield ligers and tigons. As I remember ligers can have cubs.
So taxonomy is messy. Your mistake is that you are trying to use the classifications as moral terms. If you are too uncivilized you call them aa different species. Black people are among the great losers in life. They are infantile, barbarous, and annoying. I can hardly wait until they are all gone. But they are not a separate species.
I used to have a FIAT. It was an 850 Spyder. It was a lovely little car but it was total junk. It fell apart even as I drove down the road. It was like one of those cars in a Transformers movie. It transformed from car to junk while you watched. I could have defined it as a non-car because it was so bad, but in fact it was a car and there was nothing to be gained by avoiding the fact.
If you want to be respected as a race realist - use standard terms in standard ways.
You are surrounded by liberals who will be quick to attack you. Don't give them more ammo.
What good did faith bring Amanda Blackburn? And as the AZ Ray stated, his mother was an extremely kind, loving women and died an agonizing, slow death from cancer at the young age of 51. She kept her faith in her "god" until the very end. She probably begged "god" with every part of her being to save her life. She died anyway. So what is to be gained by keeping one's faith.
If someone is staunch in his/her belief in the god portrayed in the bible,that is fine. But if one believes that god has the great powers proclaimed, one has to admit that God is a sadistic s.o.b.
Friend, I have read the Book of Mormon and have decided that if it had been published in the late 20th century instead of in the 1830's it would bear the imprint of Marvel Comics.
They used to burn a few negroes like this guy in the electric chair, and the fear of the electric chairs warm embrace helped many wild negroes keep their inner chimp in check. (The negroes used to fear the chair as non beleivers used to fear the inquisition)!
I've always been a very spiritual person but if this Blackburn creep in any way exemplifies Christianity I want no part of it
and consider it an enemy of decency.
Fortunately I know that for the better part of 1900 years Christians DID NOT think this way. They didn't bend over
for the Turks or anyone else invading and raping their lands.
When tragedy strikes American families how many times have you seen people like this Blackburn
elbow his way in front of a television camera for their sick 15 minutes of fame?
It even happened at Sandy Hook. Anyone see how that one father was laughing one moment
then turned on the tears as soon as he faced the cameras?
His daughter hadn't even been buried. I don't know what to make of all the conspiracy stuff surrounding that event but it
was damn weird!
Hell, my father died after a long illness. My family had months to prepare and we still grieved for days afterward.
Not these shit heels though.
Negroes are not a separate species. No taxonomist thinks so. By the rules such as they are negroes are a subspecies of man. There are about ten subspecies (races) of human. Chimps have four races and gorillas two. Bonobos used to be considered another chimp race but quite recently were promoted to a full separate species.
The sub-saharan is only Homo sapiens sapiens by convention. The chimp and the bonobo can also produce fertile offspring. There's less genetic distance between Europeans and s.s. Africans.
It's safe to say that if Marxism did not rule academia, the African would be designated a separate species.
AZ Ray - "This woman, who I adored, died in agony from cancer when she was 49, I was 28. She kept her faith til the end. That is when I lost mine."
My condolences for your loss but honestly, did you think she would live forever?
I have colon cancer with an upcoming surgery, I don't pray to live but for the strength to die with as much dignity as I can muster whenever that may be.
It's an unanswerable question, why do bad things happen to good people, when ones focus is solely on this world.
Regardless, I can't help but think, this Amanda Blackburn, she did marry this cuck, it's a shame.
Ahhh, not who, but what would rape them. The possibilities are endless, broomstick, pvc pipe, re-bar, etc. Use your imagination, and I'm sure you can come up with so many other unique objects.
Christianity, so sorry to tell you, is a Myth.
Based on Egyptian Myths of resurrection, virgin births (there were thousands of Virgin Births in Egypt), and stolen BS from the Babylonians, etc.
There are over 16 "GOSPELS" but only 4 voted into the Bible at the Council of Nicea. Why? Because the 4 voted in were NOT eye witness accounts, like the Gospels of Peter, Judas, James and Mary. And.....why not?
Because the eyewitness accounts had NOTHING about a resurrection. Even the 4 "Gospels" voted into the "Bible" disagree about most of the history of Joshua ben Joseph.
"If you want to be respected as a race realist - use standard terms in standard ways.
You are surrounded by liberals who will be quick to attack you. Don't give them more ammo."
It's not really political, but cultural. Both "liberals" AND "conservatives" will try to signal their virtue by attacking anyone or anything they perceive as racist. Anyone with racist opinions, however artfully disguised, who wants their respect is making a mistake, for it's not going to be given to him. It's foolish to try to appease such an opponent by letting him set the terms of the debate.
Are blacks a separate species? The point is arguable, and was debated by Darwin himself in "Descent of Man". He narrowly decided to place them in the same species as whites, but he might have reached a different conclusion today, given genetic and behavioral evidence that was unavailable to him at the time. For a more modern analysis see also Oxford biologist John Baker's book "Race".
If the commentariat here is indicative of white nationalists, black people have absolutely nothing to fear. You pretend you care about actions, but actions in the modern world definitely carry greater consequence in collusion with others whose self-interest may intersect your own: This does not have to be an exercise in Machiavellian power relations--people come together where common interests intersect.
Can you tell me how belittling this Pastor is helping any cause whatsoever? Its obviously cowardly to attack somebody in this type of position; If you cannot see this, your knowledge of human relations is autistic.
My inheritance and common decency tell me not to belittle a man whose wife and unborn child were murdered--unless he did it! If you don't find his solution a sterling example of purified masculinity, who gives a merry bang at a spinning clam! To me your just glorifying the cowardly acts you pretend--at least in the abstract--to deplore. You make white nationalism look as petty and vindictive as somebody shooting someone for their sneakers and then bragging about it. Dignity is the way, brothers. Be better than the ones you condemn; not every call to dignity is a liberal trap, some Christian ruse a la Nietszche to castrate you with altruism toward the twilight of the species. Lead by example--don't do a home invasion of someone else's conscience gripped by the gravity of murder and loss.
Maybe hes a total fuck up on this one--grant him his humanity, and keep your anger focused on the perpetrators. And take a lesson from
2 Minute Alpha asks, "did you think she would live forever?"
His mother wasn't 89 or even 79. She was 49. We don't expect our mothers to live forever, but neither should we expect a woman of 49 to die at such a young age from illness in the first place, much less an excruciating death at that. Yes it happens, but to shrug our shoulders at it? Accept it as some divine plan?
"did you think she would live forever?"
Ask that question of Weston Blackburn.
May 23, 2016 at 8:24 PM Anonymous said...
"-Can you tell me how belittling this Pastor is helping any cause whatsoever? Its obviously cowardly to attack somebody in this type of position; If you cannot see this, your knowledge of human relations is autistic.
-Common decency
-Dignity is the way, brothers.
-Be better than the ones you condemn;
-Not every call to dignity is a liberal trap
-And take a lesson from...whom?"
Muh PR!!! Muh 'human relations'!!! Muh moral high ground!! Muh dignity! Muh common decency! Muh be the beter person!! Your autism!
It's too late. I have no decency left to give. I don't want moral high ground. Neither am I manipulated by liberal 'traps'. Are you?
"Your knowledge of human relations is autistic", says the likely Cruzbot.
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