The voodoo priestess used a mix of gunpowder and old graveyard dirt to draw a magic symbol on a crossroads in the Bywater neighborhood, opening a spiritual door through which a fearsome deity could pass and save her community from the evil of crack cocaine.
For two hours on Wednesday night, as drums pounded along Piety Street and orange flames of fire-eaters and torch carriers danced in the dark, the white-gowned priestess, Sallie Ann Glassman, enticed Ogoun La Flambeau, a voodoo god of war and fire, to prowl among the rows of shotgun houses and punish the dope peddlers and other criminals.
She offered rum, cigars, incense and music, and called out to him in French, respectfully but firmly, since it is unwise to appear weak-willed in the presence of spirits. "Great gods cannot ride little horses," she said.
Sometime after 10 P.M., as a circle of sweat-slick dancers and voodoo drummers seemed about to collapse in the sticky heat, Ogoun showed himself to her, the priestess said.
Burlap sacks in Birmingham didn't work...
"I can see him and feel him. He is here," said Ms. Glassman. His feet, she said, were on the street, and the rest of him rose up, high into the dark. "I can see him now, hovering over us," she said.
Even in New Orleans, where there is magic in many things and weirdness in most, this does not happen every day.
The ceremony was born in the frustration of residents in the racially and economically diverse neighborhood on the edge of the French Quarter, said Ms. Glassman and others who live here. They said the New Orleans Police Department had been ineffectual at best in dealing with blatant drug traffic, burglaries, prostitution, robberies and assaults.
"This is not frivolous," said James Smith, a writer who lives in Bywater, who came to lend his support to the ceremony.
"It has to work better than the legal system," in frightening away some of the criminals who make a living here, Mr. Smith said. "Because New Orleans is a very superstitious place."The voodoo chants have yet to ward off any of the black criminality in the Crescent City, the exact same reaction the burlap bag wearing, ashes on the forehead crowd in Birmingham received when divine intervention was requested to assist a certain community in being violence free.
Now, violence in Baltimore (again, the same group is involved that turned the citizens of Birmingham and New Orleans toward such different types of prayer to try and stop) [Baltimore Officials & Clergy Ask For Help After Dozens Killed, CBS Baltimore, June 30, 2013]:
The surge in violence continues in Baltimore as the police report more shootings, the last of which happened late Saturday in Northeast Baltimore.
Christie Ileto has more on how clergy and lawmakers are trying to calm anxious residents.
At least 40 shootings have happened in the last 10 days and 16 of them were deadly.
Police have stepped up their presence on the streets in response to a surge in violence that included 11 fatal shootings in the span of a week. Commissioner Anthony Batts has said nearly three times the usual number of officers would be on the streets this weekend.
City clergy are now asking residents to step up and end this violent trend.
City clergy and members of 120 churches are rallying and praying this weekend for peace.
Even a 21-car motorcade drives through the city showing just how deadly this violent trend is becoming.
“If you put a police officer in every block, you still could not solve the program when the problem is inside of the individual, ” said Bishop Angel L. Nunez of Bilingual Christian Church.
This recent surge in shootings highlights the city’s problem with gun violence and homicide rate. So far this year, there have been around 117 homicides, the highest in six years.
Of course, in Detroit, the exact same community appealing to higher powers for intervention in stopping the crime/murder problems of Baltimore, New Orleans, and Birmingham, a hearse motorcade was sent around the city.
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The Baltimore Sun catalogs all murder victims for an incredibly in-depth visual of the black crime problem |
A hearse motorcade paraded around the city, a macabre warning to the residents of the 90 percent black city to stop the violence.
Perhaps its time for a voodoo parade, led by hearses, driven by individuals wearing burlap sacks to finally end the plague of black crime infecting these four cities?
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The hearse parade in Detroit.... |
The Baltimore Sun provides the most impressive newspaper database for researching homicide in the city (available here); you can access all murders between 2007 and July 1, 2013 - by race, weapon used, and where in the city it happened - by inputing various searches within the tabs.
Since 2007, there have been 1511 murders in the city of Baltimore. Of those 1267 were black and 77 were white (inexplicably, in 2008, 111 of the murder victims are listed as "race unknown").
Most striking though, is a feature that allows you to see if a news story was published at the Baltimore Sun about the murder victim.
In two of the cases of white murder victims, we learn that it was a story of the often-times buried black-on-white variety: Dr. Peter Marvit, a researcher at the National Institute of Health, was murdered in 2012 by two "light-skinned black males"; in 2008, 16-year-old Matthew Scarborough was killed by a black male during a home invasion. [Murder Ink., City Paper, 9/10/2008]:
Willondon Pettiford, a 17-year-old African-American male, was indicted by the Baltimore City Grand Jury on Sept. 4 for the murder of Matthew Scarborough. According to the Baltimore State's Attorney's Office, Scarborough, a 16-year-old Caucasian male, was in an apartment with four other people in the 500 block of Castle Drive in North Baltimore's Lake Walker neighborhood on Aug. 7 when they were allegedly robbed at gunpoint by Pettiford and unidentified others. According to the State's Attorney's Office, Pettiford shot Scarborough when he did not respond quickly enough to his demands.How many more of the white murder victims in the city of Baltimore had a black killer?
Prayers won't work.
Burlap sacks and ashes won't work.
A parade of hearses won't work.
Voodoo won't work.
What will work?
An admission of vast racial differences in both behavior and intelligence would be a good, rational first step.
Makes more sense than voodoo...
Sorry to post OT, but check out the last paragraph of this "news" story. Seems the phrase "creepy ass cracker" is already on its way down the memory hole.
No problem can be solved if it isn't confronted honestly. So long as the nonsense of racial equality is the accepted wisdom then the problems of diversity will not be solved.
PK, u should look into the black dysfunction on display in Greensboro, nc over the past weekend. City officials are trying to reestablish a youf curfew because of all hood rats. Greensboro is an epicenter of organized blackness and DWLs in NC. The schools are a mess, shootings at 4 seasons mall " AKA 4 shootings", and the chimp outs at the black colleges in the area. If you need a new city that is in decline Greensboro would be a good place to start.
This coming from a nerd who likes comic book movies.
Hearse parades?
Sackcloth and ashes?
Is this some kind of a MAD magazine satire? A sendup of some Medieval Black Plague scenario? I mean it can't be happening for real, in America, in the 21st century, can it?!
Think about it...
"Great gods cannot ride little horses," she said.
I will admit, that is a good line!
"Perhaps its time for a voodoo parade, led by hearses, driven by individuals wearing burlap sacks to finally end the plague of black crime infecting these four cities?"
LMAO that's the best laugh I've had in a few days Keep up the great work!
OT - A ray of light to pierce the creeping darkness of the new age of diversity?
France's "Joan Of Arc" Vows to Bring Back Franc and Destroy Euro
"It is no longer an implausible prospect. "We cannot be seduced," she said, brimming with confidence after her party secured 46pc of the vote in a by-election earthquake a week ago. Her candidate trounced the ruling Socialists in their own bastion of Villeneuve-sur-Lot."
I think it would behoove all of us to study up on Marine Le Pen to find out what has made her such an effective counterweight to the anti-white globalists. Perhaps our friend Blancdeseinesaintdenis could offer some more insight.
I'm all for the divine intervention thing. I pray to God we can start naming the ook.
Ex New Yorker here.....I never have been able to figure out why black people killing other blacks is a problem. Any city with a large percent of black on black murder rates should be thrilled that the criminals and dope dealers are shooting each other.
Blacks are so screwed up that they can shoot 10 to 40 people during a weekend. This is how they live. Why should white people give a shit what these animals do to each other. If killing each other does not bother blacks, why should it bother white people. We feed them so they can kill each other.
Voodoo and hearses. You can't make this stuff up. If you put it in a movie, somebody'd call it racist. If you drive a parade of hearses around Detroit long enough, they will eventually become just another target.
Anonymous said...
"This coming from a nerd who likes comic book movies."
This coming from an anonymous troll coward. Let me ask you a question big man, what do you have against nerds? Do you hate computers? I mean how else would a rapier wit like yours get laid without computers and your four girlfriends and Mr. Thumb?
Teachers boosting black grades.
Take THAT, evildoers!
So Cal Snowman wrote:
I think it would behoove all of us to study up on Marine Le Pen to find out what has made her such an effective counterweight to the anti-white globalists.
I respond:
Economic populism mated to her father's implicit tribalism, while factoring out some of the nutty crank crap.
Anti-white Racism has Reached Critical Mass in America
Let's see, negros kill the shit out of each other, no matter how the noble savages of that community try to stop it, yet black people just want safe schools and communities...seems legit.
Anonymous 4:50 PM said:
Anti-white Racism has Reached Critical Mass in America
As of now, the vid is gone, gone, gone, whoa-oh-oh-oh....
Anonymous 4:50 PM said:
Anti-white Racism has Reached Critical Mass in America
Ack. And right now, I am able to get it. I probably screwed up the copy and paste. Here is the link.
"The Black Plague."
That's apropos on so many levels..
Oh for heaven's sake! The Negroes could stop it any time they want. They have the guns, for goodness sake. They can shoot the miscreants. They lynch criminals all over Africa. Burn 'em, beat 'em, shoot 'em. Kill 'em however they can. They know how.
Back in the day, the famous black anti-lynching agitator in Memphis, Ida B. Wells, wrote the following:
"The lesson this teaches and which every Afro-American should ponder well, is that a Winchester rifle should have a place of honor in every black home, and it should be used for that protection which the law refuses to give.
"When the black man (who is always the aggressor) knows he runs as great a risk of biting the dust every time his Afro-American victim does, he will have greater respect for Afro-American life."
"The more the Afro-American yields and cringes and begs, the more he has to do so, the more he is insulted, outraged and lynched."
[OK, OK, she really said "white man", but she had to lie to save Negroes from embarrassment.]
Her point is well taken, however. Since the police can never protect the black man from himself, every black family needs a Winchester in the home.
The cream of the crop..............
New Orleans Gang Members Interview
When we had the last Black Plague, they would go through the streets with a cart yelling "Bring out your dead"
Worked then, would work again today.
.....priestess, Sallie Ann Glassman...
Joo do voodo?
Is this shit from the Onion?
You have got to be kidding me.
These Cargo Cultists will invoke their savage, pagan, primitive deities, ape the Biblical sackcloth and ashes,
blame anyone and everyone (white), ANYTHING but come to terms with the subhuman that stares at them, uncomprehendingly, in the mirror they strut and preen before daily, as they fill themselves with utterly absurd levels of unwarranted self-esteem.
Saw some TNB today, blatant shit, and Trayvon saw me see him do it. Not a shred of decency in being busted straight flat.
Fuck these tares.
Times like this, I relish the sturm und drang we're gonna bring to these utter blights on this bright blue marble.
I came here to share, thought it would be off topic, but it's not:
It's always darkest before the dawn. My neighborhood is getting darker by the day, with the imported vibrancy from the Chicago tear-downs.
Fuck these "people."
They're animals. Let them lose their souls.
Boiling mad, here.
Best as always.
A Voodoo priestess with the surname GLASSMAN? Is this an admission that Voodoo and the Talmud are connected?
I think it would behoove all of us to study up on Marine Le Pen to find out what has made her such an effective counterweight to the anti-white globalists.
In a word: elan. As far as I can tell, it's something the Gauls have always had. Apart from Marine, they showed it most recently when they marched en masse against homosexual marriage. Barbara Tuchman talks about elan at length in The Guns of August (which I highly recommend).
I never have been able to figure out why black people killing other blacks is a problem.
It's not a problem, and most people know it. DWL's are forever wringing their hands and trying to get people to care, but there are fewer and fewer takers.
But you gave me an idea. When blacks finally get their own country, we already have a name for it: Thunderdome
If a white man suggested Voodoo as a means to solve their problems he'd be charged with a "bias crime."
the Old Sarge, a "Creepy Ass Cracker"
Anonymous said...
This coming from a nerd who likes comic book movies.
July 1, 2013 at 3:53 PM
OK, that's out of the way. Granted.
Now, how exactly does that negate the (black-run) cities' own data?
Sam said...
A Voodoo priestess with the surname GLASSMAN? Is this an admission that Voodoo and the Talmud are connected?
July 1, 2013 at 6:32 PM
And, "Sallie Ann"? A "scots-irish", fried-green-tomato, voodoo "priestess"?
"You can't make this mess up" is more than a slogan.
A voodoo priestess dances around spitting rum everywhere and asking voodoo entities to put a stop to all the violence and mayhem while all the niggers sit on their hands and do nothing practical to acheive the same result- such as turning in the thugs, cooperating with the police and not defending their feral relatives etc.
Sure. That'll work. Maybe when one of the niggers has a broken tv or other household appliance, the voodoo priestess can go dance around it and make it all better. So much more practical and realistic than just calling a repairman, don't you think?
Whatever. It's just another case of niggers seeing all their self created problems as due to some outside force that can only be cured by some outside force. Another example of sitting on their asses and screaming', "Heps me! Heps me! Sumbody gots to do somethin' about all dis. Somebody gots to take responsibility fo' all dis!"
They are a highly superstitious group. Read "Where Black Rules White"
Superstition is in their DNA. That is why they are highly religious and there are almost no atheists among them.
I never have been able to figure out why black people killing other blacks is a problem. Any city with a large percent of black on black murder rates should be thrilled that the criminals and dope dealers are shooting each other.
If you let them do it to each other, they think it's RAYCISS! if we object to them doing it to us.
Really, they need their own country. Like Liberia, or Haiti... HEY, WHAT A GREAT IDEA!
What will work?
I think we all know that only the lingering effect of the threat rope works.
niggers killing niggers IS a problem for whites, and here's why:
They don't kill each other anywhere NEAR the amount they reproduce. It is an ineffective form of population control...
AND, White people pay the PRICE. black on black crime is paid for by the tax payer.. every police response, every investigation, all the forensics, the autopsies, the ambulances, hospital stays, and of course prison time..
White tax payers pay through nose when niggers kill each other, but they multiply like rats and roaches...
Yeah I saw that gal around NOLA. Nerdiest Black gal I ever saw.
Whiskey n my Nook HD.
Anonymous said...
This coming from a nerd who likes comic book movies.
Didn't you promise us last time that you wouldn't follow this blog for that very reason? What's keeping you here?
What will work?...
Cordon and search - Cordon and search is a military tactic to cordon off an area and search the premises for weapons or insurgents.A cordon is a line of people, military posts, or ships surrounding an area to close or guard it.
A Niger from kenya goes to the doctor and says, "I feel terrible."
Doctor says, "go home, get a bucket,piss and shit in it for a week. Throw in dead rats and rotting fish. Put a towel over your head and sniff the fumes for three days."
Week later Niger goes back and says, "Doc, I feel wonderful, what was the problem?"
Doctor, "you were homesick!"
That's quite a shooting spree in such a short duration. Why do these shooting statistics not make national news? No instead we must be forced to endure a gargantuan Aunt Jemima on the witness stand barely mumbling unintelligible evidence.
@ Anonymous July 1, 2013 at 3:51 PM
PK, u should look into the black dysfunction on display in Greensboro, nc over the past weekend. City officials are trying to reestablish a youf curfew because of all hood rats. Greensboro is an epicenter of organized blackness and DWLs in NC. The schools are a mess, shootings at 4 seasons mall " AKA 4 shootings", and the chimp outs at the black colleges in the area. If you need a new city that is in decline Greensboro would be a good place to start.
Damn man. What the hell happened? I spent twenty-five years in G'boro living just off the UNC-G campus. It was a relatively quiet place despite some KKK/socialist crap in '73; I understand there was crap from A&T in the '60s; and that Carolina Circle Mall was ruined by the blacks; but you make it sound like there has been a serious decline.
Four Seasons Mall was the largest mall between Atlanta and D.C.; it was the epicenter of a major economic development. The Cone family was at one time the power brokers of G'boro: have they abandoned the city?
Lol, I live in Greensboro. When I lived near downtown, a "youth" tried to rob a white guy walking back from a bar to his apartment. He shot him in the shoulder like twenty feet in front of our door. It was in a gentrified area not far from the ghetto.
OT: Fears that "outsiders" might bring an "element" to Sandford FL and spark race riots in the "African American" "community".
Police afraid of violent blacks, pastors asked to reach out. They are going DOOR TO DOOR literally begging the blacks not to riot.
This is shameful for the white man.
OT: 400 Black teen riots in Greensboro. Calls for curfew for black teens.
Sundown Towns, Jim Crow, Restrictive Covenants?
"Saturday Night Lights" black teen event.
Remember this guy?
Stolen Tank
This will give you a warm, snuggly feeling inside:
Gangs In The Military
Now picture the first video, where the tank is crewed by a bunch of "gangstas" from the second video, including a trained gunner, and they've stolen a basic load of ammo for it.
We have been providing these people with hardcore military training, in the name of preserving our overseas empire. They know how to run some of our most lethal weapons systems. And their loyalty is not to the "country (an abstract concept to them)," or "democracy" (where the only thing good is they get to vote themselves more free shee-it), not even to their own branch of service, but only to the "homies" in their "set."
Perhaps if they get turned loose on us with all their fancy toys, guerillas should practice spray painting the symbols of opposing gangs on the sides of military vehicles. DHS MRAPS too, for that matter. "Sow discord in the house of your enemy," and all that.
(off-topic) I just watched that New Orleans gang interview! man that was the dumbest 3 minutes of life I just witnessed.(ya heard me) is what the one young colored man said after everything he said. everything!!! I don't know weather to say thanks or fuck you to the anonymous that suggested it! ha! ha! anyway white parents should show their young children some of this shit. this way they know from jump street to stay the FUCK AWAY from this BLACK RACE!
also you know it's heating up on the race trail of the new century cause even fox news is showing the trail on live t.v.! Zimmerman should walk but then there's those threats of black race violence thing that might just fuck Jorge-Zimmerman! I thought this administration was trying to rid our society of BULLY'S? GODSPEED/SEGREGATION NOW!!!
Anon @ 1553hrs do you know the price of tea in China?
Isn't the glorious blacktopia Birmingham responsible for the largest municipal bond default in U.S. history (rhetorical)?
@ Ex-New Yorker agreed. Well played.
@Mr. Ken I thought you were going to say the doctor prescribed some jenkem at first. Bwahaha!
Sally is a joke around here, really. She practices some weird version of voodoo and I thought she was white or something. If she's black she's the whitest black woman I ever saw, but you get that in NOLA. She wears way too much makeup and goes on tv looking like a whore. She gets on tv for the entertainment value. She does things like hold rituals to keep away hurricanes and make the Saints win, so you can see how successful she is, haha.
New Orleans ripped up most of the projects and the black population is slowly dwindling and beginning to scatter. There's a number of white enclaves in town, and some in the surrounding area. What you see now is the resistance to this as they sense their time ending.
FYI the town is not 10 feet under sea level. On average it is three feet above.
When we had the last Black Plague, they would go through the streets with a cart yelling "Bring out your dead"
Worked then, would work again today.
Well, they are putting hearses into the streets...
"New Orleans Gang Members Interview"
Those dudes are so fake. Totally playing the white dude. They're bound for jail for sure but they are the real deal. The real deal would never act like that. First off there are no real "gangs" in New Orleans. There's a few people who hang together but no organized crimes. It's more like a spread-out agreement between all criminal blacks. the real criminal blacks, and there are many, have a tacit agreement to wear jeans and white t-shirts, not sagging "gangsta" pants and identifying tattoos. That makes them very hard to identify during or after a crime, as clothing is one of the things police will always ask about. "Suspect is a young black male wearing a white t shirt and jeans, short dreadlocks, no identifying marks" yeah well there's 100 people walking the street at that moment.
France is long past being rescued from the hands of the globalist powers, the people will have no say, they will have the same vote tallying company that Obama hired to count his votes. I believe it was some Isreali company.
Mich Mike
Off topic:
Google the group image of the 19 firefighters killed in AZ. Not a black face among them. This is what real heros look like. Not the Jamie Foxxes that Hollywood likes to force on us.
Anonymous said...
Off topic:
Google the group image of the 19 firefighters killed in AZ. Not a black face among them. This is what real heros look like. Not the Jamie Foxxes that Hollywood likes to force on us.
We see this with military deaths as well. These fire fighters are men, solid, courageous, fearless men. And we can't afford to lose a single white man, because we've got far too many soft, feminized white men currently.
The hearse is a good prop! But its only a warning to young male negroes,and they tend to be stuoid and violent and not given to heeding warnings. So lets put a different spin on the hearse:Its a warning from the People. Lets gett he Marine sin there and flatten these animals. let the streets be choked with hearses riding thru the blood!
amazing how the white male firefighters and way over represented white male military deaths are hushed it in the media, blacks are just crap soldiers too chicken shit to fight, white males are denigrated by liberals but when time to fight and die...exactly next time some BRA shouts white privelige, show them teh firefighters and dead soldiers, nuff said
Hi socalsnowman, i tell you whats happens to, ma chérie, MArine LEPEN.
The European (Soviet socialist) PArliament has just retired her politic immunity because a french tribunal wants to judge her because she says that Islam Prayers in Paris streets are like the Occupation of Paris by nazis in the 2nd War.
So the tribunal wants to condamn her for incitation to race war...
MArine says what everybody thinks and it's bringing her problems...but what do you think about this?
Isn't it occupation?
God bless White America
US People, have your heard about this story in USA from one of your citizen??
The poor young white american went to a party in north suburb of Paris and two young french (arabs and blacks for sure) bring him in da guetto..
Really if you go in France go to Limoges, Brittany, Bordeaux but not Paris the Detroit of the East...
God bless White America
Folks we (you know who we are... Caucasians) must take a page from the Blacks in this regard;
The Black took the "N" word and co-opted it for themselves.
We must take their weapon against us and co-opt it for our use;
No longer shall this term mean anything other than a Caucasian that recognizes the true nature of the different races and how they fit into society.
We are now racists and we shall change that definition to fit OUR terms and not theirs. Do not accept their definition and replace it with your definition.... they must now argue against their logic and they will loose every time.
Maybe the libs will come up with a plan to compensate black women who volinteer to be steralized, give them a one time payment of a few thousand, they would be performing operations on crack whores around the clock. Think of the money that could be saved in the long run.
Mich Mike
Like that one poor black bitch was saying on the news last year"I gots twelve babies now somebody needs to pay".
Mich Mike
How capitalists helped 'enrich' East St Louis in the never ending desire for 'cheap' labor.
"In 1917 the United States had an active economy boosted by World War I. With many would-be workers absent for active service in the war, industries were in need of labor. Seeking better work and living opportunities, as well as an escape from harsh conditions, the Great Migration out of the South toward industrial centers across the northern and midwestern United States was well underway. For example, blacks were arriving in St. Louis during Spring 1917 at the rate of 2,000 per week.[2] When industries became embroiled in labor strikes, traditionally white unions sought to strengthen their bargaining position by hindering or excluding black workers, while industry owners utilizing blacks as replacements or strikebreakers added to the deep existing societal divisions.[3]
While in New Orleans on lecture tour, Marcus Garvey became aware that Louisiana farmers and the Board of Trade, worried about losing their labor force, had requested East St. Louis Mayor Mollman's assistance during his New Orleans visit that same week to help discourage black migration."
What will work? Work camps.
They'll work. Trust me, they'll work.
Blogger Mutant Swarm said...
July 2, 2013 at 7:26 AM
I like the tagging idea. Napalm - maybe even home made napalm - can work as a poor man's anti-tank/armored vehicle weapon as well.
It would be sweet.I'd chip in for that.Richard Cranium
It boggles the mind how 'religious' they are,what a show they make of 'church',coupled with all the dysfunction in the black community.Perhaps this is what happens when a major pre-requisite to being a black 'minister' is being an ex-convict.Jus sayin
In Florida news...
Zimmerman Prosecutor Angela Corey Criminally Indicted By Citizens' Grand Jury For Allegedly Falsifying Arrest Warrant And Complaint
I'm not sure if a citizen's grand jury has any serious legal authority in Florida, but Corey is way overdue to be Nifonged.
in '73; I understand there was crap from A&T in the '60s;
40 years has seen USA in steep decline.
Jay Santos said...
Anonymous said...
Off topic:
Google the group image of the 19 firefighters killed in AZ. Not a black face among them.
Volunteer work, acts of courage, chivalry...thats SWPL.
Not a black face among them.
Or Indio/mestizo, or Asian.
It's a wonderful race.
Amen to that. Non humans commit non crimes (so long as they keep them in their own ghettos).
I just had to look her up...She looks like a sort of discount,dimestore Barbara Streisand-no shit!
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