Friday, June 3, 2016

Wouldn't it be cheaper to just send them back to Africa? 83% Black Detroit gets ANOTHER $88 million to fight blight (caused by 'the blacks')

Wouldn't it just cheaper...?


A few years ago, 83 percent black Detroit was awarded $850 million to remove blighted homes... you know, the visible reminder of what happens to a civilization whites build and blacks inherit via white flight (from black crime).
A one-way ticket would be much cheaper than the never-ending struggle to remove the blight blacks continuously create out of white civilization in Detroit

Earlier this year, the city got another $42 million to fight the uniquely black creation of blighted homes (where when white people occupied them, civilization flourished and necessary upkeep to the homes kept them appreciating in value), which saw black contractors fighting over being awarded some of the funds.

Hilariously, Detroit received another $130 million in blight removal from U.S. Treasury earlier this year.

All of this to remove dilapidated homes blighted by black people, who make up 83 percent of the Detroit population.

Why not some more funds? [Detroit gets another $88M to aid in blight fight, Detroit News, June 1, 2016]:

Detroit’s getting another $88 million for its blight fight, while a $17.6 million boost is on the way for Flint, state housing officials said Wednesday.
The U.S. Treasury Department approved the allocation plan under its Hardest Hit Fund program. In total, Michigan was awarded $188.1 million in federal blight dollars in April as part of the latest round of funding.
Besides Detroit and Flint, $11.7 million in blight funds will be sent to other communities through a competitive application process, officials said. Other dollars will be directed toward foreclosure prevention and homeowner assistance.
“The strategic use of these dollars will greatly benefit Michigan homeowners and strengthen communities, resulting in positive progress for people across the state,” Gov. Rick Snyder said in a statement.
Cities with a population of less than 50,000 will be able to apply for awards ranging from $250,000 to $1 million. Others can apply for $1 million to $5 million.
“In putting together the plan, we placed a priority on using the majority of funds in the areas of greatest need and where we have been most successful,” said Kevin Elsenheimer, director of the Michigan State Housing Development Authority.
“We remain committed to providing a holistic solution to the state’s foreclosure problem by helping individual homeowners and by stabilizing local housing markets in Detroit and Flint, where vacancy rates remain the highest.”
In the opening of his address Wednesday at the 37th Mackinac Policy Conference, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan talked about affordable housing opportunities and plans to reinvent city neighborhoods with transportation, converting vacant lots to wildflower meadows and revitalized housing.
He also touted the latest infusion of federal dollars being directed toward demolition projects in the city and reiterated plans to take down about 11,000 more homes by the end of next year.
“Over and over, the neighborhoods are coming back,” he said. “This is transforming this city every single day. It’s getting a little bit cleaner and a little bit better. We’ve got to reshape the landscape.”
So far, 9,102 homes have come down, he said, adding “we had bumps” but “pure hearts.”
Detroit’s demolition program is the subject of several ongoing audits and reviews. Federal investigators have subpoenaed for documents. Last month, the FBI’s Detroit office also acknowledged it’s investigating the program.
On Wednesday, the mayor did not delve into scrutiny over bidding and costs associated with the demolition effort and the pending federal and city reviews.
The federal government in February made a $2 billion commitment to the Hardest Hit Fund, which was created to assist homeowners facing foreclosure in the wake of the Great Recession and mortgage industry meltdown but was later expanded to allow spending on blight prevention.
Michigan originally received $498 million from the fund when the program was announced in 2010.
Michigan has until December 31, 2020, to use all of the funds.
What a scam, all possible because of your generous donations to the U.S. government. Wait, those aren't donations!

Those are your tax dollars!

 Wouldn't it just be cheaper to just send them back to Africa?

The short-term investment in this one-way trip would far outweigh the long-term sunk cost that is trying to raise the collective black population to a level of civilization even remotely compatible with western civilization.


Anonymous said...


I doubt that Africa would even want them.

Somehow...someway...this will all sort out.

Janie in Detroit said...

Another 88 million for blight removal, yawn. A holistic solution to the states foreclosure problem, yada, yada, yada. Rolling wild flower meadows, wha, wha, wha. I'm board, I wish something new would happen every once in a while.

Anonymous said...

The latest outrage in Detroit: The 13 year old boy murdered by an ex-con with warrants out for his arrest. The con was taking a piss out in public (like all these negroes do), and he dropped $70. The kid saw it, swooped in , grabbed the money, and took off. a thuglet in training. The con caught him,though, and killed the little fucker who dared to take his money. All of Detroits savagery and dysfunction is on display with this story.

Major1 said...

A lot of the monkeyshines, Negro tomfoolery and other TNB here on SBPDL is hilarious and wonderfully entertaining.

This isn't. It's infuriating.
Flat-out theft of my, and your, money.

According to my back of the napkin calculations, we have paid to knock down 9102 dilapidated shacks in the heart of the worst black urban shithole on earth, at a cost of approximately $122,000....... PER HOUSE.

I hereby offer to knock down every home, house, duplex, Section 8 ghetto, apartment building, post-apocalyptic project complex, gas station, rib joint, wing shack, liquor store, payday loan office, convenience store, welfare office, EBT office, SNAP office, social worker office, parole officer office, bodega and jail in Detroit and I'll only charge half of what we have been paying so far.

What am I saying? I'll do it for free.

Brian in Ohio said...

The answer to all your questions in life is money...

In war, its never the Generals that say "Enough!", its the accountants. Look at every conflict ever fought. Financing it has ALWAYS been a major factor.

Vietnam might have dragged on for 20 years if it was left up to the Generals, who always promised victory was one more battle away. But the numbers didn't lie, and it was the people holding the purse strings who finally called it. South Vietnam just got too expensive to prop up. And eventually, the people who finance the race hustlers, SJW`s and DWL`s who endlessly promise black equality is just one more social program away, will say "Enough!" Blacks will become just to expensive to prop up....

Like the Romans paying off the barbarians because they thought it would be cheaper than fighting them. How`d that work out for them?

It wont be the murders, the rapes, the riots.... It will be the money.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Anonymous said...

New Video [OF A BLACK MAN] Shows Person of Interest in Brutal Slaying of 11-Year-Old

The Houston Police Department released new surveillance video today showing a person of interest sought in connection with the brutal slaying of Josue Flores, an 11-year-old boy from the city. Flores, a student at Marshall Middle School, was stabbed to death on May 17 around 4:45 p.m. while walking home from school, according to police. Authorities are now asking for the public's help to identify the person of interest seen walking in the newly released surveillance video, they announced at a news conference today.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and don't forget the extra hundred dollars a year ( that's based on an $80,000 house) in taxes to pay for Detroits new mass transit debacle. Moving the idiots of Detroit to the far reaching white suburbs. Oh goody, I can hardly wait. Trying to avoid the dirty D.? We'll just bring it out to you! Corruption, ineptitude, and just plain stupidity. Feel free to visit....oh wait.

Anonymous said...

must see

Anonymous said...

Every time that the city finally gets one of these eyesores torn down, three more sprout up somewhere else in the city. Mayor Duggan, blacks can destroy houses faster than you can tear them down. Had enough yet? Bad, scandal ridden schools, one dead kid after another, blight as far as your eyes can see, murder, rape, mayhem. When do the "folks" in charge finally admit the obvious? Some things in life just cannot be fixed.

Fed Up in Middle America said...

Hell yeah, it'd be cheaper, and a hell of a lot more effective, too. I wouldn't mind paying taxes if they went to something worthwhile, like repatriating the Dindus. They, along with the Hispanics, the cuckservatives and those of whom we dare not speak, are turning this country into a royal shithole. Mr. Trump, build up that wall!

Anonymous said...

As Detroit pol Sam Riddle noted once the only difference between Detroit and a Third World country is that there's no goats in the streets. How in an 84 percent black city these grafters get designated as "minority" for special federal set asides is really hard to fathom.

Californian said...

Wouldn't it just cheaper to just send them back to Africa?

Within a year, there would be reports from Africa of blighted veldts and savannas gone wrong.

Anonymous said...

This demolition project is fraught with corruption. Ridiculous amount of money to tear down a house. This is Americas new space program. This is our new infrastructure. This is Americas first class education program. Thanks black Americans, you make spending money on crap an everyday occurrence.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm not too smart, but how much money does it really take to tear down a building? Why not just declare that every Friday night is a Devil's Night, and set aside a different district each week? The thugs and criminals will descent upon that area, take anything that can be pawned or sold for scrap and set fire to the rest. The fire department stands by to keep the fire contained, but when the fires have burned themselves out, bring in some bulldozers and trash collectors.

Of course, if you followed my plan, there wouldn't be money for graft, cronyism and kickbacks.

AnalogMan said...

O/T: for fans of Harold Covington's Northwest novels, he's giving away his Slow Coming Dark (a novel of the Clintons) as his contribution to the anti-Hillary effort. I can't link to his site, but just send an email to nwnet at earthlink dot net. I know we're all going to love this.

Do it for the Don.

Anonymous said...

"Wouldn't it just cheaper to just send them back to Africa?"

40 million bullets would be cheaper still; and if we really want to be cheap ropes are re-usable. Unfortunately, both solutions would be regarded as un-Christian. Besides, without negroes, how would whites have any way to signal their virtue to each other? They serve a valuable purpose to the Davey Blackburns of this world.

But there's another reason too that nothing serious will ever be done to solve the problem; a reason that has nothing to do with religion. There are at this time approximately 40 million negroes in the US, and geneticists tell us the average negro is about 20% white, i.e., they have what amounts to a little less than one white grandparent each. Let's assume that all of these white people in negro family trees have living relatives in the larger white community. Even if the number of these relatives is only two or three for each negro (and it's probably more), that still means that there are about 80 to 120 million whites who are related by blood to negroes. As the white population of the US at present only totals about 233 million at most, a very large percentage of whites could be expected to vigorously oppose anything so drastic as forcible deportation, let alone more violent solutions.

The state will continue to do what it's always done ever since this incompatible race was dragged here in chains. It will temporize, wasting time with half measures that are doomed to fail, while continued race mixing does its deadly work and the white race finally ceases to exist at all. Slowly but surely the state's task of eliminating race is being accomplished.

Gwoobus Harmon said...

Detroit's "blight" very much represents what America is at this point ----> Tax money being used to finish leveling off what blacks destroyed and left in ruins.

You are correct eventually resettlement will be decided as a more responsible use of funds. The problem is it will be to somewhere functional and white and the ruination cycle can begin anew. Rest assured there are members of (((the tribe))) getting filthy rich coming and going through the disbursement of both funds and people on both ends of this equation.

Paintjob Theory said...

So Detroit contains approximately 600,000 African blacks and other mud races. One can purchase a cross-Atlantic cruise ticket for mid 700$ range and from the Mediterranean find another cruise to Africa for as low as 400$. Considering that's a round trip cruise you'd figure the actual cost of just dropping them off there would be a good bit less.

By my calculations for right about the same cost as we are paying to just clean away their nests we could indeed give them all luxury accommodations back to their native habitat.

Of course this is just another manufactured 'crisis' designed for the state to steal a dollar from the taxpayer to give back a dime's worth of services. On the back end of this I'm sure certain in-the-know folks are privy to which areas will get these funds, buying up ruined ghettoes for pennies then our tax dollars paying to clear the lots. I wonder what is planned for the future? The flip side of blockbusting is generally to get rid of the vermin somehow after they've reduced the property values to almost nothing and the usual suspects buy up all the real property for pennies on the dollar.

Eddie in St. Louis said...

I just finished reading "Whitey On The Moon" and while a great read, I am feeling low. Low because of all the potential stolen from the White Race due to the feeding and care of the Black and Illegal Hispanic Menace who hate us, but want our Gibs Me Dats. Will there ever be a line drawn in the sand saying NO MORE or will it take a Malthusian catastrophe or a financial meltdown that brings all back to the Stone Age? I NEED HOPE OR ARE WE SWIRLING AROUND THE BOTTOM OF THE DRAIN AS WHITES, NEVER AGAIN TO BE GREAT AND LETTING OUR POTIENTIAL BE ROBBED FROM US?

Anonymous said...

They dont seem to say what they are doing beyond generating weasel words and demolishing houses. Has anyone worked out the cost of demolishing a house in Detroit. I wouldnt be surprised if it more than building a new one once everyone has taken their cut.

Proudyt said...

There's a saying I believe someone posted on this site that's stuck with me. Give a white man a pile of bricks and he'll build a city , give a black man a city and he'll build a pile of bricks. What better example of this than Detroit ?

Anonymous said...

One subject the media does not talk about is the reality that there is a Back to Africa Movement Another Reality is,Only Blacks from America Can live in Liberia.
And there is Paradise for Blacks in Africa. Anonymous Black man

D-FENS said...

Financial and social costs would be reduced if every negro was replaced by people with Downes Syndrome.

Unknown said...

More wildflower meadows. Trump should never allow this crap

Anonymous said...

I want to know why there are 17% non blacks still! In Detroit ?!

Anonymous said...

I posted this on late June 2nd and PK was kind enough to get it in, but you really have to read the story and get a load of the keeds name, its priceless I promise!!

A name for the ages!!

Thank you PK

Anonymous said...

So America is slobbering over Cassius Clay. Ugh.

Make this video viral on Facebook etc. It's him saying the races should not mix. Awesome!!

And watch this BS!! Needs to be re edited into a Trump ad. Fake in new voiceover and add Trump quotes. Could be awesome project for smart video editor!

Anonymous said...

Well, we have to do something with all the extra money we have laying around, right?

Anonymous said...

Can't say I'm surprised.

I expected at least 10 billion to be re-distributed to the African territories before the next election. Obama is going to give out payoffs before he leaves office.

Liberals are cracking up right now over Trump and their spite levels seem to be near maximum.

The ACA is imploding over massive cost overruns in states with large minority populations.

But I actually don't think Trump is the main source of liberal anxiety. What really bothers them is that they have so much opposition. In their minds every Black city would look like Paris if not for problem Whites that get in their way. They really believe that rednecks, conservatives, Christians, racial realists, etc are all preventing a New Age of Equality.

Gilbert T. Whyte said...

Pound for pound, Africans in America are the most expensive people on the planet.

Sick n' Tired said...

$122k to knock town houses that you can buy on ebay for $2500. Probably explains why the FBI is looking into this "program".

Bird of Paradise said...

If the black want to be upset about anything its what the enviromentalists are doing with africans in africa forcing them off their ansestrtal land for photo safaris/eco tourism or depriving them of safe running water and electricty over this Global Warming/Climate Change poppycock

Anonymous said...

" . . . Le'Genius Wisdom Williams, of St. Petersburg, turned himself in to the St. Petersburg Police Department about 1:30 p.m. He was immediately booked into the Juvenile Detention Center near Largo. . . "

Thanks Anon, you CANNOT make this shit up, the jokes just write themselves, over and over again.

Mr. Rational said...

Let's see, $130 million divided by perhaps 600,000 in Detoilet... about $200 apiece, not enough for plane tickets.  But roll in the cost of law enforcement and the judicial system, and you're talking major savings.  You'd still be stuck with the price of welfare to get them to move, but the rest would be a huge improvement.

The short-term investment in this one-way trip would far outweigh the long-term sunk cost that is trying to raise the collective black population to a level of civilization even remotely compatible with western civilization.

I keep wondering what we could save if we allowed Black felons to renounce their citizenship and expatriate to Liberia, with one of the conditions of parole being that they never set foot in the USA again.  We could pay their families to join them.

D-FENS said...

"...the only difference between Detroit and a Third World country is that there's no goats in the streets."

Goats would be an improvement over negroes. Goats could supply food. Goats could keep the grass trimmed. Goats would not commit crimes. They may crap in the streets

Negroes are unable to do any of these things except crap in the streets.

...Formerly Miss Greenbaum... said...

... Detroit pol Sam Riddle noted once the only difference between Detroit and a Third World country is that there's no goats in the streets. How in an 84 percent black city these grafters get designated as "minority" for special federal set asides is really hard to fathom.


I´d seriously be worried about the goats'safety in Detroit (rape, murder, etc.).

Anonymous said...

The only reason San Diego and other places in California and the Southwest are functioning above the Detroit level is because of the residual whites there. Places like Fresno are battle zones because of Mexicans including all those OTMs (Other Than Mexicans) from south of the Rio Grande. They are not compatible with civilization, they are not IKAGOs like some deluded YTs think.

They hate us too. If you have doubts just review the videos from Trump's rally in San Jose where the Mexicans were waving Mexican flags, burning U.S. flags and assaulting peaceful Trump supporters leaving the rally. The poor white girl who was spat upon, had eggs thrown at her and threatened with rape until finally allowed in to the building for protection is a warning of what's coming.

Get thee prepared YT, we have no allies except perhaps each other.

Anonymous said...

Off topic: Has everyone been paying attention to the crap that happened in San Jose at the Trump rally?
A Trump supporter was chased down and luckily not beaten up, pretty humiliating, though. The perp that did the chasing was one of Obama's favorite sons. A Somali that was likely part of you know who's refugee resettlement programs. Here is the link ,including pictures and video, it was well documented.If this raise your blood pressure I don't know what will.

Anonymous said...

OT I know but I was just wondering, does anyone think it would have been a good idea to have Bill Cosby tranquilize the gorilla in Cincinnati instead of shooting it? Bill Cosby does have lots of experience with tranquilizers.

Perhaps Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson's doctor could have been called in on a consultation, he is available now that he's out of jail. I think he could have put that 400 Lb. beast to sleep without killing it although he does have a spotty record waking up his patients.

Oil 'n Water said...

"The federal government in February made a $2 billion commitment to the Hardest Hit Fund, which was created to assist homeowners facing foreclosure in the wake of the Great Recession and mortgage industry meltdown but was later expanded to allow spending on blight prevention."

Was it not the federal government - specifically Bill Clinton - who insisted these loans be granted in the first place?
The old, dog chasing its tail routine, again. Liberalism at its best.
The poster who aptly stated blacks are probably the most expensive people in the world is only half correct. DWL's are the second part of the equation; the ones with the open wallets...our open wallets.
And remember, pandering Hillary has promised $125 Billion to fight systemic racism.
Might as well dump it into a landfill.
How many significant technical achievements for the betterment of everyone have thereby gone by the wayside, traded off to help a people who cannot or will not better themselves?

Anonymous said...

I took sociology [one of the pseudo sciences] in college.

The Black teacher [older, fatherly, decent] did respond to my comment that
Blacks are mixed race with 'In Africa the natives called american Blacks 'white man'.

Would African nations want afro americans? i doubt it. what use would they have for them? African bush men can hunt and fish. Our mongrels 'feed and breed' [I just thought that term up].

Ali- Clay --even Drudge has it as Big news.
However, americas first rapper [back then it was called rhymes] noted,

I am sure glad my ancestors got on the boat [in other words he saw africa and how primitive africans are]. The media made too much of ali, even in the 60s.

he was a boxer. we who know dont need athlete heros.

Anonymous said...

But there's another reason too that nothing serious will ever be done to solve the problem; a reason that has nothing to do with religion. There are at this time approximately 40 million negroes in the US, and geneticists tell us the average negro is about 20% white, i.e., they have what amounts to a little less than one white grandparent each.

A lot of that 20% admixture goes back to when they would cross-breed slaves with various races to create hybrids. Lighter skinned Blacks are preferred within Black communities so over time the admixture could increase even without miscegenation.

If you travel around the South you will see that the Africans there are darker and smaller. This is because they have closer bloodlines to Africa. The massive African defensive backs in the NFL are the result of mixing bloodlines to create bigger Africans. Those massive Africans were bred during times of slavery. So even if an African-American is 30% White that does not mean he has White relatives that he is familiar with.

The proof of this is in looking at average Bantu heights and weights. The African countries that sold their people as slaves aren't sending us NFL players. Liberals will make egalitarian explanations of "nutrition" but many of these same African countries are now having problems with caloric overtake and their people are not growing to 6'7. They are just getting fat and their heights aren't changing.

During slavery times a mulatto had higher value for having a more even temperament. This brings a good question for race denying liberals: Did that temperament not actually exist? Did slave owners just imagine those characteristics?

...Formerly Miss Greenbaum... said...

Wow! You are giving them far, far, FAR more credit for intelligence than they possess. Like a dog who has learned to bark for treats, the negro bitches about ¨past wrongs¨ because his lib handlers have shown him it works. That´s really all there is to it. Sometimes a cigar really is just a cigar. Gnome sane?

...Formerly Miss Greenbaum... said...

Right. And once again, negroes show us that they believe in magic juju. Like naming a kid ¨LeGenius Wisdom¨ will magically make him bright. Nothing to do with hard work, studying, and the like. Nope! In a negro comic strip today, ¨Curtis¨ (which I despise), the dad (?!) tells Curtis that just wanting to be an astronaut is enough to become an astronaut.

...Formerly Miss Greenbaum... said...

AMEN! Those who are still asleep are beyond help. We are officially beyond time to persuade others to our side. YT, save thyself!!! (time to purchase more ammo.....did you see any cops protecting that poor girl? Nope, me neither.)

Anonymous said...

The entire goal of feminists and the left is to flood the country with 'people of color', fast track them to citizenship and then have them vote for a leftist, socialist, totalitarian regime - one that will force more wealth and power from white males to women and 'people of color'. This plan is being carried out globally with great success and speed.

This is why it's OK for everyone but straight white males to have pride in their race, sexuality and heritage. The left eschews everything white male because it is only 'people of color' and women that are inclined to vote for totalitarian socialist governments (forced wealth transfer).

The forced wealth transfer from whites to 'people of color' has been going on for decades. When the population of 'people of color' hits critical mass, the raping of white tax dollars for the benefit of colored socialists will move forward at warp speed. You think the white tax dollars being mass funneled into supporting black community failures is bad now? Just wait. The goal is the collapse of heterosexual white male dominated societies and the forced transfer of wealth and power from those that earned it to those that demand it for themselves.

Someone once said (I'm paraphrasing) that when the masses of people that want something for nothing realize that, with enough numbers, they can vote for forced wealth and power to themselves from others, society will collapse. This, my good men, is what we now see happening right before our very eyes. The left will succeed in their goal. Why? The success of heterosexual white male discrimination by white hating socialist leftists.

Anonymous said...

Goats would be an improvement over negroes. Goats could supply food. Goats could keep the grass trimmed. Goats would not commit crimes. They may crap in the streets

Whites will also pay to hunt wild goats.

Funny enough a reservation of goats would save Whites billions compared to the current Detroit.

I had to drive into an Ameri-Congo the other day and it just pisses me off as to how far Whites will commute instead of facing up to this problem. In these areas there are always abandoned buildings that are the result of civilization packing up and leaving negro chaos. It's s total waste of resources for Whites to be moving further away while rebuilding the same society.

The only near-term solution at the moment is to get moderate Democrats on the side of expanding the prisons and locking them up early. The current system just slaps them on the wrist for gun possession or assault.

What we need to do is split moderate urban Democrats from deluded liberals. Democrats were not always this influenced by the liberal cult. The reality is that you have to lock up the worst and boo f-king hoo if that makes the prisons overwhelmingly Black. I believe moderate Democrats in places like Chicago are slowly becoming more open to this argument. It would be quite fruitful if we could spark an internal war between DWLs and moderate Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Detroit is what every city will like like if we dont stop White guilt and shut down immigration and stop paying poor people to have kids.

Fed Up in Middle America said...

"Anonymous said...

The latest outrage in Detroit: The 13 year old boy murdered by an ex-con with warrants out for his arrest. The con was taking a piss out in public (like all these negroes do), and he dropped $70. The kid saw it, swooped in , grabbed the money, and took off. a thuglet in training. The con caught him,though, and killed the little fucker who dared to take his money. All of Detroits savagery and dysfunction is on display with this story.

June 3, 2016 at 7:17 PM"

Hey, at least it was a victim-less crime.

Anonymous said...

Let's see, $130 million divided by perhaps 600,000 in Detoilet... about $200 apiece, not enough for plane tickets. But roll in the cost of law enforcement and the judicial system, and you're talking major savings. You'd still be stuck with the price of welfare to get them to move, but the rest would be a huge improvement.

You're thinking in terms of individual ticket prices for major airlines. Using C-130s would bring the price down.

But it's not a viable plan because most Whites would be against the idea and Blacks don't want to leave. Ironically we would have to re-colonize Africa for it to work on a voluntary basis. As someone pointed out before an African-American has a genetic advantage in Africa. But we would have to colonize a country to setup some type of middle class system for them. This would be similar to what South Africans did for mulattoes (called coloreds there). Basically give them a bunch of benefits and protection. If we have learned anything about Africans it is that they will happily order around other Africans for a check.

Anonymous said...

What is interesting about the anti Trump movement is its catalytic nature. This movement will remain long after the election no matter the outcome. The sheer antipathy of the anti Trump crowd guarantees that.
Seriously the Trump election must occur if we are to avoid a confrontation with Putin. Clinton is bought and paid for by Sunni Islamic interests. She will take an extreme, and potentially very dangerous, position if elected. For this reason alone I have a suspicion the military chiefs will strongly oppose her.

Gwoobus Harmon said...

Anonymous said...

OT I know but I was just wondering, does anyone think it would have been a good idea to have Bill Cosby tranquilize the gorilla in Cincinnati instead of shooting it? Bill Cosby does have lots of experience with tranquilizers.

It is funny how the gorilla story basically became a proxy for blacks. I commented on a story where the resident rabble rouser editorialist was going on and on about whites caring more about the gorilla than the black child. He was very upset that there were groups gathered outside of the zoo with candle vigils, justice for Harambe posters, and the like.

The gorilla was born in 1999, which made him 17 years old at the time of the shooting. The gorilla was also unarmed when the decision was made to shoot him.

That's right, Harambe the gorilla, was in fact an "unarmed teen!

I expressed my outrage that anyone would side with the shooter of an unarmed teen - and that it was especially shameful that they would denigrate the grieving people who were merely seeking justice and answers!

There were people who did not understand satire or the point I was making, and lambasted me for not understanding the threat that a 400 lb. gorilla posed, whether "armed" or not. They insisted that a gorilla did not require a weapon to pose a life threatening physical danger.

I asked why the same logic did not apply to 300 lb. "teenager" Michael Brown when violently assaulting and attempting to disarm Officer Darrin Wilson?


Anonymous said...

I´d seriously be worried about the goats'safety in Detroit (rape, murder, etc.).

Yes and this is why I wouldn't want to re-introduce wild game there.

The natives would try poaching fawns with 9mm handguns from 75 yards away. They would try running them over. They would ignore season rules and cause headaches for game managers.

Everyone knows this would happen. Even liberals.

That's the funny thing about liberals. They know on some level that they have to hold Africans to lower standards. They don't even bother expecting Detroit Africans to grow food. They get in groups with other liberals and plant the food for them. You'll never see liberals demand funding so Detroiters can have farming supplies. Isn't that right liberals? I know you POS losers read this blog like porn. How long can you keep lying to yourself? Why lie all the time? Why not join reality like the rest of us?

Fatigued in Minneapolis said...

Repatriation would be great; but a much more likely scenario, I mean, let's take the whole thing (blight-funds, reparations, S8/AFFH, EBT, endless gibs, etc., etc., etc.) to the next logical step: A government-mandated program, necessitating every YT cash-cow, take-in and adopt, one negro baby-mama and associated sprog, and take care of them like children, or pets, or plants or something.. for life. The associated males are not adoptable in this program; they're allowed instead by law, to come and go as they please, wherever and whenever.. I mean let's just cut to the chase sports fans.. etc..

Anonymous said...

I want to know why there are 17% non blacks still! In Detroit ?!

Because the Feds quietly moved Arabs there to keep the lights running. Liberals believe so much in equality that they need to move non-Black minorities into Black areas to help Blacks....overcome racism? I actually don't know the liberal explanation here. Anyways liberals have been trying to dilute Black areas with non-White minorities, mainly Hispanics.

Then you have your standard BRA minority assortment of DWLs, recent immigrants and gays.

The Arabs that were moved in were at least Chaldeans. Dopehead plans on moving in Muslim Syrians. The Chaldeans have learned about what it is like to live near Africans and have been moving to the burbs. Chaldean flight I guess.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately yes, that is what it would take. If something happened and the world reverted back to survial of the fittest, and self reliance/every man for himself type scenario, a majority of American dindus would die off. A society full of hunter/gathers/farmers where everyone has a skill and task to do to contribute to the survival of the group, with no welfare handouts, section 8, or SJWs (they would be the first to go in a lawless society) to champion for their "rights" would spell the end for our obsolete farm equipment.

Mes2yeuxbleus said...

PK, if the blacks are sent back to Africa, don't use that beautiful plane. Can you imagine the sight afterwards: TVs ripped out of the seats, Obama-diapers strewn across the floor, dead sexually assaulted flight attendants & etc. Use a troop transport instead. And then "accidentally" fly it into foreign enemy airspace where it gets shot down.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps some urban pioneers can make a few extra bucks raising and slaughtering goats and providing bush meat from the returning prairies which give this Midwestern town such a folksy, down home feel!

Mes2yeuxbleus said...

Anonymous Proudyt said...

There's a saying I believe someone posted on this site that's stuck with me. Give a white man a pile of bricks and he'll build a city , give a black man a city and he'll build a pile of bricks. What better example of this than Detroit ?

June 4, 2016 at 4:26 AM

Or, give a black man a pile of bricks and he'll hurl them @ the white man while he's trying to build the city.

Sick n' Tired said...

I worked at a place where the janitorial staff consisted of people with down syndrome, and other disabilities. They were nice friendly people, who were happy to be there working, took their responsibilities seriously, saved their money, and contributed back to society. One was a savant for fish identification, and I would show him pictures from scuba trips and talk fishing with. Compare that to some surly negro/negress who shows up late, always has some kind of problem with "they keeds", have no skills but think they should make the same as a CEO, are looking for any racist slight so they can sue the company, or get injured/laid off so they can get unemployment.

Pat Boyle said...

The "Send them back to Africa" policy is not new. It's at least 200 years old. It was an idea floating around in the eighteenth century. It has been tried many times. We established Liberia for our no longer needed slaves. The Capitol of Liberia is Monrovia named after President Monroe.

In the same period we tried sending black former slaves to Canada and Latin America too. American has a long history of trying to ship its negroes to foreign soil. It has never worked before. Is there any reason to think it will work better today?

Commenters here tend to only calculate the air fare. Air fare or the cost of a ship's passage, will be the least of the many expenses. If there were such a program, there would also be a program to accustom the new black migrants to their new African homelands. If there weren't most of the blacks would start to perish as soon as they got off the plane.

Currently the federal government spends a fortune on black families to stay in places like Detroit and Flint. If they were to send them to somewhere on the Ivory Coast they would almost certainly continue the welfare program payments. The feds would probably spend more on American blacks in Africa than they did when they were still in America. How could it be otherwise?

A black family from Detroit that lives in a Section 8 house, eats off their EBT card and enjoys free medical care isn't going to just become independent self-sufficient subsistence farmers over night. Most likely the feds would install kiosks in Liberia to issue EBT cards for the 'transition'. A transition that would last for many decades.

After all, currently all the immigration tide is running towards America and Northern Europe not the other away. We can't even stem the flow of Mexicans much less reverse the flow to repatriate unwanted black and brown people. If and when Trump actually builds a wall, I might begin to believe in these kind of policies. But not yet.

Lately the Ivory Coast - the area where we would most likely want to dump our unwanted Africans - has been politically unstable. In African terms that means they have experienced murderous kleptomaniacal dictators. Many Africans from America who landed there would die from their personal incompetence and many would be immediately killed by the local government. All this would be seen by the rest of America on the nightly news. As soon as the first American black was shown on TV being eaten by the African natives - there would be demonstrations here at home to 'Save our Blacks'. We might have to send in ground troops to pacify the situation. All this could be very, very expensive. Don't imagine that sending them back to Africa will be cheap.

We can solve the black problem, but it won't be as cheap and simple as just sending them back to Africa.


Sick n' Tired said...

They are sticking around to get those minority contracts to demolish the houses! How can 83% population still claim minority staus?

Anonymous said...

I was going to post that controlled burns, such as are used in keeping forest habitat safer be used in Detroit.

Use bulldozers to smash houses to create a wall around any areas which are habitable, create a safe zome around that and just burn the rest.

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a saying about throwing good money after bad? Aren't Blacks and their destructive nature a perfect example of this? Third world mud-hut culture can't be expected to live up to successful Euro-culture standards. Never have, never will.

Moronic self-loathing and suicidal liberal/socialist, that was for you.

Sick n' Tired said...

At least goat manure can be used for fertilizer, and is mostly composed of plant fiber, as opposed to negro crap that is toxic due to a steady diet of greasy fried chicken, hot sauce, cheetos, Hennessy, McDonalds, and purple drink. Plus if you check out "Gary the Goat" on YouTube you'll see that people actually like being around a goat.

Sick n' Tired said...

Notice they don't pull that kind of stuff in conceal & carry states, same with the knockout game, most of the cases were in liberal meccas with strict gun laws.

Anonymous said...

At least Le'Genius knows the Wisdom of shooting for center of mass!

former liberal said...

Off topic, but "The Daily Kenn" has a story today about an obviously over fed female NAPA trashing a convenience store somewhere in this country because either the store didn't carry Skittles, or her EBT card was declined. And this is what we are supposed to endlessly pay for? I don't want to see it, but an economic collapse is probably the only thing that will turn the racial situation around in this country.

Anonymous said...

I've been saying that for a long time--I've been a race realist for a long, long time, and they don't deserve reparations-not a cent.

But I don't care-I'd mortgage the Statue of Liberty at this point to raise the money, and give each one a fairly tidy sum--tied in with the fact that they all have to leave here and never come back. I'd withhold 15 % of that sum from them-5% for payment for the Civil War soldiers who freed them, and 10% for paying for some of the destruction they caused. They could keep whatever money they have, sell their property for $$$, fine. I'd also tax negroes like Okra, Michael Jordan 10% of any money they have over 10 million dollars-in Africa, Okra would be waddling with a basket on her head.

The key is they all have to take the offer, and none could come back even to visit. They'll never go for it-they know they couldn't last a year without us, and they also know the day they left would be the best day of our lives.

Nightowl2548 said...

"Send em' back to Africa" is so unrealistic at this time when the majority of the electorate chooses that piece of Shit Obama it's not funny. Still, saying it does sort of move the Overton window the other way when the so called "conservative" position on race is embracing the "I Have a Dream" speech of the color blind society Martin Luther King fraudulently claimed was all he was after. Maybe if "Send em' back to Africa" is the conservative position then the "moderate" position could evolve to basically undoing the Civil Rights Movement and going back to the semblance of control we had over this element 80 years ago.

Detroit Refugee said...

As far as pissing in public goes;
I witnessed a bro walking down Jefferson Ave in River Rouge with his unit out & urinating as he shuffled along.
Meanwhile the police are attempting to curb public urination along Fort St. in once YT cites Wyandotte & Southgate.

Anonymous said...

Let's see. Michigan was awarded $498 million back in 2010 for "blight remediation." Plus another $850 million just for Destroyit a few years ago.
And more gibs of $42M, $130M and $88M so far this year. Just the money specifically set aside for "blight" in Destroyit comes to over $1.1 billion, plus whatever their cut was from the state grant of 2010.

Over a billion dollars in the last six years to tear down only a little over 9000 structures? Do these demolition contracts require gold bulldozers with platinum treads or something?

The US Army sends their combat medics to train at hospital ERs in certain cities for hands on experience related to gunshot trauma. Let's expand on that model. Detroit could be used as a training lab for all the firefighters in this country. After 6 months, an academy kid from Kalispell would have about the same experience as a soon to retire FDNY Batallion Chief.

Anonymous said...

Certainly America is doomed. I see white youth falling prey to the debauchery so common to the ghetto stallions, no shame, bold foolishness. It's not even our country any more the Asians, Muslims, and illegals have, seized our intelligence, our domination, and our work ethic. We will never be like the bottom of the barrel l, but we have surrendered our place by tolerating such deplorable activity and behavior for so long.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to those posters that provided a rough breakdown of the shakedown. It's just government money, so as long as you can find a way to stretch it out and pass it around it's not big deal. Until of course people like Paul talk about it and bring the embarrassing discrepancy to everyone's attention.

As for corruption, here is how the state of Michigan recently ranked up:

I'm not sure how that effects FOIA laws, but seeing some of these thieves on the front page of the paper for fraud would be welcome justice in many people's minds. But then again, look at so many of their former mayors.

Even after generation after generation of white American's wisened up to negro degeneracy and created safe havens for themselves (white-flight), the negro has again and again realized that he/she can fail and fail miserably while breaking every major law on the books and still have the rest of the state/group/country come to their aid in a bail-out with no questions asked.

No matter how far we run, they still have a hand in our wallets and pocketbooks- they will get paid and they will get supported no matter what the cost is on the rest of us. At the very least, these sociopaths might have their feelings hurt. .03% of the population (confused gender persons) forcing themselves on half of the population, many of whom are the most vulnerable- that is but a recent example of how far we will go and what people must sacrifice to live up to this b.s. egalitarian ideal.

Someone needs to fund a segregation experiment, note how communal trust and social capital climb in areas where people are allowed to associate with people "who look" like themselves. It will be hard to argue against it when you notice blacks experiencing some positive gains as well.

I have heard the word "diversity" over and over as a positive attribute/goal in human societies and institutions lately- most recently from Michelle Obama.

That word should be next to go. Diversity may be great for biological systems (non-man influenced, of course), but you can not point to any tangible benefits that justify continually putting the word on a pedestal. When someone points out "diversity" as being an end goal in itself there is cause for concern.

Bill in St Louis said...

The math involved here would boggle the mind of any human, were it not overshadowed by the sheer idiocy of throwing more and more money at an issue that is already under investigation. 88 Million here, 141 million there, so far less than 10,000 homes torn down and only another 11,000 slated for destruction? Help for homeowners facing repossession? WTF????

And to replace it with flowery meadows, and a revitalized etc, blah blah de blah... with no economic base, there will be no revitalization. With no (humans) one willing to live there, to work there, I'm stunned. What a blatant waste of tax dollars.

Shipping them off to Liberia, Somalia, anywhere on the dark continent with a stipend paid to them yearly would be cheaper, especially once you figure in the amount spent on "free" everything here in the US.

(Of course, there will also need to be an (forced) exodus of SJW whites to assist them in setting up their new utopia.. Will be nice to get all of those HR managers and womyns studies majors shipped off. SOmehow I doubt they will get any qualified engineering types.. but hey. WHo needs clean water and flushing toilets when you have "Diversity in the Motherland"?

Bill in St Louis said...

"Anonymous said...

The latest outrage in Detroit: The 13 year old boy murdered by an ex-con with warrants out for his arrest. The con was taking a piss out in public (like all these negroes do), and he dropped $70. The kid saw it, swooped in , grabbed the money, and took off. a thuglet in training. The con caught him,though, and killed the little fucker who dared to take his money. All of Detroits savagery and dysfunction is on display with this story.

June 3, 2016 at 7:17 PM"

NHI. Another feel good story with a happy ending here at SBPDL.

Anonymous said...

"So even if an African-American is 30% White that does not mean he has White relatives that he is familiar with. "

That's not the point. The point is that it is whites who will oppose solving the negro problem because they are related to blacks by blood and have become intertwined with them. Not directly through admixture of their own (although there's an ever-increasing amount of that too), but because of their race-mixing relatives.

I'm personally acquainted with a number of white people, some of whom even have superficially racist opinions, who have relatives who have bred themselves with blacks. Probably almost everyone on this forum knows a white like that, maybe even in their own family. Usually in such families it's the racist who is considered the odd one. Such whites in general would oppose anything extreme ever being done to blacks, who through interbreeding have now become part of their extended family.

Only whites can solve the problem of their own racial survival, or refuse to solve it, as the case may be. It will never get better on its own, only worse. If their past behavior is any guide to the future, then it would appear whites are content to go extinct, so long as the process can be dragged out long enough.

Anonymous said...


bad schools cause blacks
crime causes blacks
poverty causes blacks

and lack of magic dirt causes those three blights. When white people leave, they steal all the magic dirt

Realist not racist said...

Meanwhile white tax paying Americans all over this country have had their drinking water poisoned by fracking concerns and when they seek help from state and the federal goverment they are told to go piss up a rope.
But let's spend millions cleaning up after the scourge of society.
Baffling isn't it.

OH! How I wish the South had won the civil war.

Detroit Refugee said...

Wild game in Detroit,
A massive Buck with the largest rack I've ever seen up close, ( not a photo or mounted) walked outta the brush & forced me to brake in Rouge Park.
Pheasant spotted near JNAP, near Alter & Kercheval.
Coyote & Fox in Delray, heard them, and saw one by Zug Island.
And feral cats & dogs are of course, everywhere running in packs.
Finally I parked in an alley, to catch a concert & fireworks @ Hart Plaza,
and saw rats the size of most house cats.

Anonymous said...

Hate to be that guy...but there is no hope. No one's going to "wake up". No incident will snap anyone into reality. It's over. If you doubt me just look to Europe. Did rapes, murder, child sex rings involving government officials as well as foreign invaders, people kicked out there homes, fired from there jobs, taxed obscene amounts. They financed there own demise. And they were more than happy to do it. They went quietly into that not so good night. Spend time with family, keep your loved ones near, and safe. We are on the bus to hell, full speed ahead, nothing left but to enjoy the ride. SFC Woody

Anonymous said...

^ This.

Having taken CCW classes and having worked (briefly) as a security guard, there are aspects of "justifiable use of deadly force" that get glossd over by the media.

Someone does NOT have to be armed to pose a threat of serious injury or death to an innocent party. A 200 lb. man attacking a 115 lb. woman is more than capable of meeting that threshold. The legal concept is called "disparity of force." How about that same 200# dude being jumped by a couple of slightly smaller guys? Now the law favors the bigger guy, because of the multiple attackers. There are other factors that are considered . . . age of victim versus assailant, health or condition of victim versus that of the bad guy, etc.

The problem is that the current narrative plays on the age of the little assholes getting smoked. 15 or 16 year old punks that try to flash mob and rob a cashier, or try to disarm a LEO, under most definitions of self defense laws on the books, would be a justifiable use of deadly force. Age difference (faster and stronger than their intended victim, usually) or the strength in numbers approach both meet the definition of disparity of force.

But they don't satisfy the requirements of advancing the agenda or maintaining the narrative. That's why the media goes along with the outrageous double standard.

Personally, if I ever have to ventilate someone in self defense, the 3 S's will apply.

Shut up.

Mr. Rational said...

Air fare or the cost of a ship's passage, will be the least of the many expenses. If there were such a program, there would also be a program to accustom the new black migrants to their new African homelands.

We can set up EBT centers for them.  Pay the locals some baksheesh.

If there weren't most of the blacks would start to perish as soon as they got off the plane.

That's not a bug.

If they were to send them to somewhere on the Ivory Coast they would almost certainly continue the welfare program payments. The feds would probably spend more on American blacks in Africa than they did when they were still in America.

No we wouldn't.  Law enforcement, utilities and the rest stop being our problem.  They stop being ANYBODY's problem, because those things mostly don't exist in Liberia.  You ship over cargo-container housing and you have instant favelas.  That's vastly cheaper than subsidized rents.

Mostly what you need is to have enough beer and weed that the first wave of expatriated felons rave to the folks back home about how great it is.  Oh, and you ship them over in October.

Most likely the feds would install kiosks in Liberia to issue EBT cards for the 'transition'.

And you pay the African farmers to provide the food, keeping them employed and in Africa.  What's not to like?

Lately the Ivory Coast - the area where we would most likely want to dump our unwanted Africans - has been politically unstable. In African terms that means they have experienced murderous kleptomaniacal dictators. Many Africans from America who landed there would die from their personal incompetence and many would be immediately killed by the local government. All this would be seen by the rest of America on the nightly news.

Just take control of the news away from the (((DWLs))) and (((SJWs))).  America can be distracted by other things very easily, and the people who've already learned not to care about dead dindus in Chicago won't start caring when they're an ocean away.

"Send em' back to Africa" is so unrealistic at this time when the majority of the electorate chooses that piece of Shit Obama it's not funny.

Obama was the Black apologists' Hail Mary pass.  People have learned that NOTHING given to Blacks, not even the presidency, will get them to step up and act right; it was them, not "racism" or "da turrible legacy ob da slabery", all along.

The Overton window is moving away from "cibil rites" and equality-at-any-price, and at lightning speed.

Anonymous said...

OH! How I wish the South had won the civil war.

Yeah. The Confederacy understood that if the White man did not maintain the natural order of affairs, Africans would sooner or later wreck the country. Bear in mind that blacks are only, what, 13% of Americans, yet they have trashed numerous cities, driven White people out of their suburbs, and are treated as some kind of overlord caste by DWLs.

The thing does come down to a racial struggle. Either Whites rule Africans, or civilization goes down the tubes.

Anonymous said...

That's not the point. The point is that it is whites who will oppose solving the negro problem because they are related to blacks by blood and have become intertwined with them. Not directly through admixture of their own (although there's an ever-increasing amount of that too), but because of their race-mixing relatives.

Oh I got the point, I just don't think the number is as high as you suggested.

Only whites can solve the problem of their own racial survival, or refuse to solve it, as the case may be. It will never get better on its own, only worse. If their past behavior is any guide to the future, then it would appear whites are content to go extinct, so long as the process can be dragged out long enough.

I wouldn't be that pessimistic. For one we live in an age of lies. It's not as if the majority of Whites are making decisions based on reality. The majority of Whites believe in paint theory and that Blacks can be fixed.

But more importantly even in the age of lies most Whites would have voted against Brown vs Board and similar rulings that worked against them.

I don't believe liberalism is going to be able to continue as the internet rips apart the lies. I think when you take away liberalism and Christianity from Whites you are not going to get a complacent population. Liberals have worked to undermine Christianity and I don't think the results are going to ultimately favor them. Secular egalitarianism is anti-evolution and anti-White and I simply don't see how you can keep Whites from reaching that conclusion in the long term.

Whites have a history of eventually working in their best interest, even if it takes a while to get united. South African Whites never voted to hand the country over to Blacks even though they were under economic blockades by the west. That was a top-down decision. The same was true for Rhodesia.

Reality just isn't on the side of liberalism (along with modern Christianity and cuckservatism). The question is how long liberals and anti-reality conservatives can keep the genie in the bottle. But once it is out there will be no going back. Liberals needed to setup a 1984 type system to ultimately win. I doubt they even have 10 years left before some Neanderthal DNA study comes out. There will still be secular egalitarians but they will change their message from "race doesn't exist" to "pity them anyways". That's not going to work. Whites believe in paint theory today and the majority would cut foreign aid to Africa. Take away paint theory and you take away what minimal pity they have.

Anonymous said...

I have long been an advocate for repatriation. That or voluntary sterilization with a cash incentive for male and female blacks.

AnalogMan said...

Anon said

In their minds every Black city would look like Paris ...

Have you seen photos of Paris lately? Every black city does look like Paris. Or vice versa.

As our French friend posted here: Detroit used to be called the Paris of the West. Now, Paris is the Detroit of the East.

AnalogMan said...

Pat said

Air fare or the cost of a ship's passage, will be the least of the many expenses. If there were such a program, there would also be a program to accustom the new black migrants to their new African homelands. If there weren't most of the blacks would start to perish as soon as they got off the plane.

OK... and what's the downside?

A lot of people like to say that things are "impossible" when they mean unlikely. What is politically impossible today will not always be so.

After World War II ten million ethnic Germans were expelled from Eastern Europe. Nobody paid their airfare. Nobody helped them to accustom to their new homes. It was walk, or die. Many couldn't walk, and died. There is precedent.

Remember my two Axioms of History:

1. The impossible happens, routinely;
2. It can turn on a dime.

Vox Day has an article today about the riots at a Trump rally in San Jose, where rioters attacked Trump supporters while police stood and watched. He says:

The situation is not going to improve. It is going to continue to get worse as the campaign continues, and regardless of who wins the election, it will crescendo when the next economic crisis strikes. The USA is no more immune from inter-ethnic conflict than every other previous multiethnic empire in history.

Remember, homogeneous nations always come out of heterogeneous polities, and the birthing process tends to be both ugly and bloody. It doesn't matter what you think, it doesn't matter how you virtue-signal or loudly trumpet your heretical sympathies, in such matters, your skin and your religion are your uniforms.

War only requires one to tango, and it is your enemy who will decide what side you are on. So, like an old school Boy Scout, be prepared.

And when that happens... see Axioms above.

AvoryGirl said...

Forgive me if this has already been posted.

Here's what happens when the EBT card is declined:

D-FENS said...

"Clinton is bought and paid for by Sunni Islamic interests."

While your assessment of Clinton's dangerous tendencies towards Russia are spot on, she dances to the tune of ((( the usual suspects ))). Don't be misled by her lesbian love interest.

Paintjob Theory said...

"If there were such a program, there would also be a program to accustom the new black migrants to their new African homelands. If there weren't most of the blacks would start to perish as soon as they got off the plane."

First of all, I don't see why we would need to do anything for them. Perhaps give them a few years worth of walking around money (if they land in a country with per capita income around 1000$ or less this is pretty cheap).

"The feds would probably spend more on American blacks in Africa than they did when they were still in America."

Doubtful, as many of the social costs of having them here would be eliminated. A witch doctor in Sudan likely works cheaper than a white doctor for example, AND we would at the very least immediately raise the standards and efficiency of every business, institution, or agency which is currently dragged down by blacks. Our public schools could educate again, government agencies would rid themselves of an enormous amount of dead weight and almost function, and corporations wouldn't need to sink profits into creating make-work jobs for blacks. All our cities would again be safe to settle and restore. The general societal improvement of quality of life, productivity, and reduction in crime and ruin would be worth any price. In short, I don't want to pay for them any more, but if I have to, at least I don't want to have them within 1000 miles of me.

"A black family from Detroit that lives in a Section 8 house, eats off their EBT card and enjoys free medical care isn't going to just become independent self-sufficient subsistence farmers over night."

Well they can wait for the UN to drop off bags of rice and millet, eat each other, or just die. Not like I really care. The way I see it, WHEN the SHTF here and the magic EBT cards stop working they'll either starve, eat each other, or be shot by those from whom they attempt to steal anyway, so it's not like their future looks any brighter here.

It will come down to either we go extinct, or they go extinct (possibly we both do?) On a long enough timeline these are the only possible options. In fact considering that they depend almost entirely on the largess of whites to maintain numbers beyond a few scattered hunter-gatherer-scavenger tribes, it's highly unlikely that it'll be us becoming extinct barring some unimaginable catastrophic natural event. The black African's lack of ability to survive winters (without the aid of whites) will also ensure we maintain some white European civilizations on Earth.

Any way you slice it, we cannot coexist and we cannot have peaceful and productive civilizations that include black Africans. Pat, come out to White-opia for a few years and you'll find it much easier to imagine a white homeland and also truly understand why it's worth any price.

Bill in St Louis said...

For all of your arguments about sending them back/ what would happen... so what? A) we wouldn't have to see, hear or smell them HERE, B) the cost in subsidies for them over there would be offset by the lowered cost here in prisons (and associated costs) law enforcement, property values, etc. Not to mention the tax revenue increase as businesses can actually hire productive workers without having to devote a % of profits to "diversity", and C) a series of strongman/warlord types would ensure there was always room for new ones, after they ate the current crop. But the best part is, see A- they won't be HERE.

Anonymous said...

Is anybody here a fan of Ray Bradbury? You know, Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles or Dandelion Wine? If the repatriation ever happened,the outcome for the dindus would probably be a lot like the events of "Mars is Heaven." Thoughts like that just give me a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Anonymous said...

"Secular egalitarianism is anti-evolution and anti-White and I simply don't see how you can keep Whites from reaching that conclusion in the long term. "

What's long term? Darwin published Origin of Species in 1859, so it's been 157 years. Isn't that long term enough? How long do we have to wait?

Darwin's most vocal opponents back then were old-time Christians. That's still true today. A secular egalitarian such as evolution-proponent Richard Dawinks isn't anti-evolution; it would require pretzel logic to claim he is. At least he makes an argument in favor of his position, although in my opinion it's a bad one. I conclude it's not secular egalitarianism that's incompatible with evolution, but Christianity, and the culture Christianity gave birth to.

"Reality just isn't on the side of liberalism (along with modern Christianity and cuckservatism). The question is how long liberals and anti-reality conservatives can keep the genie in the bottle."

Since both liberals and conservatives agree on racial equality, it should be obvious that the distinction isn't very useful in this case and doesn't arise from politics. It's cultural, not political.

You seem to be assuming that truth and facts make a difference, or at least, that they will at some point in the future. I'd say that's doubtful, because articles of faith are notoriously impervious to facts and logic. The racial equality myth has very clear roots in the Christian faith that shaped the culture of the West, and that goes a long way toward explaining why it's so difficult to overcome.

Anonymous said...

UN Agenda 21. Look it up. Blighting property is part of the (((program))).

Indianapolis has re-zoned the entire city and blighted certain areas so that they could zone for high density luxury developments for the single White hipster class.

The liberal childless Whites will be rewarded, while urban HUD negroes will join the racist KKK conservative Whites in the segregated suburbs adding some much-needed vibrant diversity.

Mixed-use, high density urban housing projects, fair HUD housing in the suburbs, safety taxes, and walkable "green spaces" are next.

And the government corporations and (((wealthy foundations) will use your tax money, Goys.

Anonymous said...

White people are not feeling the pinch yet. I hope this ramps up considerably.

Anonymous said...

"I know I'm not too smart, but how much money does it really take to tear down a building?"

Lead poisoning. It's the newest civil rights shakedown. That's why the baby negroes are retarded and can't learn in school. We need a program.

Unknown said...

You are right except goats keeping the grass trimmed. I bought 4 in the early ninety's for this exact purpose. Wouldn't eat the grass even if they were hungry! Disappointing just like the negro.

Anonymous said...

Let's do the numbers...
Population of Detroit in the specific demographic, according to Wikipedia: 590,226

Cost of one way flight from Detroit to Monrovia on Jan 21st, 2017, according to Travelocity: 2888.40 for one adult

Total: 1,704,808,778.40

So yes, repatriation is the cheaper alternative - DING, DING, DING, we have a winner!

10mm AUTO said...

The only way Whites will "send them back" is via Depo-Provera shots as a requirement for AFFH/Section 8/ETB.

What a glorious day that will be. So simple, so easily implemented, like E-Verify. And "Praise God!", So permanent in it's effect.

We will cry when the last of the negros in the USA is 90 and slips this heavenly coil. At least we have WorldStar and (((YouTube))) to remind us as to their contributions to our Culture.

Anonymous said...

"Cost of one way flight from Detroit to Monrovia on Jan 21st, 2017, according to Travelocity: 2888.40 for one adult

Total: 1,704,808,778.40"

Why would we pay commercial rates for commercial airlines to fly them?

They could be loaded onto big ships for a fraction of that price...

And the assumption is they would be provided a small cash reward for repatriating, maybe $10,000 each. They could pay for their own flight if they didnt want to go on a boat.

At any rate, the benefit to the economy and the federal budget for NOT having even 10-20 million less negroes here would be FAR greater than the cost of giving them 10 g's and a boat ride.

Just imagine, for example, how much better the USPS would be run. How many less cops we would need. The rapid rise in property values. When you even begin to consider all of the HUGE benefits to our society, the cost of the transport is miniscule and a GREAT investment.