Set it on fire to prove a point as the Joker did in the 2008 movie The Dark Knight? Or would you give it to historically black college and universities (HBCUs)?
Is there a difference?
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What will $228 million to fix the unfixable? |
Why not roll the ugliness [Obama White House awards HBCUs, but how will the money be managed?, The Grio, by David Love, 9-20-2012]:
The Department of Education recently announced it is providing $228 million in grants to 97 historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in 19 states. The funds will be used for campus expansion, counseling programs, science equipment and faculty training.
“HBCUs have made enduring, even staggering contributions to American life despite the steep financial challenges many have faced,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. “The grants will help these important institutions continue to provide their students with the quality education they need to compete in the global economy.”
The announcement is welcome news for financially challenged institutions who, like the black community as a whole, have been hurting during the U.S. economic downturn. In addition, the grants will ease the concerns of critics who believe President Obama has not done enough to help the black community, his most ardent supporters.
Nevertheless, with the collapse of Morris Brown College— due to financial mismanagement, corruption, financial aid theft and foreclosure—and the overall precarious fiscal state of HBCUs, some are wondering if these schools can be trusted to properly manage their finances.
Among the historically black institutions facing economic woes are Bethune-Cookman University and Florida Memorial University. Money troubles have translated into accreditation issues and warnings forFisk University, Tennessee State, Bennett College, Tugaloo College, Saint Paul’s College, Southern University, Virginia Union University, Grambling State University and others. Loss of accreditation affects a university’s reputation, fundraising and access to financial aid— which is crucial to the well-being of HBCUs.
In addition to Morris Brown, Alabama A&M University and Florida A&M have faced financial accountability problems, including financial aid theft.
Although the 105 HBCUs account for 3 percent of all U.S. colleges, they enroll 12 percent of black college students, produce 23 percent of all black college graduates, 40 percent of the nation’s black science graduates, and 60 percent of blacks holding engineering degrees. Further, these institutions are responsible for generating 50 percent of all African-American professionals and public school teachers, 75 percent of African-American Ph.Ds, 80 percent of black federal judges, and 85 percent of all African-American doctors.
Leadership in the HBCUs is at a crossroads, with vacancies for the position of president open at 16 colleges. According to John S. Wilson, executive director of the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, the abnormally high vacancies are part of a problem that has been simmering for years, with an uphill battle in attracting quality leaders, but the immediate issue is the state of the economy.No, there is no difference. If you set the $228 million on fire, at least you'd be able to discern what happened to it (it would be burned and you'd be fighting inflation!). Instead, with a gift of $228 million you are working to artificially prop up a segment of the educational industry - HBCU - that the invisible hand of the free market is pimp slapping for its inefficiencies.
But the scathing audit portrays the 7,000-student university as a financial mess, with federal grants misspent, lax control over contracts and misuse of purchasing cards. The review revealed 41 problems, up from 13 the prior year. The problems ranged from paying vendors above contracted amounts to allowing an elementary education student to graduate despite not completing a course in teaching physical education, a state requirement.Not that big of deal, considering that Morgan State (with a graduation rate of 34 percent) was bestowed a $95.8 million grant from NASA in 20011 -- the future of our space program in the hands of recruiting future NASA employees from a school whose admission standards are as follows:
Admission Requirements
Morgan State University Office of Undergraduate Admission and Recruitment Admission Requirements
First Time Freshmen
- 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA), and
- 850 SAT (Combined critical reading and math), or
- 17 ACT (Composite Score)
Yeah, burning the money makes more sense than giving it to HBCUs as grants |
Or we could just let the findings on graduation rates at HBCUs published in the Journal of Black's in Higher Education do the talking for us:
Yes, burning the money makes much, much more sense. But then again, we do live in Black-Run America (BRA) where there are no consequences for being Black. Only rewards.
The highest Black student graduation rate at the HBCUs is at Spelman College in Atlanta. There, 79 percent of entering students graduate from Spelman within six years. This rate is higher than the Black student graduation rate at many of the nation’s highest-ranked colleges and universities. The Black student graduation at Spelman College is 15 percentage points higher than at any other HBCU in our survey.The Black student graduation rate at Howard University is 64 percent. This ranks Howard second among the HBCUs in our survey. Morehouse College in Atlanta ranks third with a Black student graduation rate of 61 percent.The only other HBCU in our survey with a Black student graduation rate of more than 50 percent is Hampton University in Virginia. There, 54 percent of entering Black students earn a degree at Hampton within six years.At nearly half the HBCUs in our survey, the Black student graduation rate is 33 percent or lower. At these institutions, less than one third of all entering African American students earned a bachelor’s degree within six years. There are six HBCUs in our survey where less than one in five entering Black students earn a bachelor’s degree within six years.
Money to burn is the problem. When the money runs out, and its either feed your own children or feed some "farm animal that makes talking noises maybe we will stop.
If the politicals are right and Romney will ruin the middle class, then that's what we need.
What to do with all the farm animals that talk?
Shipping containers.
"enduring, and even staggering".
OK, some quick comments:
The Department of Education recently announced it is providing $228 million in grants to 97 historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in 19 states.
Wasn't Reagan supposed to have abolished the Department of Education? Or Bush? Or somebody?
In addition, the grants will ease the concerns of critics who believe President Obama has not done enough to help the black community, his most ardent supporters.
i.e., Obama buying votes. Well, it is an election year and this is not unheard of. But you wonder what constitutes "enough" for the black community.
Although the 105 HBCUs account for 3 percent of all U.S. colleges, they enroll 12 percent of black college students, produce 23 percent of all black college graduates, 40 percent of the nation’s black science graduates, and 60 percent of blacks holding engineering degrees. Further, these institutions are responsible for generating 50 percent of all African-American professionals and public school teachers, 75 percent of African-American Ph.Ds, 80 percent of black federal judges, and 85 percent of all African-American doctors.
OK, here's a point: if HBCU are so efficient, then...does this mean that segregated education works (gasp!)?
Consider it: 60% of engineers. 85% of doctors. That beats out all the integrated schools in America combined, obviously. Were guys like George Wallace and Orval Faubus on to something? Maybe there are inherent differences in the ways in which different races learn. Or something.
Of course, such conclusions will not be visible in today's national "dialog on race."
It breaks my heart to think of how many vasectomies $228 million could have provided to urban youths. But to see it all wasted by giving it to HBCU's.
Where does all this money come from?
whats the dept of educations budget?
is this RAY-CYST?
Where are the all white schools?
Vasectomies don't stop hood rats from getting knocked up by another thug.
A tubal ligation costs $1500-$7000. If we assume $2000 a pop for a bulk buy, $228 million would get rid of as many as 114,000 Angel Adamses. At a conservative $3000 per baby and 3 babies per hood rat, it would pay for itself 4.5 times within 10 years.
Ex New Yorker here....Just another charade so the suit and tie Soul Brothers can line their pockets with more government hand outs. They will be skimming and scamming the loot like a bunch of slight of hand stage magicians. Like pigs fighting for the best position at the feeding trough. The parking lots will be filled with new cars. When someone starts asking questions about missing funds they will start boo hooing the old race card bullshit. It happened down in Key West, Florida a few years ago.
America has become a giant house of cards. RACE CARDS. Every day the house gets bigger and there is no shortage of cards. You don't want to be there when somebody sneezes and the house comes tumbling down. Find somewhere to ride out the storm.
Living this "home, home on the range" life gets better every day.
By the way. I saw a black guy working in a Subway store last week. His lower lip wasn't hanging down to his neck and he knew how to speak English. I got a tuna sandwich for my long journey home.
“HBCUs have made enduring, even staggering contributions to American life despite the steep financial challenges many have faced,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.
Yet, for some mysterious reason, Mr. Duncan is unwilling to specify exactly what those "staggering contributions" are from these various diploma mills. After all, if these HBCUs were operated with the same professionalism as, say, MIT or Stanford, they would be both graduating students at a much higher rate and having little difficulty filling their top administrative slots.
Instead, fiscal mismanagement strongly points towards downward pressure being placed upon administrators and instructors to continue passing even marginally performing students out of a need for the payments and student loan income that they represent to the school.
This is confirmed by their abysmally low graduation rates in that more scholastically capable students would indicate a better grade of educators and course materials with a concomitantly lessened need for all those millions of dollars being flung at them.
More likely, Duncan meant to say "swaggering contributions" as in the little end-zone exhibitions of choreographic prowess displayed by so many Blacks. After all, if these "contributions" really were so awesome, you can bet the farm that Duncan would have enumerated each and every last one of them in the most glowing of terms. In light of BRA's incessant coddling of Blacks and overstating the social capital that they represent, it is impossible to imagine otherwise.
But then again, we do live in Black-Run America (BRA) where there are no consequences for being Black. Only rewards.
Until the Blacks get around to rewarding each other, that is. Then, in a fit of unexpectedly adroit reverse alchemy, all of that gold magically transmutes into lead.
An interesting fact you should follow up on would be the percentage of local White graduates from some of these HBCU's. Since I received my under grad degree from one of the institutions on your list I can assure you that for some of them it is quite high. The HBCU I attended, which was almost 90% White at that time after students reached their Sophomore year, would still only spend any money received from activity fees or what have you on specifically Black areas of interest. From rap music dances to speeches by Farc-a-Kahn.
Some of that money could go to actually help those White students who are in areas were these HBCU's are expected to serve their higher education needs. But it won't.
Your Joker burning analogy is spot on.
I found a source for Medicaid birth costs. The uncomplicated ones (birthweight 2500 grams and up) average $7260, and it only went up from there.
If a $2000 tubal ligation prevents ONE Medicaid birth, it's paid for itself right there! We should be paying hood rats the equivalent of 1 year's TANF/EBT to be sterilized, they'd be lining up like they do for Section 8, and we'd make out like bandits on the slashed costs.
Pioneer Preppy said :
"The HBCU I attended, which was almost 90% White at that time after students reached their Sophomore year. . ."
I wonder if the fact that SAT Reading/Verbal scores are at an ALL TIME LOW has anything to do with that?
Confirming US Dumbification, SAT Verbal Scores Hit All Time Low
What good is giving all this money to HBCUs when the majority of their students cannot read or write at a college level? A degree from one of these institutions reminds me of the fake crowns they give to little kids at Burger King.
@Mr. Rational,
Vasectomies do prevent Negroes from knocking up coal-burners though.
So what do you say vasectomies and tubal ligations for all of them who are willing?
No problem. Print some money and distribute. Just another form of reparations. Did any of that money go to historically black schools of aviation? Didn't think so. Hate to keep harping on the pilot thing but in my mind nothing is more telling. Any average IQ white can be trained in short order in the basics. My wife got her private license at age 16.
Vasectomies do prevent Negroes from knocking up coal-burners though.
Are there enough coal-burners to matter, though?
We should be paying all dysfunctional people to volunteer for sterilization. Maybe the ugly, grossly-overweight types who are prone to become coal burners should be eligible on health grounds. Ditto all illiterates, serious juvenile criminals, and everything else. Pay them.
Then use the savings in social costs to pay the functional to make more babies. It'll be easier when the flow of baby mamas on Section 8 vouchers into White neighborhoods slows and stops, leaving the thug boyfriends with noplace to use as a base of operations. They might even have to get jobs!
Did not mean to imply my wife is of average intellect . She raised two beautiful successful children among other notable professional and personal achievements contributing to society as part of the white pivot.
off topic
Man Has To Try Twice To Get Arrested In Detroit
Sep 2, 2012 – A man suspected of killing two people and wounding two others tried to turn himself into a fire station in Detroit, but
etc etc
If The Powers That Be insist on having Black college grads, better they come from these glorified high schools than allow these dullards on White campuses. Segregation by any name is good.
"… you are working to artificially prop up a segment of the educational industry - HBCU - that the invisible hand of the free market is pimp slapping for its inefficiencies."
I very much dislike the idea that education should be market driven. The goal of having state-owned educational institutions is to great a certain kind of country, a a certain kind of people. An educated one.
The question of whether or not handing money to football teams is a good way to accomplish this is another question. But social engineering is a legitimate goal of a democratically elected government.
One approach would be to fully privatise vocational colleges and their football teams; and to explicitly have academic colleges which are chartered as being academic, with genuine academic standards. The academies would not be able to survive the free market, and that's fine - running them is a price that "we the people" should happily pay in return for what they add to society and culture.
The only problem I see is that "we the people" resent and despise eggheads, and will actually not be happy to pay for their education.
"(it would be burned and you'd be fighting inflation!)"
That's exactly why I would choose to burn it.
Down here in Central Florida, Bethune-Cookman College just opened up a $4.5 million dollar athletic training facility so they need more confiscated wealth from the cracker community for the boring book lernin part of collej.
If I was President with a Conservative Congress, I'd "burn" at least $1.5 trillion of Federal Government spending. It would be hell and it would be great.
Higher educational spending would be limited to quality practical education such as Engineering, Medical, etc.
Just another sulfurous breeze from the Oval Bowl to remind everyone of how badly it needs flushing.
Nevertheless, we must not forget that D'Won and his boy Arne could not spend a nickel were it not for the Repukes, including that "fiscal hawk" Paul Ryan, who have given Hussein and his homies a black check.
How about that, Tea-Partiers? Go and vote for Republicans and (surprise!) they turn out to by lying psychopathic narcissists who cooperate with an in-your-face Marxist and black supremacist.
To the Anonymous at Sept. 26, 4:55.
I'd love to believe your statement that any average IQ white can be taught the basics of aviation. I assume you mean a Visual Flight Rules private license.
I suspect, however, that like such occupations as electrician, and I suspect auto mechanic, it's virtually impossible for one who is not at least one standard deviation above average. Consider the navigation and use of a pilot's disk computer, consider the theory of aviation: lift, drag, turbulence, wing-loading, stalls, spins, recovery. Learning to rely on the five instruments if suddenly deteriorated conditions deprive the pilot of visual clues; really understanding that no one can "fly by the seat of their pants" because the inner ear can't be relied on.
I speak as an ignoramus. I've flown a good deal in small planes as well as airliners and have hauled up the flap lever for a busy pilot on a very short lake, but really, I know nothing. But consider that a good mechanic,for instance, is really doing science with many of the problems he solves: gathering data, generating hypotheses and testing them, and relying on a kind of scientific intuition as to which data are significant and relevant. I suspect it requires above-average intellect to be done well.
Congratulations to your wife, by the way. I do love a woman who is a bit of a pistol. I think getting even a private VFR license demands a good deal of courage,brains and self-discipline, and I admire her for qualifying so young.
Marcus Redman
Love the Maryland count:
Morgan: 34%
Bowie: 31%
Choppin: 16%
They can't even graduate their own without compromising their already low standards to the point of losing accreditation.
Don't forget about the fact that these "schools" (especially Morgan State) are well known for violence in, around, and off campus. Heck, the latest round of just-off-campus violence at my own school (Towson) was committed by Morgan students who came for a party. Were I still a soft-hearted liberal I would think this sad, but I'm not, and I've woken up to reality.
If you had spent this money to reduce our national debt, all American citizens, black and white would have benefitted.
paulmurray: The question of whether or not handing money to football teams is a good way to accomplish this is another question. But social engineering is a legitimate goal of a democratically elected government.
Insert riotous laughter >here<.
You, paulmurray, are a danger to all things living; human or not. Please, never forget this.
The only problem I see is that "we the people" resent and despise eggheads, and will actually not be happy to pay for their education.
As a devout egghead; a product of two eggheads who are unfortunately displaying their DWL handicap; I will not mach in protest, I will simply march away.
No one gets a job from a poor man, and centrally planned economies have been soundly debunked as failures in the making whenever attempted. I will return when this country has stopped losing its collective mind. I will gladly help rebuild.
I did not write the rules, but I understand them. I will be watching, waiting, to see where I can help. The inertia is presently too much for me to struggle against. I am tired of apologizing for my country. I rest. I wait. I want to see critical mass achieved before I put my shoulder to it again: I have been pushing for so long and it gets lonely.
Good bye and good luck. I am not deserting, I am replenishing my energy. This place has become a negative vortex and if I stay I will be sucked down into it, and this serves neither me nor the country I love.
God Damn it I hate BRA and all the enablers. Were it not for their obvious political and financial power I would look for chinks in the armor, but I will not be a Zimmerman.
Their current advantage is unsustainable and will not last. I will watch to see the crumbling... and then I will hopefully see the resurgence of real America. At that point I will plan to return and help rebuild.
It has to be allowed to go, but it will not go quietly.
Into the vortex we go.
After the calm we will regain what has been so cleverly stolen from us. Do not despair... persevere. I only leave to gain advantage, not from fear.
God Bless you all who read and comment here. I love you, and as the Terminator said, "I'll be back"... after the termination of BRA.
Break it down. Hard. Then we Atlasses who currently shrug will return to be the entrepreneurs who make it all go.
Please. End BRA.
If you dont, the USA is over.
If you give up and tell me it's done, don't even bother to call: I will have long ago sold the fork you might borrow to turn it over.
Some of that cash could go to actually help those Bright learners who are in places were these HBCU's are required to provide their college needs.
Miami Chrysler
the first thing that comes to my mind is WOW! did you see those grad rates? and our first hip-hop homeboy pres thinks this less-than trying cause we have A.A. and i'll get a job anyway mindset effort deserves a raise. wow! again just another get even with whitey day in o'bumholes new black america. remember we owe these ungrateful bastards nothing! vote R. HARD nov.6th. or else! and godspeed whites.
The Ms. Legislature tried desperately to close Ms. Valley State back in the early 80's based in part on the complete failure of the graduates to pass the teachers exam. The failure rate was unbelievable, something like 90%. Education grads from Ole Miss (96% white) had a 98% pass rate for the exam. Only an 11 ACT was required for entry to Valley. Even worse, Valley had an RN program with 100% failure rate on the State Boards. Cries of racism were bellowed by the usual crowd and the college remained open. Some of the nursing students were assigned mentors(at tax payer expense). I was assigned to work with several of the students at the Uni. of Ms. Medical Center. They were totally clueless and hopeless, however, I did my best. The Nursing School was eventually closed, thank God. The stats and facts didn't matter, so the beat goes on and the money continues to be wasted.
Anyone interested in a BLACK persons perspective in teaching at a HBC will enjoy this article by Bill Maxwell entitled “I had a dream”. If a white person had penned this he would be hounded for his racist rant but of course a black can tell the truth and not suffer the slings and arrows. Bill Maxwell is currently writing for the Tampa Bay Times, once known as the St. Petersburg Times, and seems to be pretty fair in his columns, unlike Leonard “Cry Me A River” Pitts. I would like PK to do an article about this racist POS Pitts. Anyway, the link to I had a dream is here:
If that doesn’t work just Google Bill Maxwell, I had a dream. Pretty eye opening stuff for the uninformed.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) held their 103rd annual convention in Houston, Texas in July of 2012. Radio talk show host Michael Berry, based out of Houston, tells the world what he thinks of the NAACP:
Read more:
"What to do with all the farm animals that talk?"
-Unfortunately, in the Animal Farm of Diversity, White 2 legs bad, black 2 legs good!
"OK, here's a point: if HBCU are so efficient, then...does this mean that segregated education works (gasp!)? "
-Excellent point!
This is almost as bad as the 1.4 billion dollars that Barry Soetero is giving to hipanic farmers for their being discriminated against.
That is pathetic. Kinda like our public schools in majority black cities with grad. rates below 50%. How can I get some of this money thrown my way?
Zenster re paulmurray: Social engineering is exactly what government exists for. Schools, roads, police and fire, the military, courts and prisons, and public health agencies, are all social engineering. The issue is what sort of society shall be engineered.
At this point it is just a money-grab free-for-all anyway. It's not like we had a couple hundred million surplus in the budget to throw at these goons. There's a recent video on James Edwards' blog over at the political cesspool that explains that our federal income is less than the mandatory spending for this year. Mandatory spending is social security/pensions/medicare/unemployment, etc. So we are in the hole before we even start to fund things like our military. The whole situation is like someone writing MasterCard checks to random people while he can't even afford to feed his own family.
Anyone interested in a BLACK persons perspective in teaching at a HBC will enjoy this article by Bill Maxwell entitled “I had a dream”. ...
From the article cited:
"I asked her which high school she had attended and what she meant. The Selma High School graduate said her English teacher had let students spend most of their time discussing current events and writing short paragraphs. ... I did not tell the class that Selma High was considered to be academically inferior."
What was education in Selma like before the Edmund Puttus Bridge incident of 1965?
"Every day in my classes, I reviewed basic grammar and showed students how to use the dictionary effectively, lessons normally taught in elementary and middle school."
Hmmmm...I wonder if more blacks knew basic grammar and how to use the dictionary before the Edmund Pettus incident than after?
"Of the nearly 1,000 students on campus, all but 100 or so received financial aid and loans. Nearly everyone qualified for federal Pell grants...I hardly ever saw anyone take notes during lectures in the English class. Instead, I had to regularly chastise students for text messaging their friends ... The college issued free laptops to all students who maintained a passing grade-point average."
Public funds (and free laptops!) are being lavished on students who do not know how to use the dictionary, do not take notes in class, and who spend their taxpayer subsidized time texting.
Courtesy of Auster:
The Peter Principle
Bob in Atlanta writes:
It occurred to me yesterday that we have promoted the entire black race beyond their level of competency.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at 10:57 AM
Whole post. Says it all.
Baltimore watcher here..... Have you noticed the massive influx of Georgia plates on coin driven cars? Michigan too?
I mean I see them all over now, on 695 in traffic and they are obviously some of the lowest nig trash.
Our MD animals are a special breed but this new trend is not comforting.
I believe they've been told about the AA gov jobs we have here and are in gibsmedat mode.
If you enjoyed reading part one of Bill Maxwell’s “I had a dream” then you will love part two “A dream lay dying.” The article can be found here:
Here is a small excerpt from the article; Setting fires in the dorm
While disagreeable staff members and financial red tape were constant irritants, nothing was more appalling than the students' disregard for college property.During the spring semester, the Tuscaloosa Fire Department put out trash can fires in King Hall. I was angry and embarrassed to see a team of white firefighters trying to save a dormitory named for the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. that black students had trashed.
"Why do they do this to their own buildings?" a white firefighter asked me.
I went inside the dorm to see the damage. Students had stuffed trash cans with paper and fabric and set them on fire. The smoke damage was enormous. The walls were blackened, the windows were smudged and the pungent smell of smoke lingered and stuck to everything.Even without the fire damage, the place would have looked like a war zone. Holes had been kicked and punched in the walls. Windows were broken, floors were scarred and most of the furniture was damaged. The two dorms routinely underwent major repairs after each semester.
Two of my students, both journalism majors, were desperate to move out of King Hall. The last time I saw them, one had found an apartment and the other was looking for a place he could afford.
But dey do have some high-steppin' marching bands.
And today they cover up the black massacre of whites.
Don't overlooks the HBCUs' websites.
They announce a smorgasboard of NASA, DOD, NSF and other agencies' grants, consulting fees, R&D, etc., etc., etc.
There's a whole nigger ecosystem wrapped up in HBCUs, including the dumbshits who "graduate" these universities (sic) and get AA jobs with the city, county, state and Uncle Sam.
Dear, Andrea Ostrov Letania, your mention about Russia's murder of Poland's flower does not go unappreciated.
In my recent European travels, the Poles I met made sure that my positive perception of Poland's people would not be disregarded.
Yours is a nation of great minds like Chopin and Curie that has a great chance of escaping the Soviet Union's shadow. Already, your people are gaining a decent reputation as hard-working citizens wherever they go in the EU. I can only hope that they will appear here in America.
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