This much is true.
But there is another truth, far more important to our future; consequently, it's a fact keeping those in control of our present up late, late at night: large segments of the American people wish to not only survive, but continue a way of life they know is rapidly vanishing.
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Liberation from an irredeemable nation: Every time a stereotype is confirmed, another Trump supporter is born. |
Regardless of if Donald J. Trump is sincere about his desire to deport the tens of millions of illegal aliens, have a moratorium on Muslim immigration into the country and build a big, beautiful wall on the U.S./Mexican border, these ideas he advocated are exactly why he is now the presumptive Republican nominee for the President of the United States.
To paraphrase Men in Black, "One year ago, everybody knew that Donald Trump couldn't win. Six months ago, everybody knew deporting illegal aliens/building wall was political suicide. And 15 minutes ago, you knew that only bigots/racists supported him. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow."
Trump has changed things.
With the impending election of a Muslim as mayor of London in a few days, the British people will see with their own eyes how their dispossession is complete; it will offer Trump yet another opportunity for a soundbite inevitably ending with his banishment from entering the United Kingdom by the British government.
You are not alone in knowing something is drastically wrong, sick even, with America.
Trump, whether he is serious or not about the ideas that have positioned him only a stones throw from being the leader of the free world, has shown just how many Americans want believe tomorrow doesn't belong to those who have made today possible.
PK, you ARE doing the Lord's work. God bless you, your wife and your little one.
I see some naysayers here who think a Trump presidency would not be a good thing or that's he's REALLY not going to do what he claims he will. You can call this negative thinking OR those who really don't want whites to be great again.
Think of this way.
A side effect of a Trump victory most people cannot see coming: LOWER RENTS.
If Trump deports tens of millions of illegals, there will be tens of millions of properties suddenly available for rent. So either they will have to be torn down (to keep prices high) or rents will drop. And they could drop through the cellar. How would your life be if you are renting, and suddenly your rent goes from $2,000 to $500? If the market was not tampered with, that much of a shift would definitely happen. AND THAT WOULD DO A LOT TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
Suddenly you could spend money on LIFE, rather than survival!
I see the current push for a $15 minimum wage as a clear cut attempt to give everyone money to shove into rip-off rents, which the bankers then use to live higher than a flying pig. If the rip off rent was removed from the American landscape, there would be no conceivable need for a minimum wage above $7 ANYWHERE. INTRINSIC FACT: ALL of the $15 minimum wage increase will land straight in banker's pockets, as they manipulate the price of rents in an ever upward spiral. This is a massive reason for them to not want Trump, because if Trump cleans out 30 plus million houses and apartments, it will be damn near impossible for the enemy to continue flying high on the rent scam, ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS BE DAMNED.
They forced the rents through the roof by denying development permits "in the name of the environment" and tweaking zoning laws. This created a shortage in supply, which forced rent prices and home prices up. Suddenly removing 30 million people would equal a development boom unlike anything America has ever seen, and not a dime would be spent building anything. Suddenly rents and homes would be DIRT CHEAP. And THAT would be very good for the average American joe.
Damn.....Now what do I do with all those Ted Cruz tee shirts I had printed up.
Someone in the last thread said you can shoot an AR-15 in California.
While that is true the AR-15 that is legal in California is not the standard AR and they plan on gimping it even further.
In 10 years the AR-15 there will be pump action with a round capacity of 3.
California constantly tries to chip away at gun owners. Every other year they have a new bill. I think part of the problem is that anyone who might fight back has already moved to another state.
Texas here:
Build. That. WALL.
Off topic, but hats off to Anonymous:
Anonymous takes down Black Lives Matter website to make point that 'All Lives Matter'
"We targeted the Black Lives Matter Movement. We have been watching several members of their movement hold racist signs and attack innocent individuals over cultural appropriation while speaking English.
"I, s1ege, started this operation after attacking the KKK [because] I realised the individuals in the Black Lives Matter movement were acting no better – some even promote genocide of the Caucasian race. This will not be tolerated. What angered me and the other members of Ghost Squad was that the leaders also do not speak on this topic. This was not the dream of Martin Luther King Jr, and should not be supported or promoted by any movement. All Lives Matter!"
I can't wait to see how Trump will rip Hillary a new asshole in the coming months! He'll have SO MUCH material to work with: Gennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinski, suicide(?) of Vince Foster, Whitewater, cattle futures, Hillary laughing about defending a child rapist, influence peddling w/Sidney Blumenthal, Clinton Foundation finances-who did they accept money from, Bengazi, overthrow of Gaddafi & rise of ISIS, currently ongoing F.B.I. investigation, NAFTA just goes on and on. And of course, he'll also rip the media a new one about ignoring all that and just letting it all slide.
I want to hear Trump call Bill & Hillary grifters. They are quitessential con artists.
Cops more willing to shoot white suspects, study finds:
tomorrow doesn't belong to those who have made today possible.
That is a great line.
It's not just rent prices that he will affect, if he upholds his platform. The biggest thing he'll change is bringing careers, not just jobs, back into the US through his tariff programs.
The tax rate on certain goods produced outside of, then sold in the US will essentially kill the labor benefits of working in low wage countries. If the benefits from wage differences are mitigated, the driving costs will be logistics costs, and local tax rates. Assuming that Mexico will lower taxes to keep their manufacturing sites, and US states will follow suit as incentive to return, again, you're left with transportation costs.
If oil and gas prices rise, the cost of production, taking into account supply chain costs and distribution costs will force production back here into the US. While they may end up in the south east, where unions are frowned upon, meaning the jobs might not be as high paying as they once were, they'll be better than the alternatives that were left when these companies fled to their low cost havens.
There are lots of other benefits from Trump's policies, but certain isolationist policies are some of the greatest for the American public.
PK, as a looongtime lurker here, and constant admirer, I truly hope your enthusiasm and optimism toward Trump is justified. I support him myself, but I also realize that if he fails to deliver or, God forbid, loses to Clinton, then there is no way this will all end peacefully. I look at my two little children and wonder what kind of dystopian hell they will have to endure if this "country" is not set right again. If Trump fails, then Powell's Rivers of Blood is almost inevitable. God help us all, for no matter what, conflict is coming fast, whether it is the wails and howls of the defeated leftist alliance of evil as they lash out in their mindless anger and hate, or their orgy of destruction as they celebrate their perceived victory over whitey.
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And what does that poem mean to you?
It means...I don't take shit from no one.
Stay alert, stay alive.
I actually did a happy dance when I saw the news this morning. Read it and weep Libbys!!!!
Why Trump will be one of the greatest Presidents in history. Mr Trump is an egotistical maniac.
This you can not deny. Giving that do you think he would put himself in a position where both sides of the political isle will be waiting to impeach him should he so much as fart in public..No, Trump will do everything perfectly.
A man with his ego will not allow himself to go down in history books as a failure,liar or deceiver.
America, the concept, the ideal, the application of Western European norms and mores, is fine some might even say beautiful. Large swathes of Americans are irredeemable. Let's keep the difference in mind as we throw out the bathwater.
And that's a brilliant point about rents.
Onward and upward with Trump. We now know the bottom for the United States, due to the actions of our first "Chocolate President". It now looks like he and his Neo-Con handlers are trying to provoke action with Russia before his term is up. The speculators need some war action to drive up fuel prices and make some serious shekels. Make no mistake that Hill-Dog is ready to take up the Neo-Con cause if elected.
Several of the Dummies I work with have recently bought Large Gas Hog Pickups and SUV's and I've told them cheap fuel is just a temporary phase. When the sabre rattling starts, the Gas Prices go up. As we write, the Arabs have almost taken out the U.S. Shale Oil production due to low pricing and when that's gone it's all going back up. Nomesayin?
"How would your life be if you are renting"
Probably marginally worse than the life of my laying ducks and hens, who at least have 50 acres on which to roam and play before returning to their box at night.
If you feel that renting is such a great racket there's nothing in the world stopping you from doing it yourself. My mother's father used to own rental properties, and I have a few friends now who do as well and let me tell you, they earn every penny they make in that business!
"Minimum wage" benefits two groups, first the unions, who base their rates on some multiple of that and have the clout to get their asking price, second is already established businesses.
Tyson Chicken, Home Depot, or McDonalds can absolutely afford to pay 15$ an hour (plus another 15 in taxes, insurance, etc.) while the small hardware store, local diner, or farm can not. This further raises the barrier of entry for competition and increases the point at which economy of scale kicks in to aid up and comers.
More importantly it will further push development of automation, in turn turning more working class people into dependent class people.
I can promise you this, the rhetoric of "closing the borders" and deporting foreign nationals sounds great but it's not going to happen any time soon if ever. If we ever see them, the wall will be to keep us from escaping, and the "papers please" checkpoints and National ID (tm) will be selectively applied only to control, subjugate and humiliate whites.
Trump becoming the republican nominee is amazing. People are so tired of seeing and hearing that afreakan in the white house. Every time odipshit opens his mouth, you know its a lie.
The white house and all it touches is now crawling with vermin. Before Trump can do anything else, the vermin will have to be thrown out and qualified people of high moral standards chosen.
Then his promises can be worked on. Hopefully he will not forget the millions of voters that share the same dream.
Watch Hillary's attacks on Trump become even more outrageous. She hasn't paid for her criminal behavior yet. She cannot pardon herself if she doesn't become president.
Just another reason to vote Trump!
As for all the "anti-Trump" riots/media/etc. "backfiring", I've been saying this is contrived from the get go. Now even Obongo is trash talking him. This is as scripted as professional wrestling and reminiscent of the phony Bin Ladin tapes that would magically appear every time GW Bush needed a boost in his poll numbers.
That the sentiment exists is very encouraging, but Trump is being handed this on a silver platter and this whole circus is designed to get an emotional reaction out of both sides (it seems to be wildly successful). To what ends I can only speculate, but it's likely going to further:
1. More police state.
2. More socialism.
3. Moving closer to world government.
The above is what we'll be getting regardless of who is (s)elected for public office this fall.
Let's all place our bets then compare notes a year from now and see if we have a big wall and no more problems with the mud races, or if we have only more of the same but with a guy who can pronounce the word "ask" reading the teleprompter.
Speaking of placing bets, I'm pulling for the big 3 for this summers African street festivals. Baltimore, Chicongo, or St. Louis. All three have large concentrations of violent negroes and in all three the local police and governments have already shown themselves to be willing to tolerate outbursts of jaboonery. Predators can sense weakness and it only intensifies their instinct to attack.
Take it to the bank!' Trump has a 97 percent chance of beating Hillary in the general election says college professor who is 'almost certain' the Donald WILL be the next U.S. president:
The WALL would work, just look at the wall Israel built, with US Taxpayer money I might add. It DOES keep people out of Israel. And I salute Netanyahu for that. What irks me is that American Jewish organizations who support the wall for Israel oppose a wall for us, U.S.
I think Paul Kersey is one of those on the leading edge of American ANGER at what has been done to us. I think he will be remembered as one of the voices that helped to stem the tide. Seriously. I used to read him on Vdare but found that he was the most interesting writer on the site. Not knocking Vdare but Paul is the ONE I HAVE to read.
@our Paintjob Theory
You are right. Automation is going to be on the way up. The machine never tires, calls in sick, messes up an order. You want job security, be the guy that fixes the machine. You will never be without a job. And yes, that is what I am going to do.
There still may be too many bodies who will drop the crack pipe on Day 366-after smoking for 365 Days-and saunter into the voting booths to vote for the USA to become Venezuela Lite.Perhaps this is 1856 Redux?
During the recent London Marathon, bottled water stations were set up for the runners and manned by volunteers. The water stations were raided by negroes and the water stolen- case after case. Looked like a hyena feeding frenzy. A muslim mayor of London would be the icing on the cake but the cake is already made of feces so it would make little difference as London is already slipping into the 3rd world. Import or allow 3rd worlders to infest your country and expect a third world environment.
Ditto for America. I was working in the shipping/receiving department of a major national chain store in Los Angeles when Reagan's idiotic amnesty went through and the first effect was that all the local drivers that delivered to us suddenly became illegal aliens. All the whites vanished except for one or two. Of course, we had long haul truckers coming in from all over the country and appointments were an absolute necessity as we'd get ten to twelve big rigs a day. However, the local illegals wouldn't make appointments even though they spoke English well enough to do so. Instead, they'd just show up and follow us around constantly whining, begging and pleading to be unloaded to the point that it was interfering with our jobs. We'd be trying to get the scheduled trucks unloaded and the paperwork processed and would have some idiot illegal (or two or three!)following us everywhere and whining at us the whole time non stop. I don't mean for a few minutes- they'd actually whine at us for a solid hour or more as we unloaded trucks! We referred to them as "whining dog peasants." It was so bad that one time, we actually picked one up by the arms and legs, took him outside, sat him down and closed the door behind him. The whining was so constant and intense you couldn't hear yourself think and we'd had enough.
Sometimes, the illegals would get mad and demand to be unloaded and we'd explain for the 10,000th time that they had to make appointments and that we couldn't just shove people out of the way that had appointments just for their sake. That would just cause more intense whining about how they had to be somewhere else and really needed to be unloaded NOW. We'd tell them to go to the other truckers and tell them they needed to move out of the way since they were so damn special and, if anyone agreed to that, we'd unload them. That would piss them off badly but they never once tried to convince anyone to move out of the way in favor of themselves. Instead, they began running to the front office and accusing us of being "racist." Luckily, the company backed us up, told the illegals to make appointments and if they didn't and just showed up unannounced, they'd be unloaded LAST- if we could get to them that day at all. Didn't make a difference- they'd still show up without appointments and follow us around whining, begging, and pleading to be unloaded and getting mad when the whining dog peasant routine didn't work to get them what they wanted.
Add to that an illegal alien angrily whining because his elderly grandparents who'd never worked a day in their lives in America couldn't get a social security check. Also, illegal aliens laughing about being deported and bragging about how it didn't matter as they'd be "back on the job" in two weeks. They though of "La Migra" (immigration)as a total joke.
In any case, the illegals protesting Trump act the same way- never follow the rules, whine like whining dog peasants and start screaming racism when they don't get their way. They suck!
Trump- PLEASE get rid of them all!
Looking forward to Trump as the POTUS. Hillary would only force more Obama diarrhea on America and her additional policies would be worse. The problems will be if Trump doesn't control both houses. This will be a tactic the Libtards will use to stop him from fixing he country. Many of the thousands of executive actions by Obama will become laws if Hillary wins. There are many that the American people don't know about yet. I think we will see a scared, shell shocked Donald Trump after his inauguration. After his first meeting with his cabinet at a closed door meeting when they sit him down and show him the real mess America is in. Trump will age 20 years in a matter of hours. It happened to Obozo. Although I suspect his gray hair is dyed to have us beleive he actually gives a damn about this country. Getting rid of NAFTA, deporting illegals of all races and fining businesses that employ them are key to America's success. I just hope he can get it done. He really needs to get Sanders supporters votes. They hate Hillary. He has to push the point that he is running for president to help all Americans. The more democrats that he flips the easier it will be to defeat the Maniac that is Hillary Clinton.
The interesting thing is following the punditry, who all posture as experts, be so consistently wrong about every issue and prediction. That breaking over knee of the mass media, even moreso than the equal overturn of the political system, is one of the lasting legacies that Trump has already done. He all but single-handedly eliminated media's value to shape opinion and control the outcome by winnowing out candidates in a fixed pageant show. It is like a horror movie where the monster shrugs off the bullets, but since that is the only weapon they have or know how to use, they continue to pull the trigger even after the distance has already been closed. They cannot adapt and it is the end of their value to the establishment. The collapse of media to successfully doom Trump is the real story.
The new line of attack will be that Trump does not appeal to women, mexicans, etc.... and therefore will be a rout in the general election. They have been wrong about everything - they will be wrong about this as well.
The reality is that the Democrats sowed the seeds of their own destruction precisely because they made themselves the party of diversity/pozz/dildo. In doing so, they effectively chased out normal, sane white people with jobs and families. Their coalition isn't as cohesive as they make it out to be unless they have large numbers of whites in the mix as well. Mexicans have their own issues that drive them to the polls, blacks have their own issues that drive them to the polls, SWPLs have their own issues that drive them to the polls - and each has issues that are all pretty divergent with minimal overlap. Mexicans and blacks don't give a shit about all of the dildo/gay/environmental issues - they want gibs and they want candidates of their race on the ticket. If you don't provide those things, they are out. SWPL types can't really rally behind a neo-con warmonger with big corporation backing like Clinton, which is why she is routed by Sanders in States with lots of SWPL types. SWPLS see bigger issues that they are passionate about, and even though they generally sympathize with non-whites in general terms, they don't want to rally around those single issues if it means that their pet issues get continued second billing. There is virtually no enthusiasm emanating from any block dems rely on to AUGMENT their share of the traditional white working class vote, whom they've abandoned and Trump secured. Without that portion of the electorate in their camp the coalition is like dough trying to leaven without yeast. There simply isn't a starter present - just a tacky wet mess of flour. At this point, there is no reason to be a white man in the democrat party.
Basically whites of both parties are sick of their votes being harvested by unresponsive leadership that takes that support for granted and offers them little but lip service in return, banking on them deciding that it is "better than voting for the other party." The democrats devote that goodwill of their white voting base for gibsmedat bribes to non-whites, and republicans devote that goodwill of their white voting base for every donor class issue under the sun. Both parties also parlay that into every Jewish interest imaginable under the banner of "consensus."
As much as the Republican party seemed to come apart at the seams, they just did it first. The dems are in that process too. The big difference is they don't have someone who can rally the broken pieces in the chaos. We do.
On the way into work I passed a black guy who had pissed his pants panhandling in front of a convenience store with a shirt that read "Magnify Truth".
The Republicans are helping the Democrats push through a bill to release all criminals from prisons.
Both parties are now one - a Uniparty.
The terrorist groups, Black Lives Matter, Move On, etc. all founded by and funded by Nazi George Soros (with Obama's support) is behind getting Congress to support and pass this dangerous bill.
Wake up! This is how communists work. They cause social chaos to gain power. Go to Breitbart News and read about this bill and why. Very disturbing. Lame lying main stream media is not reporting on this dangerous bill and how the Congress is betraying the American public. Our guns are next. Now the pieces are fitting together. Disarm the citizens, release dangerous thugs, and the state will gain more power.
Germany has assembled a EU army to go after its own people who criticizes Islam and criticizes government.
Call your Congress representative and tell them they will face opposition if they vote yes on this communist bill!!!!!! These traitors must be primaried out of office!!!!
What a night. Trump dominated from the early returns and kept the pressure on. The writing was on the wall for Cruz within only an hour of the polls closing.
I wonder why Kasich is still even running? The delegate count is against him to the tune of almost 7:1 . . . and he has been mathematically incapable of securing the nomination for weeks. Why is Kasich still even bothering to get dressed if he has NO chance of coming in off the bench? Something's brewing and it ain't coffee.
I was a staffer for CA state Senator. He constantly shoots down the stupid bills coming from anti gunners. Direct democracy is stupid but it can help get around legislation that these anti gunners pass. I have met many legislative advocates and lobbyists that are prepared to give the anti gunners hell out here. AR 15s are going no where.
Yes we have a limited magazine capacity but technology is allowing us to 3D print standard capacity magazines as of today! We have bullet buttons but out standard magazine realease buttons are on standby.
When we shoot at the range we follow the rules to avoid trouble, but when shit hits the fan, I guarantee you there will be a large number of us that will be prepared to hold our own despite the restrictions they place.
When I was at the Senators office we had kids interning there from Sweden and Australia. They didn't know that CA was the most restrictive in the nation when it comes to guns. I'm still very unhappy with the gun laws here in CA, but it could be much worse.
Fellow realists,
I'd love for Trump to win, but there's no way he can beat Hillary. I've been reading numerous polls and the most conservative findings give Hillary a 7% margin. In a general election that's winning by a lot.
We calls ourselves realists for a reason. We must think about what it's like after defeat and stop getting our hopes us. However we can still remain optimistic, any words of encouragement can help, but I just don't see it happening.
I do however anticipate Hillary only being in for one term. But who's could possibly replace her?
What the GOP needs to do is examine Trump's strategy from 2016 to 2020 and figure out how the hell he's been able to get support from a state like Michigan, a state that depends on Democrats. They also need to figure out his cost effective methods of campaigning.
This isn't our year my friends. Any criticism is welcomed.
Agreed. Your coworkers shouldn't have bought those gas guzzlers. I want nothing more than to own a SUV, but my wallet will hate me for it eventually. You don't have to be an economist to understand that gas prices are not for certain.
The White House released an economic report stating that 80% of jobs that pay under $20 an hour will be automated in 20-30 years. I google "ziosk in Chili's". It lowers the demand for servers and increases the current server's productivity. Many low skilled jobs are being decommodified.
Remember the narrative repeated by leftists when it comes to illegal immigrants? It's along the lines of "who is going to cut your grass or pick your food?"
Here in California our grass and crops arent growing due to drought. This is another factor that impacting low skilled labor here. So what else are they going to do when droughts combined with automation are eliminating demands for low skilled laborers? Of course they will live off of the state.
No one can predict the future but some outcomes are more likely than others. Most politicians don't fulfill their campaign promises because when in office they simply don't try, or they reverse their position and hope no one notices. A good example is Diane Feinstein. When she ran for office a few years ago she endorsed the then current proposal to have a limit on spending through the 'Balanced Budget' amendment. When she won, she made a simple statement that she now opposed the amendment. She didn't explain and she didn't apologize.
I expect that Trump will not try to do that. I think he will try to build the wall and if he fails it will only be because of overwhelming opposition. I don't expect him to fail on this matter. However the bigger issue is the state of the economy. Under Obama employment has contracted sharply. The Bureau of Labor Statistic has tried to cover it up but the reality is that millions are out or work or make lower wages than formerly or both.
Trump will try to turn that around and to the extent that the employment downturn has been a product of Obama's policies - he will do so. But there is a strain of economic thinking that the American economy has changed in fundamental ways that has little to Obama.
This change also affects the distribution of wealth issue. The change is the issue of automation and robotics. Consider how we make a Maserati these days. When I was a kid the Maserati I was crazy over was the 'Birdcage Maserati'. It had a space frame composed of hundreds of six inch long tubes. These were all welded together by hand. Those Maserati's were expensive.
There is a show on one of the Discovery channels that show how a current production Maserati is made. It is all welded together with industrial robots. The humans basically stand around and watch. Very little labor goes into one of these cars today. Very few Italians have auto assembly jobs.
This also happened to blacks about a century ago. The Rust brothers made a machine - The Cotton Spindle - that made black field labor unnecessary. The blacks had to migrate from the fields because of this machine. This may be happening to white men now. There are fewer industrial jobs today than when Obama came into office. It may be that when he leaves office those jobs won't come back. Politicians pretend that their policies drive the economy. That's probably a serious overstatement.
A lot of factories are now approaching a 'Lights Out' status. Many data processing centers already run 24 hours a day with their lights turned off. They don't have enough people on the floor to justify the electricity bill.
This trend generates income disparities. The guy who owns that factory with all those industrial robots does very well. He makes a lot of money but the workers don't. The lesson is - don't work at a factory, own it. Or become a dentist. There are still plenty of service jobs but of course customers prefer white dentists. All the economic indicators look bad for blacks.
China does well in the short run but their low paid workers will also have trouble competing against industrial robots. If they aggressively automate in order to compete they will have a huge political problem. They do not have a governmental system that adapts well to change. The Chinese may have a major economic bust in the near future.
These changes are coming at us fast. These are bigger issues than simply a wall. I favor abolishing all immigration - legal or illegal. There is a third world population explosion. Millions of unemployable people from nations with failed economies have hit the road and they are coming to America and Europe. We are reacting very slowly to this crisis. Trump is the right sort of person for this issue. I only hope he is enough.
Hilary should be heading to Home Depot to stock up on plywood. She may not know it yet but a Cat 5 hurricane is heading her way.
Kasich is out!!! GONE!
Do you guys think there are ANY illegal aliens who wonder what the real reason is for our government flooding the USA with them? Do you think there are any who can put 2 and 2 together and realize that our govt. wants them here because mexican illegal aliens are ignorant dumb asses who couldn't find their ass with both hands and as a result, can be made fully dependent, concubine slaves with "gibs me dats????" Do they realize the USA govt. wants them here because the govt knows they care not for freedom or the constitution-- all they care about is the gibs? As long as the gibs for illegals keep flowing to hell with everything else since they all feel entitled to the fruits of another man's labor I suppose. Money is just some abstract, unknowable concept to them... it just grows on trees for them.
I believe the saying is: "When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul."
Do they have any idea the con game that is being ran on them and consequently the entire USA... does even one of them understand this or question anything?? Probably not... as long as they get the gibs, that's all that matters. I guess they all think governments are always wonderful, benevolent entities that only do things for altruistic purposes... even though like, literallY all of human history proves otherwise.
Side note: I am tired of never being around like minded people. Are any of you in South Carolina?
In Houston in the early 1990s, a judge determined that due to over-crowding, the Harris County Jail had to release a large block of inmates immediately.
My wife owned a dress store in a good neighborhood.
The night after the prisoner dump, the alarm company called. A car had smashed through an alley door and the store looted.
The next night, a concrete block was thrown threw the plate Glass door and more merchandise stolen.
The cops told me the negroes were exiting the jail downtown, stealing cars and resuming their careers.
I called a company that made barrier doors and gates that could be closed at night. They told me they were so backed up, they couldn't get to us for a month because of the crime wave.
For a month, I spent every night
Sitting in a chair in the middle of the store with a baseball bat and a pistol and all the lights on. At least once a night, a car would cruise slowly past the window, then quickly move on.
The gates were installed finally, and I never had another problem. Not even an attempt. It was too much trouble. However, some of my neighbors got robbed instead.
The point is: These assholes they let out are going to take their game up a notch, not "toin dey laff 'roun'".
Next year, we'll be hearing about how the racist government turned feral animals loose on the black community to prey on dey kidz and have running gun battles in the skreets.
I am surprised he made it past the GOP establishment / mainstream media alliance but I remained optimistic.
People are growing tired of GOP establishment and their inability to face the reality of race. Everyone knows that the mainstream media is dishonest about race and there is a growing discontent with their constant attempts at re-framing stories to blame Whites/Society.
The GOP establishment is ran by NYC types that support paint theory even if they don't personally believe it. They don't think the masses should know of such harsh truths. The entire neoconservative movement is built around political philosopher Leo Strauss who supported the idea of the noble lie (lie to the public for their own good). I'd love for a neoconservative to explain how this would be possible in the age of the internet. The neocons also don't have a viable strategy for dealing with liberalism. All they can do is come in after liberals have failed and run on the downswing. They won't question liberal assumptions on race because it threatens their own ideology.
I don't know, North Florida Native, latest Rasmussen nation-wide poll of likely voters has Trump at 41%, Clinton at 39%, Prefer-Some-Other-Candidate at 15%, and Undecided at 5%. Here's a link:
Now, such polls tell us little to nothing about Electoral College outcomes, which is all that ultimately matters in a presidential election, and, there, Democrats now have a distinct advantage, but one does have to win the popular vote in enough states to win in the Electoral College, so such favorable polls are at least preliminarily encouraging.
Anderson here
Well let's wait and see what kind of mud Trump slings on her and slick Willy before we come to a liberal bias based poll that's says Hillary will win. If Trump can garner enough garbage on Crooked Hillary without his skeletons rolling out of the closet it will be interesting.
If Trump does get the nod for Potus... He needs to do such a great job and erase all of Barry's garbage to make Americans regret ever putting an idiot in their in the first place. That is if the system is truly not rigged. Trump has a bigger mess to clean up and Hillary would have easier time screwing shit up worse furthering the left's agenda. Trump 2016!
Trump certainly has exposed Rush, he's done.
Wow! The knives are coming out now for Trump!
That Dem c+nt Elizabeth Warren just went apeshit on Twitter against Trump. His smartest move would be to completely and utterly ignore that foolish shrill woman. They're going to try and make him look anti woman, he needs to not play their game.
Ignore Warren, Mr Trump.
The Republicans are helping the Democrats push through a bill to release all criminals from prisons.
Both parties are now one - a Uniparty.
That is from Libertarian influence.
Libertarian theory states our prisons our filled with non-violent drug dealers and users and by releasing them we will save money. This has been debunked numerous times. The main problem with the theory is that gun charges are often dropped as part of plea bargains. They will often take off the Federal gun charges for a guilty plea. In cities like New Orleans they do this to expedite the case. They can't afford to take all the cases to trial.
Libertarian theory is also mired in race denial. This is why they are for open borders. Ayn Rand said that race doesn't exist so there is no reason for borders. Haiti could be a first world country if they had legal drugs and a flat tax. Yes Libertarians actually believe this.
I'm actually surprised that there are still so many libertarians since the internet provides so many damning criticisms of their positions. At best it is a stepping stone away from liberalism. I see it as a second stage belief system. Going from liberalism straight to racial realism is too much for most people. Libertarianism is like methadone.
Why was a certain word omitted in the reposting of the rant about rent?I went to that site and noticed it's inclusion there.We all know to whom I'm referring:Those people who have forced The Black Plague on us.
The reality is that the Democrats sowed the seeds of their own destruction precisely because they made themselves the party of diversity/pozz/dildo. In doing so, they effectively chased out normal, sane white people with jobs and families.
And what is truly aggravating is that in EVERY city where this happened they still blame a "lack of funding".
Just look at Detroit right now. Democrats and libs want "the state" (suburban Whites as there isn't another metropolis) to keep bailing out Detroit. They blame the auto industry even though NAFTA was signed by Clinton and more importantly Detroit was going to hell after Blacks burned down the Jewish district....oops I mean the civil unrest of the 60s.
Agreed. Your coworkers shouldn't have bought those gas guzzlers. I want nothing more than to own a SUV, but my wallet will hate me for it eventually. You don't have to be an economist to understand that gas prices are not for certain.
I have a guzzler. If gas prices spiked then I would just get a motorcycle. Of course there is resale value but then I don't obsess over money. I could light my vehicles on fire and not really care. There is more to life than money and Whites are certainly flawed in that so many of them fail to see this.
Paintjob Theory said...
"How would your life be if you are renting"
Probably marginally worse than the life of my laying ducks and hens, who at least have 50 acres on which to roam and play before returning to their box at night.
If you feel that renting is such a great racket there's nothing in the world stopping you from doing it yourself. My mother's father used to own rental properties, and I have a few friends now who do as well and let me tell you, they earn every penny they make in that business!
Paintjob - that doesn't sound like a very #teamwhite# statement to me.
First of all, renting in major cities IS a racket. I should know, I lived in them for 30 years. When I lived in Southern California I made JUST enough money to pay the rent, but not enough to make a sizeable down payment to buy a home. The only people I knew who were young and bought a home in the cities either were (a) had parents who gave them the down or (b) precious snowflake orcs who got help to make the down payment. Even with a FICO score of 818 I couldn't get a loan.
I finally escaped out of CA, but let me tell you landlords in South FL, Southern California (especially so) and NYC are rent gougers. Expect a whole lot of money but put in very little in return. I lived in the same place for 13 years before I left. I was a good tenant. I had to beg for the place to be painted and the carpet to be replaced and even that was done by illegal orc labor and a shoddy job at that.
The hispanic portions of town had at least a dozen tenants paying some corrupt landlord money in cash for rent, thereby pushing out any poor white who wanted to live in those places.
So yes, rent is a racket.
So now corporate landlords and even white landlords have to step up to their game and many are not going to want to do that. I have nothing against making a profit but GD it, take care of your long term tenants and stop renting to 10 orcs. (not saying you do but many landlords do).
I don't want this to be a landlord rant, but my statement still stands. A trump presidency will give a new revitalized spirit to many now beaten down white males. And what's wrong with that?
I can promise you this, the rhetoric of "closing the borders" and deporting foreign nationals sounds great but it's not going to happen any time soon if ever. If we ever see them, the wall will be to keep us from escaping, and the "papers please" checkpoints and National ID (tm) will be selectively applied only to control, subjugate and humiliate whites.
May 4, 2016 at 5:37 AM
Oh C' must have seen in my first comment that a $15 would not be necessary. It could be brought down to $7 an hour and lower wage workers would be fine. They wouldn't be competing with some illegal orc making cash wages. Plus the illegal orc wouldn't be living here anyways.
The wall will be used to keep us in? Niggah please. The mexicans love Americans coming over and there spending money. Go to any border town in AZ or TX where a lot of seniors buy their food, eat out, buy medicine and go to the doctor. They leave those seniors alone, they're a great source of revenue for some of these smaller border towns.
I don't know if you realize it or not, but these type of statements just tend to demoralize whites and keep them in their place.
A vote for Trump is a vote for white middle aged men (like my husband and relatives) who have been beaten down for years over shit they didn't even do.
Speaking of placing bets, I'm pulling for the big 3 for this summers African street festivals. Baltimore, Chicongo, or St. Louis. All three have large concentrations of violent negroes and in all three the local police and governments have already shown themselves to be willing to tolerate outbursts of jaboonery. Predators can sense weakness and it only intensifies their instinct to attack.
I'm betting on St. Louis for that reason. The government there is especially weak and in denial of its racial problems. Just look at how they let Eric Holder push them around. Indiana reminds me of Austin in that they want to prove they are "progressive" aka race denying Whites that support more government programs. They haven't figured out that liberalism is egalitarian fiction.
Something I've always been curious about and was never addressed in the media is why Ted Cruz would borrow $1 million from Goldman Sachs to play the lottery on ONLY POSSIBLY getting elected to $175,000 a year U.S. Senate job.
There were plenty of stories about whether he properly reported the loans, but none explaining why he'd gamble his entire liquid net worth for such a small return, or possibly no return at all.
That's insanity unless you figure you can make that money back in spades.... and that's the crux if the problem in American politics.
You might say that Trump did something similar, but he really didn't. A 70-year-old spending banked money on a hobby is far different than a 45-year-old father of small kids risking his net worth.
Perhaps he was able to count it as a campaign debt and recover it from later contributions.
Even so, it seems kind of nuts for a "Fiscal Conservative".
Not bashing Cruz, just wondering why no one seems to have asked that question.
If anybody knows, I'd like to hear about it.
Fingers are crossed. Riots will helps turn things in our favor. But one riot will not be enough. It has to be a series of riots to the point that it wakes enough people up.
The establishment is absolutely terrified and will undoubtedly backlash against Whites for their insubordination.
Expect even more White guilt articles and movies in the next few years. White people need to know they are evil and should only exist as self-loathing sacks that hand over half their income to government.
Cuckservatives like Erick Erickson are going to rail against Whites for not picking an anti-abortion Evangelical while avoiding simple questions about race. He is Cuckservative #1 for those who don't know.
Thanks for sharing. My attitude has been shitty lately for personal reasons so I haven't been very optimistic. You guys are my friends, smart friends I must add. Fingers crossed for a Trump victory.
Your post is way off!!!! I have never voted for a democrat in my life. Being a member of the GOP for over 20 years... Several years ago I switched to the libertarian party because it best represents my views!
Pro 2nd amendment and I do mean adamantly
Less government while being fiscally responsible
Personal freedom without gov interference on social issues and what you do behind closed doors is your business as long as it is not harmful to anyone else.
Enforce the hell out of immigration and build a big ass wall!
End affirmative action!
No to gay marriage and screw the LGBT movement, but what they do behind closed doors is their business.
Abolish the crooked ass IRS!
I am on the fence about abortion.
I am proud to call myself a libertarian as the Weak ass GOP doesn't represent me anymore. Now if Trump can change the party for the better, I might consider coming back.
First of all, renting in major cities IS a racket.
Well the major cities are a scam. City dwellers tell themselves they are "modern" while shelling out at least half their income for rent so someone else can get wealthy.
Oh but you see city dwellers aren't backwards like those rural areas. They live in a multi-racial utopia where the local Blacks are their best friends. Just don't walk near Black areas late at night and stay away from public transportation. Best friends.
I had to live in a major city for a short period. It just confirmed my suspicion that around half of Whites are total suckers. I couldn't believe how many Whites would stress themselves out and work long hours just to live in a trendy zipcode. A husband and wife would both work 50 hours a week just so they could get a 1949 fixer upper with a 10sq foot backyard. Whites in these cities seem to think this is normal. They will even vote to further tax themselves for "Progressive" plans. I found it all to be quite sad and happily moved back to the country. My bills dropped in half and my house is 3x the size. I also don't have to pay $7 for a draft beer. Life is good in the country.
I am proud to call myself a libertarian
Libertarians are against borders and government polices that take race into account. This goes back to Ayn Rand and her stance that race doesn't exist and neither do inherited character traits in humans.
Just an FYI. I was also once a Libertarian until I learned about how much they don't mention up front.
In the vein of Suoer Bowl losers t-shirts being sent to third world countries to clothe the poor:
Send them to Mexico. A clever way to salt the wound as President Trump begins construction on the wall.
"I'm betting on St. Louis for that reason. The government there is especially weak and in denial of its racial problems"
Francis Slay, the White Mayor of St. Louis recently announced he would not seek another term. I think he wants out to protect his legacy, as he was responsible for some good in St. Louis and had managed to keep the Ferguson Chimp Action from spreading to the city proper. Still before Elections, if the Chimps go off the chain this summer then he looks like a failure and a Schmuck. He should quit while ahead. eh? Nomesayin?
I'm a Cruzer but I can say one thing about Trump, he will make sure the Black House is fumigated before he moves his family in there.
When Donald Trump wins the presidential election it’ll be the first time in history that a billionaire moves into subsidized public housing vacated by a black family.
Watching WGN today 3 reports in succession : 3 white youths attack a black youth calling him a n*gger and giving him a bloody lip. * The new police chief in Chicago(black)is going to weed out all the racist cops * White woman murdered in random shooting on I90/94. 20 year old SUSPECT shot by police after leaving his vehicle and walking towards police. No mention of the suspects race. Imagine that.
Annie Oakley, your observation that rent will be lower if illegals are forced out is dead on. I had not even thought of that, but here in the Southside of Atlanta, illegals have forced rent out of sight. I was in a City Hall not long ago, with a landlord complaining in front of me of how the current renters had to be forced out and left his house a mess. I pointed out to him what happens with illegals- landlords ask for 1,000.00 deposit and first AND last months rent here most of the time, and also deposits for electric, gas, and water, which can all add up to several thousand dollars. If 5, or even 10, illegal adults get together and pony up- that is only about 500.00 apiece. He thinks he is renting to 2 or 3 adults and 1 or 2 kids. But up to ten adults move in- I see it in my neighborhood all the time. And that many tenants will wreak havoc. But a nice mature working gal living alone cannot come up with that much most of the time, on one income. But the nice mature gal will not throw wild parties, have 9 other adults living with her, drinking, smoking, etc., and will leave his house in good shape when she moves out. But she is priced out because of the illegals. Blew his mind- he knew it happened and that it was not right.
Our governor here in Georgia just vetoed a bill that would allow carrying a registered gun on college campuses here. A mother was interviewed that was happy about it, because her son was killed because of "gun violence". While sad and tragic, what is NEVER pointed out is that MOST of the "gun violence" deaths are caused by ILLEGAL guns used by CRIMINALS!! A far cry from registered owners carrying to protect themselves. But the media does not want the viewers to make that distinction. We can't have law abiding people capable of protecting themselves from the criminal element, now can we??
In Newton County, not far from Atlanta, this story-
What is incredible, is that on the news cast last night, they asked for the publics help identifying 6 men driving a BMW. The race of the suspects were not given, which would certainly help identify them. The media has no problem identifying them as men- why is that not considered sexist- or how tall they are- etc. but will NOT identify something so helpful as race. Isn't there a right to know for the public out there that may be the next victim?? Why is it ok to give every detail of the perp EXCEPT for the race?? Is that knowledge sacred?? Public safety should come FIRST!!
And the hypocrisy of the Trump protesters- accusing him of being a "hater", all the while indulging themselves in some of the most hateful behavior I have ever seen- rioting, throwing things, punching people, etc. My default these days about stories like these is to automatically look for the hypocrisy, because it is ALWAYS there if informed realistic people look for it. ALWAYS.
L in Atl hell
"3 white youths attack a black youth calling him a n*gger and giving him a bloody lip."
Just kids? Or pushback?
"Something I've always been curious about and was never addressed in the media is why Ted Cruz would borrow $1 million from Goldman Sachs to play the lottery on ONLY POSSIBLY getting elected to $175,000 a year U.S. Senate job."
The payoffs to both sides would have been veeerry generous. Goldman people do nothing for no reward. Cruz being out represents at least one bullet dodged.
"When I was at the Senators office we had kids interning there from Sweden and Australia. They didn't know that CA was the most restrictive in the nation when it comes to guns."
Australians are completely indoctrinated by media, and collectively fell for the Port Arthur false-flag of 1996, and gave up most of their gun ownership rights. They still believe that guns in the US are all about White "rednecks". They have no idea the extent of the Black illegal gun problem as our media only reports (poorly) the big Black-Swan events like Columbine, and fear being thought of as "racist" probably more than the average American lib. Sadly, we'd make good Swedes.
There are fewer industrial jobs today than when Obama came into office. It may be that when he leaves office those jobs won't come back.
Generac shipped its production to China. Quality control in China was not good, so Generac brought production back to Wisconsin with higher quality... only with new automated equipment that uses 1/4 as many workers.
Many of the jobs are not coming back even if production does.
The neocons also don't have a viable strategy for dealing with liberalism.
The neoco(he)ns ARE liberals, they're just pretending to be on our side for a while.
If we ever see them, the wall will be to keep us from escaping
If I wanted to leave, nothing could keep me in. I can walk across the border in any number of places if I feel like it, and kayak across in plenty more. The only problem is finding somewhere to go from there.
Anonymous said...
PK, as a looongtime lurker here, and constant admirer, I truly hope your enthusiasm and optimism toward Trump is justified.
So do we all. But I think most of us here have learned to temper our expectations. And I think most of us would support him even if we knew he would not keep most of his promises. We'll settle for what we can get. I think what is driving the Trump phenomenon is something else.
History lesson:
There used to be a joke that Hitler had three strategic weapons to conquer the world: the V1, the V2 and the VW. The fact is, of course, that he never wanted to conquer the world; he just wanted to retrieve German land stolen after WWI, unite the German people wherever they lived, and maybe a little extra lebensraum for his people. He said explicitly that National Socialism was not for export, it was intended only for the German people. Anyway, the point about those "flying bombs" is that they were not the first instance of "total war", the bombing of civilian populations. They were a reaction to Britain's bombing of German cities. Hence, the 'V' designation. It stood for (the German word for) Vengeance.
That's what the Trump phenomenon is about, though I have no doubt he would "disavow" it.
Revenge. Frowned on by Christianity and liberals alike (except, of course...), but how sweet it is. And here at the end of my life, the things I regret most are those offenses that I let slide, because they were not worth pursuing.
The voters are striking back at the machine, and the people, that have been systematically reducing them to serfdom. I think most of them mainly want to punish their tormentors. And so they should.
For those miserable years in integrated public schools: Trump!
For those jobs and promotions lost to Affirmative Action: Trump!
For housing equity lost to the encroaching black undertow: Trump!
For the misery of modern air travel and TSA lines: Trump!
For the noise, crime, filth and dysfunction of integrated neighbourhoods: Trump!
For the men reduced to destitution, their homes, families, possessions, livelihood and freedom stripped from them by the "Family" court system: Trump!
For the children corrupted by television and "education", turned into sluts, perverts, freaks and weaklings: Trump!
And so on, and on...
Take that, you bastards! Burn it down.
Brian in Ohio,
Well said! I quote that Dylan Thomas poem frequently to my aging friends. Rage on!
Give the t shirts to Paintjob Theory, she can make man-kinis out of them for her and her harem sisters.
Am I the only landlord who frequents this blog? All this belly aching about rents and fantasies about how we are going to deport 30 million illegal aliens. It isn't going to happen. Trump himself is a landlord of some standing. Annie Oakley seems to think he's Bernie Sanders and wants to turn America into some kind of Venezuela where rents are low by government decree.
I have a group of (presumably) illegal Hispanics who clean my house every couple weeks. I need help because of my injuries. If Trump were to send them away, what would I do? I tried blacks - very bad experience. I had a white guy as my handyman for a while but he was an ex-con and stole from me. There are millions of white Americans like me who rely on Hispanics to clean their toilets and mop their floors. White Americans rely on Mexicans and central Americans. A decade ago my mother slowly died in her sisters house. There was a woman who came in to help. I think she was an illegal too, but she was irreplaceable. If she hadn't been available I literally don't know what I would have done.
Middle class people need lower class people for domestic service. Ask any housewife. Trump has promised to stem the flow. He has not promised to get the Mexican onslaught under control. He has not promised to send all of the illegals back. I don't think that is politically possible.
We should make illegals pay taxes, serve in the Army, pay for medical care, pay for school, and bear all the burdens of citizenship. Many will go home - good. But some will want to stay and clean our bathrooms - also good.
Remember the main problem is with blacks. When I was a kid everyone in our neighborhood had a black cleaning woman who came in every week or so. But a Mexican maid is in all ways superior. The Hispanics ran the blacks out of the market. They don't steal or spit in your food. Blacks are in revolt. They think they are too good to sweep the floor.
If you don't like paying rent get some money together and buy some income property. See how you like it.
Epic Stuff Right Here!
"We will no longer surrender this country, or its people to the false song of of globalism" - Donald J. Trump
300 : Making American Great Again (A Donald Trump Parody)
Anonymous said
the illegals protesting Trump act the same way- never follow the rules
They are cutting their own throats. Setting Trump up to win the general. All he has to do is play the footage in his ads, of Mexicans in America, throwing stones at Americans and waving Mexican flags, with the voice-over: "We either have a country, or we don't." That image of a Mexican kid standing under a huge Mexican flag, holding a sign saying "Make America Mexico again" is pure gold. He should buy the copyright to that picture and flog it to death on TV. As somebody said above, they should be heading back to Mexico now to avoid the rush.
@ 4:02 pm. AnalogMan, no one has ever said it better. To the point and spot on. Probably our last chance to retrieve a part of who we were and that which we wish to be. Thank you.
I am touring Oregon as I write this, and I see that Slick Willy will be in Bend, Oregon tomorrow. I had a peculiar thing happen to me in Bend lasht week. I was walking around Downtown bend when a well dressed man and woman came beside me. The man said very loudly in my ear. "I can,t wait to read about this redneck Podunk town." I bet they were Clinton advance people, that is what they think of most Americans. Btw Bend is a very nice, upper middle class white town.
Gwoobus Harmon said...
The interesting thing is following the punditry, who all posture as experts, be so consistently wrong about every issue and prediction.
You must watch this video clip, only 23 seconds, but so perfect:
Ann Coulter laughed at last year for predicting Trump victory
Who's laughing now?
I think you answered your own question, that being said, dont think Trump spent too much on his so called hobby, he was able to manipulate the media to do his bidding
Ok , hate to spoil the party but they are coming in droves now. I live in south texas, and they are coming in at a much greater number than say 6 mos ago. Read this for more, source Drudge Report
Hillbillary cant think on her feet her lies will shine through, did you see her with coal miner? Im from Chicago "a southside union Democrat" i pulled a Democratic ticket voted for Willie Wilson, would have loved to vote for Trump, but... So my point is i think (know white union people in Chicago)would never vote for that carpetbagging pos dont be surprised if it is a close race in Illinois
I read somewhere that running for US president is the only job where candidates will spend $100+ million campaigning to get a thankless job that pays $400k a year.
Slay is hated by most city employees, total douchebag, his legacy is as good as BHO's.
Stop the legal and illegal invasion of third world scum now! The reason is simple for this government program to make whites a racial minority in a country founded by their ancestors: you are silent. This slow motion genocide is moving forward because most aware people are doing nothing. The invasion will stop and these troubling trends will start to reverse only when we say enough:
- join the 2 million citizens' army at numbersusa.
- become members of immigration reform groups like FAIR.
- always go to the polls.
- when you get letters begging for money, return, in most cases, the free Business Reply envelopes with letters protesting our demographic replacement. For envelopes not free, it's worth your while to send back.
- Mow your own lawn and avoid restaurants.
Don't be part of the problem, be a part of the correct solution. ALL patriots must take action.
Libtard Westchester County enjoys more negroid diversity!
Rent slave - I omitted that for a very good reason. I don't want PK to come under fire by the beast. We all know who's behind it. That's all that matters.
When the housing bubble burst all of those unqualified mortgages to low income applicants were defaulted on. When the occupants got their eviction notices did what they normally do to rental properties, they destroy them. This leaves the banks with no other choice but to auction them off at pennies on the dollar. Foreign investors scoop these properties up ,make them somewhat livable ,and then rent them out to many of the former owners. But now the tenants are armed with section 8 vouchers. Section 8 is one of the reasons rents are so high in urban areas. The government will pay well over the market rental prices. If you have a job that pays somewhat above minimum wage your priced out of many apartments and houses because of the subsidies . Many hard working people are forced to live in lower quality housing while permanently unemployed welfare mammas live in comparatively nice homes. What was originally a well intended piece of legislation has become a revolving racket that is taken advantage by everyone involved, from the investors and builders at the top down to the tenants at the bottom. Of course anything that involves the government handing out money is always ripe with corruption.
Much Mike
Are you freaking serious Pat ?
We need them because of dirty bathrooms ? Are you serious ? Dirty freaking bathrooms ?
I'm sure the slave owners said the same thing, and look where that got us.
Plus... how long do you expect them to stay " 2nd class citizens "?. Dont you think the dems are just drooling, and waiting to make that an issue ?
How long do you expect them to clean toilets ? They have taken over large swaths of are construction industry. They have taken over hotels, restaurants, etc. They will be coming for everything pal. They and especially the dems, will not waste the opportunity of labeling them 2nd class citizens.
I thought you were brighter then this. I think you need to re-think this one. Use some pattern recognition. Because, that's the last thing we should do. Especially because you can't clean a freaking bathroom. Or pay an American to do it. Shane on you Pat.
The Mick
Pat Boyle said....
Am I the only landlord who frequents this blog? All this belly aching about rents and fantasies about how we are going to deport 30 million illegal aliens. It isn't going to happen. Trump himself is a landlord of some standing. Annie Oakley seems to think he's Bernie Sanders and wants to turn America into some kind of Venezuela where rents are low by government decree.
You sir are a liar. I never said that. And I never ever inferred that.
Men like you want the orcs here so you can continue to pay shit wages. I know plenty of white women in my age who are caregivers in my area and do they just as good as a job as your so called brown pets.
Anonymous at 11:56 am- yes I know it's easier living in the country. And if I would have known then what I knew now about the cities, I would never left the small towns.
Here's the thing. Thanks to free trade and other race traitors people like me and many others had to leave their small towns of origins because there were no jobs! The only jobs in my area were low wage factories, government jobs (which were very hard to get as people DIED in those jobs) or cheap retail.
After getting out of college the only job I could find was working in a sewing factory. I did that for three years. I finally had enough and moved in with family in NYC and got work right away. I had to work for the next 30 years in the cities to make it. And guess what? After working 30 years in the cities, many times working two jobs to make it, my body broke down. It's finally coming back.
People like Trump and me care about white folks. Especially poor white folks who can't find work and who are abused by nigs and orcs.
Hi Pat, no mom I know has an illegal to help. I get no benefit from illegals.
(I am not in CA).
I know a woman who has a legal Mexican helper. All the Mexicsn's children are embarrassed that she cleans. Her children want govt jobs
Second generation Mexicans are policemen, firemen, social workers. There are no second generation toilet cleaners.
Stop white genocide.
I agree with you Pat. Stop thinking the government will make your life better. It will only get worse.
Need to get blacks and immigrants off the dole. Get government out of your life. Government drives up costs of everything by removing market forces. Mexicans that work are okay by me. Paying welfare and raising illegitimate kids is not.
310 Listen - Euro American
All the Mexicsn's children are embarrassed that she cleans. Her children want govt jobs
Second generation Mexicans are policemen, firemen, social workers. Ergo policing mexican crime, mexican welfare cases. Mexican mexican mexican.
Second generation Mexicans are workers, shirkers and '3 hots n a cot' mexican un americans.
From West LA---310
"Middle class people need lower class people for domestic service."
Back in the days when a dollar was 371.25 grains of silver "middle class" people had wives and children for home making. It's OK though, I'm sure Consuela and Guadalupe are having 8 or 10 children. I wonder if they'll hire whites to clean their toilets when they're the majority?
@ Annie Oakley
Again, feel free to buy some property and try renting it and see how that pans out for you. If you think that real estate prices will drop if we got rid of all the beaners you're delusional. In absence of violent and filthy muds city real estate prices would soar even higher.
If you're waiting around for government to give you a job or make manufacturing in the USA a viable career you will be holding your breath a long time waiting on that one too. The days of 28$ an hour for screwing a bolt on a car door all day are long gone never to return.
You suggest a world where government gives you a job and a place to stay. You may well get your wish there. This is hay and a barn for human shaped cattle, the rations of a slave. Nobody forced you to live in a city and nobody prevented you from making your own job right where you were.
I would surmise that you were sold a false bill of goods and you are still not quite prepared to admit it. Your whole "HAD TO move to the city to 'make it'" line would carry a lot more weight if you actually "made it" and the end of the story is that you're now independent and self sufficient having happily paid your dues and "made it".
You know damn well that if we can't even discuss who sets our foreign policy, writes and interprets our laws, loans us our own money, and who owns our media and academia that NOTHING is really going to change apart from some feel-good campaign rhetoric. Forgive me for not being on "team white" if I'm not waving my pom poms being a Trump cheerleader, but this reeks of bullshit and seems so incredibly staged I'm simply shocked that any adult who has been paying attention for the last 30 years or so is still fooled by this game.
People still think Trump is outsmarting the media at their own game by getting all their attention over the last year. Really? He's that clever and they're that dumb?
PaintJob: "the wall will be to keep us from escaping"
You must get some thrill saying this every day. Please pardon me for shitting on your point:
1) The much longer border with Canada is not getting a wall.
2) The type of Americans who would think about fleeing, are already armed to the teeth. If they tried to keep us locked in, they would be the ones who are trapped -- trapped in here with us.
3) Anyone who would seriously consider jumping the Southern border, with diamonds and gold coins hidden up their keister, is not a very forward thinker. And by "forward", I mean 10 miles into Mexico.
Difficult to truly get a pulse downriver.
Folks are sleeping, working, & shopping in between. Check online?
Speaking of automation:
I used to golf at this course in town. Nice place with great day they replaced all the caddies with these new shiny automated robot carts. I was skeptical but the club pro asked me to give it a try. Well I went out and shot the round of my life. The robot caddy was spot-on with distances, club selection, and even had some tips after analyzing my swing. All in all a great thing.
So I return the next week and request another automated caddy. The pro says sorry, but we had to put them out of service, but you could have your old human caddy if you want.
I ask, Out of service? How could you do that, they were so helpful.
He tells me, well they were great, but the sun would glint off their shiny surfaces and we received a lot of complaints from other golfers.
Well, why didn't you just paint them black? I ask.
He says: We did that, but none of them showed up for work the next day.
Analog Man @4:02: Brilliantly said. Totally true. I have serious reservations about Trump - not about his "tone," or criticisms of "women," or any of that liberal crap. I am concerned about his hiring a Goldman Sachs/Soros banker as a finance guy for his national campaign. I am concerned he would even purportedly consider Nimrata Haley or Marco Rubio or cuck Kasich as potential running mates. He may be lying through his teeth about everything he's claimed to be for - but I'll hold my fire and wait and see.
Either way, I agree with your finale: Burn it all down, and now. I want this degraded, third-world flophouse of an empire that pretends to be the historical American nation to be reduced to rubble, and I want the land beneath most of it salted. Let there be a corner somewhere, impregnable and invulnerable, where White people can make a stand, and I'll be content.
I seem to have hit a nerve with my comments about illegal aliens. People here usually say nice things about me. But now I'm accused of wanting to fill the nation with Mexicans so I can pay lower wages. LOL.
Let me be clear. I don't want any blacks in America. I don't want any Mexicans in America.
But my judgement of the current American political situation is that we are at least twenty years away from a re-imposition of segregation and the "Send them back to Africa" movement is even further away. Illegal aliens in my opinion will be very hard to remove also. At best Trump's wall will only keep more from coming in. It will do nothing about those already here. The wall is an excellent and long overdue remedy but it's action will be slow.
There are several reasons for this. First millions of elderly white people need a maid or housekeeper. They will oppose their caretaker being deported. There are other younger wives who work and have children at home. They too will want to keep their cook-housekeeper. For the reasons I gave before blacks are simply not appropriate substitutes.
It will be very difficult to actually ship blacks back to Africa. I wish it were possible but this has been tried many times before since before the Civil War. America established colonies along the Ivory Coast in Africa. Liberia's capitol is Monrovia - named after President Monroe. It is one of the most miserable hell holes on Earth. Not from the land - the people.
If we were to pack a ship full of our unwanted blacks and ship them over there, there is a good chance that some of them would be eaten. How do you suppose that would play on US TV? Do you know about Charles Taylor? Do you know about their politics in Liberia? A losing candidate for President there was recently chopped into little pieces and distributed to the winning campaign workers. Yum,yum!
I'm hoping for good things from Trump but if he just slows our decline down some I will judge him a success.
To Brian in Ohio- May I make a small change to the following- with respect??
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
These days it should read-
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the whites.
L in Atl hell
saw that Londonstian crap on Drudge, felt sick. I'd not only stop moslim immigration, I'd deport there butts.
The wall (should atleast be) metaphorical. Would the wall have stopped the murderer of Kathryn Steinle? We'll never know. I'm more interested in the stand to stop the invasion of our country. Our country needs more fighters and voters who are willing to preserve what our ancestors have fought for. Turn off social handouts. Make it illegal to be an illegal immigrant. Preserve our culture. The DWL and cuckservative will hand our culture to mongrel hordes that will not assimilate. White people will be 20% of this country in 4 generations if this continues. People that will allow themselves to be invaded hate themselves, and they hate you, and they hate your children. They don't understand, but they will allow Zimbabwe style policies to your grand children that will force them to poverty and death. Fleeing is not an option. Ask the South Africans.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Well if rents drop then the average landlord is going to be facing foreclosure. At least if they drop in a big hurry. A risk I would be willing to take.
I live in suburban Minneapolis. Occasionally I will see a homeless man with a sign begging for food. Invariably these men are white, beaten down, some are Vietnam era but most look a few years younger. I would not be at all surprised if many were not PTSD wrecks.
I have never seen a Somali beg for money. Most Somali women do not work...they are dressed in gowns which are simply not suitable for industrial occupation. I did see one young woman dressed traditionally greeting at Home Depot. Many of the women are drivers and most drive really quite nice vehicles - BMW and Audi SUV's are popular. Most Somalis live in townhouses, much nicer than average.
I am simply reporting the facts: and those are that the US Govt. does NOT care about the veterans of the foreign wars it connived to bring about. It would , if it could, simply kill them all through medical mistakes and be down with them.
Well if rents drop then the average landlord is going to be facing foreclosure.
Banks would be forced to write down mortgages rather than take the losses on their books.
If you think that real estate prices will drop if we got rid of all the beaners you're delusional. In absence of violent and filthy muds city real estate prices would soar even higher.
In the absence of muds, the habitable fraction of today's cities would approach 100% and the pressure on the few "good" neighborhoods and schools would be greatly reduced. White people would have their pick instead of having to get into one of the few un-pozzed places. Scarcity pricing would apply only to elite areas for quite some time.
@ Anonymous on automation: I didn't see that one coming.
millions of elderly white people need a maid or housekeeper.
Japan will be more than happy to sell us their robots.
It will be very difficult to actually ship blacks back to Africa.
It won't be hard to get them to exchange sterilization for a fat cash payment (or parole). Suppose the 3 ratchets with the multiple GTAs who drowned were kept in juvie prison as punishment, but were offered $2000 cash and parole on their 18th birthdays if they got their tubes tied. It wouldn't matter so much where THEY remained, because THEIR CHILDREN would never live here.
If we were to pack a ship full of our unwanted blacks and ship them over there, there is a good chance that some of them would be eaten. How do you suppose that would play on US TV?
It's happened already and it's so unimportant in the US, practically nobody even knows about it. Nobody cares if they get killed here, which they do every day; what's a slightly more gruesome end some thousands of miles distant?
To those who think Trump cannot win against Clinton, I say: He will beat her like a rented mule.
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