Have you read
Heritage Foundation president Jim DeMint's letter to the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin?
It's in response to the latter's
New York Times op-ed [
A Plea for Caution From Russia: What Putin Has to Say to Americans About Syria, New York Times, 9-11-13], where Putin writes:
American Exceptionalism is on display in 83 percent black Detroit, President Putin |
And I would rather disagree with a case he made on American
exceptionalism, stating that the United States’ policy is “what makes
America different. It’s what makes us exceptional.” It is extremely
dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever
the motivation.
Here's what DeMint hilariously wrote
in response:
America is an exceptional nation—that is, one like no other, not just
now but in history—because it is dedicated to the universal principle of
human liberty,” DeMint wrote. “This is grounded in the truth that all
men—not just Americans—are created equal and endowed with inalienable
rights by their Creator. As a British admirer of America, G.K.
Chesterton, once put it: ‘America is the only nation in the world that
is founded on a creed.’ We are, in other words, not a nation based on
ethnicity, but on beliefs, and not coincidentally, that is why we
attract people of all ethnicities and they become proud Americans.”
A creed.
A nation based on 'beliefs'.
"Attract people... and they become proud Americans."
President Putin and Heritage Foundation president Jim DeMint, consider this an open letter to the two of you.
Dear Honorable President Vladimir Putin & Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint,
Both of you gentlemen have no doubt paid close attention to the collapse of Detroit, a city which played a pivotal role in the defeat of the Axis Powers in World War II -- back when our great nations were allied together to defeat a common enemy. What was then known as the "Arsenal of Democracy" (and roughly a 91 percent white city) is now an 83 percent black city and an obvious contradiction to the concept of 'American Exceptionalism' DeMint praises. Not only is 83 percent black Detroit bankrupt, it's also one of the
most dangerous cities in the nation.
President Putin labeling as "dangerous" the concept of 'American Exceptionalism' would seem wise when considering the trajectory Detroit has taken upon the democratic election of a black mayor (Coleman Young) in 1973 and forty-years of uninterrupted governance for the black people, by the black people, and of the black people in Detroit.
Though the city has hit rock-bottom, some economic activity and commerce is beginning to return to Detroit. However, a certain demographic maintaining hegemony in the city isn't too happy about anything positive happening in the Detroit that doesn't include them. 'American Exceptionalism' seems to smile on only those people who the Founding Fathers of the United States would dare recognize as 'American'.
Please allow me to quote from an article recently published in a Detroit paper, showcasing how many so-called 'Americans' disavow DeMint's beloved notion of a nation being "dedicated to the universal principle of
human liberty," if it doesn't provide racial economic justice. [
Minority business owners say they feel left out of Detroit's progress, Detroit News, 9-18-13]:
Women and minority business groups gathered
downtown Wednesday to voice frustration and demand change after feeling
left out of the city’s economic revitalization.
Rev. Wendell Anthony said celebrating new development in Detroit that’s
absent of African-Americans, minorities and women is a “travesty of
economic justice.”
“What we are witnessing
today is the restructuring of Detroit by those who are not Detroiters
themselves,” said Anthony, president of the Detroit branch of the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. “If you love
Detroit, show us some love. Open up the economic door.”
vowed the NAACP will institute a report card in the first quarter of
2014 to ensure corporations and businesses are supporting inclusion as
he and other pro-Detroit minority groups spoke Wednesday at a news
conference hosted by the Michigan Black Chamber of Commerce.
What happened once blacks took the seat of political power in Detroit? |
hour-long discussion, held near the chamber’s headquarters at Liberty
Street and Grand River Avenue, comes amid growth along the riverfront,
downtown, Midtown, Corktown and other commercial strips in Detroit’s
neighborhoods. The city’s minority business community contends it isn’t
being included in some $3 billion worth of public and private
development and commerce activities.
want to make an issue of that, because it is an issue,” Ken Harris,
president and CEO of the state’s black chamber, told the crowd. “The
folk who have put skin in the game — the taxpayers, the residents, those
who have put a down payment on Detroit’s future — do not have a voice
or equitable means in the discussion. ”
has 32,000 black companies, the fourth highest among cities nationwide,
according to a business owner survey conducted by the U.S. Census
Harris said the city is more than
83 percent African-American and 90 percent minority and women. The
black-owned businesses, he said, aren’t even being approached.
Tony Stovall, president of the Detroit Black Chamber of Commerce: “We
all welcome development, but cannot be blind to the fact that some who
never left — and never will — aren’t being included in the discussion.”
business leaders launched the statewide chamber group in 2011 to help
African-American companies compete in Michigan’s economy.
City Council member Brenda Jones also took the podium, saying council
members have advocated for minority businesses and it’s something “we
must continue to do.”
Political consultant
Eric Foster said the concept of economic equality stressed Wednesday was
important, but solid research is needed to bring about change.
is great to highlight the problem, but how deep is the problem?” said
Foster, who attended the announcement. “At some point we have to get to
data, facts and plan.”
For forty years, black people have been in political control of Detroit and have had ample time to create a community where an entrepreneurial spirit flourishes and economic doors are opened by black ingenuity and leadership. They dictated who was in control of the economic table in Detroit and decided who got a seat. Now,
they whine.
After all, it was white men like Henry Ford who created the auto industry and its abundance of jobs that attracted blacks from the southern states of America back in the 1910s and 1920s, when the city of Detroit was 99 percent white.
Why, in the absence of white people, weren't black individuals able to collectively create community conditions that corporations (both American and International) wanted to invest in and open corporate offices?
These are questions you, Jim DeMint, don't want to ask and assiduously work to steer Heritage Foundation away from even addressing (though the majority of your individual donors still believe in an America that looks like Norman Rockwell's paintings); 83 percent black Detroit, President Putin, is an affirmation of your powerful take-down of 'American Exceptionalism' so many of my countrymen still religiously believe in, all the while pretending the ghost of Ronald Reagan holds their hand.
A nation based on a 'creed' or 'beliefs' isn't a nation at all.
It's a business.
And as both of you can see by the Detroit News article quoted above, the 83 percent black city of Detroit represents a powerful corollary to any notion of 'exceptionalism' Americans dare boast of in 2013.
President Putin: you didn't need to fire nuclear missiles at our major cities to destroy them and win the 'Cold War'; we had a population more than capable of reducing our great cities to rubble, without the unnecessary introduction of radioactive elements.
Respectfully yours,
Paul Kersey
This is how the frontier between EU and Africa looks like:
EU will became an another Bosna. Its just a matter of time.
An utterly corrupt banana republic ruled over by a treasonous and genocidal oligarchy - well on its way to becoming a totalitarian gulag to equal or exceed Stalin's USSR - is "dedicated to the universal principle of human liberty"?
DeMint thus provides us the perfect example of the total cluelessness and idiocy (at best) of what passes for the so-called "opposition" - not just here in the Banksta Banana Republick, but in every single white nation on the planet - except (perhaps) Putin's Russia.
DeMint's response to Putin's quite valid criticism of the squids' foreign policy is also an excellent example of the proverbial advice: better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.
Even worse, the reply is "moderate" and "rational" in comparison to the outright raving lunatic war-mongering of the drooling cancerous old zombie who present serves as senior Incitatus from Arizona and his ever-swishing sidekick the Pink Palmetto Princess. Idiocracy wasn't really about the future, you know.
"Conservatism" is just the retarded kid brother of progressivism. I picked up National Review today and it was full of anti-racist crap.
"I picked up National Review today and it was full of anti-racist crap."
I hope you used gloves. And washed thoroughly afterwards.
We haven't won a war in 70 years, I think that is pretty exceptional.
There is no way I would do business with a negro. I have tried before, but was not treated honestly and when I tried to complain they threatened to kill me.
Its ridiculous for them to complain about this. Look what they did to Detroit. Thy should be gratefull anyone is willing to do any investment in the city whatsoever.
And to any african american who wants to blame honkey for their problems, I say have a look at Haiti or any country in sub-Saharan africa. Thats how they'd be living if it weren't for YT.
DeMint didn't exactly go to bat for Jason Richwine.
What is it with negroes and the word 'travesty'?
Every time they don't get what they want, it's always a 'travesty'!
i think US soldiers deep down know they are fighting for the squid, draw in Korea, defeat in Vietnam, draw in Iraq now draw in Afghanistan, no motivation to die for the squid despite all the Stars and Stripes BS
Vlad has brought some pride back to the Russians. I think he/they are itching to kick some ass for Beslan.
Also note; Somali pirates wont attack Russian flagged vessels. They know they're protected by war-criminals with the aforementioned itch.
Chinese still practise communism, and hide guns/armaments on Indian (feather not dot) Reservations.
'America' isn't a nation. It's just a social construct. It isn't race or ethnicity. It isn't a common religion at least in the conventional sense. Considering the amount of immigration the last few decades it isn't eve a common language, history, or culture anymore. It's no more than a set of vague propositions whose meaning depends upon whom you ask and when you ask them. Paradoxically its proponents hold the propositions out to be universal anyway. 'America' is just a social construct.
But even as a social construct it has destructive consequences. It is indeed a creed as DeMint says. As such all of us here are if not anti-American at the very least un-American. We are all heretics or apostates. So long as the tension between Equality and individual rights exists we are relatively safe although we are a despised minority. But once Equality gains the upper hand then we'll share the fate of other despised minorities of other creedal states. We'll be sent to the camps. As a creedal state the US in incipiently a totalitarian state. The difference is that presently the creed has some internal inconsistencies.
In the long term conflicting tenants in creeds are worked out so that they become internally consistent. From all indications Equality appears to be ascendant in the US.
The alternative to oxymoronic creedal nationalism is genuine nationalism, ethno-nationalism. It is either us or 'America'. I vote for us. 'America' must become no more than a hated and despised memory.
"A nation based on a 'creed' or 'beliefs' isn't a nation at all.
It's a business."
America does feel like a giant corporation these days.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, one YouTube clip is worth ten million: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bavou_SEj1E
Maybe we are starting to see cracks in the liberal armor. Comrade Tim Wise is getting a slight taste of his own medicine.
Our "Exceptional" nation sure has an "Exceptional" film industry, don't it?
Check out this gem: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2424697/12-Years-A-Slave-new-film-brutally-portrays-slavery-threatens-reignite-racial-tensions.html
100% XXX-Rated racial grievance pornography...
It will serve two purposes: Inflame the passions of the Orcs against YT and make DWLs feel extra guilty and submissive to black rage.
Are the tinfoil-hatters correct? Are the Squids and TWMNBN actively forcing the violent confrontation? Or are they just trying to cash in on the wealth of white guilt that made "The Butler" No. 1 at the box office?
It sure seems like the former, sometimes...
At least they had the decency to release it in the Fall. Chimpin' is a weather related phenomenon.
OT: Oh boy! Yet another piece of Hollyweird propaganda designed to make Whitey look bad/evil and lift up the poor downtrodden african race. With rumors of Oscar sweeps, gird yourselves for more DWL handwringing guilt about "da terrbl terrbl lebacy ob da slabery" once this film hits the theaters.
Anti-black racism must be the RINO theme for the month because the top article today at AmericanThinker.com is an article titled "Against Racism" decrying YT's making true comments about blacks. But of course there's not a word against blacks murdering whites because of their skin color.
I never thought I'd live to see the day that the Russian leader makes more sense than American leadership. Americans, in the white sense of the word, need a Putin-type to vote for. What a crazy world!
Paul's letter is written from a place of love for this country and wanting to prevent the further erosion of the things that make it great, and maybe, over time, restore some as well.
The sad irony is that DeMint would denounce him in a second, and Putin would publicly agree with him. We live in strange times indeed.
News flash. Per some PhD, LIQUOR stores are the reason why so many people get shot on the South and West Sides of Chicago.
Dumb and Dumber.
The Racial Realism deniers of the religious conservatives on the right and the cultural marxists on the left.
The religious right wants us to believe that all peoples are equal because a magical being created the universe just a short time ago.
The cultural marxists want us to believe that I.Q. and other mental differences are due to White oppression of the sweet innocent dark skinned people.
Both competing factions of racial dumbassery want us ignore the the overwhelming evidence and logic of evolution which clearly shows that Whites are the end product of tens of millenniums of brutal cold winter darwinism which created a significantly mentally enchanced human breed. Blacks are end product of being left behind and remaining in the primitive human form.
When Whites look at blacks, we're looking 60,000 years in our past. When blacks look at Whites, they're seeing the radical improvements that they missed out on.
Racial Realism is a benevolent virus of truth and logic that, like the viruses which saved the human race in HG Wells "War of the Worlds" against an alien invasion, needs to be aggressively strengthened and spread to defend Whites worldwide.
I think that the left ought to get it over with and ban firearms. Have the cops enforce it with fascist zeal.
Then let the fireworks begin.
Once you all integrated your black potato peelers and valets and orderlies into your infantry you never won a war. Resegregate the military and get the blacks back to digging ditches and victory will be yours time after time.
No white officer can possibly trust a black after the Fragging orgies in Vietnam.
Why would any whites want to go back to Detroit? Let them stay dead.
I agree with most of your assessment. Tenets not tenants. On the night of Obongo's victory over McCoon I truly accepted that "change had come to America". What this meant was the final triumph of the religion of racial egalitarianism; we are no longer a Christianity-based nation--our state religion or state ethos is "racial egalitarianism with talmudic elements". The final installment of the vision shared by JFK's color blind society, and by MLK's "dream" and by Johnson's "great society" was put in place when this affirmative action community organizer went to the WH.
On that night I accepted the old America had been swept away. I took down all my flags, and will never fly them again.
Okay, buuuut racial egalitarianism is triumphant yet racial equality is not. The negro has been convinced he is equal yet equal performance and equal results elude him. And even as he fails conspicuously and constantly more and more esteem, resources and responsibility are accorded him.
It's insanity and I can't see it going on forever. Surely it will end with the entire country resembling Detroit.
I read Putin's Op-Ed in the NYT. At the very end there's a throwaway line that has nothing to do with the rest of the article. He writes, "we're all equal aren't we?" This, I believe, is Putin's way of mocking America's racial egalitarianism and the absurd, incompetent Obongo himself.
"HaroldC said...
'America' isn't a nation. It's just a social construct. It isn't race or ethnicity. It isn't a common religion at least in the conventional sense. Considering the amount of immigration the last few decades it isn't eve a common language, history, or culture anymore. It's no more than a set of vague propositions whose meaning depends upon whom you ask and when you ask them. Paradoxically its proponents hold the propositions out to be universal anyway. 'America' is just a social construct."
This is a real gem! With out these things; borders, language, culture, genetic heritage, history, common beliefs, there is no "American", just a mishmash of people who live "over there". They might speak Spanish and have Mexican citizenship, they might be of the Nation of Islam and want to carve off part of the land for themselves and kill Whites, they might be from somewhere else and have a vague feeling about this being a free land, but free in the sense that it is not to hard to start a business (In India a business takes 10 years just to get the license.) They might be of the genetic line that conquered this land, yet now find themselves and their children pushed aside as teeming minorities grab for the fruits their fathers fought for, namely land and position.
The worst part is the "common set of propositions that the meaning changes depending who you ask". Without these things to glue a people together, you have nothing, exactly what you see today in America. In Detroit you have a "black land" whose culture is totally different from Pittsburgh which is a White land, a difference of beliefs far greater than what you would find between any Medieval or Greek citystates. The gulf is so wide that it is possible to take a random 10 citizens from downtown Detroit and a random citizens from the outlying suburbs and believe that they belong to different Nations based on religious beliefs, language and culture. There are simply no similarities. I would say that Vladimir Putin and a White citizen of America have more in common (and could discourse on more subjects) than a White citizen could with the average Detroit negro.
Well written Paul.
deconstructingleftism said...
"Conservatism" is just the retarded kid brother of progressivism. I picked up National Review today and it was full of anti-racist crap.
September 18, 2013 at 7:46 PM
You mean "anti-white" crap. "Anti-racist" is code word for "anti-white". I'm not being nitpicky, this is an important distinction.
@ Bogolyubski September 18, 2013 at 7:27 PM-
I have long had my own reasons for giving no credence to American exceptionalism. Bogolyubski, I know that you can guess what they are, so I won't go into all that here.
Question-what is up with the upscale grocery chain "Whole Foods"? I read at SCC that they plan to build one in the ghetto (someone there with some wit called it "Hole Foods") in Chicago, and have heard rumors of one being built in the great black metropolis of Jackscoon MS (no, I'll never step foot in it if the rumor is true, I don't step foot in Jackscoon, though I do drive through on W-20 on my way to V'burg). Tax write-off? Jesse Jackscoon-style extortion? Federal grants to Whole Foods? Or just rumors?
How much organic aragula could the ghetto rats buy at a Whole Foods grocery store on their EBT cards anyway? What would they do with it, smoke it in a blunt? Organic hot cheetos and sparkling spring water grape drank?(Stole those from SCC).
Anonymous said...
What is it with negroes and the word 'travesty'?
Every time they don't get what they want, it's always a 'travesty'!
September 18, 2013 at 10:55 PM
It's like their usage of the word "monies", which they use at all times and in all places even when the proper word in context would be "money".
We can't be exceptional with a significant black population.
Like this for example:
Lakesha Thompson sports a particularly warped view of the entitlement mindset:
An elderly man shot and killed a would-be burglar inside his Oak Cliff home.
Police say the homeowner saw Deyfon Pipkins, 33, trying to climb into the window and fired his weapon at least once at the intruder.
The homeowner is legally protected by the Castle Doctrine, which allows a person to defend his or her home against an intruder.
“It means they don’t actually have to retreat once someone comes in their home,” Sergeant Calvin Johnson, Dallas Police Department, said. “You have the option of using deadly force if you believe your life is in danger.”
After police notified relatives of Pipkins’ death, some showed up at the house. They were upset, and questioned the homeowner’s actions.
“He could have used a warning,” Lakesha Thompson, Pipkins’ sister-in-law, said. “He could have let him know that he did have a gun on his property and he would use it in self-defense.”
Pipkins had a lengthy criminal record. He served time in prison and was convicted of theft, possession of a Controlled Substance and criminal trespassing.
Off-topic, but it's a feel-good story, so who cares.
Tony Blair's daughter has been robbed at gunpoint in Central London. No description of the muggers, so draw your own conclusions.
This is the Tony Blair whose government flooded the country with immigrants to make it more multicultural and to "rub the right's nose in diversity". This is the Tony Blair whose lawyer wife champions the 'rights' of every third world POS that managed to drag itself into the UK and who runs the 'Africa Justice Foundation'.
Now the Blairs' daughter has had her nose rubbed in the reality of the shithole of a country her parents helped to create. One would need a heart of stone not to laugh.
BRA guilt trip is wearing off hence the Po Bwack Man movies from the squid propaganda machine, they measure public opinion carefully and produce PR and false flags on order to reverse the tide (OK City, Trayboon etc etc)
i wonder if the white lietenants and captain dealing with infantry groids have this in the back of their mind..seriously how many "suicides" in the military are groid on YT attacks covered up to preserve morale....and the multi cult facade..any military reading speak up
Pk is wrong. We ARE exceptional...specifically because we have so many magical negroes. I know this from watching tv and doing websearches with twmnbn Google
CAUTION: Word Salad
And remember, #heisnotasuspect
"We, the undersigned, are not gang members, we are leaders in our various communities, most of us are fathers, our moral compasses are activated, our families are intact, and we know personally and professionally how much of the world perceives and responds to black males in America with fear, suspicion, and doubt. Not one of us is invested in “guilting” white Americans about anything......blah blah blah......"
Their negro "businesses" exist as fronts to funnel redevelopment money into their own pockets while doing nothing. That's how they "get a piece of the pie." the race has no intrinsic awareness of what actually MAKES and DOES, of cause and effect, that work yields returns.
They only know he have, I take, now I have.
Why would any whites want to go back to Detroit? Let them stay dead.
Plenty of good real estate there, if you can get rid of the vermin. A fellow named Hussein had some good luck doing that with fumigation, might be worth a try.
Question-what is up with the upscale grocery chain "Whole Foods"? I read at SCC that they plan to build one in the ghetto (someone there with some wit called it "Hole Foods") in Chicago...
I believe that was Bullet Hole Foods.
I think Paul and many others missed this. Lawrence Auster wrote this in the past, but released it in his closing days. What he says here jives with a great many private conversations I had with him. I believe I know why he withheld it until he neared death--his family. I could not attend his funeral but my daughter, who actually was less than 45 minutes away from the church at the time, did go. She met his estranged family and ate with them at the reception following the funeral.
Lawrence is buried in a Catholic cemetery--there is no headstone as of last May when I was there. His family won't be supplying one. As my daughter sat with them, it was clear they were dumbfounded and very hurt by his complete rejection of them, their liberalism and the Jewish faith. If no one else does it, I will supply the headstone myself.
BTW, Paul. I have a recording of his funeral. Sorry it took so long. I can convert it to an mpg file if you still want it.
From Lawrence to all of you:
Whole Foods now takes EBT cards.
The truth remains: only the strongest will survive.
What's disconcerting about American white men is they have gone through the brainwashing establishments as youth and a good majority of them have also been psychologically neutered by today's Christianity.
We don't have any kind of idea as to what white people would really be willing to fight for their rights and which ones who will ball up in fetal position because they haven't been able to think for themselves and acknowledge the truth in their whole lifetime.
Don't forget, those that send your boys to public school--they are taught not to fight and not to stand up for themselves. They are punished if they do. I remember when it came out that even if you were defending yourself--you are both suspended. That's just part of the control.
I implore you to research your state's home school laws--Texas is the friendliest. A lot of states don't require too much. You do not have to have a teaching degree--nor does your "school" have to emulate regular school. The best thing is to do the opposite of "regular school." Kids learn on their own. When left alone, they will explore their own interests that they never have time to when they are gone eight hours a day to prison.
Paul, this is a must read.
Whole foods is a huge chain...of course they take EBT, with 1 in 6? on it.
DIDYA KNOW 110? million people in usa get food aid?
Thanks Cassie for the update on UK.
You started out good anyway.
I bet sherilla shows up there to buy donut holes!
So very true, on both of your posts. I routinely have have to UNindoctrinate my kids when they come home. I would homeschool in a heart beat if I could. I am divorced and my ex is hostile to the idea of homeschooling because they are "weird" or are not socialized in the same way aspublic school ( thank God ).
There was a time when America might have been considered exceptional. Like when it landed men on the Moon. But today? It's not simply BRA. It's the mindless consumerism. It's the agitprop in academia. It's the 90+% who are glued to their televisions. It's the open borders and race replacement.
The fact that a city like Detroit an be destroyed by BRA and yet no one in public life has the guts to tell the truth is one symptom. A total divorcement from reality, much as the USSR was in its final days.
Perhaps Putin sees this?
I'm wondering how many of those 32,000 black businesses in Detroit are hairdressers/barbers, because in my experience that's the only retail sector in which they thrive. Perhaps the relative paucity of non-black competition in the city means they've diversified into other areas.
Re. Robert's comment on the Auster funeral. Interesting to know that he was estranged from the rest of the family (he never made much mention of them). That he had no headstone as of May isn't surprising since they aren't usually put in for some months until the ground has had time to settle. Did they actually tell your daughter that they wouldn't be providing a headstone? That's awful, if so.
When Whites look at blacks, we're looking 60,000 years in our past.
Think Cro-Magnon man would have wrecked Detroit? At least Cro-Magnons would have had families, hunting and cave paintings, not gangbangers, EBT and graffiti!
Uncle Tim said the whitest shit ever in his claim: "I work harder than you"
Lol Tim, you mean it wasn't bestowed on you due to white privilege???
Left Coast White Guy @ 11:08 a.m.:
Please don't take this as a jab. It is meant to educate anyone else reading this site.
Don't have a clue why you are divorced and it isn't my business. What I do know (I've been married 16 years this November) is that we all face reasons for divorce. Anyone who says they haven't are either lying to you or haven't had the displeasure of strolling through the stuff that no one tells you about before you get married. I will leave that to the imagination.
Marriages can overcome a lot more than what one would think if both parties involved would not think of only themselves, examine what they perhaps have done wrong in the marriage (because we are all guilty) and agree to continue to try. When one gives up completely, it's over for both.
When you have two people who are in agreement and are both striving for the greater good for the whole family and not just themselves then home schooling has a much better chance of succeeding. But, I can't say this enough, if you are selfish--it will never work--unless you are open to learning from life.
I personally believe that this country will only survive, as all of us would like it to, if people would pull their kids out of school. Totally turn your back on the status quo norm--kind of like turning your cable or satellite off and believing you can live without it. And realizing you actually can live without it and life is much better.
Keep your kids as close as possible. Yes it can be ABSOLUTE INSANITY sometimes. But your boys will learn to be men and appreciate freedom. And you girls will learn to be respectable women and appreciate her freedom as well.
A whole generation of these kind of people will take one look at what the government is meticulously trying to take away--and refuse to let it happen. They only know freedom. And there is no way they would ever just give that up.
So while our generation is concerned and know the fight ahead that will be required to change things, the next generation of home schooled kids will look at the current government and say "how the hell did you people let this happen?"
Good stuff, PK:
The Rev. Wendell Anthony said celebrating new development in Detroit that’s absent of African-Americans, minorities and women is a “travesty of economic justice.”
Note that blacks are no longer "minorities." Of course, in Detroit they are the majority and we can see the outcome of that.
Again, we have to ask: whatever happened to content-of-character-and-not-color-of-skin(tm)? Why should the fact that businesses are run by whites make a difference? You can see why Detroit and other cities are going downhill: it's not about the businesses that can deliver the goods and service most efficiently. It's about a racial patronage system. The same system which was in part responsible for wrecking Detroit in the first place.
Why, in the absence of white people, weren't black individuals able to collectively create community conditions that corporations (both American and International) wanted to invest in and open corporate offices?
One of the vital questions of our era.
Of course, such answers as BRA corruption, crime, illegitimacy, infrastructure destruction, race hustling, and etc., are not allowed in polite discourse.
Anon notes:
News flash. Per some PhD, LIQUOR stores are the reason why so many people get shot on the South and West Sides of Chicago.
Yet another proof of the adage that there are many ideas that are so damned stupid that only someone with a PhD could believe them.
It's another story of magical negroes...if you read even half of the cliffs notes, it doesn't pass a sniff test. But it will be accepted as gospel by the gullible. Nfw this "memoir" is remotely nonfiction
Bogolyubski said... DeMint thus provides us the perfect example of the total cluelessness and idiocy (at best) of what passes for the so-called "opposition" - not just here in the Banksta Banana Republick, but in every single white nation on the planet - except (perhaps) Putin's Russia.
The fact that mainstream conservatism has failed to deliver the goods also goes by the boards with DeMint. We've had Reagan and a couple of Bushes. Yet they have failed to reduce the size of government, while multicultism has become the national ideology. Of course, any discussion of the actual causes of America's self-destruction -- especially genetic factors of race -- are not allowed on the table.
I wonder--perhaps DeMint does know the truth but fears to speak it. Might get kicked out of his country club.
Oh my.
Anti-black racism must be the RINO theme for the month because the top article today at AmericanThinker.com is an article titled "Against Racism" decrying YT's making true comments about blacks.
Conservative anti-racism has been a non-starter since day one. It's gained them no support from blacks, and alienates their hardcore rightwing supporters.
The thing that is odd is that conservatives do not see the obvious truth, that blacks et alia do organize around race and that is what gives them their strength. And what makes conservatism so weak is that it refuses to acknowledge the racial basis for politics.
I never thought I'd live to see the day that the Russian leader makes more sense than American leadership.
Yes, it is disturbing.
But at least Putin can speak the truth on occasion.
Robert B
I think Paul and many others missed this. Lawrence Auster wrote this in the past, but released it in his closing days. What he says here jives with a great many private conversations I had with him. I believe I know why he withheld it until he neared death--his family. I could not attend his funeral but my daughter, who actually was less than 45 minutes away from the church at the time, did go. She met his estranged family and ate with them at the reception following the funeral.
Lawrence is buried in a Catholic cemetery--there is no headstone as of last May when I was there. His family won't be supplying one. As my daughter sat with them, it was clear they were dumbfounded and very hurt by his complete rejection of them, their liberalism and the Jewish faith. If no one else does it, I will supply the headstone myself.
BTW, Paul. I have a recording of his funeral. Sorry it took so long. I can convert it to an mpg file if you still want it.
From Lawrence to all of you:
Jews: The Archetypal Multiculturalists
This is an important post from Robert B about Auster, who remains a very important thinker, despite his problems in addressing the TWMNBN question - though he made a very valiant attempt which he released at the end of his life, as one can read above. When someone pointed out in the last weeks of his life how similar this essay is to things which have been written by Kevin MacDonald, Auster angrily denied it (naturally), but IMO there are more similarities than differences (though there are still differences). At any rate I agree with Robert that it's a very important essay - essential reading. I say it's valiant because admitting hard truths about one's own tribe is much more difficult for TWMNBN than for whites generally, who've been massively conditioned to apologize for things which their tribe never did.
Auster committed the sin for which there can be no forgiveness under the omerta of TWMNBN. Thus the behavior of his own family mentioned by Robert, plus his own poignant admission that he would never be permitted to make Aliyah to the ancestral homeland because of his "crime" when Mangan suggested he do so in the wake of some of his more Neo-connish remarks about the various foreign entanglements in the ummah.
It's Time said...
Don't forget, those that send your boys to public school--they are taught not to fight and not to stand up for themselves. They are punished if they do. I remember when it came out that even if you were defending yourself--you are both suspended. That's just part of the control.
And not just in the schools, but in the workplace. I once worked in a hospital where a doctor hit one of my coworkers. My coworker complained to admin, who admonished the doctor, who complained to our boss who then held a meeting to tell us that medical personnel could hit us if they wanted because they were the bread and butter of the hospital and we were just minimum wage workers.
I said that I would not let someone beat on me and would defend myself if someone hit me. I was terminated for this and told that the hospital could not employ someone "who thinks like that".
A friend's brother was actually attacked by a coworker at UPS and fought back, winning the fight. UPS tried to fire him for it, but the union prevented them from firing him.
In the wake of incidents like the one at the Washington Navy Yard, expect more of this type of indoctrination, namely, "You must not defend yourself". I can see taking action against someone who threatens violence without provocation, but punishing someone for defending themselves? Or for saying that they will?
The squids are programming us for annihilation. To paraphrase what a poster said earlier, when the collapse and ensuing violence comes, many white people will simply curl up into a fetal position and accept what happens to them.
I fear for the future of the white race in this country and Europe.
"That he had no headstone as of May isn't surprising since they aren't usually put in for some months until the ground has had time to settle. Did they actually tell your daughter that they wouldn't be providing a headstone? That's awful, if so."
It was late May. I was out East for my daughter's graduation. He is buried not far from Philadelphia--Near Laura Wood. There is no headstone provided for. Larry's money, such as it was, was put into trust to keep his archives online. So far, nothing has been done to create a Lawrence Auster Society.
I believe his writings, including those in the unpublished book, from which the linked to abstract comes from, are important and need to be preserved. So too, this man, forsaken by his own, deserves a headstone. All men do--it is a way of saying you existed. That and a way for people to find his gravesite must be done. We need our hero's too. And we need to start making a concerted effort to memorialize them and preserve their memories.
"He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future."
George Orwell
DeMint-- Good lord. Screw the "conservatives"-- who wants to "conserve" the society we have now? Maybe if they had their shit together 100 years ago, we'd have something to conserve. The morons on the right will drink the koolaid even as they see their own defiled, attacked and murdered.
Fuck them. Fuck them all.
Putin has them all sized up. And good for him.
I turned off NPR. Do they have a woman form africa working there?
NY Times has article that the Black racist from NY had prior hate crime arrests
Anonymous @ 12:32 p.m.:
My husband recently went through that as well. He had worked for a well known airline up until a few years back when he took a "voluntary" package. He spent 14 years working for this company. We ventured out and ran a business for a while--but we were unsuccessful in the end. He remained employed until the chance to go back to this company.
My husband is a genius at what he does. He never got a secondary education to do what he does--he was born with a gift. He works on auto's as a hobby--a true gearhead. His knowledge is incredible and lucky me who gets to be married to him because I never have to worry about being without.
When the opportunity came up for him to get back into this company--he took it, knowing he was highly overqualified for the position. He also knew within six months he could post out and move on.
1. The manager who hired him, lied to him about his pay rate being reinstated. This was devastating but we pulled up our bootstraps and purged a few things.
2. The same manager sent out harassment posse's because he didn't like the way my husband reacted to his not getting pay reinstated.
3. The harassment was unrelenting. There is no help for an employee no matter how big the company is and human resources departments were formed in the company's best interest--not the employees. If there are any attorney's on this forum--this would be a "shoe-in" in front of a jury of his peers. I kept a file of everything.
My husband opted to find employment elsewhere--and with his friends "ego" and "confidence" he did. At the end his company didn't know he had already received new employment and had a meeting with him. They told him in order to keep his job he needed to change. The top manager actually said "Mr. It's Time, you have a golden ticket in front of you--are you going to let go of it?"
After he came home and told me about it, I said fuck their golden ticket. Tell them to shove it straight up their asses.
It's all principle. Everywhere you go you are expected to have drone mentality. I can't knowingly teach my children to stand for what's right--if I am not doing it myself.
If my husband were black or female, he would never have been treated like a drone. He would have been handled with kid gloves and coddled--reassigned or whatever. What's sad is it was all white people who perpetuated the harassment.
After he came home and told me about it, I said fuck their golden ticket. Tell them to shove it straight up their asses.
I thank the lord that people like you and your husband still exist. It is all about principal. Also thank you for standing by your man.
@The Antidote
Thanks for the correction. As a real estate attorney 'tenant' is used by me habitually and I wrongly used in the earlier post.
Thanks, I would much rather have a conversation with and could relate much more readily to someone from any where in Europe (who speaks English) than the average resident of some big city ghetto.
My Dear Friend Paul Kersey:
I find it interesting that you offer up the bankruptcy of the City of Detroit ($18 billion) as your example of America's Wrong Way Course Thanks To The Negro - YET you don't mention to your dear VDare friends that the Federal Reserve Chairman just announced that one hand of the government will create $89 billion per month that another hand of the US Government will purchase - all to keep America afloat.
Dear Sir - I understand that you believe that the White man is far more intelligent than the Black man, however, it doesn't take a math wiz to note that - per capita - the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT has more debt upon the shoulders of all 314 Million+ Americans than does the BLACK RUN city of Detroit has upon the 700,000 or so Negroes that have to split the $18 billion between them.
Am I missing something, sir?
Or are you just telling your friends what they want to hear, again?
Constructive Feedback @ 4:52 pm:
Have you noticed the color of the current US president?
Your comment is kind of stupid isn't it?
"The top manager actually said "Mr. It's Time, you have a golden ticket in front of you--are you going to let go of it?"
hehe... "Where is this Golden ticket? All I see here is a shit sandwich."
Ahh, the sweet sweet sound of whining negroes, pining for another piece of someone else's pie. These Detroit blacks sound just like the ones in Los Angeles, who after the Rodney Riots, demanded they be hired onto the rebuilding projects. Now now, Shitavious, if we pay you to clean up the mess you just made, you might get the idea that burning and breaking things is a good productive way to earn a living. We can't have you thinking that, now can we?
Cassie said...
Off-topic, but it's a feel-good story, so who cares.
Tony Blair's daughter has been robbed at gunpoint in Central London. No description of the muggers, so draw your own conclusions....
One would need a heart of stone not to laugh.
Unfortunately, as poetic justice that incident fails conspicuously.
Somebody claims to have seen a gun. No shots fired. Nobody injured. Nothing stolen. WTH kind of diversity is this?
My BS detector is going off. Sounds like Ms Bliar is contemplating a political career.
Thank you, Paul, and all posters here, for an oasis of sanity. You've all excelled yourselves again. Special thanks to the ladies. (Anybody seen Sheila lately? I miss Sheila).
Maybe the (brave) white business owners braving detoilet's TNB and organised white hate should form a group called the New Original Commerce Organisation Of Natural Superiority.
32000 black business owners. HAHAHAHHAHAHAH selling crack and pimping are not businesses. Now we've cleared that up there are about 1000 black businesses, all barbers and internet cafes selling international phone cards. Basically places that every other race avoids through fear and the hate for the stink of coco butter. Yuk
Robert B, you weren't clear as to whether you know for sure that Auster's family won't be providing a headstone. It seems unlikely to me that they would have made such a definite admission to your daughter after the funeral.
his own poignant admission that he would never be permitted to make Aliyah to the ancestral homeland because of his "crime
I missed this. What did he say?
Jim Demented needs to lay off the Kumbayah Koolaid.
What is it with negroes and the word 'travesty'?
Every time they don't get what they want, it's always a 'travesty'!
Is that where the name Trayvon comes from?
If white companies want to invest 3 billion dollars in a black run city they must also give blacks 3billion to waste. This is the only way black cities can function, by extortion and manipulation of government money by black politicians. They have had the gimme dat and we is owed mentality since their inception into society and it will take many years after the money funnel shuts off for them to create a viable society for themselves. If the free money ever stops nature will take over as it always does. Those with no viable skills to offer a new tribe will eventually die out and they will be replaced with something that works. Even parasites must adapt to survive. This will initially cause their hosts (whites ) great hardships as the parasites attempt to steal what they need to survive. They will initially go after easy prey, bleeding heart white liberals, after that it will be all out war. To me this seems like the logical chain of events. If anyone sees a different outcome please feel free to enlighten me. I know once our economy tanks the feds will attempt to use the military to hold things together but the men and women in the military will eventually want to get paid. Add that to the fact that they will be asked to go against civilians who are their friends and family I'm sure most will know where to point their weapons. God bless America.
Mich Mike
Squids? Try the National Football League. And three quarters of White guys. Heck, on KROQ this morning "Cousin Sal" said the Pats "White guys" can't keep up with the faster and "better" Black guys covering them on Tampa Bay. That's common.
Blacks are worshiped, because White people see the real differences, and figure athletic superiority equals everything else. After all, athletic superiority is valued like equally fleeting beauty. There are no squids.
Merely atomizing technology, breaking apart institutions like churches and neighbors for TV, movies, the internet, fragmenting everything, and removing elites from being interested in and connected in a self-interested way to those they rule. I can assure you Ireland is possibly the least attractive place for Jews, being filled with people highly verbal (more verbal than Jews), not filled with admiration for their "betters" (when Bono at a Dublin concert slowly clapped his hands and said "Every Time I do that a child in Africa dies" ... one bloke shouted "Well Fecking Stop Doing it then!" to enormous laughs) and fond of fighting ... Ireland is overrun with Blacks and Muslims, and very Catholic Ireland has pretty much zero Jewish influence. Even as Irish immigrate in record numbers and deal with massive and sudden poverty, Ireland takes in even more immigrants despite its unpopularity.
I would also blame elite universities which globally tend to indoctrinate elites with hostility towards their peoples and connections to others. Even the Chinese (no Jews there I can assure you) have that problem in Beijing and Tsinghua universities. Both of which are overrun with African students who bully the Chinese men and soak up the Chinese women. [Elite kids go to Harvard or Oxbridge.]
It ticks me off with Squid talk because it posits a magic group that if "exposed" like some X Files episode will shrivel away in sunlight. Rather, it is the vast majority of the White population that can't worship Black athletic prowess enough and WANTS to lie about everything else to cling to guys running down the football field.
Putin at least sees reality, he had some cogent comments on the idiocy of PC and worship of homosexuality and so on. He has half a brain. He does not hate his people.
But then, being stupid as a KGB thug got one dead. Being stupid was what advanced Blair, Obama, Bush, Bush's father, DeMint, and the rest. Stupidity kills, and normally stupid people don't advance very far when times are tough, and stupidity gets everyone killed.
The extraordinary level of peace and prosperity has allowed stupidity to flourish in gigantic proportions, so that Black-worship takes the place of rational policy because there is no immediate and total penalty for it. This is why stupidity does not last long among military people who fight. You can't be stupid about how people operate and survive very long on combat patrols in Afghanistan. A certain agreement with reality has to happen to just survive there.
DeMint has never had actual political enemies try to kill him. Putin has. That's why the one is stupid, and the other is not. Darwinian political selection.
Buddy you don't know the half of it. So many whites executed by mooslimb American and blacks while in live combat. It's enough to make a man commit suicide. Imagine trying to concentrate on a mission while wondering if Jamal is going to put one in your back. There was video on the web of two blacks lighting a fellow white soldier you could here one of them say"what you gonna do now bitch". Terrible to watch, nothing ever said officially about it.
Thank you for your concern and comments. It takes two to make a marriage work, but it only takes one to destroy it. Mine was 21 years. The deck is stacked against marriages today, which is so many are choosing not to get married any longer. Ultimately, that can undo our whole white society and all the blessing we had and have.
(p.s. I only have sons btw)
It's Time said...
Constructive Feedback @ 4:52 pm:
Have you noticed the color of the current US president?
Your comment is kind of stupid isn't it?
September 19, 2013 at 5:17 PM
LOL. Yes, he did overlook that little point. Though I wonder if Obozo isn't just a willing tool (he believes in the leftist ideology, but of himself would be too lazy to inflict this much intentional destruction on the US.) The only time he seems to tear himself away from the golf course or one of his ghetto fabulous parties is when he teams up with Holder in sticking it to YT. I really think that his hatred of whites is the only thing that gets his juices flowing enough for him to take the initiative. The rest of the time, he is just a totally willing tool of whoever is pulling the strings.
Kudos to you for sticking by your husband. And your kids are fortunate to have you as their mother. If only there were more like you and Lorraine! Homeschooling is the only way for any self-respecting white person who cares about their children to go. You can't even count on private schools these days, religious or not. They have all succumbed to the diversity, multi-culti disease. As for public schools, that's obvious-they are not for learning, they are for indoctrination.
@ AnalogMan September 20, 2013 at 12:42 AM-
Getting mugged, robbed, beaten, raped, or even having their own children murdered is not even remotely an antidote to the dwl's blindness and idiocy anymore. I have wondered what flashes through the mind of a dwl who is living his last few seconds of life on this earth, before his death at the hands of a negro. I don't even know them, but I actually hate Amy Biehl's parents for what they did after her murder by a pack of groids whom she naively went amongst to help and "uplift". The negro predators even described her groans as the knife plunged into her repeatedly, and laughed-laughed!-in open court as it was described. Her parents set up a fund or scholarship for these animals, and met with them. Is there nothing criminal, cruel, and savage these animals can do and not be be rewarded by some mentally diseased white person for it?
Most whites, even the dwls, support some form of justice being dealt to white criminals, even those who stop short of supporting the death penalty. Whites don't support white criminals, much less reward them. Why, why, why do they not only support and excuse, but sometimes even reward, the much more heinous, savage and numerous crimes of negros? Why?
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