There was more truth in Jurassic Park... |
win the war over the Axis Powers during World War II. They didn't do much of anything, actually.
Their legacy? Well, considering that less than 2 percent of Air Force fighter pilots are Black (not to mention ALL major airlines having less than 2 percent Black pilots) right now, their legacy can only be attributed to the power of Black-Run America (BRA) attempting to forever keep white guilt alive and flourishing.
The other goal is the continued assault upon sports, that primary medium for producing the only positive images of Black people in America (though even that statement might be stretch, judging by the NBA's decline into thuggery).
This must be stated: Those men who will forever be known in BRA history as the Tuskegee Airmen, "the men who paved the way for V-E Day," were carefully selected from the right-side of the Bell Curve. Had they been selected from the left-side, well, this experiment would have failed before takeoff:
The eventual success of the Tuskegee airmen underscores the high quality of the men who served. Because of the rigorous screening, the men who selected for flight training and ground crew training were uniformly highly intelligent and generally well educated. Many had previous experience as pilots or mechanics. They were aware that they were under heavy scrutiny and that any shortcomings on their part would be used to justify ending all military aviation training for African Americans.The Black newspaper The Chicago Defender would spread falsehoods about the Tuskegee Airmen war record of "never losing a bomber" they escorted over the -- virtually empty -- skies of Europe. It would take more than 60 years for the truth of this lie to come out. But to think that those Black men selected to take part in the real Tuskegee experiment were pre-selected for aviation experience. How many white pilots who engaged in the real air-to-air combat over Europe and in the Pacific had never even set foot in a plane before they were trained to fly?
Not so for the Tuskegee Airmen, men who were selected for being part of the purported "talented tenth." Sadly, since their exploits, few Black men have taken to the sky, grounded by the pesky reality of nature always supplanting nurture.
Which brings us to the second part of those aforementioned goals. The Opiate of America: College Football in Black & White will be released on National Signing Day, the culmination of a personal war declared on those who control a sport which should promote actual student-athletes instead of the children from the Black Undertow.
Perhaps it's fate that William Rhoden, the author of the embarrassing Forty Million Dollar Slaves: The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of the Black Athlete
Here's a part of Rhoden's weird column:
During a screening of a movie about the Tuskegee Airmen on Saturday, it finally occurred to me why the absence of white cornerbacks in the N.F.L. — or the presence of so many black ones — presents a compelling snapshot of the American condition.
Often, in reaction to an article about the lack of black quarterbacks or the lack of black coaches and executives, critics point out indignantly that there are no white cornerbacks, either. The disappearance of the white cornerback has more to do with shrunken aspirations, a lack of confidence and a reluctance to compete.
Cornerback at the N.F.L. level is the most challenging position in sports. (PK NOTE: Wrong, Mr. Rhoden, quarterback is the most difficult position) It demands extraordinary speed and quickness. Like fighter pilots, cornerbacks must possess an unusual blend of physical strength and emotional toughness, the ability to think and act quickly under pressure.
The film, “Red Tails,” produced by George Lucas, is the gripping story of the Tuskegee Airmen, African-American pilots who fought in World War II. They were the first African-American aviators in the United States armed forces. The black fighter pilots were underestimated, marginalized, told they lacked the courage, the intelligence and the skill to be top-flight fighter pilots.Let's stop right here. Most Black people don't even have the intelligence to ENLIST (not even talking about officers) in the United States Army - having a failure rate of 40 percent when it comes to the entrance exam. The Air Force spends more than $1 million to train pilots to fly, so turning pilot training into a crash-course in Affirmative Action would inevitably end in many plane crashes. Let's take a look at some chilling data that shows Black people DON'T have the intelligence to be top-flight fighter pilots.
You see, the United States derives the bulk of its might from the vast military superiority it enjoys in aviation, and as we learned Black people find themselves lacking in a field where affirmative action policies are a death sentence for everyone involved:
“Only 1.9 percent of Air Force pilots are black, according to AFPC. Of 14,130 Air Force pilots, 270 identified themselves as black; another 620 declined to report their race.Black people in the Navy don’t fare much better (nor do Naval Academy Standards), for Navy Aviators that happen to be Black people are but 2.5 percent of the flyers.
“We’ve been trying for 20 years to get more black pilots, but it’s a little lower than it was 20 years ago,” said Stewart, who is a pilot.”
White cornerback Julian Edelman makes at tackle |
All 167 cornerbacks listed on active N.F.L. rosters last Monday were African-American, although Julian Edelman, a receiver who is white, has played a few snaps at cornerback for the injury-plagued New England Patriots. The evolution to today’s rosters began with the emergence of the American Football League in 1960. While the N.F.L. maintained quotas and engaged in steering and stacking, the rival A.F.L. was snatching up talented players wherever it could find them, especially at historically black colleges.
“You had more black guys coming into the league who were receivers who could fly, and they had to have defensive backs who could fly with them,” Beach said.
At some point, white players stopped believing they could fly. No more protection from open competition; everyone had to prove himself on a level playing field. Like the success of black fighter pilots, the presence of 64 African-American starting cornerbacks in the N.F.L. is an American triumph of meritocracy over protectionism.
The long-term negative effect of discriminatory practices of the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s is reflected in the almost complete abandonment of cornerback by young white athletes aspiring to play the position at the most competitive high schools. Dallas Jackson, who specializes in high school recruiting for, has seen the consequences.
“I’ve been at for seven years; there has not been a white cornerback who has stood out,” Jackson said “I don’t think we have invited one to our U.S. Army All-American game.”
He added: “White athletes aren’t going out for the position or they are getting pushed out at an early age or getting steered clear of it in peewee ball. There are white cornerbacks out there; they just haven’t been recruited. They play the position and they might end up in Division II schools or Division III. But when we talk about the N.F.L. level — I can’t remember a white cornerback in a long time. The white corner is a vanishing act right now.”
Ozzie Newsome, the Baltimore Ravens’ general manager, said the lack of white cornerbacks reflected a failure to see possibilities.
“I was a pretty good quarterback growing up, but when it came to organized football, I knew I should become a wide receiver, because from everything that I was reading, all the blacks were getting their positions changed,” Newsome, a standout N.F.L. tight end from 1978 to 1990, said.
Once he became a receiver, the road to the N.F.L. became clearer. “Now you’ve got some heroes that you can look at; there is someone you can emulate who is black,” he said.
Young white athletes who might aspire to be N.F.L. corners can’t see themselves in that role.
“They’re going through the same thing that I went through when I wanted to play quarterback,” Newsome said. “ ‘Yeah, you can play cornerback, but by the time you get to college, they’re going to move you to safety.’
“I think the stereotype can affect your mentality. If you grow up not seeing something and hearing something your whole life, that starts to impact you: ‘I can’t do this, I’m not good enough to do that.’ And that becomes a part of your life.”
A similar phenomenon is seen in the kicking game. There are no African-American punters or kickers in the N.F.L. While white athletes shy away from cornerback because, in their minds, it requires too much athleticism, many African-American players eschew punting and kicking because it is not athletic enough.
Claude Mathis, the coach at DeSoto (Tex.) High School, said he had to beg his best player to kick and punt. “Kids make fun of you when you’re a punter,” he said. “When you’re an athlete. you don’t want to be labeled as punter or kicker; kids will make fun of you.”
But they didn’t make fun of Bryson Echols: he is an all-American cornerback and “an athlete” at DeSoto, headed to the University of Texas.
“We’re not taught to punt and kick when we’re little; we’re taught to play other positions,” Mathis said of black athletes. “Look at the peewee league, look at the J.V. level, the junior high level, the elementary level, the professional level.”
Ted Ginn Sr., who coaches at Glenville High School in Cleveland, echoed Mathis’s sentiments. “Kids don’t see themselves as a punter because it’s always white punters in the N.F.L. or college,” he said. “They see themselves as a wide receiver or running back, not as a field-goal kicker who can stay in the N.F.L. for 15 years and make millions.”
In fact, kicking is a high-profile position at Solon (Ohio) High School. The last two kickers, who are white, went on to outstanding college careers: Pat Jacob was a two time all-Ivy League punter at Princeton, and Albert Benedict kicked for Gannon.
The lack of white corners and black kickers is less about sports and more about having dreams, seeing possibility and having the courage to explore one’s discomfort zone.
“I get upset with our guys when they let others not let them dream,” said Jim McQuaide, Solon’s coach. “Limiting themselves because of what others think they can or can’t do. Anyone can be a cornerback in the N.F.L., anyone can be a punter. That’s our mission as coaches; we have to push our players to do more.”
White corners, black kickers. Both groups can learn lessons from the Tuskegee Airmen, the legendary Red Tails, who kicked and scratched in pursuit of a dream.
In the end, they showed the world they could indeed fly.
How does crap like this get published? The Tuskegee Airmen, those "legendary" Red Tails, didn't scratch and kick in pursuit of a dream. They were carefully selected to ensure that they didn't fail, put into aerial combat when most of the German Air Force was grounded, and had their story carefully massaged over the years to maximize both sympathy for Black people during World War II and white guilt.
Guess what? It didn't completely work. Though it took 60 years, the story of never losing a bomber failed to pass the historically accurate test.
But for Rhoden to bring up SO MANY stupid points in his weird piece trying to show that potential white cornerbacks in high school should have the same courage as the Red Tails is laughable. We've shown time and time that Tom Lemming, the founding father of evaluating high school football, has stated white players are discriminated against because of the belief White men can't run. Guess what?
White Men Can Run.
And as Vdare published:
Well, for one thing, Tom Lemming, the founding father of recruiting guides, told Michael Lewis in the book The Blind Side that white high school athletes were discriminated against by college scouts and coaches because they couldn't possibly be as a fast as black athletes. He said the same thing to The Chicago Sun Times [What college coaches don't talk about, By Taylor Bell, October 1, 2009]; he said the same thing to the South Bend Tribune. [Groomed to be grounded, By Eric Hansen, December 30, 2005]White guys could play cornerback, but college recruiters believe that they can't play the position. It should be noted that ESPN: The Magazine published an embarrassing story on the lack of Black kickers in the NFL. Just as there has been a crusade to create opportunities for Black quarterbacks - of which Rhoden has been one of the leaders in that movement - there has been a push to create more opportunities for Black kickers.
Why is there no crusade to get more white running backs (like Southern Methodist's Zach Line) and develop them? Why aren't white receivers being nurtured to be trusted to make the big catch? Why is there a social movement - really, a crusade -- to get Black quarterbacks in a more prominent role at the NCAA and NFL level? What about the paucity of white corner backs or safety's? Two white starting corner backs at the college level, Greg Heban of Indiana and Texas Tech's Sawyer Vest were both walk-ons. As is starting white safety Jordan Kovacs at Michigan.
Why, Mr. Rhoden, do white corners have to have courage, instead of having a well-funded campaign to publicize their plight? Why, Mr. Rhoden, is the United States Air Force Academy spending vast sums of money trying to come up with ways to lower its academic standards to admit more Black cadets (just like the military is across the board)? Why don't you make a documentary about the lack of white cornerbacks, white receivers and white running backs in the NFL, Mr. Rhoden, as you did on the lack of Black quarterbacks (or your Breaking the Huddle movie about integration of college football)?
If courage kept Black pilots in the air during WWII, what happened after the Tuskegee Airmen flew? Has nature kept them grounded, after the military worked to nurture the best Black pilots available for their little Tuskegee experiment?
The Tuskegee Airmen Myth will be exposed here at SBPDL (and one other place, with the debut of THE article that seeks to deflate the 'heroics' of this pre-selected band of high IQ Blacks that took the skies to combat racism). More importantly, we will continue to wage a war on the Caste System.
How Does The New York Times William Rhoden have a Job?
Selena Roberts "worked" there.
That lead-in poster at the top is totally unbe-fricking-lievable!
A P-51C Mustang whose top speed was 441 MPH (Standard War Emergency Power) is not just shooting down, but riddling a Messerschmidt Me-262 Schwalbe ("Swallow") that has a top speed of 540 MPH.
Imagine that you are standing still and a car goes past at almost 100 MPH. That is the airspeed difference between these jet aircraft and the Mustang.
Pushing that many slugs into such a faster moving plane requires the skills of a true fighter ace and not many of the "talented tenth" Black pilots involved would likely possess such abilities. Especially so for doing a "Swiss cheese" number on WWII's fastest and only fighter jet.
Hell, the German pilots complained that they could barely sight on the prop-driven aircraft being attacked before blowing past them!
Evidently, in 16,533 sorties the Red Tails did manage to shoot down a whopping three Me-262s out of 100 total that were lost in action. The 332nd scored a final total of 111 air combat kills.
In other words, what's shown on the poster is a statistical anomaly.
Remember, this was also when WWII was ending and Germany had lost many of its finest fighter aces.
Chuck Yeager was the first American to record a kill against the Me-262 and I sincerely doubt that very many of the Red Tails approached anywhere near his legendary piloting skills.
This sort of selective valorizing makes me want to puke!
At some point, white players stopped believing they could fly. No more protection from open competition; everyone had to prove himself on a level playing field. Like the success of black fighter pilots, the presence of 64 African-American starting cornerbacks in the N.F.L. is an American triumph of meritocracy over protectionism.
Someone hand me a barf bag! As Paul Kersey has documented at such length, "the presence of 64 African-American starting cornerbacks in the N.F.L." is not any sort of "American triumph" but a product of despicable voluntary e-Race by college coaches and DWLs.
Why am I not surprised that William Rhoden is Black?
As I have noted before, Blacks seem to display an innate proclivity for breathing their own exhaust.
Hah! They cant steer a parachute, much less a airplane! A casual, but consistent count I made during my years AIRBORNE confirmed what I only noticed at first. Almost ALL of the tree landings ~aka~ 'entanglements' that resulted in the destruction of parachutes ripped from trees with deuce and a 1/2's were from the 'bruthas'....much like the 'survey' I did of those who pass me at very high speeds on I-95...Floridians!
Kid Clorox
Zenster that is 441 MPH White speed put an afleet in there and ....
Does anyone out there reading this blog think there's a viable market for this kind of black peecee-correct movie mythology? Wouldn't there have to be a market in order for production companies to minimally recoup their expenses from producing such crap?
I'd believe the movie poster at least a little bit if the Schwalbe had its' landing gear extended. Most Mustang-on-262 kills seem to have been made when the Mustangs loitered around the jets' airfields waiting for them to come in out of fuel and ammo.
Mike James
Thanks for debunking the "never lost a bomber" myth. I had always wondered about that.
More blackwashing of history.
God bless you PK. I cannot stress enough how amazing this site is. What I originally checked out as a lark has become frankly one of the best sites on the internet.
God bless you. If truth is on your side, who can stand against you?
When it comes to pilots, there are a number of different breeds. There are fixed wing or fixed wing carrier-based, fighters or fighter carrier-based, helicopter or helicopter carrier-based.
You can’t fake flying a fixed wing aircraft or fighter where the pilot has to land/take-off on a carrier. You can never fake flying a helicopter. Based on anecdotal observations, you find very few Black pilots in helicopters or flying an aircraft that works off a carrier. In the Navy, most Black pilots are flying P-3 ASW aircraft or other non-carrier based aircraft. In the Air Force, you will be hard pressed to find many of the 270 Air Force Black pilots in fighters or helicopters. The Air Force, Navy and the Army must field Black pilots but they only do it for the most forgiving, most automated aircraft that land on improved, fixed airfields......otherwise people die.
I would really enjoy seeing what the actual breakdown is for the distribution of Black pilots in the various aircraft types between all the services. Even with all the money spent on diversity, recruiting minority pilots and giving them extra time and training to qualify (as compared with White pilots) they still can’t meet their overall diversity numbers.
We have no problems seeing Black admin officers, supply officers, etc but I would tell the military that they can’t hire any more Blacks in jobs they can fake until they hire the same numbers in jobs they can’t fake (Pilots, EOD, Special Warfare, Infantry, etc).
Yes... it a well-known fact to any World War II historian that when the military leadership of the Third Reich (Hitler, Goring, Ribbentrop, Rommel, Krebs, et al.)realized that the Tuskeegee Airmen would be flying over Germany, conversation morosely turned to Gotterdammerung. Soon thereafter, they all gathered for a tearful group hug and distributed cyanide capsules among themselves.
make it rain TRUTH: If truth is on your side, who can stand against you?
As Herman Wouk was wont to observe, there are those with "the will not to believe". They can be just as deadly as any determined enemy. Obama's election by America's DWLs is proof of this.
I used to live in southern Marin County where George Lucas resides. I saw him in the flesh several times over the years, outside restaurants, at a hospital - random locations. He was almost always alone, curiously enough. He dresses like a regular schmoe - cheap jeans that look like he found them in the bargain bin at Walmart, plaid or flannel shirts and a jacket.
One thing to remember about Lucas is that he is the product of Whitopia. He grew up in Modesto, CA, when it was very, very white and peaceful. He's lived for most of his life in Marin County which is to this day very white and very wealthy. Lucas has an adopted daughter who's black but he has lived his entire life in almost total isolation from the joys of social "diversity".
His wardrobe shows that, although he's a billionaire, he still enjoys the pretense of dressing as the vanishing white American middle class America that produced him and that he disdains in the typical manner of a spoiled rotten, clueless, white baby-boomer DWL. "Fight the power, man!" He doesn't live in Oakland or South Central or Atlanta where he can grapple with the reality of "diversity". He lives in white, wealthy isolation where he always has and where he can piss on the "racists" from a safe distance.
Herein lies the problem:
A few hundred folks read SBPDL.
A few hundred thousand will watch the Red Tail movie.
Most who read SBPDL like the preaching and say "Amen!" because we're already converts.
The thousands whose buns will warm the pews in the local theater will confuse fiction with fact and pass under the red exit sign as pasty-eyed zombies in the multiculturalist cult.
It's a tragic fact:
The minds of millions of Americans are molded by the movies; truth be damned.
make it rain TRUTH said...
On one hand leftist gripe that blacks were held back in the military prior to integration.
On the other hand they insist blacks were phenomenally successful and deserve more credit.
It's a 'gotcha'.
They can't have it both ways.
"Herein lies the problem:
A few hundred folks read SBPDL."
You sure?
I really don't think it's just a few hundred. Many, many more.
@ Ben N Indie: I agree ... movies brainwash the populace. So how to get the truth out to America's shithead MTV youth, et al.? If ever there was a medium to come up with such a solution, this is it, here at SBPDL.
In fact, the above question is hereby directed to ALL SBPDL readers.
@Baldowl: You raised a very good point: "not much money went into the making of it, because it's expected to tank at the box office by drawing predominately black audiences who, because of their beastly behavior, will keep white audiences away. You know, the same as with everything else."
If any of you remember the HBO film about the Tuskegee Airman, there was a scene in which the best black cadet, who was an incredibly gifted pilot who invented his own unique maneuvers, was kicked out of the program because he did a victory roll against regulations, and a bigoted white major had him expelled from training. Distraught, the former cadet commandeered a plane, flew some acrobatics and then crahed kamikaze-like into the runway.
Now that incident was probably created by the filmmaker to dramatize how bad white racists were and how they drove that poor cadet to commit suicide because they denied him the right to fly. But I remember thinking that the very act of suicide on the part of the super duper cadet actually confirmed the white major's decision to remove him from training. After all, if a fighter pilot freaks out at adversity, what use is he? What if his friend were shot down on a mission? Would this cadet continue with the mission, or freak out?
My guess is the filmmaker had no clue about the military and did not realize his little made up event actually confirmed the man was unfit for fighters. I wonder if Lucas will make similar mistakes in his quest to play up the evil nature of whites.
"A few hundred thousand will watch the Red Tail movie."
Perhaps, but over the past 5-10 years, these types of racial revisionist movies have performed poorly at the box office. It is my opinion that normal, decent white folks have reached their limit, and feel no need to pay money to be further indoctrinated with the exact same message that they've spent their entire lives being flogged with.
I admire your courage in taking on the Tuskegee Airmen legend. Hasn't this movie been laying around unreleased for a few years already? Have they been tweaking it in an effort to make it watchable?
facts are stubborn things. Another good article Mr. Kersey. Maybe you should send it in as an editorial to the NYT.
And seeing what happened with Yeager after the war it seems very unlikely that any Black pilot that had shot down a 262 would have been more widely published and not have disappeared into anonymity. I think I can safely say that the monkeys on mustangs NEVER shot down or even at a Me-262, on the ground or otherwise.
Aside from picking off the worst of the worst of the Luftwaffe the Red Tails didn't do anything except set up future DWL's and historical revisionists for endless books movies and dinner conversation to make whites feel guilty.
Baldowl said...
Ben, a lot of white people won't see this movie just because of the majority black cast.
Hope you're right.
I wonder why they don't make a 'Roots' movie about William Ellison, the black man who was South Carolina's largest slave owner in 1860?
All we get from Wikipedia is this littler blurb ►
The most challanging position in sports has nothing to do with football, but is in fact playing baseball, and in particular hitting a baseball. It takes incredible hand/eye coordination, timing, skill, and quickness, and to play baseball you have to hone your skills for many years, work tirelessly, and keep your emotions in check. It takes tremendous skill, dedication, and discipline. That is precisely why so few black play baseball, and so many play football.
You also have to have a good degree of intelligence to follow and enjoy the game. That is why so few blacks like baseball, and instead prefer the very simple, and violent game of football.
Anonymous said...
So how to get the truth out to America's shithead MTV youth, et al.?
I'm convinced that White kids who attend school with a sizable black student population are well aware of the truth. The problem is, they're bullied into accepting the multiCULTuralist myth.
...therefore to sterotypically sum this all up....
blacks can't swim
blacks can't fly
blacks are only good at running
which comes in handy for fleeing the police...
If ever there was a medium to come up with such a solution, this is it, here at SBPDL.
Problems to overcome:
• Defenders of Western Culture are fractured.
• The movement is small.
• It's infiltrated by government ops.
• We're intimidated. (I just assume the feds know my ID and track me on the WWW.)
• Most White Americans are conditioned to screech 'racism!' when the truth is told.
• The MSM is out of reach.
• The WWW is the primary avenue for information and deprogramming.
• Many in our movement are overtly obnoxious. (Many are gov ops, no doubt).
I'm working on an article, '10 ways to promote Western Culture'.
Are you in favor of the idea that from this point on only white people are to have the "honor" of dying and being maimed fighting YOUR country's bullshit wars and police actions?
Believe me, I would be totally comfortable with that prospect.
Have fun in Iran!
-Black Guy
make it rain TRUTH: I'm filing the word "blackwashing" under the "I wish I'd said that" category.
"Are you in favor of the idea that from this point on only white people are to have the "honor" of dying and being maimed fighting YOUR country's bullshit wars and police actions?"
Black Guy, you've posted this lame message more times than I can count.
But to answer your question...the daily race-war that negroes wage on whites takes far too many Caucasian lives, and the "war on poverty" (aka black entitlements) takes far too much white the answer is NO, because whites have already sacrificed more than enough.
However, if you and your negro brethren would all be so kind as to pack up and get the fuck out, then you could sleep peacefully at night knowing that no blacks died in any American "bullshit wars".
Now go slither back under your rock, and next time try to post something new and original, if you are capable.
Ben N Indiana: make it rain TRUTH said...
I agree! A genuine keeper.
Anonymous: So how to get the truth out to America's shithead MTV youth, et al.?
There may well be only one way:
Let Black Mahogany Mobs do it for us.
Few things are more convincing than getting your head kicked in by the precious Black "bruthas" that you so idolize.
Uncontaminated by the ravages of intelligence, modern White American youth are so hopelessly immune to reason whereby there is little hope that anything short of blunt force trauma can reach them.
"Are you in favor of the idea that from this point on only white people are to have the "honor" of dying and being maimed fighting YOUR country's bullshit wars and police actions?"
Well, facts are hard things to avoid, Black Guy....Most of the people on the 'pointy end' of fighting ARE white guys anyway. The 'bros' are 'in the rear with the gear'...always has been, most always will be. Supply, mechanics, spoons, clerks, etc etc ad nauseum. The ones with the green, red & (cough) black berets are about 98% white. Hasnt changed in decades.
Charles Martel: I think I can safely say that the monkeys on mustangs NEVER shot down or even at a Me-262, on the ground or otherwise.
That was my original position before I did some fact checking. Then again, as Mike James noted:
I'd believe the movie poster at least a little bit if the Schwalbe had its' landing gear extended. Most Mustang-on-262 kills seem to have been made when the Mustangs loitered around the jets' airfields waiting for them to come in out of fuel and ammo.
For the sake of factuality, I did an additional search for "negro + test pilots + NASA" and found this curious entry in the "Encyclopedia of African American history, 1896 to the present, Volume 1":
ASTRONAUTS. African Americans have always played an important part in the U.S. space program. Robert Henry Lawrence Jr. was the first African American astronaut although he never went on a space mission. Lawrence was an air force test pilot and among the first people named to the U.S. Air Force manned orbiting laboratory program, a precursor to the space shuttle program developed in the 1960s by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Lawrence died in an airplane accident in 1967, and NASA did not recruit another African American astronaut for more than ten years. [emphasis added]
If, as the "Encyclopedia" says that, "African Americans have always played an important part in the U.S. space program", then isn't it slightly conspicuous how "… he [RH Lawrence Jr.] never went on a space mission" and that "… NASA did not recruit another African American astronaut for more than ten years".
Those last two statements are rather difficult to reconcile with the first. It's just more of the usual cognitive dissonance that is so typically displayed by Blacks and their enablers.
Finally, it appears as though there were no Black NASA test pilots. Yet another unaccountable absence for the Red Tails with respect to blazing a post-war trail in the demanding aeronautics industry.
Wow, hollywood has really taken the myth of the magical flying negro to new heights! (Yes, I'll be here all week folks. Tip your waitresses)
Ok, but seriously, how many blacks will even see this movie? Are blacks even interested in stories of personal triumph over adversity? By sticking it to the man by being good at something? Isn't valor and fighting for your country actin' all white? Isn't Cuba a uncle-tom-articulating-sellout?
If the movie was about some dope-ass brothas sticking it to racist Nazis by shear act of being too cool to care and keeping it so damn real and gettin with so many white bitches and using so many run-on sentences that hitler offs himself then maybe blacks will show up at this movie to disrupt it.
ben n indiana: • We're intimidated. (I just assume the feds know my ID and track me on the WWW.)
Curiously enough, I have recently arrived at that same conclusion about the feds.
• Most White Americans are conditioned to screech 'racism!' when the truth is told.
Don't worry, us Whites will get over it.
• The MSM is out of reach.
Right up to the point where their revenues tank; then they'll be all ears.
I'm working on an article, '10 ways to promote Western Culture'.
Please send a polite request to Paul asking that he post your work here at SBPDL. I, for one, would really enjoy seeing some of your writing.
"You also have to have a good degree of intelligence to follow and enjoy the game. That is why so few blacks like baseball, and instead prefer the very simple, and violent game of football."
No you don't. We're not talking professional level theoretical physics, we're talking about a bunch of grown men chasing a ball.
Have you ever been to a "sports bar"? Even when half shitfaced, most people manage to follow and cheer for 2 or 3 games at a time while stuffing their gullets with nachos and fried cheese.
Remember: Christmas season = shopping = movie tie-in marketing = one more ranch for George Lucas. Expect to see Red Tail toys, books, computer games, whatever.
How do we get the word out?
I want to know why there aren't any SBPDL T-Shirts, bumper stickers. "Truth has a racial bias" bumper stickers too. Can you do a "boycott 365-black" T-Shirt, or is the Golden Arches logo gonna be copyright infringement?
Need to get some paraphernalia up in here!
Black Guy: Are you in favor of the idea that from this point on only white people are to have the "honor" of dying and being maimed fighting YOUR country's bullshit wars and police actions?
Are you aware that it is usually only Whites who are willing to earn or even deserve that "honor"? I sincerely doubt it.
"[P]olice actions"? Please name one other country on this planet that could better serve as "the world's policeman". Russia? Communist China? Iran? North Korea? Nigeria? Ghana? Zimbabwe? Congo? Burkina Faso? South Africa? I think we can all see where this is going…
Believe me, I would be totally comfortable with that prospect.
Something which I'm sure that many White American soldiers are perfectly aware of when it comes to fighting alongside Blacks.
Have fun in Iran!
Why bother?
Again, you demonstrate the typical Black ignorance of geography and most other scholarly pursuits save that of "ethnic studies".
Everything that America needs to accomplish in Iran can be achieved without setting one single boot on the ground.
● Use hypersonic "bunker busting" missiles to cripple Iran's uranium enrichment facilities.
● Halt all wheat shipments to Iran or any of its proxy agents.
● Destroy Iran's last few decrepit gasoline refineries.
● Lob several cruise missiles into a full plenary session of the majlis (Iran's parliament).
Rinse and repeat as needed.
Just destroying the gasoline refineries would cripple Iran.
Halting all wheat imports ― remember; Iran just recently eclipsed Japan as the world's largest importer of wheat ― would see mass starvation begin in just a few short weeks.
So, what was that about having fun in Iran?
The ultra-corrupt mad mullahs who really are in Iran continue to teeter on a knife-edge of survival. All that prevents any of the foregoing from happening is due to how a certain chair-warmer currently occupies America's Oval Office whose enthusiastic Muslim arse kissing is done with such vigor that he now must blow his nose with toilet paper.
Sucks for you guys that this film will be a smashing success
It will inspire mOren people of color to
Join the military and they are already overrepresentd
America will soon be a a nation of color
White men are done
Everybody, please take a careful look at the Red Tail movie poster.
All of the German planes being shot down are Me-262s!
Yes, they ostensibly shot down all 3.3333333% of the Me-262s lost in action. Hoo-fricking-ray! As if that totally anomalous set of events were representative of the 322nd squadron's overall performance!?!
Finally, let's see if Lucas demonstrates a shred of his usual cinematic aftermarket acumen and goes on to introduce a complete line of Red Tail action figures.
Any bets?
anon @6.30 wrote 'That is precisely why so few black play baseball"
That's nonsense.If you're ging to write something you should make sense. I don't watch any sports but it's clear that there are a lot of Negroes in baseball. I guess you don't consider all of those Spanish speaking Negroes to be really
There's no such thing as "Hispanic". That's a term invented by the US government. People are either Caucasian, Negro or some mixture.A White born in Cuba for exampl from a family living on the island for 200 years is still a White. Same for the Negroes there. I think that the reason the US gov't invented this "Hispanic" nonsense is because many places like the DR and the islands have a lot of mixed breed people and most of them don't consider themselves Negroes as they would be in the US and would be insulted if they were referred to as black.So this "Hispanic" nonsense is just a public relations scheme by the US where even people that were only part Negro were classified as Negro in the past.
South America is actualyy mostly White ranging from Argentina which is almost 100% European to other countries where it may be 50% or less.Even Chile is mostly White (white and white-Amerindian 95.4%, Mapuche 4%) The white-Amerindian segment is sort of like an American who says his greatgrandmther was a Cherokee or something like that.
Only Brazil and a couple of other places had Negro slaves and even there there's a sort of separation and informal segragation.
The only leader that I know of in S America who is non White is Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and he's a negro-indian mixture.There are a few countries where they are mostly Indian and a few Indian presidents of these countries but S America is almost all governed by Europeans even in the countries have have a majority Indian pop.Equadoe and Peru are mostly Indian but the president of Equador is from a European background and in Peru the president is Japanese.
Gah! Notice the poster's tag line?
Were that the case, wouldn't we be seeing a ratiometric distribution per race of decorations for battlefield valor?
Nothing of the sort applies but please don't let it stop you from thinking that Magical Negroes™ populate the landscape of our armed forces. [spit]
Black Guy, I'd have no problems with that. It'd solve a plethora of the problems the military has to put up with. Somethings tells me the teenage girls on Okinawa (the ones blacks can't keep their hands off of) would also agree with this.
Black Guy,
That's how it already is. Whites have died in greater proportion than their share of the population in our recent BS wars.
The black guy has a point. Since WW2 our wars are basically regional peace keeping, yet we send some of our best and brightest to die and be maimed in these actions while the minorities stay home or take REMF (rear echelon M---er F----r jobs andlive good and safe and continue procreating, yet gets all the perks the real combat veterans get.
Since whites are dwindling so much as a percentage of the population, I tell white young men to stay away from military service and instead stay home and safe and have babies... that is the most any patriotic young man can do for his country at this point. This is from a combat disabled Marine. We took back Hue City among other "little chores."
From Old Marine
Black Guy~
Since this is "OUR" country would you kindly leave it and please take your racial brethren with you and oh; if you don't mind, take all the stupid-ass, Negro worshiping white liberals with you.
Don't let the door hit you on the ass as you exit either.
My prediction is if that actually happened we'd have utopia breakout almost overnight. Just think, virtually no welfare state, no crime, no fighting the ACLU, NAACP, no more AA propping up a false undertow! Dang, sounds like pre-1965 America to me.
BTW, screw all these illegal and unjustified wars (unconstitutional police actions). And screw all you whiny ass liberals too. Now-go grab a 40 and a bag of chronic and head on out the door.
Its actually dissapointing to me that George Lucas has decided to make a movie about the black pilots in WW2. Just looking at the movie poster reminds me that it will be filled with "the black man is a opressed victim" and "the white man is in charge and making life difficult for said black man". If George Lucas created a movie that was historically accurate, it would probably be very good.
I havent been to the movies in a long long time. Television is the same as the movies. Cannot watch much television because I get annoyed at all of the PC indoctrination. Sometimes I wonder if im becoming hypersensitive.
"All we get from Wikipedia is this littler blurb ►"
Well ,change it then. Wikipedia is open source.
"That is why so few blacks like baseball, and instead prefer the very simple, and violent game of football."
Do you realize that a lot of the "Hispanic" players in the league are of black decent?
German ace "Bubi" Erich Hartmann 352 planes shot down and red tails group like 110 shot down something to think about
Something else to consider is that there are many Black people who DON'T want to serve in any branch of the military.
Something else to read about. The only Black air force pilot of World War I, and he didn't serve in the US Air Force.
"Do you realize that a lot of the "Hispanic" players in the league are of black decent?"
True. And I think Gary Sheffield was right when he mentioned this quote:
"What I said is that you’re going to see more black faces, but there ain’t no English going to be coming out. ... (It’s about) being able to tell (Latin players) what to do — being able to control them, he told the magazine. Where I’m from, you can’t control us.He went on to elaborate, They have more to lose than we do. You can send them back across the island. You can’t send us back. We’re already here."
Yes, I believe anyone should have the opportunity to play baseball here. I think what Gary Sheffield was pointing out is that those persons who are easiest to manipulate are the ones people are going to want.
Are blscks going to see a film that says they can be fly-fly man when they can stay at home fighting poverty on the waterparks, in the airports, in the fields and the streets, in Maccy Ds and Chucky Cheese?
Do the Negroes get the white girls in the end?
Gary Sheffield was a long time steroid user and despicable teammate who made errors on purpose while playing SS and 3B in San Diego and Milwaukee because he wanted to be traded, and violently chimped out and punched a White teammate who called him out on it.
He was an absolute disaster in the postseason, suffering from severe power outage and constant choking as he faced better competition.
The steroid-fueled career line of .292/.393/.513/.907 fell to .248/.401/.398/.799 when the calendar turned to October. In his two postseasons in Atlanta Sheffield was an utter disaster, turning in an OPS of .598 and .437 in 2002 and 2003, respectively, as ATL was sent fishing after having terrific regular season offenses.
He then left Atlanta as a free agent to come to New York and play for the Yankees where he criticized White Joe Torre for liking Derek Jeter because Jeter was half-White, for playing Black/Taino Bernie Williams over Just Black Kenny Lofton, and for not showing Tony "Just Black" Womack the love by refusing to run that has been scrub out at 2B to stink the joint up.
He was pretty terrible in the playoffs his first year in 2003. He was absolutely dreadful in the final 3 games of the infamous 2004 ALCS with Boston, but unlike Hideki Matsui, didn't really have a problem dumping a lot of the blame on A-Rod.
He had some other issues with the Yankees as well, like when they acquired multiple-time All-Star and A-Non-Black-Latino-Indian-Who-Is-Passive-And-Easy-To-Control in Bobby Abreu.
"Sheffield thinks the Yankees [bleeped] him,'' said one Yankees clubhouse source, referring to their tide-turning deadline trade for Bobby Abreu, who took Sheffield's place in right field.
Sheffield's anger is misdirected. Doctors told the team that Sheffield's wrist might not be healed until September. They had no choice but to find a replacement. The fact that they found a great one isn't the fault of the Yankees."
[source: Jon Heyman, SI ]
Bullard didn't serve in the USAF during WWI because it was not formed until September of 1947.
Also, I love the picture with his brother on his arm.
Black Guy: I agree that only Whites should die in our wars, for our side. Let all the others die for the other side.
Zenster: It's a P-51D, with a bubble canopy. I also think that the B and C models had only four guns, whereas the painting shows six. Us children of the 50's know our planes like Gen Y know their ipods.
Big headed?
Lousy team mate?
Could have been written about Barryod Bonds.
Unfortunately, most whites already believe that the blacks won the air war. I had an argument over this 5 or 6 years ago on Little Green Footballs and even when I proved the 8th Air force had already largely destroyed the Luftwaffe by D Day, all they did was start calling me a racist bigot--so I agree with the poster about white conditioning. I know two men who flew in the 8th--one my dad's closest relative, the other a friend's father. The horror the 8th faced is well documented.
I have to agree with Mike James in that most of the German Jets were shot down while landing or taking off--more while on the ground. I have several books by German authors on German Aces and that is how I remember it. When watching shows like "World At War", I recall interviews with white pilots who flew against them and talked about how amazingly fast they were and scary as hell. It was Hitler's (mistaken) decision to use them for attacking bombers only that saved allied fighter pilot's butts. I distinctly remember an interview (backed up in a book, later read) that General Galland made wherein he stated that the ME's were untouchable in flight and he desperately wanted to use them in air to air combat.
Zenster is right, most whites learn the hard way about blacks. Those who grow up in the inner city near them know the truth. The rest believe the movies.
Wade Hampton ( was the wealthiest man in the antebellum south. Though there were lots of blacks who owned slaves both here in the South and in the Caribbean. That type of slavery is natural to blacks, not to whites who had serfdom (very different) and indentured servitude.
Unfortunately, if you put all the various references to the accomplishments of the Tuskegee togther so that someone could read them all and draw their own conclusions, a major part of our population (regardless of race although Blacks have a higher probability of being functionally illiterate), they would be unable to decide for themselves the truth versus the fiction. To them,the only truth will be on the movie screen and will only be a politically correct truth.
Read 1984. The party that controls the past, controls the current and the future. In 1984, the Party controls the past by physically changing past issues of the "Times" to reflect current reality. The same thing is happening today the only difference being that, since fewerand fewer people (including college graduates)can read and have critical thinking and analytic reasoning skills. Hisotry is being revised in our PC classrooms, books and reading are being marginalized. Everything is being done to change the always true "2+2=4" and our freedom tosay it into "2+2=5" and woe be to them who disagrees.
20 years from now,this fictional movie will be the truth, regardless of what really happened....if we let it.
A few "thoughts": A)It seems that an underlying idea of this movie--given that black males have NO interest whatsoever in aviation;to say otherwise is pure bullshit!Black males have even less interest in the winning of WWll,or history in general. Nor would they cheer for black males putting themselves in "danger" for the protection of "white boy" fighter pilots!!!---is the idea of black males getting legal sanction to kill white males. The Germans in this movie represent,as they do in so many other venues,ALL white males,or at least the "rayciss" white male. The lure of this shtick drek movie is to glorify the act of killing white men,putting it in the context of defending America. george lucas,for what its worth,has a black partner. She is well known in Chicago as some kind of finance guru. She is very bright,and attractive,and I have rarely heard a black chick with such a pleasing(white sounding!) way of speaking. Obv Lucas fits one of your acronyms,whether DWL or SWPL or whatever. This movie is ALL about the black male being cheerd for killing white males (who have the temerity to be "rayciss"). The TA always flew in the Atlantic theatre,interestingly,and never in Asia. Would put a slightly different spin on the story of they had. people of Color fighting other POC to defend ...the white boys!!!!!!!! B)Please say something'bout that nasty,ugly rotten ole Negro Michael Jordan. What a rotten ungrateful phoney asshole "rayciss" he is. His latest dredged up quote concerns his centers back in his Bulls days. they were white.(Longley,Weddington and the other one).Yes they may not have been All-Stars,lol,but he referred to them as '21 feet of shit'. Very Michaelish.Scumbag and i'll bet his sleazy Cuban girlchick is cheating on his N****r ass!!
As a certificated aircraft mechanic I can relate to the lack of black mechanics as well. As a profession we are approx 95% white while management is riddled with functionally illiterate black supervisors The competant black mechanics learned thair craft in the military the rest we just call quota fillers. A little known fact but the FAA is exempt from affirmative action for the hiring of inspectors. But if you would like to see the epitomoe of incompetance in the FAA just check out the Atlanta office.
Nebraska will have non-black starting running backs for three seasons in a row. Last season polynesian, Roy Helu started for them. He's currently playing well for the Redskins. This season and next season their running back is a white kid from Plano, TX, Rex Burkhead. Burkehad was first team all Big 10 this season.
Anonymous 1393 said December 15, 2011 12:10 PM...
"...Hisotry is being revised in our PC classrooms, books and reading are being marginalized. Everything is being done to change the always true "2+2=4" and our freedom tosay it into "2+2=5" and woe be to them who disagrees..."
Black Guy and Mistah Ebuhgreen say dat don't be true; e'rybody know 2+2 be 3.
"Hisotry is being revised in our PC classrooms, books and reading are being marginalized. Everything is being done to change the always true "2+2=4" and our freedom tosay it into "2+2=5" and woe be to them who disagrees."
Black Guy and Mistah Ebuhgreen say dat don't be true; e'rybody know 2+2 be t'ree.
No Will Smith?
"Uhhh.. That white boy did not just shoot at me....ohhhhh heawl noo!"
:So how to get the truth out to America's shithead MTV youth,et al.?"
Make fliers detailing the truth of the Tuskegee Airmen, with links to trustworthy sources, then put them inside newspapers, free magazines, etc.
The Tuskegee Airmen were not deployed until mid ’43 as the 99th Fighter squadron to bases in Tunisia. As later squadrons were deployed, they formed the 332nd Fighter Wing. Their deployment mirrored the 325th F.W., which was known as the Checker Tails from their yellow and dark grey checkered paint scheme. Both made up the 15th Fighter Group within the 15th Air Force.
While the ‘Forgotten 15th’ faced it share of bloody battles, it was overshadowed by the 8th AF, which being based primarily in England, had closer access to the Ruhr industrial area and the large population centers on Germany, not to mention the support for the Normandy invasion and ground support for the drive toward Germany itself.
The primary missions flown by the 15th FG while based in Tunisia was raids on Italian bases on Sardinia, Sicily and other Islands in the Mediterranean within the operational range of the P-40’s both wings were first outfitted with. These raids were largely unopposed and generally considered ‘milk runs’ as the Luftwaffe had prioritized defending Germany proper. Later, once Sicily and Southern Italy had been invaded both FWs were rebased and missions consisted of ground support and escorting medium range bombers. It wasn’t until the drop tanks made escorting the long range heavy bombers possible that they shifted missions to escorting the heavy bombers into Germany and the oil fields and refineries inside Romania, but this wasn’t until late ’44 and ’45. By this time the Luftwaffe had all but been destroyed.
Some of the more common myths of the Tuskegee Airmen I’ve heard and is usually part and parcel to any movies, articles or mass consumption stories on them:
They produced a large number of Aces within the unit: FALSE, Out of the entire squadron and based on the total of 5 confirmed air kills to be considered an ace, not one TA pilot qualified. There were two that scored 4 confirmed kills, but none made 5 or more. (The 325th had over 25 aces within its ranks however)
A TA pilot was able to sink a German Destroyer. FALSE. What he actually sank was a coastal patrol boat. Considerably lighter in displacement then a typical destroyer by about 2/3rds. I’ve read that it was actually a German ‘E-boat’, but have not been able to verify that. If it was an e-boat, these are only slightly larger than an American PT boat.
The TA were only issued 2nd rate planes. FALSE. Both the 332nd and 325th were first issued the P-40 which they flew up through ’43. It was in only in early ’44 that the P-51 and P-47 became widely available. The 8th AF got the first priority, only then did they start replacing the fighters in the 15th. Both the wings in the 15th were outfitted with the new fighters within a month of each other.
The TA were appreciated by the bomber pilots because they stayed with them and didn’t run off chasing the enemy. FALSE. The standard operating procedure was to aggressively pursue the enemy. It was actually tried by the 8th early in the war to remain with the bomber groups once the enemy broke contact, but the policy was reversed shortly after initiated.
Please tell me you have seen the article on Sam Hurd, million dollar earning WR in the NFL getting busted looking to move 5-10 kilos of coke and 1000 lbs of marijuana A WEEK.
Maybe this arrest is the inspiration for NFL teams to look for white WRs to fill those back up roles that go to Druggie McDrugsalot.
THis Sam Hurd? According to William Rhoden, he could have been a pilot!
Ok, glad you saw it Paul. Hurd's another example of a guy recruited and paid well to play a kid's game who just can't deny his inner criminal. If it is true that the cops have over 10 names of players he sold to, then let's watch to see what % are black. I'm hoping Dez Bryant is one of them.
I've often wondered why certain teams seem to employ more white guys on the special teams and as back ups (Pats/Colts come to mind). I used to think it was just knowledge of more complex systems, but now I'm thinking it might also be a criminal filtration program. Why risk any suspensions which forces you to find replacement guys or call up practice squad guys during the home stretch?
Discard: Zenster: It's a P-51D, with a bubble canopy.
Thank you for the clarification. Perhaps this is Lucas at work as the Red Tails site I researched speced the P-51C.
Same basic top speed, though.
You are not alone in liking American war birds. My all time favorites are:
SR-71 Blackbird
U-2 Spy Plane
B-58 Hustler
F-104 Starfighter
F-80 Shooting Star
F-106 Delta Dart
P-38 Lightning
P-61 Black Widow
YB-49 Flying Wing
and finally,
the A-10 Warthog, a plane that is so ugly it's beautiful.
Some of the British birds were quite elegant as well.
mr_evergreen: Something else to consider is that there are many Black people who DON'T want to serve in any branch of the military.
Even while you feign amazement at, and still pretend to not understand, why American Whites have such difficulty in dredging up a scintilla of respect for Blacks.
As always, we are also supposed to accept your explanation without you providing a speck of actual evidence that supports it.
You are either extremely dense or incredibly disingenuous, maybe both.
Anonymous 1393: Everything is being done to change the always true "2+2=4" and our freedom to say it into "2+2=5" and woe be to them who disagrees.
Actually, 2+2 can be equal to 5, but only for extremely large values of two.
josh: The Germans in this movie represent,as they do in so many other venues, ALL white males, or at least the "rayciss" white male. The lure of this shtick dreck movie is to glorify the act of killing white men, putting it in the context of defending America.
This movie is ALL about the black male being cheered for killing white males (who have the temerity to be "rayciss"). The TA always flew in the Atlantic theatre, interestingly, and never in Asia. Would put a slightly different spin on the story if they had people of Color fighting other POC to defend ...the white boys!!!!!!!!
Some damn fine points! Please feel free to make more like them anytime.
You make $635k a season, got a $1.35m signing bonus so now what will you do?
Buyz 200 pound of 'da chronic!!!
Sounds like a plan to me.
Norcal (Anon at 2:31 PM): I read on Wikipedia that there was one ace among the Tuskegee pilots. The discrepancy in the count may lie in the the USAAF policy of counting aircraft destroyed on the ground as kills, whereas the U.S. Navy did not.
Zenster: Phony as hell, but that poster sure would have sucked me into the theater when I was a kid. As lurid as a cover of of "Stag" or "For MEN Only", a couple pulp magazines of the 50s that I was not allowed to buy. Funny how the 262 is pouring flame out of its nose, where the four 30mm auto-cannons were. I didn't know they put a fuel tank between the ammo trays.
I confess. If I could see it without anyone paying, I'd do so. Lucas amazed me 35 years ago with his X-wing and Tai fighters. No doubt the SFX have only gotten much better. I'm as immune to Black history as an honest old priest is to heresy, so I'd laugh at the nonsense and enjoy the flying.
"I confess. If I could see it without anyone paying, I'd do so."
I'd rather watch re-runs of Gomer Pyle than this steaming pile.
Zenster: what about the F-4 Phantom?
SwampThizzle: Zenster: what about the F-4 Phantom?
Garsh knows how the versatile F-4 did a yeoman's job in Vietnam but its blocky form factor just doesn't have those smooth streamlined aspects of the jet-age classics that I find so endearing. The F-5 Tiger was more appealing in that respect.
Still, there is no offense intended, as I really like how America has always spent major bucks ensuring that our warriors have the hardware that causes huge enemy fatalities and, yet, brings our soldiers home alive.
Tax dollars well spent and one helluva great trade-off!
Discard: Zenster: Phony as hell, but that poster sure would have sucked me into the theater when I was a kid. As lurid as a cover of of "Stag" or "For MEN Only", a couple pulp magazines of the 50s that I was not allowed to buy.
Jeez, weren't those explicit rags always in brown paper wrappers behind the tobacco counter? Golly gee willikers!
"Zenster: what about the F-4 Phantom?"
I don't know about Zenster but, I've always loved the F-4. Watching your dad fly them for 20 years will do that to ya.
Funny how the 262 is pouring flame out of its nose, where the four 30mm auto-cannons were. I didn't know they put a fuel tank between the ammo trays.
Well thta is why the great George Lucas is a billionaire!
Only 1.9 percent of Air Force pilots are black
for Navy Aviators that happen to be Black people are but 2.5 percent of the flyers.
I suppose we can now make an educated guess as to whether the Air Force or the Navy has the better flyers (though the numbers are probably well within the margin of error).
One destroyer sunk by P-47 machine gun fire
That was on the wikipedia page before the greatest story ever told was released.
Does anyone out there reading this blog think there's a viable market for this kind of black peecee-correct movie mythology? Wouldn't there have to be a market in order for production companies to minimally recoup their expenses from producing such crap?
The way to find out is to remove gov't pressure (via lawfare). See, breaking the rules can get you sued...
When has reality-based (or pro-White) programming ever competed with pro-Black anti-reality programming?
"...Actually, 2+2 can be equal to 5, but only for extremely large values of two..."
+ 1
I may have to borrow this at some point : )
-Sweep the leg
Hopefully they show what the Germans did with the Shark Island Extermination Camp preWW2 just to add a little bit more reality to the sickness of German/Nazis. I'm pretty sure they won't show that. I like how you whites like to attack blacks as if we own everything. Blacks worldwide own nothing. The white elite would throw your "common" white ass under bus if they had to. I'm pretty sure your ingrate brains have no foundation in history at all. Go check out who is on the Forbes list.....Whites, Jews and one black person.....Oprah....America's favorite white cock sucking mammy.
I like how you whites like to attack blacks as if we own everything.
? What?
Michael Moore, Sean Penn, Ted Danson are part of the 1%?
Anonymous (December 16, 2011 8:30 PM): Blacks worldwide own nothing.
For a reason, you idjit.
The white elite would throw your "common" white ass under bus if they had to.
In case you hadn't noticed, they're throwing everyone and everything "under the bus". That doesn't make Blacks any less stupid than they usually are.
I'm pretty sure your ingrate brains have no foundation in history at all.
Then explain why this thread is dedicated to deconstructing the usual Liberal Multicultural revisionist garbage that has been spewed about the Red Tails for over half a century.
Go check out who is on the Forbes list.....Whites, Jews and one black person.....Oprah....America's favorite white cock sucking mammy.
If Oprah caught on fire, do you honestly think that anyone here would piss on her to put the flames out?
How about some cheese with that dark whine of yours?
Lots of people carry smartphones these days. This offers ways to spread the message about BRA and the truth of the Tuskegee Airmen.
·If you can find an app to make one of the dot-code blocks which redirect to a URL (assuming they don't go through the provider's site), make up a PDF for a standard-size sheet of stickers of those. Put them on the movie posters.
·Or just post shortened links on stickers in worthwhile places, like the same movie posters in the theaters. Not as many people will type them in as would scan a dot code, but if it only comes to a few people per theater it would multiply the coverage of the message.
Anonymous: If you can find an app to make one of the dot-code blocks which redirect to a URL (assuming they don't go through the provider's site), make up a PDF for a standard-size sheet of stickers of those. Put them on the movie posters.
Or just post shortened links on stickers in worthwhile places, like the same movie posters in the theaters.
A brilliant and resourceful solution.
I would suggest something like a sticker with the QR (Quick Response) code, plus an easy to remember, tailored URL that has been compressed by using My choice would be:
Again, without encouraging that anyone engage in vandalism, your idea is effing brilliant! Huzzah!
"If any of you remember the HBO film about the Tuskegee Airman, there was a scene in which the best black cadet, who was an incredibly gifted pilot who invented his own unique maneuvers, was kicked out of the program because he did a victory roll against regulations, and a bigoted white major had him expelled from training. Distraught, the former cadet commandeered a plane, flew some acrobatics and then crahed kamikaze-like into the runway".
I wonder about scenes like the one described here. Is this done deliberately, or the truth coming out subconsciously? See what happened here?
*) This "incredibly gifted pilot" violated regulations to pull some stupid stunt. "Luksitme!"
*) When faced with the consequences of his act, he chimps out, steals another plane.
*) Offs himself, more "Luksitme!"
What we see here is pure TNB. Accident?
Freudian slip?
Deliberate subversion of the propacoonda?
O wow, another magical negro movie. I doubt anyone really buys this stuff, even the ones who pay to see it.
If you ever get into a pissing match with anyone over the vaunted Red Tails, point out to them that the 56th Fighter Group was credited with 675 kills, was in Europe only about 6 months longer than the 332nd, and refused to switch to the P-51 Mustang, opting to keep their P-47s for the duration of the conflict, which meant toward the end of the war they were relegated largely to ground-attack missions.
They accepted this with the class and professionalism one assumes to receive from military officers, compared to the Tuskegee pilots who bitched about this incessantly and always use this and their flying the P-40 then P-47 until mid-1944 as an excuse for their kill totals being so low.
Don't expect it to make any difference, though, as only a raciss would bother trying to tell the truth about Black mythology.
YOU'RE p***ed off? Over here, we even have a black Guinevere in the BBC series "Merlin"
Don't forget Hollywood's finest casting for Robin Hood's famous sidekick, Morgan Freeman.
I must say, we've seen it all before. "Nazi" British troops in The Patriot. Ben Affleck saving the RAF during Britain's "Finest Hour" The crew of S33 capturing the Enigma machine to save the allied war effort.And as for Braveheart!!!
They'll say "it's only a movie, it's fiction", but they know that the semi-literate youth won't read the real history and will sub-consciously absorb these "truths"
BTW- Zenster
re: quote - "Especially so for doing a "Swiss cheese" number on WWII's fastest and only fighter jet."
The RAF had the Gloster Meteor, and it was operational in WW2. They shot down a number of V1 flying bombs but were not used over Germany for fear of enemy (and Russian)capture of classified info.
It's really sad how all of you sound an this why the US is so F!!!ked up now it's people like you that still live with hate I would just about bet that if you had to vote on keeping the blacks here or kick them out of the country all of you would say kick them out of the country how sad has this great country has become it make me sick!
how about we look at the big lie we put out on "TV" The story of the BLACK SHEEP SORRRY THE CO WAS NOT ONE OF THE OLD BOYS he was Black!
It's really sad how all of you sound an this why the US is so F!!!ked up now it's people like you that still live with hate
Of course you don't dispute anything you just whine with emotional drivel. THAT is why this country is so F!!!ked up. Emotive borg controled through emotion ignoring any and all facts.
If you love flying or just love the sound of a P51 RollsRoyce engine, you will love this movie. Just keep in mind that it is only a movie and any thing that approches the truth is just an accident. Great acting by some of the best black actors in Hollywood.
Just to mention that over here in Afghanistan I flew in a Mi-8 which had a BLACK UKRANIAN pilot!!! Also to mention that I have flown often in Marine H-46 helicopters and all the pilots were White women Marines. Only ever saw one USAF black pilot in Udorn AFB, Thailand and that was Gen. James flying with Robin Olds, James was a fine gentleman, met him and Olds at a victory splash as I was waiting for an Air America flight to....can't tell you:)
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