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2,000+ "Americans" show up for subsidized housing in Columbus |
In Tell Me About Ohio, you learned that Barack Obama won the state in 2012 by increasing his hold on the non-white vote, while white people - particularly the white working class - stayed at home. You also learned the terrible burden this non-white population in Ohio places on the taxpayers - those who produce the wealth to sustain cities like Cleveland, Akron, Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton, and Toledo - which helps emphasize the enormity of the catastrophe ahead: The Day the EBT Card Stops Working.
Now, in Columbus, Ohio, we are provided of another glimpse, just a tiny peak into the chaos just beyond the horizon [Police Called When Crowd Signing Up For Housing List Gets 'Out Of Control', 10TV, 12-8-12]:
Columbus Police sprayed Mace on several people in a crowd that had gathered to sign up for a list to get subsidized housing at a northwest Columbus apartment complex.What were these people? Seriously. What are these people?
Police said the crowd started to gather Friday night for the Saturday morning event at The Heritage apartment complex on Gatewood Road near Sunbury Road in northeast Columbus.
Authorities said that its highest number, the crowd reached 2,000 people.
Residents in the area called police overnight and complained about the noise and number of cars in the neighborhood.
According to police, a melee broke out when the manager of the complex started to set up for the event just before 7 a.m. Saturday morning.
Several individuals were sprayed with Mace by police and treated at the scene by emergency crews.
Police did not report making any arrests.
Well... these are the people who helped reelect President Barack Obama to another four years in the White House. We live in an Alien Nation now, and yet, it's stories like this that do more to awaken people to their own dispossession then any study on IQ could ever hope to accomplish; it's stories like this, and those mentioned in the opening paragraph that have helped convince millions of people to buy guns and ammo, preparing for some future event they now know is... unavoidable.
Tell Me About Ohio...and I'll tell you about the true state of America in 2012: it's no longer a state; it's no longer a nation; it's a powder keg but one lapse of the EBT card anyway from igniting.
Man, none of those folks look underfed. Looks like you can eat "well" on an EBT card.
Looks Mogidishu. Why are we importing all these people from Somalia?
I found this also at Drudge...the TV
clip didnt work.
At Drudge someone who viewed the
clip said...SOMALIS
Gees ...obongos buddies
Imported under his 'Diversity Visas'
open borders, million legal immigrants a year.
Paul...can you post a clip of the riot that works?
Paul..any comment on the muslim
bombing the SSI office in Arizona?
The more I see of black culture in action, the more I am determined to stay the hell away from it. It is SO abhorrent to me.
Regrettably, segregation is getting more and more expensive, such as my kids' private school tuition.
How many of these parasites would have started lining up on Friday night for a Saturday morning handout of job applications?
And I must agree that this is pretty much what it will look like nationwide on the day the EBT cards stop working. Be prepared....
The suicide of the west.
Subsidized housing not only for the domestic worthless but also for these foreign scroungers? This country has become a joke. This is just a sign of what's to come later when everybody else starts really feeling the squeeze. Employment is bad right now all over the country, people being underemployed, the older ones just giving up, many people just getting by and moving in with other family members, and so on. Many people are looking poor and shabby these days; drinking and drugging seems to be going up everywhere. And they have the money for some Somalis?
Very telling indeed. Just out of curiosity, who owns the Heritage apartments where all this housing largesse is being handed out? Section 8 is a perfect example of how the BRA looting system works: Groids, "refugees" and assorted colonizers from the precious multikult get taxpayer funds to go and roost in a formerly decent locale. Slumlord owners and managers - whether individuals or corporate entities owned by Wall Street squids - end up with the funds as rent in what amounts to guaranteed income racket funded with taxes (something few of them have to pay). As the neighborhood goes to hell, the real-estate racketeers get to buy cheap as local homeowners bail out because their property values are plummeting fast. DWL kommissars in various government agencies, religious groups and the Ministry of Truth get paid as facilitators to indulge in the obligatory self-righteous moral preening as YT is looted.
Desperate YT, sensing he's under siege, votes for Republicans in the vain hope that will take action to stop such abominations - forever clueless that all the Republicans are thoroughly in the pocket by the same squids, rope salesmen and other assorted "entrepreneurs" who are being enriched by the racket. The perfect made-in-hell marriage of banksterism, rigged business and racial socialism.
A lot of these people aren't even Americans - Somalis by the look of them. Why are they allowed to come here?
The appartment complex is complicit in this, and they are doing their other - paying - renters a disservice by accepting Secion 8 renters. How many of the people living in those apartments now will be forced to move because they don't want to live aroung their new, alien, neighbors. They ought to all move now - as a group - and tell the complex management that they can have nothing but Somalis if that's what they want.
Whatever happened to bringing skilled immigrants into this country? These Africans will never let go of government's handouts until the government stops giving out free money. Wake up America and see the light.
Humans are charged by nature herself to bear the burden of the maturation process. This process is not just in the physical form, but also in the psychological. As with all animals, the brain must be able to see reality for what it is; those who do not see reality for what it is die off, leave fewer offspring behind, and eventually are purged from the gene pool.
Humans are a psycho-social animal, independent, but simultaneously part of the collective. Among other realities, this affords space and a place where at least some may cheat natures charge to mature, by dumping upon the collective, the price to pay, of this cheat.
The quintessential difference therefore, between physical adults, is between those who mature psychologically and those who don`t. Those who do mature psychologically see reality for what it is. Those who don`t mature psychologically don`t see reality for what it is. However, even the immature adults must function in reality, and so they concoct an illusion they pretend they think is reality, and argue for belief in that illusion.
In our America, those who fail to mature join together in a common illusion and we know them collectively as liberals.
One job of liberalism is to protect, defend and support their illusion. In argumentation a liberal will cherry pick the facts that logically and naturally deduce their targeted conclusion of illusion, or worse, simply manufacture the needed facts from wholecloth.
One illusion of liberals is that the only difference between whites and blacks is skin color. As liberals are in denial of reality in general, here too they are in denial of reality in specifics. The major difference between white and black humans is, without doubt, size and IQ of the cerebrum each mutually exclusive gene pool produces. Whites experience a longer neotenous development and as proved by MRI scans produce a brain with 5 cubic inches more mass than blacks. Bigger brains produce higher IQs.
Here is where and why blacks fail so miserably in white culture, they have not the cerebrum to create nor maintain the higher white culture, they are incapable. In fact, the black gene pool produces a cerebrum that is only capable of tribal level culture.
For the individual liberal who failed to mature beyond cowardice, adopting the illusion that blacks fail because of white racism, the fear, which elicits their cowardice, evaporates. Having befriended blacks they fear blacks less. Having done this deed at the expense of their own kind, fellow whites, friendly’s, they once again do not fear sufficiently to experience cowardice.
For liberals collectively in our fully enfranchised democracy, this, among other realities, brings black voters into the liberal, ideological fold. They then vote for the party of liberalism, democrats, and the push for a socialist democratic Utopia is furthered. The demise and end to nation-state Republics and free enterprise capitalism is furthered.
Statistics on human IQ reveals a pecking order, East Asians average 106, Whites 100, American blacks 85, sub Saharan blacks 70. In the near 400 years since blacks have been in a white culture their gene pool for IQ has improved 15 points, undoubtedly interbreeding of our two, mutually exclusive gene pools. However, as the blacks have benefited the whites have not. Further, this process is creating a new supped up black IQ that however, as reality proves, is still not capable of higher culture creation or higher culture maintenance. This is a more dangerous reality than when 70 IQ blacks came here 2 to4 hundred years ago.
When blacks protect, defend and support their illusion, that blacks are losers because whites persecute them, by saying black payback to whites for slavery is a b-tch, the reality is black’s enslaved blacks, not whites. In fact black payback to whites is obviously because whites liberated blacks from black enslavement.
Black enslavement in the American colonies began with one Anthony Johnson; Eve Carson is the price we pay for liberating blacks. Their stories can be gleaned on line. Thank you.
"Whatever happened to bringing skilled immigrants into this country? These Africans will never let go of government's handouts until the government stops giving out free money. Wake up America and see the light. "
Skilled immigrants are, quite often, either white or Asian. They bring in Somalis because they want diversity. They dumped the Hmong, Somalis, etc in Minnesota and racial diversity hilarity soon ensued.
We owed the Hmong something for using them as mercenaries during the war in Viet Nam. Don't think that they realized what a culture shock it would be bringing them to the states. We owe the Somalis nothing. They've proven to be terrorists and are unwilling to assimilate.
Seriously, people! The number of fatties wearing headscarves (ragheads) had me wondering if this was truly Ohio
PDK said...The quintessential difference therefore, between physical adults, is between those who mature psychologically and those who don`t.
I have known old "hippies" who have told me that there was a "feeling of love" during the era known as the 1960s, and that it would change the world. Well, maybe, but that sure didn't stop the Long Hot Summers, nor kept Pol Pot from mass murder. Anyway, this "feeling of love" does seem to be a symptom of modern liberalism, a faith that if you treat the "other" nicely, they will be your friends and we can have one big happy playground. It's a childlike worldview which leads to an Amy Biehl being cut to pieces by blacks in South Africa and then her family embracing the murderers.
Those who do mature psychologically see reality for what it is. Those who don`t mature psychologically don`t see reality for what it is. However, even the immature adults must function in reality, and so they concoct an illusion they pretend they think is reality, and argue for belief in that illusion.
In our America, those who fail to mature join together in a common illusion and we know them collectively as liberals.
Nicely summed up.
Liberalism goes beyond mere ideological thinking to become a mass delusion. Normally, an ideology is used to justify the power of an elite. Liberalism justifies the dissolution of power: the surrender of territory, cities, gene pools, even freedom by white people are all considered to be desirable results.
For example, it is obvious to any objective observer that black-majority-rule in Africa generally leads to negative results: despotisms, massacres, economic decline, ethnic cleansing of non-majority groups (whites, Asians, even blacks of the wrong tribe). But DWLs refuse to recognize this reality, instead forcing black-majority-rule on Rhodesia and Zimbabwe, with the consequent destruction of Western power in those countries. (I'll also note that black-majority-rule is often worse for the average black denizen of the newly liberated countries, which ought to give blacks some thought about their DWL allies.)
Similarly for America, an objective appreciation would show that half a century of liberal policies have failed to correct the pathologies demonstrated by blacks (high rates of illegitimacy, violence, etc., etc.). If anything, these pathologies have become worse under liberalism. Yet there is no scientific approach to reconsidering liberal policies. (And again, this ought to give blacks some second thought about DWLs, though it will not.)
What we have today is a children's crusade, with DWLs leading the Western world to dissolution.
Drudge linked to this story. If you follow his link, you see some great comments, and they keep flooding in. It's clear more and more people are starting to wake up.
Man O man, the EBT/public aid(gimme dat) riots of the 21st century are going to be great.
African American worshippers employ carefully developed psychological techniques to influence the attitudes of the dominant culture towards any environment or activity that is predominantly evil in nature. I certainly have a hard time trying to reason with people who remain calm when they see AA's guarantee the destruction of anything that looks like a vital community.
I had a conversation recently with some unprincipled prevaricators who were trying to intensify the race card. That conversation convinced me that African American are addicted to the feeling of power, to the idea of controlling that race card, sadly, they have no real concern for the welfare or the destiny of the people they desire to lead.
Looking at that scene, a question occurs to me: How can the people who've done this to America live with themselves?
One job of liberalism is to protect, defend and support their illusion.
And this is shown in the fanaticism with which liberals will attack any dissent on their orthodoxy about race. Why they must scream down dissenters as (oooh!) "racists;" or purge non-Boasian academicians; or arrest people for hatethink; or countenance mob violence when all else fails. And then prattle on about "tolerance."
Liberals have faith that if only everyone would believe in liberalism, then we will create the promised land. Sing it, bruthas and sistuhs! The fact that liberalism has wrecked much of the Western world is not allowed to intrude on the illusion.
I think this is one reason for the liberal media sector (i.e., most of the media!) producing so many TV shows and movies with blacks as heroes. The programming reinforces the delusion. It's like children who think that their favorite TV shows are real. But as PDK notes, liberals are children in adult bodies.
Still, this offers a way out. The question becomes: how to shatter the illusion? I know people from Eastern Europe who told me that one thing which brought down the Warsaw Pact was that they refused to repeat communist lies. As the man said, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
It's interesting that one of the most significant movies of the last couple decades was "The Matrix." On one level, you can view it as the story of a man who wakes up, sees the world as it really is, then gains the inner strength to shatter the illusion. (This is all the more interesting since the directors of the "Matrix" series tended towards extreme liberalism politically.) Look at how the phrase "Take the Red Pill" has gained cred as a metaphor for political awakening.
Time to get adults back in control the situation. Websites like SBPDL are a start.
PDK at 1:01 PM: Orientals do not have an average IQ of 106. We have no accurate data on the great mass of them. Those who are in the U.S. are a select bunch, not a random sample.
A lot of these people aren't Americans - BUT Somalis . Why are they allowed to come here?
oBongos buddies
Imported under his 'Diversity Visas'
open borders, million legal immigrants a year.
The illegal Somalis [20000?]
in Ohio were bussed to polls
by Dems to F__KIN Vote.
Just stood in line at the grocery store behind 2 black male thugs with corn rows and sag pants (no women or children with them) purchasing 2 carts FULL of junk food, fruit punch, frozen pizza, bottled water, ice cream, and chips with an EBT card. $229.00 total.
Cashier did not check ID or ask any questions. She even sacked their groceries and smiled for them.
Lazy s-hits. Why are we providing able-bodied young black males with EBT cards? They got into a white care with tints and rims. Their shoes must have cost over $100 and I pay for their food?
One male asked cashier if he could get some "cash back".
How can this be? We have to end this.
Jay Santos said...
Anonymous said...
Karen, I am angry too.
Just stood in line at the grocery store behind 2 black male thugs ...2 carts FULL of junk food...with an EBT card. $229.00 total.
What you are describing is going on everywhere in the nation, 24x7. The country is $16 trillion in debt. What you have just described is unfolding every hour of the day in every state, city, municipality, hamlet and village across the land. The country is $16.3 trillion in debt.
Aside from your supermarket experience, there's medical treatment (huge),
welfare payments apart from EBT cards,
bakkaball shoe allowances, hair weave assistance, section 8 rent assistance, ATFNSR's payouts (that's the new Aid To Thugs Needing Spinning Rims), Federal programs to buy pants and shirts that are 3 sizes to large, HUD's new Hoodie Program, President Obama's new Hip-hop Agency to uncover previously unidentified hip-hop talent, the School Breakfast Program and School Lunch Program, the Summer Food Service Program for Children, The Office of African-American Motor Vehicle Assistance, the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), the Supportive Housing program, the Black Congressional Caucus, Support for Professional Black Professional Advancement (SPBPA), Affirmative Action, the HOPE project (Home Ownership and Opportunity for People Everywhere), Aid to African-American Babies and Infants, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), Negro Advancement Grants, the federal Cash to Negroes (CtN) program, Temporary Assistance for Negro Families (TANF), Permanent Assistance to Negro Families (PANF), HHS's African-American Aid and Assistance program, the BBBF's (Building Better Black Families) program, The Assitance Grant to African-American Baby Mommas (AGAABM), the IRS's African-American Tax Avoidance program (AATA), the monthly allowance available through the federally sponsored Black Family Funding initiative. And that's not even close to the full list.
The country is now $16.4 trillion in debt and if you're a white person, suggest you get back to work and pay your fair share, cracka. Barack be da prezzy up in here.
Since section 8 is often hot topic on this blog, as a white male and former benificiary, I'd like to give my .0028¢ (that's 2¢ adjusted for inflation). In some cases it pays for itself. We took no food stamps (as they were known in those days) and had no healthcare. We just tried not to do silly things. I had a warm place to study, my single mother (alcoholic father we had to get rid of....) was able to remain employed , and I eventually became an engineer. At the ripe old age of 36, I have put better than half a million dollars into the kitty. I'll likely work 30 years more. The problem is I am an exception to the rule, a statistical abberation if you will. I was talking to the woman about section 8 and made the comment "tell your buddy to go ahead and go section 8 with his property, the neighborhood is inexorably "diversified." to this she replied, " I thought you said section 8 is no good?". "for us and this town it's no good, we don't live in the same place as your friend. I like this town and would NEVER go section 8 because I don't get a choice between the exception and the rule." I believe I then beheld a Christmas miracle, a little light bulb went of over her her beautiful, formerly ( since we had a fairly new and strapping, golden haired aryan son) DWL head! Life is all about moments like those folks.
A friend of mine and his wife lived in the same apartment complex for 8 years, until it got sold to a company that had a history of making apartments section 8. First thing they did was jack up his rent an extra 200 bucks and then told the residents they were going section 8.
He ended up breaking his lease a month early and eating the security deposit.
I remember standing on his balcony smoking a cigarette and one of his new neighbors were outside. A duskier woman in her late 20s with 4 little rugrats. He looks at me and says "God damn it she's speaking Spanish. I'm fucking outta here." And a month later he was gone.
Jack up the rent for the people that work for a living and reap the benefits from the section 8 scum directly from the government.
What a scam.
Anon @ 1:21,
I was having this conversation with a Russian woman who's husband is American. I live in Korea with my Korean wife. My wife greatly dislikes the U.S. do to the treatment she recieved. My wife is a college graduate in English Lit. and is fluent in both languages. this Russian woman is fluent in English and Russian and has strong Korean.
The United States treats educated immigrants who speak the language like shit. The hoops that decent people who you would want in your country is unbeleivable. Third World non-english speaking immigrants have strong lobbies and the hearts of DWLs.
We have stepped through the looking glass in America. There is no rhyme or reason to current immigration policies. The less educated with the least amount of English from the worst shit holes in the world are handed the keys to the kingdom.
When people talk about the United States of America being an nation of immigrants they are talking about White European immigrants. We did benefit from West and East Europeans and yes even Jews. They had education and if not that at least intelligence or trades. Not the Somalian evil wretches we get now.
The same people that go on and on about the terrorists and put us through the TSA gropathon at the airport say NOTHING about the fact that we are importing these asavages and subsidizing them. The whole war on terror is a sham.
We had nothing to do with that cesspool Somalia until Bush senior launched his humanitarian mission as he was leaving office.
Soon we will be importing Afghans and Iraqis if we haven't done so already.
Invade the world, invite the world.
I hope all the fags and dykes in the military weaken it to the point where our useless politicians realize using them would be futile. Maybe then all the flag wavers will finally come to their senses.
You can be sure that any US military intervention is going to involve some combination of Israel, oil or drugs.
@ muay Tyson.....
I am fortunate to be friends with a wonderful Russian immigrant mother. She speaks English better than most of us speak Russian, and actually speaks English better than some recent high school grads. They do get treated like shit here despite the fact they are precisely they type of immigrant we need as they DETEST TNB and assimilate nicely.
P.S. her daughter is an absolute pleasure to be around!
Ridiculous. But not surprising. These people are animals. It angers me to see these damn Musloids and Third World turds here rioiting over apartment space. I live WDC, a very expensive place, but unfortunatley, one of the few places that still has job growth and some semblance of opportunity in the good Ole USA. I cannot count the number of times I have been harassed by black people over the last three years being here when living in apartment buildings. I have been fortunate enough to land in a "rent controlled" building, a rarity in DC. Many of the black people in the building are getting "bounced out" so to speak. The groidess below saw me move in with my kids and immediately started play her music loud. Actually her homies say " They are letting her kids live here because they are white."She called the cops because my 18 month old was running around- the cops were like WTF? These people, Africans or African Americans, Musloids or whatever third world turd mix you want to name them are sooooooop entitled! How do you riot over nearly free housing? What makes them think they EARNED free housing? Oh that's right they are oppressed. Dude, dont have six or seven kids when you are making three bucks a day. You will be amazed how much less oppressed you will be.
By the way, the Washington Post ran a cover story on poor white people in the rust belt today. Had problems cutting and pasting the link, but check it out. Title is "In rust belt, a teenager's climb from poverty." Google it and look at the comments. It hit home with me because my mother grew up in New Castle, PA.
Eff Conservative Inc, Obumma, and DWL's. Clueless and out of touch. They'd rather talk about Shitnetta and her brood.
White Mother Living Among the Turds
I'm from Columbus, grew up in that area and have spent much time there recently.
The Somalis are gibs me dat on steroids as someone else ere noted. They're spectacularly stupid,even by black standards. Impulse control is zero. Completely inassimilable. They get warehouse jobs where they don't have to speak English and fail.
In the 70s I'd never seen a mexi there or heard Spanish. Blacks were a nightmare but easier to avoid.
Stop the Section 8, stop the EBT, stop all benefits.
Let the Orcs riot, please.
As soon as they run out of stuff to steal and burn in Columbus and start moving towards the more rural areas here, they'll all be quickly "taken care of."
These are Somalis, brought in by various church groups under refugee status. Utterly insane - and the 99% of the US populace that is against this is utterly powerless. Congress never voted on allowing them here And yet a bureaucrat allows them entry and Congress cannot reform anything, no matter how obvious in need of reform. The US can no longer correct itself, there is no mechanism for that that is effective. The US reminds me of China in the 19th Century. Rich but decadent and no longer able to identify much less protect its own interests. And falling behind and into debt. Read what happened there for a very ominous vision of the future.
This is why Americans are buying guns like a drowning mine wants oxygen. This is a scene straight out of Blackhawk Down.
What's going to happen when the tax dollars run out, and these same blacks are integrated into our neighborhoods and have access to the freeway and roads that we built?
The day will come. Governments run out of money, despite what liberals believe, and it is an ugly scene when it happens.
I say, the sooner we get this over with, the better.
"And they have the money for some Somalis?
No city resident, DA GUBMINT has money for a LOT OF SOMALI MUSLIMS. But black Americans or Somalis, Nigerians, Ethiopians or Liberians are EXACTLY THE SAME.
Anonymous said...
These are Somalis, brought in by various church groups under refugee status. Utterly insane...
Yes, it's utterly insane for us. I'll say this for the Somalis, the Mexicans, whomever, they don't seem inclinced to fight with their own, undermine their own, quite the way European Americans do.
Kind of reminds me of sony's flagship store opening in johannesburg, sony thinking that the new utopian johannesburg would be like other cities, 4ony advertised never to be repeated deals with its first store opening in south africa, probably the whole dark continent.
So much hype was created, little did the sony ppl know that creating hype in the minds of ppl with lowered impulse control is a recipe for disaster.
We all know the riots shoes create in the black villages in the USA, now imagine that multiplied by 10 for a flat screen TV.
Needless to say the police had to be called in to enforce impulse controll, the savage orcs wanted to pull down the sony store front cause the store opened a few minutes later than intended, then with the baying orcs howling, they refuse to open the store in fear of the inevitable looting.
Police were called in, teargass fired, orc scrambeling all over the show, the usual black shopping experience.
Now, if the blacks in america react simillarly to nike shoes, and the blacks here react the same way for a flat screen.
And we know that the blacks in the USA haven't had any cultural exchanges with their fellow bruddahs in south africa, how do these 2 groups react the same way.
Genetics I tell you, these 2 different tribes react in the same manner to a perceived limited resource, never to be repeated deals, or nike shoe rarity, or free housing
Amazing I tell you
Section 8 building owners know the rent money will be deposited directly into their account from HUD. The trash tenants never have access to the money. When a lot of the other tenants are also trash with a poor record of paying rent, these owners know a good thing when they see it. I hope the owners live in the neighborhood and they and their children run into the tenants, often.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Seriously, people! The number of fatties wearing headscarves (ragheads) had me wondering if this was truly Ohio
December 9, 2012 2:28 PM
Ever see any fat somalis in somalia?
You can't stop it. Obama will stuff about 30 million more of them into the country. Now that he's truly a "No Limits" man.
No one can stop it. Fact is, most of America WANTS this. Really, almost no one wants "nice safe and boring" America. They WANT diversity, which brings in crime, violence, excitement, thuggery, poverty, and all that stuff instead of a grinding work to be smarter than the next guy in a nice safe office.
We had an election just recently on this question. Most people voted (or enough to allow for cheating) to pull in a lot of Somalis and give them free housing. The other guy would have at least put the brakes on if not stop it, the guy we re-elected will go full speed ahead.
The country is just lost. It will resemble a cold Africa.
The less educated with the least amount of English from the worst shit holes in the world are handed the keys to the United Kingdom.
Happening elsewhere to.
Comrades this is the glorious hopetopia! Pimp sugar daddy Hussein is going to take care of us from cradle to grave. Everything is free! The first corps of Sobama Jugend has graduated and will be carting off tax shirkers and dissidents so we can build a rainbows and unicorns paradise! The central wage control committee will determine your wage and how much taxes you must pay to support the rainbow utopia.
Importing worthless third world blacks from Somalia who will only wind up on government assistance for life (and produce litters of worthless offspring who do the same) is an act of sheer insanity.
Why not just empty out all the mental institutions worldwide and import the mentally disabled? They too could wind up on lifetime support and drain the taxpayers wallet. Not only that, they'd have mentally disabled children who would then require lifetime support as well. Instead of plain old Section 8 housing, it could be called Crazy 8 Housing. Think of the culturally enriching experience of such diversity! Instead of just having entitled sub intelligent groids rioting over gibsmedat, we could also have insane people having psychotic episodes all over the place too!
Just think of it! Instead of killing the country slowly, you could accelerate the process and put it on steroids!
Too obvious I guess. Better to kill the nation slowly over decades~ a death of a thousand cuts~ rather than a quick bullet to the head.
That motley crew of swaddled scum would soon turn the Heritage Apartments into a garbage-strewn cesspit. The good tax-paying residents would move elsewhere. Give them a #6, I say, Mr. Taggart.
Californian: this is shown in the fanaticism with which liberals will attack any dissent on their orthodoxy about race. Why they must scream down dissenters as (oooh!) "racists;" or purge non-Boasian academicians; or arrest people for hatethink; or countenance mob violence when all else fails. And then prattle on about "tolerance."
You will probably find enlightenment in the long essay The Triggering and The Triggered, Part 4 (linked by Sailer the other day). A relatively short quote:
Within this transformed public discourse,
values such as ‘tolerance’,
‘nonjudgmentalism’, and ‘reasonableness’
are paramount – all values that result in
the restriction of reason and the claims
of challenging discourse from realms in
which they formerly operated. ‘Tolerance’
is perceived to deny any right to subject
individuals and their core beliefs and
identities to the claims of any greater
truth or the challenge of a broader
conversation. ‘Nonjudgmentalism’ denies
the right to be rigorous in forming and
applying considered judgments, particularly
moral ones.
(God, I wish Blogger would quit using ridiculously narrow content windows and allow the blockquote tag in comments!)
The question becomes: how to shatter the illusion?
Sailer is not optimistic that we can get back to a culture where truth is once again superior to any claim of "insensitivity" or "offense".
Mr Rational: I read that essay linked on Sailer's blog. Essentially the difference is masculine and feminine forms of dialogue. The antidote to rule by women and manginas is an in-your-face repudiation of their phony non-judgementalism and tolerance. Some form of fascism is a likely candidate.
You can't stop it. Obama will stuff about 30 million more of them into the country. Now that he's truly a "No Limits" man.
No one can stop it. Fact is, most of America WANTS this. Really, almost no one wants "nice safe and boring" America. They WANT diversity, which brings in crime, violence, excitement, thuggery, poverty, and all that stuff instead of a grinding work to be smarter than the next guy in a nice safe office.
We had an election just recently on this question. Most people voted (or enough to allow for cheating) to pull in a lot of Somalis and give them free housing. The other guy would have at least put the brakes on if not stop it, the guy we re-elected will go full speed ahead.
The country is just lost. It will resemble a cold Africa.
I agree with Whiskey that the majority of whites in the Banksta Banana Republick agree with this state of affairs. BRA is established with the full endorsement of its targets, especially the young females. However, the notion that Mittens would have altered any of the things which we see is demonstrably false. His record as MA governor stands as proof, not the lies he was breathing while campaigning in the primaries.
Barnhardt's recent statement, surprisingly echoed here by Auster, is essentially correct. The sooner the place is brought to utter ruin, the better. Supporting Mittens was meaningless. A Mittens teleprompter readership wouldn't have even slowed down the BRA machine, much less stopped it. The only thing that will stop it is economic destruction.
You will probably find enlightenment in the long essay The Triggering and The Triggered, Part 4 (linked by Sailer the other day). http://alastairadversaria.wordpress.com/2012/08/07/of-triggering-and-the-triggered-part-4/
From this essay: "As Western society has become progressively more sensitized to victims, the unempowered, and the disenfranchised, and has desired to give a voice to them, we have tended to truncate or limit public discourse in various ways to ensure that such groups don’t feel threatened."
* Why should the fact that a group was a "victim" some time in the past give them any special power today? The fact that these groups were at the bottom of the feeding chain in a prior century might even indicate that they ought to be excluded from power as they lack the competence to defend their own affairs, much less those of the greater society.
* What if it turns out that a group was "oppressed" for good reason? Rhodesia was a far better place under white rule than Zimbabwe under black. The Ian Smith government "oppression" of the black insurgents was a positive measure for civilization by any objective standards. And I need not comment on the state of civilization in Detroit pre-1967 as opposed to post-1967.
* Why are group interests considered at all? The American system is supposed to be based on individual rights and responsibilities. Are blacks, simply because they have the same color-of-their-skin (tm) as a demographic during slavery-segregation, entitled to exaltation? This is the worst kind of "barnyard collectivism," as the Randians would put it. The thing is, this victim-based collectivism has been used to overthrow traditional constitutionalism. And to dispossess the core national groups of Western countries. This was something which the George Wallaces understood when they opposed the civil rights movement.
* The long term effects are playing themselves out. A victim-based society lacks the political will to defend itself. Domestic symptoms are in the de facto open borders policies, and in the disintegration of cities. Foreign policy is driven by ideological considerations which have no connection to reality. The result becomes "invite the world, invade the world." What will happen when there is a real crisis on the order of the world wars, or even the Cuban Missile Crisis? How quickly will it be before Western countries disintegrate?
Again: when future archeologists dig through the rubble, they will scratch their heads and ask, "How did it all come crashing down."
"Congress never voted for this program..."
This is a State Dept. program:
" Anonymous said...
"Congress never voted for this program..."
Congress never votes for anything anymore except their own pay raises and money to help muslims, blacks and ILLEGAL ALIENS and of course, whatever the Democrats tell them to vote for.
To know that my taxes are used to sustain the hordes of parasites depicted in this video makes me want to puke out my guts. This is totally unacceptable. May God make it end soon.
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