Thursday, June 2, 2016

New Orleans Latest City to Cancel Contract with A&E's "The First 48" for Daring to Showcase the City's Black Crime Problem

It's happened before.

In Memphis and Miami; in the former, the black controlled city government cancelled the contract, while in the latter critics lambasted the show for concentrating on the black community (never mind that's where all the crime is committed, we must ensure TV only creates black fictional heroes to shape public perception in a positive manner).

A&E's The First 48 is the only must-see TV, but the show is reliant on the black community for providing cameras with subject matter (black people seem to commit the murders white people just won't do), and when city leaders or community leaders deem the show edging too close to reality - black dysfunction as the cause for the ruin of America's urban areas - the plug must be pulled.

Enter New Orleans. [New Orleans ending contracts with A&E's 'First 48' and 'Nightwatch', New Orleans Times-Picayune, June 2, 2016]:

Just less than a year after producers of the unscripted A&E true-crime series "The First 48" found themselves accused of "complicating" a New Orleans triple murder case, the city has ended its contract with show and will soon follow suit with its sister series "Nightwatch," according to an NOPD spokesman.

The city's deal with "The First 48" -- which for 15 seasons has embedded with police departments conducting real-life homicide investigations in various major cities including Dallas, Cleveland, Memphis, Tulsa and Atlanta -- ended in April. NOPD spokesman Tyler Gamble said the city decided not to renew the contract "to ensure that all of our available time and resources are focused on fighting crime."
In the show's most recent 15th season, no fewer than seven episodes featured New Orleans investigations. That followed some 10 locally shot episodes in the previous season.
The city's contract with "Nightwatch," which also airs on A&E and which for two seasons has seen camera crews embedded with New Orleans first-responders, ends this fall and will not be renewed, Gamble said.
Earlier this year, A&E announced it was renewing "Nightwatch" for a third season. It is unclear if those plans have since been scratched or if the show plans a move to another city.
A&E representatives did not immediately respond to a request for comment regarding the ending of the New Orleans contracts.
Gamble said the city has no other television production agreements in place involving the Police Department.
NOPD Capt. Michael Glasser, the president of the Police Association of New Orleans, said he was sorry to see the contracts end. The medium allowed the public to put names and faces to the "otherwise anonymous" investigators and first responders as they "risk(ed) their lives to protect perfect strangers," he said. 
"At a time when community relations are so fragile, locally and nationally, it was of enormous benefit to everyone to have an avenue open for the public to see what we do and how we do it," Glasser said.
Black Fictional Images are all we can allow to be broadcast on television, which is why it's shocking The First 48 has lasted 15 years. Showcasing every black stereotype in real time, the show stands as a reminder of why the racists were right in:
1. Restrictive Covenants
2. Sundown Laws
3. Segregation
4. Whites-Only Police Forces
5. Restricting the Franchise
6. Working to keep blacks from attaining ANY political power 
Whereas once the state was dedicated to protecting the civilization white people had built for their posterity, the state today is dedicated with protecting the lie of equality and in keeping black people safe from being held responsible from their dysfunction (obviously, the dysfunction is white people's fault). 


Anonymous said...

I drove within eyeshot of NO a few years back, that was close enough. It's sad because I really enjoyed watching the stupid nogs of NOLA on "First 48", oh well, maybe Chicongo will sign a contract!!

Anonymous said...

Another vigil in Detroit this evening. A 13 year old boy killed. Four people charged. Abducted while riding his bike at 10:30 pm Tuesday night. Really? Bike riding at 10:30 on a school night. In Detroit. Wake up people. Watch your children. The village seems to be asleep at the switch.

Anonymous said...

"The state is invested in protecting the lie of equality."

Yes . . . yes, they are. But aside from the obvious motive of maintaining the narrative, you can add all the imposed taxes that come with the package. The power to tax is the power to destroy. Out of all the revenue generated, how much actually goes towards any public program? We are being fleeced like a bunch of hicks from out of state their first time in Vegas. In the 1930s, the average household only had to work until March 20th or so to satisfy their tax burden, and that was with a single bread winner.

Almost 90 years later, BOTH parents have to work almost to the end of May to cover the taxman's piece of the pie - while inflation is chipping away at their purchasing power from the other side.

It is all over the place. How about all these roads WE paid to construct in the first place that are being turned into toll roads? What is happening to the money in the budget that is supposed to be going to ypur state Transportation Department?

Texas has a population of almost 30 million people. That would suggest something around 12-15 million vehicles owned by private citizens, being used for non-commercial purposes. Start adding in the various commercial fleets and we might be up over 45 million vehicles. Yearly safety inspection fees, emissions testing for vehicles registered to addresses in certain metro areas, registration fees, title transfer fees, ad valorum taxes . . . we're talking some serious money. Plus there is a 14 cent per gallon motor fuel tax, and a good chunk of revenue from all the moving violations issued. Where does it all go? How is there not enough money available that our roads have to be turned into tollways?

Education is the same story. Property taxes go up, even as the schools slide down the shitter. Do some digging in Your Town, USSA. You will probably find the same thing happening. More fees, more taxes, more revenue in exchange for less and less and less. Basically, we are being taxed and regulated into oblivion, to pay for the creation of the New World Order.

It's like that sequence from GoodFellas, where the manager of the restaurant goes to Paulie because he wants Paulie to reign in Tommy.

Paulie and his crew ran up huge debt on the restaurant's credit. And as soon as things got delivered in one door, they got sold through another door, with the mob pocketing the proceeds and stiffing the vendors.

Once the credit dried up, they torched the place for the insurance money. The former United States is that restaurant. Our credit is about dried up, and the banksters are dipping the napkins in Sterno as I type this.

Boy the way Glenn Miller played said...

If one wishes to live the black lifestyle, renting is a rational decision (but subsidized renting is better). Home maintenance, 30 years of continuous employment, and timely payment of property taxes do not fit into the day to day routine of today's busy black. If I were unable to pass a drug test, I would lose my house. Once you have decided to rent (or "stay") in a given locality, what can you do, what actions can you take in order to minimize your monthly payments? Nurturing and advocating crime and physical decay in your surrounding area should do the trick.

Anonymous said...

Texas here:


Reminds me of why I'm in favor of body cameras. Can you imagine if Officer Wilson had a body camera? We'd all see that thug monster charging him.

Although—there's VIDEO of that thug literally strangling a man just a little while before he attacked Officer Wilson—and negroes and too many whites still defend the beast.

On a positive note, y'all...


Anonymous said...

Can't say I'm surprised.

It was pretty clear that they normally only had about 48 hours to solve a case because there was always another to work on. In a small White town a murder case will be worked on for years.

If you are killed in a back alley of New Orleans then you just become another statistic. The only way they got caught was by being on camera or having someone snitch.

It's a murder city like Memphis and Chicago. Murder happens all the time and cops mostly clean up the mess. I'm actually surprised that New Orleans allowed them in. New Orleans depends heavily on White tourism and First 48 shows how dangerous the place is.

Anonymous said...

Texas here (again):

I'm new to alt-right stuff, and I don't know what to think about Benjamin Shapiro yet (heard him explain how Black Lives Matter was a bunch of lies and I liked it; I don't know where he is on other issues).

ANYhoo, this is excellent, I think—The first 48 = COPS.

Anonymous said...

Funniest black crime I ever saw was on the old show Cops and it was in Kansas City, Ks. so an area I was familiar with but couldn't be paid to drive through.

A skinny black guy was sitting in the front yard hog-tied (I'm not kidding) by a great big black sow he'd been dumb enough to fight with. The cops took him away and I think he was glad to go.

This was probably back in the 90s so the police were amused and at ease. Now it's just a war zone and the cops are traumatized by the violence because it's so out of control. Thanks Obama injustice dept. for really ramping up the violence.

The ghetto desperately needs some heavy handed discipline again - a baton upside their heads really helped settle things down. Every sow "mom" does it to her keeds because it works as well as anything. Planned Parenthood works best.

Paintjob Theory said...

"At a time when community relations are so fragile, locally and nationally"

Or as Lothrop Stoddard put it, "The Under-Man revolts against progress! Nature herself having
decreed him uncivilizable, the Under-Man declares war on civilization."

Funny how there's never "fragile community relations" in homogeneous white European or Asian neighborhoods.

...Formerly Miss Greenbaum... said...

The media selectively decides what we are allowed to see and learn about. Curiously, my last post(s) to Paul´s site have never been published. It is, after all, his site and he has every right to publish what he deems fit. So I won´t go into the ¨conspiracy theories¨ that I hold regarding our government and its agenda, but this story seems to really point out the practice of controlling what we can see and learn about.

I´m not a big television fan (unlike my husband, who was a bit crestfallen when I showed no enthusiasm when a 29 inch flat screen recently arrived at our front door. I pretty much look at all of it (television) as disingenuous hogwash. Nevertheless, I have to share is planet with not only the unbearable negroes, but their faithful DWL SJWs as well. So I tolerate the new and unwelcome big screen into our home.

Negro criminality is akin to stink on shiite. You cannot have one without the other. Where you have negroes, you have violent crime, chaos, and mayhem. Wishing, hoping, and praying won´t get rid of it. So the decision to ban this program really comes as no surprise to me at all. I´ve often wondered why they were allowed to tell the truth for so long.

That takes me to my next point: Donald Trump. He´s a bit coarse, unguarded in speech, and lacking in verbal skills. Still, I and countless others like me are enthralled at his ability to flip the bird at any and all people who discount him. In case you haven´t noticed, Mrs. Clinton is scared absolutely sh*tless over him (as well she should be). Trump may not be what we all want and hope him to be, but watching him take over the ¨managed¨ landscape of what we commonly call the news media is well worth the price of admission. In fifty plus years of watching the liberal media fawn all over itself, it´s more than a bit amusing to see them run for cover and try to slander Mr. Trump at every waking moment. They are running scared. What better way to observe the collapse of our country as it descends into negro degeneracy?

proudyt said...

The media loves to report any instance of white on black violence or for that matter white violence period. They try to spin it in a way that whites and blacks commit the same amount of violent crimes but anyone with half a brain knows the truth. It's things like this that help wake more of us up.

Realist not racist said...

Personally I think it's great that they pulled out.
Just less fewer vile beast I have to see while flipping chanels

Anonymous said...

"...Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere,
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction; while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity."
---W.B. Yeats

The State is lost, the centre cannot hold.
Balkanization or Brazil v2.0
It's coming; we will not enjoy it.
Got Survival ?

Bird of Paradise said...

Too darn afraid of a n bunch of uncivlized brutes and you can bet if the KKK took part in burning a cross in some black families front yard the media scum suckers would be on it for days

Jim Bob Lassiter said...

You sho' 'nuf be hard on deh bro's Paul.

Anonymous said...

Excellent show. I have watched every episode and have recommended it to family and coworkers.

It profiles typical negro behavior in realtime.

rex freeway said...

If A&E were to rely on Whites to commit murder in sufficient numbers to fill 1 season, the show wouldn't have lasted one season. As it is the Negro pop. Easily fills a season and allows them to hand pick some trully demented cases. The ones nightmares are made of. I not sure if the shows are being stopped because the local governments want more money or if White Liberals are embarrassed because they cannot get Negroes to behave.

Anonymous said...

OT - According to the news in South Africa, all the blacks in the whole world have mothers who drank during pregnancy. Scroll down to the list of symptoms. Apparently what we consider TNB is just Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Alcohol is racist!

-Brazos Valley

Anonymous said...

This is the ONLY show that illustrates the lowly negro in its natural habitat. They have the best niggerbabble closed caption feature.

Anonymous said...

Are they going to demand the local news get out as well because the Orlando affiliates are wall to wall negro crime?

Anonymous said...

Is it just me? I see every commercial where blacks are portrayed as the responsible family, saving for college etc, where there are a gathering of young families together and all the non-black families haven't begun to save for their toddlers college yet, but the Black family tells the rest that they have xyz plan already going to save for college. It is on everything, trying to change the perception that blacks are responsible productive members of society.

Try and watch TV and not notice it. My wife says "Believe the Lie" as the new mantra. So this article fits in with the "programming" that is on TV. As if pretending it doesn't happen somehow makes it so..

Fatigued in Minneapolis said...

one SBPDL'r a few days ago said: "an evolutionary dead-end", and it's been on my mind since. sure IKAGO, YKAGO, WeAllKAGO etc, but Bell Curve notwithstanding, when it comes to civilization?.. as a demographic?.. the negro has peaked sports fans; it's games and entertainment and primal tribal thuggery. The browning of America?.. the browning of Western Europe?.. the browning of Canada?.. fear of a black planet?.. absolutely!.. everyone should have a fear of a black planet!.. including (and especially) black people! sanitary flushing toilets..?.. are a nice thing to have.. enjoy them while you have them those of you who worship at the altar of the great god of diversity..

Brian in Ohio said...

I`m surprised they allowed it to go on for 15 seasons. The false narrative must be protected at all costs.

I`m sure it came down to them refusing to edit something or refusing to pay a bribe.

They can film in any city in the US and show the exact type of black dysfunction. Copy and paste.

Come to Cincinnati. You will never lack for material.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Anonymous said...

There should have competing First 48 shows. Choose similar size towns, 1 black, 1 white and show the cops at work. Bet the black one would be armed robbery, beating, rape and murder. The white one, even a scruffy white area, would be drunk and disorderly, vandalism, kids shoplifting, some mailbox whacking and a wife beater. Pick a good white town and it's going to be a cop on his butt most of the time interspersed with a few calls for excessive noise and maybe a fender bender. Pick a Mexican town and it'd be wife beating, lots of drunks and drunk drivers hitting stuff and people. If there can be multiple Law & Orders, there can be multiple First 48 Hours.

Anonymous said...

They should be making a reality show ABOUT making a reality show about crime in a n*gger area! Watching the orc city politicians asking the TV shows to leave would be priceless. Gotta cover up that groid dysfunction at all costs!!

ot / since we all know Donald Trump reads SBPDL each morning, here is an idea I just had for a funny viral video he can easily make.

You have all seen the video from yesterday of Obongo stuttering and uttering jibberish after his teleprompter freezes, right? So, Donald, shoot a simple video of you kneeling by a wall outlet with a cord going into the socket. For a few seconds look to your right as though you are watching Obongo talk. Then reach down and pull the plug out. Video cuts then to Obongo stuttering for awhile. Then cut back to you plugging it in and then back to Obongo giving the rest of the speech for a few seconds. Then end by cutting back to you looking into the camera with an impish grin and raising your finger to your mouth like you're asking the viewer to keep a secret.

This would be fantastic and get a lot of views. Great way to nail Obongo. And text could even say, Hillary, Your'e Next!! No teleprompters!

Anonymous said...

I have a relative that worked on the tv show COPS in the 90's and he told me they were told to start highlighting footage of Whites committing crimes because the early shows (that just showed cops doing their jobs) were basically 90% black criminals.

They were literally skipping over exciting/comical/emotional crimes and criminals caught on tape because they were only allowed to use so many blacks on the show they HAD to edit the tapes to have the show include about 1/2 the White criminals.

Before long the show started showing just about exclusively White criminals, and that's about when the ratings dropped off, and shows like Bait Car and pawn shop shows featuring screetching negroes started getting hot.

And Chicago would never allow COPS to film there soley because it would show White cops arresting black criminals all day and night long.

Anonymous said...

You've highlighted Dindu behavior in Portsmouth, VA. Across the river in Norfolk, they KNOW how to deal with it!

Bird of Paradise said...

Their so afraid of the truth about these black gangs they don't want the truth to be heard and this could be a deadly summer tourist season

Gwoobus Harmon said...

Many YT's can sit comfortably in their whitopia homes far, far away from *da' bilence* and pretend that when they read of some daily shooting in their local paper that it was "gangs." The standard DWL line of thinking is that peopleofcolorTM end up involved in so many shootings because they are in gangs or dealing drugs. They believe that they are in gangs and dealing drugs because of "poverty." They believe that they are in poverty because of lack of education and opportunities. Ergo, this makes these YT's (who love broadcasting their virtue) posture as intelligent, fair, and compassionate when explaining this continuum to us rubes. They really feel quite bright that they have unlocked the secret to this reality, that everyone else is too stupid to see. It also makes them quite ripe for exploitation of BRA who says the way to stop this cycle is through "opportunities, outreach, programs, and education."

The issue is that "First 48" completely dispenses with the myths that the violent black crime (especially homicide) is due to drugs, gangs, and poverty. There is no organization or logic to any of it. The peopleofcolorTM literally kill each other over the smallest disagreement. It shows that *da' bilence* is actually a result of those with extremely low IQ's, no self-control, and no future orientation being concentrated with each other and having homicidal squabbles over petty impasses. It also showcases the "no snitchin" culture that thwarts the removal of the dysfunctional from their midst.

Most of television relies on control of message through scripting. However, there is no way to control when, where, how, or why a murder will occur, nor who are the parties involved. The producers completely lose the ability to manipulate any of those variables especially the images, actions, and behaviors of suspects, accomplices, or witnesses. They must select cities with lots of blacks, because cities lacking in blacks are incapable of providing enough raw content to base a season's worth of compelling shows around.

The people shown on "First 48" are real, true, actual blacks. It flies in the face of the carefully crafted images of high income, stable two parent black families such as what is shown in the commercials - if actual, true, real blacks are shown in an unscripted, uncontrolled setting. It also is of no benefit to a city to showcase that it is full of dangerous, homicidal blacks who kill over nothing.

For these reasons, I don't see this show being on the air much longer, no matter how high its viewership.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous: In answering your question about being the only one noticing about how there are so many commercials portraying blacks as productive and responsible citizens??. NO, you are not. I have been noticing this bs phenomenon for quite some time.I guess the only thing that we can do is not to patronize these vendors for one.Does anyone out there have an idea counter this? I get so pissed that I just change the channel for a few moments.Yes and it seems to have increased these past dew years. I'm sure that pos president and his henchmen are purely responsible for this Hollywood type of charade. Probably some meme put out to companies that they must have all black characters when making commercials AND foremost, have them putting whites as side characters with little common sense.Again back to the major premise that the magic negro knows all. It's been done before folks. Dr. Goebbels of Third Reich fame made the infamous comment "tell the lie enough and the people will believe it"

Anonymous said...

Chicago did have First 48 Missing Persons for several seasons. Even solved several cases.
An episode of Cops? Or a similar show filmed the accidental shooting death of a young child, asleep on a couch - cuz they dis not have beds for all occupants of the house- by police who were serving a warrant using forcible entry.
Since then no other police shows have come to Chicago. Too much to keep up with anyway.
The most frightening thing about these shows is that the illeriatti exsist and breed and we pay their way.

Anonymous said...

Its is always the black argurment of you can't watch them evwry minute, no one is perfect and inly God can judge us.
This is the belief system killing their children

Anonymous said...

They can cancel the contracts but that's just to deceive people who live in areas NOT infested with negroes so they won't see the truth. Anyone who lives anywhere near them already knows they're responsible for most of the crime.

I don't know if New Orleans or other cities have on-line 24 hour arrest lists with booking photos but mine does. Even at just 10% of the local population, negroes naturally manage to be greatly over represented.

In any case, all this reminds me of a previous article about how negroes and libtards were upset with Chattanooga, TN for posting a full front page of photos of the most notorious criminals in the area arrested for drugs and other crimes. Naturally, they were negroes.

Can't make the darkies look bad now, can we? Let's cover it up, pretend it isn't so, lie to everyone we can deceive and stop anyone from revealing the truth. Such efforts are acts of desperation. No matter what mask they try to put on it, the dust of truth will always find a way in and reveal the ugliness underneath. Besides, everyone with at least two functioning brain cells already knows to avoid black areas- especially any street named Martin Luther King Drive or Blvd. Additionally, I recall that Memphis also kicked out shows that showed black criminality and dysfunction in all its glory. Fat lot of good that did when the police department itself posted signs telling travelers/visitors to enter the city at their own risk as protection could not be guaranteed. Ditto for Detroit police. And people aren't stupid- they KNOW what the common denominator is- NEGROES!

Cancellations of contracts should be seen for what it truly is- acts of desperate futility. Besides, cities and towns have a duty to protect citizens and visitors and refusing to warn them about negro predators is as irresponsible as refusing to warm swimmers not to go into the water because of numerous shark attacks or not warning visitors to stay out of rivers because of alligator attacks.

Negroes are predators and warnings should be posted rather than attempts made to cover up the problem. As is, I was going to visit relatives in another state and was warned when entering the city where my relatives lived NOT to exit the highway in certain specific areas due to criminal negro infestation. Even when cities try to cover up the reality, the truth spreads by word of mouth.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 6:07

The only kid that commented had a different last name.
He had seven kids.

Pat Boyle said...

I posted comments here about 'The First 48' a few weeks ago. I had stumbled on to it. It seemed to me that it gave an unedited view of urban crime and as such showed a lot of black criminals. I was a bit surprised that the liberals hadn't managed to somehow censor it.

I guess the mainstream media and those who press for a liberal agenda have finally noticed it and have risen to stamp the truth out. The truth is that almost all the criminals the cops encounter are blacks. The few white criminals whose stories are depicted seem to account for the few premeditated or planned out murders that the cops deal with. The vast majority of the cases are by black killers. But often the blacks are confused. They shot their buddy for reasons they can't remember. They have no remorse. All their pity is for themselves. They seem to be acting on automatic. They do not seem completely human. Rather they are acting out some genetically prescribed pattern. It's as if some internal timer goes off. The black kid reaches 18 so it's time for them to shoot someone. They lie to the cops about doing it but they seem to believe it. They really don't think they did it. They seem to be acting out some racial compulsion that has its own timetable.

It looks to me that if the cops have surveillance videos clearly identifying someone, then they take the case. I suspect the cops have so many cases that they just ignore cases where there isn't good film. Maybe I'm cynical.

I'm no expert on police practices and procedures. Most of what I know I learned is from "After 48" but someone is trying to shut that down. Someone wants me not to know - probably the same person who wants me to see all those smiling black people in the commercials.

In another regard there was a race riot in San Jose yesterday. The media calls it a Trump political demonstration but in the video coverage there seem to be a lot of brown people attacking white people. Someone is trying to gloss over the racial aspects of the Presidential elections.


Anonymous said...

As with the show "Cops", Albuquerque kicked them out but the county in which Albuquerque is in had something different to say about it. Don't own a tv, so I don't know if it's now "Cops Just Outside the City Limits of Albuquerque", but some places have such high concentrations of crap that it has to be hidden.

Anonymous said...

Oh it's worse than that. My elderly mother loves watching those true life murder stories on tv.
Very few show black killers. They show white murders that happened many decades ago. A week or so back there was a show about a white (of course) killer in MACEDONIA!
(Hmmmm...wonder if they covered all white killers in the U.S. and now moving to the European continent?)
Surprised 48Hours is still on. Wonder when we'll have to view 50 reruns of a white or mexican killer before they show a black savage murder?


Anonymous said...

Everyone sees it, no one outside of Hollyweird believes it.
Just hit the "Mute" button then go puke or laugh your ass off. Whichever suits your personality.


Anonymous said...

Is it just me? I see every commercial where blacks are portrayed as the responsible family, saving for college etc, where there are a gathering of young families together and all the non-black families haven't begun to save for their toddlers college yet, but the Black family tells the rest that they have xyz plan already going to save for college. It is on everything, trying to change the perception that blacks are responsible productive members of society.

You are not imagining things. The marketing major has long attracted liberals since it has minimal math requirements and allows them to preach without being questioned. They love degrees where there is zero accountability. Liberals dominate marketing companies and in their minds are moving us closer to a multiracial utopia by depicting a Black family as more responsible than their White neighbors.

Liberals have correctly sensed that more Whites are questioning the narrative of race not existing. In the liberal mind we are all "ignorant" and just need to be shown manipulated images to change our evil minds.

Liberals don't want us to see what is going on in Black cities. That is why we need to keep pushing. They will push even harder when it comes to deceiving the public and we need to push back. Post comments wherever you can that undermine the narrative. Once a White person is de-indoctrinated of the great lie then there is no going back. They can't re-indoctrinate an 18 year old that has read about brain differences.

We need to approach liberalism like a cult. Getting even one person out is very important since that person will likely turn against the cult and discourage others. Most Whites are not naturally liberal and will reject liberalism when given all the facts. You just have to be careful with liberalism on a personal level because they have been conditioned to reject anyone that even hints at questioning the liberal position on race.

Anonymous said...

The three convicts kidnapped, had their way, and dumped his ass in some blighted acreage. One of those "Who gives a fuck?" moments. Another 48 hours had a White murder story last night, I figured it was about a White person just to keep diversity alive.

...Formerly Miss Greenbaum... said...

Regarding the over representation of blacks in television commercials, if someone was not aware of the 13% figure of the negro population would probably guess from watching tv that they are 50% or over. And yes, they´re always thoughtful, introspective, and quietly suppress a chuckle when confronted with their idiotic, irresponsible white neighbors.

The race riot Pat alluded to is either being glossed over as Trump provocateurs egging on the innocent Latinos and negroes, or something Trump is directly responsible for. That´s assuming that the news covers it at all. The main reason for watching MSM for me is to learn what lies they are spinning at the particular hour. If I could escape television, I would. Last year my dentist installed tvs in her exam rooms. Television is absolutely everywhere. When my hygienist asked what I thought about the new televisions, I told her I actively avoid watching it. The dentist was not amused. A better propaganda tool was never invented.

More and more people are awakening to the negro plague and its inherent violent depravity. There are simply not enough IKAGOs to go around. When you can skate through life without exerting any real, sustained effort, score an AA position with a corporation or university, its a wonder why they still cannot succeed. But then that comes with ¨acting white¨. The IKAGOs mostly use proper English and keep their inherent stupidity mostly hidden from view. The vast majority of negroes seem to take great pride in being stupid, violent, and lazy. Actively blocking antisocial, negro behavior from news coverage seems to take a lot of effort on behalf of our media and its government overlords.

Anonymous said...

It is on everything, [ads on www] trying to change the perception that blacks are responsible productive members of society---

who believes this?
young impressionable Whites and dumb blacks who think that a Gov-AA job means they are making a contribution, while the smart White didnt get the job [= loss of productivity, here at SBPDL it was noted as 'drag weight' having to drag a black team member along].

remember the term--drag weight.

Anonymous said...

I posted comments here about 'The First 48' a few weeks ago. I had stumbled on to it. It seemed to me that it gave an unedited view of urban crime and as such showed a lot of black criminals. I was a bit surprised that the liberals hadn't managed to somehow censor it.

They haven't been able to censor it because it is on A&E.

That show would never be allowed to run on ABC/NBC/CBS.

I doubt even Fox would run it. Rupert Murdoch fully supports paint theory as you will NEVER see a Fox show question the narrative. Rupert is a NYC style amoral conservative that wants the masses to believe in paint theory but doesn't want them to vote in Democrats that would raise his taxes. Fox/Rush/Red State style conservatism is a millstone to the country since it never gets to the core problem of liberalism. It just plays patty cake with them over stupid stuff like tax breaks for the wealthy.

Anonymous said...

this is what I dislike about drudge--headline says 'teens'

Anonymous said...

Their so afraid of the truth about these black gangs they don't want the truth to be heard and this could be a deadly summer tourist season

Come on White folk, New Orleans is a perfectly safe place to get drunk or take your top off.

Just please stay in the 1 square mile Blue Eyed Devil Dollars Protection Zone. In the event that you are raped or killed by a native we will be sure to take some pictures and talk about how it's a tragedy.

Anonymous said...

Quote from Twitter today:

@arizerg A. As a Mexican person with no control over what Mexicans do this tweet terrifies me bc who is it going to get worse for? Us.

This is a tactic of ALL nonwhites living in White countries. Moslems do it. Jews do it. Mexicans do it. None of them belong here.

The violent thugs and ghetto trash help the entire race advance. The thugs activate White racialism so that they "good ones" can bitch about racism, White backlash, dirty looks, and intolerance. Then they demand special snowflake protections.

Notice that everyone is talking about Hispanics/Mexicans right now. "Raising Awareness" about racism demoralizes whites.

This is Communism.

Mes2yeuxbleus said...

"Dictionary of Ebonics" Word Of the Day:

Dysfunction - Dis-Funk-Shun = How sumtin works.

Ex.- Gang leader to newbie recruit, "You see dis gun rite cheer? Ima gonna show you how dysfunction so you don't be shootin' yo'self".

Anonymous said...

If anyone is ever going to call out the advertisers and their fanciful portrayal of intact suburban black families and intelligent well-spoken black scientists and engineers correcting bumbling white males, it's going to have to be the Hispanics. Overly complimentary portrayals of blacks in commercials come at the expense of Hispanics for the most part.

Case in point: A Pfizer ad was running during the basketball game last night. The actors portraying the scientists and doctors in the ad were seemingly carefully split: one-third white, one-third Asian, and one-third black. While whites and Asians likely make up the vast majority of the MDs and PhDs on staff at Pfizer in reality, this commercial went out of its way to make it seem like a full THIRD of Pfizer's professional staff was black, a overrepresentation of the population in most any work environment, never mind in a STEM field. However, I did not notice a single actor portraying a doctor or scientist that looked remotely Hispanic.

Sort of like the outrage over no black nominees at the Oscars for just one year, while the perpetual underrepresentation of Hispanic nominees goes unnoticed.

Anonymous said...

Re: "has anybody noticed the blacks on tv...."


Note that whenever you see blacks in a fictional, produced, written, scripted capicity they are dressed like adults, speak clear english, never cuss, are sober, and portrayed as intelligent, responsible, hard-working, noble patriotic doting parents and knowledgable professionals that are only there to help the fumbling bumbling fat stupid White people.

When you see blacks in a non-fictional capicity (blacks that are not actors) they are as we all know them to be: feral dregs and burdens on society. Unable to speak, read, or dress like adults. Cussing in every sentence, smoking drugs, drinking booze, attacking and screaming at others, and loudly using racial slurs, and damning America at every chance.

The difference is like night and day.

It's alos why I quit tv years ago. Now I only watch movies and programs that I know will be negroe-less. I just can't be bothered to allow myself to be frustrated and irritated and angered by them any longer. I go WAY out of my way to avoid all contact with them. I have found particular gas stations, grocery stores, drug store, restaurants, bars, movie theaters, a gym, and other places that have no negroes working there or as customers. It took some searching, but I was able to do it. Sometimes it means a long drive- I drive an hour away to buy my groceries for example, but it's WELL worth it. If I see a negroe behind a cash register I leave and find somewhere else. Unless I get pulled over by a negro cop I might not EVER have to get closer that 20-30 feet from one ever again. At least, I try. It takes effort but it's WELL worth it.

Mes2yeuxbleus said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ghetto desperately needs some heavy handed discipline again - a baton upside their heads really helped settle things down. Every sow "mom" does it to her keeds because it works as well as anything. Planned Parenthood works best.

June 2, 2016 at 8:44 PM

Not only batons, but fire-hoses and large breed German Shepherds and tear gas...

Plaga Negra said...

Hey Paul, someone I think you should call out is Milo. He's a gay conservative who has a fetish for the negro. Wow, those words when put together look really odd lol. Anyways, while he is against BLM (and BLM protests him), he just can't quite admit that the species he fetishizes is responsible for gutting cities.

Lots of people in the comments section here just dying to be red-pilled.

Anonymous said...

My favorite episode was a mammy coming down to the police station because she was on the phone with her son right before he got capped. She said he had $1500 on him and she wanted the money. Even the black cops looked at each other in amazement.
A good read is "Confession of a Public Defender." The guy is a lib, but he does an excellent job on that blog.

Anonymous said...

Never watched the show, probably gonna have a marathon some day. Either way, it's a shame because as someone who didn't like cities, I visited the French Quarter in 1999 during spring break and remember being really impressed- I must have somehow missed all the Dindus and undercover cops. I loved the art, the style of the buildings, the weather, the street musicians and just the general vibe.

Like visiting relatives in Chicago, I can cross that one off the list and just remember what once was.

Oh, and just a side question, would seeing the picture in the following article make you change your mind if you are white and are sitting on the fence about Trump? The way that these people develop an angry pack mentality and look for opportunities to assault (white) people is disturbing to say the least. And Trump will be able to discuss all this candidly as much as he wants. Seeing Mexican flags and Hispanic people jumping on people and cars is a turn off for a lot of people.

Underestimating Trump and overestimating yourself is not a great victory plan; don't let gentrification's beautifully painted doors hit your @ss on the way out.

proudyt said...

I remember watching Jerry Springer 20 years ago and being pissed off cause they would always show a mudshark with her bucks. Probably influenced many a white race traitor. I really wish a white director would make a movie with an honest portrayal of young blacks. You know an anti Spike Lee.

Michigan Jim said...

"I have a relative that worked on the tv show COPS in the 90's and he told me they were told to start highlighting footage of Whites committing crimes because the early shows (that just showed cops doing their jobs) were basically 90% black criminals. "

Reminds me of the old joke- What TV show has the most blacks as guest stars? Cops.

Danny said...

Not to worry. There are plenty of cities in which blacks are causing mayhem enough to do some must see TV. It is quite entertaining and the level of stupidity displayed by these cretins is simply astounding.

Anonymous said...

if you decide to be a career criminal, like 99% of the Black suspects on The First 48 Hours, it might be helpful to have even the most rudimentary understand of the law and your rights.
What I enjoy most about that show are the interrogation scenes. Rarely does a suspect ask for an attorney, they literally default to, "I didn't do nuffins."
Then the detective, who is no brain surgeon himself, will say something like, "we know you're not a bad guy. We want to hear your side of the story. People make mistakes."
This diminishes the severity of the CAPITAL MURDER charge in the mind of the suspect to something akin to spitting on the sidewalk. Then the Black suspect will use the old, "the gun went off by accident."
As if holding a gun to the head of the connivence store clerk was an unintentional accident too.
It's funny how all these gang members will roll on each other in a heartbeat.
One might be the getaway driver and sincerely believes he will be released because it was Jamarcus who pulled the trigger and shot that dude. Not realizing he will be charged the same as Jamarcus.
The really bizarre thing is how often the suspect will be taking a comfortable nap in the interrogation room before the detectives come in to question him about matters which will very likely put him in prison for the next 40 years.
It boggle my mind to no end.
What you learn is that the average Black will commit murder over absolutely nothing.

Brooklyn born said...

This is ONE negro display.....Imagine the wholesale chaos should EBT go down for masses:

Anonymous said...

Save you the trouble, ((Shapiro)) is no good. SFC Woody

Anonymous said...

"Fragile community relations" indeed.

Awhile back, one of the Black Lives Matters scumbags jumped on stage with Hillary and unrolled a scroll with quotes from a 1996 crime speech she made.

It referred to a class of inner-city "super-predators" who "must be brought to heel."

The idea was to shame Hilly as a racist because she spoke of criminal negroes as animals who must be tamed with a whip.

I think most people reacted to this with: "Yeah? And?"

These negroes are so dillusional now that they think anything they say, no matter how crazy or counter-intuitive, will fly with guilty whites.

They were right.... until now.

They've gone a bridge too far and their opportunity is gone.

Billions spent on negro-uplift propaganda and "empowerment" was for naught.

The Noble Experiment is over. They blew it.

Truth Corps said...

PK, read Jean Raspail's "Camp of the Saints" if you can. Race realism written in 1973. We are where the author predicted we'd be.

Sick n' Tired said...

So is the local news Miami. Every day it is nothing but store robberies, "teens" getting shot, shooting at the police in stolen cars, etc.

Anonymous said...

Indian Country is saturated with alcohol, and this population has the highest rates of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Just look at the Native homeless in the cities nearest the reservations and you will see the evidence on the faces and in the character of the street denizens who resemble the living dead. Negrocity is simply that, FAS, crack babies, etc... are just another shade along the spectrum of their social landscape.

Anonymous said...

Just do a net search for African rockfish 2016 and you'll see that they're in season. Apparently they even end up in "aquatic areas gone wrong".

Anonymous said...

It's not just the black crime, learning gap, and dirty ghettoes, Paul.

Did you know that the peoples of color are also suffering from a "Diaper Gap?"

America is irredeemable.

chattanooga gal said...

From: A Woman (What? Why Would You Ask?) [Email her]

A couple of days ago, the local news in my mid-size North Carolina town reported on a carjacking and shooting. They described the suspects as a “man and a woman.” Naturally, being a good citizen, I kept my eyes open for the suspects, and sure enough, the next day I spotted a couple exactly matching the description walking up my street!

I did my civic duty and called 911:

Operator: 911 what’s your emergency?

Me: I just saw the carjack suspects, a man and a woman, they’re right on my street!

Oper: OK, ma’am can you describe them for me?

Me: Hold it, I thought we weren’t allowed to get specific.

Oper: Ma’am, are they black, white, Hispanic?

Me: Well, they’re white and they’re walking a dog.

Oper: About how old are they?

Me: The people are about 70. The dog’s about 10.

Me: You better send an officer, they’re going into a house up the street. You can’t miss it, there’s a flower garden and a religious statue in the front yard. Probably a front for their meth operation.

Oper: These people aren’t who we’re looking for.

Me: But the description on TV…


Well, I tried. ran across this on another site. thought it was pretty neat.

Anonymous said...

Did someone say NOT FOR PROFIT?

Anonymous said...


"...the President’s budget has called for $10 million to test effective ways to get diapers to families in need and document the health improvements that result. But unless Congress acts, we don’t have a program to help struggling families buy diapers for their children. So, we’re getting creative and using every tool we have to help solve this problem."

Mr. Rational said...

the smart White didnt get the job [= loss of productivity, here at SBPDL it was noted as 'drag weight' having to drag a black team member along].

remember the term--drag weight.

More generally, "dead-weight loss".

Blacks have been dead weight to society since Rust's cotton picker.  They cannot produce anything of value, but we have to feed and "employ" them anyway.

Compare and contrast.  Black millionaire:

Blue-collar White workers:

Anonymous said...

Real tear gas like CN or CS or the vomit agent DM, not that next-to-useless "pepper spray".

Anonymous said...

Sanitary flushing toilets! That requires the use of a huge engineering concept......

(Grabbity n sheeit)

Something many negroes can't wrap their mind around.

Anonymous said...

The producer of the show was attacked publicly for showcasing negro dysfunction.

He said he had no choice. He said efforts at more balance were fruitless, since most criminals are black.

Anonymous said...

If I had a funeral home in a black neighborhood, I'd host holiday barbecues with free food and liquor for the first 300 guests. After that, $10 a head.

There would be dozens of murders when they hit the bottleneck at the door.

Anonymous said...

"Blacks have been dead weight to society since Rust's cotton picker."

Disagree, negroes create jobs via extra Police, lawyers, judges, prisons, medical staff, etc. Not to mention their contribution to the plexiglas, home security, and firearms industries. Payday loan establishments would be non-existent and chicken processing plants would shut down without people of color. Chitlins would have to be fed to hogs without the negro consumers.

Let's give credit where credit is due.

Butterscotch said...

Telling or exposing the truth about blacks and their nature is a surefire way to get them to confirm it.

''Blacks are naturally violent''
''We aint violents, shut yo muhfuggin mouth before i smack you!!''

Every day, More people are exposed. More people wake up.

The tide is turning.

Anonymous said...

The First 48 should come to Detroit. No controversy here. All crime is black crime. We have no white people left.

Anonymous said...

"Whereas once the state was dedicated to protecting the civilization white people had built for their posterity, the state today is dedicated with protecting the lie of equality ..."

This depends on how you define "state". If you mean the federal government, then the state was actually the primary instigator of trying to integrate negroes and whites into "one nation under God, indivisible" (as it says in the Pledge of Allegiance) on a basis of juridical equality. That was what the Civil War was all about. So in that sense the state has been the enemy of civilization, if by civilization you mean a white society without negroes. Sundown laws and restrictive covenants didn't emanate from the federal state, certainly, and de jure segregation was by no means universal, being more common in the South than the North. Segregration itself also didn't arise from an edict of the federal state, although for a brief time, after Plessy v. Ferguson, it passively acquiesced to it. And of course, most egregiously and notoriously, extending the vote to the negro was done by the state just after the Civil War, the Fifteenth Amendment having been ratified by its various administrative districts or oblasts in 1870.

But "the state", however defined, is primarily interested in protecting itself; in promoting the harmonious functioning of its component parts. Sometimes this can involve supporting race divisions, but in the long term it always tries to eliminate them. Multiracial states are an unnatural phenomenon and require a lot of intervention to suppress their natural tendency to come apart. Such states are an effort to overcome human nature, and in the end, to abolish all of man's natural instincts. They are actually a technological achievement of relatively recent advent, found only after "Progress" had torn down the geographic barriers that had kept the major races separate and intact for thousands of years.

Anonymous said...

Saw this comment on PJM:

"Seriously, you've got to wonder if there are many black people who are ashamed of being in a race of complainers. I would be. I mean, when they complain about segregation, what is the core complaint? They're complaining about being around other blacks. That's really sad. No Koreans complain about the racial composition of Koreatown. No Hispanics complain about there being so many Hispanics in the barrio. They like themselves. You're supposed to like yourself."

Unknown said...

If you want to see the White 48, watch The Andy Griffith Show. The Sheriff doesn't need a gun and Barney only has one bullet for the occasional out-of-towner arrest. He has plenty of time to fish with his son, and talk with Floyd the Barber getting his hair trimmed. Oh the humanity. You can see why All-White towns were outlawed can't you? Why would you need to keep raising taxes in a town where the whole criminal population is one drunk guy who is responsible enough to lock himself up?
Some people erroneously believe blacks behaved better during segregation, but it isn't true. Truth is that blacks don't care about minor things like murder and rapine as long as the perp is black. As long as it was on the other side of the tracks no one ever reported the crimes that happened constantly. Whites were just wisely warned to stay away from the "wrong side of the tracks" where the black crime spree went on unreported because the denizens of the urban jungle didn't care.

Anonymous said...

Detroit gets another 88 million dollars from federal taxes . This money is to be used for, demolition of houses that black people destroyed. No wonder the u.s. Is twenty trillion dollars in debt. You can't print money fast enough for all the destruction going on in America.

Anonymous said...

What on earth were you watching the basketball game for? This is part of the problem people.....negro worship/support. SMH.

-JSF- in Minneapolis

Anonymous said...

Kicking off our long hot Summer...

Brian in Ohio said...

Anonymous said...

I have a relative that worked on the tv show COPS in the 90's and he told me they were told to start highlighting footage of Whites committing crimes because the early shows (that just showed cops doing their jobs) were basically 90% black criminals.

I had always wondered about that... I had my suspicions that that was the case.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Anonymous said...

The one thing I think 48 hours does to put blacks in a good light is it shows how creative they can be with names and particularly nicknames. "Tome" "G-lock" "K town", they come up with the strangest nicknames.

Bill in St Louis said...

Bird of Paradise said...
Too darn afraid of a n bunch of uncivlized brutes and you can bet if the KKK took part in burning a cross in some black families front yard the media scum suckers would be on it for days
June 2, 2016 at 9:36 PM

Except that now, if there was a cross burning, it would either be some illiterate sow, attempting to claim "racism" on her college campus, (probably in hopes of getting a pass on exams due to being traumatized), or an SJW who, when he gets caught will claim he did it to draw attention to some made-up racial "issue" that only exists in his mind. Then it will get buried by the MSM in 3, 2, 1 "Oh look, A Kardashian did something else stupid!!!!".

Anonymous said...

And it also shows how utterly cucked white victims family members are.

Steve Smith said...

Saw one episode with one nicknamed 'Lil boobie'. No kidding.

Anonymous said...

Ruh roh...!

Get ready for the nigs and libs to go apeshit!!

Anonymous said...


Look deep...

Look deep into its soulless eyes. Meditate. Know there is no way we can live as one nation. We must separate...

Anonymous said...

Billions spent on negro-uplift propaganda and "empowerment" was for naught.

The Noble Experiment is over. They blew it

It was officially over when Obama did not magically change society.

I remember many liberals saying that electing Obama would lower Black crime because they would have a role model. Racial realists did not believe this would happen and in fact pointed out that studies have shown how Black youth actually have higher self-esteem than Whites. But pointing out reality to liberals is like handing a book to a blind person.

Black crime has actually increased the last few years. It jumped after the St. Swisher incident. That's the story that no news outlet will cover. The Chicago murder rate would actually be at an all time high if not for modern technology. Jackson, New Orleans, Memphis, Milwaukee and Baltimore have all seen increases.

Anonymous said...

Look deep into its soulless eyes. Meditate.

No thanks. We have to approach this rationally or we will grind ourselves with our own emotions.

Oil 'n Water said...

The area in which I live had all homes reassessed and the valuation went up seven percent. Older areas, mainly the black section, had their property taxes reduced.
Keep up your place, keep it neat, mow the lawn and be penalized with higher taxes.
Run down your place, have a jungle lawn complete with beer cans, cooking spoons, and a lost little future felon in there somewhere, and receive a reward of lowered taxes.
Made into a commercial, it would be the only realistic depiction ever, of blacks looking out their window and shaking their heads at the unfortunate whites. Only to be ruined by Gramma shuffling into the room in a bathrobe, scratching her head, sleepily inquiring, "Where da hell Javonte be?"

Brian in Ohio said...

Anonymous said...

"Blacks have been dead weight to society since Rust's cotton picker."

Disagree, negroes create jobs via extra Police, lawyers, judges, prisons, medical staff, etc. Not to mention their contribution to the plexiglas, home security, and firearms industries. Payday loan establishments would be non-existent and chicken processing plants would shut down without people of color. Chitlins would have to be fed to hogs without the negro consumers.

Let's give credit where credit is due.

June 3, 2016 at 1:26 PM

And lest we forget, they made Nike and Kentucky Fried Chicken into huge success`. They`re great for ammunition sales too...

Stay alert, stay alive.

Anonymous said...

A name for the ages!!

Anonymous said...

The true life murder shows on TV showcase white-on-white crime because it's rare and more interesting. 99% of actual crime is TyShawn shooting De'Reon over drugs and/or "respect." Same shit, different day...Boringggggg

Anonymous said...

That's what I said. Saw two goofy whites in the grocery store, he was proud to wear his lebron shirt, what a loser!

Brian in Ohio said...

Anonymous said...

The true life murder shows on TV showcase white-on-white crime because it's rare and more interesting. 99% of actual crime is TyShawn shooting De'Reon over drugs and/or "respect." Same shit, different day...Boringggggg

June 3, 2016 at 6:24 PM

I like the show "Forensic Files". And yes, the majority of the cases are white on white, typically because they were premeditated and the killers went to great lengths to hide the evidence. Some of the cases drag on for years. They explain the highly scientific methods and great lengths the investigators go to too catch the killer.

These are half hour long episodes. Your average black on black murder takes about 2min to explain.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Mr. Rational said...

Disagree, negroes create jobs via extra Police, lawyers, judges, prisons, medical staff, etc.

I know you're being sarcastic, but... "broken-windows fallacy".

Payday loan establishments would be non-existent and chicken processing plants would shut down without people of color.

They're Mexican and "refugees" these days, not African-Americans.

Chitlins would have to be fed to hogs without the negro consumers.

The Chinese will eat anything ("everything with legs except a table", etc.).  Probably even chitlins from hogs fed on you-know-what.  Which would dispose of the problem with amazing speed.

C504 said...

As a New Orleanian, first off I'll say I'm sad to see Nightwatch go. As for black crime, the city tends to undercount / underreport crime (meaning: black crime) in order to make the city seem more appealing to tourists. The city's main newspaper, which you can read at, does a clever tactic to offset the mind-boggling amount of black crime stories: They cherry-pick and insert the most salacious white crime stories from around the country. They probably do this to keep black, and liberal white, readers from thinking they're a "racist" newspaper. But man, it makes me so furious. They're putting the worst crimes committed by the country's 185 million or so white people up against the daily zany crimes committed by New Orleans' 250,000 or so black people. (And guess which side always "wins" handily? Yep, tha blax.)
2016 is definitely the year that the average person on the street is waking up to the manipulations of the media, and to minority crime in general. My hat goes off to Trish Regan, Lou Dobbs, Larry Elder & Monica Crowley for being among the few who are keeping the barbarians in check on TV.
Fun Fact: Last Saturday night (May 28), eight women were carjacked in New Orleans -

(On a related note, something this site might want to do a story on is the fact that N.O.'s water system is so old and decrepit that it loses an estimated 40% of its water per day to leakage. Residents are often given boil water advisories when a particularly unsavory pathogen is detected, hence why I permanently stopped drinking N.O. tap water last year. When a city loses so much money fighting crime and paying marginalized welfare queens and dealing with white flight, basic utilities will always suffer. The same thing is happening in South Africa, by the way, with huge amounts of Bantus simply refusing to pay their water bills and getting way with it, while the water delivery system slowly & irreparably crumbles.)

Anonymous said...

@ Annonymous 6:52

It's so embarrassing to see that shit. Funny how posers come here because they see their environment crumbling around them and in the same breath talk about their negro worship. Starting to think we're doomed with whites like that on our team.

-JSF- in Minneapolis

Sick n' Tired said...

Most of the white on white killings shown on tv sound like something from a soap opera, rich doctor with a mistress and a gambling/drug problem decides to kill his wife for a multi-million dollar life insurance policy, woman cuts her husbands brakes to inherit his trust fund, which she wouldn't get if they divorced, and so on. Blacks killing their black friends/cousins in an argument over a $30 dice game, taking the last rib/piece of chicken at a bbq, disrespek, they have something that the other wants (Xbox, Jordans, a couple hundred dollars).

Sick n' Tired said...

I've said for a while that if Russia/China/North Korea wanted to truly inflict damage on America, all they would have to do is hack the government computers and erase/shut down the EBT system for 2 weeks. It would cause more damage to our cities/infrastructure then if they landed 1 million troops on our shores.

Sick n' Tired said...

Damn, I didn't bet NYC on my top 3 chimpout cities of the summer.
1. Cleveland
2. Chicago
3. Baltimore

Sick n' Tired said...

Obama has been the #1 gun salesman in the country for the past 7 years.

Anonymous said...

"It's also why I quit tv years ago. Now I only watch movies and programs that I know will be negroe-less. I just can't be bothered to allow myself to be frustrated and irritated and angered by them any longer". - Anonymous at 9:37 am
Exactly. I especially detest the commercial for a cell phone company that shows a "rapper" pouring out and wasting expensive alcohol all over the place with his homies, with his pants sagging, cap sideways, gold teeth, etc. Nauseating. Wonder if his family gets EBT?? Almost every commercial shows mixed couples with mixed kids now. Cheerios company commercials are especially pandering. If a white man is portrayed in a commercial, he is shown as a doofus, slow thinking, can't jump, no rhythm, etc., and every other stereotype out there. I change the channel during commercials ,to the weather channel, on the few occasions I watch tv. I feel as if my demographic is not represented and not respected on tv much anymore, so why should I reward them with my attention?? As much as I like baseball and basketball, I have boycotted both, and watch golf, hockey, etc. that reflects the demographics of MY community. I will even watch reruns of old tv shows that show people speaking proper English, wearing nice clothes, etc., instead of new shows, if none of the current shows portray such. Here in metro Atlanta there is a tv station 36.2- advertised as "TV OUR way". What the heck does that even mean?? Every show on it is about/for the black community. Most new tv shows this season are about/for the black community. I pick and choose carefully what I watch. I don't want to be part of the problem. I rebel in every little way I can. If all whites thought carefully about what they watched on tv, bought at the store, music they listened to, concerts attended, sports they watched, etc., and only do so if their values were reflected, there would be immediate improvement. But unfortunately, some of them don't even listen to the lyrics of that rap/hip hop song they just paid to download.
You know, the lyrics in which white people are insulted and mocked, or even threatened.
L in Atl hell

Anonymous said...

And Anonymous at 9:06 am- "
Liberals have correctly sensed that more Whites are questioning the narrative of race not existing. "
Also correct. For all the hue and cry of "people should be colorblind", you will NOT see a black person on a talk show or being interviewed in a magazine go 5 minutes or 5 sentences without mentioning the fact that he/she is black, and expecting all the extra attention, benefits, sympathy, money, etc., that goes along with that these days. On a recent Steve Harvey show, 3 black women were verbally attacking a white woman that dared to wear her hair in dreadlocks, seeing as how it is "their" style. While I am not crazy about that hairstyle and would never choose it, any person should be free to wear it. They sat there with their weaves and relaxed hair, and accused the white woman of "cultural appropriation". The hypocrisy was staggering. The message was- "we black women can wear our hair any way we want to- but you white folk better not be pinchin' our styles". But not a soul pointed out the hypocrisy. Business as usual.
L in Atl hell

Anonymous said...

The negro, left to its own devices, will destroy by nature. Look at Zimbabwe and see the future of the United States.