Have we started a fire? No... but the fire rises anyways. |
Formerly thriving business districts die immediately. Schools that once produced some of the highest standardized test scores in the nation are replaced with an army of probation officers to keep the peace instead of teaching the Pythagorean Theory.
Malls where commerce once thrived are boarded up. Property values plummet with the rise of the Black Undertow; tax-revenue drops considerably, forcing corrupt government officials (the hallmark of the Black Undertow) to find unorthodox manners in which to raise funds.
We call this Climate Change.
In 2011, across the United States of America, there was no major threat of Muslim terrorist activity (End all threats of Islamic terror by actively seeking to repatriate existing Muslims in America and discontinue all Muslim immigration to the United States).
In 2011, across the United States of America, there were minor terrorist engagements that one man dared expose: Matt Drudge and the heroic Drudge Report shamed every conservative -- those clueless non-profits in Washington that steal good people's money and every web site that still publishes crap about Detroit failing because of 'liberal policies' -- by showing us the Black Undertow in all its glory.
Who can forget the Memorial Day madness? Who can forget the numerous cities that through up the white flag and passed emergency curfews in response to this persistent threat? Who can forget that freedom failed in New Orleans, where the National Guard could emerge in 2012 as the watchful protector of law-abiding citizens from the savagery of the Black Undertow?
In St. Louis, despite the best efforts of journalists to proclaim that participants in the Knockout King were 'youth', it's well-known that Black people hold a complete monopoly on this barbaric activity. Yes, just as Black people NATIONWIDE engaged in the 2011 Air Jordan Riots, Black people have once again come to dominate the interracial crime statistics this past year.
Only the most Disingenuous White Liberal (DWL) can still hold out hope that a story involving some heinous crime will not be a Black-on-white (or Black-on-insert racial group here) activity. Judging by the comments of any story on the Memphis, Atlanta, Nashville, Chattanooga, Dallas, Los Angeles, well, name-your-city ABC/CBS/NBC/FOX affiliate, your average American knows the score all too well.
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A once thriving mall... now dead because of the Black Undertow |
Worse, these criminals now have an Attorney General in Eric "My People" Holder who actively sides with them over the law-abiding masses. His Department of Justice (DoJ) is suing states that dare make people show proper identification; his DoJ is suing police and fire departments that dare make Black people suffer the indignity of showing mental acumen by passing a test that measures their intelligence; his DoJ is... completely refusing to acknowledge nationwide violence courtesy of the Black Undertow.
Then again, haven't all administrations turned a blind-eye to this threat? Who cares how many cities and counties that were once peaceful places to raise a family and were filled with an abundance of jobs courtesy of productive, law-abiding people have turned into Clayton County? Worse, how many malls have gone the way of Union Station (the former Shannon Mall) in Fulton County -- home of Atlanta -- Georgia?
Union Station closed because white people stopped frequenting that mall; white people stopped frequenting that mall because the presence of the Black Undertow made shopping there a dangerous proposition; stores closed because of a loss of profits, white people deciding to shop elsewhere because loitering Black people made the experience uncomfortable and unsafe; the myth of Black Purchasing Power was exposed as the Black Undertow couldn't sustain the mall (security costs outpaced sales).
This exact same scenario has happened to malls across the country. Chris Rock wouldn't be joking about it if it weren't true. We call it Mall Envy at SBPDL.
The aptly named Mall of America is headed that same way:
Police arrested nine people at the Mall of America Monday, the day after Christmas, after multiple fights broke out, authorities said.
Mall of America officials released a statement saying that around 4:20 p.m. 50 juveniles caused a large disturbance in the north food court.
Witnesses said the fights started after there were reports that rappers Lil’ Wayne and Drake were visiting the Mall. Police, however, did not comment on these rumors.
Cmdr. Mark Stehlik of Bloomington police said in a press conference that 30 officers responded to the fight and arrested five people (both adults and juveniles) for disorderly conduct.
Mall of America security arrested four other people for disorderly conduct as well, Mall officials said.
Police said as many as 200 were involved the fights. A YouTube video, which contains profanity, shows a fight break out and rage before a police officer interrupts it. The fight occurs at roughly 50 seconds in.
As the fights were popping up, the Mall of America inadvertently called for a lock down. But the lock down was called off minutes later, Mall officials said.
There were no reports of serious injuries, Mall official said.
Although the Mall kept its normal hours, some stores within the Mall closed early.
Some witnesses reported being evacuated from the Mall; but police said that shoppers were escorted toward the east exit to make room for the investigation.
Rumors of rappers led to a massive riot and the lock-down of the Mall of America? This is why Freedom of Association must make a comeback if we are to survive as a nation. Because business can't discriminate, well, you see what happened to Union Station.
Here's another story on the Mall of America Black Riot of 2011:
Fists flew and so did a few chairs during a large-scale brawl at the Mall of America Monday.
"Anytime you have a large group of people together things can happen," said Commander Mark Stehlik with Bloomington Police. "But this is highly unusual."
Shortly after 4 p.m., authorities confirm more than 20 individuals started fighting in the north food court. Cellphone video uploaded to YouTube shows dozens of young people watching while some push, punch, and even throw chairs. At that same time, police say several other fights flared up in other places of the mall.
"There were drinks thrown on the floor and chairs being thrown everywhere," said Tess Dessalgne who witnessed the brawl. "Everyone started running towards the fight."No, Commander Stehlik, anytime you have large groups of Black people together, without a massive police response that resembles martial law -- just ask the good folks at the Indiana Black Expo -- then anything can happen. Perhaps this is why the people of Miami no longer want Black people to celebrate Memorial Day in their city?
OD showed some unsurprising statistics when it comes to entitlement abuse from the Black Undertow in Minneapolis (undoubtedly, many of the youths Black people involved in Mall of America Brawl for All subsist on redistributed tax-dollars):
Note: In 2009, 47 percent of African-Americans in Hennepin County, Minnesota were EBT card users. The number is undoubtedly much higher almost three years later. See also Looting in Minneapolis after Tornado? Who looted?The Beat Whitey Night II event at the Wisconsin State Fair was the moment that I realized the end of Black-Run America (BRA) was an absolutely certainty: Just like in the waning days of the Soviet Union, people no longer believe in this insanity. No national figure has started to articulate a cogent argument against BRA yet, but that doesn't matter.
Have we started a fire? No, but the fire rises anyways.
We didn't start the fire. Nor will anyone know how to put it out.
DWLs know this too.
Baltimore, Washington D.C., Richmond, Philadelphia, Birmingham, Charlotte, Minneapolis, Houston, Tulsa (Oklahoma), Seattle, Hartford, Providence, Augusta, Mobile, Orlando, Tampa, Oakland... all of these cities are dangerous because of the Black Undertow. Entire shopping complexes are abandoned when the costs of doing business (and securing that business) is overwhelmed by the Black Undertow.
In Birmingham, the city has basically been rebuilt in the suburbs; white people giving up hope of ever saving downtown Birmingham and leaving its citizens as perpetual stars and cast members of The First 48 tv show.
Atlanta's suburbs that jettison as far as the Alabama, South Carolina, and Tennessee state lines are directly related to white people fleeing one city/county that the Black Undertow overwhelms and rebuilding it again in the futile hopes of escaping.
Just like any mall that the Black Undertow takes over; just like any city that the Black Undertow inherits the existing infrastructure of upon the inevitable white flight; just like any county that goes majority Black Undertow, the end result is always the same as that which befell Union Station.
The aptly named Mall of America is not immune from this iron law of the visible Black Undertow hand. Just look at Detroit, Birmingham, and Clayton County for the proof of what happens when Black people inherit the existing infrastructure of a formerly world-class city or county... it isn't pretty.
Have we started a fire?
But the fire rises anyway.
Like it or not, 2012 is gonna be a hell of a year.
Around Blacks, never relax.
We've known this for a long time. I say let the liberals choose: either be pro-white, or, go live with them.
We a nation living in denial.
Note that Nordstrom locked down their store, forcing Whites (I suppose) who were caught in the black maelstrom to suffer the consequences.
Also note that the Mall of America episode is the latest in a series of black violent mobs scenes that spans decades.
This is clear evidence that such black behavior is genetic. That is, it's nature, not nurture. There is no amount of tax dollars that can cure an ethnic group of genetic predispositions to crime and violence.
Well it was certainily a good idea to build the light rail aka "Somali Trolley" right into the basement of the Mall of America. If it wasn't for buses and light rail these animals could never even get out to Bloomington and into the mall. My wife goes over to the MOA once in a while but that will stop as of now. Why bother when everything can be bought online.
Have they revealed the plans for the country's largest mosque within the confines of the mall? Not yet? It's in the MN planning agenda for 2012.
Suckers! I remeber when minnesota was nothing but blonde people and native americans.
Surprise surprise! The black stabbed to death by other blacks yesterday at Foot Locker in London turns out to be a typical black scumbag!
‘Gangsta’ faced jail for phone robbery
Shop stab victim Seydou Diarrassouba, 18, in rap boasts
Published: Today
OXFORD Street murder victim Seydou Diarrassouba faced jail after he was accused of robbing a boy of 16 of his BlackBerry, it emerged last night.
The 18-year-old appeared in court just a week before he was stabbed through the heart in front of horrified sales shoppers on Boxing Day.
Seydou — who was chased and killed after two rival gangs argued over which trainers to steal from a Foot Locker store — also starred in a chilling "gangsta" rap video months before his murder. The teenager — known by the street name "Nutz" — boasted in the YouTube film that he had "shot men down" before a rival appears to be chased and gunned down in the street.
At one point Seydou is surrounded by hoodie pals bragging they have access to "straps" or guns to shoot people for money.
Seydou, of Mitcham, South West London, was also pictured striking a gangsta gun pose on a Facebook tribute page yesterday.
The CPS said yesterday that Seydou appeared at Inner London Crown Court over the alleged phone robbery of Nile Downes in Clapham, South London, in September. He was also charged with assaulting Nile and his brother Yafeu, 19.
He was released on bail but was due to stand trial in the New Year. If convicted, he faced a long sentence because of Nile's age.
Another great article Paul. An elderly Walmart greeter was attacked because she asked the wrong type of person to show a receipt. Everyone who goes to Walmart knows that they will be asked to show a receipt at the exit. This story was removed from the freerepublic site. Not surprised. Stuff Black People Don't Like...acting human in stores.
I don't know if this made it on here at SBPDL yet, but check it out!
Negro basseabawl players and fans go ape during the DC vs Baltimore high school game! A huge groid brawl and it just goes on and on!
Here is a link to an article about it at the "black" website "the root":
Here is an article about it at the Washington Post:
...how about MAUL of America?
Funny thing is that my wife and I live in Minnesota. The wife wants to move to a warmer climate and asked what my requirements were. I said few blacks, realizing that sounded racist I told her that I had no desire to live in/around large numbers of blacks as that was trouble just waiting to happen (from them to us). Sad, as I never used to feel that way.
I really believe that all of this black thuggery and violence is being perpetrated at the behest of the two headed snake, 0bama and Holder, and the puppeteers who pull their strings. But we'll never know for sure because there's 90 million blacks and not one of them will snitch.
Heading into an election year, 2012, they are trying their damnedest to incite a race war whereby 0bama will declare martial law and take advantage of all the executive powers that that action entails; namely postponing elections and attempting to install himself as President for Life. White Americans are not taking the bait, and the antics of the subhumans are not going unnoticed by anyone. Reality is hitting many DWLs right between the eyes and slowly but surely many of them are awakening to the reality that blacks are soley responsible for shitting their own bed, and no amount of wealth redistribution or affirmative action will ever cause them to become civilized or productive.
As Paul regularly emphasizes, 2012 is going to be a wild ride. Prudent citizens should stock up on food, weapons, and ammunition.
The entire planet is in chaos, and stirring the pot is the Kenyan Marxist President of the United States who seeks to make BRA a permanent reality, and by any means at his disposal. And when you're POTUS, you have a lot of means at your disposal.
If you are still on speaking terms with any hardcore DWLs, try one last time to convince them that they are commiting suicide by continuing to support the new democrat-progressive-socialist agenda. It probably won't do a lot of good, but at least you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that your words will be ringing in their ears the moment some black thug brutally destroys their life, unmoved that they, the DWL, insisted upon dismantling the culture and fabric of the greatest nation in the history of the world, America, in their gleeful zeal to transfer everything of value to ungrateful savages who are nothing more than the world's wrecking balls.
Chicago didnt have em...know why?
My company has a vendor in Minneapolis. Our contacts are in denial about the imported problem that is confined to one specific community except for one older female. She constantly says "i'll never again live in either city". I can't wait to return to work after the holidays to email her about this. These incidents, like the Air Jordan mayhem, should be discussed, mocked and constantly mentioned in the public sphere.
I've mentioned this on other sites, but the problem of spreading this message or even just admitting the problem that black dysfunction poses is with the DWLs and race shamers. They are the ones to say 'racist' at the first sign of losing an argument or anything approaching race realism. They shout down those of us who can see. The best thing we can do is not shrink in those moments. I've started to do this at family gatherings and parties with friends. Unamused stats, as well as Paul Kersey's facts, are our best friends. The inconvenient truth of black dysfunction can not be shouted down when said calmly and with poise.
In my previous comment I misstated that there are 90 million blacks in America. It only seems like that there are 90 million of them. In fact, thankfully, there are "just" 45 million of them.
"There were drinks thrown on the floor and chairs being thrown everywhere," said Tess Dessalgne who witnessed the brawl. "Everyone started running towards the fight." [emphasis added]
Most sane people evacuate the location of a fight.
I predict that malls all over America will be installing fixed (i.e., bolted down), seating in all of their food courts, if they haven't done so already.
Mall security needs to use a method employed by Indonesian police. Hose down the crowd with UV dye-laced water and cordon off all exits with police present to detain and arrest all individuals who test positive for the dye.
Keep extensive records of those who engage in these "festivities" and then begin prosecuting the multiple offenders as evidence permits.
Blacks bewailing segregation and racial prejudice even as their public displays of violence and mayhem only increase with each passing day is a hypocrisy which White America must no longer tolerate.
As always, the parallels between Blacks and Islam persist.
Both groups must be coerced into policing their own ranks of malefactors. Expecting their pool of victims to perform such housecleaning for them is an intolerable arrogance. Any refusal to cooperate needs to be met with the very harshest measures.
From Boston,Mass. call it exactly what it is. BLACK CRIME.
Anonymous (December 27, 2011 5:02 PM): Seydou — who was chased and killed after two rival gangs argued over which trainers to steal from a Foot Locker store — also starred in a chilling "gangsta" rap video months before his murder.
How much undiluted criminality can be concentrated into a single sentence?
1.) "Seydou", who is already facing criminal prosecution for theft…
2.) Is then violently "killed"…
3.) In a conflict between "rival gangs"…
4.) As they "argued over which trainers to steal"…
5.) Just happens to have "starred in a chilling 'gangsta' rap video"…
Almost a half dozen forms of criminal activity in one single written sentence.
Whomever did the stabbing should be given reduced sentencing for performing a community service during the commission of his crime.
One less rapper. Let us be thankful for small mercies.
There is one less rapper in the formerly all white and formerly affluent enclave of Montgomery County, Maryland. http://www.wjla.com/articles/2011/12/person-shot-in-white-oak-70751.html
Anyone want a deal on his car's dubs?
White Oak.
Used to be all white.
More mayhem...fatal shootings tonight at Church's Chicken in Chicago.
kev said...
And in further news: http://tinyurl.com/d9ecevb
Foot Locker in London . . .
When this article was first published in The Guardian (London newspaper), it mentioned the perps were black.
The article text has since been scrubbed of offensive political incorrectness. In place of the word 'black', the editors have posted gawdy photos of black faces.
They're learning to play the game!
Quote from the original article:
"Witnesses said the teenager was amongst a group of black youths, thought to be rival gangs, fighting over the trainers."
2 dead, 4 wounded at Church's Chicken in Englewood
By Ryan Haggerty Tribune reporter
9:16 p.m. CST, December 27, 2011
Two people were killed and four others wounded when shots rang out at a fast-food restaurant in the Englewood neighborhood on the South Side this evening, authorities said.
The shooting occurred about 6:50 p.m. at a Church's Chicken near 66th and Halsted Streets, authorities said. Two were dead on scene, police and fire officials said. Four people were taken to hospitals in critical condition, according to the Chicago Fire Department.
A 58-year-old man with several gunshot wounds and 17-year-old boy were taken to Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn; a 16-year-old boy and a 51-year-old man were taken to Stroger Hospital.
The people who died were in the area of the restaurant where customers pick up their food, one person at the scene said.
Friends of a 17-year-old boy who was killed arrived at the scene around 8 p.m., screaming in agony.
"This is so crazy. This is so crazy," said LaToia Brown, who said the victim had dated her daughter off and on for years.
LaToia Brown said the teen had called her mama and often rode his bike to her house to see if she needed anything from the store. "That baby was definitely a good kid," she said, trying to hold back tears. "I loved everything about my baby."
Brown said the boy's cousin called to tell her he had been killed.
"I got up here as soon as I could, as soon as I hung up the phone," she said.
LaToia Brown's 16-year-old daughter, Diamond, said she and the victim were good friends and said he was always supportive and tried to lift everyone's spirit.
"He was a great big brother to my brothers and sisters," Diamond Brown said, tears welling in her eyes.
Crowds of people gathered at the yellow crime scene tape outside the restaurant, some trying to find out if friends or relatives had been shot.
Dozens of police officers and detectives stood in the restaurant's parking lot, where officers had placed several yellow evidence markers. Several detectives could be seen just inside the restaurant's entrance.
Police cars lined South Halsted Street, which was closed to traffic for about three blocks.
The restaurant is on the southwest corner of West 66th and South Halsted streets, next to a small food market and across the street from an auto parts store and a Family Dollar.
An Emergency Medical Services Plan 1, which sends six ambulances to a scene, was called for the attack, said Chicago Fire Department spokesman Kevin MacGregor.
"Whomever did the stabbing [of Seydou] should be given reduced sentencing for performing a community service during the commission of his crime."
No, whoever did the stabbing should be given a one-way ticket back to his ancestral homeland.
I don't think blacks will ever behave well enough to live alongside us in white society. They only did so during the Jim Crow era because of harsh measures and constant policing. Why bother with all that? It's not as if when they are forced to behave civilly, they contribute to society. No one seriously thinks if we just find the magic formula to close that pesky achievement gap that some black person is going to discover the cure for cancer or the way to Mars. Blacks will always be a net drag, due to being unsuited to Western civilization.
I think separatism should be the goal we all work toward.
As always, I am not advocating violence toward anyone except in self-defense or the defense of one's home and family. Nor am I advocating any illegal activity.
But it seems to me that what we have now--and always have had--with blacks living in white society are "irreconciliable differences". Do we really want to spend our time, money and energy constantly policing an innately violent group in the hopes that we can keep the damage they do to a minimum?
"As always, the parallels between Blacks and Islam persist."
Exactly. Muslims are no more suited to living peaceably in Western civilization than blacks are.
I just came across this article that brilliantly dissects the DWL sickness. Without a doubt it is one the best essays I have ever read on White Guilt. The last line in the essay is quite prescient and is something that has often made me salivate.
These incidents are quite a blessing. I hope the wild negroes keep it up, and they will too--it's their nature.
I think the DWL's need to be forced permanently into the midst of the animals they say they have so much love for. I see this as a fitting punishment for the harm they have done to this country and to the entire world.
Let the apes have at them.
Im back to take shit over the incredibly embarrassing string of black misbehavior over the last two weeks with the Concord Jordans.
All I can say is HOLY SHIT!
Its sad, but at the same time this is nothing new. I grew up in Chicago when these particular styles of Jordans came out and every year before and after that you would see similar behavior. So this isnt anything new really.
Here is some undoubtedly unwanted "perspective" on the matter. I recently went back to Chicago to my old neighborhood of Calumet City IL of which i witnessed "climate change." When we first moved there from Chicago I was around 6 and it was 60-40 white to black with sprinkles of other stuff in there somewhere. By the time I graduate from high school it was pretty much 100 percent black in my neighborhood. Here is the thing though- it was still a pretty good place to live.
When Jordans came out back then in my neighborhood maybe a few of the more ragedy kids would skip school to go get them, but that was the extent of it. Never any riots or shootings. But there was always some craziness that would happen in the city. Unfortunately over time it is clear that the city basically shifted its worst denizens out to suburbs like Calumet City. There was a ton of new low income construction out there, and I should have known that would be the case when a lot of my cousins who fit the stereotype of blacks pretty easily started moving out to my old neighborhood.
Anyway, its sad to see embarassing shit like this all over you guys favorite website Worldstarr. Nothing I can say to defend it except try to point out the differences between black people and Niggers... but what do you guys care right? Im just here to be a good sport so do your worst people and Merry Christmas, Happy New Years and holiday Cheer to almost all of you.
Ben N Indiana ...that shows the level of disinformation that I / others have been inundunuated with...
from early on.
"Anytime you have a large group of people together things can happen," said Commander Mark Stehlik with Bloomington Police. "But this is highly unusual."...no, anytime you have a large group of APES together things can happen. Get it right Commander.
~AV~ said...
...how about MAUL of America?
Beat you to it! (previous thread)
After clicking on the Union City Mall link I saw this:
Wachter said there is a chance that store can still succeed.
"Sears has continued to successfully operate surrounded by relatively distressed real estate," she said. "Sears has its set of customers. People might actually continue shopping there." (boldface mine)
I nominate that quote for the ''pathetic optimism statement of the year'' award.
Due to this ''related story'' link.
I'm guessing KrapMart/Sears has already said ''close that sucker''.
Anonymous said: This story was removed from the freerepublic site.
Yea, that's not surprising. I go there often, but they are very paranoid about anything that could offend the negroes. Their administration seems to believe that the Republican party is just about to attract the negro vote, en masse. You might think they would just delete posts that might be over the top, so to speak. But no, the whole thread has got to go. We can expect ABC news to do this, but something called Free Republic? Yea, it's that bad.
I think we've got at least another decade of escalating negro violence before the general public begins to take this seriously. Frog in the water and all applies here.
The negro war against the non-negro began in the late '60's, in a largely cold war fashion. By the early 70's the hot war began. If you have not already read Zebra, read it soon (it's a free download): http://www.archive.org/details/Zebra-Clark-Howard
Today we've got negro "teachers" stabbing other teachers with screw drivers. Negroes closing down malls. Negroes knocking down 70 year old women. Negroes shooting a white college kid in the head with a shotgun. Negroes setting people on fire in elevators. On and on it goes. More gruesome each day as the negroes explore new methods of assaulting the larger society.
And the white women are the worst in continuing the coddling and excuse making. White women are often the most liberal and they seem almost suicidal in this regard.
I really don't see this coming to a head in the near term as so many here seem to suggest. The negro on non-negro violence will keep grinding along as the media buries it, the white liberals ignore it and the criminal justice system destroys any non-negro that stands up against it.
It's taken us a long time to get here and it's not ending anytime soon. Count on seeing more horror.
I think that Obama's election alleviated some of the white guilt plaguing the U.S. Time and time again we try to push past "race barriers" and elect blacks to positions of power, only to have it blow up in our face as they fail time and time again.
I could write many pages on what has happened to white culture and identity, however it won't do us any good unless more people are woken up from this "Black American Dream" and see what the world really is.
Much like the matrix, many whites are brainwashed into accepting a false reality. A reality where black crime is caused from slavery and poverty--however you and I understand this to not be true. Together, we are the ones who have been awoken to spread the word of this imminent apocalypse on our race. The more we "wake up," the more powerful we become.
Don't underestimate those working to destroy what is white. White culture, white nations, white itself is under attack. Why are "African" and "Asian" nations allowed to be for their own race, but white nations across Europe are forced to accept "Diversity?"
Much like a star shines it's brightest as it is dying, so shall we shine during our last stand against us. It is not over yet; all is not lost. If we can work together, we can overcome the madness against us and reclaim our identity.
Together, we can stop the onslaught against our race. And hopefully one day, we can tell our children that this is our land.
Any business (with the exception of probably fast food) that caters to Negroes is doomed. I read that Sears is facing the music, and will close stores.
Sears used to be a store that embraced everything white in America. But, over the years they've gone Third World. The last time I was in a Sears it was dirty, the clothes were being picked over willy-nilly by Negroes and Hispanics, and most of the employees were also black and/or Spanish speaking.
I walked out and never looked back.
White US Marine robbed and shot 3 times, no description of his attackers.
A google search confirms the attackers were all black.
Checking out the CBS site the has the story it's good to see alot of people are noticing it's blacks (once again) acting like chimps.
Aren't Lil Wayne and Drake two blacks that other blacks like? So why would their appearence cause blacks to act insane? "Someone who I like is here! I'll hit someone and cause a riot! Then good things will happen!"
Seriously, blacks are not human. The vast majority act like animals for the smallest reason, or will justify the chimping out of their fellow primates. Only a small percentage of blacks can think or act rationally.
Jason I don't think it'll take ten years. If Obama loses the next election (I think he will personally) Democrats will cry and claim the election was stolen the same way when Bush won a second term.
Blacks will chimp out and attack people. Asians and hispanics will be allowed to defend themselves. Poor white liberals won't know to run from groups of blacks and get attacked, while rich white liberals who live in all white neighborhoods with alot of cops and maybe private security will make excuses. The intelligent non-liberal whites will already know what's about to happen.
The country is going to be third world for a while because blacks will burn everything they can, just like LA during the Rodney King riot, but across the whole country.
CollegeStudent, I think you're right. Look, I really hate blacks now and white liberals. Only 5 years ago I didn't hate blacks. Dealing with reality more changed that. As a kid hanging out with a black kid seemed cooler, because everyone on tv had a black best friend. As I dealt more and more with blacks I realized they don't think like any other race. They think like drunken teenagers: violent, stupid, selfish, and dangerous.
The sad thing is blacks are getting bolder and bolder with their subhuman behaviour. Only middle class whites who live in all white suburbs will believe the lies tv gives over black problems. Only liberals try to pretend the 2011 black flash mob attacks didnt, so if whites don't live around blacks they assume all act like morgan freeman. The people who have to deal with niggers on a adaily basis know the reality.
Im back to take shit over the incredibly embarrassing string of black misbehavior over the last two weeks with the Concord Jordans."
Get a meme going based of that image
Here's a tinyurl link to the utterly fantastic article on White Guilt.
"If Obama loses the next election (I think he will personally) Democrats will cry and claim the election was stolen the same way when Bush won a second term."
With Obama's approval ratings hovering around 40%, it is highly unlikely that anyone will be shocked when he loses.
It's my hope that Jim Goad puts his best work from TakiMag into an e-book/book.
Over the past two years, his writing there has been EPIC.
I'm looking forward to reading his take on the Air Jordan Riots (his Memorial Day Riot piece foreshadowed the summer of 2011 perfectly).
Fantastic article. Keep it up Paul!!
Mo' 365black from NiggieD's!
In Columbus, Ohio, black street gangs forced the closure of two malls: City Center in dead downtown Columbus, and Northland in northern Columbus. Center Center mall was actually torn down and is a park, and Northland was converted to other uses. The gangs have discovered the upscale Easton Mall (Wexner's creation), and are beginning to infiltrate it.
We also have a low level war between West African (Bantu) blacks and Somalis in northeast Columbus.
Columbus has a black mayor and a black school system and numerous deluded DWLs. I guess it is about 20 years behind Detroit.
The future of the NBA
I stopped going to any sort of mall... About 15 years ago. I stopped going because I couldn't go to see a movie without a few negros in there who just couldn't shut the fuck up for two hours.
Apparently, the malls are much worse now I see.
Ehh ... I'd rather BS with the UPS guy anyway.
Great article.
“Wherever you find the Negro everything is going down around him, and wherever you find the White man you see everything around him improving.” –RobertE. Lee
I direct your eyes to Iceland. This is what happens when you put white men on an island and leave them alone (ala Australia)== Iceland, the only all-White nation in the world, has the world’s highest literacy rate - 100%. It is an island of cooled volcanic magma, located Just south of the Arctic Circle. It has no coal, no fuel,no timber, no mineral wealth or natural resources, and no navigable rivers. 75% of the interior is uninhabitable and only about 1% of the land is arable.
It is the youngest nation in Europe and one of the most isolated countries in the world. Nonetheless, Iceland is #2 in the world in life expectancy and has one of the world’s highest standards of living, in terms of percapita income. It has tremendous medical facilities and a thriving publishing business. Upon graduation from high school, each Icelandic student has learned five languages.
Then there is Haiti, the only all black nation on earth, and dead last in every category Iceland excels at.
There is nothing to debate here. The facts of race are as immutable as the laws of economics and gravity.
All white people in the world are under attack. All we need to do is wake up, unit, and kick everyone out of our country. It's the only way if you want peace.
Then we go after the head of the snake, and it isn't black.
I don't think blacks will ever behave well enough to live alongside us in white society.
It takes a village to raise one of them as Oprah told us.
Paul Ramses aiming to be president of Iceland
Paul Ramses, arguably Iceland's most famous asylum seeker, has announced that he is running for president of Iceland.
Ramses fled to Iceland from Kenya in January 2008, seeking asylum here. When he was deported to Italy, separating him from his wife and newborn child, his case drew national attention, and pressure was put on the government for his return. He was eventually brought back to Iceland, and a few months ago was granted citizenship.
Last anonymous - well, you've ruined my day. Typical black in Iceland, wants 12 kids and, with two years to go before elections, has already written his acceptance speech as president. Why have almost all Whites everywhere on earth taken leave of their senses?
They've upped the level of security forces at the Mall of America in response to this. Also considering changing the curfew hours. Hope that the mall management considers making it 'minor must be accompanied by a parent or guardian" 24/7 otherwise as others have pointed out MOA may be in some serious trouble. Their prices are already extremely high and add on the cost of addition security....
It used to be, in my case at least, that if you just stayed away from where blacks were concentrated or just minded your own business when you were around them, the b@stards would leave you alone, at least during daylight hours.
Not anymore, apparently.
" No national figure has started to articulate a cogent argument against BRA yet, but that doesn't matter.
Really? Can you imagine one doing so? Pat Buchanan merely hinted at it, and for that he was banished from polite society.
I do not share your optimism regarding real "change" anytime soon. The liberal power structure seems only to be getting stronger, the Republicans are unable to nominate a credible candidate, Obama's approval ratings keep rising; a third party candidate will ensure his victory. It's looking more and more like Eric Holder will be the chief law enforcement officer until 2017.
Everyone under 30 has been brainwashed by the marxist government school system regarding race relations. This group STILL favors Obama by a 70% to 30% margin. The next generation of voters is being prepared right now. This is the future I see.
sickening..the 'liberalism':
as if usa didnt have enough problems..
import muslims and people with IQs of 70
thousands of jubilant Sudanese:
OMAHA, Neb. -- When government soldiers from the north attacked Mun Nam Koak's village in southern Sudan nearly 20 years ago, he fled on foot to safety in neighboring Ethiopia. With his infant son on his back, the 22-year-old Nam and his wife took only what they could carry on their three-day trek to the crowded refugee camps across the border.
Three years later, Koak's young family arrived in Des Moines, Iowa, part of a growing population of Sudanese refugees who relocated to the Midwest in search of a better, safer life. He studied English and found a steady job at a nursing home.
Back in his homeland this July, a historic referendum established South Sudan as a separate nation after decades of brutal civil war with the north. Koak joined thousands of jubilant Sudanese in Iowa and across the country cheering this day of independence. But his elation was short-lived.
Late last month, his son, James Mun, 19, was gunned down in an empty lot on Omaha's gritty north side, as he drank beer with a group of friends early one Saturday morning. Police have made no arrests in the case.
"I can never imagine that I would end up losing my son on the streets of the United States," Koak said.
Mun's murder is the grim consequence of a rising tide of youth and gang violence afflicting Sudanese refugees in the U.S., who have settled mainly in Nebraska, Iowa and other Midwest states. From weekend brawls to shootings and robberies, young Sudanese are victims and victimizers, ending up in hospital beds, behind bars -- or dead.
I don't know if anyone cached it, but Michelle Malkin had a post up earlier this a.m. on this event. Her sister or cousin or someone works at MOA, and witnessed this mob. I just went back to read the entry, but she has taken it down.
I wonder why?
I was wrong about Malkin. My apologies. The entry is on Powerline and is still there. Sorry.
However, the post has no mention of race.
My apologies for jumping the gun.
Regarding the Department of Justice attempting to block South Carolina's new voter i.d. law.....
Fox News' Megyn Kelly had two people on to discuss the law yesterday: Leslie Marshall (from the liberal perspective) and some guy whose name I can't remember (but is inconsequential for the purposes of this story). Of course Leslie was against the voter i.d. law, but at least she had the guts to come out in the open with her reason primary reason for opposing it: black Americans were far more less likely to have the kind of identification the state required in order to vote as compared to any of the other demographics mentioned as being impacted by the new law (the poor, the elderly, Latinos, etc...yaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwnnnnnn).
So anyway, several times Leslie mentions that blacks don't have legitimate forms of identification at disproportionate rates than the rest of America, and yet each and every time Leslie makes this statement (which happens to be true) the guy on the other side of the argument, not to mention Megyn Kelly, fails to ask: WHHHHHHHY ?!?!? Why do blacks lack the necessary identification? To his credit, the other guest on the show made compelling, logical reasons FOR having the voter i.d. law put into place, but no one on the show, and I do mean NO ONE, was willing to stand up and ask the hard question: why do black people not only not have drivers licenses or state issued identification (which South Carolina was willing to pay for), but why do they consistently refuse to go out and get it? Why, why, why? No one was willing to dig deep and do a follow-up question with Leslie; to ask the tough but necessary background questions.
Leslie was supposed to be an advocate for the black community, but her answer was patronizing and really doesn't resolve anything. Leslie states that they don't have i.d., but refuses to offer up an explanation for why this group of people can't seem to muster up the will to get one either.
I like Fox News, I love Megyn Kelly, but I get the sense that no one over there wanted to tackle the "whys" of this problem.
Jason: And the white women are the worst in continuing the coddling and excuse making. White women are often the most liberal and they seem almost suicidal in this regard.
Paging Whiskey to the white courtesy telephone.
Let us count the ways:
If he loves me, he'll change for me.
He's just misunderstood and will open up with me.
If it doesn't hurt it can't be love.
There is an endless list of excuses White women will make for entering relationships that just as often get them killed. Little to no mention is ever made of how many women who are not killed, nonetheless, get dragged down into poverty and disgrace by their Black mates.
CollegeStudent: Why are "African" and "Asian" nations allowed to be for their own race, but white nations across Europe are forced to accept "Diversity?"
Two words: Cultural Marxism.
I will be addressing this precise question at length in my upcoming essay, "The Dis-Integrating of America". With Paul's gracious cooperation, Part I should be posted tomorrow.
Caiden: "Someone who I like is here! I'll hit someone and cause a riot! Then good things will happen!"
Bravo! Excellent remapping of logic onto those for whom logic has no meaning.
In reality, the Black "gibsmedat" mentality translates into riots = good, as such turmoil presents an opportunity for them to loot and soothe their unfulfilled sense of entitlement.
Both Blacks and Islam will eventually force Western Whites to confront the basic fact that human scruples cannot be applied in situations where others refuse to act human.
Stuff Black People Don't Like: It's my hope that Jim Goad puts his best work from TakiMag into an e-book/book.
Goad omits one crucial element in his otherwise spot-on analysis of White guilt.
Liberal Whites who seek to project their own debt onto other more politically vulnerable Whites (i.e., conservatives, race realists, counter-jihadists, etc.), are subscribing to collective guilt.
In doing so, they open the door for minorities to answer up for their collective guilt in perpetuating crime, corruption, gangs and a host of other negative behavior that is ultimately detrimental to Whites.
Sauce for the goose and all that.
It is this ill-wrought keystone that needs to be yanked out of the foundations of "Passover Syndrome" quailers by those who refuse to accept blame over incidents that often transpired a century or more in the past.
This is great Stuff Paul.
I have seen the decline of cities due to the black undertow (Climate Change) but to see its effect in a Mall is a perfect "laboratory example" of negroid social ills. I think someone who wanted to do a Masters level paper on destructive business modeling in the 21st Century would find this a wealth of information. But to publish it, EVEN IF TRUE, would be considered racist (May I recommend the Title: The Black Mall Effect). It would be interesting to know what the critical breakeven point is, by that I mean what is the % of negroid population coming to the mall is necessary to stop growth and begin it's decline. Is it before increased security? Is increased Security merely delay the inevitable decline? Is it when Malls get a "Reputation" as a less than a positive place to go? How much do the news stories of TNB at the Mall effect sales of leases, the lifeblood of the Mall? Is the result of decline the actual viewing of TNB or can news stories also drive customers away and how much? For an investor, this would allow you to invest in a Mall, collect the best return for the investor shares on the upward slope of growth and sell out before sales decline and businesses flee or go broke.
DWL see this effect and the wonder what happened to the "business model" of the Mall, it all looked so great on paper. They wonder why the connection of the public transit system accelerated the decline of the Mall instead of accelerating its growth as their projections predicted (After all, more customers, right?). They understand that businesses had to make money and they wonder why their favorite little exotic coffee shop in the Mall could not make a dime despite charging $15.00 per/lb of Blue Mountain Jamaican Special Select. They see the increased security and read about "fights" in the mall or the "flash Robs" and don't realize that Whites don't want their children or wives going a business that is dangerous.
Earlier in 2011 you mentioned the "Water Park Phenomena" where Whites just stopped going due to negroid encroachment. The "Black Mall Effect" is another example of the same dynamic, except in the shopping experience instead of the entertainment experience.
Much like the matrix, many whites are brainwashed into accepting a false reality.
Good analogy.
For the present, race realists are in the position of being the Underground, making pirate broadcasts and infiltrating the alternative world of BRA which most Americans mistake for reality.
One reason I think the Matrix movies have had such a following is that they are a visual symbol of the situation in which Western peoples find themselves: immersed in a delusion so vast they most mistake the map for the world. See also Philip K. Dick's novel, "Valis."
The question is, how do you get people to take the Red Pill?
kev: Late last month, his son, James Mun, 19, was gunned down in an empty lot on Omaha's gritty north side, as he drank beer with a group of friends early one Saturday morning. Police have made no arrests in the case.
"I can never imagine that I would end up losing my son on the streets of the United States," Koak said. [emphasis added]
Would Mr. Koak care to explain exactly why his son was out "early one Saturday morning" DRINKING BEER?
Exactly what sort of morals and work ethic did he impart into his child such that young James was exhibiting symptoms of serious alcoholism as he started his day by sucking down brew?
Mr. Koak should pause to consider just how much of scumbag Somali mentality he imported with his brood. People in Somalia get gunned down all of the time. If Mr. Koak wasn't paying careful attention to assimilating into American culture, then he left the door open for young James to relive his Somali roots, right down to the last detail of catching a bullet.
Please substitute Sudan for Somalia in my last comment.
Otherwise, everything else still applies just fine.
Three years later, Koak's young family arrived in Des Moines, Iowa, part of a growing population of Sudanese refugees who relocated to the Midwest in search of a better, safer life.
Of course, they do not bother to ask why Sudan is such a failure that its people must migrate elsewhere. I mean, isn't Sudan one of those post-colonial majority rule, one-man-one-vote countries? Freed of the heavy hand of colonial exploitation and white overlords, aren't the Sudanese building societies which are peaceful and progressive?
Mun's murder is the grim consequence of a rising tide of youth and gang violence afflicting Sudanese refugees in the U.S., who have settled mainly in Nebraska, Iowa and other Midwest states.
Note the construction of the sentence: a "rising tide of youth and gang violence" is "afflicting" Sudanese refugees. It's as if this tide has emerged out of some Great Plains underground sea and is now mysteriously sweeping over Oamaha in a Midwest version of Katrina. No mention here of who is actually committing these crimes; rather, it is the Sudanese who are, apparently, the innocent victims of some natural force.
There is a clue here insofar as once again the ubiquitous "youth" appear to be involved. The same multi-racial youth who, we are given to understand, are also behind violent flash mobs in America, car burnings in Europe, and the recent mayhem in London.
From weekend brawls to shootings and robberies, young Sudanese are victims and victimizers, ending up in hospital beds, behind bars -- or dead.
Ah, now it comes out. It seems that whoever is settling these Sudanese into the heartland of America does not seem to realize they are going to bring the very dysfunctions which caused them to flee Africa in the first place.
Of course, we can ask, who has been settling these people in the American heartland? Is this something the denizens of Omaha and other cities have demanded?
That is how all normal people react when they read that story.
What happened is liberals and socialists. To take over societies they had to destroy the will of the people. In previous generations people would have been up in arms over things that people turn a blind eye to now. London infested with invading foreigners, the rape epidemic in Sweden. Leftis have mentally unarmed white people.
Blacks and muslims, however, are left alone, and both being mentally unhinged, treat white people like prey.
Basically, the next for decades either whites rise up and take back the Western world, or they breed more submissive liberal types and become eternal serfs to niggers and muslims.
Everyone under 30 has been brainwashed by the marxist government school system regarding race relations. This group STILL favors Obama by a 70% to 30% margin. The next generation of voters is being prepared right now. This is the future I see.
Keep the faith man, I've got some younger cousins in there early to mid 20's and they can't stand the shit, they, of course, were the victims of forced diversity and they're quite bitter about it and have every bit, if not more negro dislike than I do.
I'm in my early 40's and most of this garbage took off after I was out of college, we always knew, via our parents, that blacks were bad business but we were never forced to be around them. The world I grew up in was all white, the only time I saw negros was on the basketball court at the YMCA.
"I say let the liberals choose: either be pro-white, or, go live with them."
No, no choice for liberals. If we let them stay, they'd only repeat what they're doing now: work by means of propaganda and legislation to destabilize white society.
The problem is more white victims is the only thing that will wake people up. If your cousin is attack three states away by a black, you'll here about it even if the news doesn't report it, or doesn't report it was three drunken blacks. If you sister or uncle or best friend is attacked by a black, you'll know the truth.
Whites have been brainwashed into thinking of blacks in a suprisingly nonhuman way. They don't think anything blacks do is their fault. This leads to conclusions liberals don't like to think about, such as why be around people who are unable to control themselves and have no responsibilities for their actions the way whites are.
A good example of continuing stupid liberal is that editor from The Onion website who got her leg broken by a black mob. She felt bad that she'll be nervous around blacks (ew, bad white reaction!) but found 'racist' talk from whites creepy (ew, racists want to hold blacks accountable for attacking whites!) Such people suffer from cultural Stockholme Syndrom. Their hold world is built around lies, and they end up loving the people who've lied to her, ie blacks and white liberals.
She's been taught the truth is to horrible to conside If I remember correctly when the mayor of Philadelphia called to thank her for not making a big deal over being a victim of nigger rage she was happy to help with the coverup. Perfect leftie victim, glad to conceal the truth!!
Caiden, the Onion editor was Emily Guendelsberger, a Jewish woman who was dating an Indian (call-center, not casino). Let her wallow in her liberalism until it kills her.
"Call center not casino" ! I am so stealing that line! It's funnier and more up to date than "dot not feather", that's for sure.
Iceland also has a US Air Force base on it. A couple of years ago some black "airmen" beat a white female, what's the PC term? "Airperson?" To death on base.
The US military loves to put blacks in places like Japan, Germany and Iceland. Where they commit numerous atrocities against the population. It's part of the reason why the US military is hated around the world.
Zenster said:
Little to no mention is ever made of how many (white)women who are not killed, nonetheless, get dragged down into poverty and disgrace by their Black mates.
My friend, who's a cop, showed me several pics of the local "shop with a cop" Christmas charity giveaway. Every white woman I saw had black children in tow.
I've also noticed that white women with black children are always waiting on the bus or walking.
He also told me a story of a young white girl from an upper middle class background who turned her back on a full academic scholarship to the University of Florida in order to have black babies with a thug. She was there to get a background check in order to get a Section 8 apartment. He said she wasn't the exception, either.
You know, it downright sucks to follow all the debates going on in the threads of SBPDL, the newsroom of AmRen and so on. Here in Finland (a tiny weeny nation compared to USA), when we found out that the volume of our discussions had overgrown the limits of a blog comment sections, guestbooks et cetera, we founded a web forum whose portal also acts as a centre for all kinds of activities. Americans could create several just as good forum/portals, or one bafflingly awesome one, but right now, all I kind find are rabidly anti-Semitic frothers like those in Stormfront.
If there is a high quality US white ethnonationalist forum in existence, then I definitely must offer my apologies. Then again, if not, then why the hell not? Have we embraced an identity of helpless victims, like the blacks...?
"...how about MAUL of America?"
More like the Mall of Africa.
Arguably perhaps no where more vivid than right in the Twin Cities - Minneapolis and St. Paul, from their inception - creation up until about 1985, 1990 where there were simply no negroes heretofore whatsoever resides a "better" example of just how beyond pernicious the arrival, the overtaking of the inherently ruthless, vicious and wholly animalistic negro is in no uncertain terms.
The Twin Cities had enjoyed for decade upon decade a region effectively devoid of crime, least of which not being violent crime. Enter the negro and just the opposite has naturally occurred.
Today the Twin Cities, while still very nice, is now home to roving packs of some of the most vicious and crime intent negroes and other black-haired, brown-eyed diaspora and those eternally liberal and accommodating Scandinavians; the predominant ethnic group along with Germans, Slavs, Celtic and Anglos are finally starting to admit to the destruction, ruination that IS the negro. But, alas, it is too late. The ape is out of the cage and you'll never get it back in.
RIP Minnesota.
London infested with invading foreigners, the rape epidemic in Sweden.
At least Stieg Larsson is still dead.
Let her wallow in her liberalism until it kills her.
The fire has definitely started. People are starting to wake up. It is a very slow and painful process. With BRA and DWLs about, one has to be wary of what one says to whom. We all are thinking about it, but do we dare mention it….even though the TRUTH is staring us in the face.
Talk about a great city I grew up in. Trenton, NJ. What a hole now and a total farce. A city that had ceramic works, rubber plants, Roebling Steel that made the cable for the Brooklyn Bridge and the Golden Gate Bridge, a great business and shopping district. We would go every Saturday downtown, until the BLACK ROITS in 1968. We were lucky; my dad had the foresight to move to the suburbs in the early sixties. But now where I grew up (Ewingville, NJ) is going to suffer the same fate. I moved to PA, to escape the DWLS and the Groid Gauntlet…unfortunately I can see it coming,with Philly going down the tubes and Trenton a shambles….its only a matter of time. But, people are waking up…..the Truth is there…somehow, somewhere we have to make a stand……
Zenster said, "Two words: Cultural Marxism.
I will be addressing this precise question at length in my upcoming essay, "The Dis-Integrating of America". With Paul's gracious cooperation, Part I should be posted tomorrow."
Any discussion of cultural marxism would be greatly aided by this 20 minute documentary by William Lind. Made in the 1990s, it charts the rise of cultural marxism from World War 1 to the present. It is very informative.
Mall of America as been a disaster for years .
A huge factor has been mass transit. There is transit service by electrified rail from downtown Minneapolis to the Mall. This is in addition to comprehensive bus service around Minneapolis. St Paul and suburbs.
A few years ago there was a mass transit strike. Much apprehension was expressed on the inconveniences of this strike.
Instead crime in Downtown Minneapolis dropped by 30 percent during the strike. My commute from Minneapolis to St Paul was actually quicker.
Less mobility of minorities led to reduced crime rates.
Your articles are regularly forwarded.
I worked with a white woman who was like that. I donn't think she was college material, but she had a baby with a black drug dealer and they broke up. She complained that he never gave her money for the baby. Later she dated a different black thug. He got arrested for beating her up (he did it alot) and she was worried he was going to the same jail that her baby daddy was in at the time and they'd end up killing each other.
While not a genius, sleeping with blacks has not improved her life. And the kid will grow up and be the same because at 2 years old she's watched her mom get beat up by a full fledged nigger and think that's normal
Our culture has changed. Music, movies and tvs all hate white people, yet show nothing but compassion for black criminals. So many white girls think that getting slapped by a black thug is the highest sign of appreciation. While it's not all white girls, it's still a sickingly high percentage. Personal experience I'd say maybe 5% of white girls prefer niggers.
If there is a high quality US white ethnonationalist forum in existence, then I definitely must offer my apologies. Then again, if not, then why the hell not? Have we embraced an identity of helpless victims, like the blacks...?
Try niggermania forum for groid only bashing
by that I mean what is the % of negroid population coming to the mall is necessary to stop growth and begin it's decline
Someone on niggermania worked out 15% as the tipping point of a city some years back....but I can't recall how. Sounds about right though.
"In doing so, they open the door for minorities to answer up for their collective guilt in perpetuating crime, corruption, gangs and a host of other negative behavior that is ultimately detrimental to Whites.
Under the cultural Marxism that we live under in the West, the door will never be opened for minorities to answer for anything.
The attacks on whites are not even meant to be legitimate. They know that what they're saying is bullshit. The act of criticizing is itself the point, not the argument!
Much of the point of cultural Marxism is to put the enemy (whites) constantly on the defensive and trying to defend against and deny the various attacks aimed at us. The arguments themselves are disingenuous bullshit that are meant to harass and to wear people down.
Uni "N" Mall - too phunknee.
Uni = 1
"N" = Know whadda mean?
Mall, or Maul, as I prefer to spell it = a snap shot of what happened to America's shopping centers. No wonder why most sane people shop on-line and forego attending movies, waiting until the DVD release.
No one dares speak. We must all deny what our senses tell us, deny what others tells us, and deny that our actions, words, and some deeds are impacted by PC rules that imperil our lives and fortunes. One day... this will end.
I can tell the people writing regarding the poor innocent youth killed in London are not accustomed to deal with blacks personally. They think of him as a normal 18 year old, not realizing that even middle school aged blacks are scary and dangerous and prone to violence. Most black kids have already racked up several illegal acts by the "tender age" of 18.
""I can never imagine that I would end up losing my son on the streets of the United States," Koak said."
But you didn't, you lost him in the streets of little Sudan.
Silent Running: At least Stieg Larsson is still dead.
For those unfamiliar with this particular piece of work, Larsson was the founder and editor of Swedish Left wing media sewer pipe, Expo. They are the ones that hired Korean immigrant Tobias Hübinette, who is famous for this tidy little quote:
“To feel and even think that the white race is inferior in every conceivable way is natural with regards to its history and current actions. Let the Western countries of the white race perish in blood and suffering. Long live the multicultural, racially mixed and classless ecological society! Long live anarchy!”
An intersting tidbit about Larsson from the linked Wiki page:
When Larsson was 15 years old, he witnessed the gang rape of a girl, which led to his lifelong abhorrence of violence and abuse against women. His longtime partner, Eva Gabrielsson, writes that this incident "marked him for life" in a chapter of her book that describes Larsson as a feminist.[4] The author never forgave himself for failing to help the girl, and this inspired the themes of sexual violence against women in his books.
So, guilt over his own personal cowardice in not disrupting a gang rape obliged him to become a bleeding heart liberal who then agitated for unlimited immigration of Muslims into Sweden. That country is now experiencing an unprecedented epidemic of rape and gang rapes of young Swedish girls by predatory Muslim youth.
This is a perfect example of Liberals falling prey to The Law of Unintended Consequences.
It is this exact same effort to redeem one's own guilt that saw Saskia Burke stabbed to death because of her Liberal father's desire to prove his lack of racism.
Anonymous (December 28, 2011 4:43 PM): Any discussion of cultural marxism would be greatly aided by this 20 minute documentary by William Lind. Made in the 1990s, it charts the rise of cultural marxism from World War 1 to the present. It is very informative.
I saw this video a few years back and it had slipped my mind. Thank you very much for reminding me as it will now be included as the base link for where Cultural Marxism is first mentioned in Part II of my essay.
Paul just informed on that Part I will be posted on Saturday.
Again, Anon, thank you for making mention of this cogent and well produced video.
Oops, make that Part III where I will use the William Lind video. In fact, I was recently quoting some of this video's transcript here at SBPDL. Again, thank you.
Anonymous (December 29, 2011 1:35 PM): "I can never imagine that I would end up losing my son on the streets of the United States," Koak said."
But you didn't, you lost him in the streets of little Sudan.
Exactol! Koak came here, not as an immigrant, but as a colonist. Therefore, instead of assimilating and adopting America's work ethics ― along with transmitting them to his children ― Koak imported with him his native Sudan's culture of decrepitude and underachievement. All of which made his son think nothing of hanging out with his homies swilling beer early one Saturday morning where he had the chance to stand in front of a bullet.
"RIP Minnesota"
Not really--we only have 3.5% blacks, none of whom could afford to live here without heating aid. The MOA prohibits guns on it's premises which means law abiding, conceal/carry permit holders aren't allowed to bring their guns in with them--just the bangers.
The negroes would not even be there if not for the billion dollar light rail transit--that others pointed out. The thing is, is that Feds paid for that rail and most of another one going up now.
I don't like the MOA--never have. I avoid it and only go there when there is no other choice.
Someone pointed out Nordstrom's closed up right away--well yeah, they have Chanel products laying around--you know, $900.00 women's shoes and $5-15,000 jackets and skirts. Just think what a flashmob could do with that.
""I can never imagine that I would end up losing my son on the streets of the United States," Koak said."
Notice how blame is deflected from true source and at the same time bites the hand that feeds them.
The Sears in Upper Darby, Michigan, scene of a nigger "flash rob" back in June 2011, is closing down.
Posted: Sat, Dec. 31, 2011, 5:12 AM
A punch and jab to Upper Darby: Sears, jewelry shop closing
"Poor performance," Sears spokeswoman Kim Freely said of all locations chosen, without details, including when doors would shut for good."
"The area has gotten more diverse in recent years."
Flash mob rips off Upper Darby Sears (With Video)
Published: Sunday, June 26, 2011
Times Correspondent
UPPER DARBY — A mob of about 40 people stormed into the Sears department store on 69th Street Thursday, and in a flash stole thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, officials said.
Police were able to round up 15 juveniles and one adult, 19, all from West Philadelphia.
'The negroes would not even be there if not for the billion dollar light rail transit' ..Blow the tracks then and keep doing it until it becomes un-economic to fix the damage or the libtards get the message
Yo, Anonymous (December 31, 2011 12:51 PM). One really great way to get SBPDL shut down for good is to advocate felony violence and damage to government property.
Then again, you might be a troll whose agitating is specifically intended to portray this board in a bad light.
Maybe you aren't, but it's damn hard to tell from what you just wrote.
I'm hoping that Paul will have the good sense to delete your ill-thought-out comment.
There was a great article on amren a few years back about the correlation between public transportation services to malls and the malls' shutting down due to the Black Undertow. I just wish I could find it.
We had a mall that closed up when black people started shooting each other in it finally shut it down. Now only thing black people can do is walk back and forth down the same streets going nowhere but to bus stops. What a waste of bus service.
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