PK Note: For the past few weeks, I did my best to blend in at the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. Quite easy at the GOP Convention in Tampa; an arduous task at the DNC Convention in Charlotte. Thus, that was the reason for the spotty nature of new posts at SBPDL. Back to normal now.
The Cantina scene from Star Wars: A New Hope. Or was it the 2012 DNC in Charlotte? |
One should try and live by the code of Han Solo from the
Star Wars films:
always shoot first. The latest Paul Kersey at VDare (
RNC vs. DNC: “Ocean of Whiteness” vs. Star Wars Cantina, September 10, 2012) tells the story of my journey at both the DNC and GOP Conventions. I attended both and had the pleasure of hobnobbing with some hilarious luminaries of both the right and left.
Here's my
take on the conventions:
Two scenes in George Lucas’ first Star Wars movie beautifully encapsulated the emotions I felt while attending both the GOP Convention in Tampa and the DNC Convention in Charlotte:
Indeed, an “Ocean of Whiteness” was exactly how black Republican consultant Raynard Jackson described the Republican Convention in a front-page banner headline of the black newspaper The Richmond Times. He was right—although I would say the Main Stream Media, massively present and mingling with the delegates, was even whiter.
It’s been reported that only two percent of the delegates at the GOP were Black. Conversely, reportedly 26 percent of the delegates at the DNC were Black, though I’d wager that at least 50 percent of those in attendance at Charlotte’s Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte were—all dressed in their most impressive Sunday attire to pay homage to their Commander in Chief. Whites, many of them homosexual, the men tall good-looking Nordics, the women Ladies Professional Golf Association caricatures, seemed to be about a quarter (although this included the MSM).
Wait a second: is this the GOP Convention? |
Hispanics and particularly Asians were somewhat surprisingly less well represented, in that order.
But beneath this diversity there was one commonality at the DNC: the atheists, blacks, Hispanics, “good” white liberals, homosexuals, Amerindians, and other NAMs in attendance – despite their ultimately political interests—were totally united in their belief that the historic majority population of the United States, what calls the “historic American nation,” must be deposed and that the culture this hated majority created must be subverted at all costs.
In a bid to fit in, I made sure to purchase an Obama-Biden button to wear the entire time I was at the DNC. (The hilarious “Once you go Black, you never go Back” Obama-Biden button was a hard souvenir to find).
It was a surreal sight to see white liberals, Blacks, Hispanics, and other NAMs swoon over such illustrious individuals as Jesse Jackson, Rep. John Lewis, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews (as he waddled through the concourse to the media suites), all making a living by promoting an agenda that must frankly be described as anti-white.
I fitted in more easily at the GOP Convention. But it was painfully obvious that Conservatism Inc. has already capitulated to the idea that that a majority-minority America is an inevitability, and that the Republicans must appease it—and certainly that it dare not implement what calls the “Sailer Strategy” and appeal to its own (white) base.
Pathetically, the Beltway-friendly Daily Caller complained that MSNBC cut-away from showing the speeches of some of the non-white speakers at the GOP Convention. But the plain fact is that the Republicans would have gladly showcased a complete non-white lineup of speakers if they could have fielded one.
It was impossible to watch the speeches of Condoleezza Rice, congressional candidate Mia Love and former Democratic Alabama Congressman Artur Davis at the GOP Convention, and to see the Obama-exceeding homage with which they were greeted, without realizing that they were there addressing the “Ocean of Whiteness” precisely because they were seen as an olive branch to the non-white community that might erase virtual monolithic support President Obama has among his people:
…Obama continues to lead Romney among key parts of his political base, including African Americans (94 percent to 0 percent), Latinos (by a 2-to-1 margin), voters under 35-years-old (52 percent to 41 percent) and women (51 percent to 41 percent).
Romney is ahead with whites (53 percent to 40 percent), rural voters (47 percent to 38 percent) and seniors (49 percent to 41 percent). [NBC/WSJ poll: Heading into conventions, Obama has four-point lead, NBC, August 21, 2012]
Read the
rest over at VDare, but be sure to comment on it here. And remember -- Like Han Solo, always shoot first.
Funny, I thought something similar while watching a little of the DemCon, although I didn't consider the very apt Mos Eisley (sp?) cantina analogy.
It wasn't just that the speaker and audience members weren't white, it was that they looked so foreign. Hair styles, dress, even facial expressions and speaking style. It seems that they go out of their way to not be "normal" aka white, mainstream.
I can't imagine how anyone looks at those freaks and responds positively while responding so negatively to the appearance of the well dressed, well groomed conservatives.
totally united in their belief that the historic majority population of the United States, what calls the “historic American nation,” must be deposed and that the culture this hated majority created must be subverted at all costs.
PK- it's called wiping out the dominant culture through the power of government by criminalizing and punishing White privilege.
It will be the destruction of all American freedoms, the ushering in of a Diversity Dictatorship, and the eternal blaming of White Humanity for how bad things are.
"The troubles we have today can be traced directly back to slavery and segregation. If Whites had done the right thing back at the beginning, we wouldn't be in such bad shape."
"Once you go Black, you never go Black" ... a typo or a pun I haven't yet figured out?
It's very hard to feel much optimism about the future of this nation.
As one city after the other becomes increasingly BR (as in 'BRA'), the once-functioning civic foundations become more rotten.
These people seem to be totally confortable with the African model of governance: loot everything in sight.
Expect to see more of what happened today in Trenton, as BRA careens toward its implosion.
Note the defiant expression on his face:
Go take another shower. There is no way you could be clean after the company you've been keeping.
Whitey needs to have more kids.
Right into the Lion's den, eh Paul? I have noticed in the convention coverage that every DWL has a carefully sensitized nose for anything that might smell of White Solidarity.
Romney's already pulling a McCain on us, i.e. trying to throw the election while looking like he's really running hard:
Romney says he would keep parts of Obama healthcare law
As far as I'm concerned, I've got ten weeks to finish planning what I'm going to do next. Because that son of a bitch Romney is once again taking our votes for granted. Not that my vote has ever mattered anyway. There has never been a candidate who had my interests at heart. All I've ever done is to vote against somebody.
Since you brought up Star Wars, it got me thinking about the psychological and social conditioning associated with the Prequels. Now as any Star Wars fan can tell you, the most fascinating story arc is that of Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker. Once a good Jedi Knight, Anakin turns to the dark side of the force and embraces evil to beomce Darth Vader. The way this is shown is very interesting and telling.
Anakin is manipulated by an Evil Sith lord,Darth Sidious, represented as an OLD WHITE MAN. The noble Jedi, led by the very BLACK Samuel Jackson, seek to defeat this Evil Old White Man. In the climactic scene, the heroic Black, Mace Windu (Sam Jackson), is defeating the EVIL Old White Man (Darth Sidious) until Anakin (blonde hair, blue eyes) intervenes. Lily WHITE Anakin KILLS the heroic BLACK Mace Windu and becomes the evil Darth Vader.
To summarize, we had a noble black man defeating evil, which was represented in the character of an old white man. An Aryan youth intervenes in this act of black nobility, by killing the black man. The Aryan youth then embraces the Evil Old White Man, and becomes the right hand of Evil. Contrast the Prequels with the Orignal Trilogy and you will see a change from White innocence and fantasy, to something much darker and anti-white.
In many ways the Star Wars saga is a mirror image of our own history. In the Star Wars Universe there was the Old Republic that was loved and treasured and considered right and just. The Old Republic is destroyed by a giant civil war instigated by the trade federation/bankers. The Old Republic falls and is replaced with the Galactic Empire. Just like the Star Wars universe we had an Old Republic that was loved and treasured. We had a Civil War instigated by the Globalist Elite/Bankers to destroy the Old Republic. The old isolationist USA became the Fascist Global Empire we see today. The only question is if the Rebel Alliance will arise to fight and defeat the Global Empire.
The way that the Republican Establishment accepts the narratives of liberalism, including the narrative that America will inevitably become non-white, is pathetic. The Bush clan and Romney are among the worst of the offenders which is why the Republican base has no great love for either the Bushes or Romney.
The good news is that Nobama will lose quite handily this November and many more Tea Party supporters will be voted in to challenge the existing ruling class and its presumptions.
A few points as to why Obama will lose by double digits to Romney:
1) the Bradley effect
2) polls are over-sampling Democrats even though Gallop is finding that voters are increasingly identifying as Republicans
3) there has been a deliberate effort by TPTB to blackout any mention of the Tea Party. The reality is that the TPM is still robust and enthusiastic about voting out incumbents
4) at this point in presidential campaigns, the MSM always tries to suggest that the Democrat candidate is a shoo-in
5) Obama has POed pretty much everyone
6) pundits are engaging in analysis with a systematic bias. They are taking as a baseline the 2008 elections by stating things such as Obama beat McCain by X% in State Y. In reality, 2008 was an anomaly. Obama was elected because the Bush admin crashed the stock market. Don't believe the alternative narratives.
Have hope. The disruption of the political status quo, although it will take several elections, allows the possibility that the rule by victimology will be ended or at least severely curtailed.
As an intrepid traveler I have been in some real shit holes. One similarity with these shit holes is guess.........multiculturalism.
I have been in the country and in the cities of Lao, Cambodia, Japan, Korea, etc. The most danger is to be found in the multicultural centers of Vientiane, Phenom Phen, Yoyogi dist. of Tokyo, Itaewan area of Seoul.
Most every travel I know will say that the bars in these areas are reminiscent of the bar in Star Wars.The reason of course is the mass of different cultures and races. Two hundred years ago of course the port cities were always known as dangerous due to the rabble and cultural mixes.
The evidence is there for anyone who will only open their eyes to see.
The black man is king. As you know we have a Schoo Shtrike in Chicago. Theres a real shtruggle goin' on. Its interesting that libs like Rahm,(and esp. those who are kinsmen of Rahm) are always ready to wield their cat-o'-nine tails and open up the backs of the poor white untermenchen who dare fail to submit to the Magnificent Negro.Yet when they are at cross purposes with the Great Ones,they have the right to defy the Man. The Chicago Teachers Union is black dominated,which makes it a civil rights group,and by civil rights,I mean its dedicated first and foremost to wealth transfer from society(i.e.Y-T)to blacks.Educating the "chirrun" is secondary. So Karen Lewis,a large obstreperous woman of color,is very serious. Rahm,who assuredly couldnt care less about negro schoo kids,nonetheless for political reasons,is HOT to get them back in to class. Lewis is much less so. Educatin' lil black kids is fine,but civil RIGHTS,the wealth transfer,is primary!It will be interesting to see what happens!
Mr. Kersey- Utterly hysterical. The Jazz Band Cafe scene as the DNC convention.
At least I know who the enemy is. And that they must be destroyed.
Either Whites take back OUR land, and ship the non-Whites out, as well as stone the Sodomites, or we secede.
There is no other option. As they have clearly shown us with the DNC. And you so perfectly made fun of.
Utterly degrade and denigrate those who are your enemies... the perfect tool of the Scorning Superior on a clearly inferior class.
- Fr. john+
Paul --
I disagree fundamentally with your take, in that having lots of "skin in the game" I prefer a marginal improvement via Romney over catastrophic change under Obama.
For example, Romney is likely to reverse the Amnesty of Obama, cancel the "punish Whitey" school disciplinary quotas of Holder, stop the anti-Gun crusade of Obama/Holder, and stop the anti-business action of Obama that would increase my own personal wealth and thus the ability to stay away from BRA as much as possible.
As for the sentiment on who wins, its an open question. Whitey is not united at all, perhaps you have some observations on the White women in attendance at the DNC vs. RNC conventions; I personally found that picture of Biden groping out that Biker chick with the two bikers looking on disgusted to be a metaphor for the election. On the other hand, the guy in Florida who ran a pizza parlor and gave Obama a hug is now facing boycott threats against his business and charity.
As for the "original sin" of slavery and segregation, Sweden, Denmark, the UK, France, Norway, all were absent from that (Britain in fact ENDED slavery and had no Blacks at all in its shores until the 1960s). And they are in the same boat. That this is universal (John Derbyshire suggests it is happening among Chinese women of his acquaintance) says something.
If Derbyshire is correct, that Chinese women are embracing Multiculturalism, and Chinese men rejecting it, that's important.
"The good news is that Nobama will lose quite handily this November"
If true (and I think that baring some military or financial crisis, Obama will win), the bad news is that would leave us with Romney.
Once you go black - you become a single mom.
(Saw this on AMREN).
I found the feminization of the Republican convention to be nauseating. My wife did too. Mrs. Romney was beyond ridiculous. Women women women and more women. All these single mothers are doing all the heavy letting and are the true bull workers of our society. Her and all the rest looked like they were cast by Oliver to represent exactly what the Hollywood pop culture image of them is. And while I still like Condi Rice, let's be truthful. She's a symbolic totem. I'm still grateful there are at least a few black conservatives, but we must be careful not to turn them into mythic figures and gush all over ourselves.
The Republicans have totally capitulated to the message of the day: they are bad and we are too white and too male. It was hard to take. Bend over.
The Dems? Perhaps the most disgusting political freak show of all time. They booed God. They sell abortions. They hate whites. They all hate one another. They want all women to open their legs. Militant sluthood. They hate the Constitution. They don't understand the concepts of the Constitution. They crap on Israel and their Jewish supporters. They do the same with their Catholic base. They want to disarm the nation and pursue this insanity of a nuclear-free US. This invites nuclear attack. Ten years from now we'll be in as much nuclear danger as we were during the Cold War. No one cares.
In a bizarre pivot they spoke as if they believe in old fashioned pull-yourself-up-by-your-sbootstaps America while doing everything possible to suck ambition out of the people.
And yet I speak to young people, the 21 to 30 years olds, and a lot of them know they are screwed. They know the nation is going down. But they don't exactly know why. They have been un-educated by the schools and brainwashed by big media (Hollywood, the networks, sports, music). The majority are full-in with the new way. But many are not and many of them are in despair. My daughter is a social worker. She is livid that should she have a child our society will penalize her 1/2 her and hubby's income. Meanwhile she is a steward for welfare mama's who she says in most instance realize between $35,000 to $75,000 in benefits; they are paid to reproduce. As Victor Davis Hanson says, the US used to attract and admit the brightest people in the world. Now we seek immigrants with sub-85 IQs.
How can this nation have slipped so far?
Meanwhile my wife and I have been doing some socializing. People want to talk politics. Those who are on BHO's side are truly incapable of seeing the debt and the cost. They can not understand the simplest thing about business and economics. They are incapable of understanding that THINGS COST SOMETHING. People truly believe that government is the font of all. They are all motivated by this desire to see no one be uncomfortable in any way, no matter how small the inconvenience or it's cost to society. Again, so much of this is lead by women. My wife is about to explode. She says this natural softness that other display is going to completely destroy us.
One last question: How come when the lefties call people Nazis (Hitler, Eva Braun, Himmler, etc.) no one is ever Goering?
When will Opiate of America be available?
"My daughter is a social worker. She is livid that should she have a child our society will penalize her 1/2 her and hubby's income. Meanwhile she is a steward for welfare mama's who she says in most instance realize between $35,000 to $75,000 in benefits; they are paid to reproduce."
Your daughter has rightly identified one of the manifestations of the Anti-White system she lives under.
She and her husband must contain and defer their fertility so that the darker skinned welfare-breeders are subsidized.
It is a clear case of White Genocide by using the power of the Anti-White State to force artificial demographic change.
If she, and thousands like her joined together and burned, looted, raped and rioted until their demands were met maybe things could change. Hey, it has worked for the Negro so far...
Alternatively, it is time to really start endeavoring for full secession and the establishment of White Homelands.
Look to the Pacific Northwest.
You're right, both parties have succumbed to the non-racial heresy. No progress can be made unless things are put on an explicitly racial basis which would make things crystal clear. Until then we're all just voting in hopes that one party will kick us less hard than the other.
And yet I speak to young people, the 21 to 30 years olds, and a lot of them know they are screwed. They know the nation is going down. But they don't exactly know why.
They watched too much mainstream news and NPR.
tell em in 3 terms.
I rather surprised to see a lot of cheerleading for the GOP here. They are the enemy as much as the Dems. Sure the Tea Party and Ron Paul are a step in the right direction but lets not get carried away.
If Derbyshire is correct, that Chinese women are embracing Multiculturalism, and Chinese men rejecting it, that's important. - Whiskey
In a proper White run country it wouldnt be important because there wouldnt be any Chinese people voting - assuming they were allowed to live there at all.
Anon 9/10 4:35 PM: "Once you go black - you become a single mom.(Saw this on AMREN)."
And COMPLETELY worth the repost! Bravo!
Josh (some nice Ebonics included):
The black man be keeeng. As you know we have a Schoo Shtrike in Chicago. Theres a real shtruggle goin' on. Its interesting that libs like Rahm, (and esp. those who are kinsmen of Rahm) are always ready to wield their cat-o'-nine tails and open up the backs of the poor white untermenchen who dare fail to submit to the Magnificent Negro. Yet when they are at cross purposes with the Great Ones, they have the right to defy the Man. The Chicago Teachers Union is black dominated, which makes it a civil rights group,and by civil rights, I mean its dedicated first and foremost to wealth transfer from society (i.e.Y-T) to blacks. Edjumactin' de "chirrun" be secondary. So Karen Lewis, a large obstreperous woman of color, is very serious. Rahm, who assuredly couldnt care less about negro schoo kids, nonetheless for political reasons, is HOT to get them back in to class. Lewis is much less so. Educatin' lil black kids is fine, but civil RIGHTS, the wealth transfer, is primary! It will be interesting to see what happens!
(I be addin' a fu spellin' chex to yo' post, bro). Interesting indeed. The big thing Rahm-bo is worried about are all those out-of-skoo yootz and honah stoodintz who now be walkin' the streets down in YT-town sections of the city like magnificent mile, etc. Not bein' in the fine edumacation establishments built by Arne Duncan, the poor dears will revert to the savage behavior learned from the Pilgrim barbarian YTs shortly after their 1898 arrival at Plymouth rock in the dank holds of slave ships. Hopefully poh-leece cheeph McCaahthy and compstat will be able to re-classifiy sufficient numbers of assaults as 'accidents', murders as 'suicides'. etc. to save the day. However, if the yoots be feelin' frisky, even the Ministry of Truth might be hard-pressed to cover up the extent of the wildings. Rahm-bo might be havin' some Mickey-Dee 365 black Egg-McMuffin on his face. Though unlikely in Chicago, where the DWLs and the Rahmbolicks play, more YT might suddenly start to see.
But it was painfully obvious that Conservatism Inc. has already capitulated to the idea that that a majority-minority America is an inevitability, and that the Republicans must appease it—and certainly that it dare not implement what calls the “Sailer Strategy” and appeal to its own (white) base.
Thus has the Republican Party sealed its own doom. It has cast aside its own voter base in pursuit of a minority vote that will never total more than 10%, if that.
They will emerge from this self-immolation proudly flaunting their badge of dieversity even as they alienate those for whom Conservative values mean anything at all.
It's like trying to lure in the vegetarian vote by throwing an all-you-can-eat fundraiser at some BBQ joint.
Most despicable of all is the GOP's tacit apologia for being "too White".
But the plain fact is that the Republicans would have gladly showcased a complete non-white lineup of speakers if they could have fielded one.
More tokens than a bus' fare box.
All I can say is that if the Republicans win in November, it won't be due to skill or finesse. 0bama's political armor has more holes in it than a wheel of Emmentaler Swiss.
"When will Opiate of America be available?"
Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?
"Romney is likely to reverse the Amnesty of Obama, cancel the "punish Whitey" school disciplinary quotas of Holder, stop the anti-Gun crusade of Obama/Holder, and stop the anti-business action of Obama that would increase my own personal wealth and thus the ability to stay away from BRA as much as possible."
I'll have what your having!
Ex New Yorker here.....Same type of bullshit election again this year. A great choice between Shitty Mitty and Little Black Sambo. The Red Baron inside "The City" in London will decide who is going to be your next Slave Master.
Have you ever noticed that whenever they have some kind of big important election that it only takes them two hours to count the votes. But when a candidate ask to do a RE-COUNT it takes them two months to count the votes. Why is that?
Wake up little sleepy heads. The President is not elected. THE PRESIDENT SELECTED.
"A white man voting democrat is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders"
One last question: How come when the lefties call people Nazis (Hitler, Eva Braun, Himmler, etc.) no one is ever Goering?
Because Goering knew where to get the good drugs?
Once you go Black, you never go Black
I think it's a typo, but it could also mean once you go black you'll always be in debt. So you'd financially be in the "red" as opposed to "black."
For example, Romney is likely to reverse the Amnesty of Obama, cancel the "punish Whitey" school disciplinary quotas of Holder, stop the anti-Gun crusade of Obama/Holder, and stop the anti-business action of Obama that would increase my own personal wealth and thus the ability to stay away from BRA as much as possible.
These are completely unfounded assertions on your part. You have nothing whatever to back them up apart from Romney's ethnic background - which if anything will make him even more 'anti-racist' than D'Won in order to prove his 'moral' status to fellow elite whites. His record as Supreme Kommissar of the Massachuetts People's Republic is there for anyone to see: a dedicated Marxist PCMC gun-grabber to the core. Judicial appointments as abominable as anything offered up by the Magic Negro himself. As Vox Day and others have pointed out, there is a fairly serious argument that Mittens will actually be worse on all of the issues mentioned (though I honestly do not see how he could be actually worse, even if there is no difference).
As I have stated previously, one can appreciate the desire to simply flush the toilet. Politicians in a corrupt banana republic like this one are indeed like dirty diapers - always in need to changing and for the very same reason. Let's not deceive or fool ourselves here: Should the toilet in DC receive a flushing in November, it will not be filled with clean water but with a "fresh" load of raw sewage from the very same source as the previous load. The presidency is a lost cause. If you must participate in the Kabuki/drag-show farce being held, concentrate on congress and the state legislatures. Now and again someone who at least isn't a deadly enemy even of they're not much on our side is allowed to run. As for this maudlin sympathy popping up around here for Republicans, I can see that the beatings need to continue until attitude improves.
Everyone keeps asking the same questions, "Why are they allowing a free flow of sub 85 IQ immigrants to our shores? Why are they subsidizing the bottom of the barrel and penalizing the most creative and intelligent? Why do they brag about subsidizing every last morsel of food handed over to the masses, the free housing, etc?
In a word- docility.
I raise animals for several traits, among them are ease of birth and size of offspring, but most importantly, I raise them for their docility.
I am an aging man who can't muscle a 1,600 pound steer, so I have to know how to make him go where I want while he thinks he's going where he wants when in the end we both know it's into a freezer- same for hogs, lambs, whatever.
If I bred animals for their intelligence, their cleverness and their ability to escape or stay feral (independence) then I wouldn't be much of a farmer.
If anyone doesn't understand what's being done is being done deliberately, then they are already on their way to the packing room floor.
From here on out it will be a deliberate and systematic culling of the best and the brightest and the intentional and subsidized production of the debased and common.
Husbandry is well thought out and it has a cold reasoning behind it. Someone is always higher on the food chain.
Bogo: "Should the toilet in DC receive a flushing in November, it will not be filled with clean water but with a "fresh" load of raw sewage from the very same source as the previous load."
This is what is known as a "double decker" in college prank parlance. Someone took a dump in the tank, so everytime we flush we fill the bowl with crap-water.
Van said : "This is what is known as a "double decker" in college prank parlance. Someone took a dump in the tank, so everytime we flush we fill the bowl with crap-water."
It's actually known as the "UPPER decker" as the tank is above the bowl.
Perhaps it's an East Coast/West Coast thing.
"Once you go Black, you never go Black"
Yup, definately a typo. Should be spelled: once you go black, you may as well be just another nigger.
Bogolyubski:As I have stated previously, one can appreciate the desire to simply flush the toilet.
I really do not know what other option there is short of all out revolution. We must take however little of the electoral process which still remains in our hands and make it work for us in whatever marginal ways it still can.
Flushing the Oval Toilet™ may not be the most efficient way of changing government but it happens to be one of the most noticeable. When both political parties see that voters will no longer align along typical partisan lines, then the message will begin to get through.
Let's not deceive or fool ourselves here: Should the toilet in DC receive a flushing in November, it will not be filled with clean water but with a "fresh" load of raw sewage from the very same source as the previous load. The presidency is a lost cause.
Largely so. By the time one or the other rooster has clawed and scratched his way so near to the dunghill's summit, there is only shit for either of them to crow about. Put another way, you can't spit between the difference.
If you must participate in the Kabuki/drag-show farce being held, concentrate on congress and the state legislatures. Now and again someone who at least isn't a deadly enemy even if they're not much on our side is allowed to run.
I agree. Although much of my effort has been focused upon getting people to see through this now-transparent Grand Guignol of The Presidency™, those amongst the lower ranks of elected officials remain, per force, more sensitive to voter sentiments—if only because they are near the dunghill's more slippery bottom slopes and cannot spend an inordinate amount of time clawing upward—lest their constituencies take notice of being so neglected.
As for this maudlin sympathy popping up around here for Republicans, I can see that the beatings need to continue until attitude improves.
Hear, hear! To all stalwart and loyal Republicans; get over it. Remember what Baron Bodissey over at Gates of Vienna says:
You of the GOP have been abandoned in a worse manner than any young rattler by its mother sidewinder. Remember, rattler brood mothers EAT any malformed or otherwise dysfunctional offspring. Republicans, much like the Democrats, are far more indiscriminate about who they devour. Functional or not, you are political cannon fodder and nothing more.
Yes, Democrats seem to make all sorts of fuss and bother about their protected minorities but they—with their incredibly bigoted "soft racism" of lowered expectations—will throw such pets straight under the bus with an alacrity that still defies, what is otherwise, the intolerable swiftness of abject Republican treason.
BOTH parties have betrayed their individual constituencies with not so much as a backward glance. Notice all the emphasis upon "swing states"? That's because those are the votes that really matter. Why, you ask?
It's because those are the most dangerous voters of all, the thinking ones. Why else do both parties continue to target the White middle class for extinction? Neither can bear or tolerate the existence of an educated electorate. How coincidental is it that an educated electorate is the one thing which might have a chance in hell of saving America?
White middle class voters continue to be the one group that can—to whatever degree—legitimately throw an election. Can their be any more virulent enemy of The System™?
Partisan die-hards appear to get lots of attention from their respective chumpions but I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that "swing states" get an astonishingly disproportionate amount of dollars spent per vote. Can you imagine how very dearly either party would just lurve to dispense with such niceties and get on with the onerous chore of herding their sundry sheeple towards the cliff?
One last question: How come when the lefties call people Nazis (Hitler, Eva Braun, Himmler, etc.) no one is ever Goering?
That's an easy one. They don't know how to pronounce Goering.
Well, I am not portly but i do have a sky blue suit, so I want to be Goering.
hardscrabble farmer: If I bred animals for their intelligence, their cleverness and their ability to escape or stay feral (independence) then I wouldn't be much of a farmer.
If anyone doesn't understand what's being done is being done deliberately, then they are already on their way to the packing room floor.
From here on out it will be a deliberate and systematic culling of the best and the brightest and the intentional and subsidized production of the debased and common.
An excellent alternate explanation for the war upon intelligent voters which I outlined in my previous comment.
Please consider contributing a followup comment regarding this observation:
With respect to docility, elected officials seek, above all, politically docile voters. These are the knee-jerk party line types that cannot even conceive of going independent much less crossing over for an opposition vote.
No better example of this group exists than the ultra-poor which once existed almost exclusively in urban core housing projects. That cluster was—and to a lesser extent, still is—the epitome of "mendicant voter plantations".
The reason for emphasizing "politically docile" is because most of us recognize that many of these mendicant voters are anything but "docile" in real life. It is one of those behavioral emulsions of blinkered political awareness and rampant, overt criminality which have a common root in near-total ignorance.
These are the shock troops of modern American politics and both parties unhesitantly employ them with equal facility.
"No better example of this group exists than the ultra-poor which once existed almost exclusively in urban core housing projects. That cluster was—and to a lesser extent, still is—the epitome of "mendicant voter plantations"."
Unless someone picks them up in a limo, drives them to the polls, and then promises them a hot meal, the underclass project blacks will not vote. They don't even have the future time orientation to get the trash to the curb on Thursdays.
Most blacks don't even know that there is an election coming up, and they don't really care.
Whites need to practice racial solidarity and escape the system.
I always look for a white cashier in a store. If there is none, I use the self-checkout. If there is no self-checkout or white cashier, I leave and tell the manager why.
I don’t talk to blacks and I ONLY engage with them if I have to. If I’m at a restaurant I pick the server, not the other way around. I used to give groids the benefit of the doubt when in public. I cannot tell you how many times in my younger naïve years I’d be nice to a non-white that clearly wasn’t nice to me. Those days are so over.
I see white women fawning over mulatto kids when they see them in public. I don’t. I give momma mudshark the stink eye. She knows why I give her a dirty look.
I think that every black neighborhood should have an abortion clinic. Why should I pay for those ghetto bastards? The gubmint could give Lakeesha an eight ball or a blunt plus some oxycontin after her abortion.
I don’t know why in God’s name there is all this fuss about keeping these ghetto bastards in school. Let them stay out of school. Eventually they’ll kill each other on the streets. One less sociopath groid on the loose.
Why all the outcry when they buy drugs or alcohol with their welfare money? Hopefully they’ll buy some bad smack and find an ill-fated end.
All this coddling of these idiots is insanity. Let nature take it’s course. Whites need to stay out of the way. Let the law of the jungle prevail. Only the strong survive.
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