De mortuis nil nisi bonum.
Never speak ill of the dead, right?
In what seems like a lifetime ago, I was a few years shy of even being eligible to get a learners permit to drive a car, but was on the verge of attending many events of the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta.

You can worship Muhammad Ali as some sort of deity in death... I'll take Chuck Wepner

meanwhile, in our 'humor department'---
Black females are the most educated group in the USA.
Why do any of these people matter?
Houston, Jackson, and Prince matter because they are proof that black people could once sing. Contrast with what followed. That Babe Ruth was a drug addict (a drunk) doesn't diminish his accomplishments as both a pitcher and a hitter; the sad end of Jackson, Houston, and Prince to drugs does go to show how culture, not wealth, is the best surety against self-destruction with drugs.
It's hard to think of a white rock star whose death would overshadow Jackson. Bruce Springsteen, maybe? Mick Jagger? Otoh, it's easy too aging plenty of white stars of greater impact than Prince. It would be interesting to contrast coverage of David Bowie with Prince. Who got more column inches?
You have to admit that Ali was 100% right on the topic of race-mixing:
It's a fun video because he destroys this English tosser who says he'd be totally OK with his daughter marrying a black man, and the audience clearly agrees with Ali. Quite a performance from a man with an (alleged) IQ of 75.
The same will happen when Bill Cosby dies..Blacks need some hero's so the media manufactures them.
I was wrong when I predicted peak Negro fatigue would come in 2015. It will come in 2016 or never at all.
Will buy more ammo and ad an "America is irredeemable" sticker to my truck.
I left a comment earlier today regarding Ali on YouTube. Something to the effect of 'this man was an amazing person who cured cancer. Oh wait, my friend just told me he was ONLY a boxer. Nevermind.....'
You would've thought I insulted jesus or something? Unbelievable.
-JSF- in Minneapolis
Sports figures, entertainers, and thugs, that's all they have to glorify.
I read on Vdare that Ali had an IQ of 74 and I thought how angry the black rnu America will be about the article, being as it wasn't praising the dead boxer as a god, who's passing is great loss that humanity would never recover from. On the other hand I thought about how blacks reading (I mean hearing for obvious reasons) about Ali's 74 IQ might be uplifted by the thought that they too may be able to achieve greatness as a nearly retarded sports hero.
I can understand why blacks make a big deal out of the death of their heros, but I cant understand the attention msm gives to these dead celebrity. Usually when a white sports gero or entertainer dies it is mentioned at the end of the news in rememberence along with any others that happened to die that week. When a black celebrity dies it's the princess Di memorial all over again.
Then there is the black idolization of criminals. Everyone saw this during the OJ trials. There were blacks lined up on the freeway cheering him on and when he was aquitted they really showed their true colors.
It goes back to their tribal instincts where the mightiest warrior is praised and adored.
Mich Mike
PK, the list of negro "stars" seems woefully short of scientists, inventors, explorers, astronauts, statesmen, philanthropists etc. but long on affleets, expiring rappers and all around lowlifes. How come? I see plenty of negro scientists, inventors, explorers, astronauts, statesmen, philanthropists etc. on TV doing all kinds of great, wise things while dumb YT just watches with a stupid look on his face. Must be racism, what else? There is a special circuit in TVs since the 1964 Civil Rights Act that prevents TVs from lying, everyone knows that.
From the moment Ali became a draft dodger his name was shit in my house. The rest were entertainers. No real value.
I have just tried to read an article in the Daily Telegraph about Muhammad Ali's family and the distribution of his assets.
It was so unintentionally humourous I had to check it wasn't from a spoof site.
Stereotypes exist for a reason
And Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin might have been the President of the U.S.A someday. B.S.!!!! Nomesayin?
ABC News spent 20 minutes salivating over the latest thing to croak.
You can give them all the fame, fortune and accolades you like. I still wouldn't want them living next door to me...
Stay alert, stay alive.
"Overwhelmed by the African genome". A great and succinct observation, Paul. I saw a tv show on cable with various authors, and one of them was a person named Deidre McCloskey. She stated that in the years to come she was sure that all of the great inventors, poets, scientists, and artists would have black faces because of the great amount of genetic diversity in Africa, and this was a good thing. The audience of course applauded this comment. Otherwise this woman had a traditional, conservative view of economics, but she had the traditional view of race.
As I was watching the show I noticed that Deirdre was an unusual looking woman, and it turns out she was originally a man!
Muhammad Ali changed his religion (and his name) to muslim to avoid the draft and the Vietnam war. For that, he was a coward. Many black youths at the time did the same, following in their idol's footsteps.
Then Muhammad Ali's friend, sports commentator Howard Cosell, was charged with racism. It stemmed from Cosell's use of the words "little monkey" to describe certain football players. Little monkey was the nickname he had for his grandson. Both Howard Cosell and his wife begged Muhammad Ali to come forward in his defense, which never happened. Cosell never forgave Ali, and became secluded to his choice of friends.
Muhammad Ali was not a hero or some legendary figure. He was just a boxer. He came forward when the world of boxing needed someone. Just like it later needed Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Billie Jean King, and Hulk Hogan.
I wish Prince wasn't put on this list. Was he highly sexual in his lyrics? But certainly no worse than most songs today. He was also quite religious developed many conservative ideals as he aged. He was immensely talented and a workaholic and perfectionist with his music. Did he have faults, yes, many. But his dedication to music and performance are unparalleled.
Their placed on pedistals,worshiped and treated as gods when their just ordinary human beings
the platitudes served up for Ali would make one believe he not only cured cancer but painted the Sistine Chapel as well.
He punched people for a living, when not spouting childish rhymes. Whose life did he change exactly?
The world is still filled with as much poverty, ignorance, violence as it ever has been no thanks to his existence.
For all of you who theorize that blacks would actually take a lump sum of cash or a yearly stipend and willingly get shipped off to Africa, consider what Muhammad Ali said on the subject over 50 years ago:
“To me, the U.S.A. is still the best country in the world... It may be hard to eat sometimes, but anyhow I ain’t fighting alligators and living in a mud hut.”
They aren't going to be voluntarily shipped out. Not only will white tax money keep getting shunted to them, they have white infrastructure to house them.
These "royal" funerals provide excellent entertainment though.
The hand-wringing media goes crazy trying to figure out how much is required to keep BRA from calling them racists and usually errs on the side of overkill.
My personal favorite was the Whitney Houston debacle. You'd think that when a troubled, drug-addicted has-been gives a new meaning to "washed up" by drowning herself in a bathtub, the family might ask that their privacy be respected.
Instead, they promoted it like it was the Stanley Cup Playoffs, replete with the cross-checking from attendees.
CNN and the networks couldn't figure out if it deserved slightly more coverage than Winston Churchill's funeral, or just a touch more than the Super Bowl.
They went "Super Bowl" including the half-time entertainment.
It was truly jaw-dropping and appeared to be something out of The Onion.
I'm surprised it's not being sold on DVD on the Info-Tainment network, along with the Dean Martin Celibrity Roast lost Episodes.
Here's how to order:
And, if I remember right, Ali avoided military service then he took the name Mohammed Ali when he turned Muslim. A religion with no allegiance to the U. S. Constitution.
He was just another self centered afreakan asshole whose death must be fawned over by the communist MSM.
The deifying of Ali and (here in Minny) Prince is nauseating; people changing their FB profile picture *purple* etc.. It's becoming impossible to feel sorry for the impending fate of white people across the globe. It's becoming somewhat clear they DESERVE their own eradication. On another note sports fans, add Denver to the (growing) list; same template, different city: bilent weekend, summer temperatures heatin' up the restless natives etc., murder, mayhem, wounded, shot, stabbed, activities "gone bad", "children" caught in cross-fire, community "barbecue" (looksatus!, etc.) replete with a "rev-rund"), etc.. shout-out for more "programs"/gibs.. etc.. it's all there.. The hits just keep on coming..
Every time I saw him on TV shaking from the palsy from getting hit in the head about 10,000 times, I thought he should be shown to kids to show what boxing can do to you. Just like showing the pictures of smoker's lungs to kids to warn them of the dangers of smoking.
Every time a famous negroe dies I know to avoid the "conservative" media cause they all gush over how GREAT the negroe was to prove how "not racist" they are.
Meanwhile, do you really think Hannity spent a second thinking about Prince the day before the homo died? Please.
It all just makes me so annoyed. Singing and dancing and playing with a ball and boxing does not make you a national treasure. Inventing the car, airplane, skyscraper, assembly line, bridges, space shuttles, computers, cloning, stem cell research, chemo, THAT stuff makes America great.
Some draft-dodging racist negroe muslim boxer WHO MADE IT CLEAR HE HATED AMERICA AND WHITE PEOPLE deserve to be ignored and glossed over, not worshipped.
-Rex Hymens
Got one for the books. Run-up to the day the EBT card runs out/shut off?
You honestly don't have to even click the link to link to know the entire story or contents of the video. Really.
While watching tv at work the news was on and they were showing a clip of Ali on the Johnny Carson show. I said to my black co-workers "he was the greatest"at which they replied"Ali"? I said "no,Carson".
Brian in Ohio said...
You can give them all the fame, fortune and accolades you like. I still wouldn't want them living next door to me...
Stay alert, stay alive.
June 6, 2016 at 3:42 AM
Too right, mate! I ESPECIALLY wouldn't want a famous one living next door. The size of the "entourage" (read "baboon troupe") would be ten times larger than that of a "normal" infestation. At least until they figure out that the famous ones usually are on to them, and don't give away a damned thing.
Has anyone seen any good Cassius Clay memes? You know, like the Whitney Houston one that congratulated her on a week's sobriety? Ridicule and humor are potent weapons.
Blacks need some hero's so the media manufactures them.--
actually I see a darker picture. That black celebs [no scientists among the black public figures, not even neil tyson dg] are pushed to diminish the contributions of Whites to creating and maintaining civilization.
Ali means nothing good to me. a boxer. I dont care.
as far as trayvon being president, Trayvons dad is in the whitehouse.
Some draft-dodging racist negroe muslim boxer WHO MADE IT CLEAR HE HATED AMERICA AND WHITE PEOPLE deserve to be ignored and glossed over, not worshipped.
actually he said he was glad his ancestors got on the boat, since he had visited africa.
SOrry, but if I understand it correctly, this article is off. I don''t see what you write here as something specific to negros or their ways or social policy based on them.
What you write here about negro celebrities also applies to many YT stars who have passed, including the substance abuse, sexual deviancy, etc.. Most of the white celebrities also provided no contributions that "furthered western civilization". A recent example might be David Bowie. Their passing is news because the deceased is someone everyone "knows", and the canonization is a way to give the 24-hour media something to talk about for an extended period of time. They have to talk about something!
SBPDL said: It's becoming increasingly obvious the baby boomer generation offered absolutely nothing of value save their slavish devotion to their own racial dispossession; it is in this devotion to worshiping people of the caliber of Jackson, Houston, Prince, and Ali that we truly understand America is irredeemable.
(???) While Ali was definitely a baby boomer thing, the others were generation X, having their peak years in the 80's. Unless you want to count Jackson's "adorable" little niglet routine with the Jackson 5.
Perhaps someone like yourself need not participate in this process. I personally have no problem employing the appropriate force needed for them to board the agreed upon transportation. They can board through a door and have a seat or they can board via the cargo door in a box. Choice will be theirs. Why do people want to over complicate this simple process?
-JSF- in Minneapolis
That's a good joke..I work with a flock of negresses, you know fat ass too big to move type. They talk about lunch an hour before going to lunch which usually last 1 1/2 hours. Useless!!
Oh my goodness. The video link posted by Illisheet at 7:01am is precisely what you would expect. Black is beautiful.
NJ Woman
P.S. Ladies please note that proper-fitting foundation garments are of the utmost importance.
Hold on.
Muhammad Ali was a world class successful box.
Michael Jackson a world class entertainer.
Prince truly a genius and a world class composer.
Whitney was a talented singer. These are the elite of the African American community. For whatever reason along with their great talents they had huge flaws in their character which they could not overcome. It seems that exceptional black people have a huge problem dealing with success and invariably succumb to their addictions. Why is there not a reflection by the African American community on why so many of their heroes inevitably fail terribly. Ali seems to have managed alright, although he possibly was too sick to get himself in trouble.
Cassius Clay was a draft dodger and a lier who was good at punching people (though punching men, rather than women, is somewhat unique for a black man). Mostly he was a coward, a shirker of responsibility, a fake and a narcissist - much like Obama. I bet Michelle could have taken Cassius in his prime.
NJ Woman
P.S. The TV coverage is nauseating and pathetic. The obituaries are full of everyday White people whose lives were far more significant, meaningful and interesting.
Liberals have a strong desire to patronize Blacks when they can.
They're trying to compensate for their failed egalitarian expectations as they have been unable to turn Africans into Europeans with government programs. Black violence may be tearing Chicago apart but LOOK AT HOW AWESOME THIS ONE IS AT BOXING. No one seems to be asking why we can't just accept Africans and Europeans as they are instead of trying to toy with nature.
Unfortunately these egalitarian rituals of patronage have been increasing in frequency.
I really think the White public has grown tired of this practice. But liberals dominate the media and can pick the stories. Liberals are also unnerved by the current political climate. This is making them backlash against the Whites.
What Whites need to do is stop buying newspapers and magazines. Reduce these liberal empires to blogs.
"They aren't going to be voluntarily shipped out. Not only will white tax money keep getting shunted to them, they have white infrastructure to house them."
That triggers memories of watching the Ford Brothers film "The Dead" which was filmed on location in two African countries. I was actually impressed by some of the progress I saw. Even though there were the stereotypical huts, the negroes had upped their game and actually had cinder block "homes" in some of the villages. Of course, no electricity, no running water, no toilets and really no better than what would be considered a backyard shed for storing garden tools here in America. The dirt roads, village cornfields and free range chickens were interesting too as well as one scene of a community water pump. So advanced! It made me think of the theme song from Gilligan's Island with the line, "no electricity, no motor cars, no luxuries, as primitive as can be."
It honestly made me wonder what American negroes who may have seen the movie thought about it all and if they realized that's the sum total of what they could create and provide for themselves if left to their own devices and exactly how they'd be living TODAY if not for being in a modern white created country. At least Muhammad Ali realized it as per his comment about fighting alligators and living in a mud hut.
It would be interesting to take a number of coddled American negroes and dump them in Africa and film the results. The show could be called "Da'Gilligan's Village." However, I doubt there'd be a Professor among the bunch, or a movie star or a millionaire- a thug, a pimp and a crack whore would be more like it. The cast could be rounded out with a bakkaball player, an aspiring rapper and two baby momma's. I shudder to think what the lyrics to the theme song would be but it would have to include "no welfare, no jobs and no EBT."
I wish Prince wasn't put on this list. Was he highly sexual in his lyrics? But certainly no worse than most songs today.
BS. There is a video of him doing a mock dance of getting f-d like a woman. I don't see any male pop stars today bending over for another male in a music video.
He probably had HIV and likely passed it around. His videos encouraged gay promiscuity and taxpayers have had to pick up the bill. HIV and Hep C among homosexuals have cost Whites hundreds of billions of dollars. The average homosexual has over 200 sexual partners and liberal society keeps telling them to act on their impulses. Talk to anyone in the medical community about how damaging and expensive this group is.
You honestly don't have to even click the link to link to know the entire story or contents of the video. Really.
I'm glad infowars is actually looking at some of these problems instead of ranting about UN helicopters. I never understood how Alex was so paranoid about future global governments destroying America when cities like Chicago and Baltimore are being destroyed in front of us.
Anonymous June 6, 2016 at 8:26 AM said...It seems that exceptional black people have a huge problem dealing with success and invariably succumb to their addictions.
That is not a negro issue. There are plenty of successful white entertainers who go off the rails as well. Charlie Sheen, Brittany Spears, Elvis, and on and on.
What one of the posts above alludes to, however, does seem to be a phenomenon prevalent among negros... the way negros unabashedly flock to pick over the carcass like starving vultures when one of their own with any wealth passes.
Of all of 'em the only one worth anything was Jimi Hendrix! At least he served his country, honed his craft and left an undeniable legacy for generations of guitar players! The rest....Pfffft......Who Cares?!?!
boycott rowling ---whining 'bunch of racists'
JK Rowling's newest play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, sold over 175,000 tickets in 24 hours — but not everyone is equally enthusiastic.
All across social media, fans of the movie have been criticizing the writer for casting a black actress in the role of Hermione. In an interview with The Observer released today, JK Rowling slammed her critics, call them a "bunch of racists." Noma Dumezweni, playing Hermione, was simply "the best actress for the job."
SEE ALSO: Here's your first glimpse of the 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' characters
"With my experience of social media, I thought that idiots were going to idiot," Rowling told The Observer. "But what can you say? That’s the way the world is."
Rowling carefully debunked all of her "idiots'" responses. Some of her critics had complained that Hermione must be white because she had "turned white from shock" in one of the series. But Rowling simply used that as an expression, and never meant to imply the character's race.
"I had a bunch of racists telling me that because Hermione ‘turned white’ – that is, lost colour from her face after a shock — that s
Liberals have a strong desire to patronize Blacks when they can. --yup. we noticed.
Rocky Marciano would've beat that moulanyan Cassius Clay Muhammad Ali to a friggin' pulp!
Minstrels and gladiators. Way to contribute to civilization. Thanks a lot Africa. We couldn't have done anything without your important contributions.
"What you write here about negro celebrities also applies to many YT stars who have passed,"
Oh, the media gushes WAYYY more over the negroes! FAR More reverence and praise is enthuiastically gushed over the negroe celebs, because it gives the White media slime the smug satisfaction of personally worshipping the negroe publiclya it proves how Not Racist they are! Aren't they noble!
BINGO. Brilliant comment mate. It's more never-ending white guilt.. etc.. DWLs are frustrated that the paint job theory ain't payin off.. etc... A realist at some point gives up.. the egalatarian?.. refuses to do so.. Must. Lift. The black man. UP!!! etc..
Prince is cool with me by the way; I appreciate anybody that can compose and play.. my knock above is more about the DWL reaction.. etc..
Dats wuz La'Geinus' baby mammy!
Slightly OT:
The degenerate "looks at me!" no-talent Kanye West causes mass chimp out among fans in NYC after twitter-promoting a concert and then not performing.
When the Muzzies nuke NYC, I'll be thinking about these poor people and writing a fat check to the Red Cross Relief Fund.....(/sarc)
What you write here about negro celebrities also applies to many YT stars who have passed, including the substance abuse, sexual deviancy, etc.. Most of the white celebrities also provided no contributions that "furthered western civilization". A recent example might be David Bowie. Their passing is news because the deceased is someone everyone "knows", and the canonization is a way to give the 24-hour media something to talk about for an extended period of time. They have to talk about something!
Yes but they more than double down for Blacks. The only thing they pity more than Africans are lions, gorillas, wolves and other majestic predators. I think most liberals wanted a half flag for that silverback.
I don't just post on this blog. I post most often on YouTube. A lot of my posts are on opera and the rest tend to be on boxing. That means that I have made many remarks about Mouhamed Ali over the years. My reaction to his death - good riddance.
Ali was a bad man. He was interpersonally nasty. He was also a moron. But he was beloved by black children and teens everywhere. That such a man would be praised say something damning about the American Negro.
If you have ever read a novel about boxing or watched a movie or TV show you know that almost all such stories revolve around 'taking a dive'. That's the plot in 'Pulp Fiction' and that was the plot in "Requiem for a Heavyweight" and "On the Waterfront". Pretending to be knockout is the plot point of most boxing fiction. But most boxing fans refuse to believe it happens in real life. Odd.
Ali had always been surrounded by accusation that some of his fights were fixed. This is unusual, no other heavyweights were so accused. Indeed any other heavyweight would have had there career destroyed by such an accusation. But most boxing fans know about the second Liston fight. Zora Foley was a mismatch who wasn't going to win but seemed to needlessly fall over anyway. The George Foremen fight also looks suspicious. There was a lot of gambling money that changed hands that night in Zaire.
No other big name fighter has had so may questionable victories. The usual explanation is fear of the Black Muslims. Liston and Foremen have both expressed their fear of beating Ali.
I first watched Ali (then Clay) on ABC's "Wide World of Sports". He was a light heavyweight in the Olympics. He fought wrong then, and he fought wrong his whole life. The boxing analysts always mentioned it but it was easy enough to see for yourself. He carried his left too low which made him vulnerable to be hit. he duked and leaned back. The analysts said he would get hit when he grew older and slowed down a bit. And hit he was. He had an excellent capacity for 'taking a punch'. That ability was why he ended up with dementia pugilistica. He had his brains literally knock out.
He should have quit after the Folley fight. But someone encouraged him to keep getting in the ring with those hard hitters like Ron Lyle. He was still fast in the ring but outside in normal life he was beginning to stumble and stutter. He was being exploited by his 'so-called' friends.
To black kids he was 'Staggerlee' the bad boy black hero who was a trickster and a role model. But the real Steggerlee was a pimp and a murderer. He was the subject of a hit record when Ali was in his prime and many made the connection.
Joe Frazier and George Foreman were 'good' boxers. They were likely to wave an American flag and advise children to obey their parents - so they were held up to contempt. Ali the rebel was the one who was admired in the ghetto. That fact alone should inform about negro social pathology.
Glad such a man is finally gone.
Anonymous June 6, 2016 at 9:27 AM said... the media gushes WAYYY more over the negroes! FAR More reverence and praise is enthuiastically gushed over the negroe celebs,
To use my mention of David Bowie as a white example... there was a lot of coverage on him for 2-3 days. Same thing with Glenn Frey. And that also appears to be happening with Muhammed Ali. His death has been noted and discussed, and now his name is moving off the news sources I view.. These were all older guys with medical issues, and their passings were not surprises. Contrast that with the manner in which Jackson, Houston and Prince gave up their ghosts. I believe it is CIRCUMSTANCES of the deaths of these latter three negros, not negrophilia, that explains the coverage they received. Do you remember when Anna Nicole Smith died?
Anonymous June 6, 2016 at 9:50 AM said... Yes but they more than double down for Blacks. The only thing they pity more than Africans are lions, gorillas, wolves and other majestic predators.
The Africans aren't pitied. They are valued because, as a group, they annoy and create problems for YT.
I don't know who is more self-loathing... negros or white liberals.
PK,you left out the deification of Nelson Mandela. Flags at half-staff (by order of the president of the United States) for an African terrorist.
I remember when Muhammad Ali changed his name from Cassius Clay. I was attending a Dizzy Gillespie concert. I think that's the only jazz recital I've ever attended. Not my kind of music at all but someone got me to go.
Gillespie made announcements all evening about Ali. It was clear he admired Ali for putting one over on whitey. He was quite open about it. Ali had fooled YT.
This is a persistent theme in Amerindian religion and Norse too. The Indians worship a number or tricksters - Coyote and Rabbit being the most popular. The Norse have Loki who in Wagner is Loge and in the Marvel Comics movies is David Hiddleston. In both cases he is a Trickster a not-so-nice hero who confuses but does not confront. In African-American culture, he is Stagerlee, who confounds the white man. Stagarlee kills Billy in a crap game. How black is that?
I wonder if Muhammad Ali the black boxer ever knew who the original Muhammad Ali was. He was the Ottoman ruler of Egypt. he was the kind of person white people admire. The boxer was the role model for black losers world wide.
Pat Boyle said...Ali was a bad man.... Glad such a man is finally gone.
This is a bit harsh. Much of his objectionable behavior was as a young man in the 60's. He retired 35 years ago. He had to live the second half of his life with his ever-worsening condition. He looks like complete ish in recent photos. He paid a price.
Unfortunately Whites are falling all over themselves to praise Cassius Clay. Some Internet articles are not flattering to Ali and people are upset. Hahahahaha
OT- There is a video (sorry, do not have link ) of an obese Black female destroying a small store because her EBT card was out of funds. She yelled "Call police"! Hahahahaha. Of course nothing happened to the orc.
In the year 2000 17 million were on government assistance. Today it is 47 + million, and the orc who pretends to be a president brags about the economy and jobs. And it is appalling that people want more of this commie sh!t.
Pk another great blog, I really do not have anything to add. I read some where that Ali had an IQ around 78.
A message to Pat Boyle, your comments are always good to read, you should start your own blog!
Willie from Naperville
". . . Otherwise this woman had a traditional, conservative view of economics, but she had the traditional view of race.
As I was watching the show I noticed that Deirdre was an unusual looking woman, and it turns out she was originally a man!"
Nigga, please! I'm trying to eat my lunch, I don't need to know that!
"I didn't understand, as a burgeoning teenager, the lavish praise heaped upon Ali then, and I understand the sainthood he's somehow achieved even less now."
Deaths of negro celebrities are great opportunities for whites to signal their virtue to one another and show they aren't racist, which they enjoy enormously. Blacks and whites having the same heroes also builds national unity and promotes racial harmony, something most white people think is a good thing. They're wrong, of course. From the white racial point of view, both are evils to be avoided at all costs.
"I believe it is CIRCUMSTANCES of the deaths of these latter three negros, not negrophilia, that explains the coverage they received. Do you remember when Anna Nicole Smith died?"
I remember when White celebs die they get "tsk tsk such a shame their addiction took them down" compared to when negros die its "THE WORLD WILL NEVER AGAIN SEE AN ICONIC LEGEND LIKE HIM AGAIN HE WAS A LEGEND"
Bowie got the praise and treatment he was becuase he was a flaming homo.
Watch when Hulk Hogan or some other iconic White sports hero dies, it'll get mentioned but NOT every "conservative" political media talking head will wipe away tears and devote 1/2 their show to praising them.
The media treats dead negroe celebs like they were all Jesus, and White non-queer celebs get a resepctful mention.
, consider what Muhammad Ali said on the subject over 50 years ago:
“To me, the U.S.A. is still the best country in the world... It may be hard to eat sometimes, but anyhow I ain’t fighting alligators and living in a mud hut.”
The sad irony is that in black run cities in America, living conditions are reduced to those of mud huts and one is fighting something worse that alligators in the form of gangbangers.
Today is D-Day, on this day 72 years ago, young college age men were all looking for safe spaces, to provide cover from the oppressive micro aggressions that the Nazis were directing at them in the form of bullets and mortars. The amount of fortitude it took to ride in a John boat listening to bullets hitting the landing ramp, knowing that door was going to drop and you were going to be running waist deep into a hail of machine gun fire can't be measured. These are the heros we should be remembering today, not a draft dodging boxer who took to many hits to the head.
From the previous story regarding the beautiful, diverse, vibrant city of Trenton NJ: " . . .
Newark, the murder capital of the US, is the highest-funded large district in the country, at a $23,000 per-student expenditure . . . "
I'll bet the actual figure is closer to +30K per capita/per annum. Several years ago the communists where I live west of Boston were moaning and bitching that they needed a tax override for the schools, the schools, the poor, suffering children were deprived of a good edumactaion at about +20K per capita/per annum.
The city budget was mailed to residents and I bothered looking up the school spending figures. There it was, +20K per capita/per annum, not enough, it never is. Then I looked through the rest of the edumacation budget. The liars wanting the tax override had excluded from the school budget about +7K per capita/per annum "overhead" and "administrative" expenses into another category to make the school budget look smaller. Liars, all of the local government people.
When questioned about how many people on the local school payroll were getting +100K per annum and what they did, silence. A law suit pried out the numbers from the local government and numbers were shocking, the whole thing is just another racket.
The tax override was voted down.
" He was immensely talented and a workaholic and perfectionist with his music. Did he have faults, yes, many. But his dedication to music and performance are unparalleled. "
Well, I guess the complete ruination of western civilization and white genocide is a small price to pay when Africa gives us such wonderful minstrels.
And this is supposed to be the takeaway when these knuckle draggers are put up on a pedestal for us. God help us.
OT - there aren't enough good guys left in Britain.
I'll bet the actual figure is closer to +30K per capita/per annum. Several years ago the communists where I live west of Boston were moaning and bitching that they needed a tax override for the schools, the schools, the poor, suffering children were deprived of a good edumactaion at about +20K per capita/per annum.
DC spent the most per child a while back and their test scores were near the bottom.
But of course that was never mentioned in the mainstream media. Liberals are confident that the problem is money and they don't they need such facts to get in the way.
hey p.k. its like you read my mind,when ali died the first thing i posted on facebook was that ali was a draft dodging racist prick,i was attack and called a liar till i posted a you-tube video of ali saying vietnam is a white mans war and im not killing for whitey,but he sure loved whiteys money,he was no hero,audi murphy,alvin york the kids who stormed the beaches in france 72 yrs ago today are heroes,america is lost,im sad it happened in my lifetime,and im pissed cause no one seems to care.. royal oak dude..
Ali believed in racial segregation (Nation of Islam), no miscegenation (races don't mix), and racial identification, (I'm Black, you're Not).
Can't see why our one-nation, diversity is strength, we are all brethren, don't abuse women or be racist society thinks he's a hero.
If he were white, he'd never have been allowed back on the public scene.
The irony is Cassius Clay was exploited so easily by the white promoters, making them a fortune along the way. His schtick was openly mocking and expressing his contempt for the white man, yet they played him like a chump. A lot of his fights were against other black men. Go figure.
I remember him saying to a group of white college students "you my enemy",as they wet their collective pants in masochistic pleasure. Just another retarded black, if he didn't have handlers to keep him out of trouble Lord only knows how much trouble he would have gotten himself into.
Whitney Houston, never paid any attention to her, and her dopey entourage. Didn't she die from trying to smoke her butt crack? Heard the Obama's were big fans, they keepin it real.
Prince? Yeah, extremely over rated. Once again, one of those guys who never had anybody to tell him " that's shit, what are you trying to do exactly?" What the hell is purple rain, anyway? One of his fans in the balcony spill their purple drank? And supposedly he has hours and hours of his musical mastubation in vaults. Please leave them there, for a Future Geraldo Rivera to find.
Anonymous said...
Today is D-Day, on this day 72 years ago, young college age men were all looking for safe spaces, to provide cover from the oppressive micro aggressions that the Nazis were directing at them in the form of bullets and mortars. The amount of fortitude it took to ride in a John boat listening to bullets hitting the landing ramp, knowing that door was going to drop and you were going to be running waist deep into a hail of machine gun fire can't be measured. These are the heros we should be remembering today, not a draft dodging boxer who took to many hits to the head.
June 6, 2016 at 12:50 PM
I second this.
Stay alert, stay alive.
I was very lucky and did not have to watch the clowns and slugs that the media dragged across the stage for the throngs of cheering idol worshipers. I did not have a TV from 1960 to 1977. A friend gave me his old black and white set. I turned it on once a week to watch Saturday Night Live. That was back when the show was funny.
I got my news from papers I found in garbage cans.
I made my money from the media. Every two weeks I got checks from Madison Avenue. Did I feel bad or guilty. I would rather make my money FROM THEM than earn a living working FOR THEM. The ENTIRE media is the largest form of mind control that has ever been created. It is all nothing but garbage, lies and bullshit. Hundreds of channels of mindless crap. The overpaid media and sport stars are there to mold the minds of the sheep. The sheep must have their heroes. It makes them feel good. It helps to keep them nice and docile. They love the tele-screen.
Have you ever wondered why your controllers have been parading before you images of vampires and zombies. They are sending you a message. I wonder what it might be.
Have you noticed that blank stare that so many people have. Don't worry about it. Just take your meds and everything will be alright.
,Whitney Houston, never paid any attention to her, and her dopey entourage.
And MYYYYYY Caterwauling was overrated.
Anonymous June 6, 2016 at 12:50 PM said...Today is D-Day, on this day 72 years ago...
Most of those guys are gone, and have been gone for some time. Fortunately, they did not live to see what this country is turning into, the country they fought for and the country they built in the aftermath of WWII
Take a look at "retro" photos from large American cities in the 40's and 50's. It is unbelievable.
I'm a race realist and would gladly support a 100 percent white population policy for the USA, Europe, New Zealand, and Australia ... that said, the facts about Ali and his objection to the draft need to accurately noted ... per the website Gmil2 those facts are as follows ...
" Muhammad Ali's greatest feat was when he refused to be conscripted into the U.S. military, citing his religious beliefs and opposition to American involvement in the Vietnam War. The U.S. Army had promised Ali that he would remain in the USA with non-combat duties for just two years of service and be allowed ample time to train."
"He refused that offer, refused to enroll in college, refused to flee overseas, and refused to pull strings to join the National Guard or to seek a bogus medical excuse. He was arrested, found guilty on draft evasion charges, sentenced to five years in prison, and stripped of his boxing title. He did not fight again for nearly four years—losing a time of peak performance in an athlete's career. Whatever one thinks of national service and the Vietnam war, Ali showed great courage to stand his ground and suffer the consequences. He was released after three years and his conviction was eventually overturned on appeal that found it unclear why he wasn't granted a conscientious objector status."
Ironically, Cassius Clay was started in boxing as a kid by a sympathetic white policeman, who was also a boxing trainer, after he had his bike stolen by another groid, and went to the local Police Athletic League in tearsm wanting to learn how to fight.
If it wasn't for the eeeevvviiiill reacissss' cops, he'd probably, if some other groid didn't shoot him, be working in a car wash.
The difference is that white celebs don't get 2 weeks of wall-to-wall coverage as these negroes do. The Media does it as overkill to avoid being labeled racist.
The last time I recall a dead honkro garnering this much attention is when Princess Diana died, and that too, was a moronic display.
Most of those guys are gone, and have been gone for some time. Fortunately, they did not live to see what this country is turning into
They were warned, though. Bull Connor and George Wallace and many others warned them. They ignored them.
Take a look at "retro" photos from large American cities in the 40's and 50's. It is unbelievable.
Today's photos would be unbelievable to them as well. "What war did we lose," they'd ask. It was the war against the unevolved African genome, though they wouldn't understand it if you put it in those terms. But it's almost certain that if you could have shown them pics of today's Detroit, Gary and Atlanta we would have had a few impeachments or even lynchings if Shelley vs. Kraemer hadn't been laughed out of court, and that would have been that.
There was a great opinion article in the NY Post today seems to have been pulled or put in the back pages. Cassius Clay was NOT a slave name, as Ali claimed. He's named after a famous abolitionist.
Ali did not have Parkinson's. He had a form of dementia from being hit in the head. King, his manager knew this, knew that Ali was already brain damaged when he forced him to fight more. Muhammad Ali was exploited by black promoters.- King.
The Nation of Islam used Ali for their PR but abandoned him when the money was gone.
Can someone please tell me what Ali did that was so wonderful? He was a draft dodger that did no prison time unlike other C. O.'s. He was not drafted like many other young men. That makes him a hero? in my book Ali is a zero.
It's sad he died, my condolences to the family and friends. But please put the accolades to rest already.
ambrose kane blog
Don’t think for a minute that this wildebeest is an exception to how massive numbers of Blacks will behave once our economy collapses and their precious EBT cards are rendered void.
These people, in many respects, cannot think beyond the immediate moment, unable to conceive of an existence without the helping hand of Uncle Sam.
They’re slaves to the great government plantation, but they’re too stupid to realize it.
Here is a heart-warming story about a fine family in my hometown of Jackson, MS. The elderly man who ws cowardly mureders worked for my grandfather for 30+ years, and he was a great patriot, father, husband and Christian. Such a shame that cretins like this one and his siblings ever took a breath.
Every exceptional black is portrayed as being exceptional for 'overcoming racism'. I was watching a program called Sports Detectives on the Smithsonian Channel, and this particular episode involved the search for Muhammad Ali's lost Olympic Gold Medal. According to a popular myth, Ali flung his medal into the Ohio River from the 2nd Street Bridge in Louisville Kentucky after he had been denied service at a whites-only restaurant nearby. During the episode, I could clearly see how the show was trying to manipulate the sympathy of the viewer. The evil racist laws resulted in Ali being unfairly this point I changed the channel. There was no way they'd ever mention WHY those laws existed in the first place.
Of course, if MOST blacks were like Ali, or Condoleeza Rice, or Thomas Sowell, then segregation would have been unnecessary. But they weren't. And they still aren't. For every one Condoleeza Rice, or Katrina Pierson, there are literally thousands of Mike Browns, Trayvon Martins. And they are the ones that truly pull down the rest along with them.
I wonder if anyone ever asked Ali "Do you think that blacks are the makers of their own misery? Do you feel that your experience in Louisville is a direct result of black criminal behaviour reflecting badly upon you? Would the best thing that blacks could do to help themselves be to stop commiting crime?"
What if Ali had used his fame and good standing to promote civil behaviour and personal responsibility for blacks? Would he then have been attacked by the Left for being a house nigger?
8:26am- "Hold on.
Muhammad Ali was a world class successful box.
Michael Jackson a world class entertainer.
Prince truly a genius and a world class composer.
Whitney was a talented singer."
ZFG. All the entertainment provided by their race does not begin to compensate for their crimes.
Take a look at "retro" photos from large American cities in the 40's and 50's. It is unbelievable.
If you went back in time and showed US service members in World War II photos of Detroit or Trenton today, they would think that those cities had been bombed out by the Axis. They'd ask, though, why Africans were being used as occupation troops.
Outrageously off topic: your feel-good story from the homeland:
A well known prophet from White River in Mpumalanga has died after attempting to walk on water. When prophet Jeremiah Mahlangu (35) attempted to show off in front of hundreds of church goers who were part of a baptism that was held at Mgwenya River in Kanyamazane, he unfortunately drowned and got attacked by crocodiles.
This incident took place on Thursday afternoon. Referencing Matthew 14:22-33, Mahlangu said that he received a revelation which told him that with enough faith he could achieve what the Lord was able to. Sadly by the second step into the water Mahlangu found himself completely submerged. He never returned.
(Note: Authenticity not guaranteed. This is an "African-American African" writing on a South African site. They are terrible liars. The photo is not of the actual incident, nor the actual prophet. Crocodiles not included.)
I see a fair amount of ''IKAGO'' Referring to the negros in PK's article.
Needless to say, I'm disappointed. Either you are a realist or you are a believer in the paintjob theory. There is no middle ground.
''Prince was a degenerate but he made good music..'' Is not an acceptable position to take when concerning the ''problem'' Imo.
So what? Who cares if he made good music, or who cares if he cured cancer. Genetics are not over come by money or fame or talent, and the fact remains, We are simply too different to coexist happily.
They are all the same underneath. Don't be fooled. Otherwise, you might as well join them.
Science offers several ways to calm the violent and homicidal negroe primate.
Convulsive electroshock therapy as administered 1940's style has been noted for its ability to ease and calm the violent negroe after several sessions. The patient negroe is awake and aware when the electricity is discharged and the convulsions are something to behold, thus helping the negroe primate to be less violent and it is an effective therapy that could be used for punishment.
The frontal lobotomy as also been seen to improve the negroe by lessening the negroes genetic disposition for violence and mayhem. There was even one asylum where out of 30 violent negroes lobotomized, 20 were so docile that only one guard was needed to watch them.
"Today is D-Day, on this day 72 years ago..."
And just look at how great Europe turned out. I only wish more of those fools were alive today to see precisely what they accomplished by making Europe safe for mud races, nation wreckers, and Bolshevik communism.
As far as not being willing to go off and get slaughtered in some God forbidden jungle for the sake of enriching a handful of elites (in an unconstitutional and undeclared war which was justified by outright lies), I'd say Cassius may have had an IQ of a full 80 back then to figure out that was a stupid idea.
If you believe that killing dinks in Vietnam is some great achievement, noble endeavor, or was in the best interest of the United States, I'll be more than happy to read your evidence to support this claim.
Mind you, I'm sure the now deceased golliwog dodged the draft out of cowardice rather than principal, but let's not pretend that any war in the last century had anything to do with safeguarding our national interests or our homeland.
The United States and its culture have become a sort of quasi religion that has to routinely assert and express its values at periodic intervals. Sometimes this expresses itself as positive reinforcement (deifying these kinds of characters) and sometimes it expresses itself as negative reinforcement (pillorying someone who has run afoul of the creeds, especially racial pillars.)
Essentially the talking heads of media get to posture as the new priest class leading the sermons/rituals in memory of the saints. They trip over each other to do public showings of gratitude, legacy, and pain - competing for who can deliver the most exaggerated expression of each. This creates a peer enforced atmosphere where others can change their facebook profiles and recite the proverbial scripture ("Ali was a great man! He did so much!) back and forth to each other. All of this ceremonial overture serves to reinforce and strengthen the faith of the flock as it emphasizes the moral strength of the religion they are told to practice, and see others practicing around them.
If there is anything that SWPL types enjoy is having an opportunity to broadcast their virtues. It is "virtue signalling" par excellence and the passing of a saint is a wonderful stage to perform upon.
What alt-right is, is actually more than a political movement, it is a rejection of the State religion itself, whose foundational creeds empower the existing political structure. Before political realities can change and be reflected in policy, the public participation in its ceremonies must be halted as a first step. For this system to change, both its Gods and Devils must perish, taking its theocracy along with it.
We will remain in this state as long as the State religion has pillars of dildo and race denial.
Fully agree. But scumbag heroes in America cross all boundaries, including race. Many Human freaks are worshipped too. More a symptom of the general perversion out there. Orcs just compound the sickness.
I love when a fellow Italian uses the term moulanyan. My family prefers "moolie" for short. Makes me miss my Sopranos cousins in Philly.
~An Italian in Utah
Oh, didn't you hear? They built the White House, too.
And her loser husband Bobby Brown was worse. Okra had him on her show years back where she fawned over his "sobriety". The same week, my husband was on a flight with Brown, Brown's disabled father, and a bodyguard. Brown sat in first class, his dad and bodyguard in coach. Brown was drunk when he boarded, continued to drink until he passed out on the flight, and had to be roused by the flight attendants when they landed in Atlanta. Then, he stumbled down the jetway and passed out again in a chair at some random gate at the terminal. My husband saw Brown's father being pushed in a wheelchair at baggage claim by the bodyguard, and the two were clearly looking for Brown, having not seen him passed out back at the terminal. My husband had to approach them and tell them where Brown was, sleeping it off back at terminal A. They just looked exasperated, thanked my husband, and went off in search of Brown. Effing loser.
Princess Di's passing was an embarassing mediagasm. There was someone else who died around the same time, who really had done some humanitarian work. and was barely even mentioned - Mother Theresa.
There was another celebrity death on the same day as Michael Jackson. Even though she had had some issues over the years, Farrah Fawcett was always easier on the eyes than the dancing pedophile.
A Utahlian?
Re: Gwoobus Harmon
From a thinking/writing standpoint, this man is gold.
"I love when a fellow Italian uses the term moulanyan. My family prefers "moolie" for short. Makes me miss my Sopranos cousins in Philly."
Ha ha.. yep. Very common on parts of the East Coast here. I personally prefer "da fu*kin' mools". But moolie is good too !
@Paint Job
Agree that all modern wars have been nothing but organized murder to enrich the elite and promote globalization. However, we today have the benefit of hindsight and the internet. The boys who went over the sea to Europe and stormed those beaches believed they were doing the right thing. They never could have imagined the evil of their ruling elite. They actually believed there was a free press, too. To the pure all things are pure. Both sides were wrong in fighting each other in both world wars. The loss of young white lives was staggering. Still, the individual soldiers who fought and died for what they believed to be the safety and future of their people are a tribute to the valor of our race. They were mistaken. But, they did their duty as they understood it. They were my ancestors, some of whom died over there, and I honor their memory.
They built this entire country you racists!
If the men who stormed the beaches of Normandy could see their countries today they would've walked off the boats with white flags and joined their German brothers.
Anonymous June 6, 2016 at 11:00 PM said... If you went back in time and showed US service members in World War II photos of Detroit or Trenton today, they would think that those cities had been bombed out by the Axis. They'd ask, though, why Africans were being used as occupation troops.
No, if they saw negros, they wouldn't mistake them as "troops", and would know exactly what happened. What they would ask is how the succeeding generations of whites allowed such a thing.
Mr. Rational said... Today's photos would be unbelievable to them as well. "What war did we lose," they'd ask. It was the war against the unevolved African genome.
Negros are just the means. It is like Japan saying it lost the war against the bullets and the bombs.
Indianapolis doubles down: Diversity means no white people.
My dad and stepdad pretty much said as much. My stepdad was a highly decorated marine who was actually at Guatacanal as well as Iwo Jima. Tough as nails, that old bastard.....but I digress. They knew in or near the end that it was all phony as the day is long. They were played, pure and simple, just like we are being played today.
Our Nation (yes, upper case letter) was founded upon high ideals and needs to be preserved and protected. Sometimes I truly want to give up , but I know in my heart I won´t. I cannot. It´s not in my nature to neglect or fail to protect something I love - and I love this country. I love MY people. I won´t stand idly by and watch it or them be destroyed.
I am spreading the word. My dental hygienist and I got into a political (imagine that!) discussion this morning. When she told me she voted for Bernie in the primary, I told her that I did, too. (truth...I´ll explain later.)
I then told her about the tell-all book coming out by a former Secret Service guy who was assigned to the Clintons.
me: ¨ He apparently goes into great detail describing what a lying, ruthless, conniving bitch she is. I don´t know if any of it is true or not, but anybody who would compare someone (Trump) to Hitler is way out there! ....I mean, Hitler was EVIL!¨
The hygienist looked a little taken aback, so I obviously made my point. We all have to do what we can to get Trump in to office. He is our only hope.
Anything to try to stop them rioting, and to convince white people to put up with them as alleged equals. I don't think so
Anon at 9:22 pm said: "Of course, if MOST blacks were like Ali, or Condoleeza Rice, or Thomas Sowell, then segregation would have been unnecessary. But they weren't."
I don't think so. Those noted are clever in a sneaky way as opposed to actually being intelligent. They are good at mimicking normal (White) behavior and have mastered speaking smoothly enough to hide their lack of brain power from the masses. Much like Obama, whose vocabulary is very limited, and whose speech is slow, deliberate and repetitive because he can't really think on his feet - he can only parrot rehearsed phrases. This applies to all the other negroes in his cabinet and his other appointees.
Secondly, they hide their true violent and hateful nature in public because they know it benefits them, and helps them put one over on the White man. Again, sneaky but not smart or White. They'd take any opportunity that they could to "get even with" Whites or champion the lowest black thug if they thought they'd get away with it.
Thirdly, they reproduce. At best the offspring would be like them but would more likely be your garden variety negro (see video of black female ransacking store.)
NJ Woman
Important note: yes, there are a few orcs that can mimic Human behavior, put on a suit and tie and pass as an average White. Some call them the Talented Tenth. (I call them uppity n*ggers).
But even with a full tenth operating at a normal Human level of IQ/impulse control etc, that is still nowhere near enough to argue that the negroes as a whole belong mixed in amongst non-pavement apes. So I don't care if you can point at a few and say "Oh look at that nice smart Negro! You need to let them all move into your neighborhood!"
The vast bulk of their population is irredeemable and must be kept separate. They are eating away at our country like a two legged cancer. Stop it fast, reverse it, or die a slow death Whitey.
What alt-right is, is actually more than a political movement, it is a rejection of the State religion itself, whose foundational creeds empower the existing political structure. Before political realities can change and be reflected in policy, the public participation in its ceremonies must be halted as a first step. For this system to change, both its Gods and Devils must perish, taking its theocracy along with it.
This is why alt-right is the only opposition to liberalism which is really a religion. Conservatism never challenges the core of the religion and hopelessly seeks to undermine it on fiscal policy. Even if you gain a 5% tax decrease it is only a matter of time before liberals get back into power and raise it or weaken the dollar to where it doesn't matter anyways. This is what I hated about GW Bush. He was obsessed with taking tax rates down a few points instead of actually facing the beast. I think a lot of wealthy conservatives just expect the US to turn into Brazil and want to stock up as much money as they can for their offspring. That same group hates Trump because he doesn't care about tax cuts for the wealthy. I bet a lot of them will actually vote for Clinton as she may try to lower capital gains rates in an effort to please Wall St.
Anyways it is alt-right that scares the crap out of liberals. I wish it had a different name because it isn't aligned with traditional right. There are a lot of people in alt-right that disagree with free market policies and question the idea that low taxes and regulation always bring wealth when history shows that race has a stronger correlation. The South African Rand was once stronger than the dollar under White rule and they had generous government benefits for Whites. If libertarian theory was correct then SA should have been a dump and Haiti should be a flourishing island of capitalism.
Of course, if MOST blacks were like Ali, or Condoleeza Rice, or Thomas Sowell, then segregation would have been unnecessary. But they weren't. And they still aren't. For every one Condoleeza Rice, or Katrina Pierson, there are literally thousands of Mike Browns, Trayvon Martins. And they are the ones that truly pull down the rest along with them.
I was watching a show on how egalitarians during the time of Frederick Douglass trotted him around the country as proof that the Southerners were wrong about race. This was a PBS show that mocked anyone who believed that Africans had differences past skin color. Of course there was no mention that Douglass was mixed race.
The fact that liberals try to hold up mixed race individuals as proof of race not existing is quite telling. If race doesn't exist then they shouldn't have to rely so heavily on mulattoes for their examples, of which are anecdotal in the first place and don't really prove anything. If I claim that retrieving dogs don't exist and show a dozen labs that are poor retrievers as proof I didn't actually prove anything. But this type of thinking is the norm in Academia. You could lose your career if you suggest otherwise. When it comes to race everything is anecdotal and you are a racist if you point out that such an approach isn't scientific.
So what? Who cares if he made good music, or who cares if he cured cancer. Genetics are not over come by money or fame or talent, and the fact remains, We are simply too different to coexist happily.
It's entirely possible for a 100% pure blooded African to cure cancer, and that would be great if it happened. Unlikely but possible.
But what both liberals and conservatives cannot wrap their brains around is that such an event would not prove or disprove anything about race. The conflict that exists in cities like Detroit and Baltimore would be unchanged. I honestly wish the bell cure problem didn't exist but it does and it is dragging our country into bankruptcy. Trillions have been spent trying to fix what is really nature and not the absence of some environmental element.
mosby --police--freddie drama
"If you believe that killing dinks in Vietnam is some great achievement, noble endeavor, or was in the best interest of the United States, I'll be more than happy to read your evidence to support this claim."
We went as well, like the little lapdogs to American/Squid interests that we were (are). According to our then media you were supposed to go because "Government knows best". This has, as you know, morphed into "blindly support the troops" on both our continents.
South Palm Beach Dart League....
Off Topic, but I just saw this article and it made me very angry, and I wanted to post about it.
At first, I thought it must be a mudsharking mom that left the baby with a black babysitter, but no, it was two white parents that left their 1 year old with a black friend.
Think about that, this animal was a fried of theirs and he still slapped the baby upside the head and almost killed him. If they weren't realists before, hopefully they are now. At least it didn't take the killing of their child. The dad, though, posted something about not identifying the guy? What a puss.
Love the "Moolie" reference from my fellow goomba. That's what we call them in Joisy, although it's usually preceded by "fucken".
I watched bits and pieces of the movie "The Greatest", about Ali, last night. Remember the college drinking game, where every time an agreed upon word is said, everybody takes a shot of alcohol?? If, every time Ali said the word white, whitey, and even, white devils, a shot was taken, well, you had better have a lot of liquor on hand. Reverse racism for sure. Sickening.
L in Atl hell
Re: the black babysitter story
Blacks and DWLs bemoan "white privilege", but you have a baby savagely beat up by a black man, who admits to the family and police that he did it, and after two months the charges were initially dropped. If the family didn't get social media involved at that point to pressure the police, the black man would have gotten away with mauling a baby scot-free!
Do you think the cops would have dropped charges on a white man who admitted to beating up someone else's baby? Do you think that this wouldn't be the biggest story in the world if the races of the sitter and the baby were reversed?
TNB at it's finest. Woman and kids stealing tips.
Thank you for saying this. I don't believe in IAGO, or talented tenth. It's another way to get you to drop your guard.
Let a so called IKAGO not get his way about something. Then you will see the inner chimp.
Speaking of the gorilla incident.... Judge decides no charges against the parents.......
What if they had been white parents?
Probably a massive fine or garnishment ..... Since they would likely be employed and produce.
Just sayin.
"The fact that liberals try to hold up mixed race individuals as proof of race not existing is quite telling."
Conservatives do this too. It permeates all of politics.
"If I claim that retrieving dogs don't exist and show a dozen labs that are poor retrievers as proof I didn't actually prove anything. But this type of thinking is the norm in Academia."
This has more to do with worldview than a flaw in logic.
Conversely, it's not possible to "prove" that race exists. You can adduce thousands of examples to show why it's a useful category, but these can always be dismissed on some pretext or other.
For people to accept the reality of race in humans, it's first necessary that they have a scientific worldview. But remember, for most of their history white people didn't have such a view; instead they had a Biblical view. For most of them (the "evolution is only a theory" crowd), this is still true. There's a deep conflict between Christianity and the culture it gave rise to and the scientific, evolutionary view of man as just another animal. For twenty centuries Christianity taught, and still does teach, that man is a special creation, separate from the rest of nature; that unlike animals he has a "soul", which it deems the only important part of him. Even people who aren't particularly religious have inherited this view of the world. And what becomes of Jesus and his message if man is not a special creation, but instead is descended from apes? The whole story becomes nothing but an elaborate deception; an empty promise. Darwin's theory completely upsets the Christian apple cart.
Recall too that the scientific idea of race only dates back to the 1700s, and of course, most people are not scientists. They see no particular reason to accept the unpleasant assumptions of science -- that man is only an animal like any other, nothing special about him; that random processes brought him into existence and can easily wipe him out the same way; that there's nobody up there watching over him; nobody to grant his prayers, and so on. To them, the scientific view of mankind as an animal species divisible into distinctly different biological races is indistinguishable from bigotry. They'd rather opt for the Biblical view; for them, morality trumps science.
"Mind you, I'm sure the now deceased golliwog dodged the draft out of cowardice rather than principal, but let's not pretend that any war in the last century had anything to do with safeguarding our national interests or our homeland."
I don't know. He was a celebrity by then. I think it would have been a big blow to the US government if Ali had gotten killed or captured in Vietnam. I doubt the gubmint would risk it. I think he would have been posted stateside or in Europe in some harmless job.
I remember reading about the astronauts who were on hiatus after the Apollo 1 fire in 1967 inquiring about returning to being fighter pilots and going to Vietnam. They were told that not only would their astronaut slot be kept open but that there would be no way they would be risked being deployed in Vietnam.
Oil 'n Water said...
Re: Gwoobus Harmon
From a thinking/writing standpoint, this man is gold.
Kid woulda been safer in Harambas care.
I wonder how many tax dollars were spent on this "study"?
off topic read the news about the Prosecutor who is investigating Bill Clinton and his ‘sexcapades’ on the “Lolita Express”? The prosecutor’s husband was SHOT DEAD. You know, people hear about and read about how many people the Clinton’s have murdered, but it doesn’t seem to register–until another Clinton-protecting homicide occurs. No comment from the Mainstream Media, of course.
sssh....cause and effect are not to be linked in lib minds
Prince truly a genius and a world class composer.
I have heard his "world class" compositions and completely disagree with you.
Cher, Elton John, Annie Lennox, all have him beat by light years.
Prince was a disturbed soul. End of story.
Philadelphia Mike
Mools, you guys, mools.
It's easier to say than moulinyan.
OT: An Oregon couple posted photos of their baby son covered in bruises and with a black eye, cuts. The couple came home and found their son screaming and the baby sitter screaming. They saw the baby injured and rushed him to hospital for treatment. The hospital took photos and recorded what happened. The couple said the baby sitter admitted to hitting the child.
The couple went to police and filed charges against the baby sitter. All evidence was presented to police.
Two months later no arrest of baby sitter had been made. The parents asked police why. Police said there was a loophole.....the baby could not identify his attacker and other shit I don't remember. So the parents put photos of injured baby on Internet asking for help to put pressure on police to arrest and charge the baby sitter. The kid is lucky to be alive.
The baby sitter is male. Guess the it makes sense why police did not arrest the POS orc.
1 in 3 or 4 black men are felons. duh.
I couldn't agree more. No middle ground. Either you're completely against these things or you support these things. Those of you that show affinity to them worry me. Seriously.
-JSF- in Minneapolis
The blacks mentioned were all entertainers (if you like that sort of thing) with little to no social relevance.
but anybody who would compare someone (Trump) to Hitler is way out there! ....I mean, Hitler was EVIL!¨"
The real Hitler was whatever he was way back when, but today's politically expedient virtual, seemingly immortal Hitler is simply an overused cliche bandied about for knee-jerk effect.
Could you explain, and I do mean, explain, why you feel Hitler was "evil".
His commentary on the sexual revolution is the same, and the English "tosser" who tries to trap Clay by comparing the nudity of naked African women to the virtual nudity advocated by the sexual revolution has the whole frame thrown back in his punchable face. Not bad at all for an IQ of 75.
I'm glad I'm old enough to remember watching Ali fighting in his prime. He was a gifted boxer with so much natural ability. Someone else said that he came along at a time when boxing needed him and I agree but that does not foreshadow his skills.
Having said that, he was a fighter and that is all. He didn't change the world...he didn't even change boxing. His brashness and boldness were the culmination of the new black man in America and it polarized people like never before. They either liked him or hated him.
The Black-Muslim thing, well no one really understood it at the time. Clearly it was to avoid the draft but there were so many questions about that altercation in Viet Nam and our unilateral involvement after the French pulled out... the Gulf of Tonkin incident... It was our second illegal, unconstitutional incursion into another country. No article of war was ever declared by the congress. Now, it is the norm.
Still, he took a religious reason to stay out of an unjust war. He wasn't the first to think of it, I'm sure.
New news, 'Kimbo Slice' has passed at age 42. He has been compared to no one.
Jim in Jersey
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