First it was Trayvon Martin's hoodie...
Then it was news of a growing Black Lives Matter collection, complete with relics from the Baltimore Uprising...
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Irredeemable: The Smithsonian wants to exhibit the gazebo (pictured above) that Tamir Rice died in front of... of course, he's dead because he pointed a gun at cops |
Now this. [Smithsonian Looks To Reserve Gazebo Where Police Killed 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice, Michigan Chronicle, May 3, 2016]:
The Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History and Culture, set to open later this year, is looking to have the gazebo where a 12-year-old was fatally shot by police in 2014 preserved.
William Pretzer, the museum’s senior History Curator, asked the city to delay demolition of the structure in an email Monday. Tamir Rice was shot by police officer Timothy Loehmann after he and partner Frank Garmback responded to a call about a man in the park with a gun on November 22, 2014. Loehmann hopped out of the police cruiser as it was still moving, shooting Tamir less than two seconds after he arrived on scene.
Tamir was carrying a pellet gun. A grand jury failed to deliver an indictment to either officer involved in his death.
It’s unknown if the gazebo will be relocated to Washington, D.C., where the highly anticipated museum is being built, but the museum “is in talks with Black Lives Matter concerning options for preserving the gazebo, given its importance to African-American history,” reports:
Subodh Chandra, attorney for Tamir’s family, told last week that the family supported the demolition plan, and in place of the gazebo, would like to erect a “tasteful, modest” memorial to Tamir.
In an interview Monday, Chandra said the family also would support the relocation of the gazebo and its display in a museum exhibit.
Irredeemable.Tamir’s family recently received a $6 million settlement from a wrongful death lawsuit filed against the city of Cleveland. Demolition of the gazebo was set to begin this week. The museum has asked the city to hold off for 60 days.“Ms. Rice was interested in seeing the gazebo demolished and gone,” Chandra said. “But when she heard about this proposal, she understood the historic importance of (the gazebo) and was supportive of the concept if the museum is interested in acquiring it and will handle the matter in a tasteful and appropriate way.”
There is no other word.
As to the question of how we tolerated the insanity, the only answer we can logically give is: "Because to survive was the only means to eventual, eternal victory."
The Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History and Culture
African-American History and Culture...? OK, I'll bite. What is that culture?
We might look at the fairly stable black families, the jazz music, the respect for YT's law...all of which existed up until roughly 1954-65. But then what happened? Oh yeah. Breakdown of the black family. The rise of "rap." The gangbanging and the flashmobbing and the Long Hot Summer rioting. The Detroiting of every major city handed over to them. African-American culture in action from sea to shining sea.
Really, just about anything positive produced by blacks was the result of "American" culture being enforced upon them. Since the Civil Rites Revolution, the "African" part of the cultural equation has burst through to the daylight. As duly recorded on SBPDL, where you have Africans, you end up with Africa.
Be interesting to see how the museum exhibits work, in chronological order. They might show some reasonably well dressed African-Americans circa 1930 attending a segregated school. Then rioters torching a city block in Watts in 1965. Then flashforward to the 1990s with 'bangers in their colors about to embark on a driveby shooting, a diorama of the ruins of Detroit behind them. A typical 1990s 'hood classrom covered in graffiti, students assaulting the teacher while a drug deal goes down in the back row. Then close out with an audio-animatronic Tamir Rice pointing a gun at the museum patrons.
It would be most educational.
the family supported the demolition plan, and in place of the gazebo, would like to erect a "tasteful, modest" memorial to Tamir.
I don't support the museum or this gazebo nonsense, but at least the new monument shouldn't cost much. Cleveland's Parks Dept can organize a non-violent march, where volunteers from all over the city bring their dogs to the park to supply all the building materials. It doesn't even need to be handled or molded into a special shape, as the dogs will produce the most appropriate design, the natural way.
They will want the section of asphalt where St.Swisher(Michael Brown)dropped in Ferguson wont they? Surely the paddy wagon that the heroin junkie(Freddie Gray)killed himself in. Right? This museum will be visited by less people than could fit in the Gazebo.
You have got to be making this up. For the purposes of humor. Right?
The feds are dangerous. Far more dangerous than ISIS or any external threat.
If this museum had come out 40 years ago, the collection of artifacts might have been worthwhile. In 1976, items could have included things like one of Hendrix's guitars, or maybe an Olympic medal won by Jesse Owens or an early, hand-written copy of a speech by MLK. Now, the best they can come up with is the Hoodie of Trayvon and a Ginsu knife autographed by O.J. Simpson. Way to go, homie. Can't wait for the touring exhibit. Tickets available soon.
Hey, how about O.J.s bloody glove? Any museum of Africans achievement in America has to include artifacts from their long history of crime, and violence. Of course that would be a much, much bigger exhibit, requiring the construction of a huge exhibit hall. And an army of workers to catalog, and organise this collosal tribute to negro pathology.
Maybe Beyonce could writhe and twerk about smashing windows, and dancing on police cars. Kanye could showcase his ideas, maybe let visitors try the beta version of his autocorrect for emojis. We could see replicas of Al Sharptons two offices, which burned under suspicious circumstances, tragically destroying tax records that would prove his innocence, or more likely, incriminate him.
So why the big push to further enforce the image of blacks as victimns for posterity? How about a non-affirmative action college graduate? Or any real accomplishment, like real museums?
I never used to understand what PK meant by just needing to survive. I always thought that incredibly cynical and pessimistic. I could not have disagreed more, but now I understand exactly what that means and have concluded the exact same thing.
When an old dead hollowed out tree is on your property, figuring out a way to safely intervene can be an incredibly complicated task. Sometimes the best solution is to remove anything valuable for its proximity, let it collapse on its own, and begin the earnest removal in chunks after gravity, not humans, finally brings it down on its own. The dumbest thing to do is actively engage the tree and find yourself intractably beneath it when the cascade initiates.
We are simply past the point of being able to safely and orderly bring it down, so we just bide our time from a distance and wait for potential energy to finally become kinetic. We simply need to make sure we are intact for what comes afterwards. The truth is the meaningful fights already occurred before many of us were even born - desegregation, restrictive covenants, sane immigration policy, forced bussing, etc... - all surrendered mid-20th century issues.
All of this that you see now in the current arrangement is utterly unsustainable. It only continues because there are white people who continue to preserve some notion of what was once America. When they simply move out of the way, let it fall, the rebuilding process can commence in the ashes with race reality at its core.
"she understood the historic importance of" DOLLAR SIGNS, $$$$$$$$$$$$$.
That's what she understood!My god,this country and black people ARE INSANE!
Everything noteworthy of black culture and history could fit inside that gazebo.
Stay alert, stay alive.
How about the blunts from Mike Brown? The loosie, Eric Garner was selling? The weed from Dubose's car (Cincy)? How about a picture of Trayvon's gf, Rachel Jeantel?
How about the gun he pointed at the police? Do they want that too?
What a horror it would be for humanity if something were to happen to that gazebo! Egads! Like, if someone accidentally put their cigarette out near it and the ash...
Oh God, banish the thought! What a disaster for our country if we were to lose that treasure...
WTF!? You have got to be kidding me!!!!!
A more appropriate name for the museum would be the Museum of African American Grievances and they could host Grievance Tours- every school could have field trips there for young negroes so they could be further indoctrinated into their victim mindset and become more outraged, sullen and resentful than ever before.
Missing from the museum will be any displays noting the high crime rates of their communities, the number of bastards being born to single hoodrat momma's, and every stat on all other dysfunctions. There'll be no displays such as "This is how we lived before the white man gave us Affirmative Action jobs and put us up in Section 8 homes"~ a display of negro shanty towns and decrepit neighborhoods that makes any "hood" today look first class by comparison. Their failure to perform as a race will be glossed over utterly and completely. Also missing from the museum will be the stats on inter-racial crime showing blacks to be the main perpetrators. However, I suspect there'll be a Black Inventors section where blacks are given credit for creating everything under the sun only to see it stolen by the evil white man and a section entitled, "We Builted Dis Country!"
As for the Tamir Rice Gazebo, do you think they'll have a motion activated automated narrative that plays when anyone is present- A narrative that details how blacks are the main perps in committing gun crimes and how many black "youth" are responsible for the mayhem? Nah! There'll be nothing to indicate that anyone would ever have a reasonable suspicion or justified fear that another feral orclet was running wild with a gun. Instead, everything will be glossed over and all black "chirruns" will be portrayed as sweet, angelic beings that are constantly being done wrong and can be "kilt" fo' no reason at all jes' fo' bein' black. There'll be no stats on how many black children are killed by other black children or killed during drive-by's by black gang bangers. That just won't do.
Ah hell. Let's just cut to the chase and call it the African American Museum of Propaganda and Mythology and its logo can be a flying pyramid surrounded by negroes in Egyptian costumes.
It's all so third world negro, I can't stand it.
This kind of shit is just mind boggling to me. While we are at it let's add cigars for St.Brown, Skittles, Watermellon drink, and cough syrup for St. Martin. Let's not for get a good amount of heroine for St. Gray, and for all the kids getting shot for walking arounder with fake guns, wax figures of their missing fathers.
Think we should have this funded by the handout money given to the families of these "tragic incidents".
I have come to agree America is irreedmable.
They're trying to paint a picture that the angelic Rice was skipping and playing hopscotch in the gazebo before the cops randomly rolled up and gunned him down.
In reality, it was probably someone sitting in the gazebo that was either threatened directly and/or afraid for their life that called the cops because Rice was brandishing what they thought was a gun.
The museum is "highly anticipated", is it? I highly anticipate it to be the least visited museum on the Mall after about two years.
Wonder if that gun is going to be in the exhibit? And are they going to have the pre school picture of him there.....
"The Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History and Culture" is simply part of the black pacification program that's been going on for decades.....but it's never enough. 13% of the population is holding the rest of the country hostage....gibs us or we goan burn dis bitch down. This needs to end as placated the primitives only leads to more "demands"....not requests, "demands". Capitulation is taken as a sign of weakness to the Stone Age tribes.
Might as well build The Smithsonian National Museum of Monkey Shit.
Indianapolis. The thugs are just hungry. More programs.
MPD Retweeted
Troy Riggs @IMPD_Chief 19h19 hours ago
Indy teens told us-no one loves me/no one cares about my future/Hungry when school out/Concerned abt interactions w/cops #publicsafetyforum
6 retweets 2 likes
Indianapolis has a black youth violence problem. We have a diversity problem.
How much money will White people have to spend on this failed experiment?
Nonprofits, banks, the city mayor, universities, and local police join up with corporate sponsors, Dept. of Health, and Government, Inc. for the care and feeding of the negro race.
"Public/private partnerships."
"Community stakeholders."
Smash and Grabs me Dats TNB at the newly designed Macy's jewelry counter in 27.5% black Indianapolis.
The "unarmed" thugs used axes and hammers this time.
The Glendale Mall was another dead mall thanks to blacks. They broke up the mall into separate shops in the early 2000s to keep the black crime down, but it didn't work. What a mess this city is becoming.
"William Pretzer, the museum’s senior History Curator."
A variation of a good old Irish name. You'd almost think there was some sort of pattern here if you were allowed to think or speak of such things.
I hope that after we are restored to sanity we can actually keep this museum so that future generations can tour the real Smithsonian and Smithsonian Air and Space museums to see the accomplishments of white Europeans then contrast it to the "achievements" of the black Africans (riots, crime, violence, complaining, and meeting violent ends due to their own lawless and feral behavior). Let us pray that 100 years from now the halls of this "museum" will ring with laughter at the colossal failure of their entire sub-spthinkecies. A sign over the exit would be the final punchline reading "and people used to pretend that these creatures were human and just like us).
“She understood the historic importance?” The negroes perception of a confederate memorial or battle flag and understanding of historical importance is mind boggling. And we put these people in charge of our children in schools and colleges. In charge of our police, prisons, towns, cities, and governments.
What will be historically important to me? My headstone, I hope it reads like a German resistance memorial in Berlin, “You did not bear the shame, you resisted, sacrificing your life, for freedom, justice and honor.”
A journalist wrote “towering granite and bronze eyesore glorifying the nadir of America's past." In a newspaper about Louisville Ky’s removal of a confederate monument.
The history of YT is on the chopping block. Black history “ perceived by some black” is spoon fed to our youth while crammed down everyone else’s throat.
I have a few things to say about that gazebo’s historical value. Think anyone cares?
What a crock of shit! They're failures as a race, as parents and have an inborn violence disguised as "culture".
Common sense in all other races says don't point a gun at cops or you might die. For black parents it's "BINGO!".
Money, monuments, museum pieces?
America has lost its mind! And these are the policies of Obama that Hillary wants to continue?!!!
And for a Black History Museum? Blacks don't visit museums and nobody else wants to go look at condemned garbage.
When PK says America is irredeemable, I really don't want to agree with him, but he always has the proof.
Just. Keep. Surviving.
Gazebo gone bad!
What else will they be seeking perhaps Obama birth certificate?
PRETZER, William, Curator of History. B.A. (1972) Stanford University; M.A. (1976), Ph.D. (1986) Northern Illinois University. Research specialties: Labor and technology; the book and printing history; social history.
Bill's "research specialities" simply don't jive with an interest in negroes. Labor, technology, books?? 🙄 Now, if by social history he means the nonstop, escalating, widespread crime, violence and repugnant behavior of negroes since the 1960s, I see the connection.
If the gazebo is intended to serve as the museum itself, it is way too large and fancy.
NJ Woman
P.S. I can say jive, right?
For the museum, how about the preserved White fetus of the dead baby that died when the three feral buck n^ggers killed the Indiana pastor's pregnant wife a few weeks ago.
Preserve it in formaldehyde like that British artist did with the shark.
ot. you see Godlike Shitlord Alpha Male Trump on OReiily. Great line when asked about Vicente Fox inviting Trump to Mexico. Trump said ' Get your money ready vicente to pay for the wall. Ha! guy.s a real Man!
The guns that made these nogs "good" should be in the NRA museum and the cops that used them should be in the police hall of fame.
Texas here:
You know they renamed a street after Sandra Bland?
Just pathetic when your heroes aren't freedom fighters, but just people who were exceptionally rude and/or stupid around law enforcement officers (or armed citizens, as the case with St. Trayvon).
Pathetic excuse for a "race."
I have been to the Air and Space Smithsonian and I can tell you that Whites are Gods creatures. Carved wood and fabric by two bicycle repairmen started it all over 100 years ago. Many have died along the way testing new ideas and courageously going higher and faster and better that the last attempt. Dominating the room are two areas. One houses the magnificent titanium SR-71, the fastest plane ever, and the other houses the Apollo exhibit, which centerpieces the lander and the equipment of Apollo 11; the Space suits little more than advanced diving suits and the Lunar lander, a flimsy contraption of aluminum foil and explosive fuel.
And for the negro museum they want a gazebo that the negro didn't even build? Because it waved a gun (toy) at a police Officer and died there? It's a Guilt inducing mechanism for Liberal Whites, not an achievement. It is a Cargo Cult magic item for the deluded.
They are not like us.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
Wow, taking down southern flags, and southern statues. Changing the faces on the currency. Go ahead, rewrite history, personally I'd rather you rewrite current events. Stop shucking and jiving and behave yourselves. Get an education and clean your houses and the property around it. As far as I'm concerned, the Smithsonian can just throw a pile of garbage in the aisle, and there would be the monument to black culture.
I'm sure this "museum" will open later this year to as deafening a silence as there ever was. After the opening day hoopla, interest will plummet to the level that society currently exhibits.
The only ones who visit will either be lost, or mandated (i.e. involuntary subliminal indoctrination) by their grammar school as 'education', or trying to enjoy the air conditioning on a hot day.
Yes, indeed. The death of St. Tamir was indeed of "historic importance." Of course it was. So was that corn-encrusted turd I just flushed down the toilet.
How many other terms can be diluted or otherwise rendered meaningless, so as to elevate the ignorant negro?
Maybe the gift shop will sell facsimile chains? Keychains, of course.
This "eagerly anticipated" jigaboo sideshow has a lot of vibrancy to look forward to. Remember this?
11 May 2015 - Guggenheim museum in New York accused of racism after banning a mostly-black high school for life.
80 students from Science Skills Center High School in Brooklyn thrown out for disruptive behavior 20 minutes into visit
Student spat over side of museum's spiraling ramp and threw pennies from top of walkway (hit a security guard)
Group not appropriately supervised - put museum's visitors, staff, artwork at risk by 'touching artwork and throwing objects from ramps.'
Gallery's rules instruct visitors to speak quietly, not run and not disturb others.
Visitors complained about behavior of 'rowdy' students - one person requested a refund.
NJ Woman. (Had they made it to the gift shop, you can just imagine all the "purchasing".)
This is pure insanity, taken to the level of surreal art, while dutifully sponsored by the bottomless pockets of the taxpayer.
Another expensive affirmation that blacks are forever victims and that whites must bow upon the altar of guilt.
Much thought will go into the placement of the gazebo...
Well, let's see: The Sports and Entertainment gallery is full, so use the near-empty shelving in the Significant Black Achievements room. Or maybe the Support Law Enforcement wing...
"...handle the gazebo in a manner that is tasteful and appropriate." So they plan to burn it down?
What is next? A wall painting of Dr. Huxtable mixing potions in his lab?
Just makes the blood boil.
I'm waiting for the pendulum to swing back, but it may have already loosed its hinge and crashed through the case.
This routine about cashing in on a young, dead, negro buck is turning into a cottage industry. Big time pay day right there, mamma Rice! All of this makes me think of the past images of St. Emmitt Till, who terrorized and tried to rape a white woman back in the fifties. Negroes have a long, proud history of causing endless mayhem and violence. It is the one constant in a changing world. Negroes = chaos and destruction.
This gazebo is the most important cultural icon of this century so far. So sad that that young feller who would DEFINITELY found the cure for Cancer had to be gunned down DAED in an arrest gone bad...EverThang goes bad on'em /H hypie out H\
museum show is major propaganda.
The theme is 'see this, it is truth, blacks are killed by Whites' and in seeing it, it is encoded in the viewers brain.
heavy propaganda.
wheres the monument to the 5000? Whites killed by blacks each decade.
With room left to park a mid sized sedan.
That wasn't a Gazebo. It was the local primate exibit that Tamir Rice had escaped from.
"What else will they be seeking perhaps Obama birth certificate?"
That birth certificate "issue" was obvious agitprop. Does anybody think for a minute that the CIA/Secret Service/FBI/NSA cannot purchase ANY paper stock they like and 100% accurately forge any document or currency they like(or infiltrate a hospital and plant or create records)?
Forging documents and creating new and airtight identities is likely espionage 101. So why the dragging their heels for so long before "releasing" an obvious phony? In politics NOTHING happens by mistake. Was this one of the chains that kept the monkey dancing to the proper tune while the organ grinder played? The fact that anybody took either "side" of that seriously tells me that people just love to be entertained and will willingly suspend disbelief when an emotionally loaded show is put on for them.
"We are simply past the point of being able to safely and orderly bring it down, so we just bide our time from a distance and wait for potential energy to finally become kinetic."
Precisely my belief as well.
Also, my apologies to all for my slightly garbled earlier post, this new laptop has a really large touchpad and my palms often touch it as I type creating some issues.
I'm going to go out on a limb and presume that this "museum" is taxpayer supported (that would be us), and makes no pretense at being self funded. Aside from a few Al Sharpton types on opening day- who get in free anyway- and the usual DWL's trying to assuage their white guilt, who is going to pay to visit this pathetic place? Answer- almost no one.
Only guilt feeling white liberals will be paying customers, all of the nogs will get in free. A question.....Will human flesh and grubs be served at the snack bar, just like the homeland?
The gazebo can be a reminder what not to do if you're a young teenager or even an adult raising a toy gun with a piece removed. When this story first broke, the officer who arrive at the scene, saw a teenager with what appeared to be a 1911 being raised towards him. This was a rookie officer, put yourself in his shoes and you see what appeared to be a gun, will you ask questions or will you put down the threat? I was surprised by the award to the family. There's a lesson to be taught to young people, but the message is lost, because it falls to the victim narrative. We Blacks have to stop being the victim, we need to man up to our responsibility and failures. The liberals and the socialist are enabling blacks in their own self destruction. I think Donald Trump if he gets into the White House, maybe more conservative blacks like Michael Steel or a Ron Christie could push a more positive narrative for blacks. The likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and The Black Li(v)es Movement has done more harm to the Black community than the KKK. It all started with LBJ in the 60s, with the war on poverty. You who are over fifty may remember the White Man's Burden, it's not your burden anymore, it's our. If we don't change, we'll destroy ourselves. The stupid marches and preacher stunts will not stop the crime and violence in our community. After all the monies and special programs to help uplift blacks only made us more dependent and less self reliance .There's a need for a paradigm shift, a realization of our own shortcomings and a change in the way we do things.
Willie from Naperville
OT link to a pic that says it all.
Ironically probably the vast majority of visitors to the museum will be white.
Ha, so the "parents" hit the ghetto lottery through the sacrifice of their idiot son (for which they'll always be grateful). I don't think they give a shit what they do with the damned gazebo. Just pass the skrimps, top off that Courvoisier, and reload dat pipe G.
They've already been nibbling at the GoFundMe trough for a while now. "Car fishing" and playing cops and robbers with the real police have become viable options too I see.
I lived in DC and almost never saw any of our melanin-enhanced brethren in any of the museums I visited.
No words. Confederate emblems are desyroyed, history being rewritten to show how evil Whites are, White genocide through diversity lies, etc all done by racist communist terrorists. No one can stand up to it because of the totalitarian dictator disgracing the white house, and his evil minions of Lynch and Soros.
Soros is contributing greatly to Killary Clinton.
Those of you who HAVE NOT yet voted in your states Primary.....It is imperative you STILL VOTE. Trump still has to reach 1,237 delegates. It is not over. If Trump does not get the needed delegates there will be a contested convention. The Never Trump movement is organizing to bring in a third party candidate, and they are supporting the murderer Shillary Clinton.
Cruz and Kasich did. ...not....drop out. They suspended their campaigns which means the campaigns can raise money and the candidate can return to the race!
If you do not want 4 more years of Ovomitstan, loss of guns and other freedoms from Dictator Clinton then... Vote in your state Primary so Trump can get the needed delegates !!!!!
Please spread the information that people still need to vote in the Primaries to help Trump.
And the Republican traitors in Congress and the Senate need to be Primaried out when time for those elections. The Republicans have bent over for Obama while simultaneously licking his boots!!! The Republicans and Democrats are now one party. They are plunging us into a Third World hell hole, which is what Wall Street, Chamber of Commerce and K Street wants. Then totalitarian communism is next. Get rid of them!
In every country on Earth regardless of the law when you look at crime rate by race it is always the same.
Police are a worthless waste of my tax money.
The law is a bunch of bullshit.
Non American here, somewhat confused about the new trend of the crime shrine. Is it really unbelievable the negroe worship of crime and criminals. But what's insane is when government actively participates.
A replica of the honorable Reverend Jackson's lovechild, perhaps?
Maybe a list of autographs from all the women Tiger slept with while married to his white nanny?
A hospital bill from Mayweather Jr.'s ex?
Or at least we could have a tribute to Bill Cosby and the great example he set for black men throughout his life.
Bernie's mic from Seattle?
A smashed up police cruiser from Baltimore, complete with authentic cop blood on it among the concrete debris?
So far we have a plaque for St. Swisher and an empowerment center for Freddy Gray. Of course there is Trayvon's hoodie.
It's not just about the money. Of course it's almost all about the money and that's important. The way you can sue your way past anything you could make honestly is what makes America great for these people. The money is all out there, whichever white people it ends up coming from. But it is also all about the 'looks-at-muh' for the people of coloreds.
With money they can move out of that sht-hole and go someplace safer and less black while they force everyone to see a tribute to a teen that is honored for waving a pellet-gun (with all of the time and effort to remove the safety tip) at children and their families and then police officers.
This is how black people set the bar for themselves.
It might be worth pointing out that the cops who were called to the scene were fully aware that there was an individual who was "waving a gun around" at park patrons. They didn't just randomly arrive and start shooting. They followed protocol so yet again, blacks are wrong even if they all want to get together for some sort of angry tribal show of solidarity.
I wonder if we can also find a list of patterns (to blame on whitey, of course) that "plagued" these poor young teens:
Which ones knew or ever lived with their fathers? Did any come from intact families? What kind of criminal and juvenile records had they racked up?
Were their families a net drain on society financially?
If the white man can find a pattern we can all fix this. It is fixable and needs to be fixed, right?
I think Trayvon's Hoodie, Michael Brown's Swisher Sweets, Vonderitt Myers' sandwich, and even this silly gazebo could be in a meaningful exhibit, entitled "Props used by the BGI to sell the narrative that blacks are killed by whites for NO REASON WHATSOEVER.
That is worthy of a museum exhibit, because if the museum survives, whites will have survived, and Black-Run America will be over. The odds got a bit higher as of yesterday (Trump gets GOP nomination), but they're still pretty long. And, just as a museum exhibit dedicated to Ptolemy and other geocentric astronomers has merit, or an ancient map showing "here be dragons," an exhibit dedicated to showing the stupidity of 21st Century man has merit.
Something tells me that this isn't the direction they're going, however.
Breakout screenwriter-director Justin Simien is bringing Dear White People to the small screen.
Netflix has handed out a straight-to-series order for a comedy based on his 2014 crowded-funded movie Dear White People, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.
Dear White People
The 10-episode, 30-minute series hails from Lionsgate Television and will, like the film, follow a diverse group of students of color as they navigate a predominantly white Ivy League college where racial tensions are often swept under the rug. The series is a send up of "post-racial" America that also weaves a universal story about forging one's own unique path.
Simien will write the series and direct the first episode. Devon Shepard (House of Lies; Weeds), Stephanie Allain Bray (Dear White People) and Julia Lebedev (Dear White People) will exec produce the series, which will begin this year for a debut in 2017. It's unclear if any of the movie's original cast — including Tyler James Williams, Tessa Thompson and Dennis Haysbert — will return for the TV series.
EU to fine nations that refues rape ugees.
Put up or pay up: EC wants to fine EU members €250,000 per ...
EU member states could soon be charged hundreds of millions of euros for denying asylum to refugees if the European Commission has its way. TrendsEU refugee & migrant.
--von Coudenhove -Kalergi plan is now in full swing, with the dilution of national identity and racial mixing as its objective in replacing the indigenous European people.
The evil Frankfurt School, cultural marxist agenda must be laid bare before the non-thinking masses.
Even so-called "conservatives" are following this agenda - one need look no further than Dodgy Dave Cameron (pigs be upon him). We must resist at every opportunity, do not use their words, agree with their decisions nor take part in their charades.
london has a muslim mayor.
see Drudge
I forgot to add: they should also try to get Sharmeka Moffitt's lighter, Tawana Brawley's torn clothes, and Crystal Mangum's business card. Throw in all the hate crime hoaxes, why don't they?
Let's make a museum of artifacts starting with the hammers used to beat the white guy to death. Maybe a collection of spent shell casings from Detroit and Chicago and in a few bricks, some broken glass and a few charred embers from Baltimore and Ferguson and watts. A few pictures and hospital bills from Reginald Denny's beating.The home security video of the black guy beating the white woman in front of her kid. Maybe a few chimpout videos from restaurants and malls. Etc, Etc, Etc, We'll call it "Solute to diversity"
Smithsonian is totally pozzed. They've been hiring leftist sociologists/anthropologists/historians for decades now, and they've totally retconned US history. The last time I was in DC with my kids (9 years ago now), all the classic exhibits my older son had enjoyed 5 and 10 years before that were gone, and everything was about the Negro migration, the Japanese internment, and so forth. The victors write the history, and up til now, the left has been victorious because the right is infested with traitorous neocons or cucks who won't fight.
It'll be great to have all that Negro Grievance Porn in one museum. It'll be OUR turn to yell "BURN THIS BITCH DOWN!"
A sign over the exit would be the final punchline reading "and people used to pretend that these creatures were human and just like us).
That would be the only thing to make it worth keeping.
Have TV monitors placed everywhere in there showing reruns of "The First 48".
Absolutely, look at Crump and Park. They can't even put two coherent sentences together. BTW, the sheboon lawyer who conspired with those two just got suspended. Had to do with mixing personal expenses with clients, yeah, I know, big surprise.
Peanut butter and stop lights. The African American contribution to the USA.
A couple weeks ago a local jig (originally from Jamaica, father of seven) here in NJ was stopped at 2am Saturday night and decided to shoot it out with the cops. They shot him dead but the local minister "Buster" Soares wants to know WHY he was stopped and WHY information was leaked to the press about former arrests for drugs and a shooting incident. He wants a federal investigation. Local press treating it like he was a Navy Seal. No, that's wrong. Coverage was frontpage and more sympathetic than for the death of an American patriot. What wrong with me? Why even mention it? I act like this is 1982.
Why is this gazebo worth putting into a museum? Apparently it is a gazebo "gone wrong"!
How about the stroller the white baby was in when shot by a black? A rolling video clip of all the whites killed, maimed or raped by blacks since the 1960s. So many "artifacts" of black culture except they send a message I'm not sure the elites want sent. Sure hope the gift shop sells Swisher Sweets, Skittles, Arizona Watermelon drink, and realistic looking toy guns with the orange tips removed.
Blacks are infinitely worse than any other racial "minority", not even close. I truly believe their days are numbered and when the balloon goes up, it will be EVERYONE against blacks. Whites are indispensable to the well being of the country and asians and hispanics know it. Only blacks are ignorant enough to piss off the hand that feeds them.
Anonymous Proudyt said...
Peanut butter and stop lights. The African American contribution to the USA.
stop it ok ,afreakans had nothing to do with any invention,whitey already made it happen.
Go look at patents....afreakens are down the farthest on the list of patents.Whitey at number 1,2,3 , 4 and so on...afreakens number 2000 3000 maybe,who cares...afreakens just sat around looking at everything whitey invented and put to good use and afreakens were reinventing the wheel as it were.
Be honest other than pictures and memorabilia of singers/ musicians and athletes what else do they have to fill a whole museum ?
Black inventions ,literature and achievements could fill one small corner.
What a waste of my hard earned money stollen from me and spent on the most useless animal on two legs.
Gee I wonder if the American Indian museum installed a replica of a small pox contaminated blanket and a bunch of scalps in their museum how long before the goverment demanded they be removed as being in bad taste?
Yet at the negro museum it's al free for all.
Hey all you intelligent 'folks' at the Smithsonian museum. Pleases don't forget pictures of the decimated cities. Videos of drive by shootings. Photos of black children killed by 'bullets gone wrong'. Videos of elementary school hissy fits. The video of the mother with 13 children screaming "it takes a village ". Please show the store footage of mike brown shoving the Asian store clerk. So much to choose from. You could fill the whole museum with black dis function. Of course that would be politically incorrect. Idiots all!
I'm originally from the west side of Cleveland--where this rec center is located. 30-40 years ago, it was all white, and a very nice neighborhood. The Cudell rec center was known for its many classes for seniors-crafts, painting, pottery, etc.
Now da shitskins have taken over, including this 200 lb. "child" who was sighting in and aiming his realistic looking replica at passers-by. He wasn't "playing" like Opie and his buddies running around and playing with little cap guns. His ignorant ass got what he deserved. Thanks to him and his kind the cops are on edge-not a mile from there is where a white cop making a drug bust was ambushed and killed by a blackimal back in the late 90s-think the Cleveland cops are unaware of that?
I had a big meal tonight-tomorrow I plan to "manufacture" a free form sculpture of Tamir-in my bathroom. Think the museum might want it?
Mammy clearly knows how to work the hustle. Gibsmedat and looksatme in one go. Well done!
"Peanut butter and stop lights. The African American contribution to the USA."
What you meant was MURDER, RAPE, ROBBERY and MAYHEM, you're welcome:-)
Not even that. There were patents for both those products before the two jiggs given credit for them. Blacks haven't done jack sht despite what they claim.
Their culture on full display in all its glory.
As to your Obama birth certificate remarks, yes, there is no such document and yes, the controversy was used by the PTB to their advantage on both sides. Or as Tim Adams, the Elections Official said when asked on national television: neither side wants the issue resolved, and to quote Adams, "You are being manipulated." Since then Adams has been harassed by government and police like no ones' business, driven from every job he's held, and is reportedly dying from organ damage after someone at the University of Western Kentucky poisoned him. So telling the truth to the masses still gets you killed in America, and since Adams wasn't one of the rah rah "Murica" crowd, the Cucks had no use for him.
About the Netflix show "Dear White People"....
Why are blacks so obsessed with being viewed as elite? Notice the show is about the experiences of blacks at "Ivy League" schools. Now, we all know that less than .0000001% of blacks deserve or merit admittance to any of the 8 Ivy League schools. Blacks would do themselves well merely to graduate with a STEM degree from ANY non-black state-run university. Yet, they not only agitate for admittance to Ivy League schools, but bitch and moan the entire time they are there. Has anyone ever read Michelle's Princeton senior thesis? It is embarrassing. Again, it demonstrates a mental acumen that would be considered sub-standard at the University of Illinois-Chicago, where she's from.
Hey black people....don't like your Ivy League experience? Don't go there! God knows I would vomit at most of the douchebags I encountered there, and I'm white!
They want Mercedes, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, gold-grills, Dayton Wheels, Filet Mignon, crab legs, the Ivy Leagues, the bestest ever'thang known to man....and their IQ's hover in 70's.
How about some Jello pudding with"some pill" in it?
An interactive exhibit where you can enter your zip code and view mug shots of your locally most wanted violent criminals.
I was under the assumption that the Smithsonian Museum was for our most important remnants of history. I stand corrected. These people have absolutely lost their gd marbles! I am sickened and disgusted. Happens alot lately. So tired of always being sick and disgusted.
Anon at May 5,3:57 pm: You rascal! I am working on an Impressionistic sculpture of Mike Brown.I hope the museum will accept it.If not the museum proper, maybe the cafeteria?
Proudyt said...
Peanut butter and stop lights. The African American contribution to the USA.
Both fictitious.
"Small Batch" jenkem samples in an authentic setting.
Don't worry, after a few field trips from the same age kids as Tamir, the graffiti of tags will show the world what these dindus are all about.
This "museum" to black dysfunction will need an entire wing dedicated to crack cocaine. The Marion Barry Wing, perhaps?
Stay alert, stay alive.
Paige Stalkers cell phone, her weed bowl.
Then add a few spent casings from her black male killers AK47, perhaps his face mask & body Armour if/when they ever catch it.
More proof this Tamir Rice thing was a hoax. The fact it's planned to be destroyed AND put into a museum?
GOOGLE THIS PLACE. Cudel Comm Park. The cop car emerges from behind the trees. There's no way it could have driven there.
The gift shop also must have Doritos,McDonald's,KFC,watermelon,skittles,hot sauce,and some mafuckin ribs. You pickin up what I'm puttin down bro ?
Zimmerman should have been allowed to take possession of Trayvon's "hoodie" to keep as a souvenir. Perhaps he could have had it framed and mounted in his living room. A great conversation piece for houseguest.
I was confronted by a negroe today in an argument about the police. His argument was that these million dollar settlements were PROOF that negroes are being abused systemically.
"Because they dont want the case to go to Trial, where evidence will prove the cop was right and the negroe was wrong, because when the Jury gives the Not Guilty decision negroes across the country will use it as an excuse to riot and cause far more money in damages than the settlement."
The bartender stepped in at this point and the negroe was SO angry the bouncers ended up kicking him out over his shouting.
It amused me.
The Smithosian exhibit should include a pyramid. The negroes built all the pyramids and sheeit.
Just googled William Pretzer. Before coming to the Smithsonian, he was in charge of the Edsel exhibit at the Ford museum in Detroit! Seriously, you can't make stuff like this up. From being in charge of an extinct make of automobile that was doomed from the start, to head honcho of doomed subspecies history. What an auspicious omen!?
funny how you never here the SAT scores of these blacks that were accepted to the ivy's
Sometimes change comes through the back door, not the front. A few days ago, a black teaching aid in Milwaukee made the decision to beat the shit out of a 14-year-old niglet who wouldn't stop mouthing off to him in a classroom.
I'm sure he'll be indicted, and the consensus is that "that's no way to treat a child".
However, he probably saved the little bastard's life, by teaching him that the invisible cloak of privelege has a flashpoint.
Need I ask?
Here's a good story for the "America is irredeemable" file.
The Seattle city council's female majority voted down a motion to subsidize a return of the Seattle Supersonics bakkaball team. Sports fans, mostly White males are despondent and one lawyer, Jason Feldman (Irish, no doubt) has sent "misogynistic" letters of protest to the female council members. Feldman stated that "...each should rot in hell for what they have taken from me."
Check out the photo of the White males sports fans all decked out in their official NBA gear looking like they are about to slit their wrists over being denied an opportunity to see their negro sports heroes display their prowess while being cheered on by White women in short skirts.
Whites shouldn't be in ivy league schools either , thats where they get trained to be DWLs and i don't which is worse !
Oh my god! That would cause riots across the country.
Mich Mike
Last night on the news, it was reported our glorious leader has pardoned or commuted the sentences of more inmates than any six other presidents combined.
Worth looking into PK?
You mean the garbage from the Mike Brown memorial?
The one in the street that caught fire and was run over? Then moved to the sidewalk when the black scientists figured out street bad, fire bad, burn garbage, er, ah, memorial.
They love Emitt Till. But that white woman he wanted to "mess around" with, was married to a white man. In the 1950's you screw around with another man's wife, he might kill you.
If you were black, he would kill you. Emitt Till was stupid.
If the men today were like the men of Emitt Till's day, there wouldn't be a black problem today. But the state and federal government has castrated American men. Justice is no longer in the hands of American citizens. The state and federal government define justice and cram it down your throat whether you like it or not!
The scene from planet of the apes is fast approaching. Yes I can see the partial body of the Statue of Liberty sticking out of the sand as I type. What is that in the background.... Yes I see now it's Africans slinging poo.
I myself look forward to their primitive paintings and carvings, with less demonstrated artistic ability than a paint-by-numbers kit purchased at the five-and-dime.
We could also build dioramas of the groids marveling at things like indoor plumbing and electricity.
Christ on a crutch, this piece reads like the onion! Irredeemable indeed.
OT: story about a racist shit ape in South Africa refusing to tip his server.
What's most encouraging is the backlash over his behavior.
I was surprised when this story appeared on MSN as well.
"There is evidence that ancient South American Inca Indians were the first to grind peanuts to make peanut butter. In the United States, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg (of cereal fame) invented a version of peanut butter in 1895. Then it is believed that a St. Louis physician may have developed a version of peanut butter as a protein substitute for his older patients who had poor teeth and couldn’t chew meat. Peanut butter was first introduced at the St. Louis World’s Fair in 1904."
Peanuts first grown in Peru and Brazil early AD. Traveled with explorers from there. Blacks did NOT first cultivate the peanut or develop peanut butter. Utter lies. Now what does this pathetic "museum" have?
NJ Woman
Hey, be culturally sensitive!
That gazebo is like an African story, no heat, electricity, or running water, in a shitty neighborhood--in other words, valuable real estate.
This is how they supplement their welfare checks. Sending children to do their dirty work.
The only visitors will be white SJWs, school groups.....and race realists curious about what Monkeyshine horseshit qualifies as being museum-worthy.
Hell, I'd go just for the hearty guffaws.
There are days I dislike this site, simply because I know I'm going to get pissed off when I look up something one of the commentors referenced. "Dear White People" . Fuck. Thank you for ruining my day, as I can tell by the description that I'm going to need to spend another hour in the gym working off anger.
I just went into the kitchen for my daily cappuccino. Fox News is alive with stories about all the shootings in Montgomery County. Maybe Paul will post on this tomorrow. There seem to be three separate incidents and plenty of causalities.
Maybe summer has come early.
Today I'd like to go way off topic. I want to make a prediction. I see that Democrats are trying to make the Flint Water crisis a partisan issue in the Presidential campaign. The line seems to be - the nasty Republicans poisoned the black people of Flint Michigan. Hillary said as much two weeks ago. Now I read that Republicans were 'mass murderers'.
The Flint Water Crisis is ripe for political exploitation because it was so confused. And because the governor is a white Republican and the victims of this snafu were almost all blacks.
We know who made the decision to use the Flint River water as an interim. It was Emergency City Manager Darnell Earley - a black Democrat. But he was the fourth Manager in four years. His immediate predecessor was white and now he is being blamed for the decision that poisoned the citizens of Flint. He broke off the contract with Detroit Water and then resigned. He had nothing to do with the Flint River decision.
Lead pipes are safe if the water is alkaline. Rome had lead problems but not from their water. The water in Roman aqueducts was alkaline and safe for thousands of years. This is a well known fact. But Earley didn't know much Roman history and didn't ask. He switched to the low pH river water and the lead began to leach out of the lead pipes.
It is very inconvenient for the Democrats that Earley is black.
Stay tuned for further developments.
With "twenny fo'" inch chrome rims. Sheeeit...
OT: Could you imagine the evacuation of Fort MacMurray, if it had the demographics of, say, Baltimore, Saint Louis, or New Orleans?
If you ever decide to write a book, let me know. I'll take two copies.
Who says there is nothing to put in the nog museum, that they have no accomplishments?
What about all the nog doctors, lawyers, engineers, financial advisers, professors et al. I see on the TV every day? What about Dr. Bill Cosby, didn't he help many women who had sleep problems? How about BHO's ugly face gracing the tube every day as he repeats what his masters tell him? Didn't Eric Holder bring credit to the legal profession as well as BHO's other AG the five foot tall, five feet wide, 300 Lb. sheboon? How about the sainted "Rev." MLK with his scholarly plagiarism? Certainly Michelle's grace, beauty, dignity and poise rival that of Jackie K.
There is a partial list of the many accomplishments of the mighty nogs not even mentioning all the crime budgets they are responsible for.
"The Smithosian exhibit should include a pyramid. The negroes built all the pyramids and sheeit."
Only if it can fly at least five feet off the ground.
Hell you cant even view Obamas thesis papers anywhere ...... Let alone SAT scores.
As he warden said in shawshank...
"Disappeared like a fart in the wind"
Anonymous Gilbert T. Whyte said...
OT: Could you imagine the evacuation of Fort MacMurray, if it had the demographics of, say, Baltimore, Saint Louis, or New Orleans?
May 6, 2016 at 11:09 AM
Yup, sure can! Check out this classic:
Africa In Our Midst - Lessons From Katrina
w r t-- you never here the SAT scores of these blacks who were accepted to the ivy's.
SATs were dumbed down. due to die versity.
Blacks are infinitely worse than any other racial "minority", not even close. I truly believe their days are numbered and when the balloon goes up, it will be EVERYONE against blacks.
i agree
My tax money is paying for this crap?
The SJW's have gotten totally out of control. I am sorry folks, but THEY are the real problem...the blacks are just PART of the problem.
Imagine what the world would be like right now if we had never had the SJW's undermining our civilization. Blacks and Whites in the USA would be living separately and peacefully. There would be no blacks in Europe. Without welfare programs, the black men would have remained with their families...and would have held down jobs. The black women would not be spitting out FTA's (Future Thugs of America) just to win the welfare lottery.
The Western World would have remained a place of merit based achievements....instead of a welfarocracy of lowered standards and a dumbed down educational system that appeases the less apt.
Sub Saharan Africa, would have continued as it should have been...purely negro in all senses...without being tainted with White man's medicines, health initiatives, infrastructure, and education. The Africans would have been free to develop their own unique create their own achievements....even if it took another 20,000 years to catch up to where everyone else is right now.
It is the SJW's who have ruined this world. They have disrupted nature...and created an artificial environment. Artificial environments cannot be sustained forever. Eventually, they cease to exist.
That Black that experimented with peanuts, can't remember the name, well he just copied others experiments.
And actually the Natives of the Americas invented peanut butter. They used native foods in many ways we still use today.
Guacamole, means soup and is a corruption of the original Incan word, as is the word avocado, which means testicle.
"Have TV monitors placed everywhere in there showing reruns of "The First 48"
If you haven't watched any of The First 48 episodes yet, please put it on your short list of "things to do." There is no better way on TV to watch NAPA's doing what they do best in their natural habitat. It's on A&E.
If they put their inventions in the gazebo, it would still "fill one small corner". Of course the gazebo would have to be configured to actually HAVE a corner!
I have Michelle's "thesis" downloaded in case it disappears from the internet. What a terrible imitation of white writing! I could find classrooms full of well taught 6th grade whites who could write a better paper. The only thing her paper is useful for is showing the futility of spending money to teach blacks past the 8th grade (or age 14), whichever comes first.
Hey now! They didn't invent murder,rape,robbery and mayhem... They are PERFECTING them!
"But then what happened? Oh yeah. Breakdown of the black family. The rise of "rap." The gangbanging and the flashmobbing and the Long Hot Summer rioting. The Detroiting of every major city handed over to them."
Regression to the mean.
Two things:
1. The note would have set fire to the town themselves, and
2. The Canucks, not having da turrible legacy ob de slabery, wouldn't rescue them.
This Tamir thing is why negro sows have so many keeds, it increases the chances of an officer involved shooting of one of em and hence, they win the ghetto lottery. Of course, even if the little bastards aren't shot and keelt they still have intrinsic value to the sows by virtue of increasing their "entitlements" so overall, a WIN/WIN situation for the sows.
"Hey now! They didn't invent murder,rape,robbery and mayhem... They are PERFECTING them!"
LOL, good one!
@D-FENS, yes totally agree. Sports for the most part are one of the main opiates used in brainwashing Whites into adoring and worshipping Blacks per the ongoing agenda. I cringe when I see a White couple with football jerseys on and the wife's has some Black guys name on her back. Just crazy.
I'm sure that it will help increase property values.
"We might look at the fairly stable black families, the jazz music, the respect for YT's law...all of which existed up until roughly 1954-65. But then what happened? Oh yeah. Breakdown of the black family. The rise of "rap." The gangbanging and the flashmobbing and the Long Hot Summer rioting. The Detroiting of every major city handed over to them. African-American culture in action from sea to shining sea. "
This is more or less the Alex Jones take on it; that there was halcyon era when blacks actually had lower rates of bastardy and crime than whites. What are your sources for this? I've never tried to research it because most of what Alex Jones says is, frankly, lies. But if true, it's in conflict with evolutionary/biological explanations for negro behavior. I suspect that negroes were always violent, but when they were confined by segregation, nobody in the white community really cared or kept accurate statistics. Thus, no statistics doesn't necessarily mean low/no crime; it could just be due to apathy of the stat keepers. But if you're saying that blacks can behave just like white people, or better, given the right environment, I'm skeptical. Nigs will nig. As far as I'm aware, it's an iron law.
A culturally significant gazebo? no memorialise someone who did something stupid, point a weapon at police. Such are the icons of black culture.
Simply amazed by what I just read. A Museum dedicated to groid history and culture. Pathetic and disgusting. Then to want to include that stupid gazebo? The kid pointed a toy gun without the orange barrel identifying it as a toy, at the police. The police had to make a decision in an instant. Theymade the same decision many of us would have likely made. My wife and I would have made the same choice the officer made.
There is no "culture" to the negro. they are a stupid, lazy sub-species prone to violence, irresponsible sex and sloth. They never create. they always imitate. Were they go chaos and destruction soon follow. They are physically repulsive unless there is a major infusion of White blood. They have contributed nothing to this society or country but drug dealing, welfare, fatherless children, and rape.
Now we guess if by culture you mean fried chicken, orange soda, ribs, watermelon, rioting, living off the sweat and labor of others then the Smithsonian might have something.
They only people attending will be whites riddled with white guilt, race traitors, and NL's. As my wife said: "What ni##ger's going to have the money to go. Just another example of kissing the groid's $ss.
Wayne and his Wife.
The ironic thing about the Wookie's term paper is that she was writing about HERSELF, and she STILL couldn't get it to be interesting, sympathetic or readable.
why dont they find an actual gazebo actually built by actual africans and put that in the smithsonian - I know that hasn't happened yet.
Ms.Rice got the 6mil. Now shut the fuck up
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