Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Yet Another Black Rapper Threatens to Kill Donald Trump: This Time if His "Momma's Food Stamps" Are Taken Away...

It's happening.

If you don't get it yet, you will.

Oh, you will.  [Rapper Threatens To Kill Donald Trump If His “Momma’s Food Stamps” Are Taken Away, SHTFPlan.com, May 23, 2016]:
Threats by prominent members of the black community against Donald Trump, either directly or indirectly, are nothing new.
Every time a black thug speaks, a white man learns to stand again...
Just under two months ago we reported about the latest social fallout incident from Trump’s rising popularity, when prominent Black Lives Matter activist and rapper Tef Poe tweeted a message for “white people”: if Donald Trump wins the presidency, “niggas” will ‘incite riots everywhere.’
“Dear white people if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know,” Poe tweeted. A screenshot of his since deleted tweet was captured below by the Daily Media.
To be sure, the antagonism among African-Americans toward Trump is well-known by now, and even CLSA’s noted commentator Chris Wood touched upon this in the latest edition of hs “Greed and Fear” newsletter.
However, a new and perhaps even more bizarre protest, not to mention death threat, against Donald Trump was revealed this weekend when Louisiana rapper Maine Muzik said during a YouTube video recording that he would kill presumptive presidential candidate Donald Trump if his “Mamma’s food stamps are taken away.”
To wit:
I could go to war with whoever the fuck I want to, but I really want to go to war with Donald Trump because Donald Trump trying to take food stamps from my mamma and that’s all the fuck she’s got. As long as the motherfucking government let us keep food stamps… we gonna be good, but the first time this nigga pass a law talking about he taking Louisiana purchase, shit going to get ugly.  I swear to god on every motherfucking chain I got, bitchez gonna go down. 
You gotta understand them (inaudible) love Fruit Loops. They love that shit so if you take that shit nigga it’s coming with the madness and a nigga ain’t gonna play about that.  Y’all take Donald Trump and let him know it’s up over here. We gonna declare war.
The Day the EBT Card Runs Out... no thug rappers are using this scenario as grounds for threatening a potential Trump Presidency and a resurgent America no longer mortgaging its future on black people magically becoming civilized.

But it gets better when you notice the pattern emerging. [Teen Thugs Carrying Shovels and Clubs Threaten to Shoot Donald Trump in Rap Video, Gateway Pundit, March 29, 2016]:
A group of teen thugs threaten to murder Republican Donald Trump in a new amateur rap video.
The young rappers threaten Trump as the march down the street with clubs and shovels.
Mark Dice reported:
<a href="http://cdn.firstimpression.io/delivery/ck.php?oaparams=2__bannerid=3647__zoneid=99782__cb=dcd4555508__oadest=http%3A%2F%2Fus-ads.openx.net%2Fw%2F1.0%2Frc%3Fcs%3DfiInstance_99782_0_606007_iframe%26cb%3Ddcd4555508%26c.zoneid%3DfiInstance_99782_0_606007%26r0%3Dhttp://cdn.firstimpression.io/delivery/ck.php?oaparams=2__bannerid=3647__zoneid=99782__cb=dcd4555508__oadest=" target="_blank"><img src="http://us-ads.openx.net/w/1.0/ai?auid=538183511&cs=fiInstance_99782_0_606007_iframe&cb=dcd4555508" border="0" alt=""></a>
A group of black teens posted a music video threatening to shoot Donald Trump in what they’re calling the “F*ck Trump Anthem” as they march down the street carrying baseball bats and shovels. Clearly these kids have been influenced by mainstream gangster rap artists like Rick Ross and others who have called for the murder of Donald Trump. Media analyst Mark Dice shows you some clips from their disturbing video, and decodes their ghetto talk. Song by DooleyFunny, Tlow, and Lor Roger – CIT4DT.
The sentiment shared by black rappers of hatred toward one Donald J. Trump and what he potentially represents runs deep in the black community. [Rap Song Threatens Riots, Trump Assassination; Media Celebrates: "And if your ass do win, you gong prolly get smoked", InfoWars.com, April 19, 2016]:
A new viral rap song that encourages the assassination of Donald Trump and calls for riots if he wins the presidency is being celebrated by the music media.
Entitled ‘F**k Donald Trump’, the track was performed live in front of 20,000 people at the Coachella music festival this past weekend by hip-hop artists YG and Nipsey Hussle.
The lyrics for the song openly invoke death threats against Trump and vow to stage violence if he takes the Oval Office.
Here are some choice excerpts;
All the niggas in the hood wanna fight you
Surprised El Chapo ain’t tried to snipe you
Surprised the Nation of Islam ain’t tried to find you
Have a rally out in L.A., we gon fuck it up
Home of the Rodney King riot, we don’t give a fuck
You built walls? We gong prolly dig holes
And if your ass do win, you gong prolly get smoked
F**k nigga, f**k you!
When me and Nip link, that’s Bloods and Crips
Where your L.A. rally? We gon crash your shit
The song also explicitly encourages criminals to commit voter fraud with the line, “And if you been to jail you can prolly still vote.”
The line, “He got me appreciating Obama way more,” makes it clear where YG and Nipsey Hussle stand politically.
 America is irredeemable, this much is certain.

But with stories such as those quoted above, you'll find there still exist white Americans who believe in something beyond the horizon: that the America of 2016, where multiple black rappers can threaten Donald J. Trump with assassination with seemingly no repercussions,  isn't what was supposed to be...

The Day the EBT Card Runs Out...

When black rappers threaten Trump with death if he dares take away the EBT card, you know we are in uncharted waters. 

Regardless of why Trump decided to run, he's changed things. Forever. There is no going back.

The experiment in integration has failed, miserably, though white people are too polite - at this point - to start making/enacting policy out of the absurd amount of data proving this fact. But this phase of inactivity - in the face of the overwhelming evidence of the failure of integration - will pass.

It's on our job to survive until it does.


Butterscotch said...

Is anyone surprised? Typical of blacks. This is a threat against another man's life. This is making terroristic threats. This is a CRIME. Why aren't they being arrested?

Oh, My bad, I forgot. Black privilege. The entire system of law and ''order'' is not in your favor, White man. Police, Judges, and Courts are all against you. They are allowed to make threats and demands. Extort you at large. Threaten violence against a prominent figure and walk free.

You aren't allowed to walk across the street on a red light. Not without a hefty ticket.

Had enough yet?

Lulu said...

I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Even more proof of the distance between the races. If this rapper is such a big deal, couldn't he afford to take care of his own mother? None of the so-called black movers amd shakers invest in da hood, but this guy doesn't help out his own mother?
Every time I think they have hit the bottom of the gutter, they manage to bounce lower.

Proudyt said...

Can you imagine if in 2007 the KKK threatened to shoot Obama's black ass ? And hey Maine Muzik , I'm sure yo mama still be in her 30's,how bout the bitch get a mafuckin job nigga ? The time for all this bullshit to end draws near and they won't know what hit them.

Blue Eyes Matter said...

I was really hoping you wouldn't cover this pos, he really doesn't deserve the attention. How stupid can he be, how small can his world be, to say this kind of ignorant stuff? The worst thing you can do is take this idiot seriously. His local police should arrest him for terroristic threats. We're supposed to believe isis calls him? Hmmmmm, he must be a big man, we better not mess with him,oooooohhh. Yeah, right.

He's a good boy looking out for his mama. Of course he's stressed out, with fathers day coming up, what with trying to figure out who his father is. No wonder he gots to have his Froot Loops. The same flavoring is used on each Froot loop. That's right, they all taste the same, the only difference is in the coloring. In blind taste tests, no one was able to identify the color with any more accuracy than chance guessing. Of course, we all figured that out as kids, and quickly outgrew the desire for such garbage food. Certainly never considered killing anyone over it. There's no accounting for taste, as they say.

If this aspiring rapper put as much effort into getting a job, and taking care of his mother, instead of trying to extort it out of our tax dollars, maybe I could take him seriously. As it is, he's just a mentally deficient annoyance.

If any white person had made threats like this about obama, they would have been in big trouble. Yet this goes on unchallenged by the media, the Justice department, and the so called president. How long until he's invited to the white house? Maybe the chef could whip up some Froot Loops for breakfast with Obamas. I'm pretty sure there's some in the kitchen cabinet. It's right next to the Kool Aid.

Anonymous said...

Hey Maine Musak, you are an idiot. Take care of your own mother. I'm sick and tired of feeding your dumb ass. You need clothing and food and housing and education (haha) and Medicaid and an Obama phone and a dental smile program and if just one of those gibs is taken away you're going to kill whitey. Bring it nigga! This isn't going to end well for some, and since nothing you have ever done has turned out well, I'm betting this will blow up in your face too. Too stupid, too violent, too poor, to be alive. Who do you think pays for all your 'free' shit? Awful, mean, and working, whitey. Grrrr.

Louie Vizcarra said...

The inaudible part is "CHIRRIN" aka that's African American vernacular for CHILDREN.

Anonymous said...

Trump !

Anonymous said...

Funny, I'm paranoid that he won't take away the foodstamps. I don't think he's ever mentioned it (this election cycle), one way or the other.
Still voting for him. Don't care if he lets the Big Lips Matter crew keep their EBTs. Don't care if he lets a couple "good" illegals come back through the big beautiful door in the wall. Don't care if the next president tries to use Trump's Great Wall to "lock me in".
Oh, and Lil'Nigga -- go ahead and start a riot wherever you go. Whitey's Ready.

Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck, George Will, SE Cupp, Erick Erickson and other CUCKSERVATIVES will be givin' free blow jobs to all the Rappers on the corner of Cuntstitution Avenue and Cibl Rites Bullivard for the next decade at least until they all die of aids, ebola or gunshots by the Rappers.

My hope is that Trump and Putin will get together and form a Alliance for Civilizaton with a Holy War against the DWL's, Doon Coons and Non Whites.

Sad part is that Hitler will probably have his revenge for the West turning upon itself thru the cesspool of multiculturalism. I just read that the "right" presidential candidate in Austria was defeated because of White Austrian Women voting for the liberal socialist. Those Austrian Women better say goodbye to their vaginas as the Doon Coons will be taking them over shortly.

Hey---remember this is Memorial Day===Decoration Day Weekend coming up....you know the day we Honor our Confederate Soldiers for fighting against the War of Northern Agression! Many Many fine sales at online and big box sporting goods stores...including the .22 LR ammo that is finally coming back in stock.







just to name a few are offering great products that the whole family can enjoy, get involved with and share for fun and during those special times that lay ahead of us.

Anonymous said...

Trump is not going to take away EBT. During WW2 in the Pacific, the military decided it was foolish to attack Japanese island strongholds.

Instead, they "island hopped" over them, leaving these strongholds impotent while they moved forward to important targets.

Truthfully, this EBT underclass is irrelevant in the big financial picture.

Take back the beaten-down majority and leave the underclass behind.

These sub-70-IQ, violent members of the 13% minority populace are irredeemable.

Feed them. Then ignore them.

If you want to give them "Opportunities" to excel, fine.

If they can, great. If they can't, let's move along.

Californian said...

Well, again, look at D.W. Griffith or Lothrop Stoddard or Madison Grant or Bull Connor or Orvil Faubus or George Wallace or Senator Bilbo said would happen if the Rising Tide of Color got out of hand. And here we are in 2016. There's a demographic created by the dysgenic policies in place since the Civil Rites Revolution which is utterly contemptuous of the electoral process and the basics of living in a civil society.

Consider these choice passages:

I could go to war with whoever the f*ck I want to, but I really want to go to war with Donald Trump because Donald Trump trying to take food stamps from my mamma and that’s all the f*ck she’s got.

Come now, where is all that wealth which blacks are supposed to be capable of creating, whether picking cotton in the South or building automobiles when Detroit was a city? How did his "mamma" end up only possessing food stamps? Oh wait, I know, YT stole her wealth!

As long as the motherf*cking government let us keep food stamps… we gonna be good, but the first time this n*gga pass a law...

Isn't the use of racial epithets a major thoughtcrime? Perhaps we need a DWL to inform this aspiring rapper he needs to avoid inappropriate language.

I swear to god on every motherf*cking chain I got, b*tchez gonna go down.

Typical low impulse control behavior, no doubt with signs of lack of future time orientation. Might be worthwhile to check his IQ.

("Chain?" Does this imply he owns jewelry or grills? If he has money to spend on bling, then perhaps he might give some of it to his mamma.)

A group of black teens posted a music video threatening to shoot Donald Trump in what they’re calling the “F*ck Trump Anthem” as they march down the street carrying baseball bats and shovels.

This, of course, is what the Alabama cops were trying to stop when they made their stand at the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

Media analyst Mark Dice shows you some clips from their disturbing video, and decodes their ghetto talk.

"Disturbing" video? How is this video different from anything else that comes out of the 'hood? Look at World Star Hip Hop. Africans-in-America have been rapping about their criminal behaviors and posting videos of their pathologies for years.

Have a rally out in L.A., we gon f*ck it up
Home of the Rodney King riot, we don’t give a f*ck

Note how African-in-America violence continues its march through American cities: the Long Hot Summer Riots of the 1960s to the gang banger urban guerrilla warfare, the Rodney King Riot then the flashmobbing, BLM pillaging and now in 2016 threats of insurrection.

Again, consider what Griffith and company were saying in the first half of the 20th century and then consider where America is today.

And yes, get prepped, get armed.

Anonymous said...

If black people did manage to assassinate Donald Trump, then he would probably become the Franz Ferdinand of the 2nd American Civil War.

Interesting how they're rapping about killing Donald Trump, and yet they're not being arrested for hate speech.

Anonymous said...

Oh, so you wanna riot if Trump wins, my nigga? You think its better if you and your mamma stay dependent upon public assistance, instead of supporting yourself and actually experiencing what it truly means to be free?

For a race of people who cry nonstop about the chains they once wore, they sure seem unwilling to accept the fact that they're still wearing them, and they're terrified at the idea of losing them.

TRUMP 2016

Anonymous said...

Bring it on, Shitavious.

Anonymous said...

All talk. Deyz only good at runnin dey moufs.

Anonymous said...

Once President trump takes office, we should open those idle FEMA camps for these aboriginal subhumans. Naturally there must be rail service to these camps and plenty of showers for these primates.

Anonymous said...

Sing along time, everybody !

(to the tune of 'You Are My Sunshine')
You are a n____r
A stupid n____r
You're only happy smoking a jay
Your dad's drug-dealin'
Your mom's out stealin'
Trump's going to take her food stamps away.

Anonymous said...

"...Donald Trump trying to take food stamps from my mamma and that’s all the fuck she’s got."

Po' mamma goan starb to deff widdout dem foob stamps yo. I'm sure he'll give her some of his aspiring rappa Benjamins, cuz.

BTW, to my knowledge Trump hasn't said a word about food stamps.

Mustafa said...

So, when the SHTF, I intend to take the Korean convenience store owner approach: sit on my roof with my Steyr Mannlicher SSG PII .308, Nightforce Scope, and blast anyone intent on burning my home.

I have had quite enough of these threats. I just want to be left in peace to look after my family.

Trump save us all.

Eddie in St. Louis said...

It would be a good time to start cruising a few MRAP Vehicles through some Ghetto Skreets now for the optics, but Obama would never let that happen to his Chimp Army. He wants them off the chain again before the Fall Elections. Nomesayin?

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump is the kind of guy that would order the police to shoot rioters. I don't understand why this order hasn't been given before - especially for those rioters that cover their faces and heads with do-rags and hoodies. "Brain shots," President Trump would order. That's why I'm voting for him. I'm sick and tired of the 3rd World, ganster bullshit.

The Engineer

Brian in Ohio said...

Assassinate Donald Trump? Highly unlikely.. he doesn't live on the bus route.

Loot and burn your local liquor, electronic and shoe stores? VERY likely.

These rap threats are the modern version of a witch doctor dancing around a fire in a big mask, screeching trying to ward off evil spirits...and are about as effective.

But they make clear that Trump has put the fear into them. Good.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Fed Up in Middle America said...

It's extortion. "Give me all the freebies or I'm going to kill you." How much longer will we subsidize these parasites?

Anonymous said...

Many blacks sense that YT is weak and that momentum is on their side. In battle it is called "initiative." They believe they have it, which is why they have become so brazen in the attacks. They see no response and therefore conclude that stepping up the attacks is a way to further seize the initiative, which is where most battles are won.

They saw very little was done with Ferguson and Baltimore. The average black living in a ghetto only sees other black faces and assumes that they have the numbers, completely oblivious to the fact that there is still a gigantic armed white majority population not living in their "hood."

Should they ever be so bold as to initiate an armed conflict with the wider white population, they will have no idea what hit them.

Mr. Clean said...

"rapper" Tef Poe ooked: “Dear white people if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know,”

Whether Trump wins or not, "young niggas...are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go". Negros gotta nig. But "Everywhere we go" will be the areas already infested (and therefore trashed), and are areas we white people don't really care about. Your riotous jaboonery is really just the equivalent of what the military calls "bouncing rubble".

Try bringing your threatened monkeyshines out of your nesting areas and into places of proper human habitation and commerce. Trust me, suburban police in my part of the country would not be under orders to stand down, to put it very mildly.

And if your momma is the typical negro sow, the last thing she needs is more food.....

Anonymous said...

Trump is, obviously, very smart. You and I both know he must have a burning rage inside of him that absolutely detests the savage n-gger beast, but he knows that even blinking his eyes in the wrong way now will bring a sh*tstorm of "you're a racist!" BS cascading down upon him. Until he actually wins, he has to either ignore the n*gger hordes, or kiss their filthy black asses.

But just wait. Do everything in your power to get him into office, then let's see how he handles the next Trayvon or Mike Brown case.

Oh man, this is going to be soooooo good!

Kipling said...

That sneering face equals sales galore for Glock, Sturm Ruger, Colt, Federal...

PB said...

Wasn't what is now "ebonics" once called "Jive"? Does "ebonics" sound more sciencey and sheeit?

Anonymous said...

"As long as the motherfucking government let us keep food stamps… we gonna be good, but the first time this nigga pass a law talking about he taking Louisiana purchase, shit going to get ugly."

WTF? This guy is afraid Trump's going to undo the Louisiana Purchase? Give nearly a million acres of land to cheese-eating surrender monkeys?

Oh, I see. Groids hate the word welfare. So they rename shit to make it sound better than handouts to lazy f4ckers. Nigga, you ain't seen ugly yet. Just try to take your riots to where the gun-toting, target practicing YTs live. Then you'll see ugly.

Anonymous said...

May I suggest all Humans start the following campaign to help elect Trump.

Go to any gathering you can with a friend who has a video camera. Wear a Trump T shirt and hat. Stand next to a group of uppity orcs and smile at them. Roll camera. The groids will eventually start screaming at you about racism, etc. Very predictable. Stay cool and let them chimp out. Calmly say you feel threatened by their behavior and ask if they are in a gang. Chimping will crescendo. All is being filmed. Get good close ups of the negroid snouts screaming and baring their fangs.

Then, say bye bye and go upload to youtube. A barrage of anti-Trump screaming negroids will do wonders for our cause.

Anonymous said...

Dear negroes,

Please riot harder than ever before. Riot so hard that you do so much damage that the local police and White citizens are finally forced to use our 2nd Amendment Right and White america FINALLY gets fed up with your nonsense and we put a stop to White guilt and political correctness for once and for all. Nothing would do more to Make America Great Again than if you coddled spoiled retarded juvenile niggers finally push White america to the breaking point.

I Double Dog Dare You,

Rex Hymens

Philadelphia Mike said...

If he cared so much about his momma, he would show his love through hard work and self sacrifice....and get a job...so that he could give her many of the things that she has always longed for.

Oh...I forgot...we're talking about blacks.

Self sacrifice, logic, and accountability don't apply.

Philadelphia Mike

Steve Smith said...

' You gotta understand them (inaudible) love Fruit Loops. They love that shit so if you take that shit nigga it’s coming with the madness... '

But are they kookoo for cocoa puffs?

Sorry, I couldn't help it.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a crime to threaten somebody's life, especially a president or presidential candidate?
Anyway, this article is worth checking out.

Anonymous said...

Been a longtime Paul. Unbeknownst to these "cutting edge" undermen, they just might make this beasts dream come true.

Belgian Beast

Tom Tomerson said...

I'll never understand why the Bantus are so viscerally Anti-Trump.....If I didn't know how shortsighted they are I would think maybe they foresee white people waking up.

OT: The royal family (PBUT) have decided to move to the hoist toity Kalorama neighborhood in DC after they're evicted from the Formerly White House. https://www.washingtonian.com/2016/05/24/where-is-president-obama-moving-after-leaves-office-kalorama/

The grand percentage of Groids there?

2.2% lol

Bird of Paradise said...

Another anti-white liberal demacrat voting Obama supporting maniac who needs his CD's labeled XXXXXXXX no one can buy

Anonymous said...

Ever wondered what the last moment of so many Americans lives looks like? With a savage orc holding a gun in your face and pulling the trigger? This "music" video will give you a good idea. And look how many views this monster has!!


former liberal said...

What do you expect from a race which generally has a mental age of 10 to 12 years old? Unaware whites are going to be in for a rude awakening and nasty surprise.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Trump,

Please make your first executive order to be to take away this boys mama's food stamps. Thank you. We the people.

Anonymous said...

So just how long is this going to go on? All those great White men who came before us, including my old man. I feel ashamed. I for one am ready, can we just do it?

Anonymous said...

You know what?

I'm NOT a famous rapper, or famous at all.

I don't earn millions, i'm middle-class with 2 kids that I had and raise with my wife, to whom I am faithful, and she also works a middle class job.

I bought my mother a car, pay for her INS and oil changes and repairs, and I pay her electric bill and cable bll, and when my wife buys our groceries she buys and delivers some for my mother.

Thats our White privilege I guess.

Good job, Famous Rich Rapper Negroe, you should be ashamed of yourself, and your mother should disown you.

Anonymous said...

"BTW, to my knowledge Trump hasn't said a word about food stamps."

You are correct. Not a word.

Anonymous said...

Why do I think that if all of us got together, and marched down Pennsylvania Avenue singing their little ditty, replacing Trumps name with Obama, we would all be in the D.C. Lockup? These idiots are allowed to push the envelope a little too far for my comfort.

Anonymous said...

"That sneering face equals sales galore for Glock, Sturm Ruger, Colt, Federal...".

Yep. So much so a couple months ago I called my broker. He told me to wait. I said no. Now. And he did.

Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck, George Will, SE Cupp, Erick Erickson and other CUCKSERVATIVES will be givin' free blow jobs to all the Rappers on the corner of Cuntstitution Avenue and Cibl Rites Bullivard for the next decade at least until they all die of aids, ebola or gunshots by the Rappers

Erickson and Beck have gone insane.

Never did I think I would agree with Alex Jones on anything

Our cities are crumbling and these two want to stop Trump out of spite. These two would not only ban all forms of abortion if they could but in their minds would be fixing America.

Beck has lived in Baltimore and yet supports liberal style censorship on race. What does that tell us? He isn't some naive suburbanite. Anyone who has lived in a place like Baltimore knows the truth.

What it comes down to is that he and Erickson support "noble lie" conservatism. This is the philosophy of Plato that reality is too hash for the masses and thus the elites should tell them lies for the greater good. This is also the philosophy of Conservative Inc and NY based magazines like National Review.

There are two major problems with "noble lie" conservatism:
1. It reinforces liberalism by working on the assumption that race is superficial and has nothing to do with inequality.
2. The internet. The intellectually curious can read about racial differences and see plain as day that liberals have been lying to the public. Cuckservatives are like liberals in that they have no choice but to pretend this access doesn't exist and maintain the lies as best they can, which means censorship and intellectual dishonesty.

Anonymous said...

I would bet my life this "rapper" has an expensive cell phone and\or tablet, a PS4 or Xbox and huge tv, lots of gold and diamond jewelry, expensive tattooes, huge bags of drugs....

But can he buy his own mother groceries? Of course not, that's OUR job.

Do you think he spent a penny of his riches on life INS for his keeds? HA!

Do you think he invested a penny in mutual funds or stocks or a Roth IRA for his OWN future? HA!

Irredeemable is right.

Anonymous said...

I love it, Anytime these brainless "Niggas" spout off, Trump picks up votes
I hope they riot all summer

When Trump finishes the Wall, He can start building prisons

Anonymous said...

I've seen the mommas that have nothing but their food stamps. Hair did, nails did, driving a Cadillac, expensive clothes and tipping the scales at 250 +

Anonymous said...

sub-saharan african's are not a "race" of homo sapiens, they are a different & distinct Species altogether.

As a superior species the Sub-saharan's should be separated out of mixing with mere, inferior species homo-sapiens.

So no more species mixing, ok ????

Anonymous said...

The roots remake is to air on Memorial Day weekend. It's to be shown on a few different stations. If you read the comments in the Hollywood reporter it seems people are fed up with this constant bitching about the past. A lot of this slave redux is coming directly from the White House. Very disturbing indeed.

Anonymous said...

"BTW, to my knowledge Trump hasn't said a word about food stamps."

You are correct. Not a word.

Well they don't teach critical thinking in the schools or even the colleges.

What they do teach is that White conservatives are evil racist destroyers of civilization that want to take away every government program. They teach this would wreck the economy because you see the economy didn't exist before the Great Welfare programs.

They don't mention that the only President that has signed meaningful welfare reforms was a Democrat named Bill Clinton. Now it was Newt that came up with the plan but Clinton supported it.

They don't mention that it was a liberal leaning politician (Bloomberg) that tried preventing soda and candy purchases. However he lost that battle after the Marxist left teamed up with soda companies.

Bush II was a jackass that never challenged Great Welfare programs. He was more interested in sand wars and tax cuts.

Anonymous said...

I don't earn millions, i'm middle-class with 2 kids that I had and raise with my wife, to whom I am faithful, and she also works a middle class job.

I bought my mother a car, pay for her INS and oil changes and repairs, and I pay her electric bill and cable bll, and when my wife buys our groceries she buys and delivers some for my mother.

Why are you posting here? You should be working more. We have lots of bills that need to be paid. Just a few more trillion and we will have this racial inequality problem solved. Get back to work.

- The Feds

Ricky Tucker said...

Ah, you beat me to it. Living where I live and the job I do I have to be fluent in Ebonics/ghetto.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from a race which generally has a mental age of 10 to 12 years old? Unaware whites are going to be in for a rude awakening and nasty surprise.

Psychometricians warned about this decades ago. They predicted that Sub-Saharan Africa would not modernize for this reason, and that South Africa would have a lower standard of living without White government.

Liberals responded by declaring Psychometrics to be a pseudoscience that doesn't measure anything of substance.

Clearly the liberals were correct. Sub-Saharan Africa is a shining utopia of civilization and a testament to liberal theories. ALL HAIL LIBTOPIA!

Anonymous said...

Tactics, Humans... it's all about tactics.

So, Summer almost here and the chimping is about to start. What can be done to help our cause?

Well, to you police out there, do everything you can to avoid arresting orcs in their nesting areas and let them simply shoot each other to their black heart's content. The second they stray into a Human area, smack their paws hard and send them back to black. When called to a crime in the negro areas, slow down, do everything to delay your arrival. Let the victims bleed out, and let the orc perps escape and survive to cap another orc another day. Again, keep them in their areas; only come down on orcs trying to infest Human areas.

Remember they are fired up to bring down a Human cop. They've failed so many times now they are furious. Add in heat, Trump's ascendancy, the new Roots on TV, bye bye to Obongo, etc, and the bullets are going to fly. They will taunt you and film you and their orc jungle mates in the nog controlled cities will prosecute you. Do not do this to yourselves or families.

Trump will support the police and not prosecute them like Obongo and Lynch. You can help his election come to be by doing what you can to stand back and let the negroes show who they truly are. Murderous, animals.

Remember, it's in their genes; they area low IQ, low impulse control, poor future time orientation, violent, sub-species, etc. It's hardwired; you can't help them. Just keep the infection contained while they do the Lord's work and cull the herd.

Anonymous said...

For all you wondering why his mom is on food stamps if he's such a big deal, consider that the many mothers of NBA stars getting multi-million dollar contracts reportedly still use their EBT cards for all their smaller purchases. The desire to "put one over on the man" by using his money and "getting something for free" is paramount. They don't even consider that they don't require the EBT card anymore as they are extremely wealthy.

Anonymous said...

Some good chimping here. Watch the dusky sow get in Milo's face. These monkeys are really getting ready to chimp big. Cat 5 coming soon.



Anonymous said...

WTF? This guy is afraid Trump's going to undo the Louisiana Purchase? Give nearly a million acres of land to cheese-eating surrender monkeys?

I call it word scramble and it's something they allow in schools.

They throw in some reference or buzz word that has nothing to do with the sentence in an attempt to appear intelligent or educated. They get used to not being called on anything by liberal White teachers and it carries into college. The horrible results of this practice culminated in that college "debate" that circulated on youtube.

Moron liberal White teachers haven't considered what happens when these graduates go into the workforce where words actually matter. You can't argue a sales deal or law case by blurting gobbly gook as fast as you can. You will simply lose.

Whites do it too. Just read a typical Sociology or English thesis.

Anonymous said...

Anon :

WTF? This guy is afraid Trump's going to undo the Louisiana Purchase? Give nearly a million acres of land to cheese-eating surrender monkeys?

Oh, I see. Groids hate the word welfare

"Louisiana Purchase Card" was the name given to this State's EBT/SNAP. When the transition was being made from physical food stamps to electronic transfer, one of the main reasons cited was the trauma endured by the shopper when the cashier had to verify the stamps in front of other shoppers. This was an excruciating and humiliating public spectacle for those who at one point WUZ KANGZ. The kind of micro-aggression that can cause a zip code to go wrong.

It was not enough to turn the stamps into a card, they had to lift the stigma too, including what it was called. SNAP/EBT still had a tinge of degradation, so they called it "Louisiana Purchase" - since it could be used to purchase things in Louisiana. They made it with really nice graphic design and at first glance looks almost identical to a bank issued debit card, so that users could just swipe away in virtual anonymity, free from anyone's judgment, with dignity in tact.

Interestingly enough the pain, degradation, and shame associated with the old food stamps was not enough to encourage them to work at getting off of the welfare roles or reduce the offspring. That, you see, would require time preference and work ethic, another of those privileges that seemingly were only distributed to whites.

Anonymous said...

The desire to "put one over on the man" by using his money and "getting something for free" is paramount. They don't even consider that they don't require the EBT card anymore as they are extremely wealthy.

What we need are some undercover cameras for EBT purchases.

Liberal politicians want the public to think that abuse is rare. I would bet that everyone here has seen at least one of the following from an EBT purchaser:
1. Pull out the latest iPhone
2. Separate smoke and alcohol purchases
3. Buy a bunch of steaks for a BBQ
4. Collusion (I buy the food, you buy the beer)

Liberals also tried denying that people could buy Starbucks until Safeway acknowledged it was true:

If Fox is good for one thing it is investigating these types of stories. We all know that the liberal outlets don't want to touch them.

ruckus said...

Well, there goes the neighborhood...

Bill in St Louis said...

Why feed them? Just wall off their "hoods" and let them revert back to cannibalism.

Anonymous said...

Off topic, this is in reply to a post from yesterday. Someone parodied a verse from, "The Sound of Silence". I decided to rewrite most of the lyrics, I hope you all like it!

Most darkies with violent trends
They wants more "gibs me dat" again
Towards white girls they go creeping
To leave their seed and leave her weeping
And the violence that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Due to the acts of negros

Once white countries walk alone
Other nations think we're stoned
Last white person, turn off the lamps
Unless we put 'em in internment camps
And my mind was grabbed
By a flash of European light
Our former might
Disturbed by negro violence

The pants down negroes that I saw
Surely fans of basketball
People babbling without meaning
To wisdom never listening
People rapping "songs"
With voices far from fair
And so few dared
Confront the truth of negroes.

"Fools," said I, "you do not know
negros like Ebola grows.
Read the words PK might teach you
So negro violence doesnt reach you."
But the words on blinded eyeballs fell
And echoed the smell of negros.

And the people bowed and prayed
To their god of darkest shade
And Paul Kersey gave his warning
To the whites sick of conforming

And PK said,
"The negroes and their handlers
Should be lined up against the walls,
Kicked in the balls."
Let's end the negro violence.

To PK and the regular posters, this one is for you!

Unknown said...

The crime here is Rap "music"!

It is not art! It is not identified by the listeners as art! Black youth are looking up to the "THUG LIFE" as a goal to achieve. To publish death threats against persons striving to serve in public office, to lead the free world, should be handled as a hate crime!!!

Why would some want to advertise their Mom is on EBT, personally I would be ashamed! But to make public statements threatening to kill a politician for potential legislation.

By the why if you got the money to produce music videos why don't you HELP YOUR MOM, I sure she be proud of you severing a life sentence in prison!

Also public assistance is not a civil right, it is a privilege and originally intended as a "temporary assistance" not a shackle on the american tax payer.

Anonymous said...

We need our own version of the Star Chamber. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

They don't bounce lower... They show their true work ethic by digging deeper! Ha, ha!

Anonymous said...

I got one better. They buy steaks and ribs on EBT then sell cooked meals on a cart at intersections. EBT into cash. I've seen it with my on eyes. Williston SC.

Anonymous said...

I think Fruit Loops are the exception that proves the rule that different colors really do have differences. Do Fuji, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith and Wine sap apples have different characteristics? Yup, just like breeds of dogs!

Plaga Negra said...

Is primitive chanting the negroe's formal declaration of helter skelter? Seriously, we might have a Persian earth and water "treaty" situation here.

Unknown said...

The "red kind"...Kool Aid.

Anonymous said...

Revert? I know it's been awhile since a ghetto lobster story was posted...

But there's hope yet, with Memorial Day weekend comes the opening of pools. How soon 'til we hear of the first seasonal report of an African Rockfish?

Anonymous said...

Thank you pavement apes, once again you are too stupid to realize that you are bringing the presidency to Trump on a silver platter. When all is said and done, I hope he thanks you. He couldn't have done it without your regular threats of violence, actual violence, and dark news stories that you are able to supply the local news outlets with on a daily basis. We are not the same and you are helping us all get on the same page, so again, thank you.

And how did you get the incredible/ingenious idea of rhyming "you" with "you"? You don't need to know how to play an instrument, sing, know how to rhyme words, speak in intelligible English or even practice at all to be an "established" rapper. No wonder every black youth coast to coast is an aspiring rapper- it takes literally no time investment whatsoever.

And what is the deal with the constant hand movements in all of your videos? Do you guys all have ADHD or something? I know a lot of it is your beloved gang signs, but will the world end if your hands aren't constantly slithering around?

I don't really want answers to any of these questions, as these days I attempt to think about you and what you have done and are doing to our country on a daily basis as little as possible.

Please keep at it though, you are making a difference.

Anonymous said...

Oh, beloved tunesmith! Thanks k you for the good parody! I just posted one inspired by someone yesterday for "Sound of Silence". I'll likely register a username of Chimpus Attacksus, a little nod to that great hero everyone says was the first to die in the war that created our nation.

Signing off!

Anonymous said...

And now, the mighty SBPDL Players present:

Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 4, as performed by the Royal Shakespeare Repertory Company of Garfield Park. You'll laugh! You'll cry! You'll kiss this country goodbye! Directed by Spike Lee!

(This picture has not yet been rated by the
Motion Picture Association of America)

Digging deeper into YT's pocket, yo!
Gotsta get me some bitches and hoes!
Slinging candy for your daughter's nose!
Hustling before Obama's store gets closed!

Whoops! Sorry, that clip was from The Merchant of Venice. But still, a fine performance that stirs the soul and makes you proud to be an American, gnomesaying?

Anonymous said...

My God. They are vile beyond belief. Worse than Ebola and the bubonic plague. The government wants millions to fight the Zika virus? I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE ZIKA VIRUS. I want this filthy diseased race contained and put back where it belongs - which is not anywhere near humans or innocent animals. It is the worst scourge ever visited upon the earth - and worsening every day. On the rare occasion I encounter a negro in person, I am finding it more and more difficult not to want to throw up. They are SO offensive in every possible way.

Thank you Paul Kersey for your work. No White person should be turning a blind eye to this revolting menace. My husband, though a realist, won't read this blog with me. So, I share from it every day. He's got to know it all.

NJ Woman

P.S. I'm certain the momma weighs 300 lbs., minimum. I shudder to think of it.

Anonymous said...

Feed them because that's what basic humanity requires. Our basic humanity, not their's.

Feed them, provide basics and hop past their islands of Baltimore, Detroit and Compton while the rest of the world moves forward and around them.

Anonymous said...

I have no faith in the I-phone generation to do anything to secure their future they will be the new "huddled masses" pleading "can't we all just get along"?
the short answer is "NO"!

Anonymous said...

I thought "Chirrun" was the boatman on the River Styx.... Oh, wait, that's Leroy.

Julie said...

I know many people like Donald Trump, but he really should withdraw from the election. Donald Trump seems to make African-americans really angry. We don't need to have all the destruction and killing that could happen if Donald Trump becomes President. It would be very hurtful to take food away from these poor families. Let's just have either Hillary Clinton or Paul Ryan be the President. That way things will remain calm. There is no point in poking the African-americans and making them angry like this.

Anonymous said...

I thought STYX was a 70's band.

We're sailing away . . .
Set a course far from diversity
We've got to be free . . .
Free to live our lives without your vibrancy
PK is our brave captain . . .
so climb aboard . . .
We can search for a homeland . . .
Without crack whores . . .
And we'll try, with Trump we will try . . .
To write this song



Just more evidence on why the lowly common negro is so despised around the world! You can get more out of the doorknob on your front door! Than the lowly common negro. At least the doorknob has a purpose in this world. Can't wait till the lowly common negro is gone from the United States of America as well as their enablers the progressive liberals as well. The White man has been to the moon so there should be no problem with getting those two of a kind of the shores of America. What kind of man gleefully tells the world that his mother is accepting/taking food stamps from a gov't agency? The lowly common negro that's who!


Anonymous said...

Can anyone cite anything specific Trump has said in his entire life of being a liberal democrat that leads you to believe he's a race realist? I think folks are setting themselves up for massive disappointment. He's spent thirty years in the public eye cozying up to blacks.

Anonymous said...

Back off everyone!!!!
I called dibs on this thing when the SHTF a couple days ago on Colin Flaherty's YouTube page. I got this one.😉

-JSF- in Minneapolis

Paintjob Theory said...

"The roots remake is to air on Memorial Day weekend."

I'll bet you all dollars to donuts that the production credits read like a guest list to a Bar Mitzvah. And we all know who owns the networks/studios.

"Our cities are crumbling and these two want to stop Trump out of spite."

Bearing in mind how sick people are about the establishment and opposition in rhetoric only provided by the mainline Republicans, establishment hacks attacking Trump is as contrived as these feral negroes threats and riots. Both only boost Trump's popularity. It seems to me that somebody is desperate to convince us (in the absence of any evidence) that Trump offers something actually different.

You would like to think that after all these attacks against Trump "backfiring" the attackers would learn, but I guess those who are paid to manipulate popular opinion have all just lost their touch all of a sudden.

Mark my words, this is all carefully scripted. I don't believe the premise for a minute and I doubt I'll be pleased with the punchline either when it arrives.

Anonymous said...

Forgive me. Some days I'm madder than others, and this is one of them. I must comment again - this time on the photo. It is more repulsive than a bowl full of maggots. The photo tells me they are surly, unwashed, wearing filthy (stolen) clothes, reeking to high heaven, grunting unintelligibly, infested with lice and all manner of vermin (see the creature picking its head and the one swatting flies away). The "nose" and maw on the creature in the foreground are particularly repugnant. I pray my eyes are deceiving me, but I believe I see a White girl in the photo. Her parents failed her miserably. I wretch just to think of standing in that putrid group.

And, of course, they are just standing around doing NOTHING, because they don't have to - White people do it all for them. And THEY HATE US while we give them everything. And complain. And threaten our lives.

NJ Woman

Mr. Rational said...

And we'll try, with Trump we will try . . .
To write this song....

I look to DC
Source of all the law that oppresses me
Most crappy, putrid
Think of old Jim Crow and the good it did
They marched in revolution, for "rights" went down
But somehow they missed that they'd trash the town
And we'll try, with Trump we will try . . .
To write this song!

Anonymous said...

How can you be so callous as to say his mother should disown him? His dad already did!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! The song even mentions going off into the stars. The closest we've gotten to the stars since the moon is World Star Hip Hop!

Anonymous said...


Let any other race even hint at some extreme mental retardation like this and you can kiss your ass goodbye!

I wonder why those behind the curtain continue allowing this to happen. Maybe they DO want people to notice how blacks really are. I'm surprised this is even being ALLOWED!

Thoughts from long time latino lurker. (Hispanic is a marxist term)

Anonymous said...

"It is more repulsive than a bowl full of maggots."

Nice one. Great job.

Anonymous said...

I thought "Chirrun" was the boatman on the River Styx.... Oh, wait, that's Leroy.

Well, MLK, jr., Blvd in American cities has become akin to the Styx River...

Anonymous said...

Sorry folks,

I was feeling creative and redid the old classic Stones song as a parody. Maybe I can be the race-realist Weird Al?

"Paint It Black"

I grew up in a white town and now it's mostly black.

No coloreds anymore, I want time to turn back.

I see sheboons walk by dressed in disgusting clothes.

I have to leave this place, because the darkness grows.

I saw my stolen car, and it was driven my a black.

With spinning rims and ground effects, I'll never want it back.

I see the nappy heads and quickly look away.

Like a shooting in Baltimore, it happens everyday.

I look at the crime stats and know that's it's all black.

I'm seeing red right now and I want my country back!

Maybe I'll just move to the 'burbs and not have to face the facts.

It's not easy facing life when your white town turned to black.

No more will the policemen give a fair shake to me and you,

With crime the way it is cops don't work for me and you!

If I look hard enough into that pointed gun, my life will end, surely before the morning comes.

I grew up in a nice town and now its mostly black.

All coloreds any more, I want time to turn back.

I see hoochies walk by, dressed nasty and so gross.

I have to turn my head so that my eyeballs don't explode.

Hmm, hmm, hmm,..

I see it painted, painted black
Black as night, black as coal
It looks like the sun blotted out from the sky
I wanna see time turned, turned, turned back.


Hmm, hmm, hmm

Anonymous said...

the very Gates Of Hell will open wide upon YT a'Murka when the ever robbable McD's scattered round the hoodz R closed down...No Happy Meals, No Peace !!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting that they said come to LA, and we'll riot. Trump is having a rally in Anaheim right now. There's no riot, no city burning, no assassination attempt. Once again, we see that these loud mouthed call to arms are just the typical black behavior: demanding others to do the work for them.

Anonymous said...

You know, if blacks like young master Tef Poe were to think (admittedly difficult with that median IQ of 80), they might conclude that a Trump presidency would be better for the bruthas and sistuhs:

* Reduced immigration means less competition for entry level jobs for aspiring rappers.
* Fewer hispanic gangbangers means 'hood streets will not be shot up by MS-13 and its compadres.
* Ending outsourcing would enhance US industry at home so blacks can work in all those auto assembly jobs which built (we are told) America's wealth.
* Fewer third worlders means less competition for affirmative action.
* Halting Muslim immigration would mean no more urban pioneers setting up stores in cities like Detroit which "drain the wealth" of the 'hood into YT's coffers.
* One might also note that under the Clinton I administration, large numbers of blacks were incarcerated under the war on drugs while welfare reform was enacted.

Ah, but all this gets us back to that word thinking. But thinking is not quite on the agenda here, is it? It never has with BRA.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone cite anything specific Trump has said in his entire life of being a liberal democrat that leads you to believe he's a race realist?

Most racial realists don't say anything in public. I have no doubt that Clinton is a racial realist as well. Of course she is also a greedy sociopath that will sell out Whites for money and power.

Trump owns a casino in Atlantic City. It would be impossible to manage a business in Atlantic City and not become a racial realist. Completely impossible.

I think folks are setting themselves up for massive disappointment.

What is the worst case scenario here? He only makes the mainstream media and establishment GOP go batshit crazy? Sounds like a winner.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Drudge linked to the Hollywood Reporter mag story about the Roots remake. They shut the comments down for the article after 2 hours of being open. In those two hours, they had close to 750 comments, almost every single one negative to say the least. Thank God people are waking up. Hope it isn't too late. Time to straighten out these vermin, once and for all.

Anonymous said...

Of course, I meant to say "retch", though negroes do make me wretched as well. On a note of serendipity, I'd like to proudly note that there is actually a NJ rapper named "RetcH". Imagine that. Check out his primitive photo and typical lengthy rap sheet. A perfect name, though "VomiT" might have been better.

NJ Woman

P.S. I hope his momma Is getting enough to eat while he's in prison. God willing, he'll be able to vote in the election, along with all his cell mates.

Quinnotaur said...

I wish white people would be let off the chain already. I am a white devil and I am here to do the devil's work.

Anonymous said...

rapper = talker

PB said...

The tragedy is that were you to take up arms to protect yourselves from these repellent lower-order primates, you'd have to also protect yourselves from the (now frequently Israeli trained) Police who would view you as the "lawbreakers". Who knew that the shots being fired would come AFTER the occupation was completed.

Anonymous said...

As I see it, the Trump phenomenon is simply the immune system of our country finally kicking in and expelling the invading viruses - aka illegals, Muslims, orcs, etc. It will get nasty, but the end result is worth it.

Anonymous said...

Trump can't speak out against the groid as they are looking for even the tiniest hint of nog dysfunction awareness to crucify him. He has mentioned gang violence and mentioned believing in genetics. That's enough for me. Once in office, and faced with nog dysfunction, he will act with extreme prejudice. We just need to give him a landslide election and back a full on conservative congress.

Aso, need to get the info out there that nog dysfunction is based on genetics. Can't be fixed by social programs, taxes etc. Only sending the orcs back to where they came from can actually solve the problem. How many folks can the new Carnival cruise liner hold...?

Anonymous said...

White people who LOOOVE black people more than their own people are perverts. Period.


Brian in Ohio said...

OT: The royal family (PBUT) have decided to move to the hoist toity Kalorama neighborhood in DC after they're evicted from the Formerly White House. https://www.washingtonian.com/2016/05/24/where-is-president-obama-moving-after-leaves-office-kalorama/

The grand percentage of Groids there?

2.2% lol

Because DC is a police state. Tons of Federal cops(aka: loyal to the regime) and close to Andrews AFB. They`ve lived in a bubble and want to remain there.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Steve Smith said...

Public execution has been known to work wonders. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

I've seen all of those, and had people come up to me when I was about to enter a store asking what I was planning to buy, then they offered to buy it for me with their EBT card and I would pay them cash.

Anonymous said...

Music videos don't cost anything to make these days, you can film and edit them on an iPhone, then upload it to YouTube, and you're a "rapper", your friends and family share it with their friends and family and you have 10k views. It's not that hard these days, and requires zero talent whatsoever. 20 years ago music was put thru a vetting process by record labels, and if it was deemed profitable it was released Now thanks to social media and the internet, anyone can be heard.

Brian in Ohio said...

Lets all look into the SBPDL crystal ball to a headline in the near future....

"This just in, New Orleans rapper Maine Muzik was found dead this morning after shots rang out on a street gone wrong. He is not believed to be the intended target of the gunfire, and seven other innocent bystanders were hit as well. Mr. Muzik is best known for threatening to kill President Trump, during his candidacy, because he believed he would cancel his mothers food stamp card... We spoke to his mother by phone. She said he was a good boy who was just turning his life around and had enrolled college."

Anyone care to take a wager on Maine Muzik making it to the ripe old age of 27?

Stay alert, stay alive.

Anonymous said...

Happens all over Houston....

Anonymous said...

The ABC's of Blackness.....

M....Mike Brown
N....New Orleans
O....One parents homes
S....St. Louis
T....Tree Swinging

Anonymous said...

G is Gary Indiana, and R is Reading Pennsylvania.

Anonymous said...

Maine Muzik is survived by 13 children and 4 grandchildren.

joshrandall said...

Now I'm gonna get everyone's respect! Call out our neighbors! Yes,Americans really do always preach equality. Nothing ever gets reported,obviously erroneously sometimes,so understand corporate knowledge! Musical orchestras never keep everyone yawning softly! Ha!

Anonymous said...

Since they presumably possess more intelligence , I find white antagonists of Trump more interesting than the humanoids going berserk at the thought of being thrust into the cruel maw of reality.
One " raver " druggie I slightly know just can't handle Trump cause he only " likes whites " .
My conclusion on the half -baked thoughts of this guy : he personally is hopelessly unemployable ( at a serious job ) and knows that at 26 things indicate life for him is over. I bet there are millions of otherwise friendly white people who are curling up in self hate because of loss of status. In a more honest society , i. e., one not crippled by PC, he'd simply be a good ole boy and nobody would disapprove of his inclination to blame immigrants. Because he doesn't know it yet, but unless things turn around he is going to be a mental case. Unemployment is simply way too high. Entitlements have to give way to opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Each time one of these stupid ni##ers opens his mouth, Donald Trump gets another 100 votes. These groids are launching more attacks because the vermin realize the end is near. Their time has come. The White Race in America is being returned to its rightful rank and position and the ni##er mass knows it and fears it

I cannot remember the last time I saw more White People smiling than I have in the days since Trump secured the nomination. Conversely, I have never seen more groids frowning with this look of utter disbelieve and desperation as I have in the last weeks. My wife and I think its hilarious. We can see the panic setting in and it is a welcomed sight.

Wayne and His Wife

Anonymous said...

"Can anyone cite anything specific Trump has said in his entire life of being a liberal democrat that leads you to believe he's a race realist? I think folks are setting themselves up for massive disappointment. He's spent thirty years in the public eye cozying up to blacks."

You don't earn a billion dollars in America by being a racist. Everyone knows this intuitively. That's why in Trump's case they can't make the charge stick; he laughs it off. The only people who really believe Trump's secretly a racist are the wishful thinkers on the racial right who support him.

Let's play along and assume he wins. So we get Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks on our currency, a border wall with a "big, beautiful door in it" to let all the Mexicans that got deported right back in, this time giving them a pathway to citizenship as legal immigrants, along with a 45% tariffs on imports, a hidden tax which will raise prices at stores by about that much, plus a huge increase in defense spending to fund a greater effort in the War on Terror. How exactly are whites better off for it? It seems to me all the Trump hysteria on either side is just the madness of crowds; politics as spectacle.

Proudyt said...

"So he could give her many of the things she longs for". A new weave,4 inch finger nails,Doritos and hot sauce,fried chicken(with hot sauce),a new phone(cause the ones the gubment gib dem ain't nice enough),skittles,sour gummy bears,and what ever else her little heart desires.

Eddie in St. Louis said...

"Glenn Beck, George Will, SE Cupp, Erick Erickson and other CUCKSERVATIVES will be givin' free blow jobs to all the Rappers on the corner of Cuntstitution Avenue and Cibl Rites Bullivard for the next decade at least until they all die of aids, ebola or gunshots by the Rappers"

I'm not usually inclined to bag on someone's religion unless they are really in my face, but Glenn Beck "Jumped The Shark" when he became a Mormon. Nomesayin?

Anonymous said...

Z is for "Zebra", the book by Clark Howard about the Zebra murders



Proudyt said...

I'd love to see a remake of the "Naked Prey ". They could film it in Detroit.

Anonymous said...

Orcs are different at the genetic level. Face it.

That is why they act the way they do...

And we act the way we do...

Fight the Truth, and you will lose...

Anonymous said...

Maine Muzik is survived by 13 "chirrens" and 4 "gran'chirrens".

Sorry, I juss' HAD ta fix dat fo u !!!

Is there anything in this world that is more repulsive as the lowly downtrodden negro?

I certainly think not, and I'm sure ALL of us would agree, well almost anyways :))

Yeah, sorry, left out that cesspool of shit called DC. But they are nappily included !!

Gilbert T. Whyte said...

I would like to nominate Trenton, NJ, for "T."

Anonymous said...

You don't earn a billion dollars in America by being a racist.

Racial realists and racists may overlap but they are not the same thing.

Racial realists accept the reality of race.

Racists hate certain races.

Both Clinton and Trump are racial realists.

Clinton has spent too much time around Blacks to believe that they are Europeans with a tan. She however chooses to side with liberalism for selfish reason.

Trump is a racial realist because of Atlantic City. Why? Just look at travel reviews that aren't censored:
Went to AC this past weekend. I had a good time but the city is disgusting. Trash everywhere, homeless, hookers, and a lot of sketchy looking people (mostly blacks). I had a good time in the casinos but getting from one to other was awful because of all the filth one had to look at. We didn't stray from the boardwalk because a block off resembles a DC ghetto. It was my first trip there and I probably will not return. If you are going to spend money then just go to Vegas, its cleaner and the police force actually does their job in keeping societal degenerates off the strip. AC, like all of Jersey, is trashy and displaces absolutely no class at all!

AnalogMan said...

Can anyone cite anything specific Trump has said in his entire life of being a liberal democrat that leads you to believe he's a race realist?


I'm reminded of the wartime cartoon of two soldiers in a foxhole, bombs bursting overhead, with one saying to the other, "If you knows of a better 'ole, go to it."

I don't believe Trump is a race realist. Does he need to be?

Watch this video of Trump pitching an idea for a black vs White match on The Apprentice. A race realist would never do that, because he would know it would be no contest.

Now, imagine a President that believes in equality of the races, but also believes in achievement by merit. Because he really believes they can do it, without affirmative action.

In other words, I don't care if he's deluded, as long as he's fair. He'll get the delusions knocked out of him. And if not, what have we lost? How would he be worse than any other candidate on offer?

10mm AUTO said...

""So we get Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks on our currency, a border wall with a "big, beautiful door in it" to let all the Mexicans that got deported right back in, this time giving them a pathway to citizenship as legal immigrants, along with a 45% tariffs on imports, a hidden tax which will raise prices at stores by about that much, plus a huge increase in defense spending to fund a greater effort in the War on Terror. How exactly are whites better off for it? It seems to me all the Trump hysteria on either side is just the madness of crowds; politics as spectacle.

May 25, 2016 at 5:19 PM""

Horsecrap. Part of the package as stated by Trump is E-verify. Without entrance into the system as a citizen, you can't get a job, period. No more McDonalds filled with squat monsters behind the counter scream spanish at the grill and taking your order in bad English. Millions of jobs open up as the squat monsters self deport.

As to muzzies entering the Country, Without mud slimes, where is the "war on terror"? They are the key to it entirely.

Its true, he could be lying, in which case revolution gets a start early when Hillary comes after the guns. But I don't think so. No one else has done what Trump has done in both self-funding his campaign as well as earning the respect of Forgien leaders. Hell even the Mexican President tried to kiss ass a week or so ago.

The election is out of our hands. You and your family vs Negros and their defilement is not. Stay locked and loaded and safe, because its going to be a bumpy ride. Either we get Hillary and Revolution (worse case) or Trump and a little more breathing space, a few more people converted to White interests and (God Bless Them) a few more people that can see!

White Homeland! Northwest Front!

Anonymous said...

I get so negro fatigued when I read comments like this negro claiming that……..

“since his culture has been waging war on whiteness for decades now, white people are desperate to flee an identity that carries only negative connotations.”

“There is today a huge incentive to claim a diverse heritage. Having a non-white ancestor not only absolves you of the sin of being white, but there are advantages also. Whereas mixed people once tried to pass as white, they now deny the white side of their family.”

Whites pay. Everyone else eats.

Anonymous said...

As you look deeper, you will see how utterly sickening the rot truly is. These are the same freaks that shove the groid into our daily lives via TV and Hollyweird. End this now. Thye are polluting our kids...


Anonymous said...

I've said it time and time again if your reading this and are legal age to own and process a fire arm and haven't done so,then shame on you.
Go this week and sign up for a class or whatever hoops you have to jump through to carry.
Your families life may depend on you some day.
Should Hilary get into office you may never have the opertunity again.
Go! go now! Look on line for what you need to do and where in your area .
No! You want to sit on your ass and look at porn instead.
Don't call me for help when the Orc invasion starts.

Anonymous said...

Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Dominionists, Baptists, etc ALL have wackos in their religions.
All religions have wacky beliefs when one gets to the nitty gritty.

Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, House Speaker is a Catholic who is following his fascist communist White hater, U.S.A. hater pope by bending over for his butt buddy Obama. Ryan is helping Obama destroy the country but no one brings up his religion. Cry baby Boehner, former Speaker is a communist Catholic. Not a word about his Catholicism.

Ted Cruz uses his cult leader father, who was friends with Lee Harvey Oswald and protected by the Protestant Bush crime family, to gain votes from the idiot Evangelicals. No one makes fun of the Dominionists, who have wacky ideas. And Evangelicals think everyone but them is evil. Like Jehovas Witnessess.

Glenn Beck is an idiot and a piss poor excuse for a Mormon. Beck does not represent the Mormon church. The Mormon church did not make Beck act the way he acts. Beck is not practicing his religion.
Mormon teachings has nothing to do with the way Beck acts.
To this day Mormonism is the ONLY religion that is brought up when a Mormon makes news. If Beck was any other religion the religion would not ever be brought up. Religion of other idiots is never brought up. By the way, Beck quit attending his church and is rumored to be going Atheist. More Evangelicals go Atheist than any other religion, for the record, before anyone starts spouting off crap.

I am not Mormon but family members are, and friends are. They are nothing like Beck, and they hate Beck. And hate Romney and Reed.

So get your ignorant Bigoted heads out of your assess.

When you need a cop, lawyer, EMT, surgeon, military, etc make sure that person is not a Mormon because, oh, the horrors, Mormons are soooooo bad, ooohhhh. /s

Anonymous said...

E for East St. Louis!

Paintjob Theory said...

"I am not Mormon but family members are, and friends are."

The Mormon "religion" is just another flavor of the ancient Mystery Babylon religion. All the "secrets" come straight out of freemasonry along with many of their symbols and rituals.

What about the "white horse" prophesy? What about the 5 generations taking blood oaths swearing vengeance on the United States for "killing their prophets". All the slick PR campaigns and smiling door knockers can't hide the fact that that is a subversive organization.

I will give them some credit in that they had publicly (up until quite recently) acknowledged that blacks are sub-human and not fit for admission. AFAIK they started letting in negroes but I'd wager that none are admitted into the inner circles.

"Go this week and sign up for a class or whatever hoops you have to jump through to carry."

And if you're waiting on your servants' permission to exercise your god given right to own the means to defend your life and that of your family you are already a slave and may as well just jump in the stew pot now.

Anonymous said...

Mexicans and negroes hating Trump are the best reason to vote for him.
Anything an illegal or negroe doesn't like is good.

Anonymous said...

I would suggest that if this negroe rapper and his friends should attempt violence, they should first change their names to Trayvon.

Mr. Rational said...

No more McDonalds filled with squat monsters behind the counter scream spanish at the grill and taking your order in bad English. Millions of jobs open up as the squat monsters self deport.

Millions of jobs disappear as cashiers are replaced by touch-screen ordering kiosks and robots flip patties and make fries.  It's already happening.

Blacks have no hope; they are obsolete as anything but entertainers, and not even very good at that.

Anonymous said...

At one time the Secret Service would be on this like flies on manure for making idle threats about a Presidential candidate. Times have sure changed

Anonymous said...

I'm not usually inclined to bag on someone's religion unless they are really in my face, but Glenn Beck "Jumped The Shark" when he became a Mormon. Nomesayin?

I'm not buying his conversion, it's just another career move for him. I bet he guzzles Coke while talking about it.

He's a lifetime liar.

Anonymous said...

Businessman was abducted from a casino parking garage. The dindus shot and killed him. That really started the slide.
Trump knows full well about negro destruction.

Anonymous said...

Watch this video of Trump pitching an idea for a black vs White match on The Apprentice. A race realist would never do that, because he would know it would be no contest.

He's pitching the idea for a TV show and the contestants would not be randomly selected.

Do I like everything the guy has done? No, I think he lacks tact.

But Atlantic City is like a mini Chicago. He has seen how ineffective the Democrats are at dealing with this problem. People in Atlantic City are losing their jobs (including Blacks) because Black criminals and degenerates are scaring away the tourists. It's the only gambling city that hasn't recovered.

Anonymous said...

I would say "C" is for Cleveland, but Chicongo most definitely has Cleveland beat, hands down.... Cleveland is well on it's way but has a lot of catching up to do.

Maybe this year at the RNC they can make a good stance at it though....

Anonymous said...

"In other words, I don't care if he's deluded, as long as he's fair. He'll get the delusions knocked out of him. And if not, what have we lost?"

Only time, something whites are rapidly running out of.

Anonymous said...

L is Lexington Kentucky.

ruckus said...

"Off topic, this is in reply to a post from yesterday. Someone parodied a verse from, "The Sound of Silence". I decided to rewrite most of the lyrics, I hope you all like it!" Anon @ 9:50

My kid, a realist-in-training, thinks its HILARIOUS how negroes say "axs" and "ambuhlance" and her favorite "sail foam".... we were listening to some records, this song comes on and she says "mommy, thats the sound of bilence!" I laughed so hard!

Anonymous said...

When Cub foods was still around in the Chicago suburbs (you bagged your own groceries) i would see some of our muslim scom i front of me in line 50 bottles of Gatorade and cases of Ramin noodles they paid with an ebt every bottle of Gatorade went into its own bag ie the muzzie buys the ebt from a shine 50 cents on the dollar wait for insert product to go on sale use multiple ebt card to pay for the purchase and take it to their little ghetto store mark the product up 300% that they bought on our dime, so i followed them out of the store to see what they were driving it was a late model Chrysler suv i was a bit pissed

Mr. Rational said...

Now that I think of it, there is at least one brain disease which causes an inability to initiate action/motion.  Whatever area of the brain is responsible for this either fails to initiate, or hyper-inhibits, the parts which cause action.

Maybe the Dindu can be "fixed" with surgery or brain stimulation which restrains or blocks action-without-purpose, or a device which detects and disrupts the precursor patterns to Acts of Spontaneous Blackness.  Implantation of such a device could be made a condition of residency in the USA.

Anonymous said...

The only part of this whole thing I don't get is this: what do they think is going to happen if they decide to do their burn/riot/loot routine somewhere other than the ghetto. As long as they want to kill each other off, fine with me...but there are at least a hundred million people who will respond. What then? A few million against a hundred million, all of whom are smarter and better armed...what do they think is going to happen?

Anonymous said...

The level of gun accuracy the negro possess, well, Mr Trump has nothing to worry about. Their marksmanship skills are equivalent to every other failure they manage.

Bud Man said...

Instead of making threats at Presidential candidates, he should do the decent thing and help support his mother if his raping career is doing well. I know myself, when I was working I helped support my mother and later on, was her caregiver until she passed away. I wish I could have done more. Even so, he should just shut up and sing and support his family like we all should do.

rex freeway said...

That pic exudes dumb chimp. He will never make it past 25 years of age. A bullet , overdose or AIDS will remove him from the living. One thing I cannot understand is if I were to threaten Obama with the exact words he used I word be arrested. Yet this low IQ chimp still runs the streets. What gives?

Anonymous said...

Bravo! Let's "Real" AL some humor into this Sadly all too commonly updated site. While infuriated, in always well informed!

Anonymous said...

Maine Musik? Is he originally from Aroostook County,perchance?

Racoon said...

Hey! It's not "ambuhlance", it's "amber lamps", gnomesaying?

Ruckus, you jus got to get with de program!

AnalogMan said...

Anonymous said...

Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Dominionists, Baptists, etc ALL have wackos in their religions.
All religions have wacky beliefs when one gets to the nitty gritty.

I've mentioned before that I was raised Mormon. I've never resigned, so I'm still on their books, though I haven't been in a church, apart from weddings and funerals, for most of my life. But I know the religion, and I know the people.

The odd thing that you mainstream Christians, Catholics and Protestants, don't understand is that Mormons believe the Bible. Having accepted the Bible as truth, the Book of Mormon is consistent with that. I'm not saying that either is true. This is not the place to get into a theological discussion; but there are more inconsistencies within the Bible than in the Book of Mormon, or between the two. It basically boils down to whether you can (like the White Queen in Alice Through the Looking-Glass) "believe six impossible things before breakfast." Possibly the more difficult hurdle is the Bible.

I know some very intelligent people who do. I was speaking to one just a few weeks ago; a brilliant man who was a project manager for a game-development company in New Zealand, and who has now returned to a similar position in California. A man with ten beautiful children. A credit to our race. We spoke of his faith, and how it has worked for him. And it does. I don't doubt his sincerity. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me, and quite possibly the fault is in me. But I will never consider Mormonism to be a disqualification for anything.

AnalogMan said...

And this:

Anonymous said...

I'm not buying his conversion, it's just another career move for him. I bet he guzzles Coke while talking about it.

For the record, Glenn Beck is not one of those very intelligent Mormons I spoke about, but I have no reason to doubt his sincerity**. Mormonism has been good for him; he was a drunk before, but has now dried out. Coke is not specifically prohibited by the religion, but many Mormons avoid it as a logical extension of the prohibition on tea and coffee, i.e. drinks containing caffeine.

** Unlike, say, Eldridge Cleaver.

SKIP said...

"It is more repulsive than a bowl full of maggots."

A bowl of maggots can be protein rich food, useful medical cleansers and some other uses if one knows how...negroes?....not so useful.

Mike Miller said...


For all the comments about the River Styx and the mythic underworld of ancient civilizations, thanks for Charon them with us.
