He's going to win (though it's important to consider the possibility of what America will look like if he doesn't).
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What value does a Sudanese refugee (Muslim) have to America, when they just came from living in mud-huts? |
We must call Donald "President-elect Trump" because of stories like this out of Detroit, detailing how African refugees to America (fresh from calling a mud-hut their domicile) are faring in the former Paris of the West. [Promised land? For this refugee family, Detroit is their best chance: They were Sudanese refugees given a new home in Detroit. But how do you survive in a land you don't understand?, Detroit Free Press, June 19, 2016]:
The girl with the crimson head scarf sat on her driveway, legs stretched out flat on the pavement in front of her, washing her clothes in a little bucket of water held between her knees, the way she did back home in Sudan.
Her family had a washer and dryer in their west-side Detroit basement, but they had no idea how to use them. So Safia, the older daughter at 19, washed her clothes outside, and then strung the wet garments on the rusty fence between her new American home and the abandoned house next door.
“I just like being in the sun,” she claimed shyly, through an interpreter.
Only a month before, the Yacoub family — mom and four boys and two girls — was languishing in a tent city in the eastern deserts of Chad after fleeing the ethnic cleansing of their tiny village in neighboring Sudan.
The Yacoub family lived a good life in Sudan until war forced them out. After years of life in refugee camps, the family made it to the United States on April 1, 2016, with hopes for a better future.
Before that, before the war in Darfur came to their doorstep, their home was a mud hut with a grass roof and a dirt floor. They had no plumbing or electricity. Their water came from a river, carried home by their donkey. Their food came from a garden or from their cattle. Their toilet was a stand of nearby trees.
Suddenly they were whisked into the 21st Century, deposited in a battered but sturdy three-bedroom home in some place they’d never heard of called Detroit. Their new house had baffling contraptions like faucets and locking doorknobs and a stove they didn’t know how to use.
They spoke no English. They had no friends or family in America. And the personal belongings they brought with them fit into two shopping bags. The mother is disabled, most of her kids are too young to work and have very little schooling. And they arrived with no foreseeable way to support themselves, other than some temporary assistance that had a quickly approaching expiration date.
Welcome to your new life, they were told. Now become self-sufficient.
For them, it was like going to another planet.
“I still don’t understand the life here,” said Mariam, the 37-year-old mother of six, through a translator. Her large, round eyes were anxious. “I still have a hard time understanding the language. I don’t understand anything.”
Everything around them at West Warren Avenue and Greenfield Road was bewildering — the paved streets, the busy traffic speeding by, the neon-lighted signs on all the restaurants and bakeries lining the main roads, the constant motion and activity, all the loud noises.
While the recurring debate over accepting immigrants and refugees into the U.S. has been triggered by the conflict in Syria and inflamed by the heated rhetoric of the 2016 presidential election, refugees from a number of other war-ravaged countries have been quietly and steadily becoming the newest guests of the U.S., year after year.
The U.S. resettled about 70,000 refugees last year. This year will bring 85,000 of them, including seven Muslims from a small tribe in an African desert now settling in a city sorely in need of new residents to offset the loss of a million people over the past half century.
But coming to America doesn’t mean a suddenly easy life for refugees like them. They’re expected to adapt quickly to their new home and become productive citizens, a challenge even for those fleeing places like Syria or Iraq, countries with big cities and modern technology.
For a family like the Yacoubs, however, who lived simple lives in primitive conditions before being chosen to escape, that transition is even harder. To them, America is a dazzling, overwhelming, futuristic place. Even the version of America that’s embodied in a run-down old neighborhood in Detroit.
Still, it’s not Darfur. Despite the enormous challenges they knew they’d face adapting to an entirely new existence, they were simply happy to be alive somewhere. And when you’ve spent life in either a tent or a mud hut, inner-city Detroit looks much better than it does to those born here.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which administers the camps, screened the Yacoubs and passed them to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, which approved their asylum request and handed them to the U.S. State Department's Bureau for Population, Refugees and Migration. That bureau chose where to relocate them and referred them to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which gave their case to the social services agency Samaritas — formerly Lutheran Social Services — in Michigan.
With a budget of nearly $124 million — most of it federal money, some of it donations — Samaritas served almost 20,000 people in Michigan last year, including elderly and disabled people and about 3,400 refugees from various countries who were settled in Grand Rapids, Battle Creek and metro Detroit.
The Yacoub family arrived at Detroit Metropolitan Airport on March 30. They had few documents, no medical records. There were no doctors in Tukultukul. When illness struck in the village, the family said, the elders took care of it themselves with folk treatments. “I got sick from being in the sun once, and they threw me in the river,” Nassour said, laughing.
They didn’t even know their own birth dates, and almost all were assigned Jan. 1 in the year each thinks he or she was born.
The family was taken to a house on the city’s west side, to a largely Arab neighborhood where thousands of other refugees of war have settled, on the border with heavily Muslim east Dearborn.
“We really try to place people where we think they’re going to be the most successful, where they have external support that they can rely on, and that they’re going to have a better time integrating into the community,” said Vickie Thompson-Sandy, president of Samaritas. “So knowing that they speak Arabic was probably part of some level of decision making.”
Samaritas provides both practical and financial assistance to refugees for 180 days, after which they are expected to have learned to support themselves. Eighty-eight percent of the refugees who get settled in Michigan by Samaritas, Thompson-Sandy said, succeed in doing so within that time.
“The goal is really to help them integrate into communities,” said Thompson-Sandy. “Our job is to get them gainfully employed and self-sufficient.”
The Yacoubs received a one-time, federally funded grant of $925 per family member to tide them over and were assigned a caseworker to help them navigate the labyrinth of assistance options. She got them Social Security cards, signed them up for Medicaid, rented them a house, enrolled them in the food stamp program, found them a nearby mosque to attend, and made calls to local schools to see about enrolling the children at some point. The family had no idea how to do any of this.
“The problem is they don’t have any English language skills, and even their Arabic language is so hard to understand sometimes,” said Arjwan Khudhur, the Arabic-speaking caseworker assigned to them.
“I taught them how to go to the supermarket, how to buy food, how to use the food stamps. I assisted the mother to open a bank account, how to use her debit card, a lot of things I did for them. But step by step they’re going to learn more and more.”
The most important task was applying for Social Security Disability Insurance for Mariam. She clearly can’t work. She walks haltingly and hunched with a cane, lurching forward one contorted step at a time. Khudhur filled out the application for Mariam’s assistance, and waited.
In exchange, Mariam was required to take English classes and enter a 21-day, state-sponsored, work-participation program to assess how far she is from being employable.
Khudhur has spent a decade with Samaritas helping refugees and has a dozen or so families rotating through her caseload at a given time. Among them was a recently arrived Iraqi man who’s both deaf and mute and tries to understand her by reading her lips.
The Yacoub family is even harder to help, she said.
The agency included a short description of the family in an e-mail call for volunteers, because one caseworker couldn’t possibly handle all of their challenges alone.
“It’s a single mom — a disabled woman, a pregnant daughter," Khudhur said, adding that Mariam's other daughter had already been to the emergency room twice. “They don’t have transportation, they don’t have a sponsor. I have to be with them in every single step, or it’s not going to work.”
A lot of people will question why the country is accepting refugees who arrive with no way to contribute. Thompson-Sandy knows this. But she’s convinced the Yacoubs will eventually become productive citizens, and that taking them in is the right thing to do.
“This country was built by people seeking new opportunities and freedom and refuge from danger and persecution,” she said. “We have a long history of welcoming refugees. Even if they don’t know how to use the washing machine at first and aren’t fluent in English, they take jobs that others won’t. It makes sense for our country to accept refugees. It’s good for our marketplace. They add value.”
No, they don't add value.
Neither did the black people who migrated to Detroit during the 1920s/1930s and helped turn The Arsenal of Democracy into the prime example of Africa in America.
Say it with me, folks: America is irredeemable.
America is not a marketplace; it is a nation.
Well, it was a nation.
Donald J. Trump wants to Make America Great Again, because presently we import people to our nation as refugees who recently lived in a mud-hut.
Stop third world/Muslim immigration to USA at once. The reason is simple for this government program to make whites a racial minority in a country founded by their ancestors: you are silent. This slow motion genocide is moving forward because most aware people are doing nothing. The invasion will stop and these troubling trends will start to reverse only when we say enough:
- join the 2 million citizens' army at numbersusa.
- become members of immigration reform groups like FAIR.
- always go to the polls.
- when you get letters begging for money, return, in most cases, the free Business Reply envelopes with letters protesting our demographic replacement. For envelopes not free, it's worth your while to send back.
- Mow your own lawn and avoid restaurants.
Don't be part of the problem, be a part of the correct solution. ALL patriots must take action.
I'm just going to say and if it doesn't meet the moderators standards, so be it. The president of the United States, Barrack Hussein Obama, has destroyed the laws and sovereignty of the country. He needs to be put on trial for treason. What am I missing? Am I that stupid to think that laws are being ignored and broken? How is this happening and no one says or does anything to stop it. When the city of Detroit, a city destroyed by blacks, becomes your best shot at life.....holy shit! Stop the insanity! Trump 2016
So, not a father in sight for either mother or daughter?
Jesus fucking Christ, we don't have enough chocolate brood mares as it is??
If a damn washing machine mystifies them, and neither the neighbors or the Lutheran-Muslim caseworker can help, what must they think of the goddamn toilet?!?
I bet they're drinking from it. And probably shitting on the front lawn.
Damn, I wish I hadn't clicked on his story. I'm gonna be up all damn night, fuming.
Not enough low wage, low-skill jobs for the talking monkeys we already have, and now they're importing crippled monkeys who can't even speak niggerbabble. Fifteen years from now, I guarantee one of the male imported Orcs will blow something up, and hopefully it will either be the mosque where he was making the bomb, or the Lutheran Church which sponsored him.
And you thought the Catholics were bad!
I have two thirds of my entitled social security penalized because I worked for the city of Detroit. These so called "refugees " show up and get social security disability insurance? I realize it doesn't come from the same fund as old age social security, but what the hell. I'm about ready to spend every last f'ing cent I have. Then I will walk into the welfare office in blackface to declare my black privilege. Enough! Vote Trump! This idiot that's in office can't be out of the WHITE house fast enough.
Marlboro ultra lite one hundreds and a bottle of Jack Daniels or my head is going to explode. Find a clean safe space ( if there are any left) and go there. Welcome to Detroit. You'll feel right at home. So damn similar to the third world rat hole you crawled out of. Dont forget to duck. Hey, at least it's not Chicago.
The writer has an FB page, with post devoted to this article . I suggest we all visit it and tell him what we think. Remember, here we preach to the choir; however, we also need to meet the opposition on its ground and on our terms.
Attention all religious charities. Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant, Mormon, Pentecostal, Muslim, and Jewish. If you have anything to do with bringing all these so called refugees into my country, you can take care of their needs. You provide the food and shelter. Are they going to be going to Catholic schools? Lutheran schools? Insanity wrapped in ignorance and tied with greedy religiosity. All brought to us by Barrack Hussein Obama! Mm Mm Mm!
Someone once said that great nations aren't murdered, they commit suicide.
America is a case in point.
20 trilion in debt with a vansihing middle class and at war and we're importing poor africans and middle easterners because......?
I know that area, where the West Side meets Dearborn. Martin & Snyder (bulk candy & cigarettes) distribution warehouse. That area is lost to the 3rd world now. Done, gone, bye bye.
About the only thing this family will contribute is breeding more of the same. Consuming YT's resources & adding to our racial displacement.
Had a beautiful day on G.I., BBQ with Dad, Mom, siblings. A family dinner on the deck of childhood home, afterwards a long long walk
along East River Rd., overlooking Canada.
Encountered 4 adult deer, & a friendly Asian guy about 60.
Tomorrow I go back to reality in America, & all the Dindu's @ work.
The most important task was applying for Social Security Disability Insurance for Mariam. She clearly can’t work.
Oh, goody.
We are indeed irredeemable.
N.Y. Girl @ 6:52 pm. I have read your comment three times, and laughed every time louder than the time before. Hilarious and spot on. As usual I might add. Thanks for the needed laugh.
I worry about being literally devoured.
If Bing Bing click click is confused now wait till the first cold snap. Snow and ice could turn them into a negro pop.
To be eligible for social security disability you must have worked and paid into social security for a number of years. The amount you receive is an average of your last seven years income. They do have a program called ssi (supplemental security income) that is available for those handicapped who have never worked and can never. One of the major disabilities that it pays out on is mental disability (retarded). This I fear will be an easy one for many of these African refugees to prove.
Michigan Mike
President elect? Buddy, I like a lot of what you post, but you better get ready for disappointment. Trump is a goof and will allow that old bat to take office and make appointments that we'll live with for 30 years. You're delusional.
Money wins over faith everytime. With nearly two billion dollars in federal funds up for grabs in the refugee settlement business, it's easy to see why these churches scramble for their share of the pot.
Michigan Mike
This account is , of course, pathetic. I can't and won't hate the wretched of the earth.
However, I can and do fear for the future of the nation. These two statements are separable logically and psychologically. The lying major media strive to make an observer feel guilty and, yes, wretched for even thinking these two statements can be analyzed. The emotional artillery comes out and the barrage starts when any observer asks for a reason why the statements can't be analyzed. It's thought control as practiced by many of the venerable totalitarianisms of the relatively recent past; you couldn't ask why the Jewish doctor you relied on and admired had to be sent away in Nazi Germany, just as you couldn't ask why your commanding general in the Soviet Army had to be shot, or why the poetry teacher had to beaten to death during the Cultural Revolution in Maoist China. Thought control works when emotions of a certain cast can't be experienced socially, i.e., expressed. Have you wondered recently why Facebook - that wonderful font of free expression - censors dissident thoughts on this very issue? Like, no one is agitating for a riot. It is just that you, Mr. Facebook Consumer, are not supposed to even experience that others my think like you.
Now back to my point. The future of the nation is in peril not because there are billions of poor and starving, but because a clique of political criminals want to frighten you into thinking the numerous reasons for the drastic decline of our nation can't be discussed because by so doing you are denying the right of the starving billions to survive! Even more poignantly, you are not being Christian. Even if you object to importing MS 13 members or blood thirsty, semi-crazed illiterate muslims into your suburban community, you are still not upholding Western Civilization's finest ideals. Even if the millions imported spit on Western Civilization? Yes, even then.
But what of the poor and starving? The semi crazed?
Well, if you look at the nineteenth century French painter Delacroix's depiction, you realize Muslims riot as a matter of culture. It is what they like to do. We like to play golf or listen to music, they like to riot. The poor starving Africans have been doing so for hundreds of generations; that is why they evolved "R" type evolutionary strategies.
And us? We are routinely deceived by mass thought control, by intense propaganda. It is what we do.
These third worlders will get eaten alive by the Detroit wildlife.
Michigan Mike
Probibly their first time they have ever gotten Electricity and running water after they have been denighed it becuase of this Global Warming/Climate Change poppycock
As I've related before, my step dad worked for an airline that had a contract to haul Nigerian Muslims to Saudi Arabia for the hajj. The Nigerians had to be sprayed with delousing spray before being allowed on the plane. They also had to be prevented from bringing goats aboard the plane with them as well. Once aboard, they had to be stopped from building cooking fires in the aisle of the plane with the firewood they'd brought with them. One Nigerian was found in the toilet laughing hysterically as he flushed the magic blue water over his feet time and time again. Yes, others had to be stopped from crapping on the floors. In any case, I don't have to mention the condition of the interior of the planes after such flights or the stench.
In one incident, a tribal group appeared at the airport and threatened a massive chimp out if their chief wasn't allowed to fly the plane. Wishing to avoid such trouble, the flight crew brought the stone age savage aboard, had him wave out a window to his "people" and then the flight crew took off and circled the airport a few times and then landed. The stone agers went berserk with joy believing their idiot (who probably couldn't operate a remote control for a modern tv) had "flown" a complex multi million dollar airplane. For all practical intents and purposes, having the stone age savage in the cockpit was barely above the level of having a chimpanzee in a NASA space capsule.
As for Africans in America, I've worked with a number of them and can tell you that they can be trained to push buttons, turn dials and flip switches to get lights, heat or A/C, and so on but they have no understanding or comprehension of how it happens. The same skills could be taught to a chimp with the same results and perhaps the same level of comprehension. Several Africans were thrilled with refrigerators because it was a good place to store canned goods to keep the food from spoiling. Even after I explained that the food was PRESERVED and wouldn't spoil, the canned goods still wound up in refrigerators. Another African thought America was a bad place and very evil because of how many people America killed. Yes, he was talking about people being killed in movies and on tv shows. He thought it was evil that so many people were being killed for entertainment. I tried to explain to him about special effects and that the people weren't actually being killed and how they were actors etc but I'm not sure he believed me. Some couldn't understand how an electric stove could cook food since there was no flame. Of course, that reminds me of a story of African imports who were put up in a modern house only to have them smash through the living room floor to build a cooking pit.
Repatriation is the only answer. We don't need them or their offspring who'll just wind up on welfare, ebt and tons of gibsmedats anyway.
Odds Hillary Won Without Widespread Fraud: 1 in 77 Billion Says Berkeley, Stanford Studies.
pass this on
I refer to the enemy within, by cisaro check it out
The Yacoub family lived a good life in Sudan until war forced them out. After years of life in refugee camps, the family made it to the United States on April 1, 2016, with hopes for a better future.
A "better" future for them is only moral if it is not at the cost of a worse future for others. This is not possible anywhere in N. America.
This means they must leave the United States. It doesn't matter where or how they go, so long as they are gone and do not come back. If the Yacoubs are worse off than before, that is the responsibility of the "refugee agencies" who brought them here.
The most important task was applying for Social Security Disability Insurance for Mariam.
Meanwhile, Americans who've paid all their lives into the system cannot get benefits.
One has to wonder what it would cost to have gang-bangers "remove" the Yacoubs. Maybe they'd take an additional commission to remove Samaritas.
There are more than 1.3 billion people on the African continent. Doesn't it make more sense to try to solve the problems in place, rather than bring 2 percent of them to Europe and the U.S.?
It solves nothing to bring hundreds of thousands out, and just creates havoc in the civilized world.
If the problems in Africa are to be solved, the denizens of the Dark Continent with either have to surrender their free will or be stripped of it.
You can't cure the diseases that traditionally kept their populations low and allow them to continue to breed as if two-thirds of them will die before they reach maturity.
You can't allow them to govern themselves when a few of them steal the vast wealth of that continent. The Somali war lords even steal the food provided by relief organizations.
The UN likes to meddle. Let them meddle there. Let it set up a totalitarian regime with a Blue-Helmet army. Let it take the gold, diamonds oil and other natural resources and feed these zoo animals.
If they want to work, let them work in agriculture or mining or in the oil fields.
If they want to fight with each other or against the UN army for "freedom" kill them.
That's the humane thing to do.
Curious if SBPDL was aware of this?
This is what these assholes do with their nigger lottery winnings!
'The country was built on people seeking new opportunities'.
Yeah right.
Back in the Ellis Island days 'public burdens' were customarily and invariably denied admission.
If you want to know what will happen x 10 in the good ol' USA when the reset happens look no further than the Peoples Republic of Venezuela.
I`m quite sure the author left out the part where they still shit in the back yard...
These people the Govt are importing are their idea of the perfect citizen. Totally dependent on the Govt.
They are not contributing now and they never will. They will never rise to a western standard of living, just drag their new home down to a third world level.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Christianity is a suicide cult. Just more respectable than Heaven's Gate or Jonestown.
“I still don’t understand the life here,” said Mariam, the 37-year-old mother of six, through a translator. Her large, round eyes were anxious. “I still have a hard time understanding the language. I don’t understand anything.”
Well then what the F!@# is she doing in this country? Oh, that's right, some damned cucked Lutherans brought her here to make it more vibrant. Since, gibsmedat is part of a universal language. She will quickly understand the concept cashing the SSDI check from YT at the check cashing place. I'm sure a crash course in EBT will be the next step. Who says the third worlders don't assimilate? Thanks a bunch, Lutherans!
The U.S. resettled about 70,000 refugees last year. This year will bring 85,000 of them, including seven Muslims from a small tribe in an African desert now settling in a city sorely in need of new residents to offset the loss of a million people over the past half century.
These residents DO NOT replace those lost. Only a truly cucked idiot or smarmy church lady would think otherwise.
That really might be our only hope, that they live here just long enough to forget to duck, and are the victims of yet another cant-aim-for-shit drive-by.
Of course, we will be treated to yet another lecture on our collective callousness, as this poor immigrant family, in search of the American Dream, got caught in the crossfire just as they were turning their lives around, as they were in the process of doing nufin. Except may the weekly laundry, in a bucket in the driveway.
Some time ago, another poster mentioned that the day will come when our chocolate brethren can live in a civilized society, and by that time, white people will have developed telepathy. So true.
Bring on the mud onslaught I say. What do I care? Once my house is sold, and my funds are liquid, Because no way Im keeping that stuff in a bank, Nothing but me, my land, my motorhome. I'll be far away from any cities. Far away from any ideas of ''diversity'' and ''safe spaces.''
Come one, Come all. Free money for every dirty third worlder you can muster up. Cram them into the cities, right next to those cozy liberals that love diversity so much.
When the cities run amok with crime, supply shortages, you can guarantee the fences and towers go up in whitetopia.
The countryside is white man's land. Go out there, grab it, till it, farm it, and make it your home. Let the orcs and their lovers have the cities.
When they've ran out of everything and realize they can't eat concrete, they'll move on to whatever large ''refugee center'' is set up somewhere else, like the locusts they are. Leaving us free to rebuild what they left behind.
And keep them out, from ever returning.
"For a family like the Yacoubs, however, who lived simple lives in primitive conditions before being chosen to escape, that transition is even harder. To them, America is a dazzling, overwhelming, futuristic place."
Have no fear, they and their domestic kin are quickly reducing western civilization to a level in which these troglodytes will feel more at home.
"“It’s a single mom — a disabled woman, a pregnant daughter," Khudhur said, adding that Mariam's other daughter had already been to the emergency room twice."
They catch on fast don't they? I mentioned before I had been raising ducks up here at the farm. I didn't need to teach them to swim, just show them the water and they go right to it like they've been there forever.
"A lot of people will question why the country is accepting refugees who arrive with no way to contribute. Thompson-Sandy knows this. But she’s convinced the Yacoubs will eventually become productive citizens, and that taking them in is the right thing to do."
Bullshit. Someone yesterday posted that these quisling phony Christian types wouldn't be so eager to import their pets if they personally and individually were held financially and legally responsible for their upkeep and actions. I wonder if Mrs. Hyphen would be so interested in importing these savage sub-apes if they were moving next door to her out in the suburbs or if a lien were put on her house or other assets as surety that some descendent of these vermin will some day contribute to our society.
President Trump is going to be a huge let down for you people that think the president is some kind of dictator that can do or change whatever he wants. Even if he is who you people think he is, as president he will have little true power to change any of this madness and the entirety of the current world power structure is bent on using these sub-humans, fanatics, and muds to destroy western civilization.
The only hope for salvation is that these mongs will starve and or freeze to death very quickly after the gravy train flies off the tracks.
SC Native said...
If Bing Bing click click is confused now wait till the first cold snap. Snow and ice could turn them into a negro pop.
June 19, 2016 at 8:33 PM
You got THAT right! They can't even say the word "thermostat," let alone understand the concepts behind what a thermostat is or does.
Revoke the church's tax-exempt status NOW, if they're going to meddle in politics.
Move. Find a few acres far away from the city. It won't get better. The glory days of this country are over. Very bad times ahead.
Every Aftican country is a shithole. Negroes are not intelligent enougn to ever assimilate to American society or learn our language. Obama is bound and determined to bring us all down to the same level of misery. Shrillary gets elected we are toast.
@NY girl, spot on!
Today, this post has given me something to think about. This is clearly a crime against not only America, but against these refugees as well. A white family, yanked from home, forced to use unfamiliar technology, learn a new language, etc. in 180 days would struggle, before rising to meet the challenge. A family of black savages from mud hutistan has no chance. None. A more humane solution would be new tents, new buckets ro wash clothes in, and a canal for water, in their native land. It couldnt possibly cost us more, and we could send (black) egineers over there to assist. (According to the TV, we havea surplus of black geniuses over here). Wtf.... iirredeemable indeed.
“The goal is really to help them integrate into communities,” said Thompson-Sandy. “Our job is to get them gainfully employed and self-sufficient.”
How do you intergrate into community when you don't speak the same language? They are integrating into neighborhoods that they left. Ther will be no need to learn English. And once there is enough of them, they will enforce laws as they see fit. There is a video in NU where one of the Arab women said as much.
This is part of the Cloward-Piven strategy of overloading government welfare systems causing an eventual collapse of the capitalist system. This theory was first proposed in an academic paper at Columbia University in 1966. The goal was to replace the collapsed system with a socialist utopia. It dovetails nicely with Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" regarding tactics to be used in the revolutionary struggle. Queen Hillary was a big fan of good old Saul and corresponded with him while working for a communist law firm in 1971 so there can be no doubt as to her plans were she to get in the White House.
The importing of stone age people under the guise of "humanitarianism" (whatever that is) using the useful idiots from the desiccated remains of "Christianity" making YT pay for his own destruction is the epitome of this strategy. The Left is logical, smart, ruthless, unprincipled, determined and playing the long game quite successfully. The Left firmly believes "the ends justifies the means" absolutely contradicting Christian moral teaching and reasoning regarding ends and means. The moron "Christian" humanitarians crucial to making the racial displacement strategy work need to stop the virtue signaling and lining their own pockets with other people's (YT) money and start studying moral theology before they lecture others.
The fatal flaw in the reasoning behind Cloward-Piven is the implicit assumption that the nogs and other third worlders have or will develop a "Revolutionary Consciousness" and be the foot soldiers of the struggle. In reality all they want is more gibs, something only the nominally capitalist society can provide. With low IQ, impulsivity, bastardy, uncontrolled violence resulting in more anarchy than revolutionary study habits the third worlders make better foot soldiers for the rent seeking, Wall Street corporate scumbags sucking the life out of the remains of the middle class than communist revolutionaries.
Compare and contrast the organized Left with the rent seeking, cuckservative "opposition" like Reagan, Bush or the biggest joke, Romney. Enough said there. A greater collection of scumbags than the Republicans has never been seen on planet earth and The Trumpster is sticking a fork in them, they're done, win or lose.
non-DWL from NE
BHO wants an M-1 Garand
Anonymous June 19, 2016 at 8:46 PM said... President elect? Buddy, I like a lot of what you post, but you better get ready for disappointment.
The campaigns for November haven't even started yet. Of the many, MANY things I could say about Clinton's chances, I'll limit it to this: She has essentially been angling/running for President since her husband left office, and in the current cycle, she was credibly challenged by Bernie Sanders.
Bernie. Sanders.
Anonymous June 19, 2016 at 8:46 PM said... Trump is a goof..
Some negative labels could apply to Trump. but "goof" is not one of them. Besides, Biden has the exclusive right to that term.
Anonymous June 19, 2016 at 8:46 PM said... and will allow that old bat to take office and make appointments that we'll live with for 30 years.
She might get elected and make those appointments, but if we choose to live with them, whose fault is that?
Man, I have nothing against these people, but why the heck can't the UN and the USA help these people where they live? Which is also where this family deserves to be able to stay. It's where they belong. Is there no "stand your ground" laws in the Sudan when the thugs roll in to town? At one time this family had a good life, BY THEIR STANDARDS, but now? In Detroit? As usual, the left just doesn't get it, what is missing in the 3rd world is the same thing that's been missing in Detroit: THE RULE OF LAW. This family was forced off of their ancestral land by men with guns and herded into a refugee camp. THAT'S THE PROBLEM! FIX THAT! The primary justification for gov't is to regulate aggression and enforce agreements, but now the US Gov't is allowing foreign nationals to invade. In this case, our gov't is aiding and abetting this invasion. Two wrongs don't make a right. If someone really cared about this family, they would have them fight back and hold on to the life and the land they were driven from. Amen.
When do we get the sob stories about the whites who were ethnically cleansed from Detroit, Baltimore, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago...?
The people who run this country know that there needs to be constant growth. Without growth there is stagnation. Stagnation is the worst fear of our rulers. If white people will not reproduce then they will import the surpluses from around the world.
That is the future and nothing will change in that regard.
It seems that the only people who got the memo about over population in the sixties, seventies and on are people who knew how to read and write.
I'm voting for Trump because the the other side is too terrible to contemplate.
When white people are a minority in this country, only then will they be allowed to unite.
The most important thing we can do after we sign them up for ssdi is show them how to get on a bus and go down to your local precinct every 4 years and color in the little boxes with the "D" next to them ...... If you don't the "R" 's will take it all away and send you back to sudan!
Thanks for the compliment. I doubt we are poles apart, except for the fact that I know I am sarcastic as hell, immature, irreverent and a "social vandal" (I once used that term "Social Vandal", as a screen name, until I got banned from an old AOL chat room. Ha)
FEARPORN REFUGEE: I love your writings, and I agree with your choice of morning Web-sites. I go to this one first, SBPDL, and then to "Blacklisted News" and then TR (Truth Revolt). They all let you express yourself, honestly, to a high degree, but NONE of them let you speak the truth like here, SBPDL. Thus it is my favorite site.
I wish to express my admiration for all those who post here:
Formerly Miss Greenbaum
Gwoobus Harmon (....brillaint yet underappreciated...)
Mr Rational
Brian in Ohio
NY Girl
Detroit Refugee
SC Native
Ex New Yorker (our very own Pulitzer personal favorite)
Eddie in St. Louis
Fatigued in Minneapolis
10mm Auto
Pat Boyle (and his new "adversary"...joking...)
......Pennsylvania Mike
Paint Job Theory
Mutant Swarm
Blue Eyes Matter
I am sure I have missed a few. Why I take the time to single you all out is because you all have helped me save my life (and in a VERY disturbing way, perhaps even the lives of my family...)
Someday we all MUST meet and I wish PK would open a few retail sites linked to his site here (SBPLD) and sell merchandise that will spread the message and enable us to identify each other. Why can't some of you web literate people help him with such an idea?
You can sell T-Shirts, Caps, Can coolers with slogans such as:
Dindu Nuffin
Sail Foam
(A scarlet letter design showing a scarlet): R We all would recognize a scarlet "R"
"You are not alone".
etc. and other codes we understand.
WE need a way to identify each other, especially at the OVER-CROWDED gun shows of the future.
For those I could not compliment, nor encourage, since you use "Anonymous", at the bottom of the comment box, here again, is how to give your self a screen name:
Click in/on the circle, below that has NAME/URL.
In the box beside NAME, write in what you want as your "name".
Ignore the URL box.
Then click in/on the orange box that says "PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT".
Of course, if we cut off their benefits then they can meet their full potential which is less than zero right? Why are we holding them back? Whether its genetics, destiny, the circle of life or just natural selection, the black anthropoid is always at the bottom. Can you spare a dollar to help keep a failed race here to ruin your life? Only of you're stupid. Wise up, White Man.
Comrade Amerikwanstain will be a super duper first world power with a population of turd world mongrels who will vote democrat or lose their welfare check.
Forward! The Great Leap Forward.
I know our fine American negroes will take these people to their bosom and help them to "assimilate". That's how they do. But on CPT, especially in the summer, it will take too long. Much longer than if every miserable Lutheran in that church built a hut in their own backyard and took in a family. The family would be happy in the hut - the Lutherans could coach them each day. Like American negroes, they are already learning how to get free housing, free food and free medical care - all without working a day. They seem to have the procreation thing down (expect the lame, supposedly unable to work mother to have MORE children, along with the daughter). Assuming they were already given Obama sail foams, there's not much else they need. Just illegal guns, tattoos and street training for the males. Et Voila! Le Succes! More American negroes!
Do the same on liberal college campuses across the nation. And on the large, lush properties of Hollywood's liberal elites. Like when we grew gardens in the courtyard in grade school. Except they'd be growing terrorists, criminals and general drains on society.
NJ Woman
P.S. The government has money for refuges, but not for White military veterans and their families. I guess they can just go pound salt.
"Anonymous said...
The most important thing we can do after we sign them up for ssdi is show them how to get on a bus and go down to your local precinct every 4 years and color in the little boxes with the "D" next to them ...... If you don't the "R" 's will take it all away and send you back to sudan!"
June 20, 2016 at 8:34 AM
Absolutely true but where were the Republicans when these and even worse programs were being funded? Hint: The Republicans were voting for these programs too. The Republican's big business constituents profit handsomely from the destruction of the U.S. e.g. charter airlines to bring the wogs here, the American Red Cross, United Way and all of the wretched "religious" charities getting their piece of the action. All of these businesses as well as Wall Street financial services companies profit off of the refugee business through financing everything and send appropriate bribes towards the Republicans listed as "campaign contributions" and therefore legal.
The Republicans could have stopped the whole immigration/refugee racket decades ago but instead took bribes from agribusiness, hotel and leisure companies, construction and other scumbag businessmen to drive wages in to the gutter thereby increasing profits for the %1. Wall Street was in the thick of it too, financing EBT payments, issuing government backed bonds and bailing the bondholders out when the profligate government entities inevitable went bust suh as Puerto Rico recently and many states such as Illinois soon. The Republicans were taking care of their true constituents, Wall Street and K Street in Washington D.C. and giving the finger to Main Street, USA for decades. It has been a successful strategy so far.
At least the Democrats are doing the logical thing, building their base through immigration and expanding government, they aren't cutting their own throats the way the Republicans have. It makes perfect sense long and short term for the Democrats to favor burgeoning government at all levels and more immigration, they always get the votes. The Republicans are driving themselves to demographic extinction long term through immigration and are complicit with the Democrats, business and other factions in destroying the country. The Republicans control both the House and the Senate and could end then reverse immigration tomorrow if they wanted to, that's where most of the blame should be placed, on the loathsome, scumbag, cuckservative Republicans, not the Democrats.
The only thing that surprises me about this story is that the "refugees" are in Detroit. I would have expected them to be in Idaho or New Hampshire or some other state with similar demographics. Don't be surprised if this family eventually leaves the (formerly) Motor City for greener pastures; the Somalis in Maine had originally been settled in urban areas, but they moved to "The Switzerland of America" because living conditions were better (a lot better).
Also, I'm having a hard time understanding this sentence a few paragraphs down in the article: "And they arrived with no foreseeable way to support themselves, other than some temporary assistance that had a quickly approaching expiration date." Since when does accepting "assistance" qualify as "supporting themselves?"
I thought the same thing. Once the dindus get wind of this, they'll put a stop to it.
Haha...Nothing says it better about Blacks than this.Even Blacks that live and were born here.Because if you were not born amongst the majority WHITE MAN,you will still be in those same very mudhuts that these people just left.
""For a family like the Yacoubs, however, who lived simple lives in "primitive conditions" before being chosen to escape, that transition is even harder. To them, America is a dazzling, overwhelming, ""futuristic place"".
Remember Black people ,the ones that are cognizant enough to read this blog and these pages and especially this article and the above quote ,especially,THIS FUTURISTIC PLACE EXISTS BECAUSE OF THE WHITE MAN AND HIS PEOPLE.Even your own education is because of the white man.Remember that well Black Man.The only reason you became educated is because of the white man.Get that thru your thick skull.
"Christianity is a suicide cult. Just more respectable than Heaven's Gate or Jonestown."
When you begin to scrutinize Christianity, one of the first things that leaps out at you is that it places more value on "the afterlife" than real life. That's been true of every Christian sect; a constant for thousands of years. For the Christian, death is what life's all about.
Yours is a fascinating post, thank you.
When you hear talk of "structural racism" and how it must be eliminated you should understand that they are talking the whole ball game.
The bunch of commies and black power types spouting this are looking for a complete overthrow of society and it's replacement by who the fuck knows what fantasy, except that the blacks (and of course the commies, so they believe) will be in charge.
They aren't going to freeze to death. Thousands of Somalis sent to Atlanta voluntarily resettled in New England because the welfare benefits were better.
Cash trumps climate for these Cretins.
An additional benefit to them was escaping the Savage negroes in Atlanta. Their American cousins found them easy pickin's for robbery, rape and murder.
Ironic. They must come here because they face tribal discrimination in Africa. Then they get here and face tribal discrimination from Africans.
"…180 days, after which they are expected to have learned to support themselves. Eighty-eight percent of the refugees who get settled in Michigan by Samaritas, Thompson-Sandy said, succeed in doing so within that time.
And if you believe the above, you also think it's true the refugees will revitalize Detroit and the other placement cities, just as soon as they learn how to follow the example of their American negro neighbors.
And do you buy the 88% self support figure? I'd like to see the true numbers, minus any government provided jobs.
What complete nonsense. The only thing they will learn is how to play the system, helped along by these so called do-gooders, plus, of course, our wallets.
Leave these people in their own countries, for God's sake. Stop flying in the face of nature at the expense of the rest of us who see the futility and damage this kind of influx causes.
Coming from "war-torn" lands, indeed. Did it ever occur to these liberal cretins that they are importing the very seeds that led to the war-torn conditions of these countries in the first place?
There is so much in this article that just makes the blood boil. I'm glad I've lost most of my hair already. Ain't much left to pull out.
no Dad in sight ? so sorry they missed out on Father's Day...but am sure there are already plenty of Uncle Overnight's taking care of both "ladies"
How enriching
/H hypie out H|
Bringing Africans here is as big a mistake now as it was 400 years ago. I find it rather humorous that they expect them to assimilate into the Detroilet "culture" where they'll learn by observation all the ways of the legacy Africans.
Honestly, why not build them new mud huts out west somewhere that is a better analog of their homelands? New Mexico is mostly empty. Of course, after a couple of home invasions in Detroilet they should feel right at home having traded one war zone for another. They may even beg to be taken back home.
Maybe African nomads are the answer for Detroit.
The city is always begging for more state and federal funds to tear down abandoned buildings.
Those huge, vacant expanses could be used to herd goats and sheep.
Bring in a few "Detroit Lions" to keep things interesting.
"I bet they're drinking from it. And probably shitting on the front lawn."
Give them some credit, they don't shit out in the lawn, they do that right inside on the floor.... or at least by all accounts from those who I've met who have dealt with these "refugees" from darkest Africa. Considering they raise goats and chickens right inside with them a little extra on the floor isn't even noticed.
Once their nest is totally destroyed their landlord will be forced to renovate it up to white people standards or they'll just be moved into a nice new clean place to repeat the process.
Supposedly they have also figured out how to use the stove (by building a fire on top of it). Yep. They'll become productive citizens in no time. That's all Detroit really needed for a miraculous economic and cultural recovery was more black Africans.
We will be paying for this insanity until we are willing to take up arms and draw a line in the sand. It's well beyond the point of voting and will eventually come to civil war.
Even more sickening is that the MSM is supporting this.
Time to write up the 88 Theses and nail them to every Lutheran church in the country.
Michigan Mike wrote"To be eligible for social security disability you must have worked and paid into social security for a number of years. The amount you receive is an average of your last seven years income. They do have a program called ssi (supplemental security income) that is available for those handicapped who have never worked and can never. One of the major disabilities that it pays out on is mental disability (retarded). This I fear will be an easy one for many of these African refugees to prove." If refugees are allow SSDI, there would be very loud outcry from American workers who paid into the program. I assume it's SSI!
I know this story is about the Sudanese who are refugees, but this story can apply to American Blacks who receive section 8 housing. They do not know how to take care of an apartment or single family home. They need to be train on how to take care their living quarters, how to maintain a home, landscaping and home repairs. These people are put into suburbs, who eventually destroy the areas they live in. I had said many times here that we blacks are a primitive people! We have to be train to live in White society or we will destroy where ever we go because of our ignorance.
Willie from Naperville
You often bring up good points, but you're completely deluded on the topic of Trump. That silver-spoon-sucking dimwit doesn't give two shits about you, me, or working Euro Americans in general. He's an overprivileged narcissist with zero understanding of how the world works or what to do about it and it pains me that so many otherwise rational people can't see it.
Willie from Naperivlle said “. . . We have to be train to live in White society or we will destroy where ever we go because of our ignorance.”
Willie is confused. Ignorance, being a lack of knowledge, can often be corrected with training. Unfortunately, black ignorance is cause from stupidity, and stupidity cannot be corrected with any amount of training. Blacks can never blend into white society.
Why doesn't the Peace Corps send their minions to Detroit, etc.? A family of a friend, living in a wealthy DC suburb, allowed their just-graduated-from-college, naive, inexperienced White daughter to go to an awful country of dark people where abuse of women is rampant, condoned and well-known. She was gang-raped on her 2nd night there, by the dark locals. Tragic, but no surprise to me. I asked my friend (who was OUTRAGED) why her PARENTS not only allowed, but supported her going to this hellhole. Why the "Peace" Corps sends young, inexperienced, idealistic girls to places like this, then fails to protect them. You see, it was her DREAM! I received no answer.
It would be a cold day in hell before I allowed any child of mine to go to any of the places the Peace Corps sends young people.
If the PC wants to help people so much, skip the overseas assignments and focus on the hellholes in our own country. Of course, the young people attracted to this type of moral preening would stop volunteering because it's not glamorous if you can't travel to faraway places! or cool to help your own people. Which would be good. Let the adult SJWs experience the consequences rather than brainwashed young people.
NJ Woman
P.S. Teach For America makes me sick too.
To SC Native - Your brief comment struck my funny bone. I just can't stop laughing (bing-bing, click-click!) or envisioning this new freezer treat.
NJ Woman
Mentally retarded or disabled kids born to welfare parents are called "million dollar babies" in the hood, because they come with a lifetime of benefits and extras, plus the welfare doesn't stop for them at 18.
The article said the 19year old is pregnant.
Please, we already have a half million Africans in Detroit and 1 Million more in southeastern Michigan that do not work, collect food stamps, get housing assistance ect, ect. And Muslim to boot. But yes, take the White Majorities Guns away so that they will not revolt. This election cycle is the reason the Founding Fathers wrote 2nd Amendment. This is the time for action. I live 2 miles from the shit hole that is Detroit and now I have coons near me. Again, I recommend everyone look up "Negroes in Negroeland", as someone on this blog did to me. It was written over 150 years ago but rings true today. Buy guns, bullets. I think the Shit is going to Hit The Fan.
I don't know if it is a coincidence that this article coming out now, but today is "World Refugee Day". Today is the day when people are supposed to celebrate refugees in their communities and the positive effect they have had. I'm not making this shit up. So happy world refugee day everybody, let the festivities' begin.
Mich Mike
Back in those days the people immigrating here had useful, workable skills, like carpenters, masons, farmers, etc. Importing the equivalent of stone age people and throwing them into modern western society, doesn't benefit us or them. It's people like that who end up burning down the apartment building they live in because they end up cooking over an open fire in their living room, die from smoke inhalation when they use a bbq inside during winter, or one of the sprogs decides to play with a plugged in hair dryer while taking a bath. I don't see why they couldn't be relocated to some other African country like SA, Kenya, or Liberia instead of being a burden to us.
Maybe these libtarded fools can import packs of hyena's from Africa next. Then, with a little training and "education", the hyena's can be strutting their stuff at the Westminster Dog Show. That's about as realistic as importing low IQ Africans and expecting them to magically grow a damn brain and be capable of creating anything other than a 3rd world mud hut culture. There's a reason they were still living a primitive existence exactly on par with the existence their ancestors were living 10,000+ years ago and it has nothing to do with anything other than genetics and evolution.
In one sense, I think libtards can't see beyond form and shape. They see primitive low IQ Africans and they look like humans so libtards think they're interchangeable with other races- which, of course, is as stupid as thinking that because motor oil and maple syrup have the same color and consistency that both can be used in a car engine with equal results. In essence, the libtarded fools are adding low IQ primitive Africans to the engine of civilization and are going to destroy everything by doing so. However, being insufferably stupid, they'll never get the connection between adding Africans to the engine of civilization and the engine's destruction. The destruction will be a mystery to them and they'll never see that they were responsible and so they'll mill about in confusion blaming it on anyone, anything and everyone except themselves.
I honestly don't know who's the stupidest- libtards or their pet Africans but put the two together and you have a toxic brew of mindlessness and mental retardation that's on a scale that rivals even that seen in the movie "Idiocracy."
Flint would be a better location for resettlement. The water supply already is just like back home in the Motherland. Nomesayin?
I remember seeing a similar story either here or another website about some African family that ended up living in Sweden. They were showing the family around their nice new apartment, and how things like the stove worked, lights switched on, what the shower and toilet were for, and so on. Towards the end of the segment, they showed mama sow talking on a cell phone to her relatives back in Africa, telling them about all the nice new things her family had. That was the part that really stood out for me, she knew how to operate a cellphone, and knew she was getting a bunch of fancy free shit (they type owned only by top government officals/warlords in her country), but had to be told where to shit and how to wipe her ass with toilet paper.
No pre-contact sub-Saharan African society ever created a written language, or words for abstract ideas, or weaved cloth, or forged steel, invented the wheel or plow, or devised a calendar, or code of laws, or any social organization, or formal religion. or system of measurement, or math, or built a multi-story structure or bridge or sewer, or infrastructure of any kind, and they never harnessed a river, or even drilled wells or irrigated, or built a road or railway or sea-worthy vessel, they never domesticated animals, or exploited underground natural resources, or produced anything that could be considered a mechanical device.
Rob Smith
“You will never get real freedom and recognition between black and white people in this country without destroying the country, without destroying the present political system, without destroying the present economic system, without rewriting the entire constitution. It will be a complete destruction of everything that America supposedly stands for.”
Malcolm X
What empathetic tripe. The story cites "Suddenly they were whisked into the 21st Century" but these Stone Age people would be as equally backwards if they were whisked into the 13th Century. And as far as tribes go, these creatures will surely join a tribe here in the US, otherwise known as a gang.
Sigh... I'm so tired of living in a first-world country with so many growing pockets of 19th-world [turd-world?] infestations... We are awash in smart morons, who have a great many beliefs, but no ability to actually think in any way you or I would define that word... This is the root, the essence, the meaning underlying this SBPDL post... Thank you PK for showing me [and others!] I'm not alone in the world, and that there're other people that think, feel, and believe the same things I do... We've got to work together figure out how to meet in real life...
Anonymous said re: Trump:
"He's an overprivileged narcissist with zero understanding of how the world works or what to do about it…"
I believe he has a ten billion dollar understanding of how the world works, and what's more has enough courage and conviction to stand up and state his thoughts on matters without doing so anonymously.
Baby Momma, 6 kids, no job. Title 6 house, food stamps, welfare, etc.
"You often bring up good points, but you're completely deluded on the topic of Trump. That silver-spoon-sucking dimwit doesn't give two shits about you, me, or working Euro Americans in general. He's an overprivileged narcissist with zero understanding of how the world works or what to do about it and it pains me that so many otherwise rational people can't see it."
This is a real possibility. Nevertheless, I am voting for (most of) his message. It's a big FU to the narrative.
If he gets elected and does some of the things he's promised. It's a win.
If the GOP screws him over, it angers YT and opens more eyes. Another win.
If he loses by a narrow margin, it will embolden many to know that we are not a small minority. And they will be angry if it looks rigged. Not a win but some upside.
If he loses in a landslide, forget electoral politics at least at the national level.
This is one of the rare cases where the "lesser of two evil arguments" makes sense as Hillary is as vile as they come, and Trump is apparently closer to the ideal than he is to Hillary.
Don't get emotionally invested.
Centurion: Glad to have been of help. Amazing how telling it like it is and thinking out loud can change the way others see the world, no?
Of course, Black people sure don't like that. I guess some people enjoy trolling them, though. I recommend reading Field Negro's posts for the sheer unreality of it all.
NJ Woman: Try using Name/URL instead of signatures. It puts your name up at the top, which is easier to read.
Also, Negroes in Negroland:
Some journalist investigative reporter needs to look into ohow much money these so called do gooders are raking in for themselves.
Let's face it. NOBODY gives two shits about some voodoo chanting third worlders..
It's all about the money. Always has ,always will.
These people are the true evil amongst us. Honestly you really can't blame some third worlders for wanting to come here.
Who wouldn't want to live in America over the some cess pool of starvation and disease.
I understand everyone's anger. I'm angry also ,but it needs to be directed at the root of the problem.
Thse greedy churches and non profits destroy our country so they can line their pockets ,leave a disaster in their wake and its up to us to clean it up while they like a life of affulence.
It's always about the money.
Loretta says we will censor out most of the call about his ISIS allegiance so as not to revictimize those Mateen attacked, whatever the f%&k that means. That's what lady Loretta had to say.
We just have realize that there things that we aren't emotionally strong enough to handle. It's better if our leaders hear everything first and decide for us.
Mich Mike
Willie from Naperville:
Since you want to be a part of this RACIST WHITE REDNECK BLOG, I wish to ask you a few questions. Now, being very alert and aware of human-hominin feelings/thinking, I hope you can help us White Racist Pigs understand what your community feel/think.
What are the blacks in "the community" saying or doing? Do they have plans, and agenda?
What does the "community" want? Can you tell us what is deep down inside?
I know that when Whites gather, and when there are no minorities or "people of color" around, we all say one thing. As soon as one of your type show up, we change our conversation. Just as your people do. So, when you are surrounded by your brathas and sistahs, what do you all say?
I know that inside you will feel like a race traitor to your community (and you are), but your thinking tells you that Whites are better, more advanced, and are the way things should be. (I almost feel sorry for you). Yet, your intelligence (I am assuming you are part of the "Talented 10%), tells you to get along with the White Folk. In my racists opinion, if YOU were to ever be allowed to live any where near/with White Folk, you will be required to SHUT UP, own no guns, and have no right to vote. Basically, if it was up to me, you would be in Africa and have NO contact with my White Only Nation,but, playing along, if you lived around us, how would you feel?
You keep posting here. You want to "be White", but God/Satan didn't see fit. So, help us here. Tell us what is going on in the "community" (code for Black people).
withabanjoonmyknee said :" Is there no "stand your ground" laws in the Sudan when the thugs roll in to town?"
Let me point out that in the Sudan (both sides)it is ILLEGAL TO HAVE GUNS! Of all the countries I have been in, a lot, owning/possessing a gun is a criminal offense and NOT coincidentally, these are the same countries in which their "governments" trample their citizens daily. This trampling is what we have to look forward to if Hillary wins (that and forever supporting the D voting parasites AND our parasitic, worthless and treacherous Congress and Senate) In Afghanistan it is a criminal offense to own large knives and a gun is an automatic 20 years in prison, so the people told me. If we allow ourselves to be disarmed the thugs will be at our doors and the thoughts of Alexander Solzhenitsyn will come to pass here and will we be any different towards the night time knock (bashing in) at the door?
Anon at 10:13 (great stories) reminded me of a story from Melbourne Australia back in the 70s. We were on the sharp end of a refugee crisis originating from Vietnam and surrounding countries in the aftermath of the Vietnam war. A Cambodian family was moved into a multi-story Housing commission block (as they did back then...I probably don't need to explain "Housing Commission" to any of you, it should be self explanatory). Anyway, people in the lower floors began to complain of stinking water seeping through their ceilings so Commission officers investigated...and did you know that if you dug up enough dirt and carried it up several floors (may have been many floors) you can create a little rice paddy in your own living room using carpet as a base? Also, ripping the doors off the cupboards creates great hutches for your chickens and ducks once you've hammered on some wire.
There are a couple of things that are never raised:
A How can a disabled, 36 year old woman have 6 kids?
B Who is the father of the knocked up one?
C Who thought these people added value to our country?
Also have you noticed that it doesn't matter how "war torn" the area is, these woman never fail to carry full term babies? SMH
The UN is here to destroy freedom---
read about Alger Hiss and the real history of UN.
I think I can speak for others when I say that you bring light to this community as well. Keep up the good fight, dealing with your demons is an unfortunate part of life.
Odds Hillary Won Without Widespread Fraud: 1 in 77 Billion Says Berkeley, Stanford Studies.
In other words, third parties need to challenge the results from Dim-controlled polling places (because the Recucklicans' consent decree prevents them from doing so).
We may not be able to vote our way out of Hitlery.
Kind of O/T, but not really:
Fight Breaks Out At Philly H.S. Graduation
"...Eyewitness News cameras were rolling at the ceremony at the Independence Seaport Museum, where Fire Commissioner Adam Thiel was preparing to speak when suddenly, a fight broke out.
"It appeared that several adults took place in the physical fight..."
You just can't make this stuff up.
I live 2 miles from the shithole that is Detroit.
I myself never got the opportunity to live amongst "vibrant diversity", what a shame! My whole family on Dad's side were run off though.
Working with hundreds of Dindu's is a curse I can say.
Please invent a handle, there's about 3-4 Mi. commenters here already.
America was turned into a brand in the 20th century by the global (((moneylenders and merchants))).
I've been preaching that advice to most people I meet for years now. When the subject comes up of investments/401Ks/future planning, I tell them that I have been investing in guns, ammo, and high capacity magazines for the last few years. TPTB will never be able to take away all our guns, but they will try to control it's use with laws like in California & Connecticut where you have to show ID to buy a box of bullets, and they limit you to 100rnds per day, or NY where you have to show proof of gun registration to buy any ammo from .22-44mag, unless you say you're buying it for a rifle. To everyone here remotely serious about being prepared for some kind of meltdown/catastrophic event, I highly suggest stocking up on ammo, magazines, and learn how to reload/make your own bullets. If/when the shit hits the fan, the cities will be the first to crumble, in places like NYC where nobody has more then 3 days worth of food saved up, and 3 million people living on a small island, the citizens will be wishing they had AR15s to protect themselves from the scavenging hoards if there is ever a Katrina like event and food can't get delivered to the city.
White Detroiter here, but I live in the hipster, Midtown area of the city near Wayne State that thankfully doesn't contain too much African rabble.
Great value bringing in a disabled mother with half a dozen little apes to take care of. Their assistance is running out, but I guarantee it won't be long before their welfare benefits are reupped indefinitely.
It also won't take long for the young kids to forget the mud huts and gardens and follow in the footsteps of their Africans in America counterparts. You know: sagging pants, wearing a hoodie with the hood up in 85 degree weather, not caring for their lawn, horrible rap music and even more horrible tattoos, and an illegally owned pistol.
It is chilling to think about what obama and co. will
become after its term is up in several long months.
It was on TV news saying it was looking for jobs in DC area.
With inside knowledge from potus etc it will continue unabated
or accelerated considerably. Therefore, just watch how he will
continue destroying the United States. It will be at least as
nauseating as the potus era. But that is his mission, and it's
well known by now.
There's a whole lot more than what we are being told.
Many of these recent African immigrants have active malaria. And although our northern mosquitos are not the proper vector to care the plasmodium protozoan, our southern most regions do have the type of mosquitos most conducive to spreading it.
I also have a question about AIDS. Maybe someone can enlighten me on this one. I just read this from the CDC article that was posted in the comments section here a in a recent article.
""•People living in the South are more likely to be diagnosed with HIV than other regions. People living in Washington, D.C., Maryland, Georgia, Florida and Louisiana have among the highest risk of HIV diagnosis.""
Could it be possible that HIV could possibly carried by flying insects and we have not been told the truth? If the mosquito bites Jamal with HIV and then flies directly to Shaquina and bites her, could she possibly be at risk for transmission from the bite (as well as being at risk for her other unsafe activities)?
So some libtard photographer working for the local paper decides a picture of a negro child with a watermelon would be a good photo op.
Don't stereotype liberals... Its wrong
"I don't know if it is a coincidence that this article coming out now, but today is "World Refugee Day". Today is the day when people are supposed to celebrate refugees in their communities and the positive effect they have had. I'm not making this shit up. So happy world refugee day everybody, let the festivities' begin."
Mich Mike
Geez, what's next-- Celebrate the clap day?
Philadelphia Mike, here.
I have sometimes wondered how many of these recent African immigrants have tasted human flesh. It's a known fact that cannibalism is still practiced in contemporary Africa. Just do a search on the Internet...and your horizons will suddenly widen on this topic.
So...many of us here still continue to carry some of the European traditions that our forefathers brought with them from their counties of origin. My family...although over 120 years have gone by since they left Europe...still retains many of the traditions brought over by the great great grandparents. And many of these traditions have to do with food.
Now...which African food traditions can you think of? Cannibalism, maybe?
It's just a matter of time before it happens here in the USA.
Philadelphia Mike
Obama hates you. He hates you.
Anonymous said...
"Christianity is a suicide cult. Just more respectable than Heaven's Gate or Jonestown."
When you begin to scrutinize Christianity, one of the first things that leaps out at you is that it places more value on "the afterlife" than real life. That's been true of every Christian sect; a constant for thousands of years. For the Christian, death is what life's all about.
I stopped being affiliated with any church by the age of 14. In retrospect, it was a very insightful decision for a young teenager (White).
Out of tradition, all 3 of our boys were baptized in the Catholic church. It was purely a tactical move to keep peace in my keep the grand parents and great grand parents happy. But our sons have never received religious instructions and never went onto confirmation.
They are taught right from wrong, self accountability, loyalty, and self reliance. By example, they learn cooperation and compassion for those who deserve compassion.
They never have been...and never will be...taught to turn the other cheek.
Philadelphia Mike
It's worse than that. Look at the average IQ of these countrymen. It's borderline retarded by US standards. It's all about destroying the ability of people to think by destroying the people who do think
So true. Please send them to one of George Soros's estates.
Big surprise, no comment section on the article.
I live in S. Florida where it's 85° with thick humidity at 7am, yet I constantly see orcs wearing hoodies, wool beanies, sweatpants, and of course sandals with the beach.
When Lombotomy Day rolls around, sign me up, at least then I won't care about what happens to this country.
Looks to me like the kid in the pictures carrying a Watermellon
Jesus, this is everything we need to turn the hell off. They don't speak the language, they're about 700 years behind technologically, they have no means to support themselves and never will. And already the daughter is somehow pregnant with another mouth to feed.
Leave them where they belong for nature to take it's course.
From a prior post:
""•People living in the South are more likely to be diagnosed with HIV than other regions. People living in Washington, D.C., Maryland, Georgia, Florida and Louisiana have among the highest risk of HIV diagnosis.""
Could it be possible that HIV could possibly carried by flying insects and we have not been told the truth? If the mosquito bites Jamal with HIV and then flies directly to Shaquina and bites her, could she possibly be at risk for transmission from the bite (as well as being at risk for her other unsafe activities)?
The STD rate for black males is like 50%. Yes, 50% of them have some kind of STD (which is another reason why it's so stupid for white women to have sex with these things). All those places listed off have high numbers of blacks. The term "people" in the quote is misused. Replace it with "Negroes". That's why so many have AIDS. Where ever you have Africans, you have Africa. It's a wonder they're not raping babies....
Well, they are, saw a news story this morning out of SC where they were after a buck because he'd raped a young girl. It confused me since when they get into an argument one of their "whitey does it" go to claims is child molestation. I commented to that degree.
Then, on the most confusing day in the hood, father's day, you had this: (multiple related links below article)
The usual monkeyshines here, multiple shootings at a who be the father's day event that they'd already been banned from having in a city park like previous years because it caused so much trouble.
A radio station report described it as being like "The Gunfight At The OK Corral" but when you read you see the usual refrain "The female officer, who Fowler did not name, heard shots ring out and ran in the direction of gunfire."
Shots rang out, but this time in a courtyard, so I guess we can't blame da skreets. Do we ban courtyards then?
We even already have idiots protesting because a cop shot Pavement Harambe, or whatever his name is. I have to laugh at it because it's so predictable and nobody can see the one key thing this story has in common with every other one like it.
The probably bring little or no value, but if the SHTF incident the preppers all believe in ever happens, the will be better equipped to survive than most Americans
"Now...which African food traditions can you think of? Cannibalism, maybe? Just a matter of time before it happens here in the USA."
It has already happened. I remember reading two separate stories involving Africans in the USA. One killed his room mate and ate his brain. Another killed someone and ate his heart. If I recall correctly, both were University students and were only caught because it happened in whitey dominant areas where people would notice. I've also read stories of Africans in Europe and in America receiving shipments from "home" that contain bush meat. Apparently, they miss it and relatives try to "help them out." Makes me wonder if human flesh has been shipped as well- say, for example, from any of the restaurants in Liberia that have been busted for serving human flesh over the years or perhaps from one of the street vendors known to be selling human flesh in Monrovia.
As is, who knows for sure all that goes on in the hood where Africans live and the evil, oppressive white man cannot see? How many vibrants have disappeared and everyone just assumes they left for greener gibsmedat pastures? For that matter, who's going to miss the homeless crackhead or the random teenaged runaway prostitute with no relatives in the area? All wonderful opportunities for a fine young African cannibal to express his culture.
In a way, it reminds me of the Chinese restaurants in my town that were busted for catching, butchering and using stray cats as a cheap source of meat for their restaurants or the one that was busted for "harvesting" ducks from the local park for the same purpose. Anyone care for some moo goo gai kitty or perhaps some meow mein?
All joking aside, as far as African cannibalism in the USA is concerned, it's a certainty that it's happening and we just don't know about it except for high profile cases as mentioned above. Detroit and other high density negro dominant areas would be fine hunting grounds for an enterprising and opportunistic cannibal from Africa. Who's going to notice?
We do not care about the plight of the American groid. we care even less about the monkeys that are imported here. Both are a terrible blight upon our society and both should be repatriated back to Africa. Today is not soon enough.
We are both so tired of churches and do gooders coddling and enabling this sub-species. They bring them into a stable neighborhood and within six months all hell has broken loose. The men sit idly all day on the porches or corners. The women congregate at someone's lair and cackle the day away, discussing the newest way to get some more free stuff. They retreat every so often back into the Section Ape house most likely to breed with one of the lazy bucks. the children run wild in the street all hours of the day and night without adult supervision.
The final result is, a once solid and middle class neighborhood here in America, becomes a Third World village of imported groids complete with mudhuts and roaming animals.
Help the poor Whites who have lost the jobs, their pensions to oversea conglomerates. Help the Whites upon whose backs and shoulders this country was built first. Help the whites first whose traditions, customs, values and mores built and continue to sustain this country.
Wayne and His Wife
Sick n' Tired said...
"I live in S. Florida where it's 85° with thick humidity at 7am, yet I constantly see orcs wearing hoodies, wool beanies, sweatpants, and of course sandals with the beach."
NY Girl and SC Native had me choking with laughter yesterday. Now your comment. Thank goodness I have inhalers all over the house.
Before my mom died, we had live-in care for her (my dad was still there to keep watch). The weekend girl dressed as you said in the middle of the summer, along with MITTENS. I was uncomfortably warm in my light summer attire (my parents didn't like it too cool), but she was dressed like an Eskimo. They are not and never will be like us, inside or out.
Thank you to CENTURION and Mr Rational for your suggestions to go the URL route! Why not? I'm not shamed of anything I write here.
My parents house, located in "Historic" Salisbury NC, having been built in 1916, has over the years been surrounded by Blacks and their crack houses/loud moronic bass "music", and constant police visits. I'm in the process of cleaning out the house since my parents both passed away over the last couple of years. So all day long these Black men and women sit on their front porches, drinking their booze/beer and yell at the top of their lungs back and forth across the street to their negro counterparts. Of course LOUD cackling laughter and many profanities are tossed back and forth, "Motherf*#ker" seeming to be their favorite. Needless to say my parents house value is in the toilet. It's a shame too as the house is really nice.
As far as importing even more low IQ, feral violent Black beasts here, well that's just suicide.
Hell, I saw one on TJ Sotomayor's YouTube channel about a fight breaking out at a Kindergarten graduation.
At. A. Kindergarten. Graduation.
Their "looks ats Muh" can't even be suppressed long enough to set an example for four-year-olds.
And they wonder why we don't want them in our neighborhoods.
The idea that the only people allowed to immigrate should be highly educated, western cultured people is not American. There was a time not too long ago when poor and ignorant (not stupid) people from Ireland, Poland, Italy and other places came to this nation searching for a better life. These people and/or the children of these people assimilated and today they contribute and participate in every strata of American society. I am the son of immigrants and God knows, I hate bigots!
"The Yacoub family arrived at Detroit Metropolitan Airport on March 30. They had few documents, no medical records. There were no doctors in Tukultukul."
No doctors in Tukultukul? Really? I never would've imagined there would be no doctor in good 'ol Tukultukul!
To Mich Mike - World Refugee Day coincided with the rare occurence of the Summer Solstice and the full moon (Strawberry Moon) falling on the same day! With the astronomical numbers of negro astronomers, astronauts, astrophysicists, astrobiologists, astrophotographers, astrologers and nature-loving sky gazers, I don't think they, as a community, had the time or inclination to focus on the refugees. They are a scientific, spiritual and soulful people always looking for the beauty in God's heavens. 🌚
In addition, the devout, peace-loving Muslim members of their tribe are still observing Ramadan. Throw Fathers' Day in the mix, which is sacrosanct with Africans, and that's a whole lot of observances. They should hold off on World STD Day till next month. Allah won't be short-changed, and there would be no shortage of celebrants.
I always enjoy reading your posts.
As for helping whites, the Appalachian relief fund is a good place. To Start
Death of the American Dream is what you call that.
"So some libtard photographer working for the local paper decides a picture of a negro child with a watermelon would be a good photo op" Brilliant comment!
NY Girl...I fucking love you!
We all know how this is gonna end...grizzly and ugly...BOOM JIM!
I was born in the US.I'm disabled and have been fighting hard for the last three years to get my legs fixed so I can walk without so much pain that I sometime scream. I might even be able to go back to work.It has been one obstical after another thrown up in front of me.Who do you think will get the finest Orthopedic care first,me or Mariam?
Purely importing democrat voters.
If we have to import more africoons, why are we putting them in modern cities and getting them hooked on the welfare? Oh, for votes. At most drop them off in abandoned ghost towns in the desert, which 1800s structures is still centuries ahead of their mudhuts.
Supposedly the importation of 7th century era monkeys is to keep them from getting hacked to pieces, not give them a washer / dryer.
"The idea that the only people allowed to immigrate should be highly educated, western cultured people is not American. There was a time not too long ago when poor and ignorant (not stupid) people from Ireland, Poland, Italy and other places came to this nation searching for a better life. These people and/or the children of these people assimilated and today they contribute and participate in every strata of American society. I am the son of immigrants and God knows, I hate bigots!"
June 21, 2016 at 11:48 AM
You sure picked the wrong blog to go trolling, take it over to HuffPost or some other communist site.
First point, the U.S. Government has absolute, arbitrary authority to authorize or forbid non-citizens from entering the U.S. and under what terms, foreigners have no say in the matter. Foreigners in the country illegally are illegal aliens by definition. An "illegal immigrant" is an oxymoron, all immigrants are by definition in the country legally. Someone not in the country legally is therefore in the country illegally thus they are an illegal alien and if the U.S. Government weren't so corrupt they would be summarily deported. Hopefully President Trump will implement such a policy on his first day in office.
Apparently you believe the policy of the U.S. Government should be exactly what the Government has had since 1965, leave open the door and see what the cat drags in. The results of that policy are on display in Hispanic and other "diverse" areas of the country with skyrocketing crime, destruction of the environment and property, huge welfare budgets, wrecking of schools, authoritarian political regimes with the suppression of free speech (see Mexicans' reaction to Trump's San Jose rally) and general S. American style thuggery. You certainly are entitled to your opinion (how's that for an Anglo attitude!) but that is exactly what the upcoming election is about, your view of the future vs. an SBPDL view of the future. The lines are clearly drawn now.
It was an American policy to only allow those of European descent to immigrate to the U.S. until 1965. There were evaluations of immigrants coming through U.S. ports and a surprisingly high percentage of would-be immigrants were returned home because of mental defect, criminality, poverty, health and other reasons, there was no appeal either. When Chinese labor was brought in to build the railroads in the 19th century the result was the Chinese Exclusion Act ending the practice. The Naturalization act of 1790 forbade the naturalization of non-whites so there is a long and original tradition of the U.S. favoring European immigrants only, it's as American as apple pie.
Perhaps the post at 11:48 am is supreme satire, but the immigrants noted are White! people, not savage blacks or America-hating Muslims and terrorists. Law-abiding Whites of any economic or education "strata" are fine. They/we are ones who built this country. Negroes and Muslims are not. They've destroyed it, along with every other country they pollute.
I am the grand-daughter of immigrants and God knows, I hate DWLs.
I have told anyone who will listen about this story. They just shake their head in amazement. But we are too busy working to discuss it for very long. But maybe they'll tell someone else and so on. I expect eventually the system will collapse by too many takers and not enough makers. Apparently the super genius Stephen Hawking is too smart to understand this simple concept. Maybe a black hole will appear and poop out some money? Let's see that equation.
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