This website will serve to educate the general public on Black people and the Stuff That Black People Don't Like. Black people have many interesting eccentricities, which include disliking a litany of everyday events, places, household objects and other aspects of their everyday life. Black people are an interesting subject matter and this website will chronicle the many problems in life that agitate this group of people. To suggest material, please contact sbpdl1@gmail.com
Sunday, June 12, 2016
May I introduce you to President-Elect Trump...
Few in the world seem to even try at this point.
It's my feeling we are one major incident away from massive change; the kind of seismic shift historians long from now will wonder in amazement if some deity had a hand in shaping.
Will it be in the United States of America or Europe?
Who knows?
But what Mr. Donald J. Trump has shown with his miraculous campaign for the Republican nomination for President is something few could ever have imagined in June 2015: there is hope. America might be irredeemable, but the American people are not.
Orlando was an Islamic terror attack.
Were a Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio the presumptive nominee from the GOP at this point, it's quite easy to speculate Mitt Romney wouldn't be lecturing anyone on "trickle down racism."
But because Donald J. Trump stood up when others had fallen to their knees, the current "trickle" is on the verge of being a torrent.
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Everybody is so against trump becuase he scares those whining little liberal pansies all to peices
Trump will get chastized for his I told you so tour, but he was just stating the obvious.
Texas here:
This is Gay Pride Month.
And Ramadan.
"Diversity is our strength."
In the wake of this shooting, can we ban a flag or move some statues?
I don't blame Omar. I don't blame ISIS. I don't blame Trump. I blame Target, and John Cougar Mellencamp, and Hillary, and Bryan Adams, and Diane Ream, and the USSA Dept. of Justice. These well-meaning, but dangerous, corporations and celebrities and well, whatever the DoJ is, placed men in the bathrooms of your little girls. They placed swinging dicks in the shower stalls of your daughter's high school locker room.
Now, Christian white men have long since embraced their role as power-bottoms and not just tolerated, but pushed back on the BRA-meat being shoved in their backdoors. Because Christian white men really aren't men anymore.
Perhaps Omar just had enough. Perhaps ISIS did fire him an email or text saying something such as: "The bathroom stuff is too bizarre. It is an abomination. America must wake up swiftly to this sin and the only way to raise awareness quickly is to strike at the heart of the LBTQ community."
Do you know why Omar and ISIS did this? Because they are still men. They still protect their women. Do any of you really think Muslim families around the US and abroad just sat back and said: "Trannies standing up to urinate in the ladies' room at Target? While our daughters cower in fear in the next stall? Splendid!" Christian white men long ago ceased to be anything but sheep. I personally don't have a problem with extending some basic rights to the LGBT community, but just like with BRA, AFFH, illegal immigration, the bathroom business went too far. And I suspect this is the beginning of the backlash for them. I hope it was worth it.
General Ripper
Standing with the Orlando victims. Too sad. Interesting post, thanks!
My, oh my, oh my.
This will present the liberals with such a predicament.
Three of their pet groups, two of them "protected classes" involved, namely, muslims, gays, and hispanics (I saw a lot hispanic names of victims and family members during news coverage of this event).
How, oh how, will they blame this on Trump and NOWMOs (nasty, old, white male oppressors).
This should be interesting to watch as we are yet again told that Islam is a "religion of peace", and how this should not be construed as an Islamic attack on gays or hispanics.
Of course, we can expect the usual attacks on gun rights.
The garbage that will be spewed out by the lying media over the next few days should be interesting and amusing.
"Were a Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio the presumptive nominee from the GOP at this point, it's quite easy to speculate Mitt Romney wouldn't be lecturing anyone on "trickle down racism."
But because Donald J. Trump stood up when others had fallen to their knees, the current "trickle" is on the verge of being a torrent."
You expect racism from Donald J. Trump, the self-proclaimed "least racist person in the world"? I hate to disillusion you. Romney, a guy who is proud of crying real tears when he heard that his Mormon church had at last decided to admit negroes to its priesthood, only calls Trump a racist because in America, the most anti-racist country in the world, that's the worst thing you can call anyone. Yet monkeys will fly out of Mitt Romney's butt before Donald Trump intentionally says or does anything to protect his fellow whites specifically.
There may or may not be a path to racial redemption for American whites, but I guarantee you it's a path that won't be discovered or trod by a man who shrinks back from being labeled a racist, and that goes double for average white people.
PK---this Muslime POS WORKS for our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (thru contracts with Dept of Homoland Suckurity). So how the hell did he get guns?
1) By lickspittle FBI---Fucking Blind Incompetents who had people pleading with these FBI Fucktards to investigate and take action on the Muslime 2012 and 2014...probably more times....but they did nothing and did not report to NICS (gun background system) AND didn't warn FLORIDA .... so the Muslime got a CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT AND A SECURITY PERMIT. NEVER EVER report anything to the FBI---go to your local Sheriff of Police. The FBI are incompetent/dhimmis/fellow travelers and do not protect America.
2) By the DHS Contractor ignoring coworkers (including a retired police officer that worked with the Muslime and finally resigned in disgust when nothing was done) warning them that the Muslime was an antigay, pro ISIS/Talaban and violent personality----and the DHS Contractor didn't do shit because they don't want to bite the Muslime in the formerly White House hand.
3) As a Federal Firearms Licence holder----you have the right to refuse to sell a gun to anyone----even if their NICS report is clear. BUT the Muslime walks into the FFL Dealer with an APPROVED Conceal Carry permit with a SECURITY Endorsement and a hell of a good story about how he is a "trusted" Federal Agent (probably has a cute badge and everything). So what is the FFL to do when you have the entire federal government giving the Muslime a sloppy blowjob and threatening your licence and entire business if you refuse to sell a firearm to a "peaceful" muslime?
4) The Muslime's 1st wife from 7 years ago complained that he beat her and was convicted of battery? Again...how did he get cleared to buy a gun? Oh yea===the Muslime has a new wife....they aren't telling you about her are they?
PK---give it a few days---real news people of the internet are digging up dirt on the Muslime and his Talaban Father and Potential Gay killer in the Los Angeles Area....as the DemoRepublicrat media is trying to hide everything...but we will learn more.
Dump RYAN/McCain
Go to The Conservative Treehouse and read about the connections of the Florida terrorist.
Black Communist Run America and White Communist Enablers.
Please volunteer for Trump where ever you live. We can not take any chances.
Ironic is that all this will do in the coming days and months is push some of the bread and butter of the demon-cratic party over to Trump.
This country needs a strong man, albeit a benign one, not a screeching bitch that comes off like the mother-in-law that ruined your first marriage…
Out of curiosity, this was posted before or after Orlando?
Judicial Watch is filing Freedom Of Information requests on the company the terrorist worked for. The company is based out of Pakistan and has a huge contract with the Department of Homeland Security to pick up illegals at the Mexican border and transport the illegals anywhere they want in the U.S.
Yeah. Ovomitstan and his minions are working hard to kill all Whites.
I can't give much but this site and Judicial Watch will be getting money from me.
I guess people are sick to death of the liberal agenda already. People are sick of being told what to think and having an uncompromising Marxist ideology shoved down their throats.
The left would like it to be a crime to state the obvious unless it agrees with their agenda. Mostly people are just tired of the lies. Trump is a breath of fresh air with his common sense and fecklessness. Go Trump!
Witnessess at the Florida shooting said the terrorist asked people their race and then said he has no issues with Blacks.
Obama is behind this attack.
"Omar could have been my son!"
I stand with Donald J. Trump!
Trump in a landslide, it'll be over at 8:05pm, Eastern time.
Romney is bitter because he never got over "Mitt, get down on your knees."
Yes, exactly!
I've been trolling every fucking libtard on my Facebook account telling them that Omar just cast the deciding vote in the election and that isn't it ironic that a Muslim registered Democrat just massacred dozens of Latino gays and put a White Republican in office for eight years! They losing their shit!! hahaha!
Shut down the mosques. Islam is a murderous death cult. Outlaw it and repatriate all muslims.
Frankly, the gays should be joining us at this point. But the new nitwit in charge of the Lambda Legal Defense Fund just HAD to point out that she had received condolence calls from various Muslim organizations.
Mind you, had the killer been Presbyterian, we would never hear the end of those bitter clinging Christian haters.
My sympathy meter is stuck at absolute zero. If one Dem faction wants to kill another, have at it. Less work, and less whining, for the rest of us.
There is no better way to fight racism than to segregate the races.
Proximity, especially forced proximity, is what causes racism.
White Americans aren't racist towards the Bantus in Africa; it's the ones breaking into their homes and raping their daughters that they have a problem with.
Separate the races; a divorce is needed.
Trump is our Enoch Powell. They ignored and attacked Enoch and look what happened. Familiarize yourself...
The interesting thing is the overwhelming majority of victims were Hispanics besides Gay.
V - Dare recently ran an article prior to Orlando attack that documented I.S.I.S. threatening violence to hispanics & Hispanic nations. Muslim communities obviously need intense scrutiny and radical mosques shut down and people interned.
The gheys would try to have me fired from my job were I to publicly suggest 60 year old men should not share bathrooms with 12 year old girls or that bakery's should not be compelled to to approve their marriages. Were I to publicly state Islam is not compatible with Western Civilization they would try to have me arrested in some countries, soon here,for my hate speech all the while ignoring the rhetoric in the mosques regarding homosexuality. Yet I still consider this event a tragedy. The gheys would be smart to stand down and let White Men handle this problem but that won't happen, 50 dead is not as important as implementing their agenda, notice the Tonys went on per plan, there was never any doubt that Hamilton must receive their awards.
I'm so sick of the brainwashed and the braindead.
“The Dr. giving his speech about the danger of our silence dealing with Islamic radicalization, gets interrupted by the DHS person and that person says, “ That’s all very interesting Dr, but I disagree with everything. The #1 threat to the U.S. is white supremacy”
Yes PK and it's a tsunami by the name of TRUMP!Well said!
One of the most interesting aspects of all of this is the comparative templates that exist with other events.
For instance, the issue with Curiel, the La Raza judge presiding over the Trump University case, the media stuck on the phrase "born in Indiana." This implies that people do not carry any kinds of loyalties to their heritage nor cultural values simply by virtue of occupying space on our magically transformative dirt. Will they insist that this radical Muslim was immune to such as well? After all, he was "born in New York." Race and culture are real. They carry over. Being "born in America" is not a negating factor.
The fact of the matter is we are reaping the benefits of multiculturalism. Unlike the obnoxious commercials showing everyone getting along - in reality the convergence of these ingredients create unbelievable outgroup tension and lowers social trust for everyone. I mean just look at this shooting - A Latino themed gay sex hookup spot is laid waste by a Muslim. The existence of any single one of these three present variables would have never been conceived to exist in the United States just two generations ago - much less all three cultures interacting with each other in the same city, like a lab experiment of highly combustible elements. Now we are supposed to be surprised that we heard a boom? I could not imagine explaining this scenario to my WW2 veteran grandpa were he still alive. There is just so much pozz you don't know where to start.
...But this is modern Western "civilization" ---- We threw away so much when we embraced post-war liberalism. It almost feels as if there is no way to salvage any of it. I understand the lagging white birth rates now. Who would want to bring children into this mess to "coexist" with this insane hodgepodge, and that says nothing for the Dindu problem. Are we really, truly irredeemable as Mr. Kersey posits?
I am inclined to agree.
It's fascinating for me to watch the establishment republicans actually side with Hillary.
They would rather have Hillary Clinton as President.
Mittens Romney says its because he fears "racism".
Just think about what that really says. The "opposition" party to the democrats would rather see HILLARY CLINTON as President than a successful billionaire entrepreneur who has vowed to enforce our immigration laws, and defeat ISIS, and bring out manufacturing jobs back to America.
They don't really care about ANY of these issues, they are simply having tantrums because their guys were laughed off the stage by Trump's supporters. They lost so they would rather- MUCH rather- see Clinton win than Trump. It's just about as juvenile as can be.
And Mittens thinks RACISM is a solid accusation for him to use against Trump!?
Does everybody not remember that it was revealed during the 2012 election cycle that Mittens is a RACIST!? it was all we heard, all day every day! He was a racist cult member who strapped his dog to the hood of his car to attempt to torture the dog with fear every day and he kept binders full of women so he could terrorize them with misogyny for entertainment and he cheated on his taxes cuz he didn't want his racist money to be used to help black people, and he was a racist racist who used racism to be racist becuz HES RACIST!
Oh dear Lord I hope Trump wins this one in a LANDSLIDE, just so I can watch the cuckservatives and negroes lose their minds.
-Rex Hymens
This weekend we saw another Trump for president commercial play out in Florida. I wonder how many perverts and deviants will be voting for "close the borders" candidates now? You really couldn't buy better publicity. Prepare for more mex and muzzie attrocities running up to November.
Interesting times.
Never was much of a Trump supporter. Cannot and will not support Mrs. Clinton. No glass ceiling there, only who she slept with. Shame on women like her, getting to the top of the heap on the back of a man. I will vote for Donald Trump. Unless this country wakes up, and I mean WIDE awake, we are finished. A sewer from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Every time we try to stand up to extremists we are labeled as playing into their hand. ????? Who are these idiots running this country? More importantly, who are the 50% that support them?
Commenters who think that this latest event in Orlando has sealed the deal for Trump are wishfully thinking. This too will be played out in the media and the sheeple of this country will be spoon fed their daily pap. Blame guns, blame whitey, blame conservatives. Over fifty percent of this country will line up on the side of the idiots. I hope I'm wrong. Divided country, for sure.
Yea I'm sure that'll work, maybe we could ban some words too? Nice post, I bet it has steam coming out of a libratards ears.
I've always called them the BLT Sandwich community.
I know of at leat 50 families in Orlando that have likely changed their way of thinking on the topics of Islamic jihad and racisim. What's that saying again? The definition of a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.
And the problem with Islamic violence isn't with immigration, or prejudice directed towards Muslims; it's with Islam itself. Please, read the study for which the url is provided below. It applies statistical analysis to the combined Islamic texts - i.e. the Koran, the Sunna, and the Hadith, and demonstrates, by counting the number of times a phrase or concept is mentioned, just how important it is in Islam.
For example, if one were to count the number of times that disparaging references were applied towards Jews in Mein Kampf we find Hitler devoted about 7% of the total text towards his anti-semitisim. Using the same metric on the Koran/Sunna/Hadith the figure is 17%, more than double. And wait till you see what the numbers say about women, and kafir (which is everyone who is NOT a Muslim, btw)
Just saw obama on TV trying to communicate something, I don't think he knows what. I swear that guy is on heroin or something. More, and more he has long pauses, staring into space. Wish they'd do a close-up so we could see the pupils of his eyes. Been looking at all the photos of the Clinton's, past, and present. They frequently are dilated, even in bright light. Sure sign of altered brain chemistry.
So sidesteps Islamist involvement, blames NRA instead. Totally ignored black involvement in 99% of gun crime. When's the last time NRA did a drive by? Nope, they're worried about gun owners getting wise to their criminal level of failure as public servants. Him and Hillary need to go. Then we start on all incumbent Representatives, Republican, and Democrat alike.
Over fifty percent of this country will line up on the side of the idiots.
This is true but it's not a popular vote.
It's the swing states that matter and Florida is one of them.
I also agree with PK that we are near a massive shift. Liberals dominate mass media and yet they have never been this unhinged. Their confidence is dropping and they are lashing out like trapped animals. Cuckservative media is also cracking up. They are losing control of their narrative and attacking racial realists.
A large riot in BRA followed by a drop in the market would seal the deal. Even dopey boomers will change sides if they think their 401ks are threatened.
Right now momentum is on the side of Trump. But there is a lot of time until November and the media will be on a full out blitz. NYC Conservative Inc publications are also against Trump.
But I'm honestly amazed that Trump has made it this far. He has both DC and the media establishment against him. I expected them to dig up something by now.
This election started with Jeb talking about how he was going to turn Detroit voters into Republicans by inspiring them. That type of fantasy thinking is losing popularity with both liberals and conservatives. Liberals on the ground in BRA are losing faith in fantasy explanations. I would bet a million dollars that White liberals in Chicago would gladly support mandatory minimums even if it means the prisons become Blacker. White liberals with children that actually live near Blacks are getting tired of it all. But they don't know where to go. They believe that it's wrong to be honest about the problem and yet they know the status quo isn't working. It's the suburban liberal Whites and childless urban liberals that keep the machine going.
The FBI has been too busy investigating the likes of Ferguson and Baltimore PD at the direction of YOUR president to pay attention to radical Islam. Furthermore, they also have been busy at the direction of AG Lynch and again, YOUR president looking into hate crimes on blacks when we know more hate crimes are occurring daily against The man.
This country continues in the downward spiral and if Hillary is elected you might want to tuck your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.
Everything since Odummy has became worse. The military and the justice department is laughable today. I yester years the FBI was a prominent and elite crime fighting machine. Now they are at the direction to harass people that Obama hate.
The FBI knew the shooter had issued and of course they say," the laws wouldn't let us pursue him." When has that stopped any enforcement agency??? BS!!
Trump 2016!!!
In the comments of the post before this one, Paintjob Theory said...”All you folks that think Trump is some great white hope for shaking up the establishment are going to be in for a massive disappointment”.
I’m swayed to think along the same lines. YTs only allowed to experience, or view the violent change of things to come, not react, defend against or speak about it. You hear the same old justifying defense, “the old grey face and YT just can’t stand any change”
What rational person feels compelled to except change they know is a step in the wrong direction? A direction that takes honest hard work and sacrifice, then trades it in for a lower standard, uneducated and violent one? Oh yea, anyone that’s not a “racist”
I believe this November will be total, 100%, unmistakable proof of what’s written for the future. I hope YTs not a “massive disappointment” when it’s all out there for whole world to see.
The Muslims evidently are not aware of the Electoral College-at least as much as they previously appeared to be with their attacks in safe states for one party or the other.Now,however,they've attacked in the No.1 battleground state.Trump can turn this fiend into the Trayvon Martin of 2016-this time on our side.
To Gwoobus: You have a gift, sir. Please continue to comment frequently.
I second that
Lol, that is the best description I've heard of Hillary yet.
I see the infamous Daily Sewer(News)is blaming the NRA as all stupid as a sack of rocks liberal journalists always do
OBAMA took 5 hits to his "feelings"
An Islamic Democrats shoots 100+ Gays with an "assault rifle" loaded with a 30 round mag.
Prevention is better than cure. The radical Islamist father of the shooter should have been declared persona non grata and never have been granted permission to come to America. His psycho radicalized son would have been born in Afghanistan and been a problem there- not in America. Nor should the tens of thousands of other Muslims currently being imported be allowed into America to become a problem. Let them all remain in their countries of origin and sink or swim based on their own efforts. America doesn't need them or their issues and problems. They aren't assets, they're liabilities. We don't need them any more than we need tens of thousands of 70 IQ Somalians. Allowing any of them in is an act of sheer mindless stupidity. I would remind those who wish to be "understanding, compassionate and humanitarian" that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
As is, when the World Trade Center was bombed, did anyone say we have a bomb problem? No. When the Muslims flew the planes into the WTC and destroyed it, did anyone say we have a plane problem? No. When drunk drivers kill innocent people in car accidents, does anyone say that we have a car problem? No. The people who commit the crimes are blamed for their actions and not the objects they used to commit said crimes. Only when guns are used is the object blamed and not the criminal/psycho.
Would the anti gun crowd feel better if the victims in this latest atrocity were blown up or perhaps fire bombed and burned to death instead? Mass murderers will use whatever weapons are at their disposal and eliminating one will only redirect them into using another equally effective killing method and change nothing. Perhaps a mass poisoning would be more acceptable to the anti gun crowd? They would be equally defenseless in that case too.
In any case, I'm hearing a lot of "not all Muslims" excuses and how all Muslims shouldn't be blamed for the actions of a few. I'm reminded of how hotels in some of the Asian countries I lived in dealt with thefts by staff. Since the thief or thieves could not be identified and/or no one would reveal who the culprit(s) were, it was standard policy that if thefts took place, all those working that floor would be terminated immediately to protect the guests from such thievery being repeated~ a very effective tactic to put a stop to the BS. Since the radicals among the Muslim "immigrants" cannot be detected/identified and aren't outed by their compatriots, use the same principle and simply ban them all from entry. It's an effective way to stop much of their BS too.
The Trump speech that's on it's way in the near future...
"Dear fellow Americans. As your president I have an important announcement to make. As a result of the Disneyland massacre I am declaring a state of emergency across the entire country. The eight hundred people killed there this afternoon by the Islamic gunmen will not have died in vain. They will be ushering in a new era for America. "
"On my command, our border patrol and armed forces are closing every single mosque within our borders. All people currently in America who can be identified as Muslim will be repatriated to their country of origin (or parent's origin). No exceptions. Once they have left our borders, they can reapply for entry on a case by case basis."
"In our cities that are being overwhelmed by gun violence, I have instructed the National Guard to carry out house to house searches and arrest anyone found with illegal drugs or firearms. All penalties will be tripled."
"That you and now back to your regular programming..."
Yesterday I got some strong negative reaction to my simple remark that homosexuality (at least male homosexuality) is probably an infectious disease. Several commenters rose to correct me. But they don't seem to be current on medical thinking.
The ideas that homosexuality is caused by an infection is the mainstream position. Most of the serious researchers believe it. There are plenty of "Gay Activists" who believe all sorts of odd notions. These people tend to confuse the issues.
The father of the infectious theory of homosexuality is Greg Cochran. Paul Ewald also holds a similar view. Homosexuality is inborn but not genetic. There are similar conditions like transgenderism which appear to be a simply birth defect but homosexuality is too prevalent to be a simple point mutation.
Obviously no one really understands homosexuality. If we did we would get rid of it. Parents want to be grandparents. Young men at adolescence are often -not always but often - upset and depressed about being gay. Many try to become straight through all sorts of psychotherapy procedures but these don't seem to work. So a counter movement has arisen where the young gay man is encouraged to accept his condition and embrace his sexual dysfunction.
The great insight into male homosexuality came from Simon LeVay when he discovered that the INAH3 nucleus of the hypothalamus differed between normal and homosexuals. In men homosexuality occurs at about 2 or 3 percent. This is much too high to be a simple point mutation where some SNP was mutated. In transgenderism there is a similar problem with the basal ganglia but this occurs at only abou 0.1% of births. This is believed to be a simple birth defect.
None of what I have written here is esoteric and arcane knowledge. It is all in Wikipedia. Look it up for yourself. Read Cochran's article - it's very short. I speculated a few years ago that male homosexuality was caused by the parasite toxoplasma gondii. This hypostasis is easy to test but I don't have a the resources for such a study.
If I and a large plurality of medical researchers are right and male homosexuality in humans and sheep is caused by an infection then one day soon we will begin to eliminate it. Only a few dozen years ago everyone 'knew' that peptic ulcers were caused by stress and/or spicy foods. I had a close friend die from chroni ulcers which developed into stomach cancer. But today we understand that that ulcers are caused by a the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It has nothing to do with stress at work. The treatment today is to take a few antibiotics.
So what has this to do with race relations? It means that in a few years we are likely to be able to eliminate male homosexuality and female homosexuality too if it's the same underlying condition. This is 2016. There may not be any new gay men formed by around 2036. But there will still be blacks.
Breitbart has become a major news outlet. One of its first sections was "Big Hollywood" where the public could learn what Hollywood stars thought about public issues. Often these opinions are so stupid that they strain credulity. Today is another example.
Hollywood has chosen to view the Orlando murder of fifty Americans as a failure of "gun control". Today we have celebrities arguing that we should disarm the American public and that would keep incidents like the Muslim who shot up the gay bar.
This is no longer funny.
After Pearl Harbor these actors and actresses would have argued that we should ban citizens from flying planes. If you are attacked with a gun the appropriate response is to duck for cover and fire back. Disarming your people in the face of attack is so stupid an idea that the mind reels.
But Trump seems to be the only one who speaks against terrorism. Incredible. I would like Trump to go further. Rather than banning guns America should consider distributing guns to its people. Switzerland does this more or less. I would advocate the feds and/or the states issue AR-15s to all taxpayers. They could teach classes in gun safety and issue gun safes too, But the important thing is that no terrorist would be able to come across groupings of helpless unarmed civilians.
As every reader of this blog should know - gun violence is not a function of how may guns there are in our society - it is a function of how many guns are in the hands of blacks.
As short as the sentence is it took some thought to succinctly say his feelings took 5 hits. Well done and spot on!
If I and a large plurality of medical researchers are right and male homosexuality in humans and sheep is caused by an infection then one day soon we will begin to eliminate it.---you cant get dumber.
Flipping around radio yesterday, NPR, a tax payer, government subsidized, platform, of course, bitched & moaned about Trump. The local "newsradio" was all gay and I expect will be for the next month.
Was nice to turn off the radio. This society is sick!
There is an interesting book, written by a British researcher, titled (bear with me folks) Sperm Wars.
He discusses the evolutionary advantage to "bi-sexuality" or, more kindly stated, the ability to think/feel like the opposite sex.
This ability gives a male a better understanding of the "psych" of the female and thus enhances his reproductive ability. Remember how women say (yeah,right) they like a "sensitive guy" (yet take home the jerk at the bar). Well, his conclusions are that fully gay behavior is nothing more than an extreme of this reproductive successful strategy, since most behaviors and traits in organisms fall along a bell curve distribution. Full gayness is an "unfortunate" full expression, dead end, of the reproductive strategy. Nature doesn't care as long as overall it is successful.
This would explain it's presence and frequency. Fully gays don't reproduce, but bi-sexuals may actually reproduce more, with this theory in mind.
"May I introduce you to President Elect Trump?"
You've got me thinking back to the 60's?
"May I introduce you,..... .don't forget my name"
Do I hear Symphony for the Devil, Rolling Stones, in that line?
The government is recording your phone conversation with the baby sitter. A guy who can't speak English is making your 85 year old grandmother take off her shoes at the airport. An 8 year old kid with a water pistol is handcuffed and taken to jail. "Teens" are turning major cities into free fire zones and battlefields. The first amendment is now called "hate speech". School teachers are being beat up and raped. Anyone who still uses cash is considered suspicious. People are being stomped and shit kicked at political rallies. Anyone who mentions that America is turning into a third world shit hole is a racist and bigot. The education system and universities are turning out brain dead morons who still live at home with mommy. Combat veterans are homeless and living on the streets. In large parts of the country the American flag is a symbol of racism and oppression. The government has a file on every book you ever bought and web sight you have visited. The elections are rigged. Crooks and sex perverts are running the country. Chicks with dicks now share your daughters locker room. Pedophiles are now normal people who just happen to be misunderstood. The new car you just bought will fall apart in five years. The food you eat is toxic. Eight year old kids are on meds. Your new section 8 neighbors have a meth lab in the garage. Your kids math teacher is a drag queen. Our army generals are lesbians and fags. We have 20 million dollar jet plans that don't fly. The president and his "wife" hate white people. Peoples brains are being eaten alive with their micro-wave phones and ovens. The gun grabbers want to disarm you so you will be "safe." Crime is at an all time high. The Mexicans are taking over a fourth of the country. The factories have moved to Communist China. High-tech computer workers are being replace by people from India who work for $8.00 an hour. Robots will be running the fast food joints and driving city buses. Americans are becoming mind controlled zombies. Sport heroes are nothing but ex street thugs. Movie stars are degenerate perverts and coke heads. The middle class is disappearing. The protesters who can barely read and write are now running the universities. The third world invaders are collecting welfare. The country is swimming in Heroin. Criminals are being paid not to rob and rape people. The Justice Department spends it's time investigating cops instead of criminals. Two major cities have been set on fire. Your therapist is saving his money for a sex change operation. People are "texting" each other while driving at 75 miles per hour. Street gang members and dope dealers have more rights than the average working man. Having a garden in your back yard will soon be against the law. The "medicine" your doctor is giving you has toxic side effects and causes Cancer. Americans are getting so fat they can hardly walk. The entire political system is totally corrupt. Greed is the God of Washington. The working class is getting screwed on a daily bases. The welfare class is driving around in new cars while being paid to breed cannon fodder for the street gangs. Blackie has declared war on white people. The Mexicans have declared war on blackie. The Muslims have declared war on everybody. The cities are nothing but cesspools and death traps. Enter at your own risk. How many people in this country have never come home alive after a visit to the local mall. Classes in "white privilege" are being taught at major universities. Campus riots are part of the course. The average American gets dumber by the day. Political protesters are professionally paid agitators and thugs who enjoy beating on people.
My new next door neighbor is named Ahed and he just explained to me that Islam is a religion of peace. I now feel much better. I was starting to get worried that maybe the country was turning to shit.
Anonymous 8:01 asked "who are these idiots running this country? More importantly,who are the 50% that support them"? Probably 90% of the black and brown population and 70% of white women. Alot of the liberals I know don't know their ass from a hole in the ground and will believe anything they read on the internet or see on TV. That's what separates us from them,we think for ourselves.
I too found it VERY interesting that the shooter was a registered Democrat. Everywhere I point this fact out, I am then silenced INSTANTLY. I was even banned from a site I have frequented for 15 years for merely mentioning it. All the SJWs there basically reacted like a vampire who just had holy water thrown on him, just from merely reiterating that the shooter was a registered Demo.
I think my point is worth considering because could you imagine what would be happening if the Orlando shooter used to attend a Christian church, or was a registered republican, or what if they found a Trump hat at his residence during a post investigation... WE WOULD NEVER HEAR THE END OF IT. It would be, RIGHT WING EXTREMIST SHOOTS UP NIGHT CLUB-- turn in your guns now!!
The SJWs are still calling for banning guns, which is so laughable to me, (how their failed logic works/doesnt work) but I think you all get what I mean regarding the bigger picture.
In the end though, personally, I feel this orlando shooting was just too convenient for the powers that be and was more than likely helped along in some fashion or outright ran by our own govt.
Think about it. The SJW pedophile scumbags who want to put men wearing disguises in naked with your wives and daughters in locker rooms, bathrooms, etc, and who are teaching trans sex BS to literal kindergarten kids-- these degenerates were losing that battle in the court of public opinion. Slowly but surely they were losing, and they were also losing the fight over all this gender fluidity insanity.
So then here comes this gay bar shooting, right on time. Now they can deify the LGBT movement and its members more than ever thought possible because if someone criticises them now, well you must be a terrorist, bigot scumbag just like the orlando shooter then! Right?? People died there just trying to be and love who they want, how dare you badmouth them!
The other effect of the shooting is the usual-- it allows the govt. and SJWs, using their totally brain dead logic system, to push once again to come take the guns.
All too convenient for the powers that be IMO... This shooting was really fishy. Don't get me wrong, I DEFINITELY believe that real organic islamic terror attacks exist, but when our govt has been caught: bankrolling them, using tax dollars to relocate them here as "refugees," purposely leaving our borders wide open, and constantly singing the praises of muslims/islam in speeches etc etc... well I just can't help but feel that there is some sinister backroom relationship going on and as a result, we get fucked and have our rights bulldozed into permanent nothingness.
Hey PK,
Can you do a post comparing the number of victims of so-called "white mass shooters" vs the number of black shooters' victims in the country since Obongo took office? The MSM was real quick to point out (repeatedly) that this was yet another case of 'an American mass shooting" AND that "most mass shootings are NOT terrorist-related" (the implication being that most mass shooters are white males). Meanwhile,they studiously ignored the number of black-on-white and black-on-black daily murders, which dwarf those of ALL white "mass shooters" put together. Then they went into their well-worn lectures about how badly America needs gun control, and how "nowhere else in the world do these mass shootings happen with such frequency" (this was last night, either 20/20 or Dateline, can't remember which).
Race realists need these kind of accurate statistics to fight the lies and distortions of BRA.
Thanks for all you do.
Obama needs a reason to implement martial law, postpone all elections, and become our dictator in chief.
When he declares martial law, if there is not a march of armed Americans on Washington D.C., he will have won.
Going to be a long hot summer and Obama is stirring up the blacks, Muslims, gays and he continues to p.o. yt.
Be ready to fight or be a slave.
Trump has shown himself to be a leader, saying what needs to be said rather than sounding like a political robot that spits out meaningless cliche's and manicured talking points.
Who could really be excited about Clinton- she is a glaring example of the status quo- you can almost predict the exact words that will come out of her mouth when she speaks because we have heard it all hundreds of times before. It's boring, uninspiring, and you know that she will make sure not to rock the boat (or at least on issues that are important to her puppet masters). People are excited about Trump (they either love or hate him)- Clinton, not so much.
Trump is inspiring, unpredictable, and is willing to take bold steps that no one else will take but that our country desperately needs if we are to salvage anything at all. The left and MSM have constantly attacked and denigrated the hard-working and social capital creating whites at their peril. Don't try to tell me with a straight face that you never expected any blowback for doing so.
Years ago I read about a doctor that was curing Cancer back in the early 1940's. He had cured 350 people. I forgot his name but the AMA had taken away his medical license. The AMA does that to anyone that finds a cure for Cancer. Royal Rife was one of the first they went after.
This doctor had found out that pesticides being used on farm crops were causing what he called HORMONE MIMICRY. Male and female hormones were actually mimics of the real thing. Basically a "false hormone" with no natural structure. This of course would all take place within the womb. He had warned in 1945 that the over use of pesticides would produce a large population of FEMININE MEN and MASCULINE WOMEN within about 20 years. I think the first gay parade took place in New York City in 1965 or 1966. In the 1970's the gay community in San Francisco were called "Castro Street Clones". They all looked alike and talked alike. It was very strange.
This doctor then moved to South America where he cured another 350 Cancer cases before he was machine gunned to death in Brazil around 1950. He also predicted that fallout from A-bomb testing would start causing massive case of Cancer around the mid-1960's, but that's another story.
You're right. Republicans distancing themselves from Trump. Standing and supporting the democrats.
Every day citizens that support these republicans, that expect these republican representatives to stand up against the liberal democrats in their name have been forgotten by the republicans they support.
Our republican representatives have turned their backs on us. We want Trump and we want them to support him.
They had better start remembering us!
Actually, we need a whole lot more walls than that. I don't want to live near BRA sympathizers, even if they are white. And any "victim" group, which supports BRA because Blacks, too, are a "victim" group, can go live in Bantu-topia. F 'em.
Does anyone really expect Hillary to be tried for any of her crimes? No, of course not. Not unless the contents of the FBI report is made public.
The decision to try Hillary is the U.S. attorney general. Hillary has nothing to worry about unless Trump is elected.
"Frankly, the gays should be joining us at this point."
Some of us did long ago.
I came across a very interesting and thorough description of Islam while reading through a few articles, the original writer probably being Richard Cooper. Because of the length of this post, I will not be surprised if it doesn't make it past moderation but it provides some valuable insight into why attempting to integrate Muslims into western society is a complete fool's errand:
1. Is a mind-control and information-control cult founded by an assassin, torturer, pirate, rapist and pedophile called Mohammed. The mind-control and information-control aspects require that all criticism of Islam be silenced and cult members follow its leaders blindly (called “taqlid”). Without taqlid (blind following), the cult would swiftly be exposed and the franchise would come to an end. One million mullahs would lose their monopoly on “the Truth” and their thought-control jobs. Hence, most of what mullahs do is to control and suppress bad news about Islam.
2. Is Mohammed’s personality cult. It has no foundations other than Mohammed’s murderous rantings (in the Koran and Hadiths). The Koran consists of two conflicting parts – Meccan and Medinan (peaceful and violent respectively). The Medinan material supersedes (or ‘abrogates’) the Meccan stuff. Muslims act Medinan, but they quote gentler Meccan verses to the gullible infidels. Muslims say that Allaah has no partners, yet they have made Mohammed into a golden idol they worship as though he were a god, even to the point of saying he is present everywhere on earth through his “noor” (light).. Everything about Mohammed is beyond criticism under threat of decapitation, torture or fire-bombing.
3. Claims to worship the same God as Christians and Jews, but in fact worships Allah – a demonic channelling of the pagan Arabian moon-god through Mohammed’s toxic narcissistic personality disorder. The Death Cult mixes garbled versions of Christian and Jewish scriptures with pagan practices such as moon and meteorite-worship, and cut-throat blood sacrifice of animals and non-believers. Islam is the only religion that institutionalizes beheading, crucifixion, torture, and genocide.
4. Has no rational, philosophical or theological basis, and the whole belief-system is contradicted by science, philosophy, common sense, human decency, and astonishing internal inconsistency.
5. Cannot withstand rational criticism, scientific examination or forensic inquiry. Islam can only spread and maintain itself by ignorance, illiteracy, war, terrorism, and intimidation. Islam has bloody borders and cannot co-exist peacefully with other belief systems. Winston Churchill said that Islam in a man is as dangerous as hydrophobia (rabies) in a dog. Islam demands obedience and blind following, and forbids itself to be tested.
6. Has a superstitious dread of images of pigs, crosses, Buddhas, Saint George (and his flag), teddy bears, and of course Mo-toons.
7. Regards Islamic women as semihuman. Wife-beating, incest and child abuse (including mufa’khathat or ‘thighing’ – the ritual abuse of infants) are encouraged and almost never punished.
8. Regards all unbelievers (Kaffirs, Kuffar, Kufrs, Kafirs) as ritually unclean subhumans to be killed, subjugated, enslaved, exploited, or parasitized. Kafirs are described by the Arabic word ‘najis’ – literally ‘filth’. That’s why Muslim hatred of Kafirs is intrinsic to their religion. A Kafir doesn’t need to do anything to offend a Muslim; his very existence is already enough of an affront. Every Muslim believes a kafir should know his place.
9. Possesses an ethical system that applies only to Muslims. Allah endorses rape, pillage, extortion, torture and enslavement of non-Muslims. Morality does not extend beyond the global gang (ummah). There is no Golden Rule anywhere in Islam. Muslim ethics are, thus, similar to the ethics of the Mafia. (Murdering a non-Moslem is not a capital offence, but only a misdemeanour.) Because of Sharia law, rape is almost impossible to prove. And an infidel cannot testify against a Muslim.
10. Has followers who are motivated by hatred, greed and lust. There is no love, mercy or compassion. Allah is vindictive, unpredictable, capricious and devious – Allah is The Best of Schemers.
11. Is the only religion NOT founded upon The Golden Rule. Morality is based on Mohammed’s example. If Mohammed did it, then it is approved for all Muslims. Hence the encouragement of rape, pillage, enslavement, subjugation and murder of non-believers and the institutionalised pedophilia (child marriage at any age) prevalent throughout Muslim society- justified by Mohammed’s activities with Ayesha, his child sex-slave.
12. Defines all human relations by paradigm of dominance vs. submission. Muslims have schizoid inferiority/superiority complexes. (A well-balanced Muslim is one with a chip on each shoulder). They respect strength but despise compromise as weakness. Appeasement invites more aggression. The only political system which has been strong enough to subjugate Islam is Stalinism.
13. Establishes and legitimizes polygamy, which ensures alpha-males get extra women, leading to a shortage of women for the betas. For sexual relief, beta-males must either masturbate (a sin that puts a Muslim in hell), or form dog-packs and rape or capture kafir women as booty in a razzia, or else self-immolate in the presence of infidels so they may collect 72 mythical virgins in Allah’s playboy-mansion-in-the-sky. (Islam’s harebrained paradise is sophomoric, absurd and ludicrous. It appeals to youthful warriors under the age of 25!) Young Muslim beta-males are often encouraged by their relatives to become suicide bombers because of their belief that such murdering ‘martyrs’ will be able to intercede with Allah and take 70 of their relatives to paradise with them! Family benefits from suicide-murders!
14. Encourages lying and the deception of infidels (taqiyya). This may take many forms, including outright lies, feigned moderation, and condemnation of terrorist attacks to the Kaffir while rejoicing over the same with fellow Muslims. Muslims often tend to regard themselves as victims of some group of Kafirs so they can harbor grudges against them and against Kafirs in general. Allah is The Best of Schemers.
Individual Muslims may appear law-abiding and reasonable, but they are part of a totalitarian movement, and must be considered potential killers blindly obeying their leaders who can flip in an instant (SJS -’Sudden Jihad Syndrome’).
15. Forbids befriending kafirs except for purposes of deceit or where conversion of the kafir may be possible.
16. Purports to have a ‘holy book’, the Koran, that is Allah’s final word, and cannot be changed or challenged. To do so is punishable by death. Consequently, the Death Cult can never change or be reformed. The instructions to murder and rape infidels are just as valid now as the day they were written. Rape was traditionally used as a means of ethnic cleansing.
Since Islam cannot be modernised, the Muslims are attempting to Islamise modernity. This requires spreading Islam in the West and simultaneously preventing any criticism of the cult by intimidation and PC legislation to curtail freedom of expression.
17. Regards treaties and agreements with Kaffirs as meaningless, and are made to be broken (Hudna). The word of a Muslim to a Kafir counts for nothing in the eyes of Allah. “Allah leads astray whom he pleases”.
18. Divides the world between Dar-al-Islam (the Islamic Realm) and Dar-al-Harb (the domain of war, the Kufr lands). Muslims living in Dar-al-Harb must work to disrupt their host nations until these can be brought into Dar-al-Islam.
19. Encourages Muslims to parasitize their host nations. In fact, Muslims have no obligation to their host nations. Any free nation is considered “the Enemy” (The Great Satan is USA). Welfare fraud, identity theft, forgery etc. are endemic in Western Muslim populations, and serious crime against Kaffirs is regarded as normal and justified. Extortion rackets against Kafirs are mandated by the Koran (’jizya’ is the Arabic term for ‘protection money’ payable by Jews and Christians to Muslims under threat of death).
20. Is a complete system, including a culture, which Muslims regard as superior to other cultures (despite all evidence to the contrary…where are the operas, the ballets, the oratorios, the inspiring novels and films?) Jihadist attacks on their host nations aren’t just against its religion and economy, but are aimed at its very cultural identity. Muslims are therefore required to destroy the symbols of non-Muslim culture…’Jahiliya’ (sometimes spelled ‘Jahiliyya’)-. In the East, this has included destruction of Hindu temples and Christian churches and replacement with mosques, and destruction of Buddhist artwork, temples, and universities and replacement with heaps of rubble. This process of cultural replacement is now beginning in the West. In addition, the rape of kafir women by Muslim men is a way of proving to host nations that their women are all whores and don’t deserve to be respected. The old “blaming the victim” ploy. The Muslim headscarf is a means of segregating girls from the culture of the host country.
"But today we understand that that ulcers are caused by a the bacterium Helicobacter pylori."
I think there's still some argument as to whether its really an opportunistic infection of the existing lesion that is able to survive high gastric acidity.
I suppose homosexuality as an infectious disease is a step up from possession by demons.
Watching the talking heads of nbc news (msnbc specifically). They are tripping all over themselves to make the Orlando incident not about Islam. It's guns, lone wolf, wife beater, unstable u.s. born gunman. Get it right America! Good thing these weren't the people in charge during ww 2. Idiots all. Ready to head for the hills. Something about to give.
Interestingly, we in Australia aren't really having the "trannies in the Ladies" shitfight that you are in the US. We aren't such a big target because we don't have military power to project, so they don't care as much about dividing and conquering us. They can't use us like they can your country and its equipment.
To ex New Yorker, you need to get your post into every U.S. newspaper. Truer words were never written. Perfection!
People said the exact same thing about W
You wanted diversity... here it is.
Choke on it.
I heard my local county Sheriff on the radio today. He was blunt... Get a firearm and training, be prepared and have a plan. This is just the beginning. If you go in someplace that's crowded, know where the exits are.
There will be another attack, and another..... They wont stop until one of us is dead.
Stay alert, stay alive.
In response to annon at 1:36, the number of black serial killers is much higher- it's just that they haven't been caught because of no-snitching and pathetic police clearance rates in their hoods. As long as blacks continue to measure themselves against whites, they will never measure up, save basketball and other "highly useful" endeavors. They will not rise up because they cannot rise up, so the only solution is to bring everyone else down to their pathetic level.
Of course, the real reason to keep measuring blacks against whites is to note the logical discrepancies that arise and justify more free money, no strings attached from whitey.
Pat writes: "It means that in a few years we are likely to be able to eliminate male homosexuality and female homosexuality too if it's the same underlying condition."
Pat, you're confused. In his paper on homosexuality, Cochran is talking about men who (supposedly) are exclusively homosexual, but many homosexuals, probably the majority, aren't exclusive. A lot of them have occasional sexual relations with women and even have children, so Cochran's disease theory doesn't apply to them.
Trying to re-engineer human beings so that they'll fit Christian ideas of morality is a fool's errand. You'll never get rid of human sexual perversity, unless of course you achieve your dream of becoming a robot. If and when technology "advances" to the point where ordinary humans are replaced by robots, then such modifications will be possible. But of course, robots have no need to engage in sex anyway, do they?
Great post, I concur
I enjoyed your post very much, please keep it up.
A "Tip O' the Cap" to Ex New Yorker.
The state of the country nicely summarized, most of it created or expanded by the little gay-commie-RAT-Muslim-bastard and his criminal regime.
The only effective "common-sense gun control" would be to totally deny firearm possession to N!ggers and Muslims. Yeah, they'd still get some through the black market, but imagine the reduction in crime, murder, medical costs (for poor black marksmanship) and terrorism.
The anonymous at midnight put forward the theory that homosexuality has a heterozygous advantage. This makes homosexuality a disease like sickle cell anemia where the person with the homozygous genetic trait has the full disease but the person with the heterozygous trait has some other fitness advantage - in the case of sickle cell the heterozygous individuals have better resistance to malaria especially from the deadly Plasmodium falciparum parasite. So he believes gayness is a genetic trait that gives you less (or no) fertility when homozygous but more or better fertility if you are heterozygous.
This idea has been bouncing around for several years. It might be true but this is a view of only a minority of researchers. The evidence for heterozygous advantage for sickle cell is very strong. That for a homozygous advantage is almost non-existent.
This idea and most of the other theories of homosexuality could probably be cleared up in a few months if anyone were really interested. Academics are not likely to get tenure or research grants to study human homosexuality anymore than they will for studying racial issues. We need more real science.
Nevertheless I will order the book (Sperm Wars) and read it.
We've seen Blacks For Trump. You might know them as the many chimpouts over police shootings of black criminals.
We've seen Latinos For Trump. Those would be the recent riots - oops I mean peaceful demonstrations - outside Trump rallies.
Now we see Muslims For Trump. Hopefully there won't be any more of those because every vote counts.
As the rhetoric heats up about gun control following the terrorist attack in Orlando I thought it would be a good idea to repost the statistics that I compiled at the beginning of the year. Please copy and paste into comment sections far and wide.
I have asked a couple of times if anyone here has analyzed homicide data for the US with the removal of the black contribution. I took a rudimentary stab at it and here is the break down.
Based on FBI stats (1), the number of homicides committedin 2013 by whites was 4396 and 5375 for blacks.
US Population Demographics (2)
White: 223,553,265
Black: 38929319
US Homicide Rate (3)
Homicide Rate by Race (calculated)
White homicide rate/100,000 Whites: 4396/223,553,265 x 100,000 = 2.0
Black homicide rate/100,000 Blacks: 5375/38,929,319 x 100,000 = 13.8
NOTE: There were 4112 homicides where the race of the perp is unknown. If it is assumed that the percentage of crimes is proportional among whites and blacks then distributing the 4112 cases among whites and blacks yields 5675 and 6939 cases respectively. This then equates to a homicide rate/100K of 2.5 and 17.8 for whites and blacks respectively.
The white homicide rate, 2.0/100K, which includes the use of firearms, is similar to most European and Canadian rates (AVE=1.96, range: 0 - 9, excludes outlier of 19.4 for Greenland) (3). Additionally, the Black homicide rate in the US is similar to those seen in many African countries. The homicide rate in the US would be about 47% less if not for the contribution of 12% of the population.
(1) https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/offenses-known-to-law-enforcement/expanded-homicide/expanded_homicide_data_table_3_murder_offenders_by_age_sex_and_race_2013.xls
(2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_United_States
(3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate
Muslims certainly know how to 'play' this country. Flooding in by the thousands. Benefits galore. They have been flying into Detroits metro airport in labor for at least the last 20 years. Right from the airport to Dearborns Oakwood Hospital and voila an anchor baby. Disgusting! Trump, stop this nonsense.
Thank you to Anonymous at 2:26 pm for his/her post. That's who they are. I am certain that all Muslims hate Americans, Whites, anyone not a Muslim. Some are more willing than others to act on it, whether on a small or a grand scale. But they ALL hate non-Muslims. And will do whatever they can to further their own sick beliefs and agenda. They don't belong in this country. It horrifies me to see mosques in our country and their ridiculous "holy days" recognized.
NJ Woman
P.S. Thank you also to Ex New Yorker for his post at 12:21 pm. Yes. I hardly recognize the country I knew as a child.
Pat Boyle said:
The ideas that homosexuality is caused by an infection is the mainstream position. Most of the serious researchers believe it.
Sorry, Pat...but just because YOU say so, doesn't mean that it is so. An infectious cause of homosexuality most certainly is NOT the mainstream position.
Many readers here at SBPDL are highly educated....some probably don't even let on to the advanced levels of their education. We analyze, dissect, and research everything that's presented to us. Our backgrounds are multifaceted...and we bring a plethora of knowledge to the table with us.
Maybe it would be better if you would just drop this discussion about the causes of male homosexuality. You've brought it up a few times before...and well...now...it's almost looking as though you're obsessed with the topic.
Quit while you're still ahead. I for one, still enjoy your comments and respect your opinions (most of the time). But on this one, Pat, you're chipping away at your own hard earned well respected authority...and it's taking a huge toll on your credibility.
Philadelphia Mike
To Ex New Yorker
That was an incredible comment.
Thanks for posting it.
Philadelphia Mike
Washington wants to smear him in the media because people in politics aren't supposed to tell the truth about things. Standard procedure is to say anything but the truth, to dance around it with misleading statements and never answer a direct question with a direct answer. That's why politics interviews are so disgusting. These POS know they're lying, the guy asking questions knows they're lying, all the people around them know they lie, and anyone watching on tv who has half a brain knows they lie, so what is the point.
Mich Mike
You pretty well covered it. No wonder the rest of the world hates us. No longer do they envy us. I have faith in white people . It will be a long struggle, but we'll be back on top again.
I'm now being lectured to by those who object to my endorsing the germ theory of homosexuality Philadelphia Mike warns me if I don't cut out such talk he will lose all respect for me. I guess I'll have to just chance it. He also hints that others will begin to suspect that I am gay if I don't shut up.
Sorry, I try to be candid about race and refuse to be intimidated by those who threaten to call me a dirty racist. Similarly I refuse to be intimidated about homosexuality. I call 'em as I see 'em.
This raises a nice point. I said that the germ theory was probably in the mainstream. How does one measure what is mainstream? I tried counting the number of Google articles. The phrase "germ theory of homosexuality" got about sixty thousand hits. So other people have addressed this issue. But a search for Freud and homosexuality yields more than twice as many.
I and many other people today consider Freud an out of date semi-crackpot. I subjectively only considered certain theories to be truly scientific. It's worse than determining what is 'mainstream climate science'. If you have a better method - please write.
The whole field of homosexuality is dominated by gay men who have a need for the cause of homosexuality to be flattering to their self image. So you get all the articles and books about how all animals are gay or all people are really gay. Obviously that isn't true, much as the gay activists wish it were.
I am accused of dwelling on this subject which again, thus raising questions about my own sexual orientation. Does anyone notice how similar these tactics are to those that attempt to shut up people who dare to notice racial differences?
I read every book I could find on Amazon that seemed worthwhile that was about homosexuality. That was about two years ago. I instead decided to concentrate on race issues. The salient point - I just don't care much about homosexuality - race is a much more interesting topic.
I won't be scared off. If I feel like mentioning homosexuality again - I will do so. If Paul thinks I'm abusing the blog he can censor me. But that's unlikely. I just don't care about gay issues. I haven't had a new thought on sexual orientation in years. But I'm taking a lesson from Donald Trump - if attacked as I have been over homosexuality - I will strike back.
Ex New Yorker said...
The government is recording your phone conversation with the baby sitter. A guy who can't speak English is making your 85 year old grandmother take off her shoes at the airport. An 8 year old kid with a water pistol is handcuffed and taken to jail. "Teens" are turning major cities into free fire zones and battlefields. The first amendment is now called "hate speech". School teachers are being beat up and raped. Anyone who still uses cash is considered suspicious. People are being stomped and shit kicked at political rallies. Anyone who mentions that America is turning into a third world shit hole is a racist and bigot. The education system and universities are turning out brain dead morons who still live at home with mommy. Combat veterans are homeless and living on the streets. In large parts of the country the American flag is a symbol of racism and oppression. The government has a file on every book you ever bought and web sight you have visited. The elections are rigged. Crooks and sex perverts are running the country. Chicks with dicks now share your daughters locker room. Pedophiles are now normal people who just happen to be misunderstood. The new car you just bought will fall apart in five years. The food you eat is toxic. Eight year old kids are on meds. Your new section 8 neighbors have a meth lab in the garage. Your kids math teacher is a drag queen. Our army generals are lesbians and fags. We have 20 million dollar jet plans that don't fly. The president and his "wife" hate white people. Peoples brains are being eaten alive with their micro-wave phones and ovens. The gun grabbers want to disarm you so you will be "safe." Crime is at an all time high. The Mexicans are taking over a fourth of the country. The factories have moved to Communist China. High-tech computer workers are being replace by people from India who work for $8.00 an hour. Robots will be running the fast food joints and driving city buses. Americans are becoming mind controlled zombies. Sport heroes are nothing but ex street thugs. Movie stars are degenerate perverts and coke heads. The middle class is disappearing. The protesters who can barely read and write are now running the universities. The third world invaders are collecting welfare. The country is swimming in Heroin. Criminals are being paid not to rob and rape people. The Justice Department spends it's time investigating cops instead of criminals. Two major cities have been set on fire. Your therapist is saving his money for a sex change operation. People are "texting" each other while driving at 75 miles per hour. Street gang members and dope dealers have more rights than the average working man. Having a garden in your back yard will soon be against the law. The "medicine" your doctor is giving you has toxic side effects and causes Cancer. Americans are getting so fat they can hardly walk. The entire political system is totally corrupt. Greed is the God of Washington. The working class is getting screwed on a daily bases. The welfare class is driving around in new cars while being paid to breed cannon fodder for the street gangs. Blackie has declared war on white people. The Mexicans have declared war on blackie. The Muslims have declared war on everybody. The cities are nothing but cesspools and death traps. Enter at your own risk. How many people in this country have never come home alive after a visit to the local mall. Classes in "white privilege" are being taught at major universities. Campus riots are part of the course. The average American gets dumber by the day. Political protesters are professionally paid agitators and thugs who enjoy beating on people.
One of your best. My only disagreement with you is re "The new car you just bought will fall apart in five years.".
Well, I have to say, it's hard not to chuckle. I know I'm supposed to be all sad. But I'm not.
A radical muzzie registered Democrat from NYC who had security clearance with the world's largest private security firm and three encounters with the FBI shoots up a gay Latino nightclub in Jeb Bush's state after dialling 911 to pledge allegiance to ISIS? That's the stuff of dark comedy, not pathos.
Plus am I really supposed to feel that our nation is worse without these 50?
Bouncers, drag kings, drag queens, baristas, perfume salesmen, dancers, convenience store clerks, a married man with three children (what the hell was he doing, not being at home with them on a Saturday night?), a salon and spa (disease vector) owner, and a whole bunch of not-amounting-to-much people whose lives apparently revolved around drinking, drugs, and degeneracy. Oh, and taking selfies.
Here's what turned my stomach:
"She stood on the street, sobbing, begging for word of her son.
"These are nonsensical killings of our children," she said. "They're killing our babies!""
This is a woman talking about a 32-year old man.
"Mitt" Romney!?!? Back in my old neighborhood guys named "Mitt" got slapped around after being from a rich area and trying to date someone's sister. They got choked by the cardigan sweater they had draped around their necks. Never came back! TRUMP 2016!
N.Y. Joe
Brilliant post!
And now Im going to flush my cellphone down the toilet, throw my tv out the window, move my garden to the basement, and Im never leaving my house again!
Hey Brian,
Out here in Utah, they regularly run ads on the radio urging listeners to buy a gun, get trained, and protect yourself and loved ones. In forty years living in Atlanta, I can count on one hand the number of times I heard a similar radio message.
God I love it here.
Not to mention, many Christians (like me) believe that homosexuals were actually acknowledged in the Bible. I believe it was St. Paul who referred to them as "eunuchs" and went on to differentiate between those who were castrated vs those who were "born that way". Evangelicals argue over this point quite a bit, especially in light of Old Testament warnings about not being an abomination, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, etc., plus later New Testament scripture about the ungodly "being turned over to their own unnatural desires". However, Paul's comments about eunuchs wasn't condoning homosexuality so much as it was just pointing out that there are some that are born that way.
Regardless of where Christians fall on either side of the debate, all would be wise to let gays "work out their own salvation with fear and trembling". We win no converts with judgemental accusations.
Excellent. We're glad you're here.
Pat...I second other commenters on this site when I say that if you wrote a blog, I'd frequently read it. You're a peach, buddy.
Pat...great post. When I went to Israel over 20 years ago, I never felt safer. Every Israeli citizen was armed, many with Uzis. There were simply no muggings, drive-bys, or rapes to speak of, since any idiot knew such an attempt would be suicide. The place would be perfect today if only Israelis lived there. Hence the reason Muslims are always willing to die: in order to attack Jews in Israel, they have no other option. It should be the same here. Let these Muslim or Dindu shooters try to target an NRA convention, or hell, even a white biker bar. Yet they always prefer the softest targets in gun-free zones for maximum carnage. Bunch of pussies.
Btw Pat: if Trump began handing out AR-15s, I'd be first in line. I've been asking Santa for years, but so far I just got a Glock 9MM and a little S&W .38. I clearly need more firepower.
The irony in a registered democrat muslim, killing a bunch of gays is delicious. The spin from the MSM , from Fox to MSMBC to blame anyone but muslims gives me great joy. I spoke with a gay guy at the building I work at for job #2, (gotta pay for "diversity" ), who just last week was quoting the lefts talking points about "Donald Trump is racist". His view has gone a complete 180° turn, as "Trump wants to kick out people who are killing us. Hillary and Bernie are talking about guns, Trump wants to keep people who would use them out!"
All I could do was smile.
Mitt Romney is a true man of the people, just like Hillary. His sartorial splendor and carefully coifed mane speak volumes. For God's sake, while his wife has never actually SEEN a poor person, she has HEARD STORIES of them. Those stories DISTURBED her for a passing moment. It doesn't get more authentic than that.
While he comes off as a stuffy, pretentious, superior old goat suffering from bitter grapes due to his humiliating loss, I think he and his entire coddled family are probably super people who REALLY care about Americans. I think it's very sad how he is making a HUGE ASS of himself trying to destroy Donald, while conveying to us, his supporters, that we are stupid. I'm sure his heart is in the right place.
NJ Woman
P.S. It was so endearing when his GROWN son wanted to "punch people out" for criticizing his daddy. Trump's children appear to have been raised differently.
Donald trump will be the next President of the United States. He is a god here in SW Pa. He is all people talk about. The vast majority of Americans are sick of groids, muslims, hispanics and other non-whites overrunning this country, sucking the very life out of our society like the parasites they are.
Ignore any poll you see or hear about. His supporters are waiting for the only poll that really counts, the one in November. Even more important than winning the Presidency will be the election of his supporters in local and state elections. Here in my hometown the city council will all be Trump supporters. The new state representative will be a woman who has supported Trump from day one. Toomey will win the Senate seat and he knows who butters his bread.
For the first time in over 40 yrs, my wife and I feel confident about the direction this country is headed in. It will be a safer world for us and a bright future for our White grandchildren
Wayne and His Wife
One permanent irony to the muslim invasion of Europe and the USA is that the liberal - progressive element, forever infatuated with their world-shaking importance, attribute to themselves and their tradition the insight and morality needed to see the appropriateness of that invasion. The rest of us, benighted as usual, see only threat. So we squabble with the progressive liberals.
What though do the Muslims think? Whose side do they take?
Neither. Actually they praise the moon-god; they don't know about the French Revolution and the Rights of Man; nor Marx; nor the civil rights issues in the USA. Nothing of our history do they care or know. Seriously, as Michael Scheuer said in his brilliant analysis of the idiocy of Hillary Clinton's "Arab Spring" policy, why would Muslims forget and forego a religion going back 1400 years for a still wet behind the years tradition we cal liberalism?
In the same vein, why then would so-called refugees leaving a war-torn area whose suffering they attribute to " Crusaders " not factor in what Allah wants them to do? And since Allah is omnipotent, their survival in Europe and the USA is attributable to him, not us and our political theories. Secular humanism and all other Western traditions had nothing to do with it. Allah and his supernatural powers had everything to do with it.
In addiction psychology, this is called denial. The Muslims are in denial about themselves, their belief system, and about their ambitions. We have to have a long pause in immigration until our ability to vet improves to the point where no one gets in without clearing a profile.
Trump was not exaggerating when he said this election is about national survival.
Blacks, "Hispanics/Latinos", homosexuals,Asians,Gendermutants, Poor Dumb Whites, and "Sophisticated Whites" who are so enlightened as to accept all the listed groups yet reside as far away from them as possible.
Excellent comment, thank you. Instead of sending them "back", intern them, all of them. Our military can police the prison camps, with full gear. It will keep our people employed, and Trump can show his prowess for building what we need. Two cold meals and dirt floors, the muzzers will feel right at home. Oh, sorry Paintjob theory, we know how much you love muzzers. Think we'll place a lot of camps in Maine.
The gays are facing a militant Muslim Supremacist foe, not a bunch of pushover pseudo Christians. So they cower, hold hands, fly rainbow flags and scream on tv "We need to love each other", yeah ok. If the gayers have the balls, sorry, to rise up then fine. Hope they do, it will be interesting seeing all of those hot pink and purple cerakoted AR's and AK's going ziggitee boom.
Out of the park! Re:pesticides, nuclear testing.
A few years back the C.I.A released a tiny bit of information about nonlethal weapons. One supposedly not used was a compound that would turn enemy combatants into homosexuals. Semi synthetic hormone?
Another was an organism that caused unbearable itching. Morgellens Syndrome? You have to wonder.
I've often suspected cigarette industry was protected from regulation in order to cover-up all the cases of lung cancer caused by atomic weapons testing. Cigarettes were the perfect scapegoat.
Pesticides? That's a real no brainier. Even a little bit of reading in the library would show it's a very bad idea to spray poison on your food. Chlorination-heart disease, cardio vascular detioration. Flouride-brain damage, and whole host of nervous system damage illnesses. These are chemicals guaranteed to reduce you to the level of the negro.
Right on the money Mike! Let's not forget the equally complicit msm, who lob these soft ball questions at these leaches without performing their due diligence. The party is over for these traitorous vermin this fall, either by hook or crook "the times are a changing!".
Word is, a gas station down the road from this club, was raided for selling Confederate flags, just months prior, while this would be terrorist and family flew completely under the radar(or not?). Tells us exactly who this administration is targeting.....PATRIOTS!
"The white homicide rate, 2.0/100K, which includes the use of firearms.."
And which also includes a lot of non=white halfrican mongrels, half caste spaniard/indigenous hibrids, (dot) Indians, and other third worlders and genetic sewers of miscegenation.
I suspect by my definition of "white" the number of violent crimes per 100,000 would be much smaller still.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Well, I have to say, it's hard not to chuckle. I know I'm supposed to be all sad. But I'm not.
A radical muzzie registered Democrat from NYC who had security clearance with the world's largest private security firm and three encounters with the FBI shoots up a gay Latino nightclub in Jeb Bush's state after dialling 911 to pledge allegiance to ISIS? That's the stuff of dark comedy, not pathos.
Plus am I really supposed to feel that our nation is worse without these 50?
Bouncers, drag kings, drag queens, baristas, perfume salesmen, dancers, convenience store clerks, a married man with three children (what the hell was he doing, not being at home with them on a Saturday night?), a salon and spa (disease vector) owner, and a whole bunch of not-amounting-to-much people whose lives apparently revolved around drinking, drugs, and degeneracy. Oh, and taking selfies.
Here's what turned my stomach:
"She stood on the street, sobbing, begging for word of her son.
"These are nonsensical killings of our children," she said. "They're killing our babies!""
This is a woman talking about a 32-year old man.
June 14, 2016 at 2:26 AM
Well....Anonymous....most...if not all...of these young people had jobs. And even if you don't approve of their jobs and claim that they amounted to nothing, they were jobs nonetheless.
Nobody who tries has a life that amounts to nothing.
And...they looked like good kids.
That 32 year old who's mother that you're so coldly mocking....Christopher “Drew” Leinonen....he looked like a great kid. And...yes...he WAS her baby...her only child. And now, he's gone.
No one HOPES to have a gay child. But if you do, you love that child as much as any other child of yours...maybe even more...because that child will always be loyal to you...even into your old age.
Philadelphia Mike
Another one of the Dearly Departed.
Hispanic. 11 kids. Raised them "on her own."
Well, with ample support from white male and female working cucks.
I just want to add, that I find myself watching a lot of shows such as "Meet the Press", and so forth, where in the past, I never watched such shows or cared much about politics. But this election will be one of the most important ones ever. It will dictate whether America continues being a superpower or degrades down into a nation of greedy entitled non productive people, which anyone with an IQ over 80 knows cannot continue. When there are more people IN the wagon than there is pulling the wagon, things cannot go on.
Also, I would like to add something that none of the talking heads on tv and in magazines seem to realize. As much as I would like to see a female president one day, Hillary is NOT the one. I am not going to blindly vote for someone just because we are in the same demographic. And there are some people out there, when faced with voting their party - Democrat- and thus voting for a woman, OR voting for a man, even if it is NOT their party, when it comes down to it, they will vote for a man over a woman. They will not feel comfortable voting for a woman. An inconvenient truth, but it is a truth.
Trump is in.
L in Atl hell
To Ex New Yorker- EPIC rant- and so true. I hope it goes viral. You are one of the few who have the courage to call 'em like you see 'em. Thanks to Pissed Off for good points, and to Anonymous who posted all the rules of Islam for us to contemplate. This needs to be common knowledge.
I watched a movie called "The Kingdom" last night- about happenings in Saudi Arabia, and the people from America who bravely went in and fought back. Should be watched by anyone who wants to know more about the Middle East. It is unflinching.
L in Atl hell
Oh, they've got the crisis actors making the rounds now. They make Gene and Robbie look like AA Best Actor finalists.
"It's my feeling we are one major incident away from massive change; the kind of seismic shift historians long from now will wonder in amazement if some deity had a hand in shaping."
Trump says he wants to make America great again. But if demography is destiny, as we on the racial right believe, then he needs to change that to "Make America white again". Yet that's one thing he can't, and won't do; but unless he does it, everything else is just re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Barring a revolution, it's a fait accompli that non-whites will soon be the majority, and you can't make a nation of mud people great. It's impossible.
These jokers are just doubling down with the influx of crisis actors(albeit poorly trained) peddling this gun control narrative, after wiping down their crocodile tears. It's so utterely desperate, I honestly think they believe their own nonsense? Trump is playing his cards right, while focusing on the ineptitude of this administration. It's working out tremendously!
There is going to be massive voter fraud in November by both the Dems and Republicans who hate Trump.
The politicians who have betrayed us all will do everything they can to get Clinton in office.
Obama has shown he us dangerous with Soros backing him and politicians bending over for him. The majority of Republicans are traitors. Paul Ryan leads the traitors. We must vote them all out.
Or we must go underground to organize to fight these SOB's
whats with the dude with the fedora. He's been all over the place, talking about being in the middle of it, even rendering first aid to someone shot in the leg, discussing it with no more passion or dismay than he might have been discussing poor service at last night's restaurant.
One topic I never hear from any left-tard is anything regarding Vermont's gun laws. Boinie Sanduhs is a Socialist and tries to come off as anti-gun. We get that. But the reality is Vermont has the loosest gun laws in the country where a law abiding person can buy as many guns (ARs, AKs, federally licensed machine guns, etc.) at a time as they want, pass the background checks and be out the door. Vermont has a population of 625,000 people, just like Baltimore. That's where any similarity halts like hitting a concrete wall. Maryland, with Baltimore in particular, have the strictest gun laws akin to those of Chicago yet Baltimore had 344 murders last year. That's like NYC having 4200 murders or San Francisco having 500 murders. Yet Vermont, with the same number of people and loose gun laws and high gun ownership percentages, saw a statewide murder total of 10 people last year. Vermont is 95% White and Baltimore is 64% black, but no one cites this inconvenient figure.
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