Today, we know exactly what many on the left want to see happen [House Dem: 'Turn in your guns', The Hill, 12-19-12]:
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) on Wednesday afternoon urged people to turn in their guns, arguing it would be an appropriate response to last week's mass shooting in Newtown, Conn. "I would personally just say to those who are listening, maybe you want to turn in your guns," Jackson Lee said on the House floor.
"Oh no, I'm not going to take your guns. But look at what Dick's Sporting Goods did ... they wanted to be part of the solution and part of America."
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Joshua Proutey, a white male college student, dead: Courtesy of Obama's sons and daughters |
A barber shop patron who fired three times at another customer discussing the Connecticut school shooting has been charged with three felonies.
Lester Davis, 57, of the 400 block of Highland Meadows Place is facing charges of first-degree assault, armed criminal action and unlawful possession of a weapon.
According to police, Davis was at the All Cuts Barber Shop, 102 West Pearce Boulevard, about 11:30 a.m. Tuesday with five other people.
One of the patrons was discussing last week's shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, and commented that the incident "makes me want to murder the suspect," police said.
For unknown reasons, Davis took the comment as a threat and asked, "You want to murder me?" Davis then walked out to his Volkswagon sedan, retrieved a loaded Smith & Wesson 9 mm pistol and fired three times in the customer's direction, police said.
Davis said "I'll let you slide," walked out of the barber shop and drove off in his car, police said.
He later turned himself in to police.
According to court records, Davis is a felon, convicted of second-degree homicide and unlawful possession of a weapon in Middlesex County, N.J., in 1975. Records further state he has been involved in numerous verbal altercations with neighbors, resulting in an order of protection being issued against him.
He told police that the gun he used belongs to his wife.
Bail in Davis' case is set at $400,000 cash only.
How did Mr. Davis get his gun? Would he have voluntarily turned in a weapon he didn't legally procure?
You see, most white people own guns because they understand that, though the police are but a 911 call away, when being mugged or having your house broken into this public service isn't exactly efficient.
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The Execution of Order 66 is coming... |
Just like this story of four black people who killed a young white male, Joshua Proutey -- all for $10 and a sandwich [College student's murder yields $10, Wilmington Star News, 12-19-12]:
Four people were arrested late Sunday and early Monday morning in the downtown shooting death Thursday night of a Cape Fear Community College student robbed of a sandwich, cellphone and two $5 bills.
Christopher Daniel Cromartie Jr., 23, Quintel Raheem Grady, 22, Jasmine Nikole Dottin, 19, and Daniel Edward Henry, 17, are each charged with felony first-degree murder, robbery with a dangerous weapon and conspiracy to commit robbery with a dangerous weapon. Cromartie, Henry and Dottin are each additionally charged with attempted burglary.
Though Cromartie called himself the manager of the Wilmington Coastal Boxing gym on Anderson Street, the president of the non-profit club for at-risk youth said Tuesday that wasn't true.
During their first appearances in court Monday, District AttorneyBen David said that on the night of the killing, Cromartie, Henry and Dottin attempted to break into a home on South Churchill Road but ran off after alerting the home owners.
With that plan thwarted, the trio met up with Grady.
“The four of them hatched a plot to go downtown to find a victim or victims to rob. (Cromartie), together with Daniel Henry and Quintel Grady, got out of a car being operated by Jasmine Dottin and stalked and followed a woman in the downtown area. She understood she was being stalked, went into her gated yard and began to call 911, but did not. They left her. This was about 20 minutes before Joshua Proutey was shot and killed,” David said.
“They then find Mr. Proutey.... It's alleged at that time Mr. Quintel Grady approached him demanding his wallet and anything of value. Mr. Proutey produced what was in his wallet, which was $10, and asked if he could keep his ID because it would be hard to replace. At that point he was ordered back into his car and he froze. And it's alleged that Mr. Grady shot him in the head and killed him.”
The group then fled, taking Proutey's cash, cellphone and sandwich.
As passers-by found Proutey's lifeless body in the parking lot next to the Hannah Block Community Arts Center at Second and Orange streets – his car keys still clutched in his hand and the ice in his fountain soda still frozen – a Market Street gas station surveillance camera captured Dottin, Cromartie, Henry and Grady pulling in.
Wilmington Police Department Chief Ralph Evangelous said they put Proutey's $10 in the tank of their car.
“This was completely random. There is no piece that you can connect Joshua to these people with. He didn't hang out downtown, he didn't have any seedy friends,” said his grief-stricken mother Patricia Proutey. “He was everybody's kid. This could have been anybody's kid.”The state failed to provide adequate protection for Joshua Proutey -- had he been armed with a concealed weapon, would he have been killed execution style by four black people?
In the case of Lester Davis, he was a black male with a long, undistinguished record of being in trouble with the law: yet he had somehow obtained a firearm through illegal channels.
That is the America the left hopes to create. That is what "gun control" is all about.
Of course, the point of bans on "high-capacity magazines" is that BRA wants you to run out of bullets before the mobs run out of whitey-beaters and the gun-grabbers run out of enthusiasm to deprive American citizens of their right to defend themselves against their enemies—the government included.
Tell you what- I'll turn in one gun for every African American criminal piece of trash and thug that gets deported back to da muddaland with a "no return on pain of death" order. I'll turn in a second gun when you do the same for some welfare bitch and her brood of worthless children.
You want something significant, you're going to have to give something significant in return. Empty words and hollow promises won't do it.
Though Cromartie called himself the manager of the Wilmington Coastal Boxing gym on Anderson Street, the president of the non-profit club for at-risk youth said Tuesday that wasn't true.
"At risk"
Once again, those impetuous "youth" have murdered someone. Oh, the foibles of "youth!" Must be related to those misguided "youth" who do drive-bys and flash mobs. And those "youth" whose struggle for justice has caused them to burn down sections of cities in America and Europe.
Gee whiz, these "youth" must be the victims. After all, they are the ones "at risk." Not law abiding citizens who must turn in their guns because it might cause harm to "at risk youth."
Powerful article PK. The main problem is obviously that the lefty liberals do not see the government as the enemy. The lefty liberals ALL believe that the government is a beacon of moral superiority, an all knowing, compassionate, well-intentioned entity that is moving America forward. To even suggest to these indoctrinated sycophants that the Federal Government is an enemy of the "We the People" is to incite cries of mass hysteria, outright denial, and threatened violence. In their minds, whatever the Fed Gov. says must be the absolute truth. So if the government says guns are bad, they must be really bad and anyone who says differently is an enemy of the state. To be a lefty supporter of the Fed Gov. is really a psychological break from reality, a practiced and nuanced cognitive dissonance. They openly support and follow a Federal Government that placed guns in the hands of Mexican cartels that were subsequently used to murder border patrol agents. They openly support a Federal Government that has no compunction whatsoever at killing innocent women and children with Predator drone strikes. The lefty liberals say that this same government is morally just and that we don't need our guns because the Pentagon will protect us. It's insane!
Equally amusing is the Lefty call to depend on the police in lieu of our firearms. You know the same police that the lefty liberals routinely accuse of brutality and racial profiling! So the lefties HATE the racist, Nazi police but they want us to depend on them in an emergency? The media plays the part of Houdini is this situation, misdirection is the name of their game. No don't look at the simmering cauldron of black violence stew in the inner cities, instead focus on the White gunmen who are terrorizing our children! The horror, the horror! Never mind the fact that a staggering amount of the country has turned into "No Go" zones for White people, we must focus on the George Zimmermans, and the James Holmes and the Adam Lanzas of the world. The best part is that they have roped large segments of the black community into calling for "gun control" as if that will stop the orcs from pillaging the kingdom.
I live in Obama land, inner city, integrated Chicago neighborhood surrounded by very poor, all Black neighborhoods with high crime. Chicago has the worst gun rights laws.
I'm OK with restrictions on military assault riffles - there is no legitimate self defense, hunting uses for these weapons. If you want to be part of a "militia" as mentioned in the US Constitution it should be some formal militia with responsible officers - not mothers "prepping" for the End Times with crazy teenage sons who get full access to the assault riffles.
Defend your home with a 12 guage - the best home defense weapon - doesn't kill someone 3 blocks away.
California you beat me to it. Question, it is common knowledge that most criminals are 18-24 years of age at least for Whites. Not only are blacks overtly criminal but I think they continue their criminal ways at older ages. The man is the barber shop story was what 58 can anyone imagine a normal 58 year old White male doing this? Tray dad is in his 40's and still hanging with criminals and rappers.
The government is not our friend and it is not for us. The government exists for it's own purposes namely money and power. At one time the citizens of the US were the government not anymore.
Remember this is a government that will import alien people by the millions every year to replaces us. The worst part is these people in the government look like us and have our ancestory but they are not us.
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Sheila Jackson Lee is oviously only calling for people to give up their illegally obtained fireamrs because anyhting else would just be crazy.
Three of the four suspects are eligible for the death penalty just on age. But NC has that stupid racial justice act, which means it'll be all the much harder for an execution actually to take place.
Paul, I wish there was a way for me to link your article to my Facebook page without the SBPDL site popping-up also . I
Well in Texas this is a capital murder case. I guess the 17 year old is lucky he beat execution for a few months.
I don't get the mind set of some people. Kill someone and throw away your life in the process for what $10.
A firearm is the only defense any of us have if/when we are attacked by a black mob. That is what they want. They want us helpless. In there eyes we deserve it.
The Police, when seconds count, they are only minutes away.
Two words: South Africa.
Thats what Bath-house Barry and the Cephalopods want for you.
Prepare accordingly...
Sheila Jackson Lee reminds me of a hippo - and I'm referring to her face, not her figure. Same beady little eyes, flattened nose, prognathous jaw, quivering jowls.
I read this earlier and resolved not to shop at Dicks again. I don't go there often, but I was just there a few weeks ago for some new lifting gloves. They've lost my business.
White people - even the mindless sheeple - are starting to get the uncomfortable feeling that they're being set up as sacrificial lambs. Many cannot articulate it; hell, many cannot even consciously acknowledge it, but they feel uneasy. I cannot count how many times my husband has come home and mentioned customers asking him for recommendations on weapons(he does not work with weapons but rather metals). Most of the DWLs he works with have taken the concealed carry class taught by the off-duty cops that work as guards at his workplace. A good friend called, out of the blue, asking for suggestions on what to buy (metals, guns, food) in order to be prepared. For what? He couldn't say, precisely, but he knew things were changing.
I was raised as one of those DWLs and had never held a weapon until I was 29. My spouse is stopping after work tonight to purchase another gun for our household collection. That's what he wants for Christmas.
Sad a productive member of society murdered for 10 bucks. These Negros will now have their scholarship at n*gger university paid by us! Where they get to cackle and workout all day like a spa. I'm tired of this...when will people open their eyes to the truth! >_<
Look at that negro in the lower left of that picture. That is not a human skull. That is some type of ape with rudimentary language capabilities. He was the genius that "hatched" the plot to kill a man for $10 and a sandwich?
Living in the US 2012 is like living on a small island on which the government has released 10,000 wild wolves. And after releasing the predators, they want to take your weapons from you. Sure, no problem.
What if every weapon in America was turned over to the Federal government,what would the feds do with 300 million light weapons?Any one got any ideas?
"They wanted to be part of the solution and part of America." What is up with this new Libtard fetish for describing inherently anti-American activities and things as "American"? Giving up your guns? That's American! Forcing leftist propaganda and politically-correct thought control down our kids' throats in the schools? That's American! Our national culture being dismantled wholesale and replaced with multiculture nonsense? That's American! Millions of illegal aliens being rewarded with social benefits, and being actively protected from deportation, in flagrant violation of immigration laws representing the will of the people? That's American! A socialist crypto-islamist Kenyan imposter who hangs out with thugs and felonious creeps pretending that he's our president? That's American! That's Change and Moving Forward!
How can this story not have aired on Mainstream News? Thankfully we have SBPDL AND DRUDGE. I always keep a nice blade on me at all times hidden from view to ward off and incapacitate feral trash like this quadruple mahogany criminal element. The guns aren't going anywhere just let the fools bicker endlessly while they cover up other news that is actually important.
BTW, why should we be upset when big boxes and national chains get out of the firearms selling business? I consider that a feature, not a bug. There are good independent single or dual location mom and pop stores who would love your business. Can't we keep the retail end of at least one product out of the hands of big boxes and megaretailers?
Your nickname is ironic, because there is so much about this matter that is still just that, unknown. The media which promise to get things right keep getting things in this case wrong again then wrong again. We don't know if she was really a big prepper or not, whether she took the nutbar out to learn how to shoot or not, whether she tried to get her nutbar son committed or not.
"Anonymous said...
What if every weapon in America was turned over to the Federal government,what would the feds do with 300 million light weapons?Any one got any ideas?"
Ooh, ooh! Me, Me!
Bath-house Barry would give at least some of 'em to his pet Salafists so they could overthrow uncooperative Arab republics. (Then to be turned on white American SF and Diplomatic personnel)
The rest, Eric Holder would give to his pet Mexican cartels to kill Americans in border states.
They may be a few other recipients that don't jump to mind right now...
I guess the Obamites know that theirs is the most anti-American and anti-constitutional "administration" in US history. So their constant use of "American" is a deliberate semantic subterfuge intended to defuse honest analysis of their activities.
The question is, when they come for your guns, will you give them up? It's going to be real easy to just turn them over, the Ausies did it. I just wonder if we've fallen so far, far enough that the Governor of South Carolina is an Indian and the next Senator is a Negro, that we'll roll over for this too.
Unknown said...
...I'm OK with restrictions on military assault rifles - there is no legitimate self defense, hunting uses for these weapons. (Emphasis added.) If you want to be part of a "militia" as mentioned in the US Constitution it should be some formal militia with responsible officers - not mothers "prepping" for the End Times with crazy teenage sons who get full access to the assault riffles.
Defend your home with a 12 guage - the best home defense weapon - doesn't kill someone 3 blocks away.
December 19, 2012 2:59 PM
The mission of the modern day semiautomatic rifle (erroneously called an "assault rifle") is this: To allow a single homeowner to defend his house, and those who live in it, from an enraged mob.
Shotguns, while highly effective in an antipersonnel role, are notoriously slow to reload (with a few, box magazine-fed exceptions). Even those box fed shotguns cannot keep up with the rate of fire of a good Mini-14, M1A, or AR-15 type rifle. And since the gangbangers and other miscreants will be armed with smuggled AK-47's from our MFN buddies, the Chinese, it behooves us to be able to fight them at the same ranges at which they will be engaging us.
Formal militias are infiltrated by BATFE, DHS, and FBI agents. Do not join a "militia" that wear uniforms, holds training sessions that are open to the public, etc.
No, we must remember that "the guerrilla must move amongst the people as a fish swims in the sea." (Chairman Mao Zedong [Tse-tung]) While we will not be guerillas in the traditional sense, we must maintain as low a profile as possible.
Be the gray man.
In decreasing order of popularity, the most common murder weapons in the US are:
1. Handguns
2. Knives
3. Bare hands
4. Blunt instruments
5. Shotguns
6. Rifles
Most common and Barrack O has two 3s at the end of his arms!
Amputate them now Mr President before you can do any harm!
In my experience the police are largely useless anyway. Unless it's a serious assault, or a major multiple thousands of dollars break-in, they take 45 minutes to show up, and then all they do is take a report and file it.
I had my car burglarized to the tune of $1500 and the police didn't bother to do any kind of investigation. The burglars were seen by several witnesses, there was a description and partial plate number on their car, and one of them even dropped her purse at the scene containing a health insurance card and other identifying information, but that still wasn't enough to get them out of the donut shop. Their helpful advice was that I should check the local pawn shops and basically recover my stuff myself. This wasn't a really ghetto town, either, just a working-class area with a substantial black presence.
Now I depend on myself and Mr. Glock. The police only get interested if you're facing a mortal risk, and in that case they won't make it to the scene before you're dead / robbed / raped anyway, so as far as I'm concerned they're usually about as much use as tits on a bull.
Mutant Swarm is correct. Blend in and appear idiotic. You never want to engage unless you are trapped in an inescapable corner then fight like hell. Don't be a hero, but never rollover like a pathetic lump either. I think Close Quarter Combat and self defense techniques are the first money well spent before firearms.
And the three male Willytown perps look like "people" with 120 volt minds wired to a half-dead Dollar Tree 1.5 volt AAA battery that will barely run my TV remote control.
Hubby called; store wasn't just mobbed, it was insanely mobbed. He bought not one gun, but three . . . and only after he had made his choices and filled out the requisite paperwork was he told he'd have to wait TWO HOURS for federal authorization. That's how many people are afraid of their government and are buying guns.
He asked me to leave him a plate of food for whenever he finally gets home. Poor fella - such are the sacrifices a man makes for his family's safety and independence.
Here is one of the main problems with egalitarianism and 'equality'. In an equal outcome society everyone gets treated the same no matter if you fit the profile or not. The whole purpose of the TSA is because we can't and won't profile. So we are all criminals/terrorist until proven otherwise. As white conservative/traditional males that proof may never come. Of course what is happening now is we are moving toward white Western males being profiled(which seems OK) particularly in this nation and white males keep looking to politicians to save them which will never happen.
The main problem is obviously that the lefty liberals do not see the government as the enemy.
Of course they don't. In fact they see the government as their tool to use to 'legally' neutralize White traditional males. They don't hate guns, they don't hate Christmas, they don't hate a lot of things( only use those thing to get at us) but they do HATE white traditional males and seek to use the federal government to either neutralize us or get rid of us. Matters not to them.
It disgusts me how the liberals refuse to acknowledge the reason WHY so many of us have guns in the first place. They all pretend that the negro threat doesn't exist, and thus pretend to be baffled that we own firearms! None of them acknowledge the real reason why we're armed. They make it out as though we are just a bunch of drooling psychopaths, when in reality we are only trying to protect what is precious to us, since our government can't and won't do it for us.
The group then fled, taking Proutey's cash, cellphone and sandwich.
dead for a f*cking sandwich.
so ya dont understand this?
' Kill someone and throw away your life in the process for what $10.'
Low IQ
hood mentality
poor impulse control
lousy evil parents, enabled by welfare, training the next
generation of 'parasite criminal
at risk-ies'.
pls add to my short list AFTER REREADING #1 N 2.
But NC has that stupid racial justice act, which means it'll be all the much harder for an execution actually to take place.
Auster reprinted a comment from a poster at which gave a pretty good summary of the issue (edited by Auster):
We protect our mayors with men with guns; we protect our governors with men with guns; we protect the House and the Senate and the President, with men with guns; we protect our courts, our banks, our jewelry stores, our sports arenas, and our pawn shops, all with men with guns.
However, our most precious possessions, our children, we protect with a piece of paper and a sign (the Gun Free Zone law).
Now, in response to the slaughter of 20 innocents, we propose to punish those (gun owners) who are innocent, and protect our most cherished possession, our children, with a another piece of paper (a new gun law).
This is just simple logic and rational thinking. We all know that DWLs and the uncountable legions of idiots who follow the Ministry of Truth as if it were real are either incapable of rational thought or worse. Boehner, the very model of a modern mealymouth Repuke, is already caving on the issue when not fellating Obama on the budget.
Sheila Jackson Lee once axed--and in Congress no less-- why it was that we could send men to walk on Mars but couldn't end poverty, unwittingly demonstrating the reason by the question.
James Wilson
I dropped by a gun shop/range today. This place has got maybe 150x6 feet of displayed long arms on a wall behind their counters and it was 50% empty. Guy told me it was sold in the last two days. The place was crowded like I've never imagined. Sales people were explaining to customers how basic semi-auto rifles work. There were several women customers at the counter, you rarely see that. People know what is about to happen in this country.
The bloody legacy of our first negro President will be in the history books, should such things exist in the future.
ALL of the information coming to public knowledge simply reminds me of the incident in the Arnold Schwartenegger movie "Running Man" we saw how the news identified him as a butcher, malcontent and such after the scenes of Arnold protesting his orders to fire upon innocent people that were only hungry! Believe NOTHING the media says, I mean NOTHING! HELL! Lanzi as probably not even the shooter and neither was Lee Harvey Oswald.
Just watched a Christmas program (movie) of some sort here in Afghanistan. In the last few minutes of it there were revealed 4 FOUR black male/White female relationships!!!Beautiful white girls getting off of their planes to meet their black boyfriends Blond/blue/beautiful white girls...the AFN over here totally pushed that black male/white female shit on us and most dare say nothing about it or we get sent home, career ends, pay gets cut off etc. etc. you know the drill. All bow down before the almighty blacks.
Those four killed him for fun. The $10 was just a trophy. They left out looking for some excitement, their kind of excitement, and found a victim. It was a thrill kill for them.
Trial junkie here. The MSM's catch-all description for a murder by blacks is "random." I noticed that Joshua Proutey's mother used the term.
Most blacks are cowardly as hell and will only attack in a situation where they have a distinct advantage~ a much smaller victim, the elderly, or a female. THe only way they'll go after someone other than that is if they have a weapon and the other person is unarmed or by way of a mob attack or an unexpected attack from behind. OR if they percieve you to be a wimpy type who (in best liberal fashion) will not attempt to defend yourself and will try to "talk."
Remove the guns from law abiding people's homes and you'll see violent home invasions by armed gangs of black ghetto trash skyrocket as they'll have no fear of being shot to pieces as they so richly deserve.
Or we could just go the British route and make it where if someone breaks into your home, you have to flee and can't do anything to make the little darlings feel intimidated. Or, if you go on vacation and come back only to find people have broken into your home (squatters), you can't evict them or have them evicted.
Think of this as an opportunity! We too can become a nation of libtarded pussies!
Get ready the confiscation begins on January 1st. They have to be rounded up before Zimmerman is found not guilty and vibrant youfs are out rioting. Hussein the cool rockstar messiah has a hard on for the guns and isn't going to stop. Turn in your guns or you won't be able to shop at the Sack N' Save to get your groceries, turn in your guns or the sobama jugend brownshirts will be by with those evil .223 rifles. Didn't a ton of bloggers and freedom lovers warn us this would happen if Hussein the immaculate was re-selected? I hope the 47% are enjoying their free goodies.
Can we start calling "random violence" by its true name?
Black Violence.
My bet... the calls for more gun control will go practically nowhere. The gun grabbers have predictably jumped on their best opportunity in some time, and their momentum is already fading. Election 2014 will be here all too soon, and the politicians certainly know that. This country is still pro-gun, whether that is due to the black plague, fears of an economic meltdown, or whatever. Just as one measurement, I remind everyone to look at the progress (and success) of the concealed carry laws in the past generation.
(And many concealed carry weapons are "assault weapons"...)
I encourage everyone here to watch the documentary, Innocents Betrayed, available on Youtube at:
and then distribute this link widely by posting in comments sections on news sites reporting anything about gun control.
Additionally, I'm not sure if the justice department crime stats provide a breakdown of crimes committed with guns and a breakdown by race, but that info would be very useful to also post in comment sections to show not only the disproportionate rates of crime but to show that the vast majority of gun crimes are committed aspiring rappers.
Unknown said
"I'm OK with restrictions on military assault riffles - there is no legitimate self defense, hunting uses for these weapons."
How can they not be used for self defense or hunting? They shoot bullets, which is really the only requirement for either situation. It would be analogous to saying my WW2 USN KABAR fighting knife has no legitimate use in the kitchen.
@ Unknown:
You sound like a typical city dweller. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that you don't shoot guns often, and have probably never touched an AR-15, let alone shot one.
I'm OK with restrictions on military assault riffles .
Let's be abundantly clear here: Saying that a civilian AR-15 is a "military assault rifle" is doing nothing but regurgitating the anti-gun filth that the media and liberal politicians spew. You might as well call them "machine guns" for how unbelievably false that tag is.
- there is no legitimate self defense, hunting uses for these weapons
Again, I have to assume you have never shot one of these rifles. No legitimate self defense? I would certainly rather have an AR-15 with a full magazine to defend my house against an intruder than a 12 gauge shotgun. The thought of putting multiple shots on target in a very short amount of time, with little to no recoil, makes it a perfect home defense weapon. Now, let's be honest: this is not the weapon to use for home defense if you live in an apartment, because of the possibility of bullets penetrating your neighbor's walls. If you live in an apartment, you will be well served by a shotgun or small caliber handgun.
As for hunting, I know several people who hunt with these rifles. Hunting involves a lot of hiking in rough terrain, often following deer trails, going in and out of draws and hollows, and sometimes plodding through snow. Would you rather do this with a 5 lb. AR-15, or significantly heavier traditional rifle? I am not fortunate enough to own one, but I would sure as hell rather pack one of those around than my 60's-era .30-06 that feels like an iron log is comparison.
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose. ... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!"
` Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
What if, when They came for your guns...?
Blacks have no gun culture. They have thug culture, and guns are an accessory, like gold chains are. Blacks just possess guns. Gun culture IS white American culture, guns represent freedom from tyranny, and that is what the left wants to destroy:
"For all the loose talk about American gun culture, no one really seems to be able to define what it is. Defining gun culture by the entertainment industry drifts too far into Hollywood and Detroit, and away from the rural culture that is the real target of gun control culture."
They are really targeting white people and American rural culture.
Coach Shotgun fits the home defense niche nicely. Just use heavy slugs. Sounds like a cannon firing indoors.
This I found on a site called ."The Democratic Underground.Com"
(Obama is not going to take your guns away. We are.)
By we I mean the people in this country who are sick the world seeing their country as a asylum with heavily armed inmates. We are the people who are not going to repeat once again the cycle of horror, recrimination, empty words and a quick return to business as usual. We are the people who have had it with a political lobby masquerading as a users group that finds it politically expedient to put weapons of indiscriminate slaughter in the same category as legitimate implements of sport or self defense. We are the people who sadly had to have one more unspeakable horror before we decided to finally stand up to the NRA and its pawns in congress who quake in terror of their disapproval. I hope the president has our back. This insanity has to stop now.
Notes on the interview:
Oh the poor crying nigger, if he could only go back ....
(Nigger met destiny, can't go back from that.)
(Is Quintel related to Qualcomm? ... It's a joke.)
Nigger in the vid is 17, he says he has his whole life ahead of him.
Thank god for Miller v. Alabama ( or
This nigger will not serve a day past his 21st birthday.
But his bossin career is over.
And he will be back go to prison before his 23rd birffday.
Interviewer: Who were the kind of people you were looking for?
Anybody ..... (white people).
Interviewer asks what he thought about facing life in prison w/o parole.
Again I defer to the Supreme Court in their "wise" decision.
(What didn't go through his head ...? A dead man's sammich?)
The sammich was before fell on the ground before, on his lap.
I just was involved in a murder,"Oh a sammich, I picked it up. I did what anybody else woulda do, oh a sammich."
I don't know Quintel dat well ...
I feel dat life is pressiss.
Dat coulda been anybody, our buther, my son .... coulda been anybody?
All he has is 10 buck.
Interviewer: Did you go out Thursday night with the intent to kill someone for money?
No ...... sniffle sniffle ....
Interviewer: What was Thurday nights's intent?
(No real answer).
Interviewer: Was this the first time you tried to go out and target people and people to rob?
(No real answer).
When we got in da car, I was the only one that showed remorse. I'm not snitchin. I'm not snitchin, I jus tellin it how it is.
Interviewer: Did Grady show any remorse?
(No answer).
Interviewer: Can you tell me what kind of gun Grady used?
What kind of what?
A three five seven.
Interviewer: Do you know who’s gun it was?
His. Bought it dat same day.
Interviewer: What did Jasmine have to say about everything?
(No real answer).
Interviewer: Does it scare you to think that you couls spend the rest of your life in jail?
Of course .... (But that can't happen.)
Interviewer: Talk to me about the woman you were stalking before Joshua.
We wasn't stalking nobody.
Interviewer: Were you following her maybe possibly attempting to rob her as well?
Yeah ... buh ... dat's irrelevant could'n happen.
Interviewer: What made you leave her and go find someone else?
She was up in the head. she turned.
I am not the guy that you would perceive me to be if you know me.
I don’t know him but it turns out he is exactly the person I would perceive him to be.
What if, when They came for your guns...?
Yes indeed. Have you read Boston's Gun Bible by Boston T. Party?
Sorry lefty rats like SJL and other commutards we don't want to be part of your new weak and worthless Amerika. We are not your comrades, your fellow hand holding kumbaya singers. Yes we do hate you to the point of intoxication and wish you all the worst. So take your new Amerika and shove it up your ass. Take your new civility and rule of men over the rule of law and go fuck yourselves. Our enemies are watching and waiting for just the right time and the U.S. will be attacked during the reign of Hussein the red rat.
I will be purchasing gun soon and emptying my retirement accounts soon as what I view as an investment in my future. Today some third world turd showed up in my son's class from Ethiopia. Not a bad kid, but an in my face reminder of what is going on the good ole USA.
Yesterday I was reading an Irishman's commentary on the US and our ability to rebel...he reminded me of an important statistic that being that the Revolutionary War was initiated by just 15% of the population of the colonies at the time. This is how it always, there is always the 15-20% of a population that is productive and entrpreneurial. I view the readership and the bloggers of SBPDL and that 15-20%. WE CAN WIN.
I think that we give the gubbiement here at SBPDL more credit than is due. Look, I see these people all the time in WDC and they can't wipe their own ass, and deep down, they know this. The gubbies are so intent on taking guns away ouyt of FEAR. That is GOOD. Of course the government fears righteous white is surely more lethal and impactful. I am not diminishing the the white victims' experiences here on this board, be they those of Lanza or those ofeveryday groidness. But try what we call in counseling psychology the reframe,... the government, now infested with turds, KNOWS its screwing white working people and it is FEARFUL of their relatiation so it tries to indoctrinate the masses out there...White loner (aka independent thinker) + gun/weapon (right to self defense) = DANGER.
Yes, white independent thinkers are dangerous...good for us! Bad for the gubbies and their third world turd idiot followers who will buy whatever bullsheet the gubbies crank just so they can hold on to their EBTs, TANF, and other freebies.
Irishman, South Africans, Americans - We are on our way to winning, but we have to decide what we are fighting for? Do we want to remain part of the Continental US or do we want our own place? This is the guiding question here and without a definite answer,we have no direction. We can only flee for so long and now that Section 8 and whatever other cracked up plan they have up their sleeve is in effect, there really is no place to run, except for places that are cold and mountainous, as most turds don't dig these places. we flee or fight? Personally, I am not about the USA turning into Africa. It's ridiculous.
Preparation phase-
1)Pull money out of EVERYTHING and hide it. Tell anyone you trust to do this...if everyone works together, this will inevitably bankrupt the system.
2) Go Galt- start working less, make less, live with less....OR do cash buiness only.
-the groids et al having been banking on the fact that whites will be weakened by their standard of living....get rid of cars, TVS, DVDS, its all sheet anyway and made in China and sold by greedy corporations
3) Procreate if you still can and get you and your kids on the freebies- bankrupts system while getting more whites in the pipeline
4) Arm yourself physically (GUNS) and mentally (Yeah, I am a racist, so the eff what? What are you terds going to do about it?)
5) Be alert and aware
6) Network...start making people aware
7) when you see these third world turds trying to get over, let them know that you know what they are doing...look these turds are trying to invade our country...they conform to the idea that whit8e is right or they get the eff out!
8) If it is economically possible, homeschool your kids....I am going to soon!
I am a first generation white American. I submitted myself to the process. I worked. I went to school. Engaged in success. Did not hurt anyone or kill anyone of have babies at 18. WTF? And my money is going to be given third world turds who have no respect for White civilization and what it entails?
White Woman Living (Rebelling!) Among the Turds
Notes on the interview:
Oh the poor crying nigger, if he could only go back ....
Nigger met destiny, can't go back from that.
Is Quintel related to Qualcomm? ... It's a joke.
Nigger in the vid is 17, he says he has his whole life ahead of him.
Thank god for Miller v. Alabama ( or
This nigger will not serve a day past his 21st birthday.
But his bossin career is over.
And he will be back go to prison before his 23rd birffday.
Interviewer: Who were the kind of people you were looking for?
Anybody ..... (white people).
Interviewer asks what he thought about facing life in prison w/o parole.
Again I defer to the Supreme Court in their "wise" decision.
(What didn't go through his head ...? A dead man's sammich?)
The sammich was before fell on the ground before, on his lap.
I just was involved in a murder,"Oh a sammich, I picked it up. I did what anybody else woulda do, oh a sammich."
I don't know Quintel dat well ...
I feel dat life is pressiss.
Dat coulda been anybody, our buther, my son .... coulda been anybody?
All he has is 10 buck.
Interviewer: Did you go out Thursday night with the intent to kill someone for money?
No ...... sniffle sniffle ....
Interviewer: What was Thurday nights's intent?
(No real answer).
Interviewer: Was this the first time you tried to go out and target people and people to rob?
(No real answer).
When we got in da car, I was the only one that showed remorse. I'm not snitchin. I'm not snitchin, I jus tellin it how it is.
Interviewer: Did Grady show any remorse?
(No answer).
Interviewer: Can you tell me what kind of gun Grady used?
What kind of what?
A three five seven.
Interviewer: Do you know who’s gun it was?
His. Bought it dat same day.
Interviewer: What did Jasmine have to say about everything?
(No real answer).
Interviewer: Does it scare you to think that you couls spend the rest of your life in jail?
Of course .... (But that can't happen.)
Interviewer: Talk to me about the woman you were stalking before Joshua.
We wasn't stalking nobody.
Interviewer: Were you following her maybe possibly attempting to rob her as well?
Yeah ... buh ... dat's irrelevant could'n happen.
Interviewer: What made you leave her and go find someone else?
She was up in the head. she turned.
I am not the guy that you would perceive me to be if you know me.
I don’t know him but it turns out he is exactly the person I would perceive him to be.
Anonymous 5:40 AM said If you live in an apartment, you will be well served by a shotgun or small caliber handgun.
Shotguns, yes. Small-caliber handguns are not advisable for self-defense, and should only be used as a last resort. The usual practice for home defense in an apartment or elsewhere where over penetration is a concern is to use a proper self-defense caliber with an expanding or fragmenting bullet so that when it hits a wall (or a bad guy), the bullet deforms and promptly slows down, limiting penetration AND imparting its full energy to the bad guy.
Bear in mind that even the lowly .22LR can penetrate somewhat. Go practice on phonebooks or old plywood and see.
If carrying a small-caliber handgun to exploit the small size and concealment abilities, you can check out the pocket 9's and other weapons that have come out in recent years for concealed carriers.
Anonymous 5:40 AM said As for hunting, I know several people who hunt with these rifles..
I can't speak for other areas of the country, but I suspect many states do not allow use of a weapon such as these for deer hunting.
Also, IMO, it is important to point out to neutral or anti-gun folks that the ammo used in the assault rifles (5.56mm or .223 in M-16 variants, and the 7.62x39mm used in AK-47 variants) is actually considered underpowered by deer hunters. To my knowledge, the .223 is considered a "varmint" cartridge, not something for deer. Remember that the next time you hear a gun grabber complain about these "powerful" "assault weapons". These cartridges are used for military purposes and intentionally kept "mild" for reasons relating to cost, carrying weight, and ability to fire on full auto reasonably in a light weapon.
Thank you for your response to unknown, who does indeed seem ignorant about weapons and their uses, as well as the fact that there is a whole big world out there that does not resemble the inner city.
In closing, my own view in dealing with gun grabbers is to be forthright... yes, guns are made for killing, making them a great defensive weapon! Death eliminates the threat.
Imagine adding the adjective "assault" to:
Imagine adding the adjective "defense" to:
Mr. Clean said...
My bet... the calls for more gun control will go practically nowhere. The gun grabbers have predictably jumped on their best opportunity in some time, and their momentum is already fading. Election 2014 will be here all too soon, and the politicians certainly know that. This country is still pro-gun, whether that is due to the black plague, fears of an economic meltdown, or whatever. Just as one measurement, I remind everyone to look at the progress (and success) of the concealed carry laws in the past generation.
(And many concealed carry weapons are "assault weapons"...)
December 20, 2012 2:48 AM
Yes; this is one time where the notoriously short attention span of the sheeple may work in our favor.
@ ~AV~
Didn't some chick in New York reverse her "Assault" SUV into a line of people in a queue and got out and shouted "Fuck you white trash"?
Check out what happened in SHITcago. Who would go around carrying that?
I too must join the chorus against Unknown and his idiotic comments about banning "assault rifles" as they have no legitimate use for hunting. A friend of mine has property in rural Texas and he routinely hunts feral hogs with his Bushmaster, loaded with a 5 round fixed capacity hunting magazine. Another friend who lives in Arizona says that coyotes are taken with a .223/5.56mm rifle, usually an AR type platform, because they prey on antelope fawns. Home defense? I wouldn't use my AR for such a purpose but I can understand if someone would. The 5.56mmx45mm doesn't overpenetrate like most people think, hence why many police agencies are getting rid of their 9mm subguns and switching to an AR/M4 type rifle.
Remember, the operative word in a gun ban is "need". Who needs "assault weapons", they bray. Who needs "30 round bullet clips" they blather. Well, most people don't need these things but they sure do want them. I don't need a Ferrari but I want one. Once they establish need as the basis of what someone should own, the snowball begins.
Who needs antique martial arms like the M1 Garand, M1 carbine, K98 Mauser, G43, SVT-40, etc? No one does! They are owned by people who want them, who like them, who see them as pieces of history. Okay then, you can still own one but it must be rendered inoperative, like in Europe. See where this is going?
Who needs a bolt action hunting rifle? Game animals were hunted with bows and arrows for thousands of years and still are. Flintlocks took deer as well. So, based on historical proof, no one needs a .30-06 bolt action rifle because you can harvest game with a bow or a musket.
Who needs a handgun? Do you want to inflict lethal force? Do you have a lust for blood? You can easily defend yourself with pepper spray, or even a Taser.
This is how the narrative will play out. The gun haters will focus on need and conclude that since we don't need any gun in particular, the move to ban will begin.
~AV~ said...
Imagine adding the adjective "assault" to:
December 20, 2012 7:52 AM
You know, I think I'm going to start doing that, every time I post.
The only thing blacks understand is raw, naked force. Every attempt to treat them in a civilized manner is seen by them as weakness and only results in more violent behavior and attacks. The only thing that will make a dent in the problem is when animals such as this that will kill for a thrill, for ten bucks and a sandwich are summarily put down like the rabid animals they are.
No long winded trials, appeals, excuses about their childhoods and being "underpriveleged" and all the justifications and excuses for why they're rotten, evil people. No more listening to their asshole relatives screech about how dey wuz good boys, wuz honor studintz, aspiring rappers and all that colossal horseshit.
If they want to act like rabid animals, then treat them as such. They'll be no loss to the world- in fact, their permanent absence will improve the world.
I'm tired of reading all the innumerable stories of the murders of innocent humans just going about their day until they encounter some evil, black, feral, murdering beast.
I think Close Quarter Combat and self defense techniques are the first money well spent before firearms.
The valuable lessons they teach is how NOT to be a victim and that is better than getting into a situation where you might have to use a gun.
There's no reason we should believe any polls purporting to show that Americans want gun bans, or anything else. Nor should we believe the media that report these things. Opinion polls and Big Media are tools of our oppressors.
Mr. Clean: I know that using an AR-15 is legal to hunt in Oregon, provided you use a magazine that only holds five rounds. (This can also be a larger capacity magazine that has been altered to only hold 5). No lasers or FMJ. Large grain .223 rounds are plenty to bring down a deer, I'd personally keep my .30-06 around for elk though. Not sure about the rest of the country, but I would imagine that the laws are similar.
And yeah, agreed about the small caliber handgun issue. I CC a .380, and there are many different types of fragmenting rounds to choose from, and I'm sure there are just as many for larger pistols.
I was looking for firearms on the web yesterday. Basically I learned:
* AR-15 - about $1,400
* Ruger Mini 14 - about $700
* Marlin 336 - about $350
That's an easy to remember scale. Each one is twice the price of the one below.
Bill O'Reilly last night howled about how we should ban big powerful rifles like the AR-15. The night before he confused an AR with an AK. He seems to know even less about firearms than he does about economics.
In case there is anyone reading these comments who doesn't understand these matters (unlikely) I'll make a few elementary points in favor of the Marlin.
The Marlin is the most powerful of these three. It typically comes in 30-30 - a classic deer cartridge. The AR and the Mini 14 are both in .223 - a classic varmint cartridge.
What is the difference that in the .223s that makes one cost twice as much as the other? Both are semi-automatic. Both are reliable and rugged. The AR requires a bit more maintenance but is more accurate. You will get better shot groups on the range with the AR. The Ruger is a "ranch gun", meaning it's for shooting coyotes and snakes. The AR is of course the twin of the M-16 - our main battle rifle for the last half century. For almost any conceivable civilian situation the AR and the Ruger are equivalent weapons. They fire the same ammunition. But the Ruger is legal in California and the AR isn't. Diane Feinstein has outlawed assault rifles if they look too scary. This is not a joke. That's how she defines assault rifles.
The 30-30 lever action Marlin is also a kind of ranch rifle these days. Most deer hunters want a more powerful cartridge like a 30-06 or a 7.62 NATO. But thousands of hunters have bagged deer with 30-30s. They have done so for about 125 years. The Winchester version of this "cowboy gun" is "The gun that won the West". Like the Ruger the Marlin is a rifle optimized for fast use at close ranges. If you have a Ruger Mini 14 on your horse you can shoot a coyote. With a 30-30 you can handle a cougar or perhaps a bear.
O'Reilly gets all this wrong because he was never in the Army and knows no military history. I was issued my M-1 in high school. I get all misty when I think about the M-1.
The M-1 was our main battle rifle of WWII. It fires a 30-06. But that's too big and powerful. Modern assault rifles like the M-16
don't use these deer rifle cartridges, they use cartridges optimized for shooting gophers and woodchucks.
There are three simple reasons for this. First of all in combat giving the enemy an incapacitating wound is superior to a clean kill. Secondly humans aren't strong enough control a big cartridge in full auto. That's why the M-14 was a failure. Finally a soldier can carry twice as many bullets if the cartridge weighs half as much.
For civilian defense things are a little different. If you are going to fire a rifle at anyone you will want to kill him not wound him. You won't be firing full auto. ( not legal in the US). You won't have to carry much ammo. (We have cars)
All of these reasons argue that an assault rifle is not appropriate for civilian use. If you think you need a rifle, it's better to have a simple cheap lever action cowboy rifle. Or if you want a cartridge that is too powerful for a lever action there are some bolt action rifles that are also under $400.
I can buy four Marlins for the price of one AR. If things really get nasty and there is para-military action in the streets a single AR would be a better choice, but not as good as four Marlins for me and three neighbors.
BTW I couldn't buy that Marlin yesterday. They were sold out. They posted a note that they were too busy to answer the phone. They had another notice that they were so swamped that they couldn't say when they would get to online purchases. While I was reading these notes their site crashed. Too much traffic.
A - Fu@#king - Men. No reason to tolerate these wild animals
We all know how Negroes love anything that comes FREE,infact theyre willing to kill for it,
So the government should start a programme fpr all black males,, FREE vasectomys, they will all line up for it,because they will only read the word FREE
and at least that would be the start of fixing one of societies problems
While everyone must make their own decisions as to what weapons fit their own unique needs for self defense, let me throw out some ideas.
1. Energy/Caliber is important. Personal weapons such as a pistol are limited in the amount of energy they can deliver. While there are good choices in the low energy weapons, the larger the amount of energy your sidearm can deliver the more "transparent" the enemies position becomes. Bullets that can penetrate a modern automobile are far more effective at turning a mob than a low energy weapon that allows a car to become cover. I would postulate that a low energy weapon increases the chance that a confrontation could become a drawn out gunfight (with the horrible possibility that you might run out of ammo) due to its inability to inspire fear in the enemy and allowing him cover than a weapon that denies him cover. However, higher energy weapons take more training than a low energy weapon due to increased recoil, though not by much. With a good teacher, a 90 pound girl can master a .45 ACP with only a day or so more training than a .32, but she more than doubles the power she commands. In Wisconsin, where negros were pulling Whites out of cars (while ignoring other negros) the odds are far more in your favor with a higher power weapon than with a low power weapon. In the 1992 riots in LA, the Koreans found that 9mm bullets would only drive away negros, not end the confrontation. Thus, a .357 magnum, .357 Sig, 10mm Auto, .45 ACP and other high energy calibers give you an edge. Many models of automatic pistols can be converted to .22LR for low cost practice to increase skill. (1911 style, EAA Witness, Sig Sauer, Walther, Smith &Wesson, etc.)
A more specialized weapon that will rarely be carried unless you are fleeing an L.A. style riot or a Katrina Horror or maintaining a watch while you wait for the National Guard to show up or repelling looters, etc. While a shotgun loaded for apartment defense is Very effective inside an apartment, it cannot reach the cross distance of a Wal-Mart parking lot (say >70 yards) and at that range is far less precise than a rifle and its energy is largely depleted. A scoped .223 or .308 rifle, even in bolt action, is so superior to a shotgun at even mildly extended ranges that the police have all but abandoned the 12ga for rifles. Almost any of the AR-15 clones (.223) are excellent along with the M1A, the Kel-Tec RFB, the FN-FAL (and Clones), the AR-10 weapons, etc in .308.
Just in the last years since Katrina we have seen the negro plumb a level of horror unknown since the missionaries were placed on the cooking spit. Don't let it be you because of a flood, riot, blackout, snowstorm, ETB card snafu, State Fair, Flash Mob, etc. that leaves you or your family at the mercy of the negro. There is no mercy in those evil black eyes, only delight at your helplessness.
Obviously, the $10.00 and the sandwich was not the motivation for this murder. This was a thrill killing, plain and simple. They picked a target, preferably white, and humiliated him before murdering him. I'd say it's fairly obviously a hate crime, but blacks cannot commit hate crimes, as we all know.
pat said: First of all in combat giving the enemy an incapacitating wound is superior to a clean kill.
I am sure he knows this, but he didn't mention it.
Incapacitating wounds means care must be provided, which drains a nation at war of capital in two ways, a new soldier to replace at the front and care for the wounded (and on the payroll) in the hospital; killing the enemy only requires that the soldier be replaced.
I just wish I remember where I learned this and why.
I went to the kitchen for a cup of coffee and there was a pundit on Fox News holding forth on the identification of murders from physical characteristics.
He talked about Lombroso and early attempts to pick out "born criminals". He talked about skull shapes and then about DNA. He wound up by stating that all such attempts had failed and that "nurture" was what mattered not 'nature".
Of course it's complete nonsense. We have an excellent clue as to who is going to commit a murder - skin color.
Typically in medical and social science research you need lots of test subjects because the thing you're looking for typically only is one or two percentage points more frequent. So if genotype A has disease X at a rate of 21% and genotype B at 18%, you need a big N to make sure it's not just a random fluke. If the difference is as large as 10% you don't need quite as many subjects. You can determine statistical significance (rejection of the null hypothesis) with a smaller sample size if the differece is larger.
But the black white murder difference is 650%.
You don't need statistics for findings that large. There is a reliable indicator for propensity to murder. Just look for African ancestry.
It seems incredible that this expert or the Fox anchor could discuss physical indicators for violence yet fail to mention race.
In the US blacks commit about eleven or twelve murders each day. We had four murders here in Oakland just last weekend. We are well over a hundred for the year. A few of these murders will be credited to whites but only because they lump in the Hispanics with whites in the crime stats.
This school shooting was only unusual in that these kids and the shooter were white.
So the government should start a programme fpr all black males,, FREE vasectomys, they will all line up for it,because they will only read the word FREE
Pay them to take the vasectomy. For that matter, pay anyone who is any of (1) still functionally illiterate at age 11 or later, (2) has an escalating criminal record (including juvenile), or (3) lacks future time preference, such as taking a snack-size candy bar immediately instead of a full-size one in an hour.
The entire USA gene pool needs a strong shot of chlorine, not just the NAMs. Why discriminate between colors when they're ALL troublesome evolutionary dead ends?
I certainly don't want to engage in a gun debate with anyone who has a user name of 10mm AUTO, but there are a few points I might dispute.
I'm not really a gun person but I did systematically shoot every kind of handgun I could find. It took me a couple months. I picked one that 10mm AUTO doesn't mention - a Sig Sauer in .40 S&W. The .40 auto is probably the best handgun compromise cartridge. The two most popular auto rounds are the 9mm (small bullet, high speed) and the .45 (large bullet, low speed). The .40 bullet is both pretty big and pretty fast.
I can't shoot big rounds like the .44 Magnum because I have arthritis in my right thumb.
I like the feel of the Sig Sauer better than Glocks or 1911s or any revolver.
I'm also looking to buy a .22 Magnum mini revolver. Not very powerful but really tiny. It's something that you can always carry. I don't like the James Bond style .380 autos.
As I wrote above I think a 30-30 cowboy rifle makes a lot of sense for any likely nastiness. You might want to go to YouTube and catch Chuck Conners in some of the old "Rifleman" episodes.
Finally 10mm AUTO is very right about natural disasters. I don't mean Mayan fantasies and I'm not a prepper who wories about astronomical events that occur on million year cycles. But I have read the history of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. No one knows how many were killed but we do know that many of them had bullet holes in them. The guys with the guns shot the guys without the guns.
I live just a couple hundred yards from the Hayward Fault. The Hayward Fault shakes loose every 140 years and has as far back as they can measure. The last time was 144 years ago.
The last time the fault slipped Oakland was an almost all white city. The black area is also the high liquifaction area. So 10mm AUTO is right about being armed. If there's a big shake here, there will be a lot of poor blacks looking to come up into the hills.
While I own a number of these firearms the Feds are about to "do something about", I'm not sure I really believe Americans should be allowed to own guns any longer.
Sixty five million of your fellow citizens voted for Barack Obama. Do you really want any of those people armed? I sure don't. You want any negro to have access to a gun in any fashion? I sure don't. What about the morons sitting on their couches watching television all day? Or the legions of dimwits that can't graduate from high school?
Let's face it, America ain't what it was in 1800. The people are dumber, far less responsible and in all too many cases remain adolescents for life. The framers saw the ownership of weapons as the last defense against a tyrannical government. You think your fellow citizens are likely to use that AR to demand liberty once their government has gone too far? Hell, they're far more likely to use that weapon to take your property to get that new flat screen television, or pair of sneakers with a built-in television. Or whatever it is they can't live without.
We didn't get to a second Obama term by way of a nation filled with bright, honest, hard working people. I don't have a low opinion of the SBPDL readers and don't mean to direct this at you. But come on, take a look around you next time you're out and about. I think the average American deserves exactly what he's going to get.
He wound up by stating that all such attempts had failed and that "nurture" was what mattered not 'nature".
Wasn't he pointing out that they were nurtured wrong?
Jay Santos: Sixty five million of your fellow citizens voted for Barack Obama. Do you really want any of those people armed?
Your average gun-phobe is going to be one of those Obama voters, and is probably unarmed. The states full of gun owners vote red.
The urban/rural divide is between Whites, in case you didn't notice. One theory I've seen is that urban liberals have rapid police response time but fear NAM criminals, so they favor gun control. Rural Whites may wait an hour for a response to a police call, and they own and use guns for e.g. hunting and recreation; they resist any attempt to control theirs or their access. The urbans think the rurals callous for opposing their attempts to disarm the criminal element (which requires disarming everyone so as not to be "racist"), the rurals want to live as they've lived and be left alone. They talk past each other.
@ Jay Santos 1:58PM
You are so right about many Americans.
My younger brother just got a bigger boob tube for Christmas. His life is comprised of watching television and getting fall-off-the-couch drunk every day!
But he watches Fox News and loves Ronnie Reagan.
Isn't my brother just grand?
-Shall not be infringed...and fuck you for trying.
Every single gun law that exist is unconstitutional. The 2nd was written for men, by men to kill tyrants.
Semper Fi.
Albertosaurus. Hey I love Sigs! There are a whole range of weapons that are good deals. A lever action Marlin in 30-30 is fine (love the side eject so you can low mount the sight) and out of the Marlins, my favorite is the 1894 in 44 mag. Then there is the Winchester model 88 lever that takes 308.
Good weapons all. I guess my point was to buy quality and trust over "gimmick". You want a really cool but easy on the budget rifle, look at a "Tanker Garand" with the scout scope forward mount and scope. Compact, powerful and frankly, beautiful. Want another for less than $150? The old Mosin Nagant in 7.62x54. Cheap, reliable, powerful, ammo about $0.10 per round. The choices are endless.
The horror is when the Snowstorm hits and the lights go out or the tornadoes hit and the town is broken and the Diversity comes a calling and you don't have a gun.
Jay Santos: The majority have always been sheep, nothing new. In times past, acting stupid was costly, because life was lived without a net. But for the past 60 years or so, this country has been incredibly rich, so rich that a dullard can live a more comfortable life than an aristocrat of two centuries ago. Life-destroying mistakes are mitigated by government, with resources taken from the productive and prudent. In consequence, dumbshits are allowed to sink instead of being forced by circumstances to raise themselves.
Think of the current situation as a culling process. The sort who once grudgingly scraped by have now been given the opportunity to be the turds they have always wanted to be. The layabout and scofflaw now openly proclaim themselves. But when the government's purse snaps shut, they're screwed. Re-read Aesop's fable about the diligent ants and the fancy-free grasshopper.
The dregs and brain-dead have always been among us, they're just out of the closet now. They don't really matter and never did.
Anonymous 12/20/2012 9:36 AM said...I know that using an AR-15 is legal to hunt in Oregon, provided you use a magazine that only holds five rounds. (This can also be a larger capacity magazine that has been altered to only hold 5). No lasers or FMJ. Large grain .223 rounds are plenty to bring down a deer
I wasn't clear... I did mean hunting with the large capacity magazines. My own "assault weapon" came with three 5-round hunting clips. PA doesn't allow semi-auto rifles or handguns for hunting deer, I think they DO allow semi-auto shotguns in the shotgun-only areas of the state.
I have no doubt that the .223 can take down deer, but many hunters eschew it for ethical hunting and other reasons. It is forbidden in some states.
You won't be firing full auto. ( not legal in the US). .....In the state of Georgia, It is legal to own, have in your possession, a full auto "Machine Gun" without a FFL. Yes, read it agian, and weep. It has to be purchased from a FFL dealer & Can't be sold without going through a FFL dealer. They just want to know "Always" where it's at.
Discard said...
Jay Santos: The majority have always been sheep, nothing new. In times past, acting stupid was costly, because life was lived without a net.
I'll disagree with you in so far as the "majority have always been sheep". The broad population of this country has never been as lazy, stupid and morally bankrupt as they are today. They weren't sheep in 1930. They were imperfect people, but strong, self reliant and fundamentally moral.
I'll agree that the rise of moronic, lazy and immoral characters arose in part from pure national affluence, and boosted by the marxists and others who have sought to undermine everything decent, in the belief that their utopia will arise.
I see people anxious to follow men like Obama into a state of destruction and they are more incomprehensible to me than if a Martian appeared in front of me.
Anonymous said...
I encourage everyone here to watch the documentary, Innocents Betrayed, available on Youtube at:
and then distribute this link widely by posting in comments sections on news sites reporting anything about gun control.
Additionally, I'm not sure if the justice department crime stats provide a breakdown of crimes committed with guns and a breakdown by race, but that info would be very useful to also post in comment sections to show not only the disproportionate rates of crime but to show that the vast majority of gun crimes are committed aspiring rappers.
Actually you can find those stats:
The results are as expected.
Jay Santos: The people ARE sheep, and lazy ones at that. My mother once told me about the useless men who were above draft age during WW2 and "working" at Lockheed. Since there was a labor shortage, they could drag their asses and still keep their high-paying jobs. Mom was pissed that men, who'd been broke during the depression and knew how bad things could get without a job, could be such lazy bums. Especially when younger men were dying overseas, men who needed those aircraft.
The only thing that has kept the majority of Whites at their tasks is the whip of necessity. If that's not so, why have so many turned to shit simply because they could? The whip is now in the hands of those that don't mind that you're worthless, as long as you're not a racist. Consequently, we have lots of worthless Whites, who will deny any sort of racial awareness. That makes them sheep.
Any society is dependent on a minority of its people to get things done and to ensure that the clueless majority do some of the lifting. In the White race, that minority is larger than in other races, but they're still a minority. Obama would not be President if that were not true.
The rifleman used a 44-40 which is a pistol cartridge, and the older winchesters did not have a trigger disconnect so it fired on cocking, sorta of a faux full auto. Lawyers have installed the disconnect, and common sense says sights are a good thing.
Precisely. A few here dance away from this fact. But that is what it is all about. Duck hunting and self defense are terric reasons to own a weapon, but not ze primary one.
N'est ce pas?
Even Auster thinks it's only about self-defense.
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