Every moment that passes, each second that ticks off of the clock, the mask gives way to an ugly truth most people never want to confront.
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Dyson: "Not until, and unless, the number of white kids die that approximate the numbers of black and other kids who die, will America see." |
Like Dorian Gray's hidden portrait, this mask has repressed a truth so vile, so macabre, few people will be able to stomach it when they see it.
It will knock them over.
Many will turn their head at the horror; but like a gruesome car crash, it's only natural - instinctive - to want to take a look.
And the black intellectual reaction to the acquittal of George Zimmerman has been a monumental (metaphorical) car-crash [MSNBC Pundit: More White Kids Need To Die For Americans To Understand Racism, InfoWars.com, July 17, 2013]:
MSNBC pundit Michael Eric Dyson, who previously argued that it is impossible for black people to be racist, illustrated why so many viewers are abandoning the beleaguered network when he said that Americans would not understand racism until white kids were being killed in the same numbers as blacks.
During a segment discussing the George Zimmerman verdict, Dyson, a professor of sociology at Georgetown University, remarked, “White Americans and others will feel that this was a justifiable verdict, this is how things happen. Not until, and unless, the number of white kids die that approximate the numbers of black and other kids who die, will America see.”
Dyson also called on Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to take unspecified “bold” and courageous” action.Considering 95 percent or more of the murders of black people in America comes at the hand of other black people (and that most inter-racial murders are black-on-white) what exactly is Dyson suggesting? It's the dysfunction in the black community that leads to the fratricidal slaying of blacks, which is why white people (and businesses) avoid living in black areas.
And what "bold" action should President Obama and the carnivorous Eric "My People" Holder take: an Executive Order establishing a day, week, or month where it's legal to kill white people (Jaimie Foxx would like that)?
Look at the that wording again: "Not until, and unless..."
This "professor" wants white people to die. He also - must to his credit - display a racial loyalty that would make the most devout Nazi blush [MSNBC’s Michael Eric Dyson: ‘You Know How You Felt About 9/11? That’s How We Feel’ About Race, Mediate, July 15, 2013]:
MSNBC contributor and Georgetown University Professor Michael Eric Dyson attempted on Monday to craft an analogy to the verdict in the trial of George Zimmerman for the murder ofTrayvon Martin in order to communicate the black community’s sentiment to the cable news network’s white viewers. “Remember how you felt on 9/11?” Dyson asked. “Yeah, that’s how we feel when it comes to race.”
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White people are beginning to shed their white guilt... |
“When Sandy Hook happened, the empathy and the appreciation and the reveling in the humanity of those children was present all over Fox News and every place else – as it should have been,” Smiley said. “African Americans are not seeing that same kind of empathy and appreciation for the humanity of Trayvon that they saw for the children of Sandy Hook.”
Sneaking in a jab at the National Rifle Association, Smiley said he is still waiting for the gun rights organization to argue that if Martin had a gun, he might still be alive.
O’Reilly smacked down Smiley’s assertion that black people are looked at with contempt in the United States. “That’s wrong, that’s fallacious!” he said of the claim.
“You can’t back that up,” O’Reilly added.
Smiley reiterated his point, saying that “black men are viewed in this country as a menace to society.Smiley and we at SBPDL agree on something, tangentially: black men are viewed in this country as a menace to society, because they represent the most violent, destructive, dysfunctional group of individuals in not just America, but on the planet.
That's why every call George Zimmerman made to the police regarding suspicious individuals at the apartment complex in Sanford were black men.
That's why 90 percent black Detroit is on the verge of bankruptcy.
That's why Baltimore is one of America's most violent cities.
That's why we are witnessing unprecedented security measures at the Indiana Black Expo in Indianapolis.
Ladies and gentlemen, the mask is slipping.
Michael Eric Dyson has his knives sharpened.
He has just - on MSNBC - called for the killing of white kids.
A lot of white people have tried to make this experiment work; but when looking at the picture of race relations in America, a disturbing hidden pictures emerges.
Dyson just showed it to us.
It's escalating, isn't it? First they want white chldren in schools to be unfairly punished so that the rate of punishment matches those of far worse black offenders
so blacks won't look so bad but now the assholes want white kids to die as often as niglets.
They want the entire world to be dragged down into the same gutter existence that they live in (and created for themselves) and can't stand that others don't.
Sorry, nigger~ We aren't like you and don't want to live like you and never will.
I do have to take issue with the statement: "the most violent, destructive, dysfunctional group of individuals in not just America, but on the planet"
In America yes, but I think there are other contenders for the world title in this regard. Admittedly,most of them like Haitians, South Africans, parts of Brazil, are also African in origin but there are solid non-African contestants like the Afghans.
Hmmmm. Who, primarily is killing blacks? Looking at FBI statistics it becomes readily apparent that BLACK MALES (between 17 and 35 years old)are the ones killing blacks. Suggest M.E.D. looks in the mirror and at his family members to see who typically kills blacks.
Now those facts might be racist, but regardless of where the truth comes from it is still the truth. When blacks finally realize they are responsible for mayhem in their communities and actually do something about it, then and only then will things start to improve. Until then blaming others (i.e. whitey, crackers, etc) means blacks must live with the violence they have cultivated, nurtured and brought to fruition in death, destruction and misery.
I am new to your blog and agree on everything I read here. You all express the same views as my late father did. I read here daily . Great place for truth and to sound off keep up the good work
Dyson looks 1/2 to 3/4 White. I know someone who really is 50/50 so I know what that look is.
[one parent from Africa, not american black but pure blck parent]
Also...via Drudge..big cat fight at ChuckieCheese.
http://frontpagemag.com/2012/eric-allen-bell/the-high-price-of-telling-the-truth-about-islam/ WORTH READING
Why is MSNBC still in business? Who keeps it afloat? Is it black bakkaball playahs byin' sheet? Hip-hip 'artistes' wi' big greels shoppin' for more gold? Rachel Jeantel orderin' from KFC? Inquiring minds want to know!
I find it amusing MSNBC fired Pat Buchanan over one accurate chapter in one of his books but keep someone like Dyson around and wonder why their ratings are so horrible.
I do have to take issue with the statement: "the most violent, destructive, dysfunctional group of individuals in not just America, but on the planet"
In America yes, but I think there are other contenders for the world title in this regard. Admittedly,most of them like Haitians, South Africans, parts of Brazil, are also African in origin but there are solid non-African contestants like the Afghans.
Idiot. South Africa is BLACK. Haiti is BLACK.
Brazil ISN'T black. The North East in Brazil IS black, but the South and the South East are white (>90% European ancestry), whereas the Centre-West and the North are mixed raced (people who have 50 to 75% European ancestry).
Haitians are black, south africans are black, the violent parts of brazil are black and mulatoe, african americans are black, if you didn't get the gist.
I agree with you afgahns can also claim the most violent, but they not dysfuntional, they make pretty good carpets, something the black bruddahs I'm afraid don't.
I'm afraid, blacks take the gold medal, as they do in the 100mtr sprint
Dyson looks 1/2 to 3/4 White. I know someone who really is 50/50 so I know what that look is.
It has always been mulattoes that have been the tip of the spear of the civil wrongs movement. The psychology involved is that mulattoes want to be 100% white, but since they can't be, they don't think anyone else should be, either. That and the civil wrongs movement hasn't really been that much about fairness as it has been about mulatto blacks displacing whites as the rulers of blue gum blacks and the country at large.
Now, as far as the subject matter at hand, I'm crossing my fingers that one day soon, Obama goes off prompter and says something like this.
We are witnessing in real time the "gaslighting" (hat tip Lorraine) of the culturally dominant Left's narrative into reality.
The facts: Towering, athletic black Trayvon brutally attacked the hispanic Zimmerman who fired in self defense. This what the jury, the "finder of fact" in a jury trial, agreed happened.
The narrative: Angelic 13 year old black child was stalked and brutally slain by racist white man.
The narrative is completely divorced from reality, but in a surreal, Orwellian manner it is becoming entrenched in the popular mind as fact.
What really terrifies me is the number of whites personified by Tim Wise, (1/2 white, 1/2 TWMNBN) who are rallying to the flag of Saint Skittles and parroting the narrative. On some level they HAVE to know it just isn't true, but their desire for moral superiority and compulsion to conform to the passions of the mob override their sensibilities.
As Bogo routinely notes, its these Neo-Chekists or as I call them ECCRists (Extraordinary Commission for Combating Racism and White Privilege) are the real enemy.
St. Trayvon Martin, the Baron of Skittles and First Earl of Arizona Watermelon Juice.
That's superb! Maybe we can add Holy-Mama Rachel Jeantel, the First Lady of Fried Chicken and Countess of Crispy Shrimps. Now if we only had our own L. Ron Hubbard we could invent a whole new religion for them.
Their titles rival those of such monumental military geniuses as General Butt-Naked, General Mosquito and General Mosquito-Spray.
Black people are very angry about the change in America from biracialism to multiracialism. They are being marginalized and subordinated. Their anger can only grow.
The narrative is that the black community riots after things like the Rodney King and Zimmerman verdicts because they are frustrated and hopelessly faced with unfairness at every turn.
The reality is that the black community riots after things like the Rodney King and Zimmerman verdicts because they are so used to getting their way at every turn that they throw a temper tantrum on the rare occasion they're told "No," like the little girl in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
He's right. Until more white children die at the hands of black savages, people in this country won't wake up to the truth... that black people aren't like us and segregation is necessary for the survival of our way of life.
The American Negroes are the most vile! They are closer to being animals than humans and I believe that scientists do know this but are not allowed to say so for pc reasons, nearly eveything about their behaviours, physical attibutes, mental capacity, low impulse controll and so on indicates this, I suspect this is why there's been so much push for mixing with them its an effort to try and breed out the animalistic traits or atleast dillute their dna, this would also explain the rush to try and map the human brain, they know that this group is less evolved and therefore less civilized. We really need to protect ourselves from these feral beasts and protect our children raise them strong and segregate asap! They're NOT like us!
"And the black intellectual reaction..."
"intellectual"? - that's cute
' like the Afghans. '
...Obama will bring/ or try to flood USA w muslims/afghans.
DNA wise I assume they are 1 or 2 or 3 steps from being North Africans.
+ have the dread muslim kultur.
I agree with Mr. Dyson. No one cares about black people dying, obviously. And that includes other blacks.
Even St. Skittles' mom wasn't concerned at her son's death: first order of business was to trademark her son's name so that she could cash in on his death. The death of St. Skittles was the best thing that ever happened for his mom.
Re; Why is MSNBC still in business? Who keeps it afloat?
Bill Gates!
He funds NPR as well..he s a big anti White creep.
I've heard this argument before. As usual, it negates the facts. They say we must be punishing people in equal numbers across racial groups or it's de facto evidence of racism.
If group A commits 80% of crimes...
And group B commits 5% of crimes...
How is it just to equally punish both groups in exactly the same percentages? Folks like Dyson aren't talking about justice, more like tribalism.
Our kids are dying for some mythical reason, so your kids should die as well?
Is that really his point?
"...from biracialism to multiracialism"
It must gall them that illegal aliens from Latin America are leapfrogging them economically and running them out of certain areas (e.g. South Central LA). And the Hispanics as a whole now outnumber them as the largest "minority."
A little blue-eyed toddler shot to death in his stroller in Georgia by two subhuman wild negroes-- not a peep.
Aspiring burglar and all-around thug-in-training Trayvon gets it and the whole rotten, corrupt, lawless bunch of tyrants, liars and international gangsters who rule this sick place fall all over themselves to express anger, grief, and the desire for revenge. How about the US Dept of "Justice" asking the public to help them find dirt on Zimmerman so they can "get him?" Soviet-style show trials have already come to America.
Attorney Gerneral Holder is hoodwinking the gathering of Colored People in Orlando that somehow this has something to do with Stand Your Ground Laws.
From the Daily Caller...But approximately one third of Florida “Stand Your Ground” claims in fatal cases have been made by black defendants, and they have used the defense successfully 55 percent of the time, at the same rate as the population at large and at a higher rate than white defendants, according to a Daily Caller analysis of a database maintained by the Tampa Bay Times. Additionally, the majority of victims in Florida “Stand Your Ground” cases have been white.
African Americans used “Stand Your Ground” defenses at nearly twice the rate of their presence in the Florida population, which was listed at 16.6 percent in 2012.
So when you're scared of the white man way down south, just stand your ground and put a bullet in him and you can beat the rap. Thank you Mr. Holder for attacking this racist law and coming to the aid of white people everywhere.
Is there enough room for all the parasites and most favored victims in the democrat's loose alliance built in sand? They can't have three most favored victim parasites, darkies, homos, bean dips.
Where do the spoiled brat darkies think they are gonna go and have it so good as they do in America? There are no welfare checks and EBT cards in the glorious muddahland.
Never mind this idiot's remarks, let's get to the central genocide myth of the Nazi Left that is driving this whole circus: the myth that blacks are oppressed in America, particularly
economically. They're not oppressed, they live far, far above their abilities by sponging off of whites who are far more talented than they are. What would happen if we gave them land in proportion to their numbers to form their own country, infrastructure intact, and even threw in aid to the tune of, say, 10 billion a year? We don't have to guess we've done extensive field trials: Detroit, Flint, Camden, Birmingham, etc. etc. etc. New Africa would sink to the level of Haiti or the Caribbean within 10 years.
Thousands of innocent white people have been murdered and tens of millions have been assaulted over since the 1960s because of this hate myth, and the left knows that constantly pushing this hate myth directly leads to racist mass murder and rape. They are consciously sponsoring war crimes. Don't allow the white-hating Nazi scum of the political left to get away with this blood libel any longer. Millions of innocent future victims are depending on it.
The mask is indeed coming off. This is a great lesson for Whites playing with race neutral rules in game where blacks who are almost uniformly ethnocentric.
It must be agonizingly frustrating to live in what seems to be a utopian society and know you can't ever really be a part of it. Forever an Outsider-- not because you want to be but because genetically you can't be anything else. It isn't your fault-- but it isn't our fault either. It is Nature. It is what it is.
It would make you bitter, resentful, destructive.
To the 'Black Intellectual'-- you don't belong here with us. Go some place where you CAN belong-- we will BOTH lead much happier lives.
If you won't leave, we will (we already have, in our own ways-- we've exiled ourselves to suburbs and rural areas where you don't venture).
Escalation. Just a matter of time.
Given the savagery of scum like Dyson--a whiney punk who wouldnt be caught anywhere near the black undertow kids like Sts. Trayvon & Rachel,he would scamper back to the warm embrace of Dear Whitey,who succors all wounds,aww poor baby,--and the difficulty of looking at sh*t like him in the face,I thought maybe,despite popular demand, I might provide a bit of comic relief,ala a new Shitavious song,"Hey There Shitavious"(sung to "Georgie Girl");enjoy! hey there Shitavious,swingin down the street at folks you see/Anyone you meet could be your victim,like the polar bear-beside you/Hey there Shitavious,why do all the coppers pass you by,could it be they just dont try,or is it the white t-shirt you wear?/You're always going shopping but never stopping to pay/Lets hope you get comeuppance one day...like Trayvon did/hey there Shitavious,dreaming of the corporate lawyer you could be/Life is a reality, your IQ is 73/You aint scared of changing or rearranging someones face/Its time someone put you in your place,like Zimmie did/ Hey there Shitavious,theres another Shitavious deep inside/Education,job training,health care,low cost housing and oh! what a change they'll be the world will see,a new Shitavious!(hey there shitavious....)
Trial junkie here:
To Mr. Dyson, the parents of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom "see it" all too well. So do a good many others for the same reason.
Thousands of innocent white people have been murdered and tens of millions have been assaulted over since the 1960s because of this hate myth, and the left knows that constantly pushing this hate myth directly leads to racist mass murder and rape.
I had a coworker who lived his entire life in Midtown Manhattan. He died in 1990. I remember him telling me that all of New York was safe until about 1965/1966. Very quickly, it wasn't fun anymore. Crime exploded so quickly, and it became very unsafe for women to go out alone. It really destroyed a lot of people. A metropolis like none other became a crime and violence jungle almost overnight.
Civil rights laws to us means equal rights. To some populations, it means "Time for Revenge", and they are still taking revenge.
I don't know about you guys, but I'd run over the "protestors" in a heartbeat to get my kid to the hospital and I'll be damned if I'd roll the window down to try and reason with the savages.
John Lindsey became mayor of New York on 1 January 1966. He was very pro-black. Apparently he learned to sympathize with them at Yale.
Black people are in far more trouble than they realize. They seem to believe that they will prosper if the stakes are raised. They notice with approval that Trayvon Martin a 'boy' beat the crap out of George Zimmerman a 'man'.
They think that matters.
Martin worked hard at being a tough guy. He was big and he liked to fight. He fought with his fists and he liked guns.
George Zimmermann was a wash out in martial arts. He was soft, mild mannered and out of shape.
But in a real fight Zimmerman would be the dangerous one and Martin, I'm afraid, no matter what the circumstance would be an early casualty.
Napoleon said a Mamluk would always beat a Frenchman one on one. And ten Frenchmen would fight ten Mamluks to a draw. But a hundred Frenchmen would always beat a thousand Mamluks.
Actually much the same was said about Greeks and Persians two thousand years before. And it was true then against Darius, it was true in the Napoleon's Egyptian expedition, and it will be true if Dyson manages to send black thugs into battle. Soldiers always defeat warriors.
You take your army of Trayvon Martins and I'll decimate them with my army of George Zimmermans. No real contest.
So these black leaders like Dyson who exhort their hordes of tough black thugs to fight, are leading them to a very nasty fate. They are doing their people no favor.
George Zimmerman would not make a very good recruit. He's not much of a physical specimen. But Martin wouldn't be accepted in the US Army at all. He'd be rejected for lack of brains and lack of character. Contrary to 'The Dirty Dozen', criminals do not do well in combat.
If it ever came to real armed combat all those tough black thugs would be slaughtered.
This is from the so called "black intellectuals." Imagine what the black idiots like obama believe.
Ray Scissom (ever the optimist):
He's right. Until more white children die at the hands of black savages, people in this country won't wake up to the truth... that black people aren't like us and segregation is necessary for the survival of our way of life.
You really think so? After all, a couple of Sons of D'Won executed a 15-month-old YT in his stroller just a month or two back and there's been no signs of YT coming to. CNN and MSNBC are still making money for their squid masters, paid indirectly by those in the crosshairs. YT continues to take out loans from squids, send his offspring to the government skool gulag, and otherwise support the ongoing racket.
The churchian idiocracy continues to promote the gospel of equality über alles as the Sodomite-SS pounds on their doors, having just destroyed the Boy Scouts. The gaslighting done by the squids and their nomenklatura - which begins in pre-school and continues endlessly - has been fantastically successful. Yes, there are a few of us who see. Yes, there are more who awaken every day. Our numbers are nevertheless very small in the grand scheme of things. As for those whites who believe in the anti-racist religion, there is no number of whites, be they infants, the elderly, and everyone in between they are not willing to place upon the altar of BRA. In a sane world, Tim Wise would have ended up with his parboiled noggin on a spike years ago. Now you can go to jail for truthfully mentioning the police, courts and officials covered up the other kidnapping white girls and selling them into sex-slavery (UK okrug).
Anon 8:03 AM,
You're confusing religion with race.
It's not Arabs per-se who are violent, it's Muslim Arabs. Christian Arabs aren't killing people and if you had a neighborhood made up of predominantly Christian Arabs you'd be just as safe as you'd be in your typical white neighborhood.
No, there's no getting around it. Our melanin enriched friends are the most deadly no matter where on earth you find them, no matter what they call their God, or no matter where they place on the income ladder.
' like the Afghans. '
...Obama will bring/ or try to flood USA w muslims/afghans.
DNA wise I assume they are 1 or 2 or 3 steps from being North Africans.
+ have the dread muslim kultur.
I don't have much admiration for Afghani Musloid culture, but one thing you can say is that it's not genocidally self-hating like Christianity has become. You won't be seeing liberated Afghani wymyn humping the groid and boasting about it. The old turbaned goat-humpers know exactly what to do with traitorous sluts found in their own household. Another virtue is that they have a healthy perspective about TWMNBN - in sharp contrast to the fellating nancy-boys found in the Church of Amurika.
I have a large number of Copts in my area. They dominate in running small retail stores, pizza joins, and driving cabs. I remember one this one pizza place I frequented, you would walk in to see the kids busy with school work with a cross and the Stars and Stripes over the front door. My conversation with the owner revealed a man who had great reverence for this country.
The Copts don't cause problems. The Muslims do.
I found this article on a great blog by Ozzie Saffa, a white South African who has emigrated to Australia. He blogs about the madness overtaking Australia, America, S. Africa and Europe. Apparently R&B singer Akon is encouraging African Americans to go to Africa, where they'll be properly appreciated.:
Basically it's RACIST to expect non-Whites to raise their own children.
I've noticed that lighter skinned blacks with more white features like Dyson often can be the most virulent and strident black racists. It's as though they grew up confused about their identity so they've adopt a "blacker than thou" mindset and deny and disparage the white part of their heritage.
Welcome! We're always happy to be joined by fellow realists. Based on you screen name, I'm assuming we have added another female commenter to our ranks. Fantastic! Welcome aboard.
"The Mask is Slipping: Michael Eric Dyson"
Isn't there any politician or leader in this country that will take on this evil incarnate Michael Eric Dyson. He is not the first black to call for the murder of White children. Are we to wait until this happens, if so we are backing up because it has already happened a number of times since blacks begin calling for White children to be murdered.
Which is precisely where Ex-New Yorker's narrative picks up!
They may call for the killing of white children, but in reality they are too busy killing their own: http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2013/07/despite_confession_questions_s.html.
Al Sharpton and the NAACP will never show up to mourn for this little girl. Who cares? Her killer was black. They might send money to him for his defense lawyer though. Gotta help a brother out! BRA stands by black male criminals, even at the expense of black victims. They call this "solidarity", or "no snitching" for those who have trouble with big words.
dufus maximus said...
I agree with Mr. Dyson. No one cares about black people dying, obviously. And that includes other blacks.
Even St. Skittles' mom wasn't concerned at her son's death: first order of business was to trademark her son's name so that she could cash in on his death. The death of St. Skittles was the best thing that ever happened for his mom.
July 17, 2013 at 9:50 AM.
I hope she makes a huge pile of cash, then Z sues her for every penny.
A man that calls for harm to White children is my Enemy. There can be no quarter, no mercy, no lack of vigilance or restraint. When the time comes, let go the calm and embrace the berserker rage. Nothing will cause me to hesitate or show mercy to a creature that calls for the blood of White children, children who are only a tiny percentage now of world population. I don't want to hear any more about how "I know a Good One" (IKAGO) or he is an anomaly and how he is unusual. If that were true other blacks would speak up and Dyson would be fired. His view, and the hatred he represents, is mainstream. He and most blacks are Orcs, and the black gate is opening.
Mr GJG, Hell_Is_Like_Newark--
Don't frusrate yourselves trying to explain to Bogolyubski that there do exist Christian sects, such as the Copts you mention, and certain fundamentalist independent Baptist churches I have told him about (as I hold those beliefs myself), which have never given in to the "kumbaya", brotherhood of man, popular culture. You have to know where to look to find them, because of course they don't advertise in the Yellow pages-and they have absolutely no interest in being a mega-church-but they exist. They have never, ever succumbed to race-mixing, just as they never succumbed to other aspects of present-day culture. They are certainly not guilty of being any part of the so-called "churches" who receive federal grants for importing and settling such aliens as Somalis in the whitest whitopias they can find.
Bogo has replied to me indicating that he understood what I said, that true, independent Baptist churches (not affiliated with any oversight group, but not non-denominational-something like hardshell Baptists, but more militant and separatist) exist which have held the line on racial differences and the need to refrain from mixing, but a few posts later, it's as if he forgot everything i said, in his broadbrushing of Christianity as a major reason for the sorry state of racial matters.
Frankly, I don't even consider a good many of the types of churches to which he refers, "Christian" in this Laodicean age.
"Now those facts might be racist..."
NO! Facts are not racist. They may be uncomfortable for some people to look at, but that is their problem.
We have been unable to deal realistically with the racial problem because people refuse to look at the facts. They would rather destroy the person who discovers the facts than look at the facts and make policy based on them. Instead our policies are based on lies and wishful thinking.
"Black people are very angry about the change in America from biracialism to multiracialism. They are being marginalized and subordinated."
If they hadn't made themselves totally fucking useless and unemployable, this might not have happened. Those millions of low skill jobs could have been theirs. But their reputation is well known, so no one wants to hire them.
Yes, I still understand that there are exceptions to prove the rule. The Copts may be OK, too - I don't know much about them apart from the fact that Musloids are persecuting them with the overt assistance of the regime which rules with the consent, both active and passive, of many millions of nominal Christians here in the Banksta Banana Republick.
You're indulging in the IKAGO (I Know A Good One) or 'Special Unique Snowflake' fallacy here. Most of what identifies itself as Christianity in western countries is supportive of white extermination in the name of Galatians 3:28 (their scriptural justification for the Marxist doctrines of anti-racism and equality über alles). For example, have you seen any condemnation whatsoever of the ongoing genocide of white Christian farmers and their families in South Africa (Boers) - often at the hands of black "Christians" from white churches? (no). From black churches (hell, no). I'll leave you with a scriptural quote: What good is salt once it has lost its saltiness - apart to be tossed into the fire?
Thank you. I am glad that my training, education, etc can help.
It is truly borderline personality disordered and sociopathic what is being done. Once you peel back the layers of the manipulation, it is truly scary stuff.
I commented on Colin Flaherty's blog about the gaslighting last week. Also, 'google' Karpman's triangle. It fits here.
White Mom in VA
I have to say, I am not happy about America becoming multicultural. Diversity does not work. In fact, it downright sucks.
White Mom in VA
Then there is this piece from an Afro intellectual ass clown
Dyson is merely a mouthpiece for our elites. The real problem.
The way our current elite lives is basically Puritan. Which in turn is a Christianized modified Viking way of living. Social conformity to the wazoo. Meeting and a lecture form of worship (looking at you Al Gore). View of other non-group Whites as utterly depraved. All that is pretty much Puritan Central, once you wash out the inconvenient figure of Christ and Christianity.
What explains the anti-White hatred is not "the Jews" but deep, deep patterns of family formation (i.e. a strong nuclear family, not extended or stem family or egalitarian nuclear), and a simplified universalism.
From Roissy/CH comes this link reviewing Emmanuel Todd's "Invention of Europe 1500-1990" which basically argues that White people in Europe fall into several camps based on how they form families (extended, weak or strong nuclear, etc.) Todd (he's French, not followed well in the Anglosphere) argues that part of the traditional groups in the UK had families (and ways of worship) that were "different" from others and separate, and thus there was no tendency to universalism. Senior sons inherited much, women and younger ones nothing, that was the way it was, unequal, and that culture was OK with non-universalism and separatism and did not intermarry but ghetto-ize and be separate with non-Whites or other Whites.
French and particularly Spanish families were more egalitarian (everyone inherited equally) and so you had a universalism model with a strong patriarch forming politics -- the Latin American mestizo intermarriage and mixing model, at least in part (the elites are still mostly White).
I think Todd takes this too much but it explains a lot.
Shorter version, Todd basically tries to explain "the European Miracle" how Europe went from nothing, also-ran race and continent to world-dominating, to the point where even Japan and China and the rest of Asia as well as Latin America accept most if not all of European thought.
Todd thinks that Europe has always been at war with itself, and this war (HBD Chick has been on top of this at her blog) manifests itself across family formation (strong nuclear, weak nuclear, stem-extended, etc.) reflected in linguistic and regional divisions.
I think there is something to this, if you look at elites from Tim Wise to Bill Gates to George W. Bush, they all have intact, egalitarian nuclear families within a culture that proclaims equalism and equality for all.
Tim Wise really believes what he says, as does George W. Bush, and Bill Gates. They simplify things by making everyone equal in their mind the way their mothers and fathers loved everyone in their family equally. And they view any opposition to this model as attacking God and Family at the same time.
White people who don't believe this have replaced the Devil and Original Sin, and help them believe in something. It's as stupid as sacrificing virgins, and probably more harmful to society, but you'll never convince them of that. They can be only crushed, and completely.
You have to understand these people. They really are modern day Witch Hunters, and they really think Witches exist. They are convinced that God wants them to do this for GOOD. No they are not simplistic "Mind Control Ray" conspirators of a certain religion. They are as European as Harald Hardrada, and that's the problem.
This is just one more chapter of the eternal White on White hatred and violence. Our Thirty Years War.
Last add, it will never be ELITE kids who are killed. It won't be Bill Gates. Or Tim Wise's. Or Bill Clinton's. [Chelsea is adopting a Black African baby. Hooray!] Or Alec Baldwin's. [Who seems to be on the Daily Mail or Daily Post every other day in a bikini hustling up modeling jobs.]
No. It will be ordinary Whites kids. That's the whole goal.
Let us not forget st. trayvon's (with skittles for a halo) daddy.gangsta tats and gold capped teeth.they made him and mama look respectable for court.loved the argyle preppy sweater! Who got trayvon's burglary tools?
Is it a big surprise to know that Dyson's own brother is in prison?
" black people aren't like us and segregation is necessary for the survival of our way of life.
Not true anymore, take a look at what the special ops types,SF, Rangers, Seals, Deltas and such call the BIG ARMY! mostly black thugs looking for, and finding, stOOpid white girls to fuck! The BIG ARMY is looked down on my real soldiers.
The truth is that blacks are angry. Angry that people who came here from rice patties in southeast Asia, disease ridden, war torn former Soviet areas, and drug gang infested third world conditions south of the border are all consistently doing better than them. They're angry because they know there's more than one of us who would take 20 million illegal Mexicans in a heart beat if it meant we could get rid of all the blacks. They're angry because they know that as much as we may go on and on about illegals sucking the teat of the government, at least some of them actually try to contribute something to *some* society, even if it's not my own. No, I don't like them undercutting American wages, but at least they're working as they're doing it. They're mad because they know that as much as a lot of people hate and fear Muslims in this country, at least the Muslims have some sense of pride, morals, and society, as cockeyed and bat shit crazy as a lot of it is.
In short, black people are mad because, in all honesty, no matter who other folks in this country fear and hate, no matter what sort of struggles immigrants that come here have and no matter how high the obstacles they face, blacks are *still* low man on the totem pole in America. And they cannot stand it.
Paul.... You know Black intellectual is an oxy-moron. I must castigate your giving these Affirmative Action degreed dullards who can only compete on tilted field a credit they have not earned, nor do they deserve. Just because they are seven league boots ahead of their racial kinsmen (in that they can enunciate more clearly and form sentences with a verb and noun) in no way presumes they are intellectuals - save you are making a comparative comment in the black community solely. The comments themselves show a glaring absence of thought. That exposes their real talents and training - keep the pressure on to imitidate white and insult them. Both the intimidation and insults are all that is at risk with Martin shooting. These people don't care one twit abot Martin. It's what they fear losing - unchecked (and subsidised) destructive behaviors that work to frighten whites and importantly their ability to openly insult whites free from concern. Notice how no one challenges them? The whites on the stage with them are scared out of their wits. They claim it's compassion - but the only thing motivating them is fear. They think their relationship with the smart negro will save them if it all melts down. I want to watch on TV and LOL when they learn their mistake.
What the professor of sociology, i.e. academic crappola, doesn't say is that the White youth homicide rate is proportional to how close we have to live to the travons of this country. The more that our beautiful innocent Autumn Pasquales have to live amongst sub-Saharan africans the more that will be brutally beaten and murdered.
The more we can get separation from this stupid and criminally violent subspecies the happier, wealthier, and safer we'll be.
Hilarious ! Imagine hearing the lovely voice of Judith Durham singing this! Everytime I hear 'Georgie Girl' I will think of this.I am thinking of writing 10th Avenue chimp-out soon! Richard Cranium
Yes, and Dyson was a street thug and a hustler who's younger brother is serving a life sentence for murder.
Here is the email address for this ass. Send him a quick note and tell him how you really feel,I did. The thing I find most funny about this idiot is that he calls himself a 'professor'. What kind of rinky-dink college would bestow a degree on this dumb bastard?
I just learned of this Tim Wise asshole recently,from this website.Thank You.He cannot be for real.Has anyone debated him or told him he is full of shit and to shut up? We all know that these niggz he worships will slit his throat for a handfull of coins.Where do they dredge these people up ? Richard Cranium
@ Bogolyubski July 17, 2013 at 9:06 PM-
Yes, you're right. You bring to my attention that I'm engaging in a form of IKAGO. I suppose I feel defensive because what you say is true of so many "Christian" churches (no true Scotsman, lol), and it makes me resentful that as a Christian who affiliates with a group which never succumbed to the support and enabling of BRA, I am necessarily tarred with that brush.
Can I just take it for granted that when you point out the role which Christianity has played in the present mess we're in, you unspokenly acknowledge that there are very minor exceptions? And for my part, I'll stop being reflexively defensive.
"You have to understand these people. They really are modern day Witch Hunters, and they really think Witches exist. They are convinced that God wants them to do this for GOOD. No they are not simplistic "Mind Control Ray" conspirators of a certain religion. They are as European as Harald Hardrada, and that's the problem.
This is just one more chapter of the eternal White on White hatred and violence. Our Thirty Years War.
July 17, 2013 at 10:49 PM"
Whiskey, I thank you for this post. It clarifies why the "Elites" do what they do, and why they look so clueless when their niglet "accessories" turn violent on them. It is like the woman who had the chimp she carried around with her like a child. I am sure that hundreds of times she told people she was with; "don't worry, it is just like a baby!". I bet she (as you say) believed it completely, right up until the chimp bit the hands and face off one of her friends. Her standing there saying "I just don't understand." didn't help the friend who was bleeding out on the pavement, or the Cop who was there to shoot the creature. The point is, it was a Wild animal. It always WAS a wild animal. The fact that it could change its own diapers or flush the toilet or sleep in a child seat in the car did not make it a child.
Negros are not like us. They never will be. The fact that they clearly want our species dead, that in every incidence where they have had numbers over the White man, they have made him dead should clue in most people. But as you say, the elites like Bush and Gates really BELIEVE they will find the "black Einstein" and he will be a gentle, sweet soul is a delusion so deep in them, just as it was in the woman with the chimp who believed that the chimp was a gentle sweet soul.
The difference is that Bush, Gates and Co. can force you with the point of a gun or jail or poverty to hire negros, to sell to negros, to rent to negros, to live with negros and to deal with negros and import more negros into your town.
When they go wild and bit off your hands and face the elites say, "Well, he was an unusual one, not representative". But that is a lie. Everyday we bury daughters, sons, wives and fathers; all victims of the negro. Everyday we hear about a negro who says he "lost it" and carved up another White or shot another baby in its stroller or raped another White woman or shot another young White kid delivering pizza. It is a wild animal and it always will be a wild animal. The Elites are blinded by their religion, but the toll is paid for by the common man to make their fantasies come true.
This would not be happening if Whites had a Country of our Own.
Whiskey - thanks. Thoughtful post. If you are going to invoke Al Gore in a posting about religion you might want to point out that contrary to the general public's belief that Gore studied some kind of science, Al Gore was a divinity student. That helps us understand the Global Warming movement.
10MM AUTO - Berserkers are not really effective in battle. In the Boadicea revolt the Brits certainly had a lot of legitimate grievances. Warriors stripped off all their cloths and screamed their defiance at the Roman ranks. Suetonius counseled his men to be calm and those calm soldiers calmly slaughtered all the outraged Brits.
Rage may be a good organizing tactic but it is a burden to be discarded in real battle. As you surely know, virtually all the elite fighters in the Armed Forces are white. When the Seals come after you as Bin Laden discovered they are very calm and businesslike. I think rage is appropriate for professional wrestling but not for anything real.
As I wrote before a company of George Zimmermans - pudgy and soft, but organized and disciplined - will always beat any number of thugs like Trayvon Martin.
Someone should point out to this chimp Dyson the massive, unbelievable lopsidedness in interracial rapes
As for tavis smiley, at least O'Reilly is shooting back. Wanna stop being associated with crime? STOP COMMITTING SO MANY.
ALWAYS be ready to refute this lie that profiling is wrong, the lie that it is a "small minority" of blacks that give all the poor, hardworking rest a bad name. 1/3+ of black men at some point do serious time. In places like NO, half the blacks couldn't vote due to felony convictions. It's NOT a tiny minority, rather at best a substantial minority and in reality probably a MAJORITY of black men that are serious criminals.
Afghans are nowhere near blacks.
In high black areas, violent death rates are similar to those experienced during wars
Nobody will admit or accept that blacks have a higher offense rate. I have had this argument a million times.
Once you shove incontrovertible proof into their face they just blame white racism for it, effectively a miasma.
If they accept black and white offense rates are different then they might have to accept that blacks and whites are different and this is simply unacceptable. Most dwls would rather die
Albertosaurus, I know. I just wanted to state that when the time comes, there will be no "I know a Good One!" coming from me. Icy cold, but backed by Years of murders, outrages and insults to our weaker brethren.
Still, those Romans never DID completely conquer England... :o)
If you are going to invoke Al Gore in a posting about religion you might want to point out that contrary to the general public's belief that Gore studied some kind of science, Al Gore was a divinity student. That helps us understand the Global Warming movement.
Have you never heard of the science fetishists' shahadah (their prayer of conversion)?
There is no truth but warming, and Algore is its profit!
@Melanie: Yes, you should always consider your own church and any church of like mind as exempt when I deliver a shotgun blast at that which identifies itself (probably falsely) as Christianity. That's the nature of a generalization. It is traditionally understood that a generalization does not apply to every single individual (or sect) of the group under discussion. There are even individual blacks, though they're much more rare than Conservatism, Inc. would have everyone believe, who actually comprehend the difference between right and wrong and are genuinely pious.
No...it's not that deep. Blacks don't understand or conceptualize "rights" in the sense that whites do. Civil rights just meant bein out of the cage, the pressure was off, they just started being allowed to be who they always really were
Nature made them this way
Excellent post:
The truth is that blacks are angry ... because, in all honesty, no matter who other folks in this country fear and hate, no matter what sort of struggles immigrants that come here have and no matter how high the obstacles they face, blacks are *still* low man on the totem pole in America. And they cannot stand it.
And what makes blacks all the more angry is the fact that over the last half century, America has given them everything they have demanded and they still can not get their act together. There's still the high rates of crime and illiteracy and STDs and illegitimacy. And there's the bigger picture of black-run cities being trashed, and post-colonial black-run countries descending into debacles. Liberia, which should have been the gemstone of black achievement, a country run by former slaves is, well, Liberia.
Even with a black man (sorta) in the White House they can not get their act together. So blacks strike out. Gangbanging. Flashmobs. And now the legal lynching of Zimmerman (a case which has implications far beyond what went on in the court room). Something has to be responsible for keep blacks down. Yeah, we know, it's "white supremacy." Even when the entire system is run for blacks (i.e., "BRA"), it's still "white supremacy."
Much of this is the direct result of DWL agitprop and self-delusion. As noted in other posts, modern liberalism has become a demented sort of religion, complete with its own orthodoxy, acts of faith, groveling in guilt, and inquisitorial circuses.
But here's a thought, and I will put it in bold letters: Can black anger be turned against the DWLs?
It's worth re-reading Orwell's "1984," especially the parts where war hysteria over the threat of Eurasia is turned into war hysteria over the threat of Eastasia. Orwell was on to something there. Once people are worked up into a state of anger, it's a simple matter to change the focus.
For example, could race realist agitprop switch black anger against the very DWLs who have been setting them up for decades?
It's a sorry thing that America has descended to this state. But it is rapidly becoming a matter of survival to understand the nature of modern information warfare -- and then use it.
Think of the Zimmerman case when you read the following...
"On the sixth day of Hate Week, after the processions, the speeches, the shouting, the singing, the banners, the posters, the films, the waxworks, the rolling of drums and squealing of trumpets, the tramp of marching feet, the grinding of the caterpillars of tanks, the roar of massed planes, the booming of guns--after six days of this, when the great orgasm was quivering to its climax and the general hatred of Eurasia had boiled up into such delirium that if the crowd could have got their hands on the 2,000 Eurasian war-criminals who were to be publicly hanged on the last day of the proceedings, they would unquestionably have torn them to pieces--at just this moment it had been announced that Oceania was not after all at war with Eurasia. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Eurasia was an ally."
He just threatened to kill white children! Demand his arrest!
To the fat racist piece of crap,let us look back thru history,then lets talk killing those who did not suffer.Your an ignorant under educated fancy word kind of scum."The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves
The Slaves That Time Forgot"
It really amazes me that 75% of blacks approve of obombyas actions as president. Obombya wants the senate immigration bill passed not so much for Mexicans but for 150 million muzzies he wants to bring here. Getting back to the topic illegals are displacing blacks in the job market and obombya is pushing illegal immigration taking yet more black jobs. They have to be totally stupid to support the traitor simply because hes mulato, because he surely is not black, hes a WHITE_BLACK man.
I maintain that they should have taken all the freed slaves, put them onto ships and taken them all back to the Africa that they love so much. Then we wouldn't be in this mess! We wouldn't be overcome by self pitying, angry, misguieded monkeys who blame us for all of their woes, but never lift a finger to help themselves or become more human. Instead, they riot in angry chimp troops. They want more white babies to die? They want more black/mixed babies. They think this will make them "equal" to the whites whom they despise because we are more intelligent and better looking as a general rule. They appear to be the missing link you always hear about. Blacks (most, not all), are violent, unintelligent, barbarians. All they can do is F**k white girls, beat black girls, kill us and kill eachother. They have no self respect because they do nothing to have pride in. They know that they are worthless and lazy and they hate everything about their world. They murder more whites and more blacks than any other race. But yet they want our white children to be murdered to meet the death rate of their own. Our government is largely to blame by making them dependent and coddling them. All this has done in take away any pride or intelligence they might have had at one time.
This might sound racist. Maybe it is. However, I have had many black friends. I know decent black people. I don't hate obama because he is black. I hate him because he is a racist, socialist, anti-American, lying tyrant with a chimp for a wife. I would gladly vote for any black man that was a real American, who didn't despise our flag. I don't really think I'm a total racist like Oprah, Sharpton, Jackson and Obama. I just hate the animals, thugs, ignorant leeches on society that just happen to be black. I don't want to kill anyone, but I think it would be great if we could have just sent them all back and let them all kill each other without having us to blame for their woes!
Michael eric dyson is racist, & he says blacks cant be racist lol, with what he said tells otherwise. I'm not saying racism doesn't exist anymore but its not as bad as it was 30 yrs ago plus dyson shows his contemp for white people & thing is George Zimmerman is not even white, the msm/srm especially msnbc have made the case about race. But this about dysons' comment & demeanor he cannot eber talk about policy he always puts race in any discussion & his a professor wow he's militant as hell & his rhetoric is borderline nazi like.
the reason Zimmerman got acquitted is because martin was committing a crime assault. so who would have been charged, the little bitty martin. I was self defense plain and simple. the only racist ere are the blacks whining about racist. quit whining and teach your kids about the value of life
This sounds like the same ooking and eeking that was going on in South Africa for so long - "Get rid of YT and all our problems will be over. Bix nood."
How's that working out? About the same as it did when Rhodesia became Zimbabwe or when Haiti was taken over by the darkies in the early 1800s, right? Want to see a knee grow future in the so-called USA? Look no further than Detroit.
If they would stop behaving like animals maybe things would be different. They have a million excuses, and its always comes back to the whites and slavery. Case in point, the "Knock out game"! There's a great family game for the kids. Its not the color of their skin that make them the dregs of modern society, its the parenting and the welfare state we've creating that is exasperating the problem.
Until and Unless people of this mindset die, (ALL races of this mindset), racism will never go away. Does this idiot HONESTLY think what he's spouting is truth? He'd better be watching his back. Might be worth it to make a martyr out of him.
america is becomng like south africa...a good enough reason to support the 2nd amendment..
This will not end unless we as a nation stop the constant lying about ni66ers being actual human beings and "just like us". Ni66ers are NOT fully evolved human beings, they are subhuman, it is in their genetics to be violent, stupid to the point of official mental retardation, and worthless, useless, and helpless.
STOP pretending that ni66ers are human beings; it is clear as day that they are far, far from it.
And this is why MSNBC is the lowest rated cable news Network, by far.
His analysis is faulty chiefly at this point: it is primarily black men engaged in criminal activity that kill black children, or black youths that kill others in their social circle. White children do not engage in this acitivity to the same degree as do blacks as a percentage of the population. Therefore, unless he recruits blacks to do the killing, whites will not willingly engage in the same kinds of behaviors which are pathological in the black community.
"O’Reilly smacked down Smiley’s assertion that black people are looked at with contempt in the United States. “That’s wrong, that’s fallacious!” he said of the claim.
“You can’t back that up,” O’Reilly added.
Smiley reiterated his point, saying that “black men are viewed in this country as a menace to society."
I think I know who is lying, and it's not the porch monkey.
Anonymous (July 17, 2013 at 8:06 AM):
"Who, primarily is killing blacks? Looking at FBI statistics it becomes readily apparent that BLACK MALES (between 17 and 35 years old)are the ones killing blacks."
And, sadly, that's just about the only thing they do to sustain or improve society & civilisation.
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