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Geneva Banks also asked, "Why do they always run from us?" We answer her |
Why indeed? The article would report Mrs. Banks was part of the Great Migration of black people from the southern states, moving to Chicago as part of what we have dubbed "Manifest Destruction":
In 1948, her mother was able to buy a two-flat in a racially mixed section of Hyde Park just west of the University of Chicago. The area turned black, and in 1963 the U of C's urban renewal project forced her mother to sell.
The "negro removal" project, as critics called it, displaced thousands of low-income Hyde Parkers, most of them black. By then Banks was married and had five children, and that's when her family settled in South Shore.
The neighborhood was still mostly white; when her family came to look at the building, the owner made them come back after dark so the neighbors wouldn't see he was showing it to blacks. By 1970, South Shore was 69 percent black; by 1980 it was 95 percent black, and it's been about that ever since.
"Why are whites afraid of blacks?" Banks asks me. "Why do they always run from us?"Why do white people always run from black people? The octogenarians question continues to go powerfully - and tragically - unanswered in not just Chicago, but in every other city where black people have become a demographic majority.
Just in the narrative Mrs. Banks spun of her history in Chicago rests one of the reasons why white people are both afraid and run from black people: the economically devastating effects that black migration has to residential and commercial property value.
But if Mrs. Banks would like an answer to her question, well, we'll supply it. The Chicago Tribune reported on December 4, 2012 that the continuing cycle of violence in the Windy City isn't showing any signs of subsiding [Off-duty corrections officer among 11 shot Monday night, Tuesday morning].
Perhaps Mrs. Banks grandson, granddaughter, or perhaps a younger relative is part of the target audience of the $55 million that is being pumped into the almost exclusively black 'tough' neighborhoods of Chicago in a last ditch to keep blacks from killing one another [Questions surround $55 million program to cut violence in Chicago, CNN.com, 12-3-12]:
On a chilly afternoon this fall, teenagers across Chicago's South Side were busy at work, earning $8.75 an hour to hand out fliers with a message of non-violence. "Our message that we're giving out today is about being healthy," said 18-year-old Lucia Eloisa. "One of the key pointers is about taking time to reflect and seek inner peace."
Eloisa's part-time job was paid for by an ambitious state-funded program to keep at-risk teenagers out of trouble. It pumped nearly $55 million into Chicago's toughest neighborhoods and three of its suburbs to stem unrelenting gang violence.
A four-month CNN investigation found that not only did the Neighborhood Recovery Initiative (NRI) pay teens to hand out fliers promoting inner peace, it also paid these at-risk teens to take field trips to museums, march in a parade with the governor, and even attend a yoga class to learn how to handle stress.
Earlier this year, state legislators passed a resolution demanding the state conduct an audit on the program. That audit is under way. Supporters say the program kept kids off the streets of Chicago's most dangerous neighborhoods and helped expose inner city youth to a broader culture, as well as cultivate future leaders.
But critics wonder if it was just a waste of taxpayers' money, considering that the city's murder rate has risen since the program began two years ago. Or worse: was it just an effort to buy votes ahead of a tight race for governor?
Politically motivated or not, it's hard to argue that the nearly $55 million spent on the Neighborhood Recovery Initiative helped stem violence in Chicago. Two years after the program was implemented, there have been 476 murders in the city, a nearly 20 percent increase over 2011.
Midnight Basketball for black people isn't working... |
Heather Mac Donald of City Journal reported in the 2010 Winter edition some crime statistics that might help explain to both the Chicago Reader and dear Mrs. Geneva Banks just why white people are afraid of black people [Chicago’s Real Crime Story
Why decades of community organizing haven’t stemmed the city’s youth violence, City Journal, Winter 2010]:
In Chicago, blacks, at least 35 percent of the population, commit 76 percent of all homicides; whites, about 28 percent of the population, commit 4 percent, and Hispanics, 30 percent of the population, commit 19 percent. The most significant difference between these demographic groups is family structure.
In Cook County—which includes both Chicago and some of its suburbs and probably therefore contains a higher proportion of middle-class black families than the city proper—79 percent of all black children were born out of wedlock in 2003, compared with 15 percent of white children. Until that gap closes, the crime gap won’t close, either.
Official Chicago’s answer to youth violence also opts for collective, rather than paternal, responsibility. The Chicago school superintendent, Ron Huberman, has developed a whopping $60 million, two-year plan to combat youth violence. The wonky Huberman, who created highly regarded information-retrieval and accountability systems for the police department and the city’s emergency response center in previous city jobs, has now applied his passion for data analysis to Chicago’s violent kids.
Using a profile of past shooting victims that includes such factors as school truancy rates and disciplinary records, he has identified several hundred teens as having a greater than 20 percent chance of getting shot over the next two years. The goal is to provide them with wraparound social services.
(The profile of victim and perpetrator is indistinguishable, but targeting potential victims, rather than perpetrators, for such benefits as government-subsidized jobs is politically savvy.) The program will assign the 300 or so potential victims their own “advocates,” who will intercede on their behalf with government agencies and provide them with case management and counseling.
In some cities, it’s a police officer who visits a violence-prone teenager to warn him about staying out of trouble. Chicago sends a social worker.
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From "Those Who Can See" Blog -- Restrictive Covenants in Chicago (1947) |
Are you beginning to understand why much of Chicago had restrictive covenants in an attempt to keep neighborhoods white?; which means "keeping them safe" and free of relying on city and state grants totaling $105 million over a two-year time period to keep black kids from killing one another...
Perhaps we should go back 20 years Mrs. Geneva Banks, and look at another failed attempt to keep black people - those sons and daughters of "The Great Migration" of blacks form the southern state - from killing one another. How about "midnight basketball? With teams sponsored by Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), what could go wrong? [Welcome To Night Court
Chicago's Midnight Basketball League provides young inner-city males with a brief respite from urban violence, Sports Illustrated, 12-1-1991]:
A foot-stompin', hand-pumpin' crowd of 3,000 is shaking the rafters at Malcolm X College just west of the Loop in Chicago on this November night. Stirring up the fans is an all-star basketball game matching the best players from the Henry Horner public-housing project against those from the Rockwell Gardens project. The point guard for Horner, 20-year-old Dyonne Bowman, pounds downcourt and executes a flawless head fake and blind pass to his power forward beneath the basket.
Two points. Bowman's neighbors jump to their feet and do Arsenio Hall's "Woof! Woof!" cheer or jeer at the crowd from Rockwell. "You were used," screams one girl, pointing her finger at the opposition. An infant barely four months old sleeps through the din on his mother's lap.
Welcome to the Midnight Basketball League, a six-year-old program whose aim is to keep black inner-city males off the streets by keeping them in the gym during some of the hours when they would most likely get into trouble. The league has taken hold in 20 cities across the country, but nowhere is the need for such a program more acute than in Chicago, where the school dropout rate for black males hovers around 50%, and where it is likely that this year alone at least a quarter of black males between the ages of 20 and 29 will spend time in Chicago-area jails. But the Midnight League is providing a glimmer of hope.
Midnight Basketball in Chicago is still small. At last count 73,098 people lived in the city's 19 family public-housing developments, but only Horner and Rockwell, which together comprise 7,069 residents, fielded teams during the league's first two years in Chicago. Two more projects have been added for the upcoming season, and if the money were available, all 19 would be participants.
"The danger is holding this program up as a cure-all for everything that plagues our inner-city communities," says Walker. "You can't erase years of neglect with a couple of seasons of basketball. There are still killings, and there are still robberies."
Indeed, violent crime has increased in Chicago for three straight years, and the neigh borhoods encompassing public housing are by far the most dangerous. So how much impact have 160 basketball players had?
"Statistically, it's impossible to attribute anything directly to the league," says Tina Vicini, director of news affairs for the Chicago police. Walker agrees that crime isn't going down. He says, "But at least on nights when we play basketball, there are neutral zones—pockets of peace."
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The reality of racial crime in Chicago... is this why whites are afraid of blacks? (graph courtesy of SBPDL reader... in Poland!) |
Researchers at the University of Chicago are studying ways to reduce violence in the Crime Lab.
Professor Harold Pollack says there is value in rewarding positive behavior and keeping young people busy that time of night.
"Giving young people opportunities for recreation at the times of days that are they are most at risk is important and making sure that those recreational opportunities are attractive and are run in a way that promotes the right values," said Prof. Harold Pollack, University of Chicago Crime Lab.Perhaps the question should be this: why is it that we have to find carrots to dangle in front of black people to keep them from misbehaving? In a more... civilized time, we had a weapon called the law, enforced by police who were instructed with protecting the life and property of white citizens.
Now, we have a system of government that works to ensure white people have their wealth redistributed to be spent frivolously on programs such as the ones needed to keep blacks from killing one another in Chicago.
"Why is it that white people are afraid of black people?" asks 86-year-old Geneva Banks incredulously to a reporter from the Chicago Reader in an article published on November 1, 2012.
It's a real shame that most white people have been afraid to share with you the reason why, Mrs. Banks. Once, we actually had a nation called the United States of America, where laws were on the books to protect the interests of white citizens and their property (restrictive covenants). This enabled the accumulation of capital and actual assets, which could be passed down to their posterity.
No longer.
But you also ask, to which the Chicago Reader reporter Steve Bogira offers no attempt at offering empirical evidence to answer, "Why are whites afraid of blacks?" Banks asks me. "Why do they always run from us?"
Look at the communities you have had a hand in helping to create, Mrs. Banks.
See the "Manifest Destruction" in your midsts.
There's your answer.
Now you know why white people run from black people... may the day come when they stop running.
Why blacks don't leave white people alone? why do they want to live so bad among whites? we are all equal, all the same, i really don't understand why... :P
What a Disinginuous Stupid Nigger (DSN)! If her own kind doesn't even like being in "the hood" then what would possibly make her believe that we would?
That writer is the most disgusting DWL ever. He has made a profession out of writing about blacks and disseminating all the old, tired cliches. He seems to specialize in blacks, they're his pet project. Midnight Basketball and, even earlier, Operation Head Start were supposed to solve all problems yet failed to to so. The huge amount of money and resources wasted so far have been staggering, and there's no light at the end of the tunnel.
Some reader asked me the other day what I meant by "effective opposition". Here is a simple example.
I posted this comment on one of the Breitbart Big Government blogs.
The simple truth is that our schools are fine. They teach kids perfectly well and don't need any more money. You should vote against all school measures.
The fact that the advocates for more school expenditures never mention is that the race of the student matters. Public schools used to be segregated. The white kids learned well but the black kids didn't. So we mixed them together. Today the white kids do just as well as they did before and better than white kids in European schools. The black kids continue to do about as well or as poorly as they did before too.
Teaching kids hasn't changed much in a century. The so called school crisis is that we don't know how to make black kids perform as well as white or Asian kids. That's unfortunate but not much of a crisis.
Notice that the tone is moderate and reasonable yet still hard hitting. Most of the general public is very deluded about race. They think we have a school crisis, they think all races are equal academically gifted, they think that if blacks do badly in school there was be something wrong with the school or the teacher. Of course all this is wrong.
I try to post a couple similar comments everyday on some of the big general political web sites. Often I get censored. That's another reason to use mild language. If you include any sort of racial insult you get squashed.
I also try to promulgate Mr. Kersey's message. Most readers here will find this hard to believe but it's true - most white Americans do not connect the fall of Detroit to race. If they think about it at all they are as likely to blame: the liberals, the greedy capitalists, the unions, the Illuminati (OK, I made that last one up).
I feel an obligation to write outside the circle of the racial realist web sites. Please feel free to join me.
Why are White people afraid of black people? Oh I don't know, but I'm sure it has nothing to do with :
Tribal Warfare On The Streets
According to the above article there are 100,000! estimated gang members in Chicago Vs. 200! officers in Chicago's Gang Enforcement Unit.
$55 Million Program To Cut Violence In Chicago
We have to PAY these savages to not act violent!
"Why do they always run from us?"
It's very simple, blacks can run faster so we need a head start.
Living with the orcs is intolerable, therefore the only alternative to running is to keep them out.
If Mrs. Banks can't understand why the behavior of her children and grandchildren is intolerable to Whites, all it proves is that Blacks love being Black and cannot understand why anyone wouldn't be as they are and do as they do... even if the not-Blackness produces everything they enjoy. It's like trying to explain differential equations to a dog.
i'm pretty sure whites are NOT afraid of 86-year old black people.
This octogenarian still can't figure it out after over eight decades on this planet?
What's that about race and IQ?
I can't help but feel that she is being disingenuous.
Didn't comrade president "organize" on that side of town? Why isn't it a glorious utopia?
Fighting over drug sales turf that slum lords own or is that just the ones who can't dunk or run a fast 40 yard dash?
So the state is going to spend another 55$ million to babysit 300 at risk youfs? No wonder Illinois will be the first state to go bankrupt and the other 49 states will pay up to bail it out. Never too big to not reward failure.
Save the $55 million and fire some Tomahawks in there. Violence problem ends in a flash.
On another front: Mike Smith's Political Commentary is back up and running. Mike does analysis of the situation in South Africa and is worth reading:
"Why do they always run from us?"
Look at it this way: why do blacks run away from Zimbabwe to South Africa, or from Haiti to the USA, or from Detroit's inner city to the suburbs? What do Zimbabwe, Haiti and the inner city all have in common, demographic-wise?
Think about that, and then come up with the answer. You will be tested.
I posted this comment on one of the Breitbart Big Government blogs.
Can you give us the URL?
I hope this stayed up. Even if it were taken down after a couple hours, the message still reached people.
You explain to Mrs Banks that in todays Chicago they have to pay young blacks to be good. Her response is "Thats ridiculous,in my day our people were good for nothing".
"Youth violence?" Youth?
Ah yes, those rambunctious youths, whether doing a drive-by in Chicago, torching cars in the benelieus, or necklacing some poor soul over in South Africa.
Ah, youth. Perhaps a bit headstrong. Perhaps inclined to wildness. But easily brought back to the path of righteousness by throwing money in their direction, or tossing balls through hoops.
As for midnight basketball: in "Gang Leader for a Day," there's a description of how the origins of this program lay in a power struggle among black community leaders. It wasn't so much to take youth off the street as to raise the status and income of the program's originators; i.e., another race hustle.
Here's a thought: why don't we send the people behind these programs to Liberia or Sudan so they can run midnight basketball for child soldiers?
The US media is so utterly worthless, they do everything possible to hide the reality of negro violence.
Here's a news story of a bunch of black thugs attacking an interracial couple, check out the amazement of the black newscaster...
She actually describes typical black behavior as "hard to believe"!
Ironically, five people were shot outside a currency exchange last night. Yeah, purely a coincidence.
was it it de-rot or Ctown rosa parks was mugged?
and didya know ol rosa sued 'outkast'
[ya dont know who outkast iz?]
Blacks leave when the savages start to ruin the neighborhood. When I was a kid the South Shore was a desired neighborhood and now has a gang war going on. I am in the real estate business and I asked a black property owner why he was selling this is what he told me that the savages moved into the neighborhood that he was selling now before it got bad. There is black flight you can see that by census numbers from the last census. There were once middle class black areas on the South and West side that were thriving commercial areas and well kept residential property that were better maintained than a lot of white areas. The black middle class has hurt by its own children and grandchildren. In Chatham a middle class black oasis on the South Side the older blacks are being terrorized by their grandchildren with home invasions, stolen air conditioners, strong arm robberies and the rest of the crime that follows the mutt breeding program that the US government gave the black community. The US put savages in their community always being placated by bread and circuses.
I would answer her question with this question:
"Why are blacks always following whites?"
Check the spam trap for my last comment please.
Anonymous said... Ironically, five people were shot outside a currency exchange last night.
or those that don't know what a currency exchange is, here it is: It is a poor people bank and bill payment center.
For people who can't have a bank account or who have too low of a credit score to have a bank account, they cash paychecks for a small fee. For people who have to pay bills, they serve as bill payment centers for utility bills for a small fee. They also sell money orders.
The post from Chicago mentions how elderly blacks are being terrorized by their children and grandchildren. When I taught in various hoods in my twenties ( DC,Baltimore, Philadelphia) I noticed a sort of lost generation of blacks. These folks would most likely be in the Gen X age group.Many of them became addicted to drugs or had been incarcerated or both. Many of these men and women had kids in their teens in the early eighties onward till 92. These kids were then raised by their grandparents as the parents were incapable if raising them. This are the kids that are 'wilding out ' now.
Ex New Yorker here....What I want to know is why are black people also afraid of black people.
I'm reaching the conclusion that European-Americans (aka whites) are punks, at least the current crop under, say, 65 years old.
Why just the other day a negro "sports writer" explained that "my thoughts on the NRA and America’s gun culture — I believe the NRA is the new KKK. And that the arming of so many black youths, uh, and loading up our community with drugs, and then just having an open shooting gallery, is the work of people who obviously don’t have our best interests."
Well, I don't know about you, but I'm willing to give up my right to own a firearm, if it saves just one black life. You with me? If you don't see where this is going, you are blind. I hear this reported in the media as if, yea, that's an interesting perspective.
This country has somehow agreed to a universal glorification of black culture; the crime, the misogony, the black liberation collectivist President, the mindless violence, the welfare, the lack of ambition, the stupidity. It's celebrated as a great achievement. There's a celebration of the damn stupidity. That's what kills me.
Are white people in this nation on some kind of hallucigen? They don't see where we are headed? No one with real media access steps up and calls this bullshit? They all dance around it like scared children.
The University of Chicago almost left Hyde Park altogether, but decided to stick it out and pursue an ambitious urban renewal project centered around area incomes, not race. This followed a dramatic robbery of the Bursar's Office on Ellis Avenue in the middle of the day by a group of hoodlums. The University -- one of the most important and influential of the 20th Century -- actually considered abandoning the campus.
Strategic property was acquired by the University and redeveloped or carefully managed. Streets were re-routed (like 57th Street at the IC viaduct) to be one-way in the right places, carefully isolating the neighborhood and excluding outside traffic. In the end, it worked, saving the University and one of the best urban neighborhoods in the USA. I love Hyde Park.
South Shore used to be Jewish -- Mel Torme grew up there! -- but Jews are very tolerant of newcomers, which ultimately works against them. I knew a lovely Conservative Jewish woman who grew up in "K Town" on the West Side -- now some of the very worst parts of the city, originally German and Jewish. You can see signs of it here and there in the old buildings still standing in the area.
I used to run a lot in Burnham Park and would walk to buy my groceries at the Dominicks in South Shore. I was *very* careful to avoid backwaters like Terror Town nearby, however.
Jesse Jackson's headquarters for the Rainbow Coalition at 50th and Drexel was once a prominent synagogue. I've been there, and I noticed the Hebrew date on the cornerstone of the building.
As far as loose money for community development -- has no one read Tom Wolfe?! Come on, people.
Don't forget that your bete-noir Saul Alinsky came from U of Chicago. Hate him, but you must acknowledge his genius.
Here are some good vids re the Black P. Stone Nation gang, which terrorized the South Side and was headquartered in the Woodlawn neighborhood just south of Hyde Park.
Ironically, the P. Stones kept the lid on black violence on the South Side after MLK was shot, while the West Side burned along Madison Street.
63rd Street, in Woodlawn, used to be the busiest commercial strip south of the Chicago Loop. It's gone now, all gone. I can remember when there were some businesses left along there, an army-navy surplus store, groceries, an old bank. Parts of the movie "Judgment Night" were filmed there. Even those ruins are gone today. The Elevated line has been trimmed from Dorchester, to University, to Cottage Grove.
The big difference between the worst parts of Chicago and Detroit is that Chicago has been able to afford and execute effective slum clean-up. Areas like Calumet and Prairie Avenues, and of course the State Street housing project strip are completely vacant now. Detroit went feral but can't even pay to clean up the mess.
/me born in an apartment in Rogers Park ... and I miss the old "House of Tiki" on 53rd ...
taxpayers pay 4 it
if blacks were GOOD, why would she care if whites run?
if whats lef behind [black and brown] is good.
all men =
casue of desmond hatchett and corey:
Meet Corey Curtis.
The Wisconsin man, who has fathered nine children with six women, was ordered yesterday to cease procreating until he can support his numerous offspring.
At Curtis’s sentencing yesterday for bail jumping and failure to pay child support, Circuit Court Judge Tim Boyle told the 44-year-old Racine man that his frequent breeding was to be curbed as a condition of his three-year probation term.
Curtis owes about $90,000 total in back child support and interest to the mothers of his children. Pictured in the above mug shot, Curtis will have to wipe out that debt before he can add heir number ten, ruled Boyle.
Court records show that Curtis has been arrested and charged with failure to pay child support on numerous occasions over the past 11 years. His rap sheet also includes convictions for passing bad checks, criminal damage, and burglary.
Previously, a Kentucky judge ordered a deadbeat dad (12 children with 11 women) to refrain from having sex in an attempt to keep him from adding a 13th dependent. The country’s most famous deadbeat dad, Tennessean Desmond Hatchett, has fathered more than 20 children (with 11 women). But Hatchett’s procreation rate has slowed significantly over the past 40 months due to the convicted felon’s status as a ward of state’s
Here we go again...
In Chicago, blacks, at least 35 percent of the population, commit 76 percent of all homicides; whites, about 28 percent of the population, commit 4 percent, and Hispanics, 30 percent of the population, commit 19 percent.
And could these numbers possibly, just possibly, have something to do with why the USA has one in four black men under the supervision of the criminal justice system? Oh wait, no, I forget, what incarcerates so many blacks is raaaaaaaaacism!
The most significant difference between these demographic groups is family structure. In Cook County—which includes both Chicago and some of its suburbs and probably therefore contains a higher proportion of middle-class black families than the city proper—79 percent of all black children were born out of wedlock in 2003, compared with 15 percent of white children. Until that gap closes, the crime gap won’t close, either.
Again, one can only marvel. How does any race get its illegitimacy rate up to 79 percent? I mean, even one of Doctor Evil's sinister plots wouldn't be able to accomplish this rate! And with skyrocketing illegitimacy comes attendant pathologies which wreck a city via crime, welfare dependency, collapse of education culture, and even more illegitimacy.
And if I read the passage correctly, the 79 percent includes the black middle class? I thought moving up into the middle class ended the kind of dysfunctions you see among the underclass. What's the deal here?
Official Chicago’s answer to youth violence also opts for collective, rather than paternal, responsibility.
Yeah, and maybe this is the problem. Liberals wrecked the traditional paternal family via creating the welfare state and advocating the sexual revolution. You end up with an underclass of out of control "youths." Instead of admitting their errors, Chicago's official answer is more collectivism. It's that village which is needed to raise a child.
How's that working?
Billions of dollars and over 60 years people still can not figure out that treating blacks like anyone else does not work. Treat blacks like blacks and they will behave. Treat blacks like everyone else and you get chaos and misery.
If Chatham is having serious problems now, well, that is very sad indeed. It has always kept a defensive profile, trying to protect itself from the fate of places like Grand Crossing and Englewood.
It's a black bungalow belt. When you walk down the street, you might notice curtains moving in your peripheral vision. This is from little old ladies peeking out and watching you, guarding their neighborhood. They are vigilant, doing everything right.
Apartment complexes in Chatham have long waiting lists, and can be selective about their tenants.
Occasionally you see block clubs, with signs posting a set of local rules -- no working on cars, no loud music, gangbanging, etc. The residents are trying to enforce some standards of decency.
The Chicago school superintendent, Ron Huberman, ... has now applied his passion for data analysis to Chicago’s violent kids.
We've got urban insurgents shooting up the mean streets, and are talking about "kids." In many of Africa's current wars, child soldiers younger than this are running amok. But in America, the official party line is to treat the youthful gunmen as if they were snapping off automobile antennas, or perhaps caught with a switchblade or two. I assume this program is going to be as successful as the educational bureaucracy trying to close the achievement gap between whites and blacks?
Which gets to the real dilemma: the Establishment sees these pathologies (crime, education failure, urban disintegration) as if they are minor social problems which can be solved via the expenditure of taxpayer moneys. But they are really symptoms of civilizational disintegration. If the liberal approach could have worked, it would have worked with the generation beginning with the 1960s as the civil rights and war on poverty programs made their impact felt the most. Here we are, two generations later, and the situation shows no sign of turning around and appears to be getting worse.
Question for people in that part of the Homeland: is Chicago going to turn into another Detroit?
The goal is to provide them with wraparound social services. (The profile of victim and perpetrator is indistinguishable, but targeting potential victims, rather than perpetrators, for such benefits as government-subsidized jobs is politically savvy.)
With the true beneficiaries being the growing class of bureaucrats who gain salaries and careers as "advocates."
What would be the results were all these resources and personnel instead invested in advanced placement classes for high-IQ students, or even vocational training for teenagers with an aptitude for plumbing or anything else you need to make a modern city function. But instead, staggering amounts of resources are tied up in programs which have no impact on underclass pathologies--and which appear to encourage them.
Viewed objectively, these policies add up to dysgenics. If someone were plotting to destroy America's cities, they could not work it any better.
I wonder if Chicago paid Dr. Evil one meeeelion dollars would he call off the urban death ray?
The real question is why do whites put up with blacks moving in at all? How is it that blacks are not threatened with destruction if they encroach on settled white areas?
Why does the lion run from the hyenas? Whites are like lions. A sort of top predator. But the Hyena packs can displace the noble pride when a hunt is successful. We are bigger and stronger and smarter but it's high risk to fight off packs of mange ridden filth 24/7.
Regarding Black Violence.
Black people organically (it was not planned, and not a conspiracy, it just happened as part of a general desire among Whites starting in the mid 1800's to move away from city centers) hit upon a method for seizing political control:
Blacks starting in WWII when most young White adult males were in uniform overseas, used riots interspersed with massive amounts of crime to ethnically cleanse Whites out of neighborhoods and cities. The goal was organically, to copy Tammany Hall. Or Hungarian, Polish, and Italian variants (strangely only the Germans among non-English/Scots peoples were non-corrupt when at the time principalities in Germany were famously corrupt).
Anyway, that was the model for Black people. Only Tammany Hall got rich off ... White people. Black people were left with ... Black people.
The Tammany Hall, Black Hand, Sicilian Mafia model was not total, tribal warfare all the time. Even Al Capone had limits, as did Murder Incorporated. Or Whitey Bulger for that matter. You didn't have Irish or Italian or Jewish mobsters shooting up a house because of a dispute over a baby shower seating. If they shot someone, it was because they got paid to do it. Plenty.
How did the grandchildren terrorizing the grandparents grow up to be feral animals, isn't it the parents fault, you might think you middle class, but not from our perspective.
I am sure that the parents of those feral gangsters, also thought they were "good people" fine folk, middle class, and look how that turned out.
Blacks always ruin it for blacks, it is so in africa, haiti, UK, jamaica, every where blacks are the majority, simple as that.
Admit it and solve the problem
Ms. Banks is possibly senile, but let's say for the sake of argument that she's still possessed of all her wits such as they are.
Her question is merely the parroting of the accusation that Leftist Whites have been using for decades, couched as a question, to point the finger at normal, decent Whites who understand that Blacks and Hispanics are hostile savages.
When I was a kid back in the 60s the older Blacks used to use the word "ignorant" to describe Whites who understood the negative reality of Blacks. This was a word the Blacks had been taught to say by Leftist Whites.
And sure enough, it is another example of the Left's need to redefine all good things as being the opposite of what they are. In this case when Blacks and their White patrons call decent Whites "ignorant" they are engaging in actual slander, because those "ignorant" Whites know exactly what the score is.
Those Whites courageous enough to openly tell the truth about the lively, vibrant, diverse savages are slandered as being "fearful." Well there is certainly a great deal to fear when it comes to Blacks and Hispanics, but that is what courage is for.
The problem with Whites living in majority Black or Hispanic neighborhoods is not just that a White person might be violently attacked, although the odds of that are extremely high, it's that daily life becomes so unpleasant because of the low standard of behavior of Blacks and Hispanics.
There is a lot of disruptive, loud behavior. There is a lot of hanging around. A lot of obscene shouting, and inconsiderate language. Blacks and Hispanics have very poor boundaries and have difficulty empathizing even with each other. They treat each other very badly indeed.
When I was younger I had a lot of blue collar jobs while going to school and a couple of times while I was looking for a job in my field. I've been a car mechanic, a furniture mover, a truck driver, a construction worker, a pizza cook, etc. I also grew up in the South, so there were always a lot of Blacks around.
The blue collar Whites were interesting because most of them were just as professional in their own way as my father who is a doctor. I worked at a Buick dealership doing tune ups on Opels and there was an older man there who rebuilt motors. He was very high status. He knew how to rebuild pretty much anything including the old straight-8s from the 30s and 40s. He was like a very tough, blunt geek.
To say this man was obsessively precise is an understatement. The other Whites freely gave him vast amounts of respect and looked up to him openly.
The Blacks who worked there on the other hand were unbelievably unfocused and their main concern was to do as little as possible. Excellence was a foreign concept. And these were relatively solid citizens. I even liked a couple of them because they were fun to talk to, but my God they were sorry.
If the vampire squids and their lickspittles are going throw other people's money at the problem, why direct it towards a program to reduce blacks killing other blacks? A far more efficient way to spend such money - the most 'bang for the buck', if you will - would be directing it towards programs that encourage groid on groid killing. Saves YT in prison costs, court and police costs, etc. over the long run.
Wall them off, drop in tons of drugs, guns and ammo. Let the party begin. Devil's night, Devil's day, Devil's week. The Mac Daddy on top of the pile and his harem at the end of a year are awarded a free one-way ticket to Zimbabwe with all the cash he accumulated.
Posted this comment on the Chicago Reader article:
"In Chicago, blacks, at least 35 percent of the population, commit 76 percent of all homicides; whites, about 28 percent of the population, commit 4 percent, and Hispanics, 30 percent of the population, commit 19 percent."
source: city-journal.org/2010/20_1_chicago-crime.html [With thanks to PK @ SBPDL]
Any more questions, Geneva?
Wonder how long it'll stay up...
The midnight basketball news clip was enjoyable and informative, but I wish Channel 7 news would provide subtitles, I couldn't understand a word those courtmonkeys were saying. I'm sure it was profound.
I read a really long spread in some Chicago magazine that one of Chicago's big problems is that it's probably the worst city for there being a nice neat easy pipeline between gang bangers and City Hall, in that the "line" between gang leaders and black politicians is so vague that there might as well not be one.
To answer the black ladies question. This is why whites are afraid of blacks.
Insted of forking out 55 mil to keep 'groids in their natural environment. (A basketball court.) How about $55 mil for midnite vocational training. Oh...no wait..that might work. Can't do that. Silly me.
She asks the question because she is oblivious to the reality of black dysfunction and destructiveness and sees that environment as "normal" and doesn't comprehend why others would run from it.
It's sort of like an individual who was raised in a physically abusive home environment whose own parents were raised in the same kind of abusive environment. To them, child abuse is normal and the way things are and always have been. They simply grow up to repeat the pattern/cycle with their own children as it's all they've ever known, seen or experienced.
Just as such a person would never comprehend WHY they were not allowed to adopt a child and abuse the hell out of it, this silly negro can't comprehend WHY whites would run from black dysfunction and destructiveness.
IT be normal, dawg! Why you be disrespectin'? You jus' got an attitude!
Oblivious.Totally oblivious.
Yes, I've started posting race-realistic facts and comments on non-race-realist blogs and online media as well. My posts are always polite, germane to the subject at hand, and non-responsive to those who call me names :)
In doing this, it's good to remember that we're trying to win the hearts and minds of those who are wavering; anger and name-calling **in these situations** do little to persuade these people.
And yes, one gets used to being banned; it becomes a game after a while ;)
Amsterdam seems to have figured it out:
Amsterdam to Create "Scum Villages"
We've already got tons of "scum villages;" all we have to do is build the walls around them.
Yes We Can!
Anon @ 6:58 use a proxy server to evade their bans. Tor is the most easy to use.
@Anonymous December 4, 2012 8:38 PM
And if I read the passage correctly, the 79 percent includes the black middle class? I thought moving up into the middle class ended the kind of dysfunctions you see among the underclass. What's the deal here?
The so-called black "middle class" remains dysfunctional. One factor in this is regression to the mean. A study comparing black male students in the "black bourgeois" bastion of Prince George's Co MA to white male students in West Virginia from lower class or poor families showed that the black males, even coming from two-parent families in the higher SES, had lower school scores, higher drop-out rates, and higher crime rates than the white males from the lower SES families.
the black males, even coming from two-parent families in the higher SES, had lower school scores, higher drop-out rates, and higher crime rates than the white males from the lower SES families.
White virtue.
"We've got urban insurgents shooting up the mean streets, and are talking about "kids."
EXCELLENT point. May I quote this?
Ok, let me take a stab at this one. White people are afraid of black people because they are KILLING us or threatening us, or robbing us or raping us like there is no tomorrow.
Black people love to intimidate so it's important that you don't give them even a little indication of fear if you are unfortunate enouh to be around them (which can't be avoided in Georgia). Always be prepared to defend yourself around them. Always be aware of your surroundings. Be ready to shoot first if needed.
"We've got urban insurgents shooting up the mean streets, and are talking about "kids."
EXCELLENT point. May I quote this?
Go for it!
The Wisconsin man, who has fathered nine children with six women, was ordered yesterday to cease procreating until he can support his numerous offspring.
Couple thoughts here:
1) Note that it is the people who are totally irresponsible spreading their genes. Nine children with six women? How's that parenting coming along--will he be going to these kids' PTA meetings? And why would any self-respecting female want to have children under these circumstances? Meantime, responsible people limit their numbers. Then you ask why every generation gets worse.
2) Liberals created the Sexual Revolution. They push it via every media. But there's a trap. People like this fellow do exactly what liberal agitprop tells them to do--hold an orgy--then find themselves under the boot of the criminal-civil "justice" system. One more person in jail. Of course, he'll never be able to pay off his debt, which means more taxpayer funding of welfare and the prisons.
It all adds up to dysgenics.
That's the weird thing. Eugenics was condemned widely in the 20th century, and is no longer a serious movement. Yet dysgenics has become the national policy.
Maybe it was one or the other.
poor her...Whites just want no part of her!
and the 'journalist' writes it up fer us ta see!
Good points. If you step back and take some perspective, it's bizarre that so much of popular music now essentially consists of a sociopathic convicted felon standing in front of a microphone and literally screaming how he's gonna fuck this or that bitch, and destroy this or that niggah, and steal everything that he can. This is the essence of rap music. Sure there rappers whose work is somewhat more constructive, but gangster attitude is the lowest common denominator, and still underpins and informs the work of the less extreme rappers. It's unbelievable that we've gone from Marvin Gaye and Kool & the Gang to this, in a single generation.
Popular music is a good indicator of societal attitudes and values. Before, Blacks sang about Goin to the Chapel of Love and You're Still a Young Man Baby and Electric Avenue. Now it's drive-bys and bitches and drugs and 187 on an undercover cop and 9 millimeters.
What I really hate is how DWLs excuse the extreme violence and antisocial attitudes that permeate both rap music and the lives of its performers as some kind of hip, authentic statement of blackness. Hello? Thug Life? There is nothing hip or authentic about being a worthless scumbag whose life consists of preying on others. It's the absolute opposite of hip and cool, of anything hopeful or consructive or good. It's death.
Simply put, rap music is the distilled pure essence of the worst aspects of nigger-ness. It is a brain injection of nigger. Yet people stand in line to lap it up, including millions of white kids.
"Kids" is a frequently-used code word for "Blacks" in crime narratives, whether they occur in the media, personal conversations, or elsewhere. Many times the offenders aren't kids at all, but grown men in their 20s. But using the word "kids" helps to sanitize their crimes and make them appear like harmless youthful hijinks, like throwing spitballs in class, when they're really vicious acts of predation. The word also sanitizes the offenders, with its connotations of apple-cheeked youngsters who are just too darn young to control their actions or understand what they're doing.
In point of truth, to be Black in America today is to be a child for as long as you live. Things that you cannot do for yourself – control your impulses, feed yourself, house yourself, support your offspring, maintain a conscience or moral sense, accept responsibility for personal failures – will be done for you by the judicial system, social welfare institutions, "white privelige", the legacy of slavery(TM) and other institutional and ideological babysitters.
If blacks move in then all the schools have to change thier names to "excellence academy" or college prep career factory or MLK superdome of learning because school on it's own is obviously not special or fancy enough to make it worth thier while
Anonymous Mutant Swarm said...
"Amsterdam(!) seems to have figured it out:
Amsterdam to Create "Scum Villages"
We've already got tons of "scum villages;" all we have to do is build the walls around them.
Yes We Can!"
Thanks for posting!
The Government should be able to move Their People to Government prisons where Obama-Government-voters belong.
Amsterdam is always 10-15 years ahead of California in social policy.
December 5, 2012 7:00 AM
Go to any free event in Chicago after 11am and it is painfully obvious. Shoving, swearing, stealing, yelling, can't wait thier turn. That is why. Talking smack at every female, that is why. Thier culture of ignorance and greed, that is why. An LV bag does not make you rich, a job, hard work, effort, savings and education can. The childlike attitude of I want it but not want to work for it. That is why. No respect of personal boundaries, that is why. Violent and aggressive actions, speech and
Newt had a point and was lambasted. No one models work, grab a broom and sweep that sidewalk of your section 8 housing. Nice neighborhoods are that way because people accept the responsibility to care for thier property not because they have more money to. Personal responsibility why all the violence? Because it is your fathers, uncles, cousins, sons and grandsons who are shooting each other, not some outside force.
"Why do black people want to live among whites?"
Easily answered. They want sexual access to white women.
All men want sexual access to the most beautiful women.
Whites--and Jews, Asians, Mexicans, Arabs, etc--are afraid of blacks because blacks are naturally stronger, tougher, and more aggressive. Most cases of interracial violence involve black on non-black attacks because blacks are tougher and stronger--and in many cases bigger--than their victims. Blacks know they are tougher, which is why they often refer to white guys as 'faggoty ass white boys'.
And it's not about economics since much of the interracial violence is poor black on poor white. If the issue were economic, poor whites would be attacking/raping/robbing middle class blacks but that rarely happens.
How disingenuous of the Reader to have an old black lady pose this question. Whites are not afraid of old black ladies but their grandsons.
I wish I knew why I was being moderated .....
"Why are whites afraid of blacks?" Banks asks me. "Why do they always run from us?"
That's been especially perplexing to her because she grew up with plenty of reason to fear whites. In the south, "you knew you didn't mess with them," she says. "If you went to town you'd say yes ma'am and no sir to them."
Everybody back then yes ma'am and no sir back then. Apparently she never paid attention to white people (‘s manners) .... awful lot like blacks in school.
Using a profile of past shooting victims that includes such factors as school truancy rates and disciplinary records, he has identified several hundred teens as having a greater than 20 percent chance of getting shot over the next two years. The goal is to provide them with wraparound social services.
How do I get this list? I want to buy $50k of term life on all of them.
Perhaps the question should be this: why is it that we have to find carrots to dangle in front of black people to keep them from misbehaving?
Both bassetballs and carrots are orange ..... maybe stupid stubborn animals like the color orange? Wonder what a jackass would do if to try to get at a sparkly orange carrot? Maybe bassetballs should be made to look like a orange disco balls?
In a more... civilized time, we had a weapon called the law, enforced by police who were instructed with protecting the life and property of white citizens.
Fighting crime is raysiss.
Ricky Tucker said... Save the $55 million and fire some Tomahawks in there. Violence problem ends in a flash.
Save some Tomahawks for the Kodak Theater on Oscar Night and end the real problem real fast.
Take a look at the FBI crime statistics by race, and you'll see what raping, murdering, assaulting animals Blacks really are. Some years there's been more than 37,000 Black on White rapes, and ZERO White on Black rapes. Same goes for murder and assault too. Blacks are hostile, thieving murdering assholes. No one in their right mind wants to be around them. Have another flash mob, assholes. Have more niggers yellin' about killin' all the White people. Get caught knocking out 80 year old ladies in elevators to take their purses, you disgusting filth. You will not live around me.
Back in the good ol' days white neighborhoods were able to have laws stating that whites could only sell their home to other whites. This way we could hold the majority population. Let's bring back those laws! Less crime, less graffiti etc.
Mrs Banks wants to know why Whites run from blacks...is she on something?
OK, Mrs Banks, as someone who is 53 yrs old and grew up in Philadelphia (and remembers the tail end of life when it was still good here), I'll tell you why: because your people ruin everything you touch, from neighborhoods, to culture, to food...sort of a reverse Midas Touch, if you will.
Whites invest a lot of hard-earned money in our homes, and we sort of hate seeing a home we bought for 200K end up being worth only 50K, simply because your kind moved in and decided to act all ghetto an 'sheeit as if you were back home in da hood.
I can go on, but that much should suffice.
Mexicans move out of neighborhoods just as fast as whites when we see blacks moving in.
Mexicans move out of neighborhoods just as fast as whites when we see blacks moving in.
Ah the joys of blacks wondering why Whites dislike them. Maybe because statistically, you create violence, theft, disease and distruction of every community you inhabit.
Or maybe we're tired of having the communities we build to have a strong business sector, safe streets and strong schools has to be invaded by blacks because some liberal group or black organization wants a piece of it all and have to scream racism and force school districts and "equal opportunity employers" must bring in a lazy black to meet a quota.
Just a few things. Keep being black, but stay in your own area and try to see what works for whites and what makes their communities strong versus the filth you want to brag about being from: the "ghetto"
Why are we afraid of them? Gosh, I don't know. Maybe because when they get to be a certain size of a population the crime rate and standard of living drops dramatically. Maybe because we don't like funding their irresponsible breeding habits. Maybe because we don't like getting beat to death or having our wives or kids beat to death. Maybe because we don't want to be around two 'youfs' who would have a shootout all over losing a game or wearing the wrong colors or 'dis'e'specktin' me.'
It is safe to conclude, you are an idiot. Once again blaming whites for black evil actions.
Blacks are the problem. Whites arm themselves and move away because whites dont care to be in the middle of the stupidity.
If blacks were oh so peaceful and intelligent, why is there no prospering black country. That is not riddled with civil war and killing? Why is it that a perfectly good white controlled country (South Africa) Turned to a 3rd world crap hole after blacks took over? Because blacks act like animals.
Rude, violent, lazy, smelly, impolite, loud, violent again, dirty, stupid, did I mention violent?
Jimmy the Greek was right. In Africa blacks are skinny toothpicks, notice that? Whites, understanding eugenics, bred big strong niggers that could pick cotton all day. Now we have that to contend with.
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