This website will serve to educate the general public on Black people and the Stuff That Black People Don't Like. Black people have many interesting eccentricities, which include disliking a litany of everyday events, places, household objects and other aspects of their everyday life. Black people are an interesting subject matter and this website will chronicle the many problems in life that agitate this group of people. To suggest material, please contact sbpdl1@gmail.com
Monday, May 21, 2012
All's well 20th century dies
That led to greater freedom?
Name one law passed by Congress in the 20th Century that enabled Real Americans to prosper, instead of living as indentured servants to the Minority Occupational Government of Black-Run America (BRA)?
A pattern should emerge.
To quote Bowie: "All's well 20th century dies."
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G.I. Bill
The Immigration Acts of 1917, 1918, and 1924
Name one law passed by Congress in the 20th Century that enabled Real Americans to prosper, instead of living as indentured servants to the Minority Occupational Government of Black-Run America (BRA)?
A simple measure of all this is provided by the Bill of Rights. That whole document is dedicated in its entirety to limiting government’s control over its citizens.
The vast majority of modern legislation limits the freedoms that ordinary citizens enjoy.
Big Government in all its shimmering glory.
DC v. Heller comes to mind but even that one's debatable.
The G.I. Bill.
DC v Heller - oops, wrong century!
I watched "Thurgood," an HBO movie about Thurgood Marshall recently. ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1844811/ )
I highly recommend this movie that stars Lawrence Fishburne for an interesting take on how leftists like Supreme Court Justice Marshall view the role of the court. Like how lawyers are there basically to do "social engineering" and how he was a total gun controller, seeing NO reason why Americans should have handguns and machine guns.
These are the type of leftists that BHO is placing on the SCOTUS, not that the Republicans are really much different when it comes to placing gun controllers on the Courts...
Roe v. Wade. http://www.abort73.com/abortion/abortion_and_race/
Hey, you asked.
MacDonald Vs. Chicago.
Although residents of Illinois are still denied the right to carry concealed.
Social Security—freedom for old people not to starve (a kind of prosperity).
Name one social policy implemented in the 20th Century that positively impacted the United States (that benefited Real Americans and enabled and protected wealth creation for them and their posterity, the only legitimate function of a government)?
Jim Crow laws. Though these were largely intended to protect through segregation, which is never sustainable. Separation is.
Name one decision by the Supreme Court that was handed down in the 20th Century that has led to greater prosperity in the United States?
In the 1930s, the Supreme Court rejected 11 of Roosevelt’s “Alphabet laws” including the National Recovery Act and Agricultural Adjustment Act. The effect was to preserve the constitutional shielding capacity of the 10th amendment.
Yet following FDR’s court-packing scheme, the craven Owen Roberts experienced a strange epiphany as his testicles decamped into his body-cavity resulting in “the switch in time that saved nine.” From this moment, the last vestiges of that shield were dissolved.
Regardless of one’s opinion on the New Deal, it was there that the 10th amendment met its final Waterloo (with prior ample credit offered to the abominable Lincoln). And with it was washed away our ability to defend ourselves from the depredations of a federal leviathan whose motto is "a people by the government, for the government, and of the government."
Name one law passed by Congress in the 20th Century that enabled Real Americans to prosper, instead of living as indentured servants to the Minority Occupational Government of Black-Run America (BRA)?
The Immigration Act of 1924. 41 years of immigration sanity followed…all to be cast aside with one flippant pen-stroke as thoughtless, venal, and preening congressmen casually ran a blade across their own grandchildren’s throat.
The Montgomery GI Bill. It gave war veterans money to go to college for serving their country.
The GI Bill of 1944
Rural Electrification Act of 1938
Glass-Steagall Act of 1933
Social Security Act (not its fault it was looted into insolvency for the last couple decades of the 20th) of 1935
The Federal Aid Interstate Highway Act of 1956
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Act of 1958
There are plenty of examples of excellent laws passed by Congress in the 20th Century -- just all before 1965.
The original clean water act. I'm old enough to remember when most of our rivers and streams were disgusting open sewers. Back when converservationism and preserving ecology meant fighting polution and filth it made sense. Today's environmentalist is just out to steal money from the productive via carbon offset credits, etc.
G.I. Bill.
Personally, I witnessed a lot of good this did for the WWII guys. They came back, got educations they might never have gotten, many started great and successful businesses. Others entered professions and were elevated into the next level or two class-wise, earning good money and helping build the 50 & 60s boom and increasing the wealth and stability of the nation.
I'm no fan of FDR and the New Deal. But I once read how it was initially generalized in nature and designed to cover a wide swath of society. LBJs Great Society and War on Poverty were group specific, the beginnings of the racial and group spoils system.
Since 1964, the money spent on these programs easily exceeds the total military expenditures for the entire history of the United States.
And have we won any wars since the War on Poverty was launched?
Nice. I thought it sounded familiar . . .
Go you one better as I think you will appreciate this. The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands may have been the first welfare program in US history. Set up right after the Civil War, it was the agency in charge of reconstruction. It's goal? Integrate, educate and assimilate the freed slaves into society. They spent many millions and got what in return? Yep, nothing. Welfare, it's what's guaranteed to fail, for over 150 years and counting. Cheers.
Do you mean 20th or 21st century?
The Reagan tax cuts and a strong dollar policy helped to create something on the order of 23 million jobs and several decades of steady economic growth with limited inflation. (and bringing down the Soviet Empire probably didn't hurt either.)
No, let's NOT quote David Bowie. Trash.
Zenster, the Bill Of Rights doesn't count--that goes back to the Founding and those evil white supremacists that founded our nation and wanted to enslave everyone else with those bill of rights.
On another note, when I was in college, oh so many years ago, I had a poly-sci prof who assigned us a similar task and a paper to be written on it. We were to go out into the world and ask everyone we met over the age of 70 a simple question--"are you freer today than when you were my age (20)?"
The answer, and the professor's point to us all, was always the same--they were freer when young. And they would usually explain why. The prof's whole point was that nothing ever came free of charge where the government was concerned. That for every law passed to protect someone from something, someone else lost a corresponding right. He went on to elaborate that every year in this country (1980) the totality of all government, nation wide, passed well over 50,000 laws, statutes, etc. That no one, not even a lawyer, could possibly keep up with it. That the odds were quite likely that at least 1 out of 10 of us in the room would be arrested at some point in our lives and that likely all of us had broken some law at some time and would in the future. That if the government wanted one us, it was likely they could do so at any time.
As a case in point, he mentioned that in most states it is a gross misdemeanor to spit in public. The laws, though not currently enforced, are there due to the tuberculosis epidemic. They, like almost all laws, have never been taken off the books.
My entry for a SCOTUS decision of the 20th Century? Two. First is the right to tell a cop to F*** off--along with a host of other things you can do that they cannot legally respond to. Remember that when one gets on you for exorcising your free speech where a minority is concerned. The second--which affected Arizona recently, is the right of all law enforcement officials to inquire as to a person's citizenship status at any time for any reason--PERIOD. They do not need to have probable cause to do so. It was a landmark case that the Left likes to ignore.
Here's two more--they threw out the suit for reparations made by Japanese who were interred--and that was the liberal Warren Court. They have also thrown out black reparations suits. They also upheld the right of presidents Coolidge, Truman and Eisenhower to use the military to physically eject illegal aliens and their spawn from the country. They upheld the right for American Nazis to parade down the street. And lastly, the found for Bakke.
And Reagan, gave us the Taxpayer's Bill Of Rights--which was the first legislation ever restricting the IRS and it's KGB like status. I know, I had to depend on it once to save my ass.
Please stop with this "Real Americans" bullshit. "Real Americans" are as much a myth as George Washington chopping down the cherry tree.
There are (and always have been) two kinds of Americans: good Americans, and bad Americans. And it doesn't matter whether an American was born here or immigrated here. It doesn't matter whether an American speaks English or another language at home.
Give me law-abiding Asian Americans (or Italian Americans, or Irish Americans, depending on your century of focus) over degenerate uneducated "American-American" rednecks any day.
I suggest just sticking to Stuff Black People Don't Like. The "Real American" business smacks too much of misplaced pride and jingoism, and will alienate some of your readers.
Preserving some of this continent's most beautiful land via creation of National Park Service.
Protection of California's Giant Sequoya trees.
The War of Independence was fought to get rid of a tyrannical government.
The West Indies with its sugar plantations was more valuable than the 13 colonies.
Read Atlas Shrugged
"The G.I. Bill."
As a Vet, I wouldn't say the GI Bill is a bad thing, but it clearly doesn't increase freedom. Not unlike welfare, it takes money from taxpayers and distributes it to a select group. The biggest difference is that Vets have shown in good faith their desire to prop up, not tear down the US, and aren't just looking for a free handout.
"Social Security—freedom for old people not to starve (a kind of prosperity)."
You forgot the "/S".
Amendment XXI
Amendment XXVI
Amendment XXI
not even the GI Bill counts since it transfer one mans wealth to another. I'm a vet, and used the GI Bill back before I understood things, but it too enslaves some other man through taxes
same applies to social security
I can't think of any! It is all been down hill since the 60's if not earlier.
In Re: Mc Donald v Chicago busted
this case was based not on the Second but the BRA amendment that supposedly gave the darkies the same rights as Whites.SCOTUS knew what they were doing by not using the Second Amendment as a b asis for the law. We are still screwed
here in Illinois.After all wasn't Mcdonald a dusky plaintiff.
Proximity to the barbarians has made even the punctuation go to hell. Bloggers, the new journalists, cannot tell the difference between a statement and a question.
"Did you see the news that White babies are now a racial minority in the land of their ancestral inheritance? Have you contemplated what horrors await them in the future? If Whites are exterminated, which begins with our minoritization, why would Jesus bother to come back? Satan wins at our extinction, so Jesus must come back soon if he wants his birth, suffering, death, and resurrection to count for something."
-Rev. Jed DeValleyism, "Why Jesus should watch the news," 2012
Busing. Which for me, started in earnest my last year of high school ... My 99% white high school.
It gave me the opportunity to see how negros really were, before being thrust out into The Real World.
Completely unrelated news, here's the fun story of the Sto-Rox School District:
"Word spread quickly last week through Sto-Rox High School when students learned that the administrative offices were filled with Barack Obama paraphernalia. Students snapped up posters and stickers for their lockers, backpacks and bedroom walls, eager to commemorate the victory of the first African American to ascend to the nation's highest office."
Googled this and found the district website, which has an unflattering news story... on its front page.
"In 2005, only seven African-American females graduated from Sto-Rox High School, even though African-Americans make up approximately 40 percent of the student population. To combat this tragedy, Marlene Banks, community and parent liaison for the Sto-Rox School District, launched the Reaching My Potential program to help Black female students at risk of dropping out. "
Mrs. Banks: "I started talking to the girls about why they weren’t finishing school. It wasn’t so much about being pregnant; it was about being disengaged."
Keep rolling that stone, Sisyphus.
*The G.I. Bill;
*The Interstate Highway Act.
A more fair question might be to ask what has the government done to benefit Real Americans since 1954, or perhaps 1964.
Some of the big negatives:
* Growth of repression via wars on terror, crime, drugs. Surveillance all over the place. Toss in "hate crime" laws and state sponsored indoctrination via political correctness, especially in government supported schools, and you get all the makings of a police state.
* Involvement of the country in endless small wars which are fought with the wrong tactics and generally not brought to any decision (perhaps the 2003 campaign in Iraq is an exception). These dissipate proverbial blood and treasure.
* Massive social intervention via civil rights and war on poverty rackets. Affirmative action by itself has hit the majority of Americans hard. Then you had forced busing--the conscription of children--something which led to the destruction of quite a few communities. (Let's note the civil rights/poverty rackets have largely failed to produce results in assimilating the minority underclass.)
* Support for globalization via open borders, internationalization of trade, entanglement in endless alliances and general interference everywhere on the globe.
* Added on to above, failure to deal with such issues as outsourcing of jobs; meantime, the government has done little to maintain the middle class standard of living. (Whether or not FDR's policies were right or wrong, at least in the early 20th century there was a governmental interest in this sort of thing.)
* Failure to maintain infrastructure. Think if all the money that has been dumped into civil rights/poverty programs had been used instead to maintain and expand the road and rail nets...
* The creation of a massive client class, dependent upon government programs and employment, and whose members vote to tax the majority to maintain the manner of living to which they are accustomed.
* Which brings me to...Taxes. Taxes directly impact the ability to accumulate wealth for oneself and one's posterity.
* Joining in on the jihad against Rhodesia-South Africa. This put radical minority political demands ahead of the interests of Real Americans insofar as the overall position of Western peoples was attacked and undermined.
* Abandonment of the manned space program. This is a more recent development, but I include it because the manned space program once reflected a Real American vision, the pioneer spirit expanded to go to the stars.
Oh well.
On the positive side:
* DARPA's role in establishing the Internet. This has paid off by allowing outside the mainstream political groups to organize.
The end of the awful "fairness doctrine" in 1987. That allowed for independent talk radio to emerge which could address issues like affirmative action and immigration which has previously been blacked out (no pun intended) by the ABC/CBS/NBC/PBS cartel.
Stonelifter: The G.I. Bill is simply part of the compensation package for military personnel, just like their monthly pay. You might question why we have so many military personnel (13 aircraft carrier groups?), but if they're in uniform, they need to be paid.
Pure Food and Drug Act. There were no limits at all on how many rats could be in your ground beef.
Anon at 1:06 AM, May 22: If you had experience living in a recently diversitized city like Los Angeles, you'd know that there are many millions of non-White people with American citizenship who have no attachment to this country at all. They remain Chinese, Iranian, Mexican, whatever. They are not real Americans, they are foreign colonists, even if they do speak good English. Watch your own city disappear under a flood of immigrants, and then tell me that these implants are American.
May I,as a foreign but regular reader of SBPDL,congratulate most of the previous commenters on your historical knowledge and the intelligence of your examples/rebuttals.
Most informative.Thank you.
"In 2005, only seven African-American females graduated from Sto-Rox High School, even though African-Americans make up approximately 40 percent of the student population. To combat this tragedy, Marlene Banks, community and parent liaison for the Sto-Rox School District, launched the Reaching My Potential program to help Black female students at risk of dropping out. "
They DID reach their potential, and it wasn't college level education.
Rusty Mason said...
"Proximity to the barbarians has made even the punctuation go to hell. Bloggers, the new journalists, cannot tell the difference between a statement and a question."
I hate it when a commenter has nothing more intelligent to say than "+1". But ...
1:06 said: The "Real American" business smacks too much of misplaced pride and jingoism, and will alienate some of your readers
Of course he’s going to alienate some readers.
He’s alienated some readers who think it highly unlikely that a race of blacks so incompetent as to be unable to pick their own nose without the help of a pale finger would be able to establish “BRA” without crucial assistance from another tribe equally hostile to whites.
He’s alienated other readers who prefer to get their islam discussion from more conventional neo-con boiler-plates.
And naturally he’s alienated precious liberals who lie with their tongues and speak the truth with their feet.
You can’t avoid giving offense in discussing the subject of race and nation. And those who try eventually morph into insipid doughy ciphers named “Rich Lowry.”
Though these are ancillary topics. The core tension a site like this attempts to manage is the one between pro-whites and anti-blacks. Between the commenters who want a country that reflects their nation and those Propositional-Americans who want a polyglot country of “good” people that is good only at generating clusterfuck and conflict.
He has his burden…you have yours.
Discard wrote:
"If you had experience living in a recently diversitized city like Los Angeles, you'd know that there are many millions of non-White people with American citizenship who have no attachment to this country at all."
And what attachment do tea-party Republicants have to this country? What about the "Occupy Wall Street" gang - do they have a real attachment to this country?
Listen, people who work here, obey the law, pay taxes here, and learn to get along with American culture have an attachment to this country, regardless of what language they speak at home.
Porter wrote:
"He’s alienated some readers who think it highly unlikely that a race of blacks so incompetent blah blah blah"
You must have missed the part where I advised SBPDL to stick to the topic of Stuff Black People Don't Like. Perhaps you think that SBPDL should announce his support for the Yankees, and alienate the Red Sox fans as well.
Porter, I'll take law-abiding, educated Chinese-Americans over criminal, illiterate rednecks any day. Your kind has had some experience dividing up people based on physical traits - perhaps you should learn from the past, and instead consider intangible traits like intelligence and moral fiber.
Give me law-abiding Asian Americans (or Italian Americans, or Irish Americans, depending on your century of focus) over degenerate uneducated "American-American" rednecks any day.
I think you need to go somewhere else for what you want. You either want a liberal wonderland where there is 1 black family per 100 unit subdivision that is doted upon, or the ghetto where you can enjoy your wonderful "divesity" (it makes me want to vomit just typing that word). Yep, I'm a rayciss un-edjamakated redneck.
I suggest just sticking to Stuff Black People Don't Like.
You are just .... sticking to what you don't know. And that is that the thing black people don't like the most in this world is White European people, the children of Adam.
Discard said:
If you had experience living in a recently diversitized city like Los Angeles, you'd know that there are many millions of non-White people with American citizenship who have no attachment to this country at all. They remain Chinese, Iranian, Mexican, whatever. They are not real Americans, they are foreign colonists, even if they do speak good English. Watch your own city disappear under a flood of immigrants, and then tell me that these implants are American.
How do you know this? Have you surveyed them all in reaching this conclusion? Can only Whites be "real Americans"?
"How do you know this? Have you surveyed them all in reaching this conclusion? Can only Whites be "real Americans"?"
Yes. And all of those Asians, 'spanics and Africans know this. To be an Americab, is to be white.
Actually in a Candid sense and per the Immigration Act of 1789 only a Free White may upon completing residency requirements become a Citizen of the Republic of the United States. The nation was established as a White country and per the wisdom of the founders, blacks would have been expelled long ago. All others could have come here to visit only, no one tells the Japanese they must allow tons of non Japanese people into their country. Who gets to tell the USA they have to let in non Whites? Well we've passed that point a long time ago, time to repel the invaders. I've watched and commented on the blog from time to time, my name is unimportant. I am an American a Free White male whose parents and forefathers emigrated to this land as early as 1740. All others can go the hell away, there will be another Concord there will be another Revolution.
"Give me law-abiding Asian Americans"
Give me people that won't ship our technology back to their home.
Oh I *am* considering intelligence and moral fiber. You've been brainwashed into believing the actions of a few exceptional specimens substitute for the overall behavior of the remaining creatures. Packs are predatory.
One of you mentioned Irish, Italian, but not once African and that is the point of the blog. Go look up DWL and paste your picture next to it. As whites continue to be mass murdered with the media blatantly ignoring it, "rednecks" start to appear far more intelligent not allowing the corruption to sprout up next to them.
Your comment isn’t even stupid. And if you have any understanding of the difference between nation and country, you’ve kept it well-concealed.
And what attachment do tea-party Republicants (sic) have to this country
They are the posterity of the country’s founders and the people for whom it was created. It’s their inheritance, just as China is to its Han sons and daughters. You actually have to be told this?
Listen, people who work here, obey the law, pay taxes here, and learn to get along with American culture have an attachment to this country, regardless of what language they speak at home.
Not their nation/not their people/not their place. They have these in their home countries and we should have ours as well. And their “attachment” to the obvious bounty of living in white countries is neither surprising nor relevant.
You must have missed the part where I advised SBPDL to stick to the topic of Stuff Black People Don't Like.
And why should he do that only to offend your propositional sensibilities yet again? You would take a law-abiding, educated African-in-America over "criminal, illiterate rednecks" any day. If you weren’t so goofily staggering through your own logic, you’d be advising him to eschew his entire theme of race “and instead consider intangible traits like intelligence and moral fiber.” But you don’t because “your kind has had some experience dividing up people based on physical traits.”
Perhaps you think that SBPDL should announce his support for the Yankees, and alienate the Red Sox fans as well.
Or perhaps you’d care to put on some clothes before you enter these debates. If he finds a correlation in baseball to matters of race and nation, then he should examine it. And if it alienates those on the flat left-flank of the bell-curve, then you’ll just have to leave.
As for your Chinese fellatio recipients, there are well over half a billion penniless yellowneck peasants there. I salute your desire to go live among them.
The term "Redneck" denotes a hard working man who provides for his family, reference coal miners who wore red bandanas in solidarity for better wages. -shrug- if you're White, living in the US and would like to not have same treatment meted out as to non whites. Lay off the redneck cracks, I'm not one of the most country you'll meet but I will stop for a broke down truck with Whites in it the same as a Mercedes driven by a White. Personal note. I was on 65N half mile or so from Broadway off ramp in Louisville Ky, decent size truck was broke down a single white male trying to push it. I stopped and helped out, the man had his white wife and son in the cab and all three thanked me when we had gotten the truck off the highway. He offered to give me his compound how and dozen arrows for helping him, I said no Sir you keep doing your best for your family and whites everywhere.
Porter wrote:
"[Tea Party Republicans] are the posterity of the country’s founders and the people for whom it was created. It’s their inheritance, just as China is to its Han sons and daughters."
You should post more often, Porter; it's fun to sometimes read your delusional ravings.
The tea-party Republicants don't even understand that Medicare is a Federal program. They promote policies counter to their own self-interest. But if creating tax loop-holes for billionaires is your cup of tea, have at it boy-o.
By the way, the Han people of China are a modern political invention; the so-called "Han" actually consist of a diverse set of ethnicities. I'll wait while you go change your pants.
"You would take a law-abiding, educated African-in-America over "criminal, illiterate rednecks" any day."
Of course I would. Listen, we follow MLK here: we judge on character. And we have found the character of black people as a group to be lacking: they commit crimes, have low IQs, drop out of school, and use public assistance at disproportional rates.
East Asians, on the other hand, outperform whites by most measures. They stimulate local economies, drive innovation, and their taxes pay your welfare. Of course, we must be wary and make sure that the Chinese-American dry cleaner and the Korean-American convenience store owner don't ship our "technology" back to their "home" countries.
"If he finds a correlation in baseball to matters of race and nation, then he should examine it."
Please, try to put some thought into your posts before you post your drivel. Do you also check your breakfast cereal for "matters of race and nation"?
"...there are well over half a billion penniless yellowneck peasants..."
Yes, and those penniless peasants obey the law, send their children to school, and strive to improve their lot in life, which is more than can be said for idiot American rednecks.
The USA is for all Americans, Porter. If you don't like that, feel free to leave.
The Founders already set it on paper a long time ago, this Republic was for Whites only anyone else can go home. I realize the Republic has been dead a long while, just as some think that the yellow, brown or black can be an American it still comes down to those words written not really that long ago. You don't even disgust me, don't even irritate me. But what you do is mark yourself firmly on the side of those who think that the contract written for and by Whites is somehow open to the "few" non white.
Anon at 6:03 PM: Why do you imagine that Tea Party activists have no attachment to this country? I don't doubt that they're being led along by GOP lackeys who live for the dollar (or any other currency), but the rank and file join because they love their country and don't like watching it disappear. I really don't see your point, unless you're one of those who think that the multi-cult IS America.
No, I do not think that the Occupy Wall Street people have an attachment to this country. Not because they don't like Wall Street, but because they are leftists. Leftists, excluding National Socialists, generally hate their own countries and cultures, and it shows in their contempt for working class people, whom they like to call "Rednecks", a racist and classist term if there ever was one.
People who work here, obey the law, pay taxes here, and learn to get along with American culture, do not at all necessarily have an attachment for this country. Those things you list are nothing more than the bare minimum we ought expect from any foreigner. Do the Japanese employees of Sumitomo Bank not meet all these hurdles, or the German employees of BMW? Do all those Mexicans who wave Mexican flags or have Piss on La Migra stickers on their cars have an attachment to this country?
Why would anyone who has an attachment to this country want to replace White Americans with Chinese? Would a Chinese patriot want to replace Chinese peasants with Americans? Your use of the adjectives "criminal" and "illiterate" to describe the White American working class, which you further denigrate as "Rednecks" shows your hatred of our people. Why do you associate crime and illiteracy with White men who work with their hands?
I understand you’re not particularly bright and that debate is a novel experience for you; though if you continue to engage in it you’ll be obligated to rebut points with something other than pablum and tangents.
Further we are at loggerheads primarily because you have no conception of nation as it relates to country, and apparently think of both as some benign amalgam of asians and economy. Though mostly, you’re just parroting and toadying.
I’ll start with your worst first…
Position: "[Tea Party Republicans] are the posterity of the country’s founders and the people for whom it was created. It’s their inheritance, just as China is to its Han sons and daughters." To refute this you’ll need to decouple America from its founding stock and China from hers. Instead you aver that republicans don’t understand medicare, they promote policies counter to their interests, and I want tax loopholes for billionaires. Sequentially these points are: Idiotic and irrelevant, dumb assertion and irrelevant, and blather germane to nothing. You simply don't have a response.
By the way, the Han people of China are a modern political invention; the so-called "Han" actually consist of a diverse set of ethnicities
And Scandinavians consist of Norwegians, Danes and Swedes…but do you have a fucking point? And the "so-called Han" date back to the 2,000+ year old Han dynasty.
You would take a law-abiding, educated African-in-America over "criminal, illiterate rednecks" any day."
Of course I would. Listen, we follow MLK here: we judge on character. And we have found the character of black people as a group to be lacking: they commit crimes, have low IQs, drop out of school, and use public assistance at disproportional rates.
Jesse Jackson, Obama, and Eric Holder are all educated law abiding blacks. By your logic, all of these individuals are preferable to blue-collar whites who the epicene urbanite disparages as “degenerate” and “criminal.” What’s the violent crime rate in West Virginia, Spaulding? And why is all the world’s porn produced there?
East Asians, on the other hand, outperform whites by most measures.
No they don’t. As I’ve already mentioned, a huge number of East Asians are dirt peasants. The argument that you are too obtuse to realize you are making is that elite east asians outperform lower-tier whites. Bravo. But what do these elite east asians tell us with their own feet?
East Asians stream into white countries, not the reverse. East Asians strive for matriculation at white universities, not the reverse. And East Asians look up at the moon and solar system while whites look down at the Earth.
You likely are an East Asian, but if not you’ll want to apply more tongue between their toes in the future. The outperforming Cambodian pedicurists in my city can offer advice.
The USA is for all Americans
Yes and by your lights “American” means whoever shows up…and Asians!
NOFYB at 8:07 PM: How do I know that this great mass of non-White immigrants are not really American? By living and working amongst them. I was living and working in Southern California when the wave of El Salvadoreans, Mexicans, and Iranians hit. I was employed by Iranians in a factory for two years, and read the graffiti they put in the bathrooms reserved for Iranians and Whites. (There was another toilet for the Hispanics. Illegal I suppose, but there it was.) I worked alongside wetbacks for more years than that. Times were hard in manufacturing, so I took the jobs that were offered, and got an education in real-world multi-culturalism.
I know about Chinese attitudes from teaching for years in a neighborhood that was changing from Mexican to Chinese. You can't manage if you don't know the real score.
BTW, one thing that I prefer about Mexicans over Chinese is that Mexicans respect hard, honest labor. Chinese think you're shit if you get dirty. As a teacher, I got respect from Chinese, but as any American knows, all honest labor deserves respect. Their ugly attitude towards laboring people alone precludes the possibility of making Americans out of Chinese, or Hindus for that matter.
Anon at 4:14 PM: It seems the Chinese commenters are out in force, or perhaps it's just those pathetic Whites who've got Yellow Fever, the sexual obsession with Oriental women. In any case, the Chinese that come here are not intellectually representative of the Chinese people as a whole. They are a good deal smarter than the average, selected to become an elite among American society, to further the interests of the mother country. The Chinese government is no doubt aware that having a wealthy, law-abiding, influential minority in the United States can work wonders for the homeland. Which, of course, is further reason to question their attachment to America. Really, why would the PRC wish to strengthen the U.S. by sending these capable people, if they didn't expect to gain more than they lose?
And by the way, your contempt for the American working class marks you as an alien in spirit, if not in law. If you hate us so, why don't you go to your beloved People's Republic?
Anon at 4:14: It's Porter's catch, but since I'm here right now, I'll respond to your rude nonsense. It is a fiction of the PRC that 90% of its people are Han, not an American misunderstanding. If you've never been to southern China, there's no reason to know that the people there are not the same as the people up north. Tell your masters in Bejing to stop lying about the matter if it's so important to you. And it must be really important to you if you imagine that your revelation will make a man soil himself.
It’s interesting how this little tete a tete highlights my earlier observation about this site:
The core tension a site like this attempts to manage is the one between pro-whites and anti-blacks. Between the commenters who want a country that reflects their nation and those Propositional-Americans who want a polyglot country of “good” people that is good only at generating clusterfuck and conflict.
I take the former position while my yellow (be it in skin or heart) sparring partner has staked out the latter. Though I suppose I’m being overly charitable. I don’t know that a philosophy of “poor whites bad—poor asians wonderful—and blacks are bad except for good blacks who are good” can be forged into a coherent position.
The USA is for all Americans, Porter.
You beg the question of "who/what is an American?"
At a minimum, to be an American has to include being compatible with the people who built the country known as the United States of America, meaning Whites and their culture. It also has to include sharing values such as the rule of law and loyalty to the nation.
From this, several things follow:
1. Any racial, ethnic or ideological faction which is hostile to Whites is not American.
2. Any racial, ethnic or ideological faction which is hostile to White culture (including linguistically) is not American.
3. Any racial, ethnic or ideological faction which is clan- or ethno-centric, or otherwise eschews American values such as rule of law and meritocracy, is not American.
4. Any racial, ethnic or ideological faction which has loyalties outside the country is not American.
Taken as a group, Blacks, Hispanics, Asian immigrants, and many others are not American. Puerto Ricans are American citizens, but American they are not.
You have a lot of gall telling Americans to leave America. Mexicans can go back to Mexico, Blacks can go to Africa, but America is the only place America exists.
Good comment, Mr Rational.
On re-reading these most recent comments, it seems likely to me that our Chinese/Sinophile visitor(s) is an American born child of Chinese immigrants. He really doesn't know any better. Not his family, nor the schools, nor the media have ever told him that America is a country built by Whites, with only a little input from other races. He has probably all his life been fed the multi-cult lies belittling White and magnifying non-White contributions. I've not the time nor the inclination to re-educate him, but listen up, Kid. I was living in a White country back when your parents were hiding rice from Chairman Mao's goons. It ill becomes a newcomer such as yourself to get uppity with his benefactors. Does it not occur to you how presumptious you are to to tell the White descendants of the founders of this nation just who is and is not an American? Have you not noticed your own contempt for those Rednecks who actually did the work of building a country that you are so anxious to join? Your own words make the case for denying residency, let alone citizenship to Orientals. You are no more an American than Rudyard Kipling was an Indian, though he was born there. Ingratitude, arrogance, and rudeness to one's hosts may be virtues in China, but not here. I suggest that you not lose your Chinese language skills.
A nice summation Discard.
And yes as Rational mentioned, gall is an apt term for alien opportunists telling the children of America's founders that they may leave now. Once the apparatus of federal enforcement disintegrates in a cloud of debt, we’ll make them a similar offer…a pointed one.
Though his remarks should cast some light on the notion of propositional nationhood currently poisoning the West. These “hard-working, law-abiding” immigrants demand entry into our home and insult us as they pass through the doorway. The tick is contemptuous of its dog. And why should we expect differently? Does anyone think that Chinese, Indians, Filipinos, or Haitians see statues of dead white men or faded parchment in the National Archives and feel some bonds of fellowship with us?
It sounds almost revolutionary in this age of lies, but only we are us. Only we are the stewards of our parent’s legacy and our children’s future. It is our responsibility to protect both. No proposition will defend us if we are swamped demographically. In the meantime we should expect to hear more of these yellows who abandon their rice paddies to come sneer at white men who get their hands dirty.
They should enjoy our equanimity while it lasts.
Porter, I can't tell if you really don't have the capacity to understand what is explained to you, or if you're just pretending. But I will help you: now remove your tongue from Goebbels' colon, and try to pay attention.
"'[Tea Party Republicans] are the posterity of the country’s founders...' You simply don't have a response."
I'll try to put this in simple terminology so you can understand: the USA was founded on the principles of justice, rule of law, and freedom. Tea Party Republicants don't have a monopoly on that legacy, nor do they support it. The USA is, by law and by principle, for all Americans: those who can trace their ancestry to the Mayflower, and those who just got citizenship yesterday.
"And Scandinavians consist of Norwegians, Danes and Swedes…but do you have a fucking point?"
The point is there, but apparently it was lost on you. I won't hold your hand through this one; you need to go back and re-read the posts in the context of the discussion.
"Jesse Jackson, Obama, and Eric Holder are all educated law abiding blacks. By your logic, all of these individuals are preferable to blue-collar whites..."
Jesse Jackson is preferable to violent white criminals, yes. Obama is an upstanding and admirable man, and he is preferable to any white Republican (as the election results have shown previously, and will show again).
"As I’ve already mentioned, a huge number of East Asians are dirt peasants."
And Desiree will gladly tell you that there are more whites on welfare than blacks. I would accuse you of intellectual dishonesty, but for that you would have needed to demonstrate intellectual discourse. IQ tests, SAT results, crime rates, and graduation rates all show that East Asians outperform European whites. You are like a black supremacist confronted with statistics that show the failings of the black community (race): you reply with non sequiturs and willful ignorance.
Come on Porter, defend yourself. Can the Irish become real Americans? What about Italians? Some of those Sicilians have dark skin, you know. What about Russians? They are white, but some have Asian characteristics, courtesy of the Mongolians.
"I don’t know that a philosophy of “poor whites bad—poor asians wonderful—and blacks are bad except for good blacks who are good” can be forged into a coherent position."
And what is your preferred position? "Whites good, others bad"? How about whites who act like blacks? What about Asians who act white? You seem to be having trouble understanding, so I'll lay my position out in terms even you can understand: groups that make a net positive contribution to the USA are good. Groups that make a net negative contribution to the USA are bad. Here's an example to help you out: visiting Chinatown in San Francisco is fun. Visiting Harlem is dangerous. Do I need to draw you a picture?
You may re-insert your tongue into Goebbels' colon now. But lets continue this discussion; I'm not through demeaning you yet.
Discard wrote:
"If you hate us so, why don't you go to your beloved People's Republic?"
I've considered, if only to get away from the blacks and the rednecks.
"It ill becomes a newcomer such as yourself to get uppity with his benefactors. Does it not occur to you how presumptious you are to to tell the White descendants of the founders of this nation just who is and is not an American? Have you not noticed your own contempt for those Rednecks who actually did the work of building a country that you are so anxious to join?"
Listen, Gramps, my taxes pay for your social security and medicare, so show some respect when you dialogue with your patron. Any citizen of the USA is as American as you, even if they got their citizenship yesterday. Don't like it? Lobby to get the immigration laws changed. By trying to establish a hierarchy of "real" and "fake" Americans, you show yourself to be a "bad" American. Do you think only white Americans are entitled to express their opinions? You must be a tea partier! (I will grant you one point: recent immigrants often have trouble fitting in with American culture. But they should, and usually do, learn to get along.) Like it or not, Americans are a diverse group. If you have a problem with that, then pack your bags and get the hell out of my country. You can even use your social security checks - which my taxes pay for - to buy your plane ticket.
Alright Hong-Kong Phooey, let’s continue. I’ll number them up to 13. I know you asian wind-worshippers are highly superstitious.
1)You say Goebbels, I say Mao. So far you’re a boring hack. What’s next?
2)You continue to babble about “republicants” apparently on the presumption that I care.
3)You say “The USA is, by law and by principle, for all Americans.” And you have zero idea what an “American” is. I suggested you think it means whoever shows up…you didn’t disagree. Apparently you think because some immigration stooge told your begging parents to mutter an oath they neither understood nor abide by that you are magically an “American?” Still oblivious to country and nation. Though I can’t wait for all of those negro Chinese to reach your motherland.
4)You say the USA was founded on “Justice, Rule of Law, and Freedom.” Not for you it wasn’t. Here’s the preamble to the constitution describing its purpose: ... to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. You are the posterity of oriental field mice, not James Madison.
5) You say: “Jesse Jackson is preferable to violent white criminals, yes” No one said “violent white criminals” you duplicitous goal-shifter. I said blue collar whites, who are exceedingly non-violent. And your preference for a societal leech like Jackson says everything needed.
6) You say “Obama is an upstanding and admirable man.” You’re on the wrong website HKP.
7)You say: “And Desiree will gladly tell you that there are more whites on welfare than blacks.” And appropriately enough—just as with Desiree—you are clueless about proportionality. A higher percentage of Asians are dirt poor than are American whites. Pound this through your sedge hat until you comprehend it.
8)Next you begin a litany of assertions as to Asian “outperformance” and yet your countries—positively bursting with “outperforming” asians—are so rankly undesirable that you stream from them like cockroaches into mine. And practically everything you use in life was created by “underperforming” white men. And you recognize these facts by babbling about IQ scores. Well when the fuck are you going to do something with them?
Furthermore, I don’t give a damn if Asians have higher SAT scores. I’m glad. I hope more of you will use them to attend the Asian universities you are so desperate to avoid.
9)You ask who can become Americans. You can’t. No more than a white man can become “Chinese” no matter how many shits he takes in a Peking toilet.
10)You ask: “And what is your preferred position? "Whites good, others bad"? No HKP. My position is whites are my people and others aren’t. Are you this obtuse always?
11)You ask: “What about Asians who act white?” I don’t care how you act, how you sing, or how you dance. It’s not your nation and not your people—as you have made perfectly clear.
12)You assert: “groups that make a net positive contribution to the USA are good” You mean a net contribution to the harmony and social capital of my nation? Yes nothing would improve our peace and tranquility like importing millions of white-hating asian grasshoppers like yourself.
13)The best idea is for you to make your “net positive contribution” to your own home country. But you don’t want to do that since it’s a shithole full of asians.
You’re up HKP…quicker than the human eye.
China Boy: I draw neither social security nor medicare, but while we're on the topic, could you get your elderly Chinese relatives who have never paid a dime into those programs to get off?
It is not true that anybody who holds American citizenship is an American. The government that passes out that privilege so freely is illegitimate. Our government does not rely on the Mandate of Heaven as China's traditionally has, but on the Constitution and the consent of the governed. Consent gained through fraud is invalid. For example, when the 1965 Immigration Act was passed, the regime assured the people that there would be no significant change in the demographics of the nation. They lied, and therefore the law is invalid. Even if the government had the knowing consent to establish affimative action (They didn't) or some other such program, it would be invalid unless the Constitution was changed. The Washington regime has power but no authority. You are merely a tool, like a Black, in this regime's war against the American people. Were you an educated American, this would be obvious.
Seriously, think about it. Have you ever heard of a country wherein the legitimate rulers deliberately displaced their own race and brought in another for that purpose? No, that is a policy of a colonial elite, like the way the British brought Hindus to other parts of the Empire as surrogate Englishmen. Our present rulers are in fact a colonial elite, solely concerned with exploiting the productive Whites. You upper class Chinese, with your hatred of the common people, are useful to them. You suggest that If I don't like immigration policy, I should lobby to get the laws changed. Have you not noticed that the regime refuses to enforce the immigration laws already in place? Or that neither party has done anything about it? Might it be the case that the government is itself lawless? Does it not strike you as odd that a government would allow people such as yourself, who clearly despise those who came before you and built the country, to become citizens? Would China allow Sinophobes to live freely and enjoy the benefits and privileges of Chinese living? Not since they threw the foreigners out in 1949. Can you grasp now that the U.S. citizenship you hold might soon be worth less than U.S. dollars? The promises made to you might prove as good as the ones the regime made to us.
I am certain that you are too arrogant and ignorant to really get any of this, but perhaps I've illuminated the matter for any lurkers. To imagine that a young Chinese might lecture a White native American on what makes one an American does strain the senses. You remind me of the Iranian who told me "We have to change the system!" Too foolish to understand that the American nation is a people and a culture, not something learned on a college campus, or in a Chinese ghetto.
China Boy: Since you claim to believe that immigrants should get along with American culture, why do you despise working class Whites so?
Where did I write that only White Americans are entitled to express their opinions?
Why do you imagine that I must be a Tea Partier? (I'm not) Because you also imagine that I think that only White Americans are entitled to express an opinion? But where has the Tea Party denied that non-Whites are entitled to express opinions?
Just what do you like about this country, since you apparently don't like most of the people?
Porter: Jesse Jackson, Obama, and Eric Holder are all educated law abiding blacks.
Actually, those Black individuals are anything but "law abiding". However, I refuse to niggle about some minor issue in the face of such a great refutation.
Also, thank you for beating me to the point about who got to the moon. Even when Asians finally get there, it will be with borrowed Western technology. Meanwhile, we will be building the Space Elevator while they spend millions of dollars per pound of launch payload.
Discard: Really, why would the PRC wish to strengthen the U.S. by sending these capable people, if they didn't expect to gain more than they lose?
An excellent question and the sort of caliber commenting that keeps me here at SBPDL. The remittances alone do not explain Communist China's exportation of its best and brightest to America.
America desperately needs to spend six months on a trade vacation while standing back and watching China try to eat all those laptops, iPods, solar panels, flat screen TVs, iPhones and other assorted pieces of plastic crap that they churn out in droves. Let them dine on their rare earth reserves for a change. Hell, that whole sh!thouse would implode in three months, if not even sooner.
Mr. Rational: From this, several things follow:
1. Any racial, ethnic or ideological faction which is hostile to Whites is not American.
2. Any racial, ethnic or ideological faction which is hostile to White culture (including linguistically) is not American.
3. Any racial, ethnic or ideological faction which is clan- or ethno-centric, or otherwise eschews American values such as rule of law and meritocracy, is not American.
4. Any racial, ethnic or ideological faction which has loyalties outside the country is not American.
[golf clap]
Anon (5/24, 2012 5:48 PM): Jesse Jackson is preferable to violent white criminals, yes.
Save for the fact that there are very few violent White criminals compared to the multitude of violent Black thugs that currently prevail. Nor are there very many White racial shakedown artistes as opposed to race-baiting wannabe warlord grievance pimps like Jesse Jackson.
Obama is an upstanding and admirable man, and he is preferable to any white Republican (as the election results have shown previously, and will show again).
And here you out yourself for the total anti-American traitor that you clearly are.
Mein Obama's administration is one of the most corrupt and overtly racist in all of America's history. His status as de facto Muslim has seen more treason against America's national interests happen on his watch than even a bumbling multi-culturalist fool like Bush 2.0 was capable of.
If Asia is so great, please book your passage there at the earliest opportunity. Real Americans have no need for your sort who help to elect turncoat grafters like Oboona.
Discard: I am certain that you are too arrogant and ignorant to really get any of this, but perhaps I've illuminated the matter for any lurkers. To imagine that a young Chinese might lecture a White native American on what makes one an American does strain the senses. You remind me of the Iranian who told me "We have to change the system!" Too foolish to understand that the American nation is a people and a culture, not something learned on a college campus, or in a Chinese ghetto.
[wild applause]
Really outstanding comment, Discard!
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