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Black-Run America: We are all on an escalator to nowhere (courtesy of The Simpsons) |
In 1971, the Supreme Court issued a unanimous ruling in Griggs v. Duke Power, which transformed our nation’s work places. As a result of LDF’s advocacy, the Supreme Court embraced a powerful legal tool – now known as the “disparate impact” framework – that has proved essential in the fight to eradicate arbitrary and artificial barriers to equal employment opportunity for all individuals, regardless of their race.
In Griggs, LDF represented a group of thirteen African-American employees who worked at the Duke Power Company’s Dan River Steam Station, a power-generating facility located in Draper, North Carolina. Duke Power had a long history of segregating employees by race. At the Steam Station, the best jobs were reserved for whites. African-Americans were relegated to the labor department, where the highest-paid worker earned less than the lowest-paid employee in the other four departments where only whites worked.
Shortly after Congress passed Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made it illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race, Duke Power stopped expressly restricting African-Americans to the labor department and announced new standards for hiring, promotion, and transfers. In order to work in positions outside of the labor department, Duke Power now required a high school diploma or scores on standardized IQ tests equal to those of the average high school graduate. These new requirements were not an improvement, however. They effectively perpetuated the discriminatory policies that Duke Power had utilized prior to the enactment of Title VII. Although the testing and diploma criteria disqualified African-Americans at a substantially higher rate than whites, Duke Power never established that they successfully measured ability to do the jobs in question. Indeed, the white employees hired before the requirements were imposed performed entirely satisfactorily.
In December 1970, Jack Greenberg, who succeeded Thurgood Marshall as President and Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF), presented argument in the Supreme Court on behalf of the African-American employees. Another critical member of the litigation team was Julius Chambers, who later became LDF’s third Director-Counsel.
In a groundbreaking decision, the Supreme Court ruled against Duke Power. It held that Title VII “proscribes not only overt discrimination but also practices that are fair in form, but discriminatory in operation.” The Court emphasized that Title VII in no way prohibits testing or diploma requirements for hiring or promotions. Indeed, when they are properly developed and used, tests and other employment criteria can be effective, efficient means for employers to evaluate applicants. But as the Court explained in Griggs, “What Congress has commanded is that any tests used must measure the person for the job and not the person in the abstract.” The Court therefore held that when an employment practice operates to exclude African-Americans or other racial minorities, that practice is prohibited unless the employer can show that it fulfills a genuine business need and is a valid measure of an applicant’s ability to learn or perform the job in question. Duke Power’s practices failed to meet these standards.Long-time member of the SBPDL commenting community, Mr. Rational, left a thought-provoking response to a prior post that deserves re-posting here:
Mr. Rational said...
Zenster: Do you think that maybe, just maybe, the modern working world has made it imperative to have that scrap of parchment in order to get a job when just a few decades ago a high school diploma could get you in the door at many high technology companies?
Why is that? Could it have something to do with Corporatism's control over what was once a relatively Capitalist free-market economy?
Hanlon's Razor applies to this one. For a long time, college tuition was inexpensive and students often worked their way through a 4-year degree, graduating debt-free. People could get good jobs without a degree, so the universities had little pricing power.
What changed that was the 1964 CRA and Griggs vs. Duke Power Corporation, which eliminated most employment qualification tests on the basis of "disparate impact". Academic degrees could still be used without running afoul of Griggs, so employers began requiring them in order to weed out the stupid and feckless. This also added a lot of demand for university degrees, and the universities got pricing power. They used it; who wouldn't?
Basically, if we get rid of Title VII of the 1964 CRA and its successors, we eliminate "disparate impact" and the whole thing goes away essentially overnight. Companies will lay off their diversity consultants and EEO compliance officers, and a huge chunk of BRA just collapses.
Oh, and Tim Wise is suddenly unemployable.
Heartiste (The Artist Formerly Known as Roissy), back in early January 2012, published "How to Destroy the Education Racket":
Academia. What a scam.Let's open the floor to the SBPDL Community to discuss.
In 1971, the Supreme Court ruled in Griggs v. Duke Power Co., in the first and most famous of the disparate impact theory cases, that the use of broad-based aptitude tests in hiring practices was a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Around 1978, college tuition costs began to skyrocket, and haven’t let up since.
Coincidence? I think not.
The answer to busting the hyperinflationary tuition cost curve is to overturn the Griggs ruling. Employers, deprived of the opportunity to directly screen job applicants, have turned to the next available proxy tool of judgment: college degrees. Naturally, this initially caused the value of a college degree to rise, a stampede of mediocrities rushed into the hallowed halls, and then the college degree was gutted of its worth as employers began to realize how many useless grads academia was churning out. In the fallout, the game was ratcheted up a rung, tuition costs blew up because academia now had monopoly power over employer screening (think of academia as an entrenched and enriched middleman), and the master’s degree has become worth what the bachelor’s was in the past. And the bachelor’s degree? Well, say hello to communications and women’s studies majors.
Faculty and university admin, of course, hate the thought of Griggs being overturned, and disparate impact cases in general going the way of the dodo. Who could blame them? They know that “disparate impact” is code for “butters my bread”.
Shit, I can spend hours citing all the dimwitted, incompetent and lazy blacks I have had to work with over the years thanks to AA.
And I have worked for the both the world's largest investment management firm, and the world's largest accounting firm.
Try a token manager with a degree (sic) from Grambling "University."
Ditto for the innumerate Mexican female who was an accounting manager(!) for Uncle Sam.
It goes on and on and on.
The thing to remember about Blacks and Hispanics when it comes to any position for which they get paid is that once they get hired or appointed or elected, they consider their job as DONE. No more irritating work or responsibility. It's time to ENJOY themselves. We see this dynamic with that affirmative-action parasite now defiling the White House. It's all show and no go.
off topic...from iblog?
the Islamic world’s slide toward fundamentalism continues unabated…
(LA Times) — A majority of Muslims around the world welcome a significant role for Islam in their countries’ political life, according to a new poll from the Pew Research Center, but have mixed feelings toward militant religious groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah.
According to the survey, majorities in Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan and Nigeria would favor changing current laws to allow stoning as a punishment for adultery, hand amputation for theft and death for those who convert from Islam to another religion.
About 85% of Pakistani Muslims said they would support a law segregating men and women in the workplace.
Muslims in Indonesia, Egypt, Nigeria and Jordan were among the most enthusiastic, with more than three-quarters of poll respondents in those countries reporting positive views of Islam’s influence in politics: either that Islam had a large role in politics, and that was a good thing, or that it played a small role, and that was bad.
Turkish Muslims were the most conflicted, with just more than half reporting positive views of Islam’s influence in politics. Turkey has struggled in recent years to balance a secular political system with an increasingly fervent Muslim population
Wow, I get an incredible feeling of satisfaction every time I come here and see an article that cuts deep to the heart of the issue. They certainly do have an economic incentive to continue pushing diversity as part of their agenda.
In addition to the economic benefits, the left's ownership of the colleges and universities would immediately become a non-event, and bad anti-american colleges would swiftly die.
as to the 1st article quoted: "Indeed, the white employees hired before the requirements were imposed performed entirely satisfactorily. " - How many couldn't have met the standards though? I doubt they were hiring dolts before the standards, they probably looked at the average education profile in the departments and made that the standard.
Obviously this does not apply to airline pilots...thank God. But I am seeing more females in the cockpit. White of course.
Are you just re-running old articles now? This is at least the second story I've read here in the past few days that that I could swear you've run before.
Maybe you could write about Mexicans now and then?
BRA has it fixed from both angles:
1. As several mentioned, the Griggs decision basically did away with employer testing. This was partially reversed over the 1980s in a series of USSC decisions starting with Bakke, but disparate impact was permanently enshrined with the 1990 souped-up rendition of the CRA. Passed (naturally) with the help of stalwart Sir Robin's party of conservative strict constructionists and signed by the ultimate empty suit himself, George Herbert Walker Miquetoast Prescott Bush XVI, the revised CRA effectively overturned the series of Rehnquist court decisions.
2. Academia, now empowered by a decision which transformed their ultimately worthless degrees into work cards, took the opportunity to raise prices exponentially, This in turn presented even greater opportunities for the masters of the universe (their own term BTW) to loot via lending so hapless YTs can go into debt for decades. Academia itself if the absolute ground zero of AA, with admissions guaranteed to any groid with or without the grades. Let's go get a degree in black lesbian studies! Borrow for cheap on Uncle Lloyd's Liberal Lend-Loot Program for the lumpen. Yeeeee-haaaawww!
Impeach and remove all 9 blackrobes and replace them with folks like PK and Zenster and it might be overturned. We're more likely to be on Mars next year, but nothing wrong with dreaming.
I hate to break up this thought fest but let me interject some cold hard truth to the equation.
Does anybody actually believe that good common sense, reason, and old fashioned adherence to right and wrong are going to get through to the pushers of this diversity cult?
What about the beneficiaries of this lunacy? Do you think you can reason with them in any way? Do you think that violence can be avoided when they are cut from their jobs for being the incompetents they are?
It all comes down to understanding that facts and principles do not matter here.
The left is dug in and will never listen to reason and their troops on the ground are incapable of even comprehending what is being said. They certainly will not allow you to cut them off without a fight.
You might wake a few white folks up with this argument, but that's all. Will it be enough?
The system is so corrupted at this point there is no possible way to fix it. Even if we could nibble away and win a victory here and there it won't be enough and certainly not in time.
Time is not on our side. We are headed for disaster and it is better to come to grips with what is coming and spend time on preparing in order to survive.
What has happened did not happen overnight but is metastasizing exponentially at this point. We do not have a century to spare like the progressives had in creating this mess, we will be history if we do not get realistic about what's facing us.
I am bracing for the storm and plan on coming out afterwards to make sure those responsible are given a quick and speedy trial before hemp neckties are given to them for them seeding the clouds.
Have we found our flag to rally around? I think this could be a defining moment in our community. If we could start a kernel that becomes a seed that flowers into a beautiful tree, maybe all of our talk could become something more...meaningful change. I have seen this ruling's effect in my career path since graduating. I think I was probably part of the first generation to see the hyper-inflation of college tuition as the corporate world was gearing up for the post-Griggs environment. As an IT contractor at a major computer company in the early '90's, I saw first hand how black employees operated. I thought to myself...what's up with all the dead weight around here? Little did I know that the ground work for the dead weight was laid just a few years before I arrived. I had no idea that a specific ruling paved the way for this madness.
Well, lets get the idea out there.
Start posting on Yahoo, ZeroHedge, 4chan, your fake social media accounts, etc. Let internet battle be joined!?
Let the smarter crowd take up the cross (like at ZH or 4chan), hash the idea back and forth and churn out a reasonable assessment of the status quo and how to solve the issue...if indeed anything needs solving and I think it does.
Let the idiots in on the argument too, the point is to get the idea floating around among the general public so the smarter folks have something to jump in about and argue against. Cloud-seed their brains if you will and see who rains and who doesn't.
"Obviously this does not apply to airline pilots...thank God. But I am seeing more females in the cockpit. White of course."
Yes, and if you ever find yourself riding on KinsashaAir, and you see that bright white smile from a Bantu female (complete with 15% smaller cranium and sloped forehead) from inside the cockpit...take the financial loss, turn around, and get off that plane pronto!!!
Paul, this is the real meat of Race Realism. Griggs vs. Duke Power Corporation is one of the legal pivot points for reverse discrimination. Although instructive, most of the sports-related material you post cannot hold a candle to this sort of ground floor, foundation level introduction to what makes BRA tick.
In order to work in positions outside of the labor department, Duke Power now required a high school diploma or scores on standardized IQ tests equal to those of the average high school graduate.
It beggars belief that requiring a high school level of education—something which all Blacks have government mandated access to—somehow constitutes "disparate impact". Is demanding that someone not drop out of school an unreasonable expectation? This is on a par with disallowing companies to perform background checks. Dropping out of school and committing crimes are both voluntary forms of negative behavior. Making such poor life choices is an automatic indicator of, and precursor to, sub-standard job performance.
One quick way to circumvent a lot of this rubbish would be to create an on-the-job safety test that all prospective hires must pass. Whatever rejections that resulted could be based on avoiding the endangerment of fellow workers or creation of unneeded liability.
It held that Title VII “proscribes not only overt discrimination but also practices that are fair in form, but discriminatory in operation.”
How can a proceedure that is "fair in form" magically be transmogrified into something "discriminatory"?
This reeks of purposefully altering the letter-of-the-law such that enforcing the actual spirit-of-the-law becomes inadequate. In other words, it is a way of artificially rigging the system.
The Court emphasized that Title VII in no way prohibits testing or diploma requirements for hiring or promotions. Indeed, when they are properly developed and used, tests and other employment criteria can be effective, efficient means for employers to evaluate applicants. But as the Court explained in Griggs, “What Congress has commanded is that any tests used must measure the person for the job and not the person in the abstract.”
What's so wrong with measuring "the person in the abstract”? Must companies create specifically tailored tests for each and every last employment position? Wouldn't that represent some sort of "disparate impact" upon large corporations which have many different job functions? Methinks this is a dodge to avoid assessing Content of Character. Something that Blacks tend to fail miserably.
Re Anon at 224....
I agree that the show of reason is now on an extended commerical break as the real sponsors of the enterprise, the real players, have their say.
If you have noticed the demeanor of the Chicago teachers you have seen what this is all about.Dressed in their idiotic red sloganeered tee shirts,they have danced with arms raised and in rythymic shaking of their fists aand "weapons" in their hands; they are in a "Mau-Mau" mode. That much is clear. They don't belong to this century even though for dreadful reasons they belong to this continent.Clearly they do not belong to the future, nor do their child soldiers, the students.
This strike is an obvious case of class and race Warfare. Warfare is the operative word.
Warriors are wounded and grieved about officially, but I beg to differ with the idea that the colonial enterprise's armed branch in the Mideast is the only army in the vast American society.No, indeed. Militancy is a wordmate to military, and it is for a reason they choose that word to describe themselves.
If as Clausewitz said, War is politics by other means, we see in this conflict and many others to come uber-war. Which means we do not see economic resolutions, we see winners and losers. We see territory lost and gained, destruction of the enemy, casualties and ceremonies for the dead. The techies can laugh at all of this theatre at their peril, because this is their country, too. Unless, of course, as is being frequently bandied abut in the blogosphere, they are planning to emigrate to freer lands.
One thing I do sense can be summed up in a word.
Great post. When taking in information like this it suddenly becomes self-evident that liberty which is lost over generations and by degrees cannot be regained by some patient re-application of principles. If anything, that was how it was lost.
My man Tocquiville advised how to get it done: The mental habits which suit action do not always promote thought. The world is not directed by long and learned proofs. All its affairs are decided by the swift glance at a particular fact, the daily examination of the changing moods of the crowd, occasional moments of chance, and the skill to exploit them.
There is no skill without understanding and blogs like this have grown both in a degree which did not exist thirty years ago.
I taught in a college "adult education" program for years. I quit after finally realizing its true purpose - to give degrees to Blacks who should never have been in college to begin with, and incidentally rake in large amounts of federal student loan money. Most of our "stoodints" should never have got through elementary school given their abysmal math and writing abilities, but we were pressured to retain them and pass them along through the program. The occasional White student would always blow the grading curve for the rest of the class, even though most of them were really just average.
I thought the college just wanted the money. Now I see that there's more to it.
This is one result:
No explanation necessary. The horrors of having a person with these values teaching anyone anything is evident.
What's so wrong with measuring "the person in the abstract”? Must companies create specifically tailored tests for each and every last employment position?
In a word, yes... and the huge fight in Ricci vs. DeStefano shows that even when a test is narrowly tailored to the requirements of the position, you can STILL get into a battle over "disparate impact" when pols try to invalidate the results to be "fair".
The good guys won this time, but it's not enough. This legal concept needs to die.
Time is not on our side. We are headed for disaster and it is better to come to grips with what is coming and spend time on preparing in order to survive
I agree. While the legal and social issues around BRA are important, they are essentially, history. BRA should have crumbled in 2008. Only emergency bailouts and massive government borrowing have kept it alive.
When it all goes down, a lot of people are going to be confused and scared. They will want answers. It is our job to give them the answers. We are simply ahead of our time.
It beggars belief that requiring a high school level of education—something which all Blacks have government mandated access to—somehow constitutes "disparate impact". Is demanding that someone not drop out of school an unreasonable expectation?
Back in the 1990s, leftists used to claim that the Establishment was trying to turn the US into a third world country: this was being done by undermining the working class, by concentrating power at higher levels, and by ratcheting up the paramilitary policing apparatus. The left seems to have dropped that agitprop line since they are now supporting the third worldization of the USA (and Europa) via the physical importation of third worlders! But they are also turning the USA into the third world by the lowering of standards as in the Griggs case and its many clones. How can you run a modern industrial society when basic technical competence is no longer a factor? Well, maybe that is the point. Maybe the intent (whether consciously arrived at or not) is to continue the disintegration of society, and with it further undermine the White middle class.
Things can get deadly when it comes to things like critical infrastructure. Are we going to end up with rolling power outages ala Eskom, or the lights going out most of the time per the third world? What of nuclear meltdowns?
"Oh, meltdown. It’s one of those annoying buzzwords. We prefer to call it an unrequested fission surplus."
It held that Title VII “proscribes not only overt discrimination but also practices that are fair in form, but discriminatory in operation.”
How can a proceedure that is "fair in form" magically be transmogrified into something "discriminatory"?
"To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself. That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink."--Orwell
Ex New Yorker here....The situation in America is this way because that is what the people want. They want their shopping malls, junk food joints, mult-plex theaters and drive-in banks. They love driving in traffic jams and being in debt.
The socialist education system is perfect for them. It gives them the idea that they are now educated and can "get a good job" so they can pay off their student loans. This was their own doing. Nobody stuck a gun to their head and made them do it. Entrepreneurs have become scarce. College students feel safer working for the machine.
They love diversity. It makes them feel good. They enjoy being in crowds like rock concerts and sporting events. They are afraid of being alone. In Colorado there are miles and miles of suburbs. The houses look like Army barracks all painted the same color and only ten feet apart each other. This was their choice. Don't waste time trying to wake them up. They don't like being disturbed.
This is where police and fire departments are heading. Scrapping entrance and promotion exams and using education as a proxy. The education industry will be happy with that. And there will always be some school that will give AA degrees to blacks to make them happy so they can be hired or promoted.
Somewhat off-topic but interesting - young white-guilt liberal "journalist" DWL PWJ girl, Anna Merlan, writing for Dallas' Village Voice Media - owned "alternative weekly" goes to an anti-sagging rally held at Dallas City Hall by a black former Mayor of Dallas (an incompetent who gave the key to Dallas to a post-prison Mike Vick, causing much outrage). It almost seems like some of the white-guilt libtards are waking up...
A Dispatch from Dwaine Caraway's Long, Tense, Tearful Anti-Sagging Summit
By Anna Merlan Mon., Sep. 24 2012
It was pretty much guaranteed that Dwaine Caraway's "Saggin' Pants Forum," held Saturday in City Hall chambers, was going to be weird. This was, after all, almost a full afternoon devoted to the City Council member and former mayor's ongoing crusade against men who don't belt their pants at the waist. What more is there to say? What other weapons does Caraway have in his anti-sagging arsenal? How many times can he show that Dooney Da Priest music video?
But Caraway managed to pack the house, filling almost every chair with young families, church groups and a fair number of high school students. And some interesting conversations took place between Caraway, his anti-sagging panelists and the audience: How should young black men dress in a world that's often hostile to them? How do parents guarantee that their kids grow up to be productive and self-respecting? What do teens owe to their elders, in terms of the way that they dress, speak and express themselves?
... more at link above
Thank you for posting about Islam, Anon @ September 23 8:52 PM.
Only the most hopeless idiots continue to believe that Islam can, somehow, be "reformed".
What most people do not realize (or refuse to admit), is that Islam has reformed itself.
Over the last 50 years, Islam has become more intolerant, more misogynistic, more violent, more puritanical, more fundamentalist, more hateful, more cruel and more antagonistic to Western civilization in general.
Your article is proof positive of this and a solid indicator of what can be expected from this world's Muslim population, including every last one of them who now colonize America.
All individuals who have participated in allowing these seditious scum into our nation need to receive hemp neckties.
"Are you just re-running old articles now? This is at least the second story I've read here in the past few days that that I could swear you've run before.
Maybe you could write about Mexicans now and then?" - This is the only article here on Griggs vs Duke power, disparate impact has been mentioned before, but not its origins.
I had assumed that Duke power wanted PHDs for its highest positions, not the "average high school education".
Mr. Rational: This legal concept [disparate impact] needs to die.
I'm open to any suggestions regarding how to kill it. This cannot happen soon enough.
Maybe some of these dieversity freaks need to have all-Black teams of paramedics and firefighters show up when their house is burning.
Funny thing is, if you talk to the average hippy, they'll tell you they lost the culture wars of the 60's.
No f*ckers, you won. BIG TIME. And we all get to enjoy the spoils of your "victory", while your cultural offspring, the OWS, get to blame whitey for everything all over again.
My first job out of high school, before I decided what I wanted to study in college (no loans – all paid for by work) was a job working for the department of energy in the early 80s. I noticed at this job that half of the “scientists” were black. Working among them, I learned a lot from them. I asked why most of the day was spent smoking or sitting around talking. I thought there were experiments and test to do. They even knew back then that the only reason they were hired was to get a government contract with the DOE. I asked if there were any government audits or did the government ever give deadlines for results. They said no. The most important thing was to ride the government pay out and look busy – leave the company BSing to the CEO. I was so disillusioned and this was my first job. I left as soon after and started college. I had hoped that was the last I would ever see of black extortion, the reality is it’s been my experience in my working career since this job.
One thing that I know will come out of some black or liberal troll, if we don’t give them jobs what will they do while unemployed. Understand this is the purest form of liberal racism, bigotry and prejudice will surface. The claim I got from DWLs that I spoke to was this: ”What do you think they (blacks) will do all day if you do not give them a job. At some point not employing them will lead to them staying home all day, committing crime and reproducing all day”. The same logic for hiring cons, if you don’t hire ex-cons, they will just return to crime and never be reformed. Without taking care of ADC and returning to real prisons (instead of the country clubs they are going to), AA is just the tip of the iceberg. Watching ‘the first 48 hour’, I noticed that for murder blacks are given a sentence of 5 years! Should be death penalty without appeal! To get your ADC – mandatory sterilization and the child goes to an orphanage!
a smart fireman wanted to know if spatial ability tasks would predict who'd be a good fireman. i told him spatial ability tasks would predict that well, BUT we are NOT allowed to use such tests because they have "disparate impact." he was rightly shocked. most people don't know that highly predictive tests are not allowed to be used - & instead we must use LESS accurate measures. it's outrageous! panjoomby
Type this heading in. It's enough to ruin your dinner........."Some fancy neighborhoods open gates to section 8"
"...Don't waste time trying to wake them up. They don't like being disturbed..."
A-freaking-men. I know I'm done with it. Calling talking to these freaks who actually think Obama deserves ANOTHER "shot at it", a waste of time, is to only scratch the surface.
-Sweep the leg-
Californian said :
Things can get deadly when it comes to things like critical infrastructure. Are we going to end up with rolling power outages ala Eskom, or the lights going out most of the time per the third world? What of nuclear meltdowns?"
Excellent observation, and I have some troubling news for you. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) gives our national infrastructure an overall grade of D! The ASCE estimates that it will cost $2.2 TRILLION to fix the USA's crumbing infrastructure. It is estimated that rolling blackouts and inefficiencies in the U.S. electrical grid cost the U.S. economy approximately 80 billion dollars a year. A THIRD of all damn failures that have occurred in the United States since 1874 have occurred in the last decade alone. For some perspective, China spends 9% of its GDP on national infrastructure, while the US spends a paltry 2% of its GDP on infrastructure. It's almost as if they WANT this country to collapse. Replacing moderately skilled white construction workers with third world mexicans and lazy lay about blacks has absolutely decimated our national infrastructure.
For more info check out the article - 21 Facts About America's Infrastructure That Will Blow Your Mind
Posting anonymous so I can tell you this true story:
Working for a major avionics mfgr, re-writing a piece of software and documenting it to spec (turd-polishing, but apparently possible to get up to FAA specs) we had two black guys on the team: one Kenyan, the other AA.
The Kenyan was good. The AA guy didn't write any software; he was tasked as the "software architect" for a piece of software that was already written and was an architectural mess. He had a pretty tiny vocabulary for a university graduate, too.
The dead wood is everywhere.
it's appalling that we can't use valid & accurate tests which predict equally well for all BECAUSE blacks don't do well on them! it shows how statistically & scientifically inept the courts are - most of those ABA b*stards are "well-meaning liberal do-gooders" (who hate whites, but aren't conscious enough to know it)
Zenster: I'm open to any suggestions regarding how to kill it. This cannot happen soon enough.
SB 1070 in Arizona seems to have galvanized a movement against illegal immigration and its promoters. If I had any skill at organization, I'd go for a similar set of anti-BRA bills or citizen initiatives at the state level. For instance, you could make companies and public universities liable for damages if they hire or admit less-qualified minorities or reserve spots for them. On minority set-asides, you could tax the difference between the bid of the winning "minority-owned" vendor and the lowest qualified bidder overall. Basically, you prohibit or tax the anti-white unfairness of BRA and force the discriminators to compensate those who are harmed.
When the EEOC and other agencies come after you in court, you make them argue against fairness and color-blindness. You ask them why multiple decades of preferences and set-asides haven't produced equality yet, and if there is any reason to continue the discrimination when it does not do what was promised. And you get talk radio and the blogosphere talking about it, with rallies outside courthouses. Perhaps we need a PEA party, Persecuted Enough Already.
PK. I find your site very interesting and highly addictive. Keep on trucking.
Anonymous said...
Type this heading in. It's enough to ruin your dinner........."Some fancy neighborhoods open gates to section 8"
September 24, 2012 4:34 PM
Did that:
After a single mother and her nine children rented a house in the exclusive Isles neighborhood of Coral Springs, the homeowners association adopted an amendment to its governing documents stating: "No Section 8 or government leasing assistance is permitted."
The association is threatening eviction.
Federal law does not expressly outlaw such bans.
The HOA (Home Owners Association) might not be able to evict unless they have ''no renters'' or ''HOA reserves the right to approve renters'' in the covenants.
As far as the ban is concerned, yes, Section 8 can be banned in a development completely.
But it has to be 'across-the-board' and existing Section 8 is 'grandfathered' in.
"In December 1970, Jack Greenberg, who succeeded Thurgood Marshall as President and Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF)."
Greenberg is an unusual name for a negro. And why would this negro go on to play a role in starting the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund?
My company hired a Nigerian with a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from a US university. We require drug and alcohol screening, credit check and an FBI background investigation. Until he passed the FBI check, he was on probation doing very low level work. About 2 months after he started, a squad of US Marshalls showed up and quickly escorted him to the local lockup. It seems he was a suspect in a couple of rapes in the city he was working in before we hired him. And these were rapes that involved breaking and entering and threats to kill the victim. He was extradited to the jurisdiction where the rapes ...ahem....allegedly occurred. I don't know if he has been tried yet.
I never worked with him but those who did said he was very arrogant. I have found that foreign born engineers who study in the US tend to be that way. I suspect it is because they come from the upper levels of their home country where they don't have to get their hands dirty.
"Greenberg," a fine old Scotts-Irish name.
Anonymous observes:
Greenberg is an unusual name for a negro. And why would this negro go on to play a role in starting the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund?
Perhaps a long lost cuzzin of Whoopi Goldberg? NAACP didn't even have a groid president until 1968 or so. All those before (it was founded in 1905) had names similar to Whoopi's. Lots of stones (stein) and hills (berg). Surprising terrain for an African place, with rather pale looking bosses. Very Mediterranean climate back in those days. I expect even today most of the funding for the NAACP and its legal defense fund comes in from pale sources. I wonder how much Michael Vick contributes?
Here's something I have observed about infrastructure while motorizing about: a lot of roads have really degraded with uneven surfaces, potholes, unhelpful signage, inadequate capacity, and so forth. Yet there seems to be little in the way of public outrage. Maybe I am reading too much into this, but there was a time when Americans might have taken pride in their road system. A time before DWLs took over the show.
Or look at how air travel has gotten hellacious. You can start with the TSA circus and follow through with overcrowded flights, lack of meals, and unexplained delays on the tarmac. It's like being in some caricatured third world country. Again, there might have been a time when Americans would have gotten out in the streets over such outrages, and yet today...? People are "as calm as Hindu cows."
For more info check out the article - 21 Facts About America's Infrastructure That Will Blow Your Mind
Thanks for posting this link. We might ask how much of the decline of American infrastructure is due to the dominance of DWL ideology and its magical thinking. Infrastructure does not count as much as pushing ideology. Look at the fantasy world of DWL media with their "diverse" STEM people solving all problems. But the reality is somewhat different. How much of the disintegration is owing to public funds being squandered on AA, Title 8, black studies, and the rest of the rackets? How many infrastructure issues are never addressed because "diverse" engineers are not competent to deal with them, or the qualified engineer was passed over because he could actually pass a test (but was not a member of the right minority)? Or as we have seen, the productive tax base moving out of cities being devastated by crime and educational meltdown--and without the tax base, the ability to maintain infrastructure goes out the window?
You can also see a much more deliberate destruction of infrastructure owing to criminal neglect and crime. All this has been duly documented on SBPDL and other websites. Roads, power grids and cities built up over the centuries are sinking back into the Earth.
One wonders how future archeologists and historians will explain this...
Ex-Lincolnite here:
That makes sense. The whole idea of disparate impact was decided in Griggs by a Supreme Court that was quite a bit more leftist than our current iteration of it.
Douglas, Black, Brennan, Marshall, and even Potter Stewart were stalwarts for affirmative action et. al. I think that by the time Rehnquist got on the court the complexion changed. I mean they struck down affirmative action in college admissions, I think a company ought to try and fight back with their own test case. Once the marketplace is brought back to reality, then colleges will have to re-think their idiotic increases in administration, which is the whole purpose of the academy.
Really it is human nature. It is also the niggerfication of America. Otherwise smart people who can get through college and get at least a master's degree now prowl through the country not to teach kids on college campuses, but to become lazy administrators. What happens when you let the blacks run wild throughout society, with no supervision, and a blank check, they would simply sit there and do nothing. That is the goal of modern academe. Get a cushy six-figure job and hold it forever. Never mind actually teaching any students. And the Duke Power case makes abundantly clear that white college professors are perfectly willing to sit around and do nothing. They are even willing to bastardize and destroy their own ivory tower.
I really think having an aptitude test is something a company ought to do. After all, in 1971 the Supreme Court was made up of: Communists (2) Brennan and Douglas. Black (1) Marshall. Southerner suffering from white guilt and an avowed liberal (1) Black. Go along to get along white estabishmentarians (4) Harlan, Stewart, Blackmun, Burger. And a liberal iconoclast (1) White.
Today the court is more conservative, despite what happened in the healthcare case. I don't think that the current court would approve of that broad reading of Title VII. I also look at the Healthcare case and say that the courts are indeed making case law where the Commerce Clause is more restrictive than at any time in the last 100 years or so, so let's get it on! I would love to litigate this, and I am not even a lawyer.
FWIW, Howard Stern interviewed Black guys and gals in Harlem shown here on this clip via Real Clear Politics, none of the interviewees knew Bin Laden was dead.
Stern can get away with a lot. However I don't know if politically, getting rid of Disparate Impact is possible. The Nice White Lady brigade has its bread buttered there, and it has a lot of demographic and even more political power. Perhaps an end-around?
Give any firm with say, less than 100 employees the ability to use skills-tests, and avoid Disparate Iimpact. After all, TODAY Google, Yahoo, Apple, MicroSoft, Facebook, Oracle, and Twitter all use defacto IQ tests and are exempt from disparate impact.
They just are.
The law is not the law. Men are the law. They always have been, always will be. We need to find a way outside that does not engage in a futile frontal assault but causes collapse rapidly within.
The other way is to use elite institutions greed against the others, peel them off. MIT and Stanford are both offering scads of online classes, and offering credentials (stamped online but hey its MIT and Stanford) for all sorts of things. Not lab science but computer science, accounting, hey an online degree from Stanford has more prestige than an in-person degree from say, Syracuse or Virginia Tech.
Stanford and MIT, having put in place online access for their own students, realize they can make a LOT of money offering their courses for free, and providing paid-for certification via online tests to pass the course. No its not as prestigious as being there in person, but offers a cheap way to get a degree that is prestigious and more so than Tier 2 Colleges/Universities (like say University of Miami). And for the Stanford and MITs, they get ... more money. Potentially a lot more. There's no reason they can't get say, half of the students at State U. or what have you at very profitable rates (their only cost is data charges) and pick up a spare half a billion or so in profit each year. Maybe more.
That of course just kills schools like Syracuse, or Rutgers, or Miami, because they offer no tony Ivy-league social network nor grueling and specialized Cal Tech credential.
I can't believe that I can write a sketch of a plan for getting rid of Disparate Impact by state initiative (in reply to Zenster's request, no less), and I can't get it published here. Am I winding up in spam filters or does PK have it in for me?
To be fair the value of a High Skrewl diploma has plummeted due in large part to integration and desegregation. The devaluing of degrees and achievements starts in grade school as academic courses are dumbed down to allow blacks to compete. Before integration we had one of the finest public school systems in the world, and it wasn't due just to what was being taught, it was due to the atmosphere of order in those all white schools. Some day we need to start demanding from the system that we get our own schools.
I read somewhere that peak industrialization in America was in 1979. The value of college degrees was also inflated by the competition for fewer good jobs.
Well, I'll be darned, there is is now. But it wasn't there when the comment after it was approved, so I guess nobody following the thread at the end was going to see it.
Mr. Rational --
For some reason all of your comments appear in the "spam" filter.
Have trouble checking that from my iPhone. Plus, the new Blogger format has taken some getting used to (navigating on my side, not the end-user side).
Great comments, as usual.
"H something I have observed about infrastructure"
ere'sI hate to say this, but white flight has a lot to do with the disintegration of this country’s infrastructure. I am now in Detroit for a visit. In the case of Detroit, the city moves out another 20 miles into the country and the previous 20 miles of old suburb (most starting as small perimeter towns and joining other ring town to form a circle around the dead city) now are heavily black and dying as Detroit started to do 40 years ago. This expansion and push out to the suburbs means new sewage lines, water supply roads and power lines. I have seen the destruction of agricultural land that is now suburbs. What is do not understand is, destroying all this farm land – what will happen to the food supply? Demand for food will not be decreasing with the population explosion. Less farm land – less food produced. In the dying parts of the suburban ring around Detroit, there are few whites with children. Blacks come with children and rent. Schools are paid for by property taxes. Most of the blacks are renters in foreclosed homes, so how are schools funded? The old lines of infrastructure still begin in the city and just creep out further and further into the country. Now if you can even get a response to 911, it may come from 2-3 cities away, not from the city you are calling from. With all these section 8s, who pays the taxes to pay for services? It’s estimated the ‘metropolitan’ Detroit will begin as a ring some 50 miles from the Detroit border with a dead urban core. As an example, the retail center of Detroit was centrally located till the late 50s. Black crime (mugging and murdering old people shopping) pushed all shopping out to the suburbs. If say a large department store would locate in Detroit – it would have to be in at least 5 locations around the city – the east (Sterling Heights), the north (previously Birmingham and Troy – now increasingly black) up to Pontiac (another black mess city), the west Novi, further west Ann Arbor and possibly Downriver. That means in one area where there was once a central business/retail district, there needs to be five the size of an area where there was once one. I don’t know if returning to the city and gentrifying it, electing corrupt black government out of office – in a sense, stay in fight. That seems to be what we should have done 60 years ago. Why were the 1948 Supreme Court decision let alone this decision, not appealed and fought? I think the only way this mess can be reversed is the way it was gotten – legal through the courts and repealing affirmative action through lawsuits.
"Give any firm with say, less than 100 employees the ability to use skills-tests, and avoid Disparate Iimpact. After all, TODAY Google, Yahoo, Apple, MicroSoft, Facebook, Oracle, and Twitter all use defacto IQ tests and are exempt from disparate impact. " - Tech companies are already there, they are able to slip through the exemptions that the usual suspects put in to protect their own employment.
I suspect that Blogger is mis-classifying links to anchors inside the current page as "spammy". I suggest making a complaint to technical support; they should be able to fix that with a line or two of Perl.
In the mean time, I guess I'll have to drop my clickable links to the comments to which I'm referring. This is a big hit for reader convenience. I would much rather let someone click to see Anonymous @ whatever time than making them scroll back one screen at a time.
Californian @ September 24 10:26 AM, I meant to mention what a great comment that was of yours. The Orwell quote was just icing on the cake.
Californian @ September 24 10:26 AM, I meant to mention what a great comment that was of yours. The Orwell quote was just icing on the cake.
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