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Why aren't we working to make these cities "whiter"? |
The number of nearly all-white communities has plummeted since 1980, dramatic evidence that the nation's growing racial and ethnic diversity has spread far beyond large metropolitan centers into smaller towns and rural parts of the heartland, new research shows.
Communities where whites are the majority are still the norm (82.6%), but those where they dominate are gradually disappearing, according to an analysis of Census data by Penn State's Population Research Institute. In 1980, about two-thirds of all places were at least 90% white. By 2010, only a third were. The number of places where no group is a majority has more than quintupled.
"This trend is pretty geographically pervasive, and even residents of small towns and rural areas are encountering diversity face to face," says Barrett Lee, Penn State sociologist and demographer and lead author of the study released today. "It's not something they just read about in the newspapers anymore."
Places that have the most balanced mix of non-Hispanic whites, Hispanics, blacks, Asians and others are most prevalent in the West and South and other traditional immigrant magnets. Large cities and their suburbs — San Francisco; Washington, D.C.; New York; Los Angeles; Houston — have the greatest share of diversity."It's really the kids who are driving all this," says Kenneth Johnson, demographer at the University of New Hampshire's Carsey Institute. "As population continues to age and minority child population increases, these numbers are going to go up fast."
The impact is striking in rural areas where white populations are shrinking as young people leave and the elderly who stay die. When Hispanics and Asians move in, minority kids are born and alter the dynamics. Many rural schools have added English-as-a-second-language classes and social service agencies have hired translators.
"There are literally hundreds of American counties that would be losing population if it were not for minority growth," Johnson says. "This diversity is bringing them young people they had been losing for a long time and new opportunities."
Marketers have been tracking the changes through spikes in sales of ethnic food products — from soy sauce to tortillas. "Food is often an early indicator," says Jim Lucas, executive vice president for global retail insight and strategy at Draftfcb, a Chicago advertising and marketing company.
Lucas' firm, which works with Kikkoman, Kraft, Oreo, Nivea and Kmart among others, has witnessed the rising diversity outside of traditional immigrant centers.
Lee warns that diversity does not end segregation. People of all races can live in the same city but still in separate neighborhoods.
The Penn State research (www.s4.brown.edu/us2010/Data/Data.htm), one in a series on recent trends in American society by the US2010 Project, found that California cities dominate the list of most diverse places (Oakland, Vallejo and Suisin City). Most of the least diverse are Northeastern and Midwestern towns that are still predominantly white (Altoona, Pa.; Wheeling, W. Va.; Bangor, Maine) or in Texas cities where Hispanics dominate (Laredo, Muniz, Agua Dulce, Siesta Acres).
Remember the Detroit Corollary -- we aren't supposed to notice majority Black cities, because they happen to be the worst places in America that some have argued only immigrants can save (Mayor Bloomberg of New York has argued this is how to make 92 percent Black Detroit viable again; same for 65 percent Black Baltimore argues the Washington Post)."Younger people who have grown up in diverse communities take this demographic profile as a given," the report says. "But older whites who have watched the 30-year increase find themselves having to adjust their notion of 'America' sometimes reluctantly."
No one ever argues that "Americans" are the only people capable of saving "American" cities, because that would require an actual debate on why these cities have failed and which type of "Americans" have the ability to maintain a community; a city; or a civilization.
A very relevant and interesting article about the impact of geography on the world's hot spots appeared in Saturday's War $treet Journal.
Specifically, it mentioned China's policy of encouraging Han emigration to the northern and western provinces in order to better control them. US policy is to encourage more liberalization within China knowing that this will unleash ethnic disruptions and thereby distract and weaken China.
Obviously, our elite understand the consequences of their "diversity" policies. By distributing an alien and/or criminal population that is dependent on government programs, they aim to better control US.
"There are literally hundreds of American counties that would be losing population if it were not for minority growth," Johnson says.
And how much of that White population loss is due to the invasion of foreigners and Darks who ruin the schools and towns?
"Younger people who have grown up in diverse 'communities' take this demographic profile as a given," the report says.
Just as those who grow up in North Korea take starvation for granted. But it doesn't mean that they like it. Remove the continuous pressure to eat the multi-cult turd, and most would recover.
Purging the teaching profession is very high on my list of necessary acts of liberation.
"And how much of that White population loss is due to the invasion of foreigners and Darks who ruin the schools and towns? " - Affordable family formation, as Sailer puts it.
"This diversity is bringing them young people they had been losing for a long time and new opportunities."
Opportunities like disease, robbery, declining property values and higher taxes to pay for freeloaders?
BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) - When a 24-year-old woman saw a deli worker in trouble, she tried to help and ended up paying a painful price. Now she's hoping a video will help identify her attackers.
If 0bama had sons they'd look just like them.
IOW, ''teenaged'' People™
Well at least real (where humans and animals are paid to play) football season has begun ;)
One blog picked up on California's population rising by 10 000 000 of which 150 000 were taxpayers and 115 000 prisoners.
"There are literally hundreds of American counties that would be losing population... "
I dread to think just what a mixed blessing the economic oil boom in North Dakota will bring. With McDonald's Restaurants paying $18 an hour and little available housing except to pack an overpriced drafty old barn-house to the brim with unrelated boarders we are looking at the perfect breeding grounds for a Mexican Invasion. An influx of just a moderate number will shift the sparsely populated state's politics permanently into the Blue column.
The number of nearly all-white communities has plummeted since 1980, dramatic evidence that the nation's growing racial and ethnic diversity has spread far beyond large metropolitan centers into smaller towns and rural parts of the heartland, new research shows.
How then to reconcile this with AmRen's Jared Taylor and his observation that: (Video time point ― 06:06)
“White people say they’re all in favor of integration and yet there is a profoundly important act of integration that they could undertake but they almost never do. A White person could buy a house in a Black neighborhood. Nowadays there are plenty of middle class Black neighborhoods where a White person would be perfectly safe. But not even the most Liberal Whites will take that basic integrationist step. Despite what they say they, too, prefer the company of Whites. Just as I do.
Were you aware that the statistics for residential segregation in the United States are almost identical to what they were fifty or sixty years ago? Despite all of the encouragement and propaganda in favor of mixing of the races, Whites prefer to live with Whites and Blacks prefer to live with Blacks, Asians… Hispanics … there is self-segregation virtually across the board.”
It also beggars the question of why any minority would want to move into a remote rural neighborhood where there will be almost no one else who speaks their language, much less restaurants that serve their ethnic cuisine or grocery stores which sell their traditional food stuffs.
No one ever argues that "Americans" are the only people capable of saving "American" cities, because that would require an actual debate on why these cities have failed and which type of "Americans" have the ability to maintain a community; a city; or a civilization.
It's long past tea to begin defining what being "American" really means. As Jared Taylor notes in the linked video, Hispanics attending a stateside soccer match between a Mexican and an American team will, with almost total unanimity, cheer for the Mexican team while catcalling the American players. Is that what it means to be an "American"?
Watch the video for some sensible answers to questions raised in this article.
Nightowl2548 said...
I dread to think just what a mixed blessing the economic oil boom in North Dakota will bring. With McDonald's Restaurants paying $18 an hour and little available housing except to pack an overpriced drafty old barn-house to the brim with unrelated boarders we are looking at the perfect breeding grounds for a Mexican Invasion. An influx of just a moderate number will shift the sparsely populated state's politics permanently into the Blue column.
September 9, 2012 12:29 PM
Hell, never mind the Mexican invasion, it's the diseases they bring with them that will literally be the death of us. That many illegals crammed together, sharing their diseases and them mingling with the out side population, is exactly how the 1918 influenza epidemic killed so many people:
"...but the close troop quarters and massive troop movements hastened the pandemic and probably both increased transmission and augmented mutation; it may also have increased the lethality of the virus. Some speculate the soldiers' immune systems were weakened by malnourishment, as well as the stresses of combat and chemical attacks, increasing their susceptibility..."
It's already known that these invaders are bringing drug-resistant strains of TB and Chaga's disease with them.
In the late 60's we were taught PC (political correctness) and ZPG (zero population growth ). Whites drank the PC/ZPG kool-aid only to be overrun by 'minorities' and third world invaders. It's not too late, whites need to multiply, have lots of kids, and give up the Bimmers, McMansions, Bruno Magli's, and other wasteful luxuries. Quit being selfish, have more kids.
Anon (9/9 9:53 AM): Specifically, it mentioned China's policy of encouraging Han emigration to the northern and western provinces in order to better control them.
While watching "The Last Train Home" yesterday evening, the film made note of the world's single largest human migration. And it happens every year.
It is the yearly return home of migrant Chinese workers to celebrate Chinese New Year with their families.
Can you imagine what surreal logistics the state railway system must undergo to accommodate this massive once-a-year surge in personal travel? Much like with iPhone accessories, there must be entire sub-economies that flourish as a result of this gargantuan annual flux.
US policy is to encourage more liberalization within China knowing that this will unleash ethnic disruptions and thereby distract and weaken China.
Back when I still believed that my government looked out for American interests, I reluctantly supported China's entry into the WTO (World Trade Organization). I am happy to say that I was not so naïve as to have supported giving China "most favored nation status" but I did think that burying the Chinese people in Jeeps and color televisions might give them a taste of Western civilization that, once savored, they would be unwilling to give up.
Little did I realize how eager America's political and financial elite were to surrender over this nation's entire industrial base if it bought them a few additional milliseconds of farting through silk.
The only bright side is that China and the Chinese people now have too much to lose. Large scale war, short of a global conflict, is increasingly out of the question. Also, any major austerity measures would be met with potentially serious public unrest. We may see this soon enough if China goes through the economic meltdown that I have predicting for some time now.
Mutant swarm mentions the immigrant diseases. Thanks to exposure to 3rd world foreigners, I test positive for TB exposure and have had whooping cough. All immigration advocates should get intravenous injections of these diseases, and receive no modern treatment. Then we can ask the survivors how they like diversity.
Make NO bones about it: The power elite have absolutely encouraged unbridled turd-world immigration policies to weaken Amerika's middle class. This has been a premeditated policy of national genocide against the white race primarily, but against other races as well. What ever weakens the collective political will of the white voting block is what they want.
This psy-op has been waged against the white, productive middle class since the early 60's and before.
Very soon the other shoe will drop. That shoe will be the tanking of the economy and when that happens- Katie bar the door! The Flash mobbing thugs will light up many Amerikan cities and unleash a tidal wave of terror and mayhem unprecedented in modern times. Better get prepared; especially if you live in urban areas. If you have children and familes start making contigencies for chaos and looting.
Once the EBT cards stop working...goodnight.
Ex New Yorker here....The whole program on the planet earth is a program of fear. The more fear the better. That is why criminals are being moved into crime free areas. To make the people afraid.
I have not looked at TV for years, but I noticed that the shows like 20/20 and 60 minutes just became nothing but a crime report. They would have a whole show about some gruesome bloody crime with all the gory details. The show would end with them interviewing the jury that convicted the killer. Hey folks, this is grimy gruesome bloody stuff and the Proles eat it up like a pig eating his own shit. Have you noticed all the CSI shows and other crime shows.
Your owners are moving the welfare criminals into white neighborhoods so the people can live in FEAR. Fear is the key. When the day comes that they start putting TV cameras in your own home, that is when it all ends. Remember, the cameras are there to PROTECT YOU AND MAKE YOU SAFE from the welfare breeder that lives next door. The sheeple will feel secure having the government as their SHEPARD.
There is hope for us.
Read the comments many times I'm down but this gives me hope.
America reduced to it's lowest common denominator. Are we enriched yet?
Very fitting Muay. Do you know and associate with any Greeks? I do.. They are a weak ethnicity. They are physically weak and they are cowards. History is the past and present day Greeks have lost all warrior qualities. So, you fit right in with them. Weak.
'.The whole program on the planet earth is a program of fear. The more fear the better. That is why criminals are being moved into crime free areas. To make the people afraid. '
go to taki mag, see 'make us sikh'.
Look at what section 8 is doing.
look at the somalis in Maine for crap sake.
we all agree, yes?
new sign in procedures here?
I thought that the Liberal "dream" was a decline in the Earth's population because humans are supposedly destroying the planet, yet they get orgasmic when ANY population other than White has an increase, especially the black population. I wish they could make their minds up...
"The only bright side is that China and the Chinese people now have too much to lose. Large scale war, short of a global conflict, is increasingly out of the question." - It is precisely because they have so much to lose that conflict is inevitable. They have to project power to maintain control over their vital lines of trade, and that will put them in direct contact with the other power projecting force to maintain control over its own vital lines of trade.
"I wish they [liberals]could make their minds up..."
They have no problem with Somalis in Maine but get all bent out of shape when some plant appears out of its habitat. Then they warn us that feeding wild animals harms the animals since they become dependent and never make the logical leap to their own redistributionist programs.
That fucker named Haya El Nasser is celebrating the genocide of whites in the States, he should be persecuted by the law.
"Zenster said...
The only bright side is that China and the Chinese people now have too much to lose. Large scale war, short of a global conflict, is increasingly out of the question."
Many Europeans thought the same thing about their own continent ...... in 1914.
All of this demonstrates the power of The Narrative. It doesn't matter that The Narrative is illogical, or that the proponents of it are hypocritical in their actions. Many of the most hypocritical in deed are the greatest 'true believers.' Confront them with the simple truth and you will get the 'deer in the headlights' look or they will resort to smarm or rage.
Perhaps 30% of white people 'get it', but they can be safely ignored politically.
I have no idea how to change the situation.
I don’t want live in bad, black neighborhoods. I live in a good neighborhood, but it‘s not safe now. Two weeks ago my car was vandalize, because people from bad neighborhoods are coming into good areas. Soon can’t live here, everywhere will be bad areas because of diversity. I am planning to move from U.S in the future.
I think that the Chinese are very nationalistic, and the people would support any war that the government pushed on them for "patriotic" reasons.
But if you only have one grandchild, and your daughter or daughter-in-law has already been surgically sterilized, the loss of that grandchild is the end of your family. When the losses start, the patriotism will come to an abrupt halt.
Zenster: There were prognosticators a hundred years ago who though that war between the Great Powers was impossible because it would interrupt their profitable trade arrangements. They were wrong.
I was looking at farmland in a tiny rural town just north of the capitol city of my Midwest state. A friend who lives there drove me around to look at a few properties and talk about the community. The place was whiter than bread.
When I asked her about "diversity" in the town, she said that she welcomes it, and that "we aren't like that here. We don't even have to lock our doors!" She mentioned, however, that they try to keep the Mexican immigrants out with zoning laws which permit only one family unit per household.
The town has a small park with a log cabin and a statue dedicated to the white abolitionist hero who started the settlement. The locals have raised money to restore the cabin and erected the statue and memorial. There is one IGA grocery store downtown and a Dairy Queen. It is quite charming, surrounded by corn fields, and very quiet.
The town has started an image campaign to "move us into the future without losing our small-town charm." It is mostly about convincing the older whites to get with the program of diversity and stop dragging their feet and attrtact newcomers.
I saw a few immigrant brown Mexican women with a baby sitting on the curb at a gas station on my way out of town. These poor white people have NO IDEA what is coming their way.
Anonymous said...
I don’t want live in bad, black neighborhoods. I live in a good neighborhood, but it‘s not safe now. Two weeks ago my car was vandalize, because people from bad neighborhoods are coming into good areas. Soon can’t live here, everywhere will be bad areas because of diversity.
Before you move Anon, please check out the 2010 NYT Census map to see which direction the blacks are moving. I have shown this to many people to help them avoid the undertow...
Browse population growth and decline, changes in racial and ethnic concentrations and patterns of housing development. You can drill down by zip code in your city or state and see which way they are migrating, and also see gains and losses of whites.
Yet another point that I thought no one else was awake to see.
Left coast white guy
My last comment referring to the dangers of China (being ignored like the elephant in the room), not that China would avoid conflict....quite the contrary.
Left coast white guy
IF that is what passes for 'pop music'- both visually and aurally, we are truly living at the end of the Age. What utter vulgarity, demonic possession (what's with the bassist knocking his head up and down, like some Ubangi savage), perverted uses of human flesh, and indecency- put a shirt on! I'm glad I stopped listening to pop music about the time of 'Like a Virgin.' And I repented of that sin, decades ago....
This is vile. America deserves to perish, if this is 'culture' these days.
- Fr. John+
So, how on earth do you find out what's going on? I'm seeing more black here every day, and I'm pretty sure it's the new housing everywhere. Ever look at someone and just know they're from somewhere else? I swear they're being sent here deliberately.
Zenster said:
>The only bright side is that China and the Chinese people now have too much to lose. Large scale war, short of a global conflict, is increasingly out of the question.
I think this is about the only statement of yours that I've read that I disagree with.
Wars have always been a way to dispose of a country's extra young males, and China now has a growing abundance of them thanks to the lopsided implementation of the One Child policy.
Couple that with increasing competition with other States for vital resources and you make wars not unthinkable, but inevitable.
How do you find out what's going on? I think we need to find someone to be a mole inside the Section 8 apparatus, or hack their computers.
AnonymousByNecessity said...
Zenster said:
>The only bright side is that China and the Chinese people now have too much to lose. Large scale war, short of a global conflict, is increasingly out of the question.
I think this is about the only statement of yours that I've read that I disagree with.
I have been to China. China is an odd place the rural areas people are barely literate if at all they live an agricultural lifestyle yet. The city is filled with teaming masses more literate but like the Soviet Union they are only playing the good Communist game. They clamor for goods and services and ultimately freedom.
China is not homogeneous it appears so but that is far from the truth again like the Soviets only one type of person is in charge the Han Chinese. It would be easy for China to break apart along ethnic and historical lines.
Chinese also try to get and keep information the government continues to block web content but it does leak through. It is not 1985 anymore many urban Chinese are more informed then the government would like.
The question is for a large scale military action are the Chinese citizens more scared of their government or the supposed enemy?
In response to my earlier post; we are very much like the Soviets and the Chinese. The lie is starting to show cracks. I posted a video on the other story about the Greek National Party destroying illegal immigrant stalls. The Blaze was equating the Greeks with Nazis the commentators to the Blaze story were having none of it and were overwhelmingly supportive of the Greeks.
Even if people are not 100% convinced about the racial issues they do see special interest groups having an overly active hand in government. They also see the takers protected and placated while the makers are ignored.
Romney or Obama cracks are starting to appear. Now is the time not to give up but to exert more pressure.
tiny rural town
there are towns ruined by the wetbacks who are the slave labor at meat packing plants [ in iowa, elsewhere]
blame Tyson, etc
italian guy said...
That fucker named Haya El Nasser is celebrating the genocide of whites in the States, he should be persecuted by the law.
Italian Guy, the "law" in the banana republic known as the United States is on his side 100%, as it is in the various okrugs and oblasts of the EUSSR's gulag of nations. In the UK-okrug, a white can be jailed for merely making an unflattering comment about a Moose-limb or negroid on twitter. It will soon be that way here in the USSA as well. There is no real resistance here, just a few websites like this (which are no doubt being monitored by the regime's orcs every day when they're not too busy viewing porn). There is no "law", only the jackboot of the ruling oligarchs, who (to quote Orwell) intend have it "stamping on a human (white) face - forever."
Jesus Christ Supercop:
You seem to forget that when Euro whites came here, they dealt with their diversity by their offspring assimilating even more than they... They all became Americans. Sure, there was discontent at first, but at least they had a common thread: whiteness.
The barbarian hordes have little hope of assimilating as long as they are allowed and even prodded to retain their local culture and pride to such a divisive degree. We others must accept them and their 'pride' as the narrative goes. Well, I dont like it and I dont mind saying so. As long as someone is willing to be an American first, I willingly give them a chance, but this 'pure tolerance' is being shown to be harmful to the cultural fgabric, sewn by assimilation, that made this country great, and shall not support that kind of DIEversity. Ever.
"So, how on earth do you find out what's going on?"
It is simple, Carol.
Unlike whites, blacks have racial solidarity, strong racial identity, and a network of help ALREADY IN PLACE for other blacks. Some here call it Gibsmedat. That is what the ghetto is all about. All blacks may not live there, but they carry it with them wherever they go.
Blacks work in the welfare offices and make sure they never say "no" to a fellow black, who is always entitled to reparations payments for slavery. They have their hands directly on Obamastash and dole it out like it is Christmas. They never check for qualifications or eligibility, and even search for other transfer payments for their black clients. There is massive fraud and theft in these offices and no one is paying attention.
I know of a black woman who accepts EBT cards for the balance due on rent money from Section 8 black women. She is only helping her own tribe, by any means necessary.
The Affirmative Action- hired black female director of our local Community Development Corporation embezzled over $100,000, and most of it went to pay for trips, jewelry, and to her deserving black friends and family. This is taxpayer money. She was not prosecuted because she is from a protected group.
The president of our Neighborhood Association, a black man, embezzled thousands of dollars from the donation fund and from his private food bank by writing checks to himself. He was never prosecuted and still resides on the board of directors.
There is no accountability, no questions asked, no audits, no oversight because the blacks would scream "racism!". Did you know that even young black males get a "stipend" and rent money in order to exist on the dole. They also shack up with baby mommas, sisters, aunts, mothers and grandmothers and soup off their welfare benefits.
I have seen males at the grocery store helping to load up the EBT cart. The same happens in Section 8, Medicaid, and every other Negro up-liftment program.
It is called "the looting of the treasury", the Obamas do it, all black government employees do it, and they have been doing it since the days of Reconstruction.
Imagine a world where white people had a strong racial identity, racial cohesion, a web of help in place, and worked only for the advancement of white people...
Mr. Anon: Many Europeans thought the same thing about their own continent ...... in 1914.
While Europe, Germany specifically, had the Möhne and the Sorpe on the Ruhr along with the Eder Dam on the Eder River, there was nothing approaching anything like the Three Gorges Dam in China.
Taiwan has already informed a hypocritically indignant China that any attempt at invasion will be met with a swarm of cruise missiles being sent into the dam face. That's several million people facing immediate or lingering death and the loss of some 10% of China's overall power generation capacity. Subsequent epidemics and famines could claim millions more.
Plus, I wonder if China is anywhere near so genetically homogeneous as Western Europe was circa WWI. Also, due to information control, there is no real way of knowing if modern China is anywhere near as ideologically or politically homogeneous as the Politburo would have outsiders believe.
Such uncertainties continue to plague China in the form of hesitant Foreign Capital Investment and other economic issues. It also manifests in extremely suspicious neighbors who continue to arm themselves and assume the worst about China's intentions, thereby entrenching regional hostilities. Not a good recipe for prosperity. While such inscrutability is used to China's political benefit, that lack of transparency will, in the long, run only do them more harm than good in its dealings with low context Western cultures which are unused to coping with or tolerating such intricate charades.
Anon (9/9 10:56 PM): It is precisely because they have so much to lose that conflict is inevitable. They have to project power to maintain control over their vital lines of trade, and that will put them in direct contact with the other power projecting force to maintain control over its own vital lines of trade.
That is why I specifically refused to dismiss truly large scale, global level conflict centering on Chinese adventurism.
One need merely examine China's destabilizing role in the MME (Muslim Middle East) to grasp this. Iran is China's third largest oil supplier (~400,000 BBL per day), yet China does not hesitate to destabilize the region by selling small arms to terrorist sponsoring states.
At some point, this could result in bunker oil prices escalating to a level where trans-Pacific shipping of all those containers filled with cheap Chinese crap might no longer be cost-effective. Thus does China step on its own pudenda.
Access to resources, and not ideological proselytizing, will likely be the prime mover in pushing Chinese expansionism. Also look for increasing regional tensions as China continues to commandeer SE Asia's water resources. As I have always said; if you think these skirmishes over oil are bad, just wait until you see the wars that will be fought over water.
Anon (9/10 7:09 AM): Perhaps 30% of white people 'get it', but they can be safely ignored politically.
I have no idea how to change the situation.
Change that number to 75% and then quickly step back to dodge the shrapnel.
You are so correct. I read about some of this in Freakenomics the Candy Lady in most Section 8 who sell things like they are a convenience store.
There is a huge underground economy around blacks and Hispanics.
Muay Tyson,
I think I remember you telling us that you have lived very near the black undertow. I live there now, and see so many things that are unimaginable. Blacks steal and resell ANYTHING they can get their hands on. Any store front variety store is also a whorehouse, a chop shop, an unlicensed daycare, a pit-bull breeding operation, a rib joint, a crack house, and a place to buy and trade EBT cards. The Day The EBT Card Stops Working will start a race war in this country. It is THE main currency in the black undertow neighborhoods. And trust me, they are all aware of how the system works. Blacks do not live by the white man's zoning laws. They do what they like in their own territory and the white city officials just look the other way.
When section 8 blacks move in to an apartment, they start a 24/7 outdoor junk sale peddling stolen goods, furniture, baby formula and bejeweled hip-hop outfits in plastic dry cleaner bags. Sometimes they run a "mobile wash" operation and wash cars in the front lawn. They have blocked the street with cars on each end and saw horses, and hold an impromptu $10 per plate rib tips dinner.
Single black women often turn tricks at the end of the month in order to make the rent payment, get cable hooked up, or to get the weave out of layaway. I have caught many AT&T and Comcast cable guys in their trucks at lunch time with a black woman bobbing in their lap.
Have you read this book?
The author celebrates the "remarkable" nature of black degeneracy, and blames whitey for the plight of the black underclass, but it is a great way to learn about how blacks exist on the dole and supplement their welfare.
"In this revelatory book, Sudhir Venkatesh takes us into Maquis Park, a poor black neighborhood on Chicago's Southside, to explore the desperate, dangerous, and remarkable ways in which a community survives. We find there an entire world of unregulated, unreported, and untaxed work, a system of living off the books that is daily life in the ghetto. From women who clean houses and prepare lunches for the local hospital to small-scale entrepreneurs like the mechanic who works in an alley; from the preacher who provides mediation services to the salon owner who rents her store out for gambling parties; and from street vendors hawking socks and incense to the drug dealing and extortion of the local gang, we come to see how these activities form the backbone of the ghetto economy."
MidWestern: You have rebutted all those racists who ask why Blacks can't run their own businesses. They do. They recirculate welfare checks through their own underground economy until the money eventually goes to drug smugglers or bling manufacturers.
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