It’s about race, stupid." -- Paul Kersey, "Detroit's Destiny", Alternative Right, 3-23-12
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The Detroit City Council -- representing a 92 percent black city |
The highly fecund Curtis will never, ever procure the means (at least legally) to care for his offspring. It would be far easier to do to him what Detroit News editorial page writer Nolan Finely recommended to be the solution to the city of Detroit's endless list of calamities:
“Since the national attention is on birth control, here’s my idea: If we want to fight poverty, reduce violent crime and bring down our embarrassing drop-out rate, we should swap contraceptives for fluoride in Michigan’s drinking water.“Curtis should be sterilized immediately, were the "global elites" truly worried about eugenics as Alex Jones and InfoWars would have you believe is there true agenda. It's not.
What if Curtis' story serves as a microcosm for the city of Detroit, whose population of 750,000 (92 percent black) is no longer capable of producing enough wealth, which can be taxed to keep the city services solvent?
We already know all the children of those black adults in Detroit - who have a dereliction of duty when it comes to caring for them, just as Corey Curtis does - attending Detroit Public Schools eat breakfast and lunch for free -- courtesy of the taxpayer.
With the 92 percent black residents of Detroit incapable of producing enough wealth that can be taxed to produce $10 million needed to pay for critical city services, Motown stands on the edge of being dissolved.
Cue the desperate plea to the White House from the [Detroit councilwoman to Obama: We voted for you, now bail us out, My Fox Detroit, 12-5-12]:
The city of Detroit faces a major financial crisis and one member of city council thinks President Barack Obama should step in and help.Detroit is America's black metropolis; it has been completely remade in the image of its occupying majority population, which drove out white residents (and much needed outside white capital investments) by high rates of crime and, worse, completely destroying the property value of commercial and residential real estate.
City Council member JoAnn Watson said Tuesday the citizens support of Obama in last month's election was enough reason for the president to bailout the struggling the city. (Click the video player to listen)
"Our people in an overwhelming way supported the re-election of this president and there ought to be a quid pro quo and you ought to exercise leadership on that," said Watson. "Of course, not just that, but why not?"
Nearly 75 percent of Wayne County voters pulled the lever for Obama in November.
"After the election of Jimmy Carter, the honorable Coleman Alexander Young, he went to Washington, D.C. and came home with some bacon," said Watson. "That's what you do."
Young served as Detroit's mayor for 20 years and served as vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 1977 to 1981.
The White House has expressed no plans to bailout the cash-crunched city that some experts say could run out of money by the end of the year.
Now, a city that black people (no, not liberalism -- Portland, Austin, Seattle, and Boulder are all doing fine) destroyed sees its elected representatives on the Detroit City Council beg for a handout from Obama, attempting to reenact Princess Leia from Star Wars: Episode IV: "Help us Obama-Won-Kenobi, you're our only hope."
David Horowitz's Front Page Magazine published a scathing article on Detroit, noting that "America's Worst City" voted 98 percent for Obama in 2012. But they refused to publish any mention of the racial aspect of the city's current state:
So guess who Detroit voted for by 98 percent? Obama, naturally. Because when you’re already living in a hellhole, your prime motivation is to drag the rest of the country in with you. The 40 percent of Detroiters who want to leave have drawn no conclusions about the causes of all their problems.
Barack Obama defeated Governor Mitt Romney by astounding numbers in Detroit, Michigan, amassing 98% of the vote to Romney’s 2%. In a city of over 700,000 people, Mr. Romney was only able to get 6,016 votes according to government tallies.
A mere 6,016 votes for Romney, a self-professed "son of Detroit?" A bastard son of the white Detroit that was supplanted by the glorious, divine black rule, which has now all but incapacitated the city.Mr. Obama received a staggering 281,382 votes, over forty-five times that of the governor. Democrats won heavily in Detroit, though no Democrat who faced a Republican challenger received a higher percent of the vote than the President.
Why can't Front Page Magazine, Weekly Standard, National Review, The Blaze, Daily Caller, Fox News, or any other periodical claiming to be "conservative" bring themselves to point out the black elephant squarely in the whole debate over the collapse of Detroit?
As I noted in "Detroit's Destiny":
To admit that Detroit is a failure because of its majority population is not possible in the political climate of 2012 America. To do so would undermine the political aim and drive of what this writer has dubbed “Black-Run America” (BRA).
This does not mean that Black people run actually America—far from it—but that America (corporate, religious, government, legal system, entertainment, etc.) is run for the advancement of Black people, and that to publicly say anything negative about Black people is, more or less, against the law of the land.I firmly believe that a huge dam has been built to hold back the waters of racial truth from washing over America; and the pressure is building on the other side. Already, the waters are coming from over-the-top of the dam, spilling out on the few curious souls who dare ask "what is this monstrosity that blocks these soothing waters from ensuring that actually growth in America happens?"
It's not IQ; it's not stories of black-on-white crime; it's not even immigration that will be the catalyst for the eventual event that causes the damn to... not just slowly crack, but burst completely wide open.
You see it in stories like the one of Detroit City Council member JoAnn Watson pleading for federal help, when she should be told exactly what Corey Curtis was told by Judge Tim Boyle.
The dam will burst. Fox 2 News Headlines
Placing bets? I bet Obama bails out Detroit.
So true. All of it. It is race and that is undeniable.
I worked at Howard Road Academy, a ghetto glorified babysitting service for the DWL mignion groids of Anacostia. Scary.
Anyway, in 2010, Stiles Simmons secured a position there as CEO. He formerly worked in some Detroit school that failed under his leadership. As soon as he took over in May of 2010, he fired staff and put in their place his cronies from Detroit.
Months later, Howard Road was running a deficit. Go figure.
Groids gonna groid.
White Mother Living Among the Turds
Amsterdam has it right:
Maybe we should do the same here. Wall off the ghettos and put them under constant surveillance.
The focus upon Curtis is a red herring. Does one single person believe, were Curtis to have not ever have existed, that those six women would not have their illegitimate babies? Without the presence of Curtis, they might even have had more. Give the man a medal.
The women are the problem, and the DWL welfare state which supports their lifestyle. They don't want to inconvenience the baby daddy--that is what the State if for. The State thinks that the women are making a mockery of their plan--to collect a pittance from six unemployed fathers--when here they are stuck extracting a one-sixth pittance from one unemployed father of six babies. But it is a mockery however you look at it.
Bob Costas let his liberal cat out of the bag this just passed, 12/2/12 weekend. For those not in the know, the adage, “now the cat is out of the bag” beckons back to a bygone era when in reality it was the reverse side of the obverse side adage, “a pig in a poke”.
Back in the day a piglet would be placed in a sack, a poke, short for pocket, brought to market and sold. Naturally there came those smart enough to “bag” a cat. Then sell it, unseen, as a more valuable piglet to some unsuspecting, just fell off the turnip truck, victim.
Bob`s liberal ideology was unleashed in the form of an assault on America`s Constitution in general, and the second amendment specifically. Apparently a fine young black man, one Mr. Jovan Belcher, a football player for the KC Chiefs murdered his girlfriend with a gun. He then drove to the practice field parking lot where police arrived shortly thereafter, whereupon he shot himself in the head.
Beautiful Bob, yes Bob is one of the beautiful people, a liberal, chose to dump his moral righteousness on the NFL fans during his miniscule segment. This is a form of sacrilege, where Bob used and abused his professional place to preach his hifalutin, anti-gun, moralizing, upon us, the great unwashed. Reality according to Bob is that this fine young black man and his light skinned black girlfriend would be alive today if only we as a culture and a collective would rid ourselves of our insane gun culture mentality, and of course that means further to rid ourselves of our guns.
When a liberal, dons a tailor cut suit of a morally courageous superior persona, it is the tell-tale sign of the particular, immature character trait that is being cloaked, cowardice. We all don a persona, it, like money makes the world go round, however liberals have usurped the role of persona from its natural role and use it to present themselves as something they are not, courageous, whilst covering the truth of what they are, cowardly, and most unfortunately, this cheat in social chess has a price and it is others and or the collective that must pay that price.
Liberals, liberalism and liberal ideology have a two-step plan for the future of humanity. The first step is to destroy nation-state Republics by transmogrifying them into socialist democracies, only then to begin step two, merging all socialist democracies into a new world, one world order of globalism, socialism and democracy, with of course themselves at the top, lording over us, their lowly flock, so in need of their demagogue care.
Bob, the beautiful Bob, chose not to mention the problem of blacks with guns. Bob chose not to mention that if guns are removed from society that another means for murder would surface in its stead. Beautiful Bob walks lockstep with liberal ideology, itself protected from the truth of reality by the liberal Gestapo policy of pariahizing all who dare transgress liberal illusion in favor of said reality. Beautiful Bob failed to mention all those decent non-liberal white people, who have protected themselves and family from hostile brutes wrongfully intending harm and death upon them.
In America today, liberals need blacks more than did the southern plantation owner of the antebellum. Blacks will vote democrat, the party of liberal ideology, the party of death to capitalist Republics and life to socialist democracy. Further, they the liberal white, will live and hang out, well ensconced in whiteyville, and make the collective pay the price of black incapability and all that black incapability entails.
Thank you beautiful Bob; you look so handsome in your tailor cut, courageous persona suit. Should your will be done, it will bring our collective to a better place, the place of tyranny, poverty and misery.
Because liberalism so needs and wants blacks, let liberalism alone bear the burden and pay the price for black enfranchisement in white, non-liberal higher culture.
Bob, you are the iceberg, targeting the Titanic. Thank you.
Obama will implement his “regional tax-base sharing” plan.
Based upon the idea that "suburbs are instruments of bigotry and greed — a way of selfishly refusing to share tax money with the urban poor.", the successful suburbs will be paying tribute to the less-well-off “inner-ring” suburbs.
This has been talked about for a while by a few but mostly unaddressed by the MSM.
I tend to agree with PK about Alex Jones' mis-characterization of the agenda of the global elite. That said, please don't deny the existence of such elites or that they very definitely have an agenda. I suspect their real agenda is more sociopathic in nature - something more along the lines of the passage from Goodfellas quoted by Jay Santos the other day:
It doesn't matter. It's all profit.
Then finally, when
there's nothing left...
...when you can't borrow
another buck from the bank... bust the joint out.
You light a match.
The thing to keep in mind is that instead of busting out a restaurant or a sporting goods store (the example from The Sopranos), the vampire squids are into busting out entire nations. Detroilet is a good example of their strategy at work. Henry Ford and other Northern industrialists, faced with demands from their largely white workers for increased wages, imported groids from the cotton fields of the south - many out of work thanks to the increasing mechanization of agriculture - as cheap labor to keep wages down.
Detroit has been looted - busted out - by a tag team of wealthy elites (note that the Ford foundation hasn't suffered in any way from Detroit's demise), political whores of both parties, DWL Alinskyites (often scions of the wealthy elite or wannabes), and groid orcs. The cumulative wealth of 1950 white middle-class Detroit has been looted. Now the same team is busy at work doing the same thing to the entire country.
Off topic but I'm too damn angry to care right now. Just take a gander at people in line (AND COMPLAINING ABOUT HAVING TO STAND IN LINE!!!!!) for some free money for heat assistance in Georgia. You just know these people have already spent that money on crap already.
Also, I live in Georgia and I haven't turned my heat on ONCE yet so I know for a fact that this free money (FOR THEM) is not necessary at this point. No doubt I'll be standing behind one of these people at the local Kroger while they are purchasing their food with their EBT card while yapping up a storm on their new IPHONE (which I can't afford because I'm too busy supporting these creatures). I cannot take this. Between the free phones, minutes, rent assistance, heat assistance, food assistance and whateverthehellelse they get assistance for (all the while complaining about how things are't running smooth enought FOR THEM, I am DONE!!!!
Liberals, liberalism and liberal ideology have a two-step plan for the future of humanity. The first step is to destroy nation-state Republics by transmogrifying them into socialist democracies, only then to begin step two, merging all socialist democracies into a new world, one world order of globalism, socialism and democracy, with of course themselves at the top, lording over us, their lowly flock, so in need of their demagogue care.
Back in the Cold War, liberals floated the idea of One World Government. It was supposed to be implemented via some United Nations style bureaucracy, with the usual democratic delusions in place. Never mind that most of the countries in the real world were dictatorships of one sort of another, or that the Communists had their own plan for One World Government.
With the collapse of the USSR, the main countervailing force to liberalism was taken out of the picture. Really, the Cold War can be seen as a struggle between the liberal and communist wings of the messianic movement for One World Government. Now with globalization, you have the beginnings of a World Government. The ideologies used to justify this are based on multicultism and End to History. Hence, the corporate foundation support for liberal organizations. The liberals provide the rationale and act as political commissars.
It can be argued that the Arab Spring rebellions are an attempt by the globalizers to remove national governments and replace them with democratic mob rule, more malleable to the globalists. Meantime, liberals can indulge their fantasies about democracy breaking out in the Middle East, sing it brothers and sisters!
Supposedly, the world is moving towards universal democracy, though the reality is that ruling elites have so distanced themselves from their own peoples that they have become a global despotism.
Domestically, elites push policies like open borders and BRA in order to knock out the white middle class and replace it with a de-nationalized mass of "common man." The corporate faction does so for its own power and wealth; the liberal faction out of the delusion that it is building a better world. There are plenty of perks to be handed out to the Bonos of the world who sing the praises of the third world while getting their rakeoff. Meanwhile your average first world citizen gets to watch 500 channels of television.
There are several things that could happen or that we could do that would help turn around this mess.
We could get help from our friends. For example, Texas could refuse to pay federal income taxes. This might take the form of secession. Or it might be just be simple tax refusal.
The point would be that the red states are being drained of taxes to pay for failed black cities. If Obama bails out Detroit while he allows federal taxes to soar. There will be the widespread perception that industrious whites are working to maintain lazy blacks. Texas might strike back. Texas could be the focus of a major tax revolt.
Another friend is China. In the late nineteenth century Francis Galton proposed replacing the lazy blacks in Africa with industrious Chinese. China explored Africa before Columbus explored the Western Hemisphere. They have a very big presense now thoughout East Africa. African rulers are complaining that they are being recolonized all over again. Good.
White Americans should welcome this new colonization. Cape Town is in a sense a "Sister City" to Detroit. Americans are now adopting the survival tactics perfected in South Africa.
There are things we can do for ourselves that could make a big difference. For example we don't allow felons to vote. That precedent could be extended to all those who receive federal assistance such as TANF, Food Stamps or subsidized housing.
This reform isn't very likely just yet, but it should be advocated now. If the recipients of those three programs alone were adopted, hardly anyone in Detroit would have had the vote. Similarly those who are exempt from federal income tax should also not be able to vote.
Loss of the voting franchise based on the citizen's source of income is a new legal concept that will be strongly opposed. But it has logic and history on its side. The Founding Fathers restricted voting to property holders. Those who contribute to the community should have some say in who leads it and what the public policy should be. Those who don't or won't contribute should not have a say.
This kind of basic reform may seem to be impossible now but it must come if we want to have both a welfare state and a democracy.
detr- rot
thanks to drudge:
DETROIT (WWJ) - Detroit police are investigating whether a group of AK-47 wielding robbers who hit two gas stations Wednesday morning are responsible for several similar crimes that have recently occurred across the city.
Sam Adbullah was manning the till at the BP gas station on 7 Mile near I-75 around 4 a.m. when he looked up at the security camera.
“I had the camera turned on in the back. Usually I don’t, but tonight for some reason I had it on the back,” Adbullah told WWJ’s Ron Dewey.
Adbullah said he saw a vehicle drive up and four men exit the car with assault rifles drawn.
“I saw the car and then it disappeared, and then it popped back up on the camera in the back on the building. I saw them come out with the guns and everything. So, I said ‘Oh, s***!’ and I just closed the door, went over there, picked up the phone and ca
More DWL boo hooing about how the minorities will be "disproportially harmed."
I seriously cannot take it.
I have another rather obvious idea that is helpful.
Bob Costas and other have taken the Jovan Belcher incident as an argument for gun control.
I agree in part.
If here in the Oakland hills we didn't have our firearms how would we hold off the blacks from below? The obvious solution is to only take away guns from black people.
Liberals may howl at this solution but it makes a lot of sense. There are three factors that affect violence - age, sex and race. Old people aren't violent. That's probably from the arthritis. I'm told that violence in prisons drops off sharply at age 35. In any case no one is afraid of a gang of old guys with walkers.
Sex is important too. Men are vastly more violent than women. Men commit murder at ten times the female rate.
Race matters a lot also. Blacks are about seven times as likely to kill.
All societies recognize sex differenes in their code of laws. Age is important to law also. You can't drink until you're 18 and you can't get Social Security until you're 62. Why not also consider race?
Get in a fight with a guy in a bar and you'll get thrown out the door. But if your opponent is a woman you'll be facing hard time in the big house. Similarly there's no such thing as a fair fight between a man who is 20 with one who is 80.
Our laws have no trouble working with the natural facts of sex and age differences. But on race matters we are less rational.
We don't allow guns in the hands of children. We generally don't allow octegenarians to drive. We restrict the rights of certain groups so as to keep the public safe.
So I say don't allow guns to black men under the age of fifty.
That's a position you can advocate on any blog. It's motivated by facts and logic. It's racial but it's not based on race hatred.
Rosie O'Donnell Costas is calling for gun control (surprise, surprise, how 'bout some 'bodyguard control' for you Bob-o?).
Mind you I agree gun control should be practiced although I define it a bit differently.
I agree with Pat above, Humans should be allowed to own and use firearms as needed but People™ should not. Just like children aren't allowed to drive because they don't have the responsibility and judgement to do so People™ don't (and never will) have the facilities to be responsible with firearms. Even the NRA has no problem with felons or the mentally ill/handicapped being barred from weapons possession/use.
'Curtis should be sterilized immediately, were the "global elites" truly worried about eugenics as Alex Jones and InfoWars would have you believe is there true agenda. It's not.'
I got so sick of Jones's blithering about "eugenics" that I cancelled my subscription to his YouTube channel. As Paul Kersey correctly pointed out, elitist policy is not eugenics; it's dysgenics.
Pat/ Albertosaurus:
I disagree with many points made in your points. First, China is not our friend. Not at all. Secondly, although you appear to come from a place of good intentions here, your posts suggests that you are out of touch with the economic reality of most white working and middle class people. The legal system has criminalized many working whites. The bottom line is that you have money, you can buy yourself out of a lot of legal troubles. I know midwives in Virginia who have been jailed, along with men urinating in public and then being busted as sex offenders. The legal system and it's sociopathic judges paid off by the wealthy elites is a farce. Remember, most congressmen have law degrees so they can simply write laws that line their pockets with elites' monies. So just saying ALL felons should not be allowed to vote is bs because your 'dragnet' would include many hard working people that got stiffed by the system simply because they could not pay off somebody.
Having done expert witness work in DC, I know of a high powered attorney who did not pay his taxes for FIVE years. Do you think any white regular middle class person could get away with that? Poor blacks don't have to worry, they have no income that the legal system can sponge up. Again, middle class white people who work, pay for school, can't afford to send their kids to private school etc get screwed.
Your point about about having just property owners vote is not reality based either as ur dies not resonate with the plight of many middle class working white people. Many of these people bought homes or owned homes in neighborhoods and communities where jobs have been cut and sent where?.... Oh that's right to our friends in Mexico ( ex: Hershey Chocolate) and India and our best buddy China.
Your approach sounds like it is based in a vision of a member of the elite class who cannot relate to middle class white America. Someone mentioned that Detroit was stripped by the elites and this is true. They destroyed Detroit working white class by playing social chess aka class warfare by introducing a virulent strain of groids, their mignions.
Do you believe in the white middle class Pat/Albertosaurus? I do. But I have given up on Amurka because it has laid the white middle class out to dry to have its bones picked by groids, beaners, turd worlders, and f course the bankstas.
White America must develop a sense of community.
Karen, I am angry too.
Just stood in line at the grocery store behind 2 black male thugs with corn rows and sag pants (no women or children with them) purchasing 2 carts FULL of junk food, fruit punch, frozen pizza, bottled water, ice cream, and chips with an EBT card. $229.00 total.
Cashier did not check ID or ask any questions. She even sacked their groceries and smiled for them.
Lazy s-hits. Why are we providing able-bodied young black males with EBT cards? They got into a white care with tints and rims. Their shoes must have cost over $100 and I pay for their food?
One male asked cashier if he could get some "cash back".
How can this be? We have to end this.
DETROIT (WJBK) -- The city of Detroit faces a major financial crisis and one member of city council thinks President Barack Obama should step in and help.
City Council member JoAnn Watson said Tuesday the citizens support of Obama in last month's election was enough reason for the president to bailout the struggling the city. (Click the video player to listen)
"Our people in an overwhelming way supported the re-election of this president and there ought to be a quid pro quo and you ought to exercise leadership on that," said Watson. "Of course, not just that, but why not?"
Nearly 75 percent of Wayne County voters pulled the lever for Obama in November.
"After the election of Jimmy Carter, the honorable Coleman Alexander Young, he went to Washington, D.C. He came home with some bacon," said Watson. "That's what you do."
Young served as Detroit's mayor for 20 years and served as vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 1977 to 19
Anonymous said...
Karen, I am angry too.
Just stood in line at the grocery store behind 2 black male thugs ...2 carts FULL of junk food...with an EBT card. $229.00 total.
What you are describing is going on everywhere in the nation, 24x7. The country is $16 trillion in debt. What you have just described is unfolding every hour of the day in every state, city, municipality, hamlet and village across the land. The country is $16.3 trillion in debt.
Aside from your supermarket experience, there's medical treatment (huge), welfare payments apart from EBT cards, bakkaball shoe allowances, hair weave assistance, section 8 rent assistance, ATFNSR's payouts (that's the new Aid To Thugs Needing Spinning Rims), Federal programs to buy pants and shirts that are 3 sizes to large, HUD's new Hoodie Program, President Obama's new Hip-hop Agency to uncover previously unidentified hip-hop talent, the School Breakfast Program and School Lunch Program, the Summer Food Service Program for Children, The Office of African-American Motor Vehicle Assistance, the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), the Supportive Housing program, the Black Congressional Caucus, Support for Professional Black Professional Advancement (SPBPA), Affirmative Action, the HOPE project (Home Ownership and Opportunity for People Everywhere), Aid to African-American Babies and Infants, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), Negro Advancement Grants, the federal Cash to Negroes (CtN) program, Temporary Assistance for Negro Families (TANF), Permanent Assistance to Negro Families (PANF), HHS's African-American Aid and Assistance program, the BBBF's (Building Better Black Families) program, The Assitance Grant to African-American Baby Mommas (AGAABM), the IRS's African-American Tax Avoidance program (AATA), the monthly allowance available through the federally sponsored Black Family Funding initiative. And that's not even close to the full list.
The country is now $16.4 trillion in debt and if you're a white person, suggest you get back to work and pay your fair share, cracka. Barack be da prezzy up in here.
"City Council member JoAnn Watson said Tuesday the citizens support of Obama in last month's election was enough reason for the president to bailout the struggling the city. Our people in an overwhelming way supported the re-election of this president and there ought to be a quid pro quo and you ought to exercise leadership on that," said Watson. "Of course, not just that, but why not?"
This is the penultimate problem with the transition from a Capitalist Constitutional Republic to a Socialist Racial "Democracy." The people that vote for "their guy" DEMAND that he help them. To HELL with what's best for the nation, they want THEIRS and anything less is (pick one) a.) racist b.) racist c.) racist d.) racist e.) all of the above.
The left firmly believes that President Food Stamps was "elected" to serve them and them alone. The left does not believe that President Food Stamps should concern himself with ALL Americans, just those on the left because THEY elected him and we "voted" against him. President Food Stamps and his ilk absolutely subscribe to this same ideology, as we can plainly see that President Food Stamps does not have any concern whatsoever for White America. It's basically a one party dictatorship now, where the Normalcy Bias in American society has completely switched from conservative/capitalist to liberal/communist, so there is no real pressing need for the Lefties in charge to have any pretense of "governing for the Right wing." It's a horrifying situation and the comparisons to 1930's Germany are so incredibly accurate (except the Germans weren't being invaded by Mexico/Central America/Arab world).
Californian said: "Really, the Cold War can be seen as a struggle between the liberal and communist wings of the messianic movement for One World."
I have to disagree with you here. Liberalism and communism seem to me to be mutually inclusive. Liberalism is a direct outgrowth of communism. The Cold War was just another Hegelian Dialectic set up by the Globalist Bankers to foment control via fear. The Cold War was also set up to break the Soviet Union both economically and militarily so that the USA could pillage the globe without another Super Power confronting her militarily.
"were the "global elites" truly worried about eugenics as Alex Jones and InfoWars would have you believe is there true agenda. It's not."
Glad to see that you have realized that Alex Jones is a completely worthless bag of shit. Please dear readers do NOT visit InfoWars or PrisonPlanet and do NOT inflate his view count on youtube. This guy is a disinfo agent that attempts to derail the truth by hiding behind the veil of "alternative media." Oh how I hate and loathe Alex Jones.
I agree. Screw having a universal democracy. The UN is a joke.
I was at a 'health fair' this summer where an organization was handing out condoms. One of the otgsnization's sponsors was the UN. I then realized how far a reach the UN has into the daily life of the US.
I don't want the UN involved in my life or my kid's lives whatsoever. No I do not wish to care about what goes on in Pakistan or Japan or Uzbungastan.,,,, I don't want my taxes to fund anything to do with any Muslim and/or third world turd country.
Charity begins at home with the White middle class.
Was it the Monroe Doctrine that basically the US just needs to look out for número UNO and stay out of the business of other countries?
White Mom in Turd Paradise
It would seem that violence is the only answer. So many good posts here I just want to add my two cents.
* Liberalism is a mental disease. I know many Liberals who have no power predominately White and they advocate the oppiste of what any rational person would.
* American directly supports Dysgenics. Paying stupid, violent people to have children it is destroying not only our country but any country that does this.
*Government wrecks everything. I would think that the only solution to all the mentally ill homeless and single crack ho breeders is mental institutes and orphanages. If these institutions are private enterprises then there would be a profit in the mentally ill and orphans. If the institutions are government run the usual suspects will get their AA hires to destroy them and mismanage them.
*White middle class is being destroyed sucked of every last dime to pay for the disfunction. Government forces this paynment at the point of a gun.
*With section 8 being spread to the suburbs there is less places to run.
* The election was very dirty and fraudulent. Maybe Obama would have won anyway? Everyday there is more evidence that illegals, menatlly ill, and felons voted with the help of DNC voulenteers.
* Media supports all these pathologies hides the truth and supports the Liberal agenda.
Currently through militerized police and militerized government agencies White Americans are being violently forced to pay for things against their own interests.
Open boarders are creating more and more physical violence to White Americans. Blacks are increasing their violent attacks against White Americans.
Our quality of life and our standard of living is destroyed. Our women are being rapped are children abused. We are stuck in a vice. The elites crush us from above and the orcs crush us from below. This pressure can only result in an explosion.
I actually hope for a Greek type situation.
Have to disagree about the "Hegelian Dialectic" mumbo-jumbo. The dialectic is an ancient concept which utterly discounts the role of the random or contingent aspect of life. It somehow posits a "design" is out there functioning and the design - have you noticed - is absolutely comprehensible by the discussants. Pretty tidy, I'd say.
Anyway, the Cold War was for real and the Global Bankers didn't have nearly as much say over the outcome as the inner circle of the KGB and GRU, and the opposing entities on our side.
Ultimately, WW2 and the Cold War were about physics, i.e., nuclear weapons.Contrary to what many believe, Germany was distressingly close to fielding radioactive weaponry and the V2, had things played out differently, could have been the delivery tool for a really nasty dirty bomb over London.
Jay Santos said...
...the federal Cash to Negroes (CtN) program
The federal government has a Cash to Negroes program? The entire federal government is nothing but a "cash to negroes program".
I've had enough. I'm just an average American, but I may start to get angry about all of this.
One more thing...if you doubt that the Cold War and nuclear weaponry has had an effect on you and yours, please be aware that the level of radioactive cesium in your bones is way way higher than it was in humans 100 years ago.
The real number of above ground nuclear explosions in the fifties and sixties is astonishing.
Read "The Minds of the Children" by Ernest Sternglass, MD.
Global Bankers, indeed.
Spelling rant:
their mignions
Please, people! There is the word "minion" meaning servant or lackey, and "mignon" (pronounced min-YOH) which usually follows "filet", but there is no such word as "mignion".
Using the language correctly is ESSENTIAL if you are trying to score points with the public; if someone can see that you can't spell, they are very likely to assume that your facts are in as bad or worse shape even if they would otherwise tend to agree with you. Worse, they won't want to be seen agreeing with someone whose bad spelling or grammar makes them appear ridiculous.
Ridicule is a potent weapon. DO NOT give the enemy the opportunity to take cheap shots at you!
@ Anonymous 4:23 said:
"Have to disagree about the "Hegelian Dialectic" mumbo-jumbo. The dialectic is an ancient concept which utterly discounts the role of the random or contingent aspect of life."
When you have ULTIMATE CONTROL of the Treasury and Media of nations, random or contingent aspects are irrelevant to the master plan. Obviously they cannot control everyone's behavior at all times, but they do not need to, that's what the MEDIA is for. The media creates the Normalcy Bias that allows the Hegelian Dialectic of Capitalism Vs. Communism = Cold War to function. World War 2 was about FAR MORE than just "physics" as you claim. World War 2 was about the destruction of Western Civilization and the transition to World Communism, come on guy. BTW the Japs were also relatively close to building an atomic bomb.
TNB caught on camera in South Carolina:
"How dare u try 'n stop me from stealing yr beer! Imma punch u out whitey!!"
Babbling Bob the beautiful, bloviated liberal, anti-second amendment rights ideology, live on a TV football game. No action taken by the NFL or the TV station. Beautiful Bob remains in good standing. Hank Williams Jr. openly states his realization of Barac Obamas destruction of America and is subsequently and immediately terminated, and terminated with extreme prejudice from his NFL Monday Night Football intro music job.
The liberal double standard, as promoted by the LMSM, the arm and the fist of liberal ideology, and enforced by the liberal Gestapo tactics of pariahizing non conformists, is killing liberty and furthering tyranny.
Liberty, by necessity, must walk hand in hand with responsibility. Responsibility is a trait of the matured. All liberals, 95% of blacks, 40% of whites, 70% of Hispanics, 100% of Islamics, prefer to remain immature and therefore are irresponsible. These are those who jeopardize the great, higher culture of liberty, created by our white, non-liberal, Founding Fathers.
These allies of different gene pools and their said different gene pools mutually different IQs, have in common the single quality character trait of immaturity. Unbelievably, it is these people who demand enfranchisement and worse, it is these immature, liberal dolts who demand to be, in charge.
Because liberals, the immature, now outnumber non-liberals, the matured, our fully enfranchised democracy is allowing the immature to lead our country. This is nothing less than letting the intoxicated drive the car, and making the sober shut up and lump it.
As liberals drive our Republic of liberty up over the precipice and into the abyss, I sense I, and others like me, non-liberal whites, are supposed to reflect upon the great loss our culture has now sustained with the loss of this fine young black man, the beautiful Mr. Jovan Belcher, and all because the non-liberal whites believe in second amendment rights.
Perhaps it is time for non-liberals to secede from the Union, time to relieve all liberals of the land of liberty from our “non-liberal, burden of responsibility”, that they may experience the bliss of life materialized and made manifest, once liberated from said burden of responsibility, the life of tyranny, poverty and misery.
If Costas had the pair needed to simply say blacks, with their physically smaller cerebrum and lower IQ, coupled with their smaller propensity to mature, simply cannot handle liberty, and therefore should be duly relieved of their second amendment rights, I would have concurred. A black man with a gun is a dangerous reality.
However this is liberal run America, and beautiful Bob shall babble and bloviate liberal ideology, the ideology of America`s destruction and be applauded by his fellow liberals, the immature.
As Americas older white, non-liberal males die off, so too does America. Cher and other liberals of her ilk will celebrate much the way Nero fiddle as Rome burned. I believe America the Union, America as we know it is doomed. Thank you.
Just wanted to add my gratitude to the white women for their imput. White Mon in Turd Paradise, karen, Melanie and the other White Mom if the two White Moms are different.
Good solid posts. Good to know we white, non-liberal men, have some decent white, non-liberal women with us.
Thanks girls.
SBPDL said:
"Why can't Front Page Magazine, Weekly Standard, National Review, The Blaze, Daily Caller, Fox News, or any other periodical claiming to be "conservative" bring themselves to point out the black elephant squarely in the whole debate over the collapse of Detroit?"
I could see Horowitz @ Front Page Mag alluding to the elephant, but none of the rest are going to run afoul of the many de facto speech controls/codes enforced by institutional America.
Such a statement would be akin to telling-off your employer, i.e. quitting or not caring if you get fired.
To wit, see the example of John Derbyshire, formerly of National Review, after posting his White version of 'The Talk' online.
It's instructive/chilling to the rest to maintain regimentation, indoctrination, and control.
This is what I believe you mean by the acronym BRA.
There will be much professional and personal unpleasantness to follow should one in the non-approved racial category discuss certain unfortunate realities pertaining to approved races or those engaging in the approved homosexual/queer lifestyle, who by the way have far more political and institutional clout than mere niggers.
It's probably not really all that necessary for people in these professions to 'quit' in the manner you suggest.
I found SBPDL through Real Clear Politics, about as mainstream as it gets.
In real life, everyone already knows a lot of the stuff black people don't like.
Then watch videos online in real-time.
"It's not IQ; it's not stories of black-on-white crime; it's not even immigration that will be the catalyst for the eventual event that causes the damn to... not just slowly crack, but burst completely wide open.
The dam will burst."
I wonder what the catalyst will be?
Hope to find it under the Christmas tree.
Poetic justice would be dear Bob, good ole peace loving Bob gets his bell rang by a gang of blacks armed with pipes.
Ex New Yorker here.....About Alex Jones. I totally agree with So CAL Snowman about that blabber mouth turd head. There is just something about that creep that rubs me the wrong way. I am convinced that he is an agent provocateur like Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin were back in the 1960's. Anybody that knows about the Communist take over in Russia knows what an agent provocateur is used for.
His pitch is based on FEAR. "The Nazis are coming to get you." Blah. Blah. Blah. Remember, the whole program is based on fear. Your power ends where your fear begins. The dark side feeds on fear. To them it is food.
Alex Jones is another one of these assholes who are addicted to the spotlight. HE MUST ALWAYS BE ON STAGE. If people like him don't get the spotlight and the attention they would shrivel up and die. It is called SHOW BUSINESS. He is just another talking head who reads from the script given to him by his owners. He has been bought and paid for.
Thats why Obama is in support of the UN's agenda 21 which would eliminate suburbs and rural living and force everyone to live in cities. The plan is to prohibit the constuction of single family homes and also to discourage private ownership of automobiles by heavy taxation. Sounds like another conspiracy theory, but it is being implimented in parts of Europe especially Germany.
Yoi make the statement that the cold war was a battle between communism and liberalism, cant you see that communism won. I see no distinction between modern liberalism and the definition of comminism. This will be clear once everyone assimilated into the government machine. Your basic needs will be taken care of by the government and in exchange you will be assigned a job as a government worker. Right now Obama his plan as giving back to the country. A very patriotic plan, right comrades.
On the Alex Jones question: I don`t particularly like him either. Though he at first seemed to be on the right page, as I listened, and by the way, not for so very much, I cocluded he suffers from, and plays upon paranoia.
That will not help out the cause of the white, non-liberal people very much, perhaps nothing at all.
I like David Horowitz, and by the way Pam Geller and Robert Spencer, however, they have their hands full trying to protect themselves and all non-Islamics from the scourge of Islam.
As I say, woe will be humanity, when all are enslaved to Islamic insanity.
Secession is the answer, believe brothers and sisters, believe. Thank you.
That was brilliant. And true.
Communism is the violent and or agressive take over and transmogrification of a non-socialist culture.
Liberalism is the slow more peaceful take over and transmogrification of a non-socialist culture.
Each ends in tyranny, poverty and misery for the masses, the flock. Each ends in the highlife of power, fame and fortune for the good Sheppard leaders.
Liberals have progressives leading their charge, communists have revolutionaries leading their charge. Thanks.
I already rapped his knuckles a few weeks ago for using the phrase "it's mignions" for "its minions." He ignored it, and went right on using "mignions." Apparently he's so much more intelligent and special than the rest of us that he has the right to make up his own spellings.
Anonymous said...
"Poetic justice would be dear Bob, good ole peace loving Bob gets his bell rang by a gang of blacks armed with pipes."
It'd be more funny if it happened to Al Sharptoon or any of the Jesse Jacksons.
One of the "Reverend" Jackson's most famous anecdotes has it that he was getting pretty apprehensive at hearing the rapidly-approaching footsteps of a bunch a guys behind him, then being relieved at seeing they were white guys, not fellow niggers.
All that said, it'd be damn funny if it happened to Costas.
December 5, 2012 5:29 PM
Paul Kersey asks:
Why can't Front Page Magazine, Weekly Standard, National Review, The Blaze, Daily Caller, Fox News, or any other periodical claiming to be "conservative" bring themselves to point out the black elephant squarely in the whole debate over the collapse of Detroit?
Paul, these folks would sooner run articles about being invaded by space aliens than mention the big stinking hulk in the room. There's nothing conservative about Conservatism, Inc. With one possible exception, the folks on the list above are part of BRA. Conservatism, Inc. makes tons of money from hapless whites who think that this gang represents some sort of political opposition. Like the Republican party, they are a phony opposition whose purpose is to sap money, time and energy away from those who are being targeted.
The one possible (but unlikely) exception in the list is Horowitz, based solely on his fairly hard-hitting book from the 1990s entitled Hating Whitey. It was something of a precursor of your own work which included documentation of some groid atrocities from the early 90s. After a fight with his groid daughter-in-law over Larry Auster's articles appearing on FrontPage, Horowitz appears to have caved on the whole BRA issue and devoted himself to the importance of making the ummah safe for feminism, sodomy and the Amurikan whey - which I suppose is just in his blood.
Room101 said...
Anonymous said...
"Poetic justice would be dear Bob, good ole peace loving Bob gets his bell rang by a gang of blacks armed with pipes."
That would be quite more than poetic. But lil' Bob is protected... protected by security, men with guns. Bob is better than you. And you should already know that. While he's concerned about "our games", he's not concerned with ordinary street violence. Because lil' Bob is protected, by men with guns, paid for by the organizations that employ lil' Bob.
Lil' Bob is like all these punks obsessed with watching the big tough negroes slam into one another on the football field or the bakkaball court, he's a coward. But lil' Bob is protected. Protected by hired security staff with guns.
Though I've got to admit, if the federal government would ban firearm ownership and that would save a single black life, it would be worth it. Those of you who love "our games", wouldn't you agree?
I sure do. Let "our games" continue.
Globalist Banksters that literally own our government and instituions hate Whites far more than they hate Negroes because Whites are the only people that can and do resist their One World Government. They have used Negreos as weapons of mass social destruction to break down American civilization. The Negro is far more effective weapon than atomic weapons. A nuked city can be rebuilt. A city overrun by the Negro stays destroyed. The Banksters need to wreck our nation and our culture so they can more easily wipe us out as a race and leave themselves as the God-Kings ruling over the severly reduced population of dumb-downed brown serfs. That's their idea of eugenics.
Alex Jones is a worthless shill. Every time he calls out Nazi Nazi Nazi he implies that those of us who are nationalists and pro-White are agents of the NWO! This is deliberately confusing his listeners and distracts them from TWMNBN. AJ deserves a streetlight.
Shhh...don't tell the esteemed councilwoman that sobama doesn't need here anymore and didn't give a rat's ass about her in the first place. As for fiscal cliffs and bailouts the country is already broke and there is no way 16$ trillion is ever going to be paid back so look for WWIII which will start in Syria and be sponsored by the banksters who will profit off of all sides. Glorious times comrades.
Since we seem to be on the topic of certain "talk show" hosts. Let me add my two cents worth.
I'm a longtime listener of talk radio, especially shortwave before the advent of the Internet. Shortwave used to be the sole domain of the "fringe" before the Internet came along. Back in the early to late 90's you could regularly pick up broadcasts from the Militia Of Montana and many other such dissident groups. These guys used to talk about the very same same things that are being discussed here and now and then the OKC bombing and Waco and the Randy Weaver incident. These were Psyop's, I'm convinced, to destroy the burgeoning militia movement in this country at the time.
This whole house of cards that we live in is built on a lie. This has been a long term PLANNED leftist/Communist/progressive plan.
You are seeing the fruits of their labors right now. Obama is their point man and the radical-militant indigents are his storm troopers.
If you don't think this hasn't been fomented purposely, then you're never going to see the big picture. Machiavellian politics at its worst. But back to talk show hosts. Has anyone been listening to Neal Boortz recently? The guy has really been calling a spade a spade. He's retiring soon and he doesn't really seem to give a damn anymore and has been in a tear.
Alex Jones is a red herring, an agent provacateur, if you ask me. He's a fringe element STEAM VALVE, meant to deflect and steer away from our real enemies. The other side will always establish a false front, so as to keep the lemmings from getting at the top.
I'd suggest reading and understanding the Army Psyop manuals and read about Machiavellian politics.
And finally: Cui Bono?
The city needs ten million to remain solvent and a population of over 700,000 can't fork up the chump change ( less than $20 per head) to keep the city going? They'd rather see it go under than help themselves?
"Oh hell no! I ain't givin' up dat money! Dat money be fo de bucket of KFC! Somebody else gonna have to pay my way! I ain't doing it!"
Such people deserve NO help at all- they're even worthless to themselves.
European-American race realist checking in. Having read this blog for several weeks now, I must say I'm very impressed by the work Paul Kersey is doing and the erudite commentary by the SBPDL community. Today I'm speaking out because like the rest of you I'm completely fed up with the tyrannical elites in Washington, liberalism and the media scumbags who perpetuate it, and the parasitic Black Undertow. Until now I've been reluctant to post my thoughts mainly because I fear being placed on the domestic terrorist watch list, but frankly I no longer give a damn what the Obama administration does. He and his cronies can all go straight to hell. For a long time now I've felt we are headed for anarchy and obviously cities like Detroit is a powder keg. Thankfully I live in rural America but since I live only 50 miles due West of Memphis I've a good grasp on BRA. Of course I avoid the city and surrounding area like it's the plague. What was once a fun area to visit I now caution all my family and friends against it. Like Detroit, Chicago, Phila, Atlanta, Birmingham, St. Louis and Little Rock -Memphis is a corrupt, filthy shit hole -the common denominator among all of them low IQ affirmative action blacks and a entitled populace who share a strong resentment and hatred towards Whites. Tool up because it's on, just as Satan Obama wants it.
I'd suggest reading and understanding the Army Psyop manuals and read about Machiavellian politics.
You have to educate yourself.
It's amazing the amount of good materials which are available.
...but Kwame Kenyatta be lookin' so intelligent... and his name be so African soundin'... He be needin to leave that sheeeeet Detroilet city council and be thinkin' about running for president... Sheeeeet..... I know I be votin' for him...
Of course he will. Detroit represents everything he's spent his entire life working for – except for that minor, inexplicable fluke of massive urban blight and municipal bankruptcy, which are temporary aberrations that can be quickly remedied by more federal programs. No way will he let that bad boy go down.
Detroit IS Obama. If it fails, Obama fails.
I totally feel you Karen. I used to live in Snellville, and work in Lithonia. It's absolutely sickening and disgusting. You honestly cannot say enough bad things about them. A napalm drop on the whole of the A T Hell would be a vast improvement.
Worse even was that my exwife was a liberal. She was completely ignorant and oblivious to the problem until the house got broken into twice. And even then, still clung to her stupid ass liberal beliefs. At that point I realized how stupid she was, and how sick of the whole situation that I was. I said goodbye too her and Apelanta right then. I refused to spend the rest of my life with someone unable to accept and cope with a very plain to see reality. Let alone spend the rest of my life somewhere that criminality and stupidity is the way of life.
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