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What if the life and death of the WASP Ivan Allen III teaches us a valuable truth about politics? |
That these same white people have already abandoned Detroit
to black rule – and know full well the deathblow this action served to the
civilization they created and sustained there – and numerous other cities to
the same fate doesn’t seem to register as a “the worse the better” scenario.
But the death of major American cities and their takeover by
a black political machine that works to consolidate black control of the city
(putting an iron grip on public jobs and diverting lucrative contracts to a certain
percentage of minority contractors/suppliers) has happened across the
nation. Worse, white people in
places like Birmingham, Memphis, Baltimore, and Atlanta not only fled these
cities, but have acclimated themselves to black political control.
It was reading Where Peachtree Meets Sweet Auburn: A Saga of Race and Family
by Gary M. Pomerantz that – to me - the notion of “the worse the better” lost all applicability to our current situation.
by Gary M. Pomerantz that – to me - the notion of “the worse the better” lost all applicability to our current situation.
Pomerantz book tells the story of two influential Atlanta
families: one that produced Ivan Allen Jr., the white mayor of Atlanta who
capitulated control of the city to black rule; and Maynard Jackson, the first
black major of Atlanta, who took that political control and turned it into a
weapon to enrich blacks.
The Disingenuous White Liberals (DWL) in Atlanta would
applaud Allen Jr. as a racial progressive for his surrendering the city to
black-rule; they would cherish Jackson (and his legacy) as a bulwark of change
who ushered in an era of stability and economic growth.
Allen’s son, Ivan Allen III, was president of the Atlanta
Chamber of Commerce when Jackson was elected mayor. He would plead with white
business owners - whose investments in downtown were seeing significant losses
as the lethal combination of black political control and white flight occurred
– to get behind Jackson and accept black control of the city (p. 456):
“It will do no good to wait for a white knight on a silver charger to rescue us from reality,” he said. “The challenge, indeed the absolute necessity, will be or us to establish better communications and to obtain more, not less, input into the decision making process as it now exists.”
To those who would sit and carp and complain because things aren’t as they were, I say that things will never as they were for change is constant.”
His successors on the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce would be instrumental in covering up the almost all-black Atlanta Public Schools (APS) cheating fiasco, an act that symbolizes what happens when white commercial
interests are usurped by black political control: never give credence to white
racists claims that blacks are incapable of self-government.
Ivan Allen III wasn’t his father, nor did he allow his
fathers legacy as a racial progressive who saved Atlanta from the fate of
Birmingham by peacefully paving the way for black political control to write
his ticket to a life of DWL luxury (it should be noted that Ivan Allen Jr.'s great legacy is his name is attached to the Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage, which "is awarded in honor of Ivan Allen Jr. who was a pivotal leader during America's struggle for racial integration during the 1960's. As mayor of Atlanta, he risked his place in society, his political future, and ultimately his life to testify before Congress in support of what became the Civil Rights Act of 1964."). There is no glory in what Ivan Allen Jr. did, though his act of presiding over the capitulation of power to Black-Run America (BRA) will be honored in perpetuity.
Ivan Allen III would commit suicide in 1992; the son of one of Atlanta’s
most distinguished White Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP) families – who had been
considered a potential “white knight” by the black establishment that might try
and take City Hall back at some point – would remain silent about the legacy of
his family (p. 524):
In an interview conducted the year before his death, Ivan III was asked about his famous name. “ I really don’t want to talk about that,” he said. His reason: “Because I never have.”
“What did Ivan mean by that?” the old mayor (Ivan Allen Jr., one of the last white mayors of Atlanta) asked when his son’s response was related to him months after the funeral.
Searching for his own answers, Ivan Jr. came to believe that the city – and its people – had refused to let his son escape its clutches.
It should be known that back in the 1970s, when Atlanta was
experiencing white flight and nearly becoming a city that was 3/4ths black,
close friends of Ivan Allen Jr. asked him of his son’s political aspirations.
Would he dare be a Great White Hope who stood as the white establishments
champion in the face of a future dominated by black political control? “No,” he
said (p. 450):
“There is no way to defeat the black vote. I don’t care how liberal or well respected or what name you carry, it’s not going to get you in office. No white man is going to run [and win] against the black ticket.”
This admission from the man who was instrumental in paving
the road for black control of the city of Atlanta… is telling of the power of
black solidarity and, more importantly, the realization that what you
individually do to uplift black people, they will always turn on you when the
favors stop.
In 2009, when it appeared that the black vise on City Hall
in Atlanta might come to an end, the Black Leadership Forum published
a memo that argued black people should unite around a single candidate to
ensure control of the city went uninterrupted.
But it is an anecdote from 1981, found in Where Peachtree
Meets Sweet Auburn, that the reality of what Black-Run America (BRA) has done
to white people – and those hoping for a “the worse the better” scenario – came
crashing home.
A run-off for Maynard Jackson’s vacant “mayors” seat was to
be held, with the black Andrew Young only a few percentage points ahead of
white challenger Sidney Marcus. With black people hovering around 70 percent of
the city’s population, Marcus would need some black support to win and these
black supporters were spreading [p.487-488]:
“falsehoods about Young. Something had to be done, and he decided (Jackson), to make certain that black Atlantans understood the necessity for a Young victory.”
In his most heavy-handed, racially inflammatory speech as mayor… Maynard Jr. told a predominantly black audience at the Butler Street YMCA… that any black supporting Marcus was a victim of self-hatred. He likened their condition to that of the freed slaves who , following the issuance of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, asked to be returned to their masters.
“We are beginning to see shuffling and grinning around the camp of our opponent by a few of our [black former] allies in the struggle,”…”These surfacing Negro voices we are hearing from our own community are the voices of the new selfishites… which are rooted in a shameful part of American history that has forced some Afro-Americans into the corner of racism [which] creates an anger and self-hatred that are awesome in their destructive power.”
Carrying 89% of the black vote, Young would win the run-off
(Marcus would carry 90% of the white vote). Jackson’s speech had the effect of
galvanizing the black community to use their numeric majority and vote in their
candidate (p. 489):
For one more time as mayor, Maynard Jr. had played the aggressor’s role, and at considerable personal risk. He cared deeply about preserving the political power of Atlanta’s black elite. Had Andy Young been defeated in the ruoff, “it would have said that the black community had not learned anything about politics,” recalls Michael Lomax, the Jackson protégé and Fulton County commissioner, “ and that wasn’t the case. This was a very sophisticated black community.”
Puts the whole Black Leadership Forum “memo” from 2009 into
perspective, doesn’t it?
At some point, black America must be told “no” instead of
being constantly rewarded for their repeated failures in public office. Maynard
Jackson was a horrible mayor for Atlanta, though he did enrich his black allies
as the mayor of black Atlanta. The
same can be said of any black mayor, black congressman, or, yes, black
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A reminder: "The worse the better" is wrong |
One day, the tragic truth of Ivan Allen III will be told;
but it is not my place to tell this story. It is my place to tell you that the
son of the man who was tasked with handing over power of the City of Atlanta to
a half-century of black rule never basked in the glorious DWL light this act
would have garnered him.
He never even wanted to talk about.
Perhaps he knew that whites would become acclimated to black
political control, the leadership caste satiated with this scenario as long as
their investments weren’t harmed in the process. Meanwhile, the black leadership caste understood the
importance of winning elections: to ensure that racial socialism remained
“The worse the better” --- no. We have already watched as
our major cities have become the breeding ground for crime and corruption;
though black people have destroyed property value in places like Detroit,
Birmingham, St. Louis, Baltimore, Gary, Rochester, Memphis, and Atlanta, it is
unsafe for white people to dare venture into these area – purchasing cheap
property in the process - knowing that their children would be minorities in public
schools that are nothing more than daycares for the black kids.
It’s time white people tell black people “no” --- that’s what
a Mitt Romney victory on November 6 means. It has to start somewhere; why not with the repudiation of
the first black President of the United States?
After all, "the worse the better" didn't work, even with the sacrifice of Detroit, Birmingham, and Memphis. Even with South Africa and Rhodesia.
After all, "the worse the better" didn't work, even with the sacrifice of Detroit, Birmingham, and Memphis. Even with South Africa and Rhodesia.
I just want Romney to win because I'm sick of looking at Bongo Lips and He-chelle. At least Bush gave us laughs; at least Willie kept us entertained with his shenanigans. 0bama's like a cipher - no personality, just a voice and an image. I was hoping for at least one chimpout or muh-dik scandal, but .... nothing. Four years.
We're f*cked either way, of course. Whoever "wins". Always remember that.
Ivan Allen Jr., mayor of The City Too Busy to Hate, was a homosexual. I say this not to smear or damn, but to explain how a "progressive" mayor's politics can be determined by his secret peccadilloes. So long as he played ball with the lefties, his funtime was kept out of the newspapers...
A young Jewish writer from Chicago (now a famous critic) named Joseph Epstein went to interview him in the early 1960s for a piece on the New South. After a convivial lunch Mayor Allen tried to put the moves on young Joe Epstein in the Men's room. Epstein wrote about this in his famous 1970 cover piece in Harper's. Tactfully he left out the actual name, but made the identification crystal-clear. You can look it up!
It IS time to tell blacks "no". Past time.
As I just posted on another site to it's owner, who is writing in a vote for some no-shot third party guy, because he's so damn pure, DO NOT waste this vote.
No, Mitt is not anyone's idea of a "true conservative". But he is white, and at least marginally on our side. Get Obama out, and then work on making sure the next guy is a bit more conservative. Go in increments, and we might get somewhere; throw some hissy fit, purity test thing out there, and we lose.
This is too big for any I won't vote for anyone who likes Jews! nonsense. Or for any he better cut those niggers off of welfare! stuff.
Get Obama out first, then worry about everything else...
-Sweep the leg-
I have read Ivan Allen's Jr. biography and do not believe him to have been a homosexual.
Here's the story you mentioned:
However, the story of Strom Thurmond's mulatto child being known by the media throughout his entire life is telling of the power of control...
“There I no way to defeat the black vote. I don’t care how liberal or well respected or what name you carry, it’s not going to get you in office. No white man is going to run [and win] against the black ticket.”
Gets back to the trend of blacks voting along racial and not political lines. This de facto means an end to traditional electoral politics since it is no longer the best man who will win, or even someone who represents the voters ideologically. Rather, elections will be decided on color-of-skin. Which means the better man or woman will not be at the forefront, but rather those who can hustle up the most race based votes.
Trial junkie here. Yes, the "worse the better" crowd will never have any practical ideas.
@-Sweep the leg-:
Depends on where one lives. A vote for Romney has about as much meaning as a write-in vote for Bugs Bunny for (two easy examples) Whiskey or Lawrence Auster.
Their Romney votes will be canceled out by literally thousands of 0bama votes.
Even the most optimistic don't think Romney has a snowball's chance in hell in NY or CA.
The 'worse is better' idea doesn't really work out in practice. Easing themselves into power little by little they gain control of the police, federal agencies, judiciary and the education system. Children get the brainwashing style of education from age six through adulthood. By the time people realize the true nature of things they're already cooked. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as the saying goes.
Sweep the Leg said :
No, Mitt is not anyone's idea of a "true conservative". But he is white, and at least marginally on our side.
Anyone who panders to Hispanics and blacks and runs commercials in Spanish is not marginally on our side. Anyone who cries with joy upon hearing blacks are able to join their club is not marginally on our side. I really do not know how I (in good conscience) could vote for someone like Mitt Romney simply because he is not Obama. In as much as our votes "count" (they do not) I will not be voting for Romney or Obama. IF Romney is selected we will probably be dropping bombs on Iran within 6 months, no doubt murdering thousands of innocent civilians. One of Romney's top advisers is the Rabbi Dov Zakheim. This guy is pure, unadulterated evil incarnate. This guy makes Henry Kissinger look like a boy scout. The idea that IF Romney wins, we can work in increments to take back the country is absolutely beyond ludicrous. I fell for the same nonsense and I quickly woke up to the lunacy of that notion. Do you guys see ANYONE down the line in the Republican party that will stand up for White America? If Mittens is selected will the MSM suddenly switch gears and become a mouth piece for White America? Come on, it's all a game, it's all planned out. The owners will never let us decide our own fate. It's on us to unite the White race or be destroyed. Did Bush unite the White race or was he just another sock puppet divider? What makes anyone think Romney will be any different than Bush? I understand the desire to rationalize a Romney presidency (eg. he's a good businessman, he's White, he's sort of a Christian), but that is what THEY want you to think. Feel free to call me a traitor I don't care, I'm not voting for Gordon Freaking Gekko.
White America : Why do you need to wreck this country Mr. Romney?
Romney : Because it's WRECKABLE, all right?
If you haven't seen the movie "Wall Street" I highly advise you to watch it before pulling the lever for Romney.
Gordon Gekko - Greed Is Good Speech
Q: What is TNB?
A: Evander Holyfield was forced to vacate his 54,000-square-foot palatial Atlanta suburban estate in July, because he was deep in debt to the tune of about $14 million. The former five-time heavyweight champ, who has earned more than a reported $200 million over his boxing career, has money woes that run the gamut from child support debts for a few of his 11 children, to delinquent taxes, unsettled lawsuits, divorce, and just plain old bad financial decisions.
This "worse is better" business is the mentality of people who have nothing to lose because they have nothing to begin with. This is why after deliberation, sometimes painstaking, I'm filling in a circle next to Romney tomorrow (NOT the same as voting for Romney).
There are other ballot options to tell Black people "no".
In Michigan, there is a proposal to re-instate the stricter Emergency Manager law (passed and signed but suspended when it was put up for public referendum). This law takes nearly all power away from elected officials in cities which cannot manage their own finances. Cities which would find their public officials out of spending authority (and thus power) include Flint, Ecorse, Benton Harbor and Pontiac.
These cities are also majority Black. This law breaks the back of Black political control when Black incompetence shows up, which is every time. It's too much to ask to expect these cities to become safe and livable again, but merely getting rid of the Black crony class would be huge.
"Dedication to an anti racist future demands of us to agree that no matter how dangerous blacks are, our being scared of them is worse".
I dedicate myself to being as "worse" as I can be; that's how I daily double down on my racist White privilege.
"Worse is better" didn't work because whites always had the option to retreat. With the government at all levels solidly opposed to white rights and always prepared to take the blacks' side in every single confrontation, whites found it impossible to stand their ground. Retreat was still available at least to the wealthier whites, and they took it.
Now with Section 8, blacks are given the ability to invade white suburbs that wealthier whites fled to. So rich whites bought themselves about 40 years of a tenuous peace, but even that option is fast closing as long as the government can keep it doors open, and the EBTs refilled.
The only way things will get better is the when the Feds become insolvent. Until that day, worse will only be worse.
Itz time to abandon the south east( Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and maybe Florida? . The groids are taking over as can be seen by the population statistics. Just look at what is happening to SA. If you think that you are tough enough to survive there than have at it, but just know what you are in for.
If you are old than it probably does not matter but for the young ones who have not been totally brainwashed by the MSM then you will be in for one hell of a train ride!
I lived in Chicago near North and Laramie in 1978 when the jungle was two blocks south of me. I only rented so I could escape(Chicago)anytime I wanted to.
Believe me when I say that that the white neighborhood changed to black within a year or two. The only thing that stopped the onslaught was the railroad tracks one block south of the railroad tracks. The city tried to create buffer zones with Mexican populations and it somewhat helped but introduced another type of bacteria!
I feel pessimistic at this point about the USA. My prediction in the somewhat not too distant future; There will be separation of one kind or another.
By the way the jungle is two miles south of me and I survey the zones on a regular basis.
Historically, "worse the better" has worked in mono-racial/cultural societies where misrule leads to the people embracing radicals out in the boonies. Examples are the Bolsheviks taking over from Romanov/Menshevik misrule; and Mao taking over from the corrupt and inept Chang Kai-Shek.
This method has NEVER WORKED in multi-racial societies, what it has provoked is pogroms and extermination of those numerically inferior, by mass killings. Examples include Greeks in the wreckage of the Ottoman Empire, Armenians in the same, Muslims and Hindus during India/Pakistan's partition, the ethnic Chinese in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam, and Tutsi in Rwanda.
No, Mitt won't take NY or CA. But you can't just let them walk over you. A fight is worth having even if you lose. Do some damage. Make them spend time and money they can't elsewhere. And fight!
As for Mitt hispandering, that's aimed at peeling away **SOME** single White women who are not just liberal but hyper-liberal, since they have no responsibilities, their sex drives are in overdrive, and hypergamy/status games rule their entire being. They can be persuaded (some, Mitt takes 40% of these women its over for Obama) on economic grounds if Mitt is "safe."
Paris is worth a mass. As the saying goes.
As for Obama not being funny. He is funny. But no comedian will touch him because they all worship him for being Black. That's liberal, single women America. That's what they are. Obama is filled with White-hatred poorly concealed, has effeminate ways leading many to think he's badly on the down-low, has a sham of a marriage, smokes like a chimney, has a history of hard and heavy drug use, is lazy and arrogant, combining the usual Black attributes of toxic levels of self esteem with manifest incompetence at pretty much everything. He also has Fidel like self-love of wanting to drone on for six hours on something.
Ex New Yorker here.....I agree 100% with So CAL Snowman about Romney. He is not the "Great White Hope" that will save America. Bain Capital was started by crooked fat cats with front companies in Panama. Their buy outs ended up with more jobs shipped to China. If our owners put him in office we will be having another blood bath in Iran. You can count on it. More American troops dying in another third world hell hole so the proles can wave their flags made in China and Wall Street can make more money.
Most of the sleeping white people in this country will never wake up. No matter what happens they will keep snoozing away. They are SLAVES and don't even know it. Their masters don't need the whip and chain, they use the Tele-screen. The blacks are free and whites live in bondage and fear. War is peace. Slavery is freedom. Up is down. Black is white. Hot is cold. Your vote counts.
Lesser of two evils hasn't worked since Nixon. If worse is better is not an option, then are there any options?
All the examples ostensibly "proving" that worse is better won't work are LOCAL which gave Whites a retreat.
The argument forgets that FEDGOV is more than BRA. It is also the monetary and military/policing authority as well. BRA is just one of the tentacles of control, like having a US Navy carrier off the coast of China.
Seriously, the "buying time" argument is a dead end. The beast can't be fixed.
This article is basically saying "Elect Romney (or any White Republican) and hope for the best." What kind of plan is that?
The longer the "buy more time" mindset is allowed to work, the more BRA is accepted as normal.
Even if the Negros throw a tantrum over a Romney victory, Romney will throw billions at them to heal the rift.
Nobody had to overthrow the USSR. It just fell like a rotted building.
Contrary to Whiskey's examples, the Roman Empire split into Eastern and Western halves. The Eastern half (more familiarly known as the Byzantine Empire) continued for several hundred years.
This historical example is very relevant since one of the problems of the Roman Empire was the absorption of multiple non-Roman populations. The other similarity was an imperialistic foreign policy that outsourced critical production (food, in the case of the Romans).
Paul, I know I have made several posts in this thread that argue against your thesis deprecating the "worse is better" thesis. I appreciate having the opportunity to present contrary arguments.
As I have said on another site, there is one, and only one, valid reason to vote for Romney. Let the baboons hear the dog whistle! Let them know that Whites gave someone with some negro DNA the presidency of the United States and he did to that what blacks due to everything that requires intelligence, planning, self-reliance, the ability to postpone gratification, etc: He F**KED it up on a scale that only jungle bunnies are capable of. Let them know, yes we do hate your race. You are useless, you are a failure, you are stupid, you are crude, you are repulsive and no one should be forced to live in proximity to you anymore than you should invite hyenas into your home. They are going to believe it anyway so at least you can get the satisfaction of flipping off the DWL's and mulattoes, since they play the tune that their masters have written for "The Darkness". And the mulattoes despise you to an extent you will never understand. The reason is because even though they have a higher intellect than Africans, they can never be White and they know that without Whites they would be watching their swollen bellied children lie covered in flies and waiting for the vultures to pick their bones clean.
You are and have been at war for longer than you realize. Because Whites believe in rules and order, most of you wouldn't acknowledge the fact that your enemy doesn't have to "declare" war to be at war with you. Separate and segregate. It's too cold for them in the mountains and other places in Alaska that are off the grid. You will be like the Pilgrims. You won't have the "luxuries" you have now, but blacks won't follow you if you don't have all the "gibsmedats" that they can't produce on their own. And all those "toys" and opiates (literal and figurative)your owners sold you merely created some spoiled females and children and some dickless men. Without them, you and your family can relearn what things really matter and how important a real family can be. For those with the balls to do this, make sure that your elected representatives and law enforcement personnel hold the same views. If they don't,well, I have to leave something to your imagination.
White woman here. I have a number of points to hit. First let me share that myself and my kids lived in a 'luxury" condo in PG County for six months last year. My kids and I were looking forward to using the beautiful playground; however, the owners in the building, all black, too their pooches out to the playground and had them poop major piles all over the playground, I would take pics of the poop piles and email them to the property manager. Unbelievably wrong and disrespectful to kids. Apparently there were area in the "luxury" building where people would have their dogs poop inside. Wow. Freud would have a field day hypothesizing g the anger and ill will these people harbor towards their neighbors and children and how it is rooted at them feeling shit on themselves.j
Both candidates suck. Obama has not and will not do squat for blacks. Mittens won't do squat for whites. Look Mormonism was basically started by a bunch dudes who fancied themselves as ordained pimps and took their bitches out to Utah to engage in the narcissistic action of procreating with as many women as possible.
Mormonism is not a religion it's a ponzi scheme. It's a religion about cash, money, and hos, just a big pimpin' ghetto terd credo disguised as piety.
This whole country is at present a ghetto terd painted gold. Time to flush and keep it moving. I say all whites bumrush Wyoming and The Dakotas. We take our cash and hos and split the from the libtard entitled "coasties" Let em rot in the fields of ghetto turds while work on secession. It could be done. Keep thinking ABD then writing out our thoughts here. Eventually thoughts become deeds.
On one of the blogs linked to this one, somebody wrote that the best outcome is a Romney win of the popular vote, and a Obama win of the Electoral College. That sounds about right to me, something to increase the feeling that the government is illegitimate. Worse is not necessarily better, but division is. I cannot see what Romney would do for us, at all. At this point, for Whites, electoral politics is really just maneuvering for advantage before things come apart. As Anon at 6:00 PM said, nobody had to overthrow the USSR, it just collapsed from rottenness.
Also on one of the links was a post on how many retired flag officers support Romney and how few support Obama. Mitt takes the armed elite 50 to 1.
We Whites are an electoral minority now. The The Darks, Asians, and moonbats outnumber us. (If Mitt should win, will he limit the immigration of Democrats? No way.) Democracy has run its course, and most of us will live to see something less tolerant, either of us or of the Others.
Tonight, I am truly torn. Just so you know the political situation where I live, the state legislature roll reads like the combination of a bar mitzvah guest list and a professional bakkaball team. Obviously, there is no chance of a Romney victory.
But do I check the box for him just to give him one more popular vote, or choose 3rd party out of conscience?
I am leaning towards 3rd party throw away. I firmly believe that the mendacious Israel-first-plutocrats-always GOP needs to die. Its time that it stopped being able to suffocate in the crib any potentially viable movements, like an American version of Golden Dawn for example.
If one more person says Romney is a warmonger & will be bombing Iran within two weeks slap the fuck out of them.
You're all LIARS, trolls planted here to get the damn nigger re-elected.
Fuck. You. All.
Vote White. Vote for time America. You're not ready for what is coming & every day in debt weakens our enemies BRA, FED-GOV, and the Groids.
When the time DOES come, you traitors are at the top of my list.
Inspiring article and so true. Thank you for this post, and I hope everyone reads it.
South Africa went down the path of "worse" and there's no "better" at the end of that path. They found out that end of the "worse" path is white genocide.
"South Africa went down the path of "worse" and there's no "better" at the end of that path. They found out that end of the "worse" path is white genocide."
Blacks outnumbered whites by 3:1 in SA. I think that Rhodesia had 20:1. Theses regime changes were also imposed from outside. There aren't even enough US Blacks to staff the US government even if it was 100% Affirmative Action. A 3:1 ratio is enough to overcome the inherent inability of Negros to organize.
Your example of SA proves nothing.
"If one more person says Romney is a warmonger & will be bombing Iran within two weeks slap the fuck out of them. "
Romney's foreign policy advisers are totally dominated by Jorge W. Bush advisors - all neocons and Israeliphiles. What makes you thin round 2 will turn out any better?
"Mormonism is not a religion it's a ponzi scheme."
All religions are just cults that have gained mainstream acceptance.
Ex New Yorker again.....Politics is actually a perverted form of show business. Kind of a mix of music award shows, Jerry Springer and wrestling. A never ending parade of clowns like the Gipper, Daddy and Baby Bush, Hillary and Billary, Al Bore, John Ferry and the rest of stupid fools all wanting to be "leader of the pack" and promising to make our lives better. The big CLOWN AWARD of course goes to Newt Grinch because his face looks like a dried up piece of dog shit.
This "reality show" is played on TV 24/7 while the proles sit at home watching the millionaire talking heads (Jeff Peckerhead and Rush Limpjaw) tell them what to think. They will talk for hours about the important issues (saluting the flag, prayers in school, family values, gay marriage and what country we should bomb next) while your freedoms are being stolen and the Constitution is being used as toilet paper. Any candidate that can dance the BE BOP BE with a lesbian talk show host gets my vote.
When one of these crooked turds is finally "voted out of office" and you don't have to look at his stupid fat face any more he ends up on DANCING WITH THE STARS. Where ever Thomas Jefferson and George Washington are they must be crying.
This election, vote WHITE, if only for spite.
Ex New Yorker again....Auster over at VIEW FROM THE RIGHT has just posted a bunch of stories about the looting. Check it out.
Let's take the long view.
During the last decade it was socially unacceptable to mention race to describe someone.
For the 50 years you weren't supposed to notice that West Africans are the best sprinters, East Africans are the best marathoners, and Whites are the swimmers. Occasionally, people involved in sports lost their jobs for accidentally saying it out loud.
All of that is changing. Whites nowadays know that they are White.
Maybe Obama can with this one.
This time around, if 66% of Whites would all vote the same way, it doesn't matter what the niggers, spics, kikes, and others do. Next time, maybe we'll need 70% of Whites.
Every Democrat for the past 30 years has gotten >95% of the niggers. They've all got >60% of the spics.
Last election, 60% of Whites voted for the Red Team, despite its official colorblindness. This time, somewhat under 60%.
In the future, one team of niggerlovers and another team of niggerlover-lite is unviable, and I believe that Whites don't want that. I think that this is the last election for the Republican Party in its current form. One way or another, the nationalists are coming back.
I fail to see how the sordid tale of the treasonous Allen father and son - who deserve zero sympathy - pertains at all to the notion of "worse is better". Both were DWL ideologues who drank their own koolaid. The younger one actually schmoozed the corporate types into 'working with' the corrupt, third-world Jackson regime. An actual "worse is better" strategy would be to do everything in your power to get them to depart - leaving the regime with less money to pursue its criminal agenda. "Worse is better" is actually dropping the idiotic pretense that one can somehow "work within the system". The system is completely rigged. There is zero chance of reform, and the notion that it can be reformed is a lie. "Worse is better" merely strips away the facade in hopes that more will turn upon those who control and profit from the system and ultimately withdraw their consent and support - which would bring about the system's collapse if sufficient numbers actually did so.
By the time Maynard Jackson assumed the mayorship of Atlanta, the die was cast. Any white who continued to stay there and attempt to work within a completely rigged and corrupt system was either a DWL ideologue or a complete drooling fool. Folks like Ivan Allen III will never be on our side. They are in fact the absolute worst enemies of all.
In a supreme twist of irony, Willard Mittens could actually be the "worse is better" choice this year. The usual suspects are itching for a massive war in the middle east and Capt. Underoos is just the man for the job. His top advisors are all raving lunatic warmongers who are even more enthralled about invading the Ummah to make it safe for feminism, sodomy and the Amurikan way than Housenigga Hussein - who is definitely on the lazy side. This will faster bankrupt the stinking regime centered in Sodom-on-Potomac, which has become truly the greatest axis of pure genocidal evil ever to exist on the planet - even faster than D'Won on d'downlow's spendthrift ways.
Anonymous said...
Inspiring article and so true. Thank you for this post, and I hope everyone reads it.
South Africa went down the path of "worse" and there's no "better" at the end of that path. They found out that end of the "worse" path is white genocide.
This is manifestly untrue. There was no "worse is better" or any type of effective resistance to the ANC takeover of South Africa. To this day, the majority of whites there continue to support the genocidal regime which more-or-less openly calls for their extermination. No white nationalist there has attempted to kill the treasonous F.W. DeKlerk, who continues to spout DWL platitudes about the "rainbow nation". I think there's consierable misunderstanding of what the notion of "worse is better" stands for.
If the remaining whites in SA stopped paying taxes, stopped obeying weapons laws, stopped working in the police and legal systems - or at least did what the blacks do there and simply refused to prosecute or arrest fellow whites - the ANC regime would collapse into total chaos in short order. Whites in SA and the regimes who control white nations continue to prop-up St. Mandela's Rainbow Potemkin Village regardless of its dysfunction - enabling it to stay afloat to plan and execute the genocide while the usual suspects continue to extract the gold and diamonds.
“The worse the better” --- no.
Fair enough. Let's assume for the sake of argument that economic reality will not assert itself and "worse is better" thinking is to be avoided. Let's assume that a Romney victory is the beginning of the end for BRA.
Show me how we get there. Show me how we vote and sue and pressure our way back to a majority Caucasian country without firing a shot.
What becomes of the 100 million (and climbing) non-whites in this country? Is there a plan on getting them out of here, or are they staying?
Is states' rights going to be viable when hostile Mestizos are the majority in some states? Do they retain the franchise?
What boot will we place on the black man's neck this time, since everyone reading this knows that this is the only way the two races can "coexist?" New Jim Crow laws, Segregation 2.0? Do they retain the franchise?
How do we bring our representatives to heel? How do we get our cops to drop their subguns and kevlar? How do we convince a soldier-worshiping populace that standing armies are at best a necessary evil?
This "worse is better" business is the mentality of people who have nothing to lose because they have nothing to begin with. This is why after deliberation, sometimes painstaking, I'm filling in a circle next to Romney tomorrow (NOT the same as voting for Romney).
And what brought us here were the endless little compromises we made in order to remain comfortable and safe. Truly, the "lesser of two evils" brought us here. And we must choose more of the same because... it will be different this time. And the stakes are too high to do otherwise...
Good thing there's no magical thinking on the "let the system work" side of the aisle.
The only way things will get better is the when the Feds become insolvent. Until that day, worse will only be worse.
Exactly correct. What are we saying when we say "worse is better?" That which is worse for BRA is better for us; without the government, BRA has no teeth. That which is worse for the government is better for us. Nature will reassert herself eventually. We will be seperate again, one way or another, simply because the most fundamental law demands it.
As for Mitt hispandering, that's aimed at peeling away **SOME** single White women who are not just liberal but hyper-liberal, since they have no responsibilities, their sex drives are in overdrive, and hypergamy/status games rule their entire being.
I'm sure that's exactly what he meant. I'd love to walk around in that head of yours. I'm guessing there's lots of exotic flora.
The Eastern half (more familiarly known as the Byzantine Empire) continued for several hundred years.
The Byzantines lasted another thousand years.
Voting is a privilage, VOTE and VOTE often if you are a democrat, black or muslim.
Please stop even suggesting that we "surrender" any part of America to anyone. The West is important because of agriculture, deep water parts and oil, the North East is valuable because of industry and deep water ports. The South is important because of agriculture,deep water ports, oil, industrious people and fishing. If we give up anything,we will be making the same mistakes the Germans did by allowing ONE enemy (US) troop or piece of equipment on the beach in Normandy! Surrender anything and loose everything. I say SCORCHED EARTH,if we loose it, make sure they can't use it for hundreds of years.
It took some time to break this nation, it will take far longer and harder work to fix it or rebuild it. I'm fucking downright tired of all the morons and sloths who think that one election is gonna fix anything or that all they have to do is vote.
The communists(the moolies are simply a tool of the commie to destroy America, as are the mooselimbs and the rest of the third worlders) took their time and gradually ruined this country; we should do the same thing and gradually take it back.
While I have little doubt the US mil general population would side with the conservative white nationalist faction in a civil breakdown, it will be a chaotic cluster fuck. And that is when the Euro faggots, Chicoms and the Rus step in under the guise of "saving us" and impose their permanent socialist BRA Hell via force of arms.
Listen to you people. Everything from Romney is "marginally" on our side, but at least he is white, to I hate what blacks, and especially Obama, are doing to us so much that I'll vote for anyone who is pale. That will show those darkies! As if Romney himself will tell blacks, "No."
I suspect that Romney may actually win the popular vote, although the electoral vote may portend differently. But even if he does take it all, whites as a racial group will have not "won" anything. Because the first thing Romney will be doing is looking for ways to expand the welfare and warfare state, albeit after a "conservative" fashion. Don't kid yourselves. And both of these acts will increase Majority dispossession--perhaps to the point of no return.
Just four years ago everyone had Bush fatigue. Yet now we are all supporting Bush on steroids. Great going, white man.
The BRA Diversity running DeKalb County Schools is so incompetent that they can't even manage to qualify to keep the money that the Feds send to them.
What a mess-
Federal payback deepens DeKalb schools’ budget woes
Try this:
-Sweep the leg-
I have respect for the Presidency of JFK. Although a democrat, his non-liberal mindset espoused lower taxation, a strong belief in free market enterprise, a strong military and encouraged citizens to help their country, not abuse their country.
As strange as his being a DINO was, democrat in name only, stranger were the facts that upon becoming POTUS his baby brother, Ted "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy became a senator, and upon his assassination LBJ, the staggeringly stupid, became POTUS.
These two ubber liberal, anti-America nitwits became the dynamic duo of 20th century America. Further, together they manage to set in play policies that would eventually destroy America and we are now witnessing this destruction live and as it is happening.
Barac Obama was a product first of his maternal grandparent`s and mother`s communist, socialist, sympathies during America`s red scare days of circa 1918-1960. He was conceived in his mother`s mind before he was conceived in her womb, and he was conceived to be the anti-American Messiah.
He was also tutored in black hate, anti-white racism, and black social justice theology by one Frank Marshall Davis throughout the 70s. Frank was further a card carrying member of the communist party, card number 47,544. What a personality to be influencing the developing mind of a future POTUS.
Today, election day 2012, a new American demographic goes to vote. Thanks to one Ted Kennedy the white population is now down to 62.7 % of the American population. Further, with only about 60-65% of whites embracing their personal responsibility to mature, and therefore become non-liberal and vote republican, those who prefer to remain immature, 70% of Hispanics, 95% of blacks, 100% of Islamics and 35-40% of whites will vote today to further themselves at their country`s expense.
An Obama re-election is more than just another nail in the coffin, it is the death bell tolling for America. If a Potus so massively destructive to America as Obama is, metaphorically a wrecking ball smashing into the good edifice America, can be given another chance to finally finish America off, by the immature, liberal element about us, including those non-whites who care not for America but only for themselves at America`s expense, it is, in my opinion, all but over for our Republic.
I was born, raised and lived the first 34 years of my life in the great socialist democracy of Massachusetts. I now live in Texas, much more a capitalist Republic and am thankful that I do.
I pray Romney will win, but I realize win or lose America has not much time left. As long as we remain a union, there will never be another conservative POTUS.
May I implore all non-liberals to consider migrating to republican states and embrace a movement to declare independence from the tyranny of liberalism, whereby our new nation-state, a real Republic with but limited enfranchisement, may rise up and give new life to liberty, wealth and happiness.
Liberalism, is the iceberg targeting the Titanic. Thank you.
Paul, I don't often comment, but I must tell you that your writing has become so fluid, so trenchant and so compelling lately that I honestly fear for you.
Really powerful stuff, young man.
"Your example of SA proves nothing."
It proves that you should never, NEVER, ever, put blacks in any position of power over whites.
-Sweep the leg-
If being a White Racial Realist includes striving to improve the condition of the White population in America, then there's at least 3 huge reasons to vote for Romney.
1) Repealing NegroCare.
Racial Socialists love the idea of a multi-race fraternity of government dependence. Whites
effectively become economic and political wiggers in which Whites natural superiority and the
inevitable cultural and economic separation that results from it is thwarted.
A Romney victory and a Senate with at least 50 Republicans kills NegroCare. A stronger
congressional Conservative majority can give us a true private competitive health insurance
market which would be boon for Whites and a confusing mess for the dumber human breeds.
2) Repealing Dodd/Frank.
I know this seems esoteric, but this unnecessary explosion of financial regulations will
severely hamper the growth of White dominated private enterprises in many different fields.
There is $2 trillion of private liquid assets ready to fuel private(White dominated) economic
growth. Repealing Dodd/Frank will unleash a great deal of economic activity.
3) Reversing Hussein's anti-fossil fuel policies.
Most Americans don't realize it, but the United States has by far the largest fossil fuel reserves
in the world and technological advances are making increasingly vast amounts of it
commercially viable. However, racial socialists hate the fossil fuel industry. One reason is that
that the industry is overwhelmingly White, and even worse, largely rural with pickup driving
rednecks making up a large percentage of the workforce.
Unleashing the fossil fuel industry will fuel a great deal of economic growth which would be
of particular benefit to Conservative White America.
As Ann Coulter has pointed out, Mitt Romney walks quietly but carries a big stick.
It's important to emphasize the fact that in a multi-racial nation Capitalism has the extra benefit
of allowing the superior breeds of human to separate and elevate themselves from the darker dumber breeds.
A Romney victory would be a victory for Capitalism.
The Republican party has become almost entirely irrelevant over the last two decades as they have become the party of the oligarchy.
Monopoly Capitalism is their sole benefactor and they could care less about the white working class in this country. This is why I despise them with a passion.
Those that I hate in order:
1. DWL's
2. Republican sell-outs
3. All lamestream media outlets
4. Conservatism Inc.
If you'll notice; I don't include blacks on this list. The reason is simple, as I don't hate blacks at all. I despise much of their behavior, but they are only enabled by the people on the aforementioned list.
BRA can't function without those above running interference for them. Cut off the head and the snake dies.
"Anyone who panders to Hispanics and blacks and runs commercials in Spanish is not marginally on our side."
So then vote for Obama.
"This article is basically saying "Elect Romney (or any White Republican) and hope for the best." What kind of plan is that?"
So then vote for Obama.
"Both candidates suck. Obama has not and will not do squat for blacks. Mittens won't do squat for whites."
So stay home, and keep whining.
"Vote White."
Thank you.
Nothing more needs to be said.
"I'm fucking downright tired of all the morons and sloths who think that one election is gonna fix anything or that all they have to do is vote."
LOLOL I haven't heard a single human being make the claim that "one election is gonna fix anything".
"Listen to you people. Everything from Romney is "marginally" on our side, but at least he is white, to I hate what blacks, and especially Obama, are doing to us so much that I'll vote for anyone who is pale. That will show those darkies! As if Romney himself will tell blacks, "No.""
So stop whining, and vote for Obama.
"The Republican party has become almost entirely irrelevant over the last two decades as they have become the party of the oligarchy."
So then vote Democrat.
There are two viable candidates.
One of them is Barack Obama, and one of them is NOT Barack Obama.
The preferable choice is the one who is NOT Obama.
For those of you who are too fucking dense to grasp this, just stay home and keep whining.
LOLOL I haven't heard a single human being make the claim that "one election is gonna fix anything".
Really, it has to be blatantly stated for you to understand? Must be tough going thought life unable to draw inferences or make assumptions. What about all the brain dead white liberals(communists) who advocate social/economic policies that do nothing but enable the moolies and other disfunctional savages to destroy our society. Yet these same communists are currently debating voting for Romney because only now, at the end, do they understand the true implications of communist policies, as if it were not obvious to anyone with a functioning brain and even the basics of critical thought.
"Dear Mr Romney, I lost my job because my company hired five off the plane Hindus who worked 20hrs/day for nothing and Shitavius was a protected AA hire, so he couldn't be fired and Section 8 moved Shitavious in next door, now my house is underwater and all my stuff got stolen and....please save me."
But if things get better and they elect Clinton, pt II, or possibly worse, some naive beaner symp like Bush, just watch.
God damned serville peasants deserve this shit, I fucking swear.
Suffragium Niveus
"One election is going to fix everything" is like saying one cartridge will finish a war. Not at all. But if you vote White, hire White, Live White and Love White; then at least the bullets will be pointed in the right direction.
The African-American Colony must be removed as soon as possible. Removing its enablers from our Government is a good first step.
The rest of the Problems, including our money problem, are not solvable by regular means or one President.
"There are those who believe in a strategy of “the worse the better” – believing that some magic concoction of one part financial collapse, two parts hyper inflation, and three shots of racial violence will somehow awaken white people (the historic majority population of America) to the dangers they face."
However semi-obscure anonymous bloggers are fighting the good fight, and eventually there will be a racial awakening through the magic of long winded blogposts.
You're kidding yourself if you think this beast we've created can continue to sustain itself. When the cards are down and its fight or die, then some will fight and some will die, but this state of affairs will not continue at the status quo.
"Really, it has to be blatantly stated for you to understand?"
LOLOL Either back up your strawman claim, or just admit that you can't.
I still haven't heard a single human being claim that this election is going to fix everything. Most people really aren't that stupid.
There are two viable candidates.
One of them is Barack Obama, and one of them is NOT Barack Obama.
The preferable choice is the one who is NOT Obama.
""One election is going to fix everything" is like saying one cartridge will finish a war. Not at all. But if you vote White, hire White, Live White and Love White; then at least the bullets will be pointed in the right direction.
The African-American Colony must be removed as soon as possible. Removing its enablers from our Government is a good first step.
The rest of the Problems, including our money problem, are not solvable by regular means or one President."
Well stated.
Just pressed my little button for "The White Guy". I also was asked if I supported the DREAM Act. A dream? Whose dream? Because people who spit in the face of law by coming here illegally and then want reduced college tuition. REALLY? Really... how the fuck is a question like this even on a ballot anywhere? Just a stark reminder that the nightmare we predict is here right now and just growing. The Founding Fathers worm, writhe, and roll in their graves.
Question for all the gutless cowards who trash Romney, but don't bother to state how you intend to vote...
Are you going to vote to re-elect Obama?
Are you going to piss your vote away on a non-viable third party candidate?
Are you going to just stay home?
Or are you going to trash Romney, then vote for him anyway?
"Romney is Gordon Gecko, just watch the movie, you'll see."... "everything has got to collapse and then in the glorious chaos and burning wreckage, a George Washington will arise..." "it's the banksters, the jews who control the groids" ..."A vote for Romney is a wasted vote" "Romney ran spanish commercials, fuck 'em.." "it's the fat cat's at Bain, that's the problem." "if we just wait, it will all collapse and then get really, really better, gnomesayin"
The worse the better is a moronic position. It's a lazy position, one based on no principles, other than a philosophy of complaining about everything and anything.
You want it all to come crashing down? Then all you tough guys should be out there with your flash light enhanced AR-15s crawling through the streets. Until you're willing to do that, I suggest you stop whining and vote and move this Obama nightmare out of government, as flawed as it will remain in his absence.
Lawrence Auster says it best. He is referring to an incident about the blacks throwing a shopping cart down onto a White woman, but it applies anywhere and at all times.
"Moral of the story: it’s not just that many individual blacks (including black Hispanics) are savagely violent and extremely dangerous to whites; it’s that the black community as a community supports those violent and dangerous black individuals.
Further moral of the story: beyond the duty of decent behavior owed to black individuals, white Americans owe NOTHING to black America as a community. Black America is an unregenerately hostile and destructive force in our midst.
And the solution? Terminate all unearned material and symbolic privileges to blacks. Repeal most anti-discrimination laws and regulations. These steps will disempower the black community, lead to a return to natural racial segregation at the local level, and restore blacks to the relatively powerless condition they rightfully occupy in this country.
Of course America will never adopt such measures, until the liberal order collapses."
The mess we are in is decades old...
the clock will never be turned back...
the government is as corrupt as any we have ever seen and won't be fixed until we have a WW3
until we draft into the military the useless, the useful will be doomed by the government...
good times were only had, when the US was in a huge war and had a vision of seeing it end...it is that simple.
Get your medicine ready now because our President will be reelected.
PK. Your efforts put into maintaining this site are commendable. And commentors like this one are hilarious. Keep it up,looking forward to more.
-pull the pee pee-
White woman again. PDK , dude I hear you and I am working on it. I live in WDC. I hate the white libtards here. I will take low income blacks over these DWLs anyday. At least with the ghetto folk you know where you stand.
Honestly, screw the United Shits of America as there is no community here anymore. I have had my back stabbed by whites and blacks alike. The America of the golden age is dead. I heard someone say stop whining. No one is whining here, they are grieving because what the US stood for is dead.
Now is the time for the middle class to rebel. Just do it. How? Get your white women pregnant and have more kids. Turn on the TV and the computer. Get busy getti g your money out of the banks and the 401 ks. Live simply. Stand your ground and be ready to fight as this land is ours, that being the land of the free. We must free our minds first. Fight but do so smartly. Only say good things about your family and neighbors. Fight but be ready to flee if you gave to. Recognize that what you are fighting is a culture that is deteriorating but you don't gave to go down with it. Take your money and hide it and get you and your family in the grid of social services and starve the beast known as the Feds. They can't get blood from a stone.
Turn off the TV! Get busy! Don't buy things anymore. Cook your own food. Starve the beast and its liinbs
Unfortunately the saying isn't "the worse the better" the saying is the worse is inevitable. BRA is permanent because of open borders. Blacks making up 12% or so of the population could have been accommodated, whites being made a minority cannot be. It does no good to rag on blacks or even on white leftists, it's the policy of open borders and the refusal of Republicans and conservatives to do anything about it that makes worse inevitable.
Anonymous Repuke (that you, Karl Rove?)
Question for all the gutless cowards who trash Romney, but don't bother to state how you intend to vote...
Are you going to vote to re-elect Obama?
Are you going to piss your vote away on a non-viable third party candidate?
Are you going to just stay home?
Or are you going to trash Romney, then vote for him anyway?
I'm probably the wrong person to ask as I actually do think a flush of the oval bowl would be a good thing, just for its own sake. However, I do enjoy trashing Mittens because he's such a wimp (a typical Republican). Here's my position:
1. Who gets voted into congress is actually more important (though few realize this), so staying home is not the best idea in most cases (unless you live in Jesse Jackson Jr.'s district or a similar one, in which case you have no vote so there's no point).
a. If you're in a state which is in play for electoral votes, flush the toilet (= vote for Mittens). The country really needs his executive hair anyway.
b. If you're in a state which is not in play (CA of IL for example), vote your conscience.
Now on to Karl's questions:
1. One could never vote for D'Won - ever. I would even write in Mahmoud Ahminajad before doing that. Vladimir Putin would make a much better leader also. (Betcha Putin knows who D'Won's daddy is - and where he was actually hatched).
2. See above. Yes, but only if the state is not in play for electoral votes (the only ones that count for presidential elections). Most 3rd parties are bogus or stupid as they throw all their eggs in the national contests and ignore local and congressional races.
3. No (see above). Unless I lived in a district like that of Jesse Jackson Jr., where voting does not matter because the outcome is completely immutable, voting for congress can be helpful somewhat.
4. Regardless of how one votes, Mittens should be trashed endlessly and ruthlessly. He is a DWL, open-borders, globalist, gun-grabbing supporter of BRA and the whole treasonous and genocidal agenda it represents. Anyone who thinks he's on our side is seriously delusional or a liar. He's an enemy who needs destroying. Housenigga Hussein is an enemy who needs destroying as well.
Since both are merely front men for those who actually call the shots, the only thing to do is flush the toilet which will create the marginal chaos of administration change. As mentioned above, if you're taking a "worse is better" approach, Mittens might actually crash the beast faster than the Mocha Messiah. His handlers are raving lunatic warmongers even more anxious to make the Ummah safe for feminism, sodomy and the Amurikan way than Hussein - who's definitely on the lazy side (big surprise).
Back in the day, I used to think in terms of liberal and conservative. Further I thought of these two concepts as mindsets. As I began to understand the liberal position more and more I realized these two concepts reflect more than just mindsets, that in reality they reflect the state of mind.
Further that the state of mind resides in one of two realities, the reality of the immature, who become liberals and the reality of the maturing or matured, which become non-liberals.
The maturation process is about hurdling many obstacles. One obstacle that needs be hurdled to achieve maturity is the coward/courage problem. Many are able to hurdle this problem, but some are not. For most of those who are not able to endure the embarassment suffered for their cowardice, the option of choice becomes the game of social chess.
Here with the game of social chess the immature find a way around their failure, and stand as tall as all those who have worked and achieved maturity. They create a preferred illusion, pretend it is what they believe to be the truth of reality, and then protect, defend and support their illusion through arguments.
They will stand courageously up to a friendly, someone they have no reason to fear, someone who does not elicit their cowardice, and further, they will nobly defend those they are cowardly afraid of and see themselves, and think the world sees themselves, as courageous and noble.
The price of this cheat is then dumped on the collective, whereby all must pay the price for their failure to mature. For example Islam is coming to conquer, submit and enslave us. However a liberal, cowardly afraid of their terror, pretends he or she thinks they just wish to partake of our liberty and courageously stands up to their own who reject Islam for its inherent evil, a friendly, and nobly defend this hostile aggressive group of insane people.
The game of social chess covers all immature traits, such as sloth and envy, and covers them all with a price the collective of a given culture must pay. This is parasitism, and excessive parasitism will kill the host, here our American culture is the host.
America`s two political parties represent two explicit concepts. The democrat party wants the law of the land to be decided by majority rule in a fully enfranchised democracy. The republican party bespeaks of a Republic where the law of the land is written down in a Constitution.
Our founding fathers gave us, their posterity, a Republic.
Now, after more than 200 years of existence, our Republic has been forced up atop a great precipice which in turn overhangs an abyss. The white liberals with their allies in the war on our Republic, blacks, Hispanics and Islamics are finally possed to destroy her.
The white liberal leaders, the progressives, are slowly but surely transmogrifying Republics into partisans of the new world, one world order of globalism, socialism and democracy. Whereby further, these liberal leaders become, through democracy, the good Sheppard leaders enjoying the highlife of power, fame and fortune, lording over their flock the hoi polloi.
For the liberal leaders all will be great at the top, for everyone else, the great unwashed floundering about at the bottom of tyranny, poverty and misery, things will be quite different.
Can we, the matured, really allow this phenomenon to be made manifest and become the reality for ourselves and our posterity?
If you love America, vote republican. If you hate America, vote democrat. Thank you.
This admission from the man who was instrumental in paving the road for black control of the city of Atlanta… is telling of the power of black solidarity and, more importantly, the realization that [no matter] what you individually do to uplift black people, they will always turn on you when the favors stop.
Don't count on ever-impatient Blacks to wait until "the favors stop" before turning on you. They will attack the moment you take your eyes off of them.
Goodies or not, you are but one thing and one thing only to them, PREY. Thinking otherwise will just serve to make you an even easier-to-catch prey. And prey you will be right up and until that Trayvon Moment™ when the astonished predator discovers that their decision-making process is fatally flawed by a substantially impaired IQ.
Giving Blacks handouts is merely feeding the crocodile. The instant Jim Crow ended, we began feeding entire new generations of young crocodiles that might once have starved and that has been our dire mistake. Blacks under Jim Crow were aware of the swift consequences—however summary or harsh they may have been—that awaited TNB. This inhibited much of their predatory nature.
On an increasing basis, Blacks that have grown up during and after the Snivel Rights era have no such circumspection. Due to being a legally protected species, their principal "learning opportunities" about when the Saxon begins to hate are largely confined to one single and eminently "teachable" Trayvon Moment™.
Although the outcome can be quite satisfying—at least for us White race realists—there aren't many chances for disseminating any oral tradition or cautionary lore among Blacks, who are just as frequently coddled or incited or both by today's pandering media.
This is a main reason that the Trayvon Moment™ remains one of the few "teachable moments" for these generations of young crocodiles that our Liberal government—regardless of which partisan title it bears—has been feeding for the last fifty years.
Of course, far be it from our spineless pols to put themselves between us and the reptile hordes they've bred up. When the EBT cards and other entitlements run dry, our political whores will be safely ensconced in their patrolled and gated communities while it is we that will have to face down the starving predators.
More than likely, when that time of vanishing entitlements comes, our loyal government will ensure the safety of its precious little sprogs by disarming us taxpayers so that yet another round of redistribution can take place.
Let us all hope that well before then we have had our Solzhenitsyn Moment™.
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn ―
"4. Regardless of how one votes, Mittens should be trashed endlessly and ruthlessly."
I assumed you feel this way, however, that wasn't the question.
The question was "are you going to trash Romney, then vote for him anyway?".
It's either "Yes" or "No".
YIH: Evander Holyfield was forced to vacate his 54,000-square-foot palatial Atlanta suburban estate in July, because he was deep in debt to the tune of about $14 million.
Holyfield's problems with the IRS all started when he tried to write off WBA fines for biting Tyson's ears as a "business lunch".
Anon: I just want Romney to win because I'm sick of looking at Bongo Lips and He-chelle.
It's good to know I'm not the only one who wants to f&%king hurl every time I see that pavement ape pretending like he's POTUS.
Puggg: This is why after deliberation, sometimes painstaking, I'm filling in a circle next to Romney tomorrow (NOT the same as voting for Romney).
More than ever before, this (s)election is not about voting for a qualified candidate but voting against one that has no place being in office.
Never in American history has this been more the case.
In the event that "O" loses...
what will be his first scourched earth policy and how far do you think he will go?
for example will he pardon all the ragheads in GITMO?
he will in the end will PUNISH America for rejecting him...he has this deep seated revenge he has had stored up against his white mama who abandoned him...
his rage and revenge will be delivered swiftly...I just wonder how and when he will do it...
we had the first taste of it in Libya...where he allowed the enemy to trounce all over us...and then played "dumb"...for the enemy's amusement
do any of you contemplate his scourched earth policy he has up his sleeves that he is willing to serve us...his new found enemies?
Right on JB. The open border policy is killing us. It is in fact just an indirect means of lowering work wages of US citizens and in fact recreating another form if slavery and indentured servitude cloaked as compassionate conservatism, that crock of bs from The Big Bushman. All of them suck, white, black, whatever...the biggest mass of asses are the boomers. My parents are boomers and those people are neck deep in denial. Just wait till their money runs out and they are doing a Mrs Fletcher ' help I have fallen and I can't get up' Those people are so stuck in the if you work hard you will succeed mantra. I tell my dad all the time he is in denial. Today he actually admitted he is... Unfortunately those of us still working and having kids have to deal with the wave if third world wastes importing their turd colored offspring here. Yuck.
""4. Regardless of how one votes, Mittens should be trashed endlessly and ruthlessly."
I assumed you feel this way, however, that wasn't the question.
The question was "are you going to trash Romney, then vote for him anyway?".
It's either "Yes" or "No"."
Okay, I'll bite. To answer your question: Yes and yes.
I'll trash Romney, because he deserves a good trashing, but I'll still vote for him, because the alternative is a Hell of a lot less palatable than Mitt.
Governor Romney's policies while governing Mass were practically carbon-copy of what Obama's doing now, so are we not supposed to level a little criticism at the guy? Does he not deserve and has he not earned at least a teensy-tiny level of skeptisicm from a weary tax paying white guy such as myself?
The skeptics on this Blog are reasonable people to be asking such questions of Mr. Romney don't you think?
But,to answer your question in toto. Yes I think Romney is Obama-lite, but I'll vote for him, cause I'd rather have a lite-socialist for Pres. than a full blown Communist another four years.
Hope that satisfies your curiosity.
Zenster, as I recall it was Tyson who bit Holyfields ear, not the other way around. Perhaps Holyfield was then in capable of hearing the IRS call to pay more.
Perhaps like Admiral Nelson who turned a blind eye, Holyfield turned a deaf ear.
By the way and speaking of the IRS, should Obama be re-elected those 16,500 new, additional IRS agents will be head hunting all non-liberals who may have a problem with their taxes. Further, Obama has used the IRS as an attack dog on many detractors. For example W.A. Root told of his harasment by the IRS on his web blog, unbelievable. Thanks.
I have to put it out there for Bogolyubski, Zenster, and PDK, respectively.
I disagree with some of their views, but unlike Negroids, I'm a man that can always acknowledge intellect of the superior and the gift of prose. These men write great things, truisms, though they don't necessarily overlap all the time. They think and relate the thoughts that I'm often too impulsive or short tempered to relay adequately. I have always been an "intellect with action" type, and that has not always been in my favor. As action can come at negative cost to you (target) and me (lack of restraint). These guys, much more elevated I beleive, in this way.
I could write 5 paragraphs of comments on just their last updates but it would far better serve our (yes there -is- an our, cause) to just say pay close attention.
There was an amazingly moving concept prior to the fall of the Berlin Wall in the late 80s through most of Eastern Europe and Russia.
Perestroika? Students of history would know it well (even my buddy S.R.) and understand these implications for the US today.
We are well closing in on a Marxist-Communist ideology. We have a socialist leader at the helm who would love nothing more than to swing us right into Marxist-Leninist full Communist ideology. As others have said here, this has been his indoctrination since childhood. What fools were we collectively to support "Change and Hope?"
Romney is not our friend, but as compared to have I described above he may as well be an alien beamed down from another planet. Those concepts are totally alien to his being. Is he a rather rich warhawk Zionist with a dim understanding of the world at large? Yes, all of that. But remember this election is not about the best man. It is about the lesser of the two evils. And in my mind's eye, by far, he is the lesser. We will be embroiled in another unjust war in short order, but if its Neo-con War against slow death at home from vampires draining us collectively, Option 1 please.
For me, I choose Perestroika, "restructuring", in hope, even if it comes one election at a time...
White Woman, good luck on your planned escape from the insane asylum of WDC.
You are certainly welcome down here in the great capitalist Republic of Texas. Thanks.
we had the first taste of it in Libya...where he allowed the enemy to trounce all over us...and then played "dumb"...for the enemy's amusement
do any of you contemplate his scourched earth policy he has up his sleeves that he is willing to serve us...his new found enemies?
The poofter ambassador was tossed under the bus - to a US taxpayer-funded Muslim brotherhood - likely because he knew way too much about the regime's program of giving 20,000 shoulder-launched missiles to the very folks who they've designated as terr-r-r-r-r-sts. (There's a fine article at GoV explaining some of this insanity). Gang rape by Moose-limbs was a fitting end for that worthless DWL POS.
While you are no doubt correct about the crap D'Won will do if he loses, keep in mind that the Gay Old Pedophiles who are allegedly in control of the US House of Representatives could defund everything by a simple majority vote - if they actually wanted to. How much they want to can be seen with the tremendous (non-existent) resistance they've demonstrated to Obamacare's implementation, or with the (non-existent) impeachment proceedings to remove the criminal Eric Holder from office since elected in 2010 - to cite two small examples of many. In other words, Hussein will do anything he damn well wants with the full cooperation and compliance of the supposed opposition party.
As to Karl Rove's "Yes or No". The answer is "No". I live in a state Mittens has zero chance of winning, so skipped the presidential farce and concentrated on congressional and local elections. And, yes, I will continue to trash Mittens and every other worthless, treasonous POS Republican at every opportunity. Most of the them deserve the Chris Stevens treatment - which made me laugh uproariously because it's always amusing to see a DWL get his comeuppance.
I'm sick of the add photo with his jug-eared head held up high like someone was sticking a turd under his nose.
My ancestors built this country. The thought of this third world sprog rearranging the furniture in my house disgusts me to no end.
Aside from agreeing with Bogolyubski's take on how much of the whole "worse is better" sentiments being expressed here are totally inapplicable, I also have to concur with Silent Running's observation that:
Good thing there's no magical thinking on the "let the system work" side of the aisle. [link added]
The System™ is broken. Period. Paragraph.
The only way that The System™ is going to work for Whites is if we game the living f&%k out of it—just as Blacks and the Plutocrats have been doing for several decades. There is no possibility of "working within The System™". It's just not feasible. It is stacked against White America from start to finish. Aside from gaming The System™, all that remains is taking it apart at the seams and rebuilding it all over again.
Right now, with the possibility of 0bama remaining in control, any chance of a tear-down and rebuild is totally out of the question.
Should Mittens take office, the rate of decline will lessen slightly, but working within The System™ still won't be viable because he supports the vast majority of tenets by which BRA and the Plutocracy operate.
This is why, should he be (s)elected, regardless of whatever ostensibly positive track record Mittens might be able to establish, four years from now the only option will be to Flush The Toilet™. Keep on breaking every last single dynasty that these elitist bastards try to fabricate. Keep derailing their agendas and keep churning The System™ until there is enough turmoil whereby the chance finally emerges for some actual leadership.
Till then, keep gaming The System™ and Flush The Toilet™ until the damned handle breaks off and then flush it some more!
Anon (11/6 1:56 AM): Please stop even suggesting that we "surrender" any part of America to anyone. The West is important because of agriculture, deep water ports and oil, the North East is valuable because of industry and deep water ports. The South is important because of agriculture,deep water ports, oil, industrious people and fishing. If we give up anything,we will be making the same mistakes the Germans did by allowing ONE enemy (US) troop or piece of equipment on the beach in Normandy! Surrender anything and loose everything. I say SCORCHED EARTH, if we loose it, make sure they can't use it for hundreds of years. [emphasis added]
I totally agree. Our forefathers shed their blood so that we could enjoy this posterity. Forsaking America to a bunch of semi-retarded savages is a betrayal of all those worthies who went before us.
Never have Abraham Lincoln's words been more true:
Address Before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois
… Their's was the task (and nobly they performed it) to possess themselves, and through themselves, us, of this goodly land; and to uprear upon its hills and its valleys, a political edifice of liberty and equal rights; 'tis ours only, to transmit these, the former, unprofaned by the foot of an invader; the latter, undecayed by the lapse of time and untorn by usurpation, to the latest generation that fate shall permit the world to know. This task of gratitude to our fathers, justice to ourselves, duty to posterity, and love for our species in general, all imperatively require us faithfully to perform.
How then shall we perform it?--At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it?-- Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never!--All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.
At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.
I think that excerpt just about covers it.
BRA Diversity in da nast'ee ATL can't even keep murderers in jail.
How much money does it cost to "accidentally" get let go in BRA?
Manhunt on for murder suspect mistakenly released from Fulton jail
Wow, Zenster, you are waxing poetic today! Thank you for the Solzhenitsyn quote. That is one thing I will never do, burn with shame for not speaking up or as they come for me, using a bullet to push back. Sure I have an escape plan (Has anyone noticed how low the prices on 65 foot motorsailers are?!) but I would like for me and my family to stay in the USA. But if trapped, they may take me to a camp, but their will be less of them.
I hope a get a bunk near Rush Limbaugh. We can talk philosophy into the night till lights out, at least till we are worked to death.
I endorse this message.
Left Coast White Guy
Another typically great post from PDK.
Left Cost White Guy
PDK: For most of those who are not able to endure the embarassment suffered for their cowardice, the option of choice becomes the game of social chess.
… The price of this cheat is then dumped on the collective, whereby all must pay the price for their failure to mature. For example Islam is coming to conquer, submit and enslave us. However a liberal, cowardly afraid of their terror, pretends he or she thinks they just wish to partake of our liberty and courageously stands up to their own who reject Islam for its inherent evil, a friendly, and nobly defend this hostile aggressive group of insane people.
I am so enjoying your comments, PDK. Using Islam's successful colonization in this country as an example of the social chess being played by cowards is absolutely superb.
Please keep up with the outstanding commentary. This website is that much better off for it.
~AV~: do any of you contemplate his scorched earth policy he has up his sleeves that he is willing to serve us...his new found enemies?
A presidential pardon for cop-killer Abu Jamal Mumia would be one place to start. Your suggestion of freeing the terrorists detained at Gitmo is also a reasonable guess.
The re-(s)election of 0bama would give him license to spit in the face of White America whenever, wherever and however he sees fit to.
Oops! It was the other way around. It was Tyson that did the biting. But ironically the two of them blew over a half billion dollars between them.
Split up between Paul and his top 49 commenters that would be about $10 mil. each.
I could live the rest of my life quite comfortably on that. Probably you too.
I swear that when he was elected they kept showing that picture of him and he looks like a chimpanzee and I swear I couldn't help but think "we elected a chimp"!
Gutless Romney trashing coward here. I voted for Gary Johnson, not that it matters one bit.
Thought I'd mention this here as well:
There IS another possible (and plausible) scenario: TIE.
Use your imagination and knowledge of the Constitution...
Ex New Yorker again....If Mormon Man wins the big cigar and he ships more jobs to China he also can ship over some coons so the gooks can learn to make (c)rap music and play basketball.
"Hope that satisfies your curiosity."
Yep. Pretty good answer.
Paradise Lost:
My ancestors built this country. The thought of this third world sprog rearranging the furniture in my house disgusts me to no end.
That alone is a perfectly legitimate reason to flush the toilet. While I may attack Mittens quite ruthlessly, this should in no way be mistaken for any approval of the Manchurian deposit whose insufferable stench fills and floods the oval bowl. All I am really attempting to do here is to defuse any magical thinking about the fact that the present turd-in-chief might be flushed away. If replaced, it will be with a "fresh" stinking pile of the same substance. The maggots and flies might temporarily dissipate for a little while, but they'll be back in short order. After 8 years of the first Mexican presidente, the disgusting Jorge W. Shruberon the Decider, we need to stop this nonsensical magical thinking that getting rid of D'Won is going to solve much of anything.
I also second the cheers for Zenster's posts today, which have been particularly excellent.
In disputing the 'worse is better' theory (which I subscribe to) you say that instead it's time white people tell black people “no”.
But that's just the point. They have not told them 'no' to date, and there's no sign that they will until things get a lot worse.
Believe me, things will not change until they get a lot worse. There's always 'The X Factor' or 'America's Got Talent' to assuage the pain.
7:09pm EST.
Real Clear Politics map as of 6:30pm EST.
Five years ago if I said ''we'd be voting to possibly re-elect a black president in 2012'' what would have called me?
Totally nucking futz?. I wouldn't blame you...
PDK: Zenster, as I recall it was Tyson who bit Holyfields ear, not the other way around.
Thank you, yes. This chestnut is so ancient that my dyslexia has gotten the better of me.
All the same, let us every one of us agree that this is still a pluperfect case of TNB, no?
A sampling of some of Mitten's top advisers (courtesy of the Bobster @ Amren) :
Dov Zakheim - (Israeli Dual Citizen)
Robert Kagan - (Israeli Dual Citizen)
Michael Chertoff – (Israeli Dual Citizen)
Eliot Cohen – (Israeli Dual Citizen)
Eric Edelman – (Israeli Dual Citizen)
John Lehman – (Israeli Dual Citizen)
Evan Feigenbaum – (Israeli Dual Citizen)
Aaron Friedberg – (Israeli Dual Citizen)
Kent Lucken – (Israeli Dual Citizen)
Kristen Silverberg – (Israeli Dual Citizen)
A rock solid group of patriotic Americans no doubt.
For the guy that is hurling the F-bomb at anyone who is not voting for Romney - Tell us what YOU are going to do once president Romney shakes his Etch-a-Sketch and forgets how "severely conservative" he is? Give specifics of what you are going to do and why it will be effective?
NOBODY here is actually saying they are going to vote for Obongo. I live in CA so my vote will not count. I left the presidential slot blank.
I blame people like you who have voted knee-jerk Republican all these years.
YIH: Split up between Paul and his top 49 commenters that would be about $10 mil. each.
I could live the rest of my life quite comfortably on that.
A slight correction.
Using the $10M you suggest, I could create several hundred, if not several THOUSAND, jobs with all of the inventions that I have in my portfolio. And you had best bet that almost all of those jobs would go to Whites. Anything else would make me puke.
If any of you have access to venture funding or are just interested in placing some capital that might make you filthy rich, please ask Paul to forward your email address to me.
I'm out to make myself and many other people independently wealthy.
Ex New Yorker again.....All across America thousands and thousands of DEAD PEOPLE are casting their vote for President. This is proof that we live in a FREE country. So remember, even after you are dead your vote still counts.
I just cast my "write in vote" for Bozo the Clown. I was going to vote for Howdy Doody, but I heard he was gay.
Bogolyubski: I also second the cheers for Zenster's posts today, which have been particularly excellent.
Thank you. I doubt in the extreme that, between the two of us, we could find an iota of argument.
Put another way, if America's patrimonial legacy (i.e., the Constitution, Library of Congress, et al), could be preserved even as a terrorist nuclear strike was visited upon a combined house session, my objections might be minimal.
More than anyone else, America's entrenched Good-Old-Boy network has done its utmost to ensure a terrorist nuclear strike upon this nation. How is it that the whore politicians who have most vigorously enabled a horrific terrorist nuclear attack upon American soil should somehow manage to escape its final outcome?
One more thing about worse being inevitable, if it is inevitable maybe it's best if the U.S. crashed hard and soon, maybe other countries in the West will get a clue and cease in the suicide pact that is multi-racialism/multiculturalism. If we can't save this nation, maybe our destruction will save others, and perhaps Western civilization itself.
Somewhat on topic, isn't it odd that the recent report of an increase in violent crime, particularly against whites, has played no part in this election? Crime is usually a major topic/weapon in political campaigns, but now it is apparently off limits to the Republicans do to its racial implications. The recent crime figures suggest a large increase in racial violence against whites during the Obama era, and the fact that this racist violence can't be mentioned in public, much less condemned, shows just how futile voting for a Republican is. In the face of this level of racism I really don't care what the Republicans think about foreign policy or tax breaks for billionaires or Benghazi or any of the other things they distract the white population with while it is being wiped out.
For what it is worth: my deep blue ward had a big turnout. Mangy looking bunch voting. One guy chanting, "vote blue!"
They were making sure their EBT cards don't run out.
My heart is sinking.. if my area is any indication, the mob will give Obama another 4 years.
Fair enough. Even with the most conservative investing, the income generated from $10 mil. would be enough to provide a comfortable living pretty much forever.
And yet those two People™ made and squandered a fortune for doing what if they were dogs would be illegal.
PDK has used the word "transmogrify" twice recently. I love words, and to hear that one once every five years is rare, hearing it twice in a week requires a response! It means 'to change form or appearance, especially in a grotesque or bizzare way.'
I hereby propose a small change to the word, especially useful in our discussions here: transNOGrify, which means nearly the same thing, but adds an explicit reference to the grotesque changes brought about by blacks and BRA.
Examples? Obama is attempting to transnogrify America, and certainly has done so to the White House: it is bizarre to see a black man there.
Detroitification is an extreme outcome of transnogrification of cities. I would certainly consider this trend grotesque.
Magic negroes transnogrify, as it is a bizarre change from the usual grotesque behaviour we have come to expect from blacks.
I hope you all will enjoy this new word!
If Obama gets reelected then I predict that the US has seen it's last White president. Isn't it a shame that our last White president was that POS Bush? Put a fork in the US were done!
If you'll notice; I don't include blacks on this list. The reason is simple, as I don't hate blacks at all. I despise much of their behavior, but they are only enabled by the people on the aforementioned list.
This is a mindset that I have never understood. When a gang of jigs swipes your daughter right off the street and the webcam video of her violation (and possibly her murder) is leaked a few days later, I doubt you'll reserve all your anger for the enablers. I doubt you'll be capable of it. If you don't hate blacks for what they joyfully do to white children given the chance, I don't know what to say to you.
The notion that Channon Christian's father should not hate the vermin who tore his daughter apart for no reason in particular but should reserve his hatred for their "enablers"... that's not just a bitter pill to swallow. It's a pill that's impossible to swallow. Human nature will always get in the way.
So then vote for Obama.
Anon the Complainer inadvertently reveals the farce of the two-party system: each party depends on the other for stability. They depend upon the "lesser of two evils" argument to shore up their power. In this way they can do whatever they like, and all they ever have to do is play up the shortcomings of the other side. It's almost a cartel.
White woman in DC again. People on this board have mentioned violence against whites increasing yet not one candidate mentions it. I have mentioned this to my boomer butthead parents and no reaction. I truly think that the US white citizens are in denial. So many of the masses of asses have taken the bait about blacks being downtrodden. I have been at the receiving end of black racism here in DC so many times I can't even count. Seriously, eff em. I have no compassion or sympathy anymore. I actually had one big scary spook tell me on the metro that he hated whites and that he hoped my kids fell in front of the train and died. Wow. If Obama wins, it won't matter as whites are awaking from their denial. I don't know what has taken them so damn long as I have been awake since the mid 90s. It's a shame that the US has come to this but regardless, I truly believe the white race will prevail. Change will occur but not the way we may expect it to. We just have
What if neither party gains outright control of presidency and the congress by design? Then each could point to the other as the reason they were unable to deliver the goods. If controlled by the same forces behind the scenes, this would be an excellent ruse to a) keep the masses motivated, b) give the illusion of choice and c) use this for advantage in seeking bribes and protection money.
If either of the two parties were to shrink to insignificance, the other would quickly follow. The reason is that all they have going for them is that each is not the other. It would also free up large blocks of the electorate that buy the package deal offered by either party reluctantly or not at all.
The choke-hold that the elites have on both parties would be much more difficult to maintain than with the current system of two parties that have a lock on a large number of knee-jerk voters.
The rest of the Problems, including our money problem, are not solvable by regular means or one President.
Now we're getting somewhere.
You want it all to come crashing down? Then all you tough guys should be out there with your flash light enhanced AR-15s crawling through the streets.
I see this argument a lot: "if you don't implement your solution right this second, then I win the argument and you should just shut up and embrace my solution." The fact that you haven't won yet is, somehow, evidence that you have already lost forever.
Remember that our forebears suffered a "long train of abuses" before saying No More. I'm sure similar arguments were made when that train was still active. But it's ultimately a Tory argument.
BRA is permanent because of open borders.
Very true. The liberal pillars of Women's Issues, Gay Rights, Immigrant Rights, etc provide ancillary support to BRA. Once we've said No to blacks, we're going to have to say No to the rest of the peanut gallery.
You are a traitor. A defeatist and a defacto Obama supporter. In politics you work with what you can get. Right now thats Romney. In four years we can dump his butt. The key dummy is getting Obama out now!
C'mon Paul, post my comment.
YIH: And yet those two [Black] People™ made and squandered a fortune for doing what if they were dogs would be illegal.
All the more reason to deem the lot of Blacks as bestial or worse.
As usual, we seem to be in violent agreement.
"In four years we can dump his butt."
The GOP elites have made rule changes that make it IMPOSSIBLE for an insurgent to win the GOP nomination. So in 2016 we'll have to listen to you demand that we vote for Romney's re-election in order to defeat whatever the Dems nominate.
Great strategy ya got there.
It is stacked against White America from start to finish. Aside from gaming The System™, all that remains is taking it apart at the seams and rebuilding it all over again.
I meditated a bit today on how to proceed in the face of a Romney victory, and I think Zenster has the right idea. Caucasians must essentially become mafiosi. And I don't mean that in the silly metaphorical sense, whereby the mere act of voting for the white guy makes you an insurgent. I mean showers of semi-frivolous lawsuits, gerrymandering, union-busting, lying, cheating, stealing, and otherwise undermining the federals by whatever means available.
There will still be plenty unemployed working-class Caucasians thanks to Romney's love of Mestizos (no one has yet mentioned that Romney has family in northern Mexico), and laws are so thick in this country that I'm sure I break five laws a day. If whites can abandon IKAGO, if they can abandon treating non-whites as individuals rather than the bloc they represent, this might be viable.
Crime is usually a major topic/weapon in political campaigns, but now it is apparently off limits to the Republicans do to its racial implications.
As is immigration. Romney had the opportunity to tear Obama limb from limb on border security, but naturally he declined.
Anon (11/6 6:12 PM): Isn't it a shame that our last White president was that POS Bush?
Yes. A thousand times, yes. That @ss kissing Saudi lover sold us all down the Euphrates river and laughed the entire time.
Johnny See: I hereby propose a small change to the word, especially useful in our discussions here: transNOGrify, which means nearly the same thing, but adds an explicit reference to the grotesque changes brought about by blacks and BRA.
A totally commendable effort upon your part but it's transNIGrify. Now get over it, please!
Silent Running: I meditated a bit today on how to proceed in the face of a Romney victory, and I think Zenster has the right idea. Caucasians must essentially become mafiosi.
Thank you, friend. You've got it.
If any of you have access to venture funding or are just interested in placing some capital that might make you filthy rich, please ask Paul to forward your email address to me.
I'm out to make myself and many other people independently wealthy.
Do you have a track record of success, and if so, why aren't you self-financing these ventures?
Do you think that you still have any chance of success now that you've painted a target on yourself, and TWMNBN including those who control the Fed's printing presses will try to keep you from acquiring any power which might inconvenience them?
Silent Running said...
If you'll notice; I don't include blacks on this list. The reason is simple, as I don't hate blacks at all. I despise much of their behavior, but they are only enabled by the people on the aforementioned list.
This is a mindset that I have never understood. When a gang of jigs swipes your daughter right off the street and the webcam video of her violation (and possibly her murder) is leaked a few days later, I doubt you'll reserve all your anger for the enablers. I doubt you'll be capable of it. If you don't hate blacks for what they joyfully do to white children given the chance, I don't know what to say to you.
Holy jumping fucking Jesus I -agree- with SR on an issue.
To the OP, as SR pointed out take that soft-hearted neoliberal outlook into my neighborhood after dark, Detroit, Hotlanta, anywhere. See where it gets you and particularly as he said if there is a young white girl with you.
I'm mystified why someone could even say this. So if DWLs were simply evaporated from planet earth tomorrow simian groids would simply fall into lockstep as model citizens. As there is an overwhelming mountain of evidence from their native African countries I find this theory quite absurd.
Hating Negro brutes makes as much sense as hating cancer. They are what they are. You remove the tumor and move on.
Zenster said...
YIH: Split up between Paul and his top 49 commenters that would be about $10 mil. each.
I could live the rest of my life quite comfortably on that.
A slight correction.
Using the $10M you suggest, I could create several hundred, if not several THOUSAND, jobs with all of the inventions that I have in my portfolio. And you had best bet that almost all of those jobs would go to Whites. Anything else would make me puke.
If any of you have access to venture funding or are just interested in placing some capital that might make you filthy rich, please ask Paul to forward your email address to me.
I'm out to make myself and many other people independently wealthy.
November 6, 2012 4:53 PM
Ok, so transnigrify versus transnogrify... either will do! I was thinking of 'nignogs' and my favorite, 'stray nogs' when I came up with that.
Back to you: got some technology, do you? Me, too. Got money also, and am self funding. You would not believe what I am up to. So sad I probably will not be allowed to do it here. No sweat, I have figured out an alternate jurisdiction.
Damn, I wanted Romney to win. At least then I could have continued to work from home! Good luck to you, Z. God speed.
"To the OP, as SR pointed out take that soft-hearted neoliberal outlook into my neighborhood after dark, Detroit, Hotlanta, anywhere. See where it gets you and particularly as he said if there is a young white girl with you."
Your point is taken and let me assure you that I'm no soft-hearted Liberal by a long shot.
Speaking in general terms and trying to give a little benefit of doubt I guess. Maybe we can't do that on SBPDL without severe risk of excoriation.
Are we throwing the baby with the bathwater now. Of course black pathology would still be in evidence without the cultural enablers and DWL handlers. The point being is that it wouldn't be nearly as consequential as it now.
Don't confuse a simple gesture of good will as a concession to defeat-please.
Silent Running: … each party depends on the other for stability. They depend upon the "lesser of two evils" argument to shore up their power. In this way they can do whatever they like, and all they ever have to do is play up the shortcomings of the other side. It's almost a cartel. [emphasis added]
No "almost" about it. Combined with oceans of special interest bribery, the "Go along to get along" attitude has obliterated all partisan differences. We are in a one-party system of the almighty dollar. Period.
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