In Miami, the unthinkable happened: a truck carrying 3,000 turkeys -- courtesy of Don King -- never arrived to deliver free fowl to hungry people in Little Haiti. And by hungry people, we mean Black people:
Hundreds of needy South Floridians were disappointed to learn Friday that a truck loaded with Christmas turkeys to be donated by boxing promoter Don King had been hijacked. Don King’s spokesman Robert Weneck said the truck full of 2,000 turkeys bound for South Florida went missing over night. The truck was found abandoned near Pompano Beach sometime Friday morning, according to Weneck
While the turkeys were still inside, the fowl had to be discarded because nobody was sure whether they’d been temperature-controlled and safe to eat.
“I just hope everything gets better for us,” said Dorothy Clay from Deerfield Beach, who was supposed to receive a turkey. “It’s very hard,” she said, wiping a tear from her eye, “it’s very hard.”
Don King, a resident of Delray Beach, has been giving away turkeys at Christmas time for years. But unfortunately, hundreds of people in West Palm Beach, Deerfield Beach and Miami came away empty-handed this year.
“They tell me that the truck has been hijacked,” said King, “and that we ain’t got no turkeys to give, so we’ve got to figure out a plan “b” of when we can get a truck.”
There is some good news however. Weneck said a date to replace the turkeys will be determined on Monday.
I know, I know. We shouldn't make fun of this story, but it reminded us of the immortal Popeye's incident in Rochester, New York from three years ago. There, Black people were morally outraged that a Popeye's franchise ran out of fried chicken. For those wondering, that video was the impetus behind Stuff Black People Don't Like.
With it being Christmas time, we're reminded of the 1980s classic "Do They Know it's Christmas Time?" song by such rock legends as Bono (of U2), Sting, George Michael, Boy George (okay, not him), Phil Collins, etc.
It's about Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) feeling sorry for the fact that Black people can't feed themselves in Africa. Well, Black people can't feed themselves in America either. That's why "The Day the EBT Card Runs Out" is the next Hurricane Katrina for this nation. Well, that, or if utility rates rise in Black Undertow areas...
Watch these three videos and ask yourself this question: "Why can't we just say no more?"
The first two videos show something... sad. We mean this. But why can't the top rockers/pop stars in England get together now and release another Christmas song that addresses the fact that Black people in America can't feed themselves either?
Oh well, at least we can listen to these wonderful lines from "Do they know it's Christmas time?":
And it's a world of dreaded fear
Where the only water flowing is a bitter sting of tears
And the christmas bells that ring there are the clanging chimes of doom
The "clanging chimes of doom?" No, that will be the noise that is heard on the "Day the EBT Cards Run Out"...
What a remarkable coincidence this article is seeing as how Don King has a prominent place in my first piece for SBPDL. Then again, so do many other melanin-rich individuals.
Enjoy yourself!
Erm, why doesn't King just give some money to a number of supermarkets and then the people can pick up their turkey there?
And do tell me why the almost all white Salvation Army never has these problems when they distribute food etc to the poor on holidays and they do it in the millions? Also, why is it that you never seem to hear about what they give away while this King guy gives away a measly 2k turkeys and it's a big deal? King is a criminal and was in prison for murder before he was pardoned and always has some ulterior motive for whatever he does.I'm sure that Al Capone, another criminal, gave away 1k times more food than King.
Ah jus luvs me sum dat frahd chikkin! Wif sum roange sody pop toos go wif it. Oooooh!! Gimmme sum dat chikkin! Ahs be drifen mah rahd tru da drav tru toos git me sum dat chikkin!! Ahs be dun hatin dose crakah mofos who dahn be runnin aht da chikkin. Ahs be uzin mah EBT att dah Pahpahs to git me sum chikkin! Mofos dun be rund aht!
Ivan Shatov
LOL @ "Do They Know It's Christmas"
I must confess, in 1984 I got almost teary-eyed at the video of these noble rock humanitarians trying to alleviate starvation...
Ahhh, the ignorance of youth!
And those horrendous lyrics!!
I later learned that due to widespread African corruption, most of the money was never used as intended.
And of course the bigger lesson...
By providing food to a starving, low-IQ population, you may grant temporary hunger relief, but you have not addressed the fundamental problem, which is uncontrolled, mindless procreation.
Speaking of the Salvation Army...Remember this? - Salvation Army Major Philip Wise Murdered on Christmas Eve Over Red Kettle Money
That's what helping black people results in for white people - getting shot down like a dog in front of your three very young children.
Gratitude? Ha, ha. No. Blacks aren't capable of it. You gots to show dem respeck while you give them everything and, even if you do show respect, they'll rob, rape, or murder you anyway. Dat's how dey roll.
Here's a pic of one of Mr. Wise's killers, one Laquan Javaris Fitzpatrick.
King probably gets GOVT money to do "charity" work.
And you can bet the racist King only gives Turkeys to Blacks.
"And of course the bigger lesson...
By providing food to a starving, low-IQ population, you may grant temporary hunger relief, but you have not addressed the fundamental problem, which is uncontrolled, mindless procreation."
Feeding a population that cannot feed itself increases its uncontrolled, mindless procreation.
I'm glad Don King is willing to give. The man is entitled to dispense charity just like any PRIVATE individual or entity should be allowed to do. It's actually nice.
What King does not understand is that the people he's giving to have already destroyed one country (Wansn't Haiti THE most productive colony in the Carribean for over a century and contested by all 5 major colonial powers, and at various times controlled by at least 3 of them???) and now can't afford a friggin Turkey in this country. I wish more WOULD understand.
Which brings up the Popeye's video. There are correlations.
The groids driving their fat asses through the drive-through (most especially the lard ass saying "people gotta be feed dey kids" or something to that effect) think that $5 for 8 tiny pieces of grade F chicken is a deal. It is not. I bought a WHOLE chicken last week for $6. You know what I did? I made my wife cook it in the oven. Add a couple cups of rice (out the 10lbs. for $5 bag) and a can of corn and some gravy mix and the whole thing cost less than $10.....Annnnnnnd there were leftovers for 3-4 meals.
So sick of having to pay taxes when it just goes toward EBT cards so these idiots can mismanage MY money and furthermore not learn to develop frugal spending habits because the money isn't theirs.
I don't know who's worse. The government or the niggers? Neither can create wealth, nor can spend it properly and nor can either stay out of debt.
Why do people post such idiotic things?
Paul, the southern California office shooter is named Andre Turner, which sounds like a black name.
Odd that there are no pics or description.
I'm sure we'll be told he was the victim of racism.
I am not a “Treky” anymore than I am a Star Wars fan. They both have become part of the culture and most people are familiar with both Star Trek and the Lucas franchise. Both promote politically correct orthodoxy, i.e., all species are equal, mankind is perfectible, humanism has replaced God, etc. However, there is one element in the Star Trek universe that has implications in our world. It is something called the Prime Directive.
The Prime Directive, Starfleet's General Order #1, is the most prominent guiding principle of the United Federation of Planets. The Prime Directive dictates that there can be no interference with the internal development of an alien civilization. Star Trek is as anti-racist as you can get. There were several episoldes on TV and in movies that are as politically correct as possiple. Rodenberry and his successors were all DWL’s. It is funny how they could recognize how detrimental it would be to expose more primitive societies to technology that they weren’t ready for. And yet, if you were to suggest that Africa or other backward areas of the world would benefit by following this policy, you would be denonized as a cruel, evil “ray-zis”. Oh well, no one expects logic from SWPL Whites and their pets.
Feeding blacks is just as destructive to this race as giving them atomic weapons. They will never have the incentive to feed themselves with the former. Hell, they constantly shit where they eat so God knows what damage they would do with nuclear weapons. Well, massa_everblack, how does feeding low IQ, uneducated blacks benefit YOU!
Speaking of the Salvation Army...Remember this? - Salvation Army Major Philip Wise Murdered on Christmas Eve Over Red Kettle Money
Killing this man was really low. What is even lower is the ways in which this kind of pathology is rationalized by DWLs.
You should add another video to make it four
What are the odds that one of King's "peeps" stole the truck and those turkeys ended up back in King's possession being sold on the street anyway?
How do taxes work on that? Write-off the whole thing as a business loss then pocket some money on the side?
Who the f*ck hijacks a truck full of poultry anyway? Wait... don't answer that.
You'll probably be on this story soon enough:
Man burns woman alive in New York elevator
The media won't make too big of a big deal of this absolutely horrendous example of human cruelty because...the perp is black. Too much unwanted scrutiny of black social pathology and the environment it spawns.
Also this one:
Florida A&M alumni group to discuss recommended suspension
Apparently to black college kids (I guess we are to believe they represent the cream of the American crop): 'hazing' = beating to death, whatever -- same thing.
Of course the aspect of the story highlighted by CNN is the upcoming press conference of alumni of this black school. I assume to complain about the the decision of a non-black governor to suspend the president (I could be wrong). Would CNN give such coverage to some silly press conference of alumni at a non-black school in similar circumstances? I think not. Would alumni of another school even bother to hold a press conference? Why would they imagine anyone would be interested in hearing their opinion?
''Do they know it's Christmas?''
I remember that, it begat ''Live Aid''.
Supposedly began when Bob Geldof found out that the Government of Ethiopia was selling UN food aid on the black market while those infamous pics and videos of Those Poor Starving African Kids(tm) . After all that money was raised they hired planes, bought brand-new trucks and assembled aid teams.
From what I've been told as soon as those planes landed those DWLs began to learn why helping africans doesn't work.
First for several hours they were told they couldn't get off those newly-arrived planes. Then after sufficient bribes were paid, they could. When they began to unload those trucks they got told that they were ''unacceptable'' and that they would be confiscated as ''contraband''. Then they said ''Oh, we can sell you 'approved' trucks'' (at about a 50% markup) and that's what happened.
Then they were told they could only do aid in ''approved aid zones''. When some tried to go in ''unapproved areas'' they were arrested and deported. With bribe payments every step of the way.
What good did it do? Worse that nothing. Now when I see those ads for ''those starving Homo Africanus creatures'' it doesn't faze me.
Alabama sewer rates, B'ham corruption:
"[Blacks going through the fast-food drive-through] think that $5 for 8 tiny pieces of grade F chicken is a deal. It is not. I bought a WHOLE chicken last week for $6. You know what I did? I made my wife cook it in the oven. Add a couple cups of rice (out the 10lbs. for $5 bag) and a can of corn and some gravy mix and the whole thing cost less than $10.....Annnnnnnd there were leftovers for 3-4 meals."
Annnnnnnd it was a much healthier food choice than a greasy fast food meal. (Obesity, Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. are found in disproportionately high percentages among blacks, due in large part to their poor eating habits.)
But don't expect blacks to follow your frugal and healthy example any time soon. For one thing, I have never known blacks to bake anything in the oven that they can fry on the stove. For another, your method takes effort and planning.
Food stamps use should be restricted to items like rice, potatoes, dry goods, canned vegetables, lean cuts of meat, etc.
Don't even get me started on eligibility requirements.
I think it's unfair to pick on Black people for being upset with Popeye's bad inventory management. They had made plans and spent time to take advantage of the advertised sale, which was certainly NOT given a disclaimer like "quantities limited".
It would be a different matter if they had chimped out and smashed up stores, but you'll notice that the news item did not contain any TNB. Give credit where credit is due.
Poor poor mr evergreen
Add a couple cups of rice (out the 10lbs. for $5 bag)
not only did evil whitey steal the using of rice from Africa but also stole the knowledge of how to use it.
"It would be a different matter if they had chimped out and smashed up stores, but you'll notice that the news item did not contain any TNB."
Yes, it did. Depending on a greasy fast food special to feed one's family is TNB.
Also, depending on someone or something other than themselves (government, businesses, the generosity of whites) is TNB.
It's not the violence but the dependence that makes this video an example of TNB.
As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could drive.
YT: What are the odds that one of King's "peeps" stole the truck and those turkeys ended up back in King's possession being sold on the street anyway?
Pretty low, if you've read the article:
The truck was found abandoned near Pompano Beach sometime Friday morning, according to Weneck
While the turkeys were still inside, the fowl had to be discarded because nobody was sure whether they’d been temperature-controlled and safe to eat.
food aid to haiti???
and yes....some of us took off the
COLORED glasses:
Do They Know It's Christmas"
I must confess, in 1984 I got almost teary-eyed at the video of these noble rock humanitarians trying to alleviate starvation...
Ahhh, the ignorance of youth!
And those horrendous lyrics!!
I later learned that due to widespread African corruption, most of the money was never used as intended.
And of course the bigger lesson...
By providing food to a starving, low-IQ population, you may grant temporary hunger relief, but you have not addressed the fundamental problem, which is uncontrolled, mindless procreation.
December 17, 2011 6:46 PM
That's what I meant. Did the po-leese claim that temperature control couldn't be verified and remove the turkeys themselves? Or did they say "found your truck" and the food owner (King) on recommendation of his paid health expert and/or lawyer make the decision?
That's not explained in the article and if one is to doubt the altruistic motives of King then it's reasonable to suspect King didn't decide to ditch a couple grand worth of turkey because the crooks may have turned off the refrigeration then turned it back on again.
"Can't get dat bucket now!" ROFL.
Popeye's didn't "run out" of chicken. The stores were simply not honoring the sale because they knew of the guaranteed chimpouts and massive black violence that would result if they had.
To W74: "I made my wife cook it in the oven..." What do you mean you "made her" This site is called SBPDL. Don't turn it into Stuff Women Don't Like with comments like that.
"To W74: "I made my wife cook it in the oven..." What do you mean you "made her" This site is called SBPDL. Don't turn it into Stuff Women Don't Like with comments like that. "
1st: pick an internet name as stick with it. I can't keep track of you and all the other "anony-mouses" out there.
2nd: Don't accuse me of being misogynistic, I treat my wife quite well and she enjoys cooking. Besides, I paid for the chicken.
My wife and I have a very comfortable relationship where we're able to joke about these things. I'm able to say things like "better put that chicken in the oven woman" and it's quite alright. I've even been known to do it in front of friends and even my in-laws.
People know where I stand when it comes to gender roles and we try to emulate that in real life. My wife and I are comfortable with our roles and we've talked about them (and continue to as any healthy relationship would) to establish who does what (and where overlap exists, yada yada).
If you look at Feminism (as with Egalitarianism, as with Affirmative Action etc.) it seeks to corrupt the family dynamic by skewing each members roles and making men and women compete with each other instead of complimenting each other and making up where the other lacks and engaging in specialization regarding certain tasks. These tasks don't have to be the same for every family and there can certainly be overlap, but you do need to discuss what's what with your spouse.
[Another note about feminism: we now have a class of men who aren't even men anymore. They don't know who they are because they weren't raised to know how a man should act. These men drive mini-vans and girly cars, get pedicures, and cart around man-purses, but it's much deeper than that. These same men, (sensitive as they are) wonder why the women in their lives are so prone to run off with other men (the media saying that this is OK does not help), which further destroys the family dynamic.]
Men and women can still be on the same level, yet still be different. We are simply two halves of the same ball. Without either half the ball cannot roll, but each half has different roles. Men and women are supposed to COMPLIMENT each other, not COMPETE with each other.
YT: That's not explained in the article and if one is to doubt the altruistic motives of King then it's reasonable to suspect King didn't decide to ditch a couple grand worth of turkey because the crooks may have turned off the refrigeration then turned it back on again.
We are in total agreement. Speaking as someone who has worked as a professional chef, a simple internal temperature check should have done the trick. Plus, do you know long it would take for several hundred closely packed turkeys to thaw?
Try DAYS. Hell, I thaw my holiday turkeys by letting them sit for 48 hours in my clawfoot cast iron bathtub and they come out just fine.
I, too, smell a rat but where's the news in that as such an odor always emanates from anything to do with Don King.
And what's with that hairstyle of his? Does he wake up each morning and style his "do" by sticking a finger into a light socket?
One good metaphor for the Black Undertow and those who enable and abet it is the talking, blood eating plant from the movie Little Shop of Horrors. The more blood it consumes, the larger, hungrier and more dangerous it gets. Similarly, the more the Black Undertow is fed by white taxpayer funds, the stronger, more demanding, more dangerous and the more genocidal towards us it gets. However, with the economy on the brink of imploding, the Black Undertow will no longer be fed and will come under direct attack from whites bent on vengance against those who created and abetted it. Disingenuous liberals of all stripes and a lot of blacks are going to die at the hands of whites who have had enough of being victimized.
Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it seems as though
you relied on the video to make your point. You clearly know what youre talking about, why throw away your intelligence on just posting videos to your site when you could be
giving us something informative to read?
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