This website will serve to educate the general public on Black people and the Stuff That Black People Don't Like. Black people have many interesting eccentricities, which include disliking a litany of everyday events, places, household objects and other aspects of their everyday life. Black people are an interesting subject matter and this website will chronicle the many problems in life that agitate this group of people. To suggest material, please contact sbpdl1@gmail.com
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Do it for the LULZ
I just started laughing hysterically. Really, I didn't stop laughing for a good 10 minutes.
Black people gave me stares of death, and all I could do was laugh.
Anyways, what is no laughing matter is this: John Derbyshire needs your help.
Please head over to JohnDerbyshire.com and show him the kind of support you once showed Paul Kersey. All donations to SBPDL this week (those desiring a signed copy of Escape From Detroit) will go to The Derb immediately.
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I sent a nominal amount. Will send more later.
He's a good man who is being crucified merely for speaking the Truth.
And to think you were watching the Colored News Network (CNN).
That's very kind of you P.K.
Moldbug has a long essay penned by the eminent theologian R.L. Dabney in 1865. Here's part of it:
By adopting the unfeeling policy of throwing the negro upon his own resources, to sink or swim as he may, you run too great a risk of verifying the most biting reproaches and objections of your enemies.
They, in case of his failure, will argue thus: that the great question in debate between the defenders of slavery and the advocates of emancipation was whether the negro was capable of self-control: that the former, who professed to be more intimately acquainted with his character, denied that he was capable of it, and solemnly warned you of the danger of his ruin, if he was intrusted with his own direction, in this country, and that you, in insisting on the experiment in spite of this warning, assumed the whole responsibility.
The idea that CNN has anything to do with what an informed person would consider "news" is beyond absurd. CNN is all about propping up the Religion of the State and Regime. MSNBC does the same thing and FOX deviates slightly from "that which is officially prescribed" to perpetuate the illusion of popular rule.
I am curious. I am almost wholly ignorant of current popular culture, aside from what happens to pass before my eyes at a checkout stand or when logging online, but does the world know who John Derbyshire is? Political writers must be the most obscure of celebrities, so how would a bunch of Whites in a public place know of him, let alone a bunch of Blacks? Are the MSM making him a national hate object, as famous as Treyvon Martin? If so, isn't that dangerous, drawing public attention to so articulate and convincing a critic of Blackitude?
How does one donate? I see no donation button on Mr. Derbyshire's site. Thanks.
Done. Sent him $20.00, all I could afford this month.
I cannot comprehend how a person could watch any TV programming. I can just scan the headlines of a few popular news websites and get more information than I could with hours of TV news. The noisy commercials treat the viewer as if he is retarded.
A friend has been also blogging about the whole Derb affair:
''Meanwhile, at American Thinker, the usually-mainstream 'conservatives' seem to be fed up and angry at this specimen of political correctness.
The intensity of the feeling on the part of many posters is unmistakeable. I think the recent events which have dominated the news have brought many Americans to the point of exasperation. It's as though a dam has broken.''
She's referring to the comments to the article, the article itself is standard-issue DWL.
The author's name however caught my eye: Rick Moran. I remembered it from when I was a regular on many 'anti-jihad' blogs which it was one of. The name? Right Wing Nut House. And if want to know Mr. Moran's background he conveniently supplies that as well. Click and read both links, let him speak for himself.
CNN - Commie Nigger Network.
Paul - I'll buy a copy of that book on Friday.
CNN? Do you honestly mean to tell me there are still three or four people left who watch CNN?
SBPDL, when you do something for the purpose of having fun at somebody else's expense, it's called "Doing it for the LULZ."
Black people are a good source of LULZ. (Also called "LULZ cows," in the local jargon.)
This is very kind of you PK!
I just sent The Derb a pledge, as I hope all others who read your blog will do too.
"Black people gave me stares of death, and all I could do was laugh."
Interesting. So the attitudes of the negroes around you only confirmed that Mr. John Derbyshire's advice to his children, the same advice whose public sharing got him fired in the first place, is logical, useful and justififed.
I understand your hilarity. Had I been there I'd probably laugh my arse off too; then we could both bask in the warm glow of negro deathly eyeballing...and laugh even some more.
CNN should drop all pretense and just call themselves the Cool Negro Network. McDonalds isn't the the only 24/7 black operation out there.
Good for you PK.
Derbyshire has contradicted the state religion and is now paying the price.
"I just started laughing hysterically. Really, I didn't stop laughing for a good 10 minutes."
What can you do when confronted with such mass insanity? People calling for a man's burning at the stake for simply stating what they all already know at some level to be true. You can either laugh or cry.
I imagine it must have been the same for people watching the trial of Galileo or one of the Stalinst purge trials. You wouldn't know whether to laugh at its absurdity or cry for its cruelty -- but most of the population (as now) just kept silent or went along out of fear.
In the US you are called “raciss” if you point out the obvious, scientifically verifiable truth and even the “extreme right” will avoid you like the plague:
LULZ Indeed!
Mainstream conservatism is as "Daid" as lil Trayvon.
What does conservatism even mean? Does anyone even know?
Because if you say you want to conserve society as configured prior to the New Deal and Great Society, well, DASS RAYSUSS!
And the "conservatives" will readily join in the hooting and catcalling, just like this example with the Derb.
I guess if mainstream conservatism is nothing more than relentless globalization and endless Mid-east wars, you can count all of us out!
Bye bye, conservatards. I hope you enjoy kibitzing to each other about what a great conservative MLK was in your echo chambers.
Tiochfaidh ar la!
cnn is the same slimeball co. that had that little black racist rolland martin. who i think got fired for some hate comments as well. also that latino scum-bag rick sanchez got fired as well. so let me do some math here. two minority's got fired and all i heard about was pat buccannon getting fired from msnbc(liberal-pigs)because of what is my opinion van jones that white hating commie bastard. this animal with those fake glasses(try to look smarter) is going to start a race war. disquised as the 99%ers. basically using stupid ill informed white liberals as dupes. they wouldn't be so mis-informed if they were to look at this great blog on a daily basis. thanks
Marion Berry has been ranting about people from India running shops in black areas, of course most of these blacks in black areas subsist on tax payers' money, now four blacks in Farmville, NC have been arrested for massacring three Indians in a convenience store that they ran. Okay,four blacks have been arrested. Now does Marion Berry get arrested for inciting this massacre?
It's "lo and behold." No offense, but you are the best lousy writer I've ever read, Paul. You clearly are smart and regularly pull off some neat and impressive sentences, but you botch it by including junior high school level spelling and grammatical mistakes. Keep up the good work but please get an editor.
Also, Paul please stay out of trouble. Those hateful black "death stares" are no joke. This is a group of people that murders their own infants for crying and who shoots their own family members dead over hurt feelings, as you well know. They are very dangerous people.
Keep an eye out on Tulsa:
I won't post a link to give hits to one specific source, so google is your friend. Trust me, you'll find it right away.
It's going to be a story and it's going to mirror the Sanford story. CNN's already pegged the two shooters as 'white.'
There's only one drawback; shooter Jake England (19) is very obviously Cherokee Indian and identifies as such.
Yet CNN continues the marquees at the bottom of "white shooters" and newscasters follow suit.
Looks like a new law is rearing it's head; A suspect is white until proven otherwise.
I was wondering how long it would take before they call for Derbyshire's imprisonment. Then I just read this on Twitter:
"It's not enough to fire the author of The Talk: Nonblack version. He should be prosecuted for hate speech."
At least Spike Lee hasn't twittered his address yet.
Project Veritas exposes the liberal voting fraud and general hypocrisy
"Keep an eye out on Tulsa:
I won't post a link to give hits to one specific source, so google is your friend. Trust me, you'll find it right away.
It's going to be a story and it's going to mirror the Sanford story. CNN's already pegged the two shooters as 'white.'
There's only one drawback; shooter Jake England (19) is very obviously Cherokee Indian and identifies as such.
Yet CNN continues the marquees at the bottom of "white shooters" and newscasters follow suit.
Looks like a new law is rearing it's head; A suspect is white until proven otherwise."
So if this guy is white can I be Japanese? It seems only fair.
It is interesting to read the anti-Derbyshire comments on Takimag and the various other websites about his article.
They basically can be put into three categories:
1) Comments from blacks, usually in all caps, misspelled, laden with swear words and threats.
2) Outraged white liberals who use the word 'racist' at least three or four times and in very 'progressive' fashion call for him to be ostracized, sued, and prosecuted.
3) Cowardly 'conservatives' who blame Derbyshire for liberals thinking conservatives are racist and hurting Republicans' chances with the black vote. (I think the IQ of these commenters may actually be lower than those in the first category.)
What they all have in common is that NONE of the comments ever address the points Derbyshire made in his article. They don't even attempt to argue with him. They all just denounce him and call for him to be punished, but they can give no reason besides that he has supposedly committed modern blasphemy -- 'racism'.
Are PK and The Derb one in the same? Did PK make enough money from the book this time around to finally cast aside the day job in a most spectacular manner? If not, bringing Derb on as a contributor would drive some traffic here for sure. I bet there's quite a few "almost-can-see" folks who crossed over somewhere in the middle of his article who will follow him to wherever he lands.
From the American Thinker piece:
"No doubt "the talk" black parents give their kids about whites is, in some ways, just as filled with stereotypes and misperceptions as Derbyshire's fantasy conversation. But at least black parents have genuine experiences upon which to draw their life lessons to pass on to their children."
Oh yes, the noble black people and their experiences with "racism" and "bigotry" from the terrible racist whites. I am so sick of being called a racist for noticing their foul behaviors. I am sick of being blamed for black dysfunction and their low IQ and voluntary enslavement by the government baby daddy.
White people all over the world are sick of black crime, squalor and poverty. Bad attitudes, violence, feral youth, dependency and underachievement. And many many more problems.
Genuine experiences??? Let me tell you about MY genuine experiences with the blacks.
I can't believe someone would assume that whites have no reason to view blacks in a negative light. They act like we don't have to deal with blacks at all. I am blasting them in the comment section.
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2012/04/should_john_derbyshire_be_fired_for_being_an_insensitive_lout.html#ixzz1rYUWnzRX
Just a warning, the Black Panthers have determined that April 9th is the "Day of Action", and it sounds like they are planning racist attacks, and to let the "red river run". Be careful out there, and protect your loved ones. I would stay away from largely black populations.
Why have these fools not been arrested for terrorism? Listen to these morons.
Yeah, that's the Rick Moran piece I linked to above as ''this specimen''.
Click on and read the the links to his blog I provided.
Rick Moran has gone full Charles Johnson on us.
I'm quite sure Zenster knows what I mean by that.
Come to think of it, it wouldn't surprise me if National Review replaces Derb with Charles Johnson. It appears he would fit right in with them now.
"Anonymous said...
Good for you PK.
Derbyshire has contradicted the state religion and is now paying the price."
Yes it seems that the state religion is "we are all created equal" and with just enough government money and time we can all be changed into useful citizens! Shades of old Communist USSR! What have we become? The new USSofA. I hope enough people start waking up and put a stop to the Frankfurt School ideology.
Trial junkie here. Speaking of murders in Tulsa, Google "Carissa Horton and Ethan Nichols."
These attractive young people were murdered execution style in Tulsa last September. The "alleged" killers are blacks about the same age as Trayvon.
I merely entered ''Charles Johnson'' into the search box on ''Right Wing Nut House'' and look what I found.
Hey at least he puts the money quote as the first paragraph:
''I know this won’t come as a shock to many of you. For months, I have been urged to prove how smart I am by abandoning conservatives to their own fate. Inspired by such luminaries as David Corn, Charles Johnson, John Cole, Andrew Sullivan, and Sylvester Stallone, I have decided to take the plunge - or walk off the cliff - and do it. From here on out, I am no longer a conservative.''
All I added were the boldface tags for emphasis.
Don't worry, I'm cross-posting that to American Stinker for teh lulz.
"No doubt "the talk" black parents give their kids about whites is, in some ways, just as filled with stereotypes and misperceptions as Derbyshire's fantasy conversation. But at least black parents have genuine experiences upon which to draw their life lessons to pass on to their children."
In the "talk" that black parents give their kids, do they bring up the following:
* You can organize violent flash mobs and attack white people, but do not have to worry about your race being reported in the media nor being prosecuted for "hate" crimes.
* You can shout down or get any white person fired by claiming that they are a "racist."
* You can fail a police or fire department test, yet still get the job by claiming "disparate impact."
* You can get a scholarship from the Gates Foundation simply because of the color of your skin.
* You can get a jump start in forming a business by applying to any number of government and corporate minority grant programs.
* You can organize black student associations, black political associations, black civil service associations, etc., and no one will call you a "racist" -- you can even get government and corporate subsidies for your race-based association.
* You can falsely accuse white men of rape and have the backing of the media, universities and criminal justice system.
* You can engage in any amount of criminal activity, and if you get shot dead become a civil rights hero.
I'm pretty sure Paul did an entry on that. If I'm not mistaken, that's the case where the local news interviewed the killer as a man on the street reaction. He babbled some nonsense about how unsafe the neighborhood was. Turns my stomach.
Discard: If so, isn't that dangerous, drawing public attention to so articulate and convincing a critic of Blackitude?
I swear, it's like moths to a candle. They simply cannot help themselves and must begin to foam at the slightest criticism of BRA (Black-Run America). Part of it may be how much of the Liberal superstructure knows that the jig is up and the foundations they have built on ideological quicksand are now beginning to crumble.
To hell with any risk of lionizing Derbyshire just so long as he is burnt like a witch. Long ago, Liberals used to accuse Conservatives of being "knee-jerk reactionaries". Now it is the Liberals who are succumbing to reflexive response with their inability to tolerate even a glimmer of disinfecting sunlight being cast upon their moldering edifice.
As I noted elsewhere, it may well be that Blacks in general are the most glaring "trout in the milk pail" of Liberal doctrine. Derbyshire has made a superb prima facie case for why Blacks are a burden upon American culture, right down to the point of how it is important to cultivate relations with IWSBs (intelligent and well-socialized blacks) "an amulet against potentially career-destroying accusations of prejudice".
That one observation alone must absolutely enrage Liberals as it is stealing a page from their own playbook of how to appear anti-racist whilst residing in their usual Whitopias.
The manner in which Liberals continue prop up BRA is not sustainable. Each new little boy that points at the buck naked emperor is joining ranks with a modern day "Children's Crusade" of newly (and not-so-newly) minted Conservatives that will being to effect some much-needed change in the American political landscape.
Included in that change is a complete rework of the GOP and Conservatism in general, but that is best left to another thread.
Don M: Because if you say you want to conserve society as configured prior to the New Deal and Great Society, well, DASS RAYSUSS!
And the "conservatives" will readily join in the hooting and catcalling, just like this example with the Derb.
Which is precisely why the GOP and Conservatism require such major dental work. The bipartisan buyin on this makes it seem as if they've poured Kool-Aid™ into the municipal reservoirs.
Stunning lack of diversity in Obama campaign
Look at all those young, earnest SWPL types working to re-elect Obama.
They can't be doing it in the hope of getting a job -- they must've noticed by now that he appoints mostly non-whites. Or maybe not.
Like I said before: you'd think his idiotic remark about Trayvon Martin would be enough to turn off a big majority of Whites. But apparently not.
How does that make you feel about the future of America?
It's doomsville.
While that article at American Thinker was more pertinent to this thread, Midwestern, I found the following one by far more interesting:
The Story Unravels: New Questions about Trayvon Martin's Final Hour
Evidence that Trayvon Martin Doubled Back
Ashtrayvon had plenty of time and distance to get away from Zimmerman in order to reach the safety of Brandy Green's home. Instead, he clearly elected to return and confront Zimmerman who was no longer in pursuit.
Interestingly, a video has been found of someone buying skittles and iced tea. The time when they were purchased opens up far more questions about what Ashtrayvon (if it's him on the video), was doing before and after his visit to the store.
The Annoying Pedant says...
There's a small problem with this:
"Derb has made a superb prima facie case..."
Prima facie means that it is not even necessary to make a case. The case is already obvious "on its face".
Sorry, couldn't resist, but of course I understood exactly what you meant, which is the first duty of a good sentence; so the error is inconsequential. It just helps you to look better cosmetically when you get this sort of stuff right.
YIH: Rick Moran has gone full Charles Johnson on us.
I'm quite sure Zenster knows what I mean by that.
Ah, yup. My friends over at Gates of Vienna were, literally, crucified on the internet because Johnson swallowed Antifa lies about them hook, line and sinker.
Come to think of it, it wouldn't surprise me if National Review replaces Derb with Charles Johnson. It appears he would fit right in with them now.
[golf clap]
It's all about The Narrative. Those pesky, niggling, inconvenient little facts just cannot be bothered with anymore.
eh: Like I said before: you'd think his idiotic remark about Trayvon Martin would be enough to turn off a big majority of Whites. But apparently not.
Taken in combination with the actions of Eric "my people" Holder, Obama's comments about Ashtrayvon should have generated a binary form of political nerve gas that cleared the tent of every last White person.
It just goes to show how desperate White folk are to appear anti-Racist. They will unprotestingly slip their head into the noose just so long as the hangman is nodding his approval about their lack of racism.
The Annoying Pedant says...: There's a small problem with this:
"Derb has made a superb prima facie case..."
Prima facie means that it is not even necessary to make a case. The case is already obvious "on its face".
You must be an attorney or something.
Prima facie:
[Latin, On the first appearance.] A fact presumed to be true unless it is disproved.
In common parlance the term prima facie is used to describe the apparent nature of something upon initial observation. In legal practice the term generally is used to describe two things: the presentation of sufficient evidence by a civil claimant to support the legal claim (a prima facie case), or a piece of evidence itself (prima facie evidence).
For most civil claims, a plaintiff must present a prima facie case to avoid dismissal of the case or an unfavorable directed verdict. The plaintiff must produce enough evidence on all elements of the claim to support the claim and shift the burden of evidence production to the respondent. If the plaintiff fails to make a prima facie case, the respondent may move for dismissal or a favorable directed verdict without presenting any evidence to rebut whatever evidence the plaintiff has presented. This is because the burden of persuading a judge or jury always rests with the plaintiff.
Nowhere does the entry include anything like, "Prima facie means that it is not even necessary to make a case. The case is already obvious 'on its face'." While you may be alluding, in reality, to prima facie evidence, you assert that the forgoing is part of the definition of a prima facie case. So be it.
Derbyshire's written article perfectly fulfills, by definition, "the presentation of sufficient evidence by a civil claimant to support the legal claim". This will most likely be borne out when it proves impossible to try or convict him on charges of so-called "Hate Speech".
Derb wrote a politically incorrect but unfortunately painfully truthful warning that was read as a 'raaaaacist screed' and he was summarily fired.
Maybe the AshTrayvon case was a blessing in disguise to finally get people talking.
Are there a lot of blind white people who will trash Derb? Yes.
/not shocked
Has anyone else noticed that Travel Channel has stopped airing shows about black tribes in Africa? There was a show [brain-farting the name of it right now] that was about these two white men who traveled to remote areas of Africa to observe tribes that have hardly been touched by civilization [to this day].
Is it now 'racist' to witness the naked natives with their penis gourds and foot-long tube-sock tittays flapping about in the jungles of Africa? Black Americans usually seem so proud to declare their 'African heritage' with a 'hyphen' eveeeeeen until some show documents how backwards so many of them still are back on 'da mudda land'. Isn't every 'black woman' an 'African QUEEN' by default? *eyerolls outta my skull and onto the floor*
I hope someone with two non PC braincells to rub together hires Derb ASAP. Maybe even start a new movement where there are no 'PC' rules. Ever. Period. I know, I know. I'm dreaming of that ever happening, especially with the racist dolts we have running the country into the ground right now.
/disgusted sigh off
Anon 6:39 Spike Lee is such an idiot he twitted the address of a house a different George Zimmerman lived in last 4 years ago which was 4 miles away from George Zimmerman of Treyvon Martin fame.
PS Did I mention that Spike Lee is an idiot?
Hotair has a story on how Obama's personal approval index has gone up, that coupled with Gallup's poll increase to 51% last week and the surge among women points an arrow.
Obama has a likeability plus BECAUSE he is Black. Among mostly, White women voters, and among them, mostly Upper/Middle class but given the movement likely working class White women voters too.
Being Black is a PLUS; the guy who reportedly shot to death the father of the Tulsa shooter, a Black guy, got only 6 years for weapons charges as he shot the guy while breaking into his daughter's apartment. Oprah got over a billion by being every White woman's imaginary Black best friend. Obama leads BECAUSE he is Black. And this is mostly a White female-driven phenomena. Why? Because of class concerns, basically. Favoring Blacks allows a class marker, critical in raising social status. Nothing more or less (guys generally raise status by achievement and domination compared to women).
Laughter as above is the best way to puncture that social positioning.
Speaking of doing it for the lulz...
And in Detroit of all places.
derbyshire got fired, the left went to TAKIS Mag and posted comments.
so many the taki site crashed!!!
Derbys article has 3660 comments as of a few minits ago!!!
I cant wait to read the intolerance of the dumb, over educated libs!
Love ya Paul!!!
Yes you are right. ...Black Panthers are going to start the race wars April 9 2012......this is a definate
Paul, you are the best! Please do a story on the Broadway show "The Lion King" .
As for the "racist" Trayvon sign in Detroit, Trayvon would have wanted to be remembered this way.
Seriously. It was on his twitter handle and everything.
What I mentioned about here:
''Rick Moran has gone full Charles Johnson on us.
I'm quite sure Zenster knows what I mean by that.''
was a reference to a very very ugly situation in 'the blogosphere' that actually predates SBPDL. Sometimes referred to as 'the blog wars' it was a schism among the 'anti-jihad' blogs that in many ways resembled what has just happend between Derb and NR over the Taki piece.
Prior to '08 Charles Johnson's blog, ''little green footballs'' was pretty much the top dog among the 'anti-jihad' blogs. Then that dog went rabid (think Old Yeller, yes, that bad) and started attacking everyone else in the 'anti-jihad' over dubious claims of 'racism' and 'neo-nazism'. By the end of '07 well, I'll merely quote Baron Bodissey from the linked GoV piece:
''Now, two years later, Little Green Footballs has jumped a whole lagoon full of sharks. Charles Johnson has become a laughingstock. He is a safe target, and everyone feels free to pile on.''
I can see the day when people will say ''Now, two years later, National Review has jumped a whole lagoon full of sharks. Rich Lowery has become a laughingstock. He (and that magazine) is a safe target, and everyone feels free to pile on.''
Thought I'd better unpack that little bit of 'inside baseball' for everyone.
BTW, scroll through the comments on that linked GoV post and you can see for yourself why I said to Zenster what I did.
@Whiskey: to add a brief observation to his post.
The NPR afternoon news program led with the capture of the Tulsa shooters, focusing on the past of the younger American-Indian. According to the piece, he, along with his siblings, were in the presence of their father as he was shot in the chest, point-blank, following the father's follow-up on complaints his daughter had against the Black. As stated, he only did a few years for what was nothing more than another cold-blooded murder. After mentioning the bare-bones of the event, the NPR reporter followed with: 'After his (England's) fathers DEATH,...', as if his father died of a heart attack. The proper word to use here was MURDER or KILLING, not 'death'.
The only reason this merits attention, is that on more than one NPR program since the Martin shooting, their reporters have said: '...the MURDER of Treyvon Martin by Zimmerman...'. Stunning.
This paradigm of DW LIbereralism, more than any other 'news' outlet, knows the power of language, and is fully aware of the difference between accusing someone of 'murder', which is a legal conclusion, and 'death'.
Multiply this thousands of times a day, from every public 'news' source, and one realizes that this is no longer the America that most people can remember.
YIH: That post at Gates of Vienna was an important one. If you're wondering about "Zimri" commenting in it, yes, that's me.
I was still, in 2009, firmly in the it's-Islam-not-race camp. So in my comments, you can see a class Of 2007 "Lizard" making the case against GoV from a 2004-8 Lizard standpoint.
This quote of mine has actually been bugging me for a couple years now: I don’t see immigration of well-adjusted populations as a problem. If 20,000 people from Somaliland wanted to move here and they were serious about making it here, I would be fine with that.
I repeat: this statement is, for a strict "counter-jihad" ideologue, logically consistent. It is also, unfortunately, insane. I no longer believe this.
Thanks for the time capsule.
YIH, thank you for elucidating on the entire "blog wars" era. It's safe to say that more than a few at SBPDL already feel I bang the counter-jihad drum a bit much. Ergo, my reluctance to provide more detail in that respect.
However, in light of Derbyshire's having been cast into the outer darkness, this entire episode gains new currency. Especially so in light of how the vast majority of Derbyshire's points in his "The Non-Black Talk" paper are factual and supported by well-published crime statistics. Also note how many, if not all, of Derbyshire's detractors never actually refute anything he has written and, instead, merely descend into ad hominem attacks upon the author.
It is this abject refusal to forsake The Narrative in favor of simple Truth that is serving to damn Liberals far beyond even their persistent coddling of Blacks.
Taken in combination, they are blowing away the Left's ideological house of cards like a hurricane. Thus, there are many lessons to be learned from this NR kerfuffle.
Zimri, thank you also for showing up to confirm much of this and, also, to repudiate your earlier stance. I, too, have been obliged to abandon much of the Liberal doctrine I was raised on, all the more so with respect to Race Realism.
Most serious of all is how, half the time, it's not White people convincing me about the necessity of Race Realism. All too often, it's people of color who are doing all the heavy lifting with respect to turning me into a full-blown racist. There are only so many rapes, murders, Knock-Out Kings, polar bear hunts, "git whitey" nights, and Ashtrayvon inspired hammer-attacks, race riots or shakedowns that can go on without finally getting up on your hind legs about it.
That time has come and should have arrived decades ago.
Whiskey said-
Obama has a likeability plus BECAUSE he is Black. Among mostly, White women voters, and among them, mostly Upper/Middle class but given the movement likely working class White women voters too.
This brings up another highly controversial topic, but one I feel I must expound upon. It has been observed here about the remarkable lack of females who look at sites like this or feel this way. I have seen this same sentiment echoed in places FAR more radical than this. (Read: SF, VNN, etc.)
The reason for this is actually nothing absurdly complex whatsoever. Women are herding animals, by nature, who will follow the current social norms, at any cost. Men change traditions and cultures, this is in our DNA. Women of all creeds and races, simply follow "the pack". Right now the pack is led by DWLs. They will move into lockstep because the worst thing in a woman's mind is to be a pariah or social outcast. Level of education, or lack thereof, has absolutely NO bearing on this whatsoever. This is caveman brain for them. You cannot erase 100,000 years of evolution that quickly.
Much like feminism attempts to destroy it for men in 40 years. It is not going to happen. Your women will follow you only AFTER you bleed, not before. They are risk-aversive by nature. Having radical or controversial views are risk-accepting. Yes sorry Feminists, we are in fact, VERY different. 40 years of indoctrination will not change this that fast. Do not look to females for support until the paradigm shifts and it is societally acceptable. They are the weaker sex for a reason, this is part of it.
Anonymous said...
What can you do when confronted with such mass insanity? People calling for a man's burning at the stake for simply stating what they all already know at some level to be true. You can either laugh or cry.
I imagine it must have been the same for people watching the trial of Galileo or one of the Stalinst purge trials. You wouldn't know whether to laugh at its absurdity or cry for its cruelty -- but most of the population (as now) just kept silent or went along out of fear.
April 9, 2012 2:13 AM
I am fascinated almost to the point of obsession with this idea and have been for a couple of years. We live in a time that is becoming as superstitious and authoritarian as that of the Spanish Inquisition.
We are ruled more by the politically correct priesthood of the media than we are by Congress. They decide not only what is true or false but what can be openly discussed without having your life destroyed.
"I disagree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it." Remember that? That idea is dead in America.
When I was a kid growing up in the '70's, I always felt that whatever society's problems that the truth would win out because everything could be openly and intelligently discussed. I no longer feel that way because I know it's no longer true. Fact-based reason has been abandoned and replaced with emotional Marxist mythologizing about what's real and what isn't.
It is the very foundation of a free America being broken and destroyed.
Whiskey: You are sure impressed by your own blather. You must like the sound of your closed fist pounding your pubis. Bull Connor was a great American along with Bedford Forrest.
David Duke is a thoughtful patriot even if he resides in a double wide in Lousiana. He was never one ofpresident obongo intimates like the the weatherman murderers Ayers and Dohrn.
"When I was a kid growing up in the '70's, I always felt that whatever society's problems that the truth would win out because everything could be openly and intelligently discussed. I no longer feel that way because I know it's no longer true. Fact-based reason has been abandoned and replaced with emotional Marxist mythologizing about what's real and what isn't."
The great science fiction writer Robert Heinlein created a timeline, or "future history." He foresaw our descent from science and logic into superstition and mob rule. He called the times we live in "The crazy years."
I was living in New York when Goetz shot those apes. At that time it was dangerous riding the train at night.
After Goetz shot those jackals, there was a pall after that on the subway trains. Blacks kept eyeing whites with some sort of trepidation or fear as if to say are you the next Bernie?
Here's the thing. White folks are being bullied by blacks. That's it in a nutshell.
Whites are sick of being bullied and they're going to push back.
I was bullied in high school and finally one day I couldn't take it anymore. I flew across 3 rows of chairs and beat up the bully. And BTW he was a man.
The bullying stopped, right then and right there. Forever.
Largo -- Bull Connor was an idiot. King played him like a violin, anyone beating peaceful protestors on live Network TV was sure to lose. An IQ of room temperature could see that.
David Duke might have had fun running around in a bedsheet burning crosses, but what did he accomplish? Why, less than say, Jeremiah Wright.
Failure is failure is failure. YOU might want to charge right into a machine gun nest "Once More over the top boys" but include me out.
No one in America wants the Klan back. The Klan itself was broken in the 20's BY WHITES who being Catholic and "the wrong sort" of White person were its primary targets. When the Klan came to South Bend, the Notre Dame football team and students (all White I can assure you) kicked their asses back out. If you think any group of Whites in America has the time, energy, inclination, or desire to bring back Segregation and cross-burnings, you're a fit resident for the funny farm along with David Berkowitz, John Hinckley Jr., Mark David Chapman, and One L. Goh.
Bull Connor corrupt, brutal, thuggery is a loser. The only winning hand is to demand the right to speak freely on Black dysfunction (speaking out on that is not racism) and demand enforcement of the law regardless of race, creed, color, or whatnot.
Reality check from Planet Earth. Nice White suburban people LIKE comfort, security, and safety. That's why they live there. That's who they are. If they wanted a street fight they'd have joined up with Whitey Bulger's crew. Offer these people MORE safety, security, and do so in a calm, competent, and corruption-free environment (they don't like corruption either) and they are yours. This is obvious. A potato could understand it.
But hey, your neighbor's dog is talking to you. I understand. You hear the voices. Get help. Seriously.
This not mine:
Racism, 0-1860's = A means for the powerful to oppress and dehumanize large groups of people into submission through torture and death.
Racism, 1860's -1960's = A means for the powerful to continue to oppress minorities under the guise of the 'post-slavery era' through unfair voting standards, general and far-reaching discrimination, and regular practice of law enforcement incarcerating minorites for crimes they did not commit.
Racism, 1960s-1980s = A means for the (now resentful) powerful to attempt to cannily inhibit true success among minorities through more indirect means such as pop culture and media.
Racism, 1990s = The cultural transition to focus on diversity, political correctness, larger presence of affirmative action programs, increased minority scholarships, advent of DNA technology all but eliminates the long-standing tradition of law enforcement framing young minority males for crimes they didn't commit
Racism 2012 = A bulletproof, blanket excuse for any real or percieved injustice, and a way to entirely wash one's hands of accountability, personal responsibility, and self-reflection.
Jay in DC, you twit. Ad hominem, but accurate.
To generalise in the extreme: lacking high levels of testosterone (among other things) gifts women with enough foresight to assess risk and act accordingly, without recourse to random, unpredictable behaviour.
One would imagine many thousands of American male race realists don't let their friends, co-workers or even family members become aware of their views, because they are rational enough (despite the testosterone) to realise that the risk of losing their JOBS, social network (the lifeblood of any human existence) and family is less important than airing their so-called radical views in public. I'm equally sure many women act similarly.
Women find it easier to repress internally held views, whilst keeping up appearances to the contrary on the outside. Women have that extra little bit of self control when it comes to flights of fancy (and radical race realism must be seen as a flight of fancy, both ideologically and practically).
There is no way of knowing how women will vote, either by pre- or post- election polls. Voting day exit polls are completely unreliable as no women is flippant enough about society's opinion to tell the poll-taker that she didn't vote for God Obama.
To err on the side of caution is female. To risk all is male. Greater risks reap greater rewards, but also greater penalties.
Apart from what I've briefly mentioned above, broadly speaking, your pseudo-scientific comment was entertaining and hilarious to me, as Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry.
Incidentally, I am a women, and I have been reading "sites likes this" for well over a year now, after segueing a further year before that from much more radical, extreme websites whose content I found increasingly repulsive and whose core, male contributors were laughably inept at coming to any kind of intellectual/political conclusions based upon their rash thoughts.
Incidentally, once more - I rarely post under this name. 90% of the time I am simply "anon".
Ex New Yorker again....I also was living in New York when Goetz shot those 4 scum bags on the subway. The one mistake he made was giving himself up. When they showed a drawing of him in the newspaper he looked like your normal New Yorker. I could walk 5 blocks down the street and see ten guys that matched the drawing the cops had drawn up. Remember, when he escaped he ran into the subway tunnel. After the cops showed up and asked the witnesses which way he ran they all pointed in the opposite direction. Even a lot of black people were in favor of what he did.
It was in the late 1970's that
people starting calling them "wolf packs". 4 or 5 at a time stalking the sheep. "We gon git us a poppy-love". A POPPY-LOVE was an old senior citizen that had no way of defending himself.
I was also there when 16 of them raped a female jogger in Central Park. They called it "wilding". Also around the same time a Jamaican drug gang butchered 13 people in Brooklyn. The only one to survive was a little girl that hid under a bed. They shot men, women and children and it turned out they had gone to the wrong house.
If the Panthers go on the warpath in Florida the Cubans will defend themselves. The gun shops must be doing a lot of business.
I must deride myself for twice using 'women' in place of 'woman' in my last comment.
I often transliterate my own verbal mumblings while typing, resulting in some phonetic spellings. It is an odd by product of typing as opposed to handwriting.
TAKI MAG site is up.
Midwestern said:
"White people all over the world are sick of black crime, squalor and poverty. Bad attitudes, violence, feral youth, dependency and underachievement. And many many more problems."
In the "New" South Africa, the blacks are STILL blaming apartheid...20 years on from "Freedom". They are 90% of the pop here in SA (and rising due to irresponsible breeding), yet still need a multitude of AA laws to 'level the playing field", ie, they can't compete without tying YT's hand behind his back.
In '94, I, like most whites here, was genuinely prepared to give them a chance. Can't believe how naive I was.
(Remember, the white pop actually voted to dissolve Apartheid in '92 referendum - it wasn't forced upon us)
Incredible how the blacks cause problems where ever they are...
And in Detroit of all places."
Detroit is perfect, actually. Negroes insist on using phrases like "... my nigga", or "Nigga, please".
It fits.
"The only winning hand is to demand the right to speak freely on Black dysfunction (speaking out on that is not racism)"
It is and will be decried as racism. racism is not a set word, it means what the speaker wants it to.
"and demand enforcement of the law regardless of race, creed, color, or whatnot."
PK has noted repeatedly that safety in a largely black area means a police state. Imposing tyranny equally on everyone in the name of diversity is not a winner.
"Reality check from Planet Earth. Nice White suburban people LIKE comfort, security, and safety. That's why they live there. That's who they are. If they wanted a street fight they'd have joined up with Whitey Bulger's crew. Offer these people MORE safety, security, and do so in a calm, competent, and corruption-free environment (they don't like corruption either) and they are yours. This is obvious. A potato could understand it."
Barring cheap gas/free energy there is no way to continue to keep this game going, and once the game stops, the plop has well and truly hit the fan. They may not be interested in the black undertow, but it is interested in them. However, I do believe that Jim Crow 1.0 isn't workable, that required a very cultivated attitude on the part of a specific subsection of our population among other things, and said attitude is gone. But there will obviously be some system to protect freedom of association in an efficient manner(as opposed to our hideously inefficient price discriminatory manner).
This woman has been all over it at a certain well-known conservative website, even managing to post links to a couple of racial realism sites (you're welcome) without having them deleted. . Also, my PMs from some members of that site have been quite gratifying. It only takes a few people to take the chance and speak out, however carefully and subtly, for others to know they're not alone and they're not evil for seeing what their eyes see. Subtlety works with most white folks, everyone knows how we are attuned to "dog whistle" coding, LOL.
@ The True Truth
Well said. I know a lot of women, like myself, are content to spend a long time reading and learning, and discussing these matters with trusted family and friends. I have only spoken up at a certain conservative forum of which I am a longtime member because it was clear that the Trayvon incident had provided the perfect atmosphere in which to sneak a few truths past the threshold. Those truths were so readily accepted that I was comfortable saying a little more-pushing the boundaries ever so gently a bit at a time. I was very happy to see others (usually men) with much more in-depth knowledge on the matters I brought up, take the ball and run with it.
Whiskey: If my neighborhood dog was talking to me it would probably make more sense than the master of twaddle: " The only winning hand is to demand the right to speak freely on Black dysfunction (speaking out on that is not racism) and demand enforcement of the law regardless of race, creed, color, or whatnot."
My heart goes out to traditional,conservative women. They're under alot of pressure to conform to the liberal agenda. In the college I attended(Fordham-NYC),the liberal feminists treated the more old-fashioned type women with pure hatred and disdain. It was horrible to see- I was just amazed at the amount of hatred that came pouring out of the hearts of the liberal women towards conservative women.Between the liberal professors-- both male and female-- all the radical feminists,the namby-pamby male students,the old-fashioned gals were very effectively shunted aside and treated like garbage. I always spoke up for them in every classroom discussion regarding the liberal agenda(which was pretty much every class). I too was treated like garbage because I debated the radical/liberal agenda (oppresive white man trying to force women into the kitchen to bake cookies ).
The great litmus test was abortion. If one was opposed to it,or even just a little bit uncomfortable with the idea,or not sure about it one way or another,one was treated like garbage,especially female students.They were considered traitors to women. I thought it was all very disgusting and unfair.
This took place in what is called a Catholic college. It was more like a communist propaganda mill.
I'm not a woman so I don't know where all this hatred is coming from in their hearts-- I'm still reeling from my college experience and that was 25 years ago. There's some really intense radical/liberal white women running around-- I avoid them at all costs. I always thought women were pretty wonderful until I went to college-- I kinda wish I never went to that damn school. Joe
Anon at 9:51 Am said "My heart goes out to traditional women", and describes the ill treatment they received at his college from feminoids. Just yesterday, I was reading something that the anthropologist Elizabeth Marshall Thomas wrote about how primates will mob one of their own who has fallen from favor. The example she gave was of female students at Harvard, verbally attacking a female lecturer who had described a male chimpanzee beating a female with a stick as a simple scientific fact, without censuring the male aggressor. Feminoids are anti-intellectual, and corrupt any college that tolerates them.
If you think any group of Whites in America has the time, energy, inclination, or desire to bring back Segregation....., you're a fit resident for the funny farm along with David Berkowitz, John Hinckley Jr., Mark David Chapman, and One L. Goh.
Oh yes, let's contribute a political forum that advocates a socially conservative perspective in looking at a problem that seems to have no solution in polite society that we know of, but let's also take a historical conservative solution, that worked, off the table for discussion. Not only that, but we'll shame people who might see it as a solution as people destined for a "funny farm".
This "tactic" could would be at home in any leftist rag.
You know, Whiskey, save your liberal thought policing and shaming tactics for another forum. We are all waayyyy past being susceptible to that type of thought policing. You won't dictate what is acceptable discussion here.
To many of us, living as separate nations (segregation) is the only practical solution left, lest you want to keep with the liberal tact of trying to save the blacks from themselves as they rampage through our society and culture. Trying to take such a solution off the table, especially with shaming tactics and not legitimate rhetoric, is absolutely pathetic and antithetical to everything that our discussions stand for (free speech, free thought, and auto-determination away from an unredeemable group).
What does conservatism even mean? Does anyone even know?
I know. However, most people, even here, wouldn't have the philosophical flexibility to be able to implement it in a manner that would effectively counter the liberalization of society. Even if most of the suggestions here were to be implemented toward a more conservative society, it wouldn't be enough. We would still creep toward a multicultural communism, albeit at a slower rate.
Your best living ideals for conservative societies are Hasidim Jews and societies akin to the Amish (the closest Christian approximation to the Jewish priest class, albeit without the deeper taproot of more liberal practitioners within their society).
Fascism is conservatism in perfected execution.
Communism is liberalism in perfected execution.
There is no third way, and only one ideal will survive. If one counterweight is eliminated, the other force will eventually win out and be perfectly executed. The stronger one structure is expressed within society, the stronger the response from the counter-ideal is required to reverse that structure.
And to preempt all of the libertarian protests, just so you know, libertarianism is a liberal practice that fosters the move toward communism because of its individualizing effect in society, just like all liberalism. Social liberalism always lead to liberalism through its individualizing force within society.
Conversely, social conservatism moves us toward greater societal conservatism only because of its unifying force within communities and families (that share the same ethnicity and therefore unified political goals).
The societal individualizing effect versus the unifying / co-hesive effect of a political philosophy is the root of differentiating conservative from liberal political movements. Everything else is noise, and comparatively inconsequential as shaping forces toward liberal or conservative societies. Liberalism and conservatism are almost completely implemented through the social sphere.
Social conservatism promotes group co-operation, through the support of strong family units and values, and therefore is the ideal by which true political power, originating from the community, is created. The deeply ingrained sense of group co-operation is the key.
Liberalism promotes individualism, which leads to much less effective group co-operation and dis-unified family structures. Weak family units equates to a lack of community co-operation, and no real inter-generational political power is cultivated.
Through this dynamic, you can see why liberal politics are favored by the elites, as liberal politics sole purpose is to destroy any real political power that the people have, through he destruction of family unit, and by extension, the destruction of the community. If there isn't a strong sense of group-cooperation and unity within the family, it will not exist in the extended family - the community.
This is why the Hasidim are the key to the success of the Jewish people. Only people with such a strongly conservative priest class, that defies all liberal indoctrination on principle, will be able to compete with people who do have such a strong conservative UNIFYING force and doctrine at their helm.
Economics, only a minor detail in terms of readiness of political implementation or change, is the distraction used to make good conservatives think that their liberal politicians are conservative while society, as a whole, moves toward a communist social structure. After this is completed, adjusting the economics of the country is easy in comparison. However, the social adjustments take generations. But once they are implemented in full, it would likely take centuries to reverse in a full fascist (truly conservative) effort.
People have to stop having a knee jerk reaction to the word "fascist", or the ideology has to be renamed. If you cannot get over the stigma attached to the word, then you will be overrun and will not win. What you have to realize is that ALL true social conservatism is just shades of fascist ideology, the more removed from the perfect execution of it the more liberalized that it is, and the less effective that it is at countering social Marxism/communism.
There is no third choice. If you don't embrace social conservatism (fascism) in a very significant way and implementation, then you may as well embrace the multicult and the coming increase in liberalism and the BRA's power.
Whiskey, I have to agree with Anon at 8:18 PM. Whites, including leftist Whites, already invest the time and energy, not to mention the money, to segregate themselves. Formal, lawful segregation would be much cheaper and more efficient. The fact is, the African race is inferior and doomed to extinction. They can't even feed themselves.
We are now 50 years into an experiment, to see if the Negro is capable of civilization. By and large, he is not. We have given him every opportunity, only to watch him sink further into brutishness. We have allowed him to destroy our cities and kill our people. Do you see any peaceful accommodation with these people on terms of equality?
The Negro Uplift is really only one front in the War on the West. (Yes, I really do think that history books 200 years from now will have some such name for the leftist ascendency we're living through) The Brown and Yellow invasions, the Homosexual Arousal, and the Feminist Rage are other fronts in the struggle. They rise and fall together, and when they fall, nobody will be standing to say "It's not fair to treat the Blacks that way".
I just now found this blog while searching for crime statistics in regards to the Martin/Zimmerman fiasco in FL. I must say, I've never been flooded with such a feeling of relief at realizing that my "awake-ness" is shared by so many others. This discussion, about race realism, is of such vital importance to the preservation of the American ideal that it comes as no surprise that the left feels the need to shout it down at every turn.
Why is it that most white people think that black people are ignorant, dumb, stupid, or ugly?
Why can't we all just respect each other regardless of color or creed?
Black people aren't going anywhere...Suck it up and get over it...
Because blacks act ignorant, dumb, stupid, and ugly...as evidenced by the fact that the majority of violent crimes in this nation are committed by blacks. For over a half century, blacks have been allowed to exercise the same rights as whites. Thus far they have proven themselves incapable of self control, to the extent that over 70% of blacks are born out of wedlock and the majority of violent criminals are black. Just take a look at the continent of Africa, where for centuries blacks have proven themselves incapable of self-governance.
The better question seems to be: why do whites feel shame for seeing the world as it really is?
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