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Christmas Decorations? An invitation for a black home invasion in St. Louis |
If your holiday light display shines like the Griswalds, are you inviting burglars to see what’s inside your home?
“Sometimes criminals look for targets, even houses that may be decorated,” said police Sgt. Catherine Dennis, “I’m not saying not to decorate, but sometimes they may look for that.”
Dennis outlined the dos-and-don’ts of Christmas crime prevention, reminding homeowners that it’s that time of year when Santa Claus isn’t the only one breaking into homes.
Among the recommendations :
**It’s OK to display your lighted tree in the window with the drapes open, but don’t let people driving by see presents in the window .
**If you’re not home, don’t have packages delivered there, sitting on the front porch to tempt passersby.
**Always keep your garage door closed, and if your garage attaches to the house, always lock the inside door.
**When shopping, there is safety in numbers. Watch your back, don’t count cash in public, and don’t carry chin-high arm loads of packages to your car.
**Always hide valuables out of sight in the trunk.
If you’re looking for more home security to help you sleep at night, you may do what Sgt. Dennis did — get a dog. Dennis says twice burglars have tried to get into her home, but she has an Akita with sensitive hearing who has awakened and barked “like a wolf” to scare them away.Is that Tim Allen on the roof honey?
Something is seriously, seriously wrong in America. Remember what OD reported about crime in St. Louis (courtesy of Missouri State Highway Patrol Statistical Analysis Center):
In St. Louis, African-Americans are 49.2 percent of the population, but are responsible for 92 percent of homicide, 78 percent of rape, 93 percent of robbery, 87 percent of aggravated assault, and 82 percent of burglary.So people own guns in St. Louis for home defense from... black people.
Maybe this is why "civil rights" hero John Lewis went on MSNBC and said people should give up their guns "because the British aren't coming" [John Lewis: The British Are Not Coming, Lose the Guns, Breitbart, 12-20-12]:
When asked by Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC whether the problem of gun violence was all about guns or if there were other issues, such as mental health, Rep. John Lewis of Georgia, who was a black civil rights activist in the 1960’s and had been talking about the murders of Martin Luther King and Medgar Evers, decided to revoke the Second Amendment:
It’s not all guns. We must bring the issue of mental illness out into the sunlight, out of the shadow, out of the closet, deal with it, treat people, have centers where people can get the necessary help. But we can start by dealing with the issues of guns. There’s too many guns. The British are not coming. The Russians — the Russians are not coming. The British are not coming. We don’t need all these guns to kill people.
Rep. John Lewis is right: "The British aren't coming."
As Lewis likes to invoke history, it might be wise for him to brush up a little. After the Civil War, the Confederate States enacted the Black Codes. These codes forbid the new free blacks from having guns, leaving them vulnerable to organizations like the Ku Klux Klan, which pushed for these laws.
The black people are coming.
This is why, nationwide, people are making a run on - not banks - gun stores.
Home invasions are on the rise; black-on-white crime is increasing. And in St. Louis, you are being warned about putting up Christmas decorations.
It's a brave new world; And the Christmas bells that ring there Are the clanging chimes of doom...
at least Lewis mentioned mental illness -- b/c gun control & violent video games are merely smoke screens - the real problem is how hard it is to involuntarily commit mentally ill folks for hospitalization (+ it's EXPENSIVE!)
Stay away from Christmas shopping as well when mahogany mobs start a miniature riot over shoes in TX. And a Latoya in St. Louis beat an elderly Best Buy employee. Forget Christmas this year. You have to defend the house at home and yourself in public retail stores.
What is about many black people that they have absolutely no moral sense of right and wrong?
Off topic,but an illustration of just how far the media creatures are willing to push the theme of blacks being just like us except better:
A couple of evenings back,I was fiddling around on YouTube and stumbled across "The Hollow Crown",which is a British TV production of various Shakespeare plays having to do with English kings.
And since I always like hearing Henry V's Saint Crispin's Day speech,I found it in this version.
Surprise,surprise,surprise. In this version of "Henry V",York is-hold your breath-black.
Unbelievable. But there it was,right in front of my lying eyes. Hold on to your hats,folks. It might get better eventually,if we MAKE it get better. But before it gets better,it's going to be unimaginably bad.
Sad. No other way to say it, but hey it is the truth. When I moved into my apartment in DC, there was an older black woman who would wander the halls, often intoxicated. As more whites moved in, she would come by apartments and harangue the residents. She once asked me and my two white lesbian neighbors if we were all cousins. The first couple of weeks, she would come by and knock on my door, and I would ignore her. I have manners and I try to respect my elders, but many elderly black people or those in the boomer age group are just so miserable due to their entitlement complex that all manners have just left me- I finally told her to buzz off. Don't know if she was casing our places, or just being friendly, or nosey, or all of the above. Gotta say that groids and their concept of "community" can in many instances extend to a gibsme that mentality. Or just a crash and grab. Or just a basic home invasion, a sort of redistribution of whites' hard earned stuff to the masses.
I have also learned being out with my kids that groidesses just can't shut up with regards to how other people parent. Just because Iesha popped out three kids by age 20 does not a master of motherhood make, but can't tell these groidesses that! I have told several of them to mind their business when I am out with my kids. Child Protective Services is run by libtards and groidesses employed by the benevolent Feds and is just a way for the Feds to extort money from people in exchange for "helping" families...let me tell you the black "community" and their libtard allies have bought into CPS like nobody's business. Consequently, families have been destroyed by mindless nigtards calling CPS on their "kin" and others...once blacks get a hold of perceived power (such as calling CPS or the knowledge that you have presents by tree), they will run with it. Go family! Go community!
The whole idea of "community" has taken on a whole new, boundary-less meaning, that being what is yours is mine and if you don't gibsme dat well I am just going to break into your home. Or destroy your family. Or rape you because hey, its reparations baby!
The fact is this is where we are in the USA now...and it is just going to get worse as the rest of the world is faltering on economic collapse. Once things REALLY collapse, third world turds, groids, musloids et al. will be coming for us in swarms. The almighty white man will just be soooo benevolent and bestow upon us his gifts. Um, hell no. Well Merry Christmas groids, third world turds, musloids et al, you can kiss my white arce!
We will have to armed and ready.
I am curious and I will admit to not having a complete understanding of the "stand your ground" laws and how they fit into this picture. DC certainly does not have a stand your ground law. Perhaps participants on this board can elighten me? From what I understand, certain states have enacted stand your ground laws so people can defend themselves against intruders and such.
In another effort to stamp out the stupid PC bullsugar that has been out there, I say Merry Christmas this time of year. Not Kwanzaa, not Ramawhatver, not Chanawhatever. Merry Christmas! Guess what, welcome to the USA, you have the right to be offended as well!
Peace and Good Tidings
White Mother Living Among (and rebelling!) the Turds
Currently 20% of all white teens are unemployed. That figure is tainted by the inclusion of Hispanics in the "White" category. The real figure is probably lower.
Black teens are about 40% unemployed. That black teen unemployment rate is likely to rise over time. The American economy has become more automated and has turned sharply against the uneducated and unskilled. This means black teens don't get that vital first job.
Some time in the next few years half of all black teens will be unemployed. The simple truth is that no society can endure that many unsocialized black male teens roaming the streets.
Automation is forcing America to makes some unwelcome decisions.
Twas the night befo' Christmas and all through da house NiggaClaus was creepin' as quite as a mouse. He was stealin' all da gifts and rippin' off everything he could when the homeowner's shotgun went off and made NiggaClaus good.
"Oh no!" Sharmeeka shrieked when she first heard da news, "Now dere ain't gonna be no gifts and we is all screwed! Dose guns be at fault and things got to change cause NiggaClaus be daid and whitey's to blame!"
Poor ol' NiggaClaus~ can't even go out robbin', lootin', muggin' or stealin' without having to worry about those evil gun owners. The stress must be incredible.
South Carolina republicans have officially abandoned white Americans with the appointment of a negro Senator. South Carolina is now represented by an Indian, a negro and a reported homosexual. It's all over folks we're going to have to get used to more crime more multiculturalism and the end of the USA.
Automation helps in providing work for low functioning people, not the other way around. First you have to want to work.
White Mother living among the turds: Stand your ground laws mean you have no duty to retreat from any place or situation that you have a lawful right to be there. No , DC does not have that, in fact DC makes it next to impossible to even own a gun. Best advice is move from that groid infested area. Florida is gun friendly, so is Texas. Compared to DC almost anywhere else is gun friendly. Not always possible to just move I understand, but DC is the pits. Try really hard to move if you can. Your kids deserve better. Best of luck.
I'll take an automated tronbot serving me anyday over some of attitude one gets from these black teens. The black community did it to itself! They bought into the entitlement complex hook-line-sinker, and guess what, NO ONE wants to deal with these teens, not even their own families!
I was in Harris Teeter yesterday. Boar's Head was hosting an unbelievable sample spread of meats, cheeses, etc. The sample server was a black female teen who could not even do the customers the service of smiling! She was so rude! I NEVER complain...I have worked in food service as a waitress etc. I worked part-time in college at a sandwich shop. Yes people are rude, but no one was rude yesterday to this girl and she had a HUGE chip on her shoulder. Most younger black people are like this today, and many millenials in general. Their expectations do not align with the reality of the workforce and so they are miserable. Hey, that's what happens when you can't discipline kids anymore in schools ( I used to teach..did so for 6 years). So here we have it, groids of all ages "wilding" and spoiled brat millenials who have never had their arces kicked running amuck.
I should also mention that I stopped by the HT AFTER visiting a school where a groid middle school male was walking on top of tables! A good butt kicking of that little turd would save taxpayers thousands of dollars...oh well...another unemployable 21st century groid.
I have to say I don't feel sorry for them. They probably voted for Obumma and guess what, now things like mortgage interest on homes cannot be deducted from taxes if those jerks in congress get their way. People who actually work and save money are penalized.
The time for a rebellion is coming....
White Mom
"Sometime in the next few years half of all black teens will be unemployed."
No doubt. And even though the writing is on the wall, they'll do nothing to change their fate. It'll simply be the blame game on steroids with DWL's trying to spend hundreds of billions to support them.
When the crash comes, it's going to hit hard and heavy.
Thanks for the shout-out to the fair berg. The cops overnight just popped a gang of blacks for stealing UPS/FedEx/USPS packages left on front porches all around South City. And like Anon said above, at the Best Buy over in the Metro East, (the story made Drudge), Mr. and Mrs. Ghetto chimped out and slapped around the exit clerk when asked to see the receipt, which means they were looking for a five fingered Ujamaa Kwanzaa discount.
Pat...see 'the end of work' by Rifkin
I agree. and the number of blacks
in USA has gone from 15M to 45M..
obongo brings yet more in on
'diversity visas'!!!!!!!!!!!!!
things look bad.
Here's a link to the Best Buy article someone mentioned above.
@White Mother Living Among (and rebelling!) the Turds
I think you're confusing "castle doctrine" with "stand your ground"
A Castle Doctrine (also known as a Castle Law or a Defense of Habitation Law) is an American legal doctrine that designates a person's abode (or, in some states, any place legally occupied, such as a car or place of work) as a place in which the person has certain protections and immunities and may in certain circumstances use force, up to and including deadly force, to defend against an intruder without becoming liable to prosecution.
A stand-your-ground law states that a person may justifiably use force in self-defense when there is reasonable belief of an unlawful threat, without an obligation to retreat first.
In states without "stand your ground" you have a duty to retreat. Only when you can prove that you had no escape route can deadly force be considered self-defense. It is generally accepted that you do not have a duty to retreat from your own home. The more liberal your state/city, the more likely they expect you to retreat from a threat.
If you are forced to shoot a home invader, NEVER talk to the police without a lawyer. It is very important that you play up the situation. Get the tears flowing, act hysterical, get the kids out of bed and parade them in from of the police. Get the dash-cams in the police cruisers to show you distraught and scared. Wail about how terrified you were and your children were in danger. DO NOT answer any questions or make any statements without your lawyer. All too often in today's world the police are on the criminal's side (Zimmerman).
Comrades turn in your guns so you can sing Kumbaya with vibrant diverse youfs when they crash in the front door and who are entitled to what you have. Now gibsmedat cracka!
She was also a council woman which doesn't surprise me at all.
Here's the go-to link for the above cited Best Buy couple:
She was a city councilwoman! And he a former football star at a Catholic school! So even when allowed privileged positions in society, they revert to jungle.ways.
As far as stand your ground laws go, if they are black and you shoot them there better be at least three of them and you will have to kill all of them. If you leave one wounded to be paraded around by the libs with his pack of skittles that he was just axting you if you wanted some, you can bet you will be spending the next few years in court or worse life in prison as a deterent from any other white man thinking of defending himself. Oh, you might want to have an unregestered throw away like most cops do to plant on them just in case they only have knives or something. Best thing to do if there are no witnesses would be to split.
If you are forced to shoot a home invader, NEVER talk to the police without a lawyer.
Agreed. It's too easy to talk your way into a jail cell.
Also, if you know any police officers, you might ask them for advice on how to deal with any kind of encounter with the law or criminal situation. Often, people get their ideas from watching television, and this leads them right into a jail cell.
South Carolina republicans have officially abandoned white Americans with the appointment of a negro Senator. South Carolina is now represented by an Indian, a negro and a reported homosexual. It's all over folks we're going to have to get used to more crime more multiculturalism and the end of the USA.
Once again, for the 10,000th time (because some just can't seem to ever get it through their thick skulls) - Republicans are the enemy!!!!! This is but the latest example. Patrick Cleburne at VDARE has provided some important background on Tim Scott. Given GOP (=Gay Old Pedophiles) proclivities, it would not surprise me in the least if he was Miss Lindsay Graham's "boy toy". All of these asshats - even the "conservative" ones - have a self-destruct button which vampire-squids and their kommissars are able to push when needed. Why did DeMint suddenly bow out to take a well-paid retirement job from the Senate? Note who they're replacing him with - a groid who'll vote as ordered. Yet another cheap-imitation Magic Kneegrow. Repukes are forever "reaching out" to a group who will never vote for them.
Anon (12/22 9:53 AM)
Twas the night befo' Christmas and all through da house NiggaClaus was creepin' as quite as a mouse. He was stealin' all da gifts and rippin' off everything he could when the homeowner's shotgun went off and made NiggaClaus good.
"Oh no!" Sharmeeka shrieked when she first heard da news, "Now dere ain't gonna be no gifts and we is all screwed! Dose guns be at fault and things got to change cause NiggaClaus be daid and whitey's to blame!"
[golf clap]
In the same vein.
Sung to the tune "Jingle Bells"
With apologies to James Lord Pierpont
On the corner there’s a ho
Takes crack for her pay
On her back she goes
All the livelong day
In the flophouse stink
Needles shining bright
The gun it is they have to bring
a .45 tonight.
Oh, niglet yells, niglet smells
Niglets out to play
Ain't it great, there's section 8
They just won't go away
On their cells, in motels
Screaming all the way (yo!, yo!, yo!)
Run out on the bill they will
They never want to pay
A day or two ago
They moved in right next-door
All the nigger bucks
Lined up for their whore
She was such a skank
Cold sores just the start
All it took was just one fight
To tear the place apart
Oh, niglet yells, niglet smells
Niglets out to play
Ain't it great, there's section 8
They just won't go away
On their cells, in motels
Screaming all the way (yo!, yo!, yo!)
Run out on the bill they will
They never want to pay
Merry Christmas to all and to all a very merry Christmas!
Zenster said...
Is it really you? I was afraid you had stopped for gas in East St. Louis and Eric Holder got you. Great to see you back!
Anon 11:22, either that, or invest in a pistol with a silencer. Then when a groid breaks into the house to rape you, tell the kids it's veal.
I read interview the NAACP had with well known liberal writer and friend to black people everywhere, James Loewen. He was promoting his book "Sundown Towns". For those who dont know what a sundown town is it's when towns have laws that require black people to be off the streets or out of town by sundown. They were quite popular in the 50s and 60s. In the interview James makes the claim that these towns still exist and they are the cause of cities like detroit becoming the dumps they are. All of the white people are moving out to these sundown towns and leaving the poor blacks left holding the bag. Basicly what he says is that whites ran the town in the ground and abadonded it,you can laugh now. But he has a way to prevent this from happening to other towns. He is proposing penalties on white people who live in towns that arent diverse enough. Penalties in the way of not being able to claim mortgage interest on your fed income tax. But to keep things equal this penalty would not affect black home owners.
Having spent the last three years in Columbia, I have to say this doesn't surprise me. I am shocked that the Confederate flag still flies on the statehouse grounds. BTW, the largest display on the Statehouse grounds is dedicated to blacks and dwarfs the other memorials nearby. The Palmetto state may have a lot of good white people, but the larger cities and suburbs (Columbia, Charleston, Greenville/Spartanburg) are absolutely overrun with blacks, SWPL-types, and transplants from Florida and the Midwest.
Coincidentally, we took less money to move to a whiter part of the country to raise our kids. I will absolutely not, under any circumstance, have my beautiful white daughters going to schools with 60+% black population like in Columbia.
Zenster, let me tweak the scansion just a bit to make the stressed syllables line up better:
Outside there’s a ho
Takes crack for her pay
On her back she goes
All the livelong day
In the flophouse stink
Needles shining bright
What gun it is they have to bring?
A .45 tonight!
Oh, niglet yells, niglet smells
Niglets out to play
Ain't it great, there's section 8
They will not go away-ay
On their cells, in motels
Screaming all the way (yo!, yo!, yo!)
Run out on the bill they will
They never want to pay
A day or two ago
They moved in right next-door
All the nigger bucks
Lined up for their whore
She was such a skank
Cold sores just the start
All it took was just one fight
To tear the place apart
Oh, niglet yells, niglet smells
Niglets out to play
Ain't it great, there's section 8
They will not go away-ay
On their cells, in motels
Screaming all the way (yo!, yo!, yo!)
Run out on the bill they will
They never want to pay
BTW, welcome back.
Californian said...
If you are forced to shoot a home invader, NEVER talk to the police without a lawyer.
This is part 1 of a 2 part video that gives you a pretty good understanding of why it is never in your best interests to talk to the police without legal representation.
Don't Talk to Cops, Part 1
Since I'm on the subject of the police. Here is a heart warming Christmas story of a negro police officer, Gary Baker, who repeatedly raped a 76 year old woman. Imagine this ape taking your statement following some self defense action against Jamal.
Sacramento police officer suspected of raping elderly woman charged with 6 felony counts of sexual assault
I've got to get my family out of this country.
Basically what he says is that whites ran the town [Detroit] in the ground and abandoned it,you can laugh now.
You wonder, how much does he really believe this? Are there people that far into some kind of ideological delusion that they come to these conclusions? Or is it another example of magical thinking, an inability to see the modern world as it really is?
Another point: have people like the interviewee ever asked why it is that their liberal white buddies are among those who abandon ship in the wake of blacks taking control of a city or town? Of course, they will never face up to the reality that it is their own pathologies (the crime, the school trashing, the welfare dependency, the race hustling) which force people out of their own neighborhoods.
He is proposing penalties on white people who live in towns that aren't diverse enough. Penalties in the way of not being able to claim mortgage interest on your fed income tax. But to keep things equal this penalty would not affect black home owners.
This is something to be considered when the agitprop machine sings the praises of the civil rights era. Whatever the claims were about the civil rights movement fighting for freedom, the result has been an endless hustle in which white people are to be penalized for exercising their basic rights as citizens.
Tis true tis true. Everything on this board is just telling. Indian and groid congress people. City council people slapping elderly people. There is no civility left in this society. I went out to do last minute Christmas shopping with my kids at Target. Groid and beaner mania! I swear I walk around and I think I have just been transported via the Starship Enterprise to Brazil...and then "they" look at me (I am blonde and blue eyed and tall,..certainly not some short guinea-Incan-short s*&t turd whirler)alas, I am in the good ole USA.
Thank you all so much for your feedback re: the stand your ground laws and the castle laws. The Heartland (Idaho, Wyoming, etc.) is where its at...I am getting there. Until then I hold my breath. The groiders and their attaches, such as beaners and other turd whirlers, are getting away with stuff right now because they CAN! What these dumb nigtards don't know is that unlike their wild groid fantasies, there is a limit (no limit niggas boyeeeee) and it is coming...soon public services such as education (teachers) and safety will be gone. Then what are they going to do? Kill each other off I hope. Hopefull I will be alive to see this and I will then turn on the TV and tune in with glee!
Telling. When I was at this school for troubled 'youfs" yesterday, I was told that there were no actual teachers in the classroom and that the kids basically did an onlien curriculum. Does any groid out there you know possess the self-motivation to do school online? I dont know many.
White Mom in Turdville aka WDC
Obama isnt going to want to give up this power he has aquired so he is repopulating the country with his subordaninates. They will out number us very soon, they dont consider themselves Americans, and they could care less about fiscal responsibility. There just here to get there's and bring our great country down. At some point true Americans will have to fight to get our country back. Polititions wont do it, and typing on the computer wont do it. I just hope we still have a chance, in five years it will be to late, we will have to abandon ship
**If you’re not home, don’t have packages delivered there, sitting on the front porch to tempt passersby.
Right. How many of you have seen the video of the black UPS employee stealing an Ipad off the front porch of a customer that was previously delivered by someone else? UPS wouldn't do anything about it until the victim uploaded the video to youtube.
In Atlanta four postal employees have been prosecuted for stealing over three million dollars in government checks from the mail. In the last year 174 postal employees have been fired for stealing.
The US has already became a turd world country. There is no turning back.
And we got Django opening Christmas Day. Keep your powder dry.
On the subject of the black unemployable rate,my Mom was engaging in some level of conversation with her black UPS/FedEx delivery man recently.During the talk he mentioned that he was quitting his job and moving to another state because "they was gonna be switchin' to IPads" for all the delivery reports and such. Aside from that being a ridiculous reason to quit a job and move,she asked him which STATE he was moving to, to which he replied "Detroit."
M.S.M. & BET has it's "Roots" specail running for the holidays. What a great show, They need all the help they can get remember. Glad all they have to do is tune in.
On and off topic, I'm not sure how many of you read the newsone and other black blogs and newsites that paul posts but I do every once in a while. This needs to be hammered into the heads of anyone who has a chance at redemption. Here is one of many comments to the story about Sike Lee's response to Django Unchained.
I'm going to type, "I think Spike is going a bit too far" with his boycotting thoughts regarding this movie.
Spike has not stated anything bad about "Roots", which is playing on BET currently. Quentin T has put out "Django" in 2012 based on 1800's Salvery. The news reported that the N-Word was use 109 times....I wonder how many times it was used in "Roots". Nevertheless, that was the era in which it was use towards Blacks and Africians.
Race is extremely difficult to express and discuss today, it's a trigger mechanism for many (self included). I will not go see "Django - D silent", I will not watch "Roots" anymore because it triggers my mind to get my 9, hop in my car listening to James Brown "The Big Payback"...with ugly thoughts for payback. However, I know that will not solve anything or erase racism. It's here, it ain't going nowhere."
Now would this be the average black person, yes and no. The average black uses a smart phone to access the web for porn. World Star Hip Hop, and downloading or listening to music. This particualr black probably has an IQ bump of about 5 points or so and reads"news" and takes the time to post in comment sections.
Make no mistake the average black hates Whites, they hate White society. Of course they would never leave they maybe stupid but they know where there bread is buttered.
Tell me in any function or any fasion this animal would not try to screw over a White person in what ever ability he/she has. If he works at the Post Office, "sorry you letter was loss." Works at any of the millions of governemnt jobs, "sorry we can't help you, NEXT!"
They do not have to resort to criminality to fuck whitey. There are a thousand was to make White misreable.This is the average black and if you don't know it your either stupid or willfully ignorant.
Ex New Yorker here.....The reason for the rise in theft by black employees is because you are not allowed to do criminal background checks on black people. When I first moved to New York back in the 1960's all employment agencies checked you for a criminal record. They called it being BONDED. Even the company where you worked checked you out for a criminal record.
This is no longer allowed because it is a sign you are a racist. A white person, yes, A black person, no. About ten years ago there was a big scandal on the Chicago police department. They had hired all these black guys that were members (or ex-members) of street gangs. Now the Crips and Bloods were wearing badges.
The super market chains are hit hard all the time by black employee theft. This is another story that goes unreported.
If you tell a black guy the reason you can't hired him is because he did prison time for rape and robbery he can sue you. Best to tell him you can't hire him because he can't read and write. Soon that will be against the law. "I din git da job cuz I caint read n write an sheet. Dat not be right".
Ho ho ho comrades. Have a nice Bramerica Christmas.
I live in New Hampshire at A seacoast town that will remain nameless.I am fortunate in having no groids around.I wonder how long this will last?Very blue collar Irish town.I hope no orcs come here.I have all the tools for strong resistance and i hope i do not have to use them.
I have been scouring the Internet for places to live that are are mostly white or all white. Looking at Wyoming, Montana, the Dakotas, etc. I am just looking down the pike it is BAAAAAAD. Then I think, those places are so damn cold, why should I have to move? But it is the reality. I will get used to the cold. Sucks.
Any feedback on some other places? I am open...
I hate the nigtards, I really do. I looked up that link that Santos posted on that police officer who was repeatedly raping that elderly lady. I hate the police just as much too. I hate our society and what America has become. Sociopaths are in power and they have to go. There is no other way.
When I lived in Philadelphia, this cop used to park outside my place and have his lights right on in my window. One evening I came from the gym (this is before I had kids,,,)and he was out there. He got of his car and inquired about the "new condos" and how he'd "like to see the place...could he come in." I said that he could check out the model at the end of the row of homes I lived in. He said that he was on duty those hours...I replied that it was not a good idea. Scumball. At the time, there was a scandal with cops pulling over drunk girls and raping them.
We are alone. And now Congress wants to disarm basic citizens? How far do things have to go?
Here is the thing. We get busy living or get busy dying. I hear the sentiment of wanting to get out. But where do we go?
Eventually there will be a fight. Count on it.
White Mom Living Among Turds
@White Mom in Turdville aka WDC
At the school for 'troubled youfs', if the whole class of teen nigs one day in that classroom for online education with no other physical authoritive body present threw a sex party of the most extreme chimpout proportions, and it was all caught on the video monitors that show the teacher to the student from the other location, how do you think the wider society would react?
To white mom living among the turds:
I too am moving (from So. Cal). Northern Maine is a good bet; very conservative up there. One warning: the rest of the state is liberal, and they nailed Lewiston with 6,000 Somalis in the 90s (but they don't travel north).
Wherever you go though, gotta look out for Agenda 21.
FWIW, I have a new post up covering the history of American gun bans and siding with non-Whites (principally Indians) over ordinary Whites. This is nothing new and dates back to the 70's. The 1670's, essentially, with King Philip's War in New England and Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia.
Elites HATE HATE HATE ordinary Whites having guns, and ordinary Whites want guns because elites over the entire history of the USA repeatedly fail to protect them for political, corruption, and incompetence reasons. I can think of at least five different episodes describing this in different places and times. It just happens in America over and over again.
California has just banned open carry of even unloaded long guns. So there's that. I'm not very optimistic -- I don't think there will be one rebellion against the current system, but rather four or five. Its that bad.
Cops? Not your friend. Definitely your enemy. Unless you're OJ, Robert Blake, or Sean Penn. If you are a famous celebrity and can get a cop on TV or in the movies, sure they'll do you favors. Otherwise the exist to serve the political elites, not you. You are defined as the sucker. And cops hate you probably more than the criminals. Who have the NAACP, Eric Holder, and Obama on their side.
Ex New Yorker again.....This is for White Mom living in Turdville. Over the years I have done some road time and these are places where I have NEVER SEEN ANY BLACKS.
All along I-70 in Kansas. West of Salina and into Colorado. Don't know about Wichita. I only passed through on the Interstate but do remember a couple blacks working at Toll Booths.
Very few blacks in Colorado (except Denver....stay away). Northern part of the state is black free. You will have a lot of pinko liberals, gays and Mexicans. The Mexicans are old blood born in USA types. Not like in California. A couple Mexican families have moved up here from Denver and Aurora because they were afraid the blacks might try and rape their daughters.
Wyoming is fantastic. The Katrina Criminal Relocation Program moved blacks into Cheyenne, but most of the worst are already in prison. Cowboy justice. I have only traveled through the Eastern and Northern parts of Wyoming and have NEVER SEEN ANY BLACKS ANYWHERE. I have heard there might be a few living in Casper but don't know any body that has seen any.
Ditto in South Dakota. No blacks. A lot of Indians but they are not robbing and raping. They do like to drive drunk so there are some tough laws for drunk driving. Rapid City and South of there is very very nice. If you go further North you will freeze your tits off. Also no state tax in South Dakota or Wyoming.
Nebraska is also great if you like being around your own kind. Cowboys and farmers make up most of the population. All are armed. The people are still kind of asleep about whats going on, but they are honest. Don't move to close to Omaha or Lincoln. A friend just came up for the holidays and told me the cops are kicking ass on the turds in Omaha and they are starting to flood into Lincoln. Lincoln also got swamped with Katrina Trash.
All along the Rocky Mountains there are no blacks. It gets cold in the Winter with lots of snow and some real bad forest fires in the Summer.
I am getting tired. More later on.
I'm not surprised that some ignorant black would believe whites ruined Detroit and just left all the po' blacks folks behind in the ruins. Poor thing can't face up to the obvious fact that his "people" are destructive, parasitical losers and inferior to every other race on the planet and, for that very reason, no one wants to live anywhere near them.
As is, it sure is funny how places like Detroit were civilized thriving communities UNTIL the groid population reached critical mass and everything went to hell with all the typical black pathologies running rampant.
Is there a connection? Nah! Couldn't be! It's got to be whitey's fault!
It's the same old excuse niggers always use for all their failures, shortcomings, stupidity, ignorance and incompetence. Blacks will ALWAYS blame others whether they be White, Asian, Hispanic or Eskimo. That's so much less painful that facing the devastating truth about themselves and having their fragile eggshell minds and ridiculous ego driven fantasies about themselves shattered.
It's just another case of incurable negrophrenia. Telling him the truth would be like telling a schizophrenic that he really isn't Alexander the Great. Instant freak out and hissy fit.
Damn fool just needs a good dose of an anti psychotic medication but give some to the wide eyed DWL's who sit and listen to his horsecrap as if it were some amazing revelation of truth and oh so inspirational to hear. Otherwise, those neurotic puppies will follow him around like he was Moses.
Living in Mogadishu on the Mississippi(ST. Louis), I continue to warn the young and dumb(as we were) not to move into this chithole. The orcs continue their plague and now infect many of the surburban communities with their brutality.
In my 47 years on this planet, I have seen them destroy a once beautiful town where my grandparents lived and my parents were married in (East St. Louis), towns I used to shop and hang out in (Belleville and Fairview Heights), and St. Louis neighborhoods filled with vibrancy and wonderful archicture.
My wife and I have tried to follow the rules and do as our civic leaders want us to do when reporting crime. Recently, a cop threatened my wife after she called in (as procedure) unsupervised orclets using our block as a savage training arena, He was going to bring her up on charges of 911 abuse (which she didnt call---they have a non-emergency number for problem properties)and would not first id himself!
St. Louis is quickly devolving into a little Detroit. The press, law enforcement, and local government cover up the overwhelming crime that orcs commit. No one wants to identify the problem in order to solve it. This brings us to cultural and societal suicide.
Screw this city, the disingenous liberals that hide and deny racial statistics, and the orcs that have destroyed it!
Coming soon: National Lampoon's Detroit Vacation. See an aging Chevy Chase and his dysfunctional clan (including an all-new 'Rusty')
take a wrong turn off I-75 and wind up deep in the heart of The Big D! Hilarity ensues!
Carjackings! Stray bullets! And a big gang rape at the end that'll warm your heart! Come and see the film critics are calling 'The Post-Racial Comedy of The Year'!
You'll love it!
In between electrical jobs at the moment, and been working security in the joyous multicultural hellhole known as Canada (toronto). I have been on more jobs where I am told to watch employees than anything else. Hell, I was at a store closing sale and they made me search every employee's bags before they could leave. Every once and a while. I wish my parents went to Texas instead of Ontario... Getting into the states without being a minority is hell, and damn near impossible without a direct relative. Doubly screwed as well, since. I was born in that three year gap where my father doesn't count for British citizenship. Half German, half British, no access to anything. Sigh. Might just bite the bullet and try for royal Marines. Elite forces always tend to be white heavy...
Now the Crips and Bloods were wearing badges.
welcome to the new US Armed Forces
Red: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9PWNl4cokc
or Blue:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84gxcl_uOS0
Even in in the best place upon Earth.
Unfortunately we have the worst "gun control laws". but the best gun crimes, next to shitcago. At least the mexicans want to be White. No doubt about it. Look at Ms Venezuela! Look at who the crimes are committed against.
In this same town, we produce Marines, SEALS, Predators, nukes, algorithms, radar, fishing, marine biology, and numerous other things that benefit humanity in many great ways. Including parts that have been to Mars! And the unconstitutional IRS wants to take from me to pay for thee?
I live in the ghetto and have met some nice blacks, but nothing beats the other night when I walked my dogs to the taco shop and saw it full of white people. That was gentrification in the works.
Be a Proud White Man and live your life right. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWqsCS2fAbg
I love my country and will die defending it! Death to NWO!
It sure seems that the average negro only understands the basics of right and wrong under the threat of a heavy whip.
Can you imagine how people in the vast majority of America would have reacted back in, say 1980, if someone would have described what we are now dealing with? “Oh, that will never happen in America. You’re crazy!” Back then, the worst of the turds were still limited to the projects, home ownership was reserved for those that could actually afford it, and the police could do their job more effectively because someone that was somewhere they didn’t “belong” stood out like a sore thumb and were quickly dealt with in a proactive manner. Thus, you could put your Christmas tree wherever the hell you wanted or decorate your house just like Sparky, and didn’t have to worry about a very real possibility that a group of disadvantaged youfs (black criminals) were going to break into it and steal from your family. Or kill you for $10 or a sandwich or a carton of Egg Nog. The libtards hadn’t gained the critical-mass traction they have today, and after Mr. Peanut lost in 1980, it probably seemed very bleak for them. Yet, here we are.
Christmas shopping? Are you freaking kidding me? That takes place on Amazon. If you do have the Christmas spirit and decide to temporarily lie to yourself and assume that it will be the pleasant, traditional experience of years past, you’ll quickly get an overwhelming dose of our beloved new “diversity” when Shaahneeqwah or Shitavious follow you into the store. At least if you attempt to do so anywhere near where I live.
Speaking of which, in the Section 8 ghetto hellhole we just fled from, a resident posted a warning this week on our distribution group. A car-full of “young black males” were observed (a) following a resident through the gated entrance, right off their bumper and (b) proceeding to case the neighborhood when no one is home during the weekday, apparently looking for packages having been left on people’s doorsteps (since I’m not the only one that has resigned to shopping on Amazon). Further, the car was described as a 1970s Oldsmobile, with 20+ inch chrome rims (probably worth 10x the car, itself) and…wait for it…no tags. Gwinnett PD was called but didn’t arrive in time, if at all.
The police here don’t give a damn about any crime that doesn’t involve (a) a firearm, (b) a drug trafficking operation where a large quantity of pre-distribution drugs can be seized for parading in front of the TV cameras and self-congratulation on the local news, or (c) speeding tickets (unless you are a county commissioner, as a result of which all manner of citations are automatically waived).
As a final, warm Christmas thought for all my fellow SBPDL-ers to ponder – “the ‘buyer’ of my formerly habitable home is a third world turd import (of the African variety), who is receiving…wait for it…wait…a special government program that “…makes purchasing a home more affordable for low-to-moderate income families and individuals…” (translation: minorities that cannot actually afford to own a home). Thus, after my property value has been destroyed by the black undertow and the “social justice” perpetuated by taxpayer-funded Section 8, the government then facilitates the immediate purchase of my home (with additional, redistributed, white tax dollars) by third world turds, at less than half the price I paid. The house could not even be constructed for the price at which it is now being sold. Of course, if this particular turd can’t drive into the development and see within 30 seconds that something is horribly wrong, then they will probably be right at home amidst the black dysfunction and TNB.
Gwinnett Gladiator
Thanks all for the feedback.
Cops are the enemy. It is like the last decade they have all been attending orientations on how to get the regular whitey, the black cops AND the white cops. In DC, things here are always on high alert. We've got the Metro cops, the Park Po Po's, Capitol Police, and then the grimey DC Cops. They all suck in my book.
I think they truly hate regular white people. This country has just become one bizarre episode of Jerry Springer where nothing makes sense.It's like if you are normal, try to work, and leave other people alone, YOU are profiled. It is the criminalization of middle class whites.
Dakota, Wyoming Nebraska,,,thank you Ex New Yorker.
White Mom Laying Low in Turdville
Night afo’ Crizzmus
Wus DA night afo’ Crizzmus, and all thru DA hood,
Everybody be sleepin’ and DA sleepin’ be good.
We hunged up our stockins, an hoped like all heck,
Dat Obama gunna brang us our welfare check.
All of DA family, was layin’ all over DA flo’,
My sister wif her gurlfriend, my brother wif some ho.
Ashtrays was all full, empty beer cans and all
When I heared such a fuss, I thunk….” must be DA law”.
I pulled the sheet off DA window and what I’ze could see,
I was spectin’ the sherrif, wif a warrant of me.
But what did I see, made me say, “Lawd look ‘a dat!”
Dere was a huge watermelon, pulled by eight big rats.
Now ovah DA years, Santy Claws he be white,
But it looks like us brotha’s, got a black un’ tonight.
Faster than a poe’lice car, my homeboy he came,
And whupped up on dem rats, as he called dem by name.
On Biden, On Jessie, On Pelosi and Hillary Who,
On Fannie, On Freddie, On Ayers, and Slick Willy too.
Obama landed dat melon, right there in DA street,
Dat Santy didn’t need no chimley, he picked DA lock on my do’,
An I sez to myself, “he don did dis befo!”
He had a big bag, full of presents – at first I suspeck?
Wif “Air Jordans” and fake gold, to wear roun’ my neck.
But he left me no presents, just started stealin my stuff.
He got my guns and my crack, and my new burglers kit.
Den, wif my stuff in his bag, out DA windo’ he flew,
I sho’ woulda shanked him, but he snagged my blade too!
He jumped back on dat melon, wif out even a hitch,
And waz gone in two seconds, DA democrat sonofabitch
So nex year I be hopin’, a white Santy we git,
’cause a black Santy Claws, just ain’t worf a chit!
Actually, that would be a 20 finger discount......;)
Omg how awful to think that the best people for the job might be elected or appointed! They don't fall into your narrow ethnic and sexual parameters!!!
Best people for the job might be elected or appointed? You mean people like Hank Johnson (Democrat from Georgia) who is so hyper intelligent he thinks the island of Guam is like a canoe and will tip over and capsize if too many people are on the island?
Lots of "best people" like that. Kind of makes me wonder what definition of "best" is being used and "best" for what?!?
Remember Benghazi. Also remember our enemies took note that Hussein the Immaculate didn't do anything about it.
Sad to say that this comes as no surprise. Over the last few decades, they've been systematically and deliberately ruining everything that we used to derive pleasure from: Halloween, the 4th of July, amusement parks, movie theaters, beaches, restaurants, ad infinitum. Christmas was bound to be on their wreckage list. As long as there is anything out there that YT likes/identifies with, it will be targeted for ruination.
Boys will be Boys is Jeff Pearlman's book on the Cowboys of 1992 to 1995 and the meltdown afterwards which is still being felt in the NFL.
Jimmy Johnson was responsible for making Miami Thug U which Jerry Jones also bought into. When they had their falling out Jones brought in Barry Switzer so that he could achieve his aim of being a crazier owner than Al Davis who also bought into the bullshit of the above trio.
Gwinnett Gladiator: The police here don’t give a damn about any crime that doesn’t involve (a) a firearm, (b) a drug trafficking operation where a large quantity of pre-distribution drugs can be seized for parading in front of the TV cameras and self-congratulation on the local news, or (c) speeding tickets (unless you are a county commissioner, as a result of which all manner of citations are automatically waived).
GG is spot on with all three points, to which I'll add a fourth: In many cases - especially when there are large numbers of groids in the badge gang - the recreational pharmaceuticals end up being sold by the badge gang themselves or by the salesmen with proper badge gang connections.
People often decry the failure of the so-called "war on drugs". They are not understanding that it's a failure only if you actually believe the propaganda issued from the regime and its Ministry of Truth co-workers. In reality, the "war on drugs" has been a huge success - with the maximized power of the national-security state used to eliminate independent dealers and networks so that the pharmaceuticals are reliably available only from squid-connected sources, and the tremendous cash proceeds laundered through squid-owned banks. The squid-owned Ministry of Truth and Hollywood meanwhile constantly gin up demand by making drugs appear to be glamorous or 'edgy' - complete with stars going in and out of rehab. Read up on the Sassoon family and the "opium wars" which took place in China 150-60 years ago to get an idea of how the scam works. Squids seldom have an original thought, but they are reliably evil.
Blast from the past.
Christmas parades have really changed over the years ;)
I did most of my Christmas shopping online, so I haven't had to endure the crowds of DWLs, Chinese, Indians, and - increasingly - blacks. Last night after my workout I stopped by Target to pick up a ham for New Year's Eve. This is in the far-west part of my North Texas suburb, where the homes easily run up to $1 million. This is also, unfortunately, not too far from the apartments where they brought in Katrinites. Well, never again. The store manager was black, and 9 out of every 10 cashiers was black. It seems every time I visit a store that I haven't been to for a few weeks, all the sales people have been replaced by blacks en masse. It's still jarring to see them everywhere, when 5-10 years ago you could go weeks without seeing a single one. I drive further and further north to do my shopping, trying to avoid an unnecessarily agitating experience.
My husband has it better; after having been burned a number of years ago, his employer (under 100 employees, perhaps half of that in the main office) stopped hiring blacks. The company Christmas party was almost entirely White, except for about five blacks (all sitting at the same table, of course) who are employed out of state.
I dream of moving, but where to? How far can/will my husband commute? How long before some "refugees" are seeded in any White area I may find?
Things have got to come to a head sooner, rather than later. This enforced close-quarter diversity ensures it.
If I don't get a chance to peruse this site again in the next few days (of cooking and cleaning and wrapping and cooking some more), Merry Christmas to all here at SBPDL. Thanks, Paul, for all you do.
People often decry the failure of the so-called "war on drugs". They are not understanding that it's a failure only if you actually believe the propaganda issued from the regime and its Ministry of Truth co-workers. In reality, the "war on drugs" has been a huge success -
It's anarcho-tyranny at work.
The idea that they would shuffle a bunch of lowest-common-denominator blacks into a city like Cheyenne is just mind blowing. Why? There is absolutely nothing there for those people. I realize people will say "well they are trying to integrate white areas," but what was the official account? We're there church groups behind this? My mother grew up in Cheyenne. We've been to Frontier Days multiple times. The last thing I would expect to see in that city would be a family of blacks.
I grew up in an extremely white part of the country, and in the past decade there has been an explosion in the population of youfs. Why? To win THE BIG GAME, of course. They can't import high school and college aged youfs fast enough to feed into the sports programs.
hey pal:
Anonymous said...
The idea that they would shuffle a bunch of lowest-common-denominator blacks into a city like Cheyenne is just mind blowing. Why? There is absolutely nothing there for those people. I realize people will say "well they are trying to integrate white areas," but what was the official account? We're there church groups behind this? My mother grew up in Cheyenne. We've been to Frontier Days multiple times. The last thing I would expect to see in that city would be a family of blacks.
'ALIEN NATION' a best seller
that got 500/ bad reviews
and no good reviews in mainstream.
since 1965..its been goin on
this is why we cant have nice things. police suggesting decorating your house with christmas lights is dangerous because it attracts niggers? i cant even imagine a city where this thinking is tolerated and so nonchalantly.
Ex New Yorker again.....More for White Woman in Turdville or any one else looking to get away from The Brothers. Only been through Iowa once and that was years ago. No blacks to be seen. Of course this was in the open country areas. Never hit any big cities.
Never been to Montana and Idaho but hear only good news about those states. In Wyoming around Jackson Hole and other ski areas they have Mexicans working in the motels and hotels. There is no robbing and raping.
Have a couple friends that moved to Utah. I see them in the Summer and they tell me where they are at is all white.
The best places are Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming and lower South Dakota. Stay away from the Southwest part of the country. I lived down there before moving up here. The war with Mexico had already started in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. I have a friend living between Flagstaff and Phoenix. Southern Arizona has become Northern Mexico. Stay out. The Mexican gangs in California are ethnic cleansing the blacks and they are moving into Phoenix and other bigger cities all through the South.
My original plan when I left New York was to move into the desert around the Yuma area. I lived there as a kid. By the late 1980's the desert had become a combat zone. Meth labs and dope mules shooting each other. All those nice little desert towns along Interstate 10 and 8 are now shit holes. You hang a laundry on a clothes line and it soon will be gone. The wetbacks shit in peoples yards. Basketball fences going around single family homes. Stay away.
In these Mid-West areas the small towns are about 30 to 50 miles apart. Any town with 5,000 or more people will have your Burger King and Pizza Huts. It is still mostly "mom and pop" businesses. Safe schools. No crime. You will still see one or two blacks in some places, but not in swarms like back East. Home, home on the range. I love it.
thanks ex - New Yorker....
Got to get away from the swarms, I am getting too old and groidness can wear one down!
White Mom in Turdville aka DC
Ex New Yorker~ Your comment about wetbacks shitting in peoples yards brought back some bad memories of my time in Los Angeles in the 80's after Reagan opened the floodgates with his retarded amnesty for illegals.
Prior to the amnesty, my street was nice. Then, after the amnesty, suddenly there were mexiturds everywhere standing on the street corner waiting to be picked up for day labor. The lady who lived on the corner had a beautifully landscaped yard which subsequently became an outdoor toilet for the illegals. They were shitting under all the bushes like a pack of wild animals.
Before the amnesty, my job was pretty cool. I worked in the shipping and recieving department of a major retailer. After the amnesty, all the local suppliers got rid of all their white truck drivers and replaced them with wetbacks at cheaper wages i.e. they were paid for each delivery they made instead of being a regular employee. Within a matter of months, I suddenly felt as if I were living in some shithole on the outskirts of Tijuana instead of living in America. It all happened so fast it was unbelievable to witness it.
I bailed out of L.A. the year after the amnesty and moved back east to a solid white town. I try to tell people here who believe that illegals are "just people looking for a better life" that they may be right but they don't realize the consequences. The dumbasses think all illegal aliens mean is that there'll be more taco stands and restaurants and charming Mariachi bands to listen to.
There are none so blind as those who have no experience.
Ex New Yorker again.....More for White Woman in Turdville or any one else looking to get away from The Brothers. Only been through Iowa once and that was years ago. No blacks to be see. Of course this was in the open country areas. Never hit any big cities.
IN Iowa..
usa is 20% latrino?
Iowa has em....and they breed
I wonder if kwanza has and abundance of liht, and european christmas?
But what are the origins of kwanza, I haven't read, cause more than likely its strewn with propaganda and made up history.
Christmas or the festival of winter solistice, which was lifes truimph over death, nothing to do with Jesusu at all, but its a european pagan celebration.
But kwanza?, I bet its celebrants are well aware that if you have lots of lights and pine trees with lights and presents, you get targeted as having more than the rest of the tribe and it will be pillaged forthwith
White Mom in Turdville aka DC
Spokane, WA is 95%+ white. Hardly any blacks. Washington state is controlled by left-wingers in Seattle, though. Kootenai County in Idaho is part of the Spokane metro area and the black population is 0.4%, yes the decimal point is in the right place.
"At least the mexicans want to be White. No doubt about it. Look at Ms Venezuela!
Silly! Mexicans are in the main, caucasians! It is the Guatemalan, Honduran, Nicaraguan and Panamanian Indians that you mistake for Mexicans. Real Mexicans have no real interest in moving to Americastan, only the short, squat, stOOpid Central American Indian types do. They are also the gang bangers and MS-13 types.
SKIP, you are wrong about LA. I know Los Angeles. LA and many of the surrounding cities are full of Mexicans, genuine swarthy Mexicans. They are NOT, in the main, Caucasians. There are also other Spanish speakers, but Mexicans are the major group. Salvadoreans are the first runner up. Were you really aware of the issue, you'd have mentioned them rather than Hondurans and Nicaraguans and Panamanians.
Big Bear said:
Spokane, WA is 95%+ white. Hardly any blacks. Washington state is controlled by left-wingers in Seattle, though. Kootenai County in Idaho is part of the Spokane metro area and the black population is 0.4%, yes the decimal point is in the right place.
Big Bear, having traveled through Spokane it does seem to be a fairly nice White town. However, stats from areaconnect.com show that Spokane is ~90% White and ~2% black and overall crime index that is about 50% higher than the national average. A DWL mentioned the relatively higher crime in Spokane on a CNN comment board in response to another commenter about black cities, neighborhoods, etc always being high crime areas. This piqued my curiosity so I looked it up on the website mentioned.
I'd be curious to see if Spokane's 2% black population is what pushes those crime stats above the national average. Does anyone know of any sites that have state crime stats broken down by race? Can anyone comment on crime on Spokane?
As I said, I've traveled through Spokane and it seems like a decent place, however, I did notice some of the 2% and they all appeared to be riff raff. Idaho on the other hand is VERY white and it shows.
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