Is this a harbinger of things to come in the U.S., with the end of globalization upon us?
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The true face of globalism: the black immigrant who murdered British soldier Lee Rigby in the daytime on a street in London |
This website will serve to educate the general public on Black people and the Stuff That Black People Don't Like. Black people have many interesting eccentricities, which include disliking a litany of everyday events, places, household objects and other aspects of their everyday life. Black people are an interesting subject matter and this website will chronicle the many problems in life that agitate this group of people. To suggest material, please contact
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The true face of globalism: the black immigrant who murdered British soldier Lee Rigby in the daytime on a street in London |
Yes!! Maybe YT isn't done just yet..
Ready your firelocks!!
I've been following the Brexit vote. It was predictable in anger at the persecution of Emma West and the parents of Rotherham girls raped by Muslims and then arrested for "islamophobia" if they tried to get the perps arrested or even rescue their children.
But it's not over. Secession from the EU has a protocol, and a hostile government can refuse to follow it. Brexit will probably require a UKIP or BNP-led government, and that will be much harder to accomplish than a mere referendum.
At least the English have been able to get the process started using only the soap box and the ballot box. We in the USA may have to use the cartridge box.
Stay or leave, it's all going to end in a bloodbath either way. You can't let your house become infested with deadly, fast-breeding vermin and not do anything about it. Either you get rid of the pests, or the pests get rid of you.
Makes me want to listen to a certain Skrewdriver song.....
I would like to think that this is the beginning of the end for globalism, but TPTB have been working on this for a very long time, and they are going to fight BREXIT and all other attempts at exit and a return to sanity tooth and nail.
The same can be expected here in America. I fear that change will not come without a lot of spilled blood.
Still, well done people of England! It is a good beginning for what I hope will be the unraveling of globalism.
On the face of it the British seem to have made a crazy decision. But I can understand the frustration of the voter towards globalization and the liberal agenda, and this is a healthy democratic backlash. The elite are just too disconnected from the average man on the street, and sometimes it is necessary to act against your own financial interests in order to preserve your self determination. The US should also vote to embrace Trump while there is a country left to save.
I hope also england throws away all those euros and returns to those pound notes and shillings
Time for Dixit! CSA, CSA, CSA!
England and the US will only prevail when they tear the veils off muslime bitches and send them and their muslime dicks and kids back to muslime land...never to be allowed to return.
England and the US will only prevail when they hang their traitorous "leaders", bankers, teachers and "religious" from lamp posts, yard arms and trees by the millions so that the birds won't be hungry for a decade.
But the Brexit is a good start.
Excellent news. Nationalism is an idea whose time has come. There will be more nations bailing out now.
Of course, a referendum is not a law, and the politicians will try to weasel out of it. Hopefully that will be the straw that breaks the British legendary patience. Bring it on.
OT, but the previous story about the 'Cuse fathers day shooting the police have released a very clear surveillance video that doesn't match what tooky and nay nay said. BTW I live only 4 miles from these parasites. Good thing here in the 'Cuse we have about 9 months of cold weather. Its funny you'll see YT with shorts and T-Shirts on when the temps get around 55 F. The myriad of other cultures still wearing parkas.
Other EU countries will follow suit as a result, things could get nasty.
Thank you people of the United Kingdom- you have taken steps to preserve one of the greatest Countries and cultures on the planet. Incredibly inspirational and I hope that we in the U.S. can follow suit with an election of Donald Trump this November. You were told (warned) not to resist and break ranks, but you stood strong even when they were saying only a few hours ago that it had failed. Now I see TPTB are doing everything in their power to punish Brits for this- please remain steady, you just humiliated a juggernaut and showed the rest of us what is possible even when the mainstream media is dead-set against it.
A place that produced Sir Issac Newton, Shakespeare, and the Beatles cannot be allowed to sink into mediocrity under an endless flow of less than useless brown immigrants.
Round'em up!
Good for them. The more local the government, the better. I can only hope the US can vote with its own national interests in mind this November.
Minutes after the polls closed in UK, it was announced that Britons chose to sign their own death warrants under threat of losing 25% of their incomes by not accepting continuation of Draconian EU rules that would destroy their culture in a decade.
Exit polls, you know....
A few hours later, flabbergasted UK "announcers" proclaimed that by 4%, those self-same Elois had decided to save their culture from EU-instigated suicide.
My God! They are going to fight!
As the "Princess Bride" guy said: "Inconceivable!"
Clearly a nation of racists, who would rather preserve their culture than live under Sharia Law before their 50th birthdays.
This is the equivelent of the break-up of the Soviet Union.
I was looking for something pithy to end with. How about: "Holy shit!"
In terms of immigrants (good ones and a-holes like the one pictures above), time will tell if it's too little too late. Liberal policies in France and elsewhere are rearing their ugly heads.
The contrasts among the EU nations are great - possibly too great, so good for England for saying "no."
It appears people are starting to believe their “lying eyes" instead of the Party Line. Hopefully Americans will come to grips with the psychopathy of Obama&Clintons and realize both do not belong in any elected office.
To your A.N.Z.U.S mate down here it is indeed good news. I just saw a headline saying the traitor Cameron will resign. Another traitor was recently dispatched outside a library in England. -Perhaps they are beginning to understand there might be repercussions [I wont hold my breath]?
Now we [whites globally] need you guys to elect Trump, a couple more European dominoes to fall, and we can start on the business of re-claiming our countries~
The best decision they could have made!
The U.K. chose to throw off the shackles of YKW and the New World Order and it's long overdue in the U.S.A. too! I think it is an easy an explanation as that. Nomesayin?
I heard so much crowing from the media, "England will never leave the EU. This is a stunt..." Much like they said Trump would NEVER make it this far, let alone secure a major parties nomination....
It sure as hell wasn't England`s swelling muslim population that voted for this. It was white people... White people who have realized diversity is bad. I applaud them.
I hope the globalists are pissing their pants right now.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Terrific!! Rule Britania!!!
Now we need Tump to do something equally as bold over here...
They have Brexit...
I suggest "Nigxit"
Exit n*ggers; back to YOUR continent, Africa.
Hallelujah!! Just saw the news, it wasn't decided by the time I went to bed.
Britain not only rejected the unchecked infusion of immigrants, but also job- and budget-killing restrictions on energy supplies imposed in a ridiculous attempt to stop "global warming."
I think it's too early to say if it will influence US voters, but the fact that Chocolate Jesus told the UK they would "go to the back of the queue" if they voted to exit certainly can't help Clinton. And Trump is in Scotland right now, hopefully he can connect in some meaningful way with our friends across the Pond.
It's wonderful, cheers to the true Brits! They have said ENOUGH and we will too!!!!
We can only hope. Good for England! Why is Scotland such a idiots and EU-loving pussies?
It is an enormous step forward, however... Keeping the future hordes outside the gate is only possible if the ones inside are removed. The sheer number of invaders already ensconced in English society represent a real danger that one of them will open the gates while the natives are not watching
re: "Fatigued in MinneapolisJune 23, 2016 at 5:59 AM; I only read through this once so pardon me if I get it wrong but; there were four "gunfire", one "gunshots", and one always-reliable "shots rang out".. bingo.." -- off-topic but I wanted to get this in there; my post here from yesterday got me to thinking last night when I was out walking: we should patent a boardgame "TNB Bingo"; the squares on the cards have things written in them like "gunshots", "gunfire erupted", "shots rang out", "dindu nuffin" (judges will accept a variety of possible phrases based on some of these grammatical (infantile n-babble) forms accordingly), "vigil", "prayer", "rev'rund", "college", "turning life around", "mama", "racism", "cops", "supremacy", "whitey".. you get the idea. anyway, the coordinator running the game slowly reads an article from the previous evening, any evening, about TNB in a city, any city, doesn't matter etc..they slowly read through the article.. and the players cross off through boxes when they hear a phrase that's listed in a box on their TNB Bingo card, and when they get a horizontal, vertical or diagonal matchup they yell, "TNB BINGO! etc. .. and they win. and that's the game (unfortunately.. endless fun, etc.)..
Even this, big though it is, is still only symbolic until we see what they actually do with it, or worse, what gets done to them for doing it.
This has to be good for our side.Off topic Rick Tyler running for office in Tenn, his campaign slogan Make America WHITE Again.
Tarczan here- the EU was originally a free trade pact that morphed into a controlling bureaucracy, that went so far as issuing edicts about electric tea pots, which the British didn't take to well. A large centralized controlling government is bad government. This is similar to the US, which has a huge central government that no longer responds to the wishes of the people.
There needs to be no EU!
Well Done !
The EU has a seedy history of ignoring unfavorable referenda outcomes and resubmitting referenda until the "correct" result is achieved. Further, this vote is non-binding. I doubt that the will of the voters will be respected.
Nevertheless, it is an inspiring outcome and bodes well for Trump. Notice that Trump was in the UK when the results were announced. I know he was attending to private business but I don't think this was a coincidence.
The vote to leave EU foreshadows Trump's election and it appears to be a rejection of the Cult of internationalism and a return to nationalism
A few months back, "shots rang out" at a backyard party in the vibrant town of Wilkinsburg, PA. A (White) local news reporter bemoaned the likelihood that the perpetrators, who remained at large, were also vibrant. She was fired by the station for being racially insensitive. She is currently suing the station on the grounds that her termination was based on racial discrimination. (Good luck with a White person using this tactic)
The perpetrators were finally caught and, surprise, surprise, they were indeed dindus.
I got chills this morning of happiness hearing the majority of voters in Britain can see.
Occasionally yesterday I checked in with the (((news))) and EVERY Brexit (((story))) said remain would win, leaving would hurt our pensions, etc.
I knew (((they))) were lying, of course. But one tends to think (((the news))) couldn't just make things up, could (((they)))? So I was concerned yesterday.
Trump sent me a money request and I and his many supporters blasted back twenty bucks. It made me happy that Trump can raise cash so fast.
I figured most people would vote to leave, but am astounded the vote counters allowed them to win.
However, don't break out the champagne yet. The elites wanted to stay, and they are already plotting how to get around this. Look for evidence to surface that minorities were disenfranchised, and the vote to be considered tainted. They'll demand another vote or else it is racism. That, or if the British courts are like ours, they'll find some way to shoot down the exit vote.
I just don't see the global elites letting the peasants get what they want so easily.
I'll believe it when it actually happens. Still, good job to our brethren across the pond for making the right decision, no matter what Cameron or Obama think.
Brexit is the best thing that has happened to the world in years. Too bad the vote was so close as it would have been great to see overwhelming LEAVE numbers and stick them in Obama's purple lipped pie hole. Now they have to get rid of their muslim politicians too!
This is excellent news.
The EU is based around the idea that race doesn't exist and that Europe needs to transition into a multi-kult zone with a single currency to compete against the US.
Globalists are in a panic that White nations are starting to wake up to the reality that race and culture are tied and that culture is not a magic civilization dust that can be spread anywhere.
They are also afraid of the precedent it will set. If the Germans decide to leave as well then the whole thing is over. So everyone is going to try to punish the Brits for this in an effort to keep the EU in tact. They will try to make the UK a poster child for daring to question globalism.
But this is a major win for racial realists. It shows that the EU-Brazil plan was flawed from the beginning.
If the Brits can do it, we can do it!
Ready and Forward!
I have every expectation that the "puppetmasters" have contingency plans. This is just a minor setback, they'll be back.
I still expect something big from our obumble.
Someone in the last thread asked why Obama hasn't deported the illegals.
You would think that the Democrats would at least crack down on companies that hire illegals instead of Blacks.
But in Democrat cities these companies get a free pass.
This is because Democrats don't care if Hispanics displace Blacks. In fact Democrats in cities like Chicago are embarrassed by Blacks. Blacks make a mockery of liberal theories and Democrat plans for Blacks have routinely failed.
In 2008, an image was placed in office instead of a leader. Failed job policies, failed economic policies, failed energy policies, failed housing policies, failed defense policies, failed health policies, and so much more followed because to speak up gets you the scarlet ‘R’.
Our politicians/rulers/leaders speak the same language as revolutionary communists of old, dedicated to the establishment of socialism. We’re spoon fed daily doses of a political system where the Gov-N-state recognizes ‘NO’ limits to its authority, striving to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible. To speak up gets you the scarlet ‘R’.
A Tennessee candidate for Congress is under fire for a campaign sign highlighting his hope of making “America White Again.” …Big clams of “Trump Inspired”…. so he gets the scarlet ‘R’
I read one of the anti-white genocide adds, it shed light on the purpose of a single, game changing, word….
‘Racist’ was invented by the Marxist Leon Trotsky in 1927. It was used to cudgel and bully ordinary Russians into accepting the horrible practices of the communist. It has been used in Britain by the ruling class for the past 25 years to diminish the way of life of the indigenous Britain people, to frighten them against any protest against the drive towards a multi-racial Marxist totalitarian state, and will ultimately rob you and your children of your way of life and your homeland.
Over 70% of the Brit’s stood up this time, and they were heard! We need to stand up too and stop accepting horrible practices, and being frightened and bullied by a damn WORD!
I think it means the actual citizens of England have realized that all the EU has done for them is flood their neighborhoods with africans and middle easterners, and they are sick of it and want it stopped.
I am praying that this foreshadows a Trump landslide victory, followed by a halt to immigration, the beginning of mass deportations, the end of White guilt and political correctness and the end of globalization.
I had previously referenced in a different thread a famous quote from Shakespeare's Henry VI:
"To whom do lions cast their gentle looks? Not to the beast that would usurp their den. The smallest worm will turn being trodden on, And doves will peck in safeguard of their brood."
Let us dissect what this passage means. In the context of the play, it is the Lord Clifford justifying the murder of a teenage heir of the rival faction during the War of the Roses, rather than simply capturing him on the battlefield and returning him to his family.
"To whom do lions cast their gentle looks? Not to the beast that would usurp their den.
Lions are very affectionate within their pride. They spend the majority of their time loving on one another and reinforcing their bonds. However, they are extremely brutal to every other creature, be it prey, competing predator groups, or even other prides operating within their territorial borders. They reserve affection (gentle looks) in an exclusive manner to only those blood related. There is no shared space and "gentle looks" for anything else, because to do so invites the potential for usurpation.
The smallest worm will turn being trodden on,
"Turn" refers to a worm's natural preference being to escape a situation rather than fight since it has no offensive weaponry like teeth or claws, yet if no other option exists - even a worm will "turn" and aggressively lunge forward to repel a threat. I believe we are reaching a point where whites worldwide are recognizing that they are indeed under assault. Even though the natural tendency is to flee, there is now a recognition that escape is no longer an option. The worm is "turning." Even the smallest, weakest things will fight to preserve themselves.
And doves will peck in safeguard of their brood."
Even the most docile, peaceful creatures will become crazed and dangerous when their offspring are threatened. That is where we are today with whites understanding that the world their children will inherit is drastically different and worse than that of prior generations. We are reaching a point where even nice, polite, non-violent normal people feel a sense of urgency to preserve themselves.
This is a HUGE first step for the UK. This is their worm turning moment. This is the doves pecking to protect their brood. This is the halting of "gentle looks" to the foreign African, Arab, and Pakis usurping their den.
We must do the same here.
America needs to totaly pull out of the Usless Nations no more american military personal under any foregrn command and no more UN Peace Keepers fora bunch of war mongers
I think what we're seeing is truly "The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon." For those of who don't know that Kipling classic poem, I recommend that you read it.
I was a bit worried that the Brits would lose their nerve after that crazy guy killed an MP last week. He almost defeated the Brexit singlehandedly. It was far closer than it should have been.
I'd like to believe that this is something where Britannia will lead by example. We'll find out in November.
Meanwhile, the whiners in Baltimore probably feel eclipsed by this news. I confess that I expected riots (I have Baltimore in the pool, along with Cleveland), but it looks less likely now.
Don't have time for long comment today, but Brexit is absolutely excellent news! Perhaps it's a small tiny beginning towards [finally!] turning away from the socialistic BS of baboon-world!
I 110% agree with what one of our fellow commentators posted earlier: "I am praying that this foreshadows a Trump landslide victory, followed by a halt to immigration, the beginning of mass deportations, the end of White guilt and political correctness and the end of globalization."
"This is the equivelent of the break-up of the Soviet Union."
My thoughts exactly, completely staged and just a way make the opponents of the status quo feel like they have achieved a victory while accepting business as usual. Bolshevik communism is alive and well (just look at our own government, media, and academia... McCarthy was right), and the same oligarchs who owned everything before in the USSR still own everything now.
So long as the UK borrows their own money from the same YKW bankers that control the rest of the worlds credit/money they are no closer to being sovereign than they were. If they cannot purge the mud race hoards from their shores they may exit the EU now and find themselves joining some Arabic or Pan African Union within a decade as the demographics of Britain become majority shit-brown.
As with the Trump phenomenon, the sentiment is somewhat encouraging, but let's not celebrate until we see some quantifiable change happening.
The people who own our countries are playing a long game. This game has spanned centuries and their religion (Mystery Babylon) which binds them to their agenda of creating a "New Age", "New Atlantis", "New Order" will continue. They are masters at infiltration and subversion as well as re-badging themselves; hiding under different names and professed motives while continuing their "Great Work". There's a reason Friday the 13th is bad luck, there's a reason that on or around April 20th there are mass sacrifices. There's a reason the symbols of ancient Egypt surround us today despite the fact that our nation was not founded by colonists from the middle east.
A huge margin would have been great, but considering how liberal most brits are, I consider it a blowout.
SKIP the psychic predicts Italy, Spain and Greece will also leave the EU soon. NOW the Brits need to destroy the channel tunnel and start sneakily getting the damned muslim invaders out of England, as should we!
My thoughts are simple. Britain is not so far gone that it still has an impulse to survive. This is very good news indeed. It holds out the hope that we too may draw together our courage and take a step away from the precipice.
For a while there I thought England would have to bomb the Chunnel. The media were filled with images of impoverished invaders on the French side of the Channel Tunnel trying to force their way into England. When the Chunnel was constructed a few years ago there was a lot of talk about what England would do if they were ever again attacked by an enemy like the Nazis. If the Chunnel had been there and intact in 1939 The Nazis could have just blitzkrieged on across. But the Chunnel proponents assured everyone that in such an eventuality it would be blown up.
For a while there it looked like England was going to regret having a backdoor into Europe. Hordes of undesirable people were clamoring to come though the Channel Tunnel and invade for the welfare benefits.
It was similar to our problem with illegal aliens. We are in the process raising the minimum age to $15/hr. The liberals who support this measure hope to elevate the life style of blacks and poor whites. But another result will be to make low end jobs in America more attractive to Mexicans and Central Americans.
We try to develop a system whereby our people get jobs, work hard and pay into Social Security and pay local property and federal taxes. This system is designed to accumulate enough government expenditures to support our less fortunate countrymen. But illegals slip in and take those jobs. They do not pay much in taxes and absorb a large proportion of welfare and medical services.
Another problem is that the Democrats collude in this rip off. Illegal aliens are bad for the nation but are good for the Democratic party.
Happy Brexit!
On the face of it the British seem to have made a crazy decision
What is so crazy? The EU was telling them that they had to accept more immigrants. The EU was proposed as an economic bloc and now the Brits are expected to follow EU rules on immigration???
The British were a world power before the EU existed. The fact that the markets are freaking out right now just shows you how much influence the media has. It's not like the British are locked out of trade with the EU.
The hysterical reaction is from the press. They can correctly sense a growing skepticism in liberalism and globalism. They are terrified of the Germans leaving. It would be exactly like when the Russians left the Soviet Union. There would be no reason for it to exist.
Now there is a legitimate concern of the EU trying to punish Britain to try and scare other states into staying. But the Brits have always been tougher than estimated.
All non white immigrants into white countries are no good. Thinking that some are good is what got us into this mess in the first place.
The way to defeat globalism/liberalism is through multiple fronts.
The press can only write so many articles and that is really their main weapon. They control the schools but their ongoing influence is through the press.
I truly believe liberals can be basically spun into their own destruction. Basically open up enough fronts to where they go crazy trying to defend them all.
A key to remember is that they cannot win over Whites when all information is on the table. They simply can't do it. Liberals don't even show up to internet race debates anymore. The evidence against paint theory has become so refined and damning that the debate itself undermines liberalism. Indoctrinated liberals go into race debates and learn that they were lied to. It's very important to keep this in mind.
This is also why liberals want to turn White countries into third world plantations. Both global capitalists and socialists are terrified of Whites learning the truth about race which naturally leads to questions about globalism and the best interest of White nations. These globalists believe it is better to lower the standards for everyone even if it means fewer technological and medical advancements. Take everyone down to third world levels for the sake of global capitalism and egalitarian fantasy.
But can they defeat nature? That is the question for these globalists. Whites exist as a part of nature with their own advantages granted by nature. They are not simply a differently colored type of human.
First piece of great news from the EU in a while. But it's just that - a piece. Millions of muzzies already in England, a muzzie mayor of London, epic cuckoldry across their entire political class, etc. The war still rages.
Woo! Brexit! The people have spoken!
Sorry but o/t: a reply to CENTURION'S post about the "higher education seminar":
You have some very insightful posts that i enjoy reading, but i dont think this is one of them. Please keep in mind that some people, men and women, are not ABLE to have children. Maybe this his not her case, but i have no background info.
I am accomplished in an almost exclusively male trade. I am the only woman to hold my current title. I dont crow on about it however, its not really a conversation i bring up. Ive fielded many questions/insults about me being a feminist, a lesbian, an anti-traditionalist, etc which is not accurate at all. In my 20s i bought my own house in hopes of starting a family, only to find out i am unable to have children. This did not bother me at all, as i have a fulfilling and eventful life. some women get very depressed over this.
A short time after that i reconnected with my first love. He had a 6 year old daughter whose mother had left and never been present. We got married, i legally adopted her, and i couldnt be happier. I believe that every person has a place, and every event has a reason.
My point is this: i understand we make a lot of generalizations on this site, and i whole heartedly agree with your disgust for the liberal feminist anti-white-family agenda. But a big part of a white family is a strong white woman. Because of our high iq, our patience, our adaptability, and cusiosity, we have a lot of very talented white women in our midst. Some of those talents extend outside the home or overlap with the talents of our male counterparts. Unfortunately, we also have many people who cannot reproduce and this is NOT a choice.
Perhaps i took your post the wrong way and if so im sorry, but please dont cast off non traditional women or those without children. A LOT OF US ARE ON YOUR SIDE!!!
I just came across this paragraph, buried amongst various and sundry non-interesting things, and thought all y'all would really like it:
---> "In Britain, 'diversity' programs, especially in 'education,' have long been established, but with extremely limited successes except for brainwashing some gullible young people. Withdrawal from the EU has hopefully spared us the absurd program proposed for re-educating un-PC youth in penal camps. But the state ideology of 'equality and diversity' effectively carries on automatic pilot in our island-nation, and UKIP's sole MP has boasted of his support for continuing global free trade, continuing colored immigration, and his continuous efforts in tearing down 'angry nativist' posters from his own supporters in his constituency."
Still surprised by the large amount of young people whom are horrified by the split. Yes I know they are being brainwashed daily with Leftist/socialistic/Multicultural BS, but they don't realize that their very culture is at stake here. Maybe they've been brainwashed into so much (false)"White-guilt" that they can't see the suicidal destruction of their own country/culture as it stares them in the face. When they have no country anymore and their children are second-class citizens, whom will curse them for giving away their birthright, it will be too late to go back. Get some future outcome time-orientation you idiots! The data is all there. Hispanics dislike Whites but loathe Blacks. Heads up Blacks: Under La Rasa your freebies will be pared way down/or over. You never had it so good so why wouldn't you vote for Trump? He'll keep your goodies coming more than the Hispanics will when the Liberal lemmings hand them the country via mass unchecked immigration. Vote Trump or learn Spanish, your choice.
A sad day for the one-worlders. And to think the Age of Aquarius was right around the corner for the UK. Just a few more million Muslims and some more social programs would have done it.
This is the equivalent of the break-up of the Soviet Union.
In some ways I agree but I wouldn't call it the end of the EU just yet.
The Soviet Union had an economic system based on Marx's theories. It was doomed from the beginning by refusing to accept basic economic principles.
The EU is more like the US in that it has adopted Marxist racial fantasy aka liberalism while retaining capitalism. This allows member states to function at a basic level even if their long term health is threatened by dysgenics. Ironically the Russians were better off having their Communist system crash which then allowed a nationalist to clean up the mess. So ironically the Soviet states were in many ways protected by Communism as liberalism is looking more destructive in the long term because it is sustained by capitalism.
We just need Trump to jail Hildebeast, Soros, the whole lot.
BTW the markets are like, going crazy man.
Children of Darkness - The Mental Illness of Social Justice Warriors
Just goes to show that you can take a voice over from a documentary about mental illness and put it over the top of libtards doing their thing and it fits just perfectly.
Anything that upsets David Cameron and causes him to leave has GOT to be good. The queen is dead...long live the people.
..............."We got married, i legally adopted her, and i couldnt be happier."
That proves my point.
Furthermore, my comments were not against anybody who could NOT have children. I was expressing, in my own obnoxious way, what you also said, that children will make you happy and complete one's existence. BUT, that must include a big IF.......IF you want, appreciate and love the child.
The United Kingdom never adopted the Euro. The Pound is, and has been, the currency.
In Houston, where summer temperatures regularly hit 100-plus, the vibrants walk around in Hoodies and stocking caps. I guess they need to keep these "work clothes" handy in case they encounter a convenience store with security cameras.
Jolly good start! Now just blow up the Chunnel and start getting your house in order, old boy.
Stay alert, stay alive.
The EU would be a good idea without the third-world immigration bullshit.
Hard to understand the thinking.
"Gee, let's get rid of the manufacturing jobs in the UK and pack them off to China and India. Now, let's bring in a lot of unskilled, uneducated mud-hutters from Africa to destroy the social safety net with their leachery, and infect our culture with their stone-age crime and violence. What could go wrong?"
"They are also afraid of the precedent it will set. If the Germans decide to leave as well then the whole thing is over. So everyone is going to try to punish the Brits for this in an effort to keep the EU in tact. They will try to make the UK a poster child for daring to question globalism. "
Yep.. Germany is the engine that drives Europe. They bow out, the EU is toast. The rapid rise of nationalist parties in Germany brings me great joy. The very fact that Merkel & her EU minions are trying desperately to curtail the activities of the NPD & Pegida shows how scared they are!..
Hats off to the Brits for attempting to take back their country, I hope desperately that they succeed. I have to admit, I was wrong about the Brits. I didn't think they had it in them?. I thought they where too far gone?..
When I was stationed in England in the '80s when I was in the USAF, I left with not a very positive impression of the English. Even back then they were ultra PC & smug & the amount of "coal burning" we saw amoung pretty English girls, depressed & disgusted us young airmen. Then, years later the Rotherham horror, with nary a peep from english "men" cemented that thought that the English were just "too far gone"
If a people as mindnumingly PC as the English can rise up and say NO, then maybe there is hope for the rest of us?!..
I went out and bought a Samuel Smith's Porter to celebrate BREXIT. Brewed in North Yprkshire which from the maps looks like it voted for brexit as well.
Ahahaha! I knew it would be a BREXIT when that purple lipped affirmative action fuckup bathhouse queer Indonesian gloryhole server shitstain legend in his own mind lectured the British to stay and threatened to put them "at the back of the queue" for future trade deals.
ruckus said “. . . My point is this: i understand we make a lot of generalizations on this site, and i whole heartedly agree with your disgust for the liberal feminist anti-white-family agenda. But a big part of a white family is a strong white woman. Because of our high iq, our patience, our adaptability, and cusiosity, we have a lot of very talented white women in our midst. Some of those talents extend outside the home or overlap with the talents of our male counterparts. . .”
This is true. My wife is a professional who chose to stay at home while our children were young. The demands of my vocation frequently required me to be away from home multiple weeks at a time, but I never worried that she might be unable to keep the home fires burning while I was away. A world without intelligent white women would be a miserable place indeed.
The Lion’s been missing these many long years
In his absence the country has sunk to its knees
Its people, once proud, are brought down so low
by false-hearted villains who don’t seem to know
that Britain is great by its culture and race
not the influx of strangers and their dissonant ways
that have nothing to do with our land and our soil
the nation we built with our blood and our toil
and defended so bravely for a thousand years straight
This is the reason that Britain's called "Great"
Colin Liddell
And this- devaluation of its currency.
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev warned that Brexit's impact on markets has created "additional risks for the world economy, and therefore, for our economy." The British vote to leave the EU demonstrated the desire to stop "feeding and subsidising weaker economies" and showed the population was "dissatisfied with the approach to security questions" amid the continent's migration crisis, Putin said.
In "man on the street" interviews shown on CNN done by the media in England, roughly about 9 out of 10 people say that they voted the way the did because of the way immigration is being handled. I will leave you, dear reader, to imagine the race/ethnicity/home country of the 1 out of 10 who disagreed. That means 90% of the people of England are very unhappy with current immigration happenings. I think that particular statistic must pretty much reflect the way the average, hard working, tax paying legal America feels here in the U.S.
He also made some comment such as- I don't blame them for not wanting to contribute to weaker economies"- I am having trouble finding the exact quote, but it was close.
If one of my fellow readers can find the exact quote, I will be grateful.
Putin has always impressed me as a man who knows what time it is and willing to state what time it is.
And I think that there is going to be MUCH fallout over this. Maybe it will embolden passive Americans to wake up and demand change. Don't know, though, as I spoke with 3 different YT's today who do not even know what the European Union is. As long as they have teevee, chips, sports, and soda, they are happy.
L in Atl hell
I live in S. Florida where our current weather is in the high 80's/low 90's with about 85% humidity, and I constantly see dindus shuffling around wearing hoodies, wool beanies, and socks with sandals. When we have our cold winter days (60°, clear blue skies) they dress like they are trekking to the south pole in the dead of winter, always makes me laugh.
I have been following that story as well, and the one thing I really want to know is the details on the shooters and how closely they match up with what the reporter wrote (I'm sure it's 90%+).
With the extreme liberal bent of England over the past decades, I'd pretty much written of their island as a ship of fools. And yet, there seems to still be a percentage of the population that has the fighting spirit of the British of old who will not quake and tremble before the enemy nor surrender their culture and heritage to invading foreigners. What remains to be seen is if there are enough of such types to truly make a difference and if they have the courage and fortitude to stand their ground and not back down. The British of WW2 were courageous lions who fought to the end with no thought of surrender or capitulation. NOW, we'll get to see if the British Lion is still the lion of old or whether it has become a trembling little pussy cat that just hisses and makes a lot of noise before it gets devoured by political correctness, multicultural displacement and suicidal ideology.
All that being said, America has been on the exact same path. Will the American Eagle rise to the challenge as well or will it be revealed as nothing more than a squawking chicken that runs about flapping its wings and making a lot of noise before it too gets devoured?
The only thing for certain is that we will see the end result of this conflict and the greatest danger is not the enemy but rather the traitors and appeasement monkeys among us. There is NO appeasement- only victory or defeat.
What will historians say about this time period? That both England and America fought the good fight once again and battled through to final victory? Or will the history be written by gloating, sneering, 3rd worlders and their masters as your children and their descendants are forced to listen to their mocking laughter as they trample your history, culture and future beneath their dirty unwashed feet and spit on it all?
Let's see, shall we?
"A huge margin would have been great, but considering how liberal most brits are, I consider it a blowout."
I suspect it was, but as you Americans should know, even vote fraud has credibility limits in first-world countries.
God Bless the good people of the UK voting "leave" I hope it'd just the start of good things.
Off topic--I posted yesterday about groids and their affinity for aliases. Today a white rookie cop got shot in a close in suburb of Philly-it's adjacent to Philly so a lot of blackimals have come in with predictable results. Anyway, cop was called due to a drug deal. The blackimal shot the cop 7 times-4 in the vest front and back-cop was also hit in the face. Amazingly he lived--he's in surgery as I type this. The groid was captured.
The blackimal is in his 30s-Supposedly he has compiled a long record of serious crimes and had an outstanding warrant. His name was given as Dante Brooks Island AKA Donte Brooks AKA Dante Island AKA Abdullah Wahi.
I rest my case.
"I hope also england throws away all those euros and returns to those pound notes and shillings"
Britain never did take up the Euro. You may be thinking of Ireland.
It's a move toward self-determination.
And it opens the door to such questions as:
If the UK can so easily leave the EU, why can't Louisiana, if desired, just as easily leave the US?
Amen bro!
I knew they would vote to leave when I saw a google report showing how much more frequently the term leave was searched for over the term remain. The pollsters, media and elites did everything they can to prevent this from happening. Reality is it was the older white Brits who voted to leave in record numbers. They wanted their county back. London has a Muslim mayor for Petes sake. The older Brits also realized this was their absolute last chance to leave. If the vote ever were to come up again years from now leave would never win because the population of white Brits would be in a significant minority. Now they should slam their border shut and kick out the infestation as quickly as possible. They won their country back. I just hope trump can do the same.
Those arguing that leaving was a mistake base it on $$$$. To them, lifestyle is not important. If you can make a sack of money, drive a Jag, and live in Knightsbridge, it doesn't matter that the country is being infested with dangerous immigrants. If you have to sell your daughter off, it's a fair price for French wine and trips to the Canary's.
I used to live in London. Unreal how beautiful it is/was. Testament to Human (aka WHITE) civilization.
We need to get every orc out of there; let the descendants of the race that build it keep it. Won't be pretty, but ship them back. Or use that tunnel.
Brits can make their own curries and man their own double decker busses.
Ta ta for now, orcs...
A lot of people don't realize the Scots hate the English. The English have kicked them around for about 1000 years. I worked on an offshore platform with both. They can be friendly enough in social settings, but in a sports contest between England and anyone else, they cheer vehemently for anyone else. Because the population is split about 6 million/63 million, the Scots have stayed hooked up for financial reasons.
What we need is a referendum on the " Blaxit ".
I've been to Londonistan several times and on one trip I wanted to see Picadilly Square which I had read so much about. So, I found that Heathrow Airport to be TOTALLY
run by Pakistani muslim males, took a taxi (all taxis driven by Nigerian, Somali or otherwise black Africans)and a surly lot they are. Anyway, finally got there and thought I was in Tokyo looking one way or Saudi looking another way and sadly, the landmark I hoped to see said SONY!!!!
The lion just abandoned the sinking S.S. European Union sinking becuase its over crowed with so called refugees
Pat Your posting are always on point keep up the great work.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anything that upsets David Cameron and causes him to leave has GOT to be good. The queen is dead...long live the people.
June 24, 2016 at 11:57 AM
======================================================================== should be saying, "Long Live the Queen". She was a staunch supporter of Brexit.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ahahaha! I knew it would be a BREXIT when that purple lipped affirmative action fuckup bathhouse queer Indonesian gloryhole server shitstain legend in his own mind lectured the British to stay and threatened to put them "at the back of the queue" for future trade deals.
June 24, 2016 at 1:28 PM
It was as though he was telling them that they would go to the back of the bus.
It must have made the Brits indignant to be spoken to in such a manner by the likes of him.
Time for a Whexit referendum in America.
The UK left the EU and hopeful third world immigrants looking for a free ride are nervous and frightened. THE FREE RIDE IS OVER OVER THERE, NOW FOR AMERICA,GO TRUMP!
I see you do not understand.
Let´s forget for the moment the referendum is "not binding".
The British were never properly "Europeans" - always pricking, always bitching, always insisting on exceptions, set-asides and reduction in payments.
I say good riddance - well, pity the poor Scots.
But I regard this as just another round of blackmail - a bluff.
Item, the EU is not a "trade agreement".
If you follow the money, Germany, Austria and Finland are the ONLY net payers.
This means the EU is the continuation of WWII.
The Montanunion was from the beginning devised as an instrument to permanently shackle Germany, notwithstanding the several attempts that had failed before.
(g)The irony here is that the bloodletting has made Germany stronger while laying ruin to the leech PIGS nations (one more lesson we should have gleaned from the 1920s).
Britain never left the pound.
At least Cameron is not a total traitor. I could never imagine one of our American politicians resigning in the wake of an adverse vote, or for any reason, for that matter.
Dixit. I love it. Will you let a soon to be old man from a big Midwestern city move to your lovely land? I guess I'll just have to (sigh) give up all the amazing diversity and cultural enrichment.
They already have.
I believe the main idea behind importing the hordes of third-world illiterates was to break down nations and national institutions, cultures and traditions. With nothing left to call their own, Europeans would presumably be more amenable to living in a giant homogenized superstate. Even the mass murderers who created the Soviet Union didn't go that far. The implementers of this strategy could create plausible deniability by claiming that the immigrants were needed to shore up shrinking native populations.
You would almost think the plan was genocide. But if it was it would just be an outright invasion, right?
Nah, that's crazy conspiracy talk
Anonymous said...
Children of Darkness - The Mental Illness of Social Justice Warriors
Just goes to show that you can take a voice over from a documentary about mental illness and put it over the top of libtards doing their thing and it fits just perfectly.
Thanks for the link! This video is brilliant. Everyone should watch it.
Dixie here -
Anon at 12:24 - Okay, how many of us said "Inconceivable!" with the Shawn Wallace lisp? :)
Anon at 5:55 PM - "Those arguing that leaving was a mistake base it on $$$$." And we all know who REALLY controls the money, now don't we?
The Liberals, Communist, Gays, Negroes and Democrats do not understand Human/Simian nature as well as we do.
There is only this choice: You allow a "people" to separate peacefully, which is what the Brexit vote was about OR you will eventually separate with Extreme Violence. Same thing that happened with our Declaration of Independence. England could have said, ok, you are "free" OR they could have gone to war. They chose war. The end will always favor the Human/Simians who want to be separate.
Those, above, who wish to block the Peaceful Method will only get the other solution, yet, those, above, are the first to be against violence.........unless you are a White person, then they LOVE violence, guns and killing. Just look how so many Government agencies are buying up Fully Automatic "assault" weapons and Armour piercing bullets, both of which are supposed to be illegal.
We are gonna try, but the media has all the hipsters and brown fooled
All I know is, if Obama was against it, it must be right.
Brexit could be the start of something . . . maybe. The negotiation process to exit the EU is expected to take up to 2 years, so I wouldn't break out the champagne just yet. I think that the real rulers don't intend to stop this particular train. They've been stoking the engine and rewiring the switching yards, and the world-wide crash they have spent so much time engineering is going to happen, one way or the other.
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