It's moments like this we owe a sincere apology Bull Connor, whose long ago actions in defense of western civilization look more prescient with each passing day. [
Birmingham pastor's public prayer: 'Lord, please stop blacks from killing blacks',, May 11, 2016]:
Rev. Michael Jordan has a prayer.
A sign in 75 percent black Birmingham... something you'll never see in a community of only white people |
He doesn't just whisper it during quiet times. The Birmingham pastor
puts it out there on the marquee at New Era Baptist Church for God, and
everyone else, to see.
His latest message? "Lord, please stop blacks from killing blacks."
The other side reads, "Young black males must respect authority."
"Our young black men are dying,'' Jordan said. "I think it gets too
much attention when a white policeman kills a black male, but it gets no
attention when it's black on black murders."
It's a bold move for a black man, a black pastor, in a black community. But, he's no stranger to controversy.
Just three years ago, Jordan expressed his outrage over the George
Zimmerman not guilty verdict with a sign that read, "George Zimmerman
jury supported white racism." On the other, he posted a reference to the
1983 Baby Doe's rape case in Birmingham: "Rape a white woman and you
will die in prison."
In 2008 he posted a sign saying, "Warning: Crack cocaine is sold on
this street," as a warning about drug dealers in the neighborhood. In
2004, he put up a message on the New Era church sign that said, "AIDS is
God's curse on a homosexual life."
Jordan put up the most recent message for Easter. "I told the church
this was my Easter resurrection prayer,'' he said. "I think the worst
part of it, we as black leaders are overlooking the problem."
So far in 2016, in the city of Birmingham alone, there have been 36
homicides. Four of those have been ruled justifiable, and therefore are
not deemed criminal. Of the 32 criminal slayings, 15 are confirmed black
on black crime, according to police.
Seventeen more victims were black,
but authorities have not yet identified the killer or killers. There
have been 24 black males killed, and eight black females.
Birmingham ended 2015 with 92 homicides. Two of these were ruled
accidental, and 10 more ruled justifiable. Of the criminal homicides, 42
were confirmed black on black crime. An additional 26 victims were also
black, but authorities have not yet identified the killer or killers.
Sixty two of those victims were black males, and nine were black
"We have a lot of issues as black pastors within the black community
and one of them is black on black crime, male rage, and a lot of it has
to do with our young black males,'' Jordan said. "The gangster rap
hip-hop movement poisoned their minds with 'get quick money.'''
Jordan believes, as is evident from his latest marquee, that young
black men don't respect authority: their parents, their school
principals, their pastors and the police. "The black pulpit is quiet
about this,'' he said. "We have to deal with it or we won't have any
children left, any church members left. They'll either be in jail or in a
At New Era, Jordan said he has started training for job readiness and
job retention. "I tell them to get a haircut, cut your braids out and
the gold out of your teeth but I'm running into a rebellious,
insubordinate brick wall,'' he said.
The sign, he said, really was, and is, a prayer. "Let's deal with
these murders,'' he said. "I put that up hoping to ignite black pastors,
and I didn't get one call. No black pastors. No black leaders."
"If we focused on this as black pastors, something could happen,'' he
said. "And if white pastors focused on racism, something could happen.
We can always hope and pray."
Actually, Reverend Jordan, white pastors should be telling their congregation Bull Connor was right, for 2016 Birmingham (a 75 percent black city) is proof of this previous statement.
He should also put support abortion in the black community as well. Maybe that will stop the black on black violence. Just another day in the hood........
Very good column, PK.
There's another column from that guy who said "America is irredeemable". I've emailed with him a little bit. SBPDL wasn't specifically mentioned, but I'm positive he follows this site. It's obvious when you listen to him on the radio, too.
You're a huge part of the awakening, Paul. I didn't realize you were so young until your column where you mentioned that you were in college less than a decade ago. I thought you were older than that you've got a great grasp of the world. Thank you. Be strong.
Sign should have read "stop blacks from killing".
What is implied is it's OK to kill whites.
Sorry Pastor, killing is what blacks do.
What it really says is, " Start killing more whites! "
Texas here:
"I'm running into a rebellious, insubordinate brick wall."
No, you're running into low IQs, poor future-time orientation, little impulse control, a lack of inhibition, high testosterone, ridiculous egos, and a history of child abuse.
You're running into NATURE.
But, by all means, put up a sign.
"We have a lot of issues as black pastors within the black community and one of them is black on black crime, male rage, and a lot of it has to do with our young black males,'' Jordan said. "The gangster rap hip-hop movement poisoned their minds with 'get quick money.'''
But Obama is too defiant...too obstinate...too acknowledge this. Instead, he invites these rapper tootsoons to the White ankle monitors that sound off.
And why is he retiring to Hawaii? With his afro-centric obsessive propensity towards all things negroid, Haiti or Jamaica would be more apropos.
Philadelphia Mike
The website hosts a large number of radio shows and podcasts from the non-cucked perspective. For all intents and purposes, its forum and daily articles are ground zero for these ideas and is the de facto alt-right media organ. The growth of this movement is exponential and while the momentum has many catalysts, make no mistake, it is due primarily to complete and total nationwide negro fatigue. The issues addressed daily on this website deserve their own auditory medium.
PK and a chosen cadre of the most prolific commenters should find a way to network, record, and broadcast a weekly show on that website. The commentary here is absolutely golden and brings a game changing dynamic that shatters all glass ceilings with the ability to share mp3 files and youtube uploads to fence sitting conservatives that while thinking these things are afforded no mass broadcast vector to hear them expressed. This is a way to bust up the Hannity/Limbaugh/Levin/Beck racket that exists solely to prevent the dissemination of these race conscious concepts over airwaves. Conservativism INC. is finished, we have to rescue its listenership and fill its void with compelling content. Once you hear truth, you can never go back to falsehoods. These ears are ripe for our message and the rear guard is temporarily down.
Who would make the top five commenters that the readership would like to see/hear featured in a weekly show hosted by PK, having dynamic, real time, animated, recorded, and referenceable exchanges?
Let's see how many blacks vote for Trump. The ones that do vote Trump posess more common sense than the one who'll vote Democrat no matter what. Of course, the stats will not be comprehensive because there will be a sizeable percentage who don't vote becasue they're too young...or felons who can't produce ID since they're wanted. But given the overall population, if Trump gets 20% of blacks who do vote, he'll win. Then they can get shovel ready jobs building that wall. Remember Obama's shovel ready BS?
I predict that the people building the wall will be among the happiest workers in the US.
This pastuh should realize that these killings are a result of the negroes blackness, and no amount of signs will help. At least these black on black killings cannot be laid at the feet of the white man, the inner chimp will out no matter what.
Okay. People in Americastan have finally, completely, totally and in all other ways have lost their f'in minds. Enough! I have had it! I want to only discuss things with rational, like minded people. I applied for membership and paid the $49 fee (plus 17 bucks for administrative fees) and my card arrived in the mail today. I have officially joined Local 12 of the Flat Earth Society. Don't laugh! Any ONE of THESE guys make more scientific sense than 2/3 of the government bureaucrats we've ever seen in public. My chapter is also doing some special research, and the common cold will soon be a thing of the past. Maybe not next week, but centuries before we'll ever see civilized behavior in dinduland.
While we're at it, let's ask God to stop big fish from eating smaller fish. That's the level of intelligence we're dealing with here. Hildebeast called them super predators, then tried to walk it back. That's probably the only truthful statement to ever come out of her mouth. They have the morals of a predator, with just enough intelligence to make them dangerous. It's like a nature documentary really, mindless aggression, and instinct. In predator mode they recognize no race, only relative strength in comparison to themselves. Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddy Gray, any of thousands of other thugs would have been on their menu had they encountered them. If they were responsible for these murders, their only thought would be I got mine.
Nowhere do they say "We have to stop killing". Nope, it's always " We have to stop killing blacks". Never stop robbing, stop raping, stop behaving like subhumans. To quote Obama,"You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig". You can put clothes on a chimp too, but it's still going to chew your face off eventually.
"We have to deal with it or we won't have any children left, any church members left. They'll either be in jail or in a cemetery."
Oh how I wish this were true. Unfortunately your beloved black youth can continue to fornicate their brains out without contraception knowing that someone who cares more than they do will always take care of the problem.
And can blacks come up with anything on their own, or do they just have to fuxate every one of our once proud, white institutions?
So the pastor has moved from the direct approach (which generally works with non-black populations) to a passive aggressive approach.
There is only one problem, Mr. Black revrun pastor Jr.- that approach only works on people who have shame and empathy. Know your audience. You tell a black person that their loud music is bothering you and they will probably turn it up more- I'm surprised that this "pastor" hasn't made use of reverse psychology yet, it would undoubtedly be more successful. Ask them to do something that you actually don't want them to do and they most likely won't do it just to spite you.
"Warning: Crack Cocaine Is Sold On This Street"
As if they needed an invitation ...
"The black pulpit is quiet about this,'' he said. "We have to deal with it or we won't have any children left, any church members left. They'll either be in jail or in a cemetery."
Can someone explain the problem to me?
"If we focused on this as black pastors, something could happen,'' he said.
Umm, aside from passing the collection plate and getting in front of a TV camera, what else do black pastors do?
And if white pastors focused on racism, something could happen.
White pastors have their own problems, like low church attendance because their former parishioners have moved into a damn cornfield to get away from your parishioners.
"We can always hope and pray."
And ask for money! Don't forget that!
"AIDS is god's curse on homosexual life" Right Pastor....
Tell that to the Haemophiliacs.
If prayer really did something, negro communities would be the safest and most prosperous communities.
It's just more religious mumbo jumbo.
This is what happens when you try to solve a thorny problem with a subpar IQ. I love how he gets nowhere telling the "teens" to pull up their pants, take off the dreadlocks and get that gold stuff out of their mouth. Ha ha.
The part of his sermon that gives me hope is where he says if blacks don't solve their violence problem there won't be any blacks left to warm his church seats. Sounds like a solution to me.
Not one call. No BLACK leaders, no BLACK revrunds/preachers/witch doctors etc. Did he, or anyone really expect a response? If he had stuck with "blacks stop killing blacks" (killing YT is okay implied), he might have gotten a response, a cake bakeoff, a march or rain dance, but when he went with "respect authority" he lost their interest. That would mean accepting responsibility for their actions, and that is NEVER going to happen. It won't come as a shock when the good revrund is killed by "shots rang out".
"Lord, please stop blacks from killing blacks." What? Kill more Whites?
"The gangster rap hip-hop movement poisoned their minds with 'get quick money."
When I was a teenager this "music" was just gaining popularity and I remember a lot of us bought these cassettes to be rebellious or just for the novelty of hearing someone say "nigger", "muggafugga", and "muh dik" 100 times in 3 minutes. NONE of the white people in my ALL WHITE county became rapists and murderers because they bought an NWA record.
"Jordan believes, as is evident from his latest marquee, that young black men don't respect authority:"
Which is not true at all. They absolutely do respect authority, and the fact that they are such ready slaves (Negroes in Negroland) proves this. They understand barbarism (might makes right), and "big man" rule, or an overseer with a whip and a rifle who isn't afraid to use them when needed. 80 years ago the negro would answer a white man with "yahsuh boss". What they do not respect is any sign of weakness (anything short of a whip or "necklacing" or some other immediate torture for transgressions). What they don't respect is civilization and achievements of whites because they cannot even comprehend them or what it took to create them.
"I tell them to get a haircut, cut your braids out and the gold out of your teeth but I'm running into a rebellious, insubordinate brick wall,''
And if I could just get the coyotes around here to come when they're called, fetch a ball, and shit on a newspaper I could take them inside and turn them into my pets. And if I had some ham I could have a ham sandwich... if I had some bread and mustard. That's the whole point, both are wild animals and simply are incapable of being domesticated.
"I think the worst part of it, we as black leaders are overlooking the problem."
Sorry, Leroy, the "worst part" of this is that these scenes of prehistoric savagery are happing in the ruins of a once prosperous and peaceful civilization created by white Europeans and not halfway around the world in the continent where this behavior is acceptable.
"AIDS is God's curse on a homosexual life."
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
"And if white pastors focused on racism, something could happen"
Here's the punchline. You just KNEW this was YT's fault. Rest assured, we whites have been praying for you savages to act civilized for centuries and judging by the results, it is clear that either:
1. There is no God.
2. We are all asking the wrong God to fix your dysfunction.
3. God simply hates you black vermin and is refusing to help you.
4. Civilizing the negro is beyond even the powers of an all mighty creator.
Personally I'm leaning towards 3 or 4.
"And if white pastors focused on racism, Oh ,Ok, I forgot ,it's "racism" that is causing blacks to kill blacks in record numbers.My bad.
How is it even remotely possible that black are only 13 percent of the U.S. Population? Is that number wrong? Is it possible that because blacks don't fill out the census forms that they are dramatically under counted?
As soon as black ministers started dressing black racism, I'll support white ministers addressing white racism. I think Reverend Jordan has missed the mark on this. How about please Lord stop blacks from killing anybody
I think the Reverend Jordan missed the point. How about a sign that says please Lord stop blacks from killing anyone. When black ministers start addressing the congregation about black racism I think we'll be making a big move in the right direction.
Reverend Jordan's opinion on the George Zimmerman jury indicate just another black who's afraid to look at the truth and face it.
So they are praying for a magical transformation of their very nature.
White Policemen .... (I refused to recognize females as Police officers. They do not have what it takes any more than a man can breast feed a little baby)...if you are so stupid to enter the negro-zone, and you get killed or injured, then you deserve it since you are toooooo f'n stupid.
White Policemen, stand down and let them prevent crimes by killing each other. When Sambo #1 kills Sambo #2, he is helping to fight crime.
"And if white pastors focused on racism, something could happen."
And what should white clergy tell their flock about racism? That the grills, rap music, low pants, gibberish language, laziness, irresponsibility, welfare system gaming, crime, single parent families, and murders are the result of racism?
No, Mr. Reverend, they are the CAUSE of racism. The best thing white clergy can say is, "Avoid these people if you value your health."
To paraphrase a comment on a previous posting, these people make my butt tired.
Maybe they should also ask blacks to stop attcking and murdering whites and signs will not stop this crime after all there are WET PAINT signs and still there are idiots who touch the area
"We have to deal with it or we won't have any children left"...
The good news is that blacks don't "deal with" anything that requires self-restraint, therefore the black on black killing will continue. We can only hope it escalates exponentially.
Mostly agree but I suspect it's id more so than ego
Protesting for a trauma center
Of course Vice doesn't point out the obvious which is that Chicago Blacks wouldn't need all these trauma centers if they weren't shooting each other.
F-ning crazy and I'm so sick of the media trying to avoid the real problem.
"And if white pastors focused on racism, something could happen"
Here's the punchline. You just KNEW this was YT's fault.
Of course. You can't criticize Blacks without mentioning YT's evil racism which is the underlying cause of all problems. Both liberals and Blacks follow this rule. If a liberal reporter criticizes an African dictator then there will be at least one paragraph on colonization because you see the country was at one time an advanced utopia before the evil YT colonists showed up.
Rest assured, we whites have been praying for you savages to act civilized for centuries and judging by the results, it is clear that either:
1. There is no God.
2. We are all asking the wrong God to fix your dysfunction.
3. God simply hates you black vermin and is refusing to help you.
4. Civilizing the negro is beyond even the powers of an all mighty creator.
Yea I'm never been convinced that Christians are right about God wanting them to trek around the dark continent. If that is the plan then why did he isolate the Bantu with a vast desert? How is that not a message? It seems to me that God views Africa as more of a game farm. The populations there at one time had a Malthusian balance that has been disrupted with White technologies and charity. How do we not know that God intended the place to be an area for Whites to hunt? I fully admit I could be wrong but I look at the history of African and I'm not convinced that modern Christians are right about "being called" to fix the place.
The website hosts a large number of radio shows and podcasts from the non-cucked perspective.
There is some excellent stuff on
A more general plea for blacks to stop killing PERIOD would be more fitting, but the black is a narcissistic creature only concerned with how their bad behavior impacts the black community. It would also point out that blacks have a murder epidemic uniquely their own.
Someone called Texas wrote "..little impulse control, a lack of inhibition, high testosterone, ridiculous egos, and a history of child abuse.
When I graduated from college (a long time ago) I slid into a civil service job. I became a public social worker. I did that for two and a half years. This was when things were just changing in America. It was San Francisco in the late sixties.
In that time I never saw a white mother or father hit their kid. Maybe they beat the hell out of them when I wasn't there but no white parents hit their kid in front of me.
But black parents were different - much different. The mothers typically whaled on the tiny pickaninnies for any reason at all. We were supposed to report child abuse but no one did. It was too common. It was part of 'black culture'.
In academia they conduct studies to see if the cause of some behavior is genetically caused or if the cause is environmental. Lately researchers look for a middle ground - epigenetic causes. So why are blacks so damn violent? In the good old days when everyone was a mindless liberal the common answer was the environment. Blacks had been oppressed - the story went - and became violent.
This narrative has crumbled before all the accumulating evidence. Now most whites and almost everyone who reads this blog attribute the bad black behavior to genetics. That indeed has been my own view since about my second month as a social worker. Blacks don't act like white people. They are more animalistic. I adapted to this realization without too much trouble but the average social worker is driven crazy when they have to confront the reality that blacks are truly different.
But epigenetics is the notion that the environment can change your genetics. Can it be that all that routine child abuse that blacks endure as kids has some permanent affect? If that is so the government should take all black kids away from their parents and break the cycle of violence. We could raise them in barracks with white surrogate mothers. A black kid raised by a white parent might not be a pathological as a black kids raised by black parents.
Actually I don't think this would work. I don't think all that much of epigenetics but I'm surprised that some ever hopeful liberal hasn't already suggested it. We are indeed moving inexorably toward a world in which black teens are institutionalized but for different reasons.
Trayvon Martin didn't have to die. He could have been saved. He was a high school drop out. He was a disciplinary problem and had to be kicked out of public school. At that point he should have been committed to some sort of public institution. he should have spent a few years behind bars as a precautionary measure. While he spent his late teens and early twenties in the lock-up he might be taught to be a machinist. Then in his late twenties when he was safer to let out he might rejoin the rest of society.
I hope something like this is possible. If not we will reach the point where high school drop outs must be simply eliminated. They will be too dangerous to be allowed to roam around at will.
That black pastor should consider that it is quite easy to keep blacks from killing blacks. Just lock 'em all up.
Yea I'm never been convinced that Christians are right about God wanting them to trek around the dark continent.
We have seen centuries of Christian missionary work in Africa, and not just the work of religion. There are plenty of secular non-governmental organizations and such working to uplift those Africans. The results? Africa descends into chaos, starvation, epidemics, mutual bloodbaths and assorted havoc against white people.
But to the true (white missionary) believer, it makes no difference. Africans are always innocent children who, with the right amount of altruistic programs, will turn into upstanding citizens, just the sort you want to bring home to your family.
Anonymous said...
This pastuh should realize that these killings are a result of the negroes blackness, and no amount of signs will help. At least these black on black killings cannot be laid at the feet of the white man, the inner chimp will out no matter what.
May 11, 2016 at 10:58 PM
When I read your comment, I had one of those miniature epiphanies I sometimes get when I visit this site:
What good is a sign going to do when your target audience can't read?
The black "community" is to the civilized world what black mold is to a house- the presence of either makes the respective environments unsuitable for human habitation and comes with numerous unacceptable risk factors. Remediation/removal is the only answer to restore a healthy environment.
In that regard, segregation was like a treatment that could be applied that would preclude the growth of and infestation by blacks. It wasn't a cure but it was a damn effective preventative. In that sense, I see gentrification as remediation/removal- no different than removing black mold from a house so it can be habitable again. The only problem with gentrification is that instead of eliminating the "mold", it just gets moved to another area and proceeds to make it unhealthy and uninhabitable. Even if segregation didn't eliminate the "mold", it at least confined it to certain areas and prevented its growth and expansion and everyone knew what areas to avoid to remain safe and healthy. Additionally, no one was foolish enough to subsidize its breeding, growth and spread.
Yes, Bull Connor and countless others were right but the country became like some nutty and delusional cult that advocated for the "black mold" to be spread everywhere and its breeding and growth to be subsidized. And now, we see the horrific results of that. Others have pointed out that certain forces were behind it all because of a profit motive- in other words, create an ongoing problem and then offer a profitable solution by building white flight communities, proceed to ensure they get infested and then build more white flight communities-an endless cycle of profit for the merchants of destruction.
In any case, I don't blame blacks for being what they are any more than I blame black mold for being what it is. Both will spread and take over an environment and ruin it if not stopped. The blame lies with those who enable it, support it, profit from it and advocate for it including those who outlawed the preventative treatment of segregation.
In a sane world, the babblings of blacks and their supporters/advocates would be confined to the psychiatric unit of your local hospital and only be coming from those diagnosed with a severe maladaptive, harmful and destructive personality and behavioral disorder. And the profiteering merchants of destruction would be sentenced to prison for criminal acts harmful to the public good. I can dream, can't I?
"And if white pastors focused on racism, something could happen."
In other words, white pastors could be blaming and shaming their white congregations, assigning guilt to whites for all the dysfunctions in the black community and........wait for it!......Whitey would thus be pouring ten times more gibsmedats into the paws of blacks!
Nice routine black pastor- but there are far too many people who are too smart to fall for such a simple minded ruse. Try again.
Besides most cannot read...
Maybe the goot pastu just wants a nice furnel with a lot of colorful suits gone bad for a big send off. You know the type "lil dooky's funeral home and rib shack". So when when he gets killed by one of "dem quick money bullets" he'll be remembered!
She dint du nuffing. Duh racisss white gun store man kilt her baby.
"She told detectives that at a local gun store, "she was instructed to keep the gun loaded, with a bullet in the chamber" and that she "keeps the gun in her car, but recently decided she should have it in the home with her."
Or maybe it should say,stop blacks from killing,robbing,raping,abusing welfare,making rap music,selling/using drugs,rioting,and being fuckin president.
Time to boycott both Forbes and Business Week.
They keep churning out anti-Trump articles and yet they are supposed to be FINANCIAL magazines.
Pretty disgusting how the NYC media is all aligned against Trump.
That sign should read:
Satan, please stop your black children from killing other blacks.
There, fixed that for ya Rev'run, nomesayincuz ?
Also, I truly have to chuckle yet once again at the rev'runs' comment about having white pastors focus on racism. LMAO !! How can a white pastor focus on something in our churches that simply doesn't exist to begin with. Racism is a made up word by those who aren't capable of fitting into a first world civilization. Blacks belong back in Africa, it's as simple as that!
OK, here we go again. Massive black on violence which can not be stopped by law enforcement, church sermons or cake & conversation.
Yet we have had six decades of civil rights. And five decades of war on poverty. And more decades of affirmative action. And positive black role models on the telescreen. And great big statues to MLK. And a African sitting in the Oval Office Teleprompter Reader Chair. We have had all these things. And yet--blacks are rapidly shedding the accoutrements of civilization. And dragging entire cities down with them.
Could it be that:
"...Bull Connor was right..."
One of the biggest tricks that liberals use is to convince the public that it is intelligent and educated to not believe in racial differences past skin color.
I can't believe how many times I have seen this question:
But what would (racial difference in outcome) have to do with skin color?
The indoctrinated White is led to believe that race is only superficial and thus any correlations must be environmental. After all, how can skin color make a difference?
Well of course we know that skin color is merely one of many components of racial differences. It's not the skin color but the African DNA that makes the difference and skin color merely happens to be part of it. If Africans were White or Blue these same problems would exist.
But Whites have a hard time thinking past what is really a liberal deception. There is no questioning of the assumption that race is superficial. They have been deceived into the great lie that race doesn't exist and Black people are just a dark hued type of person just like how labs can be dark or light. Even many Whites that are tired of Blacks believe this. When you tell them that Blacks have more testosterone or that Whites have better genes for late lactose processing they get confused. They start thinking in environmental terms to explain the difference (gee whiz how could that be? Are they not getting as much milk as kids? Do we need a milk subsidy?).
Late lactose processing is actually a good example to unwind the indoctrinated mind as it isn't controversial and the genes have been identified.
Off-Topic but always on point!
Did anyone else see the SlimJim commercial? The one where the old White lady is being asked to identify the perps. And of course there are only White criminals in the police line-up. And one of the good guys(cops) is a black dude. Just another example of corp America being to afraid to show its customers the real bad guys that prey on Whites. The American African lowly common negro! No more SlimJims for this proud White American.
Well, his sign should actually have read "SEVEN VIOLENT BLACK NEGRO SAVAGES TORTURE AND Rape a white woman and get life in prison" but I guess he didn't know the facts about the case, although he does appear to know how savage his bruthuz can be.... Typically like a black, he still manages to twist reality and make them the victim. Yep, these 7 brutes are being victimized by this lone white woman in the Baby Doe's Restaurant case (what a strange name for a restaurant, when I first read about it I thought the rape victim was a baby - horrible I know but par for the course in this race's behaviors not just here but even more over in the motherland). When will white people finally get it about these people? They have every intention of wiping us out, and they are getting too damn close for comfort. They have the whip hand of us in regards to population, savagery, and willpower. Will our superior abilities be enough in such a situation?
Sir, the mere fact that there are these vicious, uncivilized beasts running around the world destroying everything the white man created is in face mute testimony that a loving God cannot have created this universe we inhabit. Case closed.
1. There is no God.
2. We are all asking the wrong God to fix your dysfunction.
3. God simply hates you black vermin and is refusing to help you.
4. Civilizing the negro is beyond even the powers of an all mighty creator.
Personally I'm leaning towards 3 or 4.
I would change #3 to God doesn't care and Whites can choose what to do with them. Was it not God's will for them to be running from lions in loincloths and sleeping on mud floors? Africa has an amazing landscape and variety of animals. But let's face it, he really didn't give them the upper hand in their own environment. What should I conclude from this reality?
When I see Christians on TV crying over Africans I think......didn't God leave them in that state for thousands of years? I respect Christianity but I don't think God would care if these same Christians on TV just spent their time going to Costco and playing softball. I think these Christians have bought into what is a secular egalitarian fantasy of these third world countries having normal societies and were only destabilized/corrupted by Europeans. But thanks to early accounts (see Negroes in Negroland) we know this isn't true. If anything Christianity has been corrupted by secular egalitarianism and has bought into the idea that aboriginals and bushmen are feral Europeans with dark skin that only need to be cultured (civilization dust).
I would respectfully welcome comments from Christians who see otherwise or have their own explanations.
I came across a random thread the other day and I wish I bookmarked it.
A True Believer liberal was arguing with a realist liberal about whether liberals had to lie to the public about race.
It was like this:
Lib 1: Liberals don't have to lie about race because we know it doesn't exist. Everyone knows that and I can't believe we are having this conversation.
Lib 2: Actually it is true that liberals are not always honest about race but it's for good reasons.
Lib 1: Wait....what?
Lib 2: Yes there are racial differences that we don't talk about because it will encourage racism. But that's ok.
Lib 1: What??????
Hilarious stuff.
Hildebeast called them super predators, then tried to walk it back. That's probably the only truthful statement to ever come out of her mouth.
Hildebeast called them super predators.
Bloomberg admitted that young Black males are really the main cause of "gun violence" and not the gun laws.
Imagine what these diversity loving Democrats say behind closed doors.
"Lord, please stop blacks from killing blacks." What? Kill more Whites?
Yea more double standards. No priest would get away with a sign that said:
Lord help Whites protect each other.
Lord deliver Whites from White guilt.
But Obama is too defiant...too obstinate...too acknowledge this. Instead, he invites these rapper tootsoons to the White ankle monitors that sound off.
He is a well trained liberal and not allowed to adopt what they believe is a conservative criticism. You see Blacks are eternal victims and any perceived cultural deficit is merely an uncontrollable reaction to White racism.
I'm not sure what the government could do about the rap culture at this stage anyways. Blacks have no desire to raise their offspring without it and no Democrat would dare threaten the profits of the entertainment industry. Additional restrictions on purchases wouldn't work because of the internet. I doubt most of them are even buying any of the gangsta rap since they are likely streaming or copying it. Most of the sales are probably from suburban White teenagers.
Blacks will continue to make songs about how pimping and shooting are great fun and they will also continue to blast it at volumes that cause hearing damage to any children in the car. Liberals will see this and's such a shame that racist Whites won't spend more money on education.
When I was a teenager this "music" was just gaining popularity and I remember a lot of us bought these cassettes to be rebellious or just for the novelty of hearing someone say "nigger", "muggafugga", and "muh dik" 100 times in 3 minutes. NONE of the white people in my ALL WHITE county became rapists and murderers because they bought an NWA record.
Wiggeritis seems to peak at some point, normally around 18 or 19 when they have to get a job.
But this goes back to the problem of no one being able to suggest that Blacks might be more impressionable or less likely to possess genes that help with self-control or planning. Everything I have read tells me that Black youth require a strict environment where morals are clear and deviancy is swiftly punished. Whites of course shouldn't be raised in a degenerate environment either but they seem to have better defenses for it. I remember a few teenagers that went to jail after they took their wiggerism too far but most just sold their ghetto speakers at some point and joined society.
Go to a Black area and you will see Blacks in their 40s wearing a sideways hat and doing the gangsta swagger. You will see homeless Blacks talking as if they are millionare rappers. It's a total garbage culture and in our PC society no one is allowed to say it. Even worse is that White society has incorporated this garbage culture in a pathetic effort at appeasing them. Obama welcomed a rapping pimp to the White House and his ankle bracelet went off. Good lord when will this idiocy end.
Anonymous said...
How is it even remotely possible that black are only 13 percent of the U.S. Population? Is that number wrong? Is it possible that because blacks don't fill out the census forms that they are dramatically under counted?
This is a point I have made numerous times as well. It is impossible that the U.S. population is only 13% black. They are everywhere. They control a number of large, medium and small cities. They're in Alaska, the Dakotas, all over the Pacific Northwest, the southwest, even Hawaii. They are 60% of every TV commercial and similar percentages of print and internet ads. They control elections as shown by the Sanders and Clinton pandering levels.
Just as we are told there are 11 million illegal aliens in the U.S., a number used now for a decade, the negro number needs to be questioned. I'm betting that negroes now comprise 35% of our population. Just a guess based on the evidence. It is impossible for 13% of the population to create as much havoc and mayhem as we see in U.S.
It's not the New Era Baptist Church,but the New Equal Rights Amendment Baptist Church! Apparently these folks think that by naming their church after a great BOON to their people, they are granted to beseech their creator to make them as they are not. I am not a Christian, but even I know that the Apostle Paul prayed three times for his god to remove an unnamed affliction from him, which his god did not accomplish.
Is anyone so foolish as to think that a placard to the sky god will make THEM stop killing EACH OTHER? If their faith is real, they will get on bended knee and ask forgiveness for their sins, some of which are pride, hypocrisy and a deep-seated mindset of hatred for themselves and others. A case of "physician heal thyself" or get the heck into their prayer closet and get to work!
The commentary here is absolutely golden and brings a game changing dynamic that shatters all glass ceilings with the ability to share mp3 files and youtube uploads to fence sitting conservatives that while thinking these things are afforded no mass broadcast vector to hear them expressed. This is a way to bust up the Hannity/Limbaugh/Levin/Beck racket that exists solely to prevent the dissemination of these race conscious concepts over airwaves.
That racket needs to be absolutely destroyed to allow a real movement to take its place.
Conservative Inc is just dick around TV fun time. Blah blah blah too many single moms blah blah blah big government blah blah blah now a word from our sponsor.
I'm convinced that Beck is a closeted something that absolutely loves the establishment and strongly believes in lying to the public. That is why Trump freaks him out. He wouldn't know his place if the curtain was pulled back. Both he and Romney know the truth about race but want it suppressed. They want us all to go to our local tabernacle and pray instead of discussing such matters like insubordinate serfs.
50 years too late.
This entire generation of animals must pass away, and the next one reared by human beings (although who would be foolish enough to accept the task).
Ma'am, I submit the exception to the rule... Lancelot Link, secret chimp!
Easy access to guns, lack or restraint when using them, ghettos full of angry blacks and a white population trying to do their daily business in the midst of all this killing. Its Darwinism at its best.
Fuqq him, fuqq them. Avoid the groid whenever possible.Ignore, Isolate, show no empathy. Worse than a rabid animal. Destroyers of civilization. Their judgement day is coming.
Stay sharp, stay frosty.
Love, White Mikey™
Lord stop blacks killing blacks...but not just yet!
Pray, shake some bones, sacrifice a chicken, chant, sing, wail, dance, and then negroes might stop being negroes.
Just do it without telling me or anyone else about it, including the media.
And you can put a monkey in a three-piece suit and send it to Harvard but it still won't write anything for the Law Review.
I was taught by my Grandmother that "your rights end where the next persons begins". It mirrors the Golden Rule and is a good way to live- among CIVILIZED people, I must add. The black "community" is constantly railing about and complaining about getting their "rights"- but will trample YOUR rights without a second thought.
On Monday I went into a retail store in South Atlanta that is going out of business- there is a BIG sign out front advertising 50% off everything. The deals were too good to miss- and I gathered my items and stood in line, wondering if I could deal with the long line, mostly blacks, with the noise, kids running amuck, loud talking, gum snapping, etc.
3 black women were at the register together, looked to be about mid 30's- and this is the conversation that took place.
Black woman to lady at register- How much dem purses be?? (There is a HUGE sign saying pocketbooks 10.00 $).
Register lady- All purses are ten dollars, then you get 50% off that price.
Black woman- Den how much dat be den??
Holy crap.
L in Atl hell
I don't know, Pat. I doubt seriously trayvon could have overcome genetics with trade school.
"I'm not convinced that modern Christians are right about "being called" to fix the place."
"Modern" Christians are right about very little, if anything, but aren't really any different than "old time" Christians, who often justified enslaving non-whites by saying that they were doing the Lord's work, civilizing the savages and bringing them to Jesus. The problem with this was, and still is, the white Christian's response after he converts them, and made them equally as Christian as himself. Then he feels compelled to welcome them into his society as his Christian brothers, and intermarry with them. The difficulty of opposing this from within Christianity is notorious and has been shown again and again. Once the fundamental Christian principle of universal brotherhood has been accepted, and virtually all Christian sects do accept it, racial integration follows more or less automatically. This is the flawed premise at the root of white racial suicide.
She dindu nuffin. Duh racisss white gun store man kilt her baby.
"She told detectives that at a local gun store, "she was instructed to keep the gun loaded, with a bullet in the chamber" and that she "keeps the gun in her car, but recently decided she should have it in the home with her."
According to court documents, Shelton told police that the shooting occurred while she was upstairs putting her 9-month-old daughter to bed.
GD, do any of these savage cretin sheboons know how to keep their legs closed? And if not, what about "birf control". A 2 year old boy, and then a 9 month old girl. Here's an awesome, but easily answered question. Where are the daddie(s)? I'd be willing to put money where my mouth is that both children have a different sperm donors. Any takers?
And by golly gee wow, look at her in them pics with that fake ass hair. Is there anything these lowly sheboons won't do to make themselves look as white as possible?
Yeah, I know, I thank God everyday I was born white. I definitely wouldn't have wanted to be born another useless dredge on society, that's for sure, or I'd hate myself, too! Well not that I wish death on a 2 year old, but hey, if that's what it takes for the sheboon to be forced to stop procreating, I have to admit I'm all for it!
These monsters truly are the works of Satan, unleashed! Satan's children, nothing less!
PS to anon, awesome comment you posted in regard to black mold. Negroes = the exact same!!
Put something on that sign that might actually make a difference. How about "Start Snitching"
You know that Dre done shot Trayvon over the last rib, but you aint gonna turn him in cause he got a baby wit you cousin Shaneequa... No, you know what. Fuck it. Nothing you say or do, no prayer, no amount of money will change what nature couldn't in 40,000 years.
Just smear feces on that sign. We`ll get the message...loud and clear.
Stay alert, stay alive.
They should use prison labor to build the wall, or at least do the grunt work of clearing brush and leveling the ground.
While I enjoy some of Vice's documentarys, they are a leftist leaning news organization as well. They show a lot of stuff the media doesn't, but they also play the victim card as well.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
But epigenetics is the notion that the environment can change your genetics. Can it be that all that routine child abuse that blacks endure as kids has some permanent affect?
Pat, it just may be that reducing child abuse among blacks would change their adult behavior. But I think everyone is too fed up with blacks to care any more. We have seen so many experiments in socially engineering on Africans in America since the 1960s that have wasted too many white resources and too many white lives.
Probably the only real solution is total physical separation of blacks from white. Deport them, give them their own country, whatever. Then let them live as befits their worldview.
Reminds me of a video Glozell did on YouTube, about a funeral where she was the organist. There was NO BODY at the funeral!!
His live-in girlfriend had no money, and his wife, who he has abandoned decades before, refused to part with the death benefits she had received, so there was no embalming, no coffin, nothing.
Seriously. They even manage to fuck up death.
I don't know, Pat. I doubt seriously trayvon could have overcome genetics with trade school. -- Prison or work camp might have made him worse.[male bonding w organized crime].
In any case, its not our job to save the travons, de maquises, quinteros and javontes.
We need more about these sh!tbag groid preachers with their bullcrap--of course, there aren't any cucks on here-most if not all on here know the score. But many cuckservatives start drooling and get all misty-eyed thinking about groids and church, when most of it is an excuse to strut around in gaudy clothes caterwauling, ("Looksatmuh")and then going and living their lives committing every sin in the book.
Looks like some cuckwhites just got clued in on groids in our military with the West Point sheboon scandal.
The whitecucks are always ready to fellate negroes in uniform. But the truth, sad to say, is a lot different. I'm a veteran, and I'm not surprised at those racist pigs-only surprised so many whites are pissed about it. Could it be things are finally getting through to people?
To Anonymous: Yeah I'm a vet too, that performance of the black fists raised only shows that it would be a cold day in hell if those sheboons ever gave me an order. I'm old enough to remember the fragging incidents in the Vietnam war era.A grenade rolled into a tent can do wonders.
I share your sentiment, however, whites do not stick together. I have cucks in my family, could care less if they get blasted by their pets.
The good Revurn should go to Chicago and team up with Michael Pfleger. He's always more than ready to throw his fellow white man under the bus. In fact just go to one of his sermons,he does it pretty much every Sunday.
Hey, spoiler alert! This woman has to have a lawyer by her court appearance... On June 16th! As the gentleman from South Africa can attest to, that will be the anniversary of the Soweto Uprising! Maybe they can riot over her and party on since "Juneteenth" is right around the bend!
It seems like it's too low, but 13% of 350 million is 45 million. 45 million is a crap load of people (or in this case, people-like mammals) more than enough to decimate several large cities. :/
The pastor's racist rants do not help either. What an azz hole.
It would be just great if Blacks would kill only Blacks and leave Caucasians alone. Now White police officers need to avoid Blacks at all costs. Let the Blacks continue to destroy themselves.
A book is coming out in about two weeks. It would be wonderful if every American citizen who cares about America would read it. That will never happen, unfortunately.
The book was written by a Democrat Congressman who wishes to remain anonymous.
The book is called "Confessions of Congressman X ".
It validates what we know about politicians and Washington DC and confirms what we suspected.
He blasts both parties. If interested buy it and read it.
" I'm betting that negroes now comprise 35% of our population. "
I totally agree with that assessment. black males, especially, don't want to be traceable, because so many have warrants, so I am sure they are not included in census reports etc. That 13 percent probably only represents the black females who have to be traced to receive their welfare and stuff.
"He was a disciplinary problem and had to be kicked out of public school. At that point he should have been committed to some sort of public institution."
Should have been shipped to Africa you mean. Caging and raising these creatures is incredibly resource intensive, and if the rap sheet of every single black savage that makes the news is any indication, it's not like they "learn their lesson". I'm sure that for far less than the cost of a year's worth of prison we could arrange first class travel to Sudan or the Congo.
I don't believe the 13% either. I am not sure what percentage the negro population is but they are everywhere and destroy everything. I have saw a lot of negros in my very rural northern ohio farm community in the last 6months. Three days in a row at 5am in the morning this week there has been a buck smoking cigarettes at the local gas station. Might have to sell my house and move.
Ohio born
In my opinion, black disfunction is a result of their inferior culture. Blacks don't celebrate their successful people like B Carson, they celebrate their thugs and their criminal athletes. Their young men who do above average in school are criticized for acting "white". Their favorite artists are celebrated for committing crimes and doing drugs. Smoke all day e'ry day as the say. Can't pay my rent but I'm going to the club anyways. Inferior savages. The welfare/Hud system should be defeated. Let the animals kill each other.
Sic semper tyrannis
I think Chat gal is correct about the percentage of groids now present. I know it can't be 13%. They are all over the damn place. Question I have for the readers: 1. Will they be quiet afte " hope and change" administration hits the road? 2. Everyone is predicting riots this summer , mainly because of Trump. If they are that scared then we have to get that man elected. Let's make sure that everyone we know is of the same political persuasion has been registered. November will be here quickly.
"white pastors focus on racism". Since when did racism become a white problem. Racism is a human characteristic. All humans are capable of racism. When blacks say only whites can be racist they are admitting that only whites can be human. they are agreeing with the white racist and don't even know it. Btw, in a FREE COUNTRY anyone is free to be a racist if they choose. But we don't live in a free country.
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